#2021 horoscope aquarius
astrosolutions · 2 months
Virgo and Aquarius Compatibility in Relationship, Love and Sex.
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Virgo and Aquarius Compatibility: When Virgo and Aquarius come together, it’s a fascinating blend of earth and air, practicality and imagination. At first glance, they might seem like an unlikely pair, but their differences can create a unique and dynamic relationship. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is detail-oriented, analytical, and deeply rooted in reality. They seek order and perfection in every aspect of life. Aquarius, on the other hand, is ruled by Saturn, the planet of innovation and rebellion. They are free-spirited, visionary, and constantly think outside the box.
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astrochecker · 2 years
Since the Virgo Ascendant will be in Scorpio and Jyestha Nakshatra in the new year 2022, Aquarius Horoscope today predicts mixed results for you. With mutual understanding and the help of elders, you will be able to resolve some differences at home during the new year.
It is expected that Jupiter will enter Pisces on the 2022. It appears to be a favorable time for both employed people as well as job seekers since the transit will be in Aquarius’ 2nd house. You are expected to gain a lot of money during Saturn's transit in Aquarius on 28th April 2022. If you are involved in any business, you can expect to gain a lot of money during this transit.
It is believed that Rahu will enter Aries on the 2022, which is the third house of Aquarius. Rahu will be in Aries on the 2022, so Aquarius people will have success. There will be tough times for students in 2021. You will receive money, and you will spend it wisely. However, you must be vigilant about hidden enemies. The year 2022 will be a great year in terms of money. You'll receive money and you'll spend it wisely. A good year is expected for families this year. Unmarried people are expected to get married, and many people will get married.
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astroratankendra · 3 years
Aquarius Horoscope | Kumbh Rashi | Aquarius April 2021 Horoscope | कुंभ अप्रैल 2021 राशिफल | नमस्कार मित्रो मैं एस्ट्रोलोजर मानसी मालिक आपका अपने यूट्यूब चैनल एस्ट्रो रतन केंद्र में स्वागत करती हूं| आज हम बात करेंगे कुम्भ राशि अप्रैल 2021 के जातको के बारे में । मित्रो मैं आपकी एस्ट्रोलोजर मानसी मलिक आपसे विनती करती हूँ की वीडियो को अंत तक ज़रूर देखें| क्योकि वीडियो के अंत में हम बात करेंगे कुछ अचूक रेमेडीज के बारे में जो आपको किसी और यूट्यूब चैनल पर नहीं मिलेंगी| अगर आप उन रेमेडीज को फॉलो करते है तो आपको मिलेंगे अचंभित करने वाले रिजल्ट्स | हमारा चैनल एस्ट्रो रतन केंद्र लाइक ,सब्सक्राइब ,शेयर करना ना भूलें| हमारी वीडियोस को सबसे पहले देख���े के लिए बैल आइकॉन को प्रेस ज़रूर करें।
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muvauranus · 3 years
Full Moon 🌕 in Gemini
✨ I am free from emotional ties
✨ I am comfortable with change
✨ I am committed to finish what I start
✨ I enjoy looking after my family and home
✨ I have the strength to tame my tongue
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tripleaqua · 3 years
Upcoming Venus retrograde in Capricorn and how it will affect YOU.
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Ok, so Venus retrograde isn’t completely rare but it happens every 18ish months and the main goal is to REVIEW YOUR RELATIONSHIPS. It’s a time for PAUSE, REFLECT, and REVIEW. This retrograde will be in Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. The Planet of restrictions, lessons, and KARMA.
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Venus will preshadow starting December 1-18th, 2021, go retrograde in Capricorn on Dec 19th, 2021 at 26°- Jan 30th, 2021, and post shadow till March 6th, 2021.
During the retrograde, the biggest aspects Venus will make is (all by a tight less than 3° orb):
-conjunct Capricorn Pluto, Sun, and Moon
-inconjunct Aquarius Jupiter, Sun, and Saturn
-trine Taurus Uranus
-square Aries Chiron
If you have natal placements in any Cardinal sign (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, and Libra), OR Aquarius and Taurus at 10°- 29°, you will be most affected by this retrograde. If you have Venus retrograde in your natal chart, it may cause the energy to be lessened because you already embody some of that energy.
So, what’s this mean for you? Well, as a collective there is some things you should avoid during a Venus retrograde to prevent disaster in your life. Does this mean you have to? No. Live your life! However, keep in mind this retrograde is about karmic lessons and if you do decide to still go through with them, you may be repeating karmic cycles that could end up in either disaster or hard lessons that hopefully you learn from.
What should you not do during Venus retrograde:
1. DO NOT BEGIN A NEW RELATIONSHIP. These relationships will be karmic in nature. You won’t realize it at first, but eventually it will show its ugly face. Dating will not work out during this time.
2. DO NOT RECONCILE OLD RELATIONSHIPS. This will repeat old karmic cycles that we all know we need to break and learn from. Just don’t do it! Prepare for exes to start coming back in your life at this time though. No matter how good some of the relationship was, including the sex, don’t do it!
3. DO NOT PLAN ANY WEDDINGS DURING THIS TIME. If you’re scheduled to be married during the dates of this retrograde and full on trust in the universe and it’s energy, reschedule it. If you still want to continue a wedding during this time, be prepared for some disasters. I would fully expect the relationship with your partner to come to light and some situations may make you want to rethink your marriage.
What Venus in Capricorn Retrograde can manifest in relationships:
-If either you or your partner have any skeletons in the closet, it will be revealed during this time. This is where past karma comes in to play. If you haven’t been entirely truthful, hidden things, kept demons inside, have been cheating, light will be shined upon it. Those shocking revelations could put an upheaval on your relationship and cause one another to reconsider.
-Arguments and even breakups. If the Universe knows that your current relationship is not in align with your life plan and destiny, Venus Rx will surely expose that for you. Arising arguments and unsatisfactory situations will occur more frequently. However, for some (depending on what house Venus will be retrograding in and where Taurus Uranus rx is transiting in your chart) there could be arguments and breakups BUT reconciliations could happen also when Cap Venus rx trines with Taurus Uranus. Uranus is the Planet of Chaos and surprising energy. So, don’t be surprised if Uranus aids in reconciliation around the end of Venus retrograde (Jan 30th, 2022).
Capricorn Venus Rx in the houses:
If you have Capricorn 1H (House of Aries/Mars; Ego/Self): When Cap Venus Rx transits 1st house, the energy will be heavy and make you question what you want to be like in a relationship. How do you see yourself? How do you feel about commitment? You may have been a player most of your life and have some realizations that you don’t want to be that way anymore. Realizing it is a waste of time and energy and you may want to change that about yourself.
If you have Capricorn 2H (House of Taurus/Venus; Income/Self Worth): When Cap Venus Rx transits your 2nd house, expect yourself to question your security and stability. Save money during this time and avoid unnecessary purchases. The purchases you make may become regrettable. Don’t fall for any pressure by others to make a purchase either, these will be trying times. You’ll be happy you saved your money and give you a sense of stability that you were looking for.
If you have Capricorn 3H (House of Gemini/Mercury; communication/Thought process): When Cap Venus Rx is transiting through your 3rd house, your mind will be filled with questions about how your communication is in your relationships. If you are playing mind games with anyone, this energy will shut that down and encourage you to see your situation from the other persons perspective. Quite your mind by being more humble and mindful. Sibling relationships may be a focus.
If you have Capricorn 4H (House of Cancer/Moon; family/foundation/home): with Cap Venus Rx transiting the 4th house, your household will be in question. Secrets in the family and in relationships may be revealed. You may question how your house is organized and how you want to do things differently to run the household. This energy may bring out questions about your mother or your ancestral line.
If you have Capricorn 5H (House of Leo/Sun; Creativity/Children/Romance): If you have Cap Venus rx transiting this house, you may have your attention drawn to the priorities of your relationships. If you’re single, don’t date during this time. Take the time to focus on what kind of partner suits you. You may end up changing your mind about a few things you thought you wanted out of a relationship. If you’re a parent, your relationship with your children will be in focus. Building the relationship during this period and getting to know your individual child’s needs will be priority.
If you have Capricorn 6H (House of Virgo/Mercury; routines/health/workplace): If Cap Venus Rx is transiting your 6th house, unsatisfactory attributes to your relationships will be up for question. Start a new exercise routine during this time to help focus on better health. If any love interests peak out during this time in the workplace, AVOID THEM. This is not the time to date, especially coworkers. Focus more on what routine works best for you and how you want to feel in a relationship.
If you have Capricorn 7H (House of Libra/Venus; Relationships/Marriage/Partnerships): If you have Cap Venus Rx transiting this house, expect a huge awakening when it comes to relationships. Balance in this area needs restored, so if your relationship isn’t working, it will fail. It’s all for the greater good and for you to be on the right path. This house is hit the hardest by this transit and the truth about your partnerships, relationships, and marriage partner may become visible to you.
If you have Capricorn 8H (House of a Scorpio/Pluto; Intimacy/Transformation/Others Finances/Occult): If you have Cap Venus Rx transiting the 8th house, it is possible to have a death concerning someone close to you. This could also be a death/rebirth, not just a physical death. If you owe any debts, they need to be settled during this time. Exes may reach out but just know this is for sex, and to NOT DO IT. You will have the power to say no and mean it.
If you have Capricorn 9H (House of Sagittarius/Jupiter; Higher learning/ travel/ Spirituality): If you have Cap Venus Rx transiting the 9th house, questions involving your freedom in relationships will be presented. If you have been having issues with commitment, you may be forced to look at ehy more seriously. Your belief system and philosophies you follow through life may be influenced by others, especially someone you’re in a relationship with. As for travel, don’t plan any big trips during this time.
If you have Capricorn 10H (house of Capricorn/ Saturn; Career/Public Image/Authority Figures): If you have Cap Venus Rx transiting through the 10th house, be careful what information you make available to the public as it may affect your public image. If either you or your partner has been cheating, it will come out no matter what house it’s transiting but in the 10th house it may be publicly exposed. Better to expose it yourself in private before this happens.
If you have Capricorn 11H (House of Aquarius/Uranus; Friendships/Groups/hopes for the future): if you have Cap Venus Rx transiting the 11th house, expect the unexpected when it comes to your friendships. Confessions may be made that could end friendships, but remember this is for the best in being in alignment with your path. Whoever doesn’t have your friendship in the best of intentions, you will question their Friendship to you.
If you have Capricorn 12H (a house of Pisces/Neptune; Karma/Unknown/Healing/Subconscious): If you have Cap Venus Rx transiting this house, you won’t see what’s coming from this energy. Anyone that is from your past may surface, don’t Give them attention as they are coming back for karma and could be a hidden enemy. You’re in for a whole new outlook on your life. The subconscious will really soak in this energy and cause epiphanies that will help you make decisions best for your future. Just don’t fall back into a karmic cycle especially with a partner.
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-TripleAqua 💜🔮
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💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
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cannibalgh0st · 3 years
Reblog with your horoscope and eye color, I'm curious! I'll go first I'm an Aquarius with dark brown eyes!
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idyllicbby · 3 years
astrology observations
{i am not a professional astrologer but these are trends in the tropical/sidereal horoscope that i have picked up. so, take most of this info with a grain of salt.}
when Sagittarius mercuries talk, it’s rather a bunch of words slurred together, them making a very funny joke or them cursing someone out, nothing else.
Pisces placements have all imagined themselves as a part of a music video of their favorite song or have replaced themselves with one of the main characters in a book/movie.
having a lot of placements ruled by mercury (Virgo/Gemini & 3rd house) makes you automatically funny in my book. I truly don’t think Virgos (especially Virgo moons) get enough credit for how naturally funny they are.
ex: celebrities with Virgo moons are Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj & Samuel L Jackson
Aquarius placements always get the title of being the “ghosters” of the zodiac, but Libras will come into your life, make you fall deeply in love with them, then fall off the face of the Earth. They might even come back to redo the whole process again.
i feel like all Taurus placements have that one show that they re-watch every month just bc they know how it will end and they enjoy the stability of that.
if your Jupiter is in Pisces, you have a very unconventional way of doing the things that you love or your work. ppl often view you as an outsider bc of your very creative ways.
ex: Lady Gaga & Jaden Smith
Aquarius & Leo placements cockiness levels are the same to me. Leos will go on and on about their looks & Aquarius people will go on and on about how successful they are & how different they are from other people.
Water & Earth placements love to people watch.
All Earth placements let their anger be passive & build up over time, but when it’s time to let it out, they do it differently. Taurus people will have no problem spilling out that anger when it’s time. Virgos will bring it up in the heat of an argument as a “gotcha” moment. And, Capricorns will cut the person off then hold a 100+ year grudge until the anger passes & the Saturn Karma has taken place.
idkw Libra placements are seen as the “peacemakers” when they’re mostly the ones making the drama or instigating it. if there is going to be a “peacemaker” in the zodiac it’s gonna be the cardinal & mutable sister signs, Capricorn & Cancer and Virgo & Pisces bc they will bring informational & emotional logic into the conversation. but, most of the time they just like to sit down and watch (😭)
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius
Mercury starts its first backspin of the 2021 calendar year today in the detached and quirky sign of Aquarius, stargazers.
Though today is “technically” the first day of  Quicksilver’s 3-week sabbatical, we’ve been in the shadow period since January 15th. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Mercury Rx and what this means for us universally/here on Planet Earth, it’s the quarterly backspin of the Planet of communication. When this occurs, everything he/Mercury rules slows down as well. Of course, he’s not actually going backward- it just appears that way. Can’t say the same for what he controls though. Technology, messages, travel, communication, even your method of speech could endure some delays or trouble.
This is especially significant due to Aquarius being the ruling sign of the season and the sign Mercury is currently in. Aquarius is the sign co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Uranus, being the sign’s modern ruler has electricity storming all around it. Hence why Aquarius is the sign that rules tech. You following so far?
Not only that but from February 1 to February 17, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and even February’s new moon will all be in Aquarius, and Mercury retrograde will conjunct all of them consecutively. So technology will be taking a hit.  The Usain Bolt of our Solar System’s retrograde is infamous for toying with our tech — so any gadget-related snafus will probably be especially irritating. We should be very mindful of this. In addition, Aquarius is one of the most unpredictable signs and also, since fixed in modality, one of the most stubborn and opinionated. So, what the hell do we do? Nothing, we’re completely fucked.
LOL, just kidding.
What Not to Do During Mercury Rx
Purchase new tech items.
Sign a contract.
Expect a speedy response.
Make significant travel plans.
Begin a new project or collaboration.
Get a haircut/ change your appearance
Send invitations.
Sign a lease or deed to a new house/apartment/condo
Multitask when driving [obviously but vehicular accidents occur more during Mercury Rx]
What You CAN Expect During Mercury Rx
Delays in communication.
Screw-ups on contracts.
Unpredictable traffic/weather.
Mental exhaustion [Mercury is an air sign dealing/ruling intellect and Aquarius is an air sign dealing with the very same- we’re still dealing with a global pandemic and this retrograde won’t help things, unfortunately.]
Your Roller Coaster relationship ex to contact you again [Uranus is about sudden break ups and make ups- be smart and wrap it up if you choose to engage]
Details being missed or omitted [especially at work].
Lethargy, physically.
Emotional detachment regarding communication with friends [11th House/Aquarius].
Again, we’re currently in the age of Aquarius, so the collective and community, as well as tech society, is at the forefront. This retrograde is set to highlight the issues we’re dealing with globally. There’s a Saturn-Uranus square happening around the 17th of February, so lots of structural changes in society as a whole are about to go down.  It’s not all doom and gloom though, on February 13th, Quick Silver Rx and Venus will align. Remember, Uranus is the Ruler of Aquarius and the unexpected and both planets will be in this sign. Venus in particular is the ruler of the 2nd house of Money, values, and material. What does this mean? Shmonayyyyy *Cardi B voice*. This is a time for big paybacks and rewards for past matters.  This can be literal or figurative. Did some good for someone? Someone may pay it forward for you at Starbucks. Wrote a kick-ass cover letter for a new job? Someone may finally be getting back to you. Stateside and waiting on that stimmy? You may finally see that $600 hit your bank account. Feel like someone you’ve been crushing on doesn’t even know you exist? They very well may slide into your DM’s just in time for St. Valentine's day. Fornicate responsibly, please. Or else we’ll be seeing a few more Scorpios come October/November. Good luck, team- these next three weeks are gonna be one hell of a ride but by February 20th,  we’ll be safely out of the twilight zone. Expect things [tech, mail, and travel-wise] to return to normal until May when we do it all over again.
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nyxxhexx · 3 years
🌷 April Tarotscopes Readings 🌷
Happy April! Read these tarotscopes for your sun, moon, rising, and Venus signs to see what this month has in store for you 🌫️

Two of Swords, Reversed
You already know the decision you need to make. You've been pulled between these two choices for a while now, but you've been too afraid to make the one you want to make. The way is clear for change now. No matter how afraid you are, you need to make the decision now or you will find yourself trapped and unhappy in your current situation. Make the choice. Create the change. It's time.

The Tower
Big change is coming to you this April, but don't panic. So often the premature panic surrounding the appearance of the Tower card is what does most of the damage. Submit to the change; when things fall apart, it's only so something new can be rebuilt. Big things are coming your way, but your life doesn't have room for them all without clearing out some of the old. Change is good. Change is a natural part of life, so let everything go so you can rebuild something greater.

All that is meant to be will be. All that is meant to pass will pass. You will get what you deserve, one way or another - and you deserve good things. No matter your circumstance, you deserve good things. Just make sure you continue to be deserving of them. Justice is a double-edged sword; lashing out at others unfairly in the meantime won't do you any favors (and might cut much needed ties). You're on the right path, so trust that you will receive what you deserve. Good things will come your way; just wait.

King of Pentacles
The wealth you need is coming. It may not come in the expected way, but it is coming. Abundance is yours; peace is yours. Claim it. You will have what you need and more, whether that's through an actual influx of cash this month or the beginning of a new relationship that provides stability. Either way, this month, everything starts to change for you. There will still be struggle down the road, but this is the beginning of the quality of life change you've so desperately needed. Accept it with open arms when it comes.

Page of Pentacles
Your path isn't over; in fact, it's just beginning. That may feel overwhelming, but see it for what it is: a blank slate of new opportunity. You have the potential for so much growth. You can create this new life for yourself from what you have already been given, so trust the path. Growth is necessary to proceed, so take a quiet moment to ask yourself: What's next? What can be changed, and what needs to be left behind? Abandoning part of yourself may seem terrifying, but in the end, it'll all be worth it. Start your new beginning with joy for what's to come.

Six of Wands
This message for you is incredibly urgent: Stop second guessing yourself, or you might find yourself faced with the unintended consequences of your own self-doubt. You are finding success on your path; who cares how other people define it as long as you, yourself, are happy? Trust your instincts. Charge forward with power and faith in what you're doing; nothing can get in your way but yourself.

Knight of Swords
The time for talking is over; the time for action is now. What's the point of talk if you don't back it up? You can't claim one thing and behave completely contrary to that. That's falsehood, not balance. Keeping the peace doesn't mean taking the path of least resistance, it means doing what's right even when it's hard. Do what's right. Shift your path accordingly; this is your sign for change.

Nine of Wands
You've just begun, and already you're burning out. Don't worry, though: you're far more resilient than even you realize. You have the strength to push through, so finish this out. And whatever you do, don't take on any more projects - you have more than enough on your plate as it is! Finish out what you have before you go back for seconds. I promise there will be time for everything you want to accomplish, so there's no need to rush it all at once. Take your time and finish strong; then, you'll be more than ready to move on to the next chapter. Getting ahead of yourself will only overcomplicate things.

Queen of Wands
There's a lot of anxiety here, but what's its root? Have more confidence in yourself on this. Trust that you know how to get things done. You already have the inner drive and fire to complete your goals, so what's making you falter? If it's lack of confidence in yourself, it's time to find it; if it's lack of confidence in those around you, maybe you need to change your inner circle. Either way, you know the way forward - all that's left is to take it. Trust yourself; you know what to do next. You've already gotten things started. All that's left is to finish it out.

Eight of Pentacles
You're working so hard towards your goals; don't let up now! You've put in the time and careful, delicate effort towards this, so don't back out at the last second just because you're worried it might not be all you hoped. You're moving towards even better things, so keep working. You'll get there sooner than you think, but if you stop too soon, you might find yourself stopping just short of all you've ever wanted. Keep working; you're almost there!

Five of Cups, Reversed
It's okay to mourn; just remember that not everything is lost forever. There's always a chance to recover what you lost in some form or another. Things don't have to be as they once were. So often, change is for the better, so don't be afraid to take a couple steps back to move forward once more. Remember all you've learned, but don't let the ghost of the past hang over you as you move forward. Change the meaning of the words and find what is forgotten once more.

Three of Cups
All will be well. You're going to find the community you've been searching for this April, so open yourself up to the chance to meet new people. Let yourself feel faith in others once more; yes, you've been hurt, but remember that everyone has. Everyone has their own demons. They are no less because of it, and neither are you. Search for function in a friend group rather than perfection. Shallow relationships have their time and place, but that's not what you need right now. Release all that, and look for something real.
Take what resonates and leave what doesn't; let me know what you think! Support like yours is so incredibly valuable to me, so never be afraid to reblog, like, and comment!
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astroseri · 3 years
New Moon in Leo ♌️
Aug. 8th 2021 thru Sep. 8th 2021
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Horoscopes for All Signs...
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Aries ♈️
The new moon is in your 5th house of pleasure...
You will experience newfound energy in the areas of romance, generosity & pleasure. You will likely learn something new about romance, self-expression or confidence. You could also be looking into travel destinations or the world abroad. You will also receive some valuable intel about something happening in a foreign country.
In addition, Jupiter retrograde has entered your 11th house. Old financial opportunities or unexpected income may come your way, because the 11th house rules streams of income. Networking or connecting with Friends will help you acquire new information at this time. Finally, you’ve likely been feeling called to learn about technologies or software that can help you accomplish more. You should pursue this. Leo Sun, Moon & Mercury are accelerating the learning process and now is the time you can more easily acquire the knowledge required to reach your goals.
Taurus ♉️
The New Moon is in your 4th house of family & resources...
This month you will be learning something new about investing, parenting or about your family.
Perhaps you’ve been looking into new forms of self-sufficiency and things like crypto, because you have Uranus in your 1st house, indicating a desire to innovate or find the next big financial breakthrough (Taurus is finance). Until Uranus moves out of your sign in 2026, you will be called to push ahead of the masses and to find new forms of self-sufficiency. Jupiter retrograde is in your 10th house and is in the sign of innovation (Aquarius), so you could learn about some sort of new business opportunity as well.
Gemini ♊️
The Leo New Moon is in your 3rd house of communication...
This month you will learn a lot through personal interactions and word of mouth.
In fact, it’s a great time for you to teach others, and to speak your own ideas. You have the north node in your sign, so it is no surprise you are being seen as a leader or a pioneer during this time. In these shaken times, people are looking for new things to believe in that will get them ahead. And you are the sign of intellect, information and original ideas, so this is a great opportunity for you to share what you’ve been coming up with. You could unexpectedly garner a following as a result, or people could start requesting your services.
Jupiter retrograde has entered your 9th house, so you may be revisiting old places or you could experience something that makes you question certain logical convictions. On a side note, You could receive unexpected tips and electronic payments for work you provide. In general though, friends and networking will inform you a lot during this time and could even lead to new career opportunities.
Cancer ♋️
The New Moon is taking place in your 2nd house.
It is a great time for you to learn new information about investing, money and personal finance. You can assimilate knowledge more quickly around this Lion’s Gate New Moon, so make use of the energy by picking up a book or consuming educational resources.
Jupiter retrograde has entered your 8th house of debt, death, taxes and transformation. So unexpected knowledge or blessings could transform your situation in some way, or take you out of debt. On the other hand, there is the possibility of learning deep or occult topics. Things such as astrology, spirituality, psychology or tarot. Maybe you are taking a course in these transformative arts. Most importantly Jupiter is in Aquarius, and this indicates learning something innovative or new. Perhaps even learning about new technologies, or industries. During this time, this is where you will make the most bang for your buck. I recommend looking at “Taurus” horoscope because they are getting a similar message.
Leo ♌️
The New Moon is in your 1st House, signaling a new cycle in your energy levels.
You are feeling highly energized and passionate at this time. In addition, new intel and knowledge is seeming to come to you effortlessly.
Now’s a great time to begin a new endeavor. Taking action in a new area or field. Now is a time to put yourself out there and face new experiences and situations. Or to share something new with the world. Also it’s a good time to learn something new or pick up a book. You will assimilate knowledge very quickly at this time. In addition, Jupiter is retrograde in your 7th house indicating, learning about relationships, contracts and agreements as welll as business. You could be reigniting relationships or missed opportunities that will allow you to experience more personal freedom. You could be learning new ways of making money through others.
Virgo ♍️
The new moon is taking place in your 12th house of spirituality.
Now is a time you could be learning esoteric topics or spiritual concepts. Because the 12th house is about spirituality. Like with all signs, You will have increased capacity for learning during this time. Especially regarding new topics or endeavors. This is because of Sun, Moon & Mercury all being in Leo at the moment.
Use this to your advantage. In general, you could be acquiring a new foundation for your beliefs. The new moon in the 12th indicates a new seed being planted in your subconscious. Your perspective and possibilities may expand after this date. Perhaps due to the revelation of new facts, evidence or social data. Or watching a piece of content that shifts your perspective. Jupiter, the benefic, is in Aquarius transiting your 6th house. This is the house associated with Virgos, and so this will be quite a blessed time for them. In addition, Venus and Mars are transiting your 1st house, indicating that you are feeling an abundance of energy and self-worth.
Jupiter Retrograde in the 6th indicates you could receive assistance or gifts in your career during this time, and in general, missed opportunities regarding your work could return.
Libra ♎️
The New Moon is taking place in your 11th house of friends.
This month you will be called to learn about new technologies, systems or financial opportunities.
The ability to learn is temporarily enhanced, because Leo New Moon energy is about rapid assimilation of knowledge. You will likely want to pick up a book or watch content that helps you innovate your finances or investments. You may also be filled in on new opportunities through your friends, network and associates. Finally, Jupiter is retrograde in your 5th house indicating old romances may rekindle. Likely through a text or a digital interaction. In general, you could receive help regarding a romantic connection (or from one).
Scorpio ♏️
The New moon is taking place in your 10th house of status. 
You will be learning new technical terms, definitions or qualifications regarding your career or responsibilities during this time. Perhaps you are qualifying for a promotion. Or attempting to get the credentials. This is a way for you to improve your investments or your streams of income.
You will probably receive knowledge or opportunities about new investments, because Jupiter is retrograde in your 4th house, along with Saturn. You’ve likely been trying to incorporate self-employment, or personal interests as a part of your career. There is a possibility of memorizing a lot of information during this time. Especially in creative fields, media, or the history of technology. Perhaps analyzing old data or photos too. This new moon will assist greatly in your self-education.
Sagittarius ♐️
The New Moon is taking place in your 9th house of experiences.
It is a good time to learn something new, or begin a new personal endeavor. Similar to Aries, It is particularly favorable to travel or create plans for somewhere that interests you. Jupiter is retrograde in your 3rd house, so the places you visit will be like familiar or perhaps you’ve wanted to go in the past but missed out. With mercury being in your 9th house, now is also a time to expand your mind or intelligence. Or to incorporate intellect and originality to what you are learning or already know. Finally, it’s a good time to learn new technical skills, rather than broad or unfamiliar topics.
You could be developing your mental faculties at this time, through skill development. Or attempting a variety of creative things. Especially regarding old interests and opportunities that you thought you missed.
Capricorn ♑️
The new moon is taking place in your 8th house of debts & transformation.
Now is a time to make transformative efforts. And to learn about things that could break you out of a rut or a limited way of thinking. Especially if it’s an interpersonal problem, or it involves debt, death, taxes or shared resources. Generally speaking you could be learning about the psychology of others, either experientially, or through seeking information online or in books. You will tend to assimilate knowledge quicker than usual at this time, because the sun is in Leo. Jupiter is retrograde in your 2nd house, so old financial opportunities, streams of income and investments will seem to become possible again. All of a sudden you may feel like you have the resources or financial leverage to pursue certain objectives that didn’t seem possible before. There is a chance you could have taken a loan around this time, or be planning to use debt to accomplish this.
Aquarius ♒️
The new moon is taking place in your 7th house of relationships and agreements. There is a chance you could be learning new knowledge about law or contractual agreements. Or coming up with ingenious ideas for business. There is a chance you could share this with others, but you should probably keep this knowledge to yourself for the time being. You will be using this knowledge to further your personal objectives or to expand your personal abundance. Jupiter is retrograde in your 1st house bringing more, knowledge, personal freedom and opportunities. Especially financial ones. All of a sudden, a lot of things will seem possible again, especially regarding business or travel. You could be learning new information in order to handle debt or taxes, because Venus is in your 8th house in virgo.
Pisces ♓️
The new moon is taking place in your 6th house of work,
so during this time you will be assimilating new work-related knowledge, or learning things that will further your career. Especially skills, facts or knowledge of statistics. In addition there is a chance you could learn new things about health at this time. Or be improving your routine, diet and habits. Jupiter is retrograde in your 12th house indicating that you are revising your assumptions or perception about certain things. New knowledge and facts are making you change your subconscious narrative and the things that you’d assumed in the past. You will generally experience more freedom and spiritual liberation at this time. You could be going on some sort of spiritual retreat or planning on visiting foreign lands. In general you are likely starting a new career or a new phase in your career. And there will be a lot of activity, communications and interaction in this phase, because mercury is conjunct this new moon.
=-=-= 🌙 =-=-=
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Lucky for you today we get both, sun is in Leo 🔥 and moon in Pisces 💦
I get to live with both 😉
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astrochecker · 2 years
Since the Virgo Ascendant will be in Scorpio and Jyestha Nakshatra in the new year 2022, Aquarius Horoscope today predicts mixed results for you. With mutual understanding and the help of elders, you will be able to resolve some differences at home during the new year.
It is expected that Jupiter will enter Pisces on the 2022. It appears to be a favorable time for both employed people as well as job seekers since the transit will be in Aquarius’ 2nd house. You are expected to gain a lot of money during Saturn's transit in Aquarius on 28th April 2022. If you are involved in any business, you can expect to gain a lot of money during this transit.
It is believed that Rahu will enter Aries on the 2022, which is the third house of Aquarius. Rahu will be in Aries on the 2022, so Aquarius people will have success. There will be tough times for students in 2021. You will receive money, and you will spend it wisely. However, you must be vigilant about hidden enemies. The year 2022 will be a great year in terms of money. You'll receive money and you'll spend it wisely. A good year is expected for families this year. Unmarried people are expected to get married, and many people will get married.
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bearingwater · 4 years
Aquarius Horoscope 2021: What the Stars Predict for You This Year
This year, try to let your guard down a bit. Being vulnerable is actually a strength.
Welcome to 2021, Aquarius, and congrats on surviving 2020. Despite your aloof nature, your emotions run deep, and the stress of the pandemic has taken a toll on you. As an intellectual air sign, you used your brain try to stay busy rather than sink into despair. You may have found yourself busy organizing virtual family get-togethers or anti-racism fundraisers. While both are honorable tasks, you must be exhausted. It's likely that you may be in need of a little care and attention yourself these days. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, Aquarius, and if you want attention, you're going to have to allow yourself to be a little vulnerable and ask for support. Your task for 2021 is to break down your walls, as well as to learn to put yourself first.
Your season begins on January 19, giving you no excuse not to start celebrating yourself early in the year. Remind your friends and family that it's your birthday, but let them do the work. When Aquarians aren't trying to help others, they may give in to isolation, and separate themselves rather than deal with what's going on in the world. None of that is going to fly this year, as the planets are lining up to give you much-deserved recognition.
Your ruling planet, independent Uranus, will be in Taurus all year and your 4th House of Home and Family. The planet squares off with responsible Saturn, your sign, Aquarius, in your 1st House of Self, on February 17, again on June 14, and finally on December 24. This transit only happens every 22 and a half years, and fittingly, marks periods of time where conservative politics clash with more progressive and radical ideas. So what does that mean for you?
An Aquarian trope is that you can become so concerned about your community that you forget to pay attention to your inner circle. The water bearer may create a fundraiser or share their personal artwork on social media but forget to text back friends and lovers. While this can sometimes be true, there's another part to you that's overlooked. Often, the person you neglect the most isn't your partner or best friend, but yourself. This year asks you to start a self-care regimen that will help bolster you so that you can properly step into the spotlight. Professionally and creatively, this means stepping away from behind-the-scenes work and becoming brave enough to put your name and face out there. You deserve the attention!
Due to pandemic-related travel restrictions, many of us have opted out of seeing our family for the holidays, even if our loved ones might not have agreed with our assessments of risk. As your 1st House of Self clashes with your 4th House of Home, 2021 also asks you to set up firmer boundaries with your family, both blood and chosen. Practice clearly stating your needs and using your backbone so that you don't back down.
There are three Mercury retrogrades this year for you to take note of. The first is in your sign from January 30 to February 20. The second is in Gemini from May 29 to June 22, and finally, the last is in Libra from September 27 to October 18. While the first cycle in your sign may be the most intense personally, circle all of these dates, as communication mishaps occur and could get in the way of your task to establish boundaries. We hear a lot about exes returning during Mercury retrograde, but friends, family, and other folks you've previously cut ties with may also resurface and try to throw you off course. Don't let them.
Lucky Jupiter is in Aquarius, and in your 1st House of Self, for most of the year, bestowing you with gifts. It can sometimes be harder for you to accept love than criticism, Aquarius, but remind yourself that you deserve it. With generous Jupiter in your sign, opportunities for work and money come your way. It would be a sin not to snatch them up in this economy. The healing planet briefly leaves your sign and enters Pisces in your 11th House of Friends from May 13 to July 28, before stationing there for a year beginning on December 28. During this time, you may notice shifts in your social circle, but don't let these changes scare you. They are the result of erecting healthy boundaries; the universe wants you to have the best friends possible.
There is a lunar eclipse on May 26 in Sagittarius, a solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10, a lunar eclipse on November 19 in Taurus, and a solar eclipse on December 4, also in Sagittarius. Circle all of these dates in your calendar, Aquarius, as eclipses can bring drama and unexpected news. That's not always a bad thing. In particular, the solar eclipse in Gemini and your 5th House of Pleasure on June 10 may bring a new lover, or if you're already partnered, exciting relationship news. Some Aquarians may get engaged around this date.
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance goes retrograde in Capricorn and your 12th House of the Unconscious on December 19. When this planet reverses its path, it can be harder to express ourselves romantically. The House of Unconscious can also indicate a retreat. If you need to heal from heartbreak, remember to take your time, and ask for space if you need to. However, be careful of hiding from the world (and crushes and romantic partners). Remember Aquarius: In 2021, your rightful place is centerstage. Enjoy the spotlight and see you next year.
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seafoamreadings · 4 years
week of january 3rd, 2021
aries: your ruler mars in your sign for so long has made you quite powerful. this week he moves on into taurus. this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. sometimes we have to rest.
taurus: this week mars moves into your sign and your ruler venus moves into capricorn (where mars is exalted) and yes, then they trine each other. it’s hot, there’s no way around that.
gemini: you know that little aquarius party that’s getting started? your ruler mercury arrives fashionably late to it this week. earthly matters cease to interest you, if they ever did. you might travel astrally without meaning to.
cancer: mercury conjoins pluto early in the week which may set off some obsessive/dramatic/traumatic thoughts regarding your interpersonal relationships if you are still dealing with plutonic love. but when mercury moves into aquarius shortly thereafter you’ll likely come away with strength and new insights.
leo: fire moves into earth, and this can feel a bit suffocating to you. but there is still air to fuel the embers. be compassionate to yourself and to others this week. rest more, but don’t give up.
virgo: the earthy mercurial vibe which so suits you abates this week, morphing into a more aquarian magician feeling. this can also be made to suit you. move from your body into your mind for a couple weeks.
libra: venus into capricorn is a good time to decorate your home. sometimes i get flack for harping on venusian aesthetic sensibilities because some folks feel that it is superficial. i assure you, beauty is not superficial. it is magic. then a trine with mars later in the week is also likely to be beautiful, if not outright romantic.
scorpio: with mercury conjoining pluto this week you become extra sensitive/psychic/intuitive. when you speak other people feel like you’re channeling something. you probably are!
sagittarius: if money is an issue for you then this week, after venus moves into capricorn, is a good time for you to get to work on that. but don’t expect it to simply fall into your lap; being in capricorn, and proceeding to trine mars, means effort is not only auspicious but required.
capricorn: with saturn and jupiter out, and now venus in, to your sign, in the second half of capricorn season, things feel lighter and more (dare you admit it?) fun than they have in perhaps years. make that your focus right now.
aquarius: now mercury joins the party in your sign. there is a certain, albeit less popular, school of thought which says that planet is exalted in your sign. what do you think?
pisces: it’s a more grounded week than last week was but things are in flux as a handful of sign-changes continue. this sort of change mainly suits you, mutable as you are, just fine. avoid clinging to the past.
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suniastrology · 3 years
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Daily astrology update: Sunday, 19 December 2021
Main astrological events and what to expect…
On Sunday, Sun in Sagittarius is in very beneficial/opportunistic aspect with Jupiter in Aquarius. This is a very positive and lucky aspects which tend to bring opportunities when it comes to growth and expansion in our career and long-term goals as well as travel and education. Creative activities, spiritual work and expressing our individual talents could bring very positive/long- lasting results in our lives. It is also a good period for business and financial success where opportunities may appear but recognising them, and taking actions toward are necessary to reap the benefits from such an aspect. Foreign travels, international affairs, legal matters may also go very well. The aspect is active for 2 days.   Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. And remember, that singe astrological event does not represent the whole picture in a personal or on a collective level.
Best wishes
suni astrology
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idyllicbby · 3 years
astrology observations
{i am not a professional astrologer but these are trends in the tropical/sidereal horoscope that i have picked up. so, take most of this info with a grain of salt.}
i have yet to see a Virgo who doesn’t enjoy reality tv. i think it’s bc y’all like drama as long as you’re not a part of it.
one thing about an Aquarius, they HATE when people waste their time. that’s why they move on from relationships so quickly. their like “okay….on to the next ig” their friendships on the other hand is completely opposite.
Scorpio placements (especially sun & moon) love being private. only giving the ones that they love & trust the privilege to witness all of their personality & life is something that they do almost subconsciously.
this is more so an opinion, but the worst Venus signs to have will always be Gemini bc ya’ll never commit to anything, Virgo bc ya’ll are perfectionist, & Aquarius bc ya’ll value long-lasting friendships more.
on the hindsight,i can still find the beauty in the Venus in Aquarius bc ya’ll value your individuality in relationships. and, most people view that as a bad thing, but still keeping the hobbies that you love, and not censoring who you are just bc your in a relationship is very important (especially if you’re a woman in a straight relationship)
Leo’s don’t get enough credit about how they can subconsciously manifest things into their lives. there is a definitely a reason why the Lions Gate Portal (August 8th) is during Leo szn.
Libra placements self doubt a LOT. y’all need other people’s opinions on everything.
again, this is more of an opinion, but if you don’t have any water and/or earth placements,,, i worry for you.
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