#2023 Outlook
bluemoonpunch · 1 year
2023 Collective Outlook Reading
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In 2023, the collective themes are centered around gaining or reclaiming personal authority for the sake of realigning with the soul on a personal level and experiencing stable progression on a collective level. In the sets above, The Nectar and The Womb mirror each other, creating an internal and external reflection that is then split and separated by The Stone, which connects to Orphaned and Authority, or abandoned authority or a sense of lost control.
The Stone, in comparison to The Nectar and The Womb, is a limitation and restricted movement, as if someone has been encased in cement. It restricts growth, it becomes suffocating whereas The Womb expands with ease to accommodate growth, and The Nectar fuels the body and mind to continue that growth.
There’s then a cross-section of connection between Gaia and The Womb, and The Nectar and Remembrance. Gaia, Mother Earth, connecting to The Womb, represents external nurturing, a hospitable environment, a home, a community, a country, and a planet that is supportive, accommodating, and built to sustain life and evolution. I think on a collective level we can all agree that certain countries (governments, economies, certain educational systems, healthcare systems) are operating more like The Stone than The Womb and a lot of governments and corporations seem like they’re actively trying to turn the whole planet into The Stone to better suit themselves. In order to change that, on a collective level and a personal level, there would need to be a fight of some kind but such a thing could only occur and be effective if Authority was reestablished.
Orphaned specifically is more about a mindset, a belief in the complete and total control of The Stone that lends to the willful abandonment of personal authority. Remembrance, literally remembering Authority, connects to Gaia (the world, the collective, human connection, compassion), which holds The Nectar (healing and evolution), which then fuels the growth that occurs within The Womb, which generates personal authority as an individual grows back into their power, back into their potential.
Basically, in simple terms, 2023 will be about the mass collective reclaiming its power and influence over how the world, our collective womb, our collective home is run and taken care of. However, the issue here is that we can’t really effectively come together as a whole without first coming together with ourselves, with our own personal authority and identity. It may be beneficial this year to be much more self-focused, to work on reclaiming a sense of your own individuality, a sense of being separate from the collective trapped within The Stone so that you can, as an individual, reclaim personal authority. If everyone did this, the energy and power of the mass collective would multiply beyond belief and we would experience rapid social and economic change.
But of course, shit be wild, there are tiktoks to watch, trends to follow, and strangers to fight with on Twitter, so most likely 2023 will only be a potential initiation point for most people as it will be difficult or even impossible for the majority of people to detach from collective inside The Stone long enough to find themselves again. Some people will require much more pressure and much more loss before they realize they can’t rely on the world to change before they do.
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This here is a more in-depth energy web for the collective experiences that are laid out for 2023. In the center, there is Uranus (collective change, revolution, rebellion) underneath the Page of Swords (personal change, initiation, experimentation, new outlook). Above is the Queen of Cups representing internal self-analysis, re-engaging emotional awareness, and observing how external stimulus affects internal processing (like social media affecting self-esteem or anxiety.) Below is the reversed Hanged Man, symbolic here of gaining clarity, a new perspective of the outside world as a result of the internal analysis of the Queen of Cups. This creates the starting point of the internal and external balance, which initiates personal alignment. These two create the foundation required for the Page of Swords, as a solid and empowered individual, to become part of the collective that will contribute to breaking The Stone through the energy and influence of Uranus.
To the left and right of the Page of Swords are the cards Purpose and Shadow, showing a potential struggle between higher calling and lower conformity and assimilation. These two cards then reflect and suggest room for balance as Purpose is on the side of deconstruction and Shadows is on the side of change and development. This can indicate that some level of instability or anxiety on both sides as Purpose (a better situation) is visible in the space of deconstruction (creating bitterness and anger for those succeeding or healing) and Shadows is visible in space of construction and development (creating fear of setbacks and a lack of faith in the work being done.)
continue reading on bluemoonpunch.com!
*includes full energy web explanation and a 5-choice pick-a-card reading that can show where you are and where you're heading within the energy web through 2023.
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cherifmedawar · 1 year
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Oil Prices Slide as the Global Economy Slows Down in 2023 Says IMF
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On Tuesday, the oil prices fell from their highest levels on a stronger dollar in a month after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) signaled a warning that 2023 will be tougher as the major economies are now weakening. The U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude was down by 1.0% or 77 cents with the price marking $79.49 a barrel. The Brent crude future on the other hand dipped by 1.1% or 98 cents with a price marking $84.93 a barrel by 0148 GMT. The reason for the price slide is the strengthening of the U.S. dollar.
Not only oil but dollar-denominated commodities got more expensive for other countries holding different currencies. IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said that 2023 will be tougher than 2022 in terms of global economic growth because the financial acceleration is slowing down for the United States, Europe, and China. However, oil prices increased by 2% and more on Friday as WTI and Brent closed the year 2022 up 6.7% and 10.5%, respectively.
On 3 January 2023, the Societe Generale analysts said that in the week ending on 27 December 2022, commodities saw a bullish flow at $12.3 billion, the single largest weekly bullish flow for that particular year. The analysts also said that it is Brent where the commodity has the largest flow, and saw a bullish flow of $3.4 billion as Russia outlined to the EU its response and G7 put on a price cap on their nation’s crude exports that happen for the third parties.
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yrsonpurpose · 1 year
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CHARLES LECLERC Media Day // Canadian GP 2023
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atths--twice · 9 months
Life Keeps Moving
Life keeps on moving even if we wish it would stand still.
Fictober day 8
Prompt: Are you with me?
I love these family stories. I love them happy and experiencing the life they should have had. 💓
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May 2007
“You know,” Mulder said, as they took the collapsible wagon out of the back of the car and set it on the pavement. “There are two things… well, perhaps a few things I’ve been thinking about.” 
“Oh, brother,” Scully teased as she began to unload the car and put the items into the wagon. “Here we go.” 
“Shut it,” he said, adding the ice chest that held the oranges he and William had painstakingly cut into slices the previous evening. When it was his turn to bring the game snacks, he took the job very seriously. 
“Daddy,” William admonished him as he closed the back left passenger door and walked to the back of the car. “It’s not nice to say those words.” 
Confused, Mulder looked at him and then Scully, who appeared equally perplexed. 
“What words, buddy?”
“You said to Mommy…” He looked at Scully and then stepped closer to Mulder, his voice quieter. “You said… shut… up.” He frowned, his light brown eyebrows knitting together. “That’s not nice to say to your friends.”
“Oh,” Scully said, coughing to cover her laughter. 
“You shouldn’t talk to mommy that way.” 
“Well,” Mulder said, clearing his throat and also trying not to laugh. “You’re right, I shouldn’t tell her to shut up, but I actually didn’t say that. I said shut it and I was talking about…” He looked at Scully and she raised her eyebrows, waiting to see what he would say. “The top was open on this ice chest and I was talking to myself, saying I needed to shut it before the ice started to melt.”
William stared at him, still frowning, trying to decide if he was telling the truth. He looked at Scully and she nodded in the affirmative. 
“Okay,” he said, letting out a big sigh and nodding. “Then that’s okay. I’m going to get my bag and my water.” He walked around to the other side of the car and Scully grinned at Mulder. 
“You got in trouble,” she said, leaning in close to him. 
“Shut it,” he said through his teeth and she laughed, reaching in to grab more stuff. 
“Mommy,” William said, putting on his backpack and attempting to fix the twisted strap. 
“Here, honey, let me help you.” She stepped over and had it fixed quickly, adjusting it to fit him better. “There you go.” 
“Thank you. Can I go over to see Tyler?” 
Scully shaded her eyes and saw Tyler and his parents setting up their own wagon of items. Sylvia, Tyler’s mom, caught her eye and waved. Scully pointed to William and Sylvia nodded. 
“Yes, you can go over. Daddy and I will be over in just a couple of minutes okay?” 
“Okay, Mommy,” he said, holding his bottle of water as he ran to join Tyler. Scully sighed as she watched him, a hand on her chest. 
“Sometimes it’s hard to believe he’s six already,” she said, stepping back to help Mulder finish with the unloading. “Wasn’t it just yesterday that he was smiling at me for the first time?” 
“Or taking his first steps?” Mulder asked and she stuck out her lower lip while she closed her eyes. 
“Remember how he would say bloofbewey? And he called Skinner, Sinner?” She opened her eyes and smiled at him as he chuckled with a nod. 
“And Frohike- heh heh. He got a kick out of that at least.” 
“And now he’s so big.” She sighed again, glancing around the car to see him laughing with Tyler. 
“Ah, Scully, he’s not so big. Well, he is and he isn’t.” 
“Yeah,” she agreed, smiling at William and waving when he looked at her and grinned. 
“Hey,” Mulder said and she looked at him. He raised his eyebrows questioningly and she nodded that she was fine. “Okay. Let’s get this stuff set up and then sit down. I’m already tired.” 
“Poor man,” she laughed, pulling the wagon as he shut and locked the car. “Oh, there was something you were going to say earlier. You know, before you got schooled for telling me to shut up.”
“Har, har, har,” he said, shaking his head. “I was going to say a few things.” 
“Let’s hear ‘em.” 
“First, I don’t remember seeing any parents at games when I was younger with as much stuff as we cart around. People showed up and sat on blankets or sat in the stands.” 
“Did you have to walk uphill, both ways, to get there?” she teased, nodding and smiling at Sylvia and Mike as they walked past them to set up their own spot on the sidelines. 
“Sometimes,” Mulder replied. “It depended from which direction we arrived.” Scully laughed and shook her head, stopping and looking at him. 
“You’re so full of sh…” She trailed off as William came running over, his eyes bright. 
“Daddy, can I show Tyler the oranges I helped you cut up? I told him I got to help and he said that’s so cool. It was pretty cool, Daddy. I liked cutting them up and using the knife.” 
“Good, bud. Hang on a second and I’ll get them for you. They’re under some of this stuff. If you help take it out, we could find it faster.”
“Okay, I can help.” 
When William ran off with the prized bag of sliced oranges, promising not to open it, their spot was nearly finished. The pop up canopy offered shade to the three camping chairs that were placed beneath it and the ice chests sat beside the chairs. 
“That’s another thing,” Mulder said, wiping the sweat from his brow. “I never had snacks after any of my games. We never had a round robin for who was next to bring them. There was none of that.” 
“Are you complaining or simply stating a fact?” 
“Complaining,” he said quietly. “And I know I shouldn’t. But I would have killed to have my parents watching me play. Looking over and seeing them sitting there would have…” He stopped speaking and sighed. 
“Honey,” Scully said, stepping close to him. “I know you would have, but just think about how much it means to William to see us here.” 
“I know,” he said and she smiled. “And I know it’s different. We’re different. All of it is… I just can't help but think of how things would have been.”
“Hmmm,” she hummed, nodding in understanding. “What if you looked at it from another perspective? Perhaps a healing one.” 
“How do you mean?” he asked as she put her arms around his waist. 
“Similar to what I was just saying, thinking about how it affects William. You’re giving him what you never had and I think that’s wonderful. He will never tell his children that he didn’t have parents who didn’t show up. Who didn’t cheer him on and celebrate every win and loss. Every goal that was scored. It’s almost as if you’ve been given a chance for a redo. To get right what was wrong in the childhood of Fox Mulder.” 
“Fucking hell, Scully,” he whispered, pulling her close and holding her tight. “Who’s the psychologist here?”    “Sometimes you psychologists can’t see the forest for the trees,” she said, laughing softly as she hugged him back. “It happens to the best of you.” 
“Yeah,” he agreed and she pulled back, smiling at him. He shook his head and kissed her softly before stepping back, mindful of all the people around them. 
“Daddy, here’s the oranges. I didn’t open the bag. Can you put them back in the ice chess?” William asked. Scully smiled at the incorrect wordage and Mulder winked as he took the oranges from William. 
He put them back into the ice chest as William sat down in his chair. Scully sat down beside him and smiled. 
“Mommy, I’m really excited for the game today. I think I’m going to get a goal. I’m going to try really hard,” William said, staring out at the field. 
“If you do, that will be wonderful. But if you don’t, that’s also okay. You know what’s most important, right?” Scully said, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. 
“That I tried?” he asked, turning his head to look at her, his blue eyes serious. 
“And that you had fun,” Mulder said, coming to sit beside him. “That’s most important. Any sport you play, you should enjoy it.” 
“I do enjoy it. I really do,” William said, squeezing Scully’s hand and smiling. 
“Good,” Scully said, smiling at Mulder and then kissing the top of William’s sweet smelling head.
“Hey, hey! Where are my Golden Lightning players?” Coach Peters called as he arrived, carrying a large bag of soccer balls. 
William shouted excitedly, let go of Scully’s hand, and jumped out of his chair. Running onto the field, the other kids joining him, he high fived the coach and started jumping up and down. 
“He really does enjoy it,” Scully said as she watched him, smiling happily. 
“We’re going to have a great game today! Are you with me, Golden Lightning?” Coach Peters shouted and all the kids cheered and clapped in agreement. 
Mulder moved to sit beside Scully, taking her hand in his as they watched the kids begin to warm up and get ready for the game. 
“Thank you for changing my outlook,” he said, raising her hand to his lips and brushing her knuckles across them.
“You’re welcome,” she said, glancing at him and smiling as he kissed her knuckles. 
She turned her attention back to the field and specifically to the little boy who was laughing with his friends as they started to do jumping jacks with absolutely no coordination. 
And she smiled. 
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tiffanydaleo · 10 months
Positive Outlook
Meet my newest painting "Positive Outlook" I hope it brightens up your day! ☺
Introducing my newest painting, “Positive Outlook”. 11″ x 14″ mixed media on paper. Prints and super cool merch are available at my FAA shop! I hope it brightens up your day!🌞🧡🎨 Instagram Facebook Pinterest Tumblr YouTube Link
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redcarpet-streetstyle · 6 months
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millerflintstone · 1 year
The test scoring in Spanish gig ended last week. Our group I think was the first one to finish. There were 2 other groups - one for elementary math and the other for middle school science. At the closing, the guy who interviewed me mentioned that some folks were going to be starting a new project the following Tuesday, which is today.
I got the feeling that this guy was a bit scattered when he accidentally deleted a qualifying test of mine instead of the other woman in the group who requested it. So, after we all logged out, I emailed him and my group leader. I let them know that my Statement of Work was only for the two scoring windows in May and June and that I didn't think I was on the list for the folks working on the next project. I also mentioned that I would be starting a new freelance project next week through the end of June, but that I was interested in any additional work in the future.
I checked a little later in the day, and the guy emailed me back thanking me for letting him know. I thought that was that.
This morning I got a text from him at 9:01 am asking if I was logging in. (10 million eye rolls)
So, I let him know AGAIN, that I wasn't contracted for this project like I mentioned in the email last week. "But we'd like to offer you this contract, too" So I had to repeat myself and tried to soften the blow by saying, sorry, I didn't realize there would be another project available after this one.
We'll see if I get paid on time. Contract says they have 45 days to pay which is a drag.
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mamamittens · 8 months
Of Noble Blood
Part 12/13 of Spooktober 2023
@sabo-has-my-heart (Bless you and your patience, my god, I am so sorry lol)
Warnings: Mentions of cannibalism/vampire feeding. Oh! And kidnapping and massive arson. What can I say, it's Sabo's specialty.
His bio family get rizzed up, but only a little.
Word Count: 3,268
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The party was dark, loud, and very crowded. Astra nearly lost her drink or spilled it eight times before she finally decided to just chug it and get it over with. The home brew punch burning a little as it went down. Not that she was surprised, having already expected the punch to be spiked with something alcoholic before she even got here.
Most everyone was dressed in costumes, though the term was a bit loose for many. Astra’s own costume was in a nice middle ground of fully-involved-spooky and just-an-excuse-to-be-sexy. White tattered dress to her knees stained with red around the hem with face paint to turn her tan skin more pale and ghostly. A banshee, in fact. Though possible murder victim was an understandable guess. Still, it was cute and comfortable, which was more than she could say for many others.
Astra enjoyed the atmosphere but felt a bit resigned. She was willing to give it a few more minutes before she left. The spiked punch clearly getting to people as pleasant conversation turned to slurred invitations elsewhere or passionate conversations turned rapidly into arguments. Still, it was fun while it lasted.
She meandered through the crowd until she reached a cracked window and enjoyed the sliver of cool air. The party was getting stuffy and filled with a mixed musk of perfume, cologne, body odor, and booze. Another good reason to leave, honestly. Before someone vomited and stank up the whole house with a less tolerable smell than it already was.
“Looking for relief too?” Someone asked softly. His voice was gentle and smooth, just loud enough to be heard without ruining the small bubble of peace her spot provided from the loud party.
Astra looked over and stopped, utterly bewitched.
He was beautiful. Pale skin with an aged but painful burn mark over the left side of his face, eyes like an oasis. A deep blue that she could drown in, bright with amusement. Blond hair in silk waves to his chin and a cheap black cape tied around his shoulders. He flashed her a smile and revealed pointed fangs.
Astra supposed that with a face that pretty, no one would care how low effort his costume was.
“Y-Yeah. I was just thinking of leaving, actually. Before it gets too rowdy… you?” She asked, having to raise her voice to be heard. The bass thundering in her blood.
His shoulders shook as he laughed too softly to be heard.
“I think so, yeah. I just wanted to see what it would be like. It was fun, though. While it lasted.” He smiled again and Astra had to remind herself to act fucking normal about that. Even though he was, without argument, the prettiest man she’d ever seen.
“You leaving town or something? There’s always a party like this. Somewhere.” Astra suggested. With his looks, even with the burn on his face, he’d never be without an invite if it was clear he was interested. Hell, he’d probably get invites even without expressing interest.
There’s always a group willing to offer free booze and good times to a pretty face.
“No… no, I’m not leaving town. My family just… doesn’t approve of this sort of thing.” He huffed.
“Well… it’s never too late for some rebellion.” Astra hinted with a smile. He looked a bit shocked at that. Eyes wide as he looked at her like she suggested a trip to mars on foot.
But then it melted into a sweet, almost yearning expression. Small smile twisting up the edges of his lips.
“Rebellion, huh?” He almost whispered. “They’d hate you for suggesting that… think we could have a late dinner?”
If this beautiful man wanted to piss of his folks by taking her out for dinner, who was she to deny that?
“Astra.” She said with a grin. “My name is Astra. If you’re suggesting dinner, the least I could do is give you my name.”
He grinned, practically beaming.
“I’m Sabo, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He sighed, taking her hand and gently pulling her out of the party. Not that she minded.
She’s pretty sure she heard someone start to throw up when they were leaving.
Sabo, as it turns out, was a sheltered rich kid.
When he suggested late dinner, she was expecting some sort of fast food place. The kind that served greasy, delicious food for pocket money. He meant a four star restaurant with an opening that night. Neither of them were dressed for it, but whatever cash he flashed must have been enough to get them a private booth and treatment like they were royalty.
The menu didn’t even have how much it costs.
“Uh… if you’re hoping to split the bill, there’s no way in hell I can do that…” Astra admitted quietly, cheeks burning. Sabo blinked in confusion before blushing himself.
“Oh—no, not at all! I just—this was the only—I am so sorry, a-are you uncomfortable? We can leave! We haven’t ordered yet!” Sabo grimaced.
“No, it’s okay! I just didn’t want to lead you on about being able to pay for this!” Astra reassured him. “Or being able to return the favor, for that matter. Not in a place like this at least. I think I’d have to save up money for a year before I could afford anything on the menu… judging by the lack of price on anything.” Astra mumbled.
Sabo shook his head, still flushed.
“No, it was my suggestion, so I planned on paying. I’ve got special diet requirements so this was the only place I knew could accommodate them at this time on short notice…” Sabo smiled. “And I’m of the opinion that there’s no price on good company.”
“Oh. Diet requirements? Like Celiacs or something? I’m sure I can look around for something more in my price range to return the favor—even if it’s not quite the same.” Astra laughed, considering how many cheap meals she’d have to buy to equal just this one. Sabo shook his head.
“No, no. No need for that. It’s a bit… difficult to talk about. Trust me, this dinner is already much more pleasant than any I’ve had before.” He cleared his throat at the waiter brought their drinks, Sabo’s a wine glass of dark red wine and hers an ice water. “So order what you like and tell me about yourself.”
Still a bit self-conscious, Astra kept her order simple and freely talked.
To put it lightly, they clicked.
Sabo was a wonderful conversation partner, conscious about himself, and had eyes only for her. Happily drinking in the bits of information she gave him—nothing she wouldn’t share on a first date—and engaging in kind. Though his clear wealth made her nervous, he wasn’t entitled. At most, just a tad oblivious.
And when he realized there was a gap in his knowledge or expectation, he never got angry. Utterly kind and understanding.
So, naturally, when he suggested another date, she was more than happy to.
“Maybe a walk in the park next time.” Astra laughed as they left. While the pasta was utterly amazing, it would be a while before she was comfortable eating something so good she can taste the tax write off required to afford it normally.
And two dates turned to three.
Three to four.
Until they were meeting just about every other day for a small dinner or walk. Their conversations never running dry, just fading off into companionable silence. There was something Sabo wasn’t telling her, she knew that. But for now, she let it rest. More than happy to enjoy her brief outings with the charming man.
Fall started to give way to winter, the air growing colder and the nights longer.
Usually, their dates were later in the day, just after dusk. Something that worked just fine for Astra, honestly. But they’d soon have to find somewhere free to go to that wasn’t outside. Even her nicer coats could only do so much when winter was in full force.
But that was at least a few more weeks from now.
Astra tugged her wool hat lower, her short brown hair peaking out through the white fluff. Fur collar of her coat turned up to protect her neck from the crisp breeze as she settled on a bench. Pulling out her phone to check for any messages. Nothing, unfortunately.
Thick stockings did their best to keep her warm under the layers of her dress. Cute ankle boots kicking at dead leaves as she considered pitching a coffee shop as a better meeting place. Her breath puffing in the air softly.
“So you’re the little rat he’s been sneaking off with.” Astra jolted in surprise, jerking to look behind her.
A woman stood there with a fierce scowl on her face. The street lights flickered on as it finally grew dark enough to trigger them. Casting long shadows over the mysterious woman’s features. It did not help hide how displeased she was.
“Excuse me?” Astra mumbled, confused as to who this woman was. She was pretty, though her makeup was quite severe and did little to soften her expression. Blond hair pulled back with silk and curling over her shoulders. Deep blue eyes cutting, almost glowing, in the low light. She wore an expensive coat that spoke of wealth without any labels.
The woman clicked her tongue.
“Right then. We’ll have to sort this out before it gets any worse for the family. What a disgrace…” The woman snapped her fingers, manicured nails clicking together.
Astra heard the click of boots, but before she could turn around, there were firm hands on her arms. A thick haze blown in her face. The world spinning as she was pulled up.
Astra blinked.
She was tied to a chair. Thick linen cloth tied around her lips. The room was brightly lit, posh carpet beneath her feet. She could distantly hear idle chatter in another room.
Astra felt a bit dizzy as she tried to sit up, finding the rope tied tight to the back of the chair. Her wrists firmly fixed together as well.
Confused, she looked around what had to be the most filthy rich room she’d ever seen.
The curtains and tapestry thick, their colors vibrant. Bookshelves lined with leather back tomes and walls sporting the occasional oil painting of the same people.
The woman from the park. A tall, tan, heavy set man with black wavy hair and a thin, spindly moustache. And two young boys. One was undeniably Sabo, though he was dressed to match the others in clothes she knew he found uncomfortable judging by the unhappy expression he wore. And the other had the misfortune of his red hair being styled in a bowl cut.
She’d been conscious for all of a minute but this room called her poor in at least five different languages. And half of those with slurs.
Astra knew Sabo was from old money but this was old ass money. No wonder he found his family stifling.
“—I will not have him ruin this family by trampling about with a human!” A shrill voice declared. “We are nobility! Vampiric nobility older than most countries! And that brat thinks he can sully out name by associating with food?!”
“Calm down, dear. No one who matters got word of this… indiscretion. Tonight, Sabo will learn the price of his actions and either right it himself or watch as dinner is served.” A man replied evenly.
“I don’t know what’s so great about her. She doesn’t even smell good.” Someone piped up petulantly.
“Despite our best efforts, Sabo has never been a man of taste.” The woman sighed.
Astra took a deep breath.
Alright… either these rich people are fucking crazy or they’re all actually vampires. Including Sabo.
Astra considered that it didn’t really matter at this point. They obviously intended to kill her regardless of how batshit they were.
“I say it’s all because of that ruffian he ran into when he was young. Put ideas into his head.” The man responded. “No-good, he was—I knew it from the start—did you hear that?”
“Hear what, darling?”
“Is that screaming, father?”
There was a moment of silence.
The moment grew longer as Astra began to hear something too.
There was screaming.
“Fire! Fire! There’s a fire! Evacuate the building!” Astra gasped, looking at the plush, incredibly flammable decorations.
“Shit! Come along, honey. Son. We need to leave before the flames reach us!”
“How the hell did a fire break out—why aren’t the sprinklers working?! The alarms?!”
“No time for that now, we need to go!” Their voices left quickly, footsteps receding as the panicked voice followed suit. Clearly making a last minute dash around what must be a sprawling estate to warn everyone to leave.
Leaving her behind.
Astra’s heart thundered in her chest as the smell of smoke first hit her nose. Desperately, she wriggled in her seat. Straining against her bonds to no avail. There was nowhere to go. Even if she could somehow move the chair around, she couldn’t do anything about it. Her hands were too low for any doorknob. The chair too heavy and tall to lift without risking falling over. And she knew damn well she’d never be able to right herself if she did.
Her eyes pricked with tears as footsteps thundered down the hall, nearly going past the door. She watched in hope as the doorknob jiggled.
After a moment where they must have realized it was locked, there was a slam as it was kicked open. The door flying off the hinges as a wave of heat blasted in. Her savior haloed in fire.
Sabo, his eyes wide and crazed as he bared his teeth and barreled in.
“Astra! Hold on—I’m getting you out of here!” Sabo screamed, grabbing the ropes and ripping them effortlessly. Tugging the linen free as he pulled her against his chest, burying her face against his shoulders. Holding her as he ran away from the flames and leaping to the covered window.
Glass shattered as she screeched, grasping his shirt as thick curtains flared around them. Her body pulled impossibly close as Sabo rolled with the impact and ran.
Faster than she believed possible, only moments passing before she managed to peak over his shoulder.
A mansion on fire and over a football field’s worth of estate between them.
Sabo kept running, desperately chanting into her hair.
“—I’m sorry! I’msorryI’msorryI’msorry—” until they were deep in the woods.
Finally, Sabo collapsed to his knees, holding her still.
“…Sabo?” Astra murmured into his hair. “Was that…?”
He sighed, his whole body falling with the motion.
“Yes. That was my family…” Sabo whispered into the night air. She shivered as realized how cold she was from the speed he ran in the late fall weather. “Let’s get you home.”
Sabo jogged this time, holding her close like it would be the last time until they hit a road. A black car waiting.
“Finally! That her?” A woman asked from the driver’s seat as Sabo gently placed her in the back. She was pretty, red hair cut close to her chin.
“Yeah. Can you drive to her place?” Sabo asked, getting into he front.
“…Sure.” She drove and after a few minutes, Astra couldn’t hold her tongue.
“So… vampires?” Astra asked awkwardly, wondering if his family was really that crazy. The woman snorted, glancing at Sabo.
“Yep. Posh bastards too. I’m Koala, a witch.” She piped up.
Sabo glanced back with a shameful expression.
“I’m so sorry I never told you, Astra.” He murmured as the city sped by them.
“Ah… right. Special dietary restrictions… but I did see you eat food?” Astra asked.
“Soaked in blood! Everything he ate was dark, wasn’t it? Vampires can eat a fair bit if it’s got blood in it. But most restaurants that serve humans don’t do that—health and safety reasons.” Koala laughed.
Astra waited for a moment before smiling.
“Well, you were right.” Sabo looked back at her. “Your family does hate me.” She grinned and Sabo snorted.
“Pft. Yeah… knew they would. Thought if they ever found out they’d forbid me from seeing you not… try and serve you for dinner.” Sabo grimaced. “Panicked. Uh… set… set the manor on fire and called my best friend to give me a ride.”
The car slowed to a stop in front of Astra’s house.
“Well, can’t say I’ve ever had a meeting with the parents so bad it ended in a house fire… You sure you’re not adopted though? No offense, but you look nothing like your parents. And the less said about acting like them the better.”
Koala cackled as Sabo scrambled to get out of the car. He opened the door and helped Astra out. His hands lingering over hers as he stared at their feet.
“Yeah… we’ve never gotten along. I’m sorry for dragging you into that. I understand if you never want to see me again. It was…” Sabo finally looked up with tears in his eyes, his hands cupping her face gently. “Wonderful meeting you.”
Sabo started to pull away and Astra placed her hands over his.
“It was pretty scary, you know… I think I’d…” Astra smiled, face flush as she looked up at him. “I think I’d feel safer if my handsome savior stayed the night—erm, day. I mean. I-If you’re okay with that—of course!” Astra laughed, embarrassed at her boldness.
Sabo looked floored, eyes wide as a smile grew on his face.
He stared at her for a long moment. Actually, scratch that.
Sabo stared at her for an uncomfortably long moment.
“…Oooookay, I think lover boy is broken. That’s a ‘yes, please, I’d love to stay. Koala’s the best wingwoman ever and future godmother of my children—”
Sabo’s head snapped towards her as he hissed in embarrassment.
“Shut up!” He barked, “I j-just got lost in the moment—whatever! Go home! I-It’s—ehem—It’s my duty as a gentleman to make my girlfriend feel safe. My pleasure, in fact!” Astra laughed, hopping up to press a kiss to his lips to shut up his indignant speech. It worked, his embarrassed expression melting into contentment as he leaned down to nuzzle her.
“O-kay! That’s enough of that—I’m leaving now! Bye, nice to meet you!” Koala cackled, Sabo reaching behind her to slam the door shut so Koala could leave. Which she did with a long laugh.
“So… do I have to invite you in or…?” Astra asked, holding him close.
Sabo chuckled, kissing her cheek.
“Do I need to get you a coffin or does a bed still work?” Astra mused as they walked up to her front door. Sabo laughed hard, shaking his head.
“As long as it’s yours, I’m happy.”
It was cold outside, but Astra could only feel warmth tucked under Sabo’s arm as he guided her up the steps. Eagerly drinking in her curiosity.
“Well then! I, Astra, invite you, Sabo into my home. As my boyfriend?” She asked, beaming when he grinned.
“I would be honored~”
So, he was keeping quite a big secret from her… but she had a feeling it would all work out from here. Nothing like a bit of—a lot of—arson to bring two people together. Hopefully this wouldn’t be a trend for conflict resolution in the future.
Only if it involved his adopted brother, Ace.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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What do you think about my pic?  
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braemjeorn · 6 months
no but how did min yong jun have so much power?
like was it all because of his government secrets? he knows all the dirt? he doesn't have powers? like i thought he can be invisible when doosik shot everything in his office but then... he's not? and he can have so much control over these people who would've snapped his neck if they want like..? who let him oversee jeongbuwon!!?
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nevermorefilth · 1 year
Got a hair cut. New Year, New me? Nah. New Year, New Outlook on Shit. I'm not going to let shit that used to have its claws in me have control anymore. Imma cut those claws out and be the fucking Goddess I am.
Eat. Hydrate. Take care of yourselves. Because your Goddess commands it.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
I READ ALL THE OTHER SAPPHIC FICS YOU WROTE SKFJSJSK it's just that if i think about thtb for too long i'll just lose it completely and i am still catching up on trw!!!!! keep on the dykes we deserve scrumptious goody fics too ❤❤❤
eeeee thank u my darling!!!! i was perhaps a little cruel with thtb i reread it a few days ago just for funsies and well. it's my perfect little monster but it does munch and crunch ur bones a bit i cannot deny!!
and i do not think even god himself could stop me from writing about dykes try as he might so no worries there <3
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sunsetmaiden · 2 years
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darlakane · 1 year
Writing Year in Review 2022
Just like for 2021, I meant to do another writing review for last year. However, things got in the way so this is a few days late. Due to personal issues, I didn't get as much writing done and not even get everything finished that I'd planned on, but alas... Here's to hope for 2023.
Number of stories posted: 1 revision, 1 WIP (cont.), 3 one shots, 4 ficlets for a writing challenge
Words written: approx. 10,300 (published)
Pairings written: Shawn/Hunter (WWE)
Currently in the works: 2 WIPs (cont.), 1 revision, 1 multi-chapter story, 2 one shots, 1 writing challenge (cont.)
Looking back:
- My favorite story that I published was probably "More Than I Deserve" because I liked how Shawn was being, well, 90s Shawn, and at the same time vulnerable. And I'm a sucker for clueless Hunter. :-D
- The biggest experiment definitely was "Catch The Rain" as it follows the whole set of lyrics of a song, just my own take on them. So that was different to write but at the same time a nice challenge.
- My proudest moment was indeed finishing a longer story that I'd mapped out the year before and that I hold very dear to my heart. Which leads me to...
Outlook 2023:
- I cannot wait to finally share above mentioned story. Due to life happening, it's still with my betas as it means so much to me that I want to it be as perfect as possible. The working title is "Sever" and it's a Shawn/Hunter story with a twist.
- I plan on continuing with the 30 days writing challenge sometime soon.
- I wrote more chapters to my really old WIP "Somewhere In The Fallout" last year and would really like to wrap that one up.
Fanfics posted in 2022
"C'est la vie" - Shawn/Hunter (friendship) (December 2020 – October 2021) - WIP (cont.)
After being forced to retire in 1998, Shawn continues on his path to self-destruction.
"More Than I Deserve" - Shawn/Hunter (slash) (November 2021/February 2022)
If Shawn was being honest with himself, there might be more than just friendly feelings towards the latest addition to their group on his part.
"To Happiness" - Shawn/Hunter (slash) (revised in February 2022, originally written in April 2011)
It’s Hunter’s wedding day – and for Shawn it’s still hard to let go.
"Enough" - Shawn/Hunter (slash) (February 2022)
A peaceful night on tour in Europe…
"Catch The Rain" - Shawn/Hunter (slash) (April 2022)
On a stormy night, Shawn has to deal with the reality of Hunter leaving him.
30 Days Writing Challenge - Shawn/Hunter (slash & friendship) (November/December 2022)
Prompt # 1 - First kiss (slash)
Prompt # 2 - No dialogue (slash)
Prompt # 3 - Use certain words (slash)
Prompt # 4 - Personal style (friendship)
(Writing Year in Review 2021)
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vesperluxe · 1 year
this year i'm going to try to spend an hour each day doing art studies, so i can relearn some basic fundamentals with my art!!! i'm tired of struggling so much, and i can tell it's because my eye has outpaced my skill level again.
i am going to be so sexy and unstoppable 💪😈
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