#2024 Scorpio Disseminating Moon
ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
2024 Scorpio Disseminating Moon
Friday, March 29, 08:33 UT, 24°08’ Scorpio
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are “teach, share, communicate;” and “ease up on efforts with our intentions.”
This promises to be a very emotional phase, with boundary issues: Scorpio is a water sign, and the only major aspect left for the Moon is a trine to watery Neptune/Pisces. Ice and fog! The “teach, share, communicate” piece may seem more like venting. And sometimes we need to vent. We just have to make sure we vent at/to:
trustworthy people who won’t take advantage of us. (Though I suspect we’re also in a suspicious mood, which may help - or hinder. How good is your radar?)
people who are actually okay with being a witness to the vent. (Not everyone wants to hear it.)
We’re probably more than a little paranoid right now. Testy, too. Our imaginations are strong, and given the Scorpionic mindset we’re thinking of everything that could go wrong. I guess as long as we don’t wallow in the negativity? It’s good to be prepared for the worst, as long as we don’t forget to hope for the best.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
October Magical Dates and Astrological Transits
Welcome to the most fantastic month of the year! My birthday month Halloween month!! We are sandwiched between two powerful full moons that will take us on a journey deep within ourselves to find where our energies could be suppressed, where we feel oppressed and how we can empower and transform ourselves. Each major celestial event feels like part of a chapter of self discovery and empowerment that leaves us shedding away what we no longer need and having to transform ourselves to evolve into an elevated new level.
As usual I will make additional posts on some important days as they come but below is the full month of October!
Week 28 - 4
1st - ☾♈ Full moon in Aries Happy Lunar Festival to those who celebrate it!
We kick off October with a full moon!! The fact that this month is framed by full moons and full of transits that force us to confront our buried emotions sets the tone for October and for us to make peace with our shadow sides.
This moon is very special for a number of reasons as it's the Harvest Moon (the full moon near the Autumnal Equinox) and it's the Aries full moon which packs a lot of power. The Aries full moon often asks us to step aside and focus on our needs and goals especially in relation to our partnerships or what we may contribute to a relationship. This full moon may be an aggressive presence in rocky relationships where people's needs may erupt to the surface if they are not being met or honored by their partner.
This fiery moon will be conjunct Mars rx and Chiron in Aries merging our unresolved childhood traumas with our repressed energy and motivations that the mars retrograde brings. Full moons can be cathartic and this can demand us to bring release to what we may have buried away. Challenges can trigger our deep emotions that may get expressed through explosive anger, yet it's a time to take note of what those feelings are and try to heal by making healthy decisions that honor our feelings. This moon will also trine Venus in Leo which will help to smooth it out and bring a pleasant vibe to it's energy. Venus does want to have harmony and trines love unions so in the realm of relationships this can bring a moment of peace or compromise and a window to discuss anything that needs to be addressed in relationships. Finally this full moon may feel intense with the squares coming from Jupiter rx, Saturn and Pluto rx in Capricorn. We may feel burdened by our responsibilities, restrictions (especially with Covid regulations), the powers that be that are constantly avoiding reform. This can also add to the tension of the mars conjunction and feelings of repressed anger or suppressed energy. We will be craving release. It's a good time to focus on how we can redirect our energies to honor our needs especially in relation to our inner child and what needs we were neglecting before. Full moons are great for release and attraction magic so you can use the energy to draw your new reality towards you, however if you are feeling the frustrations of the squares, take a moment to do some visualization meditation to really ground the energy and emotions of the reality you want. Try to avoid going into manifestation carrying that frustration or else it can seep into the reality you are trying to attract your way. With the moon in Aries, it's a great evening for fire-based magic. Candle magic goes well with attraction and manifestation spells.
2nd - ☾♈ Venus enters Virgo
A new sensuous cycle begins as Venus enters Virgo. When Venus is in the sign of healing yet practical virgo, we tend to express our love and care for others through acts of service and being supportive towards each other. We tend to find enjoyment and pleasures in things that are sensual yet practical. We may feel more inclined to treat ourselves through self care that honors our health and physical well-being. We could easily feel guilty if we are too self-indulgent or frivolous in this time. It's a wonderful transit to practice self-love in the everyday tasks such as taking care of our bodies and appreciating wholesome foods and activities. The shadow side of this energy can be us being overly critical of ourselves, picky with our partners or worrisome. However instead of worrying about what we cannot fix, we should try to turn the energy inwards to help nurture ourselves and whichever insecurities arise, find ways to be patient with ourselves and focus on inner healing.  
3rd - ☾♉ Pluto direct in Capricorn Moon enters Taurus
The energy of this outer planet is moving direct finally. Though it is still in it's shadow, the period of introspection, inner soul-connecting and facing our deep shadows has come to the end of this phase. It's now time to address the grip of power coming from powerful authorities which dominate our lives and undermine our power. A lot of these themes were already brought to light this year and these themes will grow only more climatic as we approach the year 2024 when Pluto will complete it's return for the USA's government chart. (Even if you don't live in the USA, the impact of these political events can ripple across most of the world). The structures revolving around massive businesses run by oligarchies and police states are slowly decaying and transforming and the period of reflection has come to it's end for now.  
4th - ☾♉ Moon in Taurus When the moon is in Taurus, it's a good time for taking things slow and to relax. It's a great time for kitchen magic, earth and plant-based magic and self-care magic.
----------------------- Week 5 - 11
5th - ☾♉ Same as above yet this moon will be void of course so it's a good rest day and best to not start anything new.
6th - ☾♊ Disseminating Moon | Moon Trine Sun Moon enters Gemini
The waning gibbous moon is a great time for taking stock of your progress during this lunar cycle and celebrating any little successes you’ve managed to accomplish so far no matter how small. It’s a lovely vibe for socializing, spreading generosity or just taking the moment to enjoy life. When the moon trines the sun it’s a harmonious time that brings a lot of luck. When you take stock and realize that you may not be where you’d like, then it’s a good time to catch up on work to help you out or do magic to bring opportunities for doors to open for you. It’s a good time to wrap things up or spend time socializing or alone enjoying life!  
7th - ☾♊ Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus rx in Taurus Draconids Meteor Shower
The combination of Mercury opposite Uranus rx along with a meteor shower can bring unexpected happenings, sudden epiphanies and new insights. This energy can also lead to other unexpected happenings which can bring discord and slight chaoticness. Though today is not a great time to make plans, it is a great time to go with the flow and be open to exciting encounters or changes in our paths that life may bring us. The energies today may bring many surprises and sudden changes that may electrify us as it brings something new to our routine yet it can also impact areas such as transportation or technology and cause it to have issues. Give yourself a bit more time with commuting or patience with electronics today. Magically this is a great time for trance meditation with binural beats to help bring in new insights or activities such as freewriting to get your stream of consciousness out.
8th - ☾♋ Moon Enters Cancer
When the moon is in Cancer it’s a good time for magic around the home such as cleaning and cleansing, kitchen magic and bath magic. It's a great time for self-care rituals and water-based magic.
9th - ☾♋ Last Quarter Moon Mars rx in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn
Though last quarter moons are generally reflective, this last quarter may feel very intense with Mars rx squaring Pluto in Capricorn. We may feel the same themes of being repressed by authorities or powers that be that surfaced to our consciousness during the Aries full moon being revisited today. We may reflect on how these powers have suppressed our energies in the past and contemplate how to overcome them today. It's a great day for road-opening and barrier breaking magic to get rid of obstacles in our way.
10th - ☾♋ Venus in Virgo trines Uranus rx in Taurus
This transit bring a lot of benefits for us to try new things or meet new people that can help us push our boundaries and broaden our perspectives. It's a great time to honor our values and individuality (especially in the themes of our health and work ethics) by exploring new hobbies or anything outside our usual routine. This is a great time for creativity and experimentation especially in the areas of you connecting with your individuality.
11th - ☾♌ Sun in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn Moon enters Leo
Today is gonna feel dramatic and optimistic yet with a shadowy side to dive into excess and pump things up. Jupiter squares tend to add gas to the flame which is great for our enthusiasm and energy levels yet it can lead to over abundance, over confidence, over spending and over indulgence. Paired with the moon entering dramatic Leo and our confidence levels and disregard for our usual restraints may fly out the window. (HAha it's my birthday today...) It's a great day for partying and enjoying life yet also knowing when to pull the plug. Make sure to budget yourself wisely today, put on lucky or protective charms and not over indulge. It's a great time to show gratitude and make offerings towards the spirits that look over you.
----------------------- Week 12 - 18
12th - ☾♌ Balsamic Moon | Moon Sextile Sun Jupiter in Capricorn sextiles Neptune rx in Pisces Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Venus in Virgo
The Balsamic Moon is the waning crescent moon after the last quarter moon. It's the perfect time until the new moon to shed what you no longer need. It's a time of taking action for banishing, cleansing and shedding. The next few days will have aspects that will push us to face our shadow selves along with hidden traumas and ask for us to shed what is no longer needed. With the Jupiter and Neptune rx sextile, it will make it a dreamy and magical day. It would be an excellent day for magic, celebration and exploring our creativity and path. Jupiter will want us to expand on our creativity and connection to our spiritual side today with it's sextile with Neptune rx. Anything ranging from divination, trance meditation, astral projection, dream magic and journeying would be a great idea today as the energies will encourage us to experiment. Mercury will also sextile Venus which will push us to want to deeply explore our connection to sensual pleasures in a healthy and practical way and maybe create that connection between what is healthy, wholesome and practical which can enrich our minds and connect us with our souls. Today is a great day to plan a ritual, do meditation and any type of magic that encourages you to explore yourself and your boundaries.
13th - ☾♍ Sun in Libra opposite Mars rx in Aries Moon enters Virgo
Mars will be incredibly bright in the sky this evening as the sun moves opposite it. We may notice a red star shining brighter than usual in the evening sky as the sun fully illuminates the retrograding planet. However energetically this aspect can bring up external events that can force us to reckon with our sources of motivation, our source of drive and repressed energy or anger. Where we may feel that our energy is stifled or repressed can come out unexpectedly through events that may trigger us to face this aspect of ourselves. With the moon now in virgo we may be able to look at these passionate emotions through an analytical yet healing perspective. We can easily find solutions to express our emotions and understand them in a clearer light. Today would be a great day for shadow work in understanding our repressed energy and how we can find a solution to express and release it.
14th - ☾♍ Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio
Every other planet this year has had some time off so it's no surprise Mercury is ready to join the club. Mercury is about to go retrograde for the next few weeks, diving us into our deep underworld to face the shadows hidden in our psyche. Eventually it will retrograde back into Libra forcing us to re-evaluate our personal values and relationships. Whatever shadows that are unaddressed lurking in the corners of our mind will come out now to be reckoned with. Just in time for the spooky season!
15th - ☾♎ Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn Moon enters Libra
To add to the flavor of yesterday, today we get to experience the INTENSE square of the Sun and Pluto locking horns. This energy can trigger fears of being controlled against our will or more aware of our shadows that may bring up our need for control. There could potentially be ego conflicts with other powerful people or authority figures that will tighten their grip on everything. We could either feel pigeon-holed today which can create challenges that force us to either defend ourselves or make a major change or cause us to crave power in order to control the situation around us. If desires for power emerge today, pay attention to what your shadow self is telling you and reflect on the source of these deep rooted fears. Is it coming from past negative events? Traumas? Even past lives? Is it from current events? Working out what negative emotions may arise today can give us insight on the general theme of this month of where we feel that our energy is repressed and how we can make changes to break free from our current shackles. (There is also this theme coming from Uranus still being in retrograde as well). Additionally the moon will have entered Libra and begun it's new moon phase and will be opposite Mars rx today so there will be emotions emerging from repressed energy that we will be more aware of and be able to observe. With mercury retrograding in Scorpio it will be a great time for shadow work today as well.
16th - ☾♎ New Moon in Libra Sun in Libra opposite Chiron rx in Aries
The moon will be opposite the sun today as it begins it's new cycle in Libra. The new moon in Libra asks us to review our values, what makes us balanced and our relationships for this cycle. This libra season our values have been questioned, along with perhaps, our stance in situations or previous compromises which could have undermined our freedoms and repressed our emotions. We will be asked during this new cycle to re-align with our values, evaluate the relationships that still align with our best selves and make changes in areas that do not reflect our values or that may suppress us. This moon will also square Jupiter, Saturn and then Pluto in Capricorn tying together the themes of where we may feel burdened and oppressed. Especially with the global political climate it's a good time to see where our complacency has lost us our freedoms and where we need to take action to ensure us a better future.
This new cycle may feel more confrontational than the usually harmonious libran energies we are used to. The Sun will be opposite Chiron rx in Aries bringing us potential sudden external events which could trigger our inner trauma, show us where we need to heal physically and mentally and make us more aware of adversity that we need to overcome. We may be brought to more awareness of what trauma could have fed the shadow sides or toxic traits that have been holding us back. As we are in Shadow Work/Shedding season it’s a good time to look into these traits during the beginning of this cycle and shed away what no longer holds value for us. 
17th - ☾♏ Eros enters Virgo Moon enters Scorpio
The lil' asteroid of passions and inner fire moves into Virgo today shifting our inner fuel to find more spark in the areas of life revolving around service our health and practicality. We may be more reasonable and solution-oriented while pursuing our passions. We may find more interest in sex that is acts of service towards our partner or healthy exercise embedded in our routine. With the moon entering Scorpio it's a good time for sex magic and shadow work.  
18th - ☾♏ Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune rx in Pisces Sun in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn
Today may feel like it will drag on forever with the hard Sun and Saturn square bringing a dull desaturated filter to the world. We may feel restricted and burdened by our responsibilities or by authority. This may feel extra unpleasant with the new wave of Covid that may look to restrict our freedoms and make us worried about our stability. Additionally Venus will be opposite Neptune's Retrograde which is a recipe for some messiness. This could be a helpful time of reflection where we could have been seeing another person (or even more abstractly- a business, an idea or alignment of whatever) through rose-colored lenses that could be ripped away by this transit. We can finally see them for who they are and how they might have hoodwinked us in the past. On a negative side if we haven't yet learned the lesson this opposition can be the recipe for scammers or more people to come and take advantage through glamours and tricks. Be wary of your spending today, your boundaries, your CREDIT CARD INFORMATION ONLINE lol (negative Neptune transits ALWAYS brings out the scammers), and make sure to put up your wards today. It can be a day that drags on forever and may feel a bit gloomy especially with the moon still in Scorpio but you can help it go by quickly by working with the Venus and Neptune rx opposition to seeking out art that aligns with your values or spiritual beliefs. Watch films that make you feel magical or paint, draw, write, create what you love when you get a moment. If the Saturn square makes creating anything too difficult then watching a movie or favorite show can help with the escapism.
----------------------- Week 19 - 25
19th - ☾♐ Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Capricorn Mars rx in Aries squares Jupiter in Capricorn Ceres direct in Aquarius Moon enters Sagittarius
Though yesterday could have felt heavy, today the energy will feel Spectacular!! The mood will shift to being more lighthearted and optimistic with the moon now in shimmering Sagittarius. The jupiter energy may feel a bit more fiery and sparkling than usual with Jupiter squaring Mars rx which will only swell our inner desires and passionate emotions and drives that will need to explode outward!! If we are feeling repressed, there is no hiding that energy any longer with this volcanic transit! However to help bring some joy to this energy we have Venus in Virgo trining Jupiter bringing harmony to our values and creating luck in areas of generosity, spending time with loved ones and honoring our values and what we love. This is a day asking you to align yourself with what makes you feel most authentic. Lastly the little dwarf planet Ceres goes direct finally so we will feel that boost in areas of being nurturing and caring towards others especially in regards to our roles in our community. Now that we have took some time to nurture ourselves during it's retrograde, it's time to consider how we can contribute our support to our communities.
20th - ☾♐ Waxing Crescent Moon | Sun Sextile Moon
With the moon in Sagittarius during this waxing crescent period, it's an excellent time to experiment! Review on what you've reflected on or what intentions you've set during the new moon in Libra (aligning with our values and relationships that serve our greatest good / seeking harmony and justice and not compromise for the sake of "peace") and try out new things that align with your goals. Especially after yesterday's transits we may have a better idea of what those things are and with the moon in Sagittarius we may feel more aligned with our personal philosophies and faith. Optimistic Sagittarius will want you to expand on these ideas and experiment in any way you can!  
21st - ☾♑ Venus in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn Moon enters Capricorn
With the moon still in it's waxing crescent experimental phase, we may get a boost of intense and incredible energy asking us to reconnect to ourselves on a soul level. With Venus trining Pluto we get that added intensity and passion connecting us with our values on a visceral, powerful soul level. Anything that can bring us joy and satisfaction or loved ones or beliefs can be connected with on a deeply intimate level. A new relationship during this time would be very intense (great time for a soul mate), yet on a negative side this transit can give power to obsessions which we must be aware of how to curb if it goes too far. However today is an excellent day for love-attraction magic if you want something deep and intense, decorating our space to have meaning or reflect our values or express ourselves in any genuine way. This is a good time for soul-searching, attraction magic, sex magic and anything art-based.
22nd - ☾♑ Orionids Meteor Shower
With the moon in Capricorn, it's a good time for organization, addressing our tasks and responsibilities, ancestor magic, earth and mineral based magic and during the void of course, reviewing our work this cycle so far. The Orionids Meteor Shower can bring in energy from beyond to help us broaden our insight. If you catch a glimpse of a 'shooting star' make a wish!
23rd - ☾♒ Sun enters Scorpio First Quarter Moon Moon enters Aquarius
We enter the Spooky Season officially as the sun enters the dark and mysterious Scorpio. This season marks the middle of autumn where everything is starting to wither and decay, the nights are growing longer and we are feeling the chilly winds that kick up the skeletons of dead leaves. With Mercury retrograde in Scorpio still the deep underworld themes of Scorpio will feel strong as we are asked to face our inner shadows as we descend into the darkness. Today also marks the first quarter moon in Aquarius. Looking back at the New Moon in Libra we can think on the themes of us aligning with our values and people that support and reflect that as well and with the first quarter moon that theme will ask us to strategize on how we can express these unique part of ourselves as part of our roles in our community. The themes of the community may be brought to the surface with this first quarter moon and many people may want to take action, however this moon phase is best for reflection and taking that pent-up energy to strategize. There is always a time for action during the waxing gibbous phase when energies are more harmonious. If you are feeling blocked and restricted during this square it's a good time for barrier-breaking magic to dissolve any obstacles in your way. Focus on what opportunities you'd like to attract or what you need to move forward and do magic to bring that your way or break through whatever is holding you back.
24th - ☾♒ Venus in Virgo trines Saturn in Capricorn
This is an excellent day to work on your self love, self confidence and commitment to your values with Venus trining Saturn. If you have been having a rocky relationship with others it's a good time to work out the rough patches. This is also a good day for artists that may be procrastinating on work or that put a project to the side to continue building on it. Additionally it's a great day for love attraction magic (or any attraction magic with this theme: ) with a type of relationship that is long lasting, committed and reliable.
25th - ☾♓ Sun conjuncts Mercury rx in Scorpio Moon enters Pisces
The theme of our inner descent will be front and center today with the sun conjunct Mercury rx in Scorpio. It's a good time to take the day slowly, not make any serious plans and do some self reflection and shadow work. Whatever emotions that may arise we need to bring awareness to and release what no longer serves us. Especially during this time of year it's a great time to be aware of our shadows, make peace with repressed energies and release toxic beliefs that are holding us back. The day may also feel a bit melancholy with the moon's added energy entering Pisces. We may feel like we could be drowning in our darkness and the shadows of others around us. We may be more aware of others shadow selves and be influenced a little easier by their presence due to pisces's nature of dissolving boundaries. If others that are not aware of these qualities of themselves suddenly lash out today, it's best to carry some obsidian, put protective wards around yourself and keep to your safe corner.
----------------------- Week 26 - 1st
26th - ☾♓ Waxing Gibbous Moon | Sun Trine Moon
Whatever you have been reflecting on, strategizing and working on, now it's time to put those plans into action with the sun trining the moon! This aspect brings a lot of luck, harmony and magic in the mundane to spring out today. If you put plans into action, make the first move, release something new, then there is a lot of potential for great things to fall into place. If you may have been feeling blocked or frustrated on the first quarter moon, this phase may help you with new insight on how you can progress forward. If you did barrier-breaking magic to dissolve obstacles on the first quarter moon, you may see wonderful results or sudden 'open-doors' appear today. Keep on look out today for opportunities sent by the universe! Use lucky charms and glamours and send out good energy to attract it back to you.
27th - ☾♓
Today is an excellent day for rest with the moon in Pisces. There are no demanding transits and with this being the last day of the moon in this sign, there will be a void of course that will ask us to slow down and chill out. Pisces energy loves to day dream, nap and escape so it's a good day to indulge in some bath magic, take restful naps, smoke or watch something light hearted.
28th - ☾♈ Mercury retrograde enters Libra Venus enters Libra Moon enters Aries
Venus reunites with it's home sign Libra bringing the themes of harmony, partnerships, justice and values to a crescendo in this part of the cycle. Mercury rx will re-enter Libra bringing these themes to the surface of our mind as we reflect on these aspects of our lives. It's a good time for introspection in these areas, shadow work, understanding any current challenges regarding these themes for ourselves, especially as we move closer to the full moon that tends to bring out external challenges and themes with it's opposition. This day will tie back AGAIN with the initial full moon starting this month off and all of the other points and themes about our repressed energies and how we align with our values as the Moon enters Aries and creates an opposition with mercury rx in Libra. We will be able to connect dots on how our previous compromises or alignments could have repressed our true passions and energies and we may have to face sudden bursts of anger or hidden fire that we weren't aware of before, yet it could shed light on our current journey.
29th - ☾♈
When the Moon is in Aries it's a great time for channeling courage, hexing, fire-based magic and creating new things. However as this is the end of the moon's transit in Aries as it faces it's void of course which wants us to rest and reflect, it's a good time to reflect on our inner drive and our repressed emotions and how we can healthily release them. This void of course is a good time to reflect on the themes of the last full moon in Aries and how you have integrated what you've manifested into your life.
30th - ☾♉ Moon enters Taurus
With the moon in Taurus it's a great time to take things slowly and relax. It's a great time for kitchen magic, earth and plant-based magic and self-care magic.
31st - ☾♉ 🎃 HALLOWEEN  🎃 Full Moon in Taurus Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus rx in Taurus
It's HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!! And to top it off it's a powerful Blue Moon! (A Blue Moon is a Full Moon that occurs twice in a month!) A Blue Moon is powerful showing second chances, boosted luck and new windows of opportunity so this is a fantastic time for release, casting spells, banishing or any type of magic! In this post here where I compare the sabbats to the lunar cycle, Halloween reflects that balsamic moon period where it's time to shed, banish and release, so tonight we can banish what no longer serves us and bind what seeks to strip us of our power. We may feel very inspired after this whole month of self transformation and looking at our repressed energies and what is binding us in it's brutal authority. It's time to break those barriers apart! With the Taurus full moon we are asked to look at our resources and what we value physically and if that aligns with our soul. What materialistic things or paths were we clinging on to? Do they reflect our most authentic selves? This will be brought into question and be brought to change with the Sun opposite Uranus rx (also this full moon conjunct Uranus rx) forcing us to undergo transformation which can help break old habits, old mindsets, expand our perspectives and evolve. A bit like a death and rebirth which is in theme for Halloween. With this opposition, this can bring unexpected and exciting encounters or events that will shake up our worlds. We may have to suddenly adapt to change as a new chapter and reality get brought into our lives. It could either bring havoc or freedom, however if it's something that could trigger a negative response in you, you may have to consult that shadow side and see if there is a trait you may need to let go or that is holding you back from evolving. However just to protect yourself it's always good to carry some protective charms and wards especially on a day like Halloween.
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 month
Cosmic Events: May 2024
Executive summary: a last blast of stability before Jupiter enters Gemini.
Lunar Phases
Wednesday, May 1, 11:27 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 11°35’ Aquarius
Saturday, May 4, 20:25 UT - Balsamic Moon, 29°50’ Pisces
Wednesday, May 8, 03:22 UT - New Moon, 18°02’ Taurus
Potent and powerful - the lunation is conjunct Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus. Think of the best possible Taurus type thing to manifest. A last blast of Taurus energy before Jupiter enters Gemini.
Sunday, May 12, 02:42 UT - Crescent Moon, 6°23’ Cancer
Wednesday, May 15, 11:48 UT - First Quarter Moon, 25°08’ Leo
Sunday, May 19, 14:55 UT - Gibbous Moon, 14°06’ Libra
Thursday, May 23 - Full Moon, 2°55’ Sagittarius
Theory (Gemini Sun) versus experience (Sagittarius Moon). Plus Venus and Jupiter at 29° Taurus, with Neptune at 29° Pisces. Some narratives starting to conclude.
Monday, May 27, 05:44 UT - Disseminating Moon, 21°26’ Capricorn
Thursday, May 30, 17:13 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 9°46’ Pisces
Void of Course Moon
Thursday, May 2, 09:28 UT (Aquarius) - 18:52 UT (Pisces)
Saturday, May 4, 19:06 UT (Pisces) - 20:41 UT (Aries)
Monday, May 6, 05:57 UT (Aries) - 21:42 UT (Taurus)
Wednesday, May 8, 21:55 UT (Taurus) - 23:20 UT (Gemini)
Saturday, May 11, 01:49 UT (Gemini) - 03:13 UT (Cancer)
Monday, May 13, 09:13 UT (Cancer) - 10:36 UT (Leo)
Wednesday, May 15, 16:41 UT (Leo) - 21:33 UT (Virgo)
Saturday, May 18, 09:09 UT (Virgo) - 10:23 UT (Libra)
Sunday, May 19, 15:48 UT (Libra) - Monday, May 20, 22:34 UT (Scorpio)
At 30 hours, 46 minutes in length, this is the longest void Moon of May.
Thursday, May 23, 07:28 UT (Scorpio) - 08:24 UT (Sagittarius)
Saturday, May 25, 14:47 UT (Sagittarius) - 15:36 UT (Capricorn)
Monday, May 27, 20:02 UT (Capricorn) - 20:45 UT (Aquarius)
At 43 minutes in length, this is the shortest void Moon of May, unless you live in North or South America. Stay tuned….
Wednesday, May 29, 14:20 UT (Aquarius) - Thursday, May 30, 00:33 UT (Pisces)
Saturday, June 1, 02:55 UT (Pisces) - 03:28 UT (Aries)
This one happens on May 31 in most of the western hemisphere, hence its inclusion. It’s also their shortest void Moon for May, clocking in at 33 minutes.
Transiting Mercury starts the month in its post-retrograde shadow, which it exits on Monday, May 13.
Transiting Ceres begins May in her pre-retrograde shadow; she stations retrograde on Wednesday, May 15.
Transiting Pallas Athene is retrograde all month.
Transiting Juno is in her post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn is in its pre-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Pluto stations retrograde on Thursday, May 2.
Wednesday, May 15 - transiting Mercury enters Taurus
Thursday, May 16 - transiting Pallas Athene retrogrades back into Scorpio
Monday, May 20 - transiting Sun enters Gemini
Thursday, May 23 - transiting Venus enters Gemini
Saturday, May 25 - transiting Jupiter enters Gemini
Opportunity Periods
Saturday, May 4, 08:28 UT - 20:41 UT. “This OP is favorable for the innovative arts, meditation, and helping others.”
Wednesday, May 8, 02:52 UT - 03:52 UT - one half hour before and after the Taurus New Moon. “If you have something important to start around now, this is a great time to do it.”
Monday, May 13, 04:56 UT - 10:36 UT. “A good time to try something new and break out of the routine, aided by the Sun-Uranus conjunction.”
Thursday, May 23, 07:13 UT - 07:28 UT. “Just a few minutes to do something meaningful.”
Monday, May 27, 03:37 UT - 20:02 UT. This OP is versatile, good for battles and contests or practical matters.”
Friday, May 31, 17:36 UT - Saturday, June 1, 03:28 UT. “Use this time for innovative artistic activities, mind expansion, and clearing out emotional baggage.”
Et Cetera
The Taurus Cross-Quarter Day (when the Sun reaches 15°00’00” of Taurus) happens on Sunday, May 4, at 00:10 UT.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
The Week Ahead: March 25-31, 2024
Lunar Phases
Monday, March 25, 07:00 UT - Full Moon/Eclipse, 5°07’ Libra
The key phrases for the Full lunar phase are “culminate, fulfill, illumine, manifest;” and “pour all our energy and efforts into our intention.” I am wondering if this mightn’t be a stealth eclipse, since Libra isn’t comfortable with direct action. Pay attention!
Friday, March 29, 08:33 UT - Disseminating Moon, 24°08’ Scorpio
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are “teach, share, communicate;” and “ease up on efforts with our intentions.” More stealth? We sense there are things going on behind the scenes, and/or that all hasn’t been what it seemed.
Void of Course Moon
Tuesday, March 26, 23:09 UT (Libra) - Wednesday, March 27, 09:03 UT (Scorpio)
Friday, March 29, 15:40 UT (Scorpio) - 19:52 UT (Sagittarius)
Monday, April 1, 00:16 UT (Sagittarius) - 04:05 UT (Capricorn)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Mercury/Aries, Ceres/Capricorn, Pallas Athene/Sagittarius (until Friday the 29th), Saturn/Pisces
Retrograde: Pallas Athene/Sagittarius (starting Friday the 29th), Juno/Virgo
Post-retrograde shadow: Vesta/Gemini-Cancer
Transiting Mercury enters its Storm on Thursday the 28th. It’s moving very slowly - to the point where it might just as well be retrograde already, instead of April 1.
Transiting Pallas Athene stations retrograde on Friday, March 29, 14:18 UT, at 8°36’ Sagittarius. Time to come up with different creative solutions to our problems.
Sunday, March 31, 10:56 UT - transiting Vesta enters Cancer
Still in her post-retrograde shadow. We revisit issues from last September-December with more enlightened focus.
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: Friday, March 29, 01:46 UT - 15:40 UT. “Good for romance and deep emotional experiences, but we’re between two eclipses and Mercury is slow, so keep it flexible.”
I am kind of glad I have this week off, as the astrology lately is very wearing. We remain in the shadow of the eclipse until Thursday, April 11. Mercury is in its pre-retrograde shadow, stations retrograde on April Fools’ Day (grrr), and doesn’t exit its retrograde zone until May 13. We “just” have to tread water and survive until the 11th at the earliest.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
Cosmic Events: April 2024
Executive Summary: Eclipse season ends - but since there’s a powerful Full Moon on the 23rd, it may not feel like it’s over. Also, Mercury stations retrograde on April Fools’ Day (grrr), and stations direct on April 25, but remains in its retrograde zone all month.
Lunar Phases
Tuesday, April 2, 03:15 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 12°52’ Capricorn
Friday, April 5, 13:14 UT - Balsamic Moon, 1°14’ Pisces
Monday, April 8, 18:21 UT - New Moon/Eclipse, 19°24’ Aries
This is exactly conjunct Chiron, making it a very big deal about teaching and healing. We feel we need to be independent about it, less reliant on other people. Things may develop very quickly.
Friday, April 12, 04:06 UT - Crescent Moon, 7°39’ Gemini
Monday, April 15, 19:13 UT - First Quarter Moon, 26°18’ Cancer
Friday, April 19, 21:14 UT - Gibbous Moon, 15°17’ Virgo
Tuesday, April 23, 23:49 UT - Full Moon, 4°18’ Scorpio
Very intense Plutonian energy, as the Moon is in Scorpio and both Lights are square Pluto.
Saturday, April 27, 20:54 UT - Disseminating Moon, 23°04’ Sagittarius
Void of Course Moon
Monday, April 1, 00:16 UT (Sagittarius) - 04:05 UT (Capricorn)
Wednesday, April 3, 05:40 UT (Capricorn) - 09:08 UT (Aquarius)
Friday, April 5, 05:40 UT (Aquarius) - 11:13 UT (Pisces)
Sunday, April 7, 08:27 UT (Pisces) - 11:25 UT (Aries)
Tuesday, April 9, 02:39 UT (Aries) - 11:23 UT (Taurus)
Thursday, April 11, 10:04 UT (Taurus) - 12:59 UT (Gemini)
Saturday, April 13, 14:46 UT (Gemini) - 17:45 UT (Cancer)
Monday, April 15, 23:22 UT (Cancer) - Tuesday, April 16, 02:24 UT (Leo)
Thursday, April 18, 12:02 UT (Leo) - 14:10 UT (Virgo)
Sunday, April 21, 00:20 UT (Virgo) - 03:08 UT (Libra)
Monday, April 22, 23:24 UT (Libra) - Tuesday, April 23, 15:20 UT (Scorpio)
At 15 hours, 56 minutes, this is the longest void Moon in April.
Thursday, April 25, 23:17 UT (Scorpio) - Friday, April 26, 01:37 UT (Sagittarius)
Sunday, April 28, 07:31 UT (Sagittarius) - 09:37 UT (Capricorn)
Tuesday, April 30, 15:19 UT (Capricorn) - 15:20 UT (Aquarius)
At one minute in length, this is the shortest void Moon in April.
Transiting Mercury stations retrograde on Monday, April 1; it stations direct on Thursday, April 25, and enters its post-retrograde shadow, where it remains for the rest of the month.
Transiting Ceres is in her pre-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Pallas Athene is retrograde all month.
Transiting Juno starts April retrograde; she stations direct on Saturday, April 20, and enters her post-retrograde shadow.
Transiting Vesta exits her post-retrograde shadow on Wednesday, April 24.
Transiting Saturn is in its pre-retrograde shadow all month.
Friday, April 5 - transiting Venus enters Aries
Friday, April 19 - transiting Sun enters Taurus
Monday, April 29 - transiting Venus enters Taurus
Tuesday, April 30 - transiting Mars enters Aries
Opportunity Periods
Wednesday, April 3, 04:11 UT - 05:40 UT. “Short OP good for anything, from practical matters to deep romance.”
Thursday, April 4, 20:24 UT - Friday, April 5, 05:40 UT. “Great for brainstorming and innovative ideas.”
Saturday, April 6, 17:13 UT - Sunday, April 7, 11:25 UT. “Great time to relax and have fun, as it’s during the Last Quarter Moon and Mercury is retrograde.”
Wednesday, April 10, 22:18 UT - Thursday, April 11, 12:59 UT. “Keep it real during this OP with Moon in Taurus and focus on practical matters.”
Monday, April 15, 19:13 UT - Tuesday, April 16, 02:24 UT. “Mercury is retrograde, so use this time to review and edit ongoing projects or reconnect with people from the past.”
Wednesday, April 17, 21:20 UT - Thursday, April 18, 12:02 UT. “Self-motivation, creative activity, and building rapport with others will produce good results during this short OP.”
Thursday, April 25, 11:55 UT - 23:17 UT. “Take advantage of Mercury stationing direct during this OP to plan and chart a new path.”
Monday, April 29, 15:45 UT - Tuesday, April 30, 15:19 UT. “Very positive OP ideal for constructive and innovative projects, but Mercury is slow and the Moon is waning, so it is preferable to focus on work started before late March.”
Et Cetera
The shadow of the eclipse ends on Thursday, April 11. Yippee!
There’s a big event on Saturday, April 20: Jupiter conjunct Uranus, at 21°49’ Taurus. We may feel it strongly the day before, Friday the 19th, when Mars/Pisces sextiles them both. It would be a lot more “significant” if it happened more than one time - as it is, it’s a “one and done” aspect, so don’t set your hopes too high. If it dings something in your chart, use the Mars sextiles on Friday the 19th to (try to) focus and direct the energy.
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 months
The Week Ahead: February 26 - March 3, 2024
Lunar Phases
Wednesday, February 28, 16:14 UT - Disseminating Moon, 24°33’ Libra
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are “teach, share, communicate;” and “ease up on efforts with our intentions.” The “sharing” part might get a bit testy, especially if we usually bottle up our anger.
Sunday, March 3, 15:23 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 13°32’ Sagittarius
The key phrases for the Last Quarter lunar phase are “turn away;” and “tear down old structures that no longer serve you.” Relationship issues perhaps; focus on being helpful without being critical or negative.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, February 26, 07:35 UT (Virgo) - 14:29 UT (Libra)
Tuesday, February 27, 18:22 UT (Libra) - Thursday, February 29, 03:09 UT (Scorpio)
(32 hours 47 minutes. Eeek. Get those ducks in a row!)
Saturday, March 2, 07:47 UT (Scorpio) - 13:56 UT (Sagittarius)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Ceres/Capricorn (starting Thursday the 29th), Pallas Athene/Sagittarius
Retrograde: Juno/Virgo
Post-retrograde shadow: Vesta/Gemini, Jupiter/Taurus
Transiting Ceres enters her pre-retrograde shadow on Thursday, February 29, 07:44 UT, at 7°29’ Capricorn. Just in time for spring planting in the northern hemisphere. Grrr.
Et Cetera
There are two Opportunity Periods this week:
Monday, February 26, 14:29 UT - Tuesday, February 27, 18:22 UT. “Another long OP good for clarity, communication, and social connections, or even romance!”
Friday, March 1, 19:53 UT - Saturday, March 2, 07:47 UT. “Use this watery OP to process emotions and attune to your inner world. Participate and get together with others who share your values and ideals.”
That very long midweek void Moon - in the mornings when I set my intentions for the day, and I know there’s going to be a void Moon, I try to work in the phrase “surfing the void like a champ” into whatever I’m chanting.
That said, it’s kind of nice to have such a long void Moon bracketed by a couple of Opportunity Periods.
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 months
Cosmic Events: January 2024
Executive summary: a good, strong New Moon; Pluto dips a toe back into Aquarius; really short void Moons but two lengthy ones.
Lunar Phases
Thursday, January 4, 03:30 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 13°15’ Libra
Monday, January 8, 01:09 UT - Balsamic Moon, 2°13’ Sagittarius
Thursday, January 11, 11:57 UT - New Moon, 20°44’ Capricorn
Excellent for making practical innovations, most likely in response to what is going on around us.
Sunday, January 14, 18:13 UT - Crescent Moon, 9°03’
Thursday, January 18, 03:53 UT - First Quarter Moon, 27°32’ Aries
Sunday, January 21, 20:01 UT - Gibbous Moon, 16°16 Gemini
Thursday, January 25, 17:54 UT - Full Moon, 5°15’ Leo
Stubborn and wild. We can use the energy to see where/what we should/could get rid of.
Monday, January 29, 20:43 UT - Disseminating Moon, 24°25’ Virgo
Void of Course Moon
NB: Quite a few of these are less than an hour long, but there are a couple of marathons….
Tuesday, January 2, 23:36 UT (Virgo) - Wednesday, January 3, 00:47 UT (Libra)
Friday, January 5, 11:41 UT (Libra) - 12:39 UT (Scorpio)
Sunday, January 7, 20:22 UT (Scorpio) - 21:08 UT (Sagittarius)
Tuesday, January 9, 18:24 UT (Sagittarius) - Wednesday, January 10, 01:33 UT (Capricorn)
Friday, January 12, 02:33 UT (Capricorn) - 03:01 UT (Aquarius)
Saturday, January 13, 09:59 UT (Aquarius) - Sunday, January 14, 03:29 UT (Pisces)
(17.5 hours, rather longer than we’re used to - but with a still longer one in a couple of weeks.)
Tuesday, January 15, 04:33 UT (Pisces) - 04:49 UT (Aries)
Thursday, January 18, 08:03 UT (Aries) - 08:12 UT (Taurus)
Saturday, January 20, 13:57 UT (Taurus) - 13:58 UT (Gemini)
(At one minute long, this is the shortest February Void Moon.)
Monday, January 22, 20:40 UT (Gemini) - 21:51 UT (Cancer)
Wednesday, January 24, 22:58 UT (Cancer) - Thursday, January 25, 07:37 UT (Leo)
Friday, January 26, 21:19 UT (Leo) - Saturday, January 27, 19:11 UT (Virgo)
(At 21 hours 52 minutes long, this is the longest February Void Moon.)
Monday, January 29, 23:20 UT (Virgo) - Tuesday, January 30, 08:04 UT (Libra)
Transiting Mercury begins the month retrograde; it stations direct on January 2, and exits its post-retrograde shadow on January 21.
Transiting Pallas Athene enters its pre-retrograde shadow on January 6, and remains there all month.
Transiting Juno starts the month in her pre-retrograde shadow, and stations retrograde on January 14.
Transiting Vesta is retrograde all month.
Transiting Jupiter is in its post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn is in its post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Uranus begins the month retrograde; it stations direct on January 27.
Transiting Eris begins the month retrograde; it stations direct on January 11.
Thursday, January 4 - transiting Mars enters Capricorn
Saturday, January 13 - transiting Mercury re-enters Capricorn
Saturday, January 20 - transiting Sun enters Aquarius
Sunday, January 21 - transiting Pluto enters Aquarius
Tuesday, January 23 - transiting Venus enters Capricorn
Opportunity Periods
Sunday, January 7, 01:24 UT - 20:22 UT. “Take advantage of this intense energy during the Last Quarter Moon to clear away clutter and recycling.”
Monday, January 15, 21:03 UT - Tuesday, January 16, 04:33 UT. “This is a great time to develop and implement ambitious and far-reaching projects.”
Friday, January 19, 18:11 UT - Saturday, January 20, 13:57 UT. “Highly productive time, excellent to invest in what you want to see grow.”
Wednesday, January 24, 01:44 UT - 22:58 UT. “This OP starts full of energy and ends with mellow Neptunian vibes. Use it for taking the initiative or engaging in anything that interests you.”
Et Cetera
This seems like a good January. Lots of craziness, as always, but we’re in a practical and capable frame of mind and can deal with it all.
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ms-m-astrologer · 10 days
Cosmic Events: June 2024
Executive Summary: very short void Moons, very long Opportunity Periods, heavy mutable energy at the beginning.
Lunar Phases
Monday, June 3, 02:36 UT - Balsamic Moon, 28°01’ Aries
Thursday, June 6, 12:38 UT - New Moon, 16°18’ Gemini
Growing up a little bit. “Things” are in the process of change, and we want to meet it with maturity and graciousness. Trying to suss out the future in order to make the best of it. Recognizing when something is over and moving on.
Monday, June 10, 04:34 UT - Crescent Moon, 4°48’ Leo
Friday, June 14, 05:18 UT - First Quarter Moon, 23°39’ Virgo
Tuesday, June 18, 07:15 UT - Gibbous Moon, 12°33’ Scorpio
Saturday, June 22, 01:08 UT - Full Moon, 1°07’ Capricorn
Trying to do our own thing, but the damned world keeps intruding itself. We have to adjust. Steady, hard work with a practical endpoint is a good outlet.
Tuesday, June 25, 12:15 UT - Disseminating Moon, 19°25’ Aquarius
Friday, June 28, 21:53 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 7°40’ Aries
Void of Course Moon
Sunday, June 2, 22:04 UT (Aries) - Monday, June 3, 05:55 UT (Taurus)
Wednesday, June 5, 08:09 UT (Taurus) - 08:36 UT (Gemini)
Friday, June 7, 12:16 UT (Gemini) - 12:41 UT (Cancer)
Sunday, June 9, 19:05 UT (Cancer) - 19:29 UT (Leo)
Tuesday, June 11, 19:16 UT (Leo) - Wednesday, June 12, 05:39 UT (Virgo)
At 10 hours 23 minutes, this is the longest void Moon in June.
Friday, June 14, 17:54 UT (Virgo) - 18:12 UT (Libra)
Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT (Libra) - 06:38 UT (Scorpio)
Wednesday, June 19, 16:19 UT (Scorpio) - 16:32 UT (Sagittarius)
Friday, June 21, 22:58 UT (Sagittarius) - 23:08 UT (Capricorn)
Monday, June 24, 03:05 UT (Capricorn) - 03:14 UT (Aquarius)
Tuesday, June 25, 22:30 UT (Aquarius) - Wednesday, June 26, 06:08 UT (Pisces)
Friday, June 28, 08:45 UT (Pisces) - 08:52 UT (Aries)
At seven minutes in length, this is the shortest void Moon in June.
Sunday, June 30, 04:56 UT (Aries) - 12:00 UT (Taurus)
(Note that out of 13 void Moons, eight of them are under half an hour long in total - and one more is only 33 minutes long. This is because Neptune is very late in Pisces, moving from 29°40’ to 29°56’ during June.)
Transiting Ceres/Capricorn is retrograde all month.
Transiting Pallas/Scorpio is retrograde all month.
Transiting Juno/Virgo is in her post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn begins the month in its pre-retrograde shadow; it stations retrograde on Saturday, June 29.
Transiting Pluto/Aquarius is retrograde all month.
Monday, June 3 - transiting Mercury enters Gemini
Sunday, June 9 - transiting Mars enters Taurus
Monday, June 17 - transiting Venus enters Cancer
Monday, June 17 - transiting Mercury enters Cancer
Wednesday, June 19 - transiting Vesta enters Leo
Thursday, June 20 - transiting Sun enters Cancer
(Aka the Cancer Solstice.)
Opportunity Periods
Tuesday, June 4, 23:04 UT - Wednesday, June 5, 08:36 UT. “This Last Quarter Moon OP is a good time to get organized, let go of what is no longer necessary, and finish up projects.”
Friday, June 7, 12:41 UT - Sunday, June 9, 19:29 UT. “Long OP while the Moon goes through the entire sign of Cancer, great for finding or expressing love after your emotions are renewed.”
Friday, June 14, 18:12 UT - Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT. “An excellent waxing Moon OP for commerce, arts, networking, or partying.”
Wednesday, June 19, 05:24 UT - 16:19 UT. “Short OP filled with intense emotions. Good for deep thinking and reflection.”
Thursday, June 27, 14:57 UT - Friday, June 28, 08:52 UT. “This is a good opportunity for connections as well as expressing love and compassion.”
Et Cetera
The Cancer Solstice takes place on Thursday, June 20, at 20:51 UT. It’s much like the Full Moon chart of the next day; only the Moon moves very much. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all together in Cancer, sextile Mars/Taurus - which is a great setup for minding our own business. But….
The Sag Moon is the apex of a mutable t-square, though. Mutable = new problems arising, dealing with responsibilities (Saturn is involved). Something happens, and burying our heads in the sand is the wrong approach.
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ms-m-astrologer · 7 days
The Week Ahead: May 20-26, 2024
Lunar Phases
Thursday, May 23, 13:53 UT - Full Moon, 2°55’ Sagittarius
The key phrases for the Full lunar phase are “culminate, fulfill, illumine, manifest;” and “pour all our energy and efforts into our intentions.” Powerful new ideas and perspectives, if we’re listening.
Monday, May 27, 05:44 UT - Disseminating Moon, 21°26’ Capricorn
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are “teach, share, communicate;” and “ease up on efforts with our intentions.” Grandmotherly; we’re practical and structured.
Void of Course Moon
Sunday, May 19, 15:48 UT (Libra) - Monday, May 20, 22:34 UT (Scorpio)
(Thirty-one hours, almost!)
Thursday, May 23, 07:28 UT (Scorpio) - 08:24 UT (Sagittarius)
Saturday, May 25, 14:47 UT (Sagittarius) - 15:36 UT (Capricorn)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Saturn/Pisces
Retrograde: Ceres/Capricorn, Pallas/Scorpio, Pluto/Aquarius
Post-retrograde shadow: Juno/Virgo
Monday, May 20, 12:59 UT - transiting Sun enters Gemini
Happy Gemini season! Plenty of opportunities to learn, and (weirdly for Gemini) grow up a bit.
Thursday, May 23, 20:30 UT - transiting Venus enters Gemini
Keep it light and flexible! Not good for commitment; great for exploration.
Saturday, May 25, 23:15 UT - transiting Jupiter enters Gemini
The big one. Jupiter wants us to make the most of our Gemini activities.
Et Cetera
There are two Opportunity Periods this week:
Thursday, May 23, 07:13 UT - 07:28 UT. “Just a few minutes to do something meaningful.” (Most of us in the US will sleep right through this.)
Monday, May 27, 03:37 UT - 20:02 UT. (This starts on Sunday the 26th, in the US.) “This OP is versatile, good for battles and contests or practical matters.”
Three ingresses into Gemini this week, and two of them are the “Greater and Lesser Benefics” - Jupiter and Venus. Like three breaths of fresh air! Take a little time today to feel The Cosmos - then do the same thing next Sunday, after all three Gemini ingresses - and note the difference.
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 month
The Week Ahead: April 22-28, 2024
Lunar Phases
Tuesday, April 23, 23:49 UT - Full Moon, 4°18’ Scorpio
The key phrases for the Full lunar phase are “culminate, fulfill, illumine, manifest;” and “pour all our energy and efforts into our intentions.” Something toxic coming to light, I think - we can purge it. Remember your sense of humor, and be joyous in addressing the problem.
Saturday, April 27, 20:54 UT - Disseminating Moon, 23°04’ Sagittarius
The key phrases for the Disseminating phase are “teach, share, communicate;” and “ease up on efforts with our intentions.” We’re voluble at least, and need to be careful we don’t blurt out anything hurtful.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, April 22, 23:34 UT (Libra) - Tuesday, April 23, 15:20 UT (Scorpio)
Thursday, April 25, 23:17 UT (Scorpio) - Friday, April 26, 01:37 UT (Sagittarius)
Sunday, April 28, 07:31 UT (Sagittarius) - 09:37 UT (Capricorn)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Ceres/Capricorn, Saturn/Pisces
Retrograde: Mercury/Aries (until Thursday the 25th), Pallas Athene/Sagittarius
Post-retrograde shadow: Mercury/Aries (starting Thursday the 25th), Juno/Virgo, Vesta/Cancer (until Wednesday the 24th)
Transiting Vesta exits her post-retrograde shadow on Wednesday, April 24, 03:07 UT. She goes back to being a trigger. Probably a lot of “home improvement” energy.
Transiting Mercury stations direct on Thursday, April 25, 12:54 UT, at 15°58’ Aries. Yippee! It may not much feel like it for ten more days, though.
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: Thursday, April 25, 11:55 UT - 23:17 UT. “Take advantage of Mercury stationing direct during this OP to plan and chart a new path.”
The main event of the week is that intense Full Moon. I keep having the feeling we need to deal with something the eclipses dredged up.
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 months
Cosmic Events: March 2024
Executive Summary: stupid fucking Daylight Savings Time begins in the US, eclipse season returns, and Mercury enters its Retrograde Zone - it actually stations Rx on April Fool’s Day. Ugh!
Lunar Phases
Sunday, March 3, 15:23 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 13°32’ Sagittarius
Thursday, March 7, 04:04 UT - Balsalmic Moon, 2°04’ Aquarius
Sunday, March 10, 09:00 UT - New Moon, 20°17’ Pisces
Good for purging negativity, and for tuning in to the overall direction of The Cosmos. All the visible planets are smooshed together in less than 1/4 of the Zodiac; we’re a bit more focused than is typical for Pisces.
Wednesday, March 13, 14:32 UT - Crescent Moon, 8°30’ Taurus
Sunday, March 17, 04:11 UT - First Quarter Moon, 27°04’ Gemini
Thursday, March 21, 03:27 UT - Gibbous Moon, 16°00’ Leo
Monday, March 25, 07:00 UT - Full Moon/Eclipse, 5°07’ Libra
A “South Node” lunar eclipse, with the Moon conjunct the South Node, takes things away. Bad things, let’s hope! Like co-dependency, or “going along to get along.”
Friday, March 29, 08:33 UT - Disseminating Moon, 24°08’ Scorpio
Void of Course Moon
Saturday, March 2, 07:47 UT (Scorpio) - 13:56 UT (Sagittarius)
Monday, March 4, 15:41 UT (Sagittarius) - 21:15 UT (Capricorn)
Wednesday, March 6, 19:35 UT (Capricorn) - Thursday, March 7, 00:38 UT (Aquarius)
Friday, March 8, 18:56 UT (Aquarius) - Saturday, March 9, 01:03 UT (Pisces)
Sunday, March 10, 19:45 UT (Pisces) - Monday, March 11, 00:19 UT (Aries)
Tuesday, March 12, 11:08 UT (Aries) - Wednesday, March 13, 00:28 UT (Taurus)
At 13 hours 20 minutes, this is the longest void Moon in March 2024.
Thursday, March 14, 22:29 UT (Taurus) - Friday, March 15, 03:16 UT (Gemini)
Sunday, March 17, 04:43 UT (Gemini) - 09:40 UT (Cancer)
Tuesday, March 19, 18:52 UT (Cancer) - 19:33 UT (Leo)
At 41 minutes in length, this is the shortest void Moon in March 2024.
Friday, March 22, 06:34 UT (Leo) - 07:42 UT (Virgo)
Sunday, March 24, 15:49 UT (Virgo) - 20:47 UT (Libra)
Tuesday, March 26, 23:09 UT (Libra) - Wednesday, March 27, 09:03 UT (Scorpio)
Friday, March 29, 15:40 UT (Scorpio) - 19:52 UT (Sagittarius)
Monday, April 1, 00:16 UT (Sagittarius) - 04:05 UT (Capricorn)
Transiting Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on Tuesday, March 19.
Transiting Ceres is in her pre-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Pallas Athene starts the month in her pre-retrograde shadow, and stations retrograde on Friday, March 29.
Transiting Juno is retrograde all month.
Transiting Vesta is in her post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Jupiter exits its post-retrograde shadow on Saturday, March 23.
Transiting Saturn enters its pre-retrograde shadow on Sunday, March 24.
Sunday, March 10 - transiting Mercury enters Aries
Monday, March 11 - transiting Venus enters Pisces
Wednesday, March 20 - transiting Sun enters Aries
AKA the Aries Equinox.
Friday, March 22 - transiting Mars enters Pisces
Sunday, March 31 - transiting Vesta re-enters Cancer
Opportunity Periods
Friday, March 1, 19:53 UT - Saturday, March 2, 07:47 UT. “Use this watery OP to process emotions and attune to your inner world. Participate and get together with others who share your values and ideals.”
Monday, March 4, 21:15 UT - Wednesday, March 6, 19:35 UT “Long OP great for productivity and constructive work.”
Sunday, March 10, 08:30 UT - 09:30 UT. This is a half-hour before and after the Pisces New Moon. “If you have something important to start around now, this is a great time to do it.”
Monday, March 11, 03:15 UT - Tuesday, March 12, 11:08 UT. “Channel your energy and enthusiasm into your new ventures under this positive New Moon.”
Thursday, March 14, 17:57 UT - Friday, March 15, 03:16 UT. “An excellent OP for the arts, romance, or even earthy, practical matters.”
Monday, March 18, 14:29 UT - Tuesday, March 19, 19:33 UT. “You have more than 24 hours to take advantage of this great waxing Moon OP! Your last chance before Mercury enters its Storm and turns retrograde.”
Friday, March 29, 01:46 UT - 15:40 UT. “Good for romance and deep emotional experiences, but we’re between two eclipses and Mercury is slow, so keep it flexible.”
Et Cetera
Stupid fucking Daylight Savings Time in the US begins on Sunday, March 10, at 2:00 am local time. Just what everyone wants and needs, their sleep schedule fucked around with!
The “Shadow of the Eclipse” begins on Friday, March 15, and continues through Thursday, April 11. It isn’t a great time to start new projects, because that wacky eclipse energy sends things off in unanticipated directions.
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ms-m-astrologer · 4 months
Cosmic Events: February 2024
Executive Summary: a couple of very long void Moons
Lunar Phases
Friday, February 2, 23:18 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 13°36’ Scorpio
Tuesday, February 6, 16:10 UT - Balsamic Moon, 2°21’ Capricorn
Friday, February 9, 22:59 UT - New Moon, 20°41’ Aquarius
My least favorite kind of New Moon is the kind where the Moon goes void of course immediately after the phase matures. And that’s what this one is. It always seems difficult to come up with a good, workable intention. There is a trine to Vesta/Gemini and a sextile to Eris/Aries, which would be difficult to use if we’re not familiar or comfortable with those energies - and most astrologers would say they don’t “count,” anyway, because Vesta and Eris aren’t “real” planets.
Tuesday, February 13, 03:55 UT - Crescent Moon, 8°55’ Aries
Friday, February 16, 15:01 UT - First Quarter Moon, 27°26’ Taurus
Tuesday, February 20, 10:47 UT - Gibbous Moon, 16°17’ Cancer
Saturday, February 24, 12:30 UT - Full Moon, 5°23’ Virgo
Painful times, with the Sun conjunct Saturn opposing that picky, nagging Virgo Moon. Our judgements are off, especially if we are the judgemental type. We need to remember to combine discernment with compassion and empathy.
Wednesday, February 28, 16:14 UT - Disseminating Moon, 24°33’ Libra
Void of Course Moon
Thursday, February 1, 09:03 UT (Libra) - 20:37 UT (Scorpio)
Sunday, February 3, 03:24 UT (Scorpio) - 06:28 UT (Sagittarius)
Tuesday, February 6, 05:06 UT (Sagittarius) - 12:08 UT (Capricorn)
Thursday, February 8, 07:52 UT (Capricorn) - 13:59 UT (Aquarius)
Friday, February 9, 22:59 UT (Aquarius) - Saturday, February 10, 13:42 UT (Pisces)
Monday, February 12, 12:32 UT (Pisces) - 13:26 UT (Aries)
Wednesday, February 14, 10:21 UT (Aries) - 15:02 UT (Taurus)
Friday, February 16, 15:01 UT (Taurus) - 19:39 UT (Gemini)
Monday, February 19, 03:21 UT (Gemini) - 03:25 UT (Cancer)
At four minutes, this is the shortest void Moon of the month.
Wednesday, February 21, 06:38 UT (Cancer) - 13:40 UT (Leo)
Friday, February 23, 04:18 UT (Leo) - Saturday, February 24, 01:38 UT (Virgo)
Twenty-one hours long, but still not the longest February void Moon.
Monday, February 26, 07:35 UT (Virgo) - 14:29 UT (Libra)
Tuesday, February 27, 18:22 UT (Libra) - Thursday, February 29, 03:09 UT (Scorpio)
At 32 hours 47 minutes, this is the longest void Moon of the month.
Transiting Ceres enters her pre-retrograde shadow on Thursday, February 29, 07:44 UT, at 7°29’ Capricorn.
Transiting Pallas Athene is in her pre-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Juno is retrograde all month.
Transiting Vesta stations direct on Thursday, February 8, 09:44 UT, at 21°44’ Gemini, and enters her post-retrograde shadow.
Transiting Jupiter is in its post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn exits its post-retrograde shadow on Wednesday, February 7, 15:01 UT, at 7°13’ Pisces.
Monday, February 5 - transiting Mercury enters Aquarius
Tuesday, February 6 - transiting Pallas Athene enters Sagittarius
Wednesday, February 7 - transiting Ceres enters Capricorn
Tuesday, February 13 - transiting Mars enters Aquarius
Friday, February 16 - transiting Venus enters Aquarius
Monday, February 19 - transiting Sun enters Pisces
Friday, February 23 - transiting Mercury enters Pisces
Opportunity Periods
Saturday, February 3, 09:55 UT - Sunday, February 4, 03:24 UT. “This is a great time to bring focus, intensity, and commitment to your projects at hand.”
Tuesday, February 6, 12:08 UT - Thursday, February 8, 07:52 UT. “This OP is ideal for practical matters, like organizing, during the Balsamic phase of the Moon. A time to be industrious aided by Mars in Capricorn.”
Monday, February 12, 07:11 UT - 13:26 UT. “Use your intuition and imagination during this waxing Moon OP to start new, phrposeful projects.”
Sunday, February 18, 22:28 UT - Monday, February 19, 03:21 UT. “Use this time for reasoning, creativity, and communication.”
Monday, February 19, 03:25 UT - Wednesday, February 21, 13:40 UT. “This long and dynamic OP is perfect to get your projects off the ground. Suitable for anything you want to see grow.”
Monday, February 26, 14:29 UT - Tuesday, February 27, 18:23 UT. “Another long OP good for clarity, communication, and social connections, or even romance!”
Et Cetera
The Aquarius Cross-Quarter Day happens Sunday, February 4, 08:27 UT. Freedom is a very big theme. If something is holding us back, we want to jettison it - we just need to be sure not to “throw out the baby with the bath water,” ie, losing something valuable and timeless.
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ms-m-astrologer · 4 months
The Week Ahead: January 29 - February 4, 2024
Lunar Phases
Monday, January 29, 20:43 UT - Disseminating Moon, 24°25’ Virgo
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are “teach, share, communicate;” and “ease up on efforts with our intentions.” Probably a lot of venting; make sure it doesn’t deteriorate into nagging and criticism.
Friday, February 2, 23:18 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 13°36’ Scorpio
The key phrases for the Last Quarter lunar phase are “turn away,” and and “tear down old structures that no longer serve us well.” A purging vibe - get rid of the toxins.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, January 29, 23:20 UT (Virgo) - Tuesday, January 30, 08:04 UT (Libra)
Thursday, February 1, 09:03 UT (Libra) - 20:37 UT (Scorpio)
Sunday, February 4, 03:24 UT (Scorpio) - 06:28 UT (Sagittarius)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Pallas Athene/Scorpio
Retrograde: Juno/Virgo, Vesta/Gemini
Post-retrograde shadow: Jupiter/Taurus, Saturn/Pisces
Monday, February 5, 05:10 UT - transiting Mercury enters Aquarius
Eighteen days of Mercury traveling in the sign of its exaltation, giving us brilliant insights untainted by ego or pride.
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: Saturday, February 3, 09:55 UT - Sunday, February 4, 03:24 UT. “This is a great time to bring focus, intensity, and commitment to your projects at hand.”
The Aquarius Cross-Quarter Day - Imbolc up here, Lughnasad down there - happens Sunday, February 4, at 08:27 UT. A very weird sort of chart which I am still trying to wrap my head around.
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