#Cosmic Events February 2024
ms-m-astrologer · 8 months
Cosmic Events: February 2024
Executive Summary: a couple of very long void Moons
Lunar Phases
Friday, February 2, 23:18 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 13°36’ Scorpio
Tuesday, February 6, 16:10 UT - Balsamic Moon, 2°21’ Capricorn
Friday, February 9, 22:59 UT - New Moon, 20°41’ Aquarius
My least favorite kind of New Moon is the kind where the Moon goes void of course immediately after the phase matures. And that’s what this one is. It always seems difficult to come up with a good, workable intention. There is a trine to Vesta/Gemini and a sextile to Eris/Aries, which would be difficult to use if we’re not familiar or comfortable with those energies - and most astrologers would say they don’t “count,” anyway, because Vesta and Eris aren’t “real” planets.
Tuesday, February 13, 03:55 UT - Crescent Moon, 8°55’ Aries
Friday, February 16, 15:01 UT - First Quarter Moon, 27°26’ Taurus
Tuesday, February 20, 10:47 UT - Gibbous Moon, 16°17’ Cancer
Saturday, February 24, 12:30 UT - Full Moon, 5°23’ Virgo
Painful times, with the Sun conjunct Saturn opposing that picky, nagging Virgo Moon. Our judgements are off, especially if we are the judgemental type. We need to remember to combine discernment with compassion and empathy.
Wednesday, February 28, 16:14 UT - Disseminating Moon, 24°33’ Libra
Void of Course Moon
Thursday, February 1, 09:03 UT (Libra) - 20:37 UT (Scorpio)
Sunday, February 3, 03:24 UT (Scorpio) - 06:28 UT (Sagittarius)
Tuesday, February 6, 05:06 UT (Sagittarius) - 12:08 UT (Capricorn)
Thursday, February 8, 07:52 UT (Capricorn) - 13:59 UT (Aquarius)
Friday, February 9, 22:59 UT (Aquarius) - Saturday, February 10, 13:42 UT (Pisces)
Monday, February 12, 12:32 UT (Pisces) - 13:26 UT (Aries)
Wednesday, February 14, 10:21 UT (Aries) - 15:02 UT (Taurus)
Friday, February 16, 15:01 UT (Taurus) - 19:39 UT (Gemini)
Monday, February 19, 03:21 UT (Gemini) - 03:25 UT (Cancer)
At four minutes, this is the shortest void Moon of the month.
Wednesday, February 21, 06:38 UT (Cancer) - 13:40 UT (Leo)
Friday, February 23, 04:18 UT (Leo) - Saturday, February 24, 01:38 UT (Virgo)
Twenty-one hours long, but still not the longest February void Moon.
Monday, February 26, 07:35 UT (Virgo) - 14:29 UT (Libra)
Tuesday, February 27, 18:22 UT (Libra) - Thursday, February 29, 03:09 UT (Scorpio)
At 32 hours 47 minutes, this is the longest void Moon of the month.
Transiting Ceres enters her pre-retrograde shadow on Thursday, February 29, 07:44 UT, at 7°29’ Capricorn.
Transiting Pallas Athene is in her pre-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Juno is retrograde all month.
Transiting Vesta stations direct on Thursday, February 8, 09:44 UT, at 21°44’ Gemini, and enters her post-retrograde shadow.
Transiting Jupiter is in its post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn exits its post-retrograde shadow on Wednesday, February 7, 15:01 UT, at 7°13’ Pisces.
Monday, February 5 - transiting Mercury enters Aquarius
Tuesday, February 6 - transiting Pallas Athene enters Sagittarius
Wednesday, February 7 - transiting Ceres enters Capricorn
Tuesday, February 13 - transiting Mars enters Aquarius
Friday, February 16 - transiting Venus enters Aquarius
Monday, February 19 - transiting Sun enters Pisces
Friday, February 23 - transiting Mercury enters Pisces
Opportunity Periods
Saturday, February 3, 09:55 UT - Sunday, February 4, 03:24 UT. “This is a great time to bring focus, intensity, and commitment to your projects at hand.”
Tuesday, February 6, 12:08 UT - Thursday, February 8, 07:52 UT. “This OP is ideal for practical matters, like organizing, during the Balsamic phase of the Moon. A time to be industrious aided by Mars in Capricorn.”
Monday, February 12, 07:11 UT - 13:26 UT. “Use your intuition and imagination during this waxing Moon OP to start new, phrposeful projects.”
Sunday, February 18, 22:28 UT - Monday, February 19, 03:21 UT. “Use this time for reasoning, creativity, and communication.”
Monday, February 19, 03:25 UT - Wednesday, February 21, 13:40 UT. “This long and dynamic OP is perfect to get your projects off the ground. Suitable for anything you want to see grow.”
Monday, February 26, 14:29 UT - Tuesday, February 27, 18:23 UT. “Another long OP good for clarity, communication, and social connections, or even romance!”
Et Cetera
The Aquarius Cross-Quarter Day happens Sunday, February 4, 08:27 UT. Freedom is a very big theme. If something is holding us back, we want to jettison it - we just need to be sure not to “throw out the baby with the bath water,” ie, losing something valuable and timeless.
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spiritualbenevolence · 4 months
The Flower Full Moon of May 23, 2024: What to Expect and How It Will Impact Your Zodiac Sign
As the celestial dance continues, the skies bless us with yet another enchanting spectacle—the Flower Full Moon. This lunar event, slated for May 23, 2024, carries a unique essence that resonates differently with each zodiac sign. Let’s delve into what this full moon heralds and how it may influence your cosmic journey.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): For fiery Aries, this Flower Full Moon ignites a sense of adventure and exploration. Expect a surge of creative energy and a desire to break free from routine. Embrace spontaneity and seek new experiences—your boldness will lead to exciting opportunities.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): This full moon in your sign, dear Taurus, invites you to focus on self-care and introspection. Take time to nourish your mind, body, and soul. Reflect on your goals and prioritize what truly matters to you. Patience and persistence will pave the way for lasting success.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): The Flower Full Moon illuminates your social sphere, Gemini. Connect with your community and nurture friendships. Networking and collaboration are favored now, so seize the chance to share your ideas and learn from others. Embrace diversity and embrace new perspectives.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): As a Cancer, this full moon encourages you to find balance between work and home life. Focus on creating a harmonious environment that supports your well-being. Listen to your intuition, especially regarding family matters. Emotional healing and nurturing connections are highlighted.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): The spotlight shines on your ambitions, Leo. Use this Flower Full Moon to pursue your professional goals with passion and determination. Showcase your leadership skills and embrace opportunities for growth. Remember to balance work with leisure to avoid burnout.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): For meticulous Virgo, this full moon sparks a desire for learning and expansion. Dive into new subjects or revisit old passions. Pay attention to communication, both verbal and non-verbal, as it plays a key role in your relationships. Embrace curiosity and embrace change.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): The Flower Full Moon inspires you to focus on your finances and material security, Libra. Review your budget, set financial goals, and seek opportunities for prosperity. Balance your desire for luxury with practicality. Invest in long-term stability and trust your instincts.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): This full moon in your sign, Scorpio, amplifies your magnetic presence and intensifies your emotions. Dive deep into your passions and embrace transformation. Release what no longer serves you and embrace authenticity in your relationships. Trust your inner strength.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): For adventurous Sagittarius, this lunar event fuels your wanderlust and thirst for knowledge. Explore new cultures, philosophies, or travel destinations. Embrace spontaneity and broaden your horizons. Seek experiences that expand your worldview and bring you joy.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): The Flower Full Moon highlights your relationships, Capricorn. Focus on nurturing meaningful connections and addressing any issues that arise. Collaboration and compromise are key to strengthening partnerships. Set boundaries where needed and prioritize mutual respect.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): As an Aquarius, this full moon encourages you to focus on your well-being and daily routines. Prioritize self-care practices that rejuvenate your mind and body. Embrace innovation in your work or health regimen. Stay open to new methods and technologies.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): The Flower Full Moon illuminates your creativity and romantic pursuits, Pisces. Express yourself artistically and indulge in imaginative endeavors. Nurture your romantic relationships and embrace moments of love and intimacy. Trust your intuition in matters of the heart.
In conclusion, the Flower Full Moon of May 23, 2024, brings a tapestry of energies that speak to each zodiac sign's unique journey. Embrace this lunar phase as an opportunity for growth, connection, and self-discovery. Stay attuned to the celestial rhythms and let them guide you toward greater fulfillment and harmony in your life.
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talonabraxas · 7 months
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April 8th- Aries Solar Eclipse This is going to be an incredibly powerful time in our cosmic skies. The Solar Eclipse will amplify the Chiron and North Node energies and infuse its healing vibration into whatever the Eclipse brings. Solar Eclipses are road openers and can sometimes lead us down paths we never dreamed we would travel. Chiron ☄️ Talon Abraxas
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santoschristos · 7 months
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Pisces Season
Pisces is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Even though they both seem to lead completely different lives, they both end up in the same place, for their journey is a circle. These fish represent the duality of life and how it is just an illusion. But it also represents that there are no wrong paths, for all paths have the potential to lead us exactly where we need to be.
Pisces Season 2024 is preparing us for one of the biggest cosmic events of the year, which is the meeting of Jupiter and Uranus in the sign of Taurus.
Pisces Season Horoscopes 2024
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bitesize-astrology · 5 months
Friday - May 3, 2024
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I do a lot of Natal Chart readings. So many times people are "shocked" to hear me talk about a skill, talent or aptitude they have. I mean, it's right there in the chart, screaming to be seen like a teenager at a Taylor Swift concert.
And while many individuals are genuinely shocked to have this skill, talent or aptitude revealed, there's also a number of them who, deep down inside, knew it all along. They were just afraid to step into it, to own it.
I expect that could be the case for you today as well, as Mars in Aries sextiles Pluto (that went retrograde Thursday) at 2°, a degree that can have you feeling all that you are - good, bad and indifferent.
But this goes deeper than surface stuff, it goes down to the soul. And that's because today Neptune moves to 29° Pisces, THE most tested degree of the zodiac because it's the LAST degree of the zodiac. AND the last time Neptune was at 29° Pisces was in February 1862!
Do NOT be shocked what happens in your world for the next week or so. These are cosmic events meant to show you the true nature of who you are, and it WILL shock you. Might some of those lessons come in some difficult ways? Yes, but more if you've been resistant to opening up to what God Universe has been trying to teach you.
Be good to yourself, and kind to others as we navigate this together.
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octopuscityblues · 8 months
February 2024 Update - Kaf & the Octonauts
Hello everyone. This is your host Kaftan von Kaffeeklatsch and you're listening to the Cosmic Millipede Podcast, the show about rocket ships, red quasars, and the search for extraterrestrial life. Before getting to today's interview, I'd like to apologize for the delay since our last episode. We've been quite busy preparing content for the new year, so it took more time than expected.
Today's sponsor is the Ghost in a Bottle Consortium. Do check out their upcoming Octopus City Simulation that's coming soon. You can already download a lengthy demo on Steam, itch.io or GOG. Oh, and if you're reading the transcript after the episode, we took the liberty of adding the latest Octopus City Blues screenshots for you to admire.
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Our guest today needs no introduction. I'm talking about the infamous business tycoon, the world's wealthiest person, and the founder of Kosmomash Rockets, Constantin Mandibule. Unless you've been living under a rock for the last ten years, I'm sure you're familiar with Kosmomash's long-awaited projects: the first privately-developed rocket to carry tourists to the moon, and the ambitious luxury resort they're building over there.
Monsieur Constantin Mandibule, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to have this chat.
It's my pleasure, Kaftan. And please, there's no need for formalities. Just call me ConMan—all my friends do.
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Uh… all right, Monsieur Conman. Last year was a very important one for Kosmomash, wasn't it?
Absolutement! It was also different—much more business-focused than previous years. Between showcasing our rocket prototypes publicly and at industry events, talking to potential partners, and onboarding new talent, comparatively less time was spent on developing rocket components. These activities were all essential for establishing a strong promotional foundation for this year's big launch. With that out of the way, we are currently back to focusing on construction.
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How exciting! The prototype you unveiled during the Next Fest Aerospace Convention caused quite a stir among the attendees. Could you tell us more about it?
What I can tell you, Kaftan, is that it took a lot of hard work to finally get the prototype out the door. It was useful preparation for our final launch, too. For example, working with STEAM's [Editor's Note: Space Tourism Enforcement And Monitoring agency] launch regulations and cloud computing infrastructure forced us to optimize our release processes.
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The feedback we received from the attendees was extremely valuable as well; while some of the casualties were avoidable, we continue to learn from every tragedy. Au fait, we just published a new version of our prototype specs a couple of weeks ago, fixing many issues encountered by real users in the wild.
The accidents were regrettable, but the altar of technology demands its sacrifices. What are some of the lessons learned from the launch of the prototype?
Euh… much of it has to do with improving the user experience. For example, our DAISY module is programmed to react to the needs of space tourists. However, as post-war treaties ban the use of AI, we have to manually write responses to every potential user query. Watching so many lab ra—err, people, try the demo helped us identify hundreds of new DAISY responses.
Another finding from the handful of unfortunate incidents was that the control systems were not very intuitive to first-time users. As the average space tourist isn't a trained pilot, we had to place large signs all over the space module—really obvious warnings such as "Keep the windows closed after launch", "Repeatedly press the red button to breathe", or "Carefully arrange the fusion matrix stack if the gradient is inverted".
There were, en outre, numerous fixes and rocket engine performance improvements. We also introduced two new cockpit views to track the current flight status: the Facts And Figures screen displays various metrics during and at the end of the trip, while the Calendar App keeps track of all the space debris collected along the flight path.
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That's very interesting. The prototype must be much safer now, especially compared to the versions you tested at the INDIGO SKIES and SpaceAdventureX events last year.
Tout à fait! And let's not forget the Independent Rocketry Showcase, the Test & Fly event, and the numerous people who tried our prototype rocket kit at home and streamed it online. We're really thankful to everyone who got injured to get us closer towards uncovering the dark mysteries of the great beyond.
And closer to lining your pockets, no doubt. Moving on, you mentioned hiring new colleagues.
Oui, c'est juste. People are surprised when I say this, Kaftan, but I've been writing all of the company's press releases from the very beginning. I simply enjoy doing it! laughs. English is obviously not my mother tongue, and so a lot of mistakes were made. Thankfully, we now have a professional editor, Julia Seeholzer, to help us sort out all the there's, theirs, and they'res!
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More recently, Shannon Mason, the celebrated composer also known as Pongball, has joined the team, and is already working on some exciting tunes. Some of these will be played during the long elevator rides to the underground mines beneath the lunar resort. Manual space labor doesn't have to be boring, after all!
Are we still talking about space tourists? Anyway, with all the feedback, exposure, and new colleagues, it sounds like you're on target for this year's big launch. What are you working on these days?
Like I said, the focus is finally back to developing new things. Last year we worked on a western themed area in the planned resort. We're wrapping that up while also constructing a magnificent coliseum and an underwater village. There's a lot going on behind the scenes that we can't talk about yet. We want it to be une grande surprise for our precious guests.
As for the planned launch, it's still going according to plan, and we're doing our best to meet our summer targets. With that said, the prototype showed us that no matter how much testing we do, actual users will keep uncovering all the bugs… I mean, easter eggs, we intentionally add. Quality Assurance remains the biggest unknown at the moment.
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On the other hand, we've invested in a very solid foundation over the years, and everyone's doing their best to finally give humanity the salvation it so desperately needs. One way or another, I'm confident that this year is the year of Kosmomash. After all, we only need to ensure that half the tourists actually make it to the moon. How hard can it be?
Who knows? It's not like we're talking about rocket science or anything. In any case, thank you, Monsieur Conman, for your valuable time, and good luck with your ambitious plans for this year. I hope we get to talk again after the first batch of tourists make it to the moon.
Moi aussi! Thank you for having me, Herr Kaftan.
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tgop123 · 25 days
Free Kundli Online in India Related with Today Panchang
Cancer Daily Horoscope
Today, Cancerians may find themselves feeling more emotional and reflective than usual. Your intuitive nature will guide you to connect deeply with loved ones, making it an ideal day for nurturing personal relationships. At work, trust your instincts when making decisions, as they will likely lead you in the right direction. However, avoid getting caught up in conflicts or negativity. Focus on self-care and stay grounded through meditation or cancer daily horoscope spending time in nature.
Shubh Muhurat 2024
Shubh Muhurat refers to the most auspicious times to perform important activities like marriages, business inaugurations, and other significant events. These times are calculated based on astrological factors, such as planetary positions, Nakshatras, and Tithis.
For 2024, Shubh Muhurats are determined through the Hindu Panchang (calendar). Here are a few notable Shubh Muhurats in 2024:
Marriage Muhurats: Multiple dates spread across April, May, November, and December.
Griha Pravesh (Housewarming) Muhurats: Available mainly in the months of January, March, and July.
New Business Launch Muhurats: Good times are typically seen in February, August, and October.
To find specific dates and timings, it's best to consult an astrologer or a detailed Panchang to ensure the most favorable outcomes shubh muhurat for your endeavors.
Free Kundli Online in India
A Kundli (or Janam Kundli) is an astrological chart that depicts the positions of planets at the time of an individual's birth. It is a key tool in Vedic astrology to predict various aspects of a person's life, including career, health, relationships, and more.
Today, many online platforms offer Free Kundli generation services in India. By simply entering your birth details, such as date, time, and place of birth, these tools generate a comprehensive Kundli chart. It provides insights into your Rashi (Moon Sign), Lagna (Ascendant), Nakshatra, and other planetary influences. online kundli services in india are a convenient way for individuals to gain a basic understanding of their astrological profile and make informed life decisions.
Today Panchang
Panchang is a Hindu calendar that provides detailed information on daily astrological elements such as Tithi (lunar day), Nakshatra (star), Yoga, Karana, and Vaar (weekday). Today's Panchang helps people determine auspicious and inauspicious timings for performing various activities like starting a new venture, planning a trip, or conducting religious ceremonies.
Today's Panchang typically includes:
Tithi: Current lunar day and its duration.
Nakshatra: The constellation the moon is passing through and its influence.
Yoga: A specific combination of the sun and moon's positions.
Karana: Half of a Tithi, used to determine auspicious moments.
Rahu Kaal: An inauspicious time of the day for starting new activities.
Consulting today’s Panchang is crucial for anyone following Vedic traditions to ensure that their actions are in harmony with cosmic rhythms.
Astrology Signs
The astrology signs are also known as the Zodiac signs, which are 12 divisions of the celestial sphere corresponding to specific time periods of the year. Each zodiac sign has its unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, influencing a person’s personality, behavior, and life path. The 12 signs are:
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Bold, energetic, and adventurous.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Patient, reliable, and practical.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Curious, adaptable, and communicative.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Nurturing, emotional, and intuitive.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Charismatic, confident, and generous.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Detail-oriented, analytical, and meticulous.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Diplomatic, fair-minded, and sociable.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Passionate, mysterious, and resourceful.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Optimistic, adventurous, and philosophical.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Disciplined, ambitious, and practical.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Innovative, independent, and humanitarian.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Compassionate, imaginative, and intuitive.
Understanding astrology signs can help you gain deeper insights into your personality and life path, 
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vinod220882 · 29 days
Celebrate Love: Essential 2024 Muhurtham Dates and Engagement Looks for Couples
Planning an engagement or wedding involves several crucial decisions, but one of the most important is selecting the right date. In Tamil culture, 2024 muhurtham dates hold great significance, as they determine the most auspicious times for marriage ceremonies. Alongside these dates, couples often focus on curating the perfect engagement look for couple, one that reflects their style and love. Additionally, modern trends such as pre wedding photoshoot in jeans and capturing special moments with creative baby shower poses are becoming increasingly popular. In this guide, we will explore the essential muhurtham dates for 2024, along with some engagement fashion tips and photoshoot ideas that ensure your special day is both memorable and meaningful.
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Understanding 2024 Muhurtham Dates
The Significance of Muhurtham in Tamil Weddings
Muhurtham is a Tamil term that refers to an auspicious time selected for important life events, especially weddings. In Tamil culture, marriages are planned around specific 2024 muhurtham dates, chosen based on astrological calculations to ensure a harmonious and prosperous union. These dates are carefully selected after consulting the family’s astrologer, who considers factors like the couple’s horoscopes, planetary positions, and other astrological elements.
Key Muhurtham Dates in 2024
For those planning a wedding in 2024, it’s crucial to know the best dates to ensure your ceremony aligns with positive cosmic energy. Here are some of the most auspicious 2024 muhurtham dates:
January 15th, 2024 (Pongal): This date is perfect for those who wish to start the year with a joyous celebration.
February 19th, 2024: A favorable date for couples looking to tie the knot before the summer begins.
April 14th, 2024 (Tamil New Year): This date is special as it coincides with the Tamil New Year, a day filled with new beginnings and blessings.
June 23rd, 2024: Ideal for a summer wedding, this date promises good fortune and prosperity.
August 30th, 2024 (Aadi Perukku): Celebrated as a day of abundance, this date is perfect for those who believe in the power of nature’s blessings.
Selecting the right 2024 muhurtham dates ensures that your marriage starts on a positive note, with the blessings of both the stars and your loved ones.
Crafting the Perfect Engagement Look for Couples
Traditional Elegance Meets Modern Style
When it comes to an engagement look for couple, balancing tradition with modern trends is key. For the bride, traditional attire like a saree or lehenga in rich, vibrant colours such as red, maroon, or gold is always a classic choice. These colours not only symbolize love and prosperity but also look stunning in photographs. Pairing the saree with contemporary jewellery, like statement earrings or a minimalistic necklace, can add a modern twist to the traditional ensemble.
For the groom, a sherwani or a well-tailored kurta in complementary colours to the bride’s outfit can create a harmonious look. The groom can also experiment with fusion wear, such as pairing a classic kurta with a stylish jacket or opting for a bandhgala with modern cuts.
Incorporating Personal Touches
Adding personal touches to your engagement look for couple can make it even more special. Coordinating accessories, like matching stoles or complementary footwear, can create a cohesive look. Additionally, incorporating heirloom jewellery or custom-made pieces can add sentimental value to your attire, making the day even more memorable.
Pre-Wedding Photoshoot in Jeans: A Trendy Twist
Casual Comfort with a Stylish Edge
While traditional attire dominates the wedding day, the pre-wedding shoot offers an opportunity for couples to showcase their personality in a more relaxed and casual setting. The trend of a pre wedding photoshoot in jeans has gained popularity for its blend of comfort and style. This casual look is perfect for capturing candid moments that reflect the couple’s everyday life and chemistry.
For a pre wedding photoshoot in jeans, couples can opt for matching denim outfits or coordinate their looks with complementary colours. Pairing jeans with a stylish top, a casual shirt, or even a simple white tee can create a timeless and chic look. The key is to keep the styling effortless while ensuring that the outfits reflect the couple’s personality.
Locations and Poses
The versatility of denim makes it suitable for various outdoor locations. Whether it’s a rustic farmhouse, a lively cityscape, or a serene beach, a pre wedding photoshoot in jeans can adapt to any setting. Some popular poses include walking hand-in-hand, sitting casually on a bench, or sharing a laugh while leaning against a vintage car. The focus should be on capturing the natural chemistry between the couple, making the shoot both fun and memorable.
Creative Baby Shower Poses: Capturing the Joy of Parenthood
The Importance of Baby Shower Photography
As couples embark on the journey of parenthood, capturing the anticipation and joy through a photoshoot is becoming increasingly popular. Creative baby shower poses not only document this special time but also create lasting memories that can be cherished for years to come.
Pose Ideas for a Memorable Baby Shower Shoot
The Classic Belly Embrace: This pose involves the parents-to-be standing close together, with their hands gently cradling the baby bump. It’s a timeless pose that exudes warmth and love.
Silhouette Shot: Capturing the mother’s silhouette against a sunset or soft light creates a stunning visual that highlights the beauty of pregnancy.
Baby Shoes Pose: Holding a pair of baby shoes in front of the belly is a cute and symbolic way to represent the upcoming addition to the family.
Parent-to-Be Interaction: Candid shots of the parents-to-be sharing a laugh, exchanging glances, or even reading a baby book together can create natural and heartfelt images.
Incorporating Props: Adding props like balloons, a baby onesie, or a chalkboard with a fun message can make the photoshoot more interactive and playful.
These baby shower poses are designed to capture the emotions and excitement of this special time, creating beautiful memories that will be treasured forever.
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Celebrating love and milestones in 2024 requires careful planning, from choosing the most auspicious 2024 muhurtham dates to selecting the perfect engagement look for couple. Whether you’re planning a pre wedding photoshoot in jeans or looking for creative baby shower poses, it’s essential to make choices that reflect your personality and values. By blending tradition with modern trends, you can create an unforgettable celebration that honours your love and the journey ahead.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
In this captivating episode, we explore the ancient war in Heaven, the rebellion of the darkness, and the profound impact of this conflict on our world today. Join Timothy Alberino and Dr. Joel Muddamalle as they unravel the epic conflict that predates time itself and its reverberations through history.
Timothy Alberino, drawing insights from his book Birthright, presents thought-provoking theories on the cosmic battle between Heaven and Hell, including the shattering of Rahab and the epic struggle between the heavenly hosts and the Dragon’s forces. Dr. Joel Muddamalle, leveraging his theological expertise and doctoral research, examines the cosmic geography outlined in scripture—from the Deuteronomy 32 event to the actions of Jesus in the New Testament—unveiling the supernatural and cosmic significance of key locations in both the visible and unseen realms.
This enlightening discussion, recorded during our Blurry Creatures trip to Costa Rica in February 2024, promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking conversation that you won’t want to miss.
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anamolyogi · 2 months
2024 Astrological Predictions: Insights, Trends, and Anamol Yogi Influence
Overview of 2024 Astrological Predictions
Importance and Relevance of Astrological Predictions
Key Highlights of 2024 Predictions
Major Astrological Events in 2024
Solar and Lunar Eclipses
Significant Planetary Transits
Retrogrades of Major Planets
Zodiac Sign Predictions
Personal Aspects
Love and Relationships
Career and Finances
Health and Wellbeing
Personal Growth and Spirituality
Anamol Yogi
Definition and Meaning
Historical Context
Influence on 2024 Predictions
Detailed Monthly Forecasts
Special Astrological Alignments
Grand Trine
Global Impact Predictions
Political Climate
Economic Trends
Environmental Changes
Social Movements
Famous Personalities
Predicted Highs and Lows
Key Influences
Mythological and Cultural Significance
Astrological Myths and Legends
Cultural Interpretations
Expert Insights
Quotes from Renowned Astrologers
Analysis and Commentary
Summary of Key Points
Final Thoughts on 2024 Predictions
Call to Action for Further Exploration
Overview of 2024 Astrological Predictions
Astrology has always been a guiding light for those seeking insight into the future. As we approach 2024, the astrological landscape promises to bring about significant changes and events that will influence various aspects of our lives. This comprehensive guide will delve into the major astrological predictions for 2024, offering a detailed analysis of planetary movements, zodiac forecasts, and personal aspects that will shape the year ahead.
Importance and Relevance of Astrological Predictions
Astrological predictions have long been used to navigate the complexities of life, providing guidance on love, career, health, and more. In 2024, these predictions are particularly relevant as we face global uncertainties and personal challenges. Understanding the celestial influences can help us make informed decisions, align with the cosmic flow, and harness the positive energies while mitigating the negatives.
Key Highlights of 2024 Predictions
2024 is set to be a year of transformation and growth, marked by significant astrological events such as eclipses, retrogrades, and powerful planetary transits. Key highlights include the impactful retrogrades of Mercury and Venus, a series of eclipses that will illuminate our path, and the influence of the Anamol Yogi, a unique astrological configuration that will shape the year in unprecedented ways.
Major Astrological Events in 2024
Solar and Lunar Eclipses
Eclipses are potent astrological events that bring about sudden changes and revelations. In 2024, we will experience several solar and lunar eclipses that will influence our personal and collective consciousness. Each eclipse will activate specific zodiac signs, prompting shifts in various areas of life, from relationships to career paths.
Significant Planetary Transits
Planetary transits occur when planets move through different zodiac signs, influencing the energies and experiences associated with those signs. In 2024, significant transits include Jupiter's journey through Taurus, which will emphasize growth and abundance, and Saturn's movement into Pisces, bringing a focus on spiritual and emotional healing.
Retrogrades of Major Planets
Retrogrades are periods when planets appear to move backward in the sky, often bringing introspection and reevaluation. In 2024, key retrogrades to watch include Mercury retrograde, known for communication challenges, and Venus retrograde, which will prompt us to reassess our values and relationships. Additionally, Mars and Jupiter retrogrades will influence our drive and expansion efforts.
Zodiac Sign Predictions
2024 promises to be a dynamic year for Aries, with a focus on personal growth and career advancement. The eclipses will highlight areas of transformation, urging Aries to embrace change and new opportunities. Jupiter's influence will bring abundance, while retrogrades will encourage introspection and strategic planning.
For Taurus, 2024 is a year of financial growth and personal development. Jupiter's transit through Taurus will enhance prosperity and self-worth. The eclipses will impact relationships and partnerships, prompting Taureans to balance personal desires with the needs of others. Retrogrades will offer opportunities to reassess and refine life goals.
Gemini will experience a year of learning and communication in 2024. The eclipses will highlight educational pursuits and travel opportunities. Jupiter's transit will boost creativity and self-expression, while Mercury retrograde will call for careful communication and problem-solving. Personal relationships will also undergo significant transformations.
Cancer can expect a year of emotional growth and home-related changes. The eclipses will activate areas related to family and domestic life, urging Cancers to create a nurturing environment. Saturn's transit will bring focus on health and well-being, while retrogrades will prompt reassessment of financial strategies and career paths.
2024 is set to be a year of self-expression and creativity for Leo. The eclipses will highlight communication and educational pursuits. Jupiter's influence will enhance social connections and community involvement. Retrogrades will offer opportunities for personal introspection and reevaluation of life goals, particularly in relationships and partnerships.
Virgo will see a focus on career and financial growth in 2024. The eclipses will impact professional life and public image, urging Virgos to embrace new opportunities. Jupiter's transit will bring abundance in work and health sectors. Retrogrades will prompt a reevaluation of personal values and relationship dynamics.
2024 promises a year of personal growth and exploration for Libra. The eclipses will highlight travel and philosophical pursuits. Jupiter's influence will boost creativity and self-expression. Retrogrades will encourage introspection and reassessment of career goals and financial strategies, promoting balance and harmony.
For Scorpio, 2024 is a year of transformation and deep emotional work. The eclipses will activate areas related to intimacy and shared resources. Jupiter's transit will enhance personal growth and spiritual development. Retrogrades will offer opportunities to reassess relationships and professional goals, encouraging healing and renewal.
Sagittarius will experience a year of partnerships and personal growth in 2024. The eclipses will highlight relationships and collaborations. Jupiter's influence will boost financial growth and self-worth. Retrogrades will encourage introspection and reassessment of personal goals and values, promoting balance and harmony.
2024 is a year of professional growth and health focus for Capricorn. The eclipses will impact career and public image, urging Capricorns to embrace new opportunities. Jupiter's transit will bring abundance in work and health sectors. Retrogrades will prompt a reevaluation of personal values and relationship dynamics.
Aquarius can expect a year of creativity and self-expression in 2024. The eclipses will highlight communication and educational pursuits. Jupiter's influence will enhance social connections and community involvement. Retrogrades will offer opportunities for personal introspection and reevaluation of life goals, particularly in relationships and partnerships.
2024 promises a year of emotional growth and home-related changes for Pisces. The eclipses will activate areas related to family and domestic life, urging Pisces to create a nurturing environment. Saturn's transit will bring focus on health and well-being, while retrogrades will prompt reassessment of financial strategies and career paths.
Personal Aspects
Love and Relationships
Astrology plays a significant role in shaping our relationships. In 2024, planetary influences will bring both challenges and opportunities in love and relationships. Eclipses will prompt reassessments and breakthroughs, while retrogrades will encourage introspection and healing. Understanding these influences can help us navigate our relationships with greater awareness and harmony.
Career and Finances
Career and financial growth are key areas influenced by astrological events in 2024. Jupiter's transit will bring opportunities for expansion and prosperity, while Saturn's influence will encourage discipline and strategic planning. Retrogrades will prompt reevaluation of career goals and financial strategies, offering opportunities for realignment and growth.
Health and Wellbeing
Health and well-being are paramount in 2024, with planetary influences highlighting the need for balance and self-care. Saturn's transit will bring focus on physical and emotional health, urging us to adopt healthy habits and routines. Eclipses will prompt changes in lifestyle and well-being practices, promoting overall wellness and vitality.
Personal Growth and Spirituality
2024 is a year of personal growth and spiritual development, with astrological events encouraging introspection and self-discovery. Jupiter's influence will enhance spiritual awareness and expansion, while Saturn's transit will bring focus on inner healing and emotional resilience. Understanding these influences can help us align with our true selves and embrace our spiritual journey.
Anamol Yogi
Definition and Meaning
Anamol Yogi is a unique astrological configuration that occurs when planets align in a specific pattern, creating a powerful energy that influences various aspects of life. This configuration is known for bringing about significant transformations and breakthroughs, prompting individuals to embrace change and growth.
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offwiththeirrecords · 4 months
Live Events
Started 03/08/19, very much incomplete, will endeavour to add more dates for posterity's sake.
​1st June - Shane O'Linski's 'Haemogoblin' album launch - Louis Marchesi Crypt, Norwich
feat. Shane O'Linski's Gowboys n Ninjans​, Lassie, The Wash, Cutout Joconde
4th May - Beltane Festival - Klabang Camping, Suffolk
feat. MARLA, Friends of the Pheasant + more
3rd May - Beltane Festival - Klabang Camping, Suffolk
feat. The Vicars of Stiffkey + more
6th April - Protocols @ Louis Marchesi - The Brickmakers, Norwich
feat. Protocols, MARLA, Mices and Mr. Ad. Infinitum
20th March - Vicars of Stiffkey @ Psychedelic Circus - The Brickmakers, Norwich
feat. Vicars of Stiffkey + more
14th March - Tom Conway album launch - Louis Marchesi Bar, Norwich
feat. Tom Conway and Kerry Smith from Young Waters
8th March - Colossal Youth - Louis Marchesi Crypt, Norwich
feat. Rudimentary Paste, Zines, False Etiquette, Toast
1st March - Joey Herzfeld 'Table For One' album launch - Louis Marchesi Bar, Norwich
feat. Joey Herzfeld Band and Cosmic Surf
26th January - Rooted III Magazine launch - Rumsey Wells, Norwich
feat. Santa Rita, Mink and Joe Millett
21st January - MARLA - Katzenjammers, London SE1
feat. MARLA, Noam, Mergita, Melina Blanco, Gary Splaine
22nd December - HowlbackHum Christmas Party - Rumsey Wells, Norwich
Vicars of Stiffkey +tba
16th December - MARLA @ Moor Vaults - Moor Vaults, Bermondsey, London
feat. Lunch, After Breakfast, MARLA
12th November - No Escape/Ideal Surreal - VR Rooms, Norwich
feat. Cosmic Surf, Chlo Atlanta, MARLA, Squat Lobster
£3 entry
21st October - Off with their Records/Ideal Surreal - Karma Kafe, Norwich
feat. Ravenous Hounds, The Display Team, Minus Nothing, Lone Mesa, Yellowhammers (duo)
8th October - Shane Olinski 'Every Summer Ever' album launch, VR Room, Norwich
line-up tbc
1st September - Gemma Cullingford EP Launch - Karma Kafe, Norwich
feat. Gemma Cullingford, The People Who Run the Country, Cutout Joconde
18th August - The Reindeer, Norwich
Vieira & the Silvers, Waxx!, Odd Creatures
30th July - No Escape #7, VR Rooms, Norwich
Moonrise Trio, TBC, David Ross
21st July - Pennfest, Penn, Buckinghamshire
Waxx!, Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds, Johnny Marr, Gaz Coombs + loads more
Full line-up​
16th July - SLAGS (Sunday Lunch Anything Goes Sessions), The Mariners, Gt. Yarmouth
Black Beauties, TBC, The Craft, Joseph Beaney​
27th May - Wildfest @ Wildcraft Brewery, Smallburgh, Norfolk
Vieira & the Silvers, Pleasure ​Inc., Suds, Waxx, Mink, Aphra
14th May - Voodoo Daddy's, Norwich
Guranfoe, Tres Pantalon, Cosmic Surf
30th April - No Escape #7 @ VR Escape Rooms, Norwich
Tristan Burfield, Project Multivitamin, Mink, Bavarien Rocket Groop, Cutout Joconde, Chris Dowding
29th April - 'I'm not from here but it feels like home' book launch, Karma Kafe, Norwich
Book readings from 4pm, live music from 6 feat. Ravenous Hounds, The Fool's Moon, Birds of Hell, Takeda, Mountain Peaks
28th April - Voodoo Daddy's, Norwich
Gemma Cullingford, MARLA, Urk
27th April - The Reindeer, Norwich
Yellowhammers, Wormhole, Lady Di
24th April - Acid Box @ The Green Door, Brighton
Waxx!, Ellis D
1st April - Last Pub Standing, Norwich
Waxx!, Vierra & the Silvers
31st March - The Six Six, Cambridge
Waxx!, Vierra & the Silvers
30th March - Paper Dress, Hackney, London
Waxx!, Vierra & the Silvers
24th March - Blossoms, Stockport
23rd March - Sunflower Lounge, Birmingham
22nd March - Nice n Sleazy, Glasgow
Waxx! ​
7th March - Access Creative College
Platform New Noise feat. MARLA +support
4th March - HMV, Chapelfield Mall, Norwich
Waxx! exclusive album pre-launch
26th February - VR Rooms, Norwich
feat. Sefo Kanuteh, Nathan Pickett, David Jones, Citizen Smith,  Emma Barber ​
24th February - Voodoo Daddy's, Norwich
feat. Hutch, Waxx! and Mink
29th January - VR Rooms, Norwich
feat. The Fool's Moon, Jack and the Giants, Cara Knox, The Wash, Ellie Grace
£3entry on the door  
23rd December - The Rumsey Wells, Norwich
Monthly free night Xmas special
Line-up tba  
18th December - VR Escape Rooms, Norwich
Asinine Corp. Presents: Waxx!, Marigolds, Minty Taylor (from Space is Big) +more
2nd December - Voodoo Daddy's, Norwich
MARLA - A Decade of Delay
with support from Takeda, Painted Heathers, Love Trapezium
Click here for tickets (£5adv/£6otd)
27th November - VR Escape Rooms, Norwich
feat. Tres Pantalon, URK, Jambon Dimanche, Liverface, Genghis Kalm​
25th November - The Rumsey Wells, Norwich
Current Undercurrant: Monthly free night feat. Monkiboy (from The Neutrinos), Liverface (from Waxx and MARLA), Tom Conway, Shane O'Linki + more
11th November - Moor Beer Vaults, Bermondsey, London
2nd November - New Cross Inn, S.E. London
Eat Your Own Head, MARLA
30th October - VR Rooms, Norwich
The Vicars of Stiffkey, Yellowhammers, All My Youth, Joey Herzfeld Band, Peter Turrell​
29th October - Last Pub Standing, Norwich
No Glum zine and Big Fat Art Cart present: The Molee Shakes, Waxx! Vierra and the Silvers
21st October - The Rumsey Wells, Norwich
Monthly free night line-up tba
9th October - VR Rooms, Norwich
Red Mar, MARLA, Chlo Atlanta, Bavarien Rocket Groop, All My Youth, Cosmic Surf
30th September - Deaf Institute, Manchester
23rd September - The Rumsey Wells, Norwich
Monthly free night feat. Wormhole, Yellowhammers and Bavarien Rocket Group, Tom Jordan
9th September - 66 Bar, Cambridge
2nd September - Paper Dress, Hackney, London
26th August - Vale Earth Fair, Geurnsey
20th August - Karma Kafe, Norwich
Ideal Surreal presents: Bag of Cans, Tundra, Emma Kupa Band, MARLA, Vieira and the Silvers, Lady Di, Beanie in the Bath, Huia Fun Club
£8 tickets​
16th August - The York, Norwich
Tom Conway Trio album launch, with Danny Whitehouse
4-7th August - Harlequin Fayre, Norfolk
Waxx, The Vicars of Stiffkey, Joey Herzfeld, Jessica Aspinall and many more
15th July - Rumsey Wells, Norwich
Howlback Hum feat. Peter Turrell, Lemongrower, Bloodbath on the Green, Shane Olinski, Marcus Bush, Insigh, Doddie Bees, Taryn Everdeen
8th July - Louis Marchesi, Norwich
Takeda 'Magic Words' album launch w/Pretty Terry, The Ornithologists, Jake Raywood  
8th July - Voodoo Daddy's, Norwich
Karma Sheen, The Bomb Fayre Band, Waxx!
17th June - Rumsey Wells, Norwich
Liverface, Shane O'Linski, Jess Aspinall and Chas Rigby
11th June - Beak Brewery, Lewes
An evening with MARLA
2nd June - Blondies, Clapton, London
Waxx + Karma Sheen  
20th May - Rumsey Wells, Norwich
Ben Winn, All My Youth, Dandelion, Tiny Little Robots
14th May - The Gladstone, Brighton
Waxx, Pleasure Inc., Ellis D, Dreamwave, Kid Hyena + many more
5th May - Voodoo Daddy's, Norwich
Mega Emotion album launch with support TBA​
15th April - Rumsey Wells, Norwich
The Ornithologists, Amy French (Blisster), Pete Murdoch (Birds of Hell)
7th April - Voodoo Daddy's, Norwich
Waxx 'Rearrange' single launch​
+support from Ghosts of Men and Rave on the Dole
26th March - Brew By Numbers, Greenwich, London
18th March - Rumsey Wells, Norwich
Shane O'Linski's 'The Ornithologists' EP launch with support from Takeda and Joey Herzfeld
25th February - Voodoo Daddy's, Norwich
Featuring Headshrinkers, Waxx and Damp Matches
15th February - The Waterfront, Norwich
Tilting Sky presents Bath of Milk, Waxx and Hemingway
Tickets £7 available from Off with their Records. Email: [email protected]
10th February - The Waterfront, Norwich
Ideal Surreal presents Gaffa Tape Sandy with support from Damp Matches and Anna's Bones
Tickets £10adv. £12otd
17th December, 2021 - Rumsey Wells
Ideal Surreal/Off with their Records Christmas do
feat. Shane Olinski and more
11th December, 2021 - The Shoe Factory
feat. Pleasure Inc. Waxx, Bath of Milk, Floral Image, Aphra, Kyle Dann
£7adv (inc. afterparty)
25th November, 2021 - Voodoo Daddy's
Bag of Cans, The Acharis, Yellowhammers, MARLA
19th November, 2021 - B2 venue
Wonk Unit, Yur Mum, I Said Goodbye
5th November, 2021 - Voodoo Daddy's
Eat Your Own Head, Aphra, Waxx
23rd October, 2021 - Heartfest at Heartsease Pub
Yellowhammers and many more...
21st/22nd October - Gringos
We Bless This Mess double show
10th September - Karma Kafe 3-floor Takedown
Ideal Surreal + Off with their Records present...
3 floors of music including: Damp Matches,Kulk, Ohmic, The May, Lucille and the Seals and more - £5 entry
3rd September - Louis Marchesi
Space is Big EP launch with support from Eluders, Hyperfox and Foreign Bier
18th August - Paper Dress, Hackney
Pleasure inc., Aphra, Waxx
7th August - Harlequin Fayre, Nomad Stage
April 24th - Ideal Surreal/Off with their Records present - Space Studios, Swan Ln, Norwich
feat. Dr. Clyde, Galli, TBA
March 27th - Ideal Surreal/Off with their Records present - Space is Big Album Launch - Space Studios, Swan Ln, Norwich
feat. Space​ is Big, HyperFox, Tundra, Eluders
£3 entry OTD
February 28th - Ideal Surreal/Off with their Records present - Space Studios, Swan Ln, Norwich
feat. Mammoth Penguins, Aphra, Our Quiet Friends, Huia Fun Club
£5 entry in advance (click here for tickets) (£7 otd)
February 14th - The Music House Acoustic(ish) Sessions - Jurnets Bar, Norwich
Off with their Records joins Howlback Hum to present a joint show at Norwich's long-running weekly Music House night in the historic Jurnets Bar. Free entry. Feat. Niamh, Andy McFadyen, Silver, Yellowhammers
January 31st - Ideal Surreal/Off with their Records present - Space Studios, Swan Ln, Norwich
feat. Bavarien Rocket Groop (album launch), Lucille and the Seals, Joey Herzfeld Band, Hydra Lerna + alt DJs till 3am
December 6th - Off with their Records hosts Music House Sessions - Jurnet's Bar, Norwich
feat. Jessica Aspinall, Joe Quinn, David JR Jones, Takeda
November 15th Ideal Surreal/Off with their Records 3-floor shebang - Karma Kafe, Norwich
feat. 12 bands across 3 floors including Damp Matches, Ravenous Hounds, Bug Teeth + many more
November 1st - Lucky Mojo's 'Stranger Things' Halloween Party - Karma Kafe, Norwich
Lucky Mojo's Manic City Vibes presents another themed gig for Halloween featuring performances from MARLA, The Renadeans and Leatherback.
September 21st - Joey Herzfeld - Louis Marchesi, Norwich
with support from Robyn Astrid, Stromm, Bridget Holmes
September 6th - Ideal Surreal + PMVpodcast 3-floor shebang - Karma Kafe, Norwich
£7otd, £5 from Ideal Surreal, 12 bands over 3 floors including
Space is Big, Tom Conway Trio, Maximalist Banquet, Discharge Lounge, Project Mork, Aphra, Zaharie Lambert's Underjoy, and more...
August 25th - Bavarien Rocket Groop pre-launch party - The Playhouse, Norwich
Free entry. With support from Fresh Flowers, Bug Teeth and Niamh
August 3rd 8.30pm, Yellowhammers - Harlequin Fayre, Nomad Stage
June 1st, Norms@Bedford's Crypt
MARLA, Lounge, Hugo Z
April 8th, Cactus Cafe (moved from The Reindeer), Norwich
MARLA, Renadeans, Lucille
February 15th, The Owl Sanctuary, Norwich
Painted Heathers, Blisster, YNB, Captain Teather and the Space Cadets
January 10th, Norwich Arts Centre
Vicars of Stiffkey, MARLA, Painted Heathers
December 7th, Joe Quinn 'I see icy eyes' album launch, The Owl Sanctuary, Norwich
Feat. Joe Quinn, The Familiars, Of the Clay​
Novermber 11th, Jurnet's Bar, Norwich
Current Undercurrant compilation #1 was recorded live on this date. Available now from our store
October 22nd, Tom Conway 'Idle Birdie' album launch, Cactus Cafe, Norwich
Tom Conway
July 1st, Soyuz Rats EP launch - The Owl Sanctuary, Norwich
Feat. Soyuz Rats, Bald Wife, Algae Bloom
June 17th, The Owl Sanctuary, Norwich
Painted Heathers 'Perennial' album launch
​6-7 - Free copies of the album available for the early birds
8.00 - Aseasita
8.45 - Blisster
9.30 - Blank Lines
10.15 - Painted Heathers
11-2 - DJ sets from Sink ya Teeth and Steve Clarke
April 13th, First Official 'Off with their Records' live event - The Mash Tun, St. Benedicts St, Norwich
Vicars of Stiffkey - 'live and uncassocked' album launch
Defrocked. Disgraced. Deceased? This Easter weekend there will be a resurrection as the Vicars of Stiffkey return to save our souls. They lived for their art, they died for your entertainment, now they're live again at the Mash Tun in Norwich on Thursday 13th April to launch their debut 7-track EP.
The CD release party runs from 8-12 and is free entry featuring performances from Blank Lines, Painted Heathers and the Vicars themselves as well as various other shenanigans such as free CDs to be won, a merch table whereat you may show your devotion to the Vicars through the purchase of icons, a live video shoot for the forthcoming single from Painted Heathers and Blank Lines will be giving away limited edition CDs of their first EP.
Rough stage times; Blank Lines - 8.30pm Painted Heathers - 9.30 The Vicars of Stiffkey - 10.30
Downstairs at The Mash Tun, Thursday 13th April
0 notes
ms-m-astrologer · 9 months
Cosmic Events: January 2024
Executive summary: a good, strong New Moon; Pluto dips a toe back into Aquarius; really short void Moons but two lengthy ones.
Lunar Phases
Thursday, January 4, 03:30 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 13°15’ Libra
Monday, January 8, 01:09 UT - Balsamic Moon, 2°13’ Sagittarius
Thursday, January 11, 11:57 UT - New Moon, 20°44’ Capricorn
Excellent for making practical innovations, most likely in response to what is going on around us.
Sunday, January 14, 18:13 UT - Crescent Moon, 9°03’
Thursday, January 18, 03:53 UT - First Quarter Moon, 27°32’ Aries
Sunday, January 21, 20:01 UT - Gibbous Moon, 16°16 Gemini
Thursday, January 25, 17:54 UT - Full Moon, 5°15’ Leo
Stubborn and wild. We can use the energy to see where/what we should/could get rid of.
Monday, January 29, 20:43 UT - Disseminating Moon, 24°25’ Virgo
Void of Course Moon
NB: Quite a few of these are less than an hour long, but there are a couple of marathons….
Tuesday, January 2, 23:36 UT (Virgo) - Wednesday, January 3, 00:47 UT (Libra)
Friday, January 5, 11:41 UT (Libra) - 12:39 UT (Scorpio)
Sunday, January 7, 20:22 UT (Scorpio) - 21:08 UT (Sagittarius)
Tuesday, January 9, 18:24 UT (Sagittarius) - Wednesday, January 10, 01:33 UT (Capricorn)
Friday, January 12, 02:33 UT (Capricorn) - 03:01 UT (Aquarius)
Saturday, January 13, 09:59 UT (Aquarius) - Sunday, January 14, 03:29 UT (Pisces)
(17.5 hours, rather longer than we’re used to - but with a still longer one in a couple of weeks.)
Tuesday, January 15, 04:33 UT (Pisces) - 04:49 UT (Aries)
Thursday, January 18, 08:03 UT (Aries) - 08:12 UT (Taurus)
Saturday, January 20, 13:57 UT (Taurus) - 13:58 UT (Gemini)
(At one minute long, this is the shortest February Void Moon.)
Monday, January 22, 20:40 UT (Gemini) - 21:51 UT (Cancer)
Wednesday, January 24, 22:58 UT (Cancer) - Thursday, January 25, 07:37 UT (Leo)
Friday, January 26, 21:19 UT (Leo) - Saturday, January 27, 19:11 UT (Virgo)
(At 21 hours 52 minutes long, this is the longest February Void Moon.)
Monday, January 29, 23:20 UT (Virgo) - Tuesday, January 30, 08:04 UT (Libra)
Transiting Mercury begins the month retrograde; it stations direct on January 2, and exits its post-retrograde shadow on January 21.
Transiting Pallas Athene enters its pre-retrograde shadow on January 6, and remains there all month.
Transiting Juno starts the month in her pre-retrograde shadow, and stations retrograde on January 14.
Transiting Vesta is retrograde all month.
Transiting Jupiter is in its post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn is in its post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Uranus begins the month retrograde; it stations direct on January 27.
Transiting Eris begins the month retrograde; it stations direct on January 11.
Thursday, January 4 - transiting Mars enters Capricorn
Saturday, January 13 - transiting Mercury re-enters Capricorn
Saturday, January 20 - transiting Sun enters Aquarius
Sunday, January 21 - transiting Pluto enters Aquarius
Tuesday, January 23 - transiting Venus enters Capricorn
Opportunity Periods
Sunday, January 7, 01:24 UT - 20:22 UT. “Take advantage of this intense energy during the Last Quarter Moon to clear away clutter and recycling.”
Monday, January 15, 21:03 UT - Tuesday, January 16, 04:33 UT. “This is a great time to develop and implement ambitious and far-reaching projects.”
Friday, January 19, 18:11 UT - Saturday, January 20, 13:57 UT. “Highly productive time, excellent to invest in what you want to see grow.”
Wednesday, January 24, 01:44 UT - 22:58 UT. “This OP starts full of energy and ends with mellow Neptunian vibes. Use it for taking the initiative or engaging in anything that interests you.”
Et Cetera
This seems like a good January. Lots of craziness, as always, but we’re in a practical and capable frame of mind and can deal with it all.
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akastrologyzone · 4 months
Get Solution For Your Lost Love
In the realm of romance and personal connections, the stars often hold more answers than we might imagine. If you're yearning to reconnect with a lost love, the upcoming horoscope readings and get solution for your Lost Love  offer insightful guidance. Let’s delve into how the cosmos might guide you back to a cherished relationship.
The Power of Astrology in Rekindling Love
Astrology, the study of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs, has long been a source of guidance for those seeking clarity in their love lives. By examining the positions of the planets and stars at specific times, astrologers can offer predictions and advice on the best course of action to reignite lost love.
Horoscope Readings for 2023-24: What to Expect
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
For Aries, the upcoming year brings a surge of passion and determination. Mars, your ruling planet, will traverse favorable houses, enhancing your drive to rekindle past relationships. The key months to watch are June and October 2023, when Venus, the planet of love, aligns positively with Mars, making it an ideal time to reach out to your lost love.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus, your grounded nature often makes you a pillar of strength in relationships. 2023-24 promises a period of deep emotional reflection. With Uranus in your sign, expect unexpected opportunities to reconnect with a past lover, particularly around the lunar eclipses in May and November 2023. These cosmic events could bring transformative moments that open the door to rekindling love.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Communication is key for Gemini. Mercury, your ruling planet, will be in retrograde several times throughout the year, notably in April and August 2023. These periods are perfect for introspection and understanding past misunderstandings. A heartfelt message or a casual encounter during these times could reignite the spark with your lost love.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer, your intuitive nature will be heightened by the influence of Neptune in your solar chart. The stars suggest that late summer 2023, particularly July, will be a significant time for reconnecting with past loves. Trust your instincts and be open to revisiting old memories, as they might pave the way for new beginnings.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
For Leo, the year ahead is all about courage and taking bold steps. With Jupiter transiting through your house of relationships, 2023-24 is ripe for rekindling old flames. Pay special attention to February and August 2023, when the cosmic energies will be most supportive of rekindling romance.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgo, your analytical mind and attention to detail will serve you well. Mercury's influence suggests that making amends and clarifying past issues will be crucial. The months of March and September 2023 stand out as prime times for reconciliation. Reaching out with genuine apologies and clear communication could reignite an old relationship.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
For Libra, balance and harmony are always in focus. Venus, your ruling planet, will offer ample opportunities for love in 2023-24. Particularly during the Venus retrograde in December 2023, you might find yourself revisiting old relationships with a fresh perspective. This is an ideal time for healing and rekindling love.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpio, your intense and passionate nature will be highlighted by Pluto’s transformative power. Early 2024, especially January, offers a significant chance to reconnect with a lost love. Your emotional depth and resilience will be your greatest assets in mending broken ties.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
For Sagittarius, the journey towards rekindling love is all about adventure and open-mindedness. With Jupiter's expansive energy, the year ahead will encourage you to explore new avenues to reconnect. Key periods include April and November 2023, when serendipitous encounters could lead to reignited passions.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorn, your disciplined and pragmatic approach will be crucial in 2023-24. Saturn’s influence suggests that slow and steady efforts will pay off. The months of May and October 2023 will be significant for making meaningful connections with past loves. Patience and persistence will be your allies.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
For Aquarius, innovation and creativity will guide your path. With Uranus influencing your relationship sector, expect surprising developments in 2023-24. The eclipse seasons in April and October 2023 could bring sudden opportunities to reconnect with a lost love in unexpected ways.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces, your empathetic and dreamy nature will be enhanced by Neptune's presence in your sign. The period of March and September 2023 stands out as a time for deep emotional connections. Trust your dreams and intuition, as they may lead you back to a past love with renewed understanding.
Astrology and get solution for your Lost Love offer a cosmic roadmap for those seeking to rekindle lost love. By aligning your actions with the movements of the stars and planets, you can navigate the complexities of past relationships and find the right moments to reconnect. Whether you’re an Aries ready to take bold steps or a Pisces trusting your intuition, the universe has a plan for rekindling your romance.
Embrace the guidance of the stars, and let the celestial energies of 2023-24 illuminate your path to rediscovering lost love.
0 notes
vastuastrology · 5 months
Understanding Pushya Nakshatra: A Beginner's Guide
1. Introduction to Pushya Nakshatra
Pushya Nakshatra, also known as Tishya Nakshatra, is the eighth of the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology, with Saturn as its ruling planet. Its celestial influence reaches far and wide, affecting many aspects of existence. Pushya Nakshatra, which is often associated with plenty, prosperity, and spiritual growth, is a powerful celestial force. To truly understand its essence, one must first study the fundamental concepts of Vedic astrology. Understanding the intricate workings of planetary motions, cosmic forces, and their influence on human life gives the framework for understanding the significance of Pushya Nakshatra in the astrological world.
Aside from its astrological ramifications, Pushya Nakshatra is associated with rich mythological stories and cultural value. Across cultures and beliefs, there are interesting legends that explain the origins and symbolism of this Nakshatra. Exploring these stories not only deepens one's comprehension, but also reveals the spiritual essence hidden inside Pushya Nakshatra. It serves as a reminder of the cosmic realm's connectivity with human existence, revealing great riddles about the universe and our place within it. Furthermore, Pushya Nakshatra bestows specific features and qualities on those born under its influence. These characteristics, which are frequently indicative of the Nakshatra's properties, form the personalities and life pathways of its inhabitants, guiding them toward fulfillment and spiritual progress.
2. Significance of Pushya Nakshatra in 2024
Pushya Nakshatra rises in 2024 with powerful cosmic energy, ready to exercise impact in a variety of areas of life. These cosmic energies have the power to mold individual destiny and guide collective consciousness toward growth and evolution. To effectively manage this celestial event, it is essential to study astrological forecasts and predictions for Pushya Nakshatra in 2024. These insights provide essential direction, allowing individuals to anticipate and prepare for the cosmic energies at play.
Furthermore, understanding the potential impact of Pushya Nakshatra on various zodiac signs is critical in understanding how these energies emerge uniquely for each individual. Individuals can acquire greater insights into the specific areas of life that may be influenced during this time by understanding the complexities of astrological alignments and how they interact with their birth charts.
Furthermore, matching one's actions with the dominant cosmic energies of Pushya Nakshatra in 2024 is the key to achieving positive results and optimizing personal progress. Individuals can improve their ability to manifest their wishes and aspirations by being more aware of cosmic rhythms and aligning their intentions and actions with these energies. This alignment promotes a peaceful relationship with the universe, laying the way for increased fulfillment and spiritual progress in the coming year.
3. Dates and Timings of Pushya Nakshatra in 2024
Understanding the precise dates and timings of Pushya Nakshatra in 2024 is essential for harnessing its auspicious energies effectively. Below is a table displaying the dates and timings of Pushya Nakshatra in 2024:
Date: January 7, 2024
Start Time: 02:19 AM
End Time: 05:41 AM
Date: February 3, 2024
Start Time: 08:48 AM
End Time: 12:02 PM
Date: March 1, 2024
Start Time: 03:34 PM
End Time: 07:17 PM
Date: March 28, 2024
Start Time: 11:50 PM
End Time: 03:32 AM (next day)
Specific timings within Pushya Nakshatra hold profound significance for performing auspicious activities. During the "Abhijit Muhurta," which occurs within Pushya Nakshatra, initiating new ventures or important decisions is considered highly favorable. This auspicious window, lasting approximately 48 minutes around midday, is believed to be especially potent for success and prosperity.
Additionally, performing prayers or rituals during the "Amrit Siddhi Yoga," which occurs when Pushya Nakshatra coincides with specific days of the week, such as Sunday, Monday, or Thursday, is extremely fortunate. These alignments strengthen the divine forces connected with Pushya Nakshatra, increasing the efficacy of spiritual activities and calling benefits for new starts and enterprises. Individuals who align with these exact timings within Pushya Nakshatra can maximize their efforts and create positive outcomes in a variety of areas of life.
4. Guru Pushya Nakshatra: Special Observance
Guru Pushya Nakshatra, which occurs when Pushya Nakshatra coincides with a Thursday, has deep spiritual importance in Hindu tradition. During this favorable celestial alignment, practitioners perform numerous rituals and customs to capture the divine energy. Pujas or prayers to Lord Jupiter (Guru) are a common rite in which people seek his blessings for wisdom, prosperity, and spiritual progress. Devotees may also perform philanthropic deeds, such as providing food, clothing, or money to the poor, as a show of gratitude and compassion.
Observing Guru Pushya Nakshatra is considered to bestow numerous spiritual advantages and blessings on believers. It is regarded as an ideal season to improve one's spiritual practice, seek guidance from enlightened masters, and go on journeys of self-discovery and inner transformation. Pushya Nakshatra's connection with Thursday, the Jupiter-ruled day, increases the favorable qualities of growth, expansion, and enlightenment, allowing for profound spiritual revelations and experiences.
Those wishing to observe Guru Pushya Nakshatra should engage in rituals or prayers that evoke the benefits of Guru (Jupiter). This may include repeating mantras dedicated to Lord Jupiter, such as the Guru Gayatri mantra or the Brihaspati mantra, doing special pujas or homas (fire ceremonies), and reflecting on Guru's characteristics, such as wisdom, compassion, and guidance. Furthermore, seeking the advice of spiritual teachers or gurus during this auspicious time might help to improve one's spiritual journey and foster deeper connections with higher consciousness. 
5. The Lord of Pushya Nakshatra
Pushya Nakshatra's governing deity is Brihaspati, commonly known as Guru or Jupiter in Hindu mythology. Brihaspati is honored as the gods' preceptor, representing wisdom, knowledge, and heavenly guidance. Brihaspati, the lord of Pushya Nakshatra, directs the auspicious forces of development, abundance, and spiritual evolution. Devotees seek Brihaspati's blessings to succeed in their undertakings, overcome obstacles, and gain inner understanding.
Brihaspati is highly revered in Hindu mythology as the Guru of the Devas (celestial beings) and the custodian of sacred knowledge. He is represented as a benign sage seated on a golden throne, which represents his authority and wisdom. Brihaspati's appearance in Pushya Nakshatra represents a period of heavenly grace and enlightenment in which people can improve their spiritual practice and seek divine direction to help them handle life's problems. 
During Pushya Nakshatra, prayers and mantras are sung in honor of Brihaspati to invoke his blessings and protection. The Brihaspati Gayatri mantra, for example, says, "Om Vrihaspataye Vidmahe, Jagadishaya Dhimahi, Tanno Guru Prachodayat." This mantra honors Brihaspati as the highest teacher and wellspring of heavenly wisdom, and seeks his direction and blessings to illumine the path of seekers. By chanting this mantra with sincerity and dedication, devotees can form a deep bond with Brihaspati and experience his benevolent blessing during Pushya Nakshatra and beyond.
6. Names Associated with Pushya Nakshatra
Names linked with Pushya Nakshatra are very meaningful, representing the cultural and spiritual core of this celestial occurrence. Here are some traditional names related to Pushya Nakshatra and their meanings:
Pushyami is derived from the Sanskrit word "Pushya," which means nourishing or fostering. It represents the nurturing traits linked with this Nakshatra. Individuals named Pushyami are seen to be kind and sympathetic, promoting growth and abundance in their surroundings.
Tishya: Tishya represents auspiciousness and prosperity, embodying the gifts granted by Pushya Nakshatra. Those named Tishya are frequently considered fortunate and blessed, inviting success and riches into their life.
Sidhya: Sidhya represents accomplishment and success, reflecting the transforming powers of Pushya Nakshatra. Individuals with this name are thought to be destined for success and fulfillment because they align with the favorable influences of Pushya Nakshatra.
Shubham: Shubham, which means "auspicious" or "benevolent," represents the beneficial energy emitted by Pushya Nakshatra. This name represents good fortune, benefits, and spiritual progress, directing people down the path of righteousness and wealth.
These names are thought to bestow astrological and spiritual blessings on anyone born under the Pushya Nakshatra. They are said to endow people with the qualities and characteristics connected with this Nakshatra, such as nurturing, auspiciousness, and success. Individuals who embrace these names can link themselves with the cosmic forces of Pushya Nakshatra, promoting personal growth, prosperity, and spiritual evolution in their life.
By following these steps, you can embark on a journey of understanding and harnessing the transformative energies of Pushya Nakshatra in 2024. For Astrology services and consultation check out the Best Indian astrology consultation provider: AcharyaGanesh.com
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hananoami · 5 months
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Love and Deepspace | Web Event Start!
An everlasting love witnessed by stars, deep into the vast depths of Deepspace.🛰️May this little satellite kindle your cosmic aspirations as you seek the true essence of love.💌
■ Participate Now:https://bit.ly/lovingwhispers
Ⅰ. Let The Universe Be Our Witness
Record your feelings about the characters in Love and Deepspace or share your hopes for the game. Your messages, entwined with his confession, will be carried by a satellite as it enters Deepspace and reaches the stars.
■ Event Duration Starting Now - February 13, 2024 08:59 (UTC-7)
■ Eligibility
During the event period, hunters who have pre-downloaded and saved your face data before official release or created your character and cleared Main Story 1-1 after official release. You can log in with your Infold account on this page to verify your eligibility and participate.
Ⅱ. Listen To His Whispers
Choose the one whose hushed secrets beckon you the most. His whispers will be unlocked on Jan. 18th.
■ Event Duration January 18, 6:00 - February 13, 2024 08:59 (UTC-7)
■ Event Notes
The event will be unlocked on the day of official release (January 18, 2024). Hunters who complete "Let The Universe Be Our Witness" step can select and listen to their chosen character's whispers.
In case of multiple selections under the same account, your most recent choice will be considered final.
Please note that each account can only unlock the whispers of one love interest.
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rodriquzblanca · 7 months
Mysterious Coded Light Language from Celestial Stargate Council
Mysterious Coded Light Language from Celestial Stargate Council https://celestialsoundsalchemy.wordpress.com/2024/03/01/mysterious-coded-light-language-from-celestial-stargate-council/ Happy Leap Year This is the light language of the Stargate Guardians Councils of Liight (Councils of Light). Their message is complex because they are addressing the following: ancient stargates, stargates/portals within yourself, preparing your energy to handle “events”, receiving necessary activations safely and appropriately, receiving access to knowledge that is otherwise cut off from others. Much more is conveyed here, but I will leave it at that. Welcome to Celestial Sounds Alchemy, where the cosmic and the earthly intertwine to create a sanctuary of sound healing. If you want to heighten your energy to heal, have peace, manifest easily, integrate high frequencies, unlock & stimulate abilities and improve the quality of your life, then subscribe and listen to this YT channel that offers the celestial sounds (light language) from The Councils of Liight (Councils of Light) to assist you! The double “ii” in “Light” offers potent energy work. https://www.youtube.com/@celestialsoundsalchemy?sub_confirmation=1 ******************************************************** Connect with me on Instagram Here: https://www.instagram.com/celestialsoundsalchemy ******************************************************** Connect with me in other places here: https://linktr.ee/celestialsoundsalchemy ******************** #lightlanguage #throatsinging #asmr #celestialsounds #channeling #councilsoflight #soundinfusions #starseed #lightlanguagehealing Mysterious Coded Light Language from Celestial Stargate Council published first on https://www.youtube.com/@celestialsoundsalchemy/ via Celestial Sounds Alchemy https://celestialsoundsalchemy.wordpress.com February 29, 2024 at 06:09PM
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