#2080 super
ilikedetectives · 2 years
How's Forspoken running on your pc?
It runs SMOOTHHHH like butter, so far not a single lag/jitter and I was playing on 4K Ultra High everything + ReShade during my 3-hour gaming session, maintaining around 40-60fps (DLSS off). Now tbf my gaming rig is EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3, i7 9700K, 64GB DDR4 RAM, and the game is installed on a Samsung 870 EVO SSD. Besides my old CPU (recommended for Ultra settings is i7 12700K, mine is 3 generations behind), everything meets the Ultra settings. What I'm surprised is even though I max everything on graphics, the game only uses ~5.5GB of VRAM which is surprisingly low (RE Village can eat easy 13GB). I'll go explore the map more and see how the game runs with 50+ enemies and more magic combats + fast parkour (was going to do that but then I run into a calico cat guest so I got distracted). I tried the demo on PS5 and it runs just as smooth, though the textures aren't as good as PC (which makes sense). The world seems a bit empty, there's some good spots in between but mostly it's quite bare like FFXV. I haven't seen something Altissia-equivalent to make up for the empty spaces yet.
Maybe I'm used to dealing with Ubisoft's signature optimization so I'm more lenient, but Forspoken runs WELL. For context, my PC with a RTX 2080 Super (also 64GB RAM) that exceeds AC Valhalla's recommended specs for Ultra (x) and guess what? I can't get the horse go too fast or the game would crash or game crashes instantly when I get to Ravensthorpe; for an entire 6 months I couldn't play the main campaign because the game simply croaks upon entering England. Same deal with Far Cry 6, the clothing and tattoos textures are still soup, despite HD textures mod pack (there's a reason my photos of Dani I have to make the outfits out-of-focus asdasdassa). FC6 textures are ok on Xbox Series X and PS5 though so it's obvious that PC optimization got shafted. One last thing I want to add is Forspoken has a demo, so people can try it out and see if it's for them. imho it's way better than hyping a game, provide no demo, and then the game turns out to be an optimization disaster upon launch, which then you have to wait a couple weeks or months for a fix *shrug*
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theonyxranger · 2 years
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im gonna trace so many rays with this baby
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samuelmorgan3d · 6 months
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-Added Bill Statue
-Added Beaver
-Added Duck-Tective
-Added even more props all over the town
-Added street signs throughout the town for easier orientation
-Added names of the teleport locations to the teleporters, for easier navigation
-Added Journal 1, 2, 3 to Stanfords underground laboratory
-Added "I eat kids" ballon
-Added a few more small things
-Fixed a Dialogue Bug
-Packed as a full version for testing purposes and it runs excellenty on my RTX 2080 Super with settings on "Epic"
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Same Mistake - with Zayn Malik - Parte II
Contagem de palavras: 2080
N/A: já que a história repercutiu resolvi atender aos pedidos de vocês hahaha parte II está prontinha para ser lida e espero um feedback ;)
p.s pode ser que a parte III seja postada em breve 👀
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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- S/A, você tem certeza que vai contar pra ele? - minha melhor amiga pergunta pela quinta vez, encarando-me com uma feição insinuando que não era uma boa ideia.
- Não vou guardar isso pra mim. - falo descida após finalizar a passada do batom levemente vermelho nos lábios. - Se estou agoniada há duas semanas depois que descobri, imagina esconder dele durante meses! - chacoalho a cabeça a fim de afastar essa sensação ruim. - Não vou aguentar mais esse peso nas minhas costas.
- Mas você sabe tão pouco sobre isso, amiga.. e se..
- Por favor.. não me deixe mais confusa. - minha amiga suspirou fundo e fez que sim com a cabeça.
- Você está linda! - disse ela mudando de assunto e soltando um pequeno sorriso, que eu retribui na mesma intensidade.
- Obrigada.. e obrigada por me emprestar os sapatos. - olho para o par de saltos brancos, não muito altos, e que super combinavam com o meu vestido longo, com flores azuis em um fundo branco, perfeito para o sábado ensolarado que fazia neste fim de manhã.
- Complementou muito bem o look.
- Amanhã mesmo te devolvo.
- Sem pressa, querida. - doou um leve sorriso enquanto pego minha bolsa tira colo azul.
- Bom, vou indo antes que me atrase. - por mais que minha postura transparecesse segurança, minha barriga estava tomada pelo frio que embrulhava meu estômago.
- Boa sorte, S/A. - minha amiga abraçou-me forte. - Qualquer coisa me ligue, tudo bem? - assenti antes de sair de seu apartamento e ir ao meu encontro com Zayn.
O restaurante estava parcialmente vazio visto o horário que havia chego nele. Já se passava do meio dia e para o meu alívio hoje não seria um dia de pico no lugar, e a mesa que reservei na área externa do estabelecimento seria ótima para uma conversa que estou há meses esperando. Minhas pernas balançavam rapidamente e de forma incontrolável. As borboletas no estômago voavam a todo momento. Era nítido o quanto estava nervosa, e a sensação pareceu triplicar quando o vejo entrar no restaurante e vir até o meu encontro.
- Oi! - ele diz com um sorriso tímido, vindo cumprimentar-me com um beijinho na bochecha.
- E aí!
- Está linda.. - automaticamente meus olhos foram para a mesa posta e coloquei uma mecha do cabelo para trás, demonstrando um sorriso singelo de agradecimento.
- Obrigada.. você também está! - apesar da frase ter soado como se eu não soubesse o que dizer, havia sinceridade no que disse visto que Zayn, com o cabelo cortado, os óculos escuros apoiados na cabeça, barba perfeitamente alinhada e uma jaqueta fina jeans sobre a camiseta preta deixou-o incrivelmente lindo.
- Já pediu?
- Ainda não.
- Você está com fome?
- Pra falar a verdade não.. - solto uma risadinha e sou acompanhada.
- Eu também não.. por enquanto não.
- Podemos pedir mais pra frente?
- Como quiser. - após a decisão unânime avisamos o garçom da mesa que pediríamos nossos pratos em breve e a torta de climão foi servida logo depois que o funcionário se afastou e nos encaramos olho no olho. - Então.. - Zayn começa. - Obrigado por ter esperado tanto tempo. - assenti. - Devo admitir que não foi fácil esses dias que ficamos separados. Eu sofri cada segundo, e imagino que você também. - sua inquietação dava para ser vista pelo modo como ele mexia sem parar no guardanapo sobre o prato. - Por outro lado foi “bom” pelo fato de ter refletido bastante sobre nós, sobre mim e sobre o futuro.
- E qual foi sua conclusão? - minhas mãos suavam e meu coração acelerava mais a cada palavra dita pelo moreno. Com certeza meu olhar ansioso por uma resposta era percebido de longe.
- Eu acho que a separação seja a melhor opção, S/A. - depois que escutei a frase final meu mundo caiu. Minha feição murchou e eu não consegui escutar nada que saia de sua boca apesar de vê-la mexendo sem parar. Eu não estava pronta para viver longe dele depois de dez anos juntos. Eu ainda o amava de todo meu coração. E em um pico de sentimentos, sem nem pensar um segundo sequer, soltei a notícia que eu daria de uma outra forma a ele.
- Eu estou grávida. - com os olhos presos nele, vejo o moreno em minha frente travar. As palavras em sua boca calaram-se e a expressão assustada e surpresa tornaram-se a única coisa que ele podia transmitir.
- Você.. o quê? - Zayn estava pálido.
- Pois é.. eu não queria te contar assim, agora.. mas sim, eu estou grávida.
- De quanto tempo?
- Um mês e meio. - Malik franze a testa e logo passa as mãos trêmulas pelo rosto.
- Meu Deus.. e quem é o pai?
- Como assim quem é o pai? - questiono com uma risada quase desacreditada com a pergunta que escuto. - Claramente é você.
- Como tem tanta certeza?
- Quem mais seria, Zayn?
- Bom, não sei se você se lembra mas você transou com o Ethan exatos dois meses atrás. - o tom sarcástico me desestabilizou.
- Sim, Zayn, eu me lembro disso. - pude vê-lo morder a bochecha interna, provavelmente com raiva. - E exatamente por esse detalhe que eu tenho certeza que o filho é seu, porque como você foi bem taxativo em dizer o lance com o Ethan aconteceu dois meses atrás, e eu estou grávida há quarenta e cinco dias, sendo esse o número certinho de dias desde a última vez que nos vimos pessoalmente, em que você foi até em casa pegar alguns dos seus perfumes e os sprays de tinta, e em uma conversa longa nos acabamos na cama. Ou você se esqueceu disso? - fiz questão das palavras rebaterem toda a desconfiança e desdém que ele apresentou para mim, sendo o suficiente para o rapaz ficar quieto.
- Há quanto tempo você sabe?
- Duas semanas.
- E por que não me contou antes?
- Como você queria que te contasse se você não queria me ver?
- Poderia ter me ligado.
- E ter te contado pelo telefone? Se pessoalmente você desconfiou se poderia ser realmente seu filho, por telefone você desligaria na minha cara. - novamente ele ficou em silêncio. Zayn virou a cabeça para esquerda, onde estava a rua, passando os olhos sobre os carros, inquietantemente.
- Sei que não deveria ter dito uma notícia dessas de surpresa.
- Tá tudo bem..
- Dá pra ver pela sua cara que não está nada bem. - ele suspira.
- Não me entenda mal, S/N.. eu não estou triste por saber que sou pai.
- Não é o que parece.
- Porra, eu vim preparado para colocar um ponto final na nossa relação e você joga que teremos um filho juntos? Minha cabeça fez um nó!
- Não mencionei que teremos ele juntos. Apenas te dei a notícia de que eu estou grávida. - enfatizei o pronome. - Pode colocar o ponto final no nosso relacionamento que eu criarei a criança sozinha. Não vai ser um problema pra mim.
- Não fale besteira.
- Bom, Zayn, do jeito que está falando parece que você não quer ser pai! - percebo que minha voz aumentou pelo fato das pessoas em volta olharem para nós rapidamente, além dos murmurinhos das mesas ao lado.
- Aqui não é o melhor lugar para falarmos sobre isso. - diz constrangido.
- É uma pena, mas infelizmente eu não vou adiar mais essa conversa.
- Tudo bem.. - ele respira fundo e de novo as mãos passeiam pelo rosto ainda branco. - Eu.. eu não sei o que fazer. - percebo o quão atordoado Zayn ficou com a notícia. Então para contornar a situação mantenho a calma e tento encontrar as palavras certas para que a situação não piore.
- Você pode me dizer o porquê quer colocar um ponto final na nossa vida juntos?
- Porque acredito que a gente não vai dar certo de novo.
- OK.. - engulo seco e respiro fundo. - Acha isso mesmo sem termos tentado pelo menos uma vez?
- Você sabe que já tentamos uma, duas, três, mil vezes fazer esse relacionamento funcionar, S/N.
- Nós tentamos duas vezes, Zayn. Duas vezes!
- Contando as traições ok, foram duas vezes. Mas e quando você teve ataques de ciúmes no início do namoro que era motivo de briga todo santo dia? E quando nós ficamos uma semana sem nos falarmos quando começamos a morar juntos?
- Tá, e você acha que só o nosso relacionamento é assim? Que casais do mundo inteiro vivem as mil maravilhas todos os dias?
- Eu sei que não mas..
- Não tem mas, Zayn. Seus argumentos não se sustentam. Me diz que você não sente mais nada por mim que aí sim eu vou acreditar e colocar um fim na nossa história. - Malik olha no fundo dos meus olhos, consigo ver as lágrimas presas e o lábio de baixo tremendo. No entanto ele não diz nada. Apenas continua me encarando sem ter o que falar, somente sentir. E foi ali que percebi que graças a Deus o meu marido ainda me amava. - Eu.. eu provavelmente não vá aguentar esperar mais tempo.. mas se você quiser…
- Não. - rebate no mesmo segundo que uma lágrima cai e ele em seguida limpa, fungando o nariz. - Não quero te fazer de trouxa e muito menos perder a gestação do meu filho.. desculpe, nosso filho.. - solta uma risadinha e outra gota escorre de seus olhos marejados. Sinceramente eu não sabia distinguir qual era o real sentimento sentido por ele ao decorrer da conversa, e uma angústia gritava em meu peito que eu não pude silenciar.
- Zayn..
- Sim.
- Eu não quero te prender a mim por causa dessa criança. - por mais que tenha sito essa a minha intenção quando disse que estava grávida, no momento que o poeira baixou eu entendi a gravidade do cenário que criei.
- E você não vai.
- Como não? Há cinco minutos você queria terminar tudo.
- É que.. - desviou o olhar para o chão. - Droga.. é que eu estou com medo.
- Medo do quê?
- De sofrer de novo o que eu sofri e de fazer você sofrer como eu fiz. - desta vez pude sentir verdade no que ele disse, e foi quase um alívio saber que é esse o motivo do fim. Em um impulso minhas mãos foram ao encontro das dele e vejo olhar pra mim.
- Você sabe que eu não cometo o mesmo erro duas vezes. - ele assentiu. - E acredito que você também não.
- Jamais.
- Mas entendo o seu medo, assim como eu também sinto esse receio. Porém acredito que se recomeçarmos, se escrevermos nossa história em uma folha em branco, mudando aquilo que não tivemos a oportunidade de modificar lá atrás e que nos trouxe a essa situação, nós podemos sim continuar juntos.
- Sabe, é muito difícil te olhar e saber que você foi pra cama com meu melhor amigo. - aquelas palavras doeram, e agora eu fico sem graça, sentindo o peso de minhas atitudes batendo contra mim. - Por mais que eu não tenha visto, a imagem dele te tocando, de você beijando ele na nossa cama me perturba todo dia. - aos poucos ele soltou suas mãos das minhas.
- Eu senti a mesmíssima coisa quando peguei você com a sua ex na nossa sala de estar, no sofá que nós compramos um dia depois de nos casarmos. - mais uma vez o silêncio se faz presente. - Não foi nada, nada fácil, Zayn. Mas o amor que eu senti por você, todas as nossas conquistas juntos, me deu forças para “esquecer” e seguir em frente.
- Você é muito mais forte do que eu. - ele riu fraco, entregando a derrota.
- Ou talvez eu te ame mais do que você me ama. - eu não queria acreditar nisso, mas todos os pontos me levavam a essa explicação que era a que eu mais temia e custava crer que realmente aconteceria.
- Não vou ser hipócrita em dizer que o sentimento é o mesmo.
- Eu entendo que não. - tentei contornar e mostrar-lhe uma nova perspectiva que salvasse nosso casamento de uma vez por todas. - Esse amor só precisa ser maior que o medo que te faz me querer longe de você. - Zayn ficou mudo e eu perdi as esperanças, desmanchando meu semblante otimista. - Você parece confuso pra mim.
- Me desculpa..
- Tudo bem.. - sem mais saber com o que rebater, dou-me por vencida e sinto o choro entalar na garganta. - É.. acho melhor você absorver todas as informações e sentimentos para então me dizer o que realmente quer e eu vou acatar.
- OK.. - fungou o nariz. - Você ainda quer comer?
- Perdi a fome. - sorri amarelo e ameacei levantar-me mas ele foi mais forte que eu, segurando minha mão.
- Me promete uma coisa?
- Hum.
- Independente da minha decisão, promete me incluir em tudo relacionado ao nosso bebê?
- Prometo… é claro..
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Cuddle sessions (Frenkie de Jong x Reader)
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**I got a request to write about looking after little Frenkie when he’s sick and I adore how this turned out, honestly. Super cute. Hopefully you all enjoy reading!! ❤️**
Word count: 2080
I’m woken up by my little dog Pearl, who seems to be able to guess what day it is today.
“I know, little one. Dad is coming back today. Finally!”
Pre-season is tough for the players but no one talks about how tough it is for their families. It’s been two weeks since I got to see Frenkie and I’m planning on being a clingy girlfriend when he comes back. I want cuddles. And so does Pearl.
“Let’s give you your breakfast and get mine ready before I go pick him up”.
I know there is no point in dressing up because we’ll come back home and just spend the day here but I still want to make a bit of an effort. Frenkie will be so tired after 12 hours on a plane that he’ll appreciate me trying to look extra cute for him.
I pick up a nice orange summery dress. I got a little bit of a tan when we were away on holidays so it looks better now than when I'm pale. I put my hair up in a messy bun since it's still too hot in Barcelona to wear it down for longer than ten minutes. And there is no need for make-up thanks to the tan. Picking up the perfume I know Frenkie loves, I spray a bit on my neck and my wrists. Perfect!
"I'll be back in an hour, my love", I say, scratching Pearl's tummy when she lies on the floor trying to get my attention so I don't leave. So needy. But I'll do the same when I see my boyfriend. Well, not asking him to rub my belly but…the human version.
The traffic is not that bad so I'm actually a little early. I decide to get out of the car because it's too hot inside and see some people have made it to the training centre.
"Hi, are you on pick-up duty today?"
"Yes, Lluís", I laugh. "I drove Frenkie here before he left so he's got no car".
"I'm sure he'll be happy to see you as soon as possible after such a long time away", I nod. "And you look lovely, by the way".
"Thank you".
"The café is open if you want to hide from this heat. I can let you know when they arrive".
"That'd be amazing!"
So I go to the café and order a soda and chat with the people who work there. I love everyone working at Barça. It really is like a big family.
"I think they are arriving now".
I turn and see Lluís walking towards the café too which means he's coming to tell me.
"Are they here?"
"Yes. Go see your boy".
I smile at him and walk towards where the bus should be parked right now.
One by one, the players start to show up and even though I hope Frenkie is one of the first ones out of the bus, he's not.
It almost feels like everyone is already out but him. But then I see him, looking very tired.
When he hears my voice, Frenkie looks up and I see a smile forming on his lips.
"Hey! I missed you".
I jog towards him and hug him, so happy he's back.
He lets go of the suitcase to hug me properly and I can feel him putting more of his weight on me before sighing.
"You smell so good".
That makes me giggle. "Thank you. You sound very tired. How was the flight?"
"The flight was fine. I just don't feel well".
I move back and lift his face to look at him. He looks so much more tired than he should. And he looks so pale. Well, even more than usual.
"What happened? Are you sick?"
"It was my fault".
I turn to see it's Gavi speaking. "Why would it be your fault? Did you do something to him?"
"I had a stomach bug when we travelled to the US and pretty much the entire squad got it. Frenkie is the last one".
"Oh, honey".
I move the hair away from his forehead and notice how hot he is.
"Do you have a temperature too?", he nods. "Well, let's go home so I can look after you".
Taking his hand, I lead him to the car. And before going to the driver's seat, I run to the café to get a bottle of water for him.
"Thanks, my love. I wish I could kiss you but I don't want to make you sick".
"Is that how you got it from Gavi?"
He chuckles. "No, from Robert".
"Should have guessed".
When we are finally home, Pearl goes absolutely mad seeing Frenkie is back.
"Hey, girl. Did you miss me?", she starts to bite him playfully while she keeps running around him. "I'll take that as a yes".
"We both missed you".
"And now I come back sick and can't spend quality time with you two because of it. I hate this".
"Hey, it's fine. I knew we would spend the day home anyways. You were going to be tired from the flight and I have the day off".
He gets up from the floor, much to Pearl's dislike. And he grabs my face gently. I start to lean forward instinctively but he just kisses my forehead instead.
"You look so pretty. I should be taking you out for lunch. But I will the second I feel better, ok?"
I nod, smiling at how he's always worried about me. Even when he is sick and it should be me who's worried.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Nothing", he groans.
"Frenkie, you have to eat. I can make you some soup or order something if you fancy that more".
"Soup is fine".
"Ok, I'll get changed quickly and make some. I can buy some bread too, that's good for the stomach and we love carbs. How about you shower while I do all that?"
He nods, getting up and following me to our bedroom.
I open the drawers to grab some shorts and a t-shirt for Frenkie and I feel him wrap his arms around my waist and placing his head on my shoulder after kissing it.
"Orange looks so good on you. Can you wear something else that's orange? And you can wear that dress when I take you to lunch this weekend".
"I'll find something. And I found this for you. Go freshen up. It'll make you feel so much better".
"I really want to kiss you".
"Then do it. I'll catch this bug anyways", I shrug. "At least I get some kisses as well".
He smiles, pecking my lips a couple of times before going to the bathroom.
I change into comfier clothes and go back to the kitchen to make his soup.
Once the food is boiling, I bring the heat down a bit and set the timer before leaving to go buy some bread.
"Pearly, come here! Do you want to come with me to buy some bread? Yes?"
I manage to calm her down long enough to put the lead on and grab my keys.
"I'll be back in ten minutes!", I yell, hoping Frenkie can hear me. And when he yells back, I know he did.
"One baguette, please. And…I'll take two of those chocolate donuts as well, please".
"Here you go", says the lady from the bakery when she passes me the bag. "Thank you".
"Thank you. See you soon".
I can tell Pearl wants to stay out for longer and make a mental note to go for a longer walk after lunch. If she doesn't fall asleep like it usually happens around that time.
"Honey, I'm home!"
"I'm on the sofa".
When I get to the living room, I see him laying down with his eyes closed.
"Did the shower help?", I say, brushing my fingers through his still wet hair.
"A bit…", he opens his eyes and just stares at me. "You're wearing my shirt".
I look down at my clothes. "Yes, you said I should wear orange and the only orange shirt I have is your one from the national team".
"It looks so good on you".
"It also looks alright on you".
"Remember that time you wore it and a guy asked you if you were my fan?"
"Yes", I laugh, remembering that moment. "And when I told him I was your girlfriend he gave me such a look. Totally thought I was making it up".
"Well, you weren't", he says, grabbing one of the hands caressing his hair and kissing it softly.
The sound of the alarm I set for the food ruins the moment and I go blend the veggies.
I cut the baguette into smaller pieces and toast a few of them. Some just after drizzling some olive oil on the bread and for the others I add some cheese that melts and makes my mouth water. We love carbs and we definitely love cheese.
"Food is ready!"
I put everything on the table but before I'm done, Frenkie hugs me, just trying to find comfort in doing that.
"Is there any medicine you can take? I could go buy it. I hate seeing you in pain".
"I have some on the wash bag that the team gave me. Can you go get it? I feel so weak".
"Sit down, I'll be right back".
I spot the wash bag quickly. Frenkie is usually so tidy. Way more than I am. But he just left his suitcase and bags on the floor, which shows how bad he really must feel.
There is only one little pack of tablets in the bag, so I pick it up but not before I notice everything he got there. Shampoo, shower gel, hairbrush, toothbrush…and a little bracelet with my name and his we made once while we looked after one of my little nephews. I had forgotten about it but seeing him carry it around makes me smile.
"Got them. I think. There were no more tablets there".
He puts the spoon down to grab the medicine. "Thank you".
I see him take the tablet and put his head in his hands, sighing. And I have to hug him. I put my arms around him and kiss his cheek before squeezing him but not too tightly. I want to comfort him, not hurt him more.
"I love you", I hear him whisper.
"I'm fond of you too".
I move my chair and plate so I can sit next to him and he looks up to smile at me.
Frenkie eats slowly but he manages to eat a nice portion of food. I push the bread towards him and he shakes his head but I convince him to try and have some. It'll do him good.
"I need to take Pearl on a little walk but then I'm all yours, ok?"
"I'll go to bed. It's closer to the bathroom".
I can't help but laugh at that. "Good choice".
Pearl and I go to the park so she can run around. I look at her smiling to myself. She's definitely going to have a long nap after that. We drink some water from the fountain before making our way back home.
"Let's go look after dad, Pearly! We can all cuddle together, right?"
I swear she understands what I said to her because she starts walking faster. And when we get home, she starts jumping while I get my keys to open the door. But there is no need because the door opens and Pearl moves on to jumping around Frenkie instead.
"Go back to bed. You're sick".
"I'm a lot better now", he says, opening his arms so I hug him.
I close the door behind me and get into his embrace. I really missed him these last few weeks.
"How about a cuddle session?"
"That was all I wanted from today. Cuddles with my girls".
"Let's go then".
We get the sofa ready to lay down comfortably and put on a comfort movie that we won't probably pay attention to. Pearl is lying near our feet, getting comfortable before her nap.
"You look better", I tell Frenkie, caressing his face.
"Being next to you is the best medicine".
He nods, leaning down to kiss me. "I missed you so much".
"Robert's kisses aren't as good as mine, right?"
"Not even close".
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present-future · 2 years
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T-2080 Super by Edward Denton
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helldivers-2 · 7 months
Heya dude I know you ain't tech support and sorry if it's been asked here before but are there any plans to bring DLSS and FSR to the game? The upscaling solution offered sadly isn't really the best and I think it would benefit greatly, my poor computer is just BARELY scraping by (8700k, 2080 Super, yes I know I'm CPU bound here the game puts me at a constant 100%)
Guess I'm not the only one asking for it and ofc I have no clue if and how easy to implement it would be 💕
The game currently runs on FSR1 (as that’s what the PS5 version utilizes) so there’s always potential for that to be updated and upgraded in future updates. I’d keep my eye on the developer blog for news on that specifically!
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pixeldistractions · 5 months
Oopsie, I guess I had this one posted over on the blog, but it looks like it never made it over to Tumblr. It’s not a story, but a history/backstory timeline on Jordan and Colette and their 10-year “relationship” (= hot & cold co-parenting partnership with occasional benefits?).
There’s not much shockingly new information here—most of this has been mentioned or discussed in one place or another, but some of it may have been easily overlooked or lost in the mess. It’s something I wrote for my own purposes as I was drafting, but I thought maybe some of you might find it interesting to read? Or not? Carry on as you like, lol!
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Can you even imagine a time when Colette was carefree and happy? They were such babies. 💔
So it’s June 2078 when Jordan and Colette meet at a college party. He is 18, fresh out of high school, and invited by some friends (he didn’t go to college himself). She is 21 and about to start her third year of studying for a business degree where she intends to be super successful and rich. They begin dating (screwing) casually but often. The relationship is fun, but very superficial.
October 2078 — Colette gets knocked up with the twins. Jordan is instantly freaked out, especially a couple months into the pregnancy when they learn that it’s twins. Their short “relationship” ended right away. Colette was put off by his immaturity, and Jordan was put off by her pressure. Colette thought long and hard about abortion, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Spring 2079 — With great effort, Colette completes her third year of classes while pregnant. She keeps in touch with Jordan, but their correspondence is only to discuss their impending parenthood. She’s already written him off as a deadbeat, but she keeps the line of communication open because she figures her kids should know their dad. Even if he’s useless.
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June 2079, Felix and Milo are born. Jordan is not there to witness their birth—Colette didn’t invite him, but he also didn’t ask to be there. He meets the boys when they’re a couple weeks old. He only offers to take them when his dad is available to help because the idea of being left alone with two newborns scares the shit out of him!
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When the boys are 4 weeks old, this story takes place.   
Fall 2079 — Colette puts her degree on hold, being a single mother to twins. She has to focus on working to support them by herself, trying to find babysitters, having no family of her own nearby. Her family is alive, but unhelpful. Colette is the prideful type who won’t beg for help from them, and so she would rather do it on her own. She doesn’t have much help from Jordan, but she has his dad. Jordan is 19 and still waffling between jobs. Jordan’s dad sends money when he can.
Spring 2080 — Colette (23) is nagging Jordan to get a better job, then his father also starts to imply he should get some steady work. Jordan (20) feels burdened by the pressure of it all and that one stupid mistake when he was barely an adult should ruin his whole life, so he flakes out to go traveling.
Colette keeps in touch with his dad while he’s gone, who still sends money to her when he can and enjoys taking the boys when he’s not working. Mick doesn’t think she’s a nice girl, but he’s sympathetic to her situation, having raised Jordan as a single dad. And he feels responsible for the trouble his son caused her.
If there’s any truly new information I realized while writing this timeline, it would be how close Colette was with Jordan’s dad, and how much he contributed when she had nobody else to rely on.   
Summer 2080 — Jordan discovers credit cards, which they hand out too easily to young adults. He goes backpacking in Europe. The gear and hostels and restaurants and plane tickets are very expensive, but the adventure is too tempting to say no. Especially when huge responsibility looms at home. He works odd jobs to keep up with the minimum payments most of the time, but the debt is racking up.
2080-2081 — he comes home occasionally, and he attempts to see the boys when he does, but Colette is pissed that he’s off adventuring while she’s stuck looking after twins by herself and trying to build a career. She wants more committed involvement from him, but she can’t afford a lawyer to enforce child support or a custody schedule.
Winter 2082 — Jordan is home and traveling intermittently. While he’s backpacking in California, his dad dies. He hears about it from Colette. He’s 22, Colette is 25, the boys are 2.5. Jordan inherits what little equity his dad had in their home, but it isn’t much and it’s soon wasted in trying to keep up payments.
Summer 2082 — He can’t keep up with the mortgage payments on his own, and the house goes into foreclosure. He has really fucked up everything, and he feels lost and completely alone. The boys turn three. He doesn’t have a real bond with them—they knew their grandfather more than they know their dad. But in his desperation, he reaches out to Colette because those boys and Colette are the only family he has left in the world.
Fall, winter 2082 — As it turns out, Colette is working in real estate now. She sees an opportunity here. He wants to know his kids, and he needs help selling his dad’s house and doing something about his debts. Colette is clever and money-minded, but she also needs help. She wants consistent involvement from him so she can return to school to finish her business degree. He moves in with her platonically and becomes a stay-at-home dad, and Colette helps make his money problems go away.
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This little drabble takes place. 
Jordan falls into fatherhood quite nicely the second time around. 
Also at some point in about 2083, he and Colette resume their sexual relationship. (Not gonna call it romantic, it was pretty purely just sexual—roommates and co-parents with benefits?) They’re both lonely, and neither of them have dated since they were first together (Colette because of being a single mom to twins, and Jordan because he’s terrified of getting someone pregnant again), and living together makes it easy to fall into again. They’re older and much more careful this time.
Summer 2084 — the boys turn five and start kindergarten, which frees up Jordan to find steady work. He starts working maintenance at Coolidge House County Inn.
2084-2085 — their relationship at this point is complicated, hot and cold, and likely codependent. She wouldn’t mind marriage as a financial benefit, but she wants to keep an open relationship (though when she’d find the time to date other men is another story). He doesn’t want that and doesn’t want to marry her, either. The sex is good, as far as he knows (he was a virgin before he met her). She can be bossy and cruel, which he tries to brush off (tries and sometimes fails). She reminds him constantly of how he ran off when the babies were little and how she fixed his whole messy life for him when he came back. He refuses to aspire to more, as she demands. He feels both indebted to her and also caged by these debts he will never repay and ideals he will never meet. But she was the only one who knew his dad, and they’re something of a family. He has become attached to his boys, finally, and the family they’ve made is not trivial. He enjoys not having to worry about things like bills and taxes. He doesn’t want to rock the boat.
Summer 2086 — Maria starts working at Coolidge House. It’s love at first sight for her, but he will remain oblivious for a while still. 
2087 — Maria’s crush continues to grow into what she will call “an impossible and tragic love.” Jordan notices finally, thinking she is adorable, warm, and obviously beautiful, but far too precious to be a romantic option for him. She is a widow and single mother, and she needs someone more reliable than he has known himself to be. He adores her, but he doesn’t want to bring his chaos into her life. So they become friends, and the friendship is easy, nourishing, and fun. He loves going to work because she’s there. Bonus, Colette likes the extra money, although she still nags him to aspire to something more.
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January 2088 — their first real story on the blog. Maria is 26, Jordan is 28, and Colette is 31. 
July 2088 — my sweetheart stories begin.
September 2088 — boxes and squares stories begin.
Next ->
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holyprincenerd · 1 year
hey, do you have any recommendations of queer/queer-adjacent finnish music? if not, it's okay, no pressure
Hey anon, sorry for the late reply! 💕
Let me preface this by saying that since the Finnish language doesn’t have gendered personal pronouns, a lot of songs are open for interpretation when it comes to gender and sexuality! So, I opted to go for some songs that are very clearly queer coded, and also to give you a few examples Finnish artists who are part of the LGBTQ community!
Again, for any finns who may be reading this, please feel free to add onto the list!
Here’s the tldr version with links to the songs:
Ihmisten edessä by Jenni Vartiainen (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link)
(Mentioned in relation: Jenny by Studio Killers) (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link)
Hoida Mut by Benjamin (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link)
Kuuma jäbä by Isaac Sene (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link)
Cicciolina (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link) and Syntisten pöytä (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link) by Erika Vikman
Tähdet, taivas ja sä by Saara Aalto (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link)
(Mentioned in relation: Monsters by Saara Aalto) (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link)
2080-luvulla, (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link) Hei kevät (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link) and Pornoo (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link) by SANNI (though her discography in general is pretty great. Especially her album Sotke Mut has many good songs imo.)
Sydämeni osuman sai (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link) by Siiri Nordin (out of her albums I personally enjoy Ly�� tahtia the most.)
(Sydämeni osuman sai is a cover of the song Something’s Gotten Hold of my Heart written by Roger Greenway and Roger Cook.)
Rakkautta ja Piikkilankaa (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link) by Sini Yasemin
(Cover of the song Rakkauta ja Piikkilankaa by Uniklubi) (YouTube Link) (Spotify Link) (Fun fact I absolutely adored this song as a kid lol)
First off, I think it’s essential to start with the Finnish lesbian anthem: ”Ihmisten edessä” by Jenni Vartiainen. This song is really important for many people my age, as it was pretty much ”Baby’s first exposure to non-het relationships” to a lot of people. The song is an absolute banger, and, fun fact, was written and composed by Teemu Brunila, who is believed to be the voice behind Studio Killers’ singer Cherry. Thus it’s likely that he may even have been involved in the creation of Jenny, which is another lesbian anthem.
Then we have our UMK contestants who didn’t quite make it to the Eurovision like Benjamin who competed with the song ”Hoida Mut” in 2023, Isaac Sene who competed with the song ”Kuuma jäbä” in 2022, and Erika Vikman, who competed in 2020 with the song ”Cicciolina”. Out of these three, Hoida Mut and Kuuma jäbä make it obvious that they’re about gay relationships, while Cicciolina is open for interpretation (which may be because Erika is bisexual). Of course, there is also Saara Aalto, who competed in the Eurovision song contest in 2018 with ”Monsters”.  Out of her songs that are in Finnish, I personally like the song ”Tähdet, taivas ja sä” the most.
One of my favourite Finnish LGBTQ artists is SANNI. Some of my favourite songs by her are 2080-luvulla, Hei kevät, and Pornoo.
The singer Siiri Nordin is also LGBTQ. Her cover of the song "Something's Gotten Hold of My Heart”, called ”Sydämeni osuman sai” is very lovely.
I can’t say I’m super familiar with the career of Sini Yasemin, however she is an emerging LGBTQ artist whose work is also worth looking into! Her cover of Rakkautta ja piikkilankaa (originally performed by the rock group Uniklubi) is probably a safe place to start if you want to get a grasp of her sound.
Again, for anyone who can come up with more songs/artists, feel free to add onto this!
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WTNV quick rundown - 92 - If he had lived
Check out my other rundowns for episodes, shows, book etc here!(or using the tags)
Which came first? The chicken, the egg, or airplanes? Welcome to Night Vale
This episode is about NV's 'National Alternate History Week', in which they celebrate history that could have happened. The Night Vale Historical Society sorts through the local submissions, and the best story gets placed into the elementary school curriculum.
Cecil's submission/story he chooses is wondering what would have happened if Kennedy had lived. Which (according to Cecil) is - first: he would have eaten lunch, he would have gone to Austin, he would have been reelected, he would have pulled the the US out of Vietnam earlier resulting in a different culture landscape and higher population, Jackie Kennedy would have felt no grief (but also be ageless, emotionless, changed).
In 1973: Kennedy is finishing his third term, an embargo in the Middle East results in soaring gas prices (but America is still confident in Kennedy), he saw them through the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), the Svitz-Franchia Standoff (1967) and the rise of the Blood Space War (1971), he has learnt to multiple himself and visits every single gas station to smile at the long lines of people and fill them with confidence.
He continues to be president through the 70's and 80's where: a bio-pic is made of his life staring mid-level movie star Ronald Reagan (who would soon be washed up), Paul Simon releases his unsuccessful Graceland album about Kennedy's 1982 visit to Graceland, Jackie Kennedy has not aged (may even be younger) and she walks alone at night with anyone who tries to approach pushed back by a faint mist that smells of apple and spice and feels like thousands of needles (witnesses claim her feet don't touch the ground and her arms and inhumanly long).
In modern times, You are our biggest problem and Kennedy (who has been president for decades) wishes to solve you.
In 2080: the coastal regions of the US are being swallowed by the sea, the eighth siege of the great NV temple rages on, the scion of the Dark Order appears, Kennedy brokers a deal with the Sino-Soviet super state to provide safe passage for climate refugees, he says the sea level won't rise any more but it does and millions are displaced, Jackie Kennedy is lying in the rose garden and allowing moss to grow on her feeling like she can almost tell that this alternate history and not what really happened.
Eventually there is the heat death of the universe and everything is reduced down to it's average (beige). The Kennedy's float through space, both vaguely aware that something else was supposed to happen, Kennedy haunted by headaches and vague memories of being shot, Jackie numb to all emotion.
Other alternate histories that were presented this week included: what if Germany had won WWII, what if the South had won the Civil War, what if bathmats were never invented and what if somehow Germany had won the Civil War.
The winner however is that the Beatrix Lohman Memorial Meditation Zone was never built, so it will be demolished to match the new reality.
Weather: "Opposite House" by Cass McCombs
Earlier in the episode Cecil states how bad it would be to lose the meditation zone and that you can go there to be 'relaxed and harvested'.
The Weather Service says that the persistent thunderstorms over west NV might actually be the movements of the Distant Prince. Or just perisistent thunderstorms.
Apparently the moon is jealous of the sun.
OW Josie has fallen and injuried her hip but is recovering well in hospital, despite hospitals being poorly understood. Despite which NV apparently has ghost ambulances and a ghost wing which treats ghost patients and is better quality than the ghost hospital in Pine Cliffs which is a town entirely inhabited by ghosts. Pine Cliffs citizens apparently come to NV's ghost hospital all the time because of this. Cecil says he wishes they'd solve their own problems instead of taken resources away from NV's ghosts.
Stay tuned next for a hypothetical history that we are all making up together, continuously, just by living it. Good night, Night Vale. Good night. 
Proverb: “Writing rules. One: write a lot. Two: read a lot. Three: if someone tells you not to use adverbs or some other Elmore Leonard thing, swiftly kick them."
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minnowtank · 7 months
republics of the new world. operational atheism. neo-catholicism. exodus planet. two suns. david kauhane. de-evolution. purpose paradox. tay-sachs conspiracy. missing parts society. bionics. building yourself in the womb. santa lucia song. super swedes. nordicism cult. 25th century Shakers. stefan sohlman. doppio chemical. sabre tooth tigers. the second universe. fosse-commune herbicide warfare 2080. tapeworm eugenics. hawaii. adam and steve. would you love me if i was a worm. MY SLEEPER AGENT ACTIVATING [i get my head smashed to death] [getting your head smashed to death is a founders of eden reference]
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toscanoirriverente · 9 months
Tutte le balle sull’abrogazione dell’abuso d’ufficio. Parla il giurista Stortoni
L’abrogazione del reato di abuso d’ufficio “è contraria al diritto internazionale”, “creerebbe un vuoto di tutela per i cittadini”, “eliminerebbe un importantissimo reato spia”. Tutte affermazioni infondate o addirittura false, spiega Luigi Stortoni, professore emerito di Diritto penale dell’Università di Bologna
L’abrogazione del reato di abuso d’ufficio “creerebbe un vuoto di tutela per i cittadini contro le angherie dell’autorità pubblica”, “eliminerebbe un importantissimo reato spia”, “è contraria al diritto internazionale”. Sono solo alcune delle tesi che hanno trovato spazio nel dibattito pubblico negli ultimi giorni – da parte di magistrati, politici e giornalisti – contro l’ipotesi di abrogazione del reato di abuso d’ufficio (deciso martedì in prima battuta dalla commissione giustizia del Senato). Affermazioni infondate o addirittura false, come spiega al Foglio Luigi Stortoni, professore emerito di Diritto penale dell’Università di Bologna. Partiamo dalla prima. “Non è vero che con l’abrogazione dell’abuso d’ufficio si creerebbe un vuoto di tutela per il cittadino – dice Stortoni –. Il vuoto di tutela ci sarebbe se i numeri dimostrassero una corrispondenza tra denunce e condanne, e invece questo è assolutamente smentito dai dati: il 95 per cento delle denunce finisce con l’archiviazione, mentre il restante 5 per cento solo in pochissimi casi dà luogo a condanne e per giunta per fatti bagatellari”.
Insomma, prosegue Stortoni, “si hanno tanti processi inutili, che sono dannosi non solo per chi li subisce ma anche per l’immagine della Pubblica amministrazione. Non ci sarebbe alcun vuoto perché i cittadini potrebbero continuare a rivolgersi alla giustizia amministrativa, nata proprio con la funzione di verificare l’eventuale cattivo uso della discrezionalità amministrativa”. 
La seconda obiezione mossa contro l’abrogazione del reato è che questo costituirebbe un reato spia molto importante per indagare su altri reati più gravi, come corruzione, concussione o turbativa d’asta. “Questa argomentazione è contraria a qualsiasi principio del processo penale liberale e anche costituzionale – replica Stortoni –. Si usa un reato, che si afferma non avere una sua ragion d’essere, per creare impropriamente uno strumento processuale per accertare altri eventuali reati, anziché accertarli con i modi ordinari previsti dalla legge. Il reato spia non può esistere nel nostro ordinamento. Il reato deve essere giustificato in sé”. 
Altra obiezione mossa in questi giorni: se abroghiamo il reato violiamo il diritto europeo e internazionale. “E’ una bugia”, dichiara netto Stortoni: “E’ falso che esista un obbligo sovranazionale a mantenere questo reato. Nella convenzione di Merida la penalizzazione dell’abuso d’ufficio è meramente facoltativa e non obbligatoria come è per altri reati, come la corruzione. C’è poi una proposta di direttiva europea che introdurrebbe questo obbligo, ma la proposta è ancora tutta da discutere ed è molto criticata dalla dottrina, soprattutto per il mancato rispetto dei princìpi di sussidiarietà e proporzionalità. Il testo quindi potrebbe subire modifiche o essere approvato  non si sa fra quanti anni”. 
C’è un’altra critica di carattere tecnico. La riforma del 2020 avrebbe tassativizzato in misura maggiore il reato di abuso d’ufficio, stabilendo che occorre la violazione di una specifica disposizione di legge, e in questo modo le ambiguità precedenti sarebbero state superate. “Purtroppo non è così – spiega Stortoni –. La giurisprudenza della Corte di cassazione, ad esempio, con la sentenza n. 2080 del 2022, si è mostrata refrattaria alla modifica legislativa, sostenendo – come in precedenza – che può costituire reato anche un comportamento che non vìola una specifica disposizione di legge ma che è contrario lato sensu al principio di imparzialità stabilito dall’articolo 97 della Costituzione”. 
C’è un dato che ieri è stato rilanciato con grande enfasi: la soppressione del reato porterebbe alla cancellazione di oltre tremila condanne definitive. Il dato si riferisce agli ultimi 25 anni, anche se non è chiaro come sia stata calcolata questa cifra (secondo il ministero della Giustizia, nel 2021 le condanne sono state 44 davanti alla sezione gip/gup e 18 in dibattimento). “Anche io non comprendo da dove siano stati tirati fuori questi dati – afferma Stortoni –. Ad ogni modo, se ci sono state delle condanne per un reato, che poi viene abrogato, è normale che quelle condanne vengano annullate, non c’è niente di scandaloso. Secondo questo ragionamento allora l’abrogazione dei reati di adulterio o di omicidio d’onore avrebbe dovuto lasciare in vita le pregresse condanne?”. “Se mi è concesso, questa obiezione dimostra davvero la pochezza degli argomenti utilizzati in questi giorni nel dibattito pubblico”, conclude. 
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theonyxranger · 2 years
I bought a friend of a friend's crypto mining rig and I'm turning it into a solid gaming pc to replace my old one. Considering I built it in 2014 and only upgraded it once in 2018 I think it served its purpose fairly well.
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What is Cold Work Steel and what is the uses of it?
Cold work steel, also known as cold-work tool steel, is a type of tool steel specifically designed to be used in cold-working applications. Cold working refers to the deformation of a material at temperatures below its recrystallization point, often at room temperature or slightly elevated temperatures. Cold work steel is employed in processes such as cutting, forming, and shaping metals and other materials without the need for high temperatures.
Key characteristics of cold work steel include high hardness, wear resistance, and the ability to retain sharp edges. These properties make cold work steel suitable for various tool and die applications, where tools need to withstand repeated impact and abrasion without losing their cutting or forming efficiency.
Here are some common uses of cold work steel:
Cutting Tools: Cold work steel is frequently used to manufacture cutting tools such as knives, shears, and blades. Its hardness and wear resistance make it well-suited for applications where the tool is subjected to continuous cutting and shearing of materials.
2. Dies and Molds: Cold work steel is employed in the production of dies and molds used in metal forming and shaping processes. These dies and molds need to withstand the forces and wear associated with shaping materials at lower temperatures.
3. Punches and Stamps: Cold work steel is used in the fabrication of punches and stamps for punching, stamping, and blanking operations. These tools need to maintain their sharpness and hardness to produce accurate and consistent results over multiple cycles.
4. Cold Extrusion Tools: In cold extrusion processes, where materials are shaped by compressive forces at room temperature, cold work steel is utilized for the dies and tools to ensure durability and dimensional accuracy.
5. Drawing and Blanking Tools: Cold work steel is applied in the production of tools for drawing and blanking processes, which involve the deformation of sheet metal into desired shapes or the cutting of shapes from sheet metal.
It's important to note that the specific type of cold work steel selected for a particular application will depend on factors such as the required hardness, toughness, and wear resistance, as well as the specific conditions of the cold-working process involved. Common types of cold work steels include D2, D3, O1, A2, and more.
Virat Super Steel is one of the best manufacturers and stockiest of the cold work steel Din 1.2379 (HCHCR- D2 / SKD11). It is the superior version of D3 / Din 2080. This superiority comes from the high levels of its contents in properties. learn more https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/overall-idea-unique-aspects-cold-work-steel-tozjf/
Cold work steel always pay keen interest in manufacturing high-quality products at affordable price. Due to this reason, this material has also a high demand for producing economic products out of it. At the same time, it can be customized according to the need keeping its resistance and endurance intact.
Virat Special Steels thus offer “Make In INDIA” products at competitive prices, great quality, and prompt servicing to increase and improve CPC (Cost Per Component) for their customers in India.
Contact us now: Call Us Now: +91-9814021775 Website: https://www.viratsteels.com/cold-work-steel.html Email us: [email protected]
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vikingnerd793 · 2 years
So I just saw a tumblr post that Valhalla on 2080 with 64 gb crashed if you went into ravensthorpe with your horse going too fast and…. I’m very confused because I had a laptop with 32 gb and a 2080 Super and it ran like butter. For a year and a half. Only time it had crash issues was in Wrath of the Druids and when I tried to take cut scene screenshots here and there.
Now, STREAMING and running Valhalla on ultra, with that? Not possible. Literally couldn’t do it. Had to build a whole monster Pc just to do a single Pc stream and even then. Have to keep the room VERY cool and put all 13+ fans on full blast, or else the furnace that is the 3080ti I bought still overheats the rig. And I can’t run anything other than stream labs and the game.
But Valhalla by itself? Was never really an issue for me 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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memietroubadour · 2 years
Please info dump about your OCs!
Aight Going full throttle on this then! Some haven't been posted here So I'll try my best! I also have some chapters written if you're interested! Alan is my main character. He's an alien from the Alliance faction that gets stranded on Earth in 2080 something after a battle with the other faction, the Empire. He ends up befriending a group of Earthlings/Terrins that take him in and make sure he's okay, and they end up going on an adventure to get him back to his people.
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Medb is a main character that ends up going with the party to reunite Alan with his comrades. She works in the medic's house along with Tamil and Tadhg. She believes in the good in the world, and in the good in Alan as well. She hopes that with the journey she'll see more of the world that she hasn't had the chance to do. Also posting some concept art of Medb riding a hoverbike! She also has 4 adoptive siblings which I'll talk about next!
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Sibling chart that's kinda confusing sorry it's old In order of age it's Grainne > Anne > Eldwyn > Medb > Edan They all consider each other like blood siblings, still playing around with the idea Edan and Grainne are actually related but not sure how to incorporate that yet. Let me do a text version of this mess since my handwriting is AWFUL
Also quick pronouns/sexaulity guide for them: Grainne: She/Her: Pan Anne: She/They: Ace
Eldwyn: He/Him: Idk yet Medb: She/Her: bi/pan
Edan: He/Him: straight probably Grainne <> Anne: Grainne relies on Anne to take care of the others (since Grainne is out doing work for weeks to months at a time) Anne is the only one of the 5 aware of Grianne's past and carries guilt because of it Anne <> Edan: These two meeting ensures chaos ensues (Edan is the prankster of the group) They do have times that they hang out like normal people though lol
Edan <> Medb: Is blank huh?
Also for Edan and Grainne so I'll do that here: Grainne and Edan get into fights with each other constantly, but only when they're not working (mainly merc work like escorting transports, etc)
Edlwyn <> Edan: Edan excludes Eldwyn from his antics, in return Eldwyn covers for him. Eldwyn only lets loose around Edan. Eldwyn <> Medb: Probably the closest pair of siblings. Also considered the most calm pair.
Eldwyn <> Anne: Almost a work relationship (because they both work the IT/ electricity department for their home, size of small city/big town I think, so very important!) Eldwyn tries to stop Anne from going overboard on forums (so basically forums are run like sites today, but are mainly filled with aliens that are basically earthaboos and some earthlings that correct them, and use VPNs <3) They also have a weekly habit to try new recipes, they always turn out good.
Grainne <> Eldwyn: Respect between the two. Not super close, but they listen to each other's stories when they reunite. Grainne <> Medb: Grainne worries for Medb the most (probably sees a lot of her younger self in Medb, and hope it doesn't end in tragedy) Medb looks up to Grainne a lot.
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Okay so next is Anne! She's probably changed the most design wise out of all my OCs. They treasure all of their siblings a lot! She's like a pseudo mother figure for the group since Grainne (and by extension Edan) aren't around much. She works in the IT/electricity department of their home called "The Safehouse" because of this, she ends up tinkering in her spare time, on old computers and game consoles. The personal favorite is the 3DS where they play lots of RPGs and other story driven games! They also enjoy cooking with Eldwyn and sometimes Medb!
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Next is Eldwyn and Edan! They only have old art sorry! Eldwyn: Is quiet and reserved around strangers, but is himself around his close friends and family (basically ambivert) He also works along side Anne in the IT/electricity department. In his spare time he likes to read books in his spare time, mainly fiction. Edan: An extrovert to his core. A trickster that has a good heart. He works as a merc along with Grainne. I think I need to flesh him out more.
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Grainne: My love needs better art, BUT ANYWAY. She's a bit of a mess: she works hard but emotionally she has a lot of baggage from past trauma that hasn't healed. She tries to handle it well around her younger siblings, but is able to open up to her foster dads and Anne. In the business she's know as the Blazing Rider.
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Meloe: A soft-spoken lady that's most comparable to JP Effie. She likes doing heavy lifting, helping others, knitting, and eating good food with friends. Been trying to draw her more lately!
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Sloane: A quiet guy with a unknown past. He showed up with a young Medb that was covered in bruises and asked for help. Other than that, he's been quiet and hardworking. Medb was never told any of this by older members of the safehouse, including her adoptive parents Nick and Adrian, or Sloane. Nick and Adrian breakdown forgive me I don't have drawings of them Nick is the easy-going leader of the Safehouse while Adrian is the stricter leader. Nick is more in charge of the people and keeping everyone happy and alive, while Adrian is in charge of upkeep of the safehouse's infrastructure. They're both loving dads to the five kiddos!
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Tamil: Son of Tadhg and a doctor in the safehouse. He works in the medic's house alongside Medb and his father. He's a chill dude, but needs more work tbh.
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Tadhg: Doctor of the Safehouse and father of Tamil. He was an alien researcher a part of a 3rd group, but since he didn't surrender to the imperial faction, he ran with his son and found asylum in the Safehouse. He's a goofy dad but has a good heart. Needs new art desperately sadly.
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Toby: An old friend of Grainne. They used to work as mercs together but he ended up leaving that life to work in a bakery. He's next in queue for new ref sheet tho!
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And now onto antagonists and people from the Imperial faction!
Wilhelm: Main antagonist. A fan favorite too lol. My mans here is what we call an Earthaboo in the business. Hi main goal in reality is to capture Alan and use him as a political prisoner against the Alliance to get them to fuck off. He has to play everything like a straightman when he isn't around his friends/retainers Elilish and Jackson.
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Jackson: An earthling that became a retainer to Wilhelm. Think FE royals hiring their retainers due to skill. He's usually goofy as hell but serious when doing his job protecting prince Wilhelm. Has a past with Grainne.
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Elilish: Daughter of an Imperial Marquess. The household's responsibility is to guard the royal family at all costs. I've played with the idea of her house being assassins that take out political rivals or smth. For now she's a solid confidante/ retainer to Wilhelm.
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Elodie: Daughter of an Imperial noble that's a little bored with her life on earth. She ends up becoming friends with Medb due to happenstance and enjoying her time more showing Medb things she never got to see. Elodie has her doubts about how the Empireruns things, especially in it's treatment in earthlings as second class citizens.
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Viola. An OC I randomly created to be a sort of supporting character. She only recently got a name BUT I'd imagine she's shy and fashionable.
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Thank you for the opportunity to talk about my OCs! I hope you enjoyed it! :)
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