savageandwise · 2 years
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yaboiblitz · 1 year
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Loool here an old picture of my sculpture i made in highschool of john marston.
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septentrrional · 2 years
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Spring again ❤️
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wienschrift · 2 years
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phototagebuch · 2 years
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23.3.2023: Sakura
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prosy-days · 1 year
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March 23, 2023 - Day 277
Excited to have new ergonomic hooks for lace weight yarns.
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meinewege · 1 year
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arifink · 1 year
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godsnameisjoy · 2 years
Date: 23 March 2023
1 Duration: 35 minutes at 9:13 AM
I reached the Ramkrishna Mission’s main shrine mildly agitated over renewed routines at home. I knew that it would require a bit of adrenaline for me to adjust to fast changing circumstances. Peace reduces adrenaline dependency irreversibly.
Having entered meditation while feeling mildly agitated, I was soon racing to the best depth I am capable of. I made a conscious effort, at one time, to drop any body related inhibitions to meditation. It shouldn’t matter if I move involuntarily with freed energies while meditating in a public temple. I came out of the meditation free of the mental agitation I went in with.
2 Duration: 36 minutes at 11:01 PM
I don’t think I have ever had a meditation like this. I smiled ear to ear more than once while meditating, during the session. The smiles were a natural response to how I felt. For no reason, I was happy. Every time I would reach a decent depth of concentration, I would experience cheer.
My sense of cheer didn’t come from anything external to my mind. My attention was tucked well within my mind when I picked up happy feelings. It is unearthly to experience unexplained happiness. ‘Don’t know if it was a divine experience, but it sure seemed unearthly when I remembered the session much after the session.
I shook a lot more than my usual during this session. The shaking didn’t come in the way of me feeling unexpectedly happy.
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mysecretvienna · 2 years
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23.3.2023: Kugel Pompel
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botanisiertrommel · 2 years
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23.3.2023: Weiden-Birne
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savageandwise · 2 years
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korvessa · 1 year
Käärijä and Bojan meeting  -timeline (Part. 1)
So, I wanted to make a timeline about the eurovision preparties because I’ve been way too frustrated when people say that this is the first time that Käärijä and Bojan met:
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When it is NOT!
So because it’s raining outside and I’m bored, I present to you: Käärijä and Bojan preparties timeline (part 1)
Preparties were held in:
Barcelona (23.3.2023)
Warsaw (1.4.2023)
Tel-aviv (3.4.2023)
Madrid (7.-8.4.2023)
Amsterdam (15.4.2023)
London (16.4.2023).
Joker Out participated in every pre-party, Käärijä participated in Madrid, Amsterdam and London.
1. Before Preparties, sometime in march: 
Bojan trying his best to learn cha cha cha (from Joker out’s instagram).
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2. Barcelona 23.3.
Nothing particular here expect this cute moment from Joker out interview when they were asked to sing their favorite part of their song: 
Also watch Carpe Diem series ch. 3 from Joker Out youtube channel <3
3. Warsaw 1.4.
Again, nothing special, Käärijä in Finland doing gigs and losing his boleros, Joker out in Poland, Bojan very sick.
They were vibing to cha cha cha tho:
Really, you have to watch chapter 4 & 5 from Carpe Diem series. It’s on youtube. Here is the link.
4. Tel-aviv 3.4.
Bojan still sick, Käärijä still in Finland.
This time they danced to cha cha cha in party buss, there’s video somewhere in the internet.
5. Madrid 7.-8.4.
Now we are talking. The first party where Käärijä was also present. 
Madrid pre-party was two-day party and they met in the first day, April 7th.  I’m pretty confident that Käärijä had no idea until this party who Joker Out (or Bojan) was because he was pretty busy doing gigs back in Finland (and he also kind of admitted that he hasn’t listened all of the Eurovision songs at this point). At that point he had said that his favorites were Germany and Austria or any other song he had listened in this video.
On the contrary, Joker out had been very vocal about Käärijä in their twitter (and in their interviews): 
This was tweeted right after Käärijä won the UMK, in febuary 25th
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Käärijä-pe Diem was later mentioned again by Bojan in his and Käärijä’s instagram live in May
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Anyway, back to Madrid...
April 7th: The meeting
here is link to the video of Käärijä being very lost and kind of nervous because it is his first time meeting everyone (also you can see joker out behind him)
(Very loose translation: He is saying that the people there are really nice and that he is slowly getting better in english. He says that everybody is taking pictures together but not with him. Then he zooms to the mediapeople (they are waiting to go to do the interviews).
HERE is the first meeting (that we know of), everybody knows this video:
“wtf Bojan”
Cute photo of Käärijä and Joker out:
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and this one from Käärijäs Instagram story:
After that, it was time to go to meet the media. Here is Joker out waiting for their interview. Käärijä is there in the backround and it seems that Bojan was pretty distracted by him (he kept glancing him like three times, bro you just met him chill out):
from this livestream 
This is the end of part one, see you in the second one. If you dare.
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madfantasy · 2 years
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"... After it simmers, I believe the results will finally speak of the endless research it costed, deserved or not"
" I think it's coming up nicely.. and at whatever end, you really came a long way.. honestly, I'm so proud of you!"
"... thank you... Are you aware of where your hand is?"
Continuing more snippets of my snarry au, as Sev finds Harrison's company and help very inspiring to his perlonged on hold researches.. AND THEN they do smoochies 23.3.2023
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zoopop80 · 2 years
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Sacramento / 23.3.2023
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rbf451 · 1 year
BC’s ig story 25.3.2023 At 3Olympia Theatre 23.3.2023
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