#27 six of pentacles
April 19th, 2023
1. King Bael: Two of Wands
2. Duke Agares: Three of Wands
3. Prince Vassago: Four of Wands
4. Marquis Samigina: Five of Pentacles
5. President Marbas: Six of Pentacles
6. Duke Valefor: Seven of Pentacles
7. Marquis Amon: Eight of Swords
8. Duke Barbatos: Nine of Swords
9. King Paimon: Ten of Swords
10. President Buer: Two of Cups
11. Duke Gusion: Three of Cups
12. Prince Sitri: Four of Cups
13. King Beleth: Five of Wands
14. Marquis Leraje: Six of Wands
15. Duke Eligos: Seven of Wands
16. Duke Zepar: Eight of Pentacles
17. President Botis: Nine of Pentacles
18. Duke Bathin: Ten of Pentacles
19. Duke Sallos: Two of Swords
20. King Purson: Three of Swords
21. Earl/President Marax: Four of Swords
22. Earl/Prince Ipos: Five of Cups
23. Duke Aim: Six of Cups
24. Marquis Naberius: Seven of Cups
25. President/Earl Glasya-Labolas: Eight of Wands
26. Duke/Duchess Bune: Nine of Wands
27. Marquis/Earl Ronové: Ten of Wands
28. Duke Berith: Two of Pentacles
29. Duke/Duchess Astaroth: Three of Pentacles
30. Marquis Forneus: Four of Pentacles
31. President Foras: Five of Swords
32. King Asmoday: Six of Swords
33. President/Prince Gaap: Seven of Swords
34. Earl Furfur: Eight of Cups
35. Marquis Marchosias: Nine of Cups
36. Prince Stolas: Ten of Cups
37. Marquis Phenex: Two of Wands
38. Earl Halphas: Three of Wands
39. President Malphas: Four of Wands
40. Earl Raum: Five of Pentacles
41. Duke Focalor: Six of Pentacles
42. Duke/Duchess Vepar: Seven of Pentacles
43. Marquis Sabnock: Eight of Swords
44. Marquis Shax: Nine of Swords
45. King/Earl Viné: Ten of Swords
46. Earl Bifrons: Two of Cups
47. Duke Uvall: Three of Cups
48. President Haagenti: Four of Cups
49. Duke Crocell: Five of Wands
50. Knight Furcas: Six of Wands
51. King Balam: Seven of Wands
52. Duke Alloces: Eight of Pentacles
53. President Camio: Nine of Pentacles
54. Duke/Earl Murmur: Ten of Pentacles
55. Prince Orobas: Two of Swords
56. Duke/Duchess Gremory: Three of Swords
57. President Osé: Four of Swords
58. President Amy: Five of Cups
59. Marquis Oriax: Six of Cups
60. Duke/Duchess Vapula: Seven of Cups
61. King/President Zagan: Eight of Wands
62. President Volac: Nine of Wands
63. Marquis Andras: Ten of Wands
64. Duke Haures: Two of Pentacles
65. Marquis Andrealphus: Three of Pentacles
66. Marquis Cimejes: Four of Pentacles
67. Duke Amdusias: Five of Swords
68. King Belial: Six of Swords
69. Marquis Dacarabia: Seven of Swords
70. Prince Seere: Eight of Cups
71. Duke Dantalion: Nine of Cups
72. Earl Andromalius: Ten of Cups
Source: Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia
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shesaprettyboy · 1 year
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TAROT READING (04/27/23)
⛱️ nine of pentacles, nine of cups, ten of cups, the hierophant, death, five of pentacles reversed, six of swords, knight of cups, the chariot, the lovers (add ons: the sun, wheel of fortune, the magician, nine of swords reversed, page of pentacles reversed, five of wands reversed)
it looks like this summer will hold a lot more hope and joy for the future, where there will be more relaxation and enjoyment with loved ones and in the overall environment. the hierophant and death represent an ending to how things were before, and it seems as though a lot will be moving away from feeling too unsafe. the knight of cups represent the will to carry a lot of love into your world, and there might be more sunnier events than usual. there’s a bigger plan that’s occurring that will show the ends of sorrows, damages, and lessons. it will show where the lack of progress went wrong.
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fikarot · 2 years
Can you do a reading on Enhypen Jake's ideal type please? Tysm! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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— jake (enha)’s ideal type
disclaimer: i have little knowledge on him and enha. my readings might be inaccurate because of changing energies and misinterpretation.
18.03.2023, 18:27 eet::
• eight of pentacles rx, six of wands, three of pentacles, the fool, the emperor • the empress •
so jake wants someone who is manipulating others? someone in power POWER? the “jackpot” factor?
tbh i assume that bc of the combination between the first two cards. jake’s ideal type might be as workaholic as him (using manipulative tactics🤠). six of wands i believe is about someone who is having good time with, who feels like a victory to him, possibly prize if combined with bad cards? however 3 of pentacles is al about teamwork, so he definitely wants someone who will be team together when needed.
jake wants someone who will make him feel like he’s starting something new, something unique, who will make him feel like a king or something.. strong, in power even.
i’ll be honest, him as a bf and his ideal type is the same thing? i believe he’s just passive in relationships and prefers his so to “rule” his family and love life, so yeah. i really believe jake’s actually not traditional about family life at all.
i hope this is conscious way of thinking for jake. i also hope you’re satisfied with your request.
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pinespittinink · 2 years
14, 27, 47, 53, and 71 for the tarot asks??
14. TEMPERANCE: PURPOSE (When did writing become your purpose?)
When I was a child. Tbh, I started devotedly writing at a very young age (six or seven, no later), and writing novel length fiction and complete queriable drafts in middle school helped me hone my craft early on in a way that I'm grateful to have had. I realized from a young age that writing books was not only something possible that people could do, but something that I wanted to do, and I just devoted myself to writing with my whole heart.
27. SIX OF CUPS: CHILDHOOD (Have you written since you were a child or did you pick up the skill as an adult?)
Ahaha, I answered this already I guess! I can illuminate a little more though--I was just an early bloomer in the truest sense. I have a lot of stories about baby Catherine's writing and all the ideas I had and all the things I wrote. Truly, I was a child, and I'm so grateful that I have the parents I do and have been fortunate in the life I have that I was able to write so freely and so much.
47. KNIGHT OF SWORDS: AMBITION (What is your loftiest, wildest goal?)
Six-figure trad pub deal. To be financially stable from my writing alone, and to see an adaptation of some sort brought to life, be it through tv or film.
53. FOUR OF PENTACLES: FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE (Do you or would you write full time?)
Oh, if I could actually support myself and not struggle, I would in a heartbeat. I'm no speed demon by any means, but I can get good work done when I set my mind to it, and I would and will write for my entire life. As it stands, writing full time is not an option on the table for the foreseeable future, and I have a full-time day job.
71. EIGHT OF WANDS: TRAVEL (Have you traveled or would like to travel for your writing?)
I haven't! I suppose I would, but I can't really think of anywhere I would want to go in particular for any particular project. So many of my ideas just come from within my head, especially ones with very funky landscapes (stares at In the Deep of the Trees and the waste wip).
✨ author tarot challenge ✨
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jinxstrology · 2 years
What if I want idols AND a goddess??? 👀
Jul. 27, 1987, 1:19am PST
okie i'll do it 'cause it's you *SMOOCH*
Goddess of the Day: Bast (Nobility)
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Bast, or Bastet, is an Egyptian cat goddess who was a solar symbol and who later became associated with the moon. Cats were revered by the ancient Egyptians for their cleanliness and nobility, and because they controlled the rodent population and, as a result, reduced the spread of disease. Bast's cult center, Bubastis, was once the capital of Egypt, and the Greek historian Herodotus described it as a place of splendor and glory rivaled only by temples to Ra and Horus. Temples in Egypt still have honored cats who manage the rodents.
Tarot card: Six of Pentacles
the two-way abundance of giving and receiving, being charitable, a positive and generous mindset, financial advancement, awakening, in flow
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Baron (VAV)
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Wheein (Mamamoo)
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nicholasashbaugh · 1 year
1-Card, 1-Minute Daily Tarot Reading • Thursday, July 27, 2023 • Today's card is the Six of Pentacles. Listen to the reading now: https://youtube.com/shorts/269_ik8sPEE
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rovingsolitarything · 4 years
Daily Draw
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Six of Pentacles
Guided reading:
Presents/gifts, gratification, attention, vigilance, present prosperity, now is the accepted time, charity, generosity, sharing.
Today be liberal with yourself and others; benevolence is a virtue. Focus on the give-and-take, how you value yourself as well as those around you. Now is not the time to keep your hands in your pockets; share and partake in everything the world has to offer, whatever that might be for you right now. Be free with your time and resources where you are in a position to do so, and this will reap rewards. Learn to turn the grace and generosity you show to others towards yourself, and remember to show gratitude for what you have and what’s on offer. It might feel scary to be so freehanded and admit vulnerability, but life is short, and we all share the same needs, the same planet, so we should be able to rely on each other. It’s just as important to learn how to accept as well as offer help. Don’t miss the chance to ease someone else’s burden if you can, including your own - there’s plenty to go around, so there’s no need to be greedy or a martyr. You’ll find that most gifts keep on giving, so think about what you have to offer, even if that’s simply an extra minute of your time. Check in with people and let them know you appreciate them - or why not go full-on Oprah and make someone’s day with a more extravagant surprise? It can only do you credit.
‘To be generous, guiltless, and of a free disposition is to take those things for bird-bolts that you deem cannon-bullets.’ - Olivia, Twelfth Night or What You Will, Act I Scene V, William Shakespeare.
- CJ
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valko-lapsus · 3 years
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Inktober Day 27: Six of Pentacles
You've been granted with an abundance! Be sure to share your resources with others, especially those you care about. Generosity begets generosity, after all.
(Sorry for the sloppy handwriting on this one, I forgot to warm up my wrists. Don't be like me; warm up before drawing kiddos.)
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watching-ostara · 3 years
Mind, Body, Spirit Check-In // Pick A Pile
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
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[Disclaimer!!! This is a general reading and therefore may not be perfectly accurate. General readings are for entertainment purposes only.]
Pumpkin Candle (Pile One)
strength (upright); death (upright); seven of swords (reversed)
You haven't been the best person recently, and that's okay. Nobody's perfect, but the important thing is that you see these problems and your spirit calls on you to make changes in your behaviour. You have enough compassion and mental strength to start over. As difficult as letting go often is, you need to cut the ties that bind you to your problems in order to awaken new, bright beginnings.
Pumpkin Rows (Pile Two)
knight of cups (reversed); nine of swords (reversed); queen of pentacles (reversed)
Some imbalance has been encountered between your spiritual work and your physical self. Perhaps you give too much or too little of your energy into your spiritual practice or you feel frustrated by the lack of progress you're making. This is causing your emotions to run high and control you, instead of the other way around. You're losing your objectivity and creating more negative spirals. Breathe. Look at your situation through a lens of logic instead of feeling. What isn't working?
Pumpkin Sand Art (Pile Three)
six of wands (reversed); king of wands (upright); eight of wands (reversed)
It looks like self-doubt has been creeping in to your thoughts and confidence in your journey is waning. Nothing is happening and the delays you face have been put there by external forces uncontrollable by you. But look at this not as a time of stagnation and rather a time of rest. Reflect on yourself and particularly how you handle challenges in the past, for this knowledge is likely to come in handy. You may not control as much of the events as you would like, but you can be in a position of leadership over your own attitude to this journey.
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snarkywrites · 3 years
April Horoscopes: Manifestation
Aries Season is here adding drama, love, and courageous energy into our lives. After seasons with mostly Earth and Air planets, we are back to Cardinal. This is the start of the Astrological New Year and it has arrived with an influx of passion. Venus and the Sun are already in Aries this month and Mercury will enter on the 3rd. One transit to look forward to is the New Moon in Aries on the 11th. Set your intentions and dream big because this Moon will not be afflicted by Saturn. Instead, it is embraced by both Saturn and Jupiter. We will be welcoming the powerful Taurean energy on the 14th when Venus will be in domicile. Sun and Mercury will follow on the 19th, adding to a huge stellium that will conflict with Saturn. Nevertheless, this energy is still lovely and romantic. Mars will shift into a water sign after a long time and the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th will add more of that dreamy water energy. A reminder with this Full Moon and the Pluto Retrograde on the 27th, that there is still internal work to be done but we can still feel and embrace the magic and inspiration it will bring.
 Aries – Your birthday season is here bringing you a period of contemplation and a little chaos. Mercury enters your sign on the 3rd changing the way we communicate from dreamy to daring and brash. This planet in your sign builds our momentum fuels us with passion and even more drive since it will be joining the Sun and Venus. When the New Moon enters your sign on the 11th, we will be fortunate to experience more of that Cardinal energy that will help us move forward. Expect some magic and manifestation powers during this New Moon. If you want it, envision, and go for it. Venus will be in the sign of Taurus beginning on the 14th. The energy now translates to “treat yourself” and you shall during your birthday season. Venus enjoys being in this sign, so more of the good will accompany you during this time. Another interesting transit will be on the 23rd when Mars enters the sign of Cancer. It will be a frustrating transit as this planet will squaring your sign until June. Try to be patient, because Mars will have you repeating tasks if you do not work things out properly the first time. Get focused, keep going and have fun. The Full Moon in Scorpio will be on the 26th, adding some exhilarating and teary moments as you focus on letting go. Finally, the month closes with a Pluto retrograde on the 27th which is going to allow you to reevaluate your career choices for the next five months once again. Card of the month: Ace of Cups Reversed; create fearlessly.
Taurus – Your birthday season also begins middle of the month but some notable transits for you are Mercury entering the sign of Aries on the 3rd. Here you will be reflective as Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in your house of the subconscious. The New Moon on the 11th will be a great time for you to set your intentions regarding what you wish to gain and what you aspire to do in the next six months. A favorable aspect will be Venus entering your sign on the 14th. You are going to feel lucky and beautiful. Mercury and the Sun will join Venus on the 19th. You are going to be feeling more in your element once Taurus season begins on that day. Mars will enter the sign of Cancer on the 23rd, motivating you to create and produce. Socializing will not be an issue now as you can acquire more fame through social media if you put your all into it. The Scorpio Full Moon on the 26th will once again have you contemplating relationships as you look once again to those dynamics at work and your personal life. Issues relating to October 2020 might reappear demanding you to resolve them. Pluto will close the month with a retrograde in the sign of Capricorn on the 27th, making a positive aspect to your sign. More of that transformative energy will continue to follow you since Uranus is also in your sign demanding changes that will make you uncomfortable, but you can handle it. Card of the month: King of Cups; don’t be afraid of emotions or romance.
Gemini – Mars is currently in your sign making a positive aspect to Jupiter and Saturn. You are making things work and getting things done. Mercury, your ruler will be in Aries on the 3rd. This brings a positive dynamic between Mercury and Mars, which will add to your creative spirit and it will surprise you to see how much content you can produce if you keep at it. The New Moon in Aries on the 11th is a good time to put your projects out there because you could get the recognition you have been dreaming of. Taurus Season begins on the 19th when Sun and Mercury move in to join Venus. During this transit, you will want to take a break from the world and recharge as you await your season’s entry next month. Mars will leave your sign and enter the sign of Cancer on the 23rd, making you work harder for the money. The focus and dedication will allow you to build up your income, just make sure not to overspend. On the 26th, the Full Moon in Scorpio is a period of evaluation when it comes to your daily routines and habits. More contemplative energy followed the next day with Pluto Retrograde in the sign of Capricorn. This transits in conjunction could inspire a trip down memory lane but you will just smile and look back because you are on your way to more success. Card of the month: Queen of Pentacles; Be confident in your position of power.
Cancer – As a Cardinal sign you are probably looking for a way to feel more in control this month. Mercury enters the sign of Aries on the 3rd, allowing you to set your sights on the top and manifest greater things. It is the time to make your career dreams come true as the New Moon in Aries graces your house of career on the 11th. With this Stellium, you are on your way to making big moves and acquiring big things if you plan and get to work. A lot of heart, passion and focus will get you anywhere this year. Taurus energy will be amplified with Venus entering this sign on the 14th. This is a great time to receive praise for the work you have done and to have some fun connecting with colleagues or friends. On the 19th, we enter Taurus Season and Mercury tags along with the Sun to build on your need for socializing and the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th adds some excitement and intensity to your house of romance. There will be huge decisions to be made when Pluto goes retrograde on the 27th that will focus on your relationships. There could be people from the past returning in your life. You have the choice to embrace or let them go. Card of the month: Ace of Swords: Use your creative energy now.
Leo – Like the other fire signs, you are going to embrace Aries season since it will make you feel quite excited. The expansive energy that this point in time will bring you is great for pursuing dreams and achievement before the summer. Mercury will enter the sign of Aries on the 3rd, so if you are in school or contemplating going back, you might feel encouraged to go with it and pick the program you are interested in pursuing. You are going to want to digest information during this transit and once the New Moon in Aries occurs on the 11th, you will feel more confident in what you envision for your future. Taurus Season begins on the 19th, which means you are going to shift gears and focus on achievement and recognition during this transit. You have the favorable energy from Venus that will allow you to shine brightly and impress either professors or bosses. When Mars enters the sign of Cancer on the 26th, you are going to want to retreat from the world and this is perfect since it will allow you to work hard on your pending projects or just find new ways to excel at work. The Pluto Retrograde will open your eyes and allow you to express yourself in ways that are going to be more beneficial in the long run. Card of the month: Six of Pentacles Reversed; Focus on yourself more.
Virgo – Aries Season might not feel like much of an inspiration to you as the intense Pisces Season’s magic continues to linger. Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, which can be an uncomfortable placement for you. You might reconnect with the past and understand your need to make changes in the future especially with the New Moon in Aries on the 11th, prompting you to let go and forgive. Venus in Taurus on the 14th initiates a period of harmony for you. The Sun and Mercury join Venus on the 19th, officially creating a stellium in Taurus. This is going to bring some answers to the questions posed during Aries Season. If you are focused on relationships this period, try to heal before entering a serious one. Taurus Season will give you the courage to face what is to come and peace of mind. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th will have you traveling and communicating. Put your thoughts in writing to release tension and pain. The Pluto Retrograde on the 27th will once more magnify any issues with relationships and romance. Forgive, let go and be open to love. Card of the month: Five of Wands Reversed; opt for peace not chaos.
Libra – You are going to enjoy the powerful energy that this Aries Season has in store for you. Venus and the Sun are already creating harmonious energies to your romantic life. If you are single, you might meet someone interesting during this three-week period before Taurus Season begins. Mercury will be in the sign of Aries on the 3rd, making you bolder when it comes to communicating. The New Moon in Aries on the 11th will be a great time to fall in love again with your partner. Your heart may be full of joy during this transit since there is a sextile to Jupiter, it will bring pleasure and will inspire you. This is powerful and welcoming energy you need to close out this season. Taurus Season begins on the 19th. Sun, Mercury, and Venus will provide you guidance in matters of love as well as the financial. You might have support from others now or will feel compelled to dive into the treat yourself mentality that Venus will bring since it rules your sign as well. With the Full Moon in Scorpio adding to the themes of value and self-worth, you are going to feel empowered. The Pluto Retrograde on the 27th sets the tone for the changes that will need to be made for future success in work and home. Card of the month: Queen of Swords Reversed; watch your tongue.
Scorpio – You are going to work hard for what you want during this Aries Season and it will be successful especially with the New Moon in Aries on the 11th allowing you to show others who is in control and who is the boss. Your work ethic will shine as the planets in Aries form a sextile to Saturn and Jupiter during this season. Taurus Season will bring back some interesting dynamics into your relationships. You are going to evaluate what your partner has to offer beginning on the 19th when Sun and Mercury enter your house of partnerships. But thankfully, Venus is also there, adding comfort and joy to your life as well. You are able to effectively communicate while being diplomatic with friends and/or romantic partners. Single people might meet someone interesting now with striking Venusian qualities that are likely to keep you interested. A major transit will be the Full Moon in your sign on the 26th, a time where cycles are closing. You are going to learn a little more about yourself and your own capabilities. If you have felt down with all these stressful Saturn and Uranus energies, you are going to reclaim some of the control again. Pluto in Capricorn will start its retrograde motion on the 27th. Expect some changes in the way you express yourself during this transit. Card of the month: Seven of Wands Reversed; be wary of others.
Sagittarius – Fire is in the air this month which is a great change from all the Air energy that has accompanied us for the first part of the year. Mercury in Aries on the 3rd is going to make you more charming. The bold energy of Aries intensifies as the planets begin to build into a stellium in your house of romance and pleasure. On the 11th, the stellium is complete with the New Moon that will allow you to meet new people and you will experience a bit of nostalgia. You might reminisce on past relationships, as you think back to the Mars in Aries transit that happened last year. It also does not help that Mars in Gemini is bringing some transformations to the way you view relationships. After the passion and emotion of this New Moon’s energy, you are going to get more driven and focused once Venus enters Taurus on the 14th. You are ready to make your mark, and no one is going to stop you. Once Taurus season officially enters on the 19th, those plans you made earlier in the year will begin to take flight. As Mars changes signs on the 23rd, you are going to deal with a new emotional intensity you probably did not want to handle now. These transits will only help to make you stronger in the long run, so go with the flow and practice patience. More transformative energy with the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th and Pluto Retrograde on the 27th. This will be your period of reflection and understanding as you prepare for Gemini Season next month. Card of the month: Two of Wands: Be fearless with your choices.
Capricorn – Get ready to feel fired up during the month of April as your focus shifts from the career field to the home. This is your month to make changes that make you feel more comfortable and to bring a nice peaceful energy to your home. Connecting with family will be huge this month as things begin to get more exciting when Mercury is in the sign of Aries on the 3rd, allowing you to reconnect with traditions and the past. With Venus and the Sun already in the same sign, things will amplify with the New Moon on the 11th, bringing you to focus on changes for the future as well as the successes that have allowed you to triumph for so long. Venus will be in the sign of Taurus beginning on the 14th, so if your romantic life felt a little boring, now is the time to meet new people and begin to feel desirable as this planet makes a trine to your sign. Sun and Mercury enter the sign of Taurus on the 19th, adding more flare and creative energy into your life. Your focus will gradually move from work to romance once Mars enters Cancer on the 23rd. Get ready to attract more emotional people that will provide some interesting perspectives to you. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th has you feeling more sociable, so this is a good time to reconnect with friends or just trim your social circles a bit. The month closes with Pluto, the lone planet in your sign will begin its retrograde motion on the 27th. More transformations ahead. Card of the month: Ace of Pentacles: Financial success awaits.
Aquarius – A big year for you and this month is going to bring lighthearted energy. With the Aries stellium forming, the way you communicate will be audacious and filled with courage. For the creatives, this energy will be inspirational and allow you to be more driven. You are going to have a wonderful time connecting with friends and family. Venus in Taurus on the 14th is going to be a favorable transit especially in the home front. This could be bringing more of a need to make aesthetic changes as you want to bring your ideas to life and renovation might make you feel emotionally satisfied. On the 19th, the Sun and Mercury will also join Venus. This Taurus season will be jam packed and a little stressful since the Venusian planets will be facing off with Saturn, but you can handle it. With Jupiter still in your sign you will be able to overcome and handle any obstacles that are in your way. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th will make an opposition to Uranus. If you are feeling an itch to make changes, think things carefully. This is a transit that asks you to go with the flow and continue working towards what you want in the future. The month ends with a Pluto Retrograde on the 27th. While this can feel intense, it will not compare to what you faced last year with the Capricorn Stellium. You now have guidance and personal experience to handle it. Your power will be known after it. Card of the month: Ten of Cups is a reminder to seek your happily ever after.
Pisces – You are going to do a lot and reevaluate yourself during this Aries Season. Mercury in Aries on the 3rd brings you a sign regarding the way you manage finances. Do the research, be patient and try not to overspend with Venus and the Sun currently in the same sign. The New Moon in Aries on the 11th is going to get down to the gritty parts and will have you doing some more inner work. You are going to think about relationships as well with Venus adding bits of nostalgia. On the 14th, Venus will be in Taurus and the themes will move to connecting and socializing. You will reunite with people or just meet new folks during this Taurus Season which officially begins on the 19th. Mars will be moving in the sign of Cancer on the 23rd which can bring excitement, romance, and drama. Try not to be too dramatic during this transit as Mars tends to make us all a little more passionate. In Cancer it is likely to make us all emotional. The Full Moon in Scorpio is a breath of fresh air for you, and it will happen on the 26th. A Cycle will close, and you are going to feel a weight begin to lift off your shoulders. The opposition this Moon has to Uranus might bring some highs and lows, but you are going to feel enlightened after it. The Pluto Retrograde on the 27th adds a little flare to your relationships yet again. People from the past might return or you might see big changes in your social groups. Card of the month: Strength; you are courageous and powerful.
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witch-p-l-e-a-s-e · 2 years
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Daily Draw 6/27/22: Six of Pentacles
• be generous, don’t hold back
• don’t let anyone tell you that being open and giving is a weakness
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pyroplumis · 4 years
Hello! May I please have a reading on a job I recently applied for its position to be a Hostess/expo at a Korean BBQ I’d like to know if I’ll get the position or if there’s anything else I need to know about that job thank you my birthday is 10/27/98 thank you again for your help!
Cards I pulled for this one are Knight of Pentacles, The Hanged Man, and Six of Wands!
My first thought with the Hanged Man is that it’s something still up in the air. I feel like you have a chance of getting it, Knight of Pentacles makes me think they saw you as someone hardworking and dependable, so you definitely have that going for you. But the combination of those two also makes me think it might be a little while before you hear back from them, so if you don’t get a response as quick as you would like, just be patient and see what happens. 
Six of Wands is another card that makes me think  you’ll get it, and my first thought with it in terms of anything you need to know about the job is to just not sweat it, you’re going to get the hang of things there quicker than you think, no problem.
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cosmictulips · 4 years
Hello Tulip! I hope the weather is going well for you. It’s raining in Southern California so it’s a nice change from the hot sun lol. May I ask about how my(DL) romantic relationship with MY like? I’m 28 and he’s 27.
Facts about me: I can’t swim. I’ve drowned like twice so I’m deadly afraid of water. I’m a homebody lol. 💚
Facts about him: he’s a Venus in Aries. A Pisces and he likes the color black.
Cheese. 💚💚
HELLO FRIENNNDDDD Dude you're smart to be afraid of water. I've nearly drowned twice and my stupid ass is like LETS GO BACK. 
  the empress, the 10 of pentacles and the 6 of swords with the 2 of swords as the overall energy. ace of wands is behind it
A very nurturing relationship.  that's what this is lol.  The Empress is very keen on making sure I tell you that.  you two have a committed relationship.  a supportive one.  one that's built on the tokens you have gone through -the pentacles ;) -  I always associate the Empress with Fire even though she's earth so it's like  you have worked hard, which shows with the pentacles card as well but like you two have overcome a lot to get to where you are.  and you are each others rocks.
  the 10 of pentacles tells me that you two are working on building your abundance, and that you already have it.  You two enjoy spending time with each other and enjoy building what you have.  together,  you two have prosperity,  a life,  a bond.
Six of swords and the two of swords. You two are making the choice to leave something behind and go towards something new with the ace of wands.   I'm not entirely sure what that is but considering these are fire and air cards it probably has something to do with patterns or passions in your life.  perhaps you two are changing the way you communicate with each other,  leaving an old dream behind for a new one.  either way,  you both have come to this agreement,  and are just choosing to look ahead to the future.
I should make a note here that I'm seeing something to do with kids lol.  I don't know if y'all want kids,  or just have a family you guys go see a lot or whatever.  but there's something to do with kids,  and being around a group of people lol 
I hope this helps c= If you ever need anything, feel free to stop on by c= 
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hillbillyoracle · 5 years
Nonbinary November Tarot Challenge is back!
Edited and with some new editions - I’m bringing the Nonbinary November Tarot Challenge back this year!
I really loved doing what I could of it last year and I wanted to do it again. If you join us, use the #NonbinaryNovemberTarotChallenge tag. 
While the challenge is designed with trans folks in mind, cis folks are welcome and encouraged to join! Thinking critically about your own relationship to gender is interesting and fruitful for all of us. 
I will also be posting reminders on here and on Instagram with the prompt for that day. The prompts are already scheduled for my challenge group on Facebook. Full disclosure - Facebook is still giving me a lot of trouble with being able to run that group and we don’t have a lot of folks yet but if you like getting your notifications on Facebook instead, be sure to turn on notifications so you see every time I post prompts.  So without further ado - here’s this year’s prompts: 
Week 1 – Intro
November 1 – Your Relationship to Gender
Shuffle your deck. Draw three cards and interpret them as your current relationship to gender. Where is there conflict? Where is there revelry?
 November 2 – The Two Genders
Shuffle your deck. Turn your deck over and look for the Fool. The card on the left of the Fool represents your relationship to femininity and the card on the right represents your relationship to masculinity.
 November 3 – The Spectrum
This one will take a bit of room so try to find a place you can spread out. Select a signifying card for yourself. Shuffle your deck. Turn the deck over and find where your signifying card is in relation to the two cards that were on either side of the Fool in yesterday’s spread. Is it between them? Closer to one than the other? Is it not between them at all? How far away in the deck is it from them? Interpret the relationship between the three cards as where you fall between or outside of the binary and/or your relationship to the binary.
 Week 2 – Self
November 4 – Important Aspects
Shuffle your deck and draw three cards. Interpret these as three aspects of your gender to focus on for the rest of the spreads this week. Where is there conflict? Where is there liberation?
 November 5 – Presence and Presentation
Select a signifier for your gender as you currently know it to be and select another to represent how you present your gender to the world. Shuffle the deck and look for the signifiers. The cards on the left side of both cards represent the relationship between the two, whether that’s distance, synchronicity or something else. The cards on the right side of both cards is how you could bring the internal and the external more into line if you so choose.
 November 6 – It’s Not All Rainbows
Shuffle your deck. Find the Moon. The cards on either side speak to what about your gender still makes you uncomfortable.
November 7 - Pride
Shuffle your deck. Find the Sun. The cards on either side speak to how to take more pride in your gender.
 November 8 - Attraction
Shuffle your deck and draw three cards. These are three qualities others find attractive about you and your gender.
 November 9 - Childhood
Shuffle your deck and find the Six of Cups. The card to the left is what baggage you still need to unpack and the one on the right is how to heal it; this is in relation to gender.
 November 10 – Personality
Draw two cards to represent your personality. Draw two cards to represent your gender. Where is there conflict? Where is there synergy?
 Week 3 - Society
November 11 – Breaking the Binary
Shuffle your deck and draw three cards to answer the following questions: In what ways to do you adhere to the binary? In what ways do you break it? How has it shaped you?
 November 12 – Constraints
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Eight of Swords. The card to the left is how society’s expectations limit you. The card on the right is how you begin to break free.
 November 13 – Femininity
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Empress. The card to the left is what about society’s ideas about femininity constrains you. The card on the right is what about femininity empowers you.
 November 14 – Masculinity
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Emperor. The card to the left is what about society’s ideas about masculinity constrains you. The card on the right is what about masculinity empowers you.
 November 15 – Romance and Gender
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Lovers. The card to the left is how your relationships have influenced how you present your gender and the card to the right is how your gender presentation has influenced your relationships.
 November 16 – Challenging Stereotypes
Select a gendered card, preferably one where the gender of the card gives you difficulty when it shows up in readings. Lay that card down then shuffle your deck without it. Draw a card for each of the following questions: What about how this card challenges me is tied to my past? What about how this card challenges me is tied to my personality? What about how this card challenges me is tied to society? Bonus: Select an extra card for each to speak to how to overcome those challenges.
 November 17 – The Light, the Self, and the Shadow
Shuffle and draw one card for each of the following questions: What forces make me pressure me to hide my full self/full gender? What do I know my full self/full gender to be? What parts of myself/my gender have I pushed away?
 Week 4 - Solidarity
November 18 - Celebrate
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Three of Cups. The card on the left speaks to how to celebrate yourself. The card on the right speaks to how to celebrate your community.
 November 19 – Heal
Shuffle your deck. Draw one card for each of the following questions: What needs healed in my community? How can I help heal it? What should my next step be?
 November 20 – Strengths
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Strength card. The cards on either side speak to how you strengthen your community.
 November 21 – Gratitude
Shuffle your deck and draw three cards. These cards represent what your community gives you.
 November 22 – Give
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Six of Pentacles. The card on the left is what you can give back to your community. The card on the right is how to begin to give it.
 November 23 – Bracing for Change
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Wheel of Fortune. The card on the left represents the challenges your community will soon face. The card on the right is how to help your community prepare for it.
 November 24 – Safety
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and look for the Emperor. The card on the left is how you can help keep your community safe and the card on the right is how the community keeps you safe.
 Week 5
November 25 – Gender and Spirituality
Shuffle your deck. Draw a card for each of the following questions: How does my gender positively influence my approach to spirituality? How does my gender negatively influence my approach to spirituality? How does my spirituality influence my approach to gender?
 November 26 - Tradition
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Hierophant. The cards to either side speak to how older ideas about religion are influencing your gender.
 November 27 – Spiritual Healing
Shuffle your deck. Draw three cards. These cards speak to how you can begin to heal what was brought up in yesterday’s spread.
 November 28 – The Future
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Star. The cards on either side speak to how to take what you’ve discovered during this challenge and apply it going forward.
 November 29 – Affirmation
Shuffle your deck. Draw 3 cards. Turn each one into a positive affirmation (a positive “I AM…” statement) to use going forward.
 November 30 – Message
This prompt encourages you to open yourself to receiving a message from the universe, your ancestors, a guide, or a deity. If that doesn’t work for you, feel free to close with a free style reading on the takeaways from this challenge. If it does, pull one card for each of the following questions: what do they want to tell you? What do they want you to know about you gender? What do they want you to do going forward?
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pieandhotdogs · 4 years
I’ve practiced and repracticed the Greek pronunciations. Exactly 27 steps around the circle. That’s 3 cubed, probably some reference to the Trinity, who knows, I certainly don’t, I just follow the directions, like a recipe...
l made the pentacle on the altar from iron like the Grimoire directed, etched it last Tuesday in the hour of Mars. Second attempt. The first one was a bust because the dremel jammed momentarily and I didn’t manage to finish that last ω within the hour. I was more judicious with my time, but I nearly missed it again. I would have probably dropped the whole endeavor in favor of that harnessing spell I heard about on some Discord server, the one that Balthazar chick was talking about.
Balthazar, what a pretentious username. I didn’t really want to use this spell, the astrological positions are really weird, and you’ve gotta have three objects from the nearest eastward-flowing river, and only one of them is allowed to be a rock... but I really don’t like giving any credit to Balthazar. She’s so full of herself, and it’s more annoying because it’s like she knows something about me. Which she probably does. There aren’t a lot of real magicans out there, almost everyone you meet is a fraud of some kind. But Balthazar (ugh) seems like the Real Deal™️
...twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven... I turn to face the East, pick up the iron disk and hold it high above my head, facing the quickly lightening horizon in view of my kitchen window. I shout the incantations, being sure to use archaic pronunciations, I’ve learned the hard way not to use modern Greek with these kinds of grimoires.
On the last word, the first sliver of sunlight bursts above the horizon, blinding me for an instant. I squint, drop the pentacle down to shade my face, and blink several times. I turn around to get my barings. I made it through the whole ritual perfectly and then lose my focus right at the last second? Stupid. I’m gonna have to do this a third time...
...wait, whose shadow is that standing next to mine??
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reflectionsofhekate · 4 years
tarot readings for the week 27/7
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applies to sun, moon and rising placements.
feel free to like/rt if it resonates. i would love to know your thoughts, too!
general reading, so if it doesn’t apply, let it fly!
deck used: the illuminated tarot by Caitlin keegan
― ♈︎: the fool and the sun
the path to a new beginning could be highlighted here. there’s double fire energy here so go forth with energy, passion and creativity. the universe is on your side with taking a risk. release fear and know that whatever you start now, is just the beginning. just do it. 
― ♉︎: judgement
this week you’ll be getting a wakeup call in some way. either by another person, or it’s you yourself seeing thing in a new light. it could be from habits you keep or how you see the world. whatever it is, you can’t ignore it any longer. it was inevitable. 
― ♊︎: magician
look at you showing up in your reading! the universe is encouraging you to get out of your head and actually do create something. you have all the tools against you. no more thinking. no more what if’s. you’re more powerful than you realise. 
― ♋︎: four of wands & the wheel of fortune
this week you can see a completion with regards to something you’ve been working on to create stability. prayers gets answered. a happy home is yours. stability is yours. hard work does pay off. luck is on your side. alternatively, put in the work now to build something that will only reap rewards in the future.
― ♌︎: six of pentacles and queen of pentalces
happy birthday to any leo’s celebrating their birthdays this week! sharing is caring. give unto others how you would like to receive. abundance is around you always because it’s within you. it’s up to you whether you allow or block the flow. loosen up a lil. 
― ♍︎: justice and three of pentacles
working with others brings you success os be a team player. be fair and diplomatic in dealigns with others. a healthy relationship is bound to produce great things that last. the universe is always balancing the scales between what you put out and what you will receive. 
― ♎︎: four of cups
this week, the universe is giving you an opportunity that will fulfil you on a deeper level. you see it clearly but you could be resistant. it’s another chance. the question is will you take it? don’t be all woe is me. second chances are possible in life. be open.
― ♏︎: strength 
this week, you need to temper your desires. the ego may need a check. you can have anything you want when you work on your inner confidence. watch your anger. consider using a soft approach when other tactics don’t work as well.
― ♐︎: death 
something is ending this week. but you know that is still possible to heal from the pain. take time to heal. better days are coming. but perhaps it’s hard to see that. for each setback, you become stronger and stronger. 
― ♑︎: the ten of pentacles
this week, something relating to the physical word such as material possessions like money or whatever else brings you a sense of self-worth is reaching a point of finalisation. things are looking up. you can see the tangible results of your hard work.
― ♒︎: 8 of wands
swift movement to create stability in your life. you could be feeling protective as things may be entering in your life with quick speed from all directions. nurture what you’ve built so far. it’s still growing. 
― ♓︎: the emperor and the star
you have big dreams but you need to make sure that you’re getting serious on how you're achieving them. healing wounded parts of yourself will help you get back on track. 
last week’s tarot reading
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