#summer tarot reading
shesaprettyboy · 1 year
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TAROT READING (04/27/23)
⛱️ nine of pentacles, nine of cups, ten of cups, the hierophant, death, five of pentacles reversed, six of swords, knight of cups, the chariot, the lovers (add ons: the sun, wheel of fortune, the magician, nine of swords reversed, page of pentacles reversed, five of wands reversed)
it looks like this summer will hold a lot more hope and joy for the future, where there will be more relaxation and enjoyment with loved ones and in the overall environment. the hierophant and death represent an ending to how things were before, and it seems as though a lot will be moving away from feeling too unsafe. the knight of cups represent the will to carry a lot of love into your world, and there might be more sunnier events than usual. there’s a bigger plan that’s occurring that will show the ends of sorrows, damages, and lessons. it will show where the lack of progress went wrong.
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brujaluas · 7 months
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Pile 1
cold vibe.
Your future spouse will not show it at the beginning of the relationship, they may even be distant, even geographically speaking, they may go on a trip alone. I see that even apart, they think of you, they can show love when they are alone at home or around their children, as time goes by, I see changes in life here, it could be a change in residence or in their behavior.
Pile 2
hippie vibes haha
I see you setting up a garden together, planting flowers, and this person harvesting them and giving them to you, they might own a flower shop or give you flowers whenever they can, I'm talking about lots of flowers because it seemed meaningful to me here, you can stay together enjoying the nature, I see you with a child too, who will be your daughter. and adopting a dog too.
Pile 3
mature vibes
I see this person spending a lot of time with you in bed, this person can often show their love through sex, they can also give you a lot of gifts, they look at something and think "oh that would definitely need to be of my lover" and purchase. You can receive the most varied gifts, whoever likes books, that person loves reading and you can enjoy this activity together. This person is definitely older than you.
paid readings and spells...
new era - summer old times!!!!
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neondryadtarot · 1 month
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pick a pile ~ tarot cards
take a deep breath and choose pile 1, 2 or 3
what’s in store for you this summer? ☀️🔮
if you chose pile one
five of wands / three of cups
a summer to focus on friendships, with evenings spent chatting outdoors, bonding over fun new experiences. your social power will be at its height, revitalising and old connections and forging new ones. taurus and leo placements will be significant in moving you out of your comfort zone. some conflict could arise but i see it being worked out with some open communication. enjoy!
if you chose pile two
the empress / five of swords
this summer will be filled with decisions you need to make about your future. you’ve been striving towards something and rest assured, it’s on its way, however be mindful of of who or what you’re sacrificing in the final push. you will be travelling somewhere, maybe by plane, and i see bonfires and cosy vibes ahead. Aquarius placements and the number 7 could provide some well deserved fun.
if you chose pile three
queen of wands / ten of cups
take heart pile three, things are looking up. the summer will be a time of fruition and healing. a focus on family and friends will benefit you, and while you will still need to continue your efforts, support will be coming in as people around you realise how much you’ve been working to keep it all together. Gemini or Aries placements will provide a helping hand and give you a much needed rest.
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cooki3face · 11 months
~ Energy check in w/ advice : June 27, 2023 ~
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~ pile one 🧺 ~
Someone could be heavily focused on their finances or diverting their energy towards building a foundation for themselves. There’s an energy here of manifestation or trying to push things into fruition or get things together. You could be pushing aside complicated situations or connections in your life right now, I see you stepping into your power and being able to set boundaries and clearly communicate your needs and your priorities with the people in your life. This energy has sort of put you in a state of independence and even isolation, I see you spending a lot of time by yourself or enjoying your own company.
There could be some conflict and disagreements or some type or separation within your personal relationship whether that be platonic or romantic. If not conflict and disagreements there’s just a general energy of something not being stable or an energy of a relationship that is complicated or has a lot of room for misunderstandings and there’s a lack of communication. For many of you I’m sensing a romantic connection being on the rocks or out of balance or out of alignment.
There could be a third party interference or an energy of deception within your romantic relationships. You could sense this or be somewhat aware of this. There’s this underlying energy here of you knowing that this is happening whether or not you have physical evidence of this or have picked up on something intuitively but you not focusing on it entirely. There is tension and competition here or heavy emotions regarding this situation but it could be sitting at the back of your mind or you may feel as though you’re on the fence on how you feel regarding the situation. You could be back and forth between feeling secure and detached and as if you can release your control and shift your energy towards yourself and being upset, sad, extremely anxious or even feeling vengeful or impulsive possibly when hyper aware (you could be stalking your partner or the third party or karmic, you could be searching around for answers or for some type of truth)
I see someone putting something down and walking away from something for a while or sort of being in this dormant wondering place about your situation or your connection. There’s an energy of detachment or practicing releasing things or letting the universe handle the situations you can’t control. I’m hearing, “I can only allow myself to feel the way I feel while I release the things I cannot control”. I see you wanting to fix this or still being emotionally attached to someone and because you don’t have all the answers or know the reality of the situation or what’s really going on you’re still allowing yourself to leave the door cracked open for your person or you’re still allowing yourself to speak to and converse with your person as if nothing is going on or as if you don’t suspect anything.
advice 🕯️:
Continue to try and practice remaining grounded or emotionally stable and focused. It’s okay to be emotionally in tune or feel the way you feel but sit with it don’t let it turn into something that will cause you to act out or put you in a state of misalignment. I see you struggling to find the right time to say things or the right time to act at times and this may cause you to be out of step. It’s hard to explain but you may end up saying things, doing things and taking action before it’s the right time. There’s a really strong energy here of being patient and waiting for something. Sit within yourself, let the way you feel and what you perceive to be happening sit with you for a while. I’m feeling called to bring up the divine feminines energy of “being” or turning inwards when there is an issue or something comes up that tempts her to step outside of her feminine energy. I’m hearing “be still.” Let things flow through you and around you like water. The time will come to get answers, the truth will be revealed to you but be patient. You can be withdrawing from your person or even people in general at this time.
There we go, the empress upright, sit in your feminine energy and remain there, focus on your own life, your beauty and curating and attracting peace within you and around you. Continue to do your inner work and focus on your own souls purpose and building a life and securing abundance for yourself while all of these things purge out and karmic cycles and all of these complicated things are taken care of behind you. Do not move. Do not take any action to push things to be a particular way outside of what you can control within your own life and space. Wait.
Focus on your finances or aspects of your material life right now. There’s an energy here of manifestation or someone using spiritual gifts or using their energy to attract abundance and prosperity. Someone could be a witch or into witchcraft. Someone could be interested in starting a business or have things that they’d like to do this year pertaining to their career and social status, this is a good time to manifest the things you want or hold onto the natural push you’ve been given or your ambition and move towards bringing some of your manifestations into fruition. Focus on your business or your career.
Protect yourself and protect your peace. I hear you saying “I only want peace” continue to hold onto that energy and sit in it and sit with it pile one. I feel I’m talking primarily to the divine feminine collective here as well. Someone could have allergies, I’m hearing issues with sight or even sinus related issues as well. You could be sleeping a lot as well. I’m kind of getting the energy of rebirth. Someone could be sleeping a lot or resting a lot or spending a lot of time within their minds or subconscious minds as of late. I’m getting the womb, someone is sort of like a dormant volcano right now or in a state of growth and crucial development before they can be born again.
Stand your ground pile one remain grounded hold onto your peace and release everything else. This is a test of faith. Things will be good again, the situation will heal itself it will pass.
~ pile two 🧺 ~
Someone could be struggling with a lack of direction within their lives at the moment. Or even a general energy or indecisiveness. I’m hearing someone could be heading down a path they didn’t want to go down or had been trying not to go down for a while. Or at least it seems this way to them. I feel someone feeling as though they’re being pushed or forced to live life as they know it at this moment. You may feel you’re trapped in a cycle of unfortunate events or like no matter how much you push to move in a different direction you’re always made to be in the same exact place or your efforts to bring change or maybe even to improve have not been successful. You could feel very stuck and stagnant or even trapped in a cycle against your will at this time. You may feel as though there are forces working against you or like it is divinely bound for you to live with such shitty circumstances.
You could be having a lot of breakthroughs right now though or some type of mental clarity or clearing of a fog has happened here. It seems you’re seeing things clearer or being made aware of some sort of truth regarding the nature of your life or what it is that’s causing such chaos and confusion or even conflict. You could be holding onto a lot of fear, a lot of fear based insecurities or anxiety at this time, you could be suppressing emotions or even abusing substances or alcohol or using some type of coping mechanism to help you feel more in control of your emotions and thoughts. There’s a lot of inner confusion here. You could also be lying to someone, being deceptive or withholding information from someone in your life that could largely impact a situation or the relationship you share with this person.
I do see nine of cups here upright. Nine of cups speaks about contentment and wish fulfillments. Happiness is coming or there will be some sort of ending to your suffering or some sort of solution come soon. You may feel as though this point in time will not pass but it will pass. The truth is coming, better times are coming. A new financial opportunity is on its way towards you as well, some type of manifestation/abundance is coming. You could receive a large opportunity soon or something you’ve been investing time and money into is finally going to work in your favor and you’ll begin reaping the fruits of your labor.
advice 🕯️:
Be rid of excess people in your life who are no longer serving you or who are not brining you any more peace or happiness or abundance. You could need to spend some time alone to ground yourself but I get the energy that there are people around you who don’t want the best for you or who are waiting around to exploit you for resources or who are energy vampires or who don’t really love and support you like they say they do.
Celebrate the things you do have, find gratitude for the things you do love and appreciate within your life. You’ve become wrapped up and preoccupied with all the negatives and all the things that have gone wrong and it’s easy to do that and even easier to forget about the good things.
You could be very defensive right now or sort of in a place where there is lots of conflict with others regarding arguments, karmic cycles and even third party interferences within your connections and intimate relationship. Put the sword down, take down your defenses and be rid of conflict with others in whatever ways necessary. Apologize. Let go. Move forward. You could be having problems in the home as well. You could be arguing with members of your family or even roommates.
Hold onto your ambition, hold onto the need to succeed, to find happiness and abundance within your life pile two, be the energy you want to receive, keep pushing, keeping looking for more, keep reaching for more. Release the habit to speak negatively in general and about yourself, release being your own biggest critic, release being your own biggest bully, release your deep rooted fears and insecurities, you are standing in your own way and the only way to get out is through and you’re going to need your own strength and support to do so.
Keep soul searching!!!! Keep looking deeper, keeping going within, keep looking for your souls purpose and becoming more in tune with who you are and who you’re meant to be.
~ pile three 🧺 ~
Someone could finally be getting their flowers here for something that they do or something you’ve invested a lot of time and energy into is finally working out for you. There could be people around you who don’t agree with whatever it is you do or who don’t support you, you could even have someone close to you who doesn’t support you and may be secretly wishing ill on you or praying that whatever you’re working on doesn’t work out in your favor.
*this message deleted twice and someone really doesn’t want you to receive this message *
This could be somebody extremely close to you. It could be a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a sibling, or a parent. There’s some type of justice coming in within the situation though I don’t see this continuing to affect you negatively. I see you really truly kind of pushing yourself into an energy of being ready to let this person go or let the situation go, regardless of the fact that you may not be completely ready to let this go to let this person go. And with this judgment card, there’s this little character down here who has a key, and this princess is kind of in the middle of this maze in the middle of this locked maze. There’s somebody here who has a level of authority within your life who doesn’t want you to move in the direction that you’re moving or doesn’t want you to succeed at the things that you are working towards at this current moment, or at this current point in time.
This is not going to continue to hold this back. This person is not going to continue to affect you there could’ve had been arguments, disagreements and a lot of misalignment in regards to this particular situation with this 10 of cups in reverse. This could be a feminine energy as well. I’m getting this really strong, authoritative energy as well. This could be like I said it could be a parent, but this could also be somebody’s mother here.
advice 🕯️:
You could feel it, so there are blockages or some energies stagnancy within your finances or within you continuing to work towards whatever it is you’re working towards or continue to work on whatever it is you’re working on. I accidentally said “don’t continue to work on this though“ and I meant to say don’t continue to be stuck on this though see there’s something coming through here there’s somebody coming through here and an energy coming through here who doesn’t want you to continue to strive towards what you’re striving towards what I was meaning to say is don’t continue to be stuck on this, so this energy the stagnancy is a direct result of the energy that this person is sending towards you at this time. You should consider getting in contact with a witch, or somebody who can do some type of protection spell for you. Or you should consider doing an egg cleanse or some type of cleansing ritual for yourself.
You should be having a lot of internal conflict or feeling a lot of guilt regarding the fact that you may have to cut this person off or continue to go against their wishes when it comes to doing this for yourself, and I (and spirit as well) would like you to work towards why you feel that guilt regarding the fact that you have to do what you have to do regarding the fact that you have to put yourself first, and regarding the fact that you have to get rid of somebody who is continuously and constantly causing harm or sending harmful energy towards you.
Hold onto your inner strength here pile three. You’re going to need to persevere and to continue to push through these obstacles in order for you to get where you want to be in order for you to have the peace in the stability and abundance they want to have it’s going to take you breaking karmic cycles. It’s going to take you getting used to putting yourself first and pushing boundaries and pushing limits for you to achieve the things that you want to achieve and unfortunately it’s so happens that somebody close to you somebody dear to you is, one of your biggest bullies in this position of your life but remember that often times in peoples lives when they face obstacles like this, and they are destined for more or have a larger soul purposes. 
Hold onto the possibility of your freedom or if you are abundance and I see your freedom because I’m getting the energy that a lot of you within pile three or trying to get away from somebody or get out of a situation that you feel trapped in at this time. Hold onto your hope that things will get better. My last piece of advice you, the last piece of advice from spirit is to rid yourself of this person. Go no contact from this person, continue to strive to remove yourself from this person’s grasp. Continue to do what’s best for you despite this person.
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death-of-the-flowers · 11 months
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Pile 1 - Two of Wands
||You have adventures awaiting you. Recent hopes and aspirations will reveal themselves in the forms of new options or areas of expertise. Make sure you have time on your hands to accept these new callings. This may be a good month to write down your goals and musings. A sweet, soft, and lavish reward awaits you at the end of June. Allow yourself to embrace a bold, courageous persona so you can look back and relish in the narrative you are creating.||
Pile 2 - Nine of Pentacles
||You have been working tirelessly, and June will provide you the release you seek. A spark of positive energy and light will find you during this month. Though life may seem to be just one burden after another, if you keep reaching for deeper meaning you will find the pleasures you seek. Trying again and redoing things is not just a mistake or loss: it is an opportunity to be fully present in that moment. Being attuned to your body is essential for energy and mental clarity. Search within your dreams, and don't be ashamed of what brings you joy.||
Pile 3 - Four of Swords
||Now is a time of repose. You may be facing burnout or sleeping more than usual. The beginning of June will bring you the calm you need to gather yourself. Little moments of beauty have been pushed aside and they are waiting to be welcomed back. Invite self-care and adornments into your daily rituals. Allow yourself to partake in things you might usually withhold from yourself, or save for a "special occasion". June has space for you in it, and you have every right to take up that space.||
$1 tarot readings || more pick a pile
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jgoddesstarot · 9 months
Pick-A-Pile: What Does Your Perfect Summer Romance Look Like?
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👑Check out my masterlist to see all of my pick-a-card readings😊
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🔮Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are based upon my intuitive interpretation of the cards and about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
🔮How I read: I use a mix of tarot cards, oracle cards, along with my intuitive abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
🔮How this works: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you.
Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: Death, 3 of Swords, Judgement, Knight of Cups, 4 of Swords -- Bottom of the Deck Energy: 10 of Swords
Oracle Cards: Emotions, Universal Energy, Love
Alright, my Pile 1's, let's dive deep into your perfect summer romance. Your spread has a lot to say, so grab a cup of tea or coffee and get cozy.
Firstly, the Death card as the beginning of this story signifies transformation and profound change. Your perfect summer romance might very well start from a place of ending or closure. Perhaps you’re coming out of a challenging relationship or a period of personal transformation. This is not a bleak beginning; instead, it's an invitation to let go of the old to welcome the new.
Now, with the 3 of Swords, it appears there might be residual heartbreak or unresolved feelings from your past. This doesn't have to be about a past lover. It can be any pain that hasn’t been fully healed. Remember, our romances often reflect what’s going on inside us. If you're holding onto hurt, it can manifest in your relationships. However, my Pile 1's, this card coupled with the Death card, is a strong indication that you're breaking these cycles and moving towards healing.
Judgement speaks to rebirth and heeding a higher call. There's a realization in you, a kind of spiritual awakening. In the context of romance, this can mean recognizing true connections, being honest about what you want from a relationship, and leaving behind the superficial. Your perfect summer romance will challenge you to be your authentic self and to grow spiritually.
Then we have the Knight of Cups, the romantic dreamer of the tarot. This energy is one of a person or a situation that sweeps you off your feet. Following the themes of transformation, heartbreak, and rebirth, this Knight brings forward the beauty of a summer romance that's deep, emotionally satisfying, and dreamy. It's the kind of romance that feels like a soft, enchanting tune playing in the background of a warm evening.
The 4 of Swords is a reminder to take things slow and allow for moments of introspection and rest. While summer romances can be whirlwinds, this card suggests that your perfect romance is also filled with quiet moments, deep conversations, and time to relax and connect on a deeper level. This pace ensures sustainability and might even extend this summer romance beyond the season.
Now, peeking at the energy beneath it all with the 10 of Swords from the bottom of the deck, there's no sugarcoating that it’s a heavy card. This is the energy of feeling backstabbed, defeated, or reaching the end of the line. But remember, endings always make way for new beginnings, and in your spread, this ties back to the transformative energy of the Death card.
As for the Oracle cards: Emotions, Universal Energy, and Love — these three cards provide a broader theme for your reading. Emotions underline the importance of understanding and working through feelings (reflected in the 3 of Swords and 4 of Swords). Universal Energy suggests that the universe is conspiring in your favor, especially with the Judgment card resonating with being attuned to higher frequencies. And of course, Love being the central theme, emphasizes the Knight of Cups' energy, ensuring that this romance is filled with genuine affection, care, and passion.
In summary, my Pile 1's, your perfect summer romance is a transformative journey, one that brings about deep emotional healing, encourages spiritual growth, and offers both intense passion and moments of rest and reflection. Embrace the changes, work through past pains, and open your heart to the Universe's blessings. Your summer romance will be nothing short of magical. 🌞❤️🔮
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: The Hermit, Page of Wands, 2 of Wands, 2 of Swords, Page of Cups -- Bottom of the Deck Energy: Knight of Swords
Oracle Cards: Self-Esteem, Stability & Security, Presence
Welcome, my Pile 2's! I see some intriguing energy here as we explore what your perfect summer romance looks like. So, let's dive into the mystic realm of love together.
Starting off with The Hermit, this tells me that you've been doing some soul-searching or maybe taking some time away from the dating scene. My dear Pile 2's, it's like you've been on a personal quest, figuring out what you truly want in love. This introspective energy sets the stage for a romance that's deeply aligned with who you are and what you desire.
Now, the Page of Wands leaps in with fiery enthusiasm. After all that contemplation with The Hermit, you're ready to venture out into the world of romance with fresh eyes and a sense of adventure. The Page of Wands is about new beginnings and exploration, so you may find yourself drawn to someone unconventional or experiencing love in a way that’s exciting and different from the past.
Pairing this with the 2 of Wands, I see you taking control of your romantic destiny. You're no longer just dreaming about love; you're actively making decisions to manifest it. This card indicates a path opening, one filled with potential and possibilities. Your perfect summer romance isn't just a fleeting thing; it's an essential part of your journey.
But, wait! The 2 of Swords shows a moment of indecision or a crossroad. Don't fret, my Pile 2's. This could be a moment where you have to make a decision about the direction of your love life, possibly choosing between two suitors or paths. It's a delicate balance, and you'll need to tap into that wisdom you gained from your Hermit phase to navigate this.
The Page of Cups brings in a dreamy, emotional connection. Think heartfelt conversations, poetry, or maybe even a love letter or two. This card reinforces that this summer romance will not only be about physical attraction and passion (though the Wands have that covered!) but also a deep emotional connection. There's a tenderness here that adds to the beauty of this romance.
Now, let's glance at the energy beneath all of this, the Knight of Swords. This card is about swift action, determination, and sometimes a bit of impulsiveness. It’s like a gust of wind pushing you forward. Coupled with the Page of Wands, there's a strong sense of not letting fear or doubt hold you back. This summer romance may come on quickly, but that doesn't mean it's not genuine.
As for the Oracle cards: Self-Esteem, Stability & Security, Presence — these themes tie everything together beautifully. Self-Esteem aligns with The Hermit's energy, emphasizing that your self-awareness and confidence are key to attracting the right romance. Stability & Security resonate with the 2 of Wands, reminding you that grounding your choices in what truly matters will lead to a fulfilling connection. Presence underlines the importance of being in the moment, fully engaged with this romance, whether it's during a passionate night out or an intimate conversation over coffee.
In a nutshell, my Pile 2's, your perfect summer romance is one of self-discovery, adventure, choice, and emotional depth. You’ve done the work on yourself, and now the universe is ready to reward you with a connection that's both thrilling and soul-satisfying. Trust in your journey, be bold in your choices, and let your heart lead the way. This summer holds the promise of love that resonates with the true you. 🌻❤️🌟
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: 4 of Wands (in reverse), 7 of Cups (in reverse), 4 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords, 3 of Cups -- Bottom of the Deck Energy: The Hanged Man
Oracle Cards: Physical Body, Finances, Dreams, Relationships
Alright, my Pile 3's! Let’s unpack what the cards have in store for your perfect summer romance. Your layout is quite a blend of energies, but I promise you, there’s a story here that’s just waiting to be told.
Kicking things off with the 4 of Wands in reverse. Normally, the upright version of this card screams celebration and stability, especially in relationships. But in its reversed position, there might be some hesitations or delays when it comes to the solid foundation of a romance. It’s like you're awaiting that magical moment where everything just feels right. Don't be disheartened; every story has its own pace.
Next up, the 7 of Cups in reverse. This card upright usually indicates a dreamy state with too many choices or feeling overwhelmed by fantasies. But reversed? You're gaining clarity! After perhaps a phase of confusion or daydreaming, you’re now having a better idea of what you truly desire in a summer romance.
Moving on to the 4 of Pentacles, it's clear that security and holding onto things tightly is essential for you. This might mean that when you find someone special, you value loyalty and commitment. Or, it could also hint at a need to let go a little, to not hold onto feelings or past relationships too tightly. Given the context of the 7 of Cups in reverse, it feels like once you gain clarity on what you want, you're very determined to protect and keep it.
Ah, the 7 of Swords. This card often hints at stealth, deceit, or maybe just feeling like you need to go it alone. Perhaps there’s a bit of baggage from the past or a fear of being vulnerable. It’s crucial for you, my Pile 3's, to ensure that you're stepping into this romance with openness and trust, leaving behind any energies or patterns that don’t serve you.
Celebration time with the 3 of Cups! This card suggests that your perfect summer romance will be filled with joy, celebration, and maybe even a touch of friendship turned romantic. Imagine those endless summer nights filled with laughter, dancing, and genuine connection. This energy perfectly counterbalances the previous cards, hinting that while there might be some hurdles, the reward is genuine joy and connection.
Peering into the bottom of the deck, we have The Hanged Man. There's a sense of waiting, reflection, and seeing things from a new perspective. This energy ties the whole reading together. You’re being nudged to shift your perspective on love, to perhaps break free from old patterns, and embrace a new way of experiencing romance.
Now, let’s sprinkle in some Oracle magic: Physical Body, Finances, Dreams, and Relationships. These cards really do add depth to your reading. It seems that your summer romance will be intertwined with some significant aspects of your life. Your Physical Body card suggests the importance of physical attraction and perhaps even working together towards physical activities or goals. Finances might indicate that the two of you might embark on some joint financial ventures or dates that involve managing budgets. The Dreams card aligns well with the 7 of Cups in reverse – your dreams are becoming clearer, and this summer romance is very much part of that journey. And of course, Relationships ties back to the importance of connection, not just as lovers but also as friends (hello, 3 of Cups energy!).
Wrapping it up, my Pile 3's, your summer romance seems to be a blend of self-reflection, gaining clarity, letting go of past baggage, and embracing the joy of genuine connection. Remember to stay open, trust the journey, and allow the universe to work its magic. This summer promises moments of growth, joy, and a romance that resonates deeply with who you are. Cheers to that! 🌞🥂🌹
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deerbornintuitive · 11 months
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ancientcraftnoccultism · 11 months
Pick An Image
Summer Solstice 2023
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tuiyla · 11 months
Alright so I knew the Buffy tarot guidebook would have mistakes but I didn't know they'd be this funny lmao okay so
Two of Chalices (Cups) was apparently supposed to be Buffy and Angel but the final version is Buffy and Faith
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and a quick google search tells me very, very interesting things about the Two of Cups
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Mutual attraction? Break-ups? Sexual energy?
Oh I love this mistake/final version of the actual card
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The summer solstice marks the longest day of the year. Let the light of midsummer illuminate your path into the coming season.
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taystarotoverload · 2 years
What To Look Forward To This Summer
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king of cups - the emperor - the moon - nine of pentacles - five of cups
king of cups - the emperor - the moon - nine of pentacles - five of cups
so what i’m seeing pile 1 is you will be more emotionally stable. you’ll be very emotionally balanced. the energy i picked up was that you seemed to have dealt with mental health issues in the past and this has affected your social life. this then causes you to sort of exclude yourself and hide away from the world. maybe your last few summers have been really boring or not that special, well this summer will be a change. i’m not necessarily seeing you meet new people, i see you more sticking to the people closest to you. however, you will become more open to explore and converse with your friends interest. i’m seeing that you, again, won’t open up completely but you will be able to sense a shift in your mood. i honestly see this summer being a lot more fun and outdoorsy then previous summers. especially with your friends being your biggest mvps.
also something to add… while i was shuffling i heard ‘more stable love life’ this could be platonic or romantic but i was sensing more romantic… for some of you this will be big lol!
eight of pentacles - the world - queen of cups - justice - the hanged man
so for like 2 i’m seeing you as a very creative pile. i see that this summer some of you may be taking summer jobs, or you may have been granted a new job that you start in the future? something abt jobs and making money? i see this will be an amazing opportunity for you to meet new people, which is exactly what you’ll do. pile 2 i’m seeing that you will be having a lot of stuff put on you at once possibly and this may become overwhelming at times, however this is only because people see you as having lots of potential. i’m seeing this pile as a possible a gifted pile? maybe you’re known for being smart or being able to bring your creativity to life. another thing to add is some of pile 2 will be traveling this summer. i’m seeing out of state or across the country! don’t be anxious about this! this will be an amazing opportunity for you to meet lots of new people and start bonds. you will have lots of fun this summer and this will be a great learning curve for some of you.
6 of cups - king of wands - knight of wands - queen of cups - 4 of pentacles
so basically for this pile i’m sensing some of you may be very sporty? or you may just be doing a lot of stuff this summer. i’m getting the feeling that you will be involved with some clubs or some sports that involve interaction and training. lots of activities. i’m really getting the feeling that this pile finds comfort in these activities. i’m sensing some of you may have not had the opportunity to do any of these things or you haven’t had the motivation to in the past. lucky for you, i’m seeing that you will have to have a strong mindset and clear understanding of the world ahead of you. this summer will be a time where you can really express and act on your interest. it will be something so new but so fun for you to do.
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eliounora · 11 months
so fucking excited to fall in love I feel like it’s coming anytime now reveal yourself motherfucker I’m ready
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brujaluas · 11 months
Hello people, I hope everyone is doing well. I ask for your help, yesterday I created a youtube channel for readings and I would like you to give attention and love to the channel! If you have ideas for themes for me to make videos with the more detailed readings, I would be very happy, and in the future I also intend to do a draw for personal readings, anyway, I love you and thank you in advance. 🔽
Attention: English is not my first language, so there may be some mistakes, I apologize.
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I have a feeling that it's a love from the past, like it's your ex and you're going to give the relationship another chance this summer, or maybe, you've been liking someone for a long time and finally things are going to work out for you two , a very romantic approach at the beginning of the month, but beware, I see a jealous person, jealous of the relationship you have created with that person you have in mind. I see a lot of people who wants you, you have everything, attraction is on the rise, I feel that you are a very calm person or at least you try to be, too dreamy and that's why you end up putting a lot of expectations on people and relationships, I see spirituality accompanying you in next few days, as if they were right by your side. The person or people you are going to get involved with this summer are either younger than you or very immature, but also very strong-willed and romantic, I see you will have to make a decision. You may need to choose whether you want to be in a relationship with the person or whether you prefer to go it alone. Anyway, I see that you will have to have a lot of resilience and patience
Pile 2
I see that your summer is going to start in a very nice way, as if it were a movie that we see. I also see that you will practice a lot of self-love, you will go out a lot at the beginning of the summer, with people you like or alone, in any case, they will be pleasant walks to be taken in the sun, I see a lot of self-respect, you finally, after passing through many disappointments, you will start to love yourself, I see that you will earn money, maybe you will get a summer job, or you are working to get money, beware of someone's possessiveness, it could someboy of be work, school, or some love affair. I see that you will have news in love from where you least expect it, someone from afar or you have a secret admirer. Now you have all the tools you need to achieve what you want, a lot of focus here this month, calm and patience are the key words and perseverance, you are receiving the blessing of the universe.
Pile 3
you're in a moment of introspection, I feel like you want to be alone this month to think about what to do with your life and I also see something, and I hope you're paying attention, maybe a woman will tell you a secret she hasn't told you for anyone or you will receive some news in the next few days, anyway, your plan to be alone will be ruined, I feel a dense energy, you can take a trip with your family, or to visit someone but it will not be fun. maybe you are going to visit some sick relative or you might get sick at the end of the month, take care of your health, I also feel that you are being too innocent in a situation with someone, think more before making decisions and control your personality that can be sharp. Don't get me wrong, it's advice, don't wear yourself out. Don't get hung up on what people are saying.
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emnemz · 2 years
June Prediction PAC Reading🍒
Find out what June has in store for you. What will be the next month’s theme for you and what will your focus be on? What new blessings are going to be coming in and what should you avoid? You can find out more in the reading below I prepared for you guys, enjoy and have a beautiful Summer!
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*pictures not mine, credit goes to their original owner*
Pile 1 The first thing I am seeing for you pile number 1, this June will be all about fun and enjoyment and no more work. It will be a full on vacation and you will be taking your head off work and responsibilities, you will shut down all intrusive thoughts and negativity and enjoy as much as you can. I am having a vision of some kids by the water, this for me means that you are going to tap into your inner child healing and enjoy things you couldn’t when you were a child yourself. This summer you really need to treat yourself well and set yourself as the number 1 priority no matter what. I see you spending a lot of time by the water with friends or a close loved one. You are not gonna be home for most part, though I don’t see you traveling too far. If you are committed into a romantic relationship right now, you are going to spend a lot of time with your significant other, you are going to get to know them better and enjoy your time together, you will feel safe and secure with them. If you don’t have one, you might find someone new to spark your interest, though I don’t see necessarily that it is going to end in a long term relationship. Remember this month for you will be about fun and not serious stuff, we need to let that go for a while so we can relax. You wanna let go of something that happened recently this year, this is either a conflict with a really important person in your life or something related to your personal growth and career, you feel set back and slowed down, you feel like what happened wasn’t fair and you are not sure if you are going to heal from it. I sense a heavy energy here. This needs some time first of all. There is something big you are preparing for, this can be an exam or some interview, a new business idea, etc. Whatever it is, you worked really hard for it, or at least you actively been thinking about it and been making plans or possibly manifesting in regards to this. This is a lot of pressure on you. But Spirit is saying you still have enough time. You have enough time to prepare, rehearse, study, search, think, whatever it is. As much as you can, use this month to rejuvenate and to recharge. You have what it takes, the potential is there, you just need a good mentality and some strength. I see you are tempted to do something the society would call unconventional. Maybe you want to cheat or do something a little sneaky. This won’t be such a good idea since it will karmically shift you back to square one. But the reason you are tempted to do so is because you don’t feel enough or well prepared, in fact one of the possibilities might be that you even want to quit. This is something that has a connection to your life destiny and biggest passion, it would be a shame to quit. You should do what you are called to, even if it feels scary sometimes. Things will align themselves with time. Have some trust to begin with. I can see why you are hurt. You’ve dealt with injustice a lot in your life, you’ve been cheated on or experienced unfairness in family or school. I see you. But you are destined for a big future if you follow the steps your heart indicates. I can see this with the Death card, it is like a new gate, will a new portal that will open for you, which once stepped into, your life will change positively. I see more autonomy for you in the upcoming months, something you always wanted to say- you are finally gonna be able to voice it up. This can be about a boss, a teacher or a parent, or in some cases even a friend. For some of you, you are finally going to be able to buy yourself a car that you wanted. Others, you are just going to buy yourself something you wanted to for a long time. Spirit is indicating that for you, this month will be more about you, your personal growth and career rather than about your friends or lover\crush. So, this is the right time to invest in yourself and your passions. Whatever you are going to do, I see you winning with something, this can be a legal case, an opportunity, money, getting a new friend or even a competition.
I am having a vision of salads so maybe this is an indicator for you to start eating healthily, working out and doing the right things for you. You are getting a chance to travel somewhere you always wanted to. There’s a long distance ride you are gonna be making. Maybe to see a friend or a relative or maybe just to clear your head. Be extra aware and cautious for thieves, scammers and fake people. I see a possibility to meet a cancer sun\rising. This person will be of help. They can help you with studies or teach you something. Also, your mother or a maternal figure like an aunt, sister or grandma will tell you something important in the next month. There is a new change you’re gonna need to adapt to. This is a specific message but for some of you reading this, I am hearing you wanna work in the fashion/style industry, you either aspire to be a designer or model or stylist. There is going to be an opportunity for you within this area at the very ending of June, more than that, I also see that someone will help you with this career choice, someone in your family will sponsor you in the beginning. They really want to see you happy and accomplished. This will be a very lucky time for you and it's gonna be filled with surprises. You are hitting a high point in your life now. It is the perfect time to be more optimistic about your close future because your life is only starting now, your career will bloom soon and it seems that you learned a lot of karmic lessons and you are ready to enjoy life at it’s highest. It’s time to enjoy yourself and your achievements. 888 will be your angel number for the upcoming month, expect blessings and harmony.
Pile 2
My dear pile number 2 people, Spirit is telling me to start with the love messages for you first as I see here that this month you are going to experience a new phase with romance. You are going to learn more about a side of love that wasn’t familiar to you before. I sense maturity and steadiness. You really did some inner work in this area and you upgraded your heart chakra. This leads to new opportunities in love and having more people crushing on you, taking interest in you, because you are so charming and radiant. I see a lot of magnetism and playfulness, maybe you are going to be flirtatious again, I feel like you are going to feel young again (even if you are young you are going to feel refreshed and cheerful, you are gonna worry less and enjoy more). I really see a hot girl summer theme here. You are really going through an extreme glow up right now and everything about you is just so ethereal and perfect. Some of you did some manifestation, listened to subliminals or maybe even have done some spell work. Nevertheless, you are really attractive and a heartthrob. Maybe you took love too seriously in the past. Now it’s time to have fun and enjoy yourself, feel like a new person. I see you also taking new random interests, like getting new hobbies, hanging out with lots of people, chatting about random stuff, seeing life in a more colorful way. Maybe it’s because Summer is your lucky season or maybe it’s more familiar to you. Some of you are born in Summer so this makes sense. I see a specific coffee shop\café bar you are going to be going to often with your friends this Summer. Also, you are going to be tempted to go back into the past and just review old photos with you and friends\family, watch random videos you used to watch or go places that used to be familiar to you. For some reason I feel like you are going to be wanting to tap back into your roots, connect with your past for a little bit, maybe to give you more sense of who you are. I see a friend of yours that is older than you or at least really mature and wise, they're going to give you some advice about a crucial decision in your life by the middle of June. They really want the best for you and even if the truth will hurt a bit, their advice is in your benefit. I sense you used to be a really rebellious kid, as you grew older you got sweeter and nicer and some people can’t recognize you sometimes because of that. You have to have more trust into your future and dreams because I feel like you often get discouraged and feel like your desires are way too idealistic to materialize. I see the deer as a spiritual guiding animal for you, look up to it! Also, you are going to receive a random inheritance from an uncle or maybe a gift. I also see the goat as a protective animal for you. There is going to be a stable job opportunity for you in the near future but it will involve a large team of people and you might dislike that and therefore decline the offer. If that isn’t the case, I see a project of academical nature or something like that, that will include as well working with more people. There is this semi theme with your June prediction that is coming in, you are going to get used to work with people, and collaborate, get more vocal about things, argue, etc. You are going to test out your communication\expressivity skills. At work or school you feel intimidated or bullied by someone. Just ignore them, they are projecting their insecurities on you, they feel bigger and stronger than you but really they are just weak so that’s why they feel the need to show authority. Connect with you Divine Feminine and spend time in water when you can, it is going to make you feel more relaxed and powerful. You have some confidence issues to work on, but take it slowly. Soon you will be doing things you never imagined you could. Your life is really shifting. Expect powerful changes, abrupt ones even. A new path is being revealed to you. Don’t be scared and just follow through. Things will get cleared out and you will feel more aligned.
I see you are pretty tough on you when it comes to your body image. Be more gentle with yourself and remember it is okay to need more time to heal. Your coping mechanism might be locking your room and listening to music in your headphones until you feel calm enough to get out the room and go about your day. You might also not really communicate your troubles\worries to your family or close ones. I see issues with your throat and stomach chakras. Express yourself, whatever you feel like saying, unless it could hurt someone, say it. Let it out. Let people know what’s on your mind. Of course don’t share too much, keep in some privacy too, but you know, let it out. Random, but doodling might be a way for you to release stress. By the time of August, you are going to meet someone really interesting, this is a romantic interest we are talking about. Look forward to it, I see a lot of potential. All I hear right now about this person is curly long hair, Sagittarius, traveler and adventurous, I hope it helps. I also see a house painted green, this is odd because I don’t see any context I just see a small cottage like house in the woods or on some sort of hill, I don’t know maybe it will resonate with some of you, only Spirit knows what they want to mean with some messages sometimes :)). I am hearing ‘’I think about you’’ so if you recently asked yourself the question if your specific person is thinking about you, now you got it. I also see an old friend or cousin you haven’t talk to in a while, that is going to come back and you are going to have a competitive dynamic with, basically they are going to create a little tension. But, anyway, look forward to the beginning and ending of this Summer because I have seen some great and neat stuff for you and a lot of expansion.
Pile 3
Okay, pile number 3, my dears, the first thing I am seeing for you is a cheetah and I think it is because Spirit is indicating here that you have been spending your time recently doing a lot of stuff, running lots of errands and being really fast and responsible with all your tasks. You are a really hard working person and people at work\school look up to you because you are always extra organized\good with your work\perfectionistic. Recently, you learned to not let other people bother you and to focus on your needs and interests. I see you developing a skill you have been working on since long ago. After this summer, somewhere around September-November, you might get enrolled into a school you wanted to apply for or a competition, job, etc. Basically you are gonna get a great chance to work in the area\industry you are most excited about. For most of you I am seeing music, singing, producing music or voice singing, instrument play, whatever your thing is, congratulations you are leveling up! If you have a teacher\trainer that is helping you with this, they are really proud of you, even if they don’t show it. You might feel a little discouraged in yourself, you might feel isolated and not good enough. Sometimes you feel like you can’t get along with people and you feel judged, I specifically heard some of you are judged for they way you dress. People can be so mean sometimes. I see some people in your environment are really really jealous and envious of you and your success. Please, take care, someone might have evil eyed you, so protect yourself! This always happens with extra talented and extra kind people, they are always the target of the evil eye, but don’t be scared, you can protect yourself. I am hearing high class and high education. Some of you reading this might want to study abroad, you want to exchange culture\language. You like to dress preppy, elegant yet simple, you want to look expensive but in a delicate, subtle way. I am seeing the giraffe as your spiritual animal. They want to let you know you are protected and under a lucky star right now, you are destined to immense success but you need to really believe in yourself and give yourself some time and space from time to time, as I can see here you have a tendency to overwork yourself. The giraffe spirit is also suggesting you should harmonize the connection between your feelings and your thoughts, you need to find a way to align your mind and heart. You are really passionate about what you are doing and people admire this about you. You have some simps on your social media and real life too.
There is a high possibility you are going to be really well known in the future. So, if being famous was sometimes something you used to dream about, take this as a sign. Your spirit guides are asking you to eat more and take more care of yourself. This June you are going to be working your way up to success and look out for real happiness. This month you are really gonna go big. Self trust is highly needed right now. You feel like you lack something or that people are gonna judge you for what you wanna do or for who you are. You have intrusive thoughts like these. I know it’s hard to move past them but try to replace them with reassuring yourself of how talented, determined, ambitious, kind and brilliant you are. Try to do this for a while, it might help cool down the negative thoughts and welcome in a more positive, strong mentality. I am hearing Spirit say You deserve to be recognized for what you are doing. A lot of times in your life, you are going to feel confused and disoriented but never lose your grip and never forget the intention you started this journey with. At the end of the reading I was literally thinking about fire energy and the knave of wands popped out. So yeah, this month will be really dynamic, fun and it will reveal a lot about you and your potential. Your spirit team want you to do a little bit more introspection to find out more about yourself and your true self and desires. You need a strong self identity before you tap into your destiny. Don’t ever let anything or anyone make you feel small or incapable.
Pile 4
And finally, the last but not least pile, my dearest pile number 4 people, let’s see what June has in store for you. My loves, I haven’t even touched my cards yet and I just heard the word Venus for you. Oh the beauty, the charm and the luckiness Spirit is blessing you with this month! This is so beautiful, and I will have to say this, I sensed a nice, venusian energy with the previous readings as well, so this June will be a blessing for us all, but possibly in different areas and themes of our lives. My dear pile 4, focus on what you Desire, go where your heart takes you to. I am also having a strong vision of an ice land, I see a dark, cold landscape, it’s beautiful but it’s scary. You are a very thoughtful person and you deeply care about people, you would even sacrifice a part of you for someone you love, but you see, you need to offer yourself some of your heart abundance as well. I want you to really focus on yourself this month. What do you really want? Where do you really wanna be? My guides are telling me this month is great for manifestation planning for you guys. Write down everything you wish for, and send a prayer to the Universe, if not, do any method feels right to you. I see some darkness around your heart and head chakras and I am hearing I can’t be saved. This is something you say within your subconscious mind. Even if you smile a lot and you are a really cheerful, sociable person, there are some things that need healing. Look inside yourself and tell me what do you see. I feel like you lack someone’s affection and this is highly affecting you. I can tell this person is really important to you. But let’s make sure we are fine before anything else. This Summer, treat yourself. Even if you are gonna spend some time alone, don’t feel lonely, don’t feel not needed. These are just toxic intrusive thoughts that come from fears, they are not real. You can’t allow them to hurt you. I see how you spent a lot of time alone and that made you really sad and discouraged. Don’t focus your entire life perspective around what you felt back then. Life will always go on. Life will always change directions, just like water changes the way it flows (I hope it makes sense, it sounds different in my native language). But let’s go back to Venus. This month will make you more magnetic (also quick note, I don’t know why, but I feel like the people that chose this pile are masculines, I don’t mean it as in people identify as male, but people that have masculine energy, if you wanna know more about it, please search on google divine masculine and feminine energies) The influence of Venus will make you enhance and embrace your beauty, it'll make you feel more confident about yourself, go more gentle about life and your feelings, nurture yourself more, take care of yourself, and it will just bring you a lot of random luck as well. I feel like right now, you are in a I don’t know what I am doing with my life kind of phase. But as I said before, nothing lasts forever, you are for sure gonna find your way. Even if you lose hope sometimes. You can always hop back on the horse. Don’t be afraid to take breaks. And as corny as it might sound, don’t be afraid to be different , but no, for real now, I really feel like you are a black sheep, that people misunderstand your true potential and essence and this can be a drain for you and even gaslight you into believing that they are right, but of fucking (sorry) course they are Not right. You are whatever you are and you should be proud about it. Whether you’re a loner or an extremist or a sensitive artist that feels misunderstood, a rebel or just a really really soft and empathic person, You are Lovely. I know this isn’t much, but just reading your energy is a pleasure to me, just so you can see how much of a wonderful person you are. You give off neptunian vibes, so you might have some strong pisces placements, but I am also seeing aquarius and scorpio. My dear pile number 4, I am sorry if this will sound weird but I will say it exactly as I feel it, this month just don’t.give.a.fuck.
 I know this isn’t very spiritual of me to say, but I am who I am and I do what I feel. This month, just go about your life and enjoy all you got, take a small risk, get out of your comfort zone for a little, see the world, experience stuff, expand your vision, exchange thoughts, go for more, feel more. In the near future I see you being a strong influence for the youth, your rebellion will make people follow you and learn from you. Kurt Cobain might be an idol for you, and if not, his story might resonate with you. And god damn it, you are a great, great person!
Alright you guys, that’s all I had for you now, I really hope you enjoyed and thank you so much for reading these, I love it so much when my readings are useful to people. Send me some feedback if you feel called to do so! Thank you, you are all great souls!
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artisticcsoul · 10 months
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When they ask me how my summer is going
Let's call it "dolce far niente"
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YOU HAVE 15% reduction on my eshop site tarot reading may june and summer. ENJOY
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