swifty-fox · 6 months
Tumblr is eating my post for whatever reason but UHHHHH
My Kingdom chapter two is up
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bipedalshroom · 4 months
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ca-dmv-bot · 7 months
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angelfruittree · 6 months
“He went down swingin John”
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RIP TOOBUCK, King of Kentucky
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moon-o-magic · 5 months
Dilemma. Good friend has asked me for hand-painted pins. Am willing to do. How do I determine how much my art is worth when I simultaneously believe art should be freely available to the public and cheap as bread AND its a luxury so it shouldnt be a surprise if its expensive.
(No actual need to answer, this is me collecting my thoughts by writing out tags.)
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sweaterkittensahoy · 7 months
I found your post about inbox empty and no camp requests literally five minutes after opening the tumblr post episode 8. Were you summoned? Was I? Who cares.
I haven’t had the time to properly comment on your 2buck sexy prompt fill but please do know I will BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN LIVING RENT FREE IN MY HEAD. So fucking well written (pace, words, characterizations, aaaaah). I ramble, sorry.
Back to the point at hand, PROMPT(s) for my two favorite idiots (Buck/Bucky):
- post war bliss, let’s heal the boys a bit and give them their happiness
- set whenever, possessive Gale (boy is 100% unhinged, called it day 1 when Greenland tower control told him to circle back and he just floored it like a goddamn pro)
- magpie behavior John, he just collects stuff for Gale and brings it to him, it’s a character trait (bikes, shit needed to make a crystal radio, boy just does)
- observer Gale, he just loves the physicality John moves in when he’s in Major mode and when he gets the rare chance to look without being seen or having to worry what is seen on his face he just looks and lets himself feel it
- talismans, I love the idea of both of them having something that means ‘I am of my beloved and my beloved is of mine’
- literally whatever other sexy scenario you can concoct, your whiskey one has rewired a couple of circuits in my brain
- soulmarks, on the basis that I’m a sucker for them
Bonus for good ole Benny De Marco as Gale’s keeper when John isn’t around while at the same time John’s handler when Gale’s not there (ngl this is because of the way Buck yells De Marco’s name in the pilot, my boys are MATES™️).
I am afraid I single-handedly murdered your inbox, please forgive me.
Thank you in advance and cheers ✨❤️
(These are all amazing, and I would like to encourage anyone who is reading this and gets an idea from one of these to write you one of the ones I don't [or write the one I did but as your own thing!])
In the barracks, each bed comes with a side table. It has a drawer and a lamp. Most of the boys keep a photo of a loved one on the top, a skin mag in the drawer, and whatever they carry in their pockets each day next to the photo.
Buck's is different because he keeps whatever he carries in his pockets in the drawer, and on the table itself is a collection of random objects that look like he's collecting odds and ends with no real sense. Amongst the clutter are the following things:
A skeleton key with a filigree 'G' carved into the head.
A rock that shines when the sunlight hits it during the day.
A broken bracelet made of blue stones.
A tiny piece of foil shaped into an oak leaf cluster.
The first time a replacement asks about it--because Major Cleven doesn't seem the type to collect odds and ends--Demarco barks a laugh and buys the replacement a drink.
"It's not Cleven's collection. Well, it is. But it's not."
The replacement stares at Demarco. "Uh-huh. Clear as mud."
Demarco sighs. "They're all his, but he didn't pick them, okay?"
"That's no clearer."
Demarco shrugs. "You'll figure it out."
A week later, the replacement is reading in his bunk when Major Egan walks in, giggly and flushed from drinking. He drops hard onto Major Cleven's bed. Major Cleven is--or was--sleeping, but he wakes up and huffs a laugh and says as calm and even as he seems to do everything. "What are you up to?"
Major Egan holds out a hand. "Look what I found!"
Major Cleven squints at Major Egan's hand. "It's a penny."
"No, look closer," Major Egan says. He picks up the penny with his other hand and holds it very close to Major Cleven's eyes. "Look."
Major Cleven grabs Major Egan's wrist and pulls it back a few inches. He squints at the penny, then reaches over and flicks on his lamp. He squints at the penny again. "It's still a penny, John."
"No, it's your birth year," Major Egan says. "See?" He points. "And I found it heads up! It's double good luck for you."
The replacement suddenly realizes neither of them have clocked that he's there. He coughs politely, and suddenly, both Majors are looking at him.
"Is this your first time experiencing Major Egan in his magpie form?" Major Cleven asks.
"Uh," the replacement says.
"He acts like it's silly, but he keeps all of them," Major Egan says, gesturing to Major Cleven.
The replacement expects Major Cleven to scoff or shove Major Egan off his bed. Instead, he smiles and holds out his hand.
"I don't act like it's silly," Major Cleven says and looks at his table for a long moment before setting down very precisely. "I just can't follow your booze-soaked reasoning when you wake me up in the middle of the night."
Major Egan flops sideways so he's taking over half of Major Cleven's bed. "It's only ten, you old man."
Major Cleven stares at Major Egan. "We have an audience, John."
"Eh," Major Egan says and rolls over, stealing Major Cleven's pillow.
"Hey, give that back!" Major Cleven says, yanking the pillow, but Major Egan isn't giving it up.
The replacement doesn't know what to do, so he goes back to his book. The next night at the officer's club, he buys Demarco a drink.
"What was it this time?" Demarco asks.
"A penny from his birth year that he found face up."
Demarco bursts into laughter. "Oh, that's a whole new level of lovesick."
"Are they together?"
"Joined at the hip and a few other parts," Demarco says, then downs his drink. He slaps the replacement on the back. "Come on. I'll let you tell Brady what the latest one is. He'll love it."
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graffitiporn-org · 3 days
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2buck FST
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kafka-ohdear · 7 months
no but whenever i think about clegan, i think about maths because of their nicknames.
like we've got buck and bucky, so it's like:
buck cleven × bucky egan = [(buck + buck) × y] × (cleven + egan). = 2buck × y × (cleven + egan). = 2buck × y × clegan.
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1343-40 · 6 months
hello everypony i just posted 2buck cringe it's never been more over than now
rating: T
wc: 1,531
tags: ER, fluff?, a vague unspecified weekend pass spent in london, benny goodman mention mota fic bingo card spot
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swifty-fox · 6 months
Clegan Postwar
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got a little silly and decided to post this guy early
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risu5waffles · 14 days
sales play, post-game
at least i managed to luckily avoid the Nazi merch shop. it was closed. i hadn't realized it was the Nazi merch shop until i'd pulled up to it, was like "heeeey... the name didn't ring bells, but i remember this place."
i suppose that it shared a name wiv a well-known realgore video might have been a clue (tho', in the only concession i'll make, i don't know when it got that name, so there might not be any connection aside from synchronicity).
but i did a whole whiparound to about five shops, and i managed to fail utterly. in fact, i achieved the exact opposite of my aims, in that now i am the proud owner of a dead-tree format This Is How You Lose the Time War, and a collection of Dykes to Watch Out For. which is, i think, the last of my flash cash on hand. so... yeah.
it has been a good trip for books, even if i couldn't find any Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.
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easy access to books that i can directly engage wiv instead of beating my head against language... it's squirrel nip to me. but dang if the prices are fucking killers.
there were a couple shops in the mall up in Syracuse, so i wound up spending way more time in there than i'd normally want to. was the first one i've been in in a while that was actually mostly fully stocked wiv shops, if not actually wiv people. place was just too dang big tho', and i dunno why, but it was really cranking my anxiety by the time i was on my way out. something about all these shops, doors thrown open, lights on, stock in and attractively arrayed. staff at ready. breathlessly eager for a public that just isn't there, and won't be coming back. bugged me way more than fully dead and abandoned places i've been.
i also grabbed a Taco Bell burrito, which i think was the first time i've had Taco Bell since high school. it has not noticeably improved, tho' it was vaguely tasty, and if not as cheap as it used to be, at least it was comparatively cheap. they did manage to spell my name right on the order, but then pronounce it as rizuko, which... faaa... i mean, they were close. they tried.
saw this cutey on the way out the mall.
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just check that baby out. a real biggie too.
i did find a nice shop, Play the Game Read the Story if you're up Syracuse way, that said they could have the owner look my comics over, and call back wiv an offer, but the timing probably won't be while i'm still in town. i'm going to try taking them down to this nice place me and Jilly went by in Elmira. and see if they might take them off my hands, and if that doesn't work out, drop them off back in Syracuse. have mum pick up the money, and she's welcome to keep it.
the shop down in Elmira is Heroes Your Mom Threw Out for anyone down in that neck of the woods. i really cottoned to that place. easily the most disorganized shop i've ever been in, but it felt like a place that understood comics as things to be read and enjoyed, and not so much collected for money later. also, the guy running the register knocked 2bucks off that Marvel Rising book up there for reasons i cannot fathom, but surely appreciate.
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chaotictomtom · 1 year
hELP could you answer truthfully on what sort of art stuff you would be interested in seeing on my shop? it'll help a ton 🙇
commissions are SCARY to me but wee portraits in my colourful wax pastels might not kill me. i have no idea abt the prices of all of them probably will go for all of them based on a pay-what-you-want with a small base of 3 or 5 € depending on the thing!
didn't put zine in the options as there already my the bear zine up + didn't do another good enough zine to share on here, i'll get one or two done soon i hope 😤 i missed doing zines
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angelfruittree · 6 months
Tell publicly 3 facts about yourself or your three favourite songs or favourite books (it can be anything, really-whatever you want to share/feel like talking about) then send it some people you like! ♥️♥️♥️
Ohhh thank you for the ask lys
1. One of my favorite characters ever is Kaul Hilo from the green bone saga - that sound that’s like “I’m not a bad dog I don’t know why I bite” is so very him but he’s rabid! He’s a middle child and something about middle children always gets to me. I think about this bit all the time ( not really a bit is it lmao)
“Now it seemed an impassable emotional mountain. Every time he longed to make things right with Wen, anger yanked him back, like a hand jerking away from flame or Steel rising against a blade.
How often had he found fault with Shae for keeping people at a distance for half the time not being honest with herself, and half the time not being honest with others? Now he was the one sealed off, nursing his invisible wounds alone, just as Lan had once done.
The thought filled Hilo with gloom and dread. He was not a naturally self-sufficient personality. He knew that about himself.
Perhaps some men truly did not need others, but very few, and there was usually something wrong with them to make them that way. The brotherhood of the clan was a promise that its warriors were not alone.
What was the point of Green Bone oaths, of all the sacrifices his family had made, of the relentless war against their enemies, if in the end, the promise couldn't even be kept for him and those he loved?”
But also he’s a murderer and implicates you in every single thing he does . I remember walking my dog listening to Jade war ( book 2 ) and I stopped in my tracks on the street GAGGED!! GAGGED within an inch of my life winded I had to put my hands on my knees.
2. I really love Tasha Suri and help I’m crying but she has these two books called Empire of sand and Realm of Ash and it’s about two sisters ( each book follows a sister) The first book is about the oldest sister ( shes amrithi, a people who have old magic in their blood descended of dessert spirits , they are a nomadic dessert people and they are violently persecuted and feared but their power is also deeply covered - her mother left when she was young bc that is the amrithi way they can’t be pinned down to one place and her father remarries and… anyway I’m talking about realm of ash ) Empire of sand follows a sister forced into an arranged marriage that enslaves her to this dark mystic ( because of her power) but anyway realm of ash follows her little sister, years later who is now a widow and there’s this one line that just skdjdjdjdnffn
“ She thought about how sensible it had always seemed to smooth away her sharp edges, how long her mother had worked to shape her into something worthy of being loved. But Arwa did not care if Gulshera liked her, never mind loved her. She’s had enough of being mothered and molded. She opened her mouth.”
Okay and finally
I read this fic the other day for my two babies 2buck and I’ve been thinking about it none stop sometimes I scream because I think of a line and then I look around me and I’m on the street - or my dogs just looking at me like so disappointed or maybe he’s proud idk here’s the fic my friend found it but idk if I should expose her !!!
But I can’t stop thinking about it ahsjzjzjsjssjsn
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2buck new shirt <3
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Louisville, KY
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