#2dkaps takumi
2dkapsddr · 6 months
March 31st, 2024 - ProSeka, Arcaea, TAKUMI, maimai, DDR A20 PLUS
alas, as they all say, all good things must come to an end. as much as i've enjoyed the con so much and all my time here, it was almost time to go. what i enjoyed here would be the last i enjoyed, as we all prepared to bid our farewells to the event by its end time at 5 PM PDT. but first, a word from my arcaea and proseka scores from yesterday that i couldn't fit into this post due to hitting the 30 image limit in tumblr posts!! they're nothing special, really, but i wouldn't be keeping in spirit of the account if i didn't include them. so here, a quick expert 26 AP and a Rise of the World FTR-10 EX!
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alright, now back to the con. i mostly stuck with my friends as we got there before the artist valley opened somehow, and we hung around that area until they had to go get some things signed by their favorite VAs. while we were waiting for the doors to open, i checked out takumi cubic for their april fools joke of the year and got my friend to hold my phone while i played one of the chart lab charts (the one for freedom dive where it's just the insanity chart but all trace notes). sadly though, his holding SUCKED and i ended up getting two misses even though i should've gotten NONE!!!
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meanwhile, being abandoned and left to roam the arch building on my own, i got the thought: since all the rhythm game tourneys were over now, wouldn't maimai finally be free from that huge crowd? sure enough, once i got up to the right level and up to the cabs, the next spot in line was free! (save for one single person waiting, who i could partner up with to get an extra song anyways). i logged in to the cab for the second time ever, nodded to my play partner (who was logging in for the first time and suffering all the new content notifications) and got warmed up for the maimai experience:tm: which was INSANELY FUN!!! god i wish i had maimai access anywhere near me . alas, we can't have good things (or at least Every good thing)
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finished with that, i try and track down my friends who finally got their autographs and wanted to play DDR in the moment. i was down to play DDR EXTREME PRO, which i haven't even experienced properly before, but they wanted to play DDR A20 PLUS there which was fine anyways. i let them play first since i was moreso interested in playing at round 1 by myself, but i gave in to the temptation and played some sets with each one (except my friend's sister) and fucking DESTROYED them oh my GOD . here's a snapshot of some of the scores, i have a video of me playing tiger rampage CSP-17 (in cosplay of course) but i still have to get it from my friend who recorded . nevertheless, here's the goodies! (there's some other scores i took pictures of that were sweet accomplishments from my friends, but i won't share them here for obvious reasons. anything AA or above is my side)
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after that, we transferred over to the summit building and walked around some of the stalls before we bid farewell to the con, as it was closing 45 minutes after a reservation we had at the cheesecake factory. it was bittersweet, even if i wasn't at my most hype at first, and i'll very dearly miss it. but while we were waiting for our food at the cheesecake factory, i played last year's april fools chart for renda joceky for shits and giggles!! (it went horribly)
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after eating, we went back home via the link trains and said our farewells at each house as this unforgettable experience came to a close. i'll miss it... but now that i was home, i could enjoy the all-new april fools charts guilt-free!!! (just arcaea's prank) (i didn't have enough progress in any other rhythm games on this phone)
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and so, the extra-long post saga comes to an end. unless i attend some other event with a lot to talk about, i'll keep the rest of these posts short as i want to conserve both my time and sanity for actual important stuff like homework instead of writing summaries of my rhythm game scores that no one really reads. man . 'til next time though!
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2dkapsddr · 7 months
February 11th, 2024 - Arcaea, TAKUMI
(Previously on: Kappa's Score Emporium!)
After a mental debate between whether to push these scores into the date they were achieved on (today at midnight), or the same date where the session started (saturday at like 11 pm LOL), I came to the very necessary idea thaaat... I should just include them in both posts!! So whether you've seen yesterday's post or not, here's those scores I achieved at Barely MidnightTM!!
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now, for the scores that REALLY happened today! i was mostly too busy catching up on my journal at home, but i snuck in a bit of arcaea before my shift today (unfortunately yes, i did have closing shift during and for the entirety of the super bowl) and got THIS SCORE as compensation. hoooly shit i'm going ham on the 10s methinks.
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and yet again because of the super bowl, i had so little time to play takumi during break (though i did sneak in a fail on the Pandora Box Insanity Gauge Lv5 medley) and even less time after my shift. but once i got to my sister's house to catch up with family after the super bowl game, i opened up the Better game (takumi again) and finally secured the clear by using only two fingers for that one part of ZEUS 666!!! (originally used 6 fingers which i couldn't really cram on a phone) also, an overambitious attempt at kami dan 1 (at least i almost cleared squall chart lab???)
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2dkapsddr · 8 months
February 8th, 2024 - Arcaea, TAKUMI
okay, i at least knew for SURE that i had scores on this day that weren't just for the sake of getting scores. thank God. so anyways, today was a day of several back-to-back dentist appointments, but they were quick and spread out evenly enough that i could sneak in some Rhythm Gaming while waiting for each.
so in the lobby for my second appointment, i practiced the chart a little and got my very first clear (and a hard clear at that!) on #1f1e33 FTR-10+!!!! and then a little after that, i got a PTT increase with a Gengaozo that wasn't even an upscore!
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and then back at HOME, when all was said and done, i got a new sweet 15+ score! on Grayed Out-Antifront-! but alas, this point is where i check my rhythm game scores compared with others i used to rival in the past and realize "damn, i kinda suck ngl..." maybe it's just those after-9PM-thoughts that i shouldn't trust, but it's hard to shake off the feeling that i haven't progressed enough compared to my peers.
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2dkapsddr · 2 months
July 28th, 2024 - Arcaea, TAKUMI Cubic, vivid/stasis
neo wings train neo wings train!!!! did a little train as part of a twitter quote tweet train (my video below) and got this insanely cool upscore on the chart!!! still have no idea how to do the janky doubles with the sky notes so close to the floor notes...
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also opened up and played Takumi for the first time in Ages, getting a sick Gauge Level 5 clear on Igallta [INSANITY 15+]!!!! loving this update so far :]
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and to end off the day + to get rid of some excess stamina from work, i opened up vivid/stasis and got to work on upscoring my 15s, resulting in this INSANE 3-great FC on LET THE CREATION BEGIN [FIN 15] as well as a V-rank 1-miss on Turn A/Upside Down A [ENC 15]!!! more big rating increases hopefully soon...
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2dkapsddr · 6 months
March 20th, 2024 - TAKUMI, Arcaea
goood takumi morning chat! i wasn't really intending on playing takumi today, but i heard about a data transfer thing involving the game's old servers shutting down at the end of this month and figured i'd hop on before the process got super complicated. after that, i changed my name (now i'm 2DKaps almost everywhere!!!) and grinded out some event 15+s to permanently unlock them.
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today was pretty dormant in terms of rhythm games since i was so busy writing an article for my college newspaper, but i played some Nightly Arcaea to use up my stamina and tried New York Back Raise again, in which i found that i was surprisingly goated??? good at the chart now??? i gave it a few more tries to upscore and make sure i wasn't hallucinating, but i really was cracked at this out of nowhere...
i backed out of world mode to give it a shot normally and got another sick upscore, after which i convinced myself that i really could PM this given an extra hour or so... but unfortunately, thanks to Exsch charting, the intro was unbearable and tiring to play and i gave up to play other charts.
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what other charts, you might ask? oh, i don't know, how about A SUPER CONSISTENT EX ON LOST CIVILIZATION BYD-9+, AND THEN AN EX+ OUT OF NOWHERE ON AXIUM CRISIS??? HUH???
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BONUS: that Axium Crisis play got me an 11.1 play result somehow, and then i played once more to unlock the last TANO*C Core and awaken DORO*C!!! i love this art so much god
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2dkapsddr · 6 months
March 18th, 2024 - Arcaea, TAKUMI
again, these plays are only (unfortunately) growing more and more inactive by the day. there's a few upscores here and there though, like this slight EX upscore on KYOREN ROMANCE! but i'm still kinda focused on world mode, so i also got an unlock and first play on Einherjar Joker BYD-10+!!!
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was talking with a friend for most of the day and couldn't play arcaea as much due to me finishing an article later, but i got this first full play through work^work^ INSANITY 14+, and it was an S rank!!!
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to conclude the day, i tied my PM best on A Wandering Melody of Love for a challenge somehow, and also nearly got a new 9 PM! (i can probably get it easy, just have to try it again sometime soon....)
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2dkapsddr · 7 months
February 23rd, 2024 - TAKUMI, CHUNITHM, maimai
so i was in seattle today, right? well, i was planning to go to seattle to get a gift for a future meetup with Fiddy, but i heard about some (unspecified) event there that perfectly lined up with the time i was visiting!! only... my parents wanted to tag along with the babies as well, so i ended up getting taken by them to seattle as we spent a while getting the babies together and eating at my workplace. while i was there though, i figured i'd warm up and get in the rhythm gaming mood with a teensy bit of takumi unlocks! all i took a screenshot of was this sightread S on nighttheater, but it's p cool nonetheless
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after that was done though, i ended up in seattle with a mission: get a gift for fiddy meetup. easy enough, right? NO. i spent a while at another store getting myself a gift, but trying to find something for fiddy that was worth it was a PAIN. spent an hour total just browsing kinokuniya for the perfect gift, and all i came up with was the very first thing i saw when i walked in (blue archive art book).
i finally finished browsing at about 3:30 PM, which unfortunately meant i only had a few hours to cash in my ticket and play some chunithm. knowing my time limit, though, i sprinted over to the event spot and tracked down the cabs after asking around and doing some (honhonhon) investigation myself. and oh my lord, it was such a beauty to witness in-person... just look at that beauty...
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i felt like a kid in the electronics department of target, honestly. it was SO DAMN COOL seeing this in person and i would give... actually i don't really wanna sacrifice anything to experience it again, but i would if i could and it wasn't too consequential!!! but with no time to waste and the cab freed up thanks to the neighboring cab (more details to come after this scoredump), i hopped on and registered my pass so i could start GAMING
AND GAMING I DID!!! the first credit made me think i'd have to play the expert of everything to get master or ultima, but that was resolved eventually as i found out about master tickets and map progression in time to fully grind every song i've never had access to until now!!! (jet ultima my beloved, had to get it first of course)
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after that amazing session though, i wanted to take a break from all the chunithm'ing and focus on the aforementioned neighboring game, which i hadn't even been able to Play before at all... maimai!!!!!! this cab was on festival plus which was already massive, but AAAAAGH I'M ACTUALLY PLAYING MAIMAI!!! WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS!!! AND ALSO PLAYING THE BEST SONG IN THE GAME!!!!
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time was running out, however, so that was all i really got to experience of maimai. i ended off the session with some more chuni (including a song suggestion from an intl player) and bid farewell to this beautiful, beautiful cab as i would only get to see it again over a month from now...
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back at home, all i did was take in the beauty of experiencing seattle and living it big in the city despite everything. i really want to come back some other time, but i need to Keep Grinding and brave everything else going on right now. as such, rhythm game posts might slow down besides the next upcoming one, but i truly hope to get to a point where i only have to worry about the current day's homework and my little rhythm games :]
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2dkapsddr · 7 months
February 17th, 2024 - TAKUMI, SDVX EG, IIDX 31
Back at it again at work today, and I tried getting a bit more TAKUMI in during my break! After a few attempts and a little memorization of the chart, I got an S rank on Nini!! FC is definitely doable with a teensy bit more memory...
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After work though, I was EXHAUSTED. So many closing tasks to do, so little energy to do it all, so I had to reward myself with both my completion of every task and the acquiring of my ID to stay past 10 PM... I went to Round 1 and GAMED for Triple Tribe!!! I obviously couldn't play DDR in my work uniform, but it was okay since I was trying to unlock 3y3s anyways (which required a TON of IIDX)
Warmed up with some SDVX (and the DDR Pro Player Kaname's song) since the cab was free and I didn't want to pass up such an opportunity, and then I got two new 17s on a different set!!
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Switched over to IIDX and tried it on Premium Free to get as many points for me buck as possible (10 minutes of Premium Free gives 224 IIDX points compared to the 100 from Standard Start) and used it to get some more Hard Clears on random, which worked out really well!! I'm getting more and more used to this setting, actually!! (just ignore the graphs and also the time i switched it off to get a normal clear on ra'am SPH-10. speaking of which, i got a normal clear on ra'am SPH-10!!!)
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Went back to SDVX to pick Blaster Start (speedrunning Triple Tribe S2 points here... only for me to find out that Blaster Start gave 40 points less than what two Standard Start sets would be worth) and got some more really good progress!!! And I also got to see Fubuki's goofy expression for whenever you failed out of a chart!
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Went right back to IIDX after that to keep on with the 3y3s grind, and got pushed by Maya to try a bunch of really hard charts in hopes that I'd clear them... though most of which only demotivated me and made me feel like my skill clearly wasn't enough to take on the harder IIDX content anytime soon (that, and the lack of controller at home, really killed my mood and hopes to someday excel at this game). I guess in slightly more positive news, I almost got a clear on Monkey Dance '09 and reached THE SAFARI in 7th dan? But I didn't clear it... I didn't clear it...
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BONUS: lookit her goooooo :]
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2dkapsddr · 7 months
February 10th, 2024 - TAKUMI, Arcaea
Tragically, today was another work day. Today was also a day where I had a ton of homework to catch up on! Between journaling, financial aid studying, and homework, I had no time or energy to play rhythm games this morning. Once I clocked in to my shift, though, it was a completely different story.
I remember only giving Takumi earlier on Wednesday this week, and it kinda turned out horribly because I was playing at 9 PM with all my energy drained and only a desire to sleep and do homework. But during my 30min break, anything goes, so I opened up takumi, picked my breautiful new little funny furry guy Tamaya and tried to get as much gaming as i good between then... which i did!! holy shit!!! these are WAY better scores compared to what i got last time in the dead of night
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before i was sucked into the void of competitive rhythm gaming that night that was BPL right after my shift, i played a teensy bit of arcaea on the bus ride back home and got this insane EX+ on New York Back Raise!!! finally!!! after so long!!!
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and lastly, while i was waiting for the next BPL match to start, i played a bunch more arcaea to keep both my senses and myself awake and in check. not only did this work for that, but my senses were already so good that night because LOOK AT THESE SCORES!!! AND THEIR RESPECTIVE PTT INCREASES!!! 1 FAR 1 NEAR ON MAZY???
(note: these were both Technically set on Sunday at midnight (00:02 for Mazy, 00:19 for Gengaozo), but since they were technically part of the same session that started on the night of Saturday, I'm including them in both days anyways)
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2dkapsddr · 8 months
February 7th, 2024 - TAKUMI, DJMAX
had to scramble to get these scores for Music Games Every day February 2024 because, while i did play a bunch of takumi, i had no score except THIS ONE to show for it (really good score actually!). except, in due part to my poor memory, i had No Idea i even took a screenshot for this score, so i scrambled to get another one anyways.
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so with only two hours on the clock before the next day, i booted up djmax and tried to get an Insane Achivement or whatever that would redeem myself for the challenge and let me keep going. after spending a billion attempts on this one evil, evil hard chart (juust wait a sec), i finally got it on one lucky attempt...
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THAT'S RIGHT BABY!!! HAMSIN 4B SC MAX COMBO 99.84% WITH ONE HOUR STILL LEFT IN THE DAY!!!! i was super happy to finally get it and WAS gonna get up to take care of everything before going to sleep (that is, showering and self care and stuffs like that), but instead i remembered another banger that i wanted to play after hearing it in the DJMAX DLC for EZ2ON Reboot : R...
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2dkapsddr · 8 months
February 4th, 2024 - TAKUMI, EZ2ON
went with my parents to breakfast and took it easy by only playing takumi today :] (since, well, i had work that day and no time to do anything else). finally got to try the XL Techno -More Dance Remix- equivalent in the game and got kinda cracked at it actually?? along with a Teumessia 994k and Tamamochi S !!
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oh right, before work i also hopped on EZ2ON for the first time in a while and tried course mode to see that stricter judgement someone had mentioned a while back . and Oh My God what is that timing?? 11ms??? no way that's anywhere above 16ms (accompanied with some good ol Ruby Tuesday on 6S to cleanse my palette)
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2dkapsddr · 8 months
January 12th, 2024 - TAKUMI, CHUNITHM
GOOD TAKUMI MORNING!!!! No classes on Friday, but I still needed to go back on campus for an interview, so I just waited out the time to get the interview by playing takumi!
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After this, I went to campus to do the interview. Buuut it seems like Friday was a terrible time to do that, as there was literally NO ONE there for me to interview. I had to opt for some other day, and I didn't even get a chocolate croissant from the arcade... but hey, while I was there anyways, why not stop by the little arcade? So I went there to GAME after my double whammy.
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When I got there, it seemed like the cab was gonna be offline the whole day. A triple whammy, as if this trip couldn't possibly get worse... until?
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so now that it was online, i went right back to gaming and got some INSANE scores!!! i didn't get as many as i wanted to, since i was really hungry and wanted to go back, but this sure as hell made up for the whole trip!!
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also: little rat system voice finally complete . i'm freeeeee
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2dkapsddr · 8 months
January 7th, 2024 - IIDX 31, Arcaea, TAKUMI, vivid/stasis
WELCOME BACK CHAT!!! sorry about the lack of actual rhythm game scores yesterday, it truly has been hell at work. to make up for it though, today will be a bigger and better rhythm game day! and i'll prove it by showing off this SICK EX on Overdrive FTR-10 that i got first thing in the morning.
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see? see? NOW we're getting somewhere. since sundays are slower work days (and also since my mom drove me to work early), i got to take advantage of that today and stop by round 1 for some super quick IIDX gaming!!! i'm still getting used to the random setting, but i can feel the Random Effect (as i'm coining it) kicking in where my skill using the mod falls short of my regular skill. this is to be expected of course, but it still kinda bogged me down as i realized how much more learning i'd have to do to get anywhere higher than my own skill (and also to cope with how many patterns i'm missing)
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had to wait again until my break at work to get anywhere again, but as soon as i broke out into my 30 mins i started BLASTING the hell out of arcaea, and my god... both HIVEMIND and Bamboo/Take FTR-10s in Extend Archive... knocked out with an EX+ to finally obtain ALL EX+ ON 10s IN EXTEND ARCHIVE!
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satisfied with my massive arcaea progress, i switched over to takumi and set some sick scores on Eat.Wav (even sniping an AAA out of nowhere!!)
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once i got back home, since i was already training for the v/s tournament anyways, i might as well get re-used to the timing windows and strengthen my accuracy... by setting AAC/MAX scores on everything!!! Acolyte, energy trixxx (Finale), and Macropolis all knocked out this session!
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2dkapsddr · 9 months
January 6th, 2024 - TAKUMI
Okay okay, weekend baybee!! Let see what scores you've got in store for such a relaxing, free day!
...two scores??? on the same song???? that's all????? not even a different song or a different game you played?????
...well yeah, very uneventful day today. from catching up on all the previous days and their posts (jan 2nd to 5th all in one day ! lotsa writing) to having to work nearly overtime during my closing shift, weekends are really not a day of relaxation at all. you should know this, Gary. nevertheless, it's not work without a break, and not a break without sneaking in some rhythm action! after finishing some quick errands like submitting my food worker card, i opened up takumi and tried catching up on the game i've been neglecting to play for quite a while, but still wanted to catch up on! though, it's a little tiring when every game is a catch up now, i just wanna pop in and play......
what song were both of the scores achieved on? you'll just have to find out for yourse-Just kidding they were both on this one 14 going by the name of... Outrage. Both runs were pretty decent, the later even being a full combo (that I choked an AJ to get)! Though, I am EXTREMELY confident that I can get All Just on this chart given that I properly memorize the ending and put it all together in one run. "Isn't that how every All Just goes?" Yeah.
(i promise there'll be more scores per day eventually just gimme a sec to write my 2024 rhythm game goals in a post coming right up !)
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2dkapsddr · 9 months
December 12th, 2023 - TAKUMI
Not a lot of scores for today, mostly just setting up games on my phone and then going to work later. BUT!! After installing Takumi Cubic on this phone and enabling the 120 fps mode, it works FLAWLESSLY and even better than it did on my old phone!!! Really excited about this actually, can't wait to play more!*
*when I have time, since these next few days are gonna be really... lot
By the way, did you notice the upgrade in resolution for these screenshots? Thanks to the OLED screen and bigger phone, they're now 2796x1290 as opposed to the 2400x1080 of my older phone!! that's a lot of extra pixels, and the difference is a little small, but the extra quality is a neat little novelty that'll just wear off after a few days.
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2dkapsddr · 11 months
October 22nd, 2023 - TAKUMI, DaR
spent the last of my days in ohio seeing the last sights, raising the last canes, and dancing around with my friends before departing back home. i've already shared every selfie on twitter with them, but i still very much miss being there with everyone and for sure want to go to another tournament in the future.
and since today was my leaving day, thereee's not many scores to share really. but there IS a teensy bit of takumi that i tried (and failed miserably with) on the plane up 32,000 ft in the air!
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BONUS: DaUTF recorded videos of all of us playing our picks in DaR and uploaded them all, so here's my part with my iconic background dancers; Daisuke MASTER !!!
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