#2p! russia headcanons
lady0ctavia · 25 days
Hetalia Kiss Headcanons (2p!Allies)
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Headcanons on how the 2p!Hetalia characters would kiss their S/O, as well as who I think would initiate your first kiss as a couple~
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2p!America: Allen is very mischievous and cocky. With a similar "do or die" attitude to this 1p! counterpart, his kisses are more forceful and abrupt. The difference is that Allen will crash his lips onto yours with little regard to whether or not you're prepared. He'll even go out of his way to surprise you with a kiss on the lips, holding you tightly by the waist as he uses his tongue to beg for entrance. Kisses that are full of desire and lust. He just loves to see you shocked and breathless at the end. And when the two of you are alone, you can bet neck kisses are going to be a thing. Here's hoping you brought a scarf to cover up those love bites. If it wasn't already obvious, he'd be the one initiating a first kiss.
2p!England: Oliver's kisses are not only sweet in emotion and how they feel, but in taste as well. His lips taste like one of the many sugary sweets he whips up on a daily basis. Like cake batter and frosting with a possible hint of the metallic taste of blood. He gets positively giddy when you two kiss, and you can feel his lips curl into a smile upon yours. When he's in an especially good mood he'll take your face in his hands and pepper your face with kisses. When in public he might hold back a little, and I mean only a little. And I'd say it's 50/50 as to who initiates the first kiss. He may hold back to see if you're comfortable, but there's also the chance he'll get so carried away in his emotions that he'll just kiss you outright.
2p!France: François... Oh, François my beloved. This really depends on the nature of your relationship. If you're keeping it casual, his kisses would be more lustful and demanding, as if to say, "You. Me. Bed. Now." And he'd have no qualms about shoving his tongue down your throat. This is a guy who doesn't really believe in love and instead operates on lust when it comes to human intimacy. But if your relationship is more serious, his kisses would still be firm, but they'd be brief, with him still lingering over your lips, as if he's unsure how to navigate kisses fueled by genuine love. Whoever initiates the first kiss would depend entirely on his mood. If he's in a lustful haze, he'd initiate. But if he's just... Being his usual, depressed self, you'd have to initiate.
2p!Russia: Kissing? What even is kissing? Okay, so it's not like Viktor hasn't heard of kissing before, but it's probably one of the furthest things from his mind. So obviously you'd have to be the one to talk to him about it and even one day be the one to try and initiate that first kiss between you two. I feel like his lips feel very cold, almost like ice. At first, he'd find kissing to be a little uncomfortable, but he'd eventually warm up to the idea. But kisses would still be extremely rare. But when he does kiss you it will either be on the top of your head, forehead, or a chaste peck on the lips. Because of the rarity of the kisses, you know that if he's kissing you, it's because he truly does love you (that or he's dying, I dunno).
2p!China: Okay, I'm gonna be real here. Zao seems like a bit of a mixed bag to me. I feel like he'd be more affectionate than his 1p! counterpart, but not particularly in public. He'd give you a kiss on the cheek in public, but that's it. At home he's probably a bit more lax about affection, kissing you off and on throughout the day. Maybe being a little more flirty and silly when it comes to kissing, with his kisses making you smile while also feeling like your chest is on fire. And he'd be the one to initiate the first kiss. (I literally tried so hard here, but I just don't have a good feel for his character at all).
2p!Canada: James also my beloved. James isn't the best at showing how he feels, especially in the romance department. His kisses often end up being little pecks on the top of your head or forehead. He'd kiss your temple as well, but after a peck, he'll sort of linger there with an arm around your shoulders. Kisses on the lips are usually reserved for when the two of you are alone, mainly because he can be fairly reserved when it comes to affection. But dang those kisses fill you with a sense of love, security, and warmth like you've never felt before. And, if he's in the mood, the kisses can be a little more intense and forceful, but he wouldn't try and push you into anything you aren't comfortable with. As such, it would be on you to initiate that first kiss, as he's a little worried he may accidentally scare you off.
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hetalia-angel · 8 months
What are the 1p/2p allies favorite hobbies?
1p Allies
Canada- His favorite hobbies range from playing hockey, taking long nature walks and hikes, sledding, and kayaking.
America- Alfred’s favorite secret hobby is star gazing. He’d never admit it to anyone but he’s a total nerd for space and often looks out his telescope into the great night sky.
France- Francis is a total hater and no one can convince me otherwise. His favorite hobby is gossiping about anything and everyone.
England- Arthur’s favorite hobby is a mix of knitting, crocheting, and embroidery. He’s not the best but it’s the thought that counts. I headcanon that Oliver taught him the basics. He gets the thread and yarn tangled sometimes but it makes him happy nonetheless.
Russia- His favorite hobby is cooking with friends and family. Ivan enjoys being close to his love ones and tasting the most delectable Russian delicacies.
China- Yao is a collector of all things; this list ranges from plushies, figurines, dolls, and even posters. On the other hand he’s severely proud of his country and cuisine and always cooks for any guests or occasion.
2p Allies
England- Oliver’s favorite hobby is obviously baking no one trusts it but he still creates masterpieces. Another hobby that not most know is his love of card games; especially games like bridge.
France- François is an absolute prodigy at gambling and scamming others out of money. When he’s not gambling he’s often lounging around and smoking cigarettes. His lungs have got to be black after 100 years of smoking.
Russia- Viktor likes to stay sharp the more you know the easier it is to get what you want from others he’s always continuing his studies. Viktor’s very well versed in most things so he’d make an excellent tutor.
America- Allen recently got very into urban exploration. Those small abandoned Midwest towns catch his interest to no end. He finds himself going late at night to explore each nook and cranny.
China- Xao’s addictions consume his life and he’s always looking for the next plug. While Yao is similar to the nations’ grandfather Xao is the opposite. He’s more of a fun loving older brother who’s always seeking out excitement.
Canada- Matthieu acts like an old man always on a strict schedule. His favorites hobbies are hockey, whittling, hunting and especially hiking. He’s spent days on end hiking up mountains in the countryside.
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1p Russia/Ivan Braginsky
It falls him natural to not be very kinky, but if you want to play he'll happily be the Dom you wish for
He does like the control it gives him over you, regardless of how it's shown
He will make you wear collars that show you belong to him in public
He'll play the Dom in public, anything to show ownership
He's not so good with the whole letting you set soft boundaries, he gets the hard boundaries, but soft are there to be broken, at times at least
There's going to lots of different kinds of marking, not just collars
If you're unlucky (or lucky;D) there might be a leash involved
Of course he will respect a safe word, but you really shouldn't use it just for nothing
2p Russia/Viktor Braginsky
Naturally a dominating person, tho mostly in the Master way
Of course it requires an insane amount of trust for him to engage in sex
But when he does he's a really skilled Dom/master
He always knows how to make you submit to him
He can be convinced to some sort of Daddy thing, he's not thrilled about it as he prefers the whole master/slave roleplay, but it's easier for him if he can mix the two a little
If you want to incorporate it into your everyday life he will allow it, but only within the four walls of his home
Before he gets into the whole dom/sub thing he has a serious conversation with you about rules and limits for both of you
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1p2p-heta-suggestives · 9 months
2p’s preference on creamers or squirters?
(You didn’t specify which 2ps so I just did the main 10, feel free to send in another ask if you’d like to see anyone specific 🖤)
• 2p S. Italy
• 2p France
• 2p Russia
• 2p Germany
• 2p Japan
• 2p England
• 2p China
No preference/doesn’t care:
• 2p N. Italy
• 2p America
• 2p Canada
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 1 year
Can you do the domestic lives the 2p axis and allies want too?
2p N. Italy will be the one working, he just wants his S/O to have a relaxed life and he makes enough money for them to do that. He absolutely refuses having kids, he doesn’t want to potentially mess them up.
2p S. Italy is happy to be more of a househusband, he’s used to looking after people so it’s second nature to him, he’d love a child or two to have running around, he thinks they’re adorable.
2p Germany would prefer to be a househusband than work, he’s not the best at holding down a job anyway. For children, it’s a mixed bag, he loves kids but he hates raising them.
2p Japan is happy being a househusband, he doesn’t really like to go out at all so working is awful to him. He doesn’t want kids at all, he just can’t deal with children or their antics.
2p America would prefer to be the one working but he struggles to find employment so he knows it likely won’t end up that way, they’ll probably both work. As for children, he’s very hesitant, the idea scares him.
2p England would prefer 50/50, he doesn’t want them to do all the housework but he doesn’t want them to be the only one working either. He’s happy to split it up because that’s fair to him. He’d love a big family.
2p Canada is another that prefers the work be 50/50. He likes to do housework, he likes to work, it fills up time. When it comes to children, he’s hesitant because of how he was as a kid but the idea of a child is appealing.
2p France says he hates kids but he always takes care of them so he’d secretly like one of his own. Househusband nor working is that good to him, he just doesn’t have the motivation to do either.
2p China is unbothered: he’s fine to be the sole worker, he’s fine to stay at home, he’s fine if they both work, he really just goes with whatever they want. He’s taken care of enough children in his life to not want more.
2p Russia prefers to work, mostly because he likes the predictability and the routine of work. As for children, he’s not the biggest fan of children, nor does he have any idea how to raise them.
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 5 months
How would the yandere salty spittoon react to their darling wanting to cuddle with them?
The world outside had long shed its sleepy trance. The foliage had returned and became greener as the previous months' excess moisture evaporated away. Birds sang their summer song as nature embraced its abundance.
Yet, the same couldn’t be said for the hidden home.
It was cold inside. The icy air that left the steel vents forced its way into (Y/N)’s veins and chattered her teeth quicker than a distressed sailor using Morse code. Fog puffed from her mouth as she huffed. A rapid turn on her bare heel caused her to leave the warm window behind her.
(Y/N) stalked through the halls. Glancing toward the rooms she passed for a hint of warmth. In her search, she initially passed the living room, ready to brush it off, but a new basket at the L-shaped couch’s bend stopped her.  
It was wicker texture and dark color, matched the atmosphere of the cage she was forced into. Maybe, (Y/N) thought as she stepped into the living room, he was being merciful. Crawling along the chilled, leather cushions, its uneven surface sunk as she moved across. (Y/N) eyes never left the basket as she reached the furniture's end. Leaning over it, she raised her arm, small shivers caused her to tremble as she peered down at the woven container. Slowly, her hand reached for the lid. Small sparks of hope sparked like fresh embers as she lifted it, but like a sudden blizzard, it was quickly smothered when nothing was found within.
She yelled! A feral sound of frustration as her frozen foot kicked away the basket. 
‘What am I going to do?’ (Y/N) thought as she looked toward her stiff hands. She licked her cracked lips as she flexed her fingers. They had begun to tingle and burn with the first sensation of the incoming numbness. ‘He’s made it so cold.’
Hesitantly, her head tilted upward as she debated between survival and pride.
She knew that the only aid HE would give would be himself. A simple offer of a lighted coal. One that promised survival and care, but that isn't what worried her. It was what it could become.
A passionate wildfire.
One that would blaze as he offered higher prices for simple salvation. The type that melted flesh and harshly numbed nerves, that would leave her wholly reliant on him. Yet, (Y/N) debated, that if she would take the plunge once, she could fight another day. Temporary recover enough to dash. Away from his winterous lair and into the sweet spring. Permanently chasing away the freeze that threatened to render her immobile. That could leave her with no more chances of escape. 
Sighing, (Y/N) stepped off the couch. Her footing was wobbly as she walked toward the stairs. Ready to endure a minor burn, in hopes of escaping the coming blaze. 
Let’s not lie, they are all very happy about the bitter willingness. But each would react a little differently to it.
Canada: In his mind, it’s the first step of submission. The spark that could force her to accept that she needs him to survive. Though, unlike his brother, he’s not going to tease or hold her decision over her head. Instead, he welcomes her with a light hug as he leans back into the large bed. Once they've both settled, Matt tightens the grip of his large arms and smiles against (Y/N)'s head. This is a good first step.
He will probably use this trick again. For Matt, it's a good reinforcer after punishment or something he can use as a reminder of her place. That no matter what, she will eventually be forced to choose him.
After all, there is no one else worthy of her.
Finland: - Niilo’s not gonna make a big deal out of it, despite his joy. Mainly just uttering a sarcastic comment about how (Y/N) should have requested this sooner while pulling her to sit next to him on his office couch.
From there he lets her get comfortable under his arm while he continues about doing his paperwork. If she attempts to snuggle closer, he reciprocates with a small squeeze.
Enjoying the contact while relishing the first steps of securing her as his. Maybe this should be repeated. As needed of course. 
Poland: Piotr is like Niilo, he doesn’t celebrate or mock her submission. Instead, he ignores her. Now, this isn’t him dismissing his darling (Y/N). Instead, he’s forcing her to commit to getting what she wants FROM him.
Especially when she finally breaks to ask, Piotr will already be in bed. He has been sleeping after a night of work and will sleepily stare at her before turning over, lessening the pressure of coming to him for help. Though, never fully falling back to sleep.
That’s when she’ll slip under the blankets. Placing herself back-to-back with him. The shared heat will cause her to drift to sleep, deep enough that she’ll only realize the cuddles when she awakes. A simple way to force contact and make her adjust.
Russia: Viktor happily views her desire for him as the first step in domestication and wants her to know that. So, he’ll make her admit it. Usually by questioning her on why? For weeks now, she’s been nothing more than a fractious cat, why the sudden submission?
This interrogation continues until, in frustration and exhaustion, (Y/N) yells out that she needs him. That without him she risks horrible damage or death.
Only then does he let her into his arms. Ready to soothe away the chill for a time. Before continuing the process of adapting (Y/N) to her new role.
Cuba: Hector’s face won’t change when (Y/N) walks in. When she starts to ask about warmth, he just stares. He waits for her to make her intentions known. As in a full-on blunt statement like “Please cuddle me.” Or “I’m freezing, can I share the ‘only’ blanket in the house with you?”. Once that’s said, Hector will open his arms or lift the blanket letting her get what he’s been withholding.
As she fully settles against his side, his mind can’t help but wonder what other ideas his ‘friends’ have that could get him faster results.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 18 days
Yo! Gotta say it dude
I love your writing, headcanons n AUs, trust me whenever I got the chance to catch a look on this phone screen I hop on tumblr and read smth from u fr, thank u for saving me and lot of ppl who follow ur acc from boredom and other things.
Buuuuut I also got a little request here, ofc if u don't mind,
So I'm sorta obsessed with 2p'hetalia , especially with 2p Russia(and ig that's obvious lol), can ya write some more about Viktor braginsky(2p russia), like literally anything you want.. I just wanna read anything about that man 😩🤌🏼 - ash the salad🥗💜
Again thank you <3
Honestly, I love having my ask box open. The majority of y’all are giving me the will to live sometimes. I hope this does not disappoint. Enjoy! :) 
2p Russia during Spooky Season Headcannons
He’s likely written down plot 5,769 to torment and kill 2p America in one of the many journals he keeps. [Al pranked Viktor again by egging his house, teepeeing it, and also having a well-covered pitfall that Viktor fell into and broke his arm] 
“I’ve had enough of this bullshit. Stupid American has to pay piper.” 
Viktor either likes to serve his Karma cold like the ice tundra he was born into, or he’ll make a Rube Goldberg-like machine that seems to have an anti-climactic end, only to have it be devastating. The delayed devastation will be something that fucks all up Al so much to where he will have to reincarnate his entire body, not to mention the fucking recovery time will be a month or so. [For perspective, it takes at least 24 hours-78 hours (usually) for any nation to recover if they’ve been fatally injured]
Night owl. Viktor enjoys the solace of the night. This works for him since being around too many people or just people, in general, annoys and drains him. Since it’s Fall, sunlight is far more scarce. Viktor will also enjoy strolls through the forest under the guidance of the moonlight if, for whatever reason, he’s unable to sleep or concentrate on any task he needs to complete or a hobby of his. 
Viktor loves going to movie theatres when they’re mostly empty. He goes to see the yearly installment of whatever popular horror movie is out. On occasion, he will be impressed by a breakout masterpiece or some film director's magnum opus, which will make him want to rewatch a movie. [By rewatch, I mean it’s background noise for him while he knits, does chores, or cooks.] 
Viktor knows of the best-hidden libraries and bookshops and the best Halloween displays for the top books of the season. He likes to pick his top 5 and read through them to see which ones are the best and rank them in his journals. 
The dude can carve some intricate pumpkins. I’m talking about hyperrealistic-looking monsters from Russian folklore. Viktor even carves other things such as ghoulish faces, eyes, and ghosts [that somehow he made to look translucent with just a candle and his X-ACTO knife.] These will be the main decorations that adorn his house.  
Some of his other favorite decorations are spiders and their webs. 
He will always dress as the Grim Reaper because he has bright scarlet eyes, a menacing demeanor, and a terrifying aura. Plus, with the hood obscuring half of his face…. Yeah, his citizens know full well he’s not to be fucked with. [unless you really just give no fucks and don’t have a vested interest in having a quality of life or…being alive] 
In the bar Viktor frequents, the owner had cut a deal with him: Be here in Sept & Oct dressed as the Grim Reaper and let people trouble him for a picture, and he gets paid in any Vodka he can drink for the night, his own special place in the bar that won’t be crowded by people, and fifty Rubes per hour. To Viktor, it's not a bad deal. The owner even had a scythe commissioned to be made with Sterling Silver to make sure he could look as accurate as the Grim Reaper as possible. 
On the actual day of Halloween in the morning [3:33 am], he’ll throw a dart at the map of his nation and where it lands will be where he seeks out a mystic babushka to get his fortune read.
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Yandere 2p Russia Headcanons: 2p Russia's Artist
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! It is back and I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here my sexy muffins!]
(Disclaimer: 2p Russia is not Yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and fictional yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Yanderes and countries are not ideal partners to have.
ALSO, THIS IS FICTION, not all people from 2p Russia do not act like the character from hetalia. Not how I write him and not how he is in the fandom. IT IS FICTION!)
[Anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter here!]
(Headcanons with Yandere 2p Russia X Artists Reader)
.He finds your works of art to be refreshing.
.The warm landscapes, the portraits, even the experimental stuff that you do.
.It was just a chance that he met you.
.His little sister dragged him to a flea market.
.He did not plan on enjoying anything, that was until he saw you. You were sketching people at a booth.
.What caught him was your smile and your laugh.
.He instantly went over there scaring away your customers and sitting down.
.As you sketched him, he stared you down.
.It felt to him like he was bathed in your warm light.
.A warmth wrapping around him and his barren icy heart!
.The sketch you made of him hangs in his office. An honor for sure.
.He tried to get you out of his mind.
.But he could not, so he went back to the flea market.
.This time he demanded to commission you, offering an amount of money you could not refuse.
.He would be the type to just keep hiring you, that way you are forced to spend time with him.
.Also that he knows where you are and who you are with.
.Controlling parts of your life without you even knowing.
.Deal with rivals by killing them, with ease.
.Burying them in his own backyard.
.In the end, he will kidnap you for sure.
.That is when he confesses to you, telling you that you are his and you will stay.
.Then he would never let you leave.
.if you say yes, you will be his artist, privately painting for him and being spoiled.
.If you do not say yes, you will be locked away for good, only an art studio to give you joy.
.Painting the places that you wish you could be and see once more.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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acid---cat · 7 months
Hey hey! I made a Hetalia discord server for Hetalia fans! There’s not many of us right now and I really would like some new members!!!
Here’s the link!
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uuhhh · 1 year
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megirinni · 7 months
Residents of Kuban Have a great weekend
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He looks more like Georgians/Caucasians/Ukrainians...and he actually live in the South of Russia. He could also have been a leader under the USSR… like, he came to power with Stalin
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lady0ctavia · 12 days
Hetalia PDA Headcanons (2p!Allies)
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Headcanons about how the 2p!Hetalia characters would feel about PDA with their S/O.
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2p!America: Are you kidding me? This man lives for PDA. Hand-holding, having an arm around your waist, resting a hand on your hip or shoulder, occasionally groping or smacking your behind in public, kissing you straight on the lips, having you sit on his lap... The man has almost zero shame. Almost. The only thing he might hold back on are full-on makeout sessions. Mainly because those usually lead to being intimate, and regardless of how bold he is, he isn't about to do it in public or do anything that might directly lead to it. However, he's no stranger to makeout sessions in the back of a movie theater, just make sure you two keep it in your pants.
2p!England: Oliver is the kind of guy who will hold your hand in public no matter what you're doing or where you are. He interlocks his fingers with yours, swings your arms back and forth as you walk, and maybe even twirls you around, only to pull you back into his arms before peppering your face with kisses. Needless to say, Oliver is practically the opposite of his 1p! counterpart when it comes to PDA. If anything, I can see him putting an arm around you and shouting about how much he loves you for all to hear.
2p!France: François doesn't have any strong opinions about PDA. It's not something he thinks about, partly because it just doesn't come to mind, and also because he spends so much time indoors. He also largely believes love is a lie, so whenever he sees PDA from others he can't help but roll his eyes. It just seems shallow to him. But this starts to change a little if he falls in love and gets into a relationship. I mean, he's still the same old François as before, cynicism and all. But with the added bit that when you're in public he'll lazily sling an arm around your shoulders or even hold your hand or perhaps give you the occasional kiss on your temple. This is primarily to signal to other guys that you're taken.
2p!Russia: Viktor isn't one for PDA. He's not comfortable with showing affection out in public, along with the fact that he's just not a very physically affectionate man to begin with. As such, the most PDA you'll get out of this man is him offering you his arm as the two of you are walking down the street. That's it. Or if you're extremely cold and need a hug to warm up. He'll reluctantly agree to that, though internally he's blushing and smiling.
2p!China: Weirdly enough, Zao is way more flirty with you in public than anywhere else. He likes seeing you get all blushy and awkward, as well as showing everyone that you're his. He'll hold your hand when out and about and has no problem letting you cuddle him in public. He's also the kind of guy to pull you close by your waist and give you a kiss, leading into a makeout session in a busy street, much to François's disgust.
2p!Canada: Similar to his father in that he's not huge on PDA, but this is moreover because he's fairly reserved rather than having an aversion to love. James will gladly hold your hand, rubbing his thumb over the skin. He likes pressing a small kiss to your temple or on the top of your head to let you know you're loved and also enjoys it when you rest your head on his shoulder. But most of all, he likes to have an arm around your shoulders. Whether you are walking around or sitting, he loves the feeling of having you close. It not only makes him feel like he's your protector, but it's also a way of keeping you close by in case something where to happen.
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hetalia-angel · 10 months
Hello there!
So just read your general headcanons about 2p Russia and i was wondering if you have any for Yandere 2p Russia.
Take care!
Yandere 2p Russia Headcanons
Viktor is a wild card of a yandere. Depending on the behavior and actions of his darling their leash might be longer or a lot shorter. If darling plays her cards right she’ll have a long leash with access to all the things she may want or need.
Viktor is opposed to stalking his darling as while finding it an invasion of privacy but he’ll hire a private detective to find out everything about his darling.
Viktor falls under the category of a manipulative yandere the most. He’ll use manipulation tactics to convince his darling into staying with him. If his darling is a country he’ll make her a deal she can’t refuse in exchange for her hand in marriage.
Once Viktor has his darling in his grasp he’ll strike.
The preferred way of kidnapping is when darling goes by choice. From then on Viktor can control his darling easily. The second the his darling wants to leave he’ll convince her into staying while still being fair it’s not fair to keep a country hostage and blackmail them is it though? When darling starts becoming defiant and asking to leave Viktor will react one of two ways. “Hm you want to leave that bad huh? Well if you do it’d be a real shame if we stopped our trade deal and half your country starved.”
Although if this is his darling’s first attempt at leaving Viktor will be more gentle and convince her into staying manipulation at its finest. “You want to annual our marriage? Is the deal no longer satisfying on your end? Because I can make some arrangements… to make the deal a lot sweeter.”
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Random headcanons/Zil's version canon
Countries and reproduction
Countries are fully able to have children, but due to past events it is highly unlikely for them to reproduce and it will more likely be a capital than a country. For them to effectively reproduce they need a certain kind of magic present, they all possess a bit of it but it requires more than what they naturally possess to create a new country. Aka capitals are more likely to happen. This magic disappeared a long time ago and therefore most new countries weren't born but created from "thin air".
Reproduction with another country or other magical being is very difficult compared to with a normal human
1ps and 2ps
1p and 2p are mirror reflections, they all have at least one trait where they are completely opposite. It's not exactly good/evil, but 2ps are likelier to be murderous/evil.
It is not completely for certain that Ivan is 1p Russia and Viktor is 2p Russia. There may be rumours of a switch, a rumour both do their hardest to destroy, for very different reasons ofc
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How would the 2p Axis and Allies react to their s/o asking for a threesome with one of their friends?
2p N. Italy immediately shoots it down, he's offended they'd even ask for it. He's not very sexual, he sees sex as a meaningful thing since he grew up very religious and for them to ask for that makes him feel really insecure.
2p S. Italy is hesitant to agree, he's never actually done anything like that before. He may act really confident when it comes to sex but he gets nervous about exploring anything new. He probably just agrees anyway.
2p Germany agrees immediately, he doesn't really care. More people, more fun - that's his logic to it. As long as he doesn’t dislike their friend (unlikely, he gets along with pretty much everyone), he sees no real issue with it.
2p Japan is ecstatic about it, the moment he hears the word “threesome” is the second he agrees. It could be with someone that he barely knows, a friend they only just made, he would not care.
2p America is another of them that instantly agrees, no hesitation to it. He’s probably asked his s/o something like that before, he loves them for bringing it up.
2p England is flustered as all Hell at the request, he has no idea what to say in response to it. He’s not against it but it’ll take him a while to warm up to the idea enough to agree to it.
2p Canada would only agree to it if he knows the friend very well because he doesn't exactly want to do that with someone he doesn't really know. If he doesn’t know them well, not happening.
2p France has a lot of mixed feelings about it. On one hand, he loves the idea, for sure, absolutely. On the other hand, it’s too much effort for him, takes too much energy, can he just watch them instead?
2p China really doesn't have much reaction to it, it's not like it'd be the first time he’s had a threesome. He’d want to know what prompted them to ask about it but he’s not going to interrogate them about it.
2p Russia doesn't shut the idea down but he also doesn't agree, he says that he'll think about it. It really depends on who it is and his s/o can expect to be questioned on why, mostly for curiosity's sake.
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 8 months
Which of the nyo allies do you think would be into butch/femme dynamics in a lesbian relationship? Or butch4butch, femme4femme, or not into labels.
(You didn’t specify 1p or 2p so I just did both, hope that’s alright 🖤 And I think I understood this ask right, please tell me if you meant something else and I’ll write it right away!)
• 1p Nyo Canada
• 1p Nyo Russia
• 2p Nyo Canada
• 2p Nyo America
• 2p Nyo Russia
• 2p Nyo China
• 1p Nyo England
• 1p Nyo China
• 2p Nyo England
Not into labels:
• 1p Nyo America
• 1p Nyo France
• 2p Nyo France
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