klara-hetalia · 10 days
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//2p spamano//
I really love them together and yes My headcanon of Andres is that Andres' arm is all tattooed, I imagine how Flavio wakes up in the morning and sees his handsome boy
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aphspain-pure · 1 year
Hi! I have a question about your hetalia omegaverse au, if in that universe the characters were the 2p, they will be the same? 🤔I mean, 2pspain will be an omega and 2p england an alpha? I am curious about what kind of dynamic they could have, the same is for Portugal or france.
PD, really love your work and aus!!!!💙💙💙💙 You don't have any idea, about how happy i was when you continue your comic in the omegaverse au!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Thanks for not abandon it!!!! And take your time🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
ur so cute! Thank u very much about the comment, Im so stupidly happy u enjoy it! Anyway, hope this quick sketch gives u a response on that matter:
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kiwiidoll · 5 years
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drukkaries · 6 years
2pspain replied to your post: when people BASH jared leto’s portrayal of the...
Her Harley is bad too but I think a lot of it is the direction they gave her. Like when Harley is an asshole to the fire dude in the bar Margot said that they told her purposely to be a dick and that she was shocked about it
I agree with you but honestly, I think the entire concept of Harley (and the joker) in this movie was botched from the jump. Harley Quinn does not offer anything to Amanda Waller for her to have been included on this team. No powers, no information, absolutely NA-DA. Not only that, but Harley’s motivation to care about these people isn’t there. The Harley I know cares about exactly 3 people that she has developed a bond with over time: The Joker (above all), Poison Ivy, and Catwoman (sometimes). She’d never risk being separated from The Joker forever, just because a witch “messed with her friends”. She doesn’t even know these people! Not only that, but Will Smith confirmed a love triangle was in the works between The Joker and Deadshot. I’m sorry? All Harley wants is to be with the joker. The Joker. She doesn’t WANT to be free of him or independent. She likes him exactly the way he is. Deadshot himself knows this. In this universe she literally wears a jacket that says “property of the joker” but he’s going to involve himself with this woman??? What???
Also, the lines that she’s delivering are terrible. Not only that but her voice acting is not there at all. Sometimes she has Harley’s accent, sometimes a bland american accent, and sometimes she’s Australian! It was bad. 
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hows flavio doing?
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Flavio? My child is fine,  but  I don’t think that’s your concern.
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ask2pblog · 7 years
『2Ps invited for dinner with S/O's family, when S/O asks, "Daddy can you pass the salt?" Both and 2p stand up』
(Wrote this from a confusion for my first ask) ーーーーー ➖2pAmerica/ Al: “Fuck.” Al would give a sheepish chuckle, point finger guns at S/O’s dad, and proceed to walk out while still pointing finger guns. Managed to knock over a vase too. The moment he’s at the door, boi would ruN. Poor Al tries to avoid any contact of S/O’s family from now on. ➖2pCanada/ Matt: “Is thAT A BEAR I SEE” There’s no window at the dining room. But that doesn’t stop Matt from claiming he has to protect them. Matt tries to distract S/O’s dad, and says he is an expert at wrestling bears.This is how the man escapes. The whole family is now more concerned about the s/o’s boyfriend. ➖2pFrance/ François: “I swear the sex is safe” Does not make things better at all. He can no longer keep the act of VirginBoy™. The s/o had to shush François and excuse themselves, both leaving a very furious dad. It took months for François to gain back the family’s trust ➖2pEngland/ Oliver: “o-oh dear, I- um- ” *passes salt to the father* “H-here you go!” Oliver tries to act like a gentleman and “help” the dad on passing the salt. S/O’s father grabbed it, and broke the salt holder for intimidation. Oliver almost passed out of fear at that point. ➖2pChina/ Xiao: out of fear and panic, this man daBS “She said dabbing right?” Poor Xiao, trying to play it off. Doesn’t have enough charm skills to trick S/O’s father, resulting to Xiao receiving a glare.
Dinner continues but with very high tension. ➖2pRussia/ Viktor: “Ah” Viktor, Viktor, Viktor,,, This gentle giant would freeze, completely towering over S/O’s father. Tries to think of a MatureExplanation™, but can only think of, “I didn’t heard her correctly.” Manages to sit down and dinner continues, but the judging eyes of S/O’s father never left Viktor Viktor immediately left the house when dinner was finished. Now searching up ways on how to fix this. He is still shook. ➖2pGermany/ Lutz: “haha oh whoops I thought she meant me- oh” Takes Lutz a couple of seconds to realize how fucked he was. Knowing he can’t back out, Lutz grabs S/O’s hand and boOKS IT. He shouts “Thanks for the food!” And jumps through a window. S/O doesn’t follow, just sighs. Lutz had to fix the window, and banned from entering S/O’s house for weeks. ➖2pPrussia/ Gilen: “I- um- this- I- SirIAmSoSorry” Starts apologizing profusely that even S/O’s father is concerned. This precious boy manages to pull it off with his apologies, also the fact he almost started crying. Gilen is still accepted into the family, they appreciate his honesty. Smh other 2Ps should take notes. ➖2pAustria/ Roland: “I’m sure your daughter asked for me-” “roLAND” Pray for the S/O, not Roland. He already dug his grave at that point. A smirk still not leaving his face even when kicked out of the house. Suffice to say, he was never invited again. ➖2pItaly/ Luciano: “Oh I though she said Luci?” Have you ever seems a man act so smooth that you can sense desperation? That’s Luciano. Tries to play it off, but every suspicious father never let their guard down. Luciano proceeds to suck the family’s ass whenever he can. Complimenting the food and even the walls. Someone help him. They let Luciano stay for the sake of shutting him up. ➖2pRomano/ Flavio: “I must misheard! I thought S/O meant- um- Have I ever told you how your outfit is amazing?” Similar to his brother, he tries to be smooth. And change the topic. His knees gave out under the stare of S/O’s father
Flavio still hasn’t resurfaced from under the table. S/O’s father is not impressed. ➖2pJapan/ Kuro: “Ah, I forgot daddy meant father” Pretends that he hasn’t fully learned English. Lmao why you always lyin’ . S/O also tried to convince her father that Kuro hasn’t fully know English.
Kuro’s politeness throughout dinner saved him, but S/O’s father is curious on how Kuro mistook daddy for the word “Friend". Lmao who am I kidding, no one believed that lie. ➖2pSpain/ Andrés: proceeds to grab the salt, pass it, and sit down Andrés gives no fuck at that point. Continues to eat his meal while trying his best not to swear under the glare of S/O’s father. S/O is covering her face and wants to disappear right there.
After the silent meal, Andrés and S/O’s father exchanged handshakes. Andrés’s hand broke as bones cracking can be heard.
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spamano-angel-demon · 4 years
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//Thanks for the tips! It helps a lot, you don’t even know. I will try my best. 
I have chosen to represent him like a depressed ass 😂
MA 2p Spain extra/3
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helianskies · 2 years
2p!uk x 2p! Spain 🤩🤩🤩
oh boy.. umm...
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sorry to disappoint anon. thing is: 1) i'm not big on the 2ps at the best of times, and 2) even then the versions of england and spain that i prefer in that universe i just don't really see getting on so well - personality clashes and so on. so yeah, not for me! sorry!
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2phetaliahc · 8 years
Can I get a ship????? I'm 5'4". I have blonde fair hair with freckles and blue eyes. I have an olive skin. I'm 16. I love cooking but sometimes i love whenever someone cooks for me!! I have an hourglass shape and i'm pretty confidant. ((ps i love ur blog already))
2p Italy bcs he’s a sucker for olive skin and blonde hair, he has no problem cooking for you( will probably cook like a fkn master chef) and will give you loads of compliments whenever you cook
Other opions: 2p england, 2p spain
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mr-spain · 3 years
Is there any 2pSpain versions that you like? 👀
|| In terms of being dumb, I am very big dumb with small brain so I don’t know if this is for mun or muse BUT
I would like to take the opportunity
To mention
This guy
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By Bowie, mun of @ask-the-2pfuccs
I’ve only seen this guy like 4 times but I love him. He looks like such a bastard how could anyone not immediately like this lil dude in red
His design is *chef’s kiss*
When have you ever seen a design like this? And not just him, but every other single 2p character on this blog, even the 1p’s, have designs that are literally badass and unique and just plain awesome? And gorgeous in their own way, and then their looks are only complimented by the personalities that honestly are like those videos of houses that synchronise their christmas/halloween decorations to some song and it all looks really cool. Everything is so different from the norm that it’s absolutely brilliant and such an impressive work of art
Besides this 2p Spain the only other one I know is the fanon skunk head boi
Who is also a bastard
And therefore nice
But they are the only ones I know so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We are single and ready to mingle for any 2p Spains out there 👉👈
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klara-hetalia · 4 months
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I love them too much! Thinking that they are in a toxic relationship makes me like them even more and I love them more and more!
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Myriam(2p Maria) Santiago (2p Diego)
The sons of 2p Spamano
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P.s.Myriam and Diego have the same hair color as Flavio and Andres' strange white quiff, in my head Canon Flavio is technically not natural blonde
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 4 years
Yandere 2pSpain headcannons pls
(Please do not proceed if topics like kidnapping, stalking, or other things associated with the yandere trope trigger you! Make sure to take care of your mental health! 🖤)
- He struggles with his emotions a LOT and typically cannot tell when he is in love, he mistakes it for just wanting company/a friend and isolates himself so he typically doesn’t show yandere traits since no one ever gets close to him
- However, when he realizes that he is actually in love, he gets EXTREMELY attached to that person
- Something about the way they live their life interests him, the way that they do certain little things like how they hold their pen or how they hold their cup is strangely enamouring to him and he ends up doing them himself
- Watches them from afar, a lot. He finds out all their little habits like how they make drinks, how they sleep, even how they sit, etc. and he memorizes it ALL
- Notes every single thing down, he has a notebook (half lined, half plain) filled with both sketches of them doing their daily things like waking up as well as notes on them
- He surprisingly doesn’t talk to them too much. He has to have everything planned out that he could say in response to a topic, he may immediately leave if something gets brought up that he didn’t prepare for. Though, this is usual for him to do with most people
- He doesn’t want to kidnap them, he doesn’t want to deal with the responsibility of taking care of them. However, if he thinks they’re getting close to someone, he’ll do it
- He doesn’t keep them anywhere specific. They’re not tied up, they’re free to go wherever they want in the house as long as they don’t try to escape him
- Complains about how tiring and tedious it was to kidnap them to them
- He will get extremely possessive at this point, he won’t want to be in a different room from them and is prone to dragging them into the same room as him, usually minus the bathroom
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kiwiidoll · 5 years
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yourdarlingfaux · 4 years
I’m bored so that means I will now be posting about 2p AU I am currently working on w rp partner, things are subject to change but also some of these are what I usually HC them as :) would love to answer questions about it too
Alternative subcultures AU
2pGermany / Lutz: Bimbo.
2pPrussia / Gilen: Dark wave goth
2pNorth Italy / Luciano: E-Boy
2pSouth Italy / Flavius: Bimbo 
2pJapan / Kuro: Visual kei
2pEngland / Olliver: Pastel goth
2pAmerica / Alano: Greaser/biker
2pCanada / James: (??)*
2pRussia / Viktor: Cottagecore but like woodland elf
2pChina / Zao: Metalhead and ice goth
2pFrance / François: Mall goth
2pAustria / Roland: Punk
2pHungary / Kamilla: Harajuku
2pBelgium / Valentine: Vintage in a lesbian way
2pNetherlands / Neil: Cabincore in a cottagecore way
2pSweden / Torbjörn: Pastel goth
2pSpain / Andrés: Neo-Victorian but make it pirate
2pFinland / Vaito: Emo
2pDenmark / Mikkel: Punk but viking
2pNorway / Loki: Emo
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Ask Badly Drawn Master List
I wanted to save @ask-badlydrawnseborga the time so I found all the blogs I could! It would not be as neat as their one since there are a lot of blogs, more than we thought there would be.
@ask-badlydrawn-italy @ask-badlydrawn-2pitaly @ask-badlydrawn-prussia @ask-badlydrawn-australia @ask-badlydrawn-iceland @ask-badlydrawn-2promano @ask-badlydrawn-2pspain @ask-badlydrawn-knightstemplar @ask-badlydrawngermany @ask-badlydrawnrussia @ask-badlydrawn2pengland @ask-badlydrawn-denmark @ask-badlydrawn-2pgermany @ask-badlydrawn-aphliechtenstein @ask-badlydrawn-blyatgaria @ask-badlydrawn-austria @ask-badlydrawn-lithuania @ask-badlydrawn-ukus @ask-badlydrawn-mercosur @ask-badlydrawn-nyo-japan @ask-badlydrawn-joanofarc @ask-badlydrawn-aphhongkong @ask-the-badlydrawn-musician @ask-badlydrawn-nihon @ask-badlydrawn-grease @ask-badlydrawn-nyoiceland @ask-every-england-badlydrawn @ask-badlydrawnengland @ask-badlydrawnfrance @ask-badlydrawnseborga @ask-badlydrawn2pspamano @ask-badlydrawntaiwan @ask-badly-drawn-poland @ask-badlydrawnaustria @ask-badlydrawnjapan @ask-badlydrawnchina @ask-badlydrawnspain @ask-badlydrawnsealand @ask-badlydrawn2pgermany @ask-badlydrawnhungary @ask-badlydrawnnyoprussia @ask-badlydrawnphilippines @ask-badly-drawn-asl-america @ask-badlydrawnnyoitaly @ask-badlydrawnminnesota @ask-badly-drawn-rome @ask-badlydrawniceland @askbadlydrawn-nyo-rusame @ask-badly-drawn-romania @ask-badlydrawnnyoden @askbadlydrawnalfred @ask-badlydrawnnyodenmark @askbadlydrawnromano @ask-badlydrawnturkey @ask-badlydrawnnetherlands @ask-badlydrawn2pusuk @ask-badly-drawn-2p-cuba @ask-badly-drawn-baltics @askbadlydrawnhetalia-blog @ask-a-badly-drawn-usuk @ask-badlydrawnskorea @askbadlydrawnhetalia-blog @ask-badlydrawnsweden @askbadlydrawn-nyo-america @ask-badlydrawnha-aheo @ask-badly-drawn-china @ask-badly-drawn-2p-america @ask-badlydrawnrvp @ask-badlydrawnnyoengland @ask-badlydrawnnyo-america @ask-badlydrawnseychelles @ask-eggland @ask-badlydrawnfacefam @ask-badly-drawn-latvia @ask-badlydrawnczech @ask-badlydrawnprussia @badlyredrawnhetalia @ask-the-awesome @askbadlydrawnrussia @ask-badlydrawnbelarus @askbadlydrawnukraine @ask-badlydrawnbelgium @ask-badly-drawn-alicekirkland @ask-badly-drawn-nyo-ukraine @ask-badly-drawn-2p-prussia @ask-badlydrawn2pcanada @ask-badly-drawn-magic-trio @ask-badlydrawn2pchina @ask-badlydrawngreece @ask-badly-drawn-2p-romano @moved-to-askbadlydrawnalfred @ask-badly-drawn-2p-england @ask-badlydrawnfinland @ask-badlydrawnportugal @ask-badly-drawn-fruk @ask-badlydrawnromano @ask-badlydrawncanada @ask-badlydrawn2pnyoamerica @ask-badlydrawnnorway @ask-badlydrawnchibitalia @ask-badlydrawnalfredfjones @ask-badlydrawn2pfrance @poorlydrawnpasta @ask-badlydrawnjapan @ask-badlydrawnamerica @ask-badlydrawnmonaco @ask-badlydrawncuba @poorlydrawnpolska @ask-lazilydrawnprussia @badlydrawn-2pnyo-canada
Edit: I realized there are a few that for some reason won’t let me tag them so: @ask-badly-drawn-canada @ask-badly-drawn-father-and-son @ask-badlydrawn-gerame @ask-badly-drawn-gerfra @badlydrawnmeripan
If I missed anyone out, please tell me!
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ask2pblog · 7 years
2p's daughter brought her boyfriend to dinner, everything was going on fine, until their daughter said "daddy can you pass the salt?" when he reaches to salt to give it to her, her boyfriend reaches to the salt too at the same moment. There is dead silence. How would they react?
➖2pAmerica/ Al: “Boi”S/O’s boyfriend better start praying. Al definitely kicks him out by taking out his trusty old bat. Al’s daughter has to hold him back if she wants her boyfriend to make it out alive. After that, Al makes his daughter tell him everything that went down, especially if they used a condom. ➖2pCanada/ Matt: proceeds to call for Kuma to chase the boy out of the house It doesn’t matter if the house is in the middle of the woods, S/O’s boyfriend has to run through the woods if he wants to be alive. Matt’s daughter better have a PowerPoint ready oh why he shouldn’t kill his daughter’s boyfriend. ➖2pFrance/ François: "How long were you two having sex?”Surprisingly the most chill. Wants to know if his daughter is doing sex safely, and asks both of them questions. His glare hasn’t softened for both his daughter and boyfriend.After all that, he takes the salt and passes it to his daughter. Dinner is awkward af.➖2pEngland/ Oliver: “I’m sorry you wot m8” He is looking at S/O’s boyfriend with an intense stare, not believing how his innocent daughter is with this man. Makes S/O go to her room, leaving only the boyfriend alone. Oliver’s smile doesn’t falter, making sure to scare S/O’s boyfriend as he drills questions. ➖2pChina/ Xiao: “*insert list of all Chinese curses*”This old man would fliP. His daughter doing all of thAT?? Would not approve of S/O’s boyfriend, even asking “WHATS NEXT?? PREGNANCY?? IM TOO YOUNG TO HAVE GRANDCHILDREN” His daughter calmed him down, while the boyfriend makes an escape. Smart boy. ➖2pRussia/ Viktor: “So this is your relation to my daughter.” Not even a question, but a disapproving statement. Already made up his mind that his daughter will no longer be seeing that boy, which is why he kicks him out of the house. Will take years for daughter’s boyfriend to even gain his approval. ➖2pGermany/ Lutz: *lauGHS*When daughter’s boyfriend try to leave, laughter stop and SeriousLutz™ takes over. Definitely asks for aLL the details, making sure to embarrass both his daughter and her boyfriend. Dinner continues per usual, but Lutz makes sure that his daughter knows who’s the true daddy. ➖2pPrussia/ Gilen: “I-I’m sorry?”Hohoho Gilen is shaking cuz he is not used to confronting people. Yet he goes on a full explanation on how his daughter should be treated properlyHis glare is the scariest thing his daughter ever sees. Never anger a Teutonic Knight.➖2pAustria/ Roland: “Run”
Is the only warning Roland gives, and proceeds to send vengeful spirits after the boy. Laughs the whole time cause Roland thinks his daughter’s boyfriend did it on purpose. Takes all the daughter’s strength to make Roland stop and be merciful. ➖2pItaly/ Luciano: “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now”Goes to angry route, already have knives in his hand. Waits for one second and throws one near his face as a warning. Ends up with the boyfriend running away, and an angry Luciano yelling to never come back. ➖2pRomano/ Flavio: “oH HONEY YOU DID NOT JUST-”Flavio would be very offending. Looking back and forth from his daughter to her boyfriend. He would be roasting his daughter’s boyfriend, not approving one bit.After he calmed down, the boyfriend would probably leave in fear while Flavio gives his daughter a huge lecture. Probably grounding them as well.   ➖2pJapan/ Kuro: “I see…”
Kuro does not approve. He would proceed to ask the boy what his katana is for. His monotone face changes when he glares, almost enough to make his daughter’s boyfriend piss his pants. When the boy runs out of fear, Kuro looks at his daughter and grounds her for till college. Even if she’s in/ out of college, still grounded.
➖2pSpain/ Andrés: “. . .”The silence is deafening. Andrés just sighs and rubs his temple, before reaching under his chair and whiPS OUT AN AXE. His daughter has to help her boyfriend escape.
When Andrés calms down, he looks at his daughter and demands every single detail between her and her boyfriend.
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