#3. when ppl sucked it was bc they sucked. i didnt have to justify it with exaggerated use of buzzwords
frankierohugejorts · 1 year
i love when ppl use buzzwords to moralize their dislike of something. i just saw someone unironically call following a band's tour/going to multiple dates "stalking"
#im intrigued by how many kids these days are completely oblivious to concert etiquette and act like assholes#but im also intrigued by kids who how that the first group is wrong but not why those 'rules' exist or how to deal with ppl who break them#or even just how to deal with the fact that different groups can have different norms for what is considered polite#and then when they complain abt the first group they end up just being a different kind of (sometimes even bigger) asshole#(which isnt to say some ppl are Assholes and some ppl are Reacting to assholes. lots of ppl bounce around or are just in both categories)#and i know i also sucked as a kid/didnt come out of the womb knowing the ins and outs of everything#but i also know that 1. i sucked in different. chiller ways#2. i at least tried to note the behavior of ppl more experienced (if not necessarily older) w/o assuming i automatically Knew Best#3. when ppl sucked it was bc they sucked. i didnt have to justify it with exaggerated use of buzzwords#also whatever happened to seeing someone act like a jackass and gossiping/complaining in the gc#u can complain about whatever u want on ur own blog or whatever#and even PSAs can be helpful/constructive#but not everything necessitates a callout post with its own collection of links to prove each individual personal grievance#anyway i lost my train of thought and started rambling and complaining#but i miss the days when the mature way to deal with a stranger pissing you off was vagueing where they'd never see it#personal
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hearts401 · 6 months
I honestly hate how the fandom treats Michael as a hero and I'm seeing posts about it so I feel a liiiittle better talkign about it
my moots are holding back, i can tell. but hes my favorite so im not. and im a little pissed writing this bc. bc i relate to cc a lot. and seeing ppl mischaracterize not only my favorite character but also someone who reminds me of people who fucking suck drives me INSANE.
so psa, im pissed as fuck and i love michael afton.
First off, he killed Evan. That's obvious. Not only was that literall 100% his fault (NOT WILLIAMS IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN PPL MAKE THAT ALL ABOUT WILLIAM SHUT THE FUVCK UP
he was a bully. yeah he was a kid. yeah he was messing with him. Have you considered he was literally. abusive to his brother. i know the fnaf fandom is scared of using that word to describe him but its fucking true. he was abusive. as fuck. that was awful what he did he wasnt just a bully he harassed him and literally locked him in his room. he was fucking horrible.
and yeah, he didnt mean for that to happen, but not only was that stupid as fuck, i hate any interpritation of "he wanted to be like his dad" "his friends coerced him" PLAY FNAF 4. PLAY FNAF 4. FUCKING PLAY FNAF 4 LOOK AT HIS DIALOGUE AND WHAT HE DOES
im trying to be normal
Yeah he probably felt like shit after. yeah it probably was some sort of motivator behind his actions. but lets think. lets think.
fnaf 1 and 2 take place before SL, no? So. if thats true. why didnt he burn those down? to "free the souls?" because it was never about the children.
he burned down the fnaf 3 location to get rid of william. it was ALWAYS abotu william. sure he set the kids free but i reeeeaaallyy dont think that was his intention. it was always about william.
in sister location, did he go there out of the kindness of his heart? no he went there because william asked him too. it was ALWAYS about william. and yeah he probably wanted to help liz, he probably really wanted to help her, but based on his actions, was this really for her? or was it for closure
thats something about michael that i put in shitty brother. closure. he didnt actually want to reconcile with his family, he wanted closure on the guilt he felt. is that 100% wrong? no. its normal to want closure, especially after something like that. but also that should not be his goal
did he apologize? yes. he said sorry. he felt bad, sure. but when you kill someone tehy dont come back. evan deserves to never forgive him ever because that was dumb as fuck and HORRIBLE. IT WAS HORRIBLE. ABUSIVE. ILL SAY IT AGAIN
yeah. abused. say it with me. A-B-U-S-E-D
not just bullied, not just harassed, ABUSED.
ik we're all scared to say it here but its fucking true. say it with ur chest.
this always came back to william. do i thinkk michael is unfeeling and doesnt care about his siblings at all? NO! I think his siblings drove a lot of his actions. but in the end i dont think he always acted with their best interest at heart. or the mci kids'
and the whole "he wanted to be like his dad" i dont fucking care actually. no seriously sit down beside me and tell me that wanting to be like his dad is an excuse for abusing his brother. seriously come closer i wont bite.
tell me how you think that AS A TEENAGER, 100% AWARE OF HIS ACTIONS, that wanting to be like his dad justifies abusing his little brother. his little brother. who as far as we know, never lashed out, never fought back, never did anything to him. tell me how he fucking deserved that
"Michael was just a kid!" so was Evan. So was Elizabeth. So was Cassidy and Charlie and all the kids who died.
tell me how much michael did that didnt revolve around closure and his father. like i get it, he had priorities, but can we please stop acting like he's some angel working for the greater good of everyone.
it feelslike how ppl treat fucking henry. NO HES NOT A GOOD PERSON PLEASE
oh and also in case anybody wants to pull dittophobia out and tell me how mike went thru that trauma
so did evan. and instead of bonding over that trauma, michael harassed him. ABUSED HIM. wording is important. im sorry for repeating myself so much, but nobody ever tells it how it is. it was abuse.
edit: People seem upset by my wording and honestly? fair. i couldve worded this a lot better but i was tired and irritated and one thing i will clarify
i dont care if u dont see adult michael the way i do. i see him as a selfish obsessive guy whos intent is to fix his family, but plenty of people see it differently and thats okay! /gen
but im not taking back anythign i said about teen michael. because i think to do that is unfair to his character and frankly bullshit. i think its bullshit. and i dont care if you disagree. he was a terrible brother and thats that
but adult mike is free real estate idk idrc abt him as much as teen mike.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Ginny Weasley
Okay hold on I know Harry Potter is bad its awful I KNOW BUT LISTEN- the way drarries have BUTCHERED and KILLED her character is something that truly needs to be studied because its one thing to make her and harry not date but oh my god they treat her like she is the DEVIL for EXISTING.
Tbh only remember the epilogue where they do a time skip and Harry and Ginny are married then they have a Bunch of kids boarding the train. In fics I see a lot of her either becoming psychotic trying to marry Harry and become lady potter or molly Weasley getting a contract to force a marriage. There’s a lot of m/m ships in the fandom but I think Harry and Draco are the most popular? Just wanted to throw someone different in here
The thing is, the deeper I got into the fics, the worse Ginny got? Like I read plenty of good fics where she was cool, but there was the same amount where for some reason she was controlling, or abusive, or dead. Like for Drarry? Come on! If you think Ginny sucks, I have some *shocking* news about Draco
Alyx Vance
She genuinely gets so much hate from fans who like to ship Gordon and Barney because she's Gordon's canon love interest and it's tragic because she's such an interesting character.
I LOVE HER SM but she's so often mistreated and shoved under the rug by not only ppl mischaracterizing her due to being a woman of color but also to shove her to the side for freehoun (gordon freeman/barney calhoun) bc she "gets in the way" of freehoun by being canonically into gordon ........ i need her to stay safe in my arms
Literally gordon freemans canon love interest, and she loves gordon so much. I love her and i love their relationship even if gordon is a bit of a blank slate character. Anyway Freemance (Alyx/Gordon) is way less popular than Freehoun (Gordon/Barney). Barney is some guy who appeared in half life 1 but didnt even have a name. He appears at like the beginning and end of hl2. He is a side character. And yet for some fucking reason people always push alyx out of the way to ship gordon with this random white guy (Should mention at this point that alyx is a black woman). Alyx and her relationship with Gordon have WAY more development than anything about Barney (did BARNEY get a whole game dedicated to him?). And yet. I literally saw a freehoun shipper try to say that freemance is pedophilia and freehoun should be alyx's "dads." The reasoning for this being that hl2 takes place 20 years after hl1, and gordon, at 27, was put into stasis for those 20 years. When he comes out Alyx is 24 and Barney is in his 40s. The argument is that gordon actually did age those 20 years even though he was fucking suspended in time. They even claimed that "gordon probably babysitted alyx at some point" which there is absolutely no evidence for - meeting Alyx in hl2 is pretty heavily implied to be Gordon's first time meeting her. But like functionally Gordon is 3 years older than Alyx and 20 years younger than barney!!! He did not have any fucking life experience while he was in time prison!!! It's an absolutely insane reach to try and justify why you are sidelining a black woman!!!!!! Basically I love alyx I love freemance and I do not trust freehoun shippers because there is some kind of racism and misogyny happening there to make them sideline Alyx for a random white guy
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the suicide boys are not gay and neither are desarae hollins so what this gives me is ur a hunk! ur a hunk! ugly dick down time everybody sit down now! its lava & knives daddy-ooh! never put that out no no no its my life uh! huh! my last name is hollins first last name is hooker collins ok so whille collins was looking at me he said dont u wishu could keep other information im looking for the nah ah! same people no no no she cannot be trusted ahe cannot be explained often wrong again! think again! think again! awkward um thats a word for vagina mhm mhm mhm she put it on! awkward! she put it on! is he into anything? for power as people think an expression thats amazzing hell yes so what do we do?! to justify a person why is she looking at us its disgusting no! what are u doing? what are u doing? whatre u gonna make me do? a very long joke a very long but i favor my family will probably be here tonight and it took her that long to write it?! ohmygod forget about it! were breaking up mom and dad exactly were breaking up were dead were dead oh! no exactly were done were breaking up were done for were breaking up were breaking up get the kids ow! haha h no no no not again! shut up ewwww ok so go home potter means my little pony went bang bang bang or? hey everybody listen up omg! were dead and were friends 4 lyf fuuu fuuu fuuu fuuuck were gonna die! like we cant get annoyed enough we cant get annoyed enough count your fingers im waiting for the right message oh! no 8:30 get her at 8:30 nah well ill find her everywhere and well hold on to her titties awwkward! i have a long day today but nothing will come up and my dads into losers friday never stops whose loser? ur loser dit wit! exactly buttons exactly buttons exactly buttons exactly buttons whaat? what? what?! look at all this homework ud have to dine to live here are we going to get little schools school are we gonna um not play today? were not playing today were not playing todai were not playing him uh! giving to him ew hahaha what the fuck bitch ur man betrayed u for his own personal gain? lol who is this? keeho uybwe u are mad annoying lol why! bc u turn into a different person every single day so do u! i know but i can track of them its every 3 days what? what its not a period joke? no it is now ok so what are u doing? please come over tonight surf! and cypress are fucking girls ok! lol umm they its weird like i didnt even do anything awkward its not possible literally so when i know its awkward as well say my body gets raped by shyness my suicidal mood will last over a week it totally sucks for outgoing ppl why! why! why! im asking nicely i am shy for 24hrs a day when shyness rapes me i know its not a thing think conceptual for a second also i am the best public speaker so being confused by anything i say doesnt exist its purely the pyshcadelic window pane swirls yes i see them cool ok byee why do u hate keeho? bc he looks at my content and misenterprets it as something only a child could do its not and i never talk about manga see! whore bc ppl immidiately crying baby! do that and its disgusting the only other thing i ask when reading my content is to never deep rape my work im in a gang as well we can come find u keeho theyre seamstress fairies dont kill them theyre sewing me back up since all my bones broke
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