lunchcase · 2 years
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The Modern Gourmet: Gourmet Hot Cocoa Mixes, Ginger Cookie flavour
Location: it’s an automatic machine they’ve placed around campus
Price: $3????? CAD???? i forgot lol 
My uni recently got these automatic coffee machines (also sells tea, hot chocolate, and french vanilla I think?) that they’ve scattered around the campus, which is pretty convenient for buildings far from any of the usual coffee places. Though honestly, nothing is that far from the usual coffee places. We pretty much have a coffee place / station every building, bar maybe two, but now there’s various access points along the way! The caffeine intake in this school, and likely all post-secondary institutions, educational or otherwise, run worryingly high. Which is to say, our society runs on various forms of caffeine. I’ve never had that desperate need for coffee so many around me have expressed, so I’m deeply interested to know what happens if all caffeine suddenly runs out like, tomorrow. Idk, can an avid coffee drinker confirm they do indeed actually feel terrible without coffee? Because I always thought it was just a fun exaggeration.
Anyway, machine looks alright I guess. Cups at the side of different sizes, sugar and stirrers below it, lids below the cups. The machine itself is pretty intuitive to use, and it would have been pretty sleek too in any space if it didn’t show adverts when not in use, and also humans. Is the machine trying to be approachable and friendly by displaying a person? If anything I find it actually creepier, and would rather have a coffee mascot pokemon thing to needlessly guide me through the drink process.
Okay anyway, the drink. I definitely smell the sweet sweet spice. It’s not bad, but definitely reminiscent of store bought generic chocolate powder mixed with hot water, which I guess is exactly what hot chocolate is? It’s no pizazz. It’s straight up, down to earth, “this will get me through the day” chocolate version of hard liquor. Don’t quote me on that.
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
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we’re doomed to repeat new mistakes. i can’t live like this
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xxaallo · 3 months
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New King; one step closer to project completion. Hish has 6 markins in common with the 3.12.2021 Special Lioness
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There have been some alterations
Peach Skin > Quail Skin
Anjeer Mane > Fulvous mane
Gilded speckles will be added sometime next month most likely 👍👍👍
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Ms. Polly’s Cake 3.12.2021 | 📸 @kristinemaeb
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ddonovanrp · 1 year
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Giving a huge birthday shoutout to the best big brother a girl could ask for. I love you bunches and I’m so glad I’m a part of this crazy kooky family and that there’s never a dull moment with you. Thanks for never throwing in the towel with me when I get to be a pain. For doing what brothers do and knocking some sense into me sometimes. Can’t wait to be home so we can celebrate your birthday in style. Love you, D. — with Damian Donovan. _____________________________________________ -> Posted by Keiran 3.12.2021 -> #Family #Keiran #Damian
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badpoet · 2 years
Лист /Лунная Симфония II, 15(?)/
Целый мир, Скрытый под Шторами вечности. Там, в огнях Фонарей, Лунная тень дня. Сходство их В путях бесконечностей Знаменуется новой Частью листа, Что свалился во тьму, Обращаясь птицей, И поднялся на ветвь, Сплетённую из старого Мёртвого пня. Целый мир и лунная тень В ночной, неизменной Вечности. Из пустого огня. 3.12.2021
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2015mai24 · 2 years
Onestar(임한별),Lee hyuk(이혁) - Prayer(기도) vö 3.12.2021
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
Girl when was the first time dr ren romanced reader chan?
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Ren was nervous.
He had never tried this before.
It wasn’t his style, not in Medical school, undergrad or even high school. Ren wasn’t the guy people found charming, or handsome, or understanding. Any girl he fucked was just that, a girl, and he told them straight up he wasn’t going to talk to them after.
But now there’s you.
Waltzing into his life, with no fucking warning, burrowing into his cold heart. Ren thought you would be a quick fuck, something pretty to see when he had the time, that was it! You seemed to be that way too, young and smart. Still working through school, didn’t have time to be chasing men.
He was lucky you even gave him the time of day, after you rocked his world. And every night after that, your silky cunt clenching around his cock. Ren felt like passing out just thinking about it, hot and bothered as he sat at his desk.
All the patients were gone for the day, he had finished his chart work. Nursing staff had bid their goodbyes, telling him to have a good weekend or whatever. Ren tapped on the desk with his pen, the only sound in the room now that the halls were empty.
“This is stupid,” he muttered, throwing down the pen to cradle his face. It had been four days since he spoke to you, 6 days (if you’re counting) since he saw you. Ren had tried to play it cool, you usually texted him a few days after fucking to say hello and let him know what was going on.
Or that one time you called him because you were busy with your hands. And you both ended up just existing together on the phone, you doing homework while he read through charts. Talking like you were face to face.
Radio silence now.
Maybe you were done... it would be understandable. There were much younger, more emotionally available men in your corner. Or women, don’t think he forgot about that time you told him about. That he now fantasies about when he’s lonely...
Ren was no prize, from the outside yes he was attractive. Unconventional, but broad, thick, nice hair, deep voice, big hands, a ‘monster cock’. But he wasn’t what people called good company.
He grabbed his phone out, wincing when he saw no messages from you. The last thing in your thread is a message from Ren saying ‘have a good day.’
Ren typed out a message, didn’t want to seem too desperate.
Hey, I just got off work. Can you be at my place tonight?
Nailed it.
He waited.
Watched the message sit there for 3,4,5,6... oh no 10 minutes?
Ren was so excited, he didn’t respond to your emoji. It would seem too forward, so he left it at that and grabbed everything for the weekend. Stopping at a few stores for supplies, some bottles of wine and cheese.
Do women like flowers?
You would be the first woman he had been with sexually for longer than a month... do they expect flowers?
What if you’re allergic?
“Fuck,” he grabbed some anyway, if he panicked he could throw them out the window before you arrived. Ren rode up the elevator in silence, trying to steady his breathing so he could focus on getting the apartment ready.
Fumbling with the keys when he made it to his door, Ren let out a sigh of relief when he got in. Setting everything on the countertop, he popped open a bottle. Taking a few swigs to make sure it wasn’t poisonous.
He decided to put the flowers in a vase, how he had a vase he wasn’t sure, that way they could look like a gift to himself in case you hated them. No big deal, he would just be crushed if you did. Ren took a quick shower, after a small workout so his muscles would be on display for you.
Ren noticed when he was naked and you basked in each other’s embrace, you liked to trace his shoulders and biceps. Fingering the veins that laid under his skin, cording down to his wrists. Before you’d suck on his thick fingers...
A knock at the door drew him away from his pinning, maybe he would get you to lay with him tonight. Long enough to smell your hair while you drifted off like a tired, fucked out little kitten. He schooled his features before opening the door, ready to see what gorgeous outfit you wore this evening for him.
“Hi, don’t touch me I’m sick,” you shoved past him. Sneezing into a tissue you held in your hand, he watched with startled eyes as you dropped a bag on the floor. Looking around the room confused, you looked awful. Cheeks red, nose colored, lips puffy and swollen, your eyes were tired. Decorated with under eye bags, your hair was a mess. Separated into two twin braids down your scalp, it looked like you slept in them. Creating a halo of frizz.
You coughed into your elbow, “Whys it so dark in here?”
Ren blinked, shutting the door and approaching you slowly. Shocked to see you moving around his kitchen like you owned it, flipping on more lights. Taking a mug from the cabinet, he watched you turn on his keurig.
“Pretty flowers,” you nodded to the vase, “Your girlfriend get them for you?”
“Are you,” he approached slowly, “Are you sick?”
You laughed, well tried. It was a hoarse rasp, something that shredded your once sweet melodic laugh, “No shit sherlock, you should be a detective instead of a doctor.”
He watched you make yourself some tea, handing you a box of bags that you couldn’t reach. Ren was shocked, you didn’t tell him you were sick. He would’ve understood, and how could you be still enchanting when you looked like a drown rat?
You sighed in relief as you inhaled the scent. “Sorry, I’m grumpy. Been fighting this for like a week now, did you get me sick?”
He shook his head quickly, “No-I didn’t.”
“Well, you do work at a hospital,” you mumbled, sipping slowly before waltzing out of the kitchen. Ren followed you slowly, watching you snatch a blanket, the same one you laid on when he fingered you on the couch.
Curling yourself into it before kicking open the door to his bedroom. Setting your mug down on the nightstand, after finding a coaster, and plopping down in his bed.
“So, you wanted me to come over?”
You both stared in silence, Ren watched you bite your lip. Suddenly nervous even though you waltzed in like you owned the place. “Look,” you coughed for a moment, “We can have sex, I just can’t do anything. So I can just bend over or whatever, then I can leave after.”
“That’s why you called me, right? We haven’t had sex in a week, and you have flowers and wine and all that so, here you go. Be warned, I don’t have matching underwear on tonight.”
Ren watched as you tried to underdress, struggling to present yourself to him. He rushed over to you, pinning you to the mattress, “Hey-stop,” you coughed hard, “Don’t push on my chest, just wait a second and then you can do what you need to.”
“No,” Rens voice was sharp, even startling himself for a moment, “Stop undressing.”
You looked at him confused, your glassy eyes now clouded with insecurity and regret. Ren had to stop you, explain that he didn’t call you over for just sex.
Well, he wanted to have sex, but that wasn’t the main point. Ren watched you recoil, swallowing thickly as your eyes brimmed with tears, “Okay, um. Well I’ll just go, I’ll see ya around.”
You swung off the bed, letting the blanket fall. Ignoring your tea that was steaming on the table, he chased after you. Grasping the back of your hoodie, ignoring the sounds of your sniffling.
“No, stay. Please,” he wrapped an arm around you, keeping you flush with his chest, “I-I just wanted to see you.”
You felt you wiggle, turning to look up at him with wide eyes. Sneezing, very adorably he might add, before speaking, “Really?”
“Yes, I am a doctor, I could take care of you...”
Wrong thing to say...
“I missed you, or whatever.”
You stayed still.
“And,” he mumbled, “The flowers are for you, I didn’t know you weren’t feeling great. I would’ve gotten some food that wasn’t wine and cheese.”
“Thank you,” you whispered, looking over at the counter from his arms. Rens heart swelled when you leaned your head against his chest, both of you sighing in relief.
“First thing we are doing,” Ren tugged you back to the bedroom, “Is getting you in a bath while I burn your clothes.”
ROMANCE THE DR REN WAY is a disaster.
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​​​ @onlykyloscenes​​​ @candycanes19​​​ @historyandfandoms50​​​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​​​ @ghoulian13​​​ @mrs-kylo-ren​​​ @millenialcatlady​​​ @relationshipwithmybed​​ @dancingmicrobes​​​ @wayward-rose​​​ @contesa-lui-alucard​​​ @daydreamsofren​​​ @insufferablelust​​​ @ohdamnadamm​​​ @mariesackler​​​ @caillea​​ @safarigirlsp​​ @jalexunderthestars​​​ @shesakillerkween​​​ @glassythoughts​​ @zimmermansbrat​​ @not-the-teen-witch​​ @jynzandtonic c​ @roanniom​ @celestiasin @glassbxttless
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tartkiwifruit · 3 years
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character dynamics with dynamic poses, and the iconic Hot Room scene. I wonder if the creators knew what eggs they were cracking with that episode lol.
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tallytakespictures · 3 years
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More of the de-extinction mod! As well as showing off my base a little :)
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prosy-days · 3 years
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December 3, 2021 - Day 167
My friend got me this pin and I immediately wanted to play this lovely game again.
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godsnameisjoy · 3 years
Date: 3 December 2021
Duration: 55 minutes at 10:42 PM
I have hit an invisible wall within the intuitive spaces of my mind. I have never before experienced such a meditation. I dived repeatedly into my mind only to reach a thick invisible mind wall that would deflect my meditation into a series of images.
The images had nothing to do with memories or dreams weaved out of memories. In fact, I can’t remember a single image. I don’t think Ethan Hunt of Mission Impossible series is supposed to commit to memory the self destructive mission stated in mysteriously placed devices. He is simply supposed to ‘accept’ after the recording says ‘should you choose to accept’.
I reached this invisible wall of images pretty quick with every dive of concentration. So quick that I didn’t complete any mind exercise, not even the opening prayer. Through the entire period of 55 minutes I kept attempting a deeply sincere conduct of meditation and I kept getting taken for an indefinite and intuitive world’s tour.
Ever grateful for the Peace which preceded this unexpected sublayer of intuition. I was unprepared for what I faced last night. Tonight’s meditation may provide an opportunity to understand what’s going on.
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phototagebuch · 3 years
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@luischickenwings garlic parmesan + salted egg chicken + korean sweet and spicy 3.12.2021 | 📸 @kristinemaeb
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ddonovanrp · 1 year
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Just want to wish this pain in my ass a huge happy birthday!! Shouting it from all the rooftops! Happy birthday brother!! I hope you have a wonderful day! I love you, Damian! _________________________________________________ -> Posted by Harper 3.12.2021 -> #Family #Harper #Damian
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theflyingfeeling · 3 years
So I don't know what you've already heard of the Lahti concert from other sources but here's my report anyway 🖤
The first thing I need to tell you is that in front of me there was this sweet sweet girl who needed a hair tie so I borrowed her mine because I wasn't using it and as a thank you she filmed me so many, long videos and she had an EXCELLENT view to the stage!!! 😭
I mean, I did too, holy shit they were close, my breath was taken away when Porko suddenly appeared what felt like mere metres away from me 😵
I could see all their expressions and omg 🥺 they were all so happy to be playing a show again 🥺🥺 I especially loved the look on Niko's face and in general I was happy to see him a little better, I feel like I didn't see much of him at the Tampere gig
Joel did lots of interaction with Joonas as per usual and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 sometimes he went up to stand next to Aleksi and just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 smile and look at him 😭😭😭😭
OLLI SANG!!! ........except that he didn't 🤡 They/we hyped it up and everyone was like omg he's gonna sing HE'S GONNA SING--- and then he fucking lipsynced to the opening of a Bon Jovi song 🤠 I swear to fucking god. This man is such a troll and I hate him 💞
Also, getting fucking rickrolled at a BC concert is NOT what I thought I'd ever experience, and yet 🤠 thx Porko <3
Aleksi had a little DJ solo of his own and everyone was happy 🥰 He also jumped around the stage during Sharks Love Blood 💓
Speaking of which, The Kiss was 💀!! It happened right in front of my salad and I died, I'm actually writing this from the grave
The setlist??!?! They played SO MANY SONGS I DID NOT EXPECT THEM TO, such as Giants and Enemy For Me 😵 Giants especially was a special moment to me personally, will post a video tomorrow 💗
And they STARTED with Balboa of all the songs, blasting my brain right to the back wall 👌
Niko/Joonas flirting, but what else is new (Niko @ the crowd: "I've been looking at you all evening." Joonas @ Niko: "I've been looking at you too 😏" Niko: "who's surprised, hands up" lmaooo these guys 🥰)
Tommi didn't say a single fucking word the whole gig lol go on give us nothing, #onsealfa
Probably forgot something, will add later
I've had a shit past two months due to work stuff, but this kind of made up for it all. I love this band so much and oh god I'm gonna cry
Anyone with whom I talked about the gig beforehand knows how nervous I was (thanks for all the nice words btw <3) but, as per usual, everything went perfectly fine, I had possibly the best night of my life so far, and I'm so so happy that I went. I wish it would never have ended.
Some time ago someone sent me an ask asking what's the best concert I've been to. Back then I answered Antti Tuisku @ 2017 SuomiPopFestarit and BC @ Tampere back in August. They have now been replaced, and only another BC gig will ever compare. They are amazing live, and if you are given the chance to go to their concert, TAKE IT AND RUN 🖤
But let me tell ya, one of my absolute favourite moments happened AFTER the gig at the merch stall 🙈 This is the interaction I had with Miki, roughly translated:
Miki: *struggles to find the size tag of the WANS hoodie I'm buying*
me: it's an S
Miki: S, got it. *tells me the sum of my purchases*
me: *hands him my credit card*
Miki: *takes the card and inserts it in the payment terminal* it's a busy night!
me: yeah, but it's good you got your hands full am I right
Miki: yes, it's a positive problem! *tells me how to navigate on the payment terminal*
me: *barely manages to choose debit instead of credit and then just stares at the machine when it asks for my pin code because 1) the machine looks completely different to those in grocery stores for example, and 2) I had not expected to get to do small talk with Miki lol)
Miki: ..did you blackout?
me: YES, the numbers are in different order, you know, from the ones they have in grocery stores?!
Miki: *takes out that exact kinda payment terminal I'm talking about* no, they're in the same order
me: *upon seeing the more familiar-looking machine, remembers her pin code, THANK HEAVENS, and the payment is accepted* Y E S
In conclusion, you are all invited to our summer wedding 🥰🤣
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