Scholar? Christian Scholar? Beware of Blindly Believing Anyone. Do Not Be Smug / Arrogant. The Bible is the Final Authority for Christians.
Walk Away From Smug / Arrogant People if you can. Below is How to Deal with them Biblically when you have to. Often A Person Becomes Instantly Smug / Arrogant when they Realize You are Right and they are Wrong. They Typically Will Not Admit that they are Wrong though. But You know they Realize they are Wrong because of their Smug / Arrogant Response. Their Response: “OK, I Get Your Point. We are…
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whatdoiknowjr · 3 months
What Do I Know About Reviews? The Goblin King's Vault (5e SRD)
Now that the Vodari Voyages Patreon is underway, let's take a look at the first issue produced by the project, the adventure The Goblin King's Vault for #DnD5e #5eSRD
I would like to say that picturing myself at sea, the wind behind me, the sun overhead, would be a calming thing, but I’d be lying. I can’t swim, I don’t like being on boats, and I much prefer overcast days. And yet, I’m a huge fan of nautical swashbuckling stories. I contain multitudes. Since we’re already on the topic of nautical adventures, I thought today would be a good day to take a look at…
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versatileer · 3 months
Happy Pride Day & Month – 2024
Pride Month: And welcoming 2024’s. . .P–R–I-D–E   D–A–Y–!!! Happy Pride Day & Month ! ! !  🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 Facts: Pride Day: Traditionally the fourth Sunday in the month of June every year is considered Pride Day abroad, but with variations. Now a floating holiday throughout Pride Month. Pride Month: Whole month of June. First Parade: November 2, 1969. Founded By: Craig Rodwell, his…
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mathiasjanke-blog · 5 years
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Businesses with a strong online presence have a 20 per cent higher revenue than those who don’t – no wonder the 2018 World Tourism Day focuses on digital transformation and ‘Digital transformation’ is the latest buzz phrase around the corridors of power and not just in a marketing sense – it is much more far-reaching than that.
But what does digital transformation really mean and how can any size business harness continually changing technology to shore up business growth that is sustainable?   How does innovation relate to digital transformation? The term ‘innovation’ is arguably the most overused yet misunderstood word in the business vernacular today.
In this article I will explore the concepts of digital transformation and innovation and share my recent experiences interpreting their application in regional tourism businesses.
What is digital transformation in the Tourism industry?
Digital transformation is defined as the realignment of, or new investment in, technology, business models, and processes to drive new value for customers and employees, and more effectively compete in an ever-changing digital economy.
Digital transformation is not about technology in and of itself. Next Hotel’s innovative refurbishment and the inclusion of app based self check-in, keyless entry, in-room lighting control and room service ordering all via the app.
How can tourism businesses apply digital transformation?
The majority of small and medium travel and tourism businesses are in catch-up mode with their customers, as consumers are embracing digital tools to improve their lifestyles and the tech companies are investing heavily in new product innovation to remain in the top performing businesses world-wide. Quick turnover of mobile devices and relentless development of software and data systems are conditioning consumers to be more digitally engaged than the businesses they want to buy from.
I tried to buy a gift voucher from a favourite Melbourne restaurant for my daughter for her birthday, but I could only get it if I physically went there, 2,000 kms away. The $200 sale went to a competitor who could generate the voucher digitally from their website…I never had to pick up the phone and that’s just what I need given my busy lifestyle.
When we run digital business training workshops for tourism operators it is consistently the case that 90% of the people in the room want to learn more about social media, websites and google search to improve their business and they have not had their minds opened to the opportunities available to them to improve their product for their customers or improve their processes for their staff.  In our experience the success factors of a business can be in the main (and we estimate 90% influencing factor) attributed to the quality of the product and customer experience as compared to their marketing and there has never been a stronger argument for this belief than today with the high level of transparency that businesses live with. 92% of people trust peer reviews about businesses ahead of what the business says about themselves and their advertising.
So whilst adoption of digital for marketing is mandatory for all businesses today, what owners and boards have to do is start with a blank sheet of paper and develop a genuine understanding of:
who their customer is
what problems they can solve for them
how they add value to their lives
They then need to map the entire journey of their customer from dream, plan, purchase, experience to share and critically assess those multiple pathways to identify how their customers experience their products and how they interact with their people and assets. Through this creative process, at all times staying in the minds of their customer and how they experience the journeys, they will identify opportunities to improve interactions and in many cases digital transformation of the processes in the business will be the answer.
It can be simple things like a mobile app for guests to self check-in in advance for a tour and at the same time identify any special needs and acquire their agreement to insurance requirements and social media content.
For accommodation providers it could be creation of video walkthroughs with augmented reality so your ideal customer can visualise themselves in your rooms and the great experiences you offer at your location.
Imagine a dinosaur museum that uses virtual reality and projection mapping to bring their models to life, out of the ashes from eons ago!
Our population is aging and older travellers have specific needs…what digital tools can you provide to them to make it easier to learn about your product? Have you got video and audio content on your website that they can play, rather than reading all the information; do you have floor plans and detailed information about the accessibility of your product for people who don’t move as easily as they used to.
If you’re a tour company are you designing a tour for the older market, that still see themselves as quite youthful, but aren’t so limber and could have their tour experience enhanced by great story telling content on their iPad that they can enjoy rather than walking the entire distance or needing to ascend steep climbs?
Or simply you just need to make it easier to buy from you…what obstacles are you putting in the way of the 50% of people who are visiting your website from a mobile device? Can they easily find the information they need and a mobile friendly booking option so they can give you their business directly. Because if you don’t offer this, your online travel agent does and does it well, and you’ll pay them 15% to 25% commission for the privilege of securing business for you.
Customer experience is at the heart of good digital transformation and this is supported by a clear and deep understanding of your customers’ needs, pain points and how you can add value to their lives.
How does innovation in tourism relate to digital transformation?
Digital transformation is the part of the iceberg that is above the surface and innovation is the strong foundation beneath the surface that causes the business to move forward.
Innovation is a culture in the business that is driven by the owners and board and empowers staff at every level to challenge the status quo.
A business that is innovative allocates resources in terms of staff time and dollars into research to stay on top of opportunities for their industry; they have a process that allows ideas and solutions to be brought to the management team for testing and development; and they tell their staff that it is ok to fail as long as they fail quickly and learn from that experience.
All of the people who are members of the online learning hub www.TourismTribe.com demonstrate qualities of having an innovative culture in their businesses as one of the hallmarks of an innovative culture is a hunger for learning and an openness to share ideas and knowledge. Tourism Tribe is a genuine peer-to-peer community providing access to tourism operators across the world who ask questions and share their experiences to help like-minded operators and they all have access to a continual training calendar of online workshops and hundreds of online resources to keep developing their digital and business capabilities.
In our own business one of our values that underpins our business plan is a “relentless commitment to continual learning” because we know that we can’t keep innovating and taking advantage of smart digital solutions for the benefit of our clients unless we do this…it’s tiring, but we know it’s what will keep us at the front of the curve in terms of the services that we offer the industry.
Digital transformation enables product innovation and creativity
So whilst an innovative culture is required in business to successfully implement digital transformation, innovation is also an output of digital transformation. Innovation of products, services, experiences and marketing will occur as you work through the customer journey mapping process and challenge the status quo. You will uncover creative solutions to customer and staff problems and the entire process is creative, stimulating the minds, energy and motivation of all involved.
Ultimately you will open your mind to potentially a whole new way of delivering your services or you will identify some minor changes that you can implement quickly to gain a marketplace or fiscal advantage.
Your customers are transforming the way they want to do business and you need to this as well if you want a sustainable, growing business that meets the changing needs of your customers.
There is help out there – there are plenty of government grants on offer, as well as communities such as Tourism Tribe, a genuine peer-to-peer online learning environment for tourism businesses all over the world.
Tourism Tribe is an award-winning leader in business improvements in the tourism industry with a vision to help those in tourism have a sustainable business and make a profit doing what they love, no matter where they are located.
    Go to the article: Digital Transformation and Innovation – strategies for sustainable business growth
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wecocogg-blog · 5 years
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When you hear the words “street art”, you might think of Berlin, London, Melbourne, Sao Paulo or Buenos Aires. Street art in Athens might not be the first thing that comes to your mind. However, Athens has emerged as a street art destination over the past few years.         
  Several local and international artists like WD, iNO, STMTS and Sonke have chosen to decorate our capital city with their beautiful art. As a result, the areas of Anafiotika, Psirri, Kerameikos, Metaxourgio and Exarhia are full of street art.
Street art in Athens
If you go for a walk around downtown Athens, you will probably come across one or more of the following works. Some of them are small, others are large, and there are also a few commissioned murals. Here are a few photos of street art in Athens!
Some of the oldest street art in Athens can be found in Exarhia. If you visit this vibrant neighbourhood, you are likely to come across this big graffiti, that has been there for a very long time. In fact, one could argue that this particular piece sums up the attitude of this neighbourhood.
  On the contrary, this amazing work below was unfortunately covered by other art a few years ago. To this day, we consider it one of the best examples of street art in Athens.
  One of the most prominent buildings in the Exarhia area, is the Polytechnic University. Once inside, you can see some stunning art, such as this very elaborate mural.
    We are also fans of this particular graffiti inside the Polytechnic University. The motto next to it translates into “Hate fear”.
  Speaking of the Polytechnic University, did you know that it was mysteriously covered in a huge graffiti in March 2015? The graffiti was cleaned very soon, but some tagging has taken place since then.
  Anafiotika – Plaka
Plaka and Anafiotika are among the most visited areas of Athens. Tourists and locals can easily spot a few lovely artworks.
This small mural in Plaka was made by Sonke, possibly the most instantly recognisable street artist in Athens and beyond.
  Nearby, you can see this smaller image, followed by a text in Greek.
  The art work below is a little tricky to find, but its vibrant colours are stunning. You can find it if you walk down from Anafiotika into Plaka.
  Finally, this graffiti on a temporary construction, is trying to pass a message… or two!
  Metaxourgio – Kerameikos
Those upcoming neighbourhoods are home to some of the best street art in Athens. If you walk around, you are likely to come across street artists on-the-job!
  You will find street art everywhere, even in abandoned backyards.
  Monastiraki – Psirri
Walk no more than 5 minutes from Monastiraki metro, and you will come across one of the biggest and most famous graffiti in Athens. You can’t miss this large commissioned mural – just get to Psirri square and look up.
  In Psirri, there is also a mural of Loukanikos, the famous stray dog who ran alongside protesters in Athens and was one of Time magazine’s people of the year for 2011. Loukanikos died in 2014, and this work was created in his memory.
  If you like bright colours, this might be the most suitable piece of street art in Monastiraki!
  Polytechnic University in Zografou
If you are a serious street art lover, you will definitely want to take a trip to the premises of the Polytechnic University in Zografou area. The closest metro is Katehaki.
    Don’t be discouraged by the fact that it’s a university! The guards at the gates are very helpful and they will even give you directions to see the best known art works.
  If you are lucky, you might see some of the world-famous artists, like WD, on the job. This is one of his finished works – just stunning!
Allow yourself a couple of hours to fully explore the area – it’s a really nice campus. You may want to pack a picnic as well!
More street art in Athens
You can find this amazing mural in Ampelokipi area, a 20 minute walk off the centre.
  You can occasionally find street art on garbage bins. We honestly can’t remember where we saw this one!
  We hope that you have enjoyed our pictures! As you can see, they are quite different from the pictures of Ancient Athens, presenting another face of our wonderfully diverse city.
              These were some of our favourite street art works in Athens. We have left out several for you to discover!
The post Street art in Athens – Bright colours and political opinions appeared first on .
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tinalus-blog · 5 years
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Channel Islands Sea Cave Kayak Tour – by the Santa Barbara Adventure Company
Santa Barbara’s 34th International Film Festival – February 1 – 9
 – by the Santa Barbara Wine Country Tours
Valentine’s Day (or weekend) in Wine Country 
Surf Lessons – by the Santa Barbara Adventure Company 
Santa Barbara Arts & Crafts Show – Every Sunday
First Thursday �� February 7, 2019
Downtown Santa Barbara Farmers Market — every Saturday and Tuesday
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kdhvjhg-blog · 5 years
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A UK Family Adventure Holiday with Here at Outdoor Adventure we have been offering our family activity holidays for the past 35 years and though we know that we offer the best family adventure holiday packages you will find in the UK, we also know families may be unsure what these packages actually offer and how you and the rest of the family can be prepared for your time with us. After your Sunday arrival and meet and greet with our instructors and other families staying you will be all ready, excited and equipped to start your weeks adventure at the centre. Below is a typical day for our families who stay with us.
7:30-9:30: You and the chilren will wake up (potentially in one of our many sea-view rooms!), shower and get ready to head down for a home cooked breakfast. Each morning you will be served fresh fruit, croissants and a full English breakfast with all the trimmings ready to get you started before your first morning activity. Don’t worry, we cater for all special dietary requirements so we will always make sure that everyone is completely happy, satisfied and full throughout the day!
9:30-12:30: After a good night’s sleep and full from breakfast you’re now ready to head to your first activity of the day! You could be heading down for a surf lesson, a coastal traverse or maybe even a morning climb. Your two daily activities would have been chosen by you and the children the night before each day so whatever the weather or whatever you fancy doing it’s totally up to you to make your adventure holiday with us as flexible as possible!
12:30-13:30: After the morning learning a new skill or trying your hands at a brand new activity you’ll be ready for an hour off and to eat some of our yummy lunch. Spend your lunch break snacking on the provided buffet, ploughman’s style lunch with freshly prepared sandwiches, pasties, snacks and more while basking in the sun overlooking the ocean at the Outdoor centre.
13:30-16:30: You’ve had your lunch, the children are full of energy again and now you’re all ready for your second activity of the day. This may be a coasteer, canoe or an afternoon abseiling session – whatever activity you’ve chosen you will be sure to experience some spectacular sights along the Cornish coastline while also team building and developing your skills and knowledge with your family and other potential families on the sessions!
16:30-18:00: You’re heading back to the centre, the children are tired but full of stories to share about what they have achieved today. It’s time to shower and chill out for a while, be prepared to tuck into a late-afternoon Cornish cream tea to enjoy outside overlooking Widemouth and the surf in the sunshine or sit and chill out and cozy up for a while in our TV room and relax
18:00-19:00: It’s time for your final meal of the day! Head across for your sit down 3-course dinner freshly prepared for your family. You may be tucking in to some Hunters chicken, fish & chips. or spend the evening outside enjoying our amazing BBQ night with a cliff top fire!
19:00-21:00: After you’ve eaten and spent the day not worrying about the cooking, cleaning, washing up or keeping the children occupied, it’s now time for the final evening entertainment which could be anything from a beach fire, music night, evening walk or games night! There’s no need to worry about how to keep the family entertained from start to finish. All you need to do is turn up and we will do the rest to make sure everyone, at all levels and capabilities get the full Outdoor Adventure family experience.
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davehodgetts-blog · 5 years
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I never expected to experience utmost seclusion at a white strip of the bustling Panglao Island. Normally, a popular island beachfront comes with a profusion of loud music, conglomeration of business establishments, and herd of tourists in a rather chaotic mix. Momo Beach, though located in Panglao, is a contrary to all that. It offers a tranquil escape tucked away in a remote edge of the island.
feels at Momo Beach House
Reaching Momo Beach may be a bit of a frowner to some. It seats at one end of an unpaved dirt alley that cut through a highly vegetated locality. Real travelers will not find it a downside though. It is like traversing a jungle just to see the hidden beach next to it. The promised isolation and privacy is truly waiting at the end of that journey.
Momo Beach House poolside
Painted in white and roofed with native materials, the two main accommodation buildings face the azure swimming pool that plonks in between them, which means all rooms have stunning pool view. One of them houses the 10 standard rooms, while the other is a host to four deluxe and two family rooms.
The deluxe room
The 16-sqm standard room can accommodate up to two guests. Alternatively, larger rooms like the 35-sqm deluxe room can be a home for up to three individuals, but the third person is subject to an extra person charge. The family room, on the other hand, can hold up to six guests. Children up to 11 years of age can stay free of charge, but no extra bed will be provided.
The standard room
Each room category comes with standard amenities, such as LCD TV with international channels, in-house toilet and bath with hot and cold shower, daily turndown service, comfortable beds, and complimentary drinking water.
The family room of Momo Beach House
Al-fresco dining at the Beach Tree Cafe
The resort serves comfort food at Beach Tree Café. Complimentary quenchers are available for free anytime between 3PM to 6PM.
Fresh healthy quenchers
However, if you want your al-fresco dining experience a lot more noteworthy, book a boodle fight by the beach, and then enjoy the sumptuous local cooking and delicacies with your friends or family. Make sure that your group reaches a minimum of 15 to avail the boodle fight offer.
Boodle fight, my favorite part
You can also buy fresh catch from the local fisher folks and have it cooked at the resort’s kitchen.
Try Kayaking, this is free.
However, there are other things you can do to temporarily forget the world that you usually revolved to. There is an open water fronting the resort where you can go kayaking, paddle boarding, or fishing. You can also try the SeaChi Yoga Beach retreat, so you can return home fully rejuvenated. This is feels, as they say.
The swimming pool, azure and clean
Address: Momo Beach, Barangay Bil-isan, Panglao Island, Bohol
Website: momobeachhouse.com
Agoda: www.agoda.com/momo-beach-house/hotel
Contact numbers: M +63 915 988 9932 | M +63 949 897 2903
FB page: www.facebook.com/MomoBeachHouse
IG: @momobeachhousebohol
You may also visit or call their Manila office:
Address: Unit 701 The Infinity, 26th Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig 1634, Philippines
Contact numbers: L +63 2 553 9549 | M +63 917 861 9441
The post Momo Beach House: A Surreal Place to Stay in Panglao appeared first on Freedom Wall.
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pussreboots · 6 years
Road narratives focus much more emphatically on the tension of coupling.
American Road Narratives by Ann Brigham (2015), p. 20
Only the melodramatic ones. Couples in road narratives take on a variety of different roles depending on the genre and the over all theme of the book. 
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The Great Desert Race by Betty Baker is more concerned with proving that women can race, maintain cars, drive cross country than with romance or anything else.  (339933).
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I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid starts during a road trip and the woman in the relationship is thinking of breaking up with the man. She’s just waiting until the end of the trip to tell him. And then things spiral out of control. (3366FF)
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macgamesblog-blog · 6 years
Frostpunk Mac OS X Game
New Post has been published on http://www.macgamesdownload.club/frostpunk-mac-os-x-game/
Frostpunk Mac OS X Game
Frostpunk Mac OS X Game
Are you in a search for a city building strategy game for mac OS ? If you don’t know which one to choose, Frostpunk Mac OS X Game is presented now. This one has one of the most aclaimed gaming universe ever saw in a strategy game. Created as a survival strategy game, this one must be downloaded and played by everyone who want to see how a game of this type must look. From the button below you can get Frostpunk for macOS really easy and FREE. Proceed now!
May you like: Far Out Mac OS X Full Download
The action from Frostpunk is set in a totally frozen world, which is goldmine for the players who love games with a temperature gauge. Your main quest is to lead a group of people through the road of addaption and survival. Build a city based on everyone needs and support the consequences of your bad decisions. The gameplay is very good and this is one of the main facts that determined us to create the Frostpunk Mac OS X version. You can download it now, fast, easy and FREE. eNJOY!
Frostpunk Mac OS X – Minimum System Requirements
Video Card: GeForce GTX 660 / Radeon RX 460
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whatdoiknowjr · 5 months
What Do I Know About First Impressions? The Valiant 6 (5e SRD)
Despite only needing to wait about a month to answer my questions, I still picked apart the six pregen characters Kobold Press posted on their site to see what they might say about Tales of the Valiant. #TTRPGs #5eOGL #TalesOfTheValiant #DnD5e
Today I wanted to take a look at what we learned from the 4th level pregens that Kobold Press released ahead of the release of Tales of the Valiant. The pregens have their own names and backstories, and the company even has its own name, the Valiant 6. I know Pathfinder still has their iconics, but I kind of miss that on the 5e SRD front, so I’m happy to see that tradition revived. I know my…
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roxysbeachlife · 7 years
5 signs you have an incredibly strong personality (and you won’t take shit from anyone)
People with strong personalities often get a lot of flack for being so outgoing and forward about what they want or are willing to put up with in life.
It takes a special kind of person to know themselves so well that they don’t need to bother with crap others flying at them.
They are comfortable in their own skin, and they know how they want to spend their time, and that makes a lot of people really uncomfortable.
Here are 5 signs that you have a strong personality that says you won’t take shit from anyone, no matter what.
1) Simple Conversations Bore You
People with strong personalities are very intelligent, and they do not have time for boring or useless conversations that don’t contribute to their missions in life.
This can be bothersome for people who are trying to interact with those with strong personalities, but unfortunately for them, you have better things to do than sit around and gossip and worry your life away.
2) Ignorance Makes You Crazy
When you have a strong personality, it can be hard to hold back the urge to scream at stupid people, especially people who are stupid because of their ignorance.
Ignorance at any level is not tolerated by you, and shouldn’t be tolerated by anyone else.
But you’ve already made up your mind that you won’t be associated with those kinds of people.
While you could try to turn their eye toward a more enlightened outlook on life, you know that your time is better spent with people who don’t ignore or belittle others.
3) Excuses Are For the Weak
As a person with a strong personality, you don’t take no for an answer, and you don’t let others off the hook so easily.
You expect people to arrive when they said they would show up, whether it’s a business meeting or brunch.
You don’t let others get away with excuses because you expect more from people.
And if they don’t measure up, well it’s their loss because you are moving on to be around people who respect your time, friendship and companionship.
4) You Don’t Need the Attention of Others
With social media use on the constant rise, you find seeking the attention of others to be a bore.
You can praise and entertain yourself and don’t need to seek the approval or attention of others, especially online.
You know that your time is best spent doing the things that you enjoy and being with the people who matter most.
Why worry about what anyone else thinks? If they aren’t in your immediate circle of very important people than you don’t need their attention.
5) You Make Your Own Opportunities
People with strong personalities are not afraid to ask for the things they want, and this can be a little unnerving for those of us who sit by the phone waiting for it to ring ripe with opportunity.
The calls never come, and you know that the only way to get what you want is to go out and grab it for yourself.
This is pretty intimidating for people who don’t have the confidence to build their life in their own visions, but you know that opportunities are best when they are sought out and conquered.
You’ve got the know-how, the drive, and the personality to make sure your life is exactly as you hoped it would be, except instead of hoping, you’re working at it.
People with strong personalities embrace change and accept the challenges of life head-on. They don’t sit around and wait for people to solve problems for them.
When someone has a strong personality, they can be thought of a rash or curt, but the truth is that people with strong personalities just know what they want and what they need to do to get it.
It’s alarming for others to watch sometimes because the majority of people don’t know how to go about creating a life that they want for themselves.
It means that people with strong personalities aren’t taking shit from anyone because they don’t have time to worry about those people; if someone isn’t helping you, they are hindering you and you just need to push that out of your life right now.
Whatever you want in life will be yourself because strong personalities know how to get things done and don’t let others get in their way.
Lachlan Brown
  Filed under: Relationships Tagged: atributes, me, outgoing, Personality, Relationships from WordPress http://ift.tt/2AoSzKM via IFTTT
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pobonpaul · 7 years
Two Side Different Color Border Use CSS3 Gradient And Before after Example Code : http://ift.tt/2mDeLxq Gradient Site : http://ift.tt/2yeWHyU Music collect by : youtube.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCscH1f1ZqF5_sclTHonHulA Facebook:http://ift.tt/29UnF49 Twitter: https://twitter.com/PobonPaul1994 Blog:http://ift.tt/29UbyzN Google+:http://ift.tt/29UnR3o You can also find me : http://ift.tt/1kItLhs body { margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow-x: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; } .border { position: relative; height: 40px; width: 95%; margin: 40px auto 40px auto; } .border_1 { /* IE10+ */ background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(right, #FF004C 50%, #3366FF 50%); /* Mozilla Firefox */ background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(right, #FF004C 50%, #3366FF 50%); /* Opera */ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(right, #FF004C 50%, #3366FF 50%); /* Webkit (Safari/Chrome 10) */ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, right top, left top, color-stop(50, #FF004C), color-stop(50, #3366FF)); /* Webkit (Chrome 11+) */ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(right, #FF004C 50%, #3366FF 50%); /* W3C Markup */ background-image: linear-gradient(to left, #FF004C 50%, #3366FF 50%); } .border_2:before, .border_2:after { position: absolute; content: ""; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 50%; background-color: #333; } .border_2:after { left: inherit; right: 0; background-color: #222; } Extra tag : Two Side Different Color Border Use CSS3 Gradient And Before after,css3 border effects,pseudo elements css,gradient css tutorial,two side border design,css advanced tricks,css advanced selectors,css advanced techniques,html5 css3 advanced tutorial,advanced html5 and css3 tutorial in bangla,advanced html5 and css3 tutorial,advanced html and css tutorial bangla,css3 pseudo elements selector,css3 boder use gradient tutorial by Pobon paul
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patricesarda-blog · 7 years
The Perfect Recipe to be a Great Real Estate Agent - Patrice SARDA
By Patrice SARDA
  Are you thinking of being a real estate agent? Probably, you are already one and you want to improve your chances of success in the real estate industry. If so, it is important for you to know what it takes to be a good real estate agent. There are several factors contributing to success in real estate, like the following:
·         Being a people-person – if you are not one naturally, then it would be a good idea to start learning how to be one.
·         Partnering with fellow agents – it would not hurt your career if you can be friends/partners with other people in your line of work. Such collaboration can be beneficial to all parties.
·         Using a publicist – even if you think that you can handle your own publicity, a professional can still do a better job.
·         Maintaining connections with previous clients – your satisfied clients are the best people to provide you with free advertisement. Do not lose touch with them.
·         Cultivating an online/virtual presence – in today’s highly social-media-dependent society, having and maintaining an online or virtual presence is essential. You have to keep in mind that most people are too busy to go physically hunting for properties. They usually prefer to browse the web first.
·         Hosting open houses (lots of them) – you can never go wrong with open houses. They offer the most ideal means of presenting properties to potential buyers.
·         Hiring real estate coach – it is essential for your success that you find a real and reliable one. A coach whose experience and knowledge in the industry has provided ultimately personal and professional success.
  Key Characteristics of an Unbeaten Real Estate Agent
No one is born a real estate agent. One has to learn how to be one. It does not matter what background you come from (or how much education you have) you can be a successful real estate agent if you really got what it takes.
You can be a fresh university graduate and do extremely well, from the start. You can also be someone from a totally different field – like medicine or engineering – and make it into big-time real estate business. The thing is, if you know what you need to do and then you do it passionately and religiously, then you can be who or what you want to be.
  Perseverance – Never give up
This is the first trait. A first No is not a forever No. If you can just keep that in your head, then you would never give in to disappointment. Thus, you would never surrender, rather you would persevere. The trick is to follow people – keep track of your leads. Prioritize your leads – like put them on A, B, C lists. The ones in the A list get the most attention as those are the ones that are most likely to make purchases. The ones in the B and C lists also get attention – getting follow up calls – but not as frequently as those in the A. The B people may purchase but probably over a longer period. Perseverance means knowing who to cultivate and recognizing who is ready to acquire a new property.
  Patience – Good things take time
It is a virtue and if you do not have it, success in any field is not going to be a possibility. Being patient as a real estate agent means not making the mistake of being too eager to close a deal too soon. Even if you have the facts and the digits already laid down on the table, try to calm down and slow things down a bit. For instance, if you have a property seller that is asking for a specific amount and then you got a call from a buyer willing to pay for that amount for the kind of property being offered, it would be a good idea to stop yourself from running straight and close the deal. Why? Because things can turn against your favor and you may end up losing the buyer. The seller may think that if you have found a buyer that fast, then the asking price may be a bit too low. The result could be a raise in the asking price, something that you are sure the potential buyer would probably not go for. So, what will you end up with? A very complicated situation?
The best thing to do in such a situation is to convince the buyer to put an offer a bit lower than what he was willing to pay. That way, a kind of negotiation will go underway. It is a well-accepted fact that people like negotiating. If you instantly give them what they want, they’d probably back down and suspect that something’s not right. So, let them sweat a bit and then go for the kill. Once deal has been settled – probably a few thousand dollars less than what the seller wants – then both parties will feel that they have gotten the best benefits.
  The only genius talent is inquisitiveness
Being curious is an effective characteristic for Real Estate agents. You need to have this, need to always ask questions and consider different means to market, package, prospect, sell, finance or underwrite your transactions. If you are inquisitive, you are continuously learning.
Have you ever noticed the initials SIOR, CCIM, CPA or MBA after the names of successful people? Those initials mean that those people never stopped to have themselves educated in their chosen fields. They continued to learn and investigate because they know that one can never know everything there is to know regarding any topic or subject.
So, be curious. Stay interested. Ask questions. Educate yourself continuously.
  Discipline – A bridge between goal and accomplishment
Disciplining yourself is something that should have been in you from the start. You must have a full understanding that without discipline, you can never be successful. Being a real estate agent is doing a real job. This means you must dedicate at least 40 to 60 hours every week in doing this job. There is no room for laziness. Remember that making a sale today does not automatically mean that you will have the same luck next week. So, you have to be consistent with your schedule. Discipline yourself to get up and work even if you have recently closed one deal after another.
Disciplining yourself also means being at your desk at the same time every day and working even after office hours. Be productive at every chance you get. If you meet a potential client during a vacation, grab the chance.
  You win on execution
To execute is to be able to focus on the task at hand and making sure of its in-time completion. It is just so easy for some people to get caught in focusing on urgent matters instead on more important things. Focusing to another project without ensuring completion of a previous one is not good. Such action will not give you much accomplishment. If you need to be busy, make sure you are busy doing something significant, make sure you have completed and accomplished something. Going from one project to another is not an effective way of gaining success as a real estate agent.
Patrice SARDA
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amakvitaa · 8 years
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davehodgetts-blog · 5 years
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Settled at 1000 meters above sea level, and is sandwiched between Roxas-Matulas and Daguma Mountain Ranges, the municipality of Lake Sebu is unsurprisingly temperate and abundantly vegetated. Springs and rivers from these rolling hills provide continuous water supply to the three important watersheds of the town, namely; Lake Sebu, Lake Lahit, and Lake Seloton.
The home of the indigenous T’Boli, Ubo, Tiruray, and Manobo tribes is also known for its majestic water cascades, mighty rivers, and a mega-diverse ecosystem, prompting the government to develop and promote the town as an eco-tourism and cultural destination.
The lotuses (or loti) are in full bloom in the unsurprisingly calm Lake Sebu
The most sought-after adventure in town is trekking to the seven falls, or taking a zipline ride that hovers over the most breathtaking countryside scenery at a height that is incomprehensible to acrophobes.
The seven falls zipline, if not the on top of the list, is one of Asia’s highest.
In the backdrop is Lake Sebu’s Hikong Alo a.k.a. Falls no. 1
You can complete your adventure in Lake Sebu for a day if you leave early from GenSan, however, if you want to stay a night or two, here a list of mountain resorts and hotels you can choose from:
Punta Isla Lake Resort Booking: www.Agoda.com/PuntaIsla Address: Sitio Toku-fol, Brgy. Poblacion, Lake Sebu 9512, South Cotabato, Philippines
El Galong Waterpark Resort Booking: www.Agoda.com/ElGalong Address: Brgy. Poblacion, Lake Sebu 9512, South Cotabato, Philippines
Dolores Lake Resort Booking: www.Agoda.com/DoloresLakeResort Address: Brgy. Poblacion, Lake Sebu 9512, South Cotabato, Philippines
Sunrise Garden Lake Resort Booking: www.Agoda.com/SunriseGarden Address: Brgy Lake Seloton, Lake Sebu 9512, South Cotabato, Philippines
A traditional musical instrument inside T’boli Museum
Punta Isla Lake Resort – Witness and taste how Punta Isla Lake Resort creatively and masterfully created the recipe.
Lake Sebu Travel Guide: Where to Stay and How to Get There appeared first on Freedom Wall.
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