prettycolors · 1 year
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marcogiovenale · 1 month
libridine 2024 allo studio campo boario: dal 24 maggio
>>> allo Studio Campo Boario, viale del Campo Boario 4/a <<< Incontri a cura di Domenico Adriano, Alberto D’Amico, Marco Giovenale  Programma   Ritorno, di Gabriella Pace Data: 24 maggio (ore 18.30) Edizioni il Labirinto Presentano: Barbara Carle e Domenico Adriano Aenigma di Alberto D’Amico (Ifix). Mabuya di Camilla Liconti e Ludmilla Adriano Nakaema Data: 24 maggio (ore 21) con Alberto D’Amico,…
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gnadlib · 2 months
Ein altes Stück Betonwand hat mal wieder eine neue Gestaltung erhalten, diesmal ein grimmiger Raubvogel. Aber Moment, Continue reading Highlights?
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s4hana-experts · 5 months
Tagessätze im Consulting nach Grad der Seniorität - Bis zu 3200 Euro sind drin!
Die durchschnittlichen Tagessätze wurden gerundet, damit interessierte Leser die originale Quelle Smart News Fachverlag GmbH ebenso besuchen. Dort sind die Auswertungen sehr detailliert aufgeführt, wir möchten diese allerdings nicht einfach kopieren. So manch ein Junior könnte denken, dass wären Monatsgehälter, aber nein es sind Tagessätze. Business Analyst: 840 Euro Berater: 1450 Euro Senior…
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whatdoiknowjr · 6 months
What Do I Know About Reviews? Children of the Wolf (Star Trek Adventures)
Returning to the Federation today, I'm taking a look at the Star Trek Adventures mission Children of the Wolf, an adventure scenario set in the Picard series era. #StarTrekAdventures #TTRPGs
I once read something that Gail Simone said, to the effect that she would rather find elements to work with from something she doesn’t like, than try to remove it from canon or completely retcon it. It’s more narratively satisfying, and for whoever might be a fan of that work, it doesn’t push them away from the material you created. Something I think was a strong element introduced in Star Trek…
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color-palettes · 4 months
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Civic & Cipil - Submitted by civicshenanigans22
#ff6600 #ff3300 #ff0000 #ff0033 #ff0066
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fivepointpalettes · 1 month
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In This Light You Almost Look Like A Human Being
#ffa07a | #f9ffd5 | #df611b | #ff6600 | #b7161b
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dollettodraws · 1 month
had an epiphany when it comes to my headcanons for the stick gang lol
so I've been bouncing around the idea for a while now that my versions of em would have serial codes/numbers on their neck (similar to @/sofieartz lol I just found their art today and got reminded of the idea) but put it on the backburner since I couldn't think of what their codes would be
and then I remembered their official hex codes lol
and now I'm definitely implementing this idea LOL
for example : blue would be #SFB-33CCFF
(sfb stands for StickFigureBlue)
and the hollowheads would be similar, e.g. second would be #TSC-FF6600
i don't actually know how serial numbers work but idc I LIKED THE IDEA AND NOW I FIGURED OUT HOW TO ACTUALLY USE IT LOL
anyways no one gives a shit about this but I do so now you all have to deal with it lmao I'm so sorry jdnfj I love my silly little hyperfaxtions
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shardssystem · 6 months
Get to Know Me (Us?)
You’re receiving this information courtesy of @brasideios. Cheers for the tag!
Last Song: Blow Up The Pokies by The Whitlams. I know that this is about a gambling addiction, but our current frame of mind suggests an alternate meaning. Check the chorus:
And I wish I
Wish I knew the right words
To make you feel better
Walk out of this place
And defeat them in your secret battle
Show them you can be your own man again
Favourite Colour: Orange. For the nerds out there, specifically hex code #FF6600
Currently Watching: Most recently, the LoadingReadyRun “Play It Forward” longplay series of Final Fantasy VII.
Last Movie/TV show: So, I host a podcast called Check THIS Out! where guests talk about some piece of media they love, and I review it on the following episode. Most recently, the topic was the Netflix series Fall of the House of Usher. Due to life happening, we’re only 2 episodes deep, but between the hype/interest of hearing about it, and what’s already been shown, I’m in for the long haul.
Spicy/Savoury/Sweet: Savoury. Sweet is nice, but feels like it’s easy to get wrong. And spice is just no bueno to our digestive system.
Relationship Status: Aro/Ace, so nope. Coming for Steve Carell’s title, mostly as a joke.
Current Obsession: Ooh, geez. I don’t know if I have one. Maybe the Final Girl board/card game? It keeps popping up as a recurring thought and desire, but there’s really not a lot of thought that stays in our brain? It’s like static with bursts of clarity.
Last Google Search: Bathing habits of ancient Greeks, Romans, and Mongolians. Because writing (especially fanfic) takes you to the weirdest places for very little practical purpose.
And with that, the great entaggening, as is tradition. But, there’s no pressure to participate, and if you didn’t get a mention, but want to play along too, feel free! @luckyowl21, @kosmosxipo, @pikachugirltits, and @keab42. See ya!
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neelkamble · 2 months
Major Study Project Blog8: Artstyle
The art style for "Mech Sentinel: Chronicles of a Sci-Fi Duo " blends futuristic aesthetics with a sense of realism and gritty detail, creating a visually stunning world that feels both immersive and authentic. Drawing inspiration from science fiction works of art and contemporary media, the craftsmanship course underscores smooth, cutting edge plans for vehicles, weaponry, and conditions, while likewise consolidating components of mileage to convey a lived-in universe.
Character designs work out some kind of harmony between famous, awesome silhouettes and nuanced, humanistic elements, permitting players to interface with the heroes on an individual level. The science fiction fighter is portrayed in cutting edge battle gear, highlighting smooth defensive layer, coordinated innovation, and adaptable choices that mirror their character and foundation. The goliath robot, in the mean time, flaunts forcing extents and complicated mechanical subtleties, with a plan that conveys both power and complexity.
Materials and Color Palette:
The Suit of Captian Nova incorporates advanced materials to provide enhanced protection, mobility, and functionality. Here's a breakdown of the possible materials and their color palette values:
Carbon Nanotube Composite:
Properties: Lightweight, incredibly strong, flexible.
Color Palette Values:
Base Color: #333333 (dark gray) or #000000 (black)
Reflective Elements: #CCCCCC (silver) or #FFFFFF (white)
Graphene Armor Plating:
Properties: Thin, lightweight, exceptionally strong.
Color Palette Values:
Base Color: #6666CC (blue-gray) or #6699FF (light blue)
Metallic Sheen: #999999 (light gray) or #CCCCCC (silver)
Titanium Alloy Exoskeleton:
Properties: High strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistant.
Color Palette Values:
Base Color: #666666 (medium gray) or #888888 (dark silver)
Brushed Finish: #CCCCCC (silver) or #FFFFFF (white)
Plasma-Fused Ceramic Inserts:
Properties: Heat resistant, hard, durable.
Color Palette Values:
Base Color: #FF0000 (red) or #FF6600 (orange)
Metallic Sheen: #999999 (light gray) or #CCCCCC (silver)
Kevlar or Aramid Fiber Underlayer:
Properties: Flexible, lightweight, bullet-resistant.
Color Palette Values:
Base Color: #999999 (light gray) or #CCCCCC (silver)
Matte Finish: #666666 (medium gray) or #333333 (dark gray)
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types of metals and raw materials commonly associated with sci-fi robots, along with their properties and potential color palette codes:
Carbon Fiber:
Properties: Lightweight, high strength, and stiffness.
Color Palette Code: #333333 (dark gray) or #000000 (black) for the base color with metallic sheen or reflective elements.
Titanium Alloy:
Properties: High strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance.
Color Palette Code: #999999 (light gray) or #CCCCCC (silver) with polished or brushed finishes.
3. Graphene:
Properties: Strongest material known, excellent conductivity.
Color Palette Values:
Base Color: #6666CC (blue-gray) or #6699FF (light blue)
Metallic Sheen: #999999 (light gray) or #CCCCCC (silver)
Plasma-Fused Ceramic Inserts:
Properties: Heat resistant, hard, durable.
Color Palette Values:
Base Color: #FF0000 (red) or #FF6600 (orange)
Metallic Sheen: #999999 (light gray) or #CCCCCC (silver)
Plasma-Fused Ceramics:
Properties: High heat resistance, electrical insulation.
Color Palette Code: #FF0000 (red) or #FF6600 (orange) with a glossy or metallic sheen.
Nanomaterials (e.g., Nanotubes, Nanowires):
Properties: Exceptional strength, conductivity, and flexibility.
Color Palette Code: #00FF00 (green) or #00FFFF (cyan) with a metallic or translucent appearance.
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Coolors - The super fast color palettes generator! (n.d.). Coolors.co. https://coolors.co/
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prettycolors · 1 year
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airodrig · 1 year
Ejercicio: Paletas de Colores
En https://color.adobe.com/es/ podemos probar como combinan las distintas paletas de colores, con las diferentes alternativas propuestas en función de nuestros gustos, como monocromática, análoga, complementaria o triádica. En mi caso, he elegido una paleta de colores complementarios, combinando el naranja (#FF6600) con el gris oscuro (#222121) y el gris claro (#DFDEDC), que son los que ya había puesto en la web y el programa me ha sugerido otros de la gama de los azules, (#4FEEF7 y #31D7E0).
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La elección de estos colores se debe a que el naranja es mi color favorito y además, representa energía y creatividad, y es un color que llama la atención, lo que es útil para remarcar títulos y demás textos importantes. El gris oscuro da un toque de elegancia y sobriedad, por lo que es perfecto para el fondo del body, mientras que el gris claro proporciona un contraste adecuado para el texto y los demás elementos.
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De este fondo para la "landing-page", podemos sacar otros colores con los que también combinaría la página:
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Esta, además, será la textura de la pagina web ya que es perfecta para recalcar que me dedico a la programación, y, como hemos visto antes, combina con la paleta de colores de la página. Aunque es importante mencionar que sobre esta imagen tenemos un poco de blur para no distraer la atención del texto que hay sobre ella, así que el color y la temperatura de la imagen varía un poco.
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
hmm maybe like. muted lavender (#80ad8a) or the color of the night sky right before it goes black (or in a city when it’s never quite black) or i don’t have a good description but #ff6600 (i’m the favorite color anon btw)
favorite color anon!! hello!! lovely to see you again <33
and lovely colors!! the color of the sky right before it goes all black is gorgeous, i agree. though, i am curious, what site did you get your hex codes from? because when i punched them into google i got a muted seafoam green for what you said was muted lavender, and then the world wide web agreed that #ff6600 was bright orange. were those the colors you meant? because if so, nice colors, especially the seafoam one, but if not, i'm curious as to what you actually meant
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s4hana-experts · 7 months
Welche SAP-Technologien für Kundenerweiterungen gibt es?
Aufgrund der Relevanz des Themas Kundenerweiterungen, sollte auch ein Projektmanager einen Überblick haben. Es gibt verschiedene Technologien, um modifikationsfrei Kundenerweiterungen anzubieten. Modifikationen gilt es zu vermeiden, da diese Einflüsse auf zukünftige Updates (manuelle Nacharbeit via Transaktion SPAU) und SAP-seitigen Support bzw. deren Wartung haben. Die im Standard verfügbaren…
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stockinvesthub · 2 years
European Time Uplifting Bitcoin’s Price – The Coin Republic
European Time Uplifting Bitcoin’s Price – The Coin Republic
No Result View All Result © Copyright 2022. The Coin Republic Are you sure want to unlock this post? Unlock left : 0YesNo Are you sure want to cancel subscription? YesNo 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 .jeg_sidecontent #jeg_sidecontent .sidecontent_postwrapper,.jeg_sidecontent #jeg_sidecontent { background-color : #ffffff; } body { –j-body-color : #5b626e; –j-accent-color : #ff6600; –j-alt-color :…
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taropancakesys · 3 years
and in other news, i finished my pngtuber! im so close to being able to stream,,,, i just have to figure out How Streamlabs
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