pinknatural · 9 days
Cas has his hand aglow with grace, preparing to smite his phone, when suddenly a hand wraps around his wrist. The light fades and he looks up at Dean, who is reached across the kitchen table looking vaguely panicked. 
“Woah, buddy, hold your horses,” he says. “What’d your phone do this time?”
”It broke,” Cas says in disgust, showing Dean the screen. It is dark and frozen, with words across it proclaiming that it is “locked” for five minutes, due to “too many failed password attempts”. Infernal thing. Cas is pretty sure cellular phones are the work of demons, which would explain why it is difficult to use and also extremely addicting. Candy Crush, in particular, is certainly demonic work. Emojis were probably invented by a human, which would explain why they’re so delightful.
“Well,” Dean says. “Looks to me like you forgot your password, except that I know you don’t have a password. Did you set one on accident?”
“How would I have done that?” Cas demands. To be quite honest, he thought his phone simply didn’t come with a password. 
“Under ‘settings’ or ‘general’, or something,” Dean says. Cas shakes his head. The only apps he goes on are the texting one, and Candy Crush. And Pinterest. He spends far too much time on Pinterest. 
“Well, then, it’s a stumper,” Dean says. He takes another bite of his scrambled eggs. Cas glares at his phone. 
Sam comes into the kitchen, whistling cheerfully. He goes to the fridge and starts to pull out his kale and almond milk and whatever else he puts in his post-run kale smoothies. He’s dressed in flannel and jeans, and his hair is wet, so Cas supposes he must have showered already. 
“Sammy, do you know why Cas’ phone would lock him out? He doesn’t even have a password.”
“Oh, yeah,” Sam says, turning around to face the table and snapping his fingers. “I gave you one.”
“What?” Cas says. 
“It’s not very secure to not have one,” Sam says. “What if someone steals your phone? Or you leave it somewhere?”
Cas has forgotten his phone on a case approximately eleven times. Apparently Dean has never told this to Sam. Suddenly, leaving his phone behind so much seems less embarrassing and more of a wonderful secret that he and Dean share. He looks at Dean, but his face is steady and he’s still facing Sam. 
“And you just didn’t tell him you locked him out of his own phone?”
“I literally set it an hour ago,” Sam says, rolling his eyes. “I didn’t think he’d notice!”
It’s possible Sam doesn’t know about Dean and Cas’ routine of sitting together and eating breakfast, Dean scrolling his phone for cases and Cas scrolling through wedding inspiration on Pinterest, but that seems impossible, for this time is as holy as church. He squints at Sam. 
“So what is the password?” he asks. 
“I just made it 123456,” Sam says, raising his hands defensively. “But you should change it to something else.” 
Dean rounds on Cas, eyebrow raised. “And you didn’t guess that?”
“How would I know to guess that?” He had mainly guessed things like 888888 or 333333. 
“Ugh,” Dean says, dropping his fork onto his eggs. “Ok, Steve Jobs, put in your new password and I’ll help you get set up.”
Cas enters the password. Sam rattles around in the pantry. Dean leans across the table. Cas tilts his phone toward him. 
“Go to Settings,” Dean instructs, pointing at the gray gears in the top corner of Cas’ phone screen. Cas taps it and follows Dean’s directions into the “passcode” section. He has to enter Sam’s absurd password one more time to change it.
“What should I change it to?” he asks. 
“I dunno,” Dean says. “A lot of people use a date or something.”
“Is yours?” Cas knows Dean’s password, of course, but he thought it was a random string of numbers that had come with his phone. Why he thought his phone didn’t come with one while Dean’s did he doesn’t know, but it was easier without a password and so it never bothered him. 
“Yeah,” Dean says. Cas tilts his head. 
“Why October 22, ‘69?” he asks. Dean grins. Sam groans. To be honest, Cas had forgotten Sam was even in the room.
“Led Zeppelin II’s release date,” Dean says. “The day ‘Ramble On’ came into the world. Best day ever.”
Cas develops a new appreciation for October 22, if not just because Dean likes it. 
“Plus I wanted to put 69 in my password,” Dean says, winking outrageously. Sam pretends to vomit. “Sammy over there likes to rotate his password out,” Dean says. He rolls his eyes. “Always between sappy shit like my birthday and Dad’s birthday and Mom’s birthday.”
“Whatever,” Sam says. “Normal people use birthdays or anniversaries, Dean. You’re the freak here.”
“Sounds like something a little bitch would say,” Dean says, winking at Cas. Cas looks down at his phone, hiding a little smile. 
“Jerk,” Sam says, and then he turns on the blender. 
Cas should use a birthday, he supposes. But he does not have one of his own to use. He wants to make it Dean’s birthday. He glances up at Dean, who is jokingly exchanging nasty expressions with Sam. He imagines one of those expressions turned onto him, and looks back at his phone. Perhaps 012479 would be too revealing. He looks at Dean again, and then types in a number. 
Sam turns off the blender and Dean turns back to Cas. 
“So?” he says. “Think of something?”
”Yes,” Cas says. “091808.” He likes those numbers in his mouth. 
“What’s that?” Sam says. 
“Just a random number,” Cas says. For some reason, he doesn’t want Sam to know.
”I guess you met us in ‘08,” Sam muses. 
“I suppose,” Cas says. He looks at Dean. His beautiful face is kind of frozen, cheeks dusted with red. Their eyes meet. Dean’s flush deepens. Cas stares at him. 
Somewhere behind them, Sam bottles his smoothie and leaves the kitchen, muttering about research. Cas doesn’t look away from Dean. 
“Good numbers,” Dean croaks out eventually. “Cool…password. Uncrackable.” He stands, gabbing his plate and dropping it in the sink before running out of the room. Cas looks back down at his phone, smiling at the screen, and absurdly pleased that Dean recognized the numbers at all.  
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doomzday-zone · 4 months
FOR THE ASK GAME!!! 6, 11, 12 <33
6. favorite thing to draw?
infinite<33333 NJDSNCJKDNKJ furries<3 specifically dogs but ive been obsessed w n drawn animals almost exclusively my entire life i love me a funny creature :3 im big into speculative biology esp in horror n sci-fi contexts, so like. ANY TYPE of weird animalish creature im hugeeeee fan of drawing i luv thinking abt alien anatomy..... so like: furries<333 aliens<3333 alternate fucked up beasts n the likes<333333 and blood n guts >:3
11. do you listen to anything while drawing?
YESSS it feels weird to draw in silence i need bg noise for 95% of all tasks i do lol. usually i listen to music that itches my brain/inspires me in that moment r watch video essays!
12. describe your process while drawing
hrmmmm, i think my process is pretty simple kjnjkjbk usually when i go to draw ik likeee kind of know what i want to draw? if i dont have a clue ill just start doodling different characters/shapes i like to draw r have thought about recently. but otherwise its just, drawing approximately what i see in my head, n making changes where i see fit n whatnot. im a VERY VERY visual thinker n have eyeballed shit all my life so like i really do just wing it for the most part jdjcdkjbjcbj
i spin 3d characters n environments around in my mind until i get a frame i like/looks interesting and then. draw. i wish i could go into more detail here but in all honesty i try not to think too much when i draw. BJCDBJCVJBDJJ
in terms of like how i actually go about drawing things ummmm !!!!! i do REALLY messy sketches w a bigger brush, just trying to position elements n get proportions down and the rest is sortof a drawn out cleanup process. i erase a lot when i draw n often block out entire shapes getting the silhouette/contours of the subject done first and then erase inside the lines where needed and add details! i value being able to draw fast and efficiently while also telling a story n i def think that shows a lot in my works n how i go about drawing !
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aemiron-main · 2 years
the creel sequences making me insane today <<<<<333333 I’m on my last braincell trying to piece this shit together. There’s so much weird shit going on like what the fuck!!!!
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Why does Henry seem to have some sort of sheet over his body but not covering his face when Victor gets arrested??? And why doesn’t Alice seem to have one?? She doesn’t seem to, it seems like we can still see the purple of her dress.
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And sure they put sheets over dead bodies but a.) they didn’t cover Henry’s face which they usually do with dead bodies, and b.) HENRY WASNT FUCKING DEAD!!!!!!!!! Why the fuck didn’t they immediately get him medical attention??? There’s THREE cops there, one of which is just standing in the bg and there’s supposedly and in-a-coma child on the floor in critical condition and they just. Put a sheet over him from the neck down?? And just left him laying on the floor, sheet or not???? They didn’t get one of the cops to take him to a hospital??? The ambulance didn’t show up?? Did they think he was dead?? Why?? Like sure there’s not much they can do if he’s laying there unconscious but I feel like the priority should be getting him to a hospital??? Idk it just seems bizarre.
And the scene of victor getting arrested is weird in and of itself for a TON of reasons but one thing that’s weird about it is that it’s not a memory Nancy is seeing- not only was Henry supposed to be unconscious for this scene and therefore wouldn’t even have a memory to show Nancy, but Nancy also isn’t visible in the background. When victor was cradling Henry and Nancy was watching the memory, Nancy was standing in front of the door. Now? She’s not in the shot at all.
This scene of the arrest seems to be Henry’s approximation/imagining of what happened. It’s only being shown to the audience, it’s not a scene that’s being shown to Nancy- and there’s other scenes during the creel sequences that are like this too, ones that play between scenes Nancy is seeing but that she definitely didn’t see (ie one specific shot of Henry in the attic that Nancy 100% did not see) .
And another weird as fuck thing about this scene is the fact that looking at the creel crime scene photos in the newspaper, there’s a.) blood or the bed and b.) Victor’s initials written in blood on the wall. And yet, when Max and Lucas etc explore the creel house, the bedsheets are messy, but have no blood, and the bloody initials on the wall arent present anywhere either.
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And yet another weird thing: they didn’t show us Victor’s memories of getting arrested. He doesn’t talk about it at all. It’s such a strange way for ST to present this to us- why not simply show us Victor’s memories of being arrested during his retelling? Why take the bizarrely long and complicated route of “us seeing victor get arrested supposedly during Henry’s memory sequence but he was unconscious and doesn’t even have these memories so it’s just his best approximation and also Nancy Was seeing his memories but isn’t seeing this one, only the audience is seeing it”?
And yet ANOTHER weird thing that I mentioned the other day: who the hell called the cops? Did Victor call them on himself? If so, did they just. Not notice the bizarre lack of blood on the walls despite that later being used as evidence to convict Victor? Why didn’t they immediately take Henry for medical attention? I’m not convinced that the whole “victor gets arrested,” scene actually happened the way we’ve been led to think it did. I think there’s way more at play here, including Brenner’s presence and the lab in general’s presence (because how the hell did Brenner get ahold of Henry after the murders anyway?) and I think that this scene of Victor getting arrested is likely Henry’s best guess at what happened.
And also- it’s so strange to me that during the scene at the dinner table in the sequence with Nancy/Henry’s memories, Henry talks as if he was acting in self defense, as if he had no choice but to act, and that it was almost spur of the moment. But then, the next second, he’s acting like he planned it all out when he’s talking about victor being arrested. But if he supposedly planned it all out, then why did he a.) look confused when the radio turned on during the sequence with Nancy and b.) during Victor’s memories sequence, why did he look scared at the door & why was he doing nervous hand motions?
Anyway! The creels make me insane and I need to finish the full analysis!
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radioactivecatboy · 1 year
🗣️ 📝
hello eulie my beloved friend eulie. cracks my knuckles.
🗣 talk about your favorite WIP:
okay this is a hard one actually bc i actively have approximately 178 million wips going on at any given moment bc i have thoughts and ideas and opinions Always and Forever. i'll be popping out of the ground at my funeral with a finger raised to say "and another thing!" but i think . i will talk abt my good beloved close personal friend "nicholas d. wolfwood's guide to making the most of second chances" which i have talked to you extensively about but by fucking god. i will do it again.
so this is a fic i've been working on for uhhhhh. idk whenever it was that i finished trimax. couple months at least. it's about wolfwood literally clawing his way out of his grave a couple weeks after being buried, and having a really normal and fine time about it. it's very much focused on wolfwood and him trying to learn how to be a person and not a weapon, about him being loved with the blood on his hands, being held and soothed and treated like a child again because he lost so much time after going with eom. there's a lot of like, scrabbling for normalcy in a time of upheaval, what with the earth federation being there and knives no longer being a threat to him personally or the planet itself. it's also about me hitting him with the chronic pain beam and giving him a cane. bc i love to project <3
📝 share a snippet of an unposted wip, with or without context
here's a snippet of said fic <3. enjoy. content warning for uh, bugs and paranoia and also panic attack. um gore? oh also vomiting. sorry. also it's long bc i just enjoy this bit. it sucks so bad <3333
Consumed by thoughts of getting rid of the vile taste in his mouth, he turns the corner into the bathroom and jolts in shock at the sight of someone else already there. Oh. It’s not another person. It’s him.  Wolfwood stares at his reflection like it’s a predator he needs to be prepared to field an attack from, something venomous and hungry with slitted eyes and cold, scaly skin. But it’s not. It’s just him.  He looks like shit. His clothes are riddled with bullet holes and stained brown with dried, dead blood, stiff with it. They’re coming apart at the seams, too, like something was having a nibble while he slept under the sand. The thought makes his stomach roil and the image keeps building on itself. His flesh decaying, burrowed into, turned into the home of flies and maggots, being made food and cradle both— He collapses on his knees and vomits, nothing coming up but stomach acid because the last time he ate was before he fucking died. He stays like that a long time, bent over and shivering, gagging occasionally when a new image enters his mind, each one more terrible than the last. By the time he can sit up again he’s clawing at his clothes before he can process what he’s doing, knowing only that he needs to see his skin, measure the damage, find out what was consuming his body while he wasn’t in it, certain beyond certain he’s going to be a mess of tattered flesh and exposed bone. Fabric finally gives way and— Smooth skin greets him, touched only by hair and dry blood, and that was there before he died. He paws at it, running frantic, confused hands over it, twisting to inspect himself, touching at where he can’t see. It’s all smooth. There’s no white, writhing pockets of spilling maggots or beetles skittering between holes in him to root around in his organs. There’s no gaping wounds or flashes of chalky bone. There’s not even any scars. 
thank you for asking eulie <333333
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awearywritersworld · 8 months
Oh my gosh I read your little blurb and I had to take a minute my face was so flushed 🫣🫣🫣. Sukuna encouraging reader to go deeper and rewarding her with thrusts?! I'm *phew*
I think you did amazing Mona🩷
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you are so kind my dearest cloud anon!!! i still feel shy about posting it hehehehe i don't think it will make its way into my regularly scheduled programming, but it was fun to give it a try!!!
anyway i hope you have the best day ever!!!!!!<333333 i'm sending approximately 8 smooches ur way
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5, 6, 8, 12 and 13 for the fic asks?
Thank you! <33333333
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of? oooh, tough one. I'm proud of all of them, but I think perhaps My Heart Is An Empty Vessel, for being a long, sustained chaptered fic and finished. And for having sparked a series which is currently standing at over 50 fics (most of them one-shots but still). :)
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily? When it's working, it all comes easily - whoever's talking is talking and I just scuttle along behind writing it all down. When it's not working, everything is difficult. XD
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write? Kind of linked to question 6 - when it's working, they're all easy, because whoever's talking is talking and they're telling me everything I need to know. Legolas is always a joy to write, however, as is Sigrid (I think they're probably most similar to me...)
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about. Well, for the first time in approximately ever, I know what needs to happen in Break You But You'll Mend, having had a revelation or two the other day. I haven't the energy to write any of it just now, but I do at least know how to navigate the plotlines it's sprouted. Sort of. XD
13. First fandom you ever wrote for? X-Men comics, in the autumn of 2002. I read a particularly dramatic run of X-treme X-Men and had to write down how I was feeling about how it was resolved. It turned into a between-the-panels thing filling in the gaps of what wasn't said/made clear, and that's been pretty much the story of everything else I've ever written. It's here, and I'm still proud of it.
Thank you for asking! <333333 Anyone else fancy asking me some fic questions? (I've answered 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17, 22, 29 and 32 so far)
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thatnumbersix · 2 years
[hey. hey six. just maybe on the off chance you get any ideas, if you try to see your kids and whatever the fuck you and art are at this point on your own, you'll be.... super fucked up after going through. my love already made an approximation on what it'd do to you and it's not fucking pretty, so don't fucking try it. thanks mate - brutus]
…okay, i guess? i wasn’t-
what the hell
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darlingpwease · 1 year
a) ?? Really??? How so???
b) ...? That was smooth?? Dove, if thats so, then a mountain may as well be a smooth triangle /t
c) shhh shhshshhshhh hush, the time I responded and the time it will take you do not matter <33 no need to leave <<333
Ah, I hate that stuffy humid heat (; ;) I wish you luck in enduring that 🫡🫡 yes yes, doves definitely do not deserve such a life, poor thing,, /t /j
Oh? :OO Seriously tho, don't worry about time, not only I, but I bet many others would be fine with waiting :))
¹I do!! I also saw that they came back!! :DD 🎉🎉
also congrats on ur blog now being 2 years old!!
-panna cotta
a) star told you the same thing when you first sent the asks sjdhhdh. I remember it, it was one of your several conversations; you then asked if it was okay for you to call the star — "star". and the words are also about the same, which is funny<33333 /affectionate /hj
b) for you<3 smooth maintain & smooth triangle<333 /t /j
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<333333 believe me, bully, for your usual words, it was incredibly smooth. I will even attach to you a more detailed description of what I think about your usual speech from another post~
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so yes, very smooth~ <33333 /t /j
c) ... now repeat it to yourself in the mirror ten times and stop apologizing, because every time you apologize for the long absence of an answer, while I have them stored for weeks, I feel like my dead conscience comes to life AND I don't like it!!! we need an arc of corruption, not an arc of rehabilitation!!! <////3 stop acting like a good polite panna cotta!!! what if the writebabies will take an example from you!!! /t /j /affectionate /it's okay, you can take as much time as you want, no one can put pressure on you, even you yourself, boo~
right??? it feels like you're in a deep fryer when you're sweating unrealistically and the steam doesn't evaporate because of the moisture around, and you're walking very wet and hot, BUT not in an attractive way!!!! 3:<<< I've always hated summer, but the way it manages to deepen this hatred is admirable, even I don't know how 3:<<<<<
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this is how the original message looked like<33333 awwww I love you too, honey~ mwah mwah♡ /t /j
to be honest, I myself hate waiting and hate forcing others to wai, so I try to do everything as quickly as possible, so to hear this,,,, you are definitely too good for an ordinary person<////3 such patience is something I will never achieve,,,, cutie<3333
¹ yes he is!!! <33333 our little lost meow meow~
don't worry, we will celebrate our little anniversary too~ there is information in the archive about when you approximately got the name, in the end, we have to at least try to become CLOSE one day /t /j /hsrs /affectionate
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hi! so idk anything abt what this looks like on mobile, but when viewing your blog on desktop sometimes there are words that show up in a dark font and can't be read very easily (vs the regular white font) For example in your pinned post "General Rules", a section in rule 5, two in 6, and two sections in 8 are a hex # of 333333(slightly dif for the italics) and hex # aebbc for the reg text. (approximately) Just wanted to let you know in case you didn't know, thanks!
We've tried fussing with the code a bit to fix it when we first picked this theme, but nothing seemed to work 😭 We'll try and mess with it again tomorrow, we admittedly completely forgot to come back to it. Thank you for reminding us!
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tinalus-blog · 5 years
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Channel Islands Sea Cave Kayak Tour – by the Santa Barbara Adventure Company
Santa Barbara’s 34th International Film Festival – February 1 – 9
 – by the Santa Barbara Wine Country Tours
Valentine’s Day (or weekend) in Wine Country 
Surf Lessons – by the Santa Barbara Adventure Company 
Santa Barbara Arts & Crafts Show – Every Sunday
First Thursday — February 7, 2019
Downtown Santa Barbara Farmers Market — every Saturday and Tuesday
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captainlenfan · 5 years
USA Smart Watch with GSM Locator Touch Screen Tracker SOS for Kids Children
New Post has been published on https://fitnesstech.website/product/usa-smart-watch-with-gsm-locator-touch-screen-tracker-sos-for-kids-children/
USA Smart Watch with GSM Locator Touch Screen Tracker SOS for Kids Children
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Kid Smart Watch Anti-lost GPS SOS Call Camera Waterproof Safe LBS Tracker Wrist
Features: 1. Accurate Location We use LBS Base Station location for accurate position. 2. Safe Incoming Calls After  setting SOS Family number, Contacts, Telephone numbers in the APP, kids  can only receive calls from the setting numbers. Not from STRANGER! Kids can press SOS or familiarity number button to call you! 3. Walkie Talkie By  this function, you can have voice conversation between smart watch and  app. Send voice message over app or watch recording message send to  phone’s app all is available! 4. Safty Zone The Min.fence radius is within 500 meters,if the watch user walked out of the range,your phone will received and alert. 5. Love Reward Select  the number of the hearts on the app and click the determine ,then the  information will be sent to the watch, you can check the related data  through the APP. 6. History Route Path query in the your children’s historical activities by the choose the periond. 7. Find the watch If  the watch is not nearby, send this command, the watch will start to  ring for 1 mins so that you can easily find it, press any button will  stop the ringer. 8. Message Alert a. Low-voltage remind b. SOS remind If you set the telephone number in the APP’s “SMS alerts setting”, you will received message when occur the above 3 conditions. 9. Listen to kids If you miss your baby, you can listen to them without disturbing them. 10. Remote Shutting Down You can remote controlled the smart watch power off via APP. 11.Quick learning The kids can play the sample Mathematical games by the watch 12.Flashlight The will a LED flashlight for you when you in the darkness. 13.Camera You can remote control the camera by app to see the kids location.
Specification: Frequency:GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz Body Memory: 32MB+32MB Applicable System: For Apple IOS ,Android Screen Size: 1.44″ Waterproof Level: IP67 Waterproof(Life Waterpoof) Wireless Distance: unlimited distance Mode of Operation: Touch Screen + Button Tracker Model: LBS base station tracker Gsm Positioning Accuracy: 50-200mm Speed Accuracy: 0.1m/s Battery Capacitry: 3.7V 400mA SIM Card Type: Micro SIM Card Weight: 0.12kg Type:Waterproof&Non Waterproof Package Details: 1 * Kids  Watch with box  (Without Sim Card) 1 * User  Manual 1 * Charge Cable
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mcarfield · 6 years
new anon fic (yayyyy)!
Written for this prompt, because I couldn’t resist: “Our mutual friend apparently has been waiting for us to get together and so they’re very angry/disappointed/upset when they find out that the reason we kissed last night was because we were black-out drunk, but hey I actually do like you so how’s lunch sound after we’re done being hungover and can actually stand being in the sunlight?”
[omg anon you have no idea how much i love this and how delighted i was to get this giant dose of romance in my inbox! also we are on the same wavelength, i’m writing them sleepy and cuddly right now, too, so i loved reading this even more <3 yayyyyy it’s so great, thank youuuuu <333333]
On the last day of 2017, James finds himself on the balcony of Andrew’s West Village apartment, looking down at the street below and contemplating how he ended up here, in the apartment of the guy who played Spiderman and holding a joint handed to him by someone he swears was in the last Spielberg movie. 
The door behind him opens and suddenly he can hear the party going on inside; someone has put on the Talking Heads and they’ve turned it all the way up, pushing the couches aside for a dance floor.
“There you are.” James turns to see Andrew himself poking his head through the door. “Denise is looking for you.”
“I know,” James says and Andrew grins at him, glancing behind him before stepping fully outside and sliding the door shut behind him. Andrew steps closer, coming to lean against the railing, tucking his hands under his arms, and hunching his shoulders up. “She wants me to do shots.”
“That doesn’t sound like Denise,” says Andrew, regarding James dubiously.
“That’s because you’ve never seen her after being on break for a few months and about to start work again,” says James, twisting around so his back is against the railing and he’s in line with Andrew, both looking through the glass door and watching the party. 
“So no shots tonight?” Andrew asks, turning to face James, eyes dancing.
“No,” says James emphatically. “Don’t even think about it.”
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t make you to do anything you didn’t want,” says Andrew and something about his tone makes James’s face go hot despite the fact that it’s nearly negative ten degrees out. “Care to share?” he asks, gaze flickering down to the still lit joint between James’s fingers. James hold his hand out and Andrew plucks it from his fingers, raising it to his lips to take a long drag. He leans his head back, closes his eyes, and exhales slowly. James’s eyes are inexplicably drawn to Andrew’s long neck and he can’t seem to look away, at least not until Andrew opens his eyes and turns his head to face James, handing the joint back. “Thanks,” he says softly.
James just shrugs in response and takes a drag, wondering why his heart is hammering so hard when just minutes ago he had been the only kind of relaxed he ever gets when he smokes. He catches movement out of the corner of his eye, but it’s just Andrew shivering. He’s been looking at James the entire time, though studying may be a better word, and it unmoors him. 
“Christ, aren’t you cold?” he asks, pulling his own coat tighter around his body. 
“Fucking freezing,” says Andrew, his breath visible in the cold air. 
“You’re a bloody fool,” mutters James, unwrapping the scarf around his neck and coming to stand before Andrew so he can tug him closer, wrapping the scarf around his shoulders. “Why’d you come outside?”
“Keep you company,” replies Andrew before adding, “You’ll be cold,” with a pout as James adjusts the scarf around him.
“I have a coat, you twit,” says James. “I’ll be fine.”
“Such a gentleman,” says Andrew, looking at him with a soft look in his eye, so soft it makes James want to melt into him, though that might just be the weed. They stand there for a beat, just looking at each other in the eye before Andrew blinks twice and steps away. “Thank you for the scarf,” he says, his voice strange. “But it’s fucking cold out here.”
“Here, last puff for good luck,” James says, holding the joint out. Andrew’s arms are tucked under the scarf, so James brings it to his lips instead of handing it over. It’s burned down to the filter nearly and James’s fingers brush against Andrew’s lips as he inhales, looking James in the eye the whole time. “Ready to ring in 2018 now?”
“Definitely,” Andrew says, grinning at him widely. “Let’s get inside.”
The warm air from the heat and from the bodies packed into Andrew’s apartment hits them like a wall and Andrew visibly relaxes, unwrapping himself and draping the scarf around James’s neck, still holding onto the ends. 
There’s a quick moment where James thinks he’s going to pull both ends and drag James’s lips to his but it passes as quickly as it came and Andrew is dropping his hands to his side, leaving James confused over his over the unmistakable sense of disappointment that floods him.
“See you in an hour,” says Andrew with a wink and he disappears into the depths of the party before James can ask what he means. He brushes it aside, because trying to decipher what Andrew means when he sends him cryptic winks with even more cryptic words is not how James wants to spend the last hour of 2017. 
So he finds Denise and some of the new makeup team to get well and truly drunk enough to ring in the new year and to forget whatever lines he’s blurring with Andrew despite the fact that he knows better. They dance to whatever Nate puts on and he doesn’t see Andrew until approximately 11:56. He jumps a foot in the air when Andrew comes up behind him, snaking his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. 
“Hi,” James says through a laugh, twisting his head so he can look at him. 
“Hi,” says Andrew, looking blissfully relaxed.
“Enjoying your party?” asks James.
Andrew nods, gripping James’s hips so he can spin him around. They’re face to face now and just as James thinks Andrew is going to let his arms fall to his side and step back so they can hold a conversation, Andrew settles his arms around James’s waist. At first, James is unsure what to do but when he sees the look on Andrew’s face, he raises his arms to wind them around Andrew’s neck loosely. 
“I wanted to ring in the new year with my boyfriend,” says Andrew and the word sends a jolt through James; he prays Andrew didn’t feel it and it seems like he didn’t because his expression hasn’t changed, just the same playful yet calm face looking back at him. 
“Not with your friends?” asks James. Andrew looks affronted.
“You are my friend,” he says and it sends a warm feeling through James. He had known, all through the run in London and during the break when they occasionally texted, that they were more than just colleagues or costars. But there’s something in the tenderly earnest expression on Andrew’s face that gives him pause. “In fact…I’d say you’re one of my closest friends. And—“
“One minute!” comes someone’s voice across the room and Andrew’s head snaps to look across the room. James moves to untangle himself from Andrew.
“Go find your New Year’s kiss,” James says, taking a step back. Andrew frowns at him, like he’s thinking very hard all of the sudden, working through his options. He tilts his head to the side. James glances at the clock behind Andrew. There’s thirty seconds to midnight and Andrew shows no signs of moving. 
“James…” mimics Andrew, lips curling upwards. “I don’t need a New Year’s kiss.”
“Stupid tradition, after all,” says James, suddenly feeling rather winded.
“I agree,” Andrew says, except then everybody is counting down and just before midnight, Andrew steps forward and brushes his lips against James’s, soft and quick. “There. Starting the New Year off right.” 
Everyone around them is celebrating, kissing and hugging everyone else, except James finds himself pulled forward like the opposite end of a magnet, his hand cupping the back of Andrew’s neck so he can pull his lips back to his. Andrew is frozen against him and James breaks away, an apology ready on his tongue, except Andrew chases his lips and they’re kissing again, except for real this time, and Andrew’s arms are tightening around James and James feels as though the sound around them is muted as Andrew moves his lips against his effortlessly. He buries his hand in Andrew’s hair, drawing a muffled moan from Andrew that serves to wake them up. 
When they move away, James catches sight of the clock. Barely a minute has passed yet he feels like he’s lost his footing completely in that minute. 
“Happy New Year, James,” says Andrew and James is at least grateful that he sounds as dazed as James feels. Andrew pats James’s cheek softly and grins slowly at him. “See you later.” And he melts back into the party around him again. James turns, swallows hard, and makes a beeline for the bar. 
The next time he sees Andrew is around five am, when the majority of the party has dispersed and only his closest friends and a couple members of the Angels cast remain. Denise is curled up on the couch with a friend of Andrew’s, Nate is making eggs in the kitchen with someone James doesn’t recognize, and Susan and Andrew are playing cards on the floor beside the couch. 
“Good New Year?” asks Denise when James comes to take Andrew’s friend’s spot on the couch beside her, letting his head fall back against the back of the couch, eyes closed. He hums his assent and nods half-heartedly. 
“Probably his best yet,” says Susan from the floor. Andrew glances up to look at them and James raises his head to send her a quizzical look. “Given all that…” She waves her hand vaguely. 
“Given what?” asks James and Denise snorts.
“I’d say we all might be more excited than you about it,” she says with a smirk. Nate lets out a chuckle from the kitchen.
“I’m not following,” James says, unsure if it’s because he’s in that twilight transition between being high and being sober or if it’s because they really are making no sense.
“I mean you two,” says Susan, gesturing at Andrew. 
“Sorry?” Andrew says, frowning deeply. Susan rolls her eyes.
“Don’t play dumb, it doesn’t suit you, darling,” she says fondly. 
“I wasn’t aware I was playing dumb,” he mutters.
“Given that you two stopped tiptoeing around it and got together,” says Denise, taking pity on them both. Andrew’s gaze darts to James, his eyes wide and startled, but he looks away before James can even react, looking down.
“We’re not,” says James, coughing into his hand and feeling his neck heat up, the red spreading from his cheeks to his ears. 
“Oh,” says Susan, looking contemplative.
“No way,” Denise says, pulling a pout.
“What?” asks James defensively, tucking his chin against his chest.
“No way do you two kiss at midnight on New Years and act like it means nothing,” she says heatedly and if he weren’t so disconcerted, he’d laugh at the comically stormy look on her face. 
“We’re friends,” says Andrew, his voice small and James won’t look at him, he won’t. 
“‘Friends,’” Denise scoffs. 
“I was drunk, he plays my boyfriend,” says James with a shrug, hoping he sounds less overwhelmed than he feels. 
Denise looks between them, looking astonished and incredulous all at once. “Men,” she says impatiently before shaking her head and pulling herself off the couch so she can go join Nate in the kitchen. Susan lets out a little laugh before getting to her feet too. She leans down to kiss Andrew’s cheek and whispers something in his ear that James can’t catch. Whatever it is, it leaves Andrew looking stricken.
Then just like that, they’re alone in the living room. 
“Want to go get breakfast?” asks Andrew suddenly, breaking the silence. James turns to face him, unable to wipe the confounded look from his face.
“It’s five am, Andrew,” says James and once more, he really feels that it’s five am. He hasn’t stayed up after a party like this in what feels like an age and suddenly all he wants is to be curled up in his own bed sixty blocks north. Andrew shifts closer so he’s leaning against the couch and he’s looking up from James, chin resting on James’s knee. 
“Then go home and take a nap,” says Andrew. “And meet me for breakfast later.”
“Rain check?” says James against his own wishes. He feels weary with it all. It doesn’t help that Andrew doesn’t mask the flash of disappointment that flits across his features, like James has just dealt him a catastrophic blow. It almost makes him want to take it back, to lift Andrew into his arms and kiss him until that look disappears. 
The thought takes James by surprise. He recognizes—vaguely—that he was the one that kissed Andrew five hours earlier and that it wasn’t the first time that he thought about kissing him. But those thoughts only arise when he’s high or drunk or both and they’re always unbidden. He’s never given them much thought. This play, Tony’s words, they’re intoxicating and James knows better than to let them completely take control. So he gives Andrew an apologetic smile and ruffles his hair for good measure. 
Except then Andrew goes and says, “So get breakfast with me another day. Any day.”
“I’m not stupid,” says Andrew, straightening and coming to sit on the couch, a respectable distance from James. “I’m not.”
“I know,” says James. “I never thought you were.”
“Good,” says Andrew. “I’m not naive either. Or maybe I am, but I know it’s not in my head. And I know you’re rationalizing it right now. But you kissed me, James. I know you’re telling yourself it’s because we’re just close friends and comfortable with each other and that it’s the play confusing us and you were drunk or high or whatever. I know you well enough to know that you’re trying to make it seem like it wasn’t anything, just a slip. But I also know you well enough to know you’re not that idiotic and even you can’t pretend that this isn’t something.
“The fact of the matter is,” says Andrew pensively, like he hasn’t just dropped a bomb right in James’s lap. “I’m not straight. And I don’t think it’s the play telling me that. And I have come to the realization that I quite like kissing you and I’d like to do it some more. Preferably offstage. Alone. So after you wipe that adorable thunder-struck look on your face, realize you want this too and we’re both at least marginally less hungover, come get breakfast with me. Or lunch, or dinner. Go on a date with me, James McArdle. And for once in your life, don’t overthink it.”
“You really don’t miss a beat, do you?” says James, amused. Andrew shakes his head. “You’re just…You just say those things and…“
“You weren’t ever going to say it,” says Andrew with a shrug. “I took it upon myself.”
“That you did,” says James, exhaling slowly. “It’s just…There’s so much to think about. There’s the play starting soon, and you’re a fucking movie star. We can’t just…do a test drive.”
“Why not?” asks Andrew, catching his lip between his teeth as he looks at James and bringing his hand to rest on James’s thigh. “I’m very good at sneaking.”
“But previews start in a few weeks and we can’t fuck this, Andrew, it’s New York and Angels and we can’t—“
“Shut up a minute about the play,” says Andrew. “What do you want? Do you want to go on a date with me? Don’t think—“
“Fine, yes,” James snaps finally, interrupting Andrew before he can really think. “All right? I do.”
“That’s all I wanted to hear,” says Andrew, a smile growing. He moves an inch towards James so he’s pressed to James’s side and he looks at him hesitantly, like he’s asking a question. James isn’t sure what the question is, but he nods anyway and Andrew moves closer again, brushing his nose against James’s, and it makes James inhale sharply. Andrew smiles again at his reaction and takes that as his cue, slanting his lips over James’s. 
And all the tension leaves James’s body and he forces himself to think only of this feeling, of having Andrew tucked into his side and his soft lips against his. His hand comes up Andrew’s back, coming to rest at the back of his neck so he can pull him closer and Andrew responds by bringing his legs up to rest across James’s. Andrew’s body is warm and pliant against him, sending a wave of unbridled joy and contentment through James. They’re both too tired for anything but this slow and blissful kissing and Andrew smiles lazily when he pulls away, resting his head against James’s forehead. 
“I’m going to kick everyone from the apartment,” says Andrew, though he doesn’t move to do so. “And you’re going to have the best goddamn nap of your life, James McArdle.” James chuckles against him, running his thumb across Andrew’s jaw. 
“Show me the way,” says James, gesturing with his arm and Andrew grins at him languidly, swinging his legs off the couch and extending his hand for James to take, which he does. They duck quietly past the last dregs of the party into Andrew’s bedroom and Andrew guides him over to the bed, kicking off his shoes before curling into the blankets.
James hesitates for a moment, watching as Andrew lets his eyes fall shut, head nestled into the pillows, and he glances to the space beside him. When he doesn’t move, Andrew cracks an eye open to look at James. He pats the space beside him and looks at James imploringly. It works. 
James toes off his shoes and doesn’t bother to strip himself of his clothes, too fatigued to do anything but lie beside Andrew. Andrew, unsurprisingly, reacts instantly and closes the space between them, throwing an arm over James’s abdomen and a leg across his. He pulls James closer so that he’s wrapped fully around him and James falls asleep quicker than he has in months.
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scrawlingskribbles · 6 years
jfc now how am I gonna sleep if my brain’s gonna be looping Dog of Wisdom for the next approximately-6hrs now hhdhfdshfsdf;;;; x,333333
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bcreaycong · 4 years
Aroma Air Purifier Freshener Revitalizer to Goyang Seongnam South Korea distributors retailers from guangzhou olans
h3 style=”margin: 0px;padding: 0px 0px 6px 1px;color: #333333;overflow: hidden;font-family: arial;font-size: 14px”>Car Aroma Air Purifier / Freshener / Revitalizer to Goyang Seongnam South Korea distributors retailers from guangzhou olans .
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1 Specification& function
Speccification Product name 6-Stage Purification Air Purifier With Negative Anion and Humidifier Model No. OLS-K05 Negative ionic releasing(/cm3) 5*107 Rated voltage 220V(50Hz),110V(60Hz) Product size(mm) 360*195*565 Power(W) 65 Filter size(mm) 397*297 CADR(m3/H) 220 Housing material ABS from LG Sterilization 365 nm ultraviolet light Applicable area(m2) 40 PM 2.5(%) 99.5 Net weight(Kg) 6.5 Noise(dB) 18~55 (low~high) Certification CB,CE,RoHS,CQC Bacterial removal rate(%) 96.8 Control operation Panel buttons + Remote control Humidifier ultrasonic vibration humidifier Protection function dumping switch Sensor odor sensor Filter Cold catalyst,Activated carbon filter,Antibacterial non-woven filter,High-efficient HEPA filter Function&Feature 1.Remove odors, e.g. tobacco smoke,beverage smell, pet smell etc. 2.Eliminate dust, pollen, allergy, mold and Kill bacterial, virus, germs. 3.Remove formaldehyde, benzene and TVOC. 4.Clear static, increase brain oxygen,refresh body and help you breathe and sleep better and improve human immunity. 5.Auto air quality control with odor sensor and indicator. 6.Three-grade wind speed control. 7. 1~12H timer with sleeping mode. 8. 6-Stage Purifying 9. high efficient motor– quiet, low electricity consumption and 30000 hours life time.
Company Information
1 Profile
About Olans
Established in 2006, located in Guangzhou south China. Guangzhou Olans water treatment equiptments Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer and exporter of Air purifiers, Water purifiers, Water dispensers and related accessories. We own a powerful R&D team with highly qualified designers and engineers , which annually launch many new models. we provide our customers with OEM and ODM services.
Olans has achieved ISO9001:2008 Quality System Certification, the Chinese National Mandatory Product 3C Certification and the National Drinking Water Product Health Safety Certification by the Ministry of Public Health of China.
With excellent quality and sincere services, our sales volume doubles every year which enables us to develop core technology,expand our factory and purchase top class production and inspection&test equipment, and now we are one of the leading manufacturer with 11 R&D staffs, 16 sales, 50 inspectors, and more than 200 operators in 20000 square meters factory.
All for Customers, Quality First, Guide by Market,Continuous Innovation, Convenience and Utility, Reasonable Price are our philosophy. Believe we are your best choice for we will provide excellent quality and perfect service, also backed up by our powerful R&D team and ample experience with customers, we Olans People with great passion and confidence are striding forward with you to make mutual benefits and create bright future.
Why choose us
Established in 2006, accumulated approximate 10 year rich experience in air purification and water purification field, sales volume doubles every year which enables us to expand our factory and purchase top class production and inspection equipment, now we are one of the leading manufacturer in air purifiers and water purifiers.
Quality and sincere before&after-sale service is our culture. 
Company is ISO9001 certified, products are CB,CE,RoHS,CQC certified.
Locating in Guangzhou China is convenient for customers’ visiting& exporting worldwide.
 Q1: Can I get a sample,
A: Yes, you can buy a sample from us.
Q2: Which express do you use,
A: DHL, Fedex, UPS, TNT etc. according to customers’ need.
Q3: How long is the guarantee ,
A: One year guarantee for all our models.
Q4: What are the payment term,
A: TT is our default payment term, we can discuss if your have other request.
Q5: Any MOQ requirement,
A:300pcs for OEM, if neutral package, MOQ is 200pcs.
Q6: What is your main product,
A: Air purifier, water purifier, water dispenser and related accessories.
Q7: How long is your lead time for mass production,
A: Usually it’s 30 calendar days, but it depends on PO. Quantity.
Q8: What is your main market,
A: We export worldwide, currently main market is Asia, Middle east and Europe.
Source: Aroma Air Purifier Freshener Revitalizer to Goyang Seongnam South Korea distributors retailers from guangzhou olans
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Caffeine, wardrobe for dark academia asks.
(Also, is trsb a fic of yours or a fic challenge?)
Yay, thank you! <333333
VII - caffeine - tea or coffee? Coffee. Coffeecoffeecoffee. I'm drinking one right now (I've only just got up). I can't drink it after about 3 in the afternoon or I won't sleep, but I have two in the morning, one after the other, and then I'm (usually, mostly) set up for the day.
XVX - wardrobe - favourite piece of clothing and/or favourite accessory? Oooh, this is a tough one. I have, like, approximately a million band shirts, all of which I love equally, and various pairs of black skinny jeans, ditto. I love my Doc Marten tall boots with roses up the sides. I particularly love my Moomin pyjamas and have worn them to death this last year and a half while I've been working at home XD A couple of band hoodies, my Doc Marten sandals with rainbow sequins and thick soles that make me an inch or two taller...my red leather jacket oh my goodness, which I haven't worn since just after I bought it because lockdown... *flails* :D :D :D
Ahhhh. TRSB is the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang, wherein authors choose a piece of artwork for which to write a 5000+-word fic. I, like the absolute lemon I am, got overexcited and chose two, and was promptly visited by the anti-inspiration-and-motivation fairy, but I've almost finished both of them now and am hoping to get them both seen off by the end of the weekend.
Anyone else want to ask me stuff? :D
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best-fence-company · 3 years
How To Install A Vinyl Fence
Step by Step Instructions on Installing A Vinyl Fence
Installing a Vinyl fence offers the Homeowner a maintenance free product. A vinyl fence can provide safety for your children and pets, and increases the property value of your home. A vinyl fence will offer a more elegant look as apposed to a wood or chain link fence.
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American Discount Fence offers the following tips when deciding to build a fence.
How to Plan
Discuss your plans with any neighbors. Make sure your fence will be on your property and will not encroach onto your neighbor’s yard. Before digging, you must call “NJ One Call” (1-800-272-1000). Apply for the proper building permits as directed by your local code.
What is available?
Vinyl fencing comes in various styles, colors and heights of 3ft, 4ft, 54in, 5ft, & 6 ft. Vinyl fences often are used around the perimeter of the property or as a barrier around swimming pools and between property lines. Vinyl fences are generally 4-6 feet tall and can be enhanced with various post cap options.
Fence Terminology
Posts consist of 4×4 or 5×5 inch corners, ends, lines and blanks, depending on the style and layout of the fence. They are set into the ground using concrete that will provide stability for the fence.
Posts are usually set approximately 3 feet into the ground for support.
Line posts are any posts between the corner and end posts. They provide stability and attachment points for the fence sections.
Top and Bottom Rails are the horizontal supports running between posts.
Sections – the fence material connected to the top and bottom rails in between the post.
Gate – the door that provides entry in and out of the fenced area. All containment fences should have gates. Sizes can vary depending on the application. They can be mounted to swing both in or out. Most pool codes require gates to open out. Make sure the hardware meets pool code requirements (i.e. self closing hinges and an auto latch to be installed at a height of 54 inches).
Check your township for local pool installation codes before purchase and installation of a fence.
Post Caps: Cap that goes on top of the post. Many styles to choose from including lighted caps.
Site Layout
Take time to lay out the fence carefully. An incorrect measurement could result in problems later. Make provisions for widths of the fence panels and gates so you will not end up with odd-sized sections that can complicate installation.
To begin your fence installation:
Stake out your fence line from beginning to end including corners and any gates. Tie a string tautly between terminal post locations. This will define the line along which post will be attached. Be sure to measure your panels before performing the next steps. Using the same measurement as the length of your sections, stake out the line post locations. Measure on center from each corner post along the layout lines. Mark each post with a stake. Ensure that the stakes are touching the layout string so the posts will be in line. Remember to take gates into account at this stage.
Digging post holes
Using a post-hole digger or power auger, dig the holes 10 inches in diameter. The depth will depend on soil conditions in your area. Consult your local building authorities for specific regulations. A good practice is to install the post approximately 3 feet into the ground.
Setting posts
Place posts into hole (use a “post-section-post” strategy). Fill the hole with concrete. A quick- setting variety can be used to speed the process and under normal conditions, quick-setting concrete can be dry poured. Tamp the post into the concrete. Backfill soil. Plumb and level post. Install section prior to setting next post. Install end and corner posts first. Tie a string between these posts along the fence line. This will establish a reference so you can make sure the line posts are set in line. Check each post to make sure it is plumb using a level on two adjacent sides. Before the concrete sets, check plumb and alignment again and make any final adjustments.
Installing a gate
The opening for a gate between 2 posts must be 1 ½ to 2 inches wider than the gate itself, based on the hardware being used. Leave 3/4 to 1 inch of space on each side between the gate and the posts to allow for hardware clearance. We suggest using a heavy duty gate post for all gates.
Installing Post Caps
Use minimal PVC glue in one or two corners of the cap and position in place. Due not glue lighted caps in place, its better to screw them on so that they can easily be removed to change the rechargeable batteries.
We hope these step by step directions on how to install a Vinyl fence were helpful!
For more information contact an American Discount Fence Associate. Read more..
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