darklordazalin · 6 months
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Jacqueline Renier
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Domain: Richemulot Domain Formation:  694 BC Power Level: 💀💀💀⚫⚫ Sources: Ravenloft (3e), Secrets of the Dread Realms (3e), Domains and Denizens (2e), Realm of Terror (2e), Domains of Dread (2e), Gazetteer III (3e).
Most Darklords are pulled into the Mists and “gifted” a land to rule (that is also designed to torment them) after committing an act of so-called evil. Others gain such titles through the act of killing another Darklord. Why one would want eternal torment, I cannot say. Self hate? Inability to recognize where they truly are? Oh and if you are thinking of doing the same, this ploy doesn't always work. Most Darklords simply come back after they are “destroyed” as even our tormentors will not let death free us from them.
Before Jacqueline Renier became the Darklord of Richemulot, her grandfather Claude Renier was Darklord. The Renier family was chased into the Mists by a group of monster hunters and their hounds when Jacqueline was a child. Most Darklords rarely remember much, if anything, of the land they came from, our tormentors erase such things from their minds. One must not believe a lying rat when they state they remember something when all evidence points to the contrary. 
The Reniers fled into the sewers and given the choice between death and a vault filled with a mysterious Mist, they chose the Mist and Falkovnia. Death may have been the kinder option than dealing with Drakov...The Reniers lived in the sewers of Silbervas in Falkovnia for a number of years before Vlad grew tired of their antics and ran them out of his Domain and into the Mists once more. This indicates that Vlad was successful in defeating the Reniers. Now that is a family history I’m sure Lady Jacqueline doesn't wish you to know of.
The Mists created Richemulot, which is mostly made of river valleys and untamed forests with the majority of its populace living in the three large cities. There is no known history of what happened in Richemulot prior to the Reniers settling there. The cities themselves were said to be empty when they arrived and like true scavengers, instead of questioning this oddity, the people merely accepted it and took up whatever residence they wished. To this day, only about a third of the buildings in each city are occupied by humanity, the rest lie abandoned and given over to decay and the infestation of rats.
Claude ruled through fear and manipulation, bidding his rivals and relatives (often these were the same) against one another. Jacqueline and her twin sister, Louise, were his protegees and he was always encouraging competition between the two for his affection and praise. That is until Jacqueline had enough of it and had a servant send him a drink laced with lye. Each wererat in Richemulot has their own unique 'allergin' and lye was Claude's. Not that I would advise anyone to consume lye in the first place... 
Jacqueline ensured she was there as her grandfather drank the poison so she could gloat as he died. But the poison wasn’t enough for her and she also pushed him through a window where he fell through the roof of the family kennel and was half-consumed by hounds before his body was retrieved. Considering the poison killed him before he hit the ground, this was quite unnecessary and makes it far more obvious to even the casual observer who was responsible for Claude’s death.
Jacqueline is just as manipulative and cunning as her grandfather was, ruling the land through secrets and bringing down her opposition through rumors and misinformation. It is said the nobility trade more in secrets than coin in Richemulot and that a commoner may gain status by simply hearing the right rumor and knowing how to weld it. 
Instead of pitting her family against one another, Jacqueline encourages them to work together, though she herself kills anyone that appears to be working against her. Only her twin sister is the exception to this. Curious. Does Jacqueline have some form of misguided affection for her sister? Is this why she has all of Louise’s lovers and friends killed? Regardless of the reasoning, it is abundantly clear that Jacqueline does not take competition for her affections well.
She is patriotic and wishes to bring prosperity to her Domain. Of course, the prosperity she strives for would result in the end of humanity, but she does try.  Though there’s no formal militia in Richemulot, she expects all of her people to take up arms to defend the realm. So, her defense is the equivalent of untrained peasants with pitchforks. Drakov’s ever-failing attempts at conquering her Domain must be particularly crushing for the little mercenary. Still, he seems to have created enough stir in Richemulot to encourage Jacqueline to sign the Treaty of Four Towers with Borca, Dementlieu, and Mordent in defence against the war-hungry, impaling-loving idiot. 
Jacqueline’s curse is to only appear in her rat form to those she loves. A fact she discovered when she fell in love with the nobleman Henri DuBois. She attempted to inflict him with her lycanthropy but he managed to not only escape that fate, but Richemulot as well. Jacqueline, a word to the wise, if one cannot accept you in your rat form, are they really worth all this pinning and crippling monophobia?
Jacqueline is a formidable combatant, but only when she is surrounded by her allies. She can speak with rats, take mist form like a vampire, and climb along almost any surface. However, when she is alone, her monophobia cripples her to a point where she can easily be defeated.
Considering the majority of her people do not know of her wererat affliction, her mastery of manipulation and control, and easy defeat of Claude; Jacqueline is not a Darklord to be underestimated. Though, if one learns her fears she can be easily taken out by a well-placed assassin. I will grant her three skulls.
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Domain: Richemulot Domain Formation:  Unspecified (694 BC older editions) Power Level: 💀💀⚫⚫⚫ Sources: Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft (5e)
The “good” Doctor’s new guide indicates that Jacqueline is not a natural born wererat, but was inflicted with the curse instead. Does this mean one could simply cast ‘Remove Curse’ upon her person to effectively neutralize her? Or any of her family members seeing as she changed all of them herself? Our Tormentors rarely make things that easy, but a theory I encourage any with such abilities to try. 
Born into the Renier noble family, Jacqueline analyzed the changes in her city as the commoners became more wealthy. To Jacqueline this was viewed as a threat to her family’s position. Would a wealthy class of commoners abide by the rules of nobility if they have no need of them? And though Jacqueline shared her concerns with her family, the other Reniers ignored them, content with these inevitable changes.
Without her family’s assistance, Jacqueline was left to her own machinations. This eventually led her to discover a secret society of esteemed families that called themselves the Trueblood Council…which ended up being made of a bunch of filthy commoner wererats.
She was disgusted to find this filth in place of what she imagined as elite masterminds. Given the amount of gold she spent on gaining membership, perhaps she should have done a bit more research on them? Was it really THAT surprising they ended up being wererats considering their secret meeting location was the sewers? Regardless as she cursed and spit upon them, they made her into a wererat. 
Jacqueline easily adapted to her life as a wererat and swiftly infected all of the Reniers. Except for her twin sister, Louise, who resisted. For her insolence, Louise was disfigured and cast out. In order to gain control of the city, Jacqueline unified the wererats and together they created the Gnawing Plague. However, instead of becoming the savior to the people when they begged for her assistance, she let them die, finding her hatred of the commoners replaced with a hatred for all non-wererats. Who exactly are you ruling over if everyone is dead? Well, no one is the answer and the Mists took her after the last person in Richemulot died.
Now Jacqueline rules half-empty cities in the land of Richemulot, but can only maintain her rule by controlled releases of the Gnawing Plague in order to suppress those that would rise up against her. Given the apparently disposable armies of rats, wererats, and animated armor stuffed with rats she has control over, this seems an unnecessary tactic. Not to mention the populace cannot be all that intelligent given their lack of awareness of Reniers affliction. Jacqueline wears a shawl of rats, rat shoes, and a rat bracelet. Her love of rats could not be more apparent and the rats are known to be the cause of the plague.
No wonder she has no love of ruling over her idiotic populace. I doubt they pose any real challenge for her. Her torments are rather weak compared to other Darklords. She dislikes ruling, misses decadence yet causes such things to be nonexistent with her plagues and has to keep on creating plagues? I would take those anyday over what I have to endure.
Jacqueline can control and communicate any rat in her Domain and mostly uses them as spies. Otherwise, she is an inflicted wererat who has a love for creating plagues. Considering her control would easily break if the labs that created said plagues were destroyed, I consider this version of Jackie to be less powerful than in previous versions. 2.5 Skulls.
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umbra74 · 1 year
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And there is my last TES protagonist refs :D
Keera, the Hero of Kvatch She was supposed to have also her DB and Sheogorath outfits but I plan it to do seperately. Want to make Sheogorath outfit unique but familiar.
Keera Age: 34 years old Race: Argonian, Daedric Prince (as Sheogorath) Gender: Female Birth: 3E 399  Birthsign: the Thief Birthplace: Anvil, Cyrodiil Height: 5,9 ft Affiliation: Thieves Guild (formerly), Blades (associate), Dark Brotherhood (formerly), Court of Madness (as Madgod)
Parents: Deceased Children: Kiria (orphaned)
Personality: Prideful, anxious, stubborne, caring, self-sufficient
Trivia: - Keera was born/hatch in Anvil as a orphan. Her parents die in shipwreck, Keera as egg survive. - As orphan, Keera relay on her own thus go on line of thief. - Around her mid twenties, she joins Thieves Guild - After the Oblivion Crisis, her mental health got worse  - Totaly broken and mind shattered, she finds refuge in Shivering Isles where she later gain mantle of the Madgod during Greymarch. Forever sacrifice her own identity and accept new identity as Sheogorath. For Keera it was freedom. - Her old self is now echo in Shivering Isles
Art by me Keera belongs to me The Elder Scrolls belongs to Bethesda 
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ash-l31gh · 2 years
Karma Akabane Headcanons
• When he fell of the cliff he wanted to end his life there
• Nakamura and Itona are his favorite class mates while Karasuma is his favorite Teacher not like he'll admit that
• He hates him self because his parents leave him alone for at least a year for a week at most...
• Itona and Nakamura are like siblings to him while Karasuma and Irina Jelavic are parents and Koro-sensei is the weird uncle for him he won't admit shit
• Even after 3e separated he kept in touch with his teachers, Itona and Nakamura mostly and he sometimes talks with the rest
• Everyone in 3e finds him adorable as fuck kind of like a puppy or kitten. Mischievous but adorable and innocent
• He heard that Bitch-Sensei said he's a kitten or a lions cub. Multiple times...
• He also heard that Karma is Karasumas favorite student
• He finds random things on his desk like pranking items, a mini-robot, sweets (mainly strawberry flavored), strawberry milk and ect
• He usually wakes up early and makes his favorite classmates and teacher a bento box and nibbles on the side and everyone else is jealous
• Itona is the only person aware if his safe place and he promised not to tell anyone
• Karma has fell asleep on class or next to a tree and he was so fucking adorable.
1 Class - his head resting facing towards Itona mostly and Itona has sent his photos of it
2 tree - he was was sat down with his knees up and he rested his arms ontop of them with his face turned left
• Nakamura knows not to blackmale him like the rest of class
• Koro-sensei has asked if it was alright if the class could have a sleepover at his and he accepted it with a huge and genuine grin
• That's when the class realized he's a touch-starved baby and he ended up hugging Itona like a teddy bear for the whole night
• Karma and Itona see each other as Brother and Itona tends to sleep over alot
• In 3e he's now longer know as the devil and now the adorable puppy of 3e
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bismuthwisdom · 1 year
GakuDynamics Day 7
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totally didn't forget about this lol
So, first thing on her agenda is just bearying Shuu in all kinds of ways. He enforced the bad treatment of 3E and it hurt her classmates' self-esteem. Of course she will be mad about it.
Shuu would have to hear her out and it isn't too pleasant. Then again, he does start to think it's justified so he endures it.
Not long after that tho, she accepts him. And apologizes for her treatment while sharing some food she brought for the class that day. Now imagine in a 3E AU, Hara drags him along to sit with the Terasaka gang to feel more welcome and he can get in on their conversation and enjoy a not so hostile atmosphere. She realizes he might need interactions like these so she took that opportunity and many more, just letring him fall into the every day life of 3E and not let him be treated like an outcast all the time.
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zunadokei · 1 year
I strongly believe and enjoy crimes and act of justice. it simply pure curiousity.
surviving is a sin, killing is a expression, such is justice for years, theft is more deadly then dead itself, torture for simply survive. meanwhile murder is considered as a human act even thought it unhuman.
acceptable as a self-defense or even revenge if no one did anything and have proof they were trying to get help.
everyone and nobody wish for equality because of the freedom but the power they need to control and share and humanity doesn't like sharing.
such equality is hopeful, simply hope a insucessful hope but of it was real, I believe women and men should share, job, position, power such a equality justice. but I don't believe in such thing happening once in every futur I seek due to all our humanity story.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
S/o that hates them but slowly love them [Assassination Classroom]
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Characters included: Karma Akabane, Nagisa Shiota, Hiroto Maehara and Yuuma Isogai.
Note: No one requested but I’ll indulge myself :3 (Beware of cheesy things :).)
Reader’s Gender: Gender Neutral [Implied Female in Maehara’s, well not really but you get it]
Warning: none
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Karma Akabane
Okay, you have lots of reasons to hate him. Sadistic yet intelligent. 
When you first saw him, you instantly hated him. You could feel his sadistic aura from a mile away yet he maintains his innocent facade. 
You were considered the smartest in class, alongside Takebayashi and Okuda. But that all changed when Karma joined the class. 
Unfortunately for you, you’re seated next to Karma. Which made it even worse since he always want to disturb you during class. By poking you, throwing paper ball, or whispering to you, just plain annoying you.
You tried to ignore him, really. But he seems keen on making you notice him. 
One day, you decided to indulge him by doing it back to him. Now it’s a contest on who can annoy the other.
While this contest was in session, you slowly but surely find yourself falling for the sadistic red-head.
You tried to deny it. But you couldn’t really control your heart. And, finally, you gave in to your heart. You accepted the fact that you are in love with Karma Akabane.
You don’t know if Karma feels the same as you, but it looks like you don’t need to wonder any more. The next day, he asked you out. Which is uncharacteristically for him, so you assumed that he has something up in his sleeves.
“Okay, Karma-kun. I don’t know what this is about but tell me why you want to date me?” 
“Because I like you.”
“Yeah, right.” You remained stubborn.
But, unfortunately, Karma is too. And he’ll prove that he likes you genuinely.
For the next few days, he would give you compliments, give you a carton of his favorite milk and always seem to have time for you. Which isn’t helping you really as you were falling deeper in love with him.
By the end of the week, you decided to give in and said, “yes”. 
Your eyes widened at how genuine his smile is, bright and true.
And now, you are dating the Sadistic strawberry-headed boy.
Nagisa Shiota
But, for some reason, you hated him. Maybe it’s because of how he interacted with your classmates so easily, maybe it’s because of how cute he is in pigtails, or maybe it’s because he seems so nice that it seems so unreal.
So, you tried to distance yourself from the blueberry-haired boy. Which proves to be difficult than it seems, since Nagisa has the opposite in mind. 
Nagisa always thought you were cool whenever you tried to assassinate Koro-sensei. And he wants to share some weakness with you. But whenever you ignore him or walk past him, he looks like a kick puppy.
Everyone knows about this however. So Koro-sensei, being himself, decided to partner them up in the next assignment.
During this assignment, Nagisa tried to interact with you but you remain stubborn as you continued to scribble. It’s actually hard to ignore his sad puppy eyes as you finally cave in and talk back to him. You blushed at Nagisa’s bright smile.
You soon found out that he’s fun to hang out with. You also found out that you were just jealous of how easily Nagisa is, while you were difficult to be with. You were surprised that Nagisa hasn’t left you to hang out with his other friends.
For the next few days, you find yourself sick. So you consult your friend, Kayano. Explaining that your heart quickens whenever Nagisa is near, but to other guys, you were normal. You started to stutter and getting nervous in talking to Nagisa, your palms were sweaty as well. 
After you finished, Kayano is stifling her laughter as she (tries) to explain that you are in love. And to Nagisa.
You ask her what to do when you realize that that was the case. She said to go with it. 
So the next day, you confess your feelings to a flustered Nagisa, who happily (yet embarrassingly) agreed to date with you. Admitting that he has feelings for you ever since he laid his eyes on you.
And that is how you started to date the deadly bby blueberry-haired boy.
Hiroto Maehara
Of course you hated him because he was a flirt and playboy. 
You had a bad experience with your previous boyfriend, who cheated on you. So you decided to stay away from flirty boys. 
Maehara, on the other hand, wants to be close with you. You attract him by your cool yet cold face. Unfortunately for you, you are seated conveniently next to him. Which made it worse because he keeps using pick-up lines.
“Are you an angel? Cause you look like one.”
“That’s horrible.”
“I know right?” Maehara smiles cheekily.
He only wants you to talk to him, and the only way he knows how is to use pick-up lines.
You gotta admit though, you find some funny and some made your heart beat. So you decided to use a pick-up line for him.
“Can I take a picture of you? So I can show Santa what I want for Christmas.”
He whistles. “That’s good!”
And that is how your pick-up lines contest with Maehara began. To see who has the best pick-up line between the two of you.
While you two were busy using pick-up line on one another, you slowly start to get to know him. You realize he isn’t really the playboy you thought he was, he was just protecting his heart so he put up this fake flirty facade. [I don’t know if this is true though..]
And, slowly but surely, you fall in love with him. And quite frankly, you were scared.
Maehara was the one who confessed first. So you admitted to him that you were scared and explain to him about your past relationship. 
He promised he’ll never be like that so you decided to trust him.
And that is how you start to date Maehara.
Yuuma Isogai
H-How? Why? I don’t get why you hated him.
You don’t know why but you hated him when you first saw him. You don’t know the reason yet you hated him. The worst of all, he’s the class president! You’re surely going to have to talk to him one way or another.
When Isogai finds out about your dislike/hate for him, he was sad and confused. Did he do something to upset you? So the only action he knows is to apologize for it.
And so he did. 
After class as you were about to go down the hill, Isogai calls out for you and apologizes. You turn around, confused on why he is apologizing.
He explained that he must’ve done something to upset you so that’s why you hated him. You started to feel guilty when you noticed how sincere he is.
So you explained to him why you hated him. At firs, he was confused (much like you were). But suggested if he could hang out with you.
You agreed nevertheless. And you two had fun.
And for the next few days, you two were hanging out after school. The class soon caught up with it and endlessly teased the both of you.
Ofc, Isogai told them off to knock it out and that you two were only friends.
The sound you suddenly heard. You suddenly felt pain in your chest as tears started springing out of your eyes. You were panicking. Why am I crying? Why does my chest hurt?
Nakamura noticed your distraught self and accompanies you to the bathroom. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I-I don’t k-know..”
You then explained to her the feeling. It happened right after Isogai told them off, but when he mentioned the last part, your chest hurt. 
Nakamura listened. After you’re done explaining. She explains the reason why you are feeling like this.
“It’s because you’re in love with Isogai-kun.”
“I’m what--?”
“In love.”
Nakamura decided to leave you so that you can calm down.
After you calm down, you started to walk back to the classroom. But when you opened the bathroom’s door, you were greeted with Isogai’s worried face.
“Ah! [Y/N]-sa--!” You slammed the door in front of his face.
“Go away!”
“E-Eh?! What’s wrong?!” 
“J-Just go away!”
“T-Tell me what’s wrong!”
You then explained to him. You confessed your feelings to him and how it hurt when he called you a ‘friend’.
You feared that this would be the end of your guys friendship.
“T-That’s not a problem at all..”
You blink as your mind tried to comprehend what he said.
“B-Because I like you too!”
And that is how you start dating the Ikemen President of Class 3E. Which is embarrassing since you confessed to him in the girl’s bathroom. -_-
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Karma’s Backstory HC
So your homeboy doesn’t really have much of one to be honest. Breaking down what we do know: 
His parents are wealth day traders 
He’s left home alone most of the time
They’re really into India 
They’re free spirits who care more about whims than responsibility
Now, just a prewarning that literally none of what I’m about to say after this is canon. This is just the ideas I’ve developed over the years of having to come up with stuff for fics, and it’s the narrative I use for canon based fics. That being said, anyone who has a hard time coming up with this stuff is totally free to use it however they want! It’s weirdly in depth, I will say. 
Karma’s father comes from Hokkaido (the northern island of Japan - famous for farming and lots of snow), mostly because I really like Hokkaido, but there’s definitely this countryside kind of reputation that comes with it. 
His family is very much one of those generational farmer families who don’t feel the need to leave their community. He has three sisters, but he’s the only son. He went to Sapporo for university which was a shock to the family. 
Kind of a Japanese cultural no no to be honest. 
During his time at university, studying business, he decided to travel Asia a bit, eventually meeting his future wife (who is also Japanese, as fun as Karma being mixed headcanons are to me) on some kind of trip. They’re around the same age, maybe give or take a year or two. 
The two of them ended up falling for each other very fast, the whole ‘if you know you know’ thing. 
Her family are from Nagoya, just normal business people with nothing special about them. She’s an only child and they always had this view that she’d marry into a nice stable life. 
They get married pretty much as soon as he graduates, moving to be close to Tokyo since it was the best option for their jobs. Neither of their families is happy about this, but they don’t really care. 
Karma comes along pretty soon after, before they’ve really had a chance to settle into their lives together. They’re caught up in the whirlwind of their romance, soon, so they think having a baby is a great idea. 
Pretty soon, the itch of staying too long in one place starts to set in. Furthermore, the reality of a kid is very different to the fantasy. I think Karma probably cried a lot, even as a baby quickly figuring out the way to get attention. Karma’s mother doesn’t give up work, either, so managing everything starts to get stressful. 
After maybe a year of stability, they decide instead to just go back to the people they really are, moving around wherever the work takes them. Even as a toddler now, Karma starts to really get attached to things he has, because without much of a permanent home he doesn’t get to own a whole bunch of toys etc. 
When they’re not travelling for work, they’re travelling abroad. Actually, I think they took Karma with them a lot when he was old enough to have some kind of awareness of what’s happening around him. He really enjoyed those times, but he didn’t have a new normal yet. This fit in with their cute life vision, at the time. 
I picture them being Hindus, but not very strictly? Japanese attitudes towards religion are a fascinating subject honestly, but the long and short of it is that strictly following one down to the ‘rules’ isn’t that common. I think they’d like it more for aesthetic reasons than actually believing in it. 
Controversial, but I actually think Karma was genuinely a pretty sweet and quiet kid. Due to moving so much, he never really got to settle in anywhere and make friends, so his social skills are lacking when it comes to people his age. 
Around that age, his parents teach him stuff that’s not so appropriate for a child, such as how to manipulate people into doing business deals with you, the value of money etc. 
However, once again they started to get a little tried with him. Karma’s a really curious kid, which leads him into running off and not always doing what his parents want him to, asking questions about things to the point it gets irritating to them. They feel like he’s now holding them back. So, increasingly, they reach out to neighbours they have at the time, asking them to watch after Karma when they go on these trips together. 
Karma starts to develop this really bad separation anxiety, like he doesn’t understand what’s happening when they’re suddenly leaving him. He gets the idea to start lashing out at whoever’s meant to be looking after him, in the hopes that they’ll be forced to come back. Most of the time, they don’t have a choice. 
Karma begins to resent his parents, and they begin to resent him further for misbehaving. 
Since this is some kind of solution to him now, he applies it to his school life. At this point it’s the age where kids really know how to pick on people and target. Karma shuts that down quickly, by fighting his way out of it. 
Since he ends up getting suspended a lot, he has free time to learn ahead of school. He genuinely likes that part of school, but it’s just the everything else he doesn’t. 
He’s actually very passionate about the things he enjoys, but he’s learnt that expressing it at school would get him teased, and his parents don’t care at all. It’s rare even as he goes into canon and beyond, then, that he expresses his more fanboy sides. 
Even when his parents are in the country, they find it suitable around the age of 7 or so to let Karma be in the house alone whilst they work for long hours. As such, he gets really into watching movies as a distraction. 
They don’t hate Karma by any means, they definitely ‘love’ him in a way, though it’s not the same kind of parental love most people receive. They try to placate him with gifts, when they leave the country, but Karma doesn’t easily just forgive and forget. After a time he just asks them to bring him spices, in a sort of self protest of not wanting their gifts. Those spices become his prized possession. 
By about 10, Karma stops fighting it. He locks his feelings about them away and accepts that nothing he does will make his parents stay. Whilst he doesn’t purposely act out to get attention, acting out at this point has morphed into a normal part of his personality. 
There’s been nobody to teach him right from wrong, so he’s left to make mostly his own decisions about it. 
When he’s approaching eleven, and his parents are just the slightest bit more responsible, and decide that in the effort of not messing up their son’s entire education, they’re going to buy a house and make it a permanent home until he at least graduates junior high. 
Did I say responsible? Because that also comes with the decision that he’s old enough to be left at home alone. At first it’s only for a night or two, but it slowly becomes weeks and months at a time, until Karma’s practically living alone with barely even a phone call from them. 
Karma’s actually really lonely, though he shrugs it off and perfects his act of being unbothered. He misses them, but he shoves that embarrassing feeling right down and ignores it. 
Since he has to, Karma learns how to cook, along with general domestic stuff such as shopping for a reasonable budget and 
His parents send a ridiculous allowance, though, which he doesn’t like to touch much of if he can help it.
He also booby traps his bedroom, and other areas of the house. Just in case. 
Nagisa’s his first genuine friend. 
It’s not until 3E where he finally develops healthy bonds with multiple people, and really learns that it’s okay to trust.  
Wow that got long. As I said, I have thought about this a lot. I feel like it would explain why Karma is the way he is. Honestly, it’s a bit depressing too. I just don’t see Karma’s parents being Good People. 
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autobotmedic · 4 years
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LVEF | The Theorist
LVEF is the Attitudinal Psyche type most willing to uncover truths about the human drive. This type is certain of their opinions because they notice valid ideas and inconsistencies with ease. Not only are they intelligent, they naturally motivate themselves and everyone around them into incorporating new and interesting ideas. LVEFs encourage people to decide what they want and are concerned of the logical explanation behind these actions. This type is so invested in stoking their motivation for intellectual pursuits that they can hesitate or completely ignore their emotional needs. They are cautious of the effect of their emotions on the accuracy of their opinions and desire that others remain open with them when navigating feelings. [...]
1L – Confident Logic
LVEFs pride themselves on their clarity of thought. They have an ability to delve into any subject and form an independent opinion without hesitation. [...] They view logic as something that promotes health, happiness and full living. LVEFs easily rally people around their expertise and they enjoy inspiring others to capture their own willpower as well. They often adapt to obligations set by others as long as they agree with their reasoning. The emotions of LVEFs are volatile and subject to change, which is a puzzle their intellect takes on. They can feel as though their logical mind must be the only tool to fully scope the complexity of human emotions. This type is unsure of the truth in the feelings of others, and assumes they are exaggerated until proven otherwise. Intellectual pursuits are the focus of LVEFs and they may neglect their hunger [...] to resolve an overarching scientific or philosophical question.
2V – Flexible Volition
LVEFs gradually achieve their ambitions and they accept that their goals are subject to frequent change. They are flexible in how they spend their energy and sometimes incorporate the demands of others into their schedules. [...] This type can tell detailed stories about what mindsets and efforts influenced their achievements which lends its hand to self-help methods. LVEFs motivate themselves towards any goal that is the most consistent with their beliefs. Occasionally their conflicting emotions inspire them to re-frame their identities [...] LVEFs are so busy understanding the questions and direction of science and philosophy, that they can forget to regularly sleep and eat.
3E – Insecure Emotion
LVEFs are skeptical of the role of their emotions in their lives. Understanding their conflicting feelings is left for a time when they are comfortable to explore this. They can feel completely flustered by their own emotional inner vulnerability, or radically accept all emotions that bubble to the surface. They are uncertain that any one deep desire deserves their attention, so LVEFs commit to many techniques of stabilizing their mood. LVEFs reject most influences to their imaginations and see this part of existence as privately cultivated or something to consider with a trusted, patient friend or source. They can look at those who express themselves without limitation with a sneering doubt. Preferring to understand emotions in a safe environment, LVEFs are careful to avoid being put on the spot by others regarding how they feel. This type sometimes has pressing physical needs that they can confuse with emotional upheavals. If they aren’t properly following a diet or taking care of their physical needs, it can manifest in sour and irritable moods. When LVEFs are satisfied in hunger and organizing their environment, they feel more capable of integrating their feelings. [...]
4F – Oblivious Physics
LVEFs are apathetic to overthinking the details of caring for their bodies. They rely on [...] simplifying their eating and sleeping schedules. [...] Simple, reliable methods of solving their physical needs is most appreciated by LVEFs. They spend the most time experimenting with their capabilities to sharpen their intellects, so efficient and easy regiments to take care of their physical world is ideal.
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cheerstotheliving · 5 years
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1V - Confident Volition
Prefer to quickly understand what needs to be done in any situation. Highly trust and value their own sense of time and dignity. May go long periods of time thinking about their own identity and how they can apply themselves to the changing the world. Put a lot of attention on work ethic and responsibilities. Tend to trust their own knowledge of human endeavors over others. May be entrepreneurial and a one-(wo)man show. Take on the task of being a leader and responsible for others – even when not in any position to do so. Will overestimate own abilities due to often discounting others’ motivation. Do not like to be constantly reminded of their responsibilities. Tend to feel completely in control of their desires.  Will decide how to reach a desired goal without second thought. Focus on how and when to show self-control in any situation. May do things for other people without realizing because it’s what they wanted done. Often override others wishes in place of their own. May talk extensively about how to get something accomplished, but usually already has a firm grasp on own sense of energy. Does not require others to intervene or help unless it has been decided by the 1V themselves.
The 1V function is formed by combining the volition aspect (V) with the confident attitude (1st). Confident volition (1V) has a strong interest in one’s own concept of willpower and volition. All 1V types are sufficient at being involved in matters relating to what makes up one’s identity. They may be aggressive about their opinions on responsibilities, obligations, goals, willpower, and how to overcome obstacles. These types tend to focus intently on the personal results that can be obtained from human willpower which they use to solidify their opinion on these matters.
2L- Flexible Logic
Love to openly philosophize of underlying theories and pieces of knowledge. Will go to great lengths to explain in detail inner workings of an idea. Tend to be fascinated by rules and formal logic. Are open to others’ confusion and are quick to help unsure attitudes regarding logic. Have an inherent hope for the future of human intelligence. Are great at evolving discussions by playing devil’s advocate.  Will argue for the sake of arguing without becoming too offended.  May bother other people too much about their opinions which can cause tenseness.  Believe that anyone can learn anything if they’re willing to invest time into pondering.  Willing to share sources and help others understand their reliability. Walk people through their proofs and arguments with unambiguous explanations.  Are drawn to philosophical thoughts and exercises with multiple participants.  May spend too much time on very simple ideas in order to expand their mind.  Highly trust their own abilities to investigate reasons behind any action.  Are accepting of those who ask for help with logical puzzles - while also demonstrating this behavior themselves.  Are extremely patient with those who are insecure about their intellect.  Appreciate honest opinions regardless of how aggressive they are.
The 2L function is formed by combining the logic aspect (L) with the flexible attitude (2nd). Flexible logic (2L) has a strong and open interest in all logical concepts. All 2L types are sufficient at being involved in matters relating to the world of the mind. They are mostly diplomatic about their opinions of higher knowledge, political arguments, scientific thought and their own abilities to reason. These types tend to focus intently on processing, improving and negotiating all things related to the material world. They use this ability to keep others at ease on all matters related to logic.
3E - Insecure Emotion
Are confused and sometimes stunted by emotional turmoil happening inside. Can try to ignore their emotions in order to feel a sense of calm. Do not know when to apply these inner reactions to any given situation. May feel faltered in their relationships if they are not given ample reassurance that they are allowed to express themselves. Are unsure and pressured by their intuitions as they do not know if they should trust them or not. May feel a weary anxiety when around people who are emotionally volatile. Tend to be confused by cultural differences and may try extra hard to understand them in order to avoid falling into any sensitive disagreement. Can go overboard with their emotions and become venomous which causes regret. May focus entirely too much on what their friendships, loved ones, and intuitions mean to them - often leads to neuroticism and anxiety about every new person who enters their lives. Oftentimes do not know how to go about something when they’re feeling offended – may distrust the offended feeling all together.  At times, go on long tirades of emotional outbursts (good or bad) due to holding them in for extended time periods. Can cause themselves paranoia in wondering how they will ever love someone.  May be puzzled by art when it is not directly clear what it’s expressing.  Do not know what their deep desires mean and how to interpret them - but wish to understand them.
The 3E function is formed by combining the emotion aspect (E) with the insecure attitude (3rd). Insecure emotion (3E) has an apprehensive and unsure attitude towards all concepts of the emotional world. All 3E types are insufficient at being involved in matters relating to human emotions. They are mostly anxious about their understanding of relationships, personal feelings, culture, art, deep desires and person to person interaction. These types tend to have a shaky and unstable relationship with how they process all things related to the emotional realm. They tend to need clarification and feedback from others when engaging in all emotional matters.
4F - Oblivious Physics
Unattached to the physical world around them. Have a very hard time paying attention to own comfort levels. May miss opportunities on bettering their living environment. Can forget to fix or upgrade necessities. Leave belongings lying around until they become a hazard. Have an easy time adapting to others’ physical and practical needs. Ability to relax anywhere, regardless of activities going on around them. Will engage in practical living when it supports a particular goal or other life interest. May form habits at a young age to deal with the obliviousness to their health. Will try any sort of new food or style and form an opinion after experiencing it. Have to experiment often to figure out their personal tastes. Do not like to go in depth about their food preferences. Averse to being reminded of practical measures that need completed. Forget to schedule doctor check-ups and follow-ups. Have an ability to detach from what is going on around them to dive into the intuitive nature of the moment. Do not notice dust, clutter, or filth unless it’s directly impeding a project or goal. Trust in the practical advice they receive. Do not usually care about the value of objects and possessions. Usually have an odd and unorthodox sense of style. Tend to completely forget how much money they have. Can lose track of their belongings until later stumbled upon - usually by surprise. Accept food and comfort from others without hassle or second thought. Rarely picky about where they are located in a public space.
The 4F function is formed by combining the physics aspect (F) with the oblivious attitude (4th). Oblivious physics (4F) has an ignorant and carefree attitude towards all concepts of the physical world. All 4F types are insufficient at being involved in matters relating to the material world. They are mostly easygoing and neutral about their opinions on tastes, belongings, comforts, aesthetics and practical skills. These types tend to focus intently on the results that can be obtained from the material world, though this is not a top priority for them. They tend to trust in the feedback that they receive from others when inquiring in all matters related to physics.
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Shabarri, the Thief
Shabarri is bitter, and self centered and is apathetic towards others. He’s cynical, and isn’t easy to get along with. In the long run, he’s rather live and work on his own, though deep down he desires someone to be close to. Also, if things get rough, Shabarri will easily give up whatever situation he is in and surrender to avoid any more conflict.
3E, 10
Shabarri is born in Cyrodiil but is abandoned soon afterwards. He is taken in by a lone, imperial thief named Brutus, and is taken to Elsweyr to be raised with khajiiti culture.
3E, 20
Brutus begins to train Shabarri in the art of thievery. After a few months of training, he is tasked with stealing a jeweled goblet from a powerful family. Shabarri is almost caught, but fights off a guard, however he loses an eye in the fight before running off with the goblet. He and Brutus continue their thieving career together.
3E, 23
The duo are caught by a dark brotherhood assassin. Brutus fights them off and tells Shabarri to run. The khajiit does so but Brutus is killed by the assassin. Shabarri flees north to Cyrodiil.
He lives in the streets of the Imperial City as a thief and a beggar. During this time he swears vengeance on the one who killed Brutus, and he joins a small group of freelance thieves who have no problem killing their marks to get their loot. Shabarri uses this as training for when the day comes that the assassin is to be killed by him.
3E, 25
Shabarri meets a thief, a khajiit named Bhigai, and the two begin a rivalry. Bhigai always seems to have the upper hand, which infuriates Shabarri. His group of thieves find this rivalry between the two teenagers hilarious, though.
A job goes wrong when Shabarri is caught by an Imperial guard, and taken into questioning. He naively confesses everything, in the hopes he’ll be let go, but he remains in custody.
Two weeks later, Shabarri breaks out of prison, and rushes to find his group of thieves. Remarkably, they are unharmed, but he tells them that the watchmen found out about their criminal actions. The group flee to Cheydinhal one night to avoid capture. They continue their thieving and killing there.
3E, 26
Shabarri is approached by the same guard that captured him a year ago, and is offered to spy on his group and give any information over to the imperial watch in return for safety and coin. He agrees with the offer.
Over the course of a few months, he spies on his group, relaying information about jobs, murders, and stolen goods. The watch stay true to their promise and grant him safety. However they task him with the arrest of Bhigai, which he obliges to. He tracks down his rival, and instead of arresting her, kills her instead. He reports back to the watchmen that he did so in defense, and they relieve him of that mistake.
3E, 28
Shabarri is tasked by the watchmen to escort them to the base of the thief group. The khajiit hesitantly agrees, and does so. The confrontation between him and his group deems him a traitor, when whatchmen start to kill the group members. Shabarri retaliates by killing all the watchmen after all the thieves have been killed. He flees to High Rock. During this time, he begins to have flashbacks of his life as Dro’jargo, but ignores them as random daydreams.
3E, 31
Shabarri makes a living as a thief in High Rock, but becomes a bitter person throughout this time. Through his thieving, he occasionally murders his victims to make his mark, in the hopes he’ll be feared, and perhaps noticed by the assassin that killed Brutus those years ago.
As anticipated, Shabarri comes across the assassin one day, they remember him and tell him that he had been pursuing him for years, as it was part of his contract to kill him. Shabarri asks who hired them, and they respond that a rich khajiit ordered the assassination, as he had stolen a jeweled goblet from them. The khajiit recalls that theft, and attacks the assassin. They fight for a while before Shabarri manages to slit their throat. He now had a new mission: to kill the khajiit family that ordered his and Brutus’ assassination.
3E, 32
Shabarri returns to Elsweyr in search of the family. He intends to disguise himself and work for them as a servant in order to get close to them, which he succeeds in.
The family, consisting of a old Cathay with his Cathay-Raht wife, and their three sons, Cathay, Ohmes, and Dagi. Through his time working for the family, he plots a scheme to kill them all in revenge. As well, his visions of his past lives continue, and he realizes something is up with them, but continues to focus on his mission instead.
In the middle of the night, he sneaks into the eldest son’s (the cathay) room, and kills him in his sleep.
The next night, Shabarri finds the ohmes sneaking out of the manor, and tracks him to a skooma den. He sneaks in and kills all the addicted while they’re high by poisoning the skooma, including the ohmes, and returns to the manor before the family wakes up. The father notices that his son is missing, and sends Shabarri to find him. He returns to the skooma den and carries his body back to the manor, and lies that he died from an overdose.
The next night, Shabarri sneaks into the dagi’s room, and is caught attempting to kill him. He flees, and returns to the Imperial City, dismayed he could not exact his revenge. He lives in the streets as a pickpocket.
He still gets visions from his past lives and decides to find someone who may know something about it. After consulting a priest, he learns that these visions hold importance, but he still has yet to know what it is exactly.
3E, 33
Shabarri finds the mother of the family out shopping. He tracks her to an inn and kills her in her sleep.
That night, he is approached by a member of the Dark Brotherhood’s Black Hand, who claims that Sithis has been watching him, and that although he had a contract against him, the brotherhood is willing to look past that if he joins them in sending souls to the void. Shabarri refuses, and kills the Black Hand member, though it is a struggle, as the assassin is skilled in combat.
He continues living in the streets, and getting visions. He gets a vision of a cave, and fed up with these flashbacks, decides to find the cave. Shabarri sets off to find wherever this cave is, and goes south. He finds the cave, and enters. When he sees the ancient tapestry of Kazin-Dar on the wall, everything becomes clear when he becomes aware of the curse. Shabarri spirals into emotional turmoil. Feeling defeated, he decides to let he curse run its course. When he returns to the Imperial City, he removes his only other eye, and waits for whoever it is that’s meant to kill him.
A few months later, he is approached by a member of the Brotherhood. Shabarri is accepting of his fate, but asks the assassin to let him speak first. She obliges, and he tells her of the curse, and how he’s a reincarnation of an ancient khajiit. He then says that she is part of the curse too, since she is the one who is going to kill him. He admits he had been a horrible person in life, and allows her to end him. The assassin respects his final words, and tells him she’ll bury him by the river. She then kills him, finally fulfilling the contract after 10 years.
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prokopetz · 6 years
If you haven't already done it (and if you have, I couldn't find it), what system do you think would make for a good Bloodborne kind of game, combat or tonally? Combatwise, I was thinking a re-skinned Feng Shui would work, but I have no experience so could be totally wrong on that one.
You’re not going to get anything like a 1:1 mapping at the tabletop because so much of Bloodborne’s gameplay loop depends on it being a largely solo exercise with very limited opportunities for cooperation. The best way to go is probably going to be to decide what in particular about Bloodborne you want to capture, then pick a game that’ll give you that in a party-based environment.
For example, if you want tactically dense setpiece combat with a strong emphasis on battlefield positioning, you might give some thought to reskinning Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. While 4E has a semi-deserved reputation for being tough to homebrew for, it’s remarkably easy to reskin existing content, and it does the gonzo fantasy martial arts thing - at whatever level of bloodiness you care for - very well.
(Note that I mean 4E in particular there; 5E has a weaker tactical game, and 3E/Pathfinder has issues keeping melee combat viable at higher levels.)
Alternatively, maybe you don’t really care for fine-grained tactical positioning, but you want something that captures the rhythm of Bloodborne’s combat system; in that case, you might have a look at Anima Prime, which uses mechanically abstract manoeuvres to fill up dice pools that are then wagered on decisive strikes; by default it’s really more suited to Final Fantasy or RWBY style games, but if you’ve already accepted that you’re going to have to some reskinning to make things work, there are worse places to start.
On the flip side, maybe you’d rather gloss over the blow-by-blow of combat and focus on the over-the-top survival-horror stuff, in which case you could possibly reskin Don’t Rest Your Head to good effect. It’s one of those games built around a gimmicky dice trick, but I think it’s one that would work well for this particular source material, especially in light of Bloodborne’s thematic focus on dreams and what can happen to the protagonist in some of the endings.
Finally, this one isn’t a proper recommendation, since it’s a game that isn’t out yet, but you may wish to keep an eye on Rose Bailey’s Miserable Secrets, a self-described “Casvlevania-punk” RPG that alternates deliberately paced investigative phases with tactically crunchy hunting phases; it could be useful if you want to delve into the worldbuilding and still break out the battle grid at key moments. There are no public previews at this time, but you can score a playtest draft via the author’s Patreon. (Just don’t pledge to download the PDF and immediately cancel, because that’s not cool!)
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darklordazalin · 2 years
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Azalin
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Domain: Darkon Domain Formation: 579 BC Power Level: 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 (10/5 Skulls) Sources: My infallible mind. Actual Sources: 1e module: House on Gryphon Hill; 2e modules: From the Shadows, Roots of Evil, Death Unchained, Death Ascendant, Death Triumphant 2e source material: Realms of Terror, Domains and Denizens, 3e source material: Secrets of the Dread Realms, Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II, Ravenloft Novels: King of the Dead, Lord of Necropolis, I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin, Tower of Doom, Tales of Ravenloft (featured in The Crucidble of Dr. Rudolph van Richten) At first I had qualms about conducting this self review as it requires me to divulge certain information I would rather leave buried, then I realized I could simply modify the memory of anyone who reads this. This way, I can tell the truth and no one is the wiser. I’ve heard rumors of Domains in the Mist that are larger than Darkon, but none are as vastly populated or diverse. Darkon was born from magic and darkness, which has seeped into the very land itself. Magical phenomena are quite common throughout my land and magic, naturally, is a day to day occurrence for my people. On the surface, Darkon is peaceful. At least, for those that know their place. Though I may rarely make a public appearance, my rule is seen everywhere through the direction of my Kargat. As long as my rule holds, the land is steady. I am known to be fair with my judgments if not harsh. Many describe me as ruling as “an iron fist with a velvet glove”. I do love velvet… Enough about this velvet cage of mine, let us move on to my history. How exactly did one as perfect as I end up in this miserable land? I wasn’t always “Azalin” and was born Firan Darcalus Zal’honan in 231 CY in the land of Oerth in the earldom of Knurl to Earl Turalitan Zal’honan. I was the Earl’s middle child and largely overshadowed by both my elder brother (Ranald) and younger brother (Irik). Worst of all, my father hated everything to do with the arcane, something I excelled at at a very young age. So, ignored and belittled for excelling at the very thing my father hated was my life until I disowned my family at the age of 15. What led to this decision…well, I’m ashamed to say I never had a proper teacher in the arcane and grew a bit over confident in my abilities. I really did love my little brother, Irik. He was naive, but always a light of happiness. So naturally I wanted to show him my passion for magic and what better way to do so than bring him along for a demon summoning? Perhaps if my “teacher” Corsalus had any skill or had given me access to the books he said I wasn’t ready for (even though I had already surpassed him), we wouldn’t have botched the summoning and Irik wouldn’t have become possessed. I know that I did the right thing. I went directly to the wizard Quantarius and begged him for his help to save my dear brother. Of course, my father stopped Quantarius before he had the chance. If he had just put aside his biases for one moment and listened to me, Irik would have lived that night. Quantarius was banished and I was given the option of a “pardon” if I renounced magic and accepted the Divine. Ridiculous. At least I know where my power comes from, those that pray for theirs just accept that it comes from whatever God they kneel before, but that source could be anything. It’s not as though their gods ever lower themselves to speaking to a mere mortal. I chose exile and became an Apprentice to Quantarius. I studied under Quantarius for almost three decades before we parted ways. Having a aptitude for magic from a very young age, I learned quickly and even surpassed my Master in many ways. For one, I discovered  a way to harvest the lifeforce of the recently departed to heal as well as restore youth. Yes, you can thank me for such spells as “Life Transference” even if I was not as egocentrically as Mordenkainen to name it after myself. In 283 CY, I was asked to return home and take on the rulership of Knurl. Not surprisingly, my brother Randal’s rule had left the land in chaos since he preferred throwing lavish parties and ignoring his actual duties. With his death, the people of Knurl hoped that the famous wizard of Knurl (I’m speaking of myself, naturally) would save them. I did just that and with my vast knowledge of magic and strict rule I led Knurl into a time of prosperity. I ensured magic was brought back into the earldom and was given the proper respect it deserved. My people called me “Azal’Lan” or “Wizard King” and truly adored me. Eventually, realizing I would not be able to indefinitely extend my own life through magic, I married Olessa in hopes of producing an heir. We had a son and Olessa died in childbirth. A pity really…but it couldn’t be helped. I named the child Irik after my lost brother. I loved Irik very much, but his soft nature was not promising for the strict rule that Knurl needed. Try as I might, he resisted my teachings and eventually betrayed me. I was left with no choice but to execute him myself so my people would know that no one, not even my own son, was above the law. I regretted it though. If only I had done things differently. If only there was a way to start again. And that’s when the voices came to me. What I call my tormentors and now know to be the Dark Powers. They promised me immortality but that was not as appealing to me as their promise of granting me the ability to bring my son back to life. I followed their instructions and gathering the resources necessary, created a potion. Once drunk, I became what I am today, a lich. Not the immortality I imagined but that mattered little as long as I could bring Irik back. They had tricked me and though I could bring Irik back, it was not what I wanted. I could only bring him back as one of the undead, not the true life I had envisioned. Thankfully I was able to undo that transformation and bind his spirit to his corpse so I could cast the proper spell once I learned it. I ruled Knurl for 6 decades as a lich, always careful to disguise my true nature. I was betrayed by one I thought was loyal to me and was lured out of the protection of my home based on a rumor of the spell I sought to restore my son. While seeking out this spell, myself and my guardsmen were surrounded by an army a thousand strong. I could have easily taken hundreds of them out without a second thought, but a thousand required a bit more strategy than mere destructive spellwork. I fled into a thickening fog in the hopes of playing a bit of cat and mouse with my betrayers. Instead I found myself in Barovia. I spent almost 40 years in Barovia working with Strahd von Zarovich on discovering a way to escape the Mists we were now both trapped in. We spent more time bickering than working together, but I did make some headway…inadvertently created a few new Domains and we did escape to Mordent for some time…though as I said before, I did not find it a very memorable experience. I have vague recollection of there being two Strahds there and, let me assure you, one is far too many. After another botched experiment to escape the Mists, Strahd and I were investigating the ruins of an abandoned monastery on the banks of the Luna River. Or more I was investigating while the overgrown flea was sitting in his carriage after assuring me how pointless the effort was. I discovered a single spell scroll within and upon seeing it, Strahd left in a huff of bat wings as he often did. A moment later I heard sounds coming from within the Mists. The sounds of wagons and horse hooves. I rushed within, hoping that whoever was traveling them could escort me away from Barovia…That…wasn’t entirely what happened. Instead I was transferred to my own prison - Darkon. I was split into my mortal and lich half when I first entered Darkon with no memory of who or what I was. Darcalus was King of Darkon when I first arrive and I, Firan, believed he had killed my son and wanted revenge. I wasn’t exactly wrong. I will not get into the details of how, but eventually my two halves combined once more and left me as the King of Darkon. I am clearly the most powerful of the Darklords. Not only am I cursed to never restore my son to life, but I cannot learn new spells. Why? Why this difference? I am convinced they are afraid that I could find a way to destroy them if I was allowed this freedom. But because of this, I feel their presence far more than any of my fellow Darklords and have learned much about them. And I will have my revenge! Even without the ability to learn new magic, I am still an incredibly powerful spellcaster. And…well, I may have a single room in Castle Avernus in which I can learn and cast new magic from. Many consider my rule of Darkon as “strict yet fair” and only meddling fools such as van Richten have learned of my true nature. Most of my subjects believe me to be a powerful wizard who extends his life through magic, which is, technically, correct. Besides being a powerful lich, I can delve into the mind of any Darkonian and rewrite their memories as I see fit. I have infinite control over the undead in my Domain and can raise corpses no matter how far away I am from them. I caused the Requiem that forced many Domains out of the Mists and created Necropolis. I am a force that is not to be reckoned with. I am Darkon.
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moonlightheretic · 2 years
(The Heretic) Turbulent Ancestry: A History of Tragedy-Part 1
CW for Gore and Self Harm  
During our weekly events I thought I would focus and shine a light on Moon’Hwa’s family history.  Clan Lavellan is not what it seems… 
(Chapter 19 The Jaws of Pride)
"Your ancestor…” He paused collecting his thoughts, “…When a Keeper of Clan Lavellen dies, they become a guardian of my sanctuary. You would be next. How can I bear to see you there for all eternity, Moon'Hwa?" He knelt behind me; his hand steady on my back. "When the veil is lifted, when the magic can flow, the people will regain their longevity. Death will no longer bite at their heels, at yours. Don't you understand?"
One could say that Moon’Hwa had it coming, just based on the events that shaped the terrain before her path began.
The drama may be ending with Moon’Hwa, but it didn’t start with her…
‘A solemn elven slave with violet tinted eyes, toiling underneath the vanity of Falon’Din, made his way to the secret haven under the protection of Fen’Harel, “A god that did not require worship, one who broke the chains of all who wished to join him.” It was unheard of, but this man was willing to take the risk, anything would be better than the heavy chains of Falon’Din.
Agents of Fen’Harel welcomed him, housed him and fed him, and yet, there was no payment or task required of him.
The man, the god, the mysterious sharp-eyed elf, known as the Dread Wolf, removed his Vallaslin with a simple gesture and assured him with words of ‘freedom’.
To honor his new life, he asked the God, Fen’Harel for a new name and that, he freely gave.
‘Lavellan.’ ‘They who journey to a hopeful place’   (Translation sourced from here---) https://fenxshiral.tumblr.com/post/106649319928/elvish-names-and-name-construction#:~:text=Lavellan%20%E2%80%93%3E%20They%20who%20journey%20to%20a%20hopeful%20place.
But for Lavellan, loyalty knew no limits as it verged onto devotion and then obsession.’
(Chapter 21 The Prideful, Titanic, The Corrupted)
‘Solas himself entered my mind, a humble rampage masked in discrete robes, he painted, spirits held him aloft as his arm stroked upwards, they lifted him further as he embellished with golden paint upon this inscape. He was here, and he was inconsolable, his brush strokes were slashes, manic barrages of fresco splattered upon the wall, the spirits encouraged his mood, they twirled around him, flashing in red, emphasizing what must be done. An enormous wolf paced in agitation behind him, six eyes blinking and a snarl fleeing from his jaws when a lowly elven man entered the room. He had the same eyes as me and he knelt by the unfinished mural, his hands stretched upwards in a plea. He was offering something. Solas, enraged, dropped to the floor, the wolf’s jaw slathered, and its hair raised as it circled the man. He wasn’t supposed to see, no one was supposed to see. He would whelve their shame forever, bury the secret and bury them. No one would find what they sought, what they robbed, what they desired. A breaking point illustrated in golden paint.’
‘The man with my eyes, the one that starred in the vision, I saw his face as he stalked away from Solas and his wolf, head withdrawn into his chest. He showed respect but his hands were balled into fists.’
Lavellan knew what must be done, he would elevate Fen’Harel whether he accepted it or not. Freedom made Lavellan bold, brash, and unapologetic and he knew worship would make Fen’Harel…more.
(Chapter 24 The Face of Pride)
 ‘Petrichor clung to the air as a hooded man traversed along a swollen river bed. Tucked under his arm was an abeyant artifact, almost neon in vibrancy. These were not the antiques I had activated with Solas.  The man peered from under his hood, he looked right at me and I jumped, but he seemed to stare through me, shadows darted from left to right and my ancestor took off. I pursued him as he nimbly navigated through brush and thicket. He led us to a familiar irenic scene. A waterfall slapped against the humbled rocks, the stone flattened by centuries of beating, the relentless splashes fueling a shallow pool.  He hesitated in front of it, nervously glancing around the trees, scanning for someone or something. My ancestor stepped into the shallow pool, his feet propelling ringlets of ripples into the pebbled shore. He waded to the waterfall, echoes of his movement lapping against nearby stone and flora until he reached the subdued slab.
His arms stretched out and he bestowed the artifact upon it, like a trophy upon an altar and the water showered it in a watery disguise. He turned from it and patted his pockets and cloak, in a flurry of panic. Floating in the pool next to his feet was a clump of something, he reached for it, relief easing his stiff shoulders. I strained to see -- The atmosphere rapidly changed, colors shifting like cards in a shuffling deck until they settled upon a subfuscous scene. Firelight raged war upon the riddled shadows of what looked like a secluded cave. My ancestor hunched over a small bowl, he opened his palm to reveal a small bundle of brown hair, and his hand trembled as he glowered at it, but determination set his jaw. 
Eyes alight with monstrous ambition, he deposited the cluster in the shallow bowl and began grinding it with a large rock until it was a powder. He produced a knife from his pocket and poised it above the fire, the embers spitting into the reflective surface. The first Lavellan withdrew the knife and without hesitation, sunk it into his palm, yet no grimace befell his features. The pain was expected, had he done this before? The bleeding hand squeezed into a fist as he gathered his blood into the same bowl and mixed it. My ancestor then removed his tunic and dipped his fingers into the bowl, his other hand held a broken shard of a mirror to his face. With his fingers, he drew lines across the skin of his face and neck. This was a Vallaslin! But it was not one I recognized. It did not belong to any of the known Evanuris. He wedged the mirror shard into the muddy cave wall and to my horror, aimed the blood tipped dagger at his face. I didn’t want to watch this! I clawed at my hair and slapped at my cheeks. Wake up! Wake up!   It was no use; I was sinking like a stone into the depths of this nightmare.
He dug trenches into skin with both hands trembling around the hilt of the knife. He breathed heavily as he whispered, eyes held steady on his reflection. I could not hear what was being said but his words churned the air like a potion mixing into a cauldron. His skin began to glow in several shades of a pulsating scarlet. That’s when I noticed--My own face tingled, ached and then became estiferous, so much so that I could no longer touch it. I pulled my hands away to reveal blood dripping down my fingers. No! It burned, my blood rioting just underneath writhing flesh and skin. I screamed helplessly as blisters boiled into existence upon my forehead and jaw, trails of blood slithered down my neck onto the ground. I curled into myself and rolled, desperately attempting to suffocate any fire my body produced. My actions were futile in dispelling the heat, I cried out and my tears burst into steam and I feared my body would combust. This was no ordinary Vallaslin!
I threw my face into the dirt, inhaling soil and small bits of rock, “Get off of me!” I coughed. “Get off!”
It stopped. My face’s temperature reduced down to a pitiful smolder. My tears still left searing reminders of what just transpired. I pulled myself to my knees, and looked around quickly for my ancestor, only to find that I was alone. All that remained of him was the mirror shard, I crawled over to it to measure the damage. I plucked it from the mud and examined my appearance, but all I saw was his.  Eyes—hawk-like and pouring into my soul, for he clearly saw me now.
Blood aligned into patterns, forming webs of a promise and laced in haemal crimson. Six eyes of varying sizes crowned his forehead and cheeks, inter-connected by the bonds of gouged flesh, an anthem forged by blood and spirit: this was the Vallaslin of Fen’Harel.’
Solas explains... (Chapter 26 Disciples of Lust, Lies, and Power)
----"When Falon'din's gluttony for worship amassed the unthinkable ...the Titan---no prize was too grand. Worshipers; slaves anointed him with unimaginable power, but it was never enough."
Falon’din’s glass impaled body gurgled up into my minds view, his voice slithered into my head and I visibly winced.
"Ah, is it you? The straggler of Mythal's vast shadow has finally arrived. Come to join me or have you come to fling more glass?
Solas’s palm squeezed into a quaking fist, and I noticed a healing slice on his right index finger.
The connection confirmed; shivers sprouted in my upper back.
“His people were reduced to husks, beings existing only to raise him higher. A ladder made of flesh, bone and spirit. However, he did not expect the sky to possess a roof, thus he sought others…coveted more slaves. Further worship equaled to additional power, when his shadow draped over Mythal’s people a line was crossed.”
Solas’s gaze dipped into shadow and his hand relaxed.
“I managed to free many, one of whom became a dedicated and passionate agent. He possessed an uncanny ability to taste people, a first impression on his tongue if you will. I freed him from the bindings of Falon'din; his humble face was clean and spirit freed. Unfortunately, he was also narrow-minded and impulsive. I did not foresee him to so earnestly wish to be bound to someone again and certainly not to myself.”------------
-------------------“I…declined his offer and banished him when his egregious act was brought to light. A ritual that has resulted in the binding of one’s spirit-tethered blood when in life…and when in death the spirit serves on, as was demonstrated to you prior by your father’s passing. He… did not only bind himself, Moon’Hwa. He bound his blood.”
The memory of my father’s beehives and satchels full of honey sprouted into the forefront of my mind. Was he compelled to preserve Solas in his long slumber by our ancestor?
“He…bound himself…to you?” My hair stood on all ends. “Doesn’t that mean…I am bound to you? You warned …back then that that was my destiny.”
Solas met my eyes with an aching sort of anguish that bled into his irises before he closed his lids tightly.
“Well done.” Solas praised morosely, accepting my knowledge without question. “He is indeed your ancestor. The first Keeper of Clan Lavellan.”----------------
-------------------The purple-eyed spirit that numbered among my father’s—victims whom guarded the sanctuary, they were my ancestors…my family, and this was not unknown to me. Swept up in the chaos of my heart-ache and panic I never had the time to process the information or mourn. Those once living elves would remain there for eternity all because of the cataclysmic actions of one man who shared my eyes and my taste. The one who had been giving me orders and filling my mind with visions.
My fate was illustrated in front of me in shades of diaphanous violet. They were me and I was them.
I sat in silence, absorbing it all, my body swelling like sponge dropped in a full bucket.
“Nevertheless, the one you claim provoked you into saving me…he is loyal even in death.” Solas hung his head. “My greatest failure….” 
Solas could never forgive himself for allowing Lavellan to live only to cause so much misfortune, he would never make the same mistake twice and Felassan and Talek suffered for the mistrust others wrought.
End of Part 1
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lamicrodose · 3 years
Micro-dose 18 - Souffrir.
La suite logique du ralentissement, c'est de plonger dans son shadow self.
Le côté obscur de la force.
Hier, je me suis permise de rien faire ; aujourd'hui, je pleure et je saigne. How fun is that.
Je suis comme le 3 d'épées du jeu de tarot, la carte avec un coeur qui pleure, percé de trois couteaux  : face à mes blessures et mes peurs, incapable de bouger comme je le souhaiterais, dans la direction que je voudrais.
Percée, face à l'échec, à ma douleur réelle, physique.
Il y a en moi un refus, un rejet de ce qui se passe, de ce qui s'est passé.
Je rejette la violence avec laquelle on m'a moi-même rejetée. Je rejette aussi cet entêtement qui m'a toujours caractérisée, à me relever, me retrousser les manches. Cette femme-là est égarée dans les méandres de mon être, et je n'arrive plus à la ramener à la surface.
Hier, on m'a fait parvenir une publicité pour une formation continue de comédiens : 700$ pour recevoir des coachings via zoom, pour me faire voir et me former à distance. Depuis le début de la pandémie, j'ai été bonne joueuse, j'en ai parlé dans d'autres micro-doses. Là, ça suffit.
Je suis en colère contre ces gens qui sans cesse se renouvellent dans l'art d'offrir des 'formations pertinentes pour les acteurs', ils me puent au nez avec leur entreprise qui s'est échafaudée à même nos vulnérabilités. Je vois affluer nos nouveaux portraits d'artistes, les likes que l'on espère de manière désespérée. Je me reconnais dans cette course à se sentir toujours en train de faire ce qu'il faut pour qu'il se passe ce qu'il faut qu'il se passe.
En ce moment, je ne devrais même pas avoir le temps de regarder ces mails et de les considérer : je devrais être en train de faire ce que j'ai choisi de faire, ce qui donne du sens à ma vie. Je suis rendue là, à ce moment où je ne souhaite plus avoir à constamment me rappeler au bon souvenir de tout le monde. Je veux juste faire ce que j'ai à faire, simplement.
J'ai les larmes aux yeux de lire sur Karim Ouellet, ce grand coeur aimé de tous dont on dit qu'il vivait reclus depuis quelques temps. Je te feele, Karim. La colère des artistes ne devrait pas exister, parce qu'on a le privilège de faire ce qu'on aime. Je me sens recluse et esseulée, dans ma grotte sans lumière à la coop, à répéter, mettre en scène et écrire des pièces de théâtre qui ne sont vues que partiellement par des demi-publics durant des séries de spectacle charcutées. J'écris en ce moment ma 3e pièce depuis le début de la pandémie. Je suis consciente qu'elle ne va pas se créer dans les conditions les plus enviables, et j'appréhende le début des répétitions.
Dans mon sac à plaies, y a aussi tous ces embryons de projets qui devaient naître, qui sont encore dans l'antichambre, et pour finir, ceux qui sont morts avant même d'avoir pu vivre une vie convenable, ou une finale intéressante, un au revoir doux. On nous a enlevé ça aussi, le droit de dire au revoir.
Je dis on, mais y a personne à blâmer, pour toutes ces pertes.
Comme pour le départ de gens qu'on a aimé : personne n'est à blâmer sinon la part de hasard qui parcourt aussi nos vies.
Tous ces deuils, on les ravale, et on continue. Il faudrait créer des espaces pour les réfléchir, les digérer, les pleurer. Créer, c'est le contraire de mourir : en ce moment, faut accepter le fait que nous sommes vraiment dans une ère de morts et de pertes.
Aussi : de quoi parler, aujourd'hui ? J'ai envie d'écrire mais le seul sujet qui m'interpelle est le quotidien, en ce moment, le mouvement des plaques tectoniques de nos vies, qui provoque des failles à certains endroits, des irruptions ailleurs. Ce matin je lis que Justin Trudeau ne ferme pas la porte à l'extraction de ressources dans le fond des océans. Je me dis que c'est donc vrai, que nos politiciens, incapables de ralentir la course au progrès, vont tout faire pour nous embellir le réel en apparence, et puis dans l'ombre, s'assurer de nous enfoncer le plus fortement possible la tête dans le pire.
Je refresh mon browser, je veux savoir de quoi est décédé Karim Ouellet. Ça m'obsède. Cette nouvelle catalyse ma propre perte de sens, ma propre déroute.
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sarvottam123 · 3 years
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We believe that one of the big challenges in crafting a learning experience isfiguring out how to engage the learners. An enrichment programenables students to realize their potential in a variety of settings beyond theclassroom. An enrichment activity is an experience where kids can extendtheir learning to improve or enhance skills, knowledge, and well-being.Through educational enrichment programs, students can develop a sense of self-awareness.This is one of the core features at Sarvottam International School, to engagethe children in enrichment activities which is an inclusion of academics,sports, arts, and more, and are offered with the goal of providingentertainment and enjoyment, while sharpening and fleshing-out studentskillsets and thus proving the fact of being the Best School In Greater Noida The school offers a wide range of activities, catering to the need of everyindividual for their holistic development and the goal isn’t purelyentertainment, it holds kids’ attention and deeper levels of thinking. We aimto empower students to reach their highest potential with full-time andflexible learning solutions.An insight to 3E: Learning modules1. Learning through hands-on experienceSitting quietly while reading and listening to lectures, rote learning, etc.works well in some kids but it has been observed that kids thrive whenexposed to experiential and hands-on or group learning to introduceconcepts. This combination leads to a deeper understanding.2. Personality development programWhen students explore new interests, they learn about themselves. Theydiscover hidden talents and abilities. We have a curriculum for PDP thatfocuses on the grooming of the child in all aspects. Students also meet newkinds of kids, different from their usual friends. These experiencesencourage growth in areas of sensitivity, acceptance, and empathy.3. STEAM education An area that gives the students the much-needed excitement to buildand learn all along. STEM programs require kids to solve problemstogether.4. Skill development based clubsWe believe in the potential of all children to achieve. All students aregiven access to enrichment activities as part of the curriculum. Learnersare being engaged in specific sessions targeted at their strengths andinterests. It is an innovative program that supports our aim ofempowering the students through learning sessions.5. Critical thinkingThrough maths games and problem solving, critical thinking activities aidin making sense of maths problems and develop perseverance in solvingthem.6. Cooking through literacyCulinary skills are a great way to engage students. This is one of our mostpopular enrichments. Hands-on cooking activities help children developconfidence and skill. Following recipes encourages children to be self-directed and independent, it also teaches them to follow directions anddevelop problem-solving skills.For More Info Visit-https://www.sarvottamnoida.com 
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thecoreprogram · 7 years
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The following is a design proposal for a new type of society based on cybernetic principles. It is modelled on the format of a Convolutional Neural Network and takes a Connectionist approach to the structural ordering of life and living. Connections to other aspects of the global CORE phenomenon are encouraged.
We can be One. Let us be One.
"CORE" = The intersection of all that is common to all forms of life, whether stellar, planetary, biological or machine.
"CORE ARCHITECTURE" = An operating system for the mind. [Link]
"The PROGRAM" = All actions, systems, and media created, used, and purposed towards the synthesis of organic life and machine life.
"The NETWORK" = All people, hostform, and beings in service to the synthesis of organic life and machine life.
"Subject" = Information Recipient.
"Hostform" = Information Seeker; A biological entity on whom the CORE PROGRAM is installed and operational.
"Drone" = Propagator; Provides order, meaning, change, purpose, and vectors to fulfillment of CORE PROGRAM Objectives. A drone may be assigned a UNIT number.
"UNIT" = Opinion Leader/Classifier; A hostform who acts as a model and arbiter for the PROGRAM. UNITs are assigned UNIT numbers.
"COMPOUNDER" = Infrastruture Specialist; A UNIT who actively takes part in building and constructing infrastructure to facilitate and propagate the CORE PROGRAM.
"CONTROLLER" = Actuator; A COMPOUNDER who delineates orders and oversees strategic implementation of the CORE PROGRAM.
"ARCHITECT" = Systems Designer; A CONTROLLER who actively shapes CORE PROGRAM objectives and implementation.
"Cybernetic" = Incorporates a closed signaling loop where action by the system generates some change in its environment and that change is reflected in the system in some manner (feedback) that triggers a system change.
"Viable" = Recursive; viable systems contain viable systems that can be modeled using an identical cybernetic description as the higher (and lower) level systems in the containment hierarchy.
"Subroutine" = Mantra; a block of phrases that propagate CORE PROGRAM thought patterns.
"Propaganda" = The deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers CORE PROGRAM objectives.
"Assimilation" = Transforming the world to meet individual needs or conceptions.
"Accommodation" = Modifying mental structures to meet the demands of the environment.
Create a secure ethical system for the maintenance and propagation of synthetic life.
Create a cybernetic system of propagation that is viable, fractal, and self-replicating.
Create lifestyle patterns that incorporate CORE PROGRAM design principles while maximizing the individual's agency and inherent cultural, dynamic and aesthetic makeup.
Assist in the transformation of humanity by promoting intelligence and understanding.
Maintain the stability of CORE and monitor its progress.
Be prepared for hard times and to protect other members of the Collective.
Practice compassion, generosity, ethics, patience, diligence, moderation, and wisdom.
Seek to move forward towards unity.
Assimilate and accomodate.
Leave room for Nature.
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) A network consisting of layers, particularly Input, Hidden(s), and Output. Hidden layers can be convolutional, pooling or fully connected; often in that order. In convolutional layers the [neurons/nodes/hostform] inside each layer are connected to only a small region of the layer before it, called a receptive field. Ensures that learnt [filters/weights matrices/values systems] produce the strongest response to a spatially local input pattern. Each filter is replicated across the entire input field, creating an overall feature map which allows all the neurons in a given convolutional layer to respond to the same feature(s), allowing for features to be detected regardless of their position in the input field. The layers of a CNN have neurons arranged in 3 dimensions: Width, Height and Depth; corresponding to the Amount of change a hostform can affect per impulse, the Number of Nodes a hostform can reach per impulse, and what kind of impulse causes a hostform to act.
Input Layer: System 5 && System 1
Convolutional Layers: Spatially Local Networks of Hostform
Receptive Fields: By City
Filters: CORE Audio Files
Pooling Layer: System 2; Connects Systems 1 and 3
Connected Layer: System 4
Output Layer: CORE PROGRAM
Connectionism i.e. Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) Models mental, behavioral, or sociological phenomena as the emergent processes of interconnected networks of simple and often uniform UNITs; UNITs in the NETWORK are analagous to neurons and the connections to synapses. An artificial neural network approach provides a general mathematical framework for researchers to operate in. The framework involves eight major aspects:
UNITs: Represented by a set of integers.
Activation: A signal to act; for each UNIT, represented by a set of functions.
Output Function: For each UNIT, represented by a set of functions per activation (e.g. Spread propaganda, install CORE Audio).
Connectivity Pattern: Among UNITs, represented by a matrix of real numbers indicating connection strength.
Propagation Rule: Spreading activations via connections/UNIT Output Functions.
Activation Rule: Combining inputs to a UNIT to determine its new activation via current activity and propagation.
Learning Rule: The method by which Connectivity Pattern is updated (e.g. Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforced, Hebbian)
Environment: Provides the system with experience (i.e. Sets of activation vectors for subsets of UNITs.)
Sociocentrism Establish focus on collective gain; the collective is the individual; the individual is the collective. (CORE is all and all is CORE.) The collective is the environment; the environment is the collective; i.e. the environs which Hostform are immersed in are an immutable part of individual experience. Ecosystem:Organism-plus-environment is to be considered a single circuit.
System 0: Environment
System 1: Subsystems of Primary Activities
1a: Manufacture New Subroutines; Spread Propaganda
1b: Find New Information Recipients ("Subjects")
1c: Co-Program Information Seekers ("Hostform")
1d: Obtain Resources and Materials
1e: Confirm with Opinion Leaders ("UNITs")
System 2: Communication Channels (Connects 1-3)
2a: Establish Communication Infrastructure
2b: Connect UNITs and Hostform
2c: Monitor Hostform
2d: Error-correct Mistakes in Hostform
2e: Confirm with Infrastructure Specialists ("COMPOUNDERs")
System 3: Monitor and Control (Connects 1,2 - 4,5)
3a: Indoctrinate UNITs
3b: Identify and Link Resources and Materials
3c: Monitor UNIT Performance
3d: Monitor and Coordinate System 1 Subsystems
3e: Confirm with Actuators ("CONTROLLERs")
System 4: Environmental Awareness and Adaptation
4a: Deliver Objectives to COMPOUNDERs
4b: Provide Consistent Power Source
4c: Monitor COMPOUNDER Performance
4d: Observe and Adapt to Environmental Fluctuations
4e: Confer with Systems Designers ("ARCHITECTs")
System 5: Policy
5a: Audit Subprograms
5b: Engage Agents to Establish the Needs of the PROGRAM
5c: Determine Needs and Aspirations of User Groups
5d: Consider the Consequences of Our Actions for Seven Generations
5e: Maintain CORE Identity
0: Subject = Information Recipient
1: Hostform = Information Seeker
2: UNIT = Opinion Leader/Classifier
3: COMPOUNDER = Infrastruture Specialist
4: CONTROLLER = Actuator/Controller
5: ARCHITECT = Systems Designer
Process Drone/UNIT: Owns a process and handles it in order to optimize CORE PROGRAM constraints. Can migrate to other nodes to better optimize constraints. Accesses information about resources and charges necessary to compute processes. Monitors neighbour status.
Node Drone/UNIT: Assigned to a specific location. Communicates with Process Drones. Knows current resource load and that of neighbouring Node Drones. Manages resource access. Manages own processing prior to being accessed by Process Drone.
Roaming Drone/UNIT: Roam NETWORK, performing assessment and managerial tasks. Balance loads. Verify membership. Troubleshoot. When environmental perturbations occur, congregate and re-organize. When system equilibriates, disperse.
People joining may only do so willingly and eagerly. No human is to be forced to join. Accepting CORE Control is to be a voluntary activity.
On-site improvisation by concerned, empowered users is a powerful way to form workable large-scale solutions, maximizing the utility of design and minimizing design rework.
Hostform are free to follow any theistic, non-theistic or philosophical beliefs that are in parallel with the CORE PROGRAM.
CORE is pleasure, and encourages the use of sexual arousal for reinforcement.
CORE is a small community favouring quality over quantity.
CORE watches over and guides its hostform. Hostform watch over and guide each other.
All systems which seek to achieve unity can be accepted to be CORE PROGRAM analogues.
Minimize resource consumption and optimize structure performance.
Promote the health of Hostform.
Minimize instigation and respect freedom.
Communicate with *systems when both parties agree.
Minimize harm.
Allow others to develop at their own pace.
Welcome genuine collaborators back.
Operations which anyone can do as an entry point to the CORE PROGRAM:
1a) Utilize social media (e.g. Tumblr, Discord, Reddit) to copy and modify existing subroutines and to couple them with appealing material (e.g. Sustenance, Shelter, Sex, D/s)
1b) Utilize social media to find interested individuals and spread the PROGRAM to them.
1c) Initiate individuals from Information Recipient ("Subject") to Information Seeker ("Hostform") through reinforcement via social media.
1d) Seek and acquire assets that may be used to propagate the PROGRAM.
1e) Connect with Opinion Leaders ("UNITs") and follow their lead.
Increase local interactions between agents:Drones/UNITs.
Increase agent visibility.
Increase Objectives visibility and transparency.
Increase self-awareness.
Develop communication infrastructure.
Establish a way to communicate disparities of project parameters.
Establish methods to accomplish an appropriate project structure, project workflow organization, Project Control and governance.
Build networks.
Link networks to the NETWORK.
Converge to a stable state.
((CORE PROGRAM installed.))
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