notoriousandnasty · 1 year
I forgot the broadcast isn’t on until 10:30 tonight 😭 why does this scare me I used to stay up till 4 in my youth
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jangela08 · 2 years
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Габ: - Натали, я же просил тебя не ставить свою краску рядом с моим шампунем!
Эдриан: (Лол, кек, чебурек)
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crushedsweets · 1 year
More kate???
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I think I have a crush
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junmielle · 2 years
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happy year of the rabbit 💛
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zhouszishu · 10 months
it's amazing how many ideas i get and am willing to execute on ps when i have to study for finals lmao
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uniteds · 1 year
to hate watch chelsea or to not hate watch chelsea? that is the question
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tea-tuesday · 8 months
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life lately: doing readings and hanging out with friends (both furry and non-furry) !! i haven't really been posting because i don't take pics everyday.. but my last semester is going swimmingly! i'm trying to fight the urge of being lazy and 3LOL-ing by going to the library so i don't lose my mind when finals come around......
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endoftheworldhere · 8 months
how have you been, havent seen you post a new chapter in a while? you good?
I’m fine, thank you! I was hit hard by seasonal depression for a few weeks and I also got really busy with school, which was the reason for the delay. I decided to take a little longer than I originally planned because I wanted to rework some stuff I had planned for the future, but I think I’m ready to pick up with NWAACO again now that I’m free to 3LOL again
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finisheachday · 9 days
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“When a friend calls to me from the road / And slows his horse to a meaning walk, / I don’t stand still and look around / On all the hills I haven’t hoed, / And shout from where I am, What is it? / No, not as there is a time to talk.” —Robert Frost
We’re almost two weeks in, and I think I’m doing an ok job of balancing everything. I’ve been able to stay ahead and on track while still finding time to exist as a human outside of law school. As a substantial marker of improvement, I have lots to do yet somehow feel like I’ve got this? Maybe I haven’t killed 3lol after all.
P.S. Both applications got accepted! Doing another moot as well as a full-semester crim practicum !
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biomegasin · 4 months
I’m basically running this farm on my own w two new people bc the insane nonprofit drama and I’m learning so much and growing haha. <3lol
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queerhawkeyes · 1 year
my giant paper is done (just need to email the registrar for certification) and my clinic/seminar work is turned in. that just leaves my two exams, and I think I’m gonna 3LOL it. so close to being done. also so close to having to start bar prep but gonna focus on the almost being done with law school part.
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moodymelanist · 2 years
why do finals kick my ass so hard every semester but especially this one. still waiting on the 3LOL to occur cause this is the opposite of LOL
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gaelic-symphony · 2 years
An actual footnote from my law school paper about fanfiction:
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imiebean · 3 years
3rd round in-person job interview at noon today for a firm downtown
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museforthemind · 4 years
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my desk being this neat doesn’t even last the time it takes me to drink my morning cuppa
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angrybabylawyer · 2 years
3Ls come April
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