lamonnaie · 4 months
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They're BACK 🥹🥹
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knifvd · 11 months
a little annoyed w real live friends , i'll be working on some drabbles from THIS ask meme & lurking on discord . also a funny lil ask meme HERE .
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vhstown · 1 year
guys im actually gonna fail school like a levels are too much i can't 😭 might as well become a freeloader and write bad fanfiction for the rest of my life
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kc-drawer · 1 year
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My First Post :D
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babymorte · 2 months
Take some time for yourself be well and we'll all be rooting for your return
thank you i really appreciate it 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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kitsunabi · 2 months
I may just have a breakdown before we hit midnight woooooooo
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3p-4p-nordics · 11 months
I found people that like my 3P designs
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kenshfsblog · 8 months
#キメセ #4some #超デカマラ
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sunsetagain · 5 months
Guide of an ongoing BG3 comic: HANG THE DJ (Black Mirror AU)
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BG3 x Black Mirror (season 4 episode 4) modern AU comic series.
Outline: Astarion and Karlach on their first date under the Absolute's command.
Main ship is Astarion + Karlach. But it's a multi-ship story as the original TV show is. I will tag ship name in every update. Please read with caution.
Check this Linktree if you prefer reading on other platforms.
You can also check Work in Progress tag to see single panels I was working on.
Comic Index:
Chapter 1
Part 1 (8 pages) Astarion + Karlach Part 2 (8 pages) Astarion + Karlach Part 3 (8 pages) Astarion + Karlach Part 4 (3 pages) Astarion + Karlach
Chapter 2 in progress Chapter 3 in progress Chapter 4 in progress Chapter 5 in progress
To be updated.
before something new pops up in here perhaps you wanna read my old BG3 comics to kill the time :)
► I Need Protection (4p)
BG3 x DBH. Astarion Kamski and his android KC100 Karlach. 
► Tabula Rasa (blank slate/empty sheet) (22p)
Before Withers invites them to the party, Ascendant Astarion tries his best to regain Karlach's love in the Nine Hells.
► My Heart’s an Empty Vase Looking for Roses (20p)
Spawn Astarion and Karlach talking about their plan in Avernus after the game.
► Sunburn (3p)
Spawn Astarion with Volo’s eye.
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kurosamehaiki · 2 months
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1p : ⚡️&🌙 "show us your magic!" 🐱"ok, leave it to me!"
2p : 🌙?
3p : 🌙→🧸
4p : 🐱"so..., how was i supposed to put it back together?" ⚡️"oh..."
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dollya-robinprotector · 8 months
Pls draw Lyah & M!Robin next… 🤲 I live laugh loved the yuri
I have many, many asks requested M!Rob and Lyah and vice versa, even 3p 4p suggestions and I have to say...
I'm tryinggggggggggggg O)-((((((((((((( You think I don't wanna do some yaoi or yuri or sloppy 3p 4p? I'm tryingggggggggggg
You are lucky tonight I was in the mood for some New Year warm up OTL Here have some yaoi Robin and Lyah please don't attack me I tried
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Since Lyah have the Demon TF, I guess there are some "trick" he can do but Lya can't jsksjsjsks
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Yandere Psychosophy/Attitudinal Psyche
Inspired by yandere MBTI and yandere Big Five. Personality test/self-assessment for this Google document verison of this
This is a yandere typing system based on the original Psychosophy (also remade as Attitudinal Psyche) system. Originally, it was divided into four aspects: logic, physics, emotions, and volition/will.
These placements are divided into another four placements: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The 1st placement is characterized by absolute, possibly even arrogant, confidence in that aspect and feeling no need to improve or change it. It is very rigid and unchangeable. The 2nd placement, on the other hand, is the most flexible placement. It is characterized by confidence but not arrogance, feeling little weakness in this aspect. To the user of the 2nd function, it is comfortable and easy to use with others and develop further. But the 3rd placement is the opposite. It is the most uncomfortable to use, with a constant feeling of insecurity associated with it. There seem to be two most common approaches to this function: aggressively overusing it or the opposite, neglecting it. This is the placement that needs the most improvement. Finally, the 4th placement is the most underused and is seen by its user as either unimportant or better with a quick fix. These four placements form the foundation of understanding an individual's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for potential growth within this typology system.
In summary...
1st placement: Confident Function (1V, 1L, 1E, 1P) Strong, Aggressive, Monologue
2nd placement: Flexible Function (2V, 2L, 2E, 2P) Strong, Passive, Dialogue
3rd placement: Insecure Function (3V, 3L, 3E, 3P) Weak, Aggressive, Dialogue
4th placement: Unbothered Function (4V, 4L, 4E, 4P) Weak, Passive, Monologue
Yandere System
So what about the yandere system? It follows the same placement rules as the original system but uses its own aspects. The yandere Psychosophy system is divided into four four aspects, respectively: cognition (C), aggression (A), expression (E), and determination (D).
Cognition, equivalent to logic in the original Psychosophy system, reflects how a yandere processes information, plans their actions, and uses their intelligence to manage their obsession.
Aggression, equivalent to physics in the original Psychosophy system, evaluates how a yandere uses power, intimidation, or violence to get what they want or control their darling.
Expression, equivalent to emotion in the original Psychosophy system, focuses on how freely a yandere shows their affection and obsession for their darling.
Finally, determination, equivalent to volition/will in the original Psychosophy system, assess how either determined or fragile a yandere is in achieving their goals with their darling.
Placement Descriptions
Cognition (C)
1st Placement (C1): Exhibits absolute confidence in their ability to strategize and plan. This yandere is highly analytical and methodical, always staying several steps ahead. They see no need for improvement in their cognitive abilities and are often seen as calculating masterminds.
2nd Placement (C2): Confident and comfortable in their cognitive abilities, they can adapt plans fluidly and are skilled at thinking on their feet. They are open to developing their strategic thinking further and are effective planners who work well with others.
3rd Placement (C3): Struggles with insecurity regarding their cognitive skills. They might oscillate between overanalyzing situations to compensate for their perceived shortcomings or neglecting planning altogether. This yandere needs the most improvement in how they process information and strategize.
4th Placement (C4): Minimally engaged in strategic thinking, often relying on intuition or others for planning. They see detailed planning as unimportant and prefer quick fixes or spontaneous actions.
Aggression (A)
1st Placement (A1): Extremely confident in using aggression and violence to achieve their goals. They are unyielding and often intimidate or overpower others without hesitation. Improvement is seen as unnecessary as they view their aggressive approach as highly effective.
2nd Placement (A2): Uses aggression when necessary but with restraint and control. They are comfortable leveraging their power but prefer to balance it with other methods. Open to refining their approach, they effectively combine intimidation with strategic non-violent tactics.
3rd Placement (A3): Feels insecure about their use of aggression. They may either overuse violence in an attempt to assert control or avoid it altogether out of fear or uncertainty. Developing a balanced approach to aggression is crucial for them.
4th Placement (A4): Rarely resorts to violence or intimidation, viewing it as a last resort. They prefer non-aggressive methods and see aggression as unimportant or something to be avoided. They often look for quick, peaceful solutions.
Expression (E)
1st Placement (E1): Highly expressive, openly displaying their emotions and obsession with intense fervor. They are unapologetically passionate, showing no need to alter their expressive nature. Their overt emotional displays are a core part of their identity.
2nd Placement (E2): Comfortable and confident in showing their emotions, they balance expressiveness with control. They can openly share their feelings and are adept at adjusting their emotional displays to suit different situations. They find it easy to develop and fine-tune their emotional expression.
3rd Placement (E3): Struggles with expressing emotions, feeling insecure about their displays of affection or obsession. They may either overexpress in an attempt to compensate or hide their emotions entirely. Improving their emotional expressiveness is a key area for growth.
4th Placement (E4): Minimally expressive, often appearing detached or indifferent. They see emotional displays as unnecessary and prefer to keep their feelings hidden. Quick, minimal expressions are preferred, avoiding deep emotional involvement.
Determination (D)
1st Placement (D1): Exhibits unshakeable determination and willpower. This yandere is relentless and unwavering in their pursuit of goals, seeing no need to alter their approach. They possess a strong sense of purpose and are highly driven.
2nd Placement (D2): Confident and adaptable in their determination, they pursue goals with a balanced approach. They can persist through challenges while remaining flexible. Open to enhancing their resolve, they effectively combine willpower with adaptability.
3rd Placement (D3): Feels insecure about their determination, often fluctuating between intense bursts of willpower and periods of doubt. They may either push themselves excessively or give up easily. Developing a consistent and confident approach to their goals is essential.
4th Placement (D4): Exhibits low determination, often relying on external factors or others to drive their actions. They see strong willpower as unimportant, preferring to go with the flow or avoid direct confrontation. Quick, minimal efforts are favored over sustained determination.
Possible Types
CDEA, CDAE, CEAD, CEDA, CADE, CAED, ACDE, ACED, ADCE, ADEC, AECD, AEDC, EACD, EADC, ECAD, ECDA, EDAC, EDCA, DCEA, DCAE, DEAC, DECA, DACE, DAEC. (First letter is the first placement, second is the second placement, etc.)
That's all! Thank you for reading, and feel free to reblog with the type you think you are or maybe even type a character :D And feel free to send asks or comments if you have any questions.
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hwnglx · 10 months
enha jay real personality reading, please !
jay's real personality behind the scenes
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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5c&ju, 7sw, kingc&6sw, pagw, hang&acw, tow
+ behind closed doors, jay is an exceptionally righteous person. someone with clear moral principles, who puts a lot of importance into taking accountability for his actions. he's a guy who strongly believes in always staying just and fair, as well as doing the right thing, and taking responsibility for when he ends up messing up. he isn't the type of person who will try and cover up his mistakes, or twist things in order to shift the blame onto someone else. he believes that a respectable man, should be able to admit his wrongdoings and actively work on himself in order to make sure not to make the same mistake again.
he's a very humble person. he's always willing to improve himself, never feels like he can learn enough lessons from life. he lives his day to day while believing that every single experience of his, even if negative, can later aid him in becoming a better person. he is like a student of life. a lot of curiousity about things the world can offer him, as well as interest in finding out what he can offer this world in return.
jay is also someone immensely respectful and considerate of people's individual boundaries. he isn't a nosy person who oversteps lines or digs his nose too deep into other people's business. he respects their privacy, and always makes sure to remain polite with the people around him. he has great manners. you will rarely catch jay act out of impulse and behave without thinking about his actions beforehand. very tactful guy, on and off camera.
there is also this sense of emotional understanding in him, which makes him very mature beyond his young age. he's someone who's very receptive of people's feelings. the type of friend who, if you're going through something, would notice your sadness, quietly watch you from afar and end up asking you if you're alright once he feels like you'd be comfortable with the question. very comforting energy in him. he has this great ability of consoling you and easing your struggles, without ever making you feel uneasy, like he's getting too close to you.
behind the scenes, the enhypen member is someone who can bring a lot of inspiration and creativity into situations that might be starting to stagnate. he's a bright existence that can light up any room once he enters, someone who's great at encouraging people to be more brave and courageous in life. if the mood is down and the members are feeling kinda lethargic and lack motivation, jay is the guy who will change the mood in an instant. he has excellent ability to absorb energies, and can easily recognize when it's time for him to step up. he's definitely one of the crucial members in enhypen, who keeps the team going whenever they feel like things aren't moving anymore. almost like a second leader. he is a person who can leave tremendous impact on the people he meets. so much that you're likely to rethink your perspective on certain things, once you talk about them to jay.
3p, 4p, 7p, 5p, empr, mo, 9op&tem
- the abundance of pentacles, my god. it does make sense with his chart being so earth prominent.
jay can stick to his own opinion way too much and be overly persistent, to the extent where it can affect his ability to compromise sometimes. especially when it comes to collaborating with people, he can struggle giving in and will usually stand by his point till the very end.
i remember when jay was participating in i-land, and he kept on trying out for the main part, over and over again. he never gave up, till the very end. (i was very impressed actually) it seems like he has the same tenacious attitude off camera as well, does not enjoy the idea of giving up or "losing". although it obviously is an admirable trait in many ways, jay can sometimes take it to the extreme and insist on things that aren't really worth being so stuck on. he can still find himself struggling to understand when it's time to surrender, and take the most trivial things way too seriously sometimes.
he isn't someone who sets himself limits in regards to his own work. he will work and work and work, and seems to never be able to actually end his work in a satisfied manner. he's likely to be one of the members who stays behind after practice has finished, and goes over the same moves over and over again until he tires himself out immensely. he's a person who's very prone to driving himself into a burnout. and even then, he might still obsess over the things he didn't and couldn't do. he can turn into an obsessive and self-demanding person.. this can distort his self-image a lot and have a negative impact on his self-esteem. jay has such ridiculously high standards for himself, he rarely feels like anything he does is truly good enough, deep inside. he can be way too self-deprecating ☹
i say this a lot, and i feel like this is something many people with prominent earth placements deal with, being very work-oriented. (i see jungkook being this way a lot as well) jay has this very specific image he envisions for himself, which can easily drive him into dissatisfaction. he seems to attach a lot of his pride and self esteem to his financial security, and believes that he'll only truly feel at peace with himself, once he reaches a certain level of independence and stability.
jay's cancer 🌙 can also transform him into a person who's very nurturing, to the point where he worries over his loved ones extremely quickly, almost like a protective mother. he can get very smothering and have some control issues, in a manner that can become overbearing to some people. though this is more exclusive to people he holds extra dear (he won't be like this to everyone), jay caring so much about someone can sometimes result in him expressing that concern in this preachy or almost pushy way.
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singinghotdog · 5 months
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日本語訳(Japanese translation below): 1p "You are Jane Doe" 「あなたはJane Doe」 2p "You remember her clearly, in the battle field, asleep with her eyes wide open." 「彼女のことは明瞭に覚えている、戦場で目を見開いたまま眠る彼女の姿」 "You wanted something what was hers." 「彼女のものがあなたは欲しかった」 "You were nameless then." 「その時あなたには名前が無かった」 3p "You remember the great battle fought for the freedom of your country. There, your name was earned, most honorably." 「祖国の自由の為に戦いがあったのをあなたは覚えている。そこで、あなたは非常に名誉深くも名前を得られたのだ」 "And you remember all of it." 「あなたはその全容を覚えている」 "The woman." 「女性に、」 "The bloody helmet." 「血濡れたヘルメット」 "Might it have belonged to her baby, whom no longer in this world; she had sung lullabies to." 「それは彼女が子守唄を歌っていた、この世にはもういない赤ん坊のものだったかもしれない」 ""An honarable accomplishment"" 『なんて名誉のある功績だ』 "you think, dying to a country you are so proud of." 「誇りに思う国の為に死ねるなんてと、あなたは思う」 4p ""For Freedom"" 『自由のため』 ""For Honour"" 『名誉のため』 "…and for the greater cause, you continue the reckless violence." 「そして大義のために、あなたは無謀な暴力を続ける」 "You no longer know your true colour, but you know the warmth of this RED." 「もう自分自身の本当の色もわからないのに、ただこの赤色の温かさのみは理解できるのだ」 "You are the soldier." 「あなたは兵士だ」 5p ""I am Jane Doe"" 『俺はJane Doe』
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the-aph-circus · 1 year
Jumping on this specific poll trend but with Hetalia
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theroyalthrones · 1 year
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Behind the Scenes | Four Seasons Hotel | Grenoble, Lavande
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transcript below cut
ANCHOR Lavande Fashion Week has taken the fashion world by storm. Many great fashion houses unveiled their summer collections for the past week. Most notable of the masses. The Collective and Vandeleur have been the talk of the town. ANCHOR Just last night, Vandeleur models walked the runways and showed the world the creations. We call it now, the jean is in. ANCHOR The two head designers and Cofounders. Princess Lorraine De'Cremonesi and Kainalu Alana made an appearance. Clearly relieved that their hard work was well recieved. ANCHOR Was it just me, or did they loose their spark? ANCHOR That's just speculation though. ANCHOR Her Royal Highness is scheduled to go back to Orillia in a few days. Clearly making a victory lap for a job well done… (fade out) The tv switches and we're in lorraines hotel room It's dark in the room, and she's in pain.she relives the moment in a flashback KAINALU ALANA "You'll never change" Knocking on the door WINONA DE'ASTURIAS It's worse than I thought. Lorraine are you under this pile of mess?
LORRAINE DE'CREMONESI Groannnns CAROLINE D'ALAIRE Oh honey, you look terrible. LORRAINE DE'CREMONESI Thank you, that totally makes me feel better. They go on her bed, they cuddle up against her, like kids. 3p CAROLINE D'ALAIRE You know everything will be okay, right? LORRAINE DE'CREMONESI What are you doing here? CAROLINE D'ALAIRE How could I not support my best friend! And in my home country at that. WINONA DE'ASTURIAS I told her what happened, Lor. 4p LORRAINE DE'CREMONESI Weeps I don't even know why I feel like… WINONA DE'ASTURIAS Shit? LORRAINE DE'CREMONESI We didn't even date! I never wanted to put a label on us. CAROLINE D'ALAIRE Maybe he wanted to. But you didn't want to notice. 5p LORRAINE DE'CREMONESI Cries Maybe I'm better off without him. WINONA DE'ASTURIAS Ohn baby. She's now at the airport. Next walking up the steps to the plane CAROLINE D'ALAIRE You'll figure it out, in time. CAROLINE D'ALAIRE I'll be damned if you don't end up happy.
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