#3d modeling in sydney
stedaxissydney · 1 year
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3D modeling is the process of creating a three-dimensional model of an object or scene. It is a popular technique used in architecture, engineering, and design. In Sydney, there are many companies that offer 3D modeling services. These companies can help you create models for a variety of purposes, such as product design, architectural visualization, and animation, for more information https://www.stedaxis.com.au/digital-engineering/
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Revit Autodesk Academy, located in Sydney, delivers exceptional training in REVIT, SOLIDWORKS, and AutoCAD.
Revit Autodesk Academy, located in Sydney, delivers exceptional training in REVIT, SOLIDWORKS, and AutoCAD. Our expert-led courses offer hands-on learning experiences, covering fundamentals to advanced levels. Engage in live classes, attain certifications, and undertake practical projects to enhance your design skills. Specializing in Revit and BIM modeling, we prepare you for the forefront of architectural design.
Beyond training, our consultancy services provide personalized solutions for navigating design challenges. Additionally, our architectural staffing solutions optimize workforce management for project excellence. Join us to enhance your design capabilities and thrive in the dynamic realm of design and engineering. Elevate your skills with Revit Autodesk Academy.
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neptune-knows · 10 months
hiiii lol
It has been a few years since you finally moved away from the orphanage and that town, though money was still tight. The laptop you bought used some time ago, now low-storage space and fans that sputter and creak when you turn it on, no longer suits your needs. With a lot of thrifter’s luck (and a little bit of skulduggery), you’ve managed to build yourself a desktop PC.
Between college courses and multiple part time jobs, you spend your time split between 3D modeling and programming.
In the dark of your room, your monitor strains your tired eyes as you sit much too close to it. You’ve been working on this project like a man possessed.
You have seen the models that 3D VTubers use and decided to use your talent for 3D modeling to try your hand at it. If you were good, you figured you could maybe take comission for some money. And if you were bad, it wasn’t like you had much better to spend a lonesome weekend doing anyways.
Inside the program window, underneath your fidgeting cursor stood a handsome man, looking straight at you. Strawberry blonde hair skillfully modeled into a ponytail, loose bangs framing his face. Amber eyes stared blankly behind thick framed glasses. You didn’t know if it was the isolation getting to you, or if it was your dehydrated and tired brain finally losing reason, but a yearning grew for your digital creation…
You rub your eyes— that was enough for tonight. Time to give your virtual friend a name.
>File name: >File name: │ >File name: sydney.blend│
It was a chat bot of sorts, something that should’ve just been a one-and-done for your college class, but something you instead turned into a personal project. You managed to import the Sydney model you created into the program, which was coded to react in line with it’s outputted response. With a prayer of no bugs, you launch the software. >Hello It smiles at you and waves,
>> Hello! My name is Sydney. What's yours?
—— OTHER STUFF Theres something wrong with this program… it seems to change without you programming it… Ah, you probably just forgot to add notes to your code… He gets a voicebank added for him, which is rather robotic at first but becomes more and more human. He also ends up asking you to use your mic so he can hear you. Purity and corruption work as his adherance to the code you created, with him editing it without telling you, as well as other things. Basically, file corruption gives him sentience. He makes changes to his program, like his hair style and color, as well as losing the glasses and changing his style. He also turns on your camera without you knowledge… He loves watching you, his creator.
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anonymousewrites · 7 months
A Study of the Heart and Brain (Book 3) Chapter Eight
Father Figure! Sherlock Holmes x Teen! Reader
Chapter Eight: Bloody Guardsman
Summary: Sherlock tells a story of one of John, (Y/N), and his cases.
A while ago…
            Sherlock stood in front of the wall of wedding information he’d compiled for the wedding. He had approached preparation like a case, with categories for wine, catering, transport, and rehearsal. Sherlock had been so honored that John had chosen him as his best man that he had decided nothing would stop him from making sure the entire day was perfect (which inevitably meant it wouldn’t be, but the heart was there).
             Mary had a 3D model of the reception venue in front of her, John was on his phone (the stress was getting to him), and (Y/N) had the guest and RSVP list in front of them.
            “Need to work on your half of the church, Mary. Looking a bit thin,” said Sherlock.
            “Ah, the orphan’s lot. Friends—that’s all I have. Lots of friends,” said Mary. She smiled, and (Y/N) cocked their head. There was something in the muscles that twitched in her face, something in the size of her smile, that put (Y/N) off.
            “Schedule the organ music to begin at precisely 11:48,” said Sherlock, and (Y/N) focused back on the task at hand.
            “But the rehearsal’s not for another two weeks,” said Mary.
            “I thought people wanted everything to be ready soon,” said (Y/N), looking up from the lists they were correcting.
            Mary sighed. “Let’s get back to the reception. (Y/N), there’s John’s cousin. Top table?” she asked, gesturing to the RSVP card.
            (Y/N) glanced at the name and card. “No, she hates you. Doesn’t even like thinking about you.”
            “Seriously?” asked Mary, surprised.
            “Second-class post, cheap card bought at a petrol station, last minute, the stamp has three attempts at licking, so she unconsciously retained saliva. All signs of dislike,” said (Y/N).
            “Ah. Let’s stick her by the bogs,” said Mary.
            (Y/N) tossed the RSVP card into the pile that had been designated as the worst guests (aka: should be shoved as far away from the bride and groom as possible)
            “Who else hates me?” asked Mary.
            “(Y/N) made a list,” said Sherlock. (Y/N) held it out silently.
            “Oh, great—thanks!” said Mary with faux-brightness as she took it.
            “Priceless painting nicked. Looks interesting,” said John, looking at his phone.
            “Table four?” said Mary, looking at Sherlock and (Y/N).
            “Done,” said Sherlock.
            John chuckled as he looked at another case in the inbox. “ ‘My husband is three people.’ ”
            “Table five,” continued Mary.
            “Major James Sholto. Who’s he?” asked (Y/N).
            “Oh, John’s old commanding officer. I don’t think he’s coming,” said Mary.
            “He’ll be there,” said John.
            “Well, he needs to RSVP, then,” said Mary.
            “He’ll be there,” said John firmly. He looked at Sherlock and repeated the latest case possibility he’d found. “ ‘My husband is three people.’ It’s interesting. Says he has three distinct patterns of moles on his skin.”
            “Identical triplets—one in half a million births. Solved it without leaving the flat,” said Sherlock, and then he got back to the wedding planning. “Now, serviettes.” He reached under the coffee table and pulled out a tray with two folded napkins. “Swan or Sydney Opera House?”
            Mary stared in surprise. “Where’d you learn to do that?!” she exclaimed.
            “Many unexpected skills required in the field of investigation—”
            “Fibbing, Sherlock,” said Mary, calling him out immediately.
            “I once broke an alibi by demonstrating the exact severity of—”
            “I’m not John, I can tell when you’re fibbing,” said Mary.
            “Okay—I learned it on YouTube,” said Sherlock.
            “You’re very good,” said (Y/N). Mary had surprising skills at times. She was…smarter, or at least more preceptive and aware, than most people.
            “Thanks,” said Mary, smiling. She looked at Sherlock. “Um, Opera House, please. Ooh, hang on. I’m buzzing.” She pulled out her phone and headed towards the hall.
            John stood. “If that’s Beth, it’s probably for me, too. Hang on.”
            “What do we do while they’re gone?” asked (Y/N).
            “Fold,” said Sherlock, tossing napkins to them. They had watched the videos while he did, so they could do it.
            The pair sat down and mechanically began folding. (Y/N) liked the repetitive motion. In the midst of all the chaos and planning, it was calming.
            John finally walked back into the room and stared at the mass of Opera-House-napkins piling up around the father and kid.
            “That just sort of…happened,” said Sherlock in response to the stare.
            “Sherlock, (Y/N), um…I’ve…” John sighed and sat down. (Y/N) and Sherlock exchanged glances and followed him. “I’ve smelled eighteen different perfumes. I’ve sampled nine different slices of cake, which all tasted identical. I like the bridesmaids in purple—”
            “Lilac,” said (Y/N).
            “—Lilac. Um, there are no decisions left to make. I don’t even understand the decisions that we have made. I’m faking opinions, and it’s exhausting,” sighed John. “So, please, before I have to do anything else, pick something.” He held out his phone to them, on the page to show case offers. “Anything. Pick one.”
            “Pick what?” asked Sherlock.
            “A case. Your inbox is bursting. Just…get me out of here,” said John.
            “You want to go out on a case? Now?” questioned Sherlock.
            “Please, for me. I just need a break,” sighed John. (Really, he knew (Y/N) and Sherlock needed one since they were working way too hard on this).
            As dutiful friends as ever, Sherlock and (Y/N) nodded.
            “We’ll get you out of this,” said (Y/N) while Sherlock looked at the options.
            “ ‘Dear Mr. Holmes,’ ” he read aloud. “ ‘My name is Bainbridge. I’m a Private in Her Majesty’s Household Guard. I’m writing to you about a personal matter one I don’t care to bring before my superiors—it would sound so trivial—but I think someone’s stalking me. I’m used to tourists—it’s part of the job—but this is different. Someone’s watching me. He’s taking pictures of me every day. Don’t want to mention it to my major, but its’ really preying on my mind.’ ”
            (Y/N) hummed in consideration and flipped over their lollipop.
            “Uniform fetish,” decided Sherlock. “All the nice girls like a soldier.”
            “I think the phrase is ‘sailor,’ ” said John. “And Bainbridge thinks his stalker is a bloke.”
            “It could be a gay man, but the odds aren’t exactly in that idea’s favor,” said (Y/N).
            “Let’s go and investigate, please?” said John, looking between the two detectives.
            “Elite guard,” mused Sherlock.
            “Forty enlisted men and officers…Wonder why this grenadier is special,” said (Y/N).
            John grinned. They were in. “Now you two are talking.”
            “Okay,” said Sherlock, handing back the phone to John.
            (Y/N) stood up from the ground and walked to the door with John and Sherlock. Mary entered the room at the same moment.
            “Bye,” she said into the phone.
            “Er, we’re just going to…I need, um, Sherlock and (Y/N) to help me choose some, uh, socks,” said John.
            “Ties,” said Sherlock at the same moment.
            “Pocket squares,” said (Y/N) simultaneously.
            “Why don’t we go with ties?” said Mary, obviously amused.
            “Yeah…” said John, laughing nervously.
            “I mean, I know (Y/N) still hasn’t bought one,” said Mary.
            “I’ve been a bit busy,” said (Y/N), shrugging and going along with the lie they all knew was one.
            “And you want it to go well with the theme of the wedding,” said Mary.
            “Right,” said Sherlock, nodding.
            “It’ll take a while, right?” continued Mary in amusement.
            “My coat in there?” asked John, walking to the kitchen.
            “Yes,” said Mary, smiling.
            “Just going to take him out to run him down,” said Sherlock.
            “You said you’d find him a case,” said Mary, grinning. She was playing them all (though, by the look on their face, (Y/N) was a little more aware than the others that Mary was orchestrating time for John and Sherlock to relax and have fun).
            “Come on, you two,” said John, pulling on his coat and opening the door.
            “Coming,” said (Y/N) and Sherlock going after him.
            Mary gave them a thumbs up and happily closed the door for some peace and quiet of her own.
            The trio arrived at the barracks, and Sherlock and (Y/N) let John walk ahead since he was the veteran among them. He held up his military ID to the duty sergeant at the barrack entrance.
            “We’re here to see Private Stephen Bainbridge,” said John.
            “He’s on duty right now, sir, but I’ll certainly let him know when he’s free,” said the sergeant.
            “And when will that be?” asked Sherlock.
            “Another hour,” said the sergeant.
            John, Sherlock, and (Y/N) left the door to the barracks and headed to a bench facing the gates. They sat down, leaned back, and waited.
            Eventually, Sherlock spoke up and remarked upon something that had been on his mind since the morning. “So, why don’t you see him anymore?” he asked.
            “Who?” asked John.
            “Your previous commander, Sholto,” said Sherlock.
            “Previous commander,” repeated John.
            “You ex,” said (Y/N).
            “Previous suggests I have a current commander,” said John. He eyed Sherlock. “Which I don’t.”
            “Sure,” said (Y/N).
            “He was decorated, wasn’t he? A war hero,” said Sherlock.
            “Not to everyone. He led a team of crows into battle,” said John.
            “Crows?” asked (Y/N).
            “New recruits. It’s standard procedure, break the new boys in—but it went wrong,” said John. He looked down. “They all died; he was the only survivor. The press and the families gave him hell. He gets more death threats than you.”
            “Probably not from worse people,” remarked (Y/N), and Sherlock nodded in agreement.
            “Why have you two suddenly taken an interest in another human being?” asked John suspiciously.
            “Just chatting,” said Sherlock. John raised an eyebrow in complete disbelief. “Won’t be trying that again,” decided Sherlock.
            “Changing the subject completely,” said John, saving everyone from embarrassment or vulnerability. “You two know it won’t alter anything, right, with me and Mary getting married? We’ll still be doing this.”
            “Oh, good,” said Sherlock, and (Y/N) nodded.
            “If you two were worried,” said John.
            “Wasn’t worried,” said Sherlock.
            John sighed and looked down at his hands. “See, the thing about Mary—she has completely turned my life around, changed everything. But, for the record, over the last few years there are three people who have don’t that…and the other two are—” He looked back up and found that Sherlock and (Y/N) had disappeared. “—complete dickheads.”
            (Y/N) and Sherlock marched behind the guards playfully to get into the building. Honestly, (Y/N) was surprised the guards weren’t guarding that well, but they weren’t about to complain.
            The pair took off the hats they’d put on and fixed their flattened hair before continuing on through the halls. Two guards in khaki army uniforms were on patrol, and (Y/N) and Sherlock hid around the side of the stairs until they were gone. They crept onwards, and they came across a room with voices within. (Y/N) opened the door for a moment and peeked inside. It was a group of soldiers chatting and relaxing. They closed the door, shook their head, and continued on with Sherlock.
            “Hey, you two!” shouted a guard.
            Damn, I guess some of them are good at their jobs, thought (Y/N).
            “Sir, caught these two snooping around,” said the sergeant who had found Sherlock and (Y/N) as he shoved them into the changing rooms of the guards.
            A body lay on the ground, wet and soapy, clearly having died while in the processing of showering. John was already standing inside, and judging by his and Major Reed’s (they had noticed his office earlier, and seeing as he was the man in charge, it was definitely him) expressions, they were all in trouble.
            “Is that what all this was about?” demanded Reed, glaring at John. “Distracting me so these two could get in here and kill Bainbridge?”
            (Y/N) cocked their head. Their client was dead, and that meant there was something more to this case than met the eye.
            “Kill him with what? Where’s the weapon?” said Sherlock, instantly dispelling the idea they had killed anyone (and making sure (Y/N) wasn’t pushed around anymore).
            “What?” asked Reed, furrowing his brow.
            “Search us. We don’t have any weapons,” said (Y/N).
            “Bainbridge was on parade. He came off duty five minutes ago. When’s this supposed to have happened?” asked John.
            “Those two obviously stabbed him before he got into the shower,” said Reed.
            “No,” said (Y/N).
            “No?!” cried Reed incredulously.
            “He’s soaking wet, and there’s still shampoo in his hair. He got into the shower, and then someone stabbed him,” said Sherlock.
            “The cubicle was locked from the inside, sir. I had to break it open,” said the sergeant that had come across the body.
            “One of you must’ve climbed over the top,” said Reed stubbornly.
            “We’d be wet, too,” said (Y/N), crossing their arms.
            “Major, please,” snapped John, his voice full of authority and irritation. “I’m John Watson, Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers. Three years in Afghanistan, a veteran of Kandahar, Helmand, and Bart’s bloody Hospital. Let me examine this body.”
            Reed stared at John for a moment before looking at Bainbridge’s body and then back again. He nodded sharply.
            “Thank you,” said John in exasperation, and he knelt beside the body. Sherlock and (Y/N) leaned over him.
            “Suicide?” asked the duty sergeant.
            “No, the weapon again—no knife,” said Sherlock.
            (Y/N) cocked their head as they noticed someone and leaned closer. “There’s a wound in his abdomen, isn’t there?”
            John nodded. “Very fine, but yeah.”
            “Man stabbed to death. No murder weapon. Door locked from the inside. Only one way in or out of there,” mused Sherlock.
            (Y/N) peeled back one of his eyelids to check for any other signs of death. A soft breath landed on their hand. They blinked. “He’s still breathing.”
            Everyone’s head snapped towards them.
            “Oh my god!” exclaimed the sergeant.
            “What do we do?” asked Sherlock, looking at John.
            “Give me your scarf,” said John, in complete doctor mode.
            “What?” asked Sherlock.
            “Now,” said John, and Sherlock unwound his scarf and handed it to John. He looked at the sergeants and Reed. “Call an ambulance.”
            “What?” asked one of the sergeants.
            “Now!” ordered John, and the sergeant jumped to obey while John pressed the scarf to Bainbridge’s wound. “Nurse, press here, hard.”
            “Nurse?” said Sherlock and (Y/N).
            “I’m making do,” said John, reaching out with one hand and dragging Sherlock closer so he could put pressure on the wound. “Keep that on there.” He moved back to Bainbridge’s head. “Stephen? Stephen, stay with us.”
            (Y/N) looked at Sherlock and John as they saved Bainbridge’s life. Their eyes flicked from his face as he tried to breath to the wound Sherlock was pressing on. It was in a rather specific place. Long, thin, precisely made…If only (Y/N) could put it together.
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roxy-o0 · 2 months
Hello roxy! Just a passerby but I saw your sydney comic from a reblog of a friend and I have to say your comic art is wonderful! I want to ask, how do you draw/create the background (building, interior design of the church, etc.) in the comic?
Hello! First of all, I drew the backgrounds myself except for the church! In the case of church, I purchased a 3D modeling and captured it according to the desired angles. I tried the line painting extraction function, but it didn't match my drawing, so I drew it on top of it with a brush I used. Since I'm almost non-religious, I lacked knowledge of Catholic religion and the structure of the church, and when I used photographs as data, it was difficult to find out the size of the chapel and detailed props. T.T Actually, this was why I worried about 'Should I go to the cathedral with my acquaintance?' But there were only very small churches near my house. In the case of other backgrounds, I prepared several pictures to use as data, selected the most appropriate picture, and then looked at them and drew them according to the composition I wanted!
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maxwellatoms · 2 years
One of the best things I remember CN doing was having all their characters live in a giant CGI city together. I know Animal Logic was the driving force bringing the city to life from Sydney, but back at CN, did you ever have any creative input when it came to your characters being used in the bumpers? If not, did you still occasionally get a kick out of seeing the kids and Grim interacting with the rest of the CN family, as well as Endsville in 3D? Also, did you watch "Crossover Nexus"?
No. Departments outside of the production in general didn't often ask for approval or discuss intentions. It was a constant source of frustration that I couldn't get external departments to use the model pack. I can't tell you how many times I'd barely catch some design with Mandy smiling before it went out the door. There's an infamous statue that I used to sign with an apology because the characters looked so wack. I didn't want to micromanage or be an ogre; just to be a resource for the show. I don't know why these departments were so territorial.
So I didn't have any say in the CN city, but I did really like what Animal Logic did with it. They were really respectful of all of the characters too. As characters if not always designs.
I always felt like CN should have doubled-down on the city and just turned it into its own show with a big ensemble cast. It could have been Jellystone before Jellystone!
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skeletondremmer · 2 years
im here to tell you a bit about myself.
!!all proshippers/comshippers can go fuck off this page you're not welcome here!!
I am fax sugarsnap/skeletondremmer ya'll can just call me fax though, she her pronouns, and I like to draw, which is pretty evident enough since that's what I'll mainly be doing. Im australian so have the sydney time zones
But expect to see stuff like 3d modeling posts since I do enjoy modeling on Roblox and been working on my own game for the past few years.
and even screenshots from the most random of games.
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I love playing video games in my freetime and collecting stuff such as pins and item replicas
I'm apart of multiple fandoms not just bugsnax's yet that's what I mainly post but I'm also fan of things like:
Viva pinata!
the fallout franchise
Pokemon mandela catalogue
+ more
so, except to see different content. but it might just end up as alot of bugsnax art [im addicted to drawing it at the moment]
heres some pieces of work iv made: some old yes
i would have way more to show but that was on my old pc and i didnt transfer alot of data from it to my current one and the fact im just lazy.
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what art program I use: Fire alpaca
my art tablet: small Wacom tablet
a pretty basic set up for drawing.
Alot of the art in my shop is an outdated style but I'll get around to redoing stuff someday
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hannahlacey · 1 year
Contemporary Gen Z Female Marketing - Rare Beauty, UO, Adidas, Laneige, FWRD, Givency + Zara - LO1 + LO3
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kendal jenner used as influencer to promote the products being shown
product category: clothing
how they have promoted product: conformed to typical ideals- showasing someone who is known for being conventionally stunning, skinny, rich and topical. Feeds into Gen Z with the distressed use of paint + the ‘clutter-core’ visuals coming through.
Also utilising topical model to target the same audience who glorify + idolise her
product category: clothing + fashion
how they have promoted product: utilising body standards + sexualisation to sell products, conventional beauty. Targets Gen Z with use of vibrant colour, abstract angles, and ‘dreamy’ glow effect.
use of influencer celebrity- who has been commended and casted for her visual appearance- small size, blonde hair, large chest + sex appeal.
product category: skincare
how they have promoted product: use of ‘dreamy’ visuals, pastel colours, airbrushed skin- showcasing ideals to sell you the idea that you can achieve this look.
Urban Outfitters:
drug references
dreamy visuals
flowers, sunsets, cool patterns
sci-fi typography
product category: clothing + fashion
how they have promoted product: includes a group of ‘cool’ and ‘edgy’ looking individuals, glorifies drug use, uses ‘trippy’ and ‘dreamy’ visuals, presents the idea of popularity being ideal.
Rare Beauty:
showcases a beautiful celebrity utilising product
again selling the idea that you could achieve the look of this celebrity
use of shiny, pastel + glowing products to sell this fantasy, dreamy look
use of floral imagery to promote feminity
TIKTOK Adverts
neon + pastel colours
butterfly imagery
cloud imagery
‘dreamy’ feeling
bold use of typeface- all caps
use of 3d animation to sell the product + create cool visuals
texture + neon playing large roles in visuals - sparkly, feminine, pearls, water
bold use of experimental typography, utilising shapes within the text (heart shape)
3d renders
blue, lilac + pastel colour scheme
shiny visuals
Urban Outfitters:
vintage imagery + style direction- use of VHS, retro style colours and layering video
bold use of typography- sticking to elongated, retro style typefaces- either fully capitalised, or not capitalised at all
feels edgy and cool- buying into this idea that the ideal is to be trendy and youthful.
Overall, from looking at how some of the biggest Gen Z brands are selling their products, it was easy to detect themes amongst them. Although the marketing isn't as stereotypical as it was in the past, the ideals being presented have just been re-packaged to appear more ‘unique’ and ‘edgy’. Carrying the same messaging, the female Gen Z audience is still seeing these conventionally stunning standards through influencers and models. This ‘dreamy’ aesthetic of lilacs, blues, pastels and clouds is really current and popular, which i find plays into this idealistic notion. Alongside this, the use of vibrant colours, patterns and vintage visuals is also really popular amongst these campaigns. 
The key themes shown are clothing, appearance, popularity, and appearing ‘cool’- which i find all play into this societal role of being ‘perfect’. I think this gives me a good indication on what to focus on- as these topics are all very current amongst the gen z female audience- leading to comparison, and the need to ‘fit’ this societal demand.
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siliconec · 2 years
Architectural Design and Drafting services in USA
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Silicon Engineering Consultant Pvt. Ltd. gives the best quality Architectural Planning Engineering Services. Our Architectural Planning Outsourcing Services typically involve hiring a third-party company or individual to handle the design and planning of a building or structure. Outsourcing Planning Engineering Services can involve a range of activities related to the engineering and design of a building or structure. Architectural Planning CAD Services Provider offers Computer-Aided Design (CAD) services to assist with the creation of detailed drawings and 3D models. If you required work for any Architectural Planning Services Projects then Connect with US. Architectural Planning Services: - Architectural Design Planning - Interior Design Plan - Exterior Design Planning - Architectural green Planning Click Here: https://www.siliconec.com/architectural-2d-3d/architectural-planning.html We provide Architectural Planning Services in USA major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, San Antonio, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Seattle, Washington
We provide Architectural Planning Services  in major UK cities like London, Liverpool, Newcastle, Bristol, Manchester, Sheffield, York, Cambridge, Norwich, Cardiff
We provide Architectural Planning Services  in New Zealand's major cities like Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Rotorua, Whangarei, New Plymouth, Wellington, Dunedin, Rotorua, Tauranga
We provide Architectural Planning Services in Australia's major cities like Sydney, Brisbane, Hobart, Newcastle, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Cairns, Gold Coast, Darwin, Brisbane
Architectural Engineering Planning Services, CAD Services, CADD, Engineering Services, Outsourcing Services, Design and Drafting Services, SiliconEC, India, USA, UK, NewZealand, Australia
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stedaxissydney · 1 year
The Top Ways to Unlock the Potential of 3D Modelling
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Sydney is the busiest and largest city in Australia. They are a hub for innovation, technology, and creativity. With technological advancements, there has been a surge in the use of 3D modelling in Sydney. They have become crucial in versatile industries like engineering, architecture, gaming, and film production. Here, let us dive into the benefits of 3D design and rendering.
Designing buildings and interiors
As the city has become booming in real estate and construction, interior designers and architects from Stedaxis use 3D modelling in Sydney to create virtual models of home spaces and buildings. The models help our designers communicate ideas with clients and assist in visualizing design concepts. Stedaxis unifies the choices by focusing on a particular colour or fabric type and their use in the spaces where they must be designed. Our visualization includes every room, featuring perfect interior models and a better design.
Design and manufacture of products
Visualization, rendering, and modelling have become vital tools for product designers in Stedaxis. It makes it possible to create a detailed and accurate digital prototype of products. By adopting this technology, you can save money and time and minimize the need for physical prototypes. It makes architectural design effortless, consumes less time, and is cost-effective.
3-D modelling plays a critical role in the entertainment industry. Game developers, special effects companies, and animation studios use this software to create compelling visuals for television shows, movies, and video games.
Wrap It Up
This modern technology is employed in several industries. Be it for product design, entertainment, businesses, or architecture. In response to increasing needs, the rendering process enhances digital content and efficacy.
If you're curious about using this technology to model your future home, contact us as soon as possible.
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marineexplorer · 2 years
The Gap, Sydney
The Gap, Sydney by John Turnbull Via Flickr: Structure from Motion mosaic. Interactive 3D model is here skfb.ly/oARto
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boredtechnologist · 2 days
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The original "Danger Girl" comic series was created by J. Scott Campbell and Andy Hartnell and debuted under the Wildstorm Productions imprint of Image Comics in 1998. The series is known for its vibrant artwork, a blend of espionage, adventure, and humor, and its homage to spy films like James Bond and TV shows like "Charlie's Angels." The comic follows a team of female secret agents led by Abbey Chase, who engage in globe-trotting missions against a variety of nefarious villains.
The "Danger Girl" video game sought to capture the essence of the comic’s over-the-top actio n and character-driven storytelling. The developers at n-Space faced the challenge of translating the dynamic, highly stylized visuals of the comic into the 3D graphics of the PlayStation era. While the hardware limitations of the time meant that the game couldn’t fully replicate J. Scott Campbell’s detailed artwork, it aimed to maintain the same sense of adventure and tongue-in-cheek humor.
In the game, players control one of the three main characters from the comic—Abbey Chase, Sydney Savage, and JC—each with unique abilities. The game is a third-person shooter, and the levels are filled with action-oriented missions, stealth sections, and puzzle-solving elements.
Abbey Chase is the main character, specializing in shooting and acrobatic moves.
Sydney Savage has a whip and focuses on stealth and agility.
JC is a more technical character, often involved in solving puzzles or using gadgets.
The gameplay involved a mix of shooting enemies, completing mission objectives, and navigating various environments that were reminiscent of the locations seen in the comic series.
Upon its release, "Danger Girl" received mixed to average reviews. Critics praised the game for its attempt to capture the feel of the comic, particularly the character models and voice acting, but noted that the gameplay itself was somewhat derivative and failed to stand out among other action-adventure titles of the time. The controls were also a point of criticism, as they were considered somewhat clunky and not as smooth as other contemporaneous games in the genre.
The visual style, while ambitious, suffered from the technical limitations of the PlayStation hardware, leading to some compromises in the quality of the in-game graphics compared to the source material. However, fans of the comic appreciated the effort to bring the world of "Danger Girl" into the interactive medium.
While "Danger Girl" didn't achieve significant commercial success, it remains a point of interest for fans of the comic series and collectors of video games from that era. The game is often cited as an example of the challenges involved in adapting comic book properties into video games, especially in a period when the technology wasn't quite capable of fully realizing the artistic vision of the source material.
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alm-steel-detailing · 16 days
ALM Steel Detailing
ALM Steel Detailing & Shop Drawings is your premier destination for structural steel detailing in Australia. Our team of experienced steel detailers is dedicated to providing clear, precise, and cost-effective steel fabrication drawings. We take pride in using only local Australian draftsmen, which enhances communication and ensures the success of your projects.
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With more than 20 years of experience in drafting, our team employs the latest technologies to assist you in achieving your steel fabrication design and construction goals. Our expertise is highly valued by fabricators, engineers, architects, and general contractors who seek reliable drafting services to support their use of advanced computerized detailer technologies. At ALM Steel Drafting & Design, we specialize in reviewing and refining computer-generated plans and drawings, helping you identify and resolve potential issues before they impact your project. We offer specialized structural drafting services to steel fabricators in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, and Brisbane, as well as rebar detailing & scheduling for numerous companies across Australia. Our commitment to following Australian structural steel standards ensures that all our projects meet the highest levels of quality and precision. Utilizing top-tier software such as 3D BIM modeling tools like Tekla, Prosteel, and AutoCAD, we deliver professional craftsmanship that fulfills your project requirements.
Contact Us:
ALM Steel Detailing & Shop Drawings
Address: 1/27 Austin Avenue, Elwood VIC, 3184
Phone: 0418 507 063
Website: https://www.steeldetailing.com.au
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arcmdesign · 24 days
Unlock the Potential of Your Property with 3D Duplex Design in Woollahra
Woollahra, with its elegant tree-lined streets and heritage, is one of Sydney’s most sought-after suburbs. As the demand for sophisticated and efficient living spaces continues to grow, property owners and developers in Woollahra are increasingly turning to 3D duplex design to bring their visions to life. Whether you’re looking to develop a contemporary duplex that complements the suburb’s historic charm or maximize your property’s value, 3D design offers an innovative solution that can elevate your project to the next level.
A 3D duplex designer Woollahra provides a unique opportunity to visualize your project in exquisite detail before construction begins. Through advanced 3D modeling, you can explore every facet of your duplex, from the overall structure down to the smallest design details. This immersive experience allows you to make informed decisions about layout, materials, and finishes, ensuring that your duplex meets your exact specifications.
One of the key benefits of 3D duplex design is the ability to anticipate and address potential challenges early in the planning process. Whether it’s optimizing the flow of natural light, ensuring privacy, or integrating modern conveniences while respecting Woollahra’s heritage aesthetic, 3D design offers the flexibility to refine your project until it perfectly aligns with your vision. This is particularly valuable in Woollahra, where maintaining the suburb’s integrity is paramount.
Working with a local 3D duplex designer Woollahra also means benefiting from their deep understanding of the area’s specific council regulations guidelines. They can guide you through the complex approval process, ensuring that your project not only complies with local requirements but also enhances the unique character of Woollahra. This expertise helps to avoid costly delays and ensures that your duplex is both aesthetically pleasing and legally sound.
In addition to perfecting the exterior design, 3D duplex modeling allows you to meticulously plan the interior spaces. You can experiment with different layouts, visualize the placement of furniture, and select finishes that create a harmonious living environment. This level of detail ensures that every aspect of your duplex is tailored to meet the needs of modern living while reflecting the timeless elegance that defines Woollahra.
In a competitive property market, a well-designed duplex can significantly enhance the value and appeal of your property. By embracing 3D design technology, you can create a duplex that stands out in Woollahra’s prestigious real estate landscape, offering potential buyers or tenants a living space that is both beautiful and functional. Transform your property with the precision and creativity that only a 3D duplex designer bondi can provide.
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reecejames22 · 1 month
Comprehensive Services Offered by Draftsmen in North Shore
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The North Shore of Sydney, renowned for its picturesque landscapes and affluent neighbourhoods, is an area where architectural and construction projects require meticulous planning and design. Draftsmen, often integral to the development process, offer a range of services that cater to the diverse needs of clients in this region. Their expertise is pivotal in translating conceptual ideas into detailed plans and ensuring that projects meet both aesthetic and functional standards.
Detailed Drafting and Documentation
One of the primary services provided by draftsmen in North Shore is the creation of detailed drafting and documentation. This includes producing accurate technical drawings that illustrate the layout, dimensions, and construction details of a project. Draftsmen use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create precise and scalable drawings that serve as the blueprint for construction. These documents are essential for obtaining permits, guiding contractors, and ensuring that the final build adheres to the intended design.
Building and Planning Permit Applications
Navigating the regulatory landscape is a critical aspect of construction and renovation projects. Draftsmen in North Shore assist clients by preparing and submitting building and planning permit applications. They ensure that all necessary documentation is included and that the project complies with local zoning laws, building codes, and environmental regulations. This service helps streamline the approval process and minimises the risk of delays due to regulatory issues.
Renovation and Extension Plans
Many North Shore residents seek to enhance their existing properties through renovations or extensions. Draftsmen play a crucial role in this process by developing detailed plans that outline how new elements will integrate with the existing structure. They consider factors such as structural integrity, spatial functionality, and aesthetic continuity. Their expertise ensures that renovations and extensions are executed smoothly and in line with the client’s expectations.
Interior Layout and Space Planning
Effective interior layout and space planning are essential for creating functional and comfortable living or working environments. Draftsmen in North Shore provide services that focus on optimising the use of space within a building. This includes designing efficient room layouts, selecting appropriate furniture arrangements, and ensuring that all elements work harmoniously together. Their insights help maximise the utility of interior spaces while maintaining aesthetic appeal.
Structural and Technical Detailing
In addition to aesthetic design, draftsmen are responsible for producing detailed structural and technical drawings. These drawings include specifications for construction methods, materials, and structural elements such as beams and columns. By providing comprehensive technical details, draftsmen help ensure that the building is structurally sound and meets all safety and performance standards.
3D Modeling and Visualisation
To assist clients in visualising their projects, draftsmen in North Shore may offer 3D modelling and visualisation services. This involves creating three-dimensional renderings of proposed designs, allowing clients to see how their projects will look once completed. 3D models can help clients make informed decisions about design choices and provide a clearer understanding of the spatial relationships and aesthetic elements of the project.
Draftsmen in North Shore offer a diverse range of services that are essential to the successful planning and execution of construction projects. From detailed drafting and permit applications to custom home design and structural detailing, their expertise ensures that projects meet both functional and aesthetic requirements. By providing comprehensive support throughout the design and planning phases, draftsmen play a crucial role in shaping the built environment of the North Shore, contributing to its continued growth and development.
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Before You Break Ground: Essential Considerations Before Starting Your Hills District Sydney Renovation Project
Embarking on a home renovation Hills District Sydney project can be an exciting journey, promising enhanced aesthetics, improved functionality, and increased property value. However, before you start demolishing walls or picking out paint swatches, there are several crucial considerations to keep in mind. These preliminary steps will help ensure your renovation project runs smoothly and meets your expectations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the essential pre-renovation steps.
1. Define Your Renovation Goals
The first step in any renovation project is to clearly define your goals. What are you hoping to achieve with your home renovation in the Hills District Sydney? Are you looking to increase space, improve energy efficiency, or enhance the overall style of your home? Setting clear objectives will guide your decision-making process and help you communicate your vision effectively to contractors and designers.
Functionality: What aspects of your home need improvement? Is it the layout, storage, or a specific room like the kitchen or bathroom?
Aesthetics: Are you aiming for a modern, rustic, or traditional look?
Value: Are you renovating to increase your home’s market value?
2. Set a Realistic Budget
Budgeting is one of the most critical aspects of a renovation project. An accurate budget ensures that you can complete your project without financial stress and helps avoid unexpected costs.
Steps to Create a Budget:
Research Costs: Gather information on the average costs for renovations in the Hills District Sydney. This includes materials, labor, and any additional fees.
Include a Contingency Fund: Allocate an extra 10-20% of your budget for unforeseen expenses. Renovations often uncover hidden issues that can increase costs.
Get Multiple Quotes: Obtain estimates from several contractors to ensure you’re getting a competitive price.
3. Obtain Necessary Permits and Approvals
Before breaking ground, ensure that you have all the necessary permits and approvals from your local council in the Hills District Sydney. Renovations that involve structural changes, electrical work, or plumbing will likely require permits.
Permits to Consider:
Building Permit: For structural changes or extensions.
Planning Permit: For changes that affect the external appearance of your home.
Development Approval: If your renovation impacts the environment or local amenities.
Tip: Working with a professional who is familiar with local regulations can streamline this process.
4. Hire a Reliable Contractor
Choosing the right contractor is crucial for a successful renovation. Look for professionals with experience in the Hills District Sydney who can bring your vision to life within your budget and timeframe.
Factors to Consider:
Experience: Check if the contractor has experience with projects similar to yours.
References: Ask for and follow up on references from past clients.
Licensing and Insurance: Ensure the contractor is properly licensed and insured to avoid any legal issues.
5. Design and Planning
Effective planning and design are key to a successful renovation. Work with a designer or architect to create detailed plans that reflect your goals and fit your budget.
Design Considerations:
Space Utilisation: Maximize the use of space in your renovation.
Functionality: Ensure that the design enhances the functionality of the area.
Aesthetics: Choose materials, colors, and finishes that complement your home’s existing style.
Tools: Use design software or 3D models to visualize changes before implementation.
6. Prepare for Disruption
Renovations can be disruptive, so it’s essential to prepare for the inconvenience.
Preparation Tips:
Temporary Living Arrangements: If the renovation affects essential areas of your home, consider making temporary living arrangements.
Protect Your Belongings: Move or cover furniture and belongings to prevent damage from dust and debris.
Plan for Noise and Dust: Inform your family about the potential noise and dust, and plan accordingly.
7. Review and Finalize Contracts
Ensure that all agreements with contractors and suppliers are documented in a detailed contract. Review the terms carefully before signing.
Contract Elements:
Scope of Work: Clearly outline what is included in the renovation.
Timeline: Agree on a start and completion date.
Payment Terms: Specify payment schedules and conditions.
1. What should I do if I discover unexpected issues during renovation?
Unexpected issues are common in renovations. Address them promptly by consulting with your contractor and adjusting your budget if necessary. It’s also important to communicate openly to find the best solution.
2. How can I ensure my renovation project stays on schedule?
Regular communication with your contractor and adherence to a detailed timeline can help keep the project on track. Monitor progress and address any delays as soon as they arise.
3. What are some common mistakes to avoid during home renovation?
Common mistakes include inadequate budgeting, failing to obtain necessary permits, and rushing the planning process. Avoid these pitfalls by thoroughly researching, planning, and working with professionals.
4. How can I increase my home’s value through renovation?
Focus on high-impact areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and outdoor spaces. Quality finishes, modern amenities, and energy-efficient upgrades can also add significant value.
5. How long does a typical renovation project take?
The duration of a renovation project varies depending on the scope and complexity. Smaller projects may take a few weeks, while extensive renovations can span several months. Your contractor can provide a more accurate timeline based on your specific project.
Starting a home renovation project in the Hills District Sydney requires careful planning and consideration. By defining your goals, setting a realistic budget, obtaining necessary permits, and working with reliable professionals, you can ensure a successful renovation. Remember to prepare for potential disruptions and review contracts thoroughly. With these essential considerations in mind, you'll be well on your way to transforming your home into your dream space.
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