#4 days in and i feel just as frantic as when the trailer dropped. help me.
mangosaurus · 3 months
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how the jwct team expects me to survive may 24th is beyond me
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[CN] S2 Victor- Right Now Is The Time (Eng Translation)
⌚ Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a company project that is yet to be released in the global server! ⌚
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NOTE: This post features S2 Victor and MC, and takes place some time in between post-Chapter 4 and pre-Chapter 10. And it’s the 4th company project. However, it doesn’t contain any spoilers regarding the S2 storyline. I’ve listed the notable storyline mentions at the end of the post, so no worries about storyline spoilers! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
The day before the show is officially about to be filmed, I’m setting up the apparatuses in the lobby of LFG.
The company’s new variety event “Right Now is The Time” is a workplace observation related reality show, filming the internship of five talented students working at LFG.
According to the script settings, they have to pass a number of tests with the aim of obtaining a formal offer.
In this process, we hope to be able to display young peoples’ ardent love towards life and strive towards improving themselves simultaneously.
The format of this show has been introduced via overseas. I have spent a long time in obtaining the copyright, and also spent quite a long time in convincing Victor to set the filming location at LFG.
Now that the progress is continuing without a flinch, and the filming is officially about to be started, I also can’t refrain from heaving a sigh of relief.
MC: Master, remember to take away all the wires from here when you leave later. Otherwise, the property owner will definitely say something when he sees them on his way to the office at 6 AM.
As I walk around in the construction site, I lower my head to reply to the messages in the group from time to time. Suddenly, as I turn my head, I almost bump into the person standing behind me head-on.
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MC: Victor.... what are you doing here?
Victor pulls away from me slightly, sweeping his gaze at the several cameras hanging high up on the wall.
Victor: This is LFG. What do you mean what I’m doing here?
MC: ....No, that’s not what I meant. I mean, why are you still at the office now. It’s already one o’clock.
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Victor: Just got finished. What have you got up here?
MC: It’s nothing. The master will be done in a moment. It certainly won’t affect your company’s regular work tomorrow.
Victor seems to be about to say something when an abrupt call pops up on my phone. I embarrassedly duck my head at him, and tap on the call button.
Anna: MC, are you still at LFG? We have just gone through the script, and kept feeling that we won’t be able to shoot so much in one day. We have to pick out some contents to delete.
Anna: How about you do a round trip to the office, and we go over it one last time?
MC: Okay. I’m also done here anyway. I’ll go back right now. Are you guys hungry? I could buy some late-night snacks and bring them up.
Anna: No need for late-night snacks. We will try to get it done within the shortest possible time.
MC: Alright. I’ll be at the office within half an hour.
I hang up the phone, and turn my head to look at Victor. Even before I can say anything, he opens his mouth immediately.
Victor: I’ll drive you to the office.
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MC: It’s okay. I can go back on my own. It’s too late already. You’d better go back and rest.
Victor: You also know it yourself that it’s too late.
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He stares at me for a couple of moments, and seems to sigh. Then he takes out the car key from his pocket, motioning me to walk towards the elevator.
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Victor: I happen to be going to the airport. I’ll drop you off on the way.
Victor: I’ll be away on a business trip these two days. If you need anything, look for Goldman directly. He will help you in arranging it.
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MC: OK. But....
Did he set off for going to the airport in the middle of the night, and is going to attend a meeting on the next day straight away? Although I’ve always known that his work intensity is like this....
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Victor: But what?
I fish out a picture from my phone and send it to him, smiling at him jestingly.
MC: I’ve sent you a phone wallpaper.
There are only six words written on the black background with white characters: “Working-class people, working-class souls.”
[ Note: It’s actually sort of a running joke in Chinese “打工人, 打工魂” (dǎ gōng rén, dǎ gōng hún) about the distress of the working class people :(. It has a rhymed version of it in English, but I’m not going to mention it here cause I’m not sure if I should be typing the word haha~ ]
MC: Although I know you are a capitalist, but you are able to understand the spirit.
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MC: CEO Victor~ mutual encouragement!
Before Victor returns from the business trip, I specifically give him a call, wanting to arrange for one of the outstanding performing interns in the show to pick him up at the airport.
I really can’t bear to miss on a good filming material like this.
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Victor is speechless on the phone for about 10 seconds before he finally sighs.
Victor: The audiences with little common sense would know that, it’s not within the turns of an intern to pick-up at the airport.
MC: Yes, yes, yes, it’s certainly not within the turns of an intern to pick-up the CEO at the airport. But CEO....
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MC: You have great compassion towards considering the ratings of my shows. And you also know how important your appearance for this show is....
MC: You promised me, that you could make an appearance in the trailer for at least 3-5 seconds.
Victor: But according to my understanding of you, when you have a great amount of source materials, it’s impossible to have only 3-5 seconds.
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MC: This is no surprise.
MC: You already knew this, and you still promised me. It’s clear that this 3-5 seconds is not the important point. The important point is making the appearance in the appropriate way.
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MC: I think going with this pick-up method is very appropriate!
MC: Just be yourself. Whether you want to speak or not, what to say or how to say it, it’s all up to your pleasure, CEO Victor. Is this OK?
An almost inaudible sigh can be heard from Victor over the phone.
Victor: OK. I’ll arrive at 4 PM on the day after tomorrow. If you want to film the pick-up, make the arrangements in advance.
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MC: The arrangements will certainly be made adequately for you! I’ll ask Goldman for the flight number.
Victor: Your tone sounds like you’re going to make arrangements with great fanfare.
MC: It’s just.... such as, since it’s a cameo, what kind of clothing and make-up....
Victor: No need.
MC: ....
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MC: Yep, yep, yep. No need. CEO Victor will win the show as soon as he steps in front of the lens of the camera. We focus on the authenticity.
Victor: I still have matters to attend to. Let’s leave it here.
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MC: You go ahead. I’ll get in touch with you the moment there is some progress!
Since I’ve received the special authority to shoot, I naturally arrange everything up frantically.
On the day of picking up at the airport, I sit in front of the monitor from beginning to the end, and stare at it from the first second Victor gets into the car to the final second. The result is beyond expectation—
Unexpectedly, he and the intern in charge of picking up hasn’t spoken a word.
The big brother in charge of filming laughs out loud as he looks at it: Playing this segment of 3-5 seconds would do it. Perhaps the audiences are going to feel like they are stuck in the frame.
MC: [ Talking to herself ] ....Victor wouldn’t be so stingy to really just give me a few seconds of materials, would he?
I wait until the filming clearance carrying great doubts, and is just intending to look for the intern in charge of picking up and ask a few questions, but that person disappears in the blink of an eye.
After a while, he comes over and finds me, additionally carrying a paper medicine bag in his hand.
Intern: Sister MC, CEO Victor spoke a few words with me after getting off the car. I felt his voice sounded a little hoarse. Would you like to send this to him?
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MC: A little hoarse?
Intern: Mm, it felt like a cold. Luckily, we have also been on a project with CEO Victor in the past 2 days. Director Zhang said he even received an email from CEO Victor at 3 o’clock last night. The temperature difference in these two days was so huge and CEO Victor hasn’t rested well. So he might have caught a cold.
A wave of worry floats to my heart as I carry the medicine bag in my hand.
This person.... still doesn’t understand when he starts to feel unwell, nor does he know to make a sound about it.
I knock on the door to Victor’s office, and there is no response for a long time.
This kind of situation is very rare. I feel a little worried, and twist the doorknob to push open a little crack.
Victor leans back in his chair, dozing off. I haven’t pushed the door too loudly, but it still wakes him up.
He straightens up his back, and reaches out his hand to pinch the space between his eyebrows as he looks at me.
I feel somewhat very bad, and simply walk straight over.
MC: ....Did I wake you up? The intern said your voice sounded a little hoarse. So he bought some medicines for you, and asked me to bring them to you.
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MC: Are you OK?
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I can’t help stepping forward, and reaching out my hand to place it on his forehead. He has just woken up, his reaction clearly hasn’t come over, and he doesn’t even frown almost subconsciously like ordinary times.
MC: Fortunately, it’s not a fever.
Victor adjusts his suit, picks up the cup, and takes only one sip before putting it down again.
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Victor: It’s no big deal.
....His voice indeed is very hoarse, and one can tell it’s a cold just by hearing it.
I rummage through the bag of medicines, and inside are throat-smoothening lozenges, indigowoad roots, fever patches– everything needed is available. It can be clearly seen that the person who bought the medicines was considerate and very attentive.
— Someone might be able to take over the job from Goldman in the future.
I eye up his cup once again. Thinking that the water inside surely have gotten cold a long time ago, I smoothly tear open a bag of indigowoad roots right away, and give it to Victor to brew up.
He actually doesn’t refuse, lifts up the cup with his both hands, letting the warm steam rising from the cup to blow on his face.
It’s rare for me to see him with the appearance of being unable to lift up his spirits like this, and I truly can’t help but frown.
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MC: Why is it that the first thing you do after getting off the plane is coming back to the office, and not give yourself even a day of sick leave?
Before Victor can say anything, his phone sitting on the table starts vibrating.
I look at the lock screen illuminated by the light. Surprisingly, it really is that picture of “Working-class people, working-class soul” I have given him earlier.
Victor ignores the phone, and lowers his head to drink two sips of the indigowoad roots.
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Victor: There are two more meetings in the evening, and the time was fixed already a long time ago.
The implication is that, it’s not happening.
My very soul is shaken: When the capitalists work with all their might like this, what qualifications do I have to not make great efforts.
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MC: ....If this segment of yours is included in the show, LFG’s stock price will have to rise by at least three limit ranges.
Victor casts his everyday speechless expression at me. Judging from this reaction, it must have gotten a little bit slower due to the dizzy state he has been in just a moment ago.
I set my heart down, and shove my both hands inside the pockets of my coat.
MC: If you’re all right, I’ll go on and continue to keep an eye on the progress. There are throat-smoothening lozenges in that medicine bag. Remember to take them if your throat feels uncomfortable.
Victor nods, and as soon as I turn my head, he picks up the phone.
MC: Remember—
I suddenly recall when I have walked to the door, and smile at him as I lean against the crack of the door.
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MC: To drink plenty of hot water!
Today’s filming goes on till 10 o’clock, and wraps up without a hitch.
I heard Goldman say that Victor’s meeting has also adjourned about at this same time. I buy some food for him and bring them over. As expected, he really hasn’t eaten again.
He is probably tired, and doesn’t hold it against my meddling in other people’s business, nor does he mock my poor order.
Just as I have set the four dishes on the coffee table, he then picks up the chopsticks on his own.
MC: Chicken, fish, less salt, less oil, and high protein.
MC: How’s this? This sick meal is still not bad, right? [1]
Without making any assessment, Victor picks up the rice, and tastes two bites in order to show his affirmation.
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Victor: How’s the filming of the show coming along?
MC: Surprisingly good.
When the topic of the interns who participated in the filming of the show is raised, I don’t know how am I supposed to praise them.
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MC: Kids nowadays can be extremely quick-witted. They learn things both fast and well, and are also very savvy about interpersonal relationships....
MC: Each one of them are standard template for the business elite.
MC: There is this one intern who came to LFG on the first day, and the department manager called him to write a summary on the conference....
MC: He said straightforwardly that he didn’t know how to do it, and requested for someone to teach him.
MC: And at that time, we were even talking about it encircling behind the monitor.
MC: If it were up to the conventional thinking, the audience surely would have thought that he’d be stifling, be scarlet red in the face and enter the conference room trembling in fear.
MC: In the end, not only did he not have any of those, but was even very frank with his approach. This kind of self-confidence is too rare.
Victor suddenly laughs while eating.
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Victor: Do you think they are all just like you?
MC: ....What’s wrong with me!
Victor: Always preferring to buff your way out.
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MC: Am not!
Even if I really have, it was also a long time ago. Things are very different now.
MC: Anyway, not....
Victor is still smiling. His smile makes me feel that these few clearly light and bland dishes must be very tasty indeed.
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Victor: Considering your opinion, they all possibly will get the offer smoothly?
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MC: Of course.
MC: Trust me. They are all excellent. You were able to attract such a group of youngsters towards LFG, and have made the profit!
MC: And also after the show is broadcast, it will be a good thing for LFG’s publicity aspect too.
MC: Didn’t you say earlier that LFG’s Strategic Development Department wants to set up an image of high professionalism in the public’s eyes?
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Victor: Since you are this set on heart about LFG’s future, you should be brought along to future meetings of the Strategic Development Department.
Victor: And give you the title of external consultant.
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MC: I’ll come if I’m given the wages.
Hearing him speak in a voice a little more hoarse than in the afternoon, I think and know as well that he has spoken a lot during the meetings again. I get up to pour him a cup of hot water.
Victor doesn’t say anything, and carefully eats the food. Not a moment later, my phone rings out abruptly.
Kiki: Boss— I’ve something to ask you. How many minutes in total is the pilot episode going to run?
MC: Half an hour or so, I think. Take a look at the source material in use.
MC: ....Are you still at the office? It’s already half past ten. Didn’t I say you can take an early break today to rest.
Kiki: Alright, I’ll go back immediately. Boss, you should call it an early night too.
Victor puts down the bowl and chopsticks, and leisurely wipes his lips while shooting me an alarming glance.
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Victor: It’s so late already. You’re not off work either.
Victor: And you still call someone else a workaholic?
[ Note: The phrase used here is “人家” (rén jia) which can be translated to other people/someone else. But it’s also used to referring “oneself” as “people/someone.” So basically here, Victor is saying how MC calls him a workaholic LOL. Similar to how the “a certain someone” phrase is often used in their conversation. ]
I stare at Victor, and sigh in a manner as though I want to say something but am hesitating.
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MC: But I came here to bring you dinner in the spirit of dedication based on “It is everyone’s duty to take care of the Boss.”
MC: Did you just classify this as autonomous overtime activity?
I hold out my hand towards him.
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MC: How about you pay for the overtime?
Victor shoots me a glance, and simply purses his lips with a faint smile.
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Victor: I don’t know if I can afford to pay the charges of the gold medal producer.
I laugh along with him, and raise my eyebrows imitating the way he usually does.
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MC: If you can’t afford to pay, I can give you a discount.
As we are talking, Kiki sends me a rough cut of the video that’s going to be used in the pilot. I place my phone on the coffee table, and turn it in an angle that both Victor and I can see.
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MC: Just in time. Let’s have a little look at the clip of the show with dinner.
This segment happens to be the scene when the interns were being interviewed.
At first glance, they all appear to be business elites clad in suits and with boundless prospects. But the tension in between waiting during the intervals is entirely visible to the unaided eye.
....Also there was a young girl, as a result of being too keyed-up, she even decided to memorize a piece of English text to loosen up for a while.
I watch with keen interest, and Victor looks at my gaze with keen interest.
Their expression and state of affairs– immediately makes me evoke all of that scene in one go, that time back then, when I stood in front of Victor.
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Victor: What’s on your mind that you’re so engrossed in watching?
MC: Don’t you have a sense of resonance? Weren’t you like this when you were young?
Just as expected, Victor gives an expression of “Of course not.”
....Is the world so enormously uneven?
Victor bores through two more segments anyway, and the video happens to be onto the time when the interns were receiving their written notice of the internship prepared by the program team.
MC: Yesterday Anna discussed with me that this pilot segment is intended for setting up the keynotes for the show, and in what pattern the character are written here is very important.
MC: What we are thinking about at the moment is— Beginning from here on out, may we all have a luminous and sparkling future ahead of us with boundless prospects.
MC: What do you think?
Victor has been titling his head to the side throughout as he listens to my words, showing no expression of evaluation.
Victor: About what exactly to do on your shows, don’t you usually ask for less of my specific opinions?
I tap pause on the video, and the frame rests on the glass window outside the LFG building, reflecting off the blue sky and white clouds.
MC: This time it’s different. This group of youngsters are from LFG.
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MC: You’ve worked so hard in creating LFG to have a platform so bright and beautiful....
MC: Isn’t it just in the hope that even more people will find broader future here.
Victor’s gaze remains calm and collected, and a smile has been gracing the corners of his lips all along.
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It’s already very late at night. Seeing that Victor has also had his fill, I tidy up the coffee table at once, get up and gesture at him.
MC: Let’s go CEO. Time to get off work.
MC: I’ll drive you home.
Victor is clearly taken aback for a moment.
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Victor: You’ll drive me?
I nod boldly and self-righteously.
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MC: Goldman got off work already at an earlier time, and also greeted me just before leaving. You’ve taken the cold medicine tonight. I’m driving, okay.
Victor: ....
My car is parked directly opposite the elevator. As soon as Victor steps out of the elevator, he walks straight over to the backseat, pulls open the car door, and hops in without saying a word.
I fasten my seatbelt in the driver’s seat, and can’t help from glancing over at the back seat.
MC: CEO Victor, generally speaking.... at times like this, you should be taking the passenger seat.
Victor looks down at his phone without even lifting his head for a bit.
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Victor: I’m not used to with sitting in the passenger seat. [2]
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MC: ....Fine.
After all, he is the CEO. It makes sense that he has never sat in the passenger seat before.
I suddenly recall the app-based taxi guidance, and repeat them without missing a word.
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MC: Our trip is about to begin. Please fasten your seatbelt. Is the temperature inside the car fairly appropriate?
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This time, Victor lifts up his head to look at me, his eyes laced with very obvious confusion.
Evidently, the CEO has almost never taken a taxi either.
Overjoyed, I drive the car out of the parking lot, then immediately lower half the car window, letting the unrestrained sweet night breeze of spring to blow in.
Victor hasn’t said anything all the way, typing down messages on his phone from time to time.
Halfway through the journey, Victor puts the phone back in his pocket, leans back in the seat and looks outside window, laughing in a lazy manner as though soliloquizing.
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Victor: You are the person I know, who very rarely let me set down my work to rest.
I think back carefully— in fact, that was not the case. It’s just not in his memory.  *[ clutches chest ]*
But now, it really isn’t my habit to speak up too much to persuade him into something. He has his own principles and reasons for everything he does....
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MC: You won’t listen even if I said so anyway.
MC: Also.... work is a very important thing to you. I can understand that.
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Half the side of Victor’s face is reflected on the dark tinted car window, and his eyes are casted towards me in alarm, within which are reflected the gorgeous neon lights of the city.
Victor: Does work have to be a very important thing?
The lights of the street lamps fall on the asphalt road. This road, carpeted with light, seems so far away that it doesn’t have an end.
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MC: Mm.... work is a very important thing.
MC: Work is akin to flights of steps. By stepping up and standing in an even higher place, you can then do the things you want to do more.
MC: Perhaps back then, the CEO of LFG has also been just like these group of youngsters. Clad in a suit, standing at the starting point, and then he walked on his way to this day.
In the rearview mirror, Victor locks eyes with me meaningfully. This is an expression I’m familiar with, an expression that represents his tacit  understanding.
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Victor: Earlier, did you want to have me attend the show’s press conference?
I pick up on the keynote, and hurriedly get my spirits up.
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MC: You agreed!
Hearing my absolutely certain tone, Victor smiles faintly.
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Victor: I haven’t said anything yet.
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MC: I still have some of that sharp workplace acumen, and don’t need to be told everything by the CEO to get it right. I can understand the spirit on my own.
Victor doesn’t say anything anymore, and he lowers the car window too. Seeing the night breeze messing up the fringes in front of his forehead, I’ve originally wanted to speak up, and remind him that he’s unwell and should refrain from blowing the wind....
On a second thought I feel, the breeze is very comfortable and is worth blowing.
Especially after constantly running around for several days, and after finally ending a busy and tiring day.
It’s worth blowing a little breeze, and having a look at this resplendent city.
The press conference has been arranged at a hotel under the banner of LFG. Victor has been invited to attend, and he sits in the VIP area off the stage.
I’ve arranged the sequence of process in advance. The only thing he needs to consider is that going up on the stage– next, saying a few words to make an official speech, and that will suffice.
But today’s situation is comparatively lively, and the reporters are clearly very interested in LFG itself as well.
As soon as Victor comes up on the stage, there is constant applause, and the “click-click-click” sound of taking photos nearly overpowers the clamors of the tide of people.
The host has tried several times to ask Victor, who has already finished his speech and is getting off the stage, but couldn’t find the appropriate opportunity to do so. Thereupon, I cast an inquiring glance.
I’ve just got up, wanting to stop the reporters, but Victor lifts up his hand— which means is that, it’s fine.
Victor invites the reporters to ask questions one by one— in a manner that, he is in a very good mood today, and nobody will be refused.
Reporter: CEO Victor, is there any serious consideration behind LFG choosing to collaborate with this kind workplace related variety show?
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Victor: There aren’t any serious considerations. We simply feel that, every one of the employees working at LFG are excellent, and they are worthy of being seen by everyone.
Reporter: Excuse me, CEO Victor, do you have anything to say to these young people who have become a member of LFG?
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After glancing at me faintly, Victor once again looks towards the press box, and opens his mouth unhurriedly, uttering the words that I have said in front of him before.
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Victor: I hope that they will set sail on their journey from LFG, and have a luminous and sparkling future with boundless prospects.
When the applause rings out, I suddenly realize that– I, too, have apparently set sail on my journey clumsily under Victor’s wings, and then slowly walked on my way to this day.
Regardless of the time, the LFG he has created, the doors of this tremendous business empire is wide open to all dreams, waiting for young people, waiting for everyone.
The letters “LFG” have long since not only been the bearer of Victor’s expectations and prospects alone.
After walking through the entire sequence of events, the press conference is officially concluded.
As soon as the hotel brings up the wine and food for the buffet, I immediately offer my eager attention to Victor, busying myself with choosing the champagne to bring over to him.
MC: Is CEO Victor fairly satisfied with this press conference?
Victor takes the wine glass in my hand, and gently raises his hand to gesture at me.
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Victor: This is your show, as long as the producer is satisfied with it– that will do.
From my peripheral vision, I catch a glimpse of the interns in the show being huddled together, taking selfies against the signature board at the doorway, and am instantly struck by an idea.
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MC: Victor, why don’t you wish me a future with boundless prospects too, and give me a blessing for good luck.
With one hand in his pocket, Victor turns his head to look at me.
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Victor: You’re already very luminous and sparkling. Do you still need to ask for this kind of blessing for good luck?
MC: The more the better.
A smear of smile hangs across the side of Victor’s lips, and he even mulls it over for a while.
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Victor: In that case, I wish that you.... can always sparkle luminously, at all times.
I’m able to intuitively grasp a little bit of the implied meaning within his words. Accordingly, I draw closer to Victor.
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MC: Just like you?
Victor slightly lowers his eyes to regard me, his gaze- carrying within them a smile lands on my face.
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Victor: If you want to, you can.
[1] - MC is referring to the time Victor was in hospital in CH 4.
[2] - Victor mentions this event during the car tampering incident of CH 10, when MC told him that he’d get penalty for running the red light, and he replies with- that it’s fine cause he has a driver LOL.
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bts-reveries · 3 years
expect the unexpected | 19
(images in between and in the end)
Jin had just picked up his two oldest and is now back in his office. It’s been a long day. Having Haneul alone with him was already a hard time but adding two more? He tried his best to maintain his composure as Yeonjun told him the rest of the schedule for today. 
“So right now we have all this paperwork to go through because it has to be sent out today, and then we have to go to a video shoot at 4:30pm. Jungkook should be here soon. Afterwards, when we get back, we have a meeting regarding the promotional photoshoots for the new drama, Save Me, with their Director, Producer, and the seven lead actors.” Yeonjun says. “I heard it’s really good. Kind of confusing actually when I saw the trailer. There’s this seven group of friends and they all make some sort of bad decision in their lives and they.. Well not all of them but I think some of them die? Then come back to life? I don’t know, but one of them is a time traveler I think..” Yeonjun trailed on, looking up as he thought back to the trailer.                              
Although, Jin wasn’t really listening. 
“Dad, what does this word mean?” Minseok asks, pointing to his book. 
“Daddy can we get ice cream in the cafeteria,” Soojin says, holding onto the door knob. 
“Carry meee,” Haneul whines, he’s standing by Jin’s leg, trying to climb onto his dad’s lap.
“Anyways,” Yeonjun says, going back on track. “It should be fun. They’ll be here around 6pm. Which, I understand, is around dinner time, but it was the only available time they had for a meeting. This drama was a big hit on webtoon. It’s good exposure for us for them to use our studio.” 
“Dad!” Minseok called, he’s now standing next to Jin. “Can you help me please? I don’t know this word.”
“DDDAAAAAADDDYY!” Soojin yells. “Can we please get ice cream!”
“Caaarryyy meeeeee!” Haneul screams, bursting into tears. 
Jin drops his head into his hands. “My head. Is going. To ex-plode.”
“Minseok, I’ll help you with your homework, come with me,” Yeonjun says, finally realizing how tired and stressed Jin was. Minseok glances at his dad before walking towards Yeonjun and grabbing onto his hand that he was holding out. Then Soojin came running to Jin’s side, where Minseok was just standing.
“Daddy you’re not listening to me,” Soojin frowns. Jin turns to the side and looks at her. His sweet, precious daughter. The one he can never say no to.
“Soojin it’s cold, you’re going to get sick if you eat ice cream,” Jin calmly says. “And you haven’t even done your homework yet. Go with Minseok and Uncle Yeonjun and do your homework with them.”
Soojin’s lip starts to quiver, “but I just want to eat a little bit. I can do my homework when I’m done…” 
“Soojin, daddy said no. Now go,” Jin says, turning to the side to pick up Haneul. He was still crying his eyes out. Soojin looked down, a big frown on her face and tears started running down her face. Jin was too busy wiping Haneul’s tears away and shushing him that he didn’t know Soojin was crying until he heard her sobbing when she walked away. 
“Soojin,” Jin called out. She didn’t answer, nor did she look back. “Soojinie,” Jin calls again. “Yah, Kim Soojin!”
“w-AHH!” Jin yells, the three, Yeonjun, Minseok, and Soojin all looked back at Jin when they heard him yell.
Yeonjun has never seen him so mad before. 
Jin puts down Haneul and stands up. 
Hot coffee dripped down his suit. His tie and white dress shirt was completely soaked. 
Jin puts both hands on his desk, leaning forward as he sighs. 
Haneul wasn’t done crying, flailing his hand around and started hitting things on the table, grabbing things, causing Jin’s cup of coffee to come flying at his chest. Not to mention, spilling all over the paperwork that had to be done.
“Sir, I have a sweatshirt you can borrow in my bag,” Yeonjun says, standing up immediately to grab his duffle bag. He usually worked out in the gym Jin had a whole floor of in his building. “You can change into it now so you don’t get all sticky,” he says, handing a white sweatshirt to Jin. Jin says a quiet thank you, grabbing the sweatshirt from Yeonjun and placing it on the back of his chair as he took off his blazer, his tie, and his white dress shirt. 
Haneul was still sniffling and he quickly ran to Yeonjun when he made eye contact with his dad. 
“Yeonjun,” Jin says. “Do you have the soft copy for these,” he says, pointing to the sticky mess on his table.
“Yes sir,” Yeonjun says, running over to get his laptop. “I’ll send them to you right now.” Jin sounded awfully calm right now, which scared the kids even more. Minseok was fidgeting with his book as he looked at his dad and Soojin was sitting next to him, playing with her hands. Haneul was standing by the couch, trying to hide. He would take small glances at his dad as he watched him clean up the mess he made.
“And also, we can’t cancel the meeting so just make sure our guests feel welcome when they come here for our meeting. I’ll connect from my laptop because we’ll be going home soon. I’ll continue my work there. You’re in charge here, make sure everyone is in that meeting and please have someone set up a TV in our boardroom so they can all see me when I connect. Umm, yeah, that’s all-- Oh, I won’t be there for the video shoot. We won’t get anything done and will only be a bother if I come with the kids so just go with Jungkook okay?”
“Okay sir.” 
“Kids pack your stuff, we’re going to leave in a bit,” Jin says, going back to cleaning his desk. The kids hurriedly grabbed their things, stuffing it into their backpacks.
Jin wasn’t mad often, but when he was…
He’s definitely scary.
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“Hello everyone, first of all, thank you all for being here. I apologize that I couldn’t be there with you in person. I really wanted to be there but I am working as both CEO and dad tonight,” Jin says lightheartedly. He watches everyone smile through his laptop. “Second of all, I want to apologize beforehand. My three kids might pop up here and there and interrupt, but I talked to them before this and we should be okay. But just in case,” Jin says, raising his head to see if the kids are nearby. His office had clear doors for him to be able to see the kids.
“Okay, so it looks like the coast is clear,” Jin jokes, we can start our meeting now. Jin nods his head, gesturing for the first person to go ahead and start off the meeting. First they had to talk about the drama and it’s concept so they can have a feel of how they can take the photos. 
“Daddy,” Jin hears from the side. He shuts his eyes, taking a deep breath before moving his head out of frame to see Haneul peeking in the room. “I want to stay with you..” 
Jin mutes his mic before talking to Haneul. 
“Daddy’s in the meeting, can you please go to your brother and sister and wait until I’m done?”
Haneul shakes his head no, walking towards Jin. “I want to stay with youu~” He says, trying to climb onto Jin’s lap yet again.
Jin sighs, pulling Haneul up and placing him on his lap. 
“What do you think, Mr. Kim?” 
Jin’s eyes widened, unmuting himself. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?”
The director laughs. “We’re thinking of doing one concept as school themed. Since the seven characters will be meeting at school in the drama. Would we be able to do that?”
“Yes, that sounds good. We have school props that we can use for the photoshoots, like desks and the blackboard. Yeonjun show them a picture that we have from a previous photoshoot where we did a school concept.”
“I don’t like that,” Haneul says, causing a few heads to look up. Jin looks down and shushes him. 
“It’s not for you to like,” he says.
As the meeting went on, Haneul got bored and began picking at things on the table. 
“Haneul please don’t touch anything,” Jin says, moving Haneul’s hand away from the table and holding onto them.
“What is it Mr. Kim?”
“Oh no sorry, I was talking to my son. Please,” Jin says, moving a hand to gesture to the camera. “Continue.”
After Jin lets go of Haneul’s hands, he immediately slams a hand on the keyboards, shutting it off.
“What did you do!” Jin yells. Trying to turn the laptop back on but it looks like it froze or something because it wasn’t turning on.
“I don’t want to be in the meeting,” Haneul says, watching Jin frantically trying to get his laptop to work. Jin sighs in annoyance, grabbing Haneul and putting him down next to him.
“Then why didn’t you stay with your siblings?” He says. “This is an important meeting Haneul, I was already supposed to be there in person and now I can’t even join--”
“I just want to play--”
“I’m speaking right now,” Jin says to him, turning to look him in the eye. 
“Okay,” Haneul answers quietly. 
“Is that right or not?”
“That’s right.”
“You did something wrong, do you agree?” 
Haneul nods, his lip beginning to quiver and his eyes starting to water. 
“Go stand in the corner, you’re in a time out,” Jin tells him, nodding to the corner of his office. Haneul burst into tears as he ran to the corner where his dad told him to go, holding his face in his hands.
“Stay there until I finish my meeting,” Jin tells him, returning back to his laptop. It still wasn’t turning on. 
Jin runs his hand through his hair, scratching the back of his head. He grabs his phone and texts Yeonjun.
“Haneul shut off my laptop and it’s not turning on. I’ll connect through my phone just give me a few minutes.”
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expect the unexpected
♡ part nineteen: daddy said no ♡ 
pairings: ceo, dad!jin x interior designer, mom!reader
a/n: the part where jin says “im speaking right now” to “you did something wrong do you agree?” and everything in between was a real convo between him and yoongi when he kept talking while jin was talking😭 i’ll reblog this later with a link lol
edit: actually here it is: 0:39-0:44
taglist: @silentlyimpractical @jillianmarie @waddlebby @cecedrake2217 @ddofa @samros95 @sope-and-shine @joonjoonsmiles @codeinebelle @aianloveseven @Chamchamcham @princessjazzyjazz @notvantaes @casspirit0705 @ramyagovindraj @brinnalaine @ephyra1230 @betysotelo18 @thoughtfultaledreamer @salty-for-suga @cosmicdaylight @dreamcatcherjiah @kookoo-kachoo @justinetingball  @josierosie @jayhope88 @butterflylion @hobiismyhopeu @momma-said-that-it-was-oke @ygbubs @catspancake  @somewhereofftheglobe @strawberryforever25 @rjsmochii @prdshobi @beeeb05 @eatjeanjin @taekookcaneatme @Cheeely14 @kookietsukkie @anpanman-sonyeondan @glitteringcoffeefreak @chocobetterknot @alpaca1612 @ohmy-fandoms @liljooniecutie @Jikachoo @preciouschimine @fan-ati--c @Joondala @httpmuffin @dammit-jjk @jikooksgirl19
to be notified when i post, please turn on my notifications! thank youu~
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beautifulmadnesss · 4 years
“Make Peace With Your Feelings” JJ Imagine Part 4
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Summary: Olivia is the younger sister of John B and has always followed along with the Pogues. JJ was like a second brother to her and often crashed at their place. She really struggles after her fathers disappearance and she starts to self destruct, even JJ is having a hard time getting through to her.
Trigger Warning: sexual assault and violence. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
I still wasn’t sure how I felt about going after the Royal Merchant, but getting this was the only way to find out if it was really there, so Kiara and I walked up to the gate to distract the security guard for the boys to steal the drone. 
“Hey, we have a flat, is there you any way you can help us out?” Kiara asked sweetly giving the guard a smile. He paused for a moment before agreeing and going to get an air pump. 
“Liv, could you at least try to seem like you know how to smile,” she teased and I rolled my eyes, but forced a smile as he started following us to the trailer. 
“We probably just picked up a nail, you know how it is after hurricanes,” I said, leaning up against the boat. He pumped air into the tire for a minute before we heard the sound of a dog barking. We exchanged a quick glance, hoping he didn’t notice but he did. 
“It’s probably just a raccoon or something,” Kie suggested quickly. 
He didn't seem convinced so I added. “thanks so much for doing this. You’re really helping us.” Internally gagging at my words, but it worked and he nodded before going back to the tire. 
I knew we needed to buy a little more time, so I snuck back around to let out some air from the other tire. 
“Oh wait, I think it needs a little more air,” I heard her say loudly. I panicked and dropped the cap to the air valve. 
“Shit,” I swore quietly, frantically trying to find it. 
“It’s fine, let me check the other side.” Oh we were so screwed. I heard his footsteps and tried desperately to find the stupid tiny black object. “Hey, what are you doing?”
“Oh, I was trying to, I mean I just-” He ignored me and ran off toward the salvage yard. 
“Wait!” Kiara yelled, but he just kept going. We both ran to the car to try to get the boys and get out of there. Pope and John B met up with us almost immediately.
“What the hell, where’s JJ?” I yelled. 
“This isn’t going to be a thing, right? You do realize I’m still your brother.” John B whined. 
“Yeah and you’re fine, but JJ-”
“Is amazing and got the drone.” I turned to see him triumphantly holding the drone and loading it into the back. “Now lets go eat.” I laughed and gave him a smile as Kiara drove off toward our house to drop off the drone before heading the Wreck, where she got us some food after a small amount of pleading with her dad. 
I hung out with JJ and Pope helping them with deliveries to Bald Head while we waited for the right day to go looking for the treasure. Pope and I were carrying a load over to the clubhouse while JJ delivered to a few houses on the other side of the island when we ran into Rafe and Topper. 
“Hey babe, how much for one of those beers,” Rafe asked, stopping me. 
“Leave her alone, they’re not for sale,” Pope asserted. 
“Oh, you mean this stuff?” Topper asked, using his club to split one of the bags Pope was carrying sending the produce into the sand and shattering the jar of pickles. 
“What the hell, Topper!” I lunged at him, but my momentum was quickly stopped by Rafe. “Get off me!” I shrieked, instantly panicking as I remembered a couple nights ago when he attacked me. 
Pope spun around to try to help me, but Topper swung his club hard at his back. 
“Stop it! Leave him alone,” I begged, struggling against Rafe. 
“Come on, why don’t we pick up where we left off on the beach before we were interrupted.” He spun me around and used his golf club against my back to keep me locked against his chest. “We were having such a good time,” he teased. 
“Don’t touch her,” I heard Pope yell from behind me, immediately followed by the thwip of the club swinging through the air and the sicking sound of collision with Pope. He coughed and I started crying feeling completely helpless.
Rafe kissed me and I tried to bend away, but it was impossible with the club buried into my back. On instinct I bit down hard on his tongue and immediately felt the club fall away. 
“You bitch!” He yelled, spitting out blood. I looked around wildly, but it was late in the season and there was no one around except us. My face burned seemingly before I heard the sound of his palm against my cheek. I cried out in pain just as he gripped my bicep in a vice. He leaned down and I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he bit down hard into my shoulder. I screamed and squirmed. “Not so nice, is it?”
“Hey, dude, we should go, someone probably heard that,” Topper spoke up. 
“Fine.” He replied. “Next time, I get you to myself, you won't be getting away,” he threatened before kissing the cheek he had just slapped. They picked up a couple of the beers that had scattered along with their clubs and walked away. 
“Pope, are you okay? I’m so sorry.” I kneeled down next to him on the ground and took off the tank I was wearing over my bikini to press against where the blood was coming from his head. “We should get back to the boat. We’ll call later and explain what happened. I can help you pay for it.” I said, my words getting jumbled together and my hands shaking. 
“Olivia,” he said quietly. 
“Just put pressure on that, I’ll get this cleaned up,” I said as if I didn’t hear him. The contents were scattered all over, but I did my best to pick up the items and combine them into the bags while tears still ran down my face. Pope sat up and watched me. 
“Rafe-” I stopped him before he could say anything else. 
“JJ will be back in like 20 minutes, we should get back and get cleaned up before he does.” I picked up the bags, leaving half of them behind for him and walked off toward the boat without saying anything else. He didn’t try to stop me or say anything else until we were back on the boat and I had put on one of John B’s shirts from the pile of spare clothes we kept on the boat. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked me, looking over to where I was leaning against the side opposite him. 
I sighed realizing he wasn’t going to give up. “It’s my word against his and everyone knows I’ve been spiraling since my dad went missing and he’s rich, so who would ever believe me?”
“Us. Sheriff Peterkin. Plenty of people.” 
“It doesn’t matter, even if they did he would just get a fancy lawyer to get him off and then everyone would be pissed and it just, it doesn’t matter.” I repeated. 
“It’s your decision, but you should know we would all support you, especially your brother. He cares about you, he wouldn't want you covering up that Rafe assaulted you-”
“Here comes JJ. Don’t say anything, please,” I begged, looking him in the eye. 
“Just promise that you’ll be careful and you’ll tell someone if he does anything else?” 
“I swear.” He nodded. 
“Okay, count me in on every delivery you ever have over here,” JJ said, excitedly climbing into the boat. “What happened to this stuff?” He asked, seeing the groceries from earlier as he walked in to join us. “Holy shit, what happened to you two.” He looked at Pope’s head and my bloody tank on the floor. 
“Topper and Rafe jumped us,” Pope answered. JJ looked between us, clearly furious. 
“Are you okay?” He hugged me to his side and I relaxed comfortably as he placed a kiss on top of my head. 
“I’m fine, they just hit Pope.” I lied and I could see the disappointment on Pope’s face. 
“We’re gonna hit them back.” Pope declared as he set his jaw and pushed the boat into gear. Shortly after we pulled up on Topper’s boat. 
“Let’s do this!” JJ encouraged Pope as he dove off the side to go sink the boat that cost more than most houses.  
“Are you sure you’re okay?” JJ asked as we waited for Pope to come back. 
“Yeah, promise.” I smiled and kissed him lightly, feeling the pit in my stomach grow as I continued to lie to him. 
I was distant the whole time we searched for the ship. I tried to block out the memories of Rafe and the guilt I felt over what he did to Pope. This war between the kooks and the Pogues would only get worse after what we did to Toppers boat. Part of me knew I couldn’t lie to them forever and I wasn’t sure I wanted to, but I meant what I said to Pope, there was no way Rafe would face any real consequences for what he did. Plus, it would only bring attention to the fact that John B and I were living on our own. I would just have to forget about it. 
“It’s the Royal Merchant,” I heard John B say, snapping my attention back to reality. I looked over his shoulder and sure enough there was the hull of the ship that was plastered all over our house. It was real and it was here. I couldn't fight it anymore. My dad could be alive. 
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mydarlingvioletine · 5 years
Just a Puppy Crush - Chapter Sixteen Ship(s): Violet/Clementine, Brody/Ruby, and Louis/Aasim Media: The Walking Dead Game (Season Four)
       Violet has added beLOUga, Bordy, Country Girl 👅, We Live in Aasimulation, and Mars Bar to a group chat.
Violet has renamed the group chat ‘Clem and I kissed, holy shit!!’
       Violet almost dropped her phone at the sound of Clementine coming back outside, the old screen door screeching against the metal frame.
She quickly turned it on silent mode, knowing the utter chaos that would go down once the message sent through, then gave a meek smile to Clem. “Hey, what’d Lee want?”
      “He conveniently forgot how to work the remote again.” Clementine sneered, sending a glance over her shoulder. “And kinda sorta gave us the boot. It’s ten minutes ‘til curfew.”
“Oh,” Violet frowned, shoving her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
    “Wait!” Clementine stammered abruptly, her fists balled tightly to her sides. “I-I mean, let me walk you home. If you want!”
Violet froze at the suggestion, and instinctively shoved her hands into her pockets. “Oh my, how chivalrous. Louis is gonna have to step up his game.”
      “What game?” Clem giggled, hooking her arm through Violet’s. “So, would it be okay?”
The gentle carefulness in Clementine’s tone almost melted Violet’s brain circuits, and she grinned before resting her head on the shorter girl’s shoulder. “Abso-tutely!”
       The walk was a lot shorter than Violet really thought it’d be. Sure, she was just outside of the suburbs but it felt so far.
“How festive.” Clementine piped up at the black cat statue on top of the trailer, peering down st them with tentative, watchful green eyes.
        Violet nodded, turning a small pumpkin by the stairs to reveal a pointy-faced jack-o-lantern. “My mom and Lou.. they’re both really into Halloween and decorations and all that.”
“We gotta get our costumes together soon,” Clem stalled, leaning back and forth on the tip of her toes as Violet started rummaging for her keys. “Are you doing anything tomorrow?”
         Violet grasped the jingling keys in her hand, and spun it around her fingertip. “I don’t think so."
Clementine let out a sigh of relief, and awkwardly scratched the back of her head. “Cool beans, cool beans.”
        “Maybe Brody’ll let us borrow her bird? Y’know, that parrot on the shoulder thing?” Vi suggested, trying and failing to unlock the front door with sweaty hands.
Clem giggled, crossing her arms and shaking her head at the thought. “That’d be really cool, but I doubt it. Remember when she stayed home from school for a week when Revali got sick?”
        Aha! There was a click inside the lock as Violet twisted the key to the right. “Yeah, I could barely get her to leave the house that month.”
She pulled the door open, and stopped in the doorway to look back down at the flustered Clementine. “I’d, um, invite you in but my dad’s gonna be home soon. He got really mad when Louis and I had a study sesh and I forgot to tell him.”
     “Oh, yeah!” Clementine nodded, blinking quickly and shuffling her foot. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
With an eye roll, Violet hopped back down from the doorstep and quickly pressed a kiss to the shorter girl’s forehead. “See ya, dork.”
      Violet let herself slump against the door behind her, and buried her face in her hands, leaving a blushing-like-crazy Clementine on the other side.
                   Holy shit.
Her eyes snapped down to her phone beside her, screen lit up with dozens of notifications.
4 missed calls from beLOUga.
56 missed messages from ‘Clem and I kissed, holy shit’.
The phone buzzed in her hands just as she picked it up, and she rolled her eyes at Louis’ persistence.
“What the FUCK, Violet?” Vi quickly turned her phone volume down, a little too late, as Louis started screeching incoherently. “If you’re shitting with me, I swea-“
          “I’m not shitting with you,” Violet sternly rose her voice, glaring in annoyance at the frantic Louis on her screen. “We, uh, were hanging out and dancing and stuff and she just kissed me.”
A sharp scream pierced Violet’s ears, and she lowered the volume even more. “Dude.”
       Louis clasped his hands over his mouth just as he realized something. “Shit, I owe Aasim fifty bucks.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Violet questioned, scratching the back of her head. “You guys placing bets on us?”
      “Oh no, absolutely not!” Louis laughed nervously. “That’d be, uh, immoral. Bad. Not in my good Christian friend group.”
Violet giggled as Louis tripped over his words, and a snort escaped her. “You’re such a dork.”
      “Maybe so, maybe so.” Louis gave a toothy and charming smile, happily resting his chin on his palms. “You look happy, Vi.”
She felt heat rush to her face for maybe the thousandth time that day, and shrugged her shoulders in an attempt to hide her blush. “I am, Lou. I haven’t felt like this in.... ever.”
       “You deserve it.” Louis piped up, giving her a quick wink. “Someone that’ll actually treat you how you should be treated. A girl who loves you.”
Violet felt her ears go up in flames at the last statement, and tugged her knees to her chest instinctively. “Shut up, you fucking sap.”
        Louis happily sighed, lazily holding his head up. He opened his mouth to say something when a car door slammed outside of Violet’s trailer, and they both froze at the noise.
“Ugh, Scott.” Violet hissed under her breath, earning a sympathetic look from Louis. “I gotta go.”
           He quickly regained his happy composure, stretching his arms out in a yawn. “That’s alright, I’ll make sure to get every detail out of you tomorrow. Have a good night, Vi. Love you!”
Louis propped his phone up against his pillow and created a heart with his hands, smiling goofily.
        “Iloveyoutoo.” Violet quickly murmured, cutting off a triumphant “AHA!” by ending the call. She scrambled to her feet, and lay down on the mattress, burrowing underneath her treasured knitted blanket, given to her by Brody.
The front door begrudgingly opened after a couple pushes, and heavy, stumbling footsteps dragged across the trailer floor.
            Violet held her breath as the floor creaked at the end of her mattress, eyes softly shut as her drunk father loomed over her. After what felt like forever, he turned around and left, shutting her door behind him.
With a sigh of relief, she let her gaze drop back down to her phone, full of new notifications since she’d last talked to Louis.
One missed text from mlem.
70 missed messages from ‘Let’s go lesbians, let’s go.’
            Putting her priorities in order, she opened her newest message from Clementine. She swore for a second she saw a text bubble pop up, but it quickly disappeared.
mlem: legend has it that a pirate’s favorite letter is R, some say it’s the C, but as a living, breathing pirate, I can verify it’s u!
           A giggle involuntarily escaped Violet’s lips, and she racked her brain for an equally witty remark. She almost considered asking Louis for help on one, but quickly realized he’d never let her live it down.
violet: you’re such a cornball
     She let a happy sigh escape her, clutching the phone to her chest tightly. She then flipped back to the chaotic group chat to see what damage had been done.
We live in Aasimulation has renamed the chat ‘I want my fucking money Louis.’
beLOUga: tell you what, what if we go out to a nice restaurant and spend it that way?
We live in Aasimulation: But I was gonna buy smash ultimate
beLOUga: fair. i’ll give you it first period
We live in Aasimulation: on second thought, dinner sounds nice. don’t expect me to put out on the first date, though
Bordy: a a s i m this is a PG Minecraft server and as captain I can and will use my power to keep it that way
We live in Aasimulation: Brody you literally just sent us a picture of Ruby after her lifting sesh with a bunch of tongue emojis
Bordy has removed We Live in Aasimulation from the group chat.
Bordy: whos next
Bordy: vi!! i see you lurking! give us the deets
violet: uh no
beLOUga: okay I’ll ask Clem then
         Violet’s drowsy eyes darted open, and she frantically typed to stop him. Thank god for auto correct.
violet: WAIT NO
violet: we were dancing together on her porch and talking and I guess I let it spill that I had feelings for her and she kissed me
violet: there you go voila no need to bother her
Bordy: ooh la la~
beLOUga: im not bothering her she’s the one who’s blowing up my phone with dumb shit like ‘okay but does she LIKE LIKE me’
Country girl: d’awww and I thought violet was a mess
        Violet frowned, and switched back to her one-on-one conversation with Clementine. She could’ve sworn again that a text bubble appeared in the corner, but it disappeared before she could verify.
violet: aarrrrrr you free tomorrow after school? we can work on our costumes and hang out :)
              Clem’s response took two seconds tops.
mlem: yea totally, sounds good!! aj really wants to show you his costume too!
violet: cool, i can’t wait.
        Violet took a couple seconds to alter Clem’s name on her phone, and grinned down at the result.
violet: im too tired to think of any more pirate puns, so im gonna hit the sack. night, Clem
clem☀️: goodnight vi!
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marvelgbt-posts · 5 years
You Can Stay Under My Umbrella (M! Reader)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (yet to be posted)
{Tom Holland x Stylist! Male! Reader}
Warnings: Bad writing, also im in here for a short period- hello.
Summary: Tom goes to a costume fitting, and later takes you home in the rain under his Spiderman umbrella.
A/N: ella-ella-ey-ey-ey under my umbrella-ella-ella-ey-ey-ey-ey ey-ey (p.s. sry it’s short, and this takes place during the shooting of infinity war) 
i should also mention I’ve (obviously) never been on a movie set before, so i dont know how costume fittings work when it comes to  behind the scenes. But i have done performances and this is generally how they have worked for me, with some exceptions. So imma just go off experience. Also, lets pretend tom doesn’t have a trailer on set, k? Let’s pretend he has a home in America. Cuz i already wrote it and its done and I’m too lazy to go back.
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(not edited)
“Shhh-it,” Tom cursed under his breath, frantically putting on his pants. “Hey, Tom. Make sure you take an umbrella, it’s raining crazy out there,” Harry said, throwing his brother a shirt. He caught it and put it over his head- backwards.
“Tom-” Patrick caught his older brothers attention as he gave Tom his Spiderman umbrella. Tom couldn’t help but smile at the small gesture, ruffling the hair of his younger brother. “Thanks, Paddy.” Patrick smiled.
Tom was running late for a costume fitting. There was going to b e a new Spiderman suit in Infinity War, and he had to get his costume resized twice. Sam had caught Tom on his way out, handing throwing him his phone and keys. “Thanks, Sam,” Tom rushed out the door and into the pouring rain.
Once Tom made it to the studio, he searched for his dressing room, he threw his phone and keys onto the small table and slumped in his chair. Only a minute late, good. It usually took his stylist five minutes before he came to his room.
It was now 8:29, and Tom was still alone in his room. He was beginning to panic, thinking he had either come at the wrong day or the wrong time. Was this even his dressing room. Yes, it was, it had his name on the front when he last checked, which was before he entered.
He heard the door open, and in walked Jay, who was a stylist, but not his stylist. “Sorry, I’m late, Jr. Clark mixed the outfits name tags again and Maria and I had to switch them ourselves. I swear one of these days, he’s gonna get himself fi- oh. Hey Tom, I’m sorry I must have walked in the wrong room. Sorry ‘bout that.” At this point, Jay was reversing their costume back out the door. Tom smiled, “No worries.”
It was another 3 minutes before his stylist came in, the right one. “Hey, (M/n)! Took your sweet time,” Tom teased. You chuckled, sending shivers down Tom’s spine, “Yeah, sorry. It’s just Clark-”
“Messed up the name tags? Yeah, Jay already told me.”
“Oh, I see. Well, what are you waiting for, get outta those clothes. Let’s get you changed.”
“Wait, Tom… Is your shirt on backwards?”
You were behind Tom, fixing the back of his costume. The suit had clung to itself in certain areas and you needed to fix it, pulling on it so it would even out. You snuck a glance at Tom’s butt, holding in laughter at the thought of him wearing a thong underneath.
“What’s so funny?” Tom asked, turning to you, “Does it not fit right? Is it ripped?” You shook your head, telling him it’s was something you’d seen the day before you remembered. He nodded, turning back around, though sneaking glances at you from time to time… to time.
Finally, the full suit was on. All that was left to do was see if he could move and perform freely in it. You asked Tom to do some tests for you, like raising his arms and jumping, and touching his toes.
“Looks like the suit is finally ready to go,” you smiled, giving Tom a thumbs up with both hands. Tom smiled, he didn’t know why. The suit fitting him wasn’t that big of a deal, why was he so giddy?
Tom had recorded some scenes of him as Peter Parker for Far From Home, and then went home. Already, he could feel his body craving for Tessa’s touch. He had already had his planner full. He was going to play with Tessa from 12:30 until he went to sleep. Very busy schedule.
He had opened up his Spiderman umbrella, shielding himself from the rain with it. As he was walking to his car, he heard a familiar voice, “Even promoting your own merchandise? Wow, Tom, I hadn’t expected you to do something like that.” It was you, he turned around, smiling, “It’s my brothers actually.” You made a silent ‘oh’ sound, nodding your head, “I see… cute.”
Tom then noticed you hadn’t had an umbrella, and that you were soaking. Your hair stuck to your face, dripping with water. You were shivering. “Well, my house is just down the street a few blocks from here. I’ll be on my way. See you next week, Holland.” You waved, walking past him. Tom watched you leave, rain hitting your body as if assaulting you.
He ran up behind you, reaching up to cover both of you with the umbrella. You looked down at Tom. God, he was pretty tiny for 22.
“What are you doing?” You asked, amusement lacing your voice. Tom shrugged, looking forward.
“You said your house was a few blocks from here, so is my car. I’ll drop you off at home.”
“No, that won't be necessary,Tom. Thank you, though.”
Tom refused, insisting that he drop you off. ‘Because he’s British and British people are gentlemen was his argument’. You gave up and walked home, Tom right beside you.
“And then- haha- the scene where Thor had to catch the Mjolnir, Chris couldn’t get a grip on the handle- so- he-” you chuckled to yourself a bit, Tom giggling as well, “-he kept throwing it. His balance was so off he kept hitting the stupid thing with the palm of his hand. So Captain America had his shield and Thor was just awkwardly trying to get a grip on the hammer. Hemsworth’s face throughout it though, too. We all had a good laugh from it.”
On the way, you and Tom had decided to talk about what you two experience in the field of film. He talked about what it was like to see himself on video and you described fashion-fails and bloopers while you were on set. “Did you know Hiddleston once almost fell down the stairs in that scene where he finds out he’s a frost giant because his cape was too long? So i had to fix it, which delayed our scheduling by a day.”
Tom nodded, chuckling, thinking of what his coworker would look like at a panicked state at the top of a staircase.
“Well, this is my stop. See you, Tom,” You waved, walking up to the front door of your house to unlock it. Once you did, you and Tom made eye contact for about 10 seconds, before Tom rushed up and gave you a quick peck on the cheek, having to hoist himself up on his toes and using your shoulder for balance to do it.
He ran off the direction you two came down on, waving to you as he yelled, “See you next week, (L/n)!”
You smiled, fingers barely grazing over you now warmed up cheeks were he had kissed you, as you said a quick goodbye under your breath, “See you next week, Holland.”
Ewwwwwww this sucked ass… part 2?
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No Serpent is Left for Dead
Sweet Pea x Reader | Part 3
Parts:  Part 1  Part 2  Part 4
Aperçu: When Jughead Jones’ sister suddenly disappears, the Northside is to blame and tensions run high. Sweet Pea is frantic to find his girlfriend before some Northside golden boys go to far.
Fic Type: Three Part Fic, Sweet Pea x Jones!Reader, Brother!Jughead x Sister!Reader (not incest ya perv)
Warnings: swearing, mention of bullying, mention of sexual harassment (yes, angsty I know)
Author’s Note: Hey guys! Sorry this is so late at night. Work and driver’s ed got me all sorts of dead.
It had turned dark and the food had gotten cold by the time they had finished patching Y/N back together. They ate regardless, and one by one headed home. After all, there was still school tomorrow and more demons to fight. Joaquin was the first to leave, and though he didn’t say it, he had a meeting in the woods with a very particular sheriff’s son. Soon after, Fangs excused himself as well, after Toni had to shake him awake (he had fallen asleep in his chair). Toni left eventually, too tired to hold a proper conversation and too shaken to want to.
And suddenly, all that was left was one conscious Jones, one unconscious Jones, and one Sweet Pea who was searching for a lighter.
Finally finding a bic lighter nestled between the couch cushions, Sweet Pea lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. “Do you mind if I crash here tonight?” Sweet Pea asked, smoke tumbling with his words. He was too tired to bother going home, and he wanted to be around when Y/N woke up. After all, in unity there is strength, right?
“Yeah, no problem.” Jughead replied, typing away on his laptop, documenting the day’s events.
Sweet Pea nodded as he leaned back on the couch, resting his feet on the coffee table. He took another breath of smoke, savoring the flavor and letting the nicotine settle his nerves as he stared out the window at the moon overhead.
“So,” Sheriff Keller grunted. “Tell me about Y/N.” He knew plenty from Kevin already, but the silence in the car was killing him.
FP stayed silent. What about her? Off the top of his head, he could only say what she looked like, when her birthday was, and possibly what grade she was in. “She’s a good kid.” He said after a moment. “Both of them are.”
“I saw that the mayor chose one of her works to be displayed permanently at town hall,” Keller stopped at the railroad tracks. A train was crossing, and he mentally cussed it out for it’s terrible timing.
“One of her… What?”
“Works. I hear she’s a talented artist.”
“Yeah.” He lied, unconvincingly.
Sure, FP had seen her doodling when she was a kid. He had never thought anything of it, and it’s not like he had anything to compare it to. Now that the Sheriff mentioned it, he remembered that Y/N always carried a black notebook with her. She had always been doing something in it, but he had never really cared to ask what.
One unnecessarily long car ride later, the two men arrived at Sunnyside Trailer Park. Home for one, hell for the other. At the sight of a cop car, various delinquent residents of the trailer park scattered in search of safer dealing grounds.
FP didn’t bother to knock, and let himself in.  
“Dad!” Jughead leapt to his feet.
Sweet Pea- on his fifth cigarette- put it out in the ashtray and stood as well, glaring down the man behind FP. “Why’s he here?” Sweet Pea almost growled.
“Are you out for good?” Jughead asked at the same time, almost afraid to get his hopes up.
FP grinned. “Can’t I just stop by for a visit without being put on trial?” He laughed. “Now, where’s my little girl?”
Chills ran up Jughead’s spine at those words. Every day when dad would come home, FP used to ask to see his daughter. Well… At first it was “Where’s my little girls?”, then when mom left and took Jellybean and left them. It changed to “Where’s my little girl?” and then he stopped coming home before dinner, and then Jughead and Y/N moved out, and then it became nothing at all.
Jughead led FP and the Sheriff back to where Y/N lay, still unconscious, with Sweet Pea bringing up the rear.
FP’s eyes traveled over her stitched-up body, assessing the damage. He didn’t ask why they didn’t take her to a hospital, he didn’t need to. Guilt settled weightily on his shoulders. She deserved better than this. She always had. Better than the Southside, better than this trailer, better than him.
“The Serpents, they found her?” He asked.
“Yeah,” Jughead nodded. “By the tracks.”
“Fangs and Toni,” Sweet Pea added. “They were the ones who brought her back. Fangs told me that they had her pinned to the tracks when they got there, beating her to a pulp. She was fighting back, but there were four guys… Not a lot she could do.”
FP walked over to the bedside and gently placed his hand on his daughter’s head. Her hair was soft beneath his fingers, and a few fleeting memories fluttered through his mind. A hospital room, an uncomfortable rocking chair. A small bundle in his arms, silky hair beneath his calloused fingertips. Tiny nose, tiny hands. A baby girl who knew nothing of the harsh, cruel world she had been brought into. A child who knew nothing of the innumerable sins of the man who held her. Pure and perfect. And now… A black eye, purple and ugly. Bruises framed her face, and her lip was a deep crimson and swollen where it had been split by a swift right hook. She looked nothing like the baby he had held in his arms all those years ago.
“I got an anonymous phone call about the kidnapping,” Sheriff Keller said, disrupting FP’s reverie. “Whoever it was claimed attempted rape.”
FP clenched his jaw, and his fingers curled protectively in his daughter’s silky locks. Whoever did this would pay.
Sweet Pea clenched his fists, but Jughead (just as angry, but notably more level headed) interjected before he could say anything reckless to the cop. “If Toni and Fangs hadn’t showed up when they did… When they brought her back here, her clothes were practically shredded. Those stab wounds?” Jughead’s voice was sharp. He was pissed, and seeing the stitches made him even angrier. “They were trying to tear her clothes off, not kill her. She got cut because she was fighting back. Toni said their knives slipped while they were trying to get rid of-”
“So what are you gonna do about it?” Sweet Pea seethed, unable to keep quiet any longer. “Huh, Sheriff?” He spat out the word. “Just chalk it up to rivalry? Lemme guess. She had coming. Southside girl, daughter of FP Jones… She provoked them. Or at least that’s what they’ll say in the papers. She was asking for it.” He shook his head, towering over the 5’9” officer. “How could they of been expected to control themselves?” He mimicked the voice of Alice Cooper in an exaggerated high pitch. “Did you see what she was wearing? Boys will be boys! Well I’ll tell you something,” He turned, slamming his fist into the wall. “That’s what they say all over. That she’s no good. That she was asking for it. But that girl,” He pointed to Y/N’s unconscious form, growling, “She did nothing. Nothing to deserve any of this.”
FP watched Sweet Pea curiously as the young Serpent stepped back, shoulders rising and falling with each anger-fueled breath. “You know, I never asked,” FP stepped back from the bed and leaned against the wall. “What are you doing here, Pea?”
“I…” His gaze darted from FP to Y/N and back again. “No Serpent stands alone.”
Jughead caught Sweet Pea’s gaze and an agreement was reached silently. Now was not a good time to tell FP that his daughter was dating a Serpent.
“Dad, he stayed here to help out with Y/N.” Jughead added. “I can’t take care of her alone and Pea knows more about fight induced wounds than I do.”
“That, and I needed a place to crash.” Sweet Pea admitted.
“Uh huh.”
“Time’s up, Jones.” Sheriff Keller tapped his watch.
They started towards the door, and Jughead felt his heart drop into his stomach. No matter how many times he saw it, he could never accept that his dad might never come home again. Beside him, he could practically feel the heat of anger radiating off Sweet Pea. But Jughead was too tired to be mad. He was tired of everything: the rivalries, the pain, the double-dealing residents of Riverdale, the constant downfall into death and decay, the instability, all of it.
As Sheriff Keller and FP were getting in the car to leave, Sweet Pea hurled one last verbal stone at the Sheriff and into the night. “If she never wakes up, it’ll be your fault!”
Jughead’s breath caught in his throat. He hadn’t even considered that Y/N might not wake up. That rumble had really done a number on her physically… It wouldn’t of been too far fetched for one of the bastards to have caught her in the side of the head and sent her into a coma.
Truth be told, Sweet Pea’s words weighed heavily on Sheriff Keller. For the first time, he had caught a glimpse of the other side of the Southside. They were fighting a losing battle every day, yet they stood together. They fought as one, with a unity the Northside could never muster. Hell, the Coopers and Blossoms couldn’t stop fighting, even to think about sorting out their differences long enough to come together to fight the evil descending upon Riverdale. Innocent people were getting thrown into the mix. Y/N Jones was proof of that. Not that she was totally innocent… She was related to FP Jones after all.
Street lights illuminated the Southside, and the nightcrawlers that called it home. Like cockroaches, Keller thought. Scuttling for cover the moment they see the slightest sign of swift justice in their trash heap home. Yes, the Southsiders were the cockroaches of Riverdale. They were drug dealers and hoods, juvenile delinquents and thugs, gang members and criminals with no moral codes.
FP stared out the window, watching the familiar streets edged with familiar faces slide past. People who had to fight each day to even stay alive. People like him. With kids who raised themselves and fought just like their parents. They did what it took to survive. Thriving in the shadows one day, swallowed whole by them the next.
A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the last- SYKE! I know I said that this was a three part series, but due to unexpected popularity, I have decided to extend it a bit. Hope you all have a wonderful night!
Love and Luck, Evangeline
PS: sorry if I couldn’t tag everyone, Tumblr was being stupid. 
Tag List: @peachesandfangirling @poolpartyingwithjaws@karleedaniels27 @tinybeta @astilinski24 @riverdalesouthside @charlliieeeeeee-blog @janepetersonxxx @undercover-penguin @xsuperhero-expertx@southsidehufflepuff @lostinliterature @wildlingsandcoffee
@bi-bi-homophobes @charoletteannvogt @officialtvhead @sassymissmyra
@lumpyspacepea @causeofdeath-harold @genius2050 @twisted-tasty14
@queen-of-hearts @elcavitan @paperrstark @cuddlememerrick @livexlovexlaughxdreamxx @midnightwritingrussiancoffee @wireless-maynard @ijustwantahugfromtennant @potato384 @aframeofbones
@theyouthfulmoon @svenjafangirlt @reggiefogarty @southsidesweetheart @live-love-bailar @lady1505
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inadarkdarkroom · 6 years
My Rescue Dog Rescued Me
This all happened yesterday and I’m writing this on my phone, from our hotel room so please forgive my grammatical errors. Here we go.
Fort Bragg, California is a small beach town north west of Sacramento. It has kind of a stephen king feel to it. You know what I mean, that misty, almost eerie small harbor town, but it’s beautiful and a huge tourist attraction.. you get people from all over the U.S that travel here. My fiancé and I decided to drive up here after I had to take some time off of work due to stress. It was a last minute decision and we packed up our bags in less than 10 minutes, grabbed our dog and took off. If we wouldn’t have had our dog with us I’m pretty sure I would have lost her. I guess this is where I tell the story right?
It’s our second day here right now, and we are staying at a motel that overlooks the ocean. You can see the fog roll in during the early hours of the morning, and watch the fishing boats leave the harbor to go get their haul for the day. It really is a beautiful thing to see. We woke up early, and I was craving, and I mean CRAVING Eggs and bacon. After getting dressed and deciding what spot to stuff our faces at, we left for our morning adventure. See here’s where I made my mistake, I was driving down the road and it looked like the stop we crawled up too was a 4 way stop sign. I clearly guessed wrong, because when I pulled out and cut off a small ford ranger, with a dinky trailer attached to it and two old men driving I realized a little too late that I had cut them off. They threw up their hands and pointed at me, but lily didn’t even notice it. I threw my hands up in a “sorry I’m just a dip shit tourist” kind of way and they just stared me down. It was a hillbilly stand off that George strait would be proud of. I didn’t think much of it, and kept driving down the foggy two lane road to get breakfast. I didn’t even think to say anything to her about it, I never thought I’d see them again, and I didn’t want her to complain about me not knowing how to drive. I was wrong though, I was wrong and I’ll never forget what happened next.
We got back to the motel after a not so great, but overly expensive breakfast. We cuddled up and talked about our plans for the wedding, what we wanted to do after the wedding, and midway through our life plans she realized that we were out of dog food to feed Bruce. I agreed to going up to the cute, but creepy market and grabbing a bag of goodies, kissed her on the cheek and jumped in the Navi(we call our navigator “navi”) left, and got about half way to the store before I realized that I forgot my wallet on the night stand. When I pulled back into the parking lot, I saw it... that same fucking Ford ranger with the janky trailer attached to it. The only difference was that Hank, and boomhower weren’t inside of it. “I don’t remember seeing them here last night.” I thought.
I walked up to our door while looking over my shoulder wondering “what are the chances these douchebags are staying here?” And then not two seconds later my heart started beating faster. Our motel door was open, but barely cracked. It was open slightly to the point where you could see a sliver of light, but nothing more. I slowly pushed it open and looked inside, but I didn’t see anything. Lily, and Bruce were both gone. It was like they were never really there at all. My heart started racing, and I dropped my keys on the floor and ran outside, heart pounding in my chest faster than a jackhammer in New York. I didn’t see the creepy old guys from the ford truck or my fiancé outside, I was becoming angry and frantic by this point. “Fuck, fuck where are you guys?” I thought, before the screaming inside my head was cut off by the sound of familiar barking.
I heard Bruce barking and I ran, I ran faster than I ever have in my entire 28 years of life. I ran straight over to the front office where the sound was coming from, and that’s when I saw her and and our dog inside the office. she was crying, sitting on the floor sobbing uncontrollably, and his hair was standing straight up until he saw that it was me sprinting towards them. Lily got up and ran into my arms. Meanwhile the clerk is on the phone and I’m wondering “what the fuck happened in the two minutes I was gone?” This is what happened told by her, and it makes my blood run cold. It turns out as soon as I left, not 30 seconds went by and those fucking guys knocked on the door. Lily opened it up thinking it was me forgetting something(which I did) and they tried to force their way into the room and one of them said “you can thank your boy toy for what’s comin to ya” while grabbing her and covering her mouth, but those assholes didn’t realize one thing, and that’s that we had a dog in our back seat when I cut them off. Bruce jumped off the bed and didn’t hesitate to bite the one grabbing her, they kicked him, and tried to shake him off, but he wouldn’t let go. After being bit, and realizing that the noise would draw attention if they didn’t leave, they ran off and Lily was able to run to the front office and wait for help, and Bruce followed suit. I wasn’t there, I couldn’t protect her, if we would have found a dog sitter she could be gone right now, but my dog was there and he did exactly what a good boy, no the best boy would do and for that he is truly my best friend. If he wasn’t there what would have happened? Would she have been kidnapped? Beaten? Killed? All of the above? The craziest thing is that they haven’t been caught yet, we filed all the reports with the local Sheriff, I told them what had happened earlier that morning and the cop looked right at me and said “you’re lucky your dog was there, if he wasn’t and they got in there with her, you could have been filing a different report right now.” I got tears in my eyes at that, I looked over at lily and Bruce and thanked god that I rescued him from the pound, because in return he rescued the love of my life when I couldn’t.
So dudes from the hills have eyes, and deliverance. Let’s meet, but this time I’m going to be the one grabbing you, and trust me. I’m not going to let you get away this time.
Oh and Bruce is getting a steak dinner tomorrow night, and all the treats he could ever want.
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cherylblsom · 6 years
A Phoenix & Her Fire (Pt.3)
(A/N): hey guys! I meant to upload this earlier and then my night kinda exploded on me sorry, I hope this isn’t trash lol. Pt 4 is in the works!
Word Count: 1,921
Pairing: Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz
Warnings: none!
Summary: Fangs & SweetPea try to cheer their best friend up but she’s falling apart without Cheryl
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Toni groans when she feels a hand shake her shoulder gently. She blinks rapidly trying to push the drowsiness away, she must have fallen asleep against Cheryl.
“Topaaaz wake up!” SweetPea says, she shakes her head and turns to look at him.
“What time is it?” She asks groggily
“Mm like 9:30? I’ve been sent by a higher power to make sure you come home to change and we get some breakfast in you”
“Let me guess, a fellow beanie wearing serpent?” Toni asks.
“His girlfriend surprisingly enough. Ponytail Betty said she’s worried about you”
Toni lets out a laugh which turns into a snort. “Oh my god - Pea you did not just call her that.”
“So what if I did? C’mon I’m starving” he says as he motions for her to follow him. Toni’s eyes shift to Cheryl who’s still sleeping but shifting slightly. Toni reaches out and tucks a stray strand of her fiery hair behind her ear. A quiet sigh falls from her lips. “I know you don’t want to leave her. But we’ll be back soon” SweetPea says gently from beside Toni.
“Toni...” she hears a voice from the door and lifts her head to see Betty. “I talked to the doctor and he said Cheryl is going to be in tests and scans for most of the day. They’re going to call with any updates.”
“How did you get that infor... oh right, cousin perks” she says fitting the pieces together. “Thanks Betty”. Toni leans over to press a kiss to Cheryl’s head and she lets her hand rest on her cheek for a moment. She can’t wait until she can hold Cheryl in her arms again and kiss her as hard as she can. “I’ll be back soon. Promise” she mumbles against her forehead. She reluctantly pulls away from Cheryl and trudges out of the room after SweetPea.
After going back to Toni’s trailer the pair find themselves tucked into a booth at Pop’s with Fangs stretched on the other side. When Pop comes to take their order he looks at Toni with a quizzical expression. “Not the usual duo, no Cheryl today?” he asks kindly. Toni swallows hard and shakes her head.
“No she uhm... isn’t too well at the moment” Toni says trying to keep her voice steady.
Pop nods, “well send her my best, what can I get you guys?” The boys both order big breakfast meals but Toni settles for just a cup of coffee.
“Can you bring her some fries or something too?” SweetPea juts in before Pop leaves, he jots it down on his pad of paper and makes his way to the back. “You’re not hungry, I know. But you need to eat.” SweetPea says before Toni can protest. He falls back to rest on the booth. Toni huffs in response and circles her spoon in her coffee trying to dissolve the sugar cubes.
“You ever feel like your world is collapsing in on you?” Toni asks to no one in particular as she stares into her coffee.
“Well... one time I built a blanket fort and it collapsed while I was in it so I guess?” Fangs says. Toni can’t help but let out a soft laugh at that, her shoulders shaking slightly.
“You really love her, don’t you?” Fangs asks, his tone changing to a more serious one.
“More than anything” Toni says with a sad smile as she lifts her head to look at Fangs. “She’s my world”
“Then your world isn’t gonna collapse in is it? From what I’ve heard your girl is quite a fighter.” Fangs tells her. He reaches across the table to grab her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
“Wait hold on I just got a brilliant idea.” SweetPea says as he sits up from his relaxed position. Both Fangs and Toni turn their attention to him and lift their eyebrows. Toni picks up her coffee to take a sip while she listens. “When Toni and Cheryl get married they can combine their last names instead of having to choose one. It can be ... Blopaz...” He has a huge grin on his face and Toni just about spits her coffee out at the name suggestion. When SweetPea starts giggling like a schoolgirl Toni can’t help but laugh along with him.
“Oh my goooood” Fangs groans as he shakes his head but a smile is pasted on his face.
“I feel like Bombshell would have slapped me for that one. And damn that girl can be rough” SweetPea says once his laughter has calmed down.
“Rough? You don’t even know the half of it” Toni responds playfully and then takes another sip of her coffee.
“Antoinette Topaz just what are you trying to say?” SweetPea asks as he side eyes his best friend.
“Oh look food’s here” she replies turning her attention to the plate of fries set in front of her. The trio fall into a comfortable silence as they dig into their food. A sense of peace falls over the group until it’s broken by the sound of Toni’s phone ringing.
“Hello, Miss Topaz? It’s Doctor Shapiro here” he says in a even toned voice
“What’s up? I thought Cheryl was going to be in tests for most of the day” she questions
“Well just the morning actually. We managed to get them done fairly quickly and I’m just looking over the results now.”
“Is everything okay?” Toni asks as she feels the panic in her rising again.
“I’d like you to come down here and we can discuss things.” He responds. Toni starts to get up from the booth assuring the doctor she’s on her way before hanging up.
“What’s up?” Fangs asks as Toni gathers her things.
“The doctor needs me. I gotta go, thank you guys” she rushes out of Pop’s and heads in the direction of the hospital cursing herself for not bringing her motorcycle.
When Toni arrives at the hospital she’s out of breath and takes a moment to compose herself before entering into the doctors office. He greets her with a wave as she flops down across from him desperately trying not to let her exhaustion show.
“So we ran a couple chest x-rays and some blood tests on Cheryl to see where she’s at. Since her condition seems to be worsening I managed to get results back quickly” he starts out, not wanting to waste time.
“Worsening? What do you mean? She was fine when I left this morning.” Toni asks frantically
“She woke up with another coughing fit shortly after you left and it took a while to get her back on track. Her fever and pain level has also increased. We will obviously continue to monitor her but may have to hook her back up to an oxygen machine.” He replies cooly.
It takes everything in Toni not to bolt out of her chair and back to Cheryl. To hold her and tell her she’s going to be okay and that Toni isn’t going anywhere. She takes a deep breath and nods her head. “So what’s happening? Have you diagnosed her?”
“From what the results show I believe she has an extremely severe case of pneumonia. I’d like to get on top of treatment right away so the condition doesn’t amplify.”
“How.. she was only under for a couple minutes... they said it was only a couple minutes...” Toni mumbles half to herself and not expecting the doctor to hear.
“That may be so” he responds and Toni looks up. “But her body didn’t have the time to prepare and a couple minutes can mean the difference between life and death.”
Life and death... the words echo in Toni’s mind. She sits in silence for a moment not knowing what to say. She can’t help the crushing feeling that’s bearing down upon her with each passing moment.
“Her sickness was most likely caused by a bacterial infection she gained from the water. We’re going to start by injecting antibiotics into her bloodstream and go from there. We may need to administrate drugs directly to her lungs depending on how she reacts” the doctor continues.
“Do you know what exactly caused the infection?” Toni asks, her gaze shifts to Cheryl’s open file on the desk.
“That’s something we are still looking into, I’ve taken a fluid sample from her and hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. My best guess is she’ll be here for maybe a week. You’re free to go see her but she’s likely very exhausted” the doctor leans back in his chair letting out a sigh. Toni thanks the doctor and finds her way back to Cheryl’s room, she’s surprised to see her awake when she walks in. Her arm is hooked up to and IV with some sort of liquid dropping in which Toni takes to be the antibiotics the doctor mentioned.
“Hey babygirl” She says gently as she walks over to her side. “How come you’re still up? Those tests must have exhausted you”
“I can’t sleep..” Cheryl mumbles, turning her head to make eye contact with Toni. “I’m in so much pain baby...” Cheryl shifts slightly in bed trying to get comfortable and a small whimper leaves her lips. Toni swears she feels her heart drop, knowing Cheryl is in so much pain and not being able to fix it is tearing her apart.
“How can I help?” Toni asks gently as she reaches to cup Cheryl’s cheek and run her thumb against her temple. Cheryl immediately leans into the touch and a slight smile pulls at her lips. She shrugs her shoulders in response to Toni’s question. Toni’s eyes roam the room and the section of hallway she can see from her position. She only hesitates for a moment before kicking off her boots and crawling in to the small space beside Cheryl. She wraps her arms around the taller girl and helps her shift over slightly to give Toni more room. When they’re settled Cheryl’s head comes to rest on Toni’s shoulder and she curls into her curve of her neck. A soft thank you falls from her lips as her body almost melts against Toni’s. As Toni presses a kiss to Cheryl’s head she can feel her own body relax slightly for the first time since she got the call from Jughead. Toni soothes away Cheryl’s soft whimpers and strokes her hair in attempt to help her fall asleep and get the much needed rest her body craves. “I love you so much” Toni whispers gently.
“I love you too” Cheryl replies softly, she coughs harshly and lets out a quiet whimper of pain. Toni holds her a little tighter and presses another kiss to her forehead noticing it’s still hot to the touch. Toni’s lays her chin against Cheryl’s head and starts humming the tune to a song. She feels Cheryl smile against her skin.
“I see you shine and the dark disappears...” she sings in a gentle voice trying to coax Cheryl into sleep. She continues the song in a soft voice and rubs Cheryl’s back. Eventually Cheryl’s body relaxes against Toni and her breathing deepens as she drifts off. Toni stays pressed to Cheryl knowing the ache in her will grow if she’s not in her arms. She holds her close and prays to whoever or whatever is out there that her girl recovers quickly and can be safe at home with her soon.
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Sync [Chapter 2] - Ignis Scientia x FemReader
Oh lordt, its been 4 months since I last updated this fic. I applaud all you fic writers out there than can hammer out quality content so quickly. I’ve been in a writing rut these last few weeks which is why it’s taking me so long to update. There’s only one chapter left of this little fic so hopefully it won’t take me another 4 months to update @,@
[EDIT] - AAND once again mobile app completely destroys the formating, so all the section breaks disappear and everything is just mashed together.  So honestly this is better to read either on PC or on AO3.
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Warnings/Themes - fluff, angst, anxiety, language, slight Gladioxreader?, non-canon storyline Word Count - 5,591 AO3 Link - “Begin At The Beginning” Screen shot - @dizzymoogle​
Could anything else possibly go wrong in your life?  Work, family, friends, your relationship; everything was pushing you to your limits.  You desperately needed a change of scenery but when a weekend of self-care suddenly goes awry, you wonder if your new found situation is not so bad after all…
“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
It was a savory scent that stirred you awake.  The sizzle of a frying pan hissed from the kitchen of your apartment as you listened to the indistinct crackle beyond your bedroom door.  You groaned, wondering how long you had slept in this Sunday morning.  But the delicious aroma was already triggering your stomach, a deep growl rumbled inside of your abdomen causing you to roll over onto your side.  You were briefly irritated with yourself; you had set a goal to wake up early and get a few errands done by this weekend, but here you were again, plastered to your bed.  A long drawn out sigh exhaled out of your mouth.
Wait.  I… live alone.
Your eyes shot open.  The trailer’s generator hummed quietly as rays of sunlight spilled through the small set of blinds over the sink.  You pushed yourself up, shock hitting you again just like it did when you had first awoken in this world.  A muffled conversation could be heard just outside the trailer door.  You kicked your legs out from under the blanket, looking down to see Ignis’ clothes twisted around your body.  You looked around the interior of the trailer as you gripped his shirt, your brain now convinced of the tangibility of this fabricated place.  You threw your legs over the edge of the bed and quietly padded over to the door, kneeling down to hear them.  
Gladio’s deep voice was the easiest to distinguish, “Do you think she has amnesia?  She seemed really confused where she was.”
“I wonder if it’s safe to take her along,” Noct said.
Prompto set a stack of plates down on the table, “She looks harmless.  Not to mention she’s actually pretty cute.”
Oh my god, that really IS Prompto.  Your heart skipped when you heard Ignis reply, “It would be irresponsible of us to leave someone in distress alone in an unfamiliar locale.  As soon as she recalls where she is, we should take her back home at once.”
Ignis was truly a considerate man.  You pulled the collar of his shirt to your face, savoring its fresh linen smell one last time before having to inevitably surrender it.   They shuffled closer to the trailer door.  You frantically bounced back into bed, shoving yourself beneath the blanket.
The trailer door squeaked and gentle footsteps tapped along the floorboards.  Ignis cleared his throat, speaking softly, “[Y/N]… if you are able to eat, breakfast is ready.”
You pretended to stir awake, pushing yourself up slowly with your arms, “Thank you.  I’ll be out there in a minute,” you sleepily moaned as convincingly as you could.
He smiled and turned to exit when you stopped him.  
“Hey.   Umm, thanks for saving me yesterday.  I mean, all of you.  I’m sorry for how I was acting last night.  I’m just… not sure what’s going on.”
“That’s quite alright.  I promise we will do what we can to help you with your situation.”
You smiled at him, ducking your head when you realized a warmth was growing on your cheeks.
“I hope that you won’t be offended but…” he headed down the narrow hallway and pulled a slim garment closet open, “I laundered your dress for you.  I thought it might be a good start to the day if you were a bit more refreshed,” he held the dress on a hanger, perfectly clean and pressed.
The blush was now clearly evident on your face, “I… oh, wow… thank you.  You really didn’t have to do that.”
He placed it back into the closet, “It’s not a problem at all.  We’ll be outside whenever you are ready.”
You bobbed your head, “Okay, thanks so much again.”
He smiled in return and headed out the door.
The palms of your hands immediately slammed into your face, the heat radiating off of your skin as if it had ignited into flames.   Keep it together, keep it together.  You shifted back out of bed, ambling over to the closet and pulled out your dress.  The fresh smell was reminiscent of Ignis’ shirt causing the heat from your face to engulf the rest of your body.  You laid it carefully on the bed, smoothing out the fabric to prevent any wrinkles.  You hurried over to the sink and splashed your face with water before dressing yourself and heading outside.
The blinding sunlight smacked you in the face; you squinted your eyes and saw the boys sitting around a plastic lawn table.  Noct waved his hand up at you, beckoning you to join them.  You walked over as Prompto pulled a seat out to his left, patting the armrest for you to sit.  The table was filled with an amazing variety of breakfast food and drinks.  The growl in your stomach swiftly returned, announcing its demands to the world.
Noct chuckled, “Well at least you haven’t lost your appetite, sit down with us and eat.”
You slid into the chair.  Realization struck you again that you were sitting next to the boys.  THE FFXV BOYS.  
Ignis noticed your reluctance, “Please help yourself, there’s plenty to go around.”
You reached for a plate and began placing a few of your favorite items on it.  If I can taste it, then this is real, and it's really not a dream.  You bit down onto the tasty morsel on your fork.   Fuck, it’s real… and amazing.  Goddamnit Ignis.
Prompto was quick to make conversation, “So I don’t think we ever got to introduce ourselves yesterday.  I’m Prompto.” He threw his right arm across his chest to shake your hand.
If they only knew… You shook his hand, “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Gladiolus, but these jokers just call me Gladio.”
You gave him a weak smile and nodded.
“I’m Noctis… but you can just call me Noct.”
You gulped when you turned your attention to the advisor.  “My apologies for not properly introducing myself last night.  My name is Ignis.”
You could feel yourself sweating, “It’s nice to meet you all.  And thank you for saving me yesterday.”
“Eh no problem, it's the least we could do for— almost killing you,“  Prompto squeaked.
You huffed a laugh, “I was in the middle of the road, it's understandable.”
The four men resumed eating.  You pushed another forkful of food into your  mouth, stealing glances at each of the boys, still trying to verify everything you were witnessing.  
Prompto muffled a question through his stuffed mouth, “Soh werr are yoo frm?”
You nearly choked, “Umm… well.  I’m from [City].”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that place here in Lucis,” Noct stated, shoveling a mouthful of eggs into his mouth.
“Indeed, it's certainly a city that I’m unfamiliar with, what nation are you from?” Ignis asked.
Shit, I didn’t think this one through.  There’s no way in hell I can tell them.  They’ll really think I’m crazy.  Your fingers began to tremble as you set your fork down, shoving your now vacant hand into your lap, “Ahh… you know.  I'm not sure now.  My head is still… kinda fuzzy from yesterday.  I’m not sure if I’m recalling anything correctly.”
Noct nodded, “That’s okay, we’re going to head back to Insomnia.  We’ll figure it out there.”
You froze, what point of the game are we in right now??  They continued dining, you had to be tactful in your line of inquiry.  If there was any hint as to knowing what you knew, it would be a turn for the worse.  “I think I’ve heard of Insomnia before, where were you all heading before you found me?”
Prompto answered after gulping down a mouth full of pastry, “A place called Galdin Quay.  We’re trying to hitch a ride to Altissia.”
Your heart was pounding now.  Oh shit, are we at the beginning of the game?!  We can’t go back to Insomnia, its about to be attacked!  “Alt-eesha?”
“Yeah, the capital of Accordo.  We’re meeting with Lady Lunafreya,” he replied.
Gladio jumped in, “We’ll have to check the ferry schedule later.  We’ll drop you off first at the Citadel and take off afterwards.”
They froze as a silence washed over you all.  They each bore their eyes into you with a look of shock and confusion.  Now you had given yourself away… if not made yourself up to be some sort of spy.
Ignis raised his brow at you, “Is there a reason why not?”
Sweat began to collect along your back as you felt the blood drain from your face, “I… I just… don’t like big cities.  Insomnia… it's a big city, right?  I just know that they make me nervous for some reason.”
They exchanged questioning glances with one another.  Noct chimed in, “Uhh, well, I guess we can see if there’s an outpost with a medical station.”
You put your hands up in front of you, “N-no, that’s okay.  Honestly I’ll be fine if you leave me here.  Just head down to Galdin Quay.  I’ll just see if someone can come get me at the diner.”
Gladio narrowed his eyes at you, “You should come with us, our best bet to finding out your identity is at the Citadel.”
“R-really, I don’t want to be a burden.  I’m not hurt, I’ll find my bearings here once I call my family.”  You could sense their heightened level of caution towards you.  It was only a matter of time before they truly saw through your facade, even as obscure and equally mysterious to you as it appeared.  There were only two options before you: quickly downplay your identity or bail out, FAST.  
They quietly resumed eating, the clinking of their utensils pushed you further to the edge of a panic attack.  You could feel their eyes lingering on you in your periphery; you kept your gaze down at your plate, forcing the food down now to avoid any further detection in your odd behavior.
“I’m just gonna go grab anything I left in the trailer and I’ll be out of your guys’ hair.  Thanks again,” you nervously laughed as you stood up and cleared your plate.  You shuffled into the trailer, wildly searching the bed and counters.  Fuck, what am I doing, I didn’t even have anything on me when I got here.  You turned to head out of the trailer when you heard the door slam shut.
Gladio stood before you, his brows cross with a look of suspicion.  He strolled up to you slowly, “Forgot something?”
You gulped, looking around your immediate area as if you were sincerely hunting for a lost item of yours, “I— I guess I didn’t have my phone on me.  So I’ll have to use the one in the diner.”
He was closer now, his large frame towering over you.  
“I’ll just be going now,” you aimed to escape through the small space between the wall and him.
He slammed his palm against the wall, instantly cutting you off from your retreat.  You jumped at the sudden action.  He leaned over, placing his other palm along the opposite side of your head, caging you in.  “You’re coming with us, there’s no say in that.”
The heat from his body was creating a sauna between the two of in the intimate space, “I’m fine.  Seriously, I—I’ll be okay.”
He leaned his face in towards your own, his breath nearly grazing your skin, “No.  You’re not understanding this.  You’re coming with us until we figure out just who you are.”
You were wedged snuggly between the Shield and Prompto in the back of the Regalia, an awkward silence occupying the small area between you all.  You kept your attention facing forward, too afraid to make eye contact with any of them.  Prompto nervously cleared his throat; you could tell he was debating about being the first to say something.  But Ignis beat him to it.
“Once we arrive at the Citadel, a member of the Kingsglaive will escort you to the hospital.  Afterwards… we’ll begin the investigation on your identity,” he eyed you through the rear view window.
You inhaled a shaky breath, “Y-yes, sir.”
He raised a brow at your proper address, “If there’s anything you can remember, it would be in your best interest to relay that information to us.” Gladio shifted in his seat.  A large blue sign was coming up on your right.  
[  I N S O M N I A  ]
  Your heart began to pound.  What were you going to do?  They absolutely could not go back to the city; Noct is the chosen king, you couldn’t jeopardize his fate and the return of light.  You had no choice, you had to make them turn around.
“I… I know you guys are not very trusting of me right now.  But please listen to me when I say this.  We cannot go to the city.”
Gladio twisted his body to face you, “Really now?  And why would that be?”  His voice was laced with irritation.
You gulped, averting your eyes from his, “It’s a bad idea… please, just turn the car around.”
Noct turned around in the passenger seat to look at you, “Tell us why we shouldn’t go back.  You definitely know something that we don’t.”
Oh god, what the hell do I do?!  “It’s… it’s not safe.”
Ignis prodded, “Are you referring to the treaty signing?”
“Yes, just… just turn around and I can explain.”
Gladio asserted, “Keep going Iggy.  She needs to be taken to the Citadel.”
“Hey, guys, maybe we should just listen to her first.  She might actually know something,” Prompto suggested, his brows knit with concern.
“There’s no discussing this, we’re heading back.  If something is going to happen, we need to be there to protect the city,” the Shield growled.
“If Prompto’s right, you need to tell us now before we head into the city,” Noct countered.
“I can’t believe you are actually debating this!” Gladio shouted back.
Their squabbling went on back and forth until a group of Imperial soldiers came into view.  You leaned forward as the Regalia closed on their proximity.  Your heart began to beat out of your chest; you had to think quick before they spotted you.
Ignis cut through the fight, “We will let the court decide what to do.  For now we will leave her in their custody.  We need to retain our scheduled meeting with Lady Lunafreya.”
Their bickering resumed once more when you noticed a single soldier turn its head towards the oncoming vehicle.  You had to act now.
You lunged over the center console, landing both of your hands on the steering wheel and yanking it to the right.  The Regalia swerved to the shoulder causing your bodies to slam against the interior panels.  The vehicle spun around as sand and rock scraped beneath the tires, kicking up a giant cloud of dust before coming to a halt. 
You groaned from the dull ache in your ribs, discovering that you had landed halfway onto Noctis and your ass nearly in the air.  The others moaned and grunted, stunned by the turn of events.  You slowly lifted your head, your hair tossled over your face as you looked around you.  A firm grasp suddenly wrapped around your waist as your body was hoisted up into the air.  You heard the door thrown open and your body carried with it.  You were set down on your feet as the others exited the car.  
“Who ARE you!” Gladio shouted.
You jumped at his verbal demand.  “Look, please, you just— you just have to believe me.  We have to get out of here,” you pleaded.
Ignis stepped towards you, “You need to be honest with us right now or there will be consequences.”
You slowly stepped backwards, “I want to tell you… but you won’t believe me.” Tears began to well up in your eyes.
Noct scrambled up to you, grabbing you by the shoulder, “What is going on in Insomnia, my father is there.  You need to tell me!”
The dewy buds began to stream down your cheeks, “It’s not safe… you’re not safe.  And we have to leave,” you begged the Prince.  
He calmed his voice a bit, “Look—”
A loud ring buzzed in his pocket.  He released an annoyed grumble and pulled his phone out.  He turned away with the phone to his ear.  Gladio raised his hand to point at you, “Don’t.  Move.”
“We’re just outside of Insomnia, why?” Noct said into the phone.  The others glanced at one another.  “But—” he was silenced for another minute before nodding, “Okay, call me back as soon as you hear something.  Please check on my father too.”  He hung up the call.
“Was that the Marshal?” Ignis asked.
Noctis sighed, “Yeah, he said to make sure we’re heading down to Galdin Quay.  He received a tip from a glaive that the Imperial forces are up to something.  He said get out of sight.”
The boys exchanged concerned looks.  A dull hum began to echo in the valley becoming more thunderous by the second.
“Imperials!” Prompto exclaimed.  A massive airship hovered above the scorching desert, its massive engines roaring aloud as it headed directly your way.
“Let’s get out of here then,” Gladio stated with an annoyed tone.
You quickly loaded back into the Regalia.  Ignis threw the car into drive and sped off towards Galdin Quay.
The sun began to set over the horizon, painting a brilliant watercolor wash of pinks and oranges across the wide canvas of sky.  The drive to the seaside resort was as expected, awkward and quiet.  You wondered what they were currently thinking of you.  Were you an Imperial spy?  An assassin?  Who knows what was going through their heads right now.  You shifted uneasily in your seat, trying your best not to disturb Gladio as he leaned against the door with his eyes buried in his book, a disgruntled look spread on his face.  
The salty scent of the ocean filled the air as the Regalia made its way down the winding road.  In any other scenario you would be elated to see the bustling tourist attraction but the dread of your fate was constantly lingering on your mind.  The car came to a stop in a parking spot, Ignis switched off the engine and you briefly sat in silence.  Gladio made the first move and shifted out of his seat, followed by the rest.  You took a single step away from the vehicle when a firm hand landed on your shoulder.
“Don’t even think about trying to escape.”  Gladio’s forbidding voice caused your body to lock up.  
Prompto tapped his fingertips together, “So what now?”
“I need to get a hold of Cor,” Noct pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts.  He paced around as he pressed the phone to his ear.  After a few seconds he groaned, dropping the phone from his temple and dialed the marshal’s number again.  
You looked around the area, the darkness of the night descended on the resort as flecks of stars slowly became more visible.  One by one the street lights flickered on, illuminating the dreamy getaway.
“Damnit.  He’s not answering,” Noct sighed, shoving his phone back in his pocket.
“We should head back,” Gladio started, “If the city’s in trouble we need to be there.”
Ignis interjected, “No.  The marshal gave us clear instructions to remain out of sight.  We will leave the safety of Insomnia in the hands of the Kingsglaive.  When the marshal is ready, we will rendezvouz.”
A blanket of anxiety began to cloak each of you.  Prompto looked over at Noctis, “What do you think?”
The prince nodded, “Iggy’s right, let’s stay put until we hear from Cor.”
Gladio shook his head, planting his hands on his hips, “This is ridiculous.”
“I’m just as worried as you, Gladio.  My dad is there signing the treaty.  Your dad is there too.  But Cor said to stay here, let’s just wait it out and see,” Noct snapped.  
The group became silent as they mulled over the decision.  Noct added, “Let’s just make camp, its been a long ass day already.”
Gladio rocked his head backward with a vexed sigh and threw the trunk open, sifting through the camping equipment.  Prompto quickly joined him at his side to collect the supplies.  Once they had gathered everything, the group began heading to the camp site along the beach.
You felt your arm suddenly tugged from behind.  You whipped your head around to see Ignis’ grasp around you, holding you back from continuing on.  Noct turned his body when he noticed the two of you had stopped.  Ignis shot him a knowing look.  Noct glanced at you then back to his advisor and nodded  before trudging through the sand towards the camp site with the other two men.
“You will accompany me for the time being.  There are several questions I have for you.”
You gulped, acquiescing to his order with a dip of your head.  He led the way towards the direction of the restaurant.  You both began crossing the boardwalk as the wooden planks creaked below your footsteps.  The silence was urking you badly, you internally debated about making a run for it, but you knew Ignis, you wouldn’t get far.  You would be cut down before you even made it to the parking lot.  The lights were dim over the walkway, most of the tourists had retreated to their hotel rooms for the night, allowing a tranquil silence to accompany the gentle crashing of the waves.  When you finally made it midway up the boardwalk, Ignis cleared his throat to stop you.
You turned to face him, your body beginning to tremble.  He folded his arms across his chest, staring down at you with a stern face as if he was waiting for you to spill your confession in one go.
Finally you spoke, raising your hands before you, “Ignis, look I—”
“Before you say anything, I need only one thing from you...”
You paused, caught off guard by his request.
“…the absolute truth.”
The blood drained from your face.   How is he going to believe me?  How do I even start explaining this?  That, what, he’s not real?  He’s just a CGI character created for entertainment?  You lowered your hands in defeat.  “I could tell you everything about me… and you wold NEVER believe me,” you choked out.
He furrowed his brow at you, remaining silent.
“You would lock me up in some prison or mental hospital where I’d rot to death…” your voice began to break.
“I would never do such a thing.”
“But if I’m a threat to Noctis then you would.”
“Are you?” he asked callously.
“No.  I never was,” you collected yourself as best you could, “I will tell you everything.  But it’s up to you to decide what to make of it.  Because, in all seriousness, I don’t know what’s happening.”
He uncrossed his arms, “Agreed, proceed then.”
You began outlining your life to him: where you were from, what you did for a living, your family, and your day to day musings.  You detailed the events of the previous night, how you had fallen asleep in your apartment and awoken on a desert highway.  You noticed midway through the explanation his expression had shifted to a look of bewilderment.  Until finally… you began describing your exact knowledge of them. 
“I don’t know why I’m here or how I ended up here.  Believe me, if there’s a reason…” you began tearing up again, “I would tell you.  But I don’t know what it is.”  You had finally let the tears spill, hunching over as you hugged your waist from the sharp pain of your sob.
You couldn’t recall how many minutes had passed but eventually a pair of hands were placed delicately on your shoulders.  “I believe you, as far-fetched as your story may seem.  We will find your answers.”
You instinctively leaned into his chest, gripping his shirt as you painted his top with your tears.   
“Perhaps your ability for foresight in this given situation may be advantageous.”
You craned your neck up at him, a look of confusion on your face.  “What do you mean?”
“You may be of great assistance if you are capable of seeing how our future unfolds.”
You thought about his suggestion before your eyes widened.  Altissia.  
“Ignis… you…”
He furrowed his brow, “What is it?”
“Altissia, you—”
“Hey guys?” a soft voice cut you off from behind.
“Prompto, what’s wrong?  Is Noct alright?” Ignis sharply inquired. 
“Yeah, he’s okay.  He wanted me to come get you, he got a  hold of Cor.”
“And what did the marshal say?”
“Um, well, you might want to hear it from Noct…” motioning for you both to follow him back to camp.  He turned his back and began jogging towards shore.
Ignis turned to follow when you grasped him by the shirt.  You looked at him with a pained expression, “Ignis… there’s so much… there’s so much that’s going to happen.”
He paused and stared at you for a moment, “Then stay with us.”
That night the events of Insomnia’s demise transpired just as you remembered in the film; only, Cor had relayed Insomnia’s attack to the group as it occurred throughout the evening.  Ignis didn’t read it on a newspaper tabloid and Noct was not delivered the news of his father’s death the next morning, he received it several minutes after it happened.  The night felt heavy as sorrow filled the hearts of the young men.  You were beginning to realize your presence here was already altering their storyline.  
In the late hours of the evening, a heavy rain swept through the beach, tearing up a portion of the camp site.  Ignis concluded that it was safe enough to rent a hotel considering the rumors of Noctis’ death had already made its rounds amongst the towns of Lucis, the fear of recognition was still minimal at this point.  Unfortunately the popular resort had already booked up the majority of its rooms due to the peak season for tourism but Ignis’ influence and persuasion managed to secure two rooms for the night.  
As you walked down the hallway towards your rooms, you grabbed Ignis by the sleeve.  “I don’t think Gladio is totally convinced of me being around Noctis.”
He pondered the thought, “I believe you’re right.  We’ll have you stay in the other room.”
As the other three men approached one of the vacant room doors, Ignis addressed the group, “I will keep watch on her in the other room.  It would be in our best interest to stay separated in the event someone were to spot us with an outsider.”
“Make sure she doesn’t leave your sight,” Gladio demanded.
“You need not worry.  We will see you all in the morning.”
Somewhere in the deep recesses of your mind you had once fantasized about staying in such a lavish resort like this one day.  Galdin Quay was notorious for its luxurious rooms and opulent dining, sparing no expense in catering to those who could afford it.  The room you now occupied was a prime example of this high class lifestyle; silk sheets, porcelain washroom, exotic liquors, all the bells and whistles an upscale resort could provide.  But here you were, curled up into a ball on the lone king size bed, staring at the intricate pattern of the designer pillowcase.  
You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply, trying to make sense of things.  You wrestled with the idea of telling them what was destined in their immediate future.  But you knew the ramifications would be too great; you’d practically change the fate of Lucis in a matter of minutes.  You grimaced at the thought of Gladio hating you even more.
Ignis sat on the edge of the bed across from you, “You should get some rest, tomorrow will be quite a taxing day.  We have yet to hear of the outcome of tonight’s attack.”
You frowned at his statement, you already knew, Insomnia would be in ruins.  “I’m scared, Ignis.”
“Scared of what?”
“I’m afraid of what’s going to happen the longer I stay here.”
He contemplated your words for a moment, “There’s an infinite amount of paths that can be paved for anyone, we cannot let ourselves dwell on choosing the right one each time.”
“But… I know everything that will happen to you all.  And now that I’m here, I can change that.  I’m already doing it right now as we speak.  And I’m terrified that it will make things much worse.”
“But that is something you cannot foresee, can you?”
You shook your head.
“Then we won’t know until then, so for now, just get some rest.”
You leaned your face into the pillow, your face pinching with worry.  You pulled your legs in tighter to your body, leaving crescent indentations along your skin where you had dug your nails.  He noticed your distressed body language and placed his hand on top of yours, the gesture causing your eyes to shoot open.  
“Thanks Iggy, I’m so sorry for everything.”
“It’s not your fault, we’ll figure it out one way or another.”
A comfortable silence fleetingly filled the room before Ignis cleared his throat with a sense of uneasiness, “I apologize I was not able to acquire a double bed room, I can sleep on the couch tonight.”
“Don’t do that, this is a king bed, we can both fit on here,” you didn’t want to come off too pushy, “But I understand if you still don’t trust me… I wouldn’t trust myself if I were you,” you chuckled, trying to dispel the nervousness that had befallen the two of you.
“I will be fine on the sofa.”
“Oh-kaaay then, guess I’ll have to enjoy this super comfy and expensive bed all by myself,” you jabbed.
He hesitated, finally giving in as he twisted his body around to lay along side you.  You curled up next to him, gazing over his profile allowing you to appreciate the beautiful features of his face.  You looked away when he glanced at you from the corner of his eye.  He was the only sense of comfort you had in this world; it had been less than twenty four hours since you arrived here and you already felt like an enemy of the state.  But from the moment he had grabbed your wrist and insisted that he would help you, you knew you could rely on him to keep you safe.  
But your mind quickly lingered to the fact that you were actively affecting their future.  Ignis would go blind, but if you are here, could you change that?   Would Prompto find out his origins the way he did?  Would Noct sacrifice himself in the end?  Anxiety was beginning to grip you as you felt a wave of paranoia wash over.  You stifled back the impending rush of panic beginning to take hold, but the thought of every scenario kept swarming your mind like wildfire.  He noticed your disposition had suddenly changed.
He turned his head to look at you, “Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah… I’m fine.”  NO I’m not.  
You never felt so trapped like you did right now in this very moment.  You wanted answers, you wanted something or someone to tell you it was going to be okay.  Some way to know that your presence was not a curse for these men.  Until an idea hit you… 
An instant tingling sensation shot up your entire body, causing your face to flush.  You covered your embarrassed appearance with your hand.  But the seed was already planted, at this point what else could you do?  Fuck it, I’ve got nothing else to lose.
You raised a shaky hand and placed it on top of his, “Iggy, can I… can I cuddle with you?”  Your heart threatened to beat out of your chest.  You anxiously awaited, not completely surprised if he ended up shooting you down.
You peaked up at him to see his cheeks had turned a rosy pink, pursing his lips in contemplation.  After several awkward seconds, you quickly withdrew your hand, embarrassed now that you were so brazen to ask.
“I’m—I’m sorry… that was stupid of me to—”
He grabbed your hand, “It’s… it’s quite alright.  You’ve been through a lot today.  You must be feeling quite lonely.”
Your stomach tightened at his comment as a thin film of tears began to glaze over your eyes, “I’m not even sure if anyone knows that I’m gone… or even cares.”
“I am positive every one is searching for you as we speak.  Rest assured, I will not leave you alone in our world.”
For the first time since you arrived you felt at ease, “Thanks Iggy.”  You scooted your body closer to his, wrapping both of your hands around his tone bicep.  You buried your face into the top of his shoulder, releasing an exhaustive sigh, as your eyes fluttered shut.  He smelled wonderful, the clean linen scent from earlier had still lingered along the fabric of his shirt with a slight musk that made your skin tingle.
You could hear the rapid beat of his heart more clearly now.  He gulped, “If you’re… uncomfortable, please let me know.”
You hummed with a content smile, “It’s okay.  This is perfect.”
* Cor is referencing the events of the Kingsglaive movie and Nyx
* Quote at the very beginning is from Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland
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Hacked: Part 4
You didn’t go to lacrosse practice.
There’s no point and you need the money, anyways, so you forgo fun and go to work. The boy watches you as usual, the bus runs late as usual, and you mop the floors of the hospital until they’re shining, muck the floors of the stable until the only thing on them is dust, and then you go home and prepare for two hours of frantic homework.
You used to live in a regular house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and now you live in a trailer with one bed, a couch, and one bathroom. How the mighty have fallen, except you weren’t all that mighty before your mom got sick.
“Y/n?” she calls when the door creaks open. You’d left your keys at home again, but it’s not a big deal because your mom always forgets to lock the door and anyways, if you’re really in a pinch, a good, hard shake of the door will have the locking mechanism popped out.
Good thing you two live in the scrubby backwash area of shining New York, the toilet of Queens, a blemish in the city. No one comes here of their own volition, and everyone dreams of leaving as quickly as they can. The crime rate here is as low as it gets because no one has anything worth stealing, and no one would rack up a big enough ransom to make it worth the kidnapper’s time. Plus, there’s cameras everywhere and we’re not rich enough to pay off the police if we get caught committing murder.
“Yeah, it’s me,” you call back, dropping your backpack at your feet and wincing when it thunks. You never welcome charity but don’t have a problem with stealing. What a fucked-up child you are. And the food in the bins was going to go to people who’re in the same trouble as you are, so what’s the harm? Worst comes to worst, you get caught and explain your position. Your boss would understand. “I got food.”
Your mom probably knows about how you get money, but she can claim ignorance as long as you don’t hurt anyone else in the process. She might have a conscience, but you don’t. It should bother you that you would steal from someone struggling like you if you were hungry.
It should.
It doesn’t.
It’s a dog-eat-dog world, and no one’s going to help you, so you put a smile on your face and steal from the stores no one else would bother stealing from and you take the cans out of a donation bin because your stomach is complaining. You raid food pantries. You Dumpster-dive.
You humiliate the rich and rack up the money.
Your mom appears in the doorway, looking as thin and ragged as ever even in four sweaters and multiple layers of pants. “Did you have a nice day at school?”
“Yeah,” you say absently, already typing an English essay on your computer. You know your world’s gonna end soon, but you don’t want to spend the entire time waiting around. You’ll do the work and not stress about the bad grades for once in your life. It’s freedom and it’s fun.
“My shift starts soon,” she says. “I’ll be back by the time you’re leaving for school.”
She has one job. You have four. You resent her for that, slightly, because it’s her fault the two of you are in this position, and she doesn’t even try anymore. Inside, you know you’re dying, but on the outside you can at least pretend everything isn’t going to shit. She’s not even giving you that much false peace of mind.
Once again you consider moving out and living with your friends. You used to love your mother, you know, but now you mostly feel blank around her.
She ruined your life. She’s not trying to fix it. She’s going to die soon and leave you with nothing and nobody except for the man who knocked her up and then left her, because she’s too stubborn to see around the issues she had with her parents.
You smile at her. “Don’t work yourself too hard, okay? I’ll see you later.”
“Love you!” she calls while exiting the trailer, leaving you alone in a drafty tin can.
You race to the window to make sure she’s left before pulling up the research you really want to work on.
You’ve spent days trying to hack into Tony Stark’s bank account. It’s heavily protected and you’ve never seen a security wall quite like it, but you’ll get through it… eventually. You know nearly everything there is to know about Stark, partly because because he’s a celebrity, he’s got no privacy, but even the most private secrets aren’t hidden to you. You know his birthdate, the birthdate of Pepper Potts, the day his parents were killed, what road they were killed on, who killed them, and so much more.
Your laptop bings with an incoming video call. Stick’s face pops up onto your screen, scowling—as usual. Through the computer’s speakers, his voice is tinny when he asks if you’re in yet.
“Not yet,” you say, biting your lip a bit at the disappointment on his face. Even though Stick’s got no stake in your project, he’s still invested in it, wanting you to succeed just as much as you.
He’s practically your dad. You’d like him to be your father much more than Tony Stark.
“We can have Pom help you tonight, if you want,” he offers. You hesitate before shaking your head. You wouldn’t let Pom anywhere near your laptop even if your life depended on it. Stick’s actual daughter, and therefore your rival, is everything you want to be in life—smart, tall, tattooed, pierced, great at fighting and sneaking, and Stick’s daughter. The only thing she doesn’t have is a great personality, but then again, neither do you.
You wish you could get a tattoo—of what, you don’t know, but you’d like one, like a planet or a flower or a bird. And you’d also like second piercings.
More than once, Pom’s nearly gotten everyone killed on a mission because of her hot head, and you’d had to hack into some tech to save them. She hates being saved, so she hates you, and she’d do anything to sabotage you. Besides, you’re better at hacking than her. She’d probably announce your presence, chipping away at the shields.
You don’t hate her, per se, but you don’t go out of our way to be in the same room as her, mostly because she’ll start trying to pick a fight with you.
“What are you going to do once it’s released?” Stick asks.
You shrug, trying to appear nonchalant, but warmth glows in your stomach at his absolute faith you’ll be able to do it. “Run to Canada, maybe?”
“I’ve got contacts there,” Stick says thoughtfully. “I could probably still help you, all the way from here.”
“Maybe I could still save your asses on missions,” you joke.
“Pom would hate that,” Stick remarks. “Come over whenever. We’ve got booze.”
You gasp as a sudden thought comes to you. “Booze!”
“Well, I didn’t think you’d be so excited—”
“No,” you say loudly, “how much booze Stark drinks! It’s no secret he drinks a lot… what if I get records of how much he drinks and make an article questioning if it’s safe for an alcoholic to be leading the Avengers? I’ve also got records of all the women he gets—I’ve got, like fifteen half-siblings here in New York—he’s an alcoholic and cheating on his wife!”
“All those girls were before he got married,” Stick says, but he’s excited, you can tell.
“Well, they must’ve dated for awhile, right? I’m coming over. Save me some Mike’s. I need to check the dates with Dennis.”
“You got it,” you almost-father-figure says, amused, and ends the chat. You quickly pack up your equipment. Your end may be coming even quicker than expected.
You grab your second backpack from the compartment over the microwave your mother’s all but forgotten about and stuff your equipment into it. And by ‘equipment’, you mean ‘laptop, headphones, and USB drives’. Before leaving, you reach behind your refrigerator and pull out your hoverboard. Being friends with a tech genius sure has its perks, even if you can’t flaunt those perks anywhere but at Stick’s. Then again, where else would you need to flaunt them? The people there are the only ones that matter.
You click the ‘on’ button and step onto the board. You could also ride it on your bum, and sometimes do, but that’s not as cool. The stabilizing tech on this thing allows you to take sharp turns without the board ever getting more than slightly tilted, and ’d included a way to make the board’s surface latch onto your boots when it’s on, so you can’t fall off it either. Best part of it is that you don’t have to charge it—the tech’s regenerating and powered by light, including that of the artificial and moon variety.
You lean forward to start the board’s movement and press down harder with your back heel to gain a little height. You can’t go as high as you’d really like to, because it’s not super dark. You’d prefer to be riding above the trailers in your park, but now you’re just skimming along around the height of your knees if you’d been standing on the ground. The cool air laps against your skin like the ocean. You feel like you’re flying.
Once you enter the trees, you slow down a bit to navigate the different tree trunks and branches. The sounds of the party reach your ears before you see Stick’s base. The base is way into the forest, which doesn’t do much to muffle the sound all that well. It used to be a cabin but was abandoned before Stick found it and decided to claim it. You smile upon seeing it. When you were younger, you’d pretended this place was your real home.
A few people whistle when you emerge from the foliage. You grin and wave, dropping down steadily before turning your board off and tucking it under your arm. Dennis exits the crowd, a scowl on his face. He scowls a lot, just like Stick.
Just like his dad.
He’s got Stick’s dark hair and bushy eyebrows but his chin is more blocky, his cheekbones less evident.
“Stick said you wanted to run some dates by me?” he says immediately. He’s not one for greetings.
“Possibly,” you reply, smiling at a younger girl who’d just placed hard lemonade in your hands. “It’s just a hunch, and I’ve not even looked them up yet. It’s probably just a dead end.”
“Well, it’s better than nothing,” he says emotionlessly and you follow him into the house and up the stairs. The study is soundproof, so even during one of the parties you’re able to research.
Five minutes later, you lean back in your chair and let out a loud sigh. “Well, that was pointless.”
“Say what you will about a murdering alcoholic, he hasn’t once cheated on his wife,” Dennis says sarcastically.
You groan. “Tell me about it.”
“Well, let’s keep with the original plan, then. Wanna frame him for something?” Den offers halfheartedly.
You consider it for a second before shaking your head. “I want him brought down by his own actions.”
“Ooh, kinky,” your friend says blankly before cracking a smile when you giggle. “Oh, wait, have you seen the new YouTube videos? There’s this new superhero called Spiderman.”
“I’ve heard of him,” you say casually, taking a small sip of your lemonade, “but I thought he wasn’t that big of a deal.”
“Depends. He got lucky with Toomes a bit ago, but nearly killed everyone on a cruise ship by baiting some of our people.”
“What an ass,” you say lightly. “Is there a reason you’re bringing him up?”
“Am I not allowed to fangirl about the new superhero on our block?”
“It’s not really like you, no. How’s your boyfriend?”
“He’s still being smart and in Harvard,” Dennis shrugs. “You’d be surprised the number of students who’d give anything for some drugs.”
“We’re still doing that stuff?” You feel slightly put out. You haven’t been to the most recent meetings because you’d been working on your project, but you hadn’t thought you’d miss that much. Dennis should’ve texted you about it. It’s not like he no one else knows about your project; it’s literally your coming-of-age ceremony, so to speak.
“The lower people are, but some of us’ve taken over Toomes’ biz.” Den shrugs again. “I bet I could get Spider-boy in my bed.”
“You could get anyone in your bed,” you laugh.
“Except you.”
“That’s cuz I’ve seen you shit your pants when a rifle was pointed at you.”
“When did he ever load it? Never? You should’ve known it was an empty threat.”
“Well excuse me! There’s a reason Vin’s in Harvard and I’m not. Wanna go down now?”
You shrug. “Sure, let’s go.”
“It’s time for you to start training with Dennis,” a familiar voice says behind you.
You turn around, a wide smile on your face. “Stick! What’d you say?”
“It’s time for you to start training with Dennis,” he repeats.
Your grin falters. “Right now?” Normally you’d be all for it, but you’re pleasantly buzzed right now, all your senses dulled by a comforting blanket called ‘alcohol’.
“Den’s got a sobering pill,” Stick says, reading your hesitation correctly. “I let you have your fun, but you’ve gotta remember that you’re not safe as long as you’re continuing with the project.”
Your cheeks burn at his scolding. You set your drink down and follow him into the kitchen, where Dennis hands you a pill and a glass of water silently. After gulping it down, you follow him into the back, where a lone figure stands. The golden strands in her black hair give away her identity.
“She’s all yours, Pom,” Dennis says and goes back into the base.
“Seriously?” you mutter when he passes.
“I heard about your project,” Pom says after a beat. Who hasn’t? You ask silently. “You do realize no matter how incriminating the evidence is, people are gonna wonder how you got it?”
You scowl and say, “Why do you care?”
She flashes a surprised look at you, raising her pale eyebrows. “You’re my friend, of course I care.”
You squint at her. “What?”
Pom squints back at you, tilting her head. “What?”
“Since when are we friends?”
“Since you got me out of that jail,” she responds.
“That was a year ago,” you remark incredulously—around the same time she started trying to punch you— “and you never said anything about it! You just started trying to hit me when I wasn’t looking!”
“Yeah. For training. Is that not how girls do it?” She tucks her hair behind her ears. “That’s how Dennis makes friends.”
“Yeah, well, Dennis is a sociopath. You’ve seriously been thinking we’ve been friends for a year without me saying practically anything to you?”
“We fought,” she points out. “You’re not very good at it, though.”
“Oh, thanks,” you say sarcastically.
“We’re both helping each other, though, and that’s what friends do,” Pom says, sounding pleased.
You scoff, “How on earth could I help you?”
“I need to learn how to do the computer stuff,” Pom admits sheepishly.
You tilt your head at her before shrugging. She’d never shown any interest in hacking before this, but whatever. “I don’t think I’ll be very good at fighting,” you warn.
“That’s what I’m for. And I don’t think I’ll be very good at hacking.”
Turns out that you’re pretty good at punching, but not at dodging.
“Sorry, sorry,” Pom says again but she’s laughing.
You flip her the bird with the hand not used to pinch your bleeding nose.
“How ‘bout we call it a day? It’s nearly eleven,” she suggests. Your eyes widen.
“My mob!” you gurgle.
“I didn’t know you had a mom,” Pom remarks, then winces when she realizes how stupid it sounds. “What’s she gonna do after your project?”
You shrug. “Bot goba be here after. Cabcer.”
Pom winces, saying, “That sucks,” which is so much more refreshing to hear rather than ‘I’m sorry’.
“Doesn’t really batter,” you shrug again. “Don’t like her all that buch, really. That’s probably wrog, right?”
Pom shakes her head. “Blood doesn’t mean shit. Especially when they’re assholes.”
You hesitantly stop pinching your nose and wipe it on your sleeve. “She refuses to get in touch with by gradparets eveb though she’s leavig be a trailer wheb she dies. I’m workig four jobs a day and she’s got—” you hold up one finger.
“What a bitch,” Pom says with disgust.
“You bow what? Fuck her. She cab worry all she wants; I dob’t feel like goig hobe tobight,” you declare loudly.
Pom laughs. “Wanna make some trouble?”
“Let me clean up my face first.”
Peter’s sitting on a fire escape when someone on a motorcycle drives by, way too fast. “Excuse me, sir or miss!” he yells, shooting a web at a building next to them. “You’re going too fast!”
The figure must not hear due to their loud motorcycle, because they don’t even twitch. They just turn a corner into a dark alley.
“Stop!” Peter yells, shooting a web at the bike’s back wheel and missing narrowly. “You’re going to hurt someone! Karen, release the tracker. I’m going to try to get in front of this guy,” Peter commands, swinging into the alley way behind the motorcycle rider.
“Sure, Peter,” Karen says easily. A small metal spider detaches off the shoulder of Peter’s suit and leaps onto the motorcycle just as it turns another corner.
Peter sprints along the rooftops, using his webs whenever possible, until Karen commands for him to stop. Peter jumps to the ground just as the rider roars into the alley. He can see their eyes widen and they skid to a stop just inches away from Peter.
“Dude, you were going way too fast,” he scolds, scowling even though the person wouldn’t be able to see.
The person lifts up their helmet, revealing a pale, thin face and long dark hair. “Sorry,” she says with a rich voice.
“Be careful next time,” Peter says, deepening his voice. “You could’ve hurt someone.”
“Peter,” Karen says suddenly, “there’s a situation at a supermarket across town.
Peter jerks his head up. “Where?”
“To your left,” the girl on the motorcycle giggles. She kicks it into gear and zooms off, but this time her bike’s silent. Peter curses and shoots a web to the top of the building on his left. Sure enough, he can hear screams coming from that direction. He swings to the top just in time to see a flash of light. The girl’s motorcycle roars somewhere behind him, just for a moment.
There’s another flash of light, and for a second Peter swears that someone’s hovering in the air, like something photoshopped against a photo’s background, but when he blinks they’re gone.
“Karen, did you see that?”
“See what, Peter? Are you talking about the person on the hoverboard?”
“Yeah,” Peter says with relief. “That.”
“No,” Peter insists, “I swear, Mr. Stark! Karen saw it too!”
“Your A.I.” Tony’s voice drips with disbelief. “Well, send the video to me, kid. It was probably just a big bird.”
“Got it, Mr. Stark.” Peter hangs up the phone. “Karen, send Mr. Stark the video of the person on the hoverboard.”
“Of course, Peter.”
You and Pom are sitting on a fire escape on the outskirts of New York, eating the candy you’d stolen.
“I bet we could do a bank,” she suddenly says. The very thought gives your stomach that nervous weightless feeling that you get while missing a step going down, or going down the drop on a big rollercoaster.
“Probably,” you say cautiously. “But that would be a bit harder.”
“Oh, definitely, but we’ve done it before.”
“Not just the two of us.”
She shrugs. “We could get Dennis in with us.”
“Speaking of, how mad do you think he’s gonna be that we stole some of his mini-bombs?”
“He’s got millions. He won’t probably even notice, don’t worry,” Pom reassures you. You nod and look away, out at the skyline of New York, looming in front of you, massive.
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shaecanilao · 4 years
Just Like The Movies EP. 1
A/N: This is literally a fanfic lmao please bear with me
“Lily, do you have all of your stuff ready?”
My best friend and roommate, Dani, decides to take me with her to a business trip which will be ‘the best vacation of my life’ and ‘a trip I’ll never forget’ – according to her. She’s a perfectionist and she hates it when I forget stuff so here she is frantically going through her suitcase while I’m chilling in the backyard.
She’s shooting in Atlanta with some actors whom I have no idea about because one, she might get sued if she tells me, and two, I’m not really that interested. She’s an assistant producer to this movie that I also I don’t have any idea about. Best thing about this trip is that she’ll have 2 free days at the end of the week so we get to go out and do whatever we want.
For now, I let her worry about her suitcase because I got mine all sorted out.
We’ve just moved into this 3-bedroom house in Boston about 3 weeks ago and needless to say, I’m loving it. We’ve got this space in the backyard where Dani and I get to do boxing or some HIIT in the morning. We finally got to adopt dogs! They weren’t allowed in our old place which sucked so badly. Donut, my 7-month old Golden Retriever, and Bagel, Dani’s 3-year old Brown Lab, also loved running around there playing all morning with Fluffy the neighbor’s dog from over the fence. Fluffy isn’t his real name though. I am yet to ask my neighbor whom I haven’t met.
On the day of our flight, Dani and I woke up at 4 AM to make sure that we don’t get late and boy, I hated it. We got the sitter pick up Donut and Bagel early in the morning too. I wanted to tell her that it wasn’t my idea to get a flight this early. Who gets a 5:30 flight voluntarily anyways?
“You sure you didn’t forget anything?” Dani asked me right at the door.
“Nope.” Oh I forgot something. “Oh wait, Fluffy!”
I ran to the backyard and said goodbye to Fluffy. For sure he’ll be surprised too that Donut, Bagel, and I won’t be playing with him this week.
Right when we got to Atlanta, we ran to the hotel so Dani can drop her stuff.
As I was putting my bags on the bed, Dani said “Crap, I’ve got 20 mins. I gotta run.”
And, she’s out the door. Damn, this girl’s busy. Well, that’s my cue to soak in the bath tub.
A message pops on my screen.
I asked for room service so food will be there in a bit. – Dani
I guess she’s making up for the early morning flight she made me take. If I’m being honest, I didn’t even want to be here. But, being the good friend that Dani is, she forced me to get a life since because I didn’t even notice that I drowned myself with work after that breakup.
Hours have passed and it’s barely 3 pm. I’ve done all the skin care you could possibly put on your whole body and have scrolled through Netflix at least about 5 times. I am bored out of my mind!
I’m so sorry. You know I love you. But can you bring the folder in my white suitcase to the studio please? I really need it now. – Dani
This girl is lucky I am bored.
Okay, be there in 15.
When I arrived in the studio, I asked a guy with one of those radio stuff in his hands hoping he knows my friend. “Hi, I’m Lily Dewan. I’m here for Dani Andrews. Do you know where she is?”
“Sir, Lily Dewan is here.”
“Sir? Dani is a girl. Excuse me?”
“My name’s Eric,” the guy enthusiastically introduced himself. “The director said I should bring you to your trailer already. Dani will be there.”
Okay, that’s kinda weird. Okay, it’s weird.
I went to the trailer and It’s true that Dani is waiting for me there.
“Here’s your file.” I handed her the folder. “Can I go now? What is that guy, Eric, talking about? Something about the director?”
“Promise me you won’t freak out.”
“You’re freaking me out by telling me not to freak out. What is happening?”
“Remember when we shot that video when I asked you to act out lines from a script?”
“Uhm, yes?”
“I showed that to the casting crew of this movie.”
“What are you talking about?”
“We’ve been looking for the right actress for this role for months and the director hasn’t agreed to cast any of the ones that auditioned and the studio is going crazy looking for someone he will like. One of my colleagues accidentally saw that video and she convinced me to show it to the director and he liked you.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before you brought me here?”
“Because I know you and I know that you won’t agree!”
“Exactly, but you still brought me here!”
“Lily, you have every right to say no to this. But, you have nothing to lose. You’re here anyways. Why not try? Just go out there. Try. They’ll shoot actual scenes, but it’s almost like your screen test. If you don’t sign anything, they can just not show it. Besides, I know for a fact that you’ll like who you’ll be acting with.”
“You’ll see when you get there.”
If there’s another important thing you need to know about Dani – she knows how to convince me to do anything.
After all the hair and makeup, I was asked to go to the main studio where the shooting happens. My character is pretty small but she kinda makes the foundation of the story so I guess this is why the director was specific about what he wants, but to be honest, I still don’t know why he wants me. I’m a spy who pretended to be dead to stop her boyfriend who was trying to look for her so that he’ll be kept safe. Said boyfriend then, tried to uncover the truth about her death which lead him to another trouble so I show myself again to save him only to die trying to do so. Then, boyfriend becomes one of the best spies in the world.
The director just finished explaining everything that I will do including the stunts when he called up the actor that I’ll be shooting with.
“Can someone call Rivers up? I’ll introduce him to Lily.” WHO?
“Rivers? Scott Rivers?” I’m gonna kill Dani for sure.
He entered the room with Dani and they were laughing about something. She winked at me when our eyes met knowing exactly how flustered I will be once I get introduced to this guy. I don’t get star struck a lot no matter how popular the person is, but I’ve got the biggest crush on Scott Rivers for years – probably even before I met Dani. He always plays the hot guy who doesn’t give a single fuck, but is actually this hot, smart, and funny guy in real life – or at least in his interviews. He may have a long list of flings and ex-girlfriends, but that doesn’t change my mind about him.
“Hi Scott, this is Lily.”
“Hi Lily. So, you’re the special girl.”
“That’s me.” What am I even saying at this point?
Did I mention that I’m going to have a kissing scene in this movie? I’m the girlfriend who supposedly died and will die for the guy, of course he’s going to kiss me. Knowing that I’m gonna have to kiss Scott just made everything more nerve-wracking.
Fast forward to the end of the week and the whole cast were gathering in a wrap-up party. Apparently, my scenes were the last to be shot so after that, everyone’s relieved and ready to go. We’re in the hotel room with hours away from the party.
“God, I don’t even want to go there. I feel awkward just imagining having to mingle with all the popular kids.” Plus, Scott’s gonna be there again. I can’t…I can’t even think straight when he’s present anywhere.
Dani’s on the vanity table doing her makeup while convincing me to go. Or, should I say forcing me to? “You are a cast member now, Lil. You have to go. The other cast are dying to meet you, too. If you didn’t agree to do this, there will be no wrap up party and we’re probably still searching high-and-low’s for an actress by now. Come on, you won’t want to waste this pretty dress.” She got up from her seat and took out a box from the dresser.
“Guess who asked for my help in picking this out for you?”
“Who?” In the box, is a red silk dress that’s calling my name to put it on. It’s so pretty!
“Who would you like to?”
“Stop it! Dani…”
“Okay, I’m kidding! Come on, it’ll be fun!”
“I’m only going because I’d love to wear this thing out.” I grabbed the dress from her hands and tried it on.
“If you say so.”
When we arrived at the party, Dani brought me right up to the table where the director and other main cast members are.
“Hi everyone. I’m so happy to see you guys again. I’d like you to meet our girl here and my best friend, Lily.”
Scott was seated right across of me and being the awkward turtle that I am, I try to avoid his eyes all at cost. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. They even made fun of the director for giving the studio a hard time trying to find the character that he wants. All the conversations are being drowned out because I can feel someone’s eyes drilling a hole on my face. Damn it.
“Excuse me, I’ll get another drink.” I heard Scott told the guy sitting next to him, while he was looking at me.
I let out a long sigh of relief when he walked away only to get startled by Scott himself when he appeared behind me and tapped on my shoulder.
“Can I have a word?”
I pinched Dani and begged her to help me escape as I was standing up, but she just smiled at me. She’s giving me away! Great.
We went to the open bar and sat by the stools. Scott ordered drinks for the both of us. As he handed me mine, he said “Try that. You’ll like it for sure.”
“What’s up?” I said, trying my best to appear calm and collected.
“I just wanted to make sure that we’re cool? I just…I just thought you were avoiding my eyes from earlier and yeah I’m glad the dress fits! You look beautiful.” My heart? Exploded.
“You? This is from you?”
“Didn’t Dani tell you? Well I, you know, I know nothing about those stuff so I asked for her help since I figured she’d know you.”
“I thought she was joking! Thank you. I love this. Totally my style.”
You know, if I hadn’t just broken up with an awful ex-boyfriend and if I didn’t know Scott’s reputation, I would have fallen for every bit of it. He’s just so awfully smooth and endearing at the same time. Who can say no?
This whole week felt like a dream to me. I’m not sure if everything really happened or will everything go back to normal when I get home so I decided to just drop everything and have this one last hurrah before we go.
Scott was making a move on me and I can totally sense it. Like I said, who can say no to this guy? I know for sure I can’t. He walked me back to the table and left me with Dani as he went to the bathroom. “Lil, you okay? I could see fireworks shooting everywhere back there with Scott. What are you guys talking about?”
“Oh just life in general. Uhm Dan, I think I’m gonna sleep out tonight.”
“Oh, you slut! Go ahead! Are you on that level already?”
“Maybe? I don’t know. Won’t hurt to try and get there. I mean, the next time I see him will be months from now during the promo tour and he would’ve forgotten about it by then anyways. Why not just go for it, right?” Dani and I high-fived as we laughed together.
You’re single. Go out and sleep with whoever you want. No one’s gonna stop you. That’s what she always says. I suffered 3 years of terrible sex with a guy who ended up cheating on me. I’m having none of that anymore.
I stood up as Scott approached me when he got out of the bathroom.
He whispered on my ear, “Wanna get out of here?”
That was my cue to bid goodbye to everyone including my best friend.
We got into his car and hurried to the hotel.
“We’re staying in the same hotel?” I realized as he made his way to the same hotel Dani and I are checked in.
“I guess that’ll mean you can stay longer in my room.”
“I guess so.”
His room was a lot bigger than ours, but it’s understandable since he’s the lead actor. Without skipping a beat, he went straight to the shower and turned the water on. I was walking around the room thinking he’s already in there when his half-naked body popped out from the bathroom door. “Shower? There’s hot water already.”
“Mind helping me with this dress?” After he untied my dress, I faced him. “We’re still going to be friends, right? Don’t you get weird with me when promo tour starts.”
“Don’t worry, babe. I can handle it.”
“Great. I’m glad we agree to that.”
The night was amazing to say the least. Since we’re both going home after that, Scott and I agreed in having another round of it once promo tour starts. Makes me look forward to it even more now. We left his room at the same time right after lunch: him to go to the airport and me going to my room to pack my stuff.
“I need the details!” Dani kept bothering me about all the stuff with Scott since I came back and it’s hilarious and annoying at the same time. “You need to thank me because I’m the main reason why this happened. I deserve some juicy details.”
“You’re my best friend and I love you, but I’m not gonna fuck and tell.”
She doesn’t look pleased, but tried to push for it. “Just give it a number rating then. From 1 to 10, how good is it?”
“Why do you even wanna know? You work with this guy.”
“It’s not like I don’t hear stories about him anyways and the stories vary a lot so some of them are probably lying about it. I know you won’t lie so you tell me the truth.”
“Fine. I’ll give you a number, but that’s it.”
She squealed and slammed her suitcase shut. “Okay! Give me a number from 1-10.”
I paused and laughed at myself, but I’d be lying if I say he’s any less than 10. “Honestly? Probably a 12. But hey, we all like different things. Let’s just say we like the same stuff.”
“Oh my god, you! Look at you putting yourself out there again! My best friend’s back!”
“It’s amusing how you’re so happy I had good sex.” I’m literally laughing at how happy Dani is. She’s probably happy she was successful in selling me off this week.
“If I were you, I would be this happy, too. 3 years wasted with that guy. Well, bye Felicia!”
And, that it so true.
“Too bad your 12 lives on the other side of the country.”
“He’s an actor. So, I guess staying in Hollywood works best for him.”
“But, so are you, Miss Lily Dewan.”
Oh, I forgot about that. “Technically, yes, but I acted once! And, it’s not like I will do it again.”
“You can never say never.” Dani winked at me.
“Next time you do this to me, I swear I won’t do it. A notice would be nice.”
“Promise I won’t surprise you with stuff like this again.”
Since our flight got delayed for hours, we arrived in Boston at around 7 in the morning. I ran to the door of our house as I saw Donut and Bagel with their sitter waiting for us. Our babies are so excited to see us they were jumping up and down.
I grabbed 3 balls from the bag of the dogs’ toys right beside our door and ran straight through the house to the backyard to play fetch with my babies whom I haven’t seen for a week.
“Come on, loves! Fetch!” I laughed. “Oh no love, it’s underneath the table. HAHA! Bagel, hold on. Dani, can you help me with this? Donut’s ball got stuck. I can’t reach it.” As I stood up I realized I forgot another one. “FLUFFY!!” I called out.
I looked over the neighbor’s backyard hoping that Fluffy heard me.
“Hunter. His name is Hunter. But I could see why you call him Fluffy. And, I see you like dogs too.”
It’s not just Fluffy that’s staring back at me.
“What are you doing here?”
“This is where I live. This is my boy, Hunter.”
Dani comes out of the door and sees me standing there stunned. “What happened to Donut’s…” she looks at the person I’m talking to. “Scott?”
0 notes
thebusmansholiday · 7 years
The Pamir Highway and The Wakhan Valley
10/05/2017 Osh to Sary Moghul 4 hrs
Antonio, a retired railroad engineer from Barcelona and Fergus, a solicitor from County Westmeath had teamed up with us to split the cost of hiring a Mitsubishi 4x4 and it's driver Mohammed from Osh. We would embark on a 10 day road trip down the Pamir Highway into Tajikistan, through the Wakhan Valley bordering Afghanistan and back up to the Tajik capital Dushanbe.
Our first night was in Sary Moghul, at a guesthouse in the valley bellow peak Lenin. At 7,134 meters he towers above the other peaks on the vast range acting as the border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
After a Mutton and potato soup dinner we take a stroll around the village at sunset and stumble upon a little party of kids dancing to some techno music from the stereo of a Lada 4x4. We happily accept the invitation to join the mini rave.
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11/05/2017 Sary Moghul to Murgab
After a decent nights sleep on the floor with lots of warm blankets we are treated to some delicious creamy porridge for breakfast, made with milk from the goats outside, the same goats I was careful not to trip over in the dark walk to the outside toilet at night.  
We set off for the short drive up to Tajik border crossing, where the melting snow had left the roads in a terrible state.  Plenty of 'taxes' have to paid here. Customs Tax, Environmental Tax. Luckily our Kygyz driver, Mohamed, is well used to the procedures and we avoid any tedious bag searching delays you read about in the guide book. It is so remote here, the border is at an altitude of over 4,000 meters, the guards look extremely bored, sweeping the makeshift volleyball court of snow, appearing to be the best past time.
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The first town we see, is next to one of the many big frozen over lakes in the region. Karakul is a desolate place, the Chinese barbed wired border fence collecting all the plastic waist from the small population. It's supposed to mark the start of the no mans land border zone between China and the Central asian republics.
The reinforced mud built houses with corrugated iron roofs would be our places of rest for the next few days in the barren eastern section of the Pamirs. Mohammed knew all the best houses for lunch, and for just a dollar we would walk into someones living room, get a bowl of veg soup and plenty of bread and jam to keep us going.
It is the same Kyrgyz hospitality we had grown accustomed to in Kyrgyzstan. Despite now being in Tajikistan, the majority of people in the Eastern side of the country being ethnically Kyrgyz or Pamir Kyrgyz folk. The Tajik border guards being the only 'Tajik' people we had seen so far, and they have more of a Persian/Iranian look about them. Uncle Joe drew up the borders for these central asian republics in the 1930's, some cynical people say to help with a divide and rule tactic for the region. As we were to continue through the pamir region, we would get a sense of the man made borders not really meaning much to the local populations, just causing nuisance paper work and 'taxes' when moving around.
At dusk we arrive in the dusty 'wild west' town of Murgab. Again, utterly isolated, this place would make a great eerily bleak movie set, the Chinese truck drivers rest terminal being the main industry here. There is only one 'hotel' in town, 'the hotel Pamir', a gerry built two floor structure with off line walls and uneven floors. All the lights go off in town at 10pm, including at the hotel, and the room we are in is painfully cold.
We head to the nearby Pshart Valley for a days hike across to the Madiyan Valley. It is a slow bumpy drive up through the red rock death valley like scenery to our drop off point to begin the hike, our driver waves the 4 of us goodbye after reassuring us it's an easy walk to the other side of the snow covered mountains where he will meet us in 8 hours time.
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Only an hour into the hike, deep snow is becoming more of an issue, so we resort to scrambling up rocks to avoid it, Antonio in his baggy Levi's and trainers is already looking well under equipped. Louisa then makes the call for us to give up and turn back, reminding us in no uncertain terms that "no one here has any mountaineering experience, we have no way of calling for help, Murgab has no search and rescue helicopter!" The walk back is still a tricky navigation down the rocks and through the deep snow we had just scrambled up.
"Never let a man from County Westmeath lead you down a mountain!" Fergus insists he knows the safest route, but soon we are all up to our waists in snow, having to frantically pull each other out at points. Antonio gives up following and decides to slide down the snow on his backside.  Eventually we make it down to where we were dropped off but now we have the daunting prospect of the walk back to Murgab, remembering the slow drive up here 4 hours ago. There was no shade to be had on the long dusty walk back through the death valley, each ridge that appeared up ahead would be a marker to aim for, a point where we hoped we would see the main road, but it never came.
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(Above: the long walk back to Murgab) 
The sun went down behind the mountains and the temperature started to drop at an alarming rate. As morale was starting to go down with the fading light, a green soviet cattle truck started driving towards us, two Kyrgyz shepherds jumped out, shook our hands and said, in surprisingly good English, that they would take us back the rest of the way to Murgab. Me, Fergus and one of our Kyrgyz friends had to jump on top of the load of stinking fire lighting twigs on the open trailer at the back. It was a scary ride, clinging on, trying not fall over the side, but we were so happy not be walking anymore.
The 11 hour trek had taken it's toll, we were all wrecked, Mohammed had been anxiously searching for us on the other side and is relieved to see us back at the hotel safe and sound.
13/05/2017 Murgab to Balunkul 3 hours
We leave Murgab, and all 4 of us are not in a good state of health. I am hit particularly hard this morning by a combination of diarrhoea, altitude sickness, exhaustion from the previous days death walk and my food is not staying down.
We don't have far to drive at least, 3 hours to a village next to lake Bulunkul. It's a completely self sufficient place, solar powered electricity, but the wood fired cooking stove is all we have to gather round to keep warm at our guesthouse. This is the coldest village in Tajikistan, possibly the most isolated too. At night, the wind is biting on the long walk to the outside toilet, a walk we all do on several occasions as our bodies are deteriorating. Even Mohammed is seen making a rushed dash out the front door at one point. Louisa and me are suffering from a bad fever and spend a lot of the evening vomiting up our fish supper under the amazing views of the stars, which offers some comfort at least.
14/05/2017 Balankul to Langar 4 hours
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We are late leaving Balunkul, all the village boys are out to help fix a faulty alternator on the 4x4.  It's the most excitement this place has seen for a while.  Not long into the drive we start descending into the Wakhan Valley, and we immediately start seeing glimpses of the dazzling white Hindu Kush (killer of Hindus) mountain range marking the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Afghanistan itself is just a 10 meter paddle across the Wakhan River basin. We are so close we wave at some nomadic tribesmen on a slow walk with their camels on the opposite side and get a bemused wave back.
It's a relief for all to arrive in Langar, it's the first of many photogenic oasis like villages nestled between the soaring arid valley peaks of the Wakhan, and being down at more normal altitudes, with grass on the ground and without all the dust, we can breathe a lot easier. The food at our guesthouse is the best we've had in a while, pasta and decent looking mutton (not so greasy). It stays down and we are starting to recover from the troubles at the high altitudes on the previous 3 nights.
15/05/2017 Langar to Ishkashim
We are taking in the sights of the Wakhan Valley at a very sedate pace. Everyone is eating and sleeping much better and slowly starting to feel human again. Today we have a short drive to the impressive 12th century Yamchun Fort, a medieval lookout point for invasions from the east. We head to the nearby 'Bibi Fatima' hot thermal springs - named after the prophet Mohammed's daughter. The water is so hot it has a steam room like effect, very cleansing and again aiding our recovery from our illnesses.
We spend the night at a guesthouse in Ishkashim, a place famed for it's 'no mans land' trans border afghan bazaar. Sadly it's been closed for a few weeks for security reasons.
Antonio and Fergus are back on form, the double act providing great comedy as they chat the night away, Antonio giggling like a little girl when he gets his way and makes Fergus tell him another Irish joke. Their friendship has blossomed in the last 2 weeks since they met in the back of a taxi in Bishkek and decided to travel the same route. Recently retired, Antonio booked himself a 2 month return ticket to Kyrgyzstan without much of a plan. 29 year old 'Fergoos' offered him a guiding hand and they have been inseparable since.
16/05/2017 Ishkashim to Khorog 4 hours
Cowering beneath arid, bare rock peaks, the little town of Khorog appears up ahead of us as we turn another sharp bend on the rough dirt track road through the Wakhan Valley. This is the only real town in the Pamirs' and our first taste of shops, cafes, and restaurants since leaving Osh 6 days previously. The laid back Ismaili form of Islam practiced here, and the friendly welcoming nature of the locals, like in most of the Central Asian region we have travelled through, makes Khorog a  pleasant stop. Ice cream in the park, young local students frolicking on the grass, all lovely stuff.
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(Above: Khorog on the right of the river, Afghanistan on the left) 
Me and Lo had reliably been informed a few days earlier by a biker dude from Bangalore, that there is a British style Indian Restaurant not far from the central park and we headed straight for it. Celebrating our stomachs being stable again, we treat ourselves to a veggie curry, lemon rice, samosas and poppadoms washed down with some Russian beers. Sat in the bouncy cushioned booth in the dark red carpeted room, we really could have been back at a local village curry house in the UK.
17/05/2017 Khorog to Jizeu 3 hours
After a late 'plov' lunch at a roadside cafe we turn off the 'Whakan Valley' and drive 25km into the 'Bartang Valley'. Mohammed drops us off by a rope bridge over the fast flowing Bartang river and points us towards a 2 hour hike up to the remote village of Jizeu, where we would spend the night. We were joined by David and Josephine, a dutch couple driving back to the Netherlands from India and Pakistan, in there own jeep that has a tent conversion on the roof. They were happy that our driver Mohammed was able to look after their vehicle for the night as they made the hike up to Jizew with us, leaving Mo with a few downloaded breaking bad episodes to watch on their ipad.
The hike up the steep scree sided valley is a pleasant one, with idyllic scenes around a series of lakes, one of which sits the tiny traditional hamlet of Jizeu which has a wonderful timeless feel to it. It is only accessed on foot, so completely shut off from the outside world. We plonk our bags down in one of the 14 mud hut houses, get a given a feast of fresh cut potato chips, noodles and tomatoes for dinner, drink endless pots of tea from our friendly hosts, and play the dice game 'rain worms' till the sun goes down.
18/05/2017 Jizew to Kalaikumb 8 hours
6am the next morning, after rice porridge and nuts for breakfast, we hike 2hrs back down the valley to our jeeps and meet Mohammad, who despite a chilly night, is in good spirits and now a massive breaking bad fan. The road up to Kalai-Khum is another uncomfortable bumpy ride but with many a picturesque scene looking over the river into Afghanistan and little mountain side hamlets of stone and adobe houses set among splashes of green on the stark rock faces.  It's quite surreal pulling over for a toilet stop and taking a pee behind a rock while looking down the valley at the afghan village people going about their daily lives.
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(Above: Afghan Village)
19/05/2017 Kalai-Khum to Dushanbe 7 hours
The rain was lashing down all night in Kalai-Khum, everyone now a bit fearful of potential landslides on the mountain passes up to the Tajik capital Dushanbe. We leave our guesthouse early, but not early enough as an hour into the journey we just miss the opening of a section of road under construction. The Chinese construction workers close the road every few hours to allow their diggers to get to work, but enough cars start to pile and up demand to be let through. The Chinese reluctantly open the road again after a half hour wait and it's a long increasingly hot drive ahead to Dushanbe.
For lunch we pull over at a roadside set of cafes, not really sure what food is on offer. Now well into Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Mo is not really confident about places to get a cheap lunch either. Some local lads pounce on our car and direct us towards there 'restaurant' where they apparently serve 'the best fish' in town. We are taken to their house, the gate locked shut behind our 4x4 and shown to our lake(more like a pond) side table. The fish served looks like it's straight out the dirty pond next to us, hardly any meat on the tiny things and deep, deep fried to a crispy greasy mess. It's the most disappointing lunch of the trip, and as we go to leave, the boys who had directed us there demand 600 somoni (about $60) for the pleasure of it all. They start getting aggressive towards Mo when he is translating for us our shock at the amount they are demanding from us. Mo is visibly shaken and a bit upset as he pleads with the locals to remember it's a Friday, the holy day, and to not let a group of tourists go away with a bad impression of Tajikistan.
Louisa takes charge of the situation, the boys obviously don't like a woman standing up to them, but they back down and let us pay about half of the original 600 quoted. It's still an absolute rip off but we didn't fancy getting in a fight, and we were certain the Tajik police wouldn't be much help. We just felt a bit upset for Mo, who had to take all the abuse, no doubt a lot of it racist with him being Kyrgyz.
Mohammed had become a good friend over the 10 days he had driven us through the mountains and valleys of the pamir highway and whakan corridor. We didn't let the bad experience at lunch dampen our mood too much and we said an emotional goodbye when finally arrived in Dushanbe. Antonio was heading back to Osh (via a much more direct route) and onto Kashgar in China. Fergus was catching a flight to Almaty. Me and Lo were grateful to be free from the restrictions of travelling in a car, put our backpacks on a started a long walk to our cheap hostel in the suburbs.
As soon as we arrived, the bad experience of Tajikistan a few hours earlier became a distant memory. The hosts here making us feel part of the family, sitting us down with pots of tea and a massive bowl of plov. Everyone in central asia claims their plov is the best, this one at Hostel Latifa is particularly good, with grapes from the garden tree next to us adding a a nice fruity twist to the savoury dish. I think Plov could be making it's way into my top 5 dishes.
The next few days in Dushanbe were spent lazying around the courtyard garden at our hostel. I was in need of a hair cut and a beard trim, so the dad of the family here took me to a local barber shop. Some kids playing football in the street outside started to gather round to watch the spectacle of a hairy sweaty westerner getting his haircut. We chatted football as best we could, the kids reeling off premier league team names and players I hadn't even heard of. None of them had heard of my team or the famous 'Super Neil'. None of them or any of the managers at the few 'sports' and 'Irish' pubs me and Lo visited later in the day knew much about them either, or that they were playing in a play off final at Wembley that afternoon.
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'Stalinabad' as the city was affectionately known as in the past is a very peaceful city, with a hazy backdrop of mountains that seem to keep the wind out and the heat locked in. There is a strange mix of original buildings from the city's soviet incarnation, and weird recent budget futurism newcomers. The worlds tallest flag pole is here, which on a rare windy day might look impressive, but the large flag on top looks a bit fed up most of the time. The worlds largest 'Tea House' is here also. Apparently costing about 5% of the countries yearly GDP during the 5 years it took to construct. It doesn't appear that you can get in for a cup of tea, the place only open for important state visits.
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(Above: the tallest flag pole in the world)
On Tuesday (23rd May) we head for the Uzbekistan border and after a potentially long day negotiating the border crossing and shared taxis and minibuses, we hope to arrive in the ancient city of Samarkand....
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