#true scary story
sadderrall · 10 months
last night something absolutely terrifying happened. i was working an overnight, i monitor teens at a group home. i was sitting in the back office and at around 12:45 AM i start to hear some movement in the back yard. the house isn’t in a great neighborhood so i get a little paranoid that there’s someone back there since the yard is open to the alley. i get up to close and lock the window and close all the blinds. immediately after i sit back down, i hear this ominous double whistle, high pitch to low pitch, like a lil weeee-oooo. at this point i’m getting scared. then i hear it again. closer. and again. even closer. and over and over again and again until it’s right outside the fucking back door. but i never heard any footsteps. not a single one. now i’m mortified. i decide to lock myself in the managers office and hide in the corner until my coworker gets there at 6. the whistling went on all night, right outside the door, until the sun came up. i told someone about it while it was happening and he told me he had heard about that from mexico and whatever i do, do not whistle back. in the morning when my coworker gets there, i fill her in on everything that happened overnight. we do some googling and apparently people have had the exact same experience before. it seems to be an evil spirit trying to get you to communicate with it and when you hear it, you need to hide. i finally get home around 8 AM. as i’m falling asleep, something hits me. it’s not the first time i’ve heard that whistling before. but last time, it was outside my apartment. slowly coming up the stairs. all night. until it was right outside my front door. but that time i made the biggest mistake i could’ve made. i didn’t hide
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hairlossinwomen2 · 19 days
Haunted House Delivery | The Girl Who Vanished
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thelocked-room · 1 year
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love-ghost-murder · 1 year
I enjoy true horror stories. I have been binging on a few podcasts while I work, and I just found this one. It is pretty good. Tell me what you think. If you have recommendations for similar podcasts, let me know!
It is so interesting to hear people’s paranormal experiences.
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ryllen · 8 months
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Was giving these analysis a read [ x , x , x , x ]
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unexpectedbrickattack · 8 months
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experimentin w shit heehee
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 10 months
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[loud music warning for the video]
Its that time of year again
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sleepyminty · 9 months
Eversince i bought my binah plush doll, my two cousins ( who had zero knowledge of any PM games) had developed fear around her, since i placed her near the bedroom door they always said that they started having nightmare of this doll and honestly
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Good for you binah, you’re still a manace even you turn into a harmless plushie
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gleefully-macabre · 2 years
Much as I enjoy (ahem) “true” scary stories, I gotta shake my head at a recent trend in the narratives.
That being people making “offerings” to the forest prior to camping or staying at a cabin.
Said offering typically in the form of a bouquet or floral wreath.
You’re giving the forest a bunch of dead flowers then wonder why something scratches at the door all night? Might as well put a bunch of amputated toes in a box and call it a Valentine.
I do think national parks and such should capitalize on this practice, if they aren’t already. Let people buy saplings of approved tree species and permit people to plant them for a small donation. Set aside certain areas for planting. Maybe coordinate with a local nursery and they could include planting instructions (sun exposure, clearance, depth, etc). Call it a Reforestation Drive or something.
That’d be a MUCH better offering for those so inclined. Everyone else can just feel good all over for having planted a tree.
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
To explain The Goblin Problem and not go on a tag rant on someone else's reblog, I will explain it in the nutshell.
The Goblin Problem is when a story establishes a group of creatures to serve as recurrent antagonists (not necessarily all one species; in a lot of rpg games this can broadly apply to "monsters") THAT:
Are never negotiable, or the negotiable parties among them are Token Heroic Orcs- that is to say, they are seen as objectors or 'good' versions who have absolutely no connections to, and hold no objections toward you attacking, the rest of their brethren, who they have forsaken as the price to be paid for being good.
Have obvious unique technology; they may attack you with weapons found nowhere else in the game, demonstrate the ability to speak, have their own obvious language, tame a creature that nobody else tames so that it's thus impossible that they are stealing already-tamed specimens from someone else
Are characterized primarily or exclusively as raiders who attack others, with the justification this means they are inferior creatures parasitically dependent on Good, Civilized Settings, e.g. they cannot possibly be sustainably hunting, gathering, or practicing either nomadic or settled agriculture.
Are often defined as having no choice to be evil or are created by a greater evil to serve as thralls, and yet, will not under any circumstances be regarded as indoctrinated victims, or if that is mentioned, there will nonetheless be an overarching lack of narrative concern as to where or how the survivors should live after the greater evil is taken care of, or if effort should be made to challenge the indoctrination and give them the ability to choose their lives.
What this ultimately creates is that they are unambiguously people, who obviously check all the marks of sapience, who are quite possibly wearing clothes, but the goblin or orc exists as a stopgap. You want your fantasy hero to get into a swordfight but you don't want him to kill another human being. So you invent something that wields a sword but is in some way "not a person", which is senseless. Unless you want the nature of this swordfight to be that a chimpanzee picked up a knife, at which point they are not going to use reliable sword techniques.
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spookcataloger · 2 months
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Japanese Haunted Hospital (2015)
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smaeemo · 3 months
I honestly jones for tumblr, its so embarrassing to be in public because I see something and It reminds me I need to check tumblr and I start itching and scratching. Then suddenly all of the noises start to form, start to transform into unity.
Rain? “tumblr-tumblr tumblr-tumblr”
Cars? “Tumblrrrrrr Tumblrrrr”
Talks with people? “Yeah so I was -tumblr- and -tumblr-“
The faint clicking of a small bird? “tumblr-r-rr”
And eagle? “CAAWAAA-TumblRRRRRR”
The itching worsens by the minute, my overwhelming want evolves into intense powerful yearning.
Suddenly.. The world goes quiet.
Too quiet..
I feel the faint cold breath of someone NO something behind me.
I turn ever so slowly… Who could it be?
But then at the last second before I can see it. I get a notification on my phone.
“MUTUAL reblogged your post”
Suddenly my safety is no longer important.
Suddenly the cold breath gets impatient, I hear a far-away growl that is but a hair away from me. But for all I know it could be feet, miles, lightyears away.
I click on the notification, but the minute tumblr starts to pop up…
My phone goes black.
In the reflection are a pair of eyes.
“AHHHHHH” I try to scream, but all that comes out is a weird squawk (how very patriotic of me)
Just like my phone, just like … tumblr… the world. goes black…
The last thing I hear?
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tangledinink · 10 months
Did you use to be a supernatural fan? God im so sorry ive also been rehabilitating after years in that hole, how d you get out? /j
After watching episode 11 of season 4 with my little sister, she snuck into my room and hid one of her old baby dolls in the walls so that it would occasionally in the dead of night turn on and start crying. So then I stopped watching with her.
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leafeonb · 3 months
sometimes i think about the armor they're a little sad
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bluesidedown · 2 months
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As you saved [my life]. Our scales are balanced. No. No, you’ve done far more than that for me. I’d all but given up. But you, you believed in me. You saw strength in me. You pushed me to heights that no one else could have.
#the rings of power#the rings of power spoilers#tropedit#ropedit#i have so many things to say here#first of all i like how they tried to respect everyone#it SHOULD have been obvious before that episode he was sauron#but in case you didn't see it/didn't think about it much?#there was the 'think of it as a gift' line which was confirmation for everyone who knew of the story/had done research on it#and then for those who didn't know the story beforehand#you STILL aren't blindsided because you get to become suspicious alongside galadriel#this scene in particular i think is pretty great#because at this point she is suspicious of him though he doesn't know it yet#and he basically keeps doing what he has done all along#which is say something true knowing that the other person will hear exactly what they want to hear#but since galadriel is now suspicious#it doesn't work#and for the very first time he comes across as scary#the vibe here is absolutely threatening#and the threat when you think about it is horrifying#here she is confronted with her greatest enemy who she has been chasing for centuries and centuries#and not only he thanks her#but he tells her 'i will never let you or anyone forget what you have done for me'#it is absolutely chilling#and i have many more thoughts about how so many people have kinda missed and for some are still missing#that this is 100% her story#he will get his own story next season i'm sure#but this season was written for galadriel/with her mind#and failing to see that is how some otherwise really clever reviewers completely missed the mark on this part of the story
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