murder-a-dream · 1 year
I once detested her. I understand now that she gave me exactly what I needed, what I’d refused to give myself for so long. I hope that one day, someone will give her the affection and tenderness I yearned for then.
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multidimensional-p · 1 year
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Just for Today, 5/15/23: Healing the Divine Masculine
I sense this in the small steps I’m taking each day, allowing my soulaches to flow. My angelic communication becoming more vibrant. Continuing to practice Be-ing as authentically as I can for myself ☺️
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beautifulsoul247 · 2 years
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They making podcast for everything lol Im into them and I’ve seen this show like 5 times it’s only 1 season and um I’m gonna add this one to the list soon love me some babyfaced ClaireDanes and I’m caught up on GG & BMW to the most recent this week still catching up on BH90210 as they are far ahead of the others but I’m gonna catch-up first episode came out (10/17/22) they NEED to make one for moesha we need an explanation on the ending @igtherewatchrecap 🤔#littlewomen #romeo&juliet #mysocalledlife #podcast #diversity
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kkilljoys · 1 year
hold on hold on . mutuals what time is it for u right now (and what day is it. is it thursday)
19 notes · View notes
sunsickdream · 1 year
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look what came in the mail today!! <3
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meaningtotellyou · 2 years
ive seen the number 444 everywhere every day for the last month or more. luckily it means good things
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satoruzlove · 1 year
suna only realises he’s inlove with you a few months into your relationship.
his eyes open groggily to the sight of a golden hour lit room. his vision is blurry at first, sleep coating them as they adjust to the luminous space. suna blinks once, twice and is brought back to reality- this is when his body is caught up to speed as well. it’s unusually warm, tangled with soft blankets and caught in the honey tinted rays of the sun; but most importantly it’s tangled with you.
your hair was sticking out at every angle possible and the flesh of your cheeks squished into his chest. hands wound around his waist, suna wondered if he’d ever felt this protected before; if he had ever felt that safe. of course, it wouldn’t surprise him had the answer been ‘no’, you were the first of many, many things.
you were the first friend suna ever cried over. one day he had completely blown up at you, causing you to avoid him on campus for many days until his throat grew sore at the mention of your name. on the 7th day you found him at your door, eyes red and wet with sorrow as he whimpered to you his apologies; that he never knew how to express anything and that he would never take that out on you again.
you were his first kiss. on the roof top of his family home right after his first college volleyball game that he won, almost making it look effortless. your head rested on his shoulder, out looking the stars above and his family below. he remembers well that you commented about how much his sister grew , and that he replied with “of course you’d focus on her when i’m right here. how ungrateful can you be?”
you were his first partner. he asked you out as you two lain in your bed at your parents’ house, plastered drunk. he had walked you home, holding up your almost complete weight as you sang some tune from the sound of music at an alarming volume. his head turned to you, eyes shining with affection and lips mumbling a ,” i wanna be your boyfriend” to which you replied, “then be my boyfriend, stupid “
in that same bed suna watches your eyes flutter open, full of sleep as his were a few minutes prior. you blink up at him, eyes glistening as you place a kiss right below his left eye, onto his cheek bone. the green eyed beauty only muttered a small ‘thank you’, in a soft and affectionate tone.
yeah, suna was inlove with you.
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sob-deep · 6 months
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4/4/24 4:44PM
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stealanity · 7 months
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playlist two , enhypen :
ꕤ lee heeseung ,
movie date
movie date two ( angst ending )
movie date two ( fluff ending )
my heart will love you
[ 5:10am ]
[ 11:54pm ]
[ 7:37pm ]
[ 8:44pm ]
[ 2:21pm ]
ꕤ park jongseong ,
alkanet ( smau , hiatus )
cinderella's dead ( smau , hiatus )
good girl ( ft. jungwon )
like hot summer
hide & kiss
summer is not over
[ 8:12am ]
[ 3:02pm ]
[ 3:45pm ]
[ 3:34pm ]
[ 2:58am ]
ꕤ sim jaeyun ,
6, 9, 7
we're both single
[ 5:23pm ]
[ 3:45pm ]
[ 5:32pm ]
[ 6:45pm ]
ꕤ park sunghoon ,
face painting
the bookseller
[ 11:22pm ]
[ 3:06pm ]
[ 7:54pm ]
[ 4:22pm ]
[ 5:33pm ]
ꕤ kim sunoo ,
quarantine video game
so mad
back to you
ꕤ yang jungwon ,
cinderella's dead ( smau , hiatus )
night talk
a to z being your boyfriend
good girl ( ft. jay )
that one rainy day
[ 6:03pm ]
[ 10:02pm ]
[ 8:02am ]
[ 12:34am ]
[ 12:58pm ]
[ 3:22pm ]
[ 3:47pm ]
ꕤ nishimura niki ,
teach me
[ 3:12pm ]
[ 12:33pm ]
ꕤ ot-seven ,
physical touch with you
october 19 : international kiss your crush day
their s/o being mad at them
their s/o crying non-stop during an argument
their s/o wanting to hold hands
having a chubbier s/o
149 notes · View notes
senditcolton · 8 months
I'm Still Glad I Met You
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Isn't it profound, how such a brief experience can be so special?
summary: Emmaline 'Emma' Evans never expected to be in Paris, searching for inspiration to bring back to her new cafe in New York. She certainly didn't expect to meet Nico, a stranger who doesn't feel like one. But is it just the City of Love twisting her emotions, making her fall for someone who is sure to be temporary? Or is this is the start of something real? song inspo: need by taylor swift word count: 12.5k warnings: hinted intimacy (non-explicit), brief language, resolved angst. written for @wyattjohnston's winter fic exchange to @offside-the-lines with love 🤍❄️🖋️ bonus epilogue!
Au nom de l’équipage d’Air France, nous vous souhaitons une bonne journée.
From the large windows, Emmaline Evans watches the darkened tarmac pass, her plane headed towards the gate. There was still a small part of her that couldn’t believe that she in Paris. It was exciting even though she wouldn’t be able to explore until tomorrow. But she knew to hold her excitement close to her chest, letting her head guide her instead of her heart.
She wasn’t here for a vacation. She was here for work.
While this trip was an early birthday gift from her parents, it was bought with the express purpose of helping her prepare for the opening of the café she and her best friend Morgan had been planning for the past year and was now only 4 months away.
La Crème de la Crème. The best of the best. That was the name and that was the goal; to bring a bit of France back to Greenwich Village and impress all who walked in with Morgan’s coffee talents and Emma’s pastry skills. And what better way to bring Paris to New York than to take inspiration from the City of Love itself?
Pulling her phone out from her purse, she checks the time. 8pm. She scours through her memory until she remembers that New York is six hours behind. Opening her messages, she shoots off a quick text to Morgan.
Landed! I’m going to get to the apartment and then try to sleep. How are things going over there? sent 8:08pm
The rustling of the other passengers pulls Emma’s attention from her phone, realizing that it was time to depart from the plane. She hastily grabs her items, lugging her suitcase from the overhead bin and makes her way through the airport. She utters a quick thank you to the universe for her knowledge of the French language or she would be completely lost. It isn’t until she has successfully grabbed a cab and began the route to the Paris apartment, does she check her messages again.
It's all good here! The rest of the equipment came today so the plan is to finish installing that today. And then all that’s left is the menu, staff, and décor. received 8:16pm
You make it sound so easy. sent 8:37pm
Babe, we’ve been planning this for ages. We are literally in the homestretch! received 8:42pm
I know, it’s just… ugh. I wish you were here with me. This is our dream after all. sent 8:44pm
I do too. But I’m perfectly fine holding down the fort here. You just focus on Paris and all the amazing desserts you’re going to recreate when you come back stateside! (don’t forget to make notes about the coffee as well!) received 8:49pm
I don’t know coffee nearly as well as you but I’ll do my best. Thanks, Morgan. I literally couldn’t do this without you. sent 8:53pm
You know it. received 8:54pm
A small chuckle escapes from Emma’s throat at Morgan’s reply. She sighs, looking out the taxi window, blinking a few times at the sights in front of her. She was so absorbed in the everything she left behind that she wasn’t even paying attention to where she was. She had entered the city limits. She arrived.
Paris. The city seemed to sparkle as she rode down the narrow streets and alleyways. It was early in the evening which meant the streets were crowded with people. Emma had always believed that New York was the city that never slept but she had a feeling that Paris would prove her wrong.
The taxi pulls up to the Airbnb that Emma rented and she takes her luggage, thanking her driver before grabbing the key out of the lockbox and making her way up the narrow staircase. She looks out the small window, looking at the city stretching out in front of her, the lights of the Eiffel Tower shining in the distance.
These next 4 days would be magical. That much she was sure of. What else could this experience be described as?
~*~*Day One*~*~
Emma had been in Paris for less than 16 hours and she had already found so much inspiration. It wasn’t just the cafés that she had stopped at so far, it wasn’t even the assortment of treats she had already eaten; it was the city. She thought the stories she heard about Paris were exaggerations – no city could be that amazing. People surely had to be over-romanticizing the city of romance. But they weren’t.
Here, in this moment, sitting at the Café de la Paix outside the Grand Hotel, watching as the people passed her by, listening as the chatter of multiple languages bouncing off her eardrums… she realized those stories were true. The city itself brought about its own kind of energy, cocooning her in a beautiful dream. The afternoon sun was warm on her face and Emma could only hope to bottle a mere drop of this feeling and pack it in her suitcase to bring back to New York along with her notebook that was already filled with scribbles and notes about the delicacies that she had sampled.
“Je peux me asseoir ici?”
The slightly butchered pronunciation pulls Emma out of her reverie. She looks over to see a man standing with his hand lightly resting on the chair across from her. She shoots him a smile, her hand gesturing towards the seat.
“It’s all yours.”
“Is it that obvious that I don’t speak French?” the stranger asks her as he sits down, a sheepish look on his face.
“I never said that,” Emma laughs, her lighthearted teasing pulling a relaxed smile onto his lips. “But you shouldn’t feel too bad,” she continues. “I’ve noticed that if you have even a hint of an accent, the locals here switch to English, even if you actually know how to speak French.”
“I take it that’s happened to you?”
“The American is hard to mask,” she replies with a slight shake of her head. “I’m Emma.”
“Nico,” the stranger replies, reaching for her outstretched hand to give it a polite shake. “So, American huh?”
“Born and raised. What about you? I don’t mean to pry but I do hear a… unique accent.”
“I’m from Switzerland but I work in America,” Nico explains.
“And you’re in Paris for…” Emma asks, unsure why she is so interested in this – very handsome – stranger’s story. But Nico doesn’t seem to mind her questions as he gives a small shrug and replies with that same gentle smile on his face.
“My job. Some press work,” he says, vague but nonchalant.
“Wow. You’re from Switzerland, you work in America, but your job also takes you to Paris? Quite a world traveler.”
“I’m very lucky,” Nico says before turning the question back to her. “What about you? Are you here for work or pleasure?”
“Work. But maybe a little bit of pleasure?”
“Well, now you’ve intrigued me.”
“It’s kind of a long story.”
“I’d still love to hear about it.”
“Really? I don’t want to waste your time,” Emma says, hesitant. However, she can’t deny the small spark of hope that flutters in her chest over the prospect of Nico wanting to talk to her. Who wouldn’t deny the attention of an attractive and kind stranger?
“I have nothing planned for the rest of the day,” Nico assures her. “Plus, you’re one of the few people who has been welcoming to me, outside of the people from my… company.”
“Are the Parisian’s living up to the ‘stuck up French’ stereotype?” she laughs.
“Unfortunately for them, they are,” Nico replies with a laugh of his own. “But I guess it is pretty fortunate for me.”
“Really? Why is that?”
“Because then I wouldn’t have run into you.”
Emma feels her cheeks flush as his casual flattery, her head ducking down in shyness. When she looks up, she can see the grin on Nico’s face – as if he enjoyed making her flustered – and Emma is struck with the strange juxtaposition of wanting to playfully wipe that smirk away but also wanting to make sure it stayed just so she could see it more.
“Well, if I’m going to tell you my life story, I’m going to need more coffee,” she finally replies, before waving over the waitress.
The day ends up being a waste for Emma – well, at least in the work sense. She doesn’t leave Café de la Paix until late, sun hanging low in the sky; not nearly enough time left in the day to hit all of the cafés, boulangeries, and patisseries that she planned on visiting. But she finds that she doesn’t care. Because all those ‘wasted’ hours were spent talking to Nico.
He was funny and sweet and charming and drop dead gorgeous. Talking to him felt so natural, like they had known each other for ages even though they just met that day. The entire experience of him sitting across from her in a Paris café, listening to her stories, telling her stories of his own, and constantly shooting her that beautiful dimpled smile… it felt like something out of a dream.
The cynical part of her psyche wanted to shake her; he was a stranger and she was caught up in the romance of Paris. That was all. But the hopeless romantic side of her wanted to stay in this cotton-candy colored haze for as long as she could.
Which is why, now, as she sits in her rental apartment, her notebook splayed open in front of her, she isn’t brainstorming a menu or planning the ingredient list for the café or even scrolling through Pinterest for interior design inspiration.
Instead, her eyes are tracing the scrawl of numbers that Nico wrote in the top right-hand corner.
A number that was written as a request for him to join her on her exploration of Paris.
And – after she banishes that negative voice into the corner of her mind – Emma enters the number into her messages, texting him an invitation to meet her at Du Pain et des Idees on 34 Rue Yves Toudic.
She falls asleep to the knowledge of Nico’s reply.
See you then. received 9:18pm
~*~*Day Two*~*~
This was absolutely ridiculous.
That was all that Emma could think as she closes the door to her rented Parisian apartment.
Granted, a lot of things about this situation were ridiculous. The fact that she was in Paris. The fact that she was there to help open her dream café. The fact that everything she ate tasted better than she could ever imagine.
But the most ridiculous part of all? Nico.
The man that she had only met yesterday and yet… there was something about him. His gentle eyes, his soft smile, the dimples in his cheeks.
He was at the boulangerie when she arrived, a coffee in hand and an Escargot a la Pistache for her. Another thing to add into the ridiculous column – that pastry was the reason that particular store was on her checklist.
And then the day that followed… even more unbelievable. Walking down the Parisian streets with Nico by her side, taking multiple pit-stops into cafés and patisseries and boulangeries, talking about everything but also nothing at all. Nico stayed by her side into the late afternoon, until his job called him away.
There was a constant battle in her mind about why this was happening.
The hopeless romantic was telling her that this was fate; she was supposed to meet Nico here in Paris and they were supposed to experience this moment in time together. That there was a reason, some grand universal scheme, that out of all the tables he could’ve chosen to sit at in Café de la Paix, he chose hers.
The cynic, however, was telling her this was nothing. He chose that table because it was open. He accompanied her today because it came with the promise of delicious French cuisine. And sure, maybe he liked the way she looked. Perhaps that was the reason he stuck around; he was a young handsome man in a foreign country who was simply looking for a good time.
But if that was all he wanted, why choose her? He could easily pick up any beautiful French woman at any bar or club, spend the night with her and then forget her name come morning. Why spend an entire with her, seeming perfectly happy keeping her company, even if that company included her ranting to him about the details of pastry and desserts, something he admitted he knew nothing about?
That unknowable ‘why?’ was haunting Emma. Was she being paranoid? Or was she being careful? Or was she just overthinking about something and someone that was temporary?
In three days’ time, she would be on a plane flying back to New York and whatever she had shared with Nico would be over. She would never see him again. That wasn’t something that her emotions were lying to her about. That wasn’t something refutable. She would never see Nico again. Because that is what this was: temporary.
The thing is… it didn’t feel temporary.
If this was fate or destiny or whatever, it didn’t feel like Nico was supposed to come into her life for a few days and then leave without another word exchanged between them. It felt more intentional.
But, once again, perhaps her emotions were twisting this reality into the fairytale that she so desperately wanted her life to be.
Emma is startled out of her spiraling thoughts by the shrill sound of her phone ringing. After rummaging through her bag, she grasps her cell and is surprised to see Morgan’s number flashing on her screen.
The spike of fear that rushes through her clears her head faster than even the strongest cup of coffee. There was absolutely no reason for Morgan to be calling unless it was an emergency; money troubles, delivery issues, hell it could even be something worse like mold or an electrical fire. Emma quickly accepts the call and lifts her cell to her ear, mentally preparing herself.
“Girl, you better tell me what the hell is going on with you,” Morgan’s voice echoes through the line, clear as day even with the white noise of New York in the background.
“What?” Emma asks, taken aback by Morgan’s unexpected words.
“Nuh-uh, you don’t get to avoid this,” Morgan quips, confusing Emma even further.
“Morgan, I really don’t know what you are talking about,” Emma sighs.
“The pictures? The angles? That love-struck look on your face in every single one of them?”
“What are you talking about?” Emma repeats.
“Babe, come on. I’ve known you for years now. You think I don’t know what it looks like when you’ve tripped head over heels for someone?”
Finally, the fog lifts from Emma’s brain.
“You’re talking about the pictures I’ve texted to you,” she sighs, collapsing onto the couch. In an effort to keep Morgan updated, she had asked Nico to occasionally take her picture – across from café tables or in front of other classic Parisian sights, all which she sent to Morgan with a quick message or an even faster emoji.
“What else would I be talking about?” Morgan says, the exasperated tone that Emma had grown to love hitting her eardrums.  
“I thought you were calling me because there was some type of emergency.”
“This is a freaking emergency!” Morgan shouts, causing a laugh to fall from Emma, one which is ignored as Morgan barrels on. “My best friend has been struck by Cupid’s arrow in the City of Love!”
“I have not.”
“Don’t deny it. Now, spill. Who is the mysterious French gentleman?”
“He’s actually Swiss,” Emma retorts, knowing that Nico’s nationality was the least important reason Morgan was calling. A thought that is practically confirmed by Morgan’s next words.
“Nothing. His name is Nico. He’s in Paris for work. I met him at Café de la Paix yesterday.”
“Really? That’s it? That’s all I get? The CliffsNotes version?”
“Well, to be honest, that’s all I really know. I mean, we’ve talked about family and childhood and general get-to-know each other things – food, movies, all that – but that’s it,” Emma explains, the words feeling stupid as they come out of her mouth.
When talking to Nico, she didn’t mind that they kept things surface level. She knew the reason for it. It was because of that word that continued to plague her – temporary. No point getting into the ‘deep stuff’ when all this would be a distant memory soon.
“Is he handsome?” Morgan’s voice sounds again, her focus on what she considered ‘important’ forcing a laugh from Emma’s lips.
“Drop dead gorgeous,” Emma sighs, Nico’s eyes and dimples and smile dancing through her mind.  
“Have you slept with him yet?”
“What?” Morgan exclaims, her own laugh seeping into her words. “I feel like it’s a very relevant question: have you slept with the drop-dead gorgeous man you met yesterday, who is choosing to spend a day of his vacation with you?”
“I told you, he’s here for work. And we didn’t spend the entire day together.”
“Not important. Have you slept with him?”
“No, I haven’t,” Emma replies, the smile clear in her words.
“Bitch, why not?” Morgan shrieks, causing Emma to laugh once again.
“Because. Besides, you should know I don’t do that anymore.”
“Yeah, I know, not since you got out of school. But come on! First off, I take it he’s not a pretentious wanna-be pastry chef, right?”
“He’s not.”
“Alright. Secondly, you’re never going to see him again so what’s the harm?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Emma sighs as she sinks deeper into the couch cushions, the joy dropping from her voice at yet another reminder of this being temporary.
“Woah, okay,” Morgan says, her own voice softening at the sadness broadcasted in Emma’s. “Something else is going on here.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Clearly, it’s not considering how upset you sound. Come on, it’s just me. Your best friend in the whole wide world who may tease you a bit but would never actually judge you.”
Emma takes a deep breath, looking around her apartment, trying to get her thoughts in order. Her eyes move to the window where she can still see the shape of the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
“It’s just…” she begins, hesitating, worried that the words will sound ridiculous. But she relaxes, remembering that it’s just Morgan. “I’ve never felt like this before. Nico, he’s… he’s so sweet and so kind. I mean, like you said, he’s spending his free time to hang out with me. Like, that must mean something right? I mean, if he wanted a piece of ass he could find one easily.”
“Not one as hot as yours,” Morgan interjects but Emma pays no mind to her words.
“It seems like he cares about me as more than just a potential hookup. And when I’m with him… it’s easy, like we’ve known each other for ages. Part of me wants to say that all these emotions are fake because – y’know – it’s the ‘City of Love’ and Paris just making me think this is more than it is but… I feel like I could fall in love with him.”
Emma can hear Morgan’s intake of breath, a tell-tale sign that she opened her mouth to speak but Emma cut her off before she could utter a syllable.
“I know that’s stupid to say about a man I met less than 36 hours ago. Plus, like you said, we’re never going to see each other again. His job apparently takes him all around the world so the chances of running into him after this are slim to none. But since I like him this much – in a way that is beyond casual – I’m worried that if I sleep with him or hell even kiss him, it will just make it harder to get over him. Which, again, is silly that I’m worried about getting over someone that I will might spend a maximum of four days with. Like – it’s just – I don’t know.”
Emma heaves another sigh, her hand moving to run through her dark hair before a half-hearted chuckle escapes her.
“This is why I don’t do casual.”
There is a small pause as Morgan takes in all of Emma’s words, the only sound filtering through the phone being the ambient noise of both of their respective cities. Emma finally hears a sigh from the other line before Morgan’s voice comes through.
“Listen, you know I’m not much for soulmates and true love and all of that. But I think you should just embrace it, whatever it is that you are feeling.”
This time, it is Emma who is about to voice a retort and Morgan who stops her before she can.
“Yeah, you’ll probably never see him again. Yeah, this is all temporary. But isn’t that even more reason to dive in headfirst while you can? Better to live a life of mistakes than a life of regret.”
Emma lets Morgan’s final statement sink in, her brain moving a mile a minute. She was right: what was there to lose? The question whirls around Emma’s head, the answer to which doesn’t instantly appear. The only thing that Emma could think to utter was another sigh.
“You know, sometimes you give really good advice.”
“It does tend to happen from time to time, thank you for noticing,” Morgan laughs. “And hey, regardless of what you decide over there in Paris, maybe this whirlwind romance will give you even more inspiration for the café!”
“And sometimes you give advice like that,” Emma jokes, the exasperation in the tone obvious.
“Eh, you win some, you lose some. I’ll let you get some dinner and sleep. Keep me updated – this time on everything not just the food, please and thank you.”
“Will do. Bye Morgan.”
Morgan replies with a quick goodbye before the call ends, leaving Emma alone with her thoughts once more. The hours pass and after ordering some takeout, Emma sits down at her small kitchen table. While she eats, Emma flips open to the back page of her notebook, writing down all the emotions and questions swirling around in her head, trying find some logical solution to her current predicament.
She’s in the middle of making a pros and cons list when her phone screen lights up with a message. Not thinking much of it, she doesn’t bother looking at the preview before unlocking her phone, ready to read another quip from Morgan. She is halted in her movements when she sees Nico’s name on the screen.
Hey. I had a lot of fun hanging out with you today. I was wondering if you wanted to do it again tomorrow? I have the evening off and would love to take in some Parisian nightlife. received 7:58pm
Emma’s eyes dance over his words before jumping back to her own looped handwriting on the pages of her notebook, trying to add this message into the tangle of possibilities. She is about to type up an excuse about why she can’t before a familiar voice echoes through her mind.
Better to live a life of mistakes than a life of regret. What’s the worst that could happen?
Yes, it could be a huge mistake letting Nico get any closer, letting him mess with her emotions any more than he already has. But maybe, just maybe, this was meant to be. And as Emma chews over those two possibilities, another question enters her mind.
Which would hurt more? Getting over Nico or never giving him a chance?
Emma looks back to her phone, the answer obvious to her now. She deletes the previously half written message before typing up a new response.
What did you have in mind? sent 8:06pm
Anything’s good for me. Just as long as you’re there. received 8:10pm
~*~*Day Three*~*~
Emma thought that she would get used to this feeling; the feeling of existing in a dream. It seemed to happen every hour she spent with Nico by her side. And now, the evening air warm as the two of them sit outside of Carette, the sweet taste of macarons in dancing across their tastebuds with the Eiffel Tower shining directly across the Seine… it was something out of a romance novel.
Emma glances across the small table towards Nico, wondering if he felt the same. He catches her stare and when that beautiful smile appears on his face, the butterflies erupt in her stomach. No one else had been able to illicit that reaction from her with something as simple a smile.
“Anything you would like to do next?” Nico asks, wiping the remnants of his dessert on the small paper napkins.
“Not really. I – well, we’ve – hit most of the cafés and stores on my list so I don’t have really anywhere I need to be,” Emma explains. Nico nods, acknowledging her words with a small hum. “I might just head back to my apartment. It is getting kind of late.”
“Need any company?”
His words catch Emma’s attention, the potential entendre clear within them. Emma shoots him a questioning look and it seems that her expression makes Nico realize how it must have sounded.
“I mean, not like that, I, um – what I was trying to say was would you like me to walk you home – keep you company on the way to your place,” he stumbles over his words and in the streetlights, Emma can see his cheeks turning a rosy pink. She assuages his fear with a soft laugh.
“I’d like that.”
“Good. Okay,” Nico sighs, his hands running through his hair.  He smiles again, one that Emma returns, before he lifts himself from his chair, holding his hand out to Emma. “Shall we?”
“We shall,” Emma says, placing her hand in his as he helps her from her seat. Emma is about ready release her grasp when she feels his grip slightly tighten, an action that brings another questioning look on her face.
“Is this alright?” Nico asks, his voice soft.
The butterflies in her stomach flip into overdrive at his gentle request. Although she had agreed to this – Date? Meeting? Rendezvous? Whatever. – with Nico, a part of her was still hesitant to make a more daring move. To dive head first as Morgan said. Vulnerability had never been much of a strong suit for her.
But considering that Nico was looking at her like she hung the stars, that sweet earnest expression on his face, she realized that she didn’t care if her heart would be broken by the end of this trip. Because whatever she shared with Nico… it was magical.
Why not keep the magic for as long as she could?
The smallest of smiles tugs at the corner of Emma’s lips as she adjusts her hold around Nico’s hand, weaving her fingers through his.
“It’s perfect,” she whispers, her voice wavering a bit; a waver that Nico hears but silences with a small squeeze of her hand and that bright dimpled smile.
The two of them leave the small café, walking hand in hand across the square, through the Trocadero Gardens to the Pont d’Iena bridge, the Eiffel Tower standing tall in front of them. The water of the Siene is a soft soundtrack below them and Emma finds herself caught up in the beauty of Paris.
Part of her thought that the novelty of the city would wear off eventually. But it seemed that Paris revealed something else wonderful to her every second she walked down its paved streets. As her and Nico walk underneath the sprawling base of the Eiffel Tower, Emma’s eyes trace the steelwork; its gentle arcs, its cross-work patterns, the diamond in the center that she knew lifted up and up, the lights hung on every intricate weld. This vacation was one of the best things that ever happened to her, that much she was sure of.
And it was made even sweeter with the presence of the man by her side, still holding her hand.
She looks over towards Nico, his eyes connecting to hers, a smile appearing on both of their faces. She lets him lead her away from the tower, down Champ de Mars.
Emma had previously thought that the city was manipulating her emotions, getting her hopes up over someone who didn’t feel the same. Now, she thought that perhaps the city brought Nico to her for a reason. That the city wasn’t scheming to break her heart… it was planning to open it and let Nico – with his gentle eyes and soft smile and adorable dimples – change her for the better.
Her daydreams are interrupted by a chorus of ‘oohs’ falling from the mouths of other tourists around her and Nico. Emma looks and sees a few people with their camera’s aimed behind them and when she turns, her jaw drops.
There in the background, the Eiffel Tower stands, it’s thousands of lights now flashing, making the entire structure look as if it was covered in glitter.
“I haven’t been able to catch the light show since I got here,” Emma whispers, partly to herself but her words also land on Nico’s eardrums. “I always forgot when it started.”
The two of them stand there, taking in the sparkling spire before Nico’s voice breaks the brief silence.
“Do you want a picture?”
“Could you? That be amazing,” Emma says, reaching into her purse before she stops. “Oh, right. My phone died.”
“I can use mine,” Nico replies without any hesitation, reaching into the pocket of his jeans.
“You don’t mind?”
“Not at all,” he says, phone now in hand.
Nico starts to take a step back, his hand slipping from Emma’s grasp. But before he can fully let go, her fingers tighten around his. The action takes Nico by surprise, his eyes jumping to their intertwined hands before looking back to Emma.
“Take one with me?” she asks, her own voice soft, the question seeming to hold more weight than it should. Emma watches as a flicker of hesitation passes across Nico’s face, the uncertainty making her anxiety jump. But Nico once again silences her fear, his expression morphing back into that smile that made her heart skip in the best way before he gently nods his head, stepping back towards her.
Nico turns their bodies so the Eiffel Tower is behind them before holding out his phone. Emma takes a small breath before she moves, slotting her body next to his, her free hand lifting to rest on his chest. Every movement is tentative, unsure of how much Nico will allow. But when Nico drops her hand to wrap his arm around her body, pulling her closer, Emma relaxes. Her body curls into Nico’s, head resting on his shoulder as Nico angles the camera to capture the shimmering tower in the background.
Nico’s thumb presses the shutter button a few times before moving the phone closer to them as his hands navigate from the camera to the photos. Emma looks over the images, the smile never leaving her face. Each picture is beautiful; the two of them looking incredibly happy, the Eiffel Tower sparkling in the distance. She turns her attention away from Nico’s phone, back towards him. But when their eyes connect, her breath catches in her throat.
The look on Nico’s face is one that Emma has seen a thousand times before, but only in movies and television shows. A look that had never once been directed towards her. A look of utmost gentleness, the yearning in Nico’s irises gleaming with the same intensity as the light show still happening behind them.
Nico’s head dips closer towards Emma’s upturned face and Emma finds her own body is stretching up to meet him. They pause, bare inches in between them and Emma can feel the gentle brush of Nico’s breath fanning across her cheeks.
Another moment of hesitation, the air thick with indecision, waiting for someone to make the final move.
In the end, it turns out to be Nico that leans in, closing the gap between them and capturing Emma’s lips in a gentle kiss. The press of him against her surprises Emma – not because she wasn’t expecting it, not because she didn’t want it, but because she couldn’t quite believe it was really happening.
The touch of him, the taste of him… it felt too good to be true.
But when she feels Nico start to pull away, the shock subsides and the hunger takes over. Her hands blindly lift to burrow into the soft hair at the nape of his neck, dragging him back into her as she reciprocates the kiss.
This time, it is Nico that is taken aback by her intensity but it is brief – a minuscule surprise – until he matching her passion, his own hands tightening around her waist, pulling her body impossibly closer to her. The kisses deepen, the two of them enveloped in the desire that had been steadily building for the past two days.
Eventually, they fall away from each other, dazed from the kisses shared. Emma glances up at Nico, the smile on her lips mirrored on his.
“Wow,” he whispers, his hand lifting to delicately brush his fingers across Emma’s cheekbones, causing a light laugh to escape her.
They stand there for a moment, still wrapped in each other’s arms. Emma’s thoughts spin in her mind; questions about what this means and if this changes anything. But eventually, one voice takes over.
Embrace it, Emma.
She wasn’t sure if that voice was that of her best friend or of Paris or her own, but it didn’t matter who spoke. All that mattered was that she listened.
“Do you have anywhere you need to be tomorrow morning?” Emma asks, the words light with the crooked grin that twisted itself onto her lips. The smirk is quickly matched by Nico, this time the double entendre being anything but unintentional.
“I don’t. Why do you ask?” he says, his own voice teasing.
“Oh, there’s just this café right next door to my apartment that I think you might enjoy,” Emma nonchalantly replies, matching his taunt.
“Planning another brunch?”
“It opens pretty early. And people always say that first customers get the freshest food.”
“Breakfast then,” Nico says, his agreement to her anything but subtle offer painted clearly on his face. 
“Perfect,” Emma replies.
Nico leans forward, kissing Emma once more and if there was any question left in either of their minds, it was erased by the need coursing through their bodies. Nico pulls away, his arms falling from Emma’s frame – albeit reluctantly. He takes a single step back before offering his hand once again, one that is immediately accepted by Emma. Their fingers intertwine as Emma takes her place by Nico’s side. He looks down at her, his eyes bright.
“Lead the way.”
~*~*Day Four*~*~
The gentle morning sun rouses Emma from her slumber. The plush sheets brush against her bare skin, the warmth trapped within them comforting her, lulling her back into her dream. Or, more accurately, the dream of last night.
The brush of Nico’s hands against her skin, the strength of his hold on her hips, the feeling of his lips tracing her silhouette, the softness of his hair in between her fingers, his strong arms wrapped around her as they both fell asleep.
Arms that were no longer holding her.
Her brain slowly registers the emptiness surrounding her as she blindly reaches behind, hoping that her palm would land on the solid form of Nico. But when her hand lands on the softness of the sheets and solidness of the mattress, Emma’s eyes open.
She lifts her body upright, muscles protesting, still sore from last night’s activities. Her gaze dances around the studio apartment, finding it completely empty; only the fabric of her own clothes scattered across the floor.
Emma’s heart drops, the critical voice that had been kept dormant coming back in full force, assuming the worst.
He got what he wanted. He coerced himself into your bed and you were foolish enough to let him. And now that he accomplished what he set out to do, there was no reason for him to stick around.
The soft chime of the doorbell echoes around the apartment, cutting of the voice before it had a chance to berate her further. Emma sighs, lifting herself off the bed and grabbing the robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door She throws it on before walking down the stairwell towards the entrance door.
She isn’t concerned about who is waiting on the street. It was most likely a delivery person who mistook her door for the side entrance to one of the stores next to her. But when she swings the wooden door open, the French poised on her lips, she is silenced by the sight of Nico standing on the other side of the threshold, a bag hanging from his arm and two cups of coffee in his hand.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to take your keys and make you think you lost them or something,” he explains, the sheepish look gracing his features. Emma stares at him for a moment, her thoughts rearranging themselves at the realization that she was wrong and he didn’t simply abandon her.
“It’s alright,” she says, stepping to the side. Nico crosses through the doorway as Emma closes the door behind him. He lets her climb back up the stairs first before they both re-enter the apartment.
Nico breezes over to the small table in the kitchen, leaving Emma still standing bewildered near the entrance. She watches as he sets down the two coffee cups before fishing into the brown paper bag and removing a pair of eclairs.
“I probably should’ve waited for you because my French is terrible. Thankfully, the workers remembered you so I trust that they got your order right,” Nico explains, shooting a smile her way. “You must really like that place if they know your name after only three days.”
“Wild & The Moon has great food. I think I’ve stopped there every morning since arriving,” she says, walking towards him and taking a seat in one of the chairs. Nico settles into the opposite seat, that soft smile on his face.
“Well, I’m not going to be one to disagree with a pastry chef,” he laughs, his cheery demeanor breaking through the thin wall that Emma had hastily created around her heart when she woke up to find him missing. She returns his grin, although it is slightly half-hearted. She can see her hesitance register on Nico’s face but Emma doesn’t address it. Instead, she grabs the coffee he placed in front of her, taking a small sip.
“Is everything alright?” he asks.
“It’s perfect. Exactly what I always order,” Emma replies with a small shrug.
“That’s good to hear but it’s not exactly what I was asking.”
Emma looks back up at him, his eyes trained on her face. His emotions were painted so clearly onto his features; concern, confusion, and an inkling of fear. Emma sighs again, shaking her head slightly.
“It’s nothing, really.”
“It’s bothering you so it isn’t nothing,” Nico shoots back, the earnestness in his statement startling Emma. Nico hesitates before reaching his hand out, brushing his fingers against hers before intertwining their grip. “Tell me, please.”
Emma takes a breath, the words sticking in her throat, unsure whether to tell him the truth or to brush off his worry again. But she decides to embrace it – every emotion, the good and the bad.
“I thought you left me,” she whispers, looking back up at him. “Took off after I fell asleep because this – whatever this is – is casual. And that’s what happens with casual.”
Emma immediately regrets the words when she sees Nico’s face fall.
“Is that what you think about me?”
“It’s what my worst intentions thought,” Emma answers honestly. “I’m glad I was proven wrong though,” she continues, a hopeful smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. One that Nico blissfully returns.
“Last night…” he begins, pausing to deliberate his words. “Last night was amazing. Really. But I want you to know that I loved hanging out with you before that. I don’t want you to think it was all a ruse to get in your pants.”
Emma wants to tell him that she didn’t think that but it would be a lie so she just keeps her mouth closed, listening intently to Nico instead.
“I really like hanging out with you,” he concludes, looking back at her.
“I do too,” Emma responds with a smile.
She doesn’t tell him that she thinks she’s falling for him, or at least could see herself falling for him. Because, while this connection may be pure and genuine, that didn’t erase the fact that this wasn’t going to last. She was leaving tomorrow, back to New York. He would leave soon – back to wherever it was that his job took him next.
Instead, they sit there in silence, eating their food and sipping their coffee. It is a silence filled with a sense of comfort but an overlay of sadness as well. This was likely it for them.
“Today is your last day in Paris, right?” Nico asks, breaking the silence by voicing the unavoidable truth.
“Yeah. My flight is tomorrow at 9am.”
“Anything you want to do for your last day?”
“Still want to hear me rant about French pastry?”
“I have to admit, it is pretty entertaining,” Nico laughs, that jovial sparkle in his eyes. “And I was serious; I like hanging out with you. I don’t have anywhere I need to be so why not spend the day with you?”
The butterflies start up again; both at Nico’s sweet words but also at the heated way that he is looking at her from across the table, his eyes dancing over her frame. His gaze makes Emma suddenly aware of the only thing that is separating her bare skin from his sight is the fabric of her robe. She smirks, the desire sparking again as she lifts herself up from the table.
“Well, I looked at my notes and I actually managed to hit all the shops I wanted to,” Emma muses, taking a few steps towards Nico. “So, maybe we could go to the Louvre.”
“See the Mona Lisa?” Nico asks, his body turning towards her as she walks closer.
“Although I hear that it can get insanely crowded.”
“A little claustrophobic, wouldn’t you say?”
“My hosts – the couple who owns this apartment – left a long list of tourist spots that are close by. Some gardens, some museums…” she continues, her hands toying with the bow holding her robe together.
“That sounds relaxing,” Nico responds with a small hum.
“But I also have to do laundry and pack and I would prefer to not leave that to the last minute.”
“Completely understandable.”
“So, I don’t know really know what we should do today,” Emma sighs, her body settling between Nico’s parted thighs, the tie of her robe now partially undone, the fabric falling off one of her shoulders. His hands reach out and a small shiver rushes through Emma’s body at the sensation of his fingertips grazing the back of her thighs.
“Maybe we should just stay in?” Nico playfully suggests, his hands dancing up and down her bare skin.
“And waste our last day together?” Emma teases. Nico smirks up at her, one hand moving to the front of her body, gently undoing the remaining tie before slipping beneath the fabric, his fingers grazing her hipbone.
“I’m sure we can find something to do to pass the time.”
~*~*A Year and A Half Later*~*~
“Is the Frasier ready to go?” Emma shouts into the kitchen, her voice startling the few customers waiting by the pick-up counter.
“It’s loaded in the back of your car with the macarons and the components for the mille-feuille,” her sous-chef April calls back. “I’m need to grab profiteroles from the racks and we should be good to go.”
“We have all four flavors of macarons?”
“Yes, boss. Everything is accounted for.”
“Good. Be ready to leave in less than ten minutes,” Emma calls, pushing through the swinging kitchen doors, walking behind the café’s main counter. She weaves her way through the two baristas working on orders towards the pastry display. Leaning down, her scan over the pastries, taking inventory of what is left and what need to be replaced. She is almost halfway through her task before a nudge on her shoulder pulls her attention away from the case. Emma glances up to see Morgan’s blue eyes looking at her from underneath her blonde bangs. Wordlessly, she hands Emma a cup filled with a latte.
“You work her too hard,” Morgan says, nodding towards the kitchen, her words referencing April.
“Nothing she’s not used to,” Emma says, taking a drink. “Trust me. The chefs at her school were likely a hundred times more terrifying than me.”
“I don’t know, you’re pretty scary when you’re stressed.”
“Stressed? Who says I’m stressed?” Emma replies, her eyes turning back to the pastry case. “We need to replenish the Pain au Chocolate as soon as possible. It’s one of our best sellers so those five will probably be gone by the end of the morning rush and we don’t want the customers waiting.”
“I’ll get Jacob on that when he’s done taking orders. And you’d be stupid if you weren’t stressed.”
Her words bring Emma’s attention to her best friend and co-owner, her brows downturned into a scowl.
“Don’t give me that look,” Morgan scoffs. “Only a year since our business opened and a professional hockey team has asked us to cater their charity brunch? This is huge. You should be freaking out, it’s okay. You don’t have to hold it together for appearance’s sake, at least not in front of me.”
“You look pretty calm,” Emma retorts.
“I screamed my lungs out in the walk-in fridge when I got in this morning.”
“You should’ve told me. We could have screamed together,” Emma laughed, taking another sip of her coffee as her and Morgan departed from behind the counter, sitting down at one of the small tables in the corner.  
“With nothing but the eggs and milk as our witnesses,” Morgan laughed. The two of them look out over the café, the sound of customers talking and the hiss of the milk steamers echoing around the space.
“This is insanity,” Emma sighs.
A year. A single year from the grand opening of their café, La Crème de la Crème, and they were already more successful than they could’ve imagined. And now, in a few minutes, Emma and April would be driving across the Hudson to cater for the New Jersey Devils charity brunch.
“If you meet the person that decided to take a chance on us, give them a giant kiss on the mouth from me,” Morgan says, her testament causing Emma to laugh.
“If you want to kiss a hockey player, you should come yourself.”
“Gotta make sure this place doesn’t burn down. But who knows, maybe you’ll fall madly in love with a hot stranger like you did the last time you went to a different city without me,” Morgan jokes. The reminder causes Emma to roll her eyes.
“Will you ever let that go?”
“Have you?”
The blush that invades Emma’s cheeks is all the answer Morgan needs. Yes, it had been a year since the café opened, another four months on top of that since Emma returned from her ‘research’ trip to Paris. And she would be lying if she said she didn’t find herself still thinking about the man she met there.
Nico. He still occupied a space in her mind, ever since that last kiss they shared as he helped her into the taxi the morning she left. It was hard to let him go even though she knew that it would probably be for the best if she could just forget about him.
“The backstock should last you through the morning. If it doesn’t, Kenneth is coming in at 1. April and I should be back before then but if not, he can run the kitchen until we arrive,” Emma says, finishing off her drink and lifting herself up from the table. “Remember to have Jacob stock the Pain au Chocolate.”
“We’ve got it covered here,” Morgan says, her smile calming Emma’s beating heart. “Just focus on being the coolest pastry chef, impressing all those important people, and bringing in new customers.”
Emma responds with a playful salute before disappearing back into the kitchen. April is waiting for her by the back door, black chefs coat on, the café’s name written in cursive script over her breast. After confirming everything was in the car, they both hop in and start the drive to Newark, New Jersey.
Emma sends a thank you to whatever power there was for making traffic light, the trip not taking nearly as long as Emma had suspected it would. They are soon arriving at the hotel, pulling up to the entrance. After a quick explanation of who they were and why they were there, a few hotel workers come out to assist them as they bring their food into the kitchens.
“I’m going to find the organizer, ask where they want us to set up. Just get everything ready to be assembled and then we will go from there.”
April gives Emma a small nod in acknowledgment, turning her attention to the boxes of food in front of her. Emma leaves her to it, following the signs to the ballroom. She walks through the open doors, finding the room decorated in the red and black – colors that she now knew to be the teams –tables filling the space around a small stage.
On one wall lined with banquet tables, she spies an elegant woman holding a clipboard talking to the hotel staff, who Emma was told were providing the rest of the food. She makes her way over, the conversation hitting her ears, confirming that this was the person she needed to speak to.
Emma stands off to the side, waiting for the discussion to conclude before stepping forward.
“Hello. I’m Emmaline Evans, the co-owner and pastry chef from Crème de la Crème,” she says, holding out one of her tattooed hands.
“Oh, yes!” the woman says, graciously accepting Emma’s handshake. “I’m so glad you made it. My name’s Nicole, I’m one of the people who helped organize this brunch. Are you all settled, everything good?”
“Yes, my sous-chef is in the kitchen right now getting the plates ready. I just wanted to introduce myself and say thank you for the opportunity. It means a lot for our new business.”
“Of course! Though, I should really introduce you to Jess. She is the one that came in telling us about this amazing café in Greenwich that we just had to get,” Nicole explains, her bubbly personality infectious, making a smile break out on Emma’s face.
“I look forward to meeting her. I’ll probably be out once everything is prepared, introduce myself to some of the other guests and check to make sure everything tastes alright.”
“Perfect! I wouldn’t expect anything else from a savvy business woman, neither will any of the guests. A lot of driven people here,” Nicole explains, before turning to face the banquet tables. “We have the traditional breakfast fare here and your table is over there,” she gestures to a table a short distance away. “We decided to keep the sweets a little separate from the rest.”
“Makes perfect sense,” Emma nods, taking the layout into memory. “Would you like us to delay bringing the food out so there is a space between the main course and the dessert?”
“Is that alright for you? I think that would be best.”
“Amazing. You can bring out the food at, let’s say 11:30? We might still be in the middle of speeches and all that but that could work out because after we’ve wrapped up there, we can direct people to your delicious food.”
“Of course. I’ll go back and get everything ready. We’ll be out at 11:30.”
“Perfect. Thank you again!” Nicole exclaims and Emma is about to extend her hand for another handshake until Nicole sweeps her into a hug instead. Emma embraces it politely before pulling away and disappearing back to the kitchen. On the way, she sees the beginning of the crowd trickling in, her eyes glancing over the guests decked out in expensive dresses and suits.
This was a golden opportunity and she wasn’t going to waste it.
She breezes into the kitchen towards the corner where April had completely set up everything in the few minutes she was gone. Emma explains the timeline and they both set to work; April filling the profiteroles with their whipped cream center and Emma assembling the layers of the mille-feuille. April finishes first and sets about arranging the macarons and profiteroles on the platters provided before moving to cut the Fraiser into slices and placing each piece on their separate plate. Emma finishes assembling the mille-feuilles and glances at the clock.
“Alright, we’ve got a few minutes. Finish plating the Fraiser and bring those out first. I’ll take the macarons and profiteroles and then we can both bring out the mille-feuille.”
“Sounds good. Do you need any help with the platters?”
“No, I should be fine,” Emma says, leaning down to pick up the silver tray the macarons were placed on. “We’ve got the labels for everything, correct.”
“Yes, boss. Do you want me to bring those out first or last.”
“Last. We can arrange the table how we see fit and then label the plates instead of having to shuffle everything around.” Emma is about to leave the kitchen before she turns back to April, the platter resting on her shoulder. “You know you don’t have to call me boss.”
“Force of habit,” April laughs, her brown eyes sparkling as she looks up from the Frasier. “You can stop pretending that you don’t like it.”
“Ha-ha,” Emma utters a sarcastic laugh before leaving. She retraces her path to the ballroom, hearing the echo of an amplified voice guiding her steps.
Emma slips in, the tables now filled with guests, their attention turned to the front stage as she sees Nicole as well as few other beautiful women standing by the podium. She registers parts of their speech; happiness for how the season was going, excitement for what was coming, reminder of the charity they were here for, and of course a call for generosity in donating. Emma makes her way around the perimeter of the room, coming to the assigned banquet table before setting the platter down. She moves back catching the eyes of April walking in with the platter of Fraiser and directs her with a nod of her head.
A few trips later, Emma is standing in front of the table, her eyes gazing over the assortment of the food she was proudest of. It looked beautiful, the whites and golds and reds and pinks and browns of the desserts creating a stunning mosaic, each section labeled in the same elegant cursive that graced her chef’s jacket.
“I’m going to go back, clean up the kitchen and get ready for any food we might have to bring back,” she says, looking to April.
“Don’t you want to stay here? You’re the chef after all,” April asks from the other side of the table.
“I plan on making the rounds a little later, get a little more personal interaction. I have no doubt that you’ll make an excellent first impression of our company without me.”
Emma sees her words register in April’s mind, a smile gracing over her features before it shifts to serious, her body lifting to stand a little taller.
“I won’t disappoint you, boss,” April says, her words serious but punctuated with a small wink, causing Emma to playfully roll her eyes. She doesn’t give another response, departing the ballrooms. She is only a few steps out of the door when she hears the final announcement echo from the speakers.
“Now please enjoy some delicious pastries from Crème de la Crème Café.”
Hearing her company name announced along with the applause that followed – although she knew the cheer wasn’t directed towards her – made her heart leap. Everything was perfect so far; all that was left was for the guests to like the food.
Emma cleans, packing the equipment they brought into her car and assembling a few take-away boxes that she hoped she didn’t have to use. She leaves the kitchen, taking a quick stop in the bathroom to wash her hands and adjust her appearance, making sure not a hair was out of place. She takes a few deep breaths, straightening her jacket before moving back into the ballroom.
She takes in the sight of plates filled with her food on tables, the smiles on peoples faces and it makes her relax. Emma catches sight of April still manning the table, her smile never wavering as she hands out desserts, her lips explaining each delicacy. She catches Emma’s eye, sending her a wink before turning her attention back to the guests. Emma lets out a sigh before she gazes around the ballroom.
“Oh, there she is! Emmaline!” she hears a voice call, locating Nicole sitting at a table waving her hand. Emma smiles, weaving through the crowd until she reaches her.
“Everyone, this is Emmaline Evans. She’s the chef that created all these wonderful treats for us!” Nicole explains and Emma smiles, nodding her head to the other guests sitting there.
“How is everything tasting?”
“Delicious!” one of the gentlemen at the table says. “Why haven’t we heard about your restaurant before?”
“We actually opened a year and a half ago so we’re relatively new.”
“Well, you are sure to get some new customers if your food always tastes this good,” he laughs, extending his hand. “Erik.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Emma says, accepting his handshake.
“I can guarantee that the food is always this good,” another feminine voice sounds from across the table. Emma turns her attention to a brunette smiling at her. “Definitely worth the drive to Greenwich.”
“Oh, right! Emmaline, this is Jess. She’s the one that insisted we book your company,” Nicole explains, the words forcing Emma to extend her hand eagerly, Jess accepting it with grace.
“Thank you for the opportunity. It really means a lot to me and my co-owner Morgan, so thank you for taking a chance on us.”
“I knew it wasn’t going to be that much of a risk. I’ve been forcing Nate to drive me to New York on his days off so I can get your food,” Jess says, nudging the shoulder of the man next to her – who Emma can only assume is Nate. “You deserve way more recognition. And, when I heard about a small woman-owned business, I knew I had to give my support. Kind of what we do.”
The other women at the table laugh in agreement, causing another smile to break out on Emma’s face. She politely stays for a few minutes, answering queries about the food provided, the menu at the café, and other general questions. Slowly, her body registers the weight of someone’s eyes on her from across the ballroom. A lull in the conversation allows her to lift her head and look around.
When her eyes land on the source of the stare, her heartbeat falters in her chest.
It had been over sixteen months since she had last seen him but she swears she could recognize those gentle brown eyes and that flowing chestnut hair anywhere.
A few tables away sat Nico; the man that she met in Paris all that time ago. The man who enchanted her from the moment he sat with her at the café table. The man she never thought she would see again.
He was here.
Emma quickly snaps out of her trance, breaking his gaze and turning her attention back to the guests in front of her with a polite smile. But beneath her composure, her thoughts were as erratic as her heartbeat. She steals another glance back in Nico’s direction, finding him in a conversation with the young man next to him, that familiar dimpled smile on his face.
“Apologies,” Emma says, interrupting the conversation taking place around her. “I should greet the other guest, check in on them.”
“Oh, of course! We’ve kept you long enough,” Nicole speaks.
“You should go talk to out team leadership,” the man next to Nicole says – Jesper, she remembered. Emma watches as he twists in his seat, eyes roving over the room before stopping, his long arm pointing to a table. “Over there.”
The directionality of his gesture has Emma’s heart skipping again, the anxiety only heightened when she follows his point to the table where Nico sat.
“That’s our captain, Nico, and our two assistant captains, Jack and Ondrej, along with their partners and a few others,” Jesper says turning back to Emma, who quickly plasters a gracious expression on her face.
“I will make sure to stop there, thank you,” she says before departing, moving only to the table next to the previous.
She was going to keep her word – she just needed a little time.
Emma introduces herself to multiple guests, answering the same questions, and handing out more business cards than she could count. She navigates the ballroom, slowly making her way over to Nico’s table. She swears that every time she moves closer, she can feel Nico’s eyes landing on her more frequently. She manages to focus on the guests in front of her enough that no one suspects anything is amiss. But she knows that the effort is half-hearted at best. The other part of her brain is twisting itself in knots over the prospect of speaking to Nico again.
She never expected to see him. She certainly didn’t expect to see him at a work event. In the fantasies that she allowed herself to occasionally indulge in, they would always run into each other at a bar or in the park or even on the street. In those daydreams, he was single and the magic from Paris would still be there between them.
But now, Emma is forced to make her brain prepare for the possible reality that she was about to walk into: that he was here with an insanely beautiful woman on his arm and the romance in Paris was exactly what she feared it to be – temporary.
It didn’t make it any better that she would have to reckon all of those heartbreaking truths with a pleasant smile on her face; the shield of professionalism she was forced to maintain that could absolutely not crack.
 Emma concludes her previous conversation, taking a deep breath before turning towards the table she had been avoiding all afternoon. She walks up to the edge, glancing around the faces of the guests, trying not to let her eyes linger on one face in particular.
“Sorry to interrupt,” she speaks, calling their attention to her. “I’m one of the owners of Crème de la Crème and I just wanted to check in, see how everything was tasting.”
“It’s fucking fantastic!” the dirty blonde next to Nico exclaims, causing Nico’s head to turn with a glare and a hiss of ‘Jack!’. A blush invades his cheeks before the man – Jack – looks back towards Emma. “Sorry, I mean, it’s really, really good.”
Emma laughs gently at his words before speaking.
“It’s alright. I’m glad to hear you like it that much.”
“It really is delicious,” the stunning blonde woman next to Jack speaks. “Is your store located in Newark?”
“No, we’re actually located in Greenwich Village in New York. But this was an amazing opportunity for our business that we just couldn’t pass up.”
“That’s awesome. Do you normally cater?”
“We’re relatively new to the catering side of food service. We do provide food for smaller parties: birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations like that. This has been out biggest event yet so this was also a test for us, to see if we could handle it.”
“Well, I say you passed with flying colors!” the woman smiles. “Could I have your card? My sister would love this and her birthday is coming up.”
“Of course,” Emma says, her hand dipping into her pocket to retrieve a card.
“Actually, could I have two? I might slip one in this guy’s hockey bag as an anniversary reminder,” she laughs, nudging Jack’s shoulder.
“When have I ever not wooed you?” he laughs.
“I’m not saying you haven’t. This is just a subtle hint about what a few delicious macarons might do.”
Emma nods, grasping the two small slips of paper and extending them to her.
“Could I also have one?” an all too familiar accented voice requests.
Emma turns her attention to Nico, her eyes connecting to his. She doesn’t give a verbal response; just another nod of her head. She hands two cards off to Jack’s partner before turning to Nico, holding a business card out to him as well. Emma suppresses a shiver that threatens to run through her body as Nico’s fingers graze against hers as he takes the paper from her hand.
“Planning on surprising a special lady, as well?” Jack teases. The question is innocent when coming from his mouth but it stops Emma’s heart as she waits for the answer – preparing for the worst.
“If by special lady, you mean my mom when she flies in for the mom’s trip, then yes,” Nico jokes back, his eyes flickering back to Emma. “Besides that, no one else comes to mind.”
Emma lets out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding at Nico’s subtle admission; he wasn’t seeing anyone, at least not seriously. The other women at the table were with his teammates, not him.
“Could I ask where you learned how to cook?” another gentleman at the table asks, his voice turning Emma’s attention to him.
“Of course. I went to The French Pastry School in Chicago, which is one of the only schools that focuses exclusively on pastry creation,” Emma explains, her eyes darting towards Nico as she contemplates her next words. “But I was also blessed with the opportunity to travel to Paris and experience the authentic Parisian cuisine first hand. That trip inspired me in many ways.”
From the corner of her eyes, Emma watches as a smile tugs at Nico’s lips.
“I’ve been to Paris as well. It’s a beautiful city with amazing food.”
“Right, you were there a little over a year ago, with the NHL European press tour,” another guest says, providing answers to questions that Emma didn’t bother asking back then. He told her that he was there for work. That wasn’t a lie. She just didn’t know that this was his job.
“It was an amazing trip,” Nico replies, his eyes darting to Emma, the weight behind his words only noticeable by that recognizable sparkle in his irises.
Emma’s own smile graces her features. Their silent conversation reminded Emma of passing secret notes, communicating in a way that only the two of them could understand. The hope soared in her chest but she pushes it down in an effort not to get caught up in the moment. She excuses herself, sneaking one last quick glance over her shoulder at Nico before making her way over to April.
She forces herself to focus on the moment at hand, taking stock of the remaining food, the event dwindling down. Emma helps April carry the remaining leftovers into the kitchen, instructing her to pack up the food and load it into the car before helping the hotel staff clean the few remaining dirty dishes.
Emma makes her way back into the ballroom, gathering the remaining business cards from their table, as well as the labels before helping the staff pick up the plates scattered on the tables.
She is absentmindedly gathering the plastic plates into a stack, reaching out to grab the last plate at the table. But before she can, it is taken by a strong hand before it is extended to her. Emma lifts her eyes to thank whoever it was in front of her but her voice catches when her eyes connect with Nico again.
“So, Paris, huh?” he asks, the question loaded with a myriad of emotions that Emma couldn’t even begin to place. She takes the plate from his hand with a smile.
“Yeah, it was a really wonderful experience.” 
“I bet.”
“Ate a lot of good food, saw some beautiful sights,” she continues, a mischievous smirk appearing on her face, her eyes never leaving Nico’s. “Met this really great guy.”
Emma swears that she can see the sigh escape Nico’s chest – the potential fear leaving him as his body relaxes, his tentative smile shifting to match her grin.
“I was worried you didn’t remember me,” he confesses. Emma’s eyes soften at his admission, her head slightly shaking in disbelief.
“Did you really think I’d forget?” she murmurs, her own words just as much of a confession as Nico’s. She watches his brown eyes shift, the confusion dancing within them.
“At the table…”
“I had to remain professional,” she explains, gently cutting him off. “Talking about a whirlwind romance I had with the team captain in front of potential clients – some of which are his teammates – isn’t really the way to get rehired.”
“Good point,” Nico laughs, the sound echoing around the almost abandoned ballroom, his hand lifting to run through his hair. His chuckle pulls a giggle from Emma’s own lips as she shakes her head again.
Their laughter dwindles until the silence covers them again. Emma can’t seem to tear her eyes away from him and it is clear that Nico feels the same. The two of them stand there, taking in the sight of the other, seemingly convincing themselves that they were really standing in front of each other. That this wasn’t just a fantasy.
“In truth,” Emma says, breaking the fragile silence, “You’re hard to get over. No one I’ve met since Paris has even come close.”
The broad smile that appears on his face makes Emma’s happiness increase, the subtle admission that she was also currently unattached understood by Nico.
“I never thought I’d see you again,” he tells her, the words bringing a small teasing laugh from Emma.  
“Didn’t know you missed me that much,” she jokes.
Her words seem to catch Nico off-guard. Her green eyes follow Nico’s movements as he reaches into the interior pocket of his suit jacket, fishing out his phone. His fingers move, tapping on the screen and scrolling until he pauses. A smile tugs at his lips as he stares at whatever was on his phone before he turns the device towards her.
Emma swears her heart skips for the hundredth time that day as she takes in the image on the screen. It’s the picture they took that night in Paris – the night everything changed. Her eyes dance over the screen, looking at the ease in which her body was resting against Nico’s, the way his arm was wrapped around her frame, the Eiffel Tower sparkling in the background.
“You kept it,” she whispers.  
“Of course, I did,” Nico responds with just as much tenderness. Her eyes flicker back up to the man in front of her, the look in his eyes an echo of the one from that same night. She watches as he hesitates, seemingly debating the words he was about to say. Whatever doubts he had, they apparently weren’t enough to stop him as he speaks again. “I don’t know if I ever missed anyone as much as I missed you.”
If her heart was beating erratically before, it practically stopped at Nico’s gentle words. The desire, the yearning, the emotions hanging from every syllable hit Emma like a freight train, his need bringing forth her own. A need that she tried – desperately – to get rid of for months because she thought she would never see him again.
But he was here. He was real. And he missed her.
“I missed you too,” she admits, the confession not feeling dangerous or terrifying. Instead, it felt as simple as breathing. It felt as easy as it always did when she was next to him. It felt like Paris.
Emma and Nico look at each other, the truth of their admission floating around them, seemingly enveloping them in that love-struck haze that they existed in months ago. In a different city. In a different country.
“I don’t know if this is way too forward but I’d like to take you on a date. Or, I guess another date. If that’s alright with you?” Nico asks, his words still hesitant. Emma responds with a gentle smile.
“That sounds perfect.”
“I can’t promise that it will be as magical as Paris though,” he laughs.
Emma’s expression falters a little at his words, the fears from Paris returning along with the joy. Their reunion felt enchanting right now but maybe the shock of seeing each other again after all those months was the only thing causing this sensation. Maybe after the moment died, the worry that invaded her mind in Paris would be proven true: that it was just the City of Love that fueled their connection.
Embrace it. All of it.
It is that small voice of bravery and vulnerability that sounds, the declaration echoing in her mind. Emma takes a deep breath, summoning the courage she felt in France and letting it fill her body, letting her heart guide her actions. She reaches out towards Nico, letting her hand creep closer to his, her fingers brushing over his skin.
The energy that surges between them when their fingers intertwine is powerful. Those fireworks sparkle stronger than anything before; stronger than the lights about them, stronger than all the lights on the Eiffel Tower. That electricity has Emma looking up at Nico, seeing the same emotions dancing on his face. That touch was proved a fact that they knew in their hearts to be true but their heads still doubted.
That this – whatever it was, whatever they shared those months ago… it wasn’t temporary. It wasn’t the city. This was real.
“Paris wasn’t the magical part.”
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tags: @tkachvkmatthew @m00nlightdelights @cixrosie SIGN UP FOR MY TAGLIST HERE
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7ndipity · 10 months
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Namjoon M.list
Guide: 💜-Fluff 🌧-Hurt/Comfort 💥-Angst 🔥-Suggestive 🗯-Crack 🔞-Smut
Dating Namjoon Headcanons💜
Dating Headcanons pt.2 (request)💜🔥
Namjoon Nsfw Headcanons (request)🔞💜
Namjoon x Idol Dating Headcanons (request)💜
Namjoon Breakup Headcannons (request) 💥🌧
Them With Pregnant S/o HCs (request)💜
3:44pm 💜
7:36pm 💜
4:26am 🌧💜
After a Fight (request) 💥🌧
Latibule 💥🌧💜
Mine (request) 💥🔥
Not Just Friends (request)💜🔥
Make an Effort (request)💜🔥
Connected (request)🔞💜
The Morning After (request) 🔞💜🌧
Take Care (request) 💜🌧
Rainy Day (request) 💜🌧
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faeriemarie · 1 year
my phone hit 44% at 4:44pm
so basically i’m shifting tonight or my subs have been working and i’m totally getting the role i want in the play
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2-dsimp · 2 years
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Popular choice 🌟
—> {Take the Safe path}
Current time 4:44pm
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You’ve chosen to take the safe path!
You’re halfway there to your destination!
However you’ve been caught off guard by a fellow Karate club member! That doesn’t know who you are as of this moment! Meaning you can still maintain your cover and go onwards to the Karate club without wasting time!
Karate club member! Razor is calling out for you to show yourself. He seems confident that someone’s around him and is moving towards your position.
Don’t forget! Anyone could be a witness and depending on who they are, they’ll either seek to be aggressive or passive once they come in contact with you. Should you risk interacting with others!
Do you reveal yourself or remain vigilant?
Objective: Reach the Karate club by 5:30
[Reveal yourself]
{Gain distance between you two}
(Wait for him to leave in the empty stc room)
{Use a skill}
Votes close Sunday at midnight 🕛
Helpful inquiries 🌟
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saintmeghanmarkle · 19 days
Poll: Would you lose interest / respect for the Monarchy if they allow Aitch to worm snake his way back in to the Royal fold? Or would you be happy to see the return of The Prodigal Prince? by u/Plants2552
Poll: Would you lose interest / respect for the Monarchy if they allow Aitch to ~~worm~~ snake his way back in to the Royal fold? Or would you be happy to see the return of The Prodigal Prince? All this chat about Harry coming back to the BRF and what that will look like is leaving me feeling a bit queasy...There was a blind/comment a long time ago saying that if H was ever to come back it would be a 'soft PR launch' to slowly, very slowly allow the public time to get used to the idea of him coming back... and it's concerning that I can see this starting to happen with chatter about King Charles seeking forgiveness and H reaching out to his old pals and reviving connections with British PR contacts etc...I know many in this sub think that it will never happen.. I was one of those people up until a few days ago... and I'm now reading the warning signs and starting to think that we may need to brace ourselves for the possibility of a return.With everything that's happened over the last 4/5 years... I'm not sure that the British public would take it very well but that's just my opinion!I am keen to hear what the general consensus is on this sub.View Poll post link: https://ift.tt/cnyA7d4 author: Plants2552 submitted: September 02, 2024 at 11:44PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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adorastarot · 4 months
hi! When will Namjoon meet his fs? And how does fs look/vibes?
Hiii anon!! Thank you for being here with me today!
❥︎For all Ko-fi members: Readings are back and being released [click here to view]
❥︎When will Namjoon meet his fs?
Knight of cups, the hanged man and 4 of wands
Ok so I am not necessarily getting a year but the number 4 is coming out really strongly…I just looked at the clock and it is 4:44pm as I am doing this reading also.
I do feel like it will happen once Namjoon has fully changed his perspective on love and relationships and once he is open to them again. Right now this connection seems to be at a standstill and they both have other things that they should be focusing on - family is coming through quite strongly so maybe they both need to go back to their inner cycle and rebuild some bonds with the people that matter the most to them.
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xochaithoughts · 7 months
tarot giveaway 🖤
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happy valentine’s day, lovelies ❤️ on february 18, at 4:44pm (est), i’ll be doing a drawing for two free love readings (set up exactly like this month’s special!)
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to enter i) like + reblog my pinned intro post ii) send me your question + one thing that you love about yourself iii) be sure to include your sun, moon, and rising along with your name and pronouns please! 🪬 your age must be in your bio for 18+ questions
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