#411 on the DL
wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: 411 on the DL
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
I don’t sleep much 🥴🥴 They are human, woman.  They need sleep
Jesus, glad I’m not epileptic [I didn't see a warning, that's for sure]
Le gasp COPS
Asssss hole coppps
["how's a girl supposed to get home?" I get the actually point she was making, but also... Chick, you're a supersoldier.  Figure it out fjsksks] 
I still maintain the twirling baby is odd  [You haven’t come to love the revolving baby yet?]
[TONY! ...Wait :)]
BRUH.  I LOOKED DOWN RIGHT WHEN HE PULLED OUT THE SANDWICH.  IT DIDN’T LOOK LIKE A SANDWICH  [That's called a baguette, dear, but also.  Awkward.  Also, I thought you were "bruh"ing because of the button itself dhsjsk]
Now you can see why seeing him play stoic serious was odd  [‘Tis true.  He's got some snark, but nowhere near the same]
I’m pretty sure Tony has an ex wife too iirc  [Huh]
Not his chi
Oooof.  Marital issues.  I thought she was being rude at first, like "you were the last I was thinking of", but I see it’s not
Gah damn that a lot a money  [Yup. That's a lot now, much less in this universe.  But it does bear mentioning: a motorbike called Nirvana seems awesome]  Those fucking places suck.  I had a car impounded after a wreck  [Damn]
[Wdym, you let everything slide off you like water?  No, you don't, Max; you bitch about everything]  😂😂😂😂
“I hear ya sista but you don’t hear me”
Wait, is herbal gay?  I’m relistening to that lol
No I misheard.  He said my woman; I thought he said my ol’ man.  I was like wooooot
[She sounds so whiny too, just saying.  Like, I get the point, and I'd agree, but also.  "I don't want a used bike, wah"]
Does Normal ever smile before Alec lol  [No.]  ☠️☠️☠️
A SMILE  [Okay, that was a half smile, but like.]  well  [Not the same]  Smilette
Suspicious blonde boy look like suspicious blonde kid.  Watch Sam be Zach or one of them
Can you scan the barcodes?
“It’s like opening up the paper and seeing my panties”  I don’t think that would be the same ma’am
[Oh, look, this time Max is the jealous one]
[His hair is so spiky]
What did she say?  “Lookey?”  [It was whatever nickname Valerie used on the phone.  Loogey, is my guess]  W-why is that his nickname  [Idk, my dear]
And he can’t turn it off ☠️☠️☠️
Jealous Max ☠️☠️
If I was him I would run over her damn toes
[Why do so many of these episodes have the premise "Max needs x amount of money before y person leaves the state and has to do z bad thing to get it.”]  Right? 😂😂😂  [We’ve got this one, then “Proof of Purchase,” then “Borrowed Time.”  And that’s just off the top of my head.]
So now she needs 18000
Is that Taika?  [I WONDERED THAT!  I've been wondering that for days] That is not taika  Lol  [Djdjsjsksk Good to know]  Boooo I was excited
😂😂☠️☠️ love the speech  [Fjjsksks I love Herbal]  Sameeee
Wait did herbal leave?  Like, leave leave?  [He's allegedly been fired, but idk if it lasts] Ahh, I see  [Max has been fired like 50 times]
[Okay, Normal is being a bit suspicious with.  Sam.]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Cheer up!
Oooooop Jealoussss  [Accurate]
[Not quiet, not sweet, etc.  But also, sweeter than Max]  Nice…er than you bitch
“Great body”  😂☠️☠️☠️☠️
["by the grace of God" fjdjksksk]
Oh no she didn’t just pop up on them like that!  Howwwww rudeeeeee
– – –
Here, Wench’s Internet decided to go out, so her responses were done after the fact and blended in subsequently.  Thus, this is also true for anything Jezebel responded to her with.
– – –
Oooooo! Angryyyy Max
Oh nooooo, his womannnnn.  Fuck Winston! 
“Wiiinston!  *shakes head*”  I love Herbal!
A dog!  [Makes sense it’d growl given her feline genes, but not quite clear on how/why it stopped]  ☠️☠️☠️ that’s what I thought
BRUH ☠️ all that and the box only had $2  [I do have to ask a) why tf she thought there’d be much money in the unsecured box there and b) why she didn’t steal the $2, but oh, well.]
Welp, impound man: you have been bamboozled
Clint linklicker ‘sigh’  [That guy working under him looks like Elias from Person of Interest.]
[“We’ll be there” Bro, you’ve been there every time she showed up in the past.  You just can't catch her because you… suck.]  Like.  I just can’t even 😂😂😂
[“That young man is worth the rest of you bums put together” Sir, your worship is showing again.  I swear, he says that exact same sentence about Alec.  I’m noticing a trend.]
So what is this, post apocalyptic Amazon?  I’ve been meaning to ask that this whole show  [You mean Jam Pony?]  Ye  [Yeah, basically.  It's a delivery service. Not really a corporation though.]
Like I get them being angry but they don’t have to be mean to dumb blonde man  Sammy boy is struggling to ride a bike, friend
She stuffed gum in the money hole
“A butterfly farted in India”  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
– – –
An update on Wench’s adventures with Internet:
Google search: "how do you connect to wifi"
Google answer: "go to this link"
Link: "this link won't work in chrome; go to this safari link for help"
The Safari link in question: "sorry, you're not connected to the internet"
Wench: WTAF, HOLY HELL, OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS, JUST- @K$#$*&@(RJ#&$R)(#$*(*@)(*@$)(@$
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
– – –
Long-after-midpoint reaction:
Well, first I felt a little pity for Max cause they stole her bike, and then the guy’s potentially scamming her.  I’m guessing he’s gonna get dead, btw, if he’s going against Lintlicker.  (Which is a saved word in my phone now lol)
But her little hissy fit over Logan’s ex… Hmph.  Like. WOMAN.  Either you want him or you don’t.  (Which is so much like Ziva you will seeee omg).
Also HERBAL! Buddy! Kick Winston and ya woman out! That’s not good!
And then there’s Ken doll. ☠️☠️ who seems like discount Alec even though Alec isn’t even on yet, just because he has Normal drooling over him
– – –
Oh nooooo, the sunburn  [He looks. Orange.]
Oh nooo x2 the ring mark
Yussssss the double crossing.  She seemed so nice.
They aren’t even really kissing wtf is this ☠️☠️  They are mouthing the air around each other’s mouths  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Well.  Guy (Vogelsang) got dead
[Ma’am does not understand subtlety; she legit stares, frightened, at the Manticore guys, then suspiciously runs away.  THEY LOOK FOR THAT KINDA THING.]
[“Vogelsang was dead and Lydecker was there; that’s enough for me” Ma’am, wot. Illogic at its finest.]
He’s fine
Have you ever been able to? Lol
Oh shit that’s gonna be a thing (her telling about the ex)
Now dumb blonde is less dumb ☠️☠️☠️  I love it
Did he know she was her?  [idk, I’ll let you know when I rewatch]
What is that run?  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Oh he did know [Ah, I see]
He be a mooooordererrrrr
His whole personality is different it’s strange
Bruh who are you ☠️
“That’s an order”  Why are y’all even free if your gonna be ordering people around  [That’s what I’m freaking saying, thank you]
Don’t kiss her
Pls don’t kiss her
[That scene was uncomfortableeeeee.  Even without “Some Assembly Required” as a primer.]
And cue angry Tony.  I mean, Logan.
Why he give her money????  WHY DID HE GIVE HER THE MONEY?!?!?!?!  THROW HER OUT THE WINDOW 
“It wasn’t my idea.  I just executed it.”  Why’d he give her the mooooooney!???!!!
He’s too niceeeee
Oooof  [Buddy angsting at the window, staring out at the rain like a regular Heathcliffe]
Herbal put Weenston out.  I love it
Why is she getting the third degree for being honest?
Buddy, that’s not how you say “you should go give Logan some loving”
Did she say she “hooked up” with Zach?  Ma’am, he touched your chin and that was toooo much
THIS IS NOT GIVING LOGAN LOVE, MAAM.  soooo very ruuuuudeeeeee
Okay, now y’all kiss
“In the guest room,” he says.  That’s code for something
This is the.  WEIRDEST.  Talk.  [Well, at least they both talk circuitously.]
– – –
Jezebel: I swear I’m vibing during my midpoint and I’m confused by the end.  Each ep.  I think it’s cause usually the big problem gets solved but opens a new one.  Which I mean yeah that’s how shows go from ep to ep. But idk this feels like too much. Almost like the ending shouldn’t be the ending but like a mid or 3/4 point. Idk.  I still like it, though. Wayyyy more than I intended to
Wench: For what it’s worth, season 2 kinda resolves that, imo.  Or at least to my recollection.  The main episodes I remember reach natural conclusions.  
Jezebel: 🙂 good!
Wench: But they’re also a bit more standalone in general.  s1 is about her quest to find her siblings; s2 is about Manticore folks being out and about in general.  There’s a bit of an arc, but not as much of one.  If that makes sense?
Jezebel: Ahhh it does 🙂
Wench: My favorite eps are pretty standalone, at least.  “The Berrisford Agenda” is one of my beloved episodes (Alec-centric) and it’s very compact.
Jezebel: Wait, is Ben one of the ones that got away or is he her actual brother?
Wench: He’s one of her siblings.  One of the kids who escaped in ‘09.  With Max.  Part of her unit.
Jezebel: Ahhhhhh! See this whole time I thought he was just like another kid her mom had that she finds and, like, gets killed in the crossfire
Wench: Nah, he and Alec got twinned.  Only the twins are at all biologically related, and that’s not them usually them being related, per se; it’s usually cloning or something.  And Ben got out, but Alec didn’t.
Jezebel: WAIT HIS NAME IS BEN.  i just made this connection too ☠️😂
Wench: askfjlksjf I’m so confused
Jezebel: Ben. From spn
Wench: oh.  OH.  Huh.  I thought you were going for Soldier Boy ‘cause his name is Ben 
Jezebel: WAIT WOT
Wench: Yeah, pretty sure
Jezebel: Bruh
Wench: :) 
Jezebel: He plays the Bens; he fathers a Ben (as Dean), he dates a Ben…ny
Wench: !!kjlajsdlfkjasdflkj
Jezebel: Ackles, you got a preference or something?
*a moment passes*
Wench: I’m dying waiting for you to get to "Pollo Loco".  It’s my favorite s1 episode.  The filming is stunning.  And Ben is such a tragic character, and is done so well (he’s like if you took MBV!Jackles and smushed in Dean)
Jezebel: Awwww 🥺🥺🥺
Wench: And maybe a bit of SB, though I don’t know for sure.  He’s got a deep and abiding cynicism that makes me think more of what little I know of SB.  And a delight in violence.  Dean likes the hunt, but he doesn’t thrive on the violence to the same degree, imo.  You agree?
Jezebel: Yeah, I get it
– – –
That’s a wrap!  We don’t know when the next episode will be — thus, whether the next reaction is going to be NCIS or Dark Angel — but see you then!
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Feel like shit and low key want to die
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ruki--mukami · 3 years
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58 notes • Posted 2021-11-15 09:55:06 GMT
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(( A not-so-quick drawing I did for 100 followers, finally... thank you all again <3 ))
61 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 14:53:57 GMT
Headcanon: What kind of woman attracts Ruki? In terms of physical appearance
Mukami Ruki — Desired Physical Traits Headcanons
Ruki definitely wants a woman who is smaller than him. I know this is a basic no-brainer, and honestly it's difficult to be bigger than him at 6 feet tall/180 cm, but he wants someone who will be easy to exert his dominance over.
If you're of short stature, then he may find you extra adorable and he'll do his best to help you reach things that are beyond your height.
He likes women with a petite frame and long, slender legs who are easy for him to punish and throw around.
This one isn't a preference per se, but if you have long hair he will probably enjoy incorporating it into his punishment and will grab you by your locks from time to time.
Unlike some of the other DL boys, Ruki doesn't care much for breast size. As long as they look proportionate with your body, he'll be content with this area. The same can be applied to your rear.
He is attracted to women who dress modestly for the most part. He won't mind if you show off some skin, but if you do you better hope it's for his eyes only. If you wear something revealing in public, expect punishment from him later.
Ruki doesn't have too many makeup preferences, but he'd probably prefer a natural look. Although, he doesn't mind certain eye makeup, and if you wear lipstick then he appreciates shades that contrast beautifully with your skin tone.
(( Honestly this one was somewhat difficult since Ruki has established himself as someone who doesn't care too much about a person's looks. For him, it's what's on the inside that counts, and some of the things I listed definitely aren't necessities for him. ))
62 notes • Posted 2021-10-15 10:15:49 GMT
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(( Edited some winter appropriate Ruki sprites, I’m very happy with how they turned out <3 ))
64 notes • Posted 2021-11-16 11:51:23 GMT
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81 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 10:14:41 GMT
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anilengka · 4 years
Dark Angel Ramblings
~ 20 Years Late ~
Episode 4: "411 on the DL" (I remember what that one means)
Max: "Night is the best part of the whole day" AGREED
F'ing police bastards.
Logan has an ex wife who is a recovering alcoholic and into feng shui. Fascinating. And it turns out she's a scammer. Even more fascinating. Hopefully that's the last of her.
Max stealing the money she needs from the impound yard that the corrupt police were using that tried to extort her pleases me so friggin much.
Generic white boy is actually one of Max's fellow escapees and when he's doing all the fancy moves like she does and they're working together it's very hot. But he's also kind of a creepy dick. Turns out he knows where all the other escapees are, but won't tell Max. He thinks she's too sentimental. She thinks he's too much of a soldier. Why did the first one of her family that she meets again have to be so unpleasant? I feel so sad for Max.
Max/Logan ship vibes intensifying. Like, a lot.
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granvarones · 5 years
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it has been almost 20 years since the death of singer and prolific songwriter, kenny greene. sadly, his death was shrouded in hiv stigma and biphobia. .
kenny greene was the dynamic mastermind behind 90’s r&b trio INTRO. born in detroit, michigan, kenny, was inspired to put a trio together after meeting two other singers while serving in the army. after being discovered by dj eddie f in 1990, INTRO began to groom their sound.
kenny wrote and composed most of their 1993 self-titled debut album. the lead single “come inside” cracked the r&b top 10 and peaked at #33 on the hot 100.
with their blend of sultry melodies, new jack swing and early neo-soul sound, INTRO became one of the hottest r&b groups of the mid 1990’s. kenny’s voice so impressed stevie wonder that kenny was given blessing by stevie himself to cover “ribbon in the sky.” mr. wonder himself even appears in the video.
kenny teamed up with dave “jam” hall to create “love no limit” from mary j. blige’s iconic debut album “what’s the 411.” kenny’s songwriting skills were so celebrated that he was awarded the 1993 ASCAP songwriter of the year.
through-out the 90's, kenny continued to write for other artists, including 98 degrees, tyrese, will smith, and cam'ron.
in a 2001 interview with the now defunct sister2sister magazine, kenny courageously disclosed that he was bisexual and he was battling complications brought on by HIV. he shared the pressures brought on by societal expectations that he present as both heterosexual and the alpha-male. while many privately applauded him for using his story to raise awareness, many publicly condemned him.
on oct. 1, 2001, kenny greene died in NYC. he was just 32 yrs old. 9/11 attacks, kenny’s death received little media coverage. and outlets that did cover his death, framed his death around the how bisexual men or men on the “DL” were a danger to women.
kenny’s wake was arranged by close friends. his family did not attend. kenny was honored by the US army and is buried at calverton national cemetery on long island.
kenny greene is not a household name although many households are probably jammin’ to his songs. he honor his life and legacy.
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discoclubofvenus · 4 years
✧Rules of the disco✧
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1. Updates will be sporadic (I have a busy outside life)
2. Please be specific in your request and what you want me to write
3. Currently I do not take any drawing requests 
4. Do not repost my art/writing anywhere
5. Minors are not allowed to interact with any of the nsfw posts (which will be tagged) if so, you will be blocked
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ What I will write: ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
✧  head canons (4 characters each)
✧  imagines
✧  scenarios  
✧  (short) nsfw 
           - I’m not the best at writing nsfw 
           - Depending on the character and request I will age them up
✧  sfw
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ What I will NOT write: ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
✧  Anything including or related to r*pe (includes non-con and dub-con it makes me extremely uncomfortable)
✧  Incest 
✧  Pedophilia (Adult x child, this is gross)
✧  No extreme kinks (such as water works, ab/dl and more I’ll add but these things make me extremely uncomfortable) 
✧  Character x character
✧  Omegaverse  (I’m not very knowledgeable on the subject)
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ Tags to look out for: ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
✧ Casino (This will be the nsfw tag, you gotta be 18+ to get in ;))
✧ What’s the 411? (Casually talking w/you lovely people!) 
✧ What’s your damage (Vent tag for anyone who needs it, including myself)
Now go ahead to the arcade!
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emilyccfinds · 4 years
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ShakeProductions 411 - Blouse
Created for: The Sims 4
Tops/Blouses - Tanks New Mesh All LODs Handpainted 23 Colors
DL: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1484718
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kae-leah · 5 years
Looking up Dark Angel’s writers on IMDB shows that some of Season 1′s best writers didn’t participate in Season 2, and whoa boy, it shows:
David Zabel-wrote CREAM, Out, and Meow, co-wrote(?) Red, Rising
Doris Egan-wrote 411 On The DL, Art Attack, Pollo Loco, co-wrote Rising
Patrick Harbinson-wrote Heat, Prodigy, Female Trouble
Adrisa Iaw-wrote Shorties In Love
David Simkins-wrote I and I Am A Camera
None of them came back for season 2. 
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I would absolutely love to work on those GIFs for you. Please send me all the ideas you have. I re-watched the series a couple of months ago and have some things in mind, but I think I need to refresh again. So yes, your ideas on the transgenics and anything else. Helps me get started on it. Thanks for the reblog and I will try and get the Max and Logan one out soon. You can reply to this with your ideas!
Oh my gosh. Thank you so much! And sorry in advance if I go overboard with this. Hahaha. And if I do, feel free to ignore me and only do the ones of these you want:)
I’ve actually done a few screenshot Dark Angel things that aren’t the greatest. So if you wanted to remake some of those as gifs, I wouldn’t mind at all. https://oveliagirlhaditright.tumblr.com/post/188483190012/i-know-brainiac-is-arguably-the-most-hated, https://oveliagirlhaditright.tumblr.com/post/186108463327/i-saw-alec-saying-the-move-your-furniture-thing.
And then some other ideas I had… uhh. It’d be cute–if you wanted to, I mean–if you gifed all the times Max and Logan held hands, or almost kissed… Or to do a comparison gifset between when Max says in the finale season of season one (And Jesus Brought a Casserole) “I’d kiss you, but I have to keep my head in the game”, with her in season two saying to Logan (Proof of Purchase): “Thanks, Logan. I’d hug you, but-”
Max kind of posing with the pool stick and smiling after Logan says he’s at Crash to see her in Fugheddaboutit is really cute. And so is the scene in Harbor Lights when they’re just smiling at each other when Max is in the hospital bed. Or when Max is telling Logan, in Gill Girl, how she wants this story to have a happy ending… and you can just tell he knows–without her saying it–that she wants the merepeople to have a happy ending, since they can’t right now. And before that in Gill Girl, when Logan is calling Max… and then hears her ringtone in his apartment, and then sees her coming in with a mermaid slung over her shoulder as she says “I’ll hit you back later!” That was funny. 
Logan’s speech about how it never mattered to him what Max was in Love Among the Runes is good, as is the whole scene when he’s sticking up for the transgenics that they do have souls, in Dawg Day Afternoon. And if you wanted to do a “Logan character development” post you could, in comparing Haven (”How can I even think of having a good time, when the man who orchestrated the shootings was a cop… and he not only got away with it, but got promoted for it, too?!”) with Proof of Purchase (”Well, you can only fight corruption for son long before you have to kick back and relax.”)
You could also do Max character development ones if you wanted! Like, in the Pilot when she’s telling Logan that people are looking to kill her, put her in a cage, or turn her into a science experiment or all three… and that she’s gotten by through keeping her head down and wants to keep it that way, and not help people… with the season two finale (Freak Nation), where she’s saying “Where will you go? I can’t force anyone to stay. But I’m tired of running, hiding, and being afraid. Aren’t you tired of running? Of being in being in darkness? Don’t you want to feel the sun on your face? It’s time to make a stand, right here and right now. They created us, and it’s time that they owned up to that instead of trying to sweep us away like garbage” and that sort of thing. Or how in the Pilot (even though she’s partially lying here) when she tells Logan that she doesn’t blame herself at all for what happened to him, and that it’s on him “one-hundred percent”. But then in Meow she and Original Cindy have this conversation: Cindy: The truth is, you love Logan. Max: We’re not even like that, and the fact is we both would have been better off if we’d never even meet. Cindy: Please. Max: He has to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair because of me. Cindy: I didn’t see you on TV, pulling no trigger. Max: Yeah, but I could’ve protected him and I didn’t and that’s on me “one-hundred percent”.
I also love how Max and Logan give each other a piece that the other was missing: Logan suggesting that Max choose a birthday (C.R.E.A.M), and then her giving him back his mother’s locket in Art Attack. Or also how I think it was in Max going to the wedding with Logan in Art Attack, that she finally chose a last name for herself “Guevara”, and then began using it from then on out.
I once did a screenshot post (that I’ve since deleted), of Charlie telling Case the “storybook” version of Tinga’s life (this happens in Hit A Sista Back) that she’d told Charlie and Case (that neither of them had any idea was real at first), paired with Max incredulously saying to Bling about Logan in 411 on the DL, “I’ll go over and read him a bedtime story.” And then after that, I put Charlie telling Max and Logan in Hit A Sista Back, how he didn’t regret any of the time that he had with Tinga… and he’s essentially telling Max and Logan to get together there… and you can kind of tell by the way they’re looking at each other, that maybe they want this “bedtime story” for themselves, too. And if you wanted to remake this, you totally could:)
I also did another post in the past, that you could remake… Where Max says to Logan in C.R.E.A.M, that she’s surprised a high-minded, leftist, idealist like him would be okay with her greasing the enemies… and then paired it with her saying (in Prodigy) that she isn’t as high-minded as Logan is, with the idea that life is good and murder is bad, so she should have just let Lydecker go for that reason.
The scene where Original Cindy is talking to Max about Diamond at the end of Shorties in Love is really good overall, and is speaking of both the Max/Logan and Original Cindy/Diamond relationships, that could be cool to see gifed:)
You could also do a Max and Original Cindy comparison, where Max has to touch Logan’s hand through glass in Proof of Purchase and Original Cindy has to do that with Diamond in Shorties in Love.
Speaking of, any Original Cindy content–like with her and Max–would be awesome. I personally love the scene where they’re dunking the guy in the hot tub in Art Attack, being such a team, to get information out of him.
Gifs of Max being smart and a badass would also be great.
And just anything with Tinga, Brin, Syl, Jace, Jondy, and Mia would make me so happy.
You could even do a gifset that explains where the name of the show comes from: “Forever eyes, dark. Somebody’s angel” (the poem Logan made for Max in Shorties in Love) and Art Attack. Guy that Max Saves from Jumping Off a Building: “You’re the messenger, right?” Max: “Yeah?” Guy: “Well, I’ve never been much of a believer before… but you personally coming here to straighten me out like this. Thank you”. Max, smiling: “I’ll see about getting you that package back” (he thought she was an angel).
So these are just some of the crazy Dark Angel ideas I have. Feel free to use any or none of them. And thank you so much again:) And if you need me to try and explain any of this better, I can.
Edit: You could also gif what I believe is the closest we ever got to Max and Logan saying they were together in this series (aside from the times they told each other “I love you”, I mean. Or at least started to say it). Max saying angrily in “Boo” after Rafer insinuated Logan was her ex: “He’s not my ex! …I mean, we’re not like that.” And then Mia asking Logan in “Fugheddaboutit”: “You’re Max’s boyfriend, right?” And him saying, “Something like that.” You could also maybe have fun gifing all the times they said the ridiculous “we’re not like that” line, and then prove how untrue that was. LOL.
Edit 2: I also loved the scenes we got that showed how much Max and Logan knew each other, and that they got to know each other even moreso in scenes we didn’t see. Like when Max is sad in one episode (though I don’t remember which one it is), that he sold a painting his grandmother had given him, I think, to try and find a cure for the Virus (and we hadn’t known that painting was from his grandmother before this). Or when in Gill Girl, Max knows so much about people in Logan’s family–like Bitsy–and is talking about them with him, even though the audience had never heard of them before. Or in Some Assembly Required, when Logan knew how much Zack being alive would mean to Max and is gently and somewhat excitedly telling her, “You’re brother’s alive, Max.” …And really, just how kind Logan was to Zack actually says a lot about his love for Max, since Zack was always cruel to him (and I say this as a Zack Stan).
Edit 3: You could also do a Space Needle journey: Max on the Space Needle in the Pilot, Max asking Logan about going on the Space Needle in Heat, but him refusing since he’s scared of heights… Them almost going together at the end of Rising, but not for some reason… And then them finally getting there on Jesus Brought a Casserole together, and then Logan alone on the Space Needle at the end of And Jesus Brought a Casserole–echoing what Max said in the Pilot. Also, speaking of Max and Logan being on top of buildings: Max being on top of Logan’s penthouse in the Pilot, and Logan being on top of it in She Ain’t Heavy (as it seems he finally got over his fear of heights).
Edit 4: Gifs of Max interacting with kids could also be cool, since she loved them.
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pgoeltz · 5 years
wow 2.5 months to get data only to have t weeks to dl
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This data was generated on Dec 19th, 2019 at 2:34pm. Request this data again.  they call this pro
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kiwiofficial1-blog · 5 years
Kiwi - Official Video - Youtube – HARRY STYLES
1.  Black     1-26 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xaahaw4phezfrya/AAD7p3Unj1_hjFLVDLGYsdwha?dl=0
2.  No children or animals     27-114 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hhalajm2mfhcybu/AAA8OMMw-ZlMnJcm_0MFuXSea?dl=0
3.  Black     115-143 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/atgqfvmbyftr841/AABfo0WJd9KyFIBgXeeHLpw7a?dl=0
4.  Mini Harry – hallway – opening door     144-232 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xs4rgqtd7qxelg4/AAANoqjOu51unYN0d17zMbxya?dl=0
5.  Mini Harry – closeup – cupcakes     233-245 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c5qcchgqkllw800/AADvi6nUO4qgEBydgxs5roioa?dl=0
6.  Mini Harry – walking with cupcakes     246-303 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gnf2mdq88wuyvl7/AAAdr5be-ugORZtKAX3ej3XIa?dl=0
7.  Blue t-shirt – blue icing     304-315 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/icboti4qusc2kzp/AAB_M3skR92dcUASX75GBkX3a?dl=0
8.  Blue t-shirt boy – closeup     316-326 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l4c4e0qssnr1j0d/AACNJpG_Xipu0NBS9SWsueLka?dl=0
9.  Green shirt girl     327-380 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q2z6xpckmdalf2d/AAD30RFu3hGr85muOJclMbAYa?dl=0
10.  Red shirt girl     381-411 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cx3na37gmuug8y6/AAARxc6mPzTBxn4MD63wAMZPa?dl=0
11.  Brown sweater (striped) girl     412-446 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v8z6f0xibzmi9t7/AACiHerhZ1puWRlEo5LJS8gIa?dl=0
12.  Blue suit (plaid) boy     447-492 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k7ung3000w020pz/AAAjywh22iJlRtk5TCel0Pfqa?dl=0
13.  Mini Harry – back view – walking down hallway     493-560 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/otjo41nryoyu6bg/AABe5JNCzhnYQnhZ0zYs4UQ-a?dl=0
14.  Mountain of sweets     561-628 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mpaoybsavtm2ngw/AADpjZWp5hRjVd0KUdNPakC9a?dl=0
15.  Mini Harry – opening lid of cupcake container     629-654 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g5843wlexfggpe2/AAB62gU8WX37bXv5xMZqbLTVa?dl=0
16.  Mini Harry – closeup – walking down hallway     655-692 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p9yc7h5cqz6yrjc/AAARpypxQkOaYg-DL69v8Ccga?dl=0
17.  Mountain of sweets – closeup     693-737 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rz7zu2ungay8bur/AADocHd5lwMy5itgrXGSkM57a?dl=0
18.  Mountain of sweets     738-779 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fxa6k1sffgl2n68/AACAHgy9GeF0ZqQ9LfeoHj8ya?dl=0
19.  Mini Harry – back view – walking down hallway     780-818 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ircg5ix5vmpdrka/AAAwnj3ayUY-au0oNO0iJJdMa?dl=0
20.  Boy – burbury-ish shirt – plaid     819-839 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o1ygf37zhbi8sr5/AADq2M2AnH2Lf5WkiVtZA-8ja?dl=0
21.  Girl – long hair – red sweater     840-856 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/iwza5fvz9jtxkjk/AAALSP_yKa5UAVA7heO_5UHXa?dl=0
22.  Girl – high piggies     857-872 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zzyt9b7imxb2qb1/AAAnnhfIyXAgtU3JK9Qhr3Kka?dl=0
23.  Girl – white sweater – girl – pink shirt     873-897 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4ycm33y10jsixud/AAAI8v3wuI_H2Q-LHwAPiNbLa?dl=0
24.  Boy – yellow suit – boy – blue shirt, green shorts     898-909 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/38eyenntt6i3qe0/AABEzqaEuADjQvtrq39A5uKda?dl=0
25.  Boy – yellow shirt     910-927 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf2g778gjuqubwm/AAAbzli9mh_dUUEzZf5Sb6v0a?dl=0
26.  Mini Harry – walking down hallway (Penguin art)     928-962 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8nefzj1ccmodivw/AAB80fXMy5S7DQ-ck1qZoH15a?dl=0
27.  Boy – red and white striped t-shirt     963-977 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ysviw8ewxvdxvdp/AAC3mSK4k3DLwfsguyH3z8-7a?dl=0
28.  Girl – red, white, blue stripes     978-998 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uxkbcew3s7p86vj/AABYfUQS9xg8rTzsHrfB0hyUa?dl=0
29.  Carrot Cake     999-1008 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wvawko8d7s021r6/AABj6Jf0PTeVXTRobdUlJHyVa?dl=0
30.  Sweets     1009-1018 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mbyh4yvxfcbw81t/AADhsjc9fwe-Z40h1n1zhAAma?dl=0
31.  Sweets     1019-1028 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rk3f2b77u5ax8bz/AAAzG8msstBBLm8nZBBtA8Ola?dl=0
32.  Sweets     1029-1039 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o713j7wi4ngkdud/AADLc8SQDLXO6xfGiToCZ1ona?dl=0
33.  Girl – braids     1040-1061 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ggiuo2hjqh4s8k8/AACjqjHeBkBAtPxfM-Y8X1-fa?dl=0
34.  Boy – red and white striped t-shirt     1062-1077 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3piqx5w1barlsmc/AACOXyc9PPVij2C4rqfruj6Ja?dl=0
35.  Boy – red sweater vest     1078-1102 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/25o51m266n1eal3/AABI2jcwUrPq6sdpBtmyW0poa?dl=0
36.  Boy – curly red hair     1103-1118 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aw6ppn0lua8da0z/AADH4-uWB9Az5ai_YHVTVsKya?dl=0
37.  Cupcake squished – green icing and cherry     1119-1141 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uwttxao13z5b2ew/AAC2r0dzeovP0zz5N1SW5tTXa?dl=0
38.  Boy – blue shirt, green shorts     1142-1159 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jci27csa1ptug9y/AADyUsrmjhnTN8RdmiC6zQ8Ua?dl=0
39.  boy – burbury shirt     1160-1179 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zla7xbppoop6v88/AAAo5UZTFkMEADl-G1dUchVWa?dl=0
40.  Girl – red checked shirt     1180-1200 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wcezarec3z1p4tg/AABJLjoTEWy8s5-iqu87TeAka?dl=0
41.  Boy – blue sweater vest – glasses     1201-1222 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i3j05z33eyc61ef/AAD6Fye35cQtA-PG9P1EhibRa?dl=0
42.  Mini Harry – walking down hallway     1223-1254 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jmdhxwm865ml4mp/AAB_kAvDvB6teh9f7AwK8nn4a?dl=0
43.  Girl – red hair     1255-1265 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a92e2f9dmktzrc6/AAD6Z_ZGR5Bb_FpkwI7UrHVIa?dl=0
44.  Girl – high piggies     1266-1277 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c3lhfia49gqzwde/AACvOirKWLP-HxP3qtyU6oi6a?dl=0
45.  Boy – afro     1278-1290 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/86uwtr4kgxen5jj/AAB1m7zpkw6DYLKEZ1U_x0Aaa?dl=0
46.  Boy – red flowered shirt     1291-1300 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uo3jyq1vr2nudo7/AAD3uAZvYEHvMxiacaAk4cLwa?dl=0
47.  Girl – white sweater – sweets     1301-1330 ->   https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gdf58m7dxxwf7kv/AACOQJx4uhcf7Ajag4Tk0ALca?dl=0
48.  Sweets (*Fine Line Cake*)     1331-1359 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/adp2mgeiu5j4fvn/AAB8triy8Gbc5ui6-Rx-9ZGoa?dl=0
49.  Boy – curly red hair     1360-1401 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uij47lfd7l99g6f/AAA42jHGMgf57RVRG-KHASo8a?dl=0
50.  Mini Harry – entering gym with cupcakes     1402-1431 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3s0e5abrw9s0xbz/AAD6tuwlvGMK6VwbVtK0Pv8ha?dl=0
51.  All kids in gym     1432-1453 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oh84parydkbwz5k/AADVAnW7PduYwwWC0ALBmhbLa?dl=0
52.  Girl – long red hair     1454-1471 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ytkdq1f265mvwab/AABUFKJxOLCf21lv19gWiUxma?dl=0
53.  Sweets – Mini Harry – entering gym     1472-1529 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/goowqces101jzep/AAC-tmxmxkBsNNKeWTehWzhFa?dl=0
54.  Mini Harry – sets down cupcake container – picks up two     1530-1615 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7gymu2ococre4tt/AABmwh0bQdHNoZDJy8kvHKGka?dl=0
55.  Boy – blond with toothpick     1616-1717 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sk947o55x5dcoej/AAC7SMfzl3uWBdrzZ4q97VbMa?dl=0
56.  Mini Harry looks around with cupcakes in hands     1718-1800 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yj1swddqq0kekwv/AABDyJwDGCkUzhpxD-gcasCka?dl=0
57.  Boy – blond – closeup     1801-1829 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/civ2siom2in0meh/AACVJSNSJUm9g8cP1Pi4icXEa?dl=0
58.  Girl – red, white and blue stripes     1830-1847 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4yfwv6odeym0upt/AAC-wpdYPP-ncOmF9S4CU3VSa?dl=0
59.  Girl – red checked shirt     1848-1864 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8du38h4lg1o9t5w/AAD-eeq630OeNtsPe8dQ5ASoa?dl=0
60.  Mini Harry – ready to launch cupcake     1865-1872 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7tysywcsd3xd4u1/AADwPv1ebTHfIYOWUTRGxiY8a?dl=0
61.  Boy – curly red hair – throws cupcake     1873-1890 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kvrxmdbo5gjn3fx/AADqgfyWRSh_kpN8IqVlJ_fra?dl=0
62.  Cupcake flies through air      1891-1918 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/37w82aycu126l2r/AADjm2u5ZTCN9yr55-W9itVba?dl=0
63.  Cupcake lands     1919-1941 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zqi8f3nqu4y2596/AACw1IeBDcpaCD8oz-Pw_iXva?dl=0
64.  Boy – yellow suit – What the fudge?     1942-2029 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5qvd299jk5z9g8v/AAB7py7SO1Kzdg2s1It83c85a?dl=0
65.  Girl – brown striped sweater     2030-2061 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/au8xlq52v449a9w/AABVepX6yAfS2U_JK4jvmzXra?dl=0
66.  Boy – burbury shirt     2062-2085 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sk2uv3mi5ju4a86/AAApQnkzUAF_qBTf42P7-jEMa?dl=0
67.  Boy – blond with toothpick     2086-2105 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dn30yujcyykf9nn/AAA5YQL3W09dT71qRyICSzSaa?dl=0
68.  Mini Harry – throws cupcake     2106-2123 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nz8vidzfz7gj8b7/AABK77jSJWZ0K8dy8qsa1Cgha?dl=0
69.  Boy – yellow suit – yells     2124-2144 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/d52nczvv7yk3rqb/AADFIE-sY0hZ8qKKaepTsWs_a?dl=0
70.  Chaos – throwing sweets     2145-2652 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ejnki7jdus2vztu/AAAyxamCnEFqkdqbUeGfLetfa?dl=0
71.  Chaos – view from above     2653-2708 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yrrpe5m12mqmuji/AACpiFhrC6dFsYRuLDIy8LwSa?dl=0
72.  Closeup – blue cupcakes gone     2709-2778 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s3ix5owyxzgpez5/AACkk4Xz6bCHXMgQhspri1yQa?dl=0
73.  Mini Harry – charges sweets pile     2779-3023 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v2g4zxkq5aejg5z/AACIvjc_PF_UVodx-E1wT4Cza?dl=0
74.  Mini Harry reaches sweets pile     3024-3043 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7quk57iieznroox/AAC050dNRtv3AZtZW4sTjt5Ba?dl=0
75.  Mini Harry grabs sweets and throws     3044-3063 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zj2j6o1p8jpuzzx/AACE4jCtlaUWrsq_O4pRgisOa?dl=0
76.  Overhead view     3064-3105 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l0dqjxd4sz5asyp/AADe1qsNNY18bNnRvZtcKG3ua?dl=0
77.  Mini Harry – closeup – crawls away from pile     3106-3269 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ntexzf0jsonhvx0/AADBf6pLRBTh76pGKa110gJQa?dl=0
78.  Harry enters gym with puppy     3270-3335 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/654k9x9ext0flvf/AAAmFXCDR6npF4yhyT87vGrxa?dl=0
79.  Mini Harry looks up at Harry     3336-3387 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dxj0t3wybr1xmlb/AABqtt6Do9QFLi-islDaabxUa?dl=0
80.  Harry crouches . . . Charge!     3388-3503 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7xz0qnazsniqk43/AABlbhv9dKhqZd1Os3Fc3odMa?dl=0
81.  Dog charge into gum     3504-3530 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9qkvh0xzxiogzc1/AAATU2BoVyinTwC7YGrR4CSla?dl=0
82.  More throwing sweets chaos     3531-3587 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4l1hvpscg9eu084/AACwa6iJMJ6MLS2y2LjD3Phqa?dl=0
83.  Harry screaming     3588-3665 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/evy847itry7egjx/AAApycr9M5f3BiRs1xXBTycja?dl=0
84.  Throwing chaos and dogs eating     3666-3714 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e41rqs89jovvj4j/AAAcv6Itzu8MA4SjEGrMeZMja?dl=0
85.  Harry and dogs charge     3715-3739 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/19zee8ne0z66bnf/AABJ1OOnSIYZVOvbWlHi8UXua?dl=0
86.  Throwing chaos     3740-3804 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mnig2k4f4galk42/AAANmHBhwr5hzvbF0ii_BaGJa?dl=0
87.  Harry – closeup     3805-3824 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u9ixmwnkj5lgqqc/AAB9bgXXz9ndblAmgJL7zIHma?dl=0
88.  Throwing chaos – dogs eating     3825-4012 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8c7hbx2hedfehql/AAAVw5HsZsFILSqUamFoB4_Ba?dl=0
89.  Harry taking cover – pink cupcake     4013-4167 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2if175hcrvzej6s/AACRlRkXqfJ8RDASOCbct-3Da?dl=0
90.  Death?     4168-4248 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ddf8o8tnvoxz5lm/AACAdyvKw4RKpy0Aq53xrAXea?dl=0
91.  Harry – closeup     4249-4321 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/puurr1w9qxldqyl/AAD3D8akj8YfNUutSCBnIVDka?dl=0
92.  Class picture – Harry smirks     4322-4482 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3fm21dhcichmavp/AADBeSs5N03cJR9Fg8nbIOX1a?dl=0
93.  Black     4483-4563 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/af86abcx45wjw68/AAC18iMNT5DzYP9_YyIRxwb3a?dl=0
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cowthropologist · 5 years
I want Robert Pattinson to actually be like that and then to get drunk with him. I would listen to him complain about Twilight for hours, it would be fascinating. Like I want the deets. The DL. The 411. Th
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endlessrain3108 · 5 years
Nhân một tối không mây cũng chẳng mưa, dẫn xác về nhà sau một ngày bết bát oánh bóng vỉa hè phố thị và tất nhiên là sau khi đã dọn dẹp loanh quanh đủ thứ ở nhà. Mở máy lên internet kiếm nguồn tư liệu làm việc, đập vô mắt đầu tiên là những thứ “rác rưởi” của thị dân đại chúng. 
Vốn là đã có nguồn cơn từ trước cho những thứ “nhọ nồi” kiểu vậy, cộng hưởng với cái tâm trí tạm gọi là bấn loạn của bản thể. N quyết định đảo chính gác bút dẹp việc một bên và lải nhải vài gạch đầu dòng chả ngắn chả dài :
Vụ thứ nhất , nếu đã là người Việt để mà nói rằng thì mà là không ai lạ lẫm gì với ngày 27/7 (thương binh liệt sĩ). Năm nào cũng có một vài xờ-căng-đan vừa và nhỏ liên quan.
Nhưng, riêng tại thời điểm 27/7/2019, có thể gọi là phốt to nhất nước Việt trước nay ở một tỉnh mà khi nhắc tới thì ai cũng nghĩ cái tỉnh/địa phương đó nghèo. Theo một vài góc độ khía cạnh nào đó thì có thể là vậy. Mặt khác, vẫn biết Đảng và nhà nước có chủ trương bài trừ mê tín dị đoan xưa nay. Nhưng, qua sự vụ “thầu dự án” thắp hương thờ cúng liệt sĩ lên tới 5 tỉ đồng, thì thử hỏi “liệu các liệt sĩ an nghỉ dưới lớp đất kia có ăn được không hay lại rơi vào túi của mấy bố lãnh đạo từ địa phương lên tới trung ương? Đồng thời, thử hỏi chúng có biết ngoài hàng ngàn vạn hecta nơi những liệt sĩ an nghỉ đó , thì xã hội ngoài kia còn có biết bao nhiêu triệu thương bệnh binh đương phải lê lết chống chọi với những “cán bộ do dân bầu vì dân phục vụ” ngày ngày bòn mót rượt đuổi hay bắt bớ những người có công giữ yên vùng trời cho chúng “công tác và làm việc”? 
Và khi mảnh tin được đưa lên những phương thức truyền thông đại chúng, thử hỏi, có bao nhiêu thương bệnh binh còn “tồn tại” kia cũng chỉ biết tặc lưỡi ngậm ngùi mà “giá như năm ấy hy sinh cho đỡ khổ như bây giờ” ?
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Tại một góc độ khác của ngày 27/7, N nhớ tới vụ tượng đài “Mẹ Việt Nam anh hùng” ở Quảng Nam sau gần 7 năm thi công với kinh phí xây dựng lên đến 411 tỷ đồng mới được hoàn thành,  được trao huy chương vàng tại Triển lãm mỹ thuật Việt Nam năm 2015 và trở thành tượng đài lớn nhất Đông Nam Á.
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Vậy còn mẹ Tề, mẹ có gì và được gì từ bức phù điêu tiếng tăm lừng lẫy kia? Trong khi, ước nguyện duy nhất trong những năm tháng cuối đời vẫn chưa thỏa toại?
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Như vậy, câu tục ngữ “Thượng bất chính, Hạ tắc loạn” áp dung cho trường hợp này phải chăng là hoàn toàn đúng?
Vụ thứ hai, trong 6 tháng đầu năm 2019, có khá hoặc quá nhiều vấn nạn liên quan đến nhân phẩm và đạo đức của con người, có những vụ đã được ếm nhẹm trong vòng nửa nốt nhạc và cũng có vài vụ được đưa ra như thể thí tốt đẩy xe vậy. 
Và, trong số những phi vụ thí tốt đó. Nổi cộm chuyện ông Nguyễn Hữu Linh - nguyên Bí thư Đảng ủy, Phó Viện trưởng Viện Kiểm sát Nhân dân thành phố Đà Nẵng, nguyên trưởng ban Vì sự Tiến bộ Phụ nữ Viện Kiểm sát Nhân dân thành phố Đà Nẵng được đưa ra bàn cân xét xử vụ “sàm sỡ bé gái trong thang máy” xảy ra vào tháng 4/2019. 
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Nhưng cho tới hiện tại, việc xét xử định tội danh của ông ta vẫn đương được “đong đi đếm lại cân đo”.
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Vụ thứ ba, nối gót theo ông Nguyễn Hữu Linh. Ông Vũ Anh Cường - cựu tổng giám đốc Công ty Cổ phần Đầu tư Thương mại Dịch vụ Đất Lành chuyên về bất động sản, có hành vi sàm sỡ khách nữ trên khoang hạng thương gia của Vietnam Airlines vào tháng 7/2019.
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Nhưng vì khi còn đương nhiệm, ông Cường đã dính quá nhiều biến tai tiếng liên quan đến việc giở chiêu trò để chiếm dụng tiền của người dân dưới dạng hợp đồng góp vốn bất động sản. Mặt khác, với tầm cỡ ảnh hưởng có thể nói là dạng “con kiến” thì ông Cường thăng sẽ nhanh hơn ông Linh vài bước. (Gia Cát Dự là thế - hên xui)
Qua 3 sự vụ trên, có thể thấy : xã hội đang đầy rẫy những kẻ cậy quyền thế, cậy quen biết để ức hiếp người khác bất chấp mọi nơi, mọi lúc. Và đây chính là kết quả của thói quen “ăn bám” các quan hệ của mình để chèn ép, đe dọa người yếu thế. Những kẻ này tự cho mình cái quyền chà đạp, ức hiếp, vỗ ngực xưng danh, mượn danh người khác để thị uy, ra oai, ngông cuồng, độc đoán, không biết lắng nghe người khác.
Trước vụ của ông Cường, “cư dân trong và ngoài mạng” ai ai cũng lan truyền nhau video clip một cô nhân viên Spa xinh xắn trong ngày 17/7.
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Sự việc được phát tán rộng rãi, ngoài những kiểu trend mới nổi như “tát không trượt phát nào”.v.v.... thì câu “người tối cổ” cũng có thể coi là một trào lưu văn hóa mạng. Ngoài ra, qua clip của cô nhân viên này, nhiều người áp dụng vào những câu lý luận mang tính triết gia marketing với những phát ngôn táo bạo 
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Hay như, 
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Sau đó mấy hôm, 23/7, thi dân mạng lại xôn xao sửng sốt với clip ân ái mang tính “pắp - níc - sờ” nối gót cô nhân viên spa nọ. Được biết cô ả cũng là một “hót gà hốt vịt”  gì đó ở đất Hà, nhưng thực hư thì chưa rõ.
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Khác với cô nhân viên spa nọ, phong thái của cô ả không mấy tỏ ra lo lắng hay thanh minh thanh nga gì, thay vào đó, cô nàng vẫn tung tăng làm những gì mình muốn và đạp trên dư luận. 
Và, dần dà việc quay clip ái ân chăn chiếu rồi tung lên mạng đã và đang là một dạng “trend” phổ biến trong xã hội, đồng thời tạo ra phong trào mua bán dâm kiểu mới giữa những “đồng dâm” .
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Trong hai ngày 30 và 31/7 vừa qua, bầy đàn “cào phím” lại truyền bá cho nhau về sự vụ “cờ-líp” của MC Hoàng Linh - người dẫn chương trình chúng tôi là chiến sĩ trên VTV3.
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Dẫu chưa biết thực hư kết quả ra sao, nhưng chí ít thì già nửa dân số Việt đã và đang truy lùng canh me “link vào vùng kín” của cô. 
Ngoài ra, nói đi rồi cũng nên nói lại, theo câu nói “nếu không muốn ai biết thì đừng làm” hay câu thành ngữ  “không có lửa sao có khói”. Thì, việc tin đồn clip 18+ của Linh âu cũng xuất phát điểm từ những bức hình tạm gọi là hớ hênh theo chủ nghĩa phóng khoáng hiện thời. 
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Đồng xen kẽ theo ý niệm cá nhân, rằng “là con người, dù gái hay trai già hay trẻ thì ai mà chẳng ưa nịnh và thích được khen được tung hô ca tụng”.  Nó hoàn toàn là yếu điểm của loài người nói chung,
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Qua đó không tránh khỏi chuyện cái clip 18+ thứ thiệt  nào đó được “xã đoàn” quần chúng hưởng ứng và lan truyền. Hiển nhiên, sự gán ghép tên tuổi vào một clip nào đó quả là một trò đùa ác ý hoặc không. 
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Mặt khác , nhìn trên góc độ khách quan mà nói, rằng mà thì là “họ có hàng thì họ trưng ra theo kiểu chụy đệp chụy có quyền thế thôi!”
Suy cho cùng, vẫn là : trước khi phán xét hay phê bình phẩm bất kỳ gì - dù trên mạng hay ngoài đời, cần thiết nhìn nhận lại bản thể liệu có khá khẩm tốt đẹp không tì vết để thị dân phải đặt điều đàm tiếu hay không đã. Bởi vậy mới có câu nói “hai mặt của một vấn đề” , trên thực tế một vấn đề có quá nhiều mặt và góc cạnh - đừng nhìn nhận phê phẩm chủ quan một vế đơn chiều.
Cuối cùng, mượn mấy câu trong bài rap châm biếm mang tên “rắc rối” của Karik để tạm khép lại cái mớ hổ lốn này.
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Ngoài mấy cái gạch gạch chấm chấm kia, còn nhiều nhiều nữa những thứ nhiễu nhương, thây kệ, chán rồi.
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fxhdr · 4 years
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Saving the Siblings - A Dark Angel Lomax AU 2
What would have happened around C.R.E.A.M--when Max and Logan still weren't that close yet--if they'd agreed to have a more sibling-esque relationship? How would the entire rest of the story played out differently? But Lomax will still be endgame in this, I swear. https://www.archiveofourown.org/works/21821767
Author’s Note: I remember nothing about Vada’s personality from the books, so I’m making it all up myself. Yep. Also, this "episode" is technically "411 on the DL", but things are playing out somewhat differently than they did there, because of the ripple effect of Max and Logan deciding to try and just be sibling-like themselves. "So, lemme get this straight," Original Cindy said the next morning, as she and Max pedaled into Jam Pony and Normal glared at them for being late. "You told Hot Boy ya just want 'im to be your brother. And he took it well? Even though ‘e looked at chu all dreamy-eyed, when we talked about chu?" Max scoffed. And even in being a genetically engineered killing machine, who had grace like no other, she still almost ran into Normal's desk because of the absurdity of what Original Cindy had just said "OC! I highly doubt he did that! Logan and I aren't like that. And, yeah… he took it well. Goes to show that not all men think with their third leg, huh?" Original Cindy seemed doubtful about that, but didn't comment any further. Which was probably a good thing. Normal was currently snapping at them for being late and telling them to "bip bip bip", as he shoved packages into both of their hands. Max was about to take hers to its intended destination with no reaction, when suddenly she caught something with her cat-like eyes. This package had been slightly ripped open, and within it was a newspaper article. A newspaper article with her barcode number on it and an address. Normal, unfortunately, noticed what Max had done and was quick to try and take the package out of her hands. But she fought against him. "Hey, Missy! That right there is private property! You had no right to do that, and it’s coming out of your paycheck!" "Yeah, sure, whatever," Max said with a calm façade as she handed the package back to Normal, knowing he wouldn't trust her to deliver it now and that he needed to patch the rest of it up before he gave it to another deliverer, anyway On the inside, Max was panicking. With her number being in the paper, was it Lydecker trying to draw her out of one of her sibs trying to contact her? "You okay, Suga?" Original Cindy asked, in having seen Max become less of a fog bank there, in actually showcasing some real emotion right there… fear. And even though Max was trying to improve her relationship with everyone in her day to day life, by being more honest with them (save for Logan, perhaps, because of the mess of a situation she’d gotten them into), Max lied yet again when she turned to her soul sister with a sugary sweet smile on her face. “Of course I am.” ... The forefront of Max, as she was out in Seattle delivering a different package for Normal, of course thought that the whole thing had to be a trap. Of course it was that... how could it be anything else? But there was a stupid, rebellious part of her that hadn’t listened to warnings about “phony sentimentality”, that wanted to go check out this address… that she was thinking was a Playfair Cipher. But what was the key word to decode it? Despite how Max had at first not wanted to go see Logan about this—because surely he'd care that she was going to go risk her life, and would thus do away with their whole: "we're going to pretend to be siblings to each other” shtick for the moment—she found that she had to… she just needed his advice on this, like no other’s. When Max reached Logan's suite in Fogle Towers—and broke into it to get in, once again—the first thing she saw was Logan clearly coming out of the shower, as he pulled a towel off of his neck and put a shirt on... And almost immediately he was pissy: Max could read it on his face, probably because he couldn't come out of the shower on his feet any other hot-blooded male. Most of the time, Max didn't understand men at all... and so she pretended to not notice his tude, and prayed that he would leave it alone, too. "Max, what are you doing here?" Logan asked with great caring in his tone, as he wheeled over to where she was in his living room. Apparently, he was going to be civil today; and in thinking that he needed to be rewarded for that, Max winked at him before she instantly regretted it and tried to awkwardly move the conversation along. "So, Logan... dilemma time. Someone has put my barcode in the paper—and it’s like opening the front page and finding my undies, I tell you--and have put an address on where to meet up via a Playfair Cipher…. I just figured out that the key word was ‘Maxie’. But get this: when figured out, it leads to Vogelsang's address... Clearly, I can't go, right? I mean, it's obviously a trap. Vogelsang must have been compromised… and found out things about me, he shouldn't know." Logan opened his mouth once—and via his pinched eyebrows, and the way he seemed about to motion that Bling should come in here to also talk sense into her, perhaps, Max could tell he'd been about to tell her not to go, too—but then closed it, before opening it again to say something he hadn’t been planning on before, she guessed. "I think, Max," Logan said, as he now wheeled away from her to put some distance between them, which immediately had Max feeling suspicious and offended as she put her hand on her hip and glared at him. "That it's one of two options. One, Vogelsang is trying to lure you into a trap or maybe even has a conscience and wants to warn you away from one... but would he really bite the hand that already abuses him? I don't know... I also don't know if he's clever enough to use such a cipher for you. “But I don't think it's Manticore trying to lure you out. They'd think you'd be too smart for it. And with their pride—even though you're all smarter than they are—I think they’d make the code more difficult to figure out… so I do think it might be one of your siblings." "And you think I should go after them," Max finished, as she straightened back up and chose to walk towards the man who was living dangerously right now, and suggesting that she risk her life. Again. Max tried to be happy about this news… that it could have been Zack, or Jondy, or Tinga, or any of the other siblings she normally would have been happy to risk her life for the chance to see… but she couldn’t quite get there… Something about Logan stepping into that role for her, making her less likely to want to give up what she’d built for herself in Seattle, mayhap? Outside, it had started raining again—as it always did here in Seattle... particularly when she and Logan were about to make a dumb choice about each other, and the Blue Lady sensed they needed some cold in the air in order to cool themselves off before they did that--and Logan said, "Yes... as a- a brother to you now, I suggest that you go. And I know if it were me, and I had siblings, I would." And so that only left one thing for Max to do, didn’t it? And she reluctantly smiled at Logan, for giving her the advice she had wanted… even though she didn’t know if she should do that or not, for so many reasons. ... Max went to Vogelsang’s before the specified time marked on the newspaper. She needed to stake the place out before anything unsavory happened there, and she was. And while her sibling could have been at good as subterfuge as she was right now (Max had decided to go into the ocean before she came here, to hopefully erase her scent from Manticore guard dogs if they were here, and had painted herself in black to even moreso fit in with the night), she just assumed they weren't here yet. But eventually, she saw a shock of short, blond hair a few floors above her—that could have been Ben, Zack, or Jack… if fate had been kind in some alternate universe for that last one, that was—and she jumped up that way herself, through the windowless opening and to the tenth floor... that looked a lot like a parking garage to Max. And once there, she saw who could have only been Zack—he looked just like she remembered, and she found herself blinking back tears and gasping at the mere thought of it—as he seemed to try and reach for an invisible person before them... Finally, Zack sensed Max—and whirled around with his fists out and one foot forward, clearly ready to fight—before Max washed the gunk off her face to show him who she clearly was… she was the only X5 kid who had had these kinds of features, after all. "Zack, it's me. It's Max. If you don't believe me, come around behind me and look at my barcode. I’ll put my arms up and not move." But her eyes must have been sincere... or he must have recognized her voice, or even now—and certainly not have just have memorized every inch of her because he loved her, Max would later try and lie to herself—because the next thing Max knew, she was in Zack's arms as he held onto her for dear life... and as Max clung to this brother of hers, she tried to breathe in all of what she thought she'd been missing for so long... but she felt nothing. "Maxie... is that really you?" Zack asked, as he buried his face in the crook of her neck... and a part of her beginning to go into heat, no doubt, wanted to kiss him for that action. "We thought- we all thought you were dead! That if you were alive, you would have found us all by now... So to honor you, we decided that—at least this first time—that if one of us ever went back to Manticore and we then heard they’d broken out… That I would put your barcode in the paper with this address, so they’d know where to find me for help. Right now, we’re waiting for Vada." "Vada? …As in that sweet sister of ours, who actually cared about makeup even back at Manticore? And tried to emulate what she saw on some of the guards’ faces with chalk?” And it was just as Max asked that, that said girl came up the flight of stairs that led to this garage on her motorcycle. And this didn’t really take Max aback… all X-series transgenics were spectacular with these vehicles, as it must have been in their makeup. …But this almost seemed too scripted to Max. And Vada seemed too sure of herself, if the hounds from Hell really were supposed to be on her tail… Her hair was also so long—something that Max couldn't imagine that would lend to her fighting for her life well… unless she had been on a deep cover op from Manticore for this, and had had to look as normal as possible for it… And if she’d done that quest for them like a little girl without trying to escape then… what were the chances that she had tried to leave now? "Vada!" Zack exclaimed the moment he saw her, with a wide smile on his face as he began walking over her to greet her. And Max couldn't believe that their CO Zack, of all people, was forgetting his training and exposing himself to the enemy so easily! Max got it, she did. Having a sister captured and rescued so easily must have been a dream come true to Zack, on the off-chance they ever tried to do this kind of thing again… but it was too good to be true, was the thing. "Zack... Listen to me… Do you really think Lydecker would have let Vada escape so easily? This is Lydecker we’re talking about! Who probably knew from our genetic makeup, just how long we could stay underwater. But he made us try it to tortured us, anyway!" Zack looked at Max furiously then—as Vada just seemed to look at them blankly—and here Max had thought that if anyone would have been arguing one of the others might have been turned, it would have been Zack and not her. But as far as Max was concerned, her life was making less and less sense all the time. "Max," Zack argued, as he reached to put a hand on her shoulder but then swiftly pulled it away, as if he'd been burnt. "There's no way Vada was turned! You should know that better than anyone! Our siblings always meant the most to you… and we all know how to forget things, even when under torture from Psy-Ops." "Actually, dear brother, Max is right. You should have listened to her,” said a sickeningly sweet voice in Max's ear—as she heard a gun being cocked behind her and felt it being pressed against her temple. Fuck. TCs had used grappling guns to get up here the same way she and Zack had, huh? Somehow, Max hadn’t stopped to think that anyone would be that well prepared at all. With how long she’d been free without Lydecker finding a trace of her, for the most part, Max had just assumed he had his thumb up his butt… but apparently that wasn’t the case. She sighed. "Vada," Max breathed, as she put her hands on her head. "Why are you doing this, dear sister? Do tell. Did they break you in Psy-Ops that easily? You were always more weak-willed than the rest of us." Max had expected Vada to hiss at her, and instruct the man under her command to hit her with the butt of the gun or something. But she did no such thing. Instead, her breath hitched in her throat and blinked back tears. And suddenly it hit Max that maybe Vada wasn’t as willing a participant in this as she’d first suspected, if she’d tried to give them a heads-up with her words. And the men behind Max and Zack—three of them actually had him in a chokehold—must have started to realize Vada was teetering on which side she was on here, because this time Max did have the gun slammed into her face… and it disoriented her some, as blood got into her eye. But she carried on, anyway. "Vada... you were reprogrammed back at Manticore, right? You never got out... this mostly was a trap for us. But at the same time, sister, I don't think you're completely buying their shit, either. Because otherwise, you wouldn't feel a thing about burning us. So, what? You're in the land of question marks now? Well, get out of it and do something, one way or another." That seemed to make something click within Vada... and Max could see warmth in her sister's eyes, even while she blocked their only exit: the kind that she'd seen reflected in her own so many times when she was with children... Could it have been that Vada was a mother and remembering that she had a child to return to? Where all X5 women particularly maternal? "Vada, please.” This time it was Zack: looking at their sister with begging baby blues that Max wanted to swim in, as her womb chose that moment to feel really empty. Damned heat! Max thought, as she slapped herself across the face before her hormones could make her want to jump the men holding her hostage, even. Before Zack could say anymore, at least ten Manticore men showed up behind Vada at the door… and she surprised everyone, as she suddenly powered her bike and mowed them all down with a vengeance. And just like that, both Max and Zack were done playing the pacifists. Zack took care of the three on him, as he jumped into the air and kicked at one’s leg—breaking it—and broke another’s neck with his hands… before landing on the third and beating their face in. Max, meanwhile, did some of the aerial attacks that she was known for. She did a backflip into the air, and knocked her guy out as she kicked out… but not before winking at him. She then punched out a man who was trying to grab her while she was in the air and landed on a girl’s neck… Max pinched the pressure point on the back of their neck—which felt good, somehow: that a Manticore soldier could have a weakness in that spot, too—and wished her sweet dreams. And that left only five new soldiers who had heard the chaos and were coming up to investigate behind Vada. "Zack, Max quick! Get on the motorcycle!” she begged. The two X5s didn’t have to be asked twice. They did just what their sister said, and ran these five men down as they made their mistake… and swept past a witless Lydecker once again. ... When Zack had left Vada under Max’s care (at least temporarily, as he went to get alcohol to celebrate their sis coming back to them… though Max herself wasn’t so confident about it yet), she had thought about taking her over to Logan's—because she had to.. because for whatever reason, she still had feelings for him, Max scolded herself—but in the end, she didn't. And this time it wasn't just because she was trying to keep them at the "just friends" level: it was because Max knew she'd have to rehabilitate Vada... and if her sister snapped and killed people, she really didn't want her to take out the beacon of all things good and true, Eyes Only. And while Max thought it was potentially more dangerous for Vada to be around Kendra—since Kendra had no training to be a "soldier", and hadn't signed up for any of this—she also was thinking that Vada would see that Kendra was a civilian (like Vada’s own baby girl, if Max was right about that) and take it easy on her... Or so she was hoping that, anyway. "So, yeah, Kendra," Max was telling her roommate now--loud enough so Vada could hear her, but not so much that she'd make Kendra realize there was anything weird about them… which wasn’t that easy to juggle. "This is my long-lost sister, Vada. She's gonna be staying with us for a while, if that's cool, until she can get things squared away with her family." Max put her hypothesis about Vada into her words, partly to see if she'd get a reaction from her that would prove Max right… and to assure Vada that if she did have a family... she was going to sort it out and go back there soon, so she wasn't constantly endangering Max’s roomie here. "Okay, Max," Kendra said as she paused in the translations she was making for her students and gave Max a considering look. "But one day you're going to have to dish about all this family drama of yours.” Oh. So, it seemed that that Kendra was still suspicious of what Cindy had told her had happened while she'd been in jail, after all. If that was the case—and she kept putting two and two together—then Max supposed might not have a choice on that front. "Soon enough, Kendra," said Max with a slight smile, shocking even herself with it. "Soon enough." At that point, Kendra had decided to go to bed—as she was tired from a long day of work—and Max perched on the footrest at the end of the couch Vada occupied in their living room. She did this so her sister would know that she was there and find comfort in it, perhaps, but also so she was elevated in case the other brunette decided to attack. It must have been the feline DNA in her making these decisions... because this way, Max knew she'd be able to see Vada move the moment she decided to attack—if she did that—and could then easily leap into her beloved air to fight. And Vada must have noticed that Max was somewhat skittish—though Max hated thinking of herself that way. And if she could've, she probably would have banned it from the English language after tonight—because Vada ended up answering Max's question from earlier as she nudged her leg with her foot. "You're right, Max. I do have a family... Damn. Why I ever let Lydecker turn me against them, I don't know... And I feel even worse in trying to help him bag you and Zack. I'm so sorry." "Don't feel too bad, Sis," Max said, as she patted her sister’s foot. "We're not all experts at resisting Psy-Ops and making ourselves forget information on our loved ones… or even our own names. I know I'm not." But even while Max said it, she didn't know if she believed her own words. After all she'd just detailed why Psy-Ops was a bitch, hadn't she? So, any brainwashing she’d once had was long gone, and would hopefully stay that way if she held onto such thinking. But since Vada had given in… did she really believe she felt bad about what had happened, and wasn't still under Manticore's influence? Max probably would have risked telling Vada she was full of shit, too, if at that moment she hadn't said the golden words. "And speaking of our family... you know that they have Jondy too, right?" "Jondy? How… why? How did they get the youngest of us now, and who let it happen?" And Max didn't care about anything she’d just thought of Vada… because they would get Jondy out with no consequences, and she would be her old self. She would be. Or else Max would just off herself, because she had no reason left to believe in this world. Author’s Note: I am so sorry for such a late update. I’m just working on a million stories right now. But I haven’t abandoned this story, and never will.
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mykonosislandworld · 5 years
Φορολογικό πρόστιμο ύψους 500 ευρώ σε όσους δέν αντικαταστήσουν ταμειακές μηχανές - Ποιές πρέπει να αποσυρθούν
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Εως τις 31 Μαϊου στο πλαίσιο της διασύνδεσης των ταμειακών με το taxis για την μετάδοση των στοιχείων λιανικών πωλήσεων θα πρέπει υποχρεωτικά να αποσυρθούν και να αντικατασταθούν .......οι τύποι ταμειακών μηχανών που καθορίστηκαν με απόφαση του διοικητή της ΑΑΔΕ κ. Γ. Πιτσιλή και περιλαμβάνονται στον κατάλογο των 179 μοντέλων. Η σχετική απόφαση προβλέπει φορολογικό πρόστιμο ύψους 500 ευρώ σε όποια επιχείρηση, καταστηματάρχη και επιτηδευματία δεν συμμορφωθεί. Με βάση την απόφαση αυτή οι μηχανές που αποσύρονται επειδή δεν μπορούν να συνδεθούν online με την εφορία, είναι η εξής: Α/Α ΟΝΟΜΑΣΙΑ ΜΟΝΤΕΛΟΥ ΦΗΜ ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ ΕΓΚΡΙΣΗΣ 1 LD201G 15 ΠΛΩ 279/22-07-2003 2 SYNTHEX900P 15 ΠΥΞ 280/22-07-2003 3 GI 980 15 ΠΞΘ 281/22-07-2003 4 FGL 980 15 ΠΘΕ 282/22-07-2003 5 DEM-204 15 ΠΔΣ 297/19-12-2003 6 PBM PE1 15 ΘΓ 298/22-12-2003 7 SAREMAGAS 15 ΠΑΟ 300/12-01-2004 8 PROLINE PETROL 15 ΠΘΔ 301/16-01-2004 9 ICS GAS PUMP 15 ΠΦΛ 302/20-02-2004 10 FUEL MANAGER 15 ΠΟΑ 303/26-02-2004 11 NCR REAL POS 7167 15 ΔΧΨ 304/26-02-2004 12 PBM NE1 15 ΘΖ 306/13-05-2004 13 PROLINE ERGO SPEED 15 ΔΕΨ 307/13-05-2004 14 FS MICROFISCAL PFP 15 ΠΗΦ 308/13-05-2004 15 CASIO FE5000G 15 ΕΥ 309/20-05-2004 16 SAM4S ER-350F 15 ΔΗ 310/03-06-2004 17 POSI FISCAL II/C 15 ΔΧΠ 311/03-06-2004 18 SAMSUNG FISCAL 350 15 ΔΗΧ 312/15-06-2004 19 IBM 4610-KH5 SURE MARK 15 ΠΟΒ 313/15-06-2004 20 SYNTHEX550 ACR 15 ΣΧ 314/01-07-2004 21 ARCADIA 6010 PLUS 15 ΓΕ 315/22-07-2004 22 SAM4S ER-420M 15 ΓΩ 316/11-10-2004 23 SAM4S ER-5200 15 ΣΩ 317/11-10-2004 24 SAM4S ER-5240 15 ΧΩ 318/11-10-2004 25 LD-90 FISCAL 15 ΔΛΔ 319/08-11-2004 26 MF-EJ210 15 ΔΗΝ 320/08-11-2004 27 SYNTHEX450 EJR 15 ΛΥ 321/16-12-2004 28 NCR REALPOS 7197 15 ΔΤΞ 322/16-12-2004 29 T EPSON 6000 15 ΔΚΓ 323/17-02-2005 30 SOLIDUS ST-50 15 ΣΔ 324/04-03-2005 31 QUORION CR30T2 15 ΘΠ 325/18-04-2005 32 JUNIOR 15 ΟΧ 326/18-04-2005 33 DL-80 15 ΝΠ 327/17-05-2005 34 PBM NE-2 15 ΘΗ 328/13-07-2005 35 HITECH 458 G 15 ΑΞ 329/02-08-2005 36 HITECH 458G-REST 15 ΕΞ 330/02-08-2005 37 PROLINE 10 15 ΩΔ 331/02-08-2005 38 DCR GIOTTO-B 15 ΡΠ 334/13-12-2005 39 DCR GIOTTO 15 ΡΓ 335/13-12-2005 40 SAREMAXT-NEW 15 ΗΖ 336/13-12-2005 41 SHARP ER-A227G 15 ΣΗ 337/20-12-2005 42 DR 570 LT 15 ΔΡ 338/20-12-2005 43 LD 628 FISCAL 15 ΛΕ 339/20-12-2005 44 ASTERIAS DCR MICROTHERM 15 ΔΒ 340/09-02-2006 45 ASTERIAS DCR LADYTHERM 15 ΔΛ 341/09-02-2006 46 ICS ELEGANT 15 ΚΗ 342/16-02-2006 47 ICS EXTRA 15 ΚΘ 343/02-03-2006 48 ADMATEPLUS+ 15 ΦΒ 344/17-05-2006 49 SAM4S ER-380 15 ΔΩ 345/17-05-2006 50 DPS S-2020 15 ΤΨ 346/12-07-2006 51 DPS S-2020R 15 ΣΖ 347/12-07-2006 52 MERCURY130F 15 ΦΗ 348/12-07-2006 53 EURO-2100 15 ΝΛ 349/06-09-2006 54 EURO-2100MP 15 ΚΜ 350/06-09-2006 55 i-POS 15 ΒΤ 351/06-09-2006 56 EUROSHOP 258 15 ΤΦ 352/27-10-2006 57 D.P.S. S-700 15 ΤΩ 353/03-11-2006 58 EUROSMART258 15 ΒΖ 354/03-11-2006 59 ZIP 258 15 ΒΨ 355/03-11-2006 60 ICS EASY FISCAL 15 ΔΥΓ 356/29-11-2006 61 ICS ELEGANT PLUS 15 ΦΥ 357/29-11-2006 62 CASIO FE-811 15 ΩΒ 361/15-02-2007 63 PROLINE COSMOS B 15 ΦΨ 362/15-02-2007 64 PROLINE COSMOS Α 15 ΥΚ 363/15-02-2007 65 IS-1 15 ΣΘ 364/15-02-2007 66 ER-2500 15 ΘΙ 365/22-02-2007 67 CASH 3500 15 ΠΘ 366/22-03-2007 68 NATIONALOPALINA 15 ΨΩ 367/22-03-2007 69 NATIONALOPALINARS 15 ΩΧ 368/22-03-2007 70 D.P.S. S-800 15 ΨΑ 369/22-03-2007 71 EURO-200TX 15 ΘΡ 370/21-06-2007 72 MERCURY140F 15 ΦΖ 371/21-06-2007 73 PALMARPLUS 15 ΩΖ 373/02-08-2007 74 INFO CARINA 15 ΨΒ 374/02-08-2007 75 ASTERIAS SERENE 15 ΔΧ 376/02-08-2007 76 ASTERIAS SUPER 2200 15 ΘΣ 377/02-08-2007 77 QUORION CR 1222 15 ΠΖ 378/21-01-2008 78 GTM-100 15 ΣΙ 379/21-01-2008 79 CASIO TE-300F 15 ΧΒ 380/21-01-2008 80 OLIVETTI CRF 100 15 ΙΓ 381/21-01-2008 81 TOSHIBAFISCAL 15 ΚΩ 382/21-01-2008 82 ASTERIAS SERENA PLUS 15 ΨΔ 383/28-01-2008 83 MF-EJ320 15 ΔΑΖ 384/13-03-2008 84 SAM4S ER-260BF 15 ΛΧ 385/13-03-2008 85 FPU-EJ 15 ΔΝΧ 386/13-03-2008 86 CASH 2100 15 ΓΚ 387/13-03-2008 87 SAREMASUPERAMERICA 15 ΛΗ 388/13-03-2008 88 ER-497G 15 ΓΑ 389/15-05-2008 89 SOLIDUS ST-500 15 ΣΞ 390/15-05-2008 90 PBM NE-3 15 ΠΞ 391/15-05-2008 91 IBM 4610 SUREMARK MODEL GB3α 15 ΔΘΚ 392/15-05-2008 92 IBM 4610 SUREMARK MODEL GB5β 15 ΔΛΒ 393/15-05-2008 93 IBM 4610 SUREMARK MODEL GR3γ 15 ΔΨΓ 394/15-05-1908 94 IBM 4610 SUREMARK MODEL GB5δ 15 ΔΩΓ 395/15-05-2008 95 SATURNO 15 ΨΕ 396/15-05-2008 96 D.P.S. Open Cash 15 ΦΤ 397/10-07-2008 97 TEPSON TM-81F 15 ΔΒΝ 398/10-07-2008 98 LINEA 15 ΘΤ 399/10-07-2008 99 NESSO 15 ΨΖ 400/10-07-2008 100 ICS MICROPOS PLUS 15 ΓΖ 401/10-07-2008 101 ARCADIA III 15 ΣΥ 402/22-10-2008 102 WISDOR CRD81 15 ΓΘ 403/22-10-2008 103 AS220 FISCAL AEPSON 15 ΑΨ 404/22-10-2008 104 NORIKON-58 15 ΓΙ 405/22-10-2008 105 ER-357G 15 ΓΞ 406/16-12-2008 106 MF-EJ210A 15 ΔΛΟ 408/16-12-2008 107 ADMATECRF 500 15 ΦΘ 409/12-05-2009 108 CASH 2300 15 ΠΦ 410/12-05-2009 109 NORIKOA-28 15 ΘΛ 411/26-06-2009 110 NORIKOA-38 15 ΦΝ 412/26-06-2009 111 ACLASCR68AF 15 ΛΓ 413/26-06-2009 112 DCR NOZOMI 15 ΣΦ 414/26-06-2009 113 NORMA 15 ΓΟ 416/30-09-2009 114 DCR SERENE ENERGY 15 ΣΨ 417/30-09-2009 115 EPSON FP-81F 15 ΓΠ 419/30-09-2009 116 CASIO FE-5100 G 15 ΓΨ 420/26-11-2009 117 SAM4S ER-230F 15 ΘΧ 422/26-11-2009 118 CARATFAVOURITE 15 ΛΖ 425/26-11-2009 119 ST 51 15 ΦΙ 427/31-03-2010 120 QUORION CR 28 15 ΠΩ 429/11-05-2010 121 DR-570-LTV2 15 ΘΩ 430/11-05-2010 122 PROLINE ERGOSPEED II 15 ΔΒΩ 433/28-05-2010 123 CARATMOBILE 15 ΒΔ 434/28-05-2010 124 POCKET + 15 ΒΞ 435/28-05-2010 125 ER-A285G 15 ΘΨ 437/04-06-2010 126 WISDOR CRL 15 ΗΩ 438/04-06-2010 127 PROLINE 20 15 ΨΚ 439/04-05-2010 128 HITEC PLUS 15 ΨΛ 440/04-06-2010 129 HITEC PLUS – E 15 ΩΗ 441/04-06-2010 130 SAREMADI50 / EJ 15 ΨΘ 442/15-06-2010 131 NCR REAL POS 7167-2011 15 ΔΖΓ 443/15-06-2010 132 DL – 90 EXPRESS 15 ΩΤ 444/15-06-2010 133 DCR MY CASH 27 15 ΨΗ 445/25-06-2010 134 ER – A295G 15 ΛΚ 446/25-06-2010 135 RBS – MERCAT0 15 ΩΣ 447/25-06-2010 136 INFO CARINA PLUS 15 ΨΧ 448/25-06-2010 137 GTM – 200 15 ΨΙ 450/02-07-2010 138 ICS ELEGANT II 15 ΨΤ 451/02-07-2010 139 SCIROCCOPLUS 15 ΩΥ 452/02-07-2010 140 NORMAMOBILE 15 ΩΝ 453/02-07-2010 141 INFO CARINA i28 15 ΜΩ 457/19-07-2010 142 SAM 4S ER-420 MF 15 ΩΟ 458/19-07-2010 143 PE – 2 15 ΛΙ 459/28-07-2010 144 ICS EXTRA II 15 ΟΠ 460/28-07-2010 145 ADMATEPLUSII 15 ΜΘ 462/28-07-2010 146 MERCURY230F 15 ΔΝ 463/28-07-2010 147 DPS S-710 15 ΩΨ 465/07-10-2010 148 OLIVETTI CRF 300 15 ΘΦ 466/07-10-2010 149 LINDOS PORTABLE 15 ΨΠ 468/25-11-2010 150 PosiFiscalIII 15 ΔΘΥ 469/28-12-2010 151 IBM 4610 Suremark Model KB3 15 ΔΛΣ 470/28-12-2010 152 SAREMAGRILLO/ EJ 15 ΟΞ 471/16-02-2011 153 HITEC REST PLUS 15 ΚΞ 472/07-04-2011 154 OLIVETTI CRF 200 15 ΙΨ 473/07-04-2011 155 DATECSCTR400 15 ΘΞ 474/26-05-2011 156 SAM4S ER-380F 15 ΖΘ 476/30-06-2011 157 i-POS PLUS 15 ΖΩ 477/21-07-2011 158 CASIO TE-350F 15 ΩΛ 478/21-07-2011 159 DPS NEON 15 ΚΨ 479/06-10-2011 160 DCR EasyJ 58 15 ΩΚ 480/06-10-2011 161 DATECSCTR200 15 ΨΦ 481/06-10-2011 162 SAM4S ER-430M 15 ΡΣ 482/06-10-2011 163 QUORION QMP50 15 ΩΠ 485/28-12-2011 164 INFO CARINA NET 15 ΟΘ 486/29-03-2012 165 ACRER-460EJ 15 ΟΣ 487/25-04-2012 166 KOSMOLINEPLUS 15 ΛΘ 488/25-04-2012 167 DCR NOZOMI II 15 ΨΡ 489/31-10-2012 168 KOSMOLINE 15 ΨΣ 490/31-10-2012 169 MF – EJ320A 15 ΔΨΝ 491/31-10-2012 170 MF – EJ210B 15 ΔΧΛ 492/31-10-2012 171 PBM NE-5 15 ΧΘ 493/15-11-2012 172 IBM 4610 SureMark Model GB3μ 15 ΔΨΜ 494/15-11-2012 173 IBM 4610 SureMark Model GR3τ 15 ΔΥΣ 495/15-11-2012 174 RBS MERCATO II 15 ΨΥ 496/15-01-2013 175 TEPSON – 6000 PLUS 15 ΔΡΦ 497/27-05-2013 176 SAREMAPOINT / EJ 15 ΝΨ 498/12-06-2013 177 IBM 4610 SureMark Model ΚΒ3γ 15 ΔΖΠ 499/13-11-2013 178 IBM 4610 SureMark Model GB3ε 15 ΔΚΡ 500/13-11-2013 179 IBM 4610 SureMark Model GR3ι 15 ΔΧΕ 501/13-11-2013 Οι καταστηματάρχες και επιτηδευματίες που κατέχουν τους τύπους ΦΗΜ, υποχρεούνται να δηλώσουν μέχρι την 31-5-2020, την παύση στο υποσύστημα taxisnet (έντυπο Δ13), εφόσον έχει εκδοθεί πρόσφατο, ήτοι εντός των τελευταίων δέκα (10) ημερών, τελικό Δελτίο Ημερήσιας Κίνησης «Ζ». Σε αντίθετη περίπτωση προβλέπονται πρόστιμα έως 500 ευρώ ανά φορολογικό έλεγχο. Read the full article
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