#5 Sweeps Porrim
equiuszahhak · 3 years
A history of this character.
Links for plot stuff:
Actions posts %20 behind the screen events.
Onset %20 The journey to Godhood and beyond. The void consumes all.
Holequest %20 Piercing shenanigans.
OLD relationships page. Out of date, but some good info.
Loom’s pets. List of stars they’ve eaten.  Anything they eat with the void becomes part of them.
During most of this time, Loom was a trans male and used he/him pronouns.
Loom meets Porrim. One of their first friends since joining tumblr. The two have had a long, complicated relationship since. The date for a while, argue, then decide to be friends.
Loom learns they are aromantic?
Loom meets Nepeta. Not the one from their timeline %20 they are moirails for a while, then become estranged over time.
Loom meets Scully. This weirdo messages out of the blue one day, to make sure they wont hurt Nepeta. They become best friends over a long, long time. He’s always there when you need him.
Reflecting on the past, some devices they made, relationships.
Sometimes you make mistakes. Like reblogging porn to the wrong place.
Loom meets Maryam. A fae%20trapped Kanaya who will be one of their best friends. She is seldom around, given her status.
Dilwyn, a, unorthodox Darkleer, begins tutoring loom in the void. The cough up a baby horror terror.
Loom visits Bull. The robot makes a back up of their mind, crating a splinter some perigrees later.
Legion, a horror terror, takes a shining to Loom. They devour them, and Loom godtiers after fulfilling their title’s sake. Heir of void: Become to void. Also a horror terror. They exist in a vacuum with Legion for hundreds of sweeps, while they get their strength back. 
ALIVE AGAIN.  4.17.2020
Loom gives Tavros new legs.
Loom’s dreambubble exploded 6/26/20. You have lost your home and the device you were building. But you saved your pets. Then you stay at Scullys. Thank you make bad choices with Maryam.
This is when Porrim and Loom have a nasty break up. An anon kills them, on her behalf. They are a ghost, for a week. They cannot touch anything, only talk using a device they can haunt.
Then you revive once it’s up. And molt. And start having vivid nightmares, which is weird, because Loom doesn’t dream.
Oh. Loom also must devour stars now. And tutors Darkleer in the void. They also take a scar, and a painful memory for Porrim.
Aradia and Kyrril visit Loom during the M!A flurry. They’re sick, but have a nice time with the two. When they fall asleep, their horrorterror body reaches into this reality.
Loom meets Kyrril. They do their best to unsettle him on purpose, given he’s suck a stuffy sort. Loom lets him dicect their hand. They spend a holiday together. Overtime they become friends, and Loom falls in love for the first time since their Gamzee. They are unquadranted, but Kyrril is one of Loom’s most important relationships. — 11/26/2020
Aradia, Loom’s friend and a troll they’ve been pining for, become matesprits after a lot of upset and rejection. They go on hikes, watch movies, and tell each other about their mates. They help each other grow and are comfortable. — 01/30/2021
Loom and Scar become Spades, after many months of vitrolic and mean words tossed at each other. A true, harmful hate turned to something constructive. Scar was dating Porrim, Loom’s ex, at the beginning of their relationship.  —  02/16/2021
Tavros and Loom become moirails.  — 03/05/2021
Loom is intimate with a water god, Meri, and suddenly, they are the progenators of a void%20fish race. Oops.
Someone tries crawling out of Loom’s body. After that, they shift to a 5′ height to keep whatever it was from getting out again.
DEAD AGAIN. 5.31.2021
Here is the info post leading up to this event.
And here is a current post explaining more. Mostly for warnings and things for people who are worried about Loom.
Something crawls out of Loom. They die. Tavros washes Equius’ body%20%20 the new one. Scully visits and has a hard time. Scully, Porrim, Kyrril all visit to see what is happening. Tavros shuts down.
She wakes up. After a a couple days, she begins posting updates. Then engaging with people. The novelty wears off when tumblr discourse takes place on one of her posts.
Equius learns what transgender is, and... questions some things. Then puts those questions back in a box. She becomes more firm in speaking, and setting boundaries. Such as telling people when to stop. Having people worry about her is overwhelming. But as the days progress, she is getting used to it. Making friends, even. She begins to realize, though doesn't know the term, that she may have CPTSD. Knives, horrorterrors, and purplebloods all trigger her to some degree. She comes to terms with the ephemeral nature of her visit here. Shes afraid to go back to wherever she came from when it's all over.
She opens up to Scar about her history, after scar tells her life story.
Aitar begins to talk to her more, and gives her the nickname “Zaya”. She warms up to it, and begins going by it.
Aradia begins sleeping in Loom’s block, and seeing Loom in her dreams.
Kyrril visits to show her a ‘frog gun’. During the visit, she sees memories that are not hers. This becomes common place. In the coming weeks, the two begin piling. Amidst that, her and Tavros spend a lot of time together, also growing close. They kiss. She begins to feel guilty about it. Her and Aradia fight a lot, then try to get along after a certain m!a ends.
She tells people to stop calling her a ‘girl’. She’s still thinking about gender stuff, but mostly because she insists she’s a woman, and she will be spoken to as such. The gender box is still locked.
Zaya reaches out to Legion %20 she’s realizing she can’t stay and replace Loom forever, and she wants to stay. But she doesn’t think she can. And, after she threatens Legion, Legion talks to Loom. And Zaya talks to Dylwin, the Lord of Void.
Zaya gets ready to say goodbye. 
She sends out parting gifts. Leaves and runs into Tavros. Meets up with Dilwyn to get to Legion. Legion wakes Looms skin back, and her life to revive Loom. zaya is now a ghost, and the piece of her that is missing from Loom, was replaced with apart of Legion. Here.
Missing Piece(s): 7.2.2021
Loom is back. They wake up in Kyrril’s block, weak, frail.
Zaya is back. She wakes up in a dreambubble, unaware of where she is, or tht she is a ghost.
Scar almost dies. Loom nurses her back to health. Her quadmats visit her in the lab, where Loom is caring for her, and working on her prosthetics. 
Maryam doesn’t die. She gives Loom her eye as a keepsake, after transforming it into a timepiece. 
Scully dies. Loom cannot find Tavros. So, Loom finds Scar, in the corner of her room where she said she’d be. Time to be a mess with their kismesis. Ringleader gives Loom Scully’s port. They wear it as a necklace.
After a few days of looking with Kyrril and Scar, Loom finds Tavros, thanks to Marvus. They call off the search. Depression time!
Kyrril removes Loom’s eye, and replaces it with a prosthetic. 
Kyrril moves in on Halloween, and the two share another ritual. This is a few days before...
Loom feels Tavros return to Alternia. They find him after searching many nights, and bring him home. 
Loom takes one of Aradia’s eyes, to replace the one in their neck. Kyrril does Not like this.
Fog: 6.28.2022
Loom is back. Again. Tavros finds them in the garden. Memories are foggy, and this seems to affect more then just themself.
Later that same day, Loom encounter’s Kyrril, not far from the garden. They are oddly drawn o each other, though both have little memory of their relationship.
A few days later, Loom begins waking up in random places. This time, at Serket’s cabin.
After making their first post to the blog, Loom ks messaged by Chiron Zahhak, who seems to remember them.
And then, in Kanaya’s forest.
Third times the charm! Loom then is at Roxy’s home.
Things start disappearing when you touch them, but only a small things. Jasper helps you out with this problem a little. By the end of the week you can feel a strange shift when it is about to happen and avoid at most times.
Goldwave validates your feelings, that you should be able to be you, even if you are not who you used to be.
Loom has strange dreams, as did Kyrril. Something is coming back to you, or someone.
A facet of yourself feels it too.
Okay, that's enough: 5/12/2023
Stop running. Loom's memories are back. No more nonsense 😭😂
Loom and R'xy spend time together. Loom shows Candy how to deal with void powers.
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dafukdidiwatch · 5 years
Troll Rank Alpha 2
I just got their ages. If the Alpha Trolls were in the game for 3 sweeps, that’s 6 years, so these guys are 19 right now.
1. Porrim
2. Meenah
3. Aranea
4. Kankri
5. Meulin
6. Latula
7. Mituna
8. Kurloz
9. Cronus
Yeah.....you may have notice, but the new trolls stayed at the bottom this time around. They just didn’t jump out at me unlike the others like Kankri and Porrim.
Meulin was cute. A little TOO excited though. Like, if Nepeta is a fangirl, Meulin is a weeb. She can get too intense, but I love how she loves to still ship people. And that she can sign like no tomorrow. I was debating on having her higher than Kankri, but I’m not going to lie, I like that santamonious little bastard a little more. He is an ass, but he doesn’t know he is an ass, which makes him fun to be with. So Meulin is right under.
Latula is pushed down, and Mituna is pushed below that. I mean, they seem like nice people. But, I’m just not that interested. Latula is a bit hard on the radness. And Mituna.....terrifies me. Not that I am genuinely scared of him, but that I don’t know how to deal with him. He has Sollux’s bipolar on ghost steroids and I wouldn’t know how to approach him if I met him in real life.
I don’t know if him skating was his idea, or if Latula pushed him into it.....but if they are still dating, they are still dating. They make it work.
Next is Kurloz. Listen, I am not blind. I know shady demonic clown shit is going on with him. How he maybe was the one to cause Mituna his bipolar issues. I get that, I am not viewing him with rose-colored glasses. But, he is aesthetically interesting, silently snarky with the middle finger flip, is kind to Meulin. His magic powers of clown cults and team-up with Gamzee is what put him low in the list. His other positive qualities is what is keeping him from the bottom of that list.
And Finally, last in the Rank is Cronus. I wish he just ate babies like the greek god. Why? Why the fuck are both the Aquarius Trolls fucking tools? I daresay that Cronus is even worst that Eridan. At least with Eridan he isn’t trying to hide who he was. He was royal-blood. He dressed and acted like a prince. An Ass Prince, but a prince.
Cronus, he is saying that he doesn’t care about being royal or wealthy etc etc, but he has rings and blings to subtly show that he still is? That he tries to be poetic and tragic and that he is a tortured musican, but then turns around and belittles everyone he meets for screwing up his “supposed” chance with someone else. Yeah, don’t think I forgot that conversation with Mituna. Hell, that is more/less why he is at the bottom. For being such a “Nice Guy(tm)“ in the trashiest way possible.
....and I don’t even know how to address/approach his supposed species dysphoria by saying he is humankin. I know he isn’t, I know that he did this to try and get, idk sympathy points to people’s pants. But now Kankri somehow convinced him to continue to believe it so here we are I guess.
God the fish-people bloodlines are a problematic bunch.
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botgalhs · 7 years
A little something different this time round. A few headcanons I have about Jade Bloods on Beforus. Helped out very much in thinking them out by previous discussions with @achromaticbibliophile. Thanks bunches, friend~
While Jade Bloods weren’t necessarily confined to the caverns, they were expected to spend a majority of their time tending to the Mother Grub, and so out of practicality the general practice was to cycle between Jades who spent their time on the surface to be in the sun, visit quadrant mates, etc.
Because of the rarity in numbers of those of the caste, it was another expected duty of Jades that they settle into concupiscent relationships as soon as possible. So as to be able to supply as much genetic material to the Mother Grub as possible in hopes of increasing their numbers.
Because of this, some Jades see quadrants more as a duty than a search for romance. It’s not an uncommon practice that, in order to begin delivering Jade slurry to the Mother Grub as quickly as possible, a Jade Blood might enter a relationship where they’re neither truly flushed nor black for the other troll in the quadrant. Simply so that they can deliver slurry more quickly and have a stable troll to deliver it with.
As an unfortunate side effect of being so heavily associated with ‘erotic’ and ‘rare’ creatures like Rainbow Drinkers, and being rare themselves, Jade Bloods tended to be considered an ‘exotic’ quadrant lover to have, and were thus very desirable.
And, as an unfortunate side effect to that, it wasn’t uncommon for sexualization and objectification of younger Jade trolls to occur. Some might encounter this as early as 5 or 6 sweeps.
A common cosmetic practice for Jade Trolls would have been to use white or lighter colored face makeup. Which might bring to mind the glowing white visage of a Rainbow Drinker.
As the Jade Caste is predominantly female, there are male Jade Bloods. However, they are in very small numbers even among a rare caste.
If we can go by Porrim and indeed say that there are heavy enough gender biases on Beforus that it warrants necessitating a feminism movement, this does trickle down into the Jade caste and is represented in a different sort of way.
In this sense the male Jades, instead of being expected to work in the caverns, are expected to be more peacocks and focus on the other Jade ‘duty’ of adding as much Jade slurry to the pool as possible. (Since the Trolls are often shown to operate somewhat like insects, equate it to a male ‘drone’ like in honeybees whose sole purpose is to mate with the queen so she can lay eggs.)
The above isn’t necessarily a ‘better’ thing on the male side of things, as even male individuals with high libido and such might find it dampening to the self esteem that their only purpose to their caste is acting basically as breeding stock. Let alone those who might actually want to work in the Caverns and serve the mother grub, tending to eggs and newly hatched grubs, etc. And are being told that the thing that keeps them from it is their outlier gender in a mostly female caste, which designates that their only purpose is slurry donation and that their gender makes them unfit to serve the Mother Grub. Plus the extra designation as male Jades tends to up the objectification, sexualization, and ‘exotic’ status, as being a rarity in a caste which is itself rare, and designated mainly for breeding by both Jade society and Beforus society as a whole.
On the female side of things, this is pretty sucky, too. As on their end they might see the males as having much more freedom than they do. While they have to work serving the Mother Grub down below they’re mostly free to traverse the surface as they please in order to meet trolls who will provide them as much slurry as possible. While the females may only get to see their quadrant mates on the surface perhaps every once in a while when their rotation comes up.
Basically there are drawbacks and benefits to Jades of any gender and, while they’re officially touted as being very respected, the reality is that being a Jade can be kinda really sucky at times.
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ask-a-porrim · 10 years
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ask-a-porrim · 10 years
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((I couldn't do "all" the Porrims, so here is a selection of young Porrims from different universes.))
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ask-a-porrim · 10 years
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PORRIM: After caring fo+r myself fo+r my who+le life, the interference was stifling. I did no+t welco+me his intrusio+n, no+r the freedo+m he felt in pressuring me to+wards his o+wn idea o+f what my ideal future was.
PORRIM: He wasn't a bad man, but I was still glad to+ be free o+f his influence o+nce o+ur sessio+n began.
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ask-a-porrim · 10 years
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PORRIM: I did the scene thing fo+r a while after I was culled.
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