#5 seconds of summer imagines
writersdare · 1 year
5SOS ♡ Masterlist
Last update: 03.08.2024
Main Masterlist | Requests are temporary closed | Prompt List | Taglist | Recommendations | Angst Endings
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♡ – readers' favourite; ♥︎ – the most popular 5SOS work
Luke Hemmings
Hold Me Tight ♡ Summary: Luke has been plagued by nightmares, but Y/N was always there for him. Warning: hurt/comfort, nightmares
Let Me Love You Summary: Luke knew it wasn’t his fault Y/N didn’t let him get any closer, but he just wished to know what he could do to make it better. Warning: angsty, trusting issues, mentioning of a breakup, the reader may have low self-esteem Two Gummy Worms ♡ Summary: Luke was determined to take Y/N on a night drive. Some things, though, didn’t want to go according to his perfect plan. Warning: friends to lovers, fluff, mentioning of food
He Called Her a Fairy Summary: No matter how excited Luke was to go on tour, it was always too heartbreaking to say goodbye to Y/N. However, that parting was worth going through to meet again. Warning: hurt/comfort, angsty
Eyes Can Speak Too Summary: Being blinded by the feelings for each other, Luke and Y/N didn’t see the obvious things. Warning: friends to lovers, angst, trusting issues, a bit of cursing and mentioning of alcohol
Sweeter Than Honey Summary: Spending a simple evening with Y/N, Luke realised she was always his happy place. Warning: fluff
Baby Girl Summary: Even in Y/N’s darkest times, Luke was always there to guide her to the light. Warning: hurt/comfort, disordered eating
Why Won’t You Love Me Summary: Luke and Y/N broke up after a few months of dating so they could at least remain friends, but seemed like it didn’t ease the pain. Warning: angst, fluff, a bit of cursing and mentioning of alcohol
Never Doubt Me Summary: A date, it would seem, could not get any worse, but then Luke remembered a painful rumour he heard about Y/N. Warning: argument
No Longer Together Summary: Trying to move on from a breakup, Luke and Y/N found each other at the same room, playing “spin the bottle”. Warning: College!AU, angst, mention of alcohol and a breakup
More coming...
Ashton Irwin
Keep It Quiet ♡ Summary: Ashton and Y/N kept their relationship a secret for a while, but one interview made the things a little complicated. Warning: none
Give Me Attention Summary: Ashton and Y/N had been friends for a while. However, everything changed once she found out an unpleasant secret he thought to hide from her. Warning: angst, an intimate moment, a bit of cursing and mentioning of alcohol
More coming...
Michael Clifford
Don’t Be a Stranger Summary: The tour was over, and Michael and Y/N finally met again. Both were uncertain who they were to each other after months being apart. Warning: slight angst
Calum Hood
Ghost of You Summary: It had been four months of silence between Calum and Y/N. Could she finally move on?  Warning: angst All Too Well Summary: It’s the first time ever when Calum and Y/N didn’t need to be apart, as they were going on tour together. However, things could never just be perfect, could they? Warning: angst, fluff, a bit of cursing
Strawberry Jam Summary: The winter holidays were simply the best for both Calum and Y/N, especially when a heating problem in their house occurred. Warning: fluff, friends to lovers
Password Is Your Birthday ♡♥︎ Summary: Y/N never doubted Calum’s loyalty, however, once controversial photos were leaked, their relationship was put to the test. Warning: angsty, mention of alcohol
Paris Broke My Heart Part 1 | Part 2 Summary: Calum knew he’d lose Y/N each time she’d start a new relationship, but that time it was different. She was leaving the country, maybe forever. Warning: 18+ (non-detailed smut), angst, fluff, friends to lovers, cursing and mentioning of alcohol
More coming...
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– photo is obv not mine and belongs to the rightful owner –
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
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rowsdelusions · 1 year
Flatline (Luke Hemmings/reader)
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Flatline (Luke Hemmings Imagines)
Title: Flatline
Rating: None
Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Reader
Word Count: 2116
Warning: Language
Summary: You're the guy's tour manager for their new tour
Author's Note: I am entirely grateful for all the love and support my last story got!! >_< It means the world to me that people like my stories! I hope this one is to your liking as well. I've got a few ideas for the other guys so don't worry!! I'm in the making of a few but wanted to ask if anyone is up for a series of imagines based off of their songs?! I did my Older one and this of course is Flatline, but just wanted to ask if people would like that?! Again, thank you so much for the support!!!
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“You guys are on in 5 minutes. So do any last minute touch ups and rituals; and if you need me for anything I’m always here you just have to get me.” I say smiling at the group of 4 men who I have grown to love over the short period of time I've been their tour manager. Their personalities and them as people just make it so easy to fall in love with them. Except for one; Luke. Anytime I would try to be close and nice to him like the rest of the boys I am not even given the cold shoulder I just get a blank stare or just a nod yes or no. It’s like he’s numb. If he had given me the cold shoulder I would at least know he just doesn’t like me, but I just get a blank stare.
I’ve asked the guys if I did something that offended him and why he didn’t like me, and they would just look at each other with the same look they are having right now when they see I’m waiting for a confirmation from Luke after I announced they had 5 minutes left and I got nothing back not eve a blank stare this time just nothing. He doesn’t look at me at all. Not looking up from putting his makeup away into his makeup bag even with the uncomfortable silence that wafted over the dressing room once everyone knew he wasn’t going to respond back.
It was like he was in an entirely different world that no one else was privy to except for him. But his face didn’t show the bliss that you get when you're daydreaming. It held nothing but concentration. Not knowing what had him so concentrated that made him look like he was about to explode into a million pieces, I walked over to him to see if there was anything I could do to help him. He might not like me, but I'm still his tour manager and bottom line I will do anything to make this tour more magical than the last even if talking to him has me on an edge of a cliff from nerves.
“Luke, is there anything I can do for you? You guys are on in a little less than 5 minutes.” I said to him softly, barely over a whisper looking at him with so much sincerity that a tour manager probably shouldn’t have for the lead singer of the band she is managing, but I couldn’t help it. Even with all the blank stares and nods. I couldn’t help but fall in love with him, going beyond the platonic love that I have for the other guys. He was just perfect with all his flaws, although I don’t think he has any he might be standoff-ish with me, but I can’t help but see how he interacts with the other guys, the crew, the fans during a show or in general, and his family when they come to some of the shows.
He always gives anyone he’s talking to his full attention sometimes looking like a puppy while doing so but it’s endearing. It shows he cares even if what you're talking about isn’t all that important. I can’t help that when he does his makeup how beautiful he looks and the look of being alive and doing what he loves while he's on stage makes me feel like I’m in the presence of an angel. Suddenly getting caught off guard from my thoughts by the man himself. When he abruptly stands up pushing the chair he was generally sitting on while cleaning up his makeup. I back up not out of fright but more out of shock looking around for a moment noticing all the guys are not in the room anymore.
The look of confusion crossed my faces wondering when they left, but before I could get too far in my wondering, Luke asked, “Are you going to be on the side of the stage for this show?” Even more confused, I answer in an unsure tone.” umm… I guess?” It sounded like more of a question than I intended. I tried to recover from it.” I was going to get the schedule for our next stop situated during this show so I wasn’t planning on it but if you want, I can just do it after the show.” Not even a second passed before he answered me,” Can you do it after the show? It will be easier if you were by the stage tonight.”  I stare at him for a moment, questions in my head that I’ll never asks run through it before I ponder any longer on them though I see that he’s waiting for an answer looking almost nervous but I see on the wall clock that he has to be on stage in 2 minutes so leaving my questions in my head I answer him,” Yeah I'll be there on Cals side.” Without anything more said between us he leaves the dressing room leaving me with nothing but his presence and the questions in my head left unanswered.
By the time I composed myself in the dressing room and went to my designated spot on the side of the stage on Cal's side, the boys were already on their third song. When I got there, I was handed an earwig from one of the workers on tour so I can hear the tech crew and everyone else if there's a problem that needs to be fixed. Getting a weird look from the crew around me made me self-conscious, questioning why everyone was giving me that look on top of the questions I have from my discussion with Luke.
Putting all my focus back onto the show, I see that instead of Luke having his talking part first like usual it’s Michael who is doing his. Confused, I turned to the closest person on the crew besides me and asked,” Why is Michael doing his talking portion at this moment and why was I not informed by this?” The crewmate looked nervous when I asked, not knowing if it’s because there scared on losing their job or something else, I try to clarify more for them trying to ease their nervousness," I’m just asking because any new changes need to be made through me, you're not losing your job and I’m not mad I’m just wondering why this decision was made without at least talking to me.”
Seeing their nerves not lessening, but answering anyway in a rushed stutter manner,” The guys asked for this request and said not to tell you.” Turning towards them like they had a second head I see the crewmate walking briskly away stopping where a bunch of the other people apart from the crew where and talking heavily with them before they all stopped once they saw I was looking over them. Why is everyone being secretive about something and why did no one tell me about the last-minute change on the show.
I questioned myself, getting madder by the second once I saw that even more people were looking at me. Staring ahead after I get tired of the stares that are burning holes into my head every passing second, I try to focus on the show making sure it goes off without a hitch. Even though I see that each of the guys are going in a different order for their talking portions than what we’ve planned in the start of the tour, I see that after Michaels talking portion and a few songs, Ashton went next for his talking portion.
Why are they going in a different order than the one we picked even when there's a different order Luke always goes first so it’s easier on the guys and the crew to switch out guitars. Why did the guys not tell me about this or Luke when we were talking in the dressing room earlier. They clearly knew it was happening from what I’m seeing on stage and what the crewmate told me when I asked about it. Worrying even more, questions ran through my head that I was going to ask the boys once the shows were done. I didn't realize how much time went by with all of my worrying.
Until I heard Luke doing his talking portion missing all of Cal’s one, I tried to pay attention pushing the worry and questions till after the show. I hear Luke make a nervous laugh continuing the nervous streak while talking like he did with me earlier in the dressing room,” I know that you all have realized that we're doing things in a different order on this show and that is because… I have something special I'm going to do for this show.” he laughs at the end when he hears the fans screaming at the top of their lungs. “As I know how exciting this is. I need you guys to do me a favor. Can you do that?” 
He questions the fans in an exciting tone, the nerves still blatantly present though how much he’s trying to hide it from the fans covering some of it up. I've spent enough time with these guys to see all of their tell-tell signs. Coming back from the fans screaming yes. Luke laughs again, "okay, good so for our last and final song I would like you all to please be courteous because I'm going to be bringing someone out for this song and I would love it if you all sing along with me.”
Drowning out all the exciting screams from the fans I grab the closest crewmate to me,” What is he talking about bringing someone on stage?” I asked hurriedly. When I don’t get an answer from them, I hear Luke start to talk again this time with an almost desperate tone that you wouldn’t have catched if you didn’t know him well.” Now can I please get are ever so brilliant tour manager on stage please.”
Looking confused I see Cal walking towards where I am on the side of the stage walking towards him in an almost run. When I reached him, I asked in a hurried manner,” What the hell is going on?” looking down at me he says in a calm tone,” Everything is going to be explained but you just have to trust me and go on stage please.” Looking into his eyes, seeing them have a pleading look, I slowly nod my head.
Walking with Cal on stage was the most nerve-wracking thing I’ve ever done. My admiration for the boys is growing. When we met Luke in the middle of the stage all the fans were screaming. Blocking them out I turned to Luke asking what I’ve been dying to ask him this whole evening. "What the hell are you doing and what the hell am I supposed to do up here?” Giving Luke my must baffled look and all I get in return is him saying, "Just please listen to the lyrics it will explain everything I promise and all you have to do is stand here looking beautiful.”
Before I can question him anymore, I see him giving a nod to the other boys, and next thing I know I’m hearing the strums of Cal's bass and Lukes's voice combining into their song Flatline. Hearing it before and loving it like any other song they release. I still don’t understand why I'm out here in front of 10,000 fans until Luke turns towards me walking, chest to chest singing the chorus of the song looking nowhere but my eyes, and all I can do is be hypnotized.
Not once looking away from him even when everything clicked into place. He likes me, that's why he has been acting the way he has. The man who made me hypnotized in every sense likes me, and I've never noticed. Without thinking I lean up to his face, wrapping both of my arms around his neck, my hands reaching into his beautiful blonde hair, curling my fingertips into the curly pieces I move his head down to my own. Looking into his eyes for permission but instead of him giving me one he grabs my hips and crashes his lips against mine. The kiss felt nothing like I’ve ever had before, like everything was aligned. Breaking apart when the fans' screams reached a new level, I looked into his eyes with the brightest smile on my face, “I fell the first day I met you.”
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AHHH, I hope y'all like this one because I do!!! and if you guys want to see the song series pleaseee let me know!!! thank you for the love and support!!!! >_<
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sinning5sos · 1 year
after glow
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Requested: Yes, three requests in one - lets go!
1 -> soft dom!michael?? 🥺
2 -> michael + thigh riding 
3 -> michael smut + aftercare please please please dear writer 
Word Count: ~2.1k
Smut: hell fucking yeah - soft dom!michael + thigh riding obviously, overstimulation, etc.
You stretched your arms out in front of you as you woke up a light moan leaving your lips but it turned into a yawn. The sunlight was streaming in through the blinds, and you reached your arm over to Michael, laying so peacefully beside you that you rested your head on his shoulder and watched him sleep.
He looked so at ease in his sleep, but you felt like waking him up. You had a sex dream, ironic as the two of you just fucked last night but you were still craving more. You gently scratched up and down his arm, light traces left behind on his skin as his eyes fluttered awake. He took a deep breath in as he turned in bed to face you.
“Good morning Princess,” He murmured, his morning voice raspy and so sexy to you. You smiled sleepily at him and pressed a kiss to his lips.
“Good morning handsome,” You whispered, your hand trailing from his arm down to his waist and he chuckled. You looked to him for permission, a slight nod of his head, and wrapped your hand around his cock. He let out a low moan at the contact, pushing the blanket off of the two of you so he could admire your movements. 
“What are you up to Princess?” He mumbled, and you smiled innocently at him and pressed another kiss to his lips. He moaned into the kiss, his hand wrapping around yours and guiding your movements. He bucked his hips into your stroking, and bit down on your lips. You broke the kiss and pulled back, moving down closer to his cock and pooled your spit in your mouth, letting it drip out slowly.
“Fuck,” He groaned, and you smiled as you dipped your head down to his cock and took his tip into your mouth. He wrapped his hand into your hair and pulled back gently, “Rotate around for me. I want that pretty little ass in my face right now.”
You did what he asked, straddling his body with your ass facing him. You continued to suck him off but released him and gasped as he stuck his face into the back of your pussy. He licked in a downward motion, his tongue poking through your lips and gathered your juices.
“Already so fucking wet for me. Did you have a good dream or something?” He muttered, his fingers coming up to slowly start fingering you and you moaned loudly at the sudden pleasure.
“Use your words,” He commanded, removing his fingers all at once and you whined at the loss. 
“I had a dream that you fucked me so good again. Last night was so amazing and I just wanted more of your cock Mikey,” You whimpered and he chuckled as he thrust his fingers back inside of you.
“There’s a good girl for me. You want my cock baby? You have to earn it.” He muttered, his fingers moving quickly inside of you. You tried your best to focus on his cock, a sudden competition between the two of you on who was going to make the other cum first. You took his cock back into your mouth, pulling out your secret weapon as you deepthroated him. His fingers stilled inside of you, his hips bucking upward and you felt victorious as he let out a string of curse words.
He started moving his fingers once again as you released him, gasping for air slightly and he hummed as he leaned forward, his mouth on you once more. You stroked him, increasing your speed as you tried to keep your legs from shaking. Once that happened, you knew it was only a matter of time before your first orgasm crashed over you.
He moaned out from behind you, his cock twitching in your hands as he came and you smiled back at him. You licked the cum from around his cock and off your hands, steadying yourself as Michael began to eat you out quicker. Your thighs clenched, your back arching into the air as you felt yourself cumming. Michael loudly slurped you up, something he loved to do, then helped you move.
“Lay down, then turn onto your back. Now.” He murmured, and you quickly followed his orders, “Good job Princess. I want to finger you again, but I want to watch your face as you cum all over my fingers.”
You giggled as you laid on your back and he handed you a pillow to tuck under your head. You smiled up at him and spread your legs and he smiled back at you. He leaned over your body, bringing you in for a deep kiss.
“I love you,” He whispered, and your hands cradled his face. He looked at you eagerly, his head turning to the side to press a quick kiss to your palm.
“I love you too,” You whispered back, and he adjusted his body as his fingers moved inside of you once again. This time, his thumb placed itself on your clit and began to move in circles as his fingers thrust in and out of you. You leaned back into the pillow, a rush of endorphins flooding through your body.
“How’s that feel babygirl?” He murmured, his other hand gripping the side of your hip to keep you still. You couldn’t help it, he just knew how to make you feel so good. You whimpered out a response, but he pulled his fingers away suddenly. His thumb still on your clit, he moved his thumb rapidly against you.
“Use your fucking words,” He urged, and you nodded as you gripped his hand with both of yours.
“Yes, yes,” You breathed out but he refused to let up on your clit. You clenched your thighs together, another orgasm soon crashing over you as he watched you quiver in pleasure, “Fuck Michael, you make me feel so fucking good.”
“Good girl. Now, I’ve got a special request for you. I want you to fuck yourself on my thigh, how does that sound?” He asked, and you lazily smiled up at him.
“Yes Sir,” You whispered, and he nodded as he helped you sit up on the bed. He kissed you once again, a deep kiss as a reminder of the love the two of you shared, before he leaned back against the headboard and helped you straddle his thigh.
“Such a good little slut for me.” He murmured, and you smiled down at him as you slowly brought your hips forward. You hummed to yourself as you watched him relax beneath you, his arms tucking behind his head, “Riding my thigh and you’re so wet, aren’t you? I don’t even have to touch you and you can cum, can’t you?” 
“No Sir, I can cum on my own.” You replied, and he nodded. You continued to fuck yourself on his thigh, each thrust of your hips driving you closer to a third orgasm but you didn’t want to cum just yet. You whimpered, pausing momentarily as you tried to delay your orgasm but Michaels eyes locked onto yours.
“Princess, did I say for you to stop fucking yourself on my thigh?” Michael asked, snapping your attention back to him and you let out a whimper as you started rocking your hips again.
“Now, keep going until I say or there will be a punishment, alright darling?” He said, his finger tucking under your chin to have you look up at him. You nodded slightly, your energy already spent but he asked quietly, “I need your words baby.”
“Yes, Michael.” You breathed out, and he smiled at your noise. He leaned over the side of the bed and reached into the bedside table as best as he could without throwing you off your rhythm, and pulled out your vibrator. Your eyes widened, wondering what he was going to do now. You weren’t sure how much more you could take.
He flicked it on, the buzz making you clench your legs together over your thigh and you nearly paused riding his thigh, but his words of punishment rang through your head again. You continued rocking your hips, and he placed the vibrator right at the end of where you were fucking yourself, the vibrator just grazing your clit with every forward motion. 
The first time the little bud grazed your clit, you let out such a loud moan that Michael grinned as he pushed it further into your path. It started becoming more intense, your third orgasm starting to rock through your body. You clenched your eyes shut and threw your head back, your muscles in your thighs screaming for you to stop but the feeling was complete bliss. 
You came, again, and Michael chuckled as he turned the vibrator off. 
“Do you want me to use it on you again?” He murmured, his thumb replacing the vibrator and circled your clit. It was so sensitive that you whimpered again, and he pressed a tender kiss to the base of your neck as you attempted to collect your thoughts.
“No Sir, I just want your cock inside of me.” You breathed out. He nodded as he put the vibrator back away, a welcomed bonus but at this point you were just ready to be fucked.
“I think you’ve earned my cock now for being such a good girl. Now lay down in your favorite position, and I’ll fuck you.” He muttered, and you thought for a second before climbing off of his thigh and laying facedown on the bed.
You wrapped your arms underneath your head to form a makeshift pillow, and he chuckled at your position of choice. He hovered over your body, his arms on either side of you, and you lifted your ass to meet him. He slowly pushed himself in, his cock filling you and nearly sliding in so easily because of your three orgasms already. He moaned out at the feeling, rocking his hips slowly as he started to fuck you.
You closed your eyes as he continued his movements, focusing on the moans leaving his lips with every thrust and relishing in the fact that this man loved you so deeply. As he started to increase his speed, you moaned into the bed and whimpered at how fucking good he felt.
“You better not cum yet,” He grunted, and you willed yourself not to cum for the fourth time already. You lifted your ass a bit more, the position helping him fill you deeper as he continued to fuck you, “You don’t get to cum until I say, alright?”
“Yes sir,” You moaned into the bed, and he chuckled as he paused, his hand moving from beside your head to your hair and lifted your head up.
“Say it again.”
“Yes sir. I won’t cum until you give me permission to,” You breathed out, and he smiled as he let your head drop and got back into position. He continued fucking you, the sound of his skin slapping against yours and the feeling of him filling you so deep, you had to think of anything to not cum already. 
After a few painstakingly long minutes, each of them filled with breathy whimpers and deep moans, he finally gripped your hips and pulled you closer against him. You lifted yourself up, your back now against his front as he continued fucking.
“Cum with me,” He instructed, and you nodded as your arms reached behind you to wrap around his back. You let go, both of the control and your fourth orgasm, and he quickly came as well. You whimpered as you nearly collapsed forward, but Michael caught you and helped ease you into the bed. You loved fucking him so much, even though it drained you each time.
“Alright baby girl, I want you to lay back and relax alright? Spread your legs a little for me now,” He murmured, his nose brushing against yours and you smiled as you reached up to kiss him. He kissed you for a moment, before the bed dipped beside you as he walked into the bathroom. He returned with a washcloth, and brushed a strand of hair out of your face.
“You’re radiant, look at you all caught up in that post-orgasm afterglow.” He murmured, and you smiled lazily up at him. He gently helped clean you up, then laid in bed beside you once again. Michael was big on aftercare, it was as important to him as it was to fuck, because it meant spending your blissful time together in the innocent ways.
“That was definitely a good wake up call,” He whispered, grabbing the blanket from the foot of the bed and wrapping the two of you back in it, his hands moving to your waist as they pulled you close against him.
“Any time,”
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Luke + y/n (f!reader sorry didn’t realize until rn)
A/N:a cute lil imagine (according to me), idk how the music industry works and it shows…it shows here lol. So sorry about that🥲. Also gimme feedback pls🥺💙
Luke sighed heavily as he typed away at his computer, stopping every now and then to rub at his sleepy eyes. If he was to describe today with one word he would definitely pick the word tiresome. Management had been on his back ever since he got up, asking about how the songs are coming along, how the writing process is going, if he got a new melody etc. etc.
He sweared they only wanted to annoy him on his free day. He’d seen how the rest of the boys were having fun, throwing a pool party when he went on instagram a while ago. He would’ve gone too but with the long hours they’ve been pulling at the studio, he just wanted to stay home and rest for a while, maybe spend some time with his girl.
But the universe had to go out of its way to tell him he can’t have what he want. His girlfriend of course had to go to work that day and his so called management doesn’t understand the fact that “free day” means they should leave him the fuck alone. Since he had nothing better to do he started to finish a song he’d been working on with Ashton. And he was dumb enough to let everyone know what he’d been doing causing his “management” to keep butting in every five minutes asking about it.
He’s been in the industry for a literal decade now, he knows how it works, he knows how to write a damn song alone. So yeah it’s been a bad day.
He groaned as he saw how he’s gotten the last part of the verse wrong. Just as he lifted his fingers to correct it, his phone started ringing. Petunia, his dog who was sleeping next to his feet got up and walked away with a noise that’s so close to a huff. Luke mumbled a sorry to the now empty room, taking his phone to see who it was. With furrowed eyebrows, he turned his phone off, mentally smacking him in the face for not realizing that was an option five hours ago.
He sinked down on his chair, rubbing his palm all over his face causing the skin to turn a shade darker. “Lukey” he heard her small voice as she padded into his homemade studio. She walked toward him until she was situated behind the blue office chair, then snaked her arms around his broad shoulders until they rest atop of his clothed chest, resting her head on top of his.
Luke sighed with closed eyes, basking in her presence as he felt himself falling into the relaxation he’d been craving the whole day. “What’s wrong?” She asked softly, running her fingertips over his old nirvana shirt. He sighed again, for the hundredth time that night as he said, “Some people just don’t seem to understand what free day means. I’ve been trying to get this song right for more than two hours and they’re making me feel like shit!”
“Baby” she whispered voice laced with worry or maybe it was sympathy, who knows “I’m so sorry”. “ ‘s fine. Better now you’re here” he said taking her hand in his, interlacing their fingers. He felt her lips pressing little pecks on top of his head, her free hand coming to cup his cheek affectionately. It made him feel all fuzzy inside. Like his whole body was infected with tingles. “I love you” she said as he tugged at her hand until she came towards him. Luke sat up, bringing her to his lap as she let out a shriek, chuckling at the sound. “I love you more” he finally said as she got comfortable on top of him.
“Not possible” she retorted cheekily, pressing a kiss to his stubbled cheek. “That won’t do” he stated, talking about the little peck as he brought her face toward him with his hand, pressing his lip fully to her plump ones. She kissed back with equal eagerness, wanting nothing more than to melt into his embrace.
“Maybe you should take a few days off” she suggested after their lips parted. “Today was my day off Y/N/N” Luke mumbled, nuzzling his nose against her forehead. “That won’t do” she repeated back his words with furrowed eyebrows.
“We just have to finish this albu-” he started only to be cut off by her “I don’t care Luke. You need rest, the album can wait”. “But the fans-” she glared at him until he shut up. “Now, I’m going to go call Mikey and make sure you get at least a week off and when I get back I expect you to be on the bed with your phone turned off mister!” she ordered, playfully dabbing her index finger at his chest, getting back up from his lap and going to find her phone.
Luke finally got up from the uncomfortable chair, smiling at his girlfriend’s antics as he walked towards their shared bedroom, catching the sight of her with her phone tucked between her ear and shoulder as she was searching something from her bag as he walked by.
He crawled onto the bed, kissing petunia on top of her head as the pet made a sound of approval. Within a few seconds he’s deep in his slumber, Y/N who walked inside to tell him the good news couldn’t help the smile that itched up her face as she took in his sleepy face, he looked so peaceful.
She bit her lip, taking a quick photo of the duo before crawling on to the bed and kissing him on the forehead.
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heartcal · 5 months
rejected ; c.h. (part viii -- preview)
summary: he was just a silly little crush that you had in high school, and you were sure that after graduating, you would be over it. so why is your heart beating fast as he sits next to you in your first class on your first day of college? chapter summary: "new year, new me." at least, that's what you hoped for, but instead of noticing a change in yourself, you're seeing a shift between calum and ashton. pairing: calum hood x reader (gender-neutral) genre: fluff, angst, classmates to friends to lovers au, college au warning(s): none i think ?? maybe a curse word or two idk preview word count: 486 words
a/n: HEYOOO yikes wow it's been a while huh? plenty of factors have kept me away from posting and writing in general (some were my own doing while some were out of my hands) bUt !! we finally have a preview !!! unclear when the full part will be posted but rest assured, it's coming!! anyway, i'll cut my rambling short, enjoy this preview! series masterlist! | main masterlist!
Ashton looks at Calum for his input to which he only mimics your shrug.
He withholds a sigh, refraining from shaking his head at his friend before speaking up, “How about this: you do the writing portion, Calum and I work on the PowerPoint and the presentation.”
If it gets you out of speaking in front of the class and risk stumbling over your words, you’ll take it.
“Yeah,” you nod, “I’m cool with that.”
Ashton smiles, clapping his hand on Calum’s shoulder before standing. He lifts his bag from the desk, checking the time on his phone before placing it into his back pocket, “Let’s meet at the library, say, around 5pm? Then we can work together.”
You smile back at him in agreement, “Sounds good.”
Ashton waves as you take off, oblivious to his friend’s narrowed stare until he turns to face him.
“What was that?” Calum asks, not easing up on his stare.
Ashton hums in confusion, and if he’s joking or not, Calum cannot tell.
“That,” Calum juts his chin towards the door, “what was all that?”
Ashton snorts, “Calum, haven’t you heard? There’s this new thing called ‘being friendly.’”
Ashton turns to leave, knowing Calum will follow behind, and is rolling his eyes at Ashton’s attempt at a joke.
“Ha ha,” Calum laughs sarcastically.
“Seriously, I’m just being friendly, Cal.”
And Calum knows. It isn’t out of the ordinary for Ashton to be friendly—it’s out of the ordinary if Ashton isn’t friendly, for that matter—but he thinks there’s more to it. Where did all this come from? When did this happen? He knows you two weren’t strangers, there was some familiarity for sure, but it feels like it’s out of nowhere.
“Yeah, I know,” Calum starts, but he falters, trying to piece together his next sentence. He doesn’t want to pry, because knowing Ashton, he’ll try to dissect whatever Calum is thinking or feeling.
Calum’s thoughts are interrupted when he bumps into Ashton.
“What’s going on with you?” Ashton questions, eyeing Calum up before pulling him to the side to avoid the foot traffic surrounding them.
“What do you mean?” Calum shrugs, “Nothing’s wrong.”
Ashton raises his eyebrows, another question on the tip of his tongue. He lowers his voice, leaning closer to Calum, “Is this about what happened before the break?”
Calum’s quick to respond, shaking his head as he adjusts his bag’s strap. “Not about that.”
Ashton doesn’t believe him for a second. He picked up on his behavior throughout the class; the glances between himself and you, the short responses, the way his posture changed when he felt the atmosphere grow awkward.
“Well,” he claps, “I need to meet with some admins, so I’ll catch up with you later.”
He bids goodbye to Calum before heading to the administration building, leaving Calum stewing in his own thoughts and knowing he’s hiding more than he’s letting on.
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Adore You (Part 6)
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AshtonXFemale Reader
Part 5
Warnings: Food, secret confessions, mentions of adoption, mentions of running away, fluff, slight slow burn
“Tell me something no one else knows about you,” Ashton said, his fingers idly tracing the palm of your hand. You both laid in a makeshift fort in his living room, boxes of Chinese takeout scattered around you and some tiny portable projector playing a film you both have long forgotten about. 
“Something no one knows?” you hummed, earning a nod from him. It was nearing the end of Spring break and the both of you have been talking non-stop since your first official date. It was you who asked Ashton out for the second time, feeling a sudden urge of courage. This time it was less strenuous and more comforting than anything. Your face scrunched up at his question as you thought about the answer. You almost felt brought back to the first day of classes where you had to play ice breakers in order to get to know classmates you were most likely never to see again. 
“It’s not a hard question,” Ashton laughed, breaking the long silence of your pause. 
“For me it is!” you exclaimed, retracting your hand from his and sitting up. Ashton sat up straight too and bit onto his bottom lip. “Besides, talking about myself is boring.”
“You’re not boring, Y/N.” Ashton responded. “I can go first if you want,” his head dipped low to look you in the eye and Ashton gave you a smile. You couldn’t help but to smile back and nod. He had a way of comforting you and you laid back down into the pillows looking up at the patterns of the blanket that covered you two. He shuffled onto his side and peered down at you as he thought for a moment. 
“Now look who’s-”
“I got it!” he interjected, grinning at you in amusement. Your eyebrows rose at his reaction and you held in a giggle. “When I was seven I used to be VERY obsessed with tadpoles and woul- for a good while actually- I would carry some with me everyday to school without anyone knowing.”
“How’d you manage that?” you asked, shifting positions to lay on your side to look at him directly. 
“I’d carry it in my thermos and people would just assume it was juice,” he said matter-of-factly. You laughed hard then, shaking your head at his admission. “Alright. . .your turn.” You thought for a moment, eyebrows scrunching. Ashton reached out with his thumb to rub away the wrinkled creases from your expression. “So serious,” he muttered, making you smile in return and let out a sigh.
“I once ran away when I was fifteen. Hitchhiked and got into some pickup truck with this old man. Made it to the city line and turned back. I had been gone for maybe three hours, no one was none the wiser.” A heavy silence penetrated the air, and you found yourself opening eyes you hadn’t realized you closed. Ashton was staring intently at you, worry written across his face. “I know, very dangerous for a young woman like me to hitchhike, especially alone,” you said. 
“Where were you heading?” he asked instead. You had expected him to reprimand you for being so careless at a young age. That was the last you got and could see curiosity fill Ashton’s worried expression.  
“To find my birth parents. I had just found out I was adopted and was spiraling over it. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents dearly. It’s just I always felt like a black sheep, like something was wrong with me and then they tell me this huge secret a week after I turn fifteen.” You went quiet for a moment, eyes dazed as if you were placed back in that moment. “I thought if I could find my birth parents it’ll help me answer questions on why I was so different.” 
You had never told anyone about it. You were content now at the fact that you were adopted, something you didn’t hide anymore. But that story of you attempting to run away, it had always been a well kept secret between you and your stuffed animals. “Aren’t you going to ask why I turned back?” you said. The two of you had somehow found yourselves laying on your backs. Ashton’s fingers playing with your own. He shook his head in response. 
“Not unless you want to say,” he muttered, allowing the silence to envelop you once again. You weren’t expecting to share that part of yourself, but that was truly the only thing people didn’t know about you. Ashton just seemed so easy to talk to and you trusted him with the information. A warmth filled your stomach at his words. He wasn’t going to push and would allow you to tell him when you wanted. You turned your head to the side to look at him, eyes wide in the dim light. Ashton turned  his head to face you too, your faces inches apart. “Thank you for sharing,” he whispered, almost trying not to disturb the peace. 
“Thank you for listening,” you whispered back. Your eyes flickered down to his lips then back up to meet his gaze. His lips parted, tongue ducking out to moisten the plump skin. Time seemed to slow and you could see him glance at your own mouth. Just as Ashton was leaning towards you, a knock sounded at the door. The both of you jumped in surprise at the disturbance. 
“Shit-the dessert,” Ashton said, “I forgot we ordered that.” He pulled away from you and got up from the fort to grab the delivery. You sat back in your spot, feeling slightly dazed. The two of you were so close to kissing. Something you hadn’t done yet. You cleared your throat and sat up as Ashton came back inside the fort with two bowls. 
“What did you do before uni?” you asked him, graciously taking the bowl with your requested dessert. You remembered him saying he had chosen to pursue a career in photography after a stint of not being in school. 
“I traveled with my best friends. We were basically living a nomad type life. It was fun for a while, but I could tell we all missed home.” Ashton chuckled at a thought that came to him, “I do miss exploring the world.” He dug into his own bowl after that, your attention now back on the film that seemed to be nearing an end. After a while Ashton muttered something about it being late. You were supposed to go back to your dorm about an hour ago, but being with Ashton was too much fun. “I’ll take the couch,” he said, not really asking if you wanted to go home or stay. It was a decided fact to Ashton that you would spend the night. 
“We can sleep in the fort together,” you found yourself blurting. You were feeling a bit bold. The words surprising yourself. Ashton’s eyebrows raised, a look of perplexity coming across his face. “It’s cozy and you shouldn’t have to be uncomfortable in your own home,” you added, trying to save some type of face. Ashton let a laugh slip past his lips and he gave you a dimpled smile. 
“I should warn you, I am a cuddler.”
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calumtrashofficial · 7 months
well hi haha
idk if anyone remembers me or anything but i'm thinking of becoming active again??
nothing like an almost 6 year break to make you want to be active again....right????
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fivesosmasterlist · 1 year
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PAPER RINGS // Now out on Wattpad @/lrhemmings111
"So you have a girl in your bed right now and you're flirting with me?"
"Oh baby, if you think this is flirting, you haven't seen anything yet."
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Michael CliffordxFemOC
Also available on Wattpad @ SerpentBeauty1710
Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you
So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours
And it's not theirs to speculate
If it's wrong and
Your hands are tough
But they are where mine belong and
I'll fight their doubt and give you faith
With this song for you
'Cause I love the gap between your teeth
And I love the riddles that you speak
And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored
'Cause my heart is yours -OURS by Taylor Swift
A/N: This started as a oneshot and became the longest first chapter of my life lol but bear with me. This chapter takes place in November 2014 which is why Michael has red hair. Warnings: Language, and abuse is briefly mentioned in this chapter but will be explored in depth in later chapters. Fluff/angst
"Baaabee it's coooolddd," Michael whined, trying to pull his leather jacket closer around him.
"I told you to bring a warmer coat, but Mr 'I do what I want I'm punk rock' didn't listen. You're lucky we're here before winter really hits," I replied, stifling a laugh as I glanced over at my boyfriend, who sat in the passenger seat of the car we'd rented. I was driving because we were in my home state of Idaho and I knew this area like the back of my hand. Also Michael was still getting used to driving on American roads, and Idaho roads are a little precarious in cold weather.
"Shut up," he groaned, making a face at me, "You didn't tell me it would be this cold. It's like fucking Antarctica here!"
I rolled my eyes as I turned the heat up and handed him a blanket from the back seat. He excitedly burrowed into the blanket till only his bright green eyes were visible. I cracked up laughing and then mumbled a profanity under my breath as I missed my turn.
"What?" Michael asked innocently, his voice muffled by the blanket.
"You're too damn adorable, even when you're being a dumbass and it's distracting. That's what," I giggled.
He uncovered his face to smirk at me and then covered it again.
I shook my head and shoved him playfully with one hand as I found and turned down the correct road to my best friend Tessa's apartment complex.
Michael and I'd been dating for several months now and he hadn't met my family yet since we lived in Los Angeles and my family was in Idaho. My sister Maggie, the matriarch of my family since my mom left us when I was 14, had begged me to come home for Thanksgiving and I was on the fence about it until Michael had offered to come with me.
He had never experienced Thanksgiving, being Australian, but he was super excited about there being tons of food. He also wanted to be here to support me because he knew things were a bit strained with my family and he didn't want me to deal with that alone. Plus he just hated being away from me and we had a couple days off from our tour because while the boys didn't do this holiday, a lot of their and my American fans did so we had not scheduled any tour dates for these few days.
So here we were, on our way to drop our stuff off at Tessa's, where we were staying, before heading to Maggie's house for Thanksgiving. Michael was reluctant to get out of the warm car when we parked, but I promised him I'd get him a hot chocolate on the way to my sister's house, which had hin nearly falling out of the car trying to untangle himself from the blanket. Tessa's dog Nova alerted her to our presence so she opened the door before we could knock.
"Hey loser!" I greeted her jokingly.
"Wow, I let you stay with me and you insult me?" Tessa complained sarcastically.
"Whatever. You love me," I replied, grinning.
"Debatable," she retorted as she hugged me. Michael laughed shakily as I hugged her back as best I could while holding my bags. Tessa looked over and noticed him shivering a little bit as she pulled back from the hug. "What are you wearing, you dingus? It's like 30°F outside right now."
"Yeah, yeah don't start. Mia already gave me shit about it in the car," Michael responded in a slightly annoyed tone as he looked down at his thin leather jacket, red and black flannel and black skinny jeans. He'd at least worn a beanie and boots but still.
I'd actually kind of matched my outfit with his today, though it had not been intentional. I also wore a red and black flannel, black skinny jeans, boots and a beanie. Obviously, I'd opted for a more practical jacket though. We'd laughed for a good minute when we saw each other earlier, the situation made funnier by the fact that we both had red hair, though mine was my natural ginger red with turquoise and purple ombre while his was the color of a firetruck. There hadn't been enough time to change so we'd just stayed like this. On the upside, my sister would probably want photos so the matching outfits would be good for that.
Tessa rolled her eyes and laughed as she helped us bring our stuff inside and get situated. Her boyfriend, Nate, also roasted Michael a little bit for his clothing choices but also understood because Nate was from a different state and he was still getting used to the weather here as well. Not long after that, Tessa told me to let her know if shit went down and she'd come to my sister's to beat some ass and then Michael and I left for my sister's house.
As promised, we got hot chocolates but not before we stopped and got Michael a better coat. I didn't want my family making fun of him too. I knew they would already have enough opinions about him. They were not only pretty conservative, but also really overprotective of me because I was the youngest of four kids. They'd barely ever allowed me to date before I moved out, let alone ever met a guy I liked because their idea of a good boyfriend for me and the type of guys I was into were VASTLY different. I mean I had standards, which actually Michael had helped me with, but I was not into the goodie two shoes clean cut polo shirt wearing type of guys.
My anxiety kicked up a notch as I drove down Maggie's street. Michael must have noticed because he put his hand on my thigh and squeezed gently.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay. I'll be with you the whole time," he said softly.
I smiled at him warmly, "I know and I love you so much for that, but that's not the problem."
"What's the problem then?" he asked, concerned.
"I don't want to deal with what they're probably gonna say about you. Not that I care about what they think of you. I just don't want to hear it. I just want them to see me happy and be happy for me for once in my life," I explained.
"Well, tell them that then. Or I can. And if anyone tries to start shit, we'll leave. I don't care what they think about me either, honestly. All I care about is whether or not you're okay," he reassured me as I parked in front of my sister's house. He intertwined his fingers with mine as soon as we were out of the car.
I knocked on the door and opened it since Maggie was the let yourself in type. Michael only let go of my hand when we removed our coats and beanies(I fixed his hair for him once his beanie was off) but quickly reconnected our hands as soon as he could and followed me up through the house. The back door was the most used at Maggie's house because it opened to her driveway and the front door was way on the other side of the house for some reason. The back door led up a few steps into her kitchen, which you had to pass through to get to the rest of the house. I could tell once we were in the kitchen that everyone was sitting or standing in the dining room, which was to the left at a 90 degree angle from the kitchen. This meant they would all see Michael, who was behind me and not in their view yet, for the first time simultaneously.
Well at least we could get it out of the way quickly, hopefully.
I froze and took a deep breath to prepare myself. Michael used our entwined hands to turn me around and pull me into his arms gently, hugging me. I pressed my face into his chest, breathed in his scent and sighed.
"It'll be okay, baby. I've got you. And I love you, no matter what they say," Michael whispered, lifting my face with both hands and looking into my eyes.
"How are you so perfect? I love you so much," I whispered back, gazing at him in adoration.
He grinned and kissed my forehead softly before taking my hand again and gesturing me foreward. I pulled him with me through the archway to the dining room.
Every set of eyes zeroed in on us and widened in shock as they took in Michael's bright colored emo hairstyle, eyebrow piercing, black earrings, plethora of bracelets and dark clothes. Appearance-wise, Michael was the epitome of punk bad boy and they hadn't even seen his tattoos yet.
"Um, hey everyone," I said, clearing my throat,"This is my boyfriend, Michael. Michael, this is my family."
"Hello, everyone. Happy Thanksgiving," Michael said, smiling and waving awkwardly.
They all stared for a moment before I began introducing everyone by name. Michael greeted them each kindly.
"Never figured my baby sister to be into someone who looks like you but as long as you treat her right, I'm cool with you," my brother Mason commented. I figured Mason wouldn't judge that much since he also had dyed hair, tattoos, similar clothing style and was sort of the rebel of the family.
"I do treat her right. If anything, I probably spoil her a little bit, but I don't mind. She deserves it," Michael replied, looking at me and smiling lovingly.
"Good. Keep it that way," Mason nodded in approval.
"So what do you for a living, young man?" My grandmother asked in a tone like she expected him to not have an answer.
"I'm the lead guitarist in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer, Ma'am," Michael replied respectfully.
"Oh my god, I thought you looked familiar!" Mason exclaimed, looking back and forth between us in disbelief.
"You know this band? They're actually successful?" Grandma looked over at Mason in surprise.
"Yeah, they're actually getting pretty famous now," Mason answered her.
"Yeah, Grandma, they've won awards, been on magazine covers, played all over the world and performed on several tv and radio programs. They've had a lot of hit songs on the radio too," I gushed defensively.
"Oh are they the band you told me about?" My oldest brother, Miles asked. He didn't seem to have any issue with Michael either. He never judged people. He'd always been supportive of me and he was the sibling I was closest to. He and my sister took me in when my mom left, since my dad wasn't around at the time, and he was the one who supplied my magazines, posters and books about whatever I was hyperfixating on before I moved to California. I'd told him a little about Michael and 5SOS, but not the full story.
"So how did you two meet?" Miles asked curiously, ignoring everyone.
"I saved his life and we became friends first," I answered.
"She almost knocked me out, actually," Michael joked.
"What?!" Mason exclaimed, laughing.
How?!" Miles questioned incredulously.
"I did not! Let me explain," I objected.
I was walking down the street, looking around for a restaurant to eat at, when a flash of neon pink in front of me caught my eye.
I did a double take when I realized the pink was the hair on a beautiful boy barely a couple feet away from me, who I immediately recognized as Michael Clifford from 5SOS.
Before I could fangirl, I saw that he was starting to cross the road and there was a car coming straight for him.
"MICHAEL MOVE!" I screamed, but he didn't respond. I barely registered the earbuds in his ears before I was sprinting toward him.
I tackled him out of the way just as the car passed us, though I was pretty sure the only reason my tiny 5 ft tall self was able to even move his towering 6 ft frame was because I caught him off guard.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" He shouted in confusion as we both sat up and he glanced at me as he looked around, pulling his earbuds out and putting them away.
"Oh shit, I didn't hurt you, did I?" I asked, suddenly panicking.
"No, I'm fine, I think. But what the fuck just happened?" he replied, still looking confused and annoyed.
"I-um-there was a car coming and you didn't respond when I yelled your name so I panicked and tackled you," I explained, gesturing in the direction the car went.
His face softened. "Oh. Wow. Um, thank you...what's your name?"
Our eyes met and I actually almost forgot my name for a second before I blinked and came back to reality. "M-Mia. My name is Mia."
"That's a pretty name," he said as he stood up and offered his hand to me. I took it and he helped me up. "I'm-wait you said you yelled my name, so you know it already. You're a fan?"
"Um...yeah, but just so you know, I only tackled you to save you. And not just because you're you. I would have done that for anyone else in that situation. I swear I'm not crazy," I rambled a little bit, blushing.
"You're fine, don't worry," he reassured me.
I nodded nervously as I bent to pick up my satchel off the ground.
"Uh, I don't normally do this, but I was on my way to get a bite to eat and I was wondering if you would maybe like to join me? It's the least I can do to thank you," Michael asked tentatively, running a hand through his hair.
I whipped my head up to look at him in shock. Did Michael Clifford just ask me out?
"A-are you serious? I-I mean, uh, you don't have to do that," I stammered, fidgeting with the strap on my bag.
"I know, but I want to. I feel bad for how I reacted. You didn't deserve that," He said softly, "Besides, you're really pretty and I was kinda hoping to get to know you better."
My heart threatened to jump out of my chest at his words, but then it sunk a moment later.
"You have no idea how badly I want to say yes, but I have a boyfriend...," I told him, looking down at my feet.
"Oh," his voice sounded sad for a second and then got lighter again which caused me to look back up at him,"Well, I still would like to repay you for saving me so how bout just a casual meal between friends?"
A flicker of emotion crossed his face at those last words and disappeared before I could figure out what it was. I shrugged it off and smiled at him.
"Okay, I guess we could do that," I agreed.
"Awesome!" Michael said excitedly, turning and gesturing for me to follow him, "Come on, I know a great place. I was on my way there just now."
I grabbed onto his jean jacket as I tried to keep up with him. "Michael! Wait for me! I have little legs, unlike you, giraffe boy."
He chuckled and slowed down. "First of all, I'm not a giraffe boy. That's Luke. I'm more of a...fuck, what's another tall animal? A Camel? I don't fucking know..."
"A CAMEL? Oh my gosh. You're an idiot. That's what you are," I said, laughing.
"Ouch! I'm being so nice and treating you to lunch and you call me names?" Michael gasped playfully, putting his hands on his chest in mock pain.
"You didn't let me finish. I was gonna say but you make up for it by being ridiculously cute," I retorted. Oh shit did I just say that?
"Aww really?" Michael said, placing his hands under his chin and making an adorable face.
I nearly fell over laughing while walking and he caught me before I smacked into a post that was directly in my path.
He pulled me toward the doors of a locally owned pizza place nearby,"This is it! The home of the best pizza I've ever had! Oh, do you like pizza? I probably should have asked that earlier."
"Are you kidding me? I could LIVE on pizza!" I answered as we went inside and found a table.
"Okay, you saved my life, you like my music, you're gorgeous and you love pizza as much as I do. Oh my god, are you an angel? Because I have been BLESSED," Michael blurted out, giggling as he sat down in the booth.
"Stop. You did not just say that!" I wheezed, holding my stomach because of how hard I was laughing.
"Are you alright?" he asked between giggles.
"No. You're gonna be the death of me," I whined through my own giggles.
"Aww no don't die. I'm sooorrryyy," he drew out his words as he tried to help me calm down, which failed as the way he said sorry set me off again.
Eventually he got me breathing normally before the server came over to us.
We ended up ordering Dr. Pepper for both of us along with a hawaiian and a cheese pizza. We scarfed a lot of it down while goofing off and talking about everything we could think of. Music, movies/tv, videogames, hobbies and other interests, the band, etc. We also managed to take some funny and cute photos of each other, mostly on his phone because I was worries about having too many on my phone. The only ones on mine were ones of me and like one of the two of us taken as though we just casually ran into each other.
I sat back after awhile, feeling full and and totally happy for a change. And again I was brought down from the clouds by the sound of my phone going off.
"Dude, was that a lightsaber sound effect?" Michael asked, intrigued.
"Yeah it is. I love Star Wars so I made it my notification tone," I explained enthusiastically before I saw the text that the aforementioned lightsaber sound alerted me to. "Shit, I gotta go. My boyfriend is home and he's wondering where I am."
"So? Just tell him you made a new friend and you're hanging out with them," Michael said, shrugging like it was no big deal.
"No, you don't understand. I really have to go home now. I'm really sorry. But I had the best time with you. Thank you so much for bringing me here," I said, grabbing my bag anxiously.
Michael looked at me for a moment like he wanted to ask me something but then his face shifted like he thought better of it. He sighed. "Okay then. Will I get to see you again? I'd like to be friends with you, if that's okay?"
"Um...yeah, here," I answered, pulling up a new contact on my phone and handing it to him. He typed in his info, saved it and then handed it back. I sent him a quick text and he saved my contact, adding one of the photos he took of me to it as well.
"Oh, do you want to take any leftover pizza?" he asked as I stood up.
"I can't, but um, you can share it with the boys? You know they'll be happy you brought them food," I suggested, glancing toward the door, half expecting my boyfriend to track my phone and show up here.
Michael nodded and stood up as well,"Okay, I'll see you later, Mia. I had a wonderful time as well and hopefully we can hang out again soon."
Before I could reply, he reached out and pulled me into a hug. It took everything I had not to melt into his arms and refuse to leave.
"See you later," I mumbled into his chest before pulling away and hurrying toward the door.
"So yeah that's the story of how we met," I finished, shrugging. I'd obviously edited certain things out since I was talking to my family though.
"How long ago was that?" Miles asked, seeming to be fully invested at this point.
"A year and two months ago, but we didn't start dating till this past June," Michael answered.
"Oh, because of the other boyfriend, right? Bet you just jumped from him to this guy like it was nothing," Maggie finally spoke, her voice laced with judgement.
"No, actually, she didn't, which she already said before. And with all due respect, maybe you should ask her nicely what happened instead of instantly judging her," Michael jumped in before I could say anything, wrapping an arm around me both to protect me and also to soothe me because he knew this was a sensitive subject for me and it was taking all of my self control not to snap at her.
Miles put a hand on Maggie's shoulder and stopped her before she could snap back. He hated conflict and was always the neutral party who had to stop arguments. I tried to never put him in that position but the rest of my family was a different story.
He looked over at me and kindly asked,"What happened with the other boyfriend, Mia? If you're alright to talk about it, of course."
I had to take some deep breaths again before speaking,"Um, well, his name was Jesse and he was...he...hurt me..."
I trailed off, shaking and trying to hold back tears at the memories. Michael kissed the side of my head and rubbed my back to soothe me, even though I could feel how tense he was from remembering these things too.
"It's alright, love," he said softly into my hair, "Do you want me to continue for you?"
I shook my head after a moment and did my best to collect myself before speaking again,"Um...he was...hurting me...physically. It was hell for a long time...until I met Michael. It got so bad that I almost died one night, but I survived because Michael and the rest of the band saved me from Jesse. Jesse's in prison and everything, but it took me awhile to get past what happened. Michael's band let me move in with them and they all protected me, took me to therapy and helped me through everything. It wasn't until months later that things between Michael and I became more than friendship."
"You're okay now though?" Miles asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm a lot better now," I answered, smiling. He sighed in relief and hugged me. Mason joined the hug too, which was odd since he rarely showed me affection at all, so Michael backed away to let us have a moment.
"Why didn't you tell us, dude? You know we would have kicked his ass for you," Mason asked as they let go of me.
"Oh, so you could get yourself thrown in jail AGAIN, Mason?" I said, giving him a look," Besides, it was more complicated than just the abuse. He was powerful and he controlled my career, my money, everything. Michael got me out of that with the help of his band management people and their lawyers."
This had actually been what set him off the night Michael saved me, but they didn't need to know that. I didn't want them blaming Michael for what happened to me, which they probably would.
"You just helped her out of the goodness of your heart? I find that hard to believe. You probably just did it to get in her pants," Grandma sneered at Michael, her judgy tone and expression made suddenly worse by the sight of Michael's tattoos as he had shoved his sleeves up to his elbows anxiously without thinking about it.
He disliked remembering what Jesse did almost more than I did and he always played with his sleeves or bracelets when he was anxious. He noticed everyone's eyes darting to his arm and hands, and we both rolled our eyes.
"Oh he's got tattoos, too. Wonderful," I heard my dad mutter.
"Dad! Stop it!" I exclaimed. I went to say more but Michael stopped me. I knew that look in his eyes so I let him. He didn't take shit from people and he wasn't about to start now.
"Okay, listen, I know what I look like to you all," Michael began,"and to be honest, I don't really give a damn because what I look like has nothing to do with how I treat people. I've cared for Mia from the beginning and, not that this is any of your business, I refused to even acknowledge any sort of feelings or anything until she was ready to, much less try anything physical, and neither did she. I'd never disrespect her or take advantage of her, or anyone really, that way. Honestly, my focus wasn't even close to that place, anyway. I was concerned about her wellbeing more than anything and that has not changed. So I promise you, my intentions with Mia have never been anything other than respectful and I would never ever hurt her. We don't even sleep in the same room. So if we could all just be grownups about this, that'd great."
"And by the way, the guy whose appearance you would approve of actually did hurt me and disrespected me. He did a lot of horrible things, and yet if I brought him here instead of Michael, you would have welcomed him immediately. Meanwhile, the man who actually loves me and is good to me is the one you're rude to simply because he does not look ideal to you. How does that make sense?" I interjected.
"I guess it doesn't," My dad said, "Wait, then where are you sleeping while you're here?"
"Again, not that it's your business, but we're staying at Tessa's, still in separate rooms. I'm taking the couch and Mia gets the guest room. We do the same thing on the tour bus and Mia gets her own hotel room when we get to use hotels," Michael told him.
This was not always true, but they didn't need to know that.
"Tour bus?" Dad questioned, confused,"Mia, what are you doing on their tour bus?"
"Oh, I'm 5 Seconds of Summer's opening act!" I told him
"What?!" Miles exclaimed.
"Yep! She's actually an amazing singer and musician. Everyone loves her and she's gained quite the fanbase," Michael boasted, grinning proudly.
Maggie and Grandma again looked shocked. Miles enthusiastically hugged me again for this, and Mason rolled his eyes and tried to act like he didn't care.
"Ew people actually like listening to you sing?" Mason joked. I put my hand on his face and shoved him playfully.
"Really? You're performing?" Dad turned to me, surprised but smiling. As conservative and protective as he was, he'd always loved my voice and he had encouraged me to pursue my music when I left home. I could tell that even though he was not happy about my choice of boyfriend, he was happy I was getting to sing for people.
"Yeah I am," I nodded, beaming at him.
"That's great!" Dad said, seeming to accept this, though he shot Michael an 'I'll hunt you down' look. "As long as there's no funny business going on."
"Okay can we stop talking about Mia's sex life before I lose my appetite? I'm starving!" Mason groaned, grabbing his stomach dramatically.
Everyone laughed at this, surprisingly, and it broke the tension enough for us to move on to dinner. My little nephews came out of their room at that point. They must have been napping. I helped Maggie set out the food then grabbed some glasses of my grandma's famous punch and sat in the chair next to Michael, which he pulled out for me.
"Wow, this all looks and smells amazing!" Michael gasped excitedly as his eyes skimmed over every dish on the table.
"Wait till you taste it," I said, grinning at him.
We said grace and then everyone dug in. Michael eagerly put a helping of everything on his plate and began stuffing his face.
"Oh my god, you're right, it all tastes amazing too!" Michael nearly moaned, his mouth full of food. "Maggie, you're an excellent cook!"
I giggled and nodded in agreement as I shoveled a large spoonful of mashed potatoes into my mouth.
"Oh, thank you," Maggie replied, smiling tentatively as she took a sip of her punch. "I didn't do all of it though. Miles made the devilled eggs and Grandma made the punch."
"Well, you all did a really great job. It's all delicious. Thank you," Michael said, raising his glass to them a little bit before taking a drink. Miles reacted happily but Grandma just sort of half smiled and nodded.
As we ate, he got distracted by my brothers having a heated debate about Mario Kart. He eased his way into the conversation and after a little bit my brothers challenged him to a Mario Kart battle after dinner. Of course, Michael eagerly accepted the challenge.
Dinner went by fairly smoothly, and after we all helped clean up and took some photos together, the boys set up the Wii and started up Mario Kart. I decided to play too, even though I knew they were all better at it than I was. I had just really missed playing videogames with my brothers and I was so happy they were getting along with Michael. The four of us piled onto the couch with our controllers and chose our characters. Miles liked playing as either Toad or Mario but Michael had already picked Toad so Miles went with Mario. Mason got Yoshi before I could but then I remembered you could play as Toadette on this version so I picked her. Michael chuckled at this and kissed the side of my head.
I actually managed to win one round but Miles and Michael won most of the rounds. Mason was not happy about losing but he respected Michael for being so good at the game.
During Halo, which was the next game they put on, I didn't play. However, I did accidentally distract Michael by laying down with my head on his lap, which caused him to miss and his character to die. Then toward the end, I decided to reach over and tickle Mason right as his character was about to throw a grenade at Michael's, causing Mason to drop his controller and his character to accidentally fall off a cliff and die. At the same time, Michael turned and shot Miles' halo dude, winning the round.
"Ohhhhh, I'm gonna get you for that!" Mason cried out in a tone that was half mad and half joking around as we all laughed. He and Miles jumped up and moved toward me.
"Shit!" I yelped as he and Miles, who were both tall and ridiculously strong, grabbed me off of the couch.
They easily were able to toss me around between them and a wrestling match ensued as they tried to take turns tickling me.
"Ahhh, Michael help!" I screeched, giggling as I flailed about, trying to fight off my brothers.
"Oh you mean like this?" Michael smirked and also started tickling me.
"NOOO NOT LIKE THAT AHH!" I shrieked, squirming and beginning to hyperventilate. "WHY ARE YOU HELPING THEM?"
"You distracted me in Halo and made me die," he said, finding the most ticklish spots on my sides as Mason grabbed my legs in an attempt to keep me from kicking him. Miles held me under my arms which caused my shirt to ride up several inches.
Suddenly a shrill voice echoed through the room.
"HE'S GOT YOU TATTOOED AND PIERCED TOO?!" Grandma bellowed as she came back from the bathroom, startling us.
Miles jumped and let go of my torso, which made Mason lose his grip on my legs and drop me. Michael tried to catch me but was just slightly too late. I ended up landing sideways on my hand and rolling backward onto him, screaming as something made a cracking sound and a sharp stabbing pain shot up my arm.
"Shit, Baby, are you okay?" Michael asked worriedly as he helped me up carefully.
I shooked my head and winced as I braced my hand against my chest.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," Miles exclaimed as he saw my swollen, discolored hand and wrist.
Grandma apparently either didn't notice or didn't care because she just stormed over and aggressively yanked my shirt up. She glared down at the ornate black crescent moon holding a red stone that hooked through my navel, Michael's favorite of my belly button rings, and the anchor with tiger lillies and rope descending into a treble clef inked on my side. I had a few other tattoos, but my clothing still covered those.
"Knock it off, Grandma. Michael had nothing to do with my tattoos or me piercing my belly button," I retorted, pushing my shirt back down and stepping away from her. "I got them way before I met him."
"I don't believe you," Grandma said, crossing her arms.
"Of course you don't. That doesn't make it any less true," I replied, annoyed and desperate to go take care of my hand.
"Why would you do this to yourself, Mia? You know better. You know you could get ink poisoning or an infection or something," My dad chimed in, having shifted his attention from my nephews to me and giving me a look only a disappointed dad can give.
"Because I wanted to and that's all that matterd. Mason and Maggie got tattoos and piercings and nobody batted an eye, but I do it and everyone loses their minds? How is that fair?"I questioned them, which actually made them go quiet. "I'm an adult too and I can make my own decisions. If I want your input, I'll ask but until then, I don't want to hear it."
"Fine. If you wanna throw away all your values and destroy your body for a boy, go for it. But don't come crying to me when he leaves you for some other groupie or something," Grandma huffed angrily. "I've been around a long time, Mia. I know how guys like him are."
"Hey listen, I'm sorry you seem to have had some bad experiences with men, but that doesn't mean we are all like them. And it absolutely does not give you the right to treat Mia like that. I don't know what makes you think that's in any way okay, but it's not. Especially since you're family,"Michael snapped at her as he wrapped his arms around me and ushered me toward the back door,"And by the the way, you're wrong. I love Mia with every fiber of my being and I have no intention of ever leaving her. In fact, I hope to marry her some day. When we are both fully ready, of course. Now, in case you haven't noticed, Mia is hurt and needs a doctor."
This seemed to stun everyone into silence for a moment before my grandma grumbled something about it getting dark(she doesn't like driving at night) and gathered her things to leave. My brothers and my dad helped her to her car and Maggie took some leftovers to her car for her. Then Miles and Mason drove Michael and I to the hospital, which luckily is only about 5 minutes away from Maggie's house.
I barely noticed any of this till Michael and I were were in a room waiting to be seen, mostly because of the pain but also because Michael's words were replaying over and over in my head.
"You alright?" Michael murmured, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.
"Did you just...tell my whole family you want to marry me?" I gazed up at him wide eyed.
"Out of everything that just happened, that's what you're thinking about right now?" he asked, incredulously.
"You can't just say something like that and expect me to forget about it," I said. "You know me better than that."
"True," he said. "It kinda just came out before I could stop it. But honestly, I meant every word."
I smiled warmly at him as my heart swelled. Sometimes I still couldn't believe he was really mine.
"I love you," I sighed happily, kissing him.
"I know," He said softly, deepening the kiss and pulling me closer as I snaked my good arm around his neck.
"AHHH MY EYES! MY EYES!" I heard Mason doing a hilarious impression of Phoebe from Friends as he came back in and saw us making out.
We laughed as we pulled apart and watched him get smacked in the back of the head by Miles, who had appeared behind him.
"We're in a hospital, you idiot. You can't yell shit like that here," Miles reprimanded Mason.
"On the upside, it might get the doctor in here faster," Michael snorted. "Do American hospitals always take this long to treat people?"
"Actually a lot longer sometimes. Hospitals kind of suck here," Mason said.
"That's fucking stupid. This is an emergency room," Michael said, glancing down at me worriedly as I leaned on him.
"Welcome to America, buddy," Mason quipped, clapping Michael on the back.
Michael rolled his eyes and shrugged his hand off as the doctor finally came into the room.
The doctor examined my hand, and ordered an x-ray. The x-ray showed that my wrist and thumb were broken so they reset the bones before wrapping it in a cast, which I requested to be purple.
They also gave me a high dose of pain medicine, which meant that Miles had to drive us back to Tessa's. When we got there, Michael explained what happened, since I was too out of it now, and Tessa offered to take us to the airport tomorrow and take our rental car back for us. He agreed.
Michael carried me upstairs to the guest room and helped me change into one of his hoodies and some fuzzy panda pajama pants before tucking me under the covers.
"Goodnight, my love," he murmured as he kissed my forehead and turned toward the door.
"Mikey don't gooooo," I pouted, reaching for him. "Mikey cuddle meee."
"Okay, fine. Just give me a second," he said, chuckling and going out the door. He returned a few minutes later in a long sleeve tshirt and some pajama pants. I reached for him again and he snuggled with me under the covers, careful not to hurt my wrist further.
"My Mikey," I mumbled sleepily, nuzzling my face into his chest. "I love my Mikey."
"I love you, too, baby," he giggled, "And you're so cute when you're high as balls on painkillers. But you need to sleep now."
I looked up at him with big puppy dog eyes and he sighed.
"You want me to sing, don't you?" he asked.
I nodded, still doing the puppy dog eyes.
"Only for you," he said, before very softly serenading me with my favorite song.
"Throwing rocks at your window at midnight
You met me in your backyard that night
In the moonlight you looked just like an angel in disguise..."
I relaxed into his arms and listened happily.
About halfway through the chorus, Michael's beautiful, angelic voice began to fade away as I slowly slipped into unconsciousness.
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afterglowsainz · 7 days
we used to have more | oscar piastri
part 2
pairing: oscar piastri x reader
summary: while working as community manager in formula 1 you have to follow a rule of no fraternization with the drivers, which keeps you and oscar from being together
fc: different girls from pinterest
warnings: some characters have names (because there’s only so many y/f/n that i can use), some mentions of oscar’s girlfriend as her ex
a/n: so i have this one shot called guilty as sin? (that you should totally go read) and i’ve been thinking about expanding on it a little because i keep getting ideas around the same concept so welcome to an au version of my own fic in smau format, enjoy!
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liked by oscarpiastri, lissiemackintosh and others
yourusername another season, another year of trying to make f1 fun for the girlies🎀
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lissiemackintosh do you just casually serve face like this on a random thursday?
yourusername occupational hazards 😝
username my girl is back !!!
username she’s so classy i love her
username i need the girlies that find her clothes to find everything in this dump asap!
username my icon
username y/n please stay in f1 forever thank you❤️
username oh to be a woman in f1
username FINALLY
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liked by f1wags and others
f1gossip mclaren’s oscar piastri was seen this weekend next to y/n y/l/n (the community manager of f1 social media) on different occasions. the people who sent us the videos said that oscar was the one that looked for her and approached her every time
tagged oscarpiastri and yourusername
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username yeah no
username pls lord let this be fake news
username he. approached. her. every. time.
username idk they look kinda cute together
username hoping and praying this was just for content or something
username nooo y/n is one of the f1 female icons, dating a driver would be such a setback for her 😩
username pls if she wants to date a driver then it’s her business, doesn’t take away everything she’s done for women in motorsports
username i love y/n and oscar separately, together …. uhmmm
username omg my faves!!! i hope they date they’d be so cute together 🥰
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liked by exgirlfriend, logansargeant and others
oscarpiastri back to my roots in baku 🏎
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username good luck this year 🧿🧿🧿
username manifesting a championship as we speak 🕯
username ugh look at him i just KNOW a future F1 champion when i see it
username omg the ex girlfriend liked 🫣
username are we about to see episode 37283 of them getting back together after breaking up? 😅
username he looks so cute in that go-kart🥺
username let’s go oscar 🍾🍾🍾
landonorris 👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽
oscarpiastri 😉
username nonchalant king!
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lissiemackintosh’s instagram stories
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[caption 1: milesbaldwin, declanmurray] [caption 2: yourusername my 💗]
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liked by miguelsossa, exgirlfriend and others
yourusername always hustling as you can see 🧘🏽‍♀️
tagged milesbaldwin
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username so beautiful 🤩
username the outfitttt >>>
username my fashion icon fr
milesbaldwin working hard or hardly working? 🧐
yourusername you’re one to talk
milesbaldwin i’m being attacked here pls defend my honor declanmurray miguelsossa
lissiemackintosh y/n is right miles you took two naps in one hour while we were making content
milesbaldwin !!! declanmurray miguelsossa
declanmurray girls be nice to miles
milesbaldwin 😁
declanmurray it’s past his bedtime
miguelsossa 🤣🫵🏽 milesbaldwin
username i love their friendship😩
username wtf oscar’s ex liked her post and unliked it 😭
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liked by f1wags and others
f1gossip mclaren’s oscar piastri was seen this weekend with his ex girlfriend at the paddock together, emerging rumors of possibly getting back together after six months of breaking up
tagged oscarpiastri and exgirlfriend
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username not again
username does this man doesn’t know there’s other women alive?
username guys leave him alone he’s competing for the trophy of who can get back with their ex the most times
username but … but … y/n ….
username i thought they were together too 😩
username i honestly prefer him with y/n than back with his ex for the millionth time
username guys they’re holding hands… it’s over
username my guy really lost the game of getting over your ex
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writersdare · 2 years
Keep It Quiet | Ashton Irwin
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Ashton and Y/N kept their relationship a secret for a while, but one interview made the things a little complicated.
Warning: none
Word Count: 1 819
Author’s Note: I figured I'd write a little piece about Ash, so this came to my mind. I hope you'll enjoy reading it. Maybe I should write the 2nd part? Let me now. Requests are open ♡
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It’s been few months since Ashton and Y/N kept their relationship a secret. Obviously, the friends and close people knew, but for others it was still unknown, even though, fans were guessing everything right from the very beginning. To be fair, they started to talk about these two a year ago, when Ashton and Y/N only met. They were good friends at first, yet, people were constantly asking if they were dating. Perhaps, it was just too noticeable they were always drawn to each other.
In any case, no one had a desire to scream about the romance just yet. Ash and Y/N wanted to keep it private before sharing their little secret to the world. Three months felt more like a year, though, as that’s for how long their feelings were blooming. They moved in together rather quickly, it happened almost naturally and no one even thought it was a rushed decision. Maybe because Y/N was used to stay at his place anyway, before they became a thing.
They met at work, so it was double awkward at first. Y/N was responsible for a creative part of the band’s new album, no one obviously planned to become that close. She preferred to keep her personal life and the job separate, and the guys were always like that, too. After all they were professionals. Ashton was taking it even more seriously than others, that’s why it was so hard for him to make the first move. It was a totally relief, though, when the work was done, and Y/N became more of a friend for everyone. They were constantly going out all together, and that’s when Ashton figured it was the right time to act.
“How about this one?” he entered their bedroom in a black patterned shirt and dark jeans. The guy looked at Y/N in the mirror, while she was doing her hair. 
The album just came out, and the weeks were busy with the press. Apart from music, the band put a lot of effort into a visual part, and as a creative director, Y/N was attending some interviews with the guys to explain the whole art concept behind the album. 
The girl looked at her boyfriend in the mirror, but then turned to Ash and made a short step back to see his outfit fully. The musician was staring at Y/N, waiting for her verdict.
“Uh… I like the first variant better.”
“Really?!” he sighed and threw up the hands in the air, being annoyed he had to change again.
“You look good in this one, too, babe. I just like you in that velvet jacket better,” Y/N shrugged and came back to her hair.
“No, I guess you’re right,” he mumbled, looking at himself in the mirror. “Plus, if I put on a black shirt, it’d be better with the velvet,” Ashton concluded and glanced at Y/N, hoping to hear her opinion again. He was always like that, if the guy was unsure about something, he’d prefer people to tell him the same thing few times. As if he was checking if they were certain.
But Y/N only nodded, focusing on the curling iron.
“Are you nervous?” Ashton sensed her mood immediately and touched the girl’s shoulder. She looked amazing, and the musician made sure she knew that.
“Just a bit,” Y/N said honestly.
“It’ll be alright, sweetheart,” Ashton gently kissed her temple and smiled a bit, looking at her in the mirror. The girl gave him the same warm smile.
It was getting harder to keep everything private, as on the interviews they’d be asked about their relationship all the time, and it was annoying. Of course, managers were giving a set of questions hosts were not allowed to touch, but they couldn’t put them two on the list, otherwise it’d be too obvious.
“When is your car coming?” Y/N asked, when Ash went to the bathroom to change the outfit again.
“In twenty minutes. Yours will be in half an hour. Will you make it?” she heard his voice through the wall.
“Yeah, I’m almost done,” Y/N nodded.
Maybe it was a bit ridiculous, but rather necessary — they were going to the radio station separately to avoid too many questions.
Ashton left home earlier, and Y/N arrived shortly after the band. Introducing each other, the sign “on air” lit up, and the interview has begun. The program was going live on YouTube as well, so the lovebirds were sitting purposely away from each other. Ash was sitting in the end of the couch with Calum, Michael was in the middle, and Y/N was sitting in the corner with Luke. The interview shouldn’t have taken too long, it usually lasted about twenty minutes, so doubtfully anything bad could happen. Y/N sill felt like she was on the edge, but the presence of a friend next to the girl was calming her down. Asking the band few questions, the host drew his attention to her. 
“So, Y/N, tell me how was it working with the guys, how the process looked like? Where did the initiative come from? I know you’ve been working with some amazing musicians in the past, Coldplay, Harry Styles, the list goes on and on. Is the working process always different?”
“Um, yeah,” she smiled and nodded, relaxing a bit, as the question was familiar. The boys turned heads to her, so Ashton thought it was an okay time for him to stare, too. “I was really happy the guys reached out to me, it was exciting. The process is always very different, I mean a lot depends on the music and if, um, an artist already knows in what direction they want to go to, if the music is somewhat ready. With these guys it all went almost naturally,” the boys nodded. “I feel like when we first met, we already got plenty of ideas,” Y/N glanced at Luke, as he was sitting next to her.
“Yeah, that’s true,” he nodded. “I think it was clear from the very begging that we understood each other, you know.”
“Yeah. It was also helpful the guys knew what they wanted to see. It’s harder when someone reaches out to you with no idea or concept. Surely, it’s my job, too, but if someone has no clue, no matter what we start to do, everything would seem wrong.”
“Did you have such experience in the past?” the host continued the conversation. “When the artist would contact you, but have no idea what they wanted from you?”
“Oh, yeah,” Y/N nodded.
“Can you give a name?” everyone started laughing, Y/N shook her head, smiling.
“No… But to be fair, it still can work out in the end. It’s always fun to try different ideas, I feel like we also had really a lot, before sticking to the final visual concept.”
“Yeah, that’s for sure, we tried to be as open as it was possible to the new ideas,” Michael agreed, actively gesticulating like he always did.
“Now, Y/N, we all know what’s happening on the Internet, so I just have to ask you and Ash if there is something going on between you, guys?” the host was smiling wide, clearly trying to get the truth from them, and Y/N only hoped she wasn’t blushing.
“I’m as single as it can be,” Ashton joked and smiled, being obviously annoyed.
“Alright, you heard this first on the radio! Y/N? Do you have someone special in your life?”
Y/N had no idea how these questions were related to 5SOS and the album, but she only smiled, ignoring a little sting she got when Ash answered the question first.
“I’m single, too. I know it’s a rather boring answer, but I’m currently focusing on my projects and, well, love comes when it comes,” she nodded with a smile, and the girl could swear she felt a tension that was growing between her and Ash running through poor Luke and Michael in the middle. To be fair, Ashton was first, who answered in a particular way. He could just say they were friends. But she was also certain that they both hated to lie. They just had to. Y/N continued. “We’re all good friends, we care about each other and, I guess, maybe someone just got a wrong idea because of that,” she shrugged.
“Alright, just friends then,” the host nodded and continued the interview, which all of a sudden became more of torture.
As about five minutes left, they started to play a game “who is more likely to”. The questions were quite innocent and simple, so everyone finally relaxed and were answering openly, fooling around time to time.
“Okay, next question,” the host said, smiling. “Who is more of a mom in your group?”
“Ashton,” Michael said right away.
“Yeah, Ashton…” Calum mumbled, thinking. “Although, I’d say Y/N was taking his place– “
“Yeah, I actually agree,” Luke giggled. “Y/N is more caring, would always bring snacks or ask if we drink enough water...”
Ash chuckled and nodded, remembering a story he actually did not need to tell on the radio.
“That’s definitely Y/N,” he looked at her, smiling and trying to hold giggles. “Remember, when we just woke up the other day and…”
Everything happened as if in a slow motion. Y/N kept smiling, trying to hide the horror on her face. Calum’s eyes widened, and Michael glanced at Ash to give him a hint to shut up. Luke hurried up to interrupt and save the day.
“Oh, yes, we were renting that house for a while to isolate ourselves from the civilization and just focus on music and art, and the other morning we went downstairs, Y/N was already there, making breakfast for everyone. That was rather sweet.”
Y/N nodded with a smile, deciding to go with that story, even though it had never happened. It still wasn’t too far from the reality, she was caring by her nature, indeed. And the girl definitely was coming to the studio with some snacks for everyone before.
“Yeah, that was sweet,” Calum nodded, supporting a lie. Ashton just kept smiling and nodding, feeling like an idiot. Until the end of the interview he preferred to stay silent and answer only when he was asked directly.
“Well, that was really close,” Calum commented, taking a seat in a car next to others. They were going to have another interview, so Y/N was coming with them.
“I know,” Ashton sighed. “Thanks a lot, mate,” he glanced at Luke.
“That’s alright, I think it all worked in the end,” the guy nodded with a supportive smile.
Everyone agreed with him, having no idea that meanwhile the fans were analyzing the video from the live interview and talking about Ashton’s and everyone else’s reaction when he almost told a story about him and Y/N waking up together.
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– gifs aren’t mine and belong to the rightful owner – saw them here @uservalentine
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
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rowsdelusions · 1 year
Older (Luke Hemmings/reader)
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Older(Luke Hemmings imagine)
Title: Older
Rating: None
Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Reader
Word Count: 859
Warnings: None
Summary: You and Luke show your love through the song Older
Author’s Note: Since I loved the feeling of falling upwards and the whole idea of Older i decided to do an imagine showing my love and appreciation of the song. But with that said I AM NOT discreating Sierra ALL CREDITS GO TO LUKE HEMMINGS AND SIERRA DEATON. With that please enjoy!!! >_<
^Luke Hemmings/reader^
The only thing I felt was admiration. I was so proud of the boys and what they have done it’s truly remarkable, but as I looked at the stage waiting for my que to come on for Older a song me and Luke wrote together during COVID from just pure boredom because no way am I ever a singer nor do I write lyrics for a living it was just something to do but we fell in love with the outcome and when Luke showed the boys they did as well complimenting me and Luke for it.
But as I waited all I could think about was how utterly in the moment Luke looks. Him on the stage has always been my favorite thing to watch but with this album and this show has such strong meaning to everyone involved I had no idea how the boys weren’t bawling their eyes out. It’s not even my own show and I already feel the tears building up in my eye ducts.
Seeing the queue that I was about to go on stage. I felt like a building just crashed in my stomach, nerves coming back after my thoughts drifted away from Luke. The boys begged me for months to release the song with me and Luke both singing after they caught me singing parts of it while cooking dinner for the group one day, I said no every time they asked me. Why would I sing the song when I don't even sing professionally.
But Luke persuaded me to at least sing it for the show since it’s such a special show. Even then I had doubts, asking the boys over and over again making sure it was alright with them. I never want to over step or do something that their not all that comfortable with but they all stated that it was perfectly okay with them which eases some of my worry but, there's this part of me wishing that one of them said they weren't okay with it so I didn't have to do it.
Singing in the comfort of your home with people you love is one thing but singing in front of thousands of thousands of fans of your boyfriend and his band is the scariest thing I could ever do, and it’s hitting me full force now. Seeing it’s closer to the time that I have to walk on stage increases the nerves. I hear Luke speaking to the crowd. His voice held so much emotion even when he’s making awkward jokes to cover the immense emotion he’s feeling.
My breathing stops when I hear him singing the song that we made together. In a way it was a province of our love. The love that’s grown into something that I can’t imagine ending and never wanting it to end as selfish as it sounds. When I get the nod to go, I start walking while singing my part. But my voice gets shaky when I see Luke at the piano. All the tears that I’ve been able to keep at bay come flushing back. Not even recognizing the screams of fans. My sole focus is on Luke and how captivating he looks under the fluorescent lights, his suit and messy tie along with his beautiful curly blonde hair matching with the eye makeup that he asked me to help put on him before the show makes him look like an angel.
I sit down on the piano bench. Keeping my voice as steady as I can with tears streaming down my face, but when he looks at me it breaks a little. His eyes showing love and admiration, that if you look at him it would seem I put the stars into the sky. I look at him the trying to convey the same thing and more that I could never put into words. Without even knowing it we finished the song like we were on autopilot.
But the fans brought me back just in time. Standing up I see Luke doing the same going over towards his side looking up towards him with a smile on my tear stain cheeks I say, “I love you so much the show is spectacular. I’m so proud of what you and the boys have done and become, thank you for letting me be a part of it.” Looking down at me and taking my tear-stained cheeks into his large, callused hands from playing the guitar for so long, he kisses me with a smile on his lips. Breaking up the kiss he looks down at me so deeply that my knees almost buckle underneath me, but he wraps me into his arms before I could get the chance and mumbles against my lips, “I love you more than anyone can ever imagine.” My smile couldn’t get any wider, but seeing I have to go by one of the stage hands I hurry to say my goodbye with my smile still on my face but it turning into a smirk once I see that my desired goal was reached as I say, “I’ll see you after the show Mr. Hemmings and then I’ll show you just how much I’m proud of you.”
⋆ ★
I'm soooo sorry If it's really short this is my first time writing anything for people and posting but I love 5sos so much that I had to write something please let me know if it's any good and people want to see more cause I'm planning on doing more if I get positive responses back!!!!!! >_<
⋆ ★ row!!
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sinning5sos · 1 year
Having a baby with Ashton would include...
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1/4 in the father-to-be series :
Ashton ~ would be a helicopter partner near the end of your pregnancy, making sure you had anything you wanted and everything you needed.
You stared down at your stomach, admiring yet feeling anxious at the protrusion. You were at the thirty-nine week mark, and there wasn’t much that you could do at this point. You already knew you were having a girl, your excitement could hardly be contained but that was nothing compared to your husband. 
You listened to him humming along in the other room, only pausing when a lyric popped into his head and rubbed your stomach mindlessly. 
When you had that first wave of nausea so long ago, then you peed on those sticks, Ashton had been so excited. He still was, sometimes to the point of too much excitement for you. But the two of you were happy to finally have a child together, a dream you’ve both shared for a few years now.
You sighed as you realized you had to pee, which meant that you had to get out of your comfy chair, a chair that Ashton had bought when you had hit the thirty week mark stating that, “My love and my love deserve the best.”
You heaved forward slightly, but barely moved and you huffed as you sank back into the chair. You tried once more, but fell back. This chair was too comfortable.
“Babe?” You called, and heard a pencil fall onto the desk and his chair scoot back instantly, and he nearly tripped over his feet as he came around the corner.
“Yes, what is it? Is it time?” He asked, kneeling at the foot of the chair and you giggled as you shook your head.
“You think that if I was going into labor, I’m just going to call for you?” You said, and he chuckled as he kissed the top of your stomach, “No, I just have to pee darling.”
“Ah,” He replied. He stood and held his hands out for you to take, and using your momentum and Ashtons help, you were finally able to get to your feet. You felt the baby shift slightly inside of you, a feeling you couldn’t tell if you enjoyed or not, and let out a deep breath. His eyes widened in concern, but he remained quiet.
“Pee time,” You mumbled, and Ashton helped you walk over into the bathroom. You shut the door behind you, smiling to yourself as you saw his feet cast a shadow underneath the door, “Ash, I can pee just fine.”
“I know, I just want to help you.”
“You’ve done more for me Ashton, than any other person in this world.”
Other pregnancy things from Ash would include - 
Countless foot massages and helping you lotion your feet/legs
Literally a n y t h i n g you wanted, you got it
Him spoiling the baby with lots of clothes and toys
To the point where it’s kinda annoying but also he’s a father to be and you love how dedicated he is
Lots of affirmation from him
He’d be doing lots of research on everything and anything baby related
Because he doesn’t want to be like his dad so he’s going to try his best in every single fucking thing possible
And he’d tell you every single day how thankful he is for you and how he’s so excited to do this with you
He’d try to convince you to do anal just once
But he’d also spoil you
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little-luna-143 · 2 years
Everything I Didn't Say PT 2
It wasn't long before there was a security guard coming to escort you two to behind the stage. "I don't know what's going on but hopefully its good!" You sign at Maya smiling. You two were escorted to a room with no questions asked, but it wasn't long before you saw the boys start coming in one at a time. "So, you're the girl that our little Lukey was talking about" Michael teases pinching Luke's cheek. You talk as you translate everything being said "Hi, I'm y/n and this is my friend Maya, we are huge fans of you guys." you start. You two hung out with the boys for roughly an hour, You and Luke are hitting it off and finding out that there is a lot that you have in common with him. You turn to Maya "I'll be back, I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick then I'll be right back" you sign to her before you leave the room in search of the bathroom. When you get there, you head straight to the mirror and seeing as your lips were chapped you put on some of your favorite chap-stick. You fix your hair and rub your lips together before heading out. You were walking back to the room when you pass a hallway and feel a pair of arms wrap around you. You were getting ready to scream when you saw your capture was Luke, "Sorry for scaring you, I just had to get you alone..." Luke claims before adding "Not to be creepy or anything, but I think I like you and I like that we have so much in common..." He trails off before shaking his head almost like he was resetting himself "I'm going to ask; Can I kiss you?" He asks watching as you nod your head yes. Slowly, like you were in some sappy Hallmark movie, you both moved closer and closer. Before you knew it his warm lips were on yours and they seemed like they were molded and made for each other. After making out for what seemed like 10 minute's, you break apart when you hear Calum yelling for Luke. "I've got to go but this was good, no great! And I definitely want to do again, as well as get to know you and see where this can go..." He stops trailing little kisses all over your face "Yeah, I definitely want to see you more" He mumbles before you feel something in your hand "Here's my number, Text me so I can have yours, so we can plan our official first date" He tells you winking at you and getting ready to go out of the hallway but not before sneaking one more longing kiss. "I'll be waiting for you to text me babe" is the last thing Luke states before walking back to the room and leaving you gob-smacked...
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heartcal · 6 months
does anyone wanna read a preview of rejected part 8 ?
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12 Days of Holidays: Day 5
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Calum HoodXFemale Reader
Warnings: pure fluff, winter weather, mentions of food, soft touches, rambling moments, first kisses
“What are you doing for New Year’s?” Calum questioned. His back was pressed up against one of the bookcases. A crunch followed right after his words and you looked over to see him munching on potato chips, a large bag that was usually shared with a family. 
“Uh as far as I know, to my dad’s for a barbeque in the afternoon and that’s about it,” you said, placing one last book on the shelf and wheeling your cart to another section. Calum was hot on your heels, stuffing another chip into his mouth and once again taking a spot on the edge of a bookcase. “What are you doing?” you asked, face frowning at how chaotic the shelf looked. You sighed in annoyance as you grabbed the handful of books that didn’t belong in the section. 
“I was invited to some party downtown, but. . .I thought maybe you and I could meet up at Cane’s Park and watch the firework show.” There was a tinge of hope in Calum’s voice and you understood where it was stemming from. It had been a week since your official first date with him. The two of you had been trying to plan for a second date, but since the holiday traffic was picking up neither of your schedules would align. Right now Calum was spending his lunch with you while you worked to get the bookstore ready for an author meet and greet. There was a definite shift in your dynamic now that your feelings were out in the open. For starters, Calum wasn’t hesitant about touching you more. He’d give you forehead kisses, squeeze your hip whenever he passed behind you, the hugs you two shared were longer too. 
“You want to spend New Year’s together?” you asked. The dating part only just started, but you had practically been spending most of your days with him before the first date. Even went on a skiing trip with him and his friends, so you weren’t sure why Calum asking you to spend New Year’s Eve with him made you nervous. 
“Yeah. Is that weird?” Calum thought for a moment. “Like I know we just started dating, but I thought it’d be a good second date. I could get some blankets, and snacks. We don’t even have to go all the way inside the park, we can just chill in the back of my truck and watch the fireworks from there.” He was starting to ramble. 
“Or we can wait until after the new year for our second date,” he continued on.
“Cal!” the volume of your voice raised higher, but he was too wrapped in his rambling to hear. You rolled your eyes, setting the books down and grabbing Calum by his cheeks to pull him in for a kiss to shut him up. It took Calum a second to realize that your lips were on his, frozen in his spot for a second before kissing you back. The hand that was holding up his bag of chips lowered. After a few seconds you pulled away. 
“Y-You kissed me?” he blurted seemingly perplexed. 
“I did,��� you laughed, “I had to shut you up somehow.” 
“That was our first kiss,” Calum said this time. You chuckled again and went back to reshelving. 
“It was,” you replied, finally turning to face him. Calum still seemed a bit shell-shocked, his fingers going up to touch his lips where yours were just pressed. Calum wanted to kiss you again, and he glanced over to see you had been watching him. His cheeks felt heated at being caught and he cleared his throat. 
“Can I kiss you again?” Calum timidly asked, taking a step closer to you. You smirked at his words, lifting on your tippy toes to reach his height again. Calum smiled down at you, his hand grabbing at your waist this time to pull you closer even more. His head dipped, but you weaved your head so that your lips were near his ear. 
“You can get another kiss on New Year’s Eve,” you whispered, pulling away from him and receiving a groan in return. Calum licked his lips and he gave you a playful glare in return. He wasn’t opposed to waiting another day or so, but he had wished the kiss you just had lasted longer for him to at least think about it until you kissed again. 
“Fine, New Year’s. It's a date," Calum smiled, pulling you into a hug and kissing the top of your head. 
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