#6:38:00 21/02/2024
dazaijustscrollsfic · 3 months
oh my god Mr. Za is a title now.
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ms-m-astrologer · 18 days
Cosmic Events: June 2024
Executive Summary: very short void Moons, very long Opportunity Periods, heavy mutable energy at the beginning.
Lunar Phases
Monday, June 3, 02:36 UT - Balsamic Moon, 28°01’ Aries
Thursday, June 6, 12:38 UT - New Moon, 16°18’ Gemini
Growing up a little bit. “Things” are in the process of change, and we want to meet it with maturity and graciousness. Trying to suss out the future in order to make the best of it. Recognizing when something is over and moving on.
Monday, June 10, 04:34 UT - Crescent Moon, 4°48’ Leo
Friday, June 14, 05:18 UT - First Quarter Moon, 23°39’ Virgo
Tuesday, June 18, 07:15 UT - Gibbous Moon, 12°33’ Scorpio
Saturday, June 22, 01:08 UT - Full Moon, 1°07’ Capricorn
Trying to do our own thing, but the damned world keeps intruding itself. We have to adjust. Steady, hard work with a practical endpoint is a good outlet.
Tuesday, June 25, 12:15 UT - Disseminating Moon, 19°25’ Aquarius
Friday, June 28, 21:53 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 7°40’ Aries
Void of Course Moon
Sunday, June 2, 22:04 UT (Aries) - Monday, June 3, 05:55 UT (Taurus)
Wednesday, June 5, 08:09 UT (Taurus) - 08:36 UT (Gemini)
Friday, June 7, 12:16 UT (Gemini) - 12:41 UT (Cancer)
Sunday, June 9, 19:05 UT (Cancer) - 19:29 UT (Leo)
Tuesday, June 11, 19:16 UT (Leo) - Wednesday, June 12, 05:39 UT (Virgo)
At 10 hours 23 minutes, this is the longest void Moon in June.
Friday, June 14, 17:54 UT (Virgo) - 18:12 UT (Libra)
Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT (Libra) - 06:38 UT (Scorpio)
Wednesday, June 19, 16:19 UT (Scorpio) - 16:32 UT (Sagittarius)
Friday, June 21, 22:58 UT (Sagittarius) - 23:08 UT (Capricorn)
Monday, June 24, 03:05 UT (Capricorn) - 03:14 UT (Aquarius)
Tuesday, June 25, 22:30 UT (Aquarius) - Wednesday, June 26, 06:08 UT (Pisces)
Friday, June 28, 08:45 UT (Pisces) - 08:52 UT (Aries)
At seven minutes in length, this is the shortest void Moon in June.
Sunday, June 30, 04:56 UT (Aries) - 12:00 UT (Taurus)
(Note that out of 13 void Moons, eight of them are under half an hour long in total - and one more is only 33 minutes long. This is because Neptune is very late in Pisces, moving from 29°40’ to 29°56’ during June.)
Transiting Ceres/Capricorn is retrograde all month.
Transiting Pallas/Scorpio is retrograde all month.
Transiting Juno/Virgo is in her post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn begins the month in its pre-retrograde shadow; it stations retrograde on Saturday, June 29.
Transiting Pluto/Aquarius is retrograde all month.
Monday, June 3 - transiting Mercury enters Gemini
Sunday, June 9 - transiting Mars enters Taurus
Monday, June 17 - transiting Venus enters Cancer
Monday, June 17 - transiting Mercury enters Cancer
Wednesday, June 19 - transiting Vesta enters Leo
Thursday, June 20 - transiting Sun enters Cancer
(Aka the Cancer Solstice.)
Opportunity Periods
Tuesday, June 4, 23:04 UT - Wednesday, June 5, 08:36 UT. “This Last Quarter Moon OP is a good time to get organized, let go of what is no longer necessary, and finish up projects.”
Friday, June 7, 12:41 UT - Sunday, June 9, 19:29 UT. “Long OP while the Moon goes through the entire sign of Cancer, great for finding or expressing love after your emotions are renewed.”
Friday, June 14, 18:12 UT - Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT. “An excellent waxing Moon OP for commerce, arts, networking, or partying.”
Wednesday, June 19, 05:24 UT - 16:19 UT. “Short OP filled with intense emotions. Good for deep thinking and reflection.”
Thursday, June 27, 14:57 UT - Friday, June 28, 08:52 UT. “This is a good opportunity for connections as well as expressing love and compassion.”
Et Cetera
The Cancer Solstice takes place on Thursday, June 20, at 20:51 UT. It’s much like the Full Moon chart of the next day; only the Moon moves very much. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all together in Cancer, sextile Mars/Taurus - which is a great setup for minding our own business. But….
The Sag Moon is the apex of a mutable t-square, though. Mutable = new problems arising, dealing with responsibilities (Saturn is involved). Something happens, and burying our heads in the sand is the wrong approach.
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prtcll · 6 months
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【Release Info】 Leo Okagawa [just another day] (Hitorri / December 17, 2023) - CD / Digital
[Buy] Hitorri Bandcamp Page Leo Okagawa Bandcamp Page
5:16 a view from my room's window (1) 02:43
7:38 the building materials shop opens early in the morning
7:47 a cicada announces the arrival of summer 00:49
8:39 a car repair shop getting ready for work
8:51 sounds of washing machines
9:19 a van is waiting for a parking space
9:31 refilling a vending machine with cans
9:38 a barber's pole and a helicopter 01:39
10:05 caged birds in front of a barber shop
11:11 artificial bird calls alert the visually impaired to steps
11:47 quite an early lunch 01:11
11:57 traffic echoes under the bridge
12:18 someone is always moving a chair at the cafe
12:21 an unmanned subway ticket gate
12:32 an old condenser unit in an old curry restaurant 01:52
12:43 a driver gets out of his truck
12:52 a man reading a newspaper at the library
13:20 waiting for the train's departure
13:39 water through the garden hose 01:06
13:44 cleanup of fallen leaves
13:53 a tiny shoe repair shop
14:17 express highway announcements in three languages
14:23 a wind chime at the shrine 01:55
14:49 an ascetic monk passing by on the street
14:54 the movement of a stack parking place
14:59 an escalator outside a department store
15:09 the north gate of Tokyo Station
15:14 at the counter of a coffee shop 02:24
15:20 trains passing through the railroad crossing
15:28 cash registers working without rest
15:39 guides on the street in front of the horse racetrack
15:53 until the bus is out of sight 00:41
16:36 in the lobby of MOT
16:38 a bicycle parking lot beside the station
16:59 a school bell rings every day even during summer vacation
17:01 the train approaches and leaves the station
17:28 trains passing above
17:54 the entrance monument of Shibuya Loft 01:42
17:58 a cash dispenser prints my bank account's activities
18:00 kagura sounds on the street
18:09 a swinging ship attraction game
19:22 buying a bottle from a vending machine 00:26
20:39 a view from my room's window (2)
Leo Okagawa: ZOOM H4n Pro
Each piece was captured with a fixed point recording starting at the time listed, and no edits were made afterwards.
Recorded June - August, 2023 Cover by Leo Okagawa
Leo Okagawa has recently been known for performing improvised music on electronics at venues in the Tokyo area. On the other hand, he has long been creating “composed” works using environmental sounds, analog noises and electronics.
This CD consists of pieces in the latter category. Okagawa made 43 tracks from his direct recordings (each a few minutes long) of sounds he encountered in various locations between June and August 2023, then put them together without edits to create this 72-minute-long field recording masterpiece. Although taken on different days, the 43 tracks follow the flow of a summer day from early morning to dusk. The myriad sounds captured in changing locations hit the listener’s ears in a dynamic way.
Bandcamp Daily: The Best Field Recordings on Bandcamp: January 2024 Between June and August of last year, Leo Okagawa carried his Zoom H4n recorder with him everywhere he went, capturing small moments throughout his day. He then assembled these clips into a narrative of a representative summer day in Tokyo, organizing them chronologically from morning to night but otherwise leaving them completely unedited. Some tracks are almost shockingly mundane (“a man reading a newspaper at the library”) while others hold more intrinsic interest (“an ascetic monk passing by on the street”). But these pieces mean more in the aggregate than any single recording would suggest; cumulatively, they create a window onto another person’s experience of the world that is oddly touching in its simplicity. (Reviewed by Matthew Blackwell)
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misttimes · 1 year
JR東海、謝罪しただけでなく原因まで明確に発表するとは。発売条件設定ミスだとな。 >RT
posted at 23:59:56
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RT @oshitabi_update: 臨時急行「ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!」号の発売に関するお詫び 本件について、事前にご案内していた購入方法のうち、一部の方法で購入出来ない事象が発生しました。 ご迷惑おかけしたことを深くお詫び申し上げます。現在、追加発売等を検討しております。 jr-central.co.jp/news/release/n… pic.twitter.com/2z3R6M6xLw
posted at 23:57:14
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RT @satake_take: ヒェ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #watayuri #わたゆり #tokyomx pic.twitter.com/vDGu8CohWv
posted at 23:45:16
右腕まだ治らないの #わたゆりお給仕中 #tokyomx
posted at 23:34:37
ゆかりーん! ゆ、ゆーっ、ユアアーッ!! ユアーッ!! #わたゆりお給仕中 #tokyomx
posted at 23:33:55
posted at 21:39:19
posted at 21:38:21
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RT @satosatomi58: ツバサくんのお母さん役で出演しました! 気づいてくださった皆様、ありがとうございます☺️ 見逃した方も、もう一度見たい方も 是非配信でご覧ください🐥🐥🐥💕 #ひろプリ  #precure twitter.com/TVanime_precur…
posted at 21:27:55
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RT @uzutanco: 「クロノトリガー開発時、エイラの胸の揺れが問題視され修正された」という真偽不明の海外サイト情報を確かめるべく国会図書館に何日も通い詰めてようやくこのインタビュー記事見つけたときは本当に嬉しかったな…(必本スーパー!157号P.119でした)もうブルンブルンだったらしい。何それ見たかっ pic.twitter.com/5RprOiSCRJ
posted at 21:18:48
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RT @MarsTypeS: 家に帰ってきたので「コナミの社長はゲーム嫌い」に対して色々情報引っ張ってきた 元ネタは小島監督騒動の時に出てた日経の記事の「(ゲームの)イメージが良くなく子供にも自分の職業が言えなかった」「『所詮はゲーム』という世間の風潮を気にして、『ゲーム屋』と呼ばれるのを嫌っていた」の二文
posted at 21:18:12
posted at 21:17:55
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RT @skd7: 小学館による秋葉原叩き。記事の内容が差別ありきの妄想。秋葉原在住6年と記事では主張しているが、裏アキバ=昭和通り側を勘違い。秋葉原駅のサイゼイヤの親子風を根拠なく援交と思い込む。それを拡散してしまう。偽善者以前に人として最低に思う。 @kShOnJsAlnWeGlL www.news-postseven.com/archives/20230…
posted at 21:17:30
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RT @akiba_plus: ひどい記事を見た。秋葉原の駅近くに安ホテルがあったら薦めてるわ! カプセルでさえ6千円超えるし、適当なこと書いてるんじゃないわい! あと、謎の「裏秋葉原」。どこだよ! 秋葉原に来たことあるのか? ※リンク切れてたので張り直し。 ■問題の記事つwww.msn.com/ja-jp/news/opi…
posted at 21:17:18
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RT @HS1022: とんでもない会議してて草。 半導体製造メーカのトップ3(TSMC、サムスン、インテル)、半導体製造装置メーカのトップ3(imecは実質ASML、AMAT、国内のTELも来てるやろ)が一堂に会するとかヤバすぎ →岸田文雄首相、半導体投資を要請 米台韓の大手幹部と会談 - 日本経済新聞 www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…
posted at 21:16:51
>「ワカモレ」とはスペイン語でアボカドのソースという意味。 www.meiji.co.jp/meiji-shokuiku…
posted at 20:03:19
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RT @domdom_pr: \🐟今年もはみでてます‼️🐟/ 5月27日販売開始 はみでる❗️アジフライバーガー 脂がのったふかふかの大きなアジフライ💯 定番の「タルタルソース」と、今年はアボカド🥑やたまねぎ🧅・スパイス等を加えた「ワカモレ」の2種類をご用意しました🍔 詳細は公式HPへ🐘 domdomhamburger.com/topics/4296.html pic.twitter.com/TNYBZNw1E2
posted at 20:01:32
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RT @kikumaco: 原発を動かさなくても再エネでやれると言ってた(言ってる)人たちは、今の発電状況を見て何か反省の弁を述べるべきだね。 そして、菅直人がいちばん悪いのだから、立憲民主党は電気代について何か役に立つ提案をするべき
posted at 20:01:10
@31_443 首都圏近郊なのに辿り着くのか困難なあそこですか🍜
posted at 13:11:28
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RT @abu0705: そんなわけで最近はどっか出かけても切符の画像とか出さないようになってるし現地や車内の写真とか出すにしても時差で出すし結構気を遣う結果、どっか行っても実況系のつぶやきが激減してしまっている(今日はぬかったけども 海外行ったときはまぁ誰もおらんやろ!ってことで呟きまくってるけどね!
posted at 13:08:53
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RT @abu0705: 例えば芸能人が新幹線の中とかで撮った写真なんかでも趣味の人間ならぶっちゃけどこ走ってる何時発の◯号だなとか断片情報からわかっちゃうことってそりゃありますよ でもそれわかったとしても敢えてリプに下げたり表だった場所に書かないでしょ普通は なんでそういうことしちゃうかな〜って思う
posted at 13:08:52
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RT @abu0705: あえてぼかして書いてんのにご丁寧に引リツで列番出してくるのほんとただの特定行為なのわかってほしいしやめてくれねえかな いやぼくが最初から呟かなければいいだけなのはそうなんだけども(ツイ消しした)
posted at 13:08:49
みどりの窓口が減らされてる現状なのにみどりの窓口でしか買えない臨時列車を仕立て上げるJR東海。JR九州だとYC1系臨時快速のロングシート指定席ですらJR東日本 えきねっと でシートマップまで出てきて買えたのに。 twitter.com/misttimes/stat…
posted at 12:53:50
posted at 12:48:56
えきねっと、e5489で6/18 9:00過ぎの浜松⇒沼津を検索してみたが、確かに「ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!号」出てこなかった。それにしても印字がサンシャイン!!号だったとは、香椎線西戸崎から博多直通の臨時列車じゃないんだから。
posted at 12:47:41
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RT @dora22sibuya: これさあ ・えきねっと/e5489で出ない ・サイバーステーションで出ない ・指定席券売機で出ない となると 今日からまいにち日本中あちこちのみどりの窓口・JR全線きっぷうりばに 「ラブライブ!サンシャイン‼︎の急行券ありますか??」って訊いてくるオタク続出するわけでしょ 控えめに言って地獄
posted at 12:44:31
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RT @Kumi_Ch0315: jr-central.co.jp/news/release/_… 6/18(日)運行の臨時列車『ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!号』 えきねっとおよびe5489ではお取り扱いがない模様ですね 当日10:00予約開始するが窓口オンリーという地獄の展開… (左)JR東海プレスリリース (右)推し旅専用ページ(特設サイト) #lovelive_sunshine pic.twitter.com/2Xz2k2bqBF
posted at 12:44:12
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RT @ap6594cg: JR東海のニュースリリースにはネット予約で買えるって書いてないな ゲキ推しのキャンペーンサイト書いた人が勘違いしていたのか… これはひどい pic.twitter.com/vXKLGUohJ2
posted at 12:44:07
大阪南港ATCホールの近辺にディッパーダンは無い模様。 www.toei-anim.co.jp/all_precure_ex…
posted at 12:02:17
全プリキュア展の大阪は8月くらいと思��てたら意外と遅かった。グリーティングの❤️secret❤️が気になる。 www.toei-anim.co.jp/all_precure_ex…
posted at 12:00:32
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RT @precure_15th: 横浜でイベント開催決定🎉 ❤️「全プリキュア展」横浜で凱旋開催! ❤️「全プリキュアパレード」9月開催! ❤️「全プリキュア 20th Anniversary LIVE」2024/1/20(土)・21(日)横浜アリーナにて開催!公式サイト:www.toei-anim.co.jp/all_precure_li… ※各詳細は後日発表いたします。 #プリキュア20周年 #precure pic.twitter.com/BxaCV9Btxe
posted at 11:58:34
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RT @all_precure_exh: \✨全プリキュア展(大阪会場)開催決定!✨/ 2023年9月30日(土)〜10月15日(日) 大阪南港ATCホール Aホール ▼開催概要・チケット・グリーティング情報を更新!  公式サイトもチェックしてね✨ www.toei-anim.co.jp/all_precure_exh/  #全プリキュア展 #プリキュア #precure pic.twitter.com/VQvbOB3lOq
posted at 11:58:30
posted at 00:30:11
posted at 00:29:54
from TOJHO(@misttimes) - Twilog https://ift.tt/gOUXD4C via https://ift.tt/kMQLR30
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kazzttoramt · 6 hours
Previsão do tempo para os dias depois de 02/06/2024 em Diadema
Para 03/06/2024:
Às 00:00: ⛅ nuvens dispersas, probabilidade de chuva de 28% e 🌡 temperatura de 18 ºC
Às 03:00: ⛅ nuvens dispersas, probabilidade de chuva de 38% e temperatura de 16 ºC
Às 06:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 1% e temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 09:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 3% e temperatura de 18 ºC
Às 12:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 5% e temperatura de 24 ºC
Às 15:00: 🌝 céu pouco nublado, probabilidade de chuva de 11% e temperatura de 25 ºC
Às 18:00: ☁ nuvens quebradas, probabilidade de chuva de 54% e temperatura de 22 ºC
Às 21:00: ☁ nuvens quebradas, probabilidade de chuva de 51% e temperatura de 18 ºC
Para 04/06/2024:
Às 00:00: ☁ nublado, probabilidade de chuva de 86% e 🌡 temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 03:00: ☔ chuva fraca, probabilidade de chuva de 94% e temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 06:00: ☔ chuva fraca, probabilidade de chuva de 100% e temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 09:00: ☔ chuva fraca, probabilidade de chuva de 100% e temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 12:00: ☔ chuva fraca, probabilidade de chuva de 99% e temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 15:00: ☔ chuva fraca, probabilidade de chuva de 100% e temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 18:00: ☔ chuva fraca, probabilidade de chuva de 99% e temperatura de 14 ºC
Às 21:00: ☔ chuva fraca, probabilidade de chuva de 99% e temperatura de 15 ºC
Para 05/06/2024:
Às 00:00: ☔ chuva fraca, probabilidade de chuva de 100% e 🌡 temperatura de 14 ºC
Às 03:00: ☁ nublado, probabilidade de chuva de 100% e temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 06:00: ☔ chuva fraca, probabilidade de chuva de 100% e temperatura de 14 ºC
Às 09:00: ☁ nuvens quebradas, probabilidade de chuva de 76% e temperatura de 16 ºC
Às 12:00: ⛅ nuvens dispersas, probabilidade de chuva de 42% e temperatura de 18 ºC
Às 15:00: ☁ nuvens quebradas, probabilidade de chuva de 54% e temperatura de 19 ºC
Às 18:00: ☁ nuvens quebradas, probabilidade de chuva de 52% e temperatura de 17 ºC
Às 21:00: ⛅ nuvens dispersas, probabilidade de chuva de 44% e temperatura de 16 ºC
Para 06/06/2024:
Às 00:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 1% e 🌡 temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 03:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 1% e temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 06:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 0% e temperatura de 14 ºC
Às 09:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 0% e temperatura de 17 ºC
Às 12:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 6% e temperatura de 21 ºC
Às 15:00: ⛅ nuvens dispersas, probabilidade de chuva de 26% e temperatura de 22 ºC
Às 18:00: ☁ nublado, probabilidade de chuva de 100% e temperatura de 18 ºC
Às 21:00: ☁ nublado, probabilidade de chuva de 99% e temperatura de 17 ºC
Para 07/06/2024:
Às 00:00: 🌝 céu pouco nublado, probabilidade de chuva de 18% e 🌡 temperatura de 16 ºC
Às 03:00: 🌝 céu pouco nublado, probabilidade de chuva de 13% e temperatura de 16 ºC
Às 06:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 4% e temperatura de 15 ºC
Às 09:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 2% e temperatura de 18 ºC
��s 12:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 0% e temperatura de 22 ºC
Às 15:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 0% e temperatura de 24 ºC
Às 18:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 0% e temperatura de 20 ºC
Às 21:00: 🌝 céu limpo, probabilidade de chuva de 0% e temperatura de 18 ºC
0 notes
yotchan-blog · 9 days
2024/5/25 14:02:39現在のニュース
相次ぐ盆栽窃盗、「黒松」など海外人気種がターゲット 200万円〝身代金〟要求事例も([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/25 14:00:42) 旧国鉄の客車座席を無断で競売に、廃棄依頼先の業者が 北九州市([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/25 13:49:13) カメラ解析で踏切事故防止 JR西、導入車両を中国地方に拡大([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/25 13:42:45) 山陽新幹線のほぼ全域を再生可能エネルギーに JR西日本が6年度中([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/25 13:42:45) カスハラ悪質なら「乗車拒否」も、JR西が基本方針策定 侮辱や土下座要求に厳しく対応([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/25 13:42:45) 上信電鉄 事故受け踏切廃止 富岡市、第4種1カ所に柵 /群馬 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/5/25 13:39:55) 初夏の到来告げる 初ガツオ水揚げ、処理水放出後初 福島(毎日新聞, 2024/5/25 13:38:44) 人吉-吉松6億円 JR九州・肥薩線復旧費算定 /熊本 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/5/25 13:33:21) 佐賀知事、4者協議否定的 新幹線長崎ルート 「国へ要請筋違い」 /長崎 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/5/25 13:33:21) 米坂線復旧 29日に3回目会議 JR東「考え示したい」 /新潟 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/5/25 13:33:21)
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124770353 · 16 days
gash @a_kie_1123 2024/05/19(日) 20:20:45 Replying to @ojro_men 遅くなりましたが、おはよーございます😊 てか、こんばんはです~🌃 琥珀🎸✨🔥🎵 @c90fd72c0f0341f 2024/05/19 (日) 17:13:33 Replying to @ojro_men 配信してくれてたんだー😆 仕事で観れなかったのでアーカイブ観ます🥰 ちはるん♪ @chiharu509 2024/05/19 (日) 16:53:15 Replying to @ojro_men かしめる…学びました🥹✨ ちはるん♪ @chiharu509 2024/05/19 (日) 16:36:57 Replying to @gypsy_mura3 and @ojro_men ナイスでした👍🏻✨ むらさん @gypsy_mura3 2024/05/19 (日) 16:34:56 Replying to @ojro_men 楽しい配信でした! ケーブル作成や PC 開梱の時には駆け付けたいと思います(笑) くう間もん @kasu3iro 2024/05/19 (日) 15:55:50 Replying to @ojro_men お疲れ様です💦😆 akko @akkoro_men 2024/05/19 (日) 14:41:59 Replying to @ojro_men 何何?今からキャス? ももくるひめ @momokurumihime 2024/05/19 (日) 14:34:02 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます こちら今日は曇りです スマイルりん @FT_lovelysmile 2024/05/19 (日) 14:33:08 Replying to @ojro_men なんかやってんのかな?アーカイブで 確認せなあかんわ〜😮 むーちょ(むーちゃむーちょ) @ringonoDANGO 2024/05/19 (日) 14:25:11 Replying to @ojro_men 配信見れなくてぴえんのまま 6時起きの自治会仕事でひた( ̄▽ ̄) ホセーやつがんばってなおしておくれ です(*•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ あられ @0416_haha 2024/05/19 (日) 14:25:04 Replying to @ojro_men こんにちは😊 昨日は、母の三回忌でした 母のお友達が参って下さり 有り難く、母は本当に良い方々に 大切にしてもらってたんだと 改めて感謝でした もう少し長生きしてくれても 良かったんだけどねぇ🥲 ルナゴ @sanjirose0930 2024/05/19 (日) 14:11:12 Replying to @ojro_men 熱々ですのでお気をつけて🌡️💥 しろ @shiro_kuro46 2024/05/19 (日) 14:06:39 Replying to @ojro_men 久々に自作ケーブルキャスか…! ちはるん♪ @chiharu509 2024/05/19 (日) 14:00:45 Replying to @ojro_men ナイスゲットぉ👍🏻✨ 見たかった…🥹 𝓨𝓾𝓴𝓲* @yukiheartweaver 2024/05/19 (日) 13:57:21 Replying to @ojro_men 無事に直りますように✨✨ megmeg🐥🌸🐰 @megmeg_fblc07 2024/05/19 (日) 13:56:27 Replying to @ojro_men (ノ゚ο゚)ノ オオォォォ-❣️これからですね〜😆👍✨ megmeg🐥🌸🐰 @megmeg_fblc07 2024/05/19 (日) 13:51:06 Replying to @anmitsuhico and @ojro_men ひこにゃん🐱すご〜いナイス完走❣️ お疲れ様でした〜🚰c(* ॑꒳ ॑*  ) ゆっくり休んで下さい😊✨ あずみ @azm221 2024/05/19 (日) 13:50:58 Replying to @ojro_men かろうじて曇りです…☁️ 眠いです🥱 おはようございます😊 megmeg🐥🌸🐰 @megmeg_fblc07 2024/05/19 (日) 13:46:08 Replying to @ojro_men はんだ付けの調子はどうですか(๑• . •๑)❓ おはよおさん🐥💓✨☁️𓂃⸒⸒ 𝓨𝓾𝓴𝓲* @yukiheartweaver 2024/05/19 (日) 13:31:40 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます🥰 夜から雨予報だったけど、午後も雨予報に変わったんですね☔️ 傘持たずに仕事来ちゃったので全力で走って帰りまーす😊 yoshino @yoshino3996 2024/05/19 (日) 13:22:49 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます🌞 今日は細かい作業でA型らしさを発揮なさるのでしょうか。ハンダの話をしながらゲーム始めるの、すごいですね! "どこまでがオープニングトークかしら" と思っちゃいました。今週?髪切ったら✂️お写真、お願いしまーす💕 きしめんRI-nem @rijooki 2024/05/19 (日) 13:10:11 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます☁ 今日天気ググッたら『曇りでしょう』って言う割にほぼ雨じゃないのぉー! お天気宮司、ありがとうございます(⁎ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈⁎) ちはるん♪ @chiharu509 2024/05/19 (日) 13:06:27 Replying to @anmitsuhico and @ojro_men おめでとうございます👏 ちはるん♪ @chiharu509 2024/05/19 (日) 13:06:05 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます🐹☁ イヤモニの配線直すのかな?😊👂🎶 聞き心地良くなるといいですね🥁🎶 くう間もん @kasu3iro 2024/05/19 (日) 12:52:21 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます😊✨ ☁☔下り坂模様ですー 良い!サンデーに🍀 😆😋☕🍴 あんみつ彦 @anmitsuhico 2024/05/19 (日) 12:43:39 Replying to @ojro_men おささん、おはようございます😃 新潟県柏崎潮風マラソン(フル)に初参加し、無事に完走しましたー😆✨ 4/7初sumikaは大阪=いーこ @cosmos_rabbit 2024/05/19 (日) 12:38:50 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます。 そちらは雨なんですね☔ こちらはギリもってる感じです💦 remiofan @remiofan 2024/05/19 (日) 12:38:11 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます🌧️ 今日は五月雨🙋 くみくみ @kumikotakuro 2024/05/19 (日) 12:32:59 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます😀 パラパラときました🌂 夜6時頃から☔予報だったのに😅 ありひろちゃん @arihiro_CHAN 2024/05/19 (日) 12:21:55 Replying to @ojro_men おはようごさいます 東京は雨ですか 山梨はまだ曇りです☁️ まっちゃ @mattyasweets 2024/05/19 (日) 12:21:22 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます☁️☀ 琥珀🎸✨🔥🎵 @c90fd72c0f0341f 2024/05/19 (日) 12:20:47 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます😊 明日にかけて雨みたいですね~☔️ しかも明日ちょい寒そう さとみ @remisato 2024/05/19 (日) 12:19:16 Replying to @ojro_men こんにちは(*´∀`*)ノ☔ 映画観終わりました😊 Alice @Alice6499530073 2024/05/19 (日) 12:18:50 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます。 ゆっくり、作業できそうですね🧰🪛 ☆じゅんじゅん☆ @junjun56o1 2024/05/19 (日) 12:17:26 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます😃 雨ですねー☔ 腰を痛めて最悪です😣 akko @akkoro_men 2024/05/19 (日) 12:17:04 Replying to @ojro_men おはようございます☔️ さとみ @remisato 2024/05/19(日) 00:06:40 Replying to @ojro_men ( ¯꒳¯ )ᐝ きしめんRI-nem @rijooki 2024/05/19(日) 00:05:37 Replying to @ojro_men ご無理なく~(´˘`*) megmeg🐥🌸🐰 @megmeg_fblc07 2024/05/19(日) 00:03:33 Replying to @ojro_men ずっと待ってた🥹💕 琥珀🎸✨🔥🎵 @c90fd72c0f0341f 2024/05/19(日) 00:02:52 Replying to @ojro_men 無理せずお休みでもいいんですよ😊 ちはるん♪ @chiharu509 2024/05/19(日) 00:02:16 Replying to @ojro_men やってくれるの?🥹
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lebaronlordking · 21 days
Tumblr media
Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show DJ LeBaron Lord King
May 11th, 2024 [email protected]
4:00 PM Damian Marley & Nas - As We Enter 4:02 PM Gyptian - Hold You [Hold Yuh] 4:05 PM Junior Kelly - Paradise 4:09 PM The Wailers - Thank You Lord 4:13 PM Fe Me Time All Stars - Mother Liza 4:15 PM Eek-A-Mouse - Terrorists In The City 4:22 PM Moon Rock 7 - Have No Fear 4:27 PM Barrington Levy - Under Mi Sensi 4:28 PM Black Uhuru - Guess Who's Coming To Dinner Surprised 4:32 PM Kabaka Pyramid - Faded Away 4:35 PM Chronixx - Majesty 4:39 PM Fugees - No Woman, No Cry 4:44 PM Burning Spear - Follow Marcus Garvey 4:48 PM Luciano & Buju Banton - What We Gonna Do 4:55 PM Cloud Tissa - Mr. And Mrs. Brown 5:00 PM Samory I - Son of David 5:04 PM Shaggy - Mad Mad World 5:07 PM The Wailers - Could You Be Loved 5:11 PM Junior Reid - Mother Nature 5:14 PM Joseph Benaiah - We Nah Give Up 5:19 PM Cedric Myton - Not Counterfeit 5:23 PM Matisyahu - Love Born 5:29 PM Sanchez - Never Dis Di Man 5:33 PM UB40 - The Way You Do The Things You Do 5:36 PM Stephen Marley - Hey Baby 5:41 PM Lineage Smilez - Violate the Weed 5:44 PM Queen Ifrica - Girl Like Me 5:47 PM Roots And Tings - Dangerous 5:54 PM Baba Ras - Real Vegetarian 5:58 PM Jah Bengie - I 'm An Ethiopian 6:02 PM Steel Pulse - Roller Skates 6:06 PM Shabba Ranks - Mr. Loverman 6:12 PM Beenie Man - Girls Dem Sugar 6:16 PM The Wailers - Waiting In Vain 6:21 PM Burning Spear - Let's Move 6:25 PM Shaggy - It Wasn't Me 6:29 PM Stephen Marley - Ghetto Boy 6:33 PM Lila Iké - Good & Great 6:38 PM Grace Jones - My Jamacain Guy 6:43 PM Warrior King - People of This World 6:46 PM YG Marley - Praise Jah In The Moonlight 6:50 PM Al Soloman Trotman - We The People 6:54 PM Aborijah - Jah Neva Fail
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celtfather · 25 days
Drowsy Dancing Bear #660
Relax and dance with a drowsy dancing bear on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #660. Subscribe now!
The Drowsy Lads, Fialla, Blackthorn, Charlene Adzima, Ed Miller, Enda Reilly, Conor Mallon, Fig for a Kiss, The Crowfoot Rakes, Luas, Sharon Shannon, Drumspyder, Elias Alexander & Ramblxr, The Low Kings
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Enjoy seven weekly news items for Celtic music and culture online. Subscribe now and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2024 episode. You have just three weeks to vote this year. Vote Now!
You can follow our playlist on Spotify to listen to those top voted tracks as they are added every 2 - 3 weeks. It also makes it easier for you to add these artists to your own playlists. You can also check out our Irish & Celtic Music Videos.
0:06 - The Drowsy Lads “Dancing Bear Set: Lads of Laois / Eileen Curran / The Reconciliation” from Single
5:13 - WELCOME
6:47 - Fialla “Forgotten Daze” from Home & Away
10:35 - Blackthorn “Don't Come Again” from Here's To You
14:05 - Charlene Adzima “The Initiation Reel” from The Initiation
17:02 - Ed Miller “More Than Just a Dram” from Lolander
21:23 - FEEDBACK
26:02 - Enda Reilly “Off the Grid For a While” from Single
29:38 - Conor Mallon “Unearthed” from Unearthed
33:50 - Fig for a Kiss “Frobisher Bay” from Wherever You Go
37:45 - The Crowfoot Rakes “Johnny Jump Up” from Off She Goes
42:18 - THANKS
43:22 - Luas “Ard Tí Cuain” from Single
47:57 - Sharon Shannon “The Bag of Cats” from Each Little Thing
52:26 - Drumspyder “The Mooncoin” from Green Mantle
56:30 - Elias Alexander & Ramblxr “FIDDLE DISCO!” from Single
1:00:11 - CLOSING
1:00:58 - The Low Kings “Paddy's Round” from Single
1:04:27 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to follow the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Finally, remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn.
This podcast is for fans of Celtic music. All styles. From the traditional reels and jigs, to pub songs, Celtic rock and even occasionally electronic.
We are here to build a diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Musicians depend on your generosity to keep making music. So please find a way to support them. Buy a CD, Album Pin, Shirt, Digital Download, or join their communities on Patreon.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
If you are a Celtic musician or in a Celtic band, then please submit your band to be played on the podcast. You don’t have to send in any music or an EPK. Plus, you will get a free eBook called Celtic Musicians Guide to Digital Musicand learn how to follow the podcast. It’s 100% free. Just email follow@bestcelticmusic and of course, listeners can learn how to subscribe to the podcast and get a free music - only episode.
I can’t believe I am less than one month away from my Celtic Invasion of the Isle of Man. I’ve a great trip planned. And hopefully, I’ll come back with audio recordings to share on this podcast and my Celtic Invasion Vacations podcast.
You are amazing. It is because of your generosity that you get to hear so much great Celtic music each and every week.
Your kindness pays for our engineer, graphic designer, Celtic Music Magazine editor, promotion of the podcast, and allows me to buy the music I play here. It also pays for my time creating the show each and every week.
As a patron, you get ad - free and music - only episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, stand - alone stories, you get a private feed to listen to the show or you can listen through the Patreon app.  All that for as little as $1 per episode.
A special thanks to our new and continued Patrons of the Podcast: Patricia or Trish, David Willer
Go to our Patreon page.
Decide how much you want to pledge every week, $1, $5, $25. Make sure to cap how much you want to spend per month.
Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Please email me. I’d love to see a  picture of what you're doing while listening or of a band that you saw recently.
Email me at follow@bestcelticmusic.
Brandi Carpenter emailed from Spokane, WA: “Hi Marc, I've been listening to your podcast for many years now and love it so much!! My family has switched to Spotify and I'm wondering why I can't find your Irish and Celtic Music Podcast on it...will it make it on there eventually? I don't have an Apple phone so I'm sad that my current podcast hookup (Google) is closing down. Thank you for all your hard work!”
Ben Q emailed: “Hi Marc,
Big fan & patron with an Android problem  -  Google Podcasts has gone away, annoyingly (just a few short years after they killed Google Listen and forced everyone to migrate there). I see that the "Listen on Google Podcasts" button on celticmusicpodcast.com now redirects to podcastaddict.com, so I guess that this sunsetting of that podcast app is probably not news to you. However, I've tentatively replaced Google Podcasts as my podcast app, not with podcastaddict, but with what Google / Android suggested as a replacement, YouTube Music. I imported all of my podcasts, and they are all working the same way as before the change, except for The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast.
Searching YouTube Music for "irish & celtic music podcast" on YouTube Music brings up these search results, of which one looks like the right one, this result. However, that podcast doesn't seem to have the correct shows  -  the most recent one is from 2023; I'm not able to listen to Red - Haired Bully Boys #657 or Plant Your Boots For Freedom #656 at that link.
I'm sure you're busy, but just wondering if you had any insight into this. It's worth mentioning that, if I understand correctly, this app doesn't require people's podcasts to be hosted on YouTube  -  I'm listening to the Savage Lovecast, for example, just as I usually do, and I don't think Dan has moved his show archive over to YouTube; I'm just using YouTube Music to listen to his regular, free podcast XML feed like usual. Anyway, thanks for taking the time and for all the work that you're doing.”
Daniel Morrison emailed: “Hi Marc, I am finally making my first trip to Ireland. My Grandparents of both sides are Ireland. Castle Bar Mayo, Tuam Galway for Dad’s my Grandparents. Kenmare Kerry for Ma’s my Grandparents Going on Package deal for 7 days. Your Podcast has inspired Me so much to make the trip.”
Christine Manbeck emailed a photo responding to my St Patrick’s Day question: “Guinness Chocolate cake; parade; Screaming Orphans concert”
  Check out this episode!
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garudabluffs · 2 months
Apr 18, 2024 Former top federal prosecutor, Shan Wu, debunks several misconceptions and falsehoods surrounding the Manhattan criminal case against Trump
3:07 recognize this case for what it is which
3:10 is that it's an election interference
3:11 case there are different reasons they
3:13 have trouble recognizing it for that but
3:16 let's review the basic facts there's a
3:19 plan by Trump and the national inquir to
3:22 quote catch and kill stories that could
3:24 have hurt his campaign back in
3:27 2016 Stormy Daniels the actress Andor
3:29 dor the model Karen McDougall were two
3:32 such stories that Trump's team deemed
3:35 potentially fatal to his election
3:37 because it was coming on the heels of
3:39 this Access Hollywood tape where as we
3:42 may recall he was caught bragging on
3:46 tape about being able to grab women by
3:48 the genitals without their consent
3:50 groping them kissing them now today it
3:53 may be a little bit hard to remember
3:55 just how shocking that story was back in
3:57 2016
4:00 that's because I think we've all become
4:01 so accustomed or numbed to Trump's
4:04 actions that he's normalized so much of
4:06 what used to be deemed completely
4:08 unacceptable or fatal to a politician's
4:11 chances but to give us an idea of just
4:14 how bad the tape really is the judge in
4:17 this case Juan Maran has ruled so far
4:20 that it can't even be played to the jury
4:23 the transcript can be shown but not the
4:25 actual video presumably the judge is
4:27 feeling that actually seeing and hearing
4:29 Trump in real time on the video saying
4:31 these things would be so prejudicial
4:34 about his character that would outweigh
4:35 any benefit in terms of evidence now I
4:38 don't agree with that decision but it
4:40 does convey just how bad an effect that
4:43 video can have on people and certainly
4:46 back in 2016 in the final weeks of the
4:48 election it would have and did send
4:51 Trump's team into a panic crisis control
4:54 mode now that likely motivated their
4:57 urgency behind paying stormy Daniel and
4:59 others to stay silent now remember the
5:02 crime isn't the payment of money I mean
5:05 you're allowed to pay somebody to be
5:06 quiet about something for example
5:08 through a non-disclosure agreement no
5:10 the crime is the fact that Trump
5:13 falsified business
5:15 records to conceal those payments to
5:17 disguise the real purpose of them they
5:20 were money spent obviously to further
5:22 his campaign chances but they weren't
5:24 reported that way so it's pretty
5:26 straightforward you can make a contract
5:28 with whoever you want and pay them for
5:30 confidential confidentiality and silence
5:33 but you can't then try to hide the
5:35 payments by falsifying business records
5:37 that's a crime and if the money is being
5:40 spent to help your campaign then you
5:42 need to disclose that under campaign
5:45 Finance laws because the whole point is
5:47 for there to be transparency in what's
5:49 really being spent on politicians
5:53 campaigns so let's take a look at
5:56 whether three well-known commentators
5:58 get this right
6:00 first up we have Professor Jonathan
6:02 Turley of George Washington University
6:04 law school you may remember him from the
6:06 impeachment procceedings here is what
6:09 Professor Turley had to say on Fox News
6:12 and let's take a listen I'll talk to you
6:14 on the other side in this case you're
6:16 taking this misdemeanor Reviving it
6:18 because it was dead suggesting a crime
6:21 that doesn't exist and then hitting
6:24 Trump with dozens of counts most
6:27 citizens at least outside New York see
6:30 that for what it is it's the
6:31 weaponization of the Criminal Justice
6:34 System a crime that doesn't exist what
6:37 does he talking about so first as far as
6:39 I can tell Professor Turley has never
6:41 worked in the prosecutor's office
6:43 although he did serve as an intern for
6:45 the Department of Homeland Security
6:46 before embarking upon a very
6:48 distinguished career as a law professor
6:51 but as a law professor he should know
6:54 that the crime of quote first-degree
6:55 falsifying business records under New
6:57 York law certainly exists
7:00 you might also think you would know that
7:02 it has been charged quite frequently by
7:04 the Manhattan DA's office how frequently
7:08 well in fact from 2014 to 2023 it's been
7:12 charged some 10,000 times so that's a
7:15 lot of existence if you ask me and
7:18 that's something you can look up
7:20 yourself as to just how many times it's
7:22 actually been charged then there's
7:25 Professor Robert Hassen a UCLA law
7:28 professor and he's an expert on Election
7:30 law as well as campaign Finance he
7:33 writes in the Los Angeles Times that
7:35 it's hard to muster even a me over
7:38 Trump's New York criminal trial his
7:40 words they're headline in support of
7:42 this the election law scholar says and I
7:45 quote although the New York case gets
7:48 packaged as election interference
7:50 failing to report a campaign finance
7:52 payment is small potatoes in terms of
7:55 campaign Finance crimes willfully not
7:58 reporting expenses
8:00 to cover up an affair isn't interfering
8:03 with an election along the same lines of
8:05 trying to get a secretary of state to
8:06 falsify vote totals or trying to get a
8:09 state legislature to falsely declare
8:11 there was fraud in the state and submit
8:13 an alternative State slates of the
8:16 electors so he thinks that you can draw
8:19 a distinction between the kinds of
8:21 crimes here he writes there's a fairly
8:24 bright line between attempting to change
8:26 vote totals to flip a presidential
8:29 election
8:30 and failing to disclose embarr
8:32 embarrassing information on the
8:34 government form if every campaign
8:37 Finance disclosure violation is the
8:39 election interference our system is Rife
8:41 with it end of his quote so let's think
8:44 about what this election law scholar is
8:47 implying he's saying don't bother to
8:50 prosecute election law violations
8:52 because it's done all the time that's
8:54 the kind of moral relevan ISM that buys
8:57 you corruption and dictatorships
9:00 but even the professor's own internal
9:02 logic doesn't make any sense when you
9:04 read through his full
9:06 opinion because after putting down
9:09 Trump's actions as quote Small Potatoes
9:12 he then references the charging of
9:14 former Senator John Edwards as an
9:16 example of a failed campaign Finance
9:19 violation prosecution presumably he
9:21 thinks it failed because it's not really
9:23 important to prosecute campaign Finance
9:25 violations John Edwards was not a small
9:28 potato case Edwards was a former
9:32 presidential candidate and the former
9:34 Democratic Vice Presidential
9:36 nominee I've been at a high level in the
9:39 Justice Department I served as the
9:41 council to the attorney general I can
9:42 tell you there would have been a lot of
9:45 careful consideration before bringing a
9:47 case like that now by the way do you
9:50 know who was the prosecutor who tried
9:52 the John Edwards case Jack Smith yep the
9:55 same Jack Smith who has brought charges
9:58 against Trump as a special counsel for
10:01 election interference and mishandling of
10:03 classified
10:05 documents now Professor hasson's closing
10:07 argument is the following he says quote
10:11 anything less than a felony conviction
10:13 would only embolden Trump he has already
10:15 convinced a chunk of Republican voters
10:18 that all the claims against them are a
10:19 Witch Hunt a hung jury or quiddle or
10:22 even a conviction on minor charges would
10:25 only feed the lie that all the
10:27 indictments he's racked up are bogus end
10:29 of his quote I'm sorry but the fear of
10:33 losing is not the way to dispense
10:35 Justice prosecutors should charge the
10:38 crimes that the evidence
10:42 proves now last
10:44 up the Washington Post columnist Ruth
10:47 Marcus who did go to law school although
10:49 she doesn't practice law she entitles
10:52 her piece quote why did this semi Trump
10:56 trial have to be the first unquote
11:00 in a lot of ways that headline says it
11:02 all Marcus's Pearl clutching perspective
11:05 on the case now what strikes me about
11:08 her opinion piece it's not really the
11:10 faulty legal analysis because she
11:11 doesn't really do any legal analysis she
11:14 speculates about how a jury might hang
11:17 she writes quote so the case will go
11:20 forward starting Monday but it's not
11:22 hard to imagine that jurors could B it
11:25 just takes one to produce a hung jury
11:28 had shoehorning Trump's payments to
11:30 Daniels however odious into the
11:33 tangential crime of falsifying business
11:35 records which was outlawed to ensure
11:38 that New York citizens businesses and
11:40 investors could rely on the financial
11:43 accuracy of Corporations operating in
11:45 the
11:45 state how were voters harmed by false
11:49 bookkeeping entries they never saw now
11:52 holding aside the fact that that's so
11:53 wordy she should be teaching law
11:55 actually here's the answer to the
11:57 question voters were harmed because
11:59 there is a violation of campaign Finance
12:01 laws which are meant to keep campaigns
12:04 transparent that's how they're harmed
12:07 this is hardly insightful legal analysis
12:10 any jury can hang everybody knows that
12:12 she also goes on to try to give her
12:15 expert views on Michael Cohen as a
12:17 witness that's Trump's former lawyer and
12:20 she writes moreover a key witness in the
12:23 case Cohen is a Serial admitted and
12:26 convicted liar perhaps one reason
12:28 Federal prosecutors did not pursue the
12:30 election case against Trump in early
12:33 2021 Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to
12:37 Congress and she writes when he tried to
12:39 get his sentence reduced prosecutors
12:41 resisted arguing he had lied to them in
12:43 his interviews after promising to
12:45 cooperate most recently a federal judge
12:47 denying Cohen's bid to be released from
12:49 Court supervision said Cohen had
12:52 admitted lying under oath when he plead
12:54 guilty to tax evasion unquote okay so
12:57 what is she really telling us to do we
12:58 all understand understand Cohen pled
13:00 guilty we all understand that he's going
13:02 to be cross-examined over that but she
13:05 adds quote in short Cohen is a defense
13:08 lawyer's dream
13:10 unquote as a former prosecutor I beg to
13:12 differ I've also been a defense lawyer
13:14 Cohen is not a defense lawyer's dream
13:17 even though he's talked a lot publicly
13:19 about his views on Donald Trump he has
13:22 never wavered from the basic facts that
13:25 formed the evidence of the payment to
13:27 Stormy Daniels that was covered up
13:30 no what's striking to me about Marcus's
13:33 point of view is the sense you get from
13:35 her that important cases can't involve
13:38 anything she deems to be quote SEI and
13:42 while it might be a pet peeve of mine I
13:44 don't like her throwing around the term
13:45 porn star that way for a couple reasons
13:49 it reminds me of when I prosecuted sex
13:51 crimes cases how there was a built-in
13:53 prejudice against investigating or
13:55 Prosecuting sex crimes involving victims
13:59 who were involved in any kind of sex
14:01 work or ones who might have been
14:02 trafficked think about it this way
14:05 imagine that Marcus says this beist
14:08 actor as though the fact that an actor
14:10 is a quote beist actor means that
14:12 they're going to make a lousy witness of
14:15 course using the term porn star is a lot
14:16 more pejorative but you get the idea
14:19 what should count is really whether or
14:22 not the strength of the evidence The
14:25 credibility of the person testifying is
14:27 going to be strong that's what you need
14:29 to judge them on not the kind of work
14:32 that they do you might get an idea of
14:35 where Marcus stands on these kinds of
14:37 issues when you take a listen to what
14:39 she talked about with regard to the
14:42 district attorney in Fulton County
14:44 fonnie Willis you might recall that
14:47 Willis was the victim in my opinion of
14:49 quite a smear campaign and trying to get
14:51 her disqualified let's take a listen to
14:53 what Ruth excuse me what Ruth Marcus had
14:56 to say about that fonny Willis
14:58 disqualification effort
14:59 I'll talk to you on the other side
15:00 Behavior by a prosecutor I'm sure lots
15:03 of people watched fonnie Willis and
15:05 thought you go girl I watched it and I
15:08 cringed this is not the kind of
15:11 information and behavior and
15:14 observations that we want to hear from
15:16 our prosecutors I thought um she in one
15:20 sense stood up to Donald Trump and his
15:24 allies but she really well she'll
15:27 survive this episode in terms of
15:29 disqualification I thought she really
15:31 tarnished herself so Ruth Marcus cringed
15:35 not at the racist sexist smear campaign
15:38 against fonnie Willis but about Willis
15:40 defending herself you kind of get the
15:42 sense that maybe for her the only proper
15:44 cases prosecutions or cases at all are
15:47 ones she thinks are prim and proper the
15:52 real problem with all three of these
15:54 points of view is that it reflects one
15:57 of the big sources of Injustice within
15:59 our criminal justice system and that's
16:02 the misuse of prosecutorial discretion
16:05 and the misuse of really law enforcement
16:08 discretion prosecutors get to choose
16:11 which cases they bring and too often
16:14 opinions like those being expressed by
16:16 turle Hassen and Marcus have factored
16:19 into those decisions sometimes it's
16:21 conscious sometimes it's unconscious but
16:23 the result is it Shields the powerful
16:26 from accountability oh it may come
16:29 masked as this is too novel a legal
16:31 Theory to try which really means we're
16:33 afraid of the embarrassment of losing a
16:34 high-profile case and it also can mask a
16:38 fear of losing because the person
16:40 they're going against is a celebrity
16:42 type personality interestingly the DJ
16:45 manual Express expressly flags that as
16:48 an improper reason to decline a case
16:51 prosecutors can't be afraid to take on a
16:54 popular personality or to take on a
16:57 unpopular cause
16:59 it's the justice that counts it's not a
17:02 popularity
17:03 contest whenever these kinds of excuses
17:06 materialize what it almost always means
17:09 is that the privileged and Powerful are
17:12 being protected at the expense of the
17:15 rest of
17:15 us so I'm Shan woo this has been a hot
17:18 take on underc color of law as the Trump
17:21 trial is getting underway I look forward
17:23 to hearing your comments and suggestions
17:25 keep those comments coming I really
17:27 appreciate the input see you soon enough
17:30 send him to the big house not the White
17:33 House get the new exclusive te's mugs
17:35 and stickers right now at store.us
17:38 touch.com that's store. mightest
17:40 touch.com
0 notes
ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
Transiting Mercury in 2023
Just a list again! I bolded all the headers for the Retrograde Zones.
Brief glossary: “GEE” is “Greatest Eastern Elongation,” and “GWE” is “Greatest Western Elongation.” “Storm” is when Mercury is direct, but moving very slowly; these times can seem like Mercury is already/still retrograde. “Sun-Mercury Inferior Conjunction” is like a reset, or a systems upgrade, to our brains.
Mercury Retrograde Zone #1
Monday, December 12, 2022, 11:26 UT - Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, 8°08’ Capricorn
Wednesday, December 21, 20:39 UT - Mercury’s GEE, 20°02’ Capricorn
Sunday, December 25 - Mercury enters Storm
Thursday, December 29, 09:32 UT - Mercury stations retrograde, 24°21’ Capricorn
Saturday, January 7, 2023, 12:57 UT - Sun-Mercury Inferior Conjunction, 16°57’ Capricorn
Wednesday, January 18, 13:12 UT - Mercury stations direct, 8°08’ Capricorn
Tuesday, January 24 - Mercury exits Storm”
Monday, January 30, 16:01 UT - Mercury’s GWE, 15°33’ Capricorn
Tuesday, February 7, 05:21 UT - Mercury exits post-retrograde shadow, 24°21’ Capricorn
Saturday, February 11, 11:22 UT - transiting Mercury enters Aquarius
Thursday, March 2, 22:52 UT - transiting Mercury enters Pisces
Sunday, March 19, 04:24 UT - transiting Mercury enters Aries
Monday, April 3, 16:22 UT - transiting Mercury enters Taurus
Mercury’s Retrograde Zone #2
Friday, April 7, 12:01 UT - Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, 5°51’ Taurus
Wednesday, April 12, 02:15 UT - Mercury’s GEE, 11°14’ Taurus
Saturday, April 15 - Mercury enters Storm
Friday, April 21, 08:35 UT - Mercury stations retrograde, 15°37’ Taurus
Monday, May 1, 23:28 UT - Sun-Mercury Inferior Conjunction, 11°20’ Taurus
Monday, May 15, 03:17 UT - transiting Mercury stations direct, 5°51’ Taurus
Wednesday, May 24 - Mercury exits Storm
Monday, May 29, 09:39 UT - Mercury’s GWE, 13°08’ Taurus
Wednesday, May 31, 19:39 UT - Mercury exits post-retrograde shadow, 15°37’ Taurus
Sunday, June 11, 10:27 UT - transiting Mercury enters Gemini
Tuesday, June 27, 00:24 UT - transiting Mercury enters Cancer
Tuesday, July 11, 04:11 UT - transiting Mercury enters Leo
Friday, July 28, 21:31 UT - transiting Mercury enters Virgo
Mercury Retrograde Zone #3
Friday, August 4, 00:03 UT - Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, 8°00’ Virgo
Thursday, August 10, 05:54 UT - Mercury’s GEE, 14°44’ Virgo
Tuesday, August 15 - Mercury enters Storm
Wednesday, August 23, 19:59 UT - Mercury stations retrograde, 21°51’ Virgo
Wednesday, September 6, 11:09 UT - Sun-Mercury Inferior Conjunction, 13°37’ Virgo
Friday, September 15, 20:21 UT - Mercury stations direct, 8°00’ Virgo
Wednesday, September 20 - Mercury exits Storm
Friday, September 22, 17:18 UT - Mercury’s GWE, 11°37’ Virgo
Saturday, September 30, 05:16 UT - Mercury exits post-retrograde shadow, 21°51’ Virgo
Thursday, October 5, 00:09 UT - transiting Mercury enters Libra
Sunday, October 22, 06:49 UT - transiting Mercury enters Scorpio
Friday, November 10, 06:25 UT - transiting Mercury enters Sagittarius
Mercury Retrograde Zone #4
Saturday, November 25, 12:40 UT - Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, 22°11’ Sagittarius
Friday, December 1, 14:31 UT - Mercury enters Capricorn
Monday, December 4, 19:34 UT - Mercury’s GEE, 3°32’ Capricorn
Saturday, December 9 - Mercury enters Storm
Wednesday, December 13, 07:09 UT - Mercury stations retrograde, 8°29’ Capricorn
Friday, December 22, 18:54 UT - Sun-Mercury Inferior Conjunction, 0°39’ Capricorn
Saturday, December 23, 06:18 UT - Mercury retrogrades back into Sagittarius
Tuesday, January 2, 2024, 10:08 UT - Mercury stations direct, 22°11’ Sagittarius
Monday, January 8 - Mercury exits Storm
Saturday, January 13, 02:32 UT - Mercury’s GWE, 28°38’ Sagittarius
Sunday, January 14, 02:51 UT - Mercury re-enters Capricorn
Sunday, January 21, 11:03 UT - Mercury exits post-retrograde shadow, 8°39’ Capricorn
14 notes · View notes
quangharvest · 2 months
Kênh Sống Hy Vọng TV xin được chia sẻ đến quý vị và các bạn. Tuyển tập những bài hát hay của ca nhạc sĩ Trần Nhật Thanh. Tất cả gồm có 28 ca khúc yêu thích💖 >><>Khởi chiếu: Thứ 2, ngày 15 tháng 4 năm 2024 vào lúc 18:00 giờ vn. Tuyển tập những bài hát hay của ca nhạc sĩ Trần Nhật Thanh Sáng tác & trình bày: Trần Nhật Thanh Nhà sản xuất Video: Quang Harvest Mục Vụ Chia Sẻ Niềm Tin, Hy Vọng & Tình Yêu Youtube: SongHyVongTV www.quangharvest.com
Tất cả gồm có 28 ca khúc yêu thích. Playlist with audio time 1. Nơi Dòng Suối Tình Yêu 05:12 2. Ngợi Khen Chúa Giáng Sinh 05:40 3. Tại Sao Chúa Đến 05:35 4. Tình Yêu Chúa Đến 04:31 5. Chúa Đến Đem Bình An 05:01 6. Mùa Đông Năm Đó 05:49 7. Chúc Mừng Sinh Nhật Chúa 03:31 8. Mùa Đông Chợt Nhớ 04:18 9. Chúa Đem Tôi Về 05:28 10. Cuộc Đời Kẻ Mù 05:31 11. Có Những Bàn Chân 04:40 12. Giọt Mồ Hôi 05:19 13. Chuyện Đồi Gô-Gô-Tha 05:36 14. Chúa Chết Vì Ta 04:40 15. Chết Vì Yêu 04:17 16. Ơn Cha 04:00 17. Hy Vọng Ngày Mai 04:19 18. Trong Tình Yêu Chúa 05:09 19. Trở Về Bên Chúa 04:38 20. Ngài Sống 05:22 21. Ngài Đến Vì Yêu 05:04 22. Tình Yêu Cứu Chuộc 05:11 23. Vững Bước Theo Chúa 05:02 24. Cảm Tạ Chúa Suốt Năm Qua 03:55 25. Tình Yêu Trên Gô-gô-tha 04:29 26. Lời Tạ Ơn Mùa Xuân 04:09 27. Ánh Sao Tình Yêu 04:13 28. Chúa Đến Cứu Đời Con 05:14
Liên lạc, Dâng hiến & Cộng tác: ▶Trên Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quangharvest ▶Dâng hiến: ▶Dâng hiến: https://quangharvest.com/dang-hien ▶Trang Web Chia Sẻ Niềm Tin: https://www.quangharvest.com ▶Email: [email protected] 👉 Đăng ký kênh Song Hy Vong TV & bật chuông 🔔 để được cập nhật thông tin mới nhất 🙂 💝💜Xin ủng hộ SongHyVongTv đạt mốc 100.000 đăng ký. ▶Xin chân thành cảm ơn quý vị và các bạn yêu thương và ủng hộ SongHyVongTv. ▶▶Subscribe / nhấp để đăng ký: https://www.youtube.com/@songhyvongtv Link Youtube: https://youtu.be/CJKxBfE6gvk Link Movie: https://quangharvest.com/hy-vong/song-hy-vong-tv/video/241:tuyen-tap-nhung-bai-hat-hay-cua-ca-nhac-si-tran-nhat-thanh Link Web: https://quangharvest.com/hy-vong/album-thanh-ca/tuyen-tap-nhung-bai-hat-hay-cua-ca-nhac-si-tran-nhat-thanh
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seodijon · 2 months
Créer un Portfolio WordPress pour Freelance - Tuto A à Z (2024)
See on Scoop.it - Création de sites, référencement, ...
Hébergeur Web Hostinger : https://www.hostinger.fr/nomadicsteph/ -10% avec le code : NOMADICSTEPH Accès Ressources Tutoriel : https://nomadicsteph.com/tutorielwp4/ Créer un Portfolio WordPress pour Freelance de A à Z et étape par étape en 2h30. Tutoriel WordPress débutant complet. Sommaire INTRODUCTION 00:00 - Présentation du site portfolio freelance 04:35 - Programme du tutoriel 05:03 - Prix et outils pour créer un site WordPress 06:52 - Hébergement Web et nom de domaine (explications) JOUR 1 : METTRE EN LIGNE VOTRE SITE WEB 08:20 - Obtenir votre hébergement Web et nom de domaine 12:35 - Installer WordPress JOUR 2 : DÉBUTER AVEC WORDPRESS 17:51 - Se connecter à WordPress 19:25 - Configurer votre site WordPress 22:07 - Installer le thème WordPress Kadence 24:15 - Installer l'extension Kadence Blocks 25:52 - Créer et configurer votre page d'accueil JOUR 3 : PERSONNALISER VOTRE PAGE D'ACCUEIL 29:08 - Créer section 1 - Présentation 36:10 - Personnaliser votre thème (global) 42:37 - Créer section 2 - Services 55:17 - Créer section 4 - A propos 58:37 - Créer section 5 - Témoignages JOUR 4 : CRÉER VOTRE PORTFOLIO 01:07:24 - Installer l'extension Visual portfolio 01:08:55 - Créer vos pages projets 01:37:54 - Personnaliser votre page portfolio 01:43:23 - Créer section 3 - Portfolio JOUR 5 : FINALISEZ VOTRE SITE WEB 01:49:12 - Créer section 6 - Contact / formulaire devis 02:05:52 - Personnaliser votre en-tête (logo et menu) 02:21:47 - Publier votre page Politique de confidentialité 02:24:25 - Personnaliser votre pied-de-page 02:26:50 - Adapter votre site aux mobiles (responsive) CONCLUSION - ACCES RESSOURCES 02:38:14 - Félicitations :-) Bonne création de site WordPress, Stéphanie (Note : Le lien Hostinger est un lien partenaire. Merci d'avance pour votre soutien, cela me permet de vous offrir toujours plus de contenu gratuit et d'améliorer la qualité.) #portfoliowordpress #créersiteweb #tutorielwordpress
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zed-air · 2 months
CKUA - The Score & Maestri: 2024
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>> Listen via CKUA OnDemand
In April 2024 CKUA launched INTERMISSION - a seasonal schedule change to its classical music programming. CKUA host Mark Antonelli has been on extended leave and is expected to return to his radio duties in September 2024. Until then, CKUA introduces five new classical programs presented by four different CKUA hosts, as temporary replacements for Mark's programs Sunday Breakfast and Classic Examples. Two of these programs, The Score (Wednesdays) and Maestri (Thursdays) are hosted by Oskar Zybart.
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The Score is an exploration of new releases and current events in classical music. The program is not era-specific, so baroque and chamber pieces will sit inquisitively against avant-garde and vocal selections, and there may even be occasional deviations into composers with electronic and jazz backgrounds. Not limited to recorded music, we'll also present periodic chats with members from our classical-music community for an inside scoop regarding activity on Albertan concert stages. Theme music: “Franz Schubert” by Kraftwerk.
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Maestri is a deep dive into the life and works of a single significant figure. Each week we profile a composer, or a conductor, or a performer. Sometimes, that individual is all of the above! Part biography, part musical study, Maestri celebrates the various music masters of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
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(01) 2024-04-03 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
F. Schubert: D89 German Dances 1-5 • Daniel Hope • DANCE! • 20:03
F. Tellez: Suite Concertante, Op 2 • Canadian Studio Symphony • TELLEZ: EVOCATIONS • 20:19
Marini: Sonata Quarta Per Il Violin... • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:38
Castello: Sonata Duodecima a 3 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:48
M-A. Hamelin: Toccata on L'homme arme • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NEW PIANO WORKS • 20:59
J. Brahms: 3 Intermezzi, Op. 117 • Helene Grimaud • FOR CLARA • 21:08
K. Weill: Symphony #2 • Ulster Orch; T. Kocsis • VIOLIN CONCERTO... • 21:26
(01) 2024-04-04 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Franz Schubert)
F. Schubert: Overture In D Major, D556 • Prague Sinfonia Orchestra • COMPLETE OVERTURES 2 • 20:01
F. Schubert: Piano Sonata No 13 in A, D664 • Janina Fialkowska • PIANO SONATAS • 20:10
F. Schubert: Trio #1 D898, Op99 • Gryphon Trio • SCHUBERT: COMPLETE PIANO TRIOS • 20:29
F. Schubert: Ave Maria • Grant Cahoon & Lawrence Gee • SERENITY • 21:08
F. Schubert: Mass #2, D167, parts 1, 3, 6 • Bavarian RSO & Choir • SCHUBERT / GOUNOD • 21:15
F. Schubert: Symphony #6 D589 • CBC Vancouver Orchestra • SYMPHONIES 5 & 6 • 21:30
F. Schubert: Scherzi D593: Allegretto... • Marie-Andree Ostiguy • IMPROMPTUS & SCHERZI • 21:56
(02) 2024-04-10 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
>> The full interview with Hank Knox is available to stream on YouTube.
Merula: Canzon #19 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:02
Grillo: Canzon Sestadecima a 4 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:05
Myers: Cavatina • Pablo Sainz-Villegas • THE BLUE ALBUM • 20:09
Satie: Gymnopedie No. 1 • Pablo Sainz-Villegas • THE BLUE ALBUM • 20:13
Candyman Suite • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • SIGNATURE PHILIP GLASS • 20:17
Schubert: Sonata D.958 • Luisa Guembes-Buchanan • C MINOR MOODS • 20:24
N. Rota: Clarinet Sonata in D • G. Gojevic; M. Kenedi • CLARINET SONATA; TRIO • 20:47
G. F. Handel: Ariodante: Con l'ali di • J. Boulianne; L. Beausejour • ALMA OPPRESSA • 21:06
Interview with Hank Knox • Oskar Zybart • CKUA INTERVIEWS • 21:14
G. F. Handel: Ariodante: Qui d'damor n • J. Boulianne; L. Beausejour • ALMA OPPRESSA • 21:19
Interview with Hank Knox • Oskar Zybart • CKUA INTERVIEWS • 21:22
J. S. Bach: Ricercar a3, BWV 1079 • Hank Knox • OEUVRES POUR CLAVIER • 21:26
V. Silvestrov: Maidan 2014 • Kyiv Chamber Choir / M Hobdych • MAIDAN • 21:33
(02) 2024-04-11 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Nino Rota)
N. Rota: Trio for Clarinet, Cello & Piano • G. Gojevic; W. Zelenka; M. Kenedi • CLARINET SONATA • 20:02
N. Rota: Fantasia in G for Piano • Mary Kenedi • CLARINET SONATA • 20:20
N. Rota: Ai Giochi Addio • Alessandra Paonessa • REMEMBERING HEAVEN • 20:37
N. Rota: Il Gattopardo suite • Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie • MASCAGNI / ROTA • 20:42
N. Rota: The Godfather: Love Theme • 2Cellos • SCORE • 21:02
N. Rota: La Strada: Tema • Richard Galliano • NINO ROTA • 21:08
N. Rota: La Strada: La Processione • Richard Galliano • NINO ROTA • 21:11
N. Rota: La Strada: Zampano E La Vedova • Richard Galliano • NINO ROTA • 21:14
N. Rota: Symphony #3 • Filarmonica '900 Del Teatro... • ROTA: SYMPHONY #3 • 21:19
N. Rota: Concerto for Bassoon • CBC Vancouver Orch; C. Millard • CONCERTI ITALIANI • 21:38
N. Rota: La Dolce Vita theme • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • SILENCE ON JOUE • 21:57
(03) 2024-04-17 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score (donor hour)
A. Scriabin: Sonata-Fantasy in G#, Op. 1 • Yoojung Kim • SCRIABIN RECITAL • 20:01
A. Baranowski: Wiosna • Angele Dubeau • PORTRAIT ALEX BARANOWSKI • 20:16
A. Baranowski: Immortal Universal • Angele Dubeau • PORTRAIT ALEX BARANOWSKI • 20:26
A. BAranowski: Don't Quit • Angele Dubeau • PORTRAIT ALEX BARANOWSKI • 20:30
Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in Dm • Natalie Tenenbaum • THE PIANO REIMAGINED • 20:36
C. P. E. Bach: Symphony H. 649, Wq. 174 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • SYMPHONIES: FROM BERLIN TO HAMBURG • 20:46
C. Derksen: Round Dance Instrumental • Cris Derksen • ORCHESTRAL POWWOW • 20:59
Ultestakon (Shaker Lullaby) • Jeremy Dutcher • WOLASTOQIYIK LINTUWAKONAWA • 21:07 ^^
Koselwintuwakon (Love Song) • Jeremy Dutcher • WOLASTOQIYIK LINTUWAKONAWA • 21:11 ^^
J. McMann: Stories of My People, pt 1 • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 21:15
C. Schumann: Trois Romances Op. 11 • Colleen Athparia • RARE ROMANTIC ROMANCES • 21:28
Sakom • Jeremy Dutcher • MOTEWOLONUWOK • 21:43 ^^
Sakomawit (Chief's Installation) • Jeremy Dutcher • WOLASTOQIYIK LINTUWAKONAWA • 21:45 ^^
Variationen In G • Kolner Akademie • VIRTUOSE TROMPETENMUSIK
(03) 2024-04-18 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Ottorino Respighi)
O. Respighi: Serenata P54 • Chamber Orchestra Of New York • THE BIRDS/ GLI UCCELLI • 20:01
O. Respighi: Ancient Airs and Dance • Lucy Humphris & Harry Rylance • OBSCURUS • 20:08
O. Respighi: Violin Concerto In A Major, P49 • Chamber Orchestra Of New York • VIOLIN CONCERTO • 20:23
O. Respighi: Trittico Botticelliano, pt 1-3 • Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra • SONGS OF PARADISE • 20:46
O. Respighi: Nevicata • Luciano Pavarotti • PAVAROTTI 101 • 21:09
O. Respighi: Lauda Per La Nativita • Rundfunkchor Berlin • LAUDA PER LA NATIVITA • 21:13
O. Respighi: Gli Uccelli P154 • Chamber Orchestra Of New York • THE BIRDS/ GLI UCCELLI • 21:40
O. Respighi: Berceuse #1, Sei Pezzi • Rachel Barton Pine • VIOLIN LULLABIES • 21:55
(04) 2024-04-24 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score (fundraiser edition)
I. Stravinsky: Le Sacre Du Printemps: Premier Tapestry • Pentaedre • LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS • 20:02
Bortkiewicz: Lyrica Nova Op 59, #1 & #3 • Zhenni Li-Cohen • BORTKIEWICZ: A LETTER • 20:19
Dall'abaco: Trio 1 ABV54 • Elinor Frey • DALL'ABACO AND THE ART OF VARIATION • 20:30
B. Mangore: Mazurka Apasionata • Lovro Peretic • GUITAR RECITAL • 20:52
Yanjun: Moon's Reflection Upon A Spring • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 20:59
F. Schubert: Nacht und Traume, D827 • Elina Garanca • WHEN NIGHT FALLS… • 21:11
Daunais: Chanson D'amour • Marc Bourdeau & Michel Bellavanc • MELODIES SONGS • 21:15
Miller: Let There Be Peace On Earth • Edmonton Swiss Men's Choir • HEILIGE NACHT • 21:18
Beautiful As A Memory • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 21:24
Before You Go • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 21:28
T. Reiley: In C 1 • Maya Beiser • TERRY RILEY: IN C • 21:38
C. Debussy: Sonata for Cello & Piano • Sophie Shao • CANCAN MACABRE • 21:47
(04) 2024-04-25 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (fundraiser edition)
The Price is Right • John Stetch • TV TRIO • 20:04
The Rabbit Of Seville • Warner Brothers Symphony Orch • BUGS BUNNY ON BROADWAY • 20:12
William Tell Overture • Spike Jones • LAUGH, LAUGH, LAUGH • 20:19
Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 • Orchestre Symphonique De Montreal • RHAPSODY • 20:27
Decomposing Composers • Monty Python • MONTY PYTHON SINGS • 20:42
Fantasie Aus Potpourri G-Moll Op • Stuttgarter Kammerorchester • STUTTGART COMPOSITIONS • 20:45
Bizet's Carmen • Victor Borge • UNSTARTED SYMPHONY • 20:57
The Mighty Hercules • John Stetch • TV TRIO • 21:02
A. Vivaldi: Bassoon Concerto, RV502 • L'Aura Soave Cremona • CONCERTI PER FAGOTTO 3 • 21:10
V. Borge: Happy Birthday Variations (OZ edit) • Victor Borge • COMEDY IN MUSIC • 21:28
I. Stravinsky: Greeting Prelude (Happy Birthday) • Radio Phil Orch • STRAVINSKY • 21:33
F. Zappa: Dog Breath Variations • Ensemble Modern • YELLOW SHARK • 21:39
F. Zappa: Uncle Meat • Ensemble Modern • YELLOW SHARK • 21:42
Interview clip: Hank Knox on Frank Zappa • Oskar Zybart • CKUA INTERVIEWS • 21:46
F. Zappa: G-Spot Tornado • Ensemble Modern • YELLOW SHARK • 21:47
Minute Waltz Routine + Polonaise • Victor Borge • UNSTARTED SYMPHONY • 21:54
(05) 2024-05-01 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
Z. Keating: Snowmelt suite • Zoe Keating • SNOWMELT • 20:03
Price: An Elf on a Moonbeam • Anna Lapwood • LUNA • 20:25
Dreamland • Anna Lapwood • LUNA • 20:29
Z. Preisner: Dawn (Quartet In 4 Movements) • The Warsaw Symphony Orchestra • PREISNER'S MUSIC • 20:39
Z. Preisner: Between Strangers (Theme) • Zbigniew Preisner • BETWEEN STRANGERS • 20:44
Z. Preisner: Sculptures • Zbigniew Preisner • BETWEEN STRANGERS • 20:47
J. Adams: China Gates • Murcof x Wagner • STATEA • 20:51
Grillo: Canzon Sestadecima a 4 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 21:01
G. F. Handel: Water Music Suite #2 • Linde Consort; H-M Linde • HANDEL: WATER MUSIC • 21:07
G. F. Handel: Water Music, Suite #3 • Daniel Hope • DANCE! • 21:17
F. Schubert: Unfinished Symphony 1 • Berlin Phil Orch • HERBERT VON KARAJAN: THE LEGEND • 21:21
J. Adler: Passacaglia • James Adler • HOMAGES & REMEMBRANCES • 21:37
Passacaglia Sopra 'Plusieurs Reg • Dan Laurin & Anna Paradiso • SONGS OF YESTERDAY • 21:42
P.. Glass: Echorus • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • PHILIP GLASS PORTRAIT • 21:49
(05) 2024-05-02 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Antonin Dvorak)
A. Dvorak: Legend In C Major, No4 Op59 • Winnipeg SO • MORAWETZ / DVORAK / TCHAIKOVSKY • 20:02
A. Dvorak: Slavonic Dances Op 46: #1-4 • Wiener Philharmoniker • SLAVONIC DANCES COMPLETE • 20:09
A. Dvorak: Cello Concerto, Op. 104 • Alisa Weilerstein • DVORAK • 20:33
A. Dvorak: Rusalka: Song to Moon • J Kolomyjec / Calgary Phil Orch • SONG TO THE MOON • 21:15
A. Dvorak: Piano Trio #4, Op 90 • Triple Forte • DVORAK: PIANO TRIOS • 21:24
A. Dvorak: Humoresque • Foothills Brass • SATURDAY NIGHT WALTZ • 21:56
(06) 2024-05-08 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
I. Stravinksi: Le Sacre Du Printemps: Second Tableau • Pentaedre • LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS • 20:01
A. Vivaldi: Bassoon Concerto, RV 474 • L'Aura Soave Cremona • CONCERTI PER FAGOTTO • 20:13 ^^
L. V. Beethoven: Symphony #9 • National Symphony Orchestra • SYMPHONY 9 • 20:24
J. Strauss: Radetsky March • Edmonton Symphony Orchestra • GREAT ORCHESTRAL MARCHES • 21:36 ^^
J. Strauss II: Roses From The South • Canadian Chamber Ensemble • WINE WOMEN & SONG • 21:38 ^^
Three Nature Sketches From Japan • Heather MacDonald • THAT PLACE, DARLING • 21:48
(06) 2024-05-09 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Johannes Brahms)
J. Brahms: Academic Festival Overture, Op 80 • Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra • BRAHMS: ABBADO • 20:01
J. Brahms: Rondo Alla Zingarese • collectif9 • VOLKSMOBILES • 20:13
J. Brahms: Sonata for Cello & Piano, Op. 38 • Stephane Tetreault • HAYDN/ SCHUBERT/ BRAHMS • 20:20
J. Brahms: Variations on Themes of Paganini • Jean-Philippe Sylvestre • VIRTUOSITES • 20:50
J. Brahms: Ballade In Dm, Op 10 #1 • Canadian Brass • BRAHMS ON BRASS • 21:07
J. Brahms: Symphony #4, Op 98 • National Arts Centre Orchestra • DOUBLE CONCERTO, SYMPHONY #4 • 21:13
J. Brahms: Hungarian Dance #4 • Charlie Siem • UNDER THE STARS • 21:54
(07) 2024-05-15 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
P. Glass: Opening • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • SIGNATURE PHILIP GLASS • 20:02
P. Glass: Koyaanisquati • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • SIGNATURE PHILIP GLASS • 20:09
M. Richter: Luminous • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • MAX RICHTER: PORTRAIT • 20:13
Haihuai: Racing Horses • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 20:19
I. Stravinsky: The Firebird • Matthias Arfmann & Deutsches Fil • MATTHIAS ARFMANN PRESENTS BALLET • 20:24
I. Stravinsky: Firebird Suite (1911 Ver) pts 01, 06, 19 • Orchestre De Paris • THE RITE OF SPRING & FIREBIRD • 20:29
J. McMann: Otemihin • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 20:44
J. McMann: Kayas-ayiwan • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 20:51
F. Kreisler: Tambourin Chinois • S. Staryk; J. Corwin • STEVEN STARYK RETROSPECTIVE • 20:55
H. MadDonald: Jhula Jhule • Heather MacDonald • THAT PLACE, DARLING • 21:01
Berlioz: The Pearl Fishers: Je Crois Ente • Richard Tucker & Vienna State Opera • ESCAPE THROUGH OPERA • 21:16
C. Debussy: Sonata for Cello & Piano • Sophie Shao • CANCAN MACABRE • 21:21
F. J. Hadyn: Trumpet Concerto in Eb • Alison Balsom • TRUMPET CONCERTOS • 21:33
J. Brahms: Waldesnacht • Vancouver Chamber Choir • FINDING THE STILL POINT • 21:48
J. Brahms: Ave Maria Op 12 • Warsaw Philharmonic Choir & Orch • MUSIC FOR CHORUS & ORCH • 21:52
(07) 2024-05-16 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel)
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Lied In Eb Major • Heather Schmidt • PIANO WORKS • 20:01
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Piano Sonata In Cm • Heather Schmidt • PIANO WORKS • 20:11
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: String Quartet In Eb • Quatuor Ebene • FELIX & FANNY • 20:22
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Overture in C • ROCO • DANCE LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING • 20:52
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Dammrung senkte sich... • Marina Thibeault & Marie-Eve Sca • ELLES • 21:03
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Easter Sonata • Eric Heidsieck • EASTER SONATA • 21:08
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Piano Sonata in Gm • Heather Schmidt • PIANO WORKS • 21:38
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Adagio In Eb Major • Heather Schmidt • PIANO WORKS • 21:55
(08) 2024-05-22 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
Merula: Canzon #19 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:02
L. V. Beethoven: Fur Elise, WoO 59 • Alfred Brendel • FUR ELISE / EROICA • 20:07 ^^
S. Prokofiev: 12 Mvts: Romeo & Juliet, Op64, #01-#06 • M. Argerich; S. Babayan • PROKOFIEV FOR TWO • 20:13 ^^
O. Respighi: Pines Of Rome • Chicago Symphony Orchestra • FANTASIA 2000 (SOUNDTRACK) • 20:29 ^^
G. C. Dall'Abaco: Trio 1 ABV54 • Elinor Frey • DALL'ABACO AND THE ART OF VARIATION • 20:41
Collision Etudes: V. Autumn Leaves • Heather MacDonald • THAT PLACE, DARLING • 21:01
S. Prokofiev: 12 Mvts: Romeo & Juliet, Op64, #07-#12 • M. Argerich; S. Babayan • PROKOFIEV FOR TWO • 21:07 ^^
J. Massenet: Thais: Meditation • Grant Cahoon & Lawrence Gee • SERENITY • 21:32 ^^
S. Bortkiewicz: Ten Preludes Op 33, #7 & #8 • Zhenni Li-Cohen • BORTKIEWICZ: A LETTER • 21:40
S. Bortkiewicz: Ein Roman Op 35 #3 & #7 • Zhenni Li-Cohen • BORTKIEWICZ: A LETTER • 21:48
(08) 2024-05-23 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
Spring Frost • Roger Eno & Brian Eno • MIXING COLOURS • 20:02
Music for Airports, 1-1 • Bruce Brubaker • ENO PIANO • 20:07
Wind On The Water • Robert Fripp & Brian Eno • THE ESSENTIAL FRIPP AND ENO • 20:27
Evening Star • Robert Fripp & Brian Eno • THE ESSENTIAL FRIPP AND ENO • 20:33
Emerald And Lime • Brian Eno • SMALL CRAFT ON A MILK SEA • 20:43
Emerald And Stone • Brian Eno • SMALL CRAFT ON A MILK SEA • 20:46
Late Anthropocene • Brian Eno • SMALL CRAFT ON A MILK SEA • 20:48
Deep Blue Day • Brian Eno; R. Eno; D. Lanois • APOLLO: ATMOSPHERES & SOUNDTRACKS • 20:58
The End of a Thin Cord • Brian Eno; R. Eno; D. Lanois • APOLLO: ATMOSPHERES & SOUNDTRACKS • 21:06
Weightless • Brian Eno; R. Eno; D. Lanois • APOLLO: ATMOSPHERES & SOUNDTRACK • 21:10
The Pearl • Harold Budd; B. Eno; D. Lanois • THE PEARL • 21:18
Dark-Eyed Sister • Harold Budd; B. Eno; D. Lanois • THE PEARL • 21:21
Still Return • Harold Budd; B. Eno; D. Lanois • THE PEARL • 21:26
Symphony #4 Heroes, mvt. 4 • American Composers Orch / Davies • PHILIP GLASS: HEROES SYMPHONY • 21:31
Coldplay: Life Of Pi: Paradise • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • SILENCE ON JOUE: TAKE 2 • 21:41
Miss Sarajevo • L. Pavarotti; B. Eno; Bono; Edge • PAVAROTTI: THE 50 • 21:45
Point d'ancrage • Flore Laurentienne • 8 TABLEAUX • 21:50
(09) 2024-05-29 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
C. P. E. Bach: Symphony H.660 Wq.1824 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • SYMPHONIES: FROM BERLIN TO HAMBURG • 20:02
L. D'Alberto: Tomorrow • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 20:14
L. D'Alberto: Fireworks • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 20:18
L. D'Alberto: And If You Lose… • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 20:24
A. Louie: Pond Mirrors Bright Sky • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 20:29
A. Louie: Wild Horse Running • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 20:34
O. Messiaen: Turangalila Symphonie • Toronto Symphony Orchestra • TURANGALILA SYMPHONIE • 20:39
(09) 2024-05-30 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(10) 2024-06-05- 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(10) 2024-06-06 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(11) 2024-06-12 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(11) 2024-06-13 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(12) 2024-06-19 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(12) 2024-06-20 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(13) 2024-06-26 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(13) 2024-06-27 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(14) 2024-07-03 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(14) 2024-07-04 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(15) 2024-07-10 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(15) 2024-07-11 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(16) 2024-07-17 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(16) 2024-07-18 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(17) 2024-07-24 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(17) 2024-07-25 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(18) 2024-07-31 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(18) 2024-08-01 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(19) 2024-08-07 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(19) 2024-08-08 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(20) 2024-08-14 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(20) 2024-08-15 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(21) 2024-08-21 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(22) 2024-08-22 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
(23) 2024-08-28 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
(23) 2024-08-29 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
>> Explore my playlist history for other dates and programs.
~~ Featured content ^^ Listener recommendations/requests ++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’ / vintage vinyl
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The Score - The world of orchestral music remains as vibrant and active as ever. Fresh recordings and unique interpretations continue to spring from legacy artists and emerging talents alike. New pieces; new releases; new performances. The Score spotlights recent additions to CKUA's classical music library, along with recordings from related genres boasting similarly ambitious arrangements and orchestral originality. Not limited to recorded music, we'll also present periodic chats with members from our classical-music community for an inside scoop regarding activity on Albertan concert stages.
Maestri - The terms 'maestro' and 'maestra' have long been applied to great individuals in music - those with a particular gift for composition, performance, and/or conducting. History is rich with such talents, though some are better known than others. Each week on CKUA, we take a detailed dive into the career and catalogue of a single exceptional subject. Some episodes focus on elements of one's works in isolation, while others might navigate specific themes or compare similar approaches by multiple maestri. From the middle ages to the present day, across boundaries and borders, there's always more to explore.
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0 notes
yotchan-blog · 12 days
2024/5/22 9:00:47現在のニュース
質問なるほドリ:インドの総選挙、大変なの? 地域ごと、1カ月半かけ 100万カ所の投票所設置=回答・川上珠実 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/5/22 9:00:23) 敗れた山下三段は「棋士」の権利に届かず、VSで教える「藤本先生」が優勝で本戦入り<6組決勝・藤本渚五段-山下数毅三段>([B!]読売新聞, 2024/5/22 8:58:02) 万博子ども招待「本音は、家族で行くようにしてほしい」…団体バス確保難、地下鉄に集中し混乱の恐れ([B!]読売新聞, 2024/5/22 8:58:02) 東京電力、慶応と家庭用電力買い集め 「卒FIT」に照準 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/5/22 8:57:38) 中銀��ジタル通貨 現状は? 日銀、発行未定も準備着々 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/5/22 8:57:38) 農林中央金庫なぜ資本増強? 独特な運用構造、金利高が直撃 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/5/22 8:51:42) 丸紅、サウジアラビアで陸上風力 総事業費1000億円 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/5/22 8:51:42) 「ポイント3重取り」で120万円分 還元率、計8%以上も ポイント経済、勝者は誰だ(3) - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/5/22 8:51:42) コメ高騰、昨夏猛暑が直撃 コシヒカリ卸値6~8割高 訪日客消費増も影響 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/5/22 8:51:42) ウクライナ攻撃で「北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル使用」…国連安保理で日米韓がロシア批判([B!]読売新聞, 2024/5/22 8:45:24) 中国、台湾問題で一歩も譲らず 「核心的利益の中の核心」 米中外相会談([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/22 8:45:24) 大阪府知事、万博時のライドシェア緩和要請 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/5/22 8:45:21) Microsoft、ウェブ会議TeamsにAI 企業の効率化を支援 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/5/22 8:45:21) <静岡県知事選 5.26 現場から>伊豆縦貫道 いつ全線開通? 能登地震後、高まる防災面懸念 整備計画から37年(東京新聞のニュース一覧|dメニュー(NTTドコモ), 2024/5/22 8:45:12) 旧満州からの軍事郵便見つかる 生還待つ家族を気遣う 沼田市内の故人が両親宛て 遺族「温かい人柄伝わる」(東京新聞)|dメニューニュース(東京新聞のニュース一覧|dメニュー(NTTドコモ), 2024/5/22 8:45:12) 玄海町長の車焼ける 核ごみ調査受け入れの町、事件・事故両面で捜査(朝日新聞, 2024/5/22 8:43:26) 「つばめ交通」でツバメが今年も巣作り 「福の神」?売り上げは好調(朝日新聞, 2024/5/22 8:43:26) アジア人の「つり目」嘲笑 英BAが客室乗務員を「人種差別」で解雇 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/5/22 8:36:54) 返礼品には特別観覧席も 祇園祭山鉾連合会がクラウドファンディング(毎日新聞, 2024/5/22 8:32:41)
0 notes
celtfather · 2 months
Red-Haired Bully Boys #657
Gather round you bully boys and listen to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #657. Subscribe now!
Sorcha, The Out of Kilters, Rambling Sailors, Tradify, Tarren, Railcar Graffiti, Brobdingnagian Bards, The Whipperginnies, Tan and Sober Gentlemen, Paddyman, The Walker Roaders, River Driver, Jiggy
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Enjoy seven weekly news items for Celtic music and culture online. Subscribe now and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2024 episode. You have just three weeks to vote this year. Vote Now!
You can follow our playlist on Spotify to listen to those top voted tracks as they are added every 2 - 3 weeks. It also makes it easier for you to add these artists to your own playlists. You can also check out our Irish & Celtic Music Videos
0:02 - Intro: Jay Meeks
0:08 - Sorcha "Golden Eagle / The Independence" from Stomp the Floor
4:50 - WELCOME
6:11 - The Out of Kilters "The Congress / The Red - Haired Boy" from Hot Potatoes
9:49 - Rambling Sailors "Getting Dark Again" from Tales From the White Horse
12:37 - Tradify "The March of Kaiser" from Take Flight
15:19 - Tarren "Rigs of the Time" from Revel
19:31 - FEEDBACK
21:58 - Railcar Graffiti "Rising Of The Moon" from Going Across The Sea
25:46 - Brobdingnagian Bards "I Will Not Sing Along" from I Will Not Sing Along
Sign up on the Pre - Launch Page on Kickstarter
30:42 - The Whipperginnies "Lady in Grey" from Single
38:49 - THANKS
41:01 - Tan and Sober Gentlemen "Barbed Wire" from Regressive Folk Music
44:40 - Paddyman "Bog Soldier" from One for the Road
48:29 - The Walker Roaders "The Blackbird Only Knows One Song" from The Walker Roaders
52:41 - River Driver "Bully Boys" from Flanagan's Shenanigans! Live at The Celt
56:02 - CLOSING
56:48 - Jiggy "Oró Sé do Bheatha 'Bhaile" from Single
1:00:24 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to follow the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Finally, remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn.
This podcast is for fans of Celtic music. Not just the big names you’ve probably heard of. But also the Celtic bands in your neck of the woods, at your festivals.
It is here to build a diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. Musicians depend on your generosity to keep making music. So please find a way to support them. Buy a CD, Album Pin, Shirt, Digital Download, or join their communities on Patreon.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
If you are a Celtic musician or in a Celtic band, then please submit your band to be played on the podcast. You don’t have to send in music or an EPK. You will get a free eBook called Celtic Musicians Guide to Digital Music and learn how to follow the podcast. It’s 100% free. Just email Email follow@bestcelticmusic and of course, listeners can learn how to subscribe to the podcast and get a free music - only episode.
You are amazing. It is because of your generosity that you get to hear so much great Celtic music each and every week.
Your kindness pays for our engineer, graphic designer, Celtic Music Magazine editor, promotion of the podcast, and allows me to buy the music I play here. It also pays for my time creating the show each and every week.
As a patron, you get music - only episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, stand - alone stories, and you get a private feed to listen to the show.  All that for as little as $1 per episode.
A special thanks to our Celtic Legends: Bill Mandeville, Marti Meyers, Brenda, Karen DM Harris, Emma Bartholomew, Dan mcDade, Carol Baril, Miranda Nelson, Nancie Barnett, Kevin Long, Gary R Hook, Lynda MacNeil, Kelly Garrod, Annie Lorkowski, Shawn Cali
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Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/ #celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Please email me. I’d love to see a  picture of what you're doing while listening or of a band that you saw recently.
Email me at follow@bestcelticmusic.
Ken Brixius emailed: "Hello, So, whatever happened to the download button? It somehow disappeared after Episode #652."
James J. Grefig emailed: "Hi Marc, Nothing special here for Saint Pats. Just sat back and enjoyed the music."
Rick Cunningham emailed a photo: "Hello Mark, We spent it sessioning in Nashville -  photo here is Gypsy Youngraven from Boxing Robin and our friend Bubba Dean.
I'm having hand surgery this week, so we didn't schedule any shows this St. Pat's Day (first time in a while), but we plan to be back in the swing of things this summer. Thanks and all the best"
Alexander Randall 5th emailed fun St Patrick's Day photo of a leprechaun and bear
Dave of Kitchen Party Ceilidh: "As requested. This is the long time band I’ve been playing with for a few years, the Irish Airs. I joined them in 2022 upon the retirement of their founding guitarist."
  Check out this episode!
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