#60 Ft
dedibelyegei · 1 year
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Ez pedig itt már az újrahasznosítás, újrahasznosítása, senkit nem hagyunk az útszélen! Igen, ez egy hivatalos kiadás, a sorozat hetedik része, 'gyári' felülnyomással. Felülnyomást számtalan módon és okból alkalmaztak bélyegeken az idők során, jellemzően két nagy csoportja van, az egyik valamilyen üzenet, vagy jelentős eseménynek állít emléket (lesz majd ilyen is, jóval régebbről), de a gyakoribb az értékek felülbírálása. Ennek több oka lehet, az egyik a hiperinflációs időszakok (khm...), vagy pénznem váltások, a másik gyakori ami itt is történt, hogy egy bélyegből valamiért 'túlnyomnak', rengeteg marad belőle, és az értéke már nem fedezi magában semelyik postaszolgáltatás árát, ilyenkor 'felhúzzák' a maradékot egy magasabb összegre, amit hatékonyan lehet használni a címzésekhez. '97-ben 60 forintból lehetett küldeni távolsági ajánlott levelet belföldön, így erre esett a választás. Tehát ez egy 1997-ben kiadott felülnyomott '96-os bélyeg. Értékét tekintve azért 200-300 forint között mennek, mégiscsak menő ez a vörös nyomat, pedig nem kifejezetten ritka.
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adobe-outdesign · 7 months
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imagine being some poor dude in Alola making breakfast and you turn around to see a 2ft 60 lb electric rat making off with one of your pancakes
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beatleswings · 2 years
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LINDA McCARTNEY (then EASTMAN) in Day 19 (January 28, 1969). From THE BEATLES: GET BACK Part III.
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bonnieura · 4 months
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pinescone-headcanons · 9 months
Giant Wirt Headcannan? Wirt. He grows big up to 60.7' tall and has adventures with Greg.
It's based on Over the garden wall. Merry Christmas.
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kogglyuffs · 11 months
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so theres this concept design that i like to call "pope roguefort", and it could be executed better
bonus homos:
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giriduck · 1 year
In BotW, my policy as a player was to not kill wolves nor coyotes unless they attacked me first and it was in self-defense.
Tulin’s avatar on TotK does not have this policy.
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slutcore-starships · 5 months
shaking u ive been so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so good all year i deserve a giant mech suit u wanna give me a giant mech suit so baddddd
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coachbeards · 6 months
i think one of the funniest things about psych is that shawn genuinely had superhuman abilities. he’s able to correctly identify the smallest pieces of text from like 100 ft away. his eidetic memory surpasses like EVERYONE else’s, not even a debate . Like. Psychic or not. Shawn is literally in leagues way above the average human, even above the smartest people he knows
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kaklord · 11 months
requested by @starrycrowz
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he's not done Bones just had to go get more clothes
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I do think its funny were all in the trenches still on GR/EEN DAY ISNT PUNK but you can call A7X metal now and nobody even cares anymore. Like that battles been lost.
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beatleswings · 2 years
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MARIANNE FAITHFULL ft. PAUL McCARTNEY performing "Yesterday" on the TV special, THE MUSIC OF LENNON & MCCARTNEY. 1965.
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roylustang · 1 month
Why is it so hot out I’m at 8700 ft above sea level
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tchaikovskaya · 9 months
while my mind is on headlights and my patronizing gripes about them, i'll add this: if it's raining hard in the middle of the day (like *insert the unfortunate idiom of domestic abuse* kind of rain when its still very bright out), and you're driving in somewhat dense/heavy traffic, do not put your fucking high beam lights on. the light bounces off of the rain droplets and makes visibility a billion times worse. for goddamn everyone around you. which makes everyone else put their high beams on bc they cant see SHIT. creating a dangerous and eyeball-searing feedback loop.
when you're driving in rain, esp on a lower-speed road, having your lights on is important secondarily [primarily is your own visibility obvi] for a) letting oncoming traffic see you, and b) letting cars in front of you see you in their rear view mirrors. some people even say that if its bright enough u can/should use fog lights to mitigate the whole light-water reflection effect, but iirc those usually dont light up the car's tail lights, which are important for cars behind you to see you. however i maintain that unless you're driving on a highway/interstate or some other "higher-speed" roadway with few stops/lights/intersections, if the rain/snow/fog is so bad that you can't see a car like 4-5 car lengths in front of you until they hit the brakes and you're Right There and you need to stop or significantly slow down, you're either driving way too fast for the conditions or following way too close. :))))
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please tell me now by @thewindyoubargainedfor | thewindyoubargainedfor
G | 1K | Marcus/Frankie| Getting Back Together | Fluff | 60s/70s Era
When Marcus arrives in San Francisco, he knows the first thing he needs to do.
Week Three: Using the prompts, “I think I know what that smile means.” and ‘favorite relationship other than Hawk/Tim’ for the ‘How do I love thee, let me count the ways…’ Valentines Celebration.
Hosted by @fellow-travelers-events
All works for this fest can be found in this Ao3 Collection 💘
Happy reading!
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abluescarfonwaston · 5 months
I love my new apartments location and it's very nice but I have to say going from a 8x10 bedroom to a two bedroom apartment is kinda giving me reverse claustrophobia. Too much space.
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