#60163 tornado
joezworld · 2 years
Lost, and then Found.
Traintober 2022 Day 13 - Lost
Summary - Blue Peter is Lost . Then he is Found.
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1962 - Dundee
I am lost
The engine stood outside the shed. The yard was still alive with the sound of steam, but it grew quieter each day. The quiet rumble of diesel motors grew ever louder in their absence. 
At the standpipe, his sister sat, equally silent. He respected her greatly - and was quite jealous of her name. 
Today, however, there was to be no jealousy, no friendly name calling, or even reassurances of a ‘next time’. 
They both knew that there would be no ‘next time.’ 
“Are you the first?” He asked, voice solemn. 
“No,” Velocity looked gutted. “They took Sugar last week.”
He felt powerless, and the whole world started to spin. One gone already? How many more can they take?
After a long and poignant moment of silence, Velocity left the yard - a slow empty stock train was to be her final duty, playing the ferryman of the damned for a group of old compartment coaches, before meeting her end herself. 
Being “proper” express engines, they were not permitted to cry, and all he said when she departed was a quiet “Farewell, sister.”
Dignified even in her waking death, Velocity was equally stony. “Farewell, Blue Peter. May we meet again.”
She set off into the distance, vanishing from Blue Peter’s sight for the last time. The junction was not far ahead, and she signalled her final departure from Dundee with a haunting blast from her whistle that seemed to penetrate into Blue Peter’s very soul. 
And then she was gone. 
For the rest of his life, he regretted not crying. 
January 1967
They paraded him around for years, making use of his recently-overhauled state to haul around hundreds of tourists who wished to see the end of an era occur before their very eyes. Privately, he wondered if any of them cared that it was him specifically pulling their train, or if any steam engine could have filled in for him without their notice. 
Judging from the number of snapped photos and produced notebooks, he almost felt as if they’d rather have any other engine but him, after the first time, just to fill another page in their books. 
When they finally retired him, it was a relief. Long had he been alone, one of just three left, and now he would shuffle off this mortal coil to a railway in the sky. 
They dropped his fire for the last time in October, and pushed him into a storage line late in November. As the bells of New Years tolled, in the city around him, the cold winter wind whipped through the lines of soon-dead rolling stock. It curled through broken windows and out open doors, howling in strange ways. As it whistled through the spokes of his wheels, he swore that it changed tune, and for a moment it howled like a steam whistle - one he’d not heard in almost 6 years. 
I am found
1971 - Doncaster
I am lost
They dragged him from his line barely a year after they put him there. His dreams of a reunion in the sky were dashed, as a glowering diesel - furious at being told it could not belittle an inferior - dragged him into the works of his creation. 
He thought that they were to return him to his metal in the reverse of his creation, but lo, he was restored. 
Made whole.
Made to live on. 
A television show for children discovered that it shared a name with him, and multiple vapid hosts were dispatched to document his unwillingly renewed life. They smiled for their cameras, and wouldn’t leave until his cheeks ached from forced cheer. 
With great fanfare, they “renamed” him, with the same name he’d known all his life. They cheered and they caroused, not needing to play up their emotions for the camera. Someone asked him how he was feeling, and all he could bring himself to say was “Overwhelmed.” 
He wanted to go back to his line, and await the time when his family would join him. 
1985 - Dinting
His wish was granted, but not by a genie, but the proverbial monkey’s paw. Huge sums had been spent on his restoration, and then he was never allowed to run for more than a few days a year. “The economy” was the excuse. He didn’t care. 
He was surrounded, on his storage road, not by the quiet almost-dead, but by the unquiet living. Engines from across the country were stored by their new owners - societies, rich men, etc. - in this place, the former home of the great electric line that charged over and through the Pennines. Electric lines stood, deactivated, surrounded by steam engines that were also. 
Some were cared for, others were like he was. One of the former was left near him. She was sunny and bright, fitting of her name: Bahamas. 
Cheer up! She’d say whenever the rest of the group seemed to be stuck in their own personal doldrums. We’re still here, aren’t we? No use moping around!
Many engines seemed strangely buoyed by that, but he was not. 
“What is the use of joy?” He asked. “When you are all that is left? Every day I live, the fainter their memories get.” 
She spoke to him, one day. You don’t have to be alone, you know. She said, gently. Life is worth living when you’ve got friends along the way. 
“And when they leave me too? Taken by cruel men who care not for us?” 
You cry because it’s over. Then you smile because it happened. She intoned solemnly, her nameplates shining bright in the sun.
“And what then? Do I keep smiling in my solitude?”
The two engines looked at each other. 
You find something to live for. Bahamas said after a moment. I don’t act like this for myself. She paused, looking around at the other engines that surrounded them. I do it for them. I live so that others find a reason to keep going. You need to look inside yourself, and find something that keeps you alive. 
He didn’t believe her, but he tried his best to help make the others smile - to help Bahamas in her altruistic goals. It felt freeing somehow. 
He smiled again.
I am found.
1994 - Durham
I am lost
His owner had come to see him in 1987. He acknowledged that he hadn’t cared for Blue Peter in the way that he should, and instead loaned him to a new organization. Within two years he was away from his storage lines, once again in front of the insipid TV cameras. More money was spent bringing him up to operating condition. 
He found it harder and harder to smile, as he left those few friends he made behind, but one day he did not have to fake it was the day that BR shattered into a thousand pieces. That was a happy day. 
The new organization had promised to run him often, and kept their word. As the nineties churned on, he ran on tour after tour. Unlike the old days, people came from all corners of the country specifically to see him. They brought with themselves gifts of the highest order -  memories of his family, and he found these journeys almost fun. 
Then he slipped, and fell from grace. 
Inexperienced drivers and an icy hill do a catastrophe make, and as his wheels slipped and struggled up the hill outside of Durham, he felt the water in his boiler slosh into places it should not be.  
His throttle jammed wide open, and his own body turned against him, running out of control in a demonic howl of shrieking metal. His wheels turned and spun until all he could feel was speed, and then his motion ripped itself apart with a horrible multi-part bang that echoed through the valley like a bomb blast. 
The moment was over, and all that was left was pain and loss. 
1996 - Sodor
For his repairs, he was dragged off to an Island out of time. They repaired him with a level of skill and care that even his birthplace could scarcely match, restoring him to running condition ahead of schedule and under budget. 
They offered his owners a way of reducing the costs, and he found himself running trains alongside other engines of his own era, and those who replaced him and had been replaced in turn. They were kind, and understood his pain in ways he hadn’t thought possible. 
I lost my entire family, save one. A green diesel confided to him.
They called us non-standard, said another. And then they cut my brothers up in the same yards that built them. They’d less time than some of yours when they went.  
Gordon, the leader of the Gresleys, spoke to him like an equal. What happened to you and yours is beyond the pale. You will always have a place amongst mine - I promise you that. 
They offered him trains that were rightfully theirs - crack expresses, fast mails, even the legendary Kipper. He did not feel right taking what was theirs, but felt even worse refusing a gift given in earnest. 
One late night he buffered against a crack mail train - eight cars of high priority mail from the Emerald Isles behind him. The rails were empty - the Kipper was late, the express long gone. His driver had a steady hand, knowledgeable in his boiler. As they whipped past a yard dotted with electric catenary poles, the regulator opened up one notch at a time. 
Once again, his wheels began to spin, faster and faster, but this time each turn put more rails behind them. He focused on the feeling, on the power, on the speed.
He flew down the line, fast enough to trigger alarms in the signal boxes. The fireman shoveled like a man possessed, and each chuff sounded like a gunshot. For one everlasting moment that he had only ever felt once before, on a bridge in Durham, he was an intoxicated being of pure speed. 
In that moment, he felt reborn. It was a high that he wanted to ride forever - to charge into space at a thousand miles per hour, or even more. 
He was exactly where he wanted to be. 
I am found. 
2002 - Darlington
I am lost
His working career was cut short by the end of his boiler ticket - for all the good that his owners had let the Sudrians do, the government still distrusted them. He’d been limited to seventy-five miles per hour, or less, and when the time had come, he’d been stripped of first his mainline certificate and then his boiler ticket. 
In less than two years he’d gone from a functioning engine to a metal ornament, suitable for only museums and lawns. They dragged him to Darlington, where he would sit in both. 
Men often stopped to take his picture, but seemed strangely disinterested in him. They often made comments about another engine, and left before he could ask questions. His long-suppressed curiosity finally made an appearance, and he was soon dubbed “mouthy”, and banished to a position in the museum where he was visible to tourists, but they could not hear him. 
Left alone, his mind soon wandered down dark rails, and every so often, he thought he could hear a whistle from engines long scrapped. 
2008 - Darlington
They woke him up one morning with the sound of banging. The old carriage shed next to the station/museum was having an interior wall demolished. While this was occurring, a small diesel shunter came and pulled him from the museum. The diesel was grinning wildly, and spoke in hushed tones about a “new build”, whatever that was. 
He was left next to the shed, and waited for someone to tell him what was going on. 
He jumped when a whistle sounded from inside the building. No-one else reacted, and he calmed himself, assuming the sound had come from inside his mind. 
Then came the plumes of smoke and steam. 
Then a tender, ghostly grey and obscured by smoke. 
It was followed by an engine. 
It was an engine, right?
It looked at him. It looked like him. 
That was impossible. 
“Hi!” It - she - spoke. “I’m Tornado! Who are you?”
He was Blue Peter. 
And at that moment, he was found.
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hazel-of-sodor · 4 months
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Presenting Tornado The Young Iron! As she appears in the amazing series by @tornadoyoungiron
I'll be posting the full sheet of IRL Liveries later today, and the full livery list is still being worked on, but it was time Tornado got the chance to shine
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guerrerense · 6 months
60163 'Tornado' thunders out of Blea Moor Tunnel as it races north on the Northern service 2Z53 11:44 Skipton to Appleby on the 14th Feb. por Mark Latham
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
Traintober 2023: Day 1 - Free Day
Preservation on Sodor:
Sodor must be one of the most interesting places to look at when it comes to railway preservation, if not also road, sea and air preservation. For starters, the island’s railways are all still primarily run by vintage steam traction – but there’s also Harold, who is in his 60s or 70s at this point, Bertie the bus (who is nearing 100), Trevor and Terrence and George – not to mention the fact that the island seems to continue to have antique ships within its waters, including steam ships and fishing trawlers.
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But of course, I want to focus on the railways – and in particular how Sodor must be the British hub for heritage railways, museums and other attractions. For starters, Sodor has by far the largest heritage railway system in the world for its size, with over 80 miles of mainline, several branchlines, a narrow-gauge railway, a mountain railway and a miniature gauge railway. It also has a massive fleet of engines – 80 by the Reverend’s count on the NWR alone – making it possibly the single largest working heritage railway in the UK, if not Europe. This would instantly attract many preservationists wishing to run their locomotives, meaning that mainline excursions and visitors would be a frequent sight on the island. This in turn would bring in tourists, who would make money for the NWR and the railway the engines belong to, as well as helping the Fat Controller if one of his enignes is unable to work. It would also give us as railfans the chance to see unique motive power on a variety of trains - like a Coronation Class pulling a slow goods, or a Hughes Crab on a China Clay train - things we don't get to see anymore. 
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Furthermore, Sodor is home to Crovan’s Gate Works, the largest steamworks of its kind in Britain. For its influence, I am going to turn to 60163 Tornado. When Tornado was built, her boiler had to be manufactured in Germany because there was just no one in the UK able to produce a boiler of the type, while the superheater header needed to be attempted by three foundries before it was assembled correctly. Crovan’s Gate Works, which is able to maintain a full fleet of engines including Gordon – who is also an A1 with many similarities – would have been able to do both in a far timelier manner. The same would go for all locomotive repair programs in the UK. Crovan’s Gate would either host locomotives or manufacture parts for them, becoming a hub for preservation across the country. Engines like Stepney or Green Arrow would be able to be overhauled at the Works, rather than be taken out of service. This would effect how many steam engines are in working order in Britain, if not Europe, as the refurbishment time would be significantly shortened - something that is compounded if said locomotive shares any components with a Sodor engine - like Talyllyn, Dolgoch, Flying Scotsman or any of the Black 5s, Panniers or Autotanks in preservation. 
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This brings me on to the last point: International Tourism. Sodor must be one of the most visited locations in Britain in this universe. For starters, there’s all the fans of the book and TV series (which are both canon and referenced in the books). This means that Sodor would have tens of thousands of families coming to the island from around the world annually to see the ‘Eight Famous Engines’ or the ‘Steam Team’, bringing in a massive amount of revenue for hotels, local businesses and the railways themselves. But there would also be the railfans who come with the aforementioned railtours, as well as international railfans who want to see steam in action in a mainline setting – something nearly impossible anywhere on the planet. Sodor has at least one airport (and probably two, considering in real life there is an airport on Walney Island near the real-life Vickerstown), six ports connected to the NWR, and a rail and road link to the UK. The island has the infrastructure to handle the flocks of tourists, and this would in turn benefit much of the rest of Northern England. This would majorly benefit the preservation world by bringing in funding for Sodor, which is in turn able to fund things like track upgrades, or overhauls for engines beyond their own railway. It also gives other railways a good place to promote themselves, as Sodor has a guaranteed market for tourists who may travel to these other railways. 
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You cannot understate how much these books have done for Sodor, and for railway preservation as a whole.
So, Sodor is at the very least a centre for preservation in the UK, with railtours, overhauls and masses of international tourists – but it’s also where a lot of engines were likely rescued from. We see it in Oliver and Douglas, but engines know of Sodor and its safety. I can imagine an alternate universe in which engines keep turning up throughout the 1960s, being brought to safety on Sodor and then sold to heritage railways, being overhauled at Crovan’s Gate before moving to their new homes. Sodor would act as an intermediate in this era, being able to do the paperwork to preserve engines due to its position in the national network while also being aligned with the cause of the heritage railways. Sodor is a safe haven for steam, and this would have a significant impact on its position as a preservation hub for the UK.
Back to the Master Post
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0.5mm Pencil Lead
2002 Honda Civic
320 Pack Glitter Gel Pens
A Blunt
A Candle That Smells Like Fragrant Evergreens
A Copy of "The Book Thief" (2005) by Markus Zusak
A Daisychain
A DVD Copy of Over the Hedge (2006)
A Train
Ace of Spades Playing Card
Adipose Plushie
Adorable Cow Creamer
An Innumerable Amount of Lost DS Styli
Animal Shaped Rubber Bands
AP French Exam Packet
Argon (The Element)
Aviator Goggles
Baguette Body Pillow
Bead Maze
Beaded Curtain
Beanbag Chair
Best Rock
Big Drinking Fountain
Black Out Curtains
Blue Jeans
Blåhaj/Ikea Shark
Bright Orange VHS for the Rugrats Movie
Broken Alarm Clock
Bubble Toy
Bur Oak Tree
Buttons (for clothes)
Can of Beans
Cast Iron Pan
Cat Collar With Bell
Chalk Boards
Cheese Grater
Chew Necklace
Chicxulub Impactor
Claw Hairclip
Clip-On Earrings
Coconut Broom
Colored Fairy Lights
Comically Oversized Lollypop
Construction Cone
Crane Machine
Dead Baby Possum Killed by Chihuahua (RIP)
Digivice V-pet
Dirty Glass Bottle You Find In The Woods
Disinfecting Wipes
Dragon Ball Z Volume 4 (Manga Paperback)
Drinking Bird Desk Toy
Egg Slicer
Elementary School Yearbook
Empty Pizza Box
Every Basket
Every Knife
Eye Mug From a School Ceramics Sale
Fake Dictionary Lockbox
Fancy Showerhead
Fantasia 2000 VHS Tape
Fencing Mask
Finger Cymbals
Finger Cymbols
Fingerless Gloves (made of wool)
Flower Bush By The Pavement On The Street
Four Seasons Puzzle
Froggy Chair
Garden Gloves With Claws
Generic Paw Of A Monkey
Glow in the Dark Celing Stars
Glow Stick Liquid
"god i wish that were me" Screenshot
Golden Acorn Statue
Googly Eyes
Half An Onion
Halloween Skeleton Decoration
Hand Mixer From The '60s
Haunted Callie Calamari Doll That Drinks All Your Pepsi and Calls You a Bitch
Heart-Shaped Glasses
Holly the Dragon Beanie Boo
Homemade Hand Sanitizer
Hurdy Gurdy
Ice Cube
Ice Maker
Japanese 5 Yen Coin
Kids Watercolor Set
Kitchen Sink
Knockoff Garfield Plush
La Croix Sparkling Water Pamplemousse
Late Night Infomercials
Lavender Scented Candle
LEGO Spring 2007 Catalog
Lightning McQueen Crocs
Lindt Gold Bunny
Lint Roller
Lip Smackers Watermelon Chapstick
LNER Peppercorn Class A1 60163 Tornado
Lobster Ornament
Loch and Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster Ladles (one solid, one with strainer holes)
Lun-Class Ekranoplan
Mammatus Cloud
Manatea Tea Infuser
Meat Cleaver
Meat Tenderizer
Mechanical Pencil
Mini Cuban Flag on Plant
Mini Fan
Monopoly Dog Piece
NA Mazda Miata (Specifically With Googly Eyes)
Native American Fire Opal Blade
Nokia Phone 3310 (2000)
Old Faithful
One Crouton
One Flavor Blasted Cheddar Goldfish
Onion Chopper/Mini Food Processer
Opalized Fossil
Our Sun
Paint Tube
Palm Leaf Rose
Paper Crown
Paper Leaves
Paracetamol Tablet
Plastic Lightsaber
Plastic Play Food Set
Polly Pocket Website (circa 2005)
Popstar Microphone
"Previously on X-Men" (YouTube Video)
Rainbow Desk Lamp Christmas Gifted By Aunt
Rainbow Pride Flag
Red Bouncy Ball
Rocking Horse
Roller Skates
Rounde (Sheep Plush Adored by Friend Group)
Rubik's Cube
Russian Nesting Doll
Salt and Vinegar Chips
Sand-Filled Frog Toy Named Floppy
School Chair Attached To Desk
Seattle Space Needle
Seki Edge Nail Clippers
Sewing Pin
Shoe Insoles
Shoelaces (From The President)
Silver Hoop Earrings
Simply Southern T-Shirt
Single Macaroni Noodle
Siren Percussion Instrument
Slap Bracelets
Sliced Bread
Slip N' Slide
Slotted Spoon
Snowman Headband
Solar Eclipse Sunglasses
Soviet-Era Apartment Complex
Spamton Plush
Sparkly DND Dice That Look Like They Should Be Edible But Aren't
Squishy Water Tube Toy
Stained Glass
Stand-Up Bass
Starbucks Coffee Cup
Steel/Metal Pipe
Stick (From the Ground)
Stop Sign
Stuffed Animals
Subway Employee Hat
The Bible
The Demon Core
The Entirely Of Wikipedia Printed Out
The Giant Canadian Rubber Duck
The International Space Station
The Internet
The Kaaba
The Milky Way
The Mona Lisa
The Moon
The Spinx
The Statue Of The Shoe That Almost Hit George Bush
The Tiny Jack Hiding In The Wall Of My Trunk For When I Have A Flat Tire
The Transistor
The Voynich Manuscript
The Wheel
The World Trade Center (WTC)
The Zener Diode
TI-84 Graphing Calculator
Tom Scott's Best Thing Survey
Torn Apart Skunk Dog Toy
Trans Flag
Tumblr Anon Hatemail
Tungsten Cube
Two Paper Cockatiels On A Wire Stand On My Desk
Umbrella Hat
Unicorn Pillow Pet
Vicks Vaprorub
Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflowers Painting
Vintage Railway Poster
Walkable City
Water Bottle
Water Snake Wiggler
White Boards
White Out
Wind Chime
Wings of Fire Slightly Used Coloring Book
Wireless Headphones
Working McDonalds Ice Cream Machine
Xbox 360
Yoga Ball
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards
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OP's personal bizarre blorbo bracket!
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This is a mini-bracket, so polls will last 24h!
Matches under the cut!
Schistosomes (when they're married) vs the Principality of Sealand!
Frédéric Chopin vs Ollie from Nina and the Neurons!
Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment vs Colin Craven from the Secret Garden!
Wen Ning from the Untamed vs Zick from Monster Allergy!
Bucket-Wheel Excavators from the mining industry vs Marcus from Detroit: Become human!
Windlifter from Planes 2: Fire and Rescue vs Doomed Polar Expeditions from history!
The Tay River Bridges from Scotland vs Pollution from Good Omens (tv)!
60163 Tornado vs Sir Gawain from the Green Knight (2021)
Crawler Transporters from NASA vs Peter Parkedcar/Spider-Mobile from marvel!
Prince Siddhartha from little buddha (1993) vs Morpheus II from Matrix Resurrections!
The V-22 Osprey from Bell-Boeing vs Junior from Thomas and the Magic Railroad!
The Mystery Flesh Pit from Texas vs Hermes from Greek Mythology!
Heidi Hammel from the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) vs Renfield from Renfield (2023)
Henry the Green Engine from the Railway Series vs Ax from animorphs!
Thomas Story Kirkbride from the 1800s vs Jane from Jane and the Dragon!
Uranus from space vs Maui from Hawaiian mythology!
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theflyingkipper · 2 years
so i had a idea about the engines eye drops
maybe it could be a very soft paint brush that they dip in the eye drops
and at every station they have a spot for it and at the works
high speed engines would have one in there shed
or maybe a bottle but not big maybe a strong formula so itss still ease to carry around
Although I prefer @60163-tornado-warning 's interpretation of using an oil can, a brush is a cool idea :0
There might be a variety of ways to apply it for different reasons, an oil can might be used at the beginning of the day, and the brush for touch ups afterword -or to catch stray droplets that escape their eyes!
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Memories: Tornado hits Shropshire
The ‘Tornado’ (No 60163) is a London & North Eastern Railway (LNER) 4-6-2 Peppercorn Class A1 steam locomotive built in 2008 to an original design by Arthur Peppercorn. The Tornado – as captured in 2018 It was the first newly-built British mainline steam locomotive since 1960 and the only Peppercorn Class A1 in existence after the original batch were scrapped. To commemorate this fact, it…
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creative-splurges · 1 year
Bodmin & Wenford Railway
I am partial to a heritage railway. You might have noticed that with my trips to the Swanage Railway, the Bluebell Railway, and the time I took a walk just to see 60163 Tornado go past. There’s a lot to love of course – the lovely details of a steam engine are great to photograph, especially in monochrome, and the sight of a steam train chuffing plumes of smoke in the countryside is a classic photograph. There’s often old artefacts around and about a heritage railway station too, full of interesting textures and surfaces. Luckily there’s heritage railways all over the country, with various trains to see and ride.
So of course, whilst we were on holiday in Cornwall in 2018, we figured it was worth taking a trek over the county to see the steam railway in Bodmin. And before you ask, yes: these photos were shot in 2018, edited during lockdown in 2020, and are being posted in 2023. Another reminder I didn’t want about how quickly the last five years have just disappeared.
Being five years ago there won’t be much recollection so we’ll just be focussing on the photography. Which is probably for the best if I’m honest.
On steam that day was 4247.
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1/200sec, f/4, ISO 100, 28mm
And as is proper, the staff were dressed in traditional, period-accurate clothing.
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1/640sec, f/4, ISO 100, 100mm
To emphasise the oldness of it all, I put some of the images through Analog Efex Pro to make them look a bit more old-fashioned.
1/250sec, f/4, ISO 100, 35mm
Some of those textures I mentioned at the start: these old milk jugs.
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1/1250sec, f/4, ISO 100, 24mm
Something else I’m partial to when photographing railways, new or old: the perspective lines when shooting along a platform (this one has been put through Analog Efex too).
1/400sec, f/4, ISO 100, 92mm
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1/80sec, f/8, ISO 100, 24mm
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1/200sec, f/4, ISO 100, 32mm
I am also partial to a lot of the machinery and mechanical detail of a steam railway. From the mechanism of the wheels to the valves and gauges of the driver’s cabin, I love how they look, especially the textures and details when they’re dirty.
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1/50sec, f/4, ISO 250, 60mm
1/160sec, f/4, ISO 100, 75mm
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1/320sec, f/4, ISO 100, 105mm
Some of these textures come from the old tatty luggage. My parents used a suitcase like the one at the top of this pile until well into the 90s.
1/200sec, f/4, ISO 100, 24mm
Eventually we got on the train for a ride.
1/1000sec, f/4, ISO 400, 24mm
On board there were still some amazing perspective shots and textured surfaces to be had.
1/40sec, f/4, ISO 500, 45mm
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1/80sec, f/4, ISO 500, 32mm
We rode the railway to the other end of the line, and then alighted to get some more photographs of the railway at work. Unfortunately, whilst the volunteers generally kept themselves dressed in a way appropriate for the age of steam, they still afforded themselves some modern luxuries. So whilst at first glance this image might look largely accurate – he’s even drinking his tea out of a lovely metal 60s mug – you’ll probably soon notice the massive anachronistic digital watch.
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1/160sec, f/4, ISO 320, 50mm
Although his tea mug was a lovely shade of green.
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1/125sec, f/4, ISO 320, 105mm
There was also the opportunity to get a few more mechanical shots of inside the cab.
1/25sec, f/4, ISO 250, 58mm
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1/30sec, f/4, ISO 250, 105mm
At this end of the line, there were a lot of opportunities to get some perspective shots of the trains, this time with some engineers at work.
1/640sec, f/4, ISO 100, 55mm
1/400sec, f/4, ISO 100, 95mm
1/250sec, f/5, ISO 100, 180mm
1/320sec, f/4, ISO 100, 67mm
1/640sec, f/4, ISO 100, 24mm
On the train back I snapped a few shots of the trackside scenery.
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1/160sec, f/4, ISO 100, 24mm
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1/200sec, f/4, ISO 100, 40mm
When we got back to Bodmin, the signal box was open for viewing.
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1/320sec, f/4, ISO 100, 24mm
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1/640sec, f/4, ISO 100, 24mm
1/15sec, f/4, ISO 100, 32mm
It also allowed for a slightly more elevated view of the train on the platform.
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1/400sec, f/8, ISO 100, 24mm
As you can see, I had the sense back then to shoot at f/8 to get more of the train in focus – an example of the sort of thing I’ve started to forget over the last few years of not shooting so much.
One of the other textures you find a lot around heritage railways is old advertising signage. Most of it was metal signs so over the decades they’ve usually picked up a bit of patina or rust making them far more interesting.
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1/160sec, f/4, ISO 100, 45mm
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1/200sec, f/4, ISO 100, 35mm
Right at the end of our visit, we left the station itself, and headed towards one end of the car park, where we could get a bit of a look at the train yard I photographed from the train earlier.
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1/320sec, f/4, ISO 100, 24mm
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1/320sec, f/4, ISO 100, 82mm
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1/250sec, f/4, ISO 100, 88mm
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1/250sec, f/4, ISO 100, 55mm
That was the end of this trip to the railway. It was also the last thing we did on our 2018 trip to Cornwall, but thanks to the odd way I’m releasing things there’s plenty of images still to come from that holiday, once I figure out how to categorise them.
We’ve also been back to the Bluebell Railway since as well, so there’ll be more steam train photos too at some random point in the future.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/pm3Rlhx via IFTTT
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mscoyditch · 2 years
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"Five years ago to the Day, A1 Pacific 60163 Tornado is seen climbing past Esk Valley Cottages with a train for Pickering on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway". 10/03/18.
Langton Photography.
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opelman · 3 years
Rabbit Bridge by Treflyn Lloyd-Roberts Via Flickr: Peppercorn A1 Class 4-6-2 Pacific 60163 "Tornado" heads south from Rabbit Bridge on the Great Central Railway during a Timeline Events photo charter.
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hazel-of-sodor · 4 months
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Heres Tornado in all her IRL Liveries! The full livery/fleet page for my AU isn't done yet, but shes waited long enough.
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guerrerense · 6 months
Sounding superb, Peppercorn A1 class 60163 Tornado bursts out of Blea Moor tunnel and into the lingering morning mist on the Northern Rail 2Z53 11:44 Skipton to Appleby on the 14th Feb.
Sounding superb, Peppercorn A1 class 60163 Tornado bursts out of Blea Moor tunnel and into the lingering morning mist on the Northern Rail 2Z53 11:44 Skipton to Appleby on the 14th Feb. por Mark Latham
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mike13mt · 5 years
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It's behind you Tornado by garydoughty
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railwayfox-blog · 7 years
Tornado - 60163 by Simon Ingram Via Flickr: 60163 Tornado is a mainline steam locomotive built in Darlington, England. Completed in 2008, Tornado was the first such locomotive built in the United Kingdom since the last steam locomotive built by British Railways in 1960. It is the only example of an LNER Peppercorn Class A1 locomotive in existence, the entirety of the original production batch having been scrapped without preservation. The locomotive's namesake is the Panavia Tornado, a combat aircraft flown by the Royal Air Force. The first full livery was painted LNER style apple green, but in November 2012 Tornado was repainted into BR express passenger blue livery, as shown in my photo. The colour was based on Caledonian blue, the livery of the Caledonian Railway.
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OP's blorbos round 1 poll 8: 60163 Tornado vs Sir Gawain from the Green Knight (2021)
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Details under the cut:
60163 Tornado:
Newbuild steam locomotive from England that set my brain on fire for genuinely several months. Was basically crowdfunded, went 100mph that one time, resurrecting dead class none of which were preserved. Wild that she exists.
Sir Gawain:
If I were to speak honestly, tumblr content guidelines would strike me from orbit.
Star of a dreamlike adaptation of Arthurian myth with the most adorable floppy hair and eyes like the 🥺 emoji. Embroiled in narrative that should have ended in healthy polyamoury. Gets tied up in the woods and dies (he gets better) and rescues a ghost from a lake. Honestly kind of a shithead but I want to rehabilitate him like a wounded hawk. pspspspspspsps com'ere pspspspsps.
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