t3rvo · 10 months
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idc if ballochory 69 and 70 are dead in canon. the team leaders are my shlorpian yuri now
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every-tome · 1 year
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spitedloser · 2 years
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bluenpinkcastle · 2 years
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20221128: today’s reconstruction is almost the last of the classic space sets. this is 6970: Beta-1 Command Base. it was definitely a neat build that didn’t take too much time but I seriously have concerns about a lot of their safety issues. for instance: the shuttle has two rockets where the passengers sit between them with zero protection. also, this isn’t like a safe shuttle at all, as there’s also nothing to prevent the passengers from floating right off into space (if they survive getting off the ground and aren’t thrown out behind the rockets to be instantly incinerated). at least the terminal has steps to get up and down from the platform and at least the front of the passenger car has a guard rail (though nothing to prevent them from falling off sideways). I suppose in a situation with limited gravity, you wouldn’t worry too much about people plummeting to their deaths but the station itself also doesn’t have any atmospheric protection, which means they should not be taking off their helmets to enjoy beverages, as implied by the mug on the table. overall? a fun build to inspire good creativity but not a design to mimic for real-life space travel :D
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pesterloglog · 9 months
John Egbert
Act 6, page 6970
JOHN: roxy?
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incheun3no · 2 years
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인천쓰리노 010 7582 6970
#구월동3no #시청역쓰리노 #구월동비지니스룸 #구월쓰리노 #구월동노래방 #구월동룸 #구월동3노 #구월동3no #인천구월동쓰리노 #관교동쓰리노 #만수동쓰리노 #소래쓰리노 #소래포구쓰리노 #논현동쓰리노 #인천쓰리노 #연수동쓰리노 #인천3no #연수동노래방 #부평노래방
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keigochu · 2 years
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Evelyn Hair & Bow Color Overlay ♥
lowkey forgot about this tumblr 😳 but i’m back... for now 😌
♥ 24 ea colors for hair. 16 colors for bow. ♥ disabled for random ♥ base game compatible ♥ shadow, specular & normal maps ♥ all lods (LOD 0: 5641 vertices & 6970 polys)
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andromedanisa · 10 months
Meminta sebuah tenang..
Kebaikan itu ada pada rasa tenang dalam menjalani. Ketika seseorang telah merasa tenang atas hidupnya, maka ia menjalani kehidupannya dengan penuh rasa syukur dan tanggung jawab akan hidup yang telah Allaah berikan kepadanya.
Kehidupan baik adalah salah satu nikmat yang patut disyukuri. Kehidupan yang baik tak lantas seseorang tidak Allaah uji. Kehidupan baik ataupun tidak, ia akan tetap Allaah uji sesuai kadar imannya. Sejauh mana rasa yakinnya kepada Allaah, sejauh apa rasa syukurnya atas segala nikmat yang telah ia terima.
Rasa syukur akan melahirkan rasa tenang. Dan rasa tenang ini adalah sebuah karunia yang tidak semua orang merasakannya. Rasa tenang itu begitu berharga sebab ia memahami hakikat bahwasanya Allaah sudah mengatur dengan baik sebagaimana mestinya. Berapa banyak kita lihat pada hari ini, orang beramai-ramai mencari ketenangan kesana kemari yang mungkin hanya sesaat saja.
Bila saat ini jalan hidup kita sedang Allaah mudahkan, Allaah beri ketenangan dalam menjalaninya. maka itu adalah sebuah karunia. Semoga Allaah karuniahkan rasa itu hingga akhir hidup kita
Namun bila saat ini kita sedang mencari sebuah ketenangan. maka jalan keluarnya tidak lain tidak bukan adalah terus mendekat kepadaNya seraya mengupayakannya dalam doa-doa kita, dalam lamanya sujud-sujud kita, dan dalam lamanya tangisan kita. Sejengkal kita mendekat kepada Allaah, maka Allaah akan datang kepada kita sehasta. Demikianlah kasih sayang Allaah yang begitu luasnya.
Dari Abu Hurairah –radhiyallahu ‘anhu-, ia berkata bahwa Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Allah Ta’ala berfirman: Aku sesuai persangkaan hamba-Ku. Aku bersamanya ketika ia mengingat-Ku. Jika ia mengingat-Ku saat bersendirian, Aku akan mengingatnya dalam diri-Ku. Jika ia mengingat-Ku di suatu kumpulan, Aku akan mengingatnya di kumpulan yang lebih baik daripada pada itu (kumpulan malaikat). Jika ia mendekat kepada-Ku sejengkal, Aku mendekat kepadanya sehasta. Jika ia mendekat kepada-Ku sehasta, Aku mendekat kepadanya sedepa. Jika ia datang kepada-Ku dengan berjalan (biasa), maka Aku mendatanginya dengan berjalan cepat.” (HR. Bukhari no. 6970 dan Muslim no. 2675).
Kehidupan yang tenang itu sungguh lapang. Orang-orang yang hidup dengan rasa tenang bukan berarti mereka tidak pernah bersedih, tidak pernah kecewa, mereka juga merasakan sedih dan juga kecewa. Namun hakikatnya mereka kembalikan lagi kepada Allaah pemilih semesta ini. Mereka kembalikan kepada Allaah, Dzat yang tidak akan mengkhianati titipan.
Demikianlah rasa tenang itu mereka raih dengan memahami hakikat bahwasanya apa yang menimpa hidup mereka adalah terbaik untuknya. Allaah karuniahkan ketenangan kepada mereka sebab keyakinan mereka yang begitu utuh akan janji Allaah..
"Allaah, jika pada hari ini aku disibukkan pada hal-hal yang aku sendiri tidak tahu sedang mengejar apa, maka hadirkan lah rasa tenang dalam diriku. agar aku paham kapan aku harus berhenti, kapan harus berupaya, kapan akan harus terus berjuang. Karuniakan aku rasa tenang dalam menjalani kehidupan yang tidak pasti ini. agar aku tidak begitu takut pada apa-apa yang belum aku gapai, pada apa-apa yang memang tidak menjadi bagianku. aku hanya ingin menjadi hamba yang banyak syukur atas segala kebaikan Engkau kepada diriku ini."
menatap langit || 19.42
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sexylonestar · 5 months
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Socks # 6970
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berabiesphobic · 2 months
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Goon 2011 and a little 6970 art, because im actually inlove with Xavier laflamme 🏒🦆
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thesensteawitch · 1 year
Why Do You See Angel Numbers?🔮
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There's one BIG reason why you keep seeing angel numbers and that is...
~You Are Being Pushed By The Universe To Rise Higher In Your Vibration!
Yup, that's all!!!!!
Here's what makes the study of angel numbers deep-
1111, 222, 4455, 7788, 1221, 1001, 0110,...
In fact, every number is an angel number because every number has its own vibration and is trying to tell a story.
For example- 6970
Now if you look at each number together you may not see a pattern. But zoom out a bit and look at them in pairs. 69 and 70. This means these are consecutive numbers which tells that you are moving forward in life. Things will unfold and you will notice.
This can go deeper but I am not going there right now as I have made my point.
Your vehicle number, your mobile number, house number (though may not be repetitive or obvious like 333, 444, 555, 666...) also carry vibration and affect your life.
So, if there's a significant lesson that you must learn and is urgent then you might start seeing angel numbers.
You're already working towards raising your vibration and your divine team wants you to know that you are on the right path and they are with you.
A Tip: Whenever you see an angel number (not when you were on your phone all day and see the clock turn to 11:11) just try to remember what your last thought was before you saw it. It means that whatever you were thinking about was true.
That's all for today my lovely Senstea Souls. I'll see you soon!
If you found this post helpful then drop a tip in my jar. 🫶🏼
Thank You For Reading! :⁠-⁠)
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t3rvo · 10 months
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everyone claims to love toxic doomed yuri but nobody wants to talk about the leaders of teams 69 and 70 😒
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beautiful-girls-villa · 8 months
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year
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What would a selector be?
There are 3 things that seem to be damaged:
The plating;
Disconnected cables;
Something that's leaking thirium;
Plating ain't considered a biocomponent (ugh I hate this "bio" name). So no.
The android were in shutdown probably cuz of the disconnected cable (safety measure), and looking where it is seems kinda close to the regulator. But also there's something damaged leaking thirium (#6970) causing everything to shutdown again cuz the levels are too low.
So is this selector #5402 a cable? Never heard about something like that in hardware. Also is kinda...weird and dangerous a cable connected by magnetic stuff?
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Another weird thing about this cable is it seems to be a thirium cable but at the same time it doesn't. It's disconnected, so ain't got thirium leaking there probably cuz it stopped right where the blue is (safety measure), but got energy enough to boot an android instantly when connected back.
(Bonus: nails ain't made of ceramic material, unless this plastic plating they have is ceramic xD well I thought was carbon)
I still don't know if this is a selector or not.
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railwayhistorical · 2 years
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Hodge School
This charming former public school house (built 1874) can be found in Fife Lake Township, Michigan. The address is 6970 Highway M-113, at the corner of Hodge Road. Three images by Richard Koenig; taken February 19th 2023.
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nonopapa-ramen · 10 months
わんたんめん ¥650
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