xaviergalatis · 3 months
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Me computing with my little cat 6at ... His name is 6at... Pronounced BAT.... Or pronounced 6-at
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), 6AT Brass Rob, 2022
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sparklecare-stimboards · 10 months
can u make a nurse doom stim6oard plssssssss vvith skulls n 6ats n 6lades plssssssss ily /r
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
@ Karkat.
Use the quirk. 6e y9u, unap9l9getically. Yes, there will 6e small-minded pe9ple wh9 are una6le t9 c9mprehend 9r accept it, 6ut there are als9 *many* 9f us wh9m textual quirks are the n9rm f9r, and w9uld accept it with9ut 6atting a l99kstu6.
If, misguidedly, s9me69dy d9es decide t9 6e weird a69ut it, they may c9nsider (excuse my language, paraphrasing here) fucking 9ff.
Y9ur identity and tr9ll culture is y9urs t9 express h9wever y9u please.
- Kankri Vantas (fictive)
@ Karkat.
Use the quirk. be you, unapologetically. Yes, there will be small-minded people who are unable to comprehend or accept it, but there are also *many* of us whom textual quirks are the norm for, and would accept it without batting a lookstub.
If, misguidedly, somebody does decide to be weird about it, they may consider (excuse my language, paraphrasing here) fucking off.
Your identity and troll culture is yours to express however you please.
- Kankri Vantas (fictive)
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cmc-linguistics · 4 months
Ðe Norþ Wind and Ðe Sun in Querct Clīÿ Iŋliɜ
6e Norf Wind and 6e Cen had à qüar̄el ebòt qhi5 o⁊ 6èm wez 6e ctroŋer. 2ìl 6à wer dicpùtiŋ wif me5 hīt and blecter, e Traveler paßt eloŋ 6e rôd ẉrap̄t in e qulôque.
"Lèt es egrī," cèd 6e Cen, "6at hī iz 6e ctroŋer qho quan ctrip 6at Traveler o⁊ hiz qulôque."
"Vèrī wèł," gròld 6e Norf Wind, and at wenc cènt e quold, hòliŋ blact egénct 6e Traveler.
Wi⁊ 6e ⁊irct gect o⁊ wind 6e èndz o⁊ 6e qulôque 2ip̄t ebòt 6e Traveler'z bodī. Bet hī im̄īdīetlī ẉrap̄t it qulôclī erònd him, and 6e harder 6e Wind blū, 6e tìter hī hèld it tū him. 6e Norf Wind tor aŋrilī at 6e qulôque, bet ał hiz è⁊̄ertc wer in vàn.
6èn 6e Cen bīgan tū ɜìn. At firct hiz bīmz wer gèntel, and in 6e plèzent warmf a⁊ter 6e biťer quold o⁊ 6e Norf Wind, 6e Traveler en⁊asend hiz qulôque and lèt it haŋ lūclī ⁊rom hiz ɜolderz. 6e Cen'z ràz grū warmer and warmer. 6e man tuk o⁊̄ hiz quap and mop̄t hiz brò. At lact he bīquàm cô hīted 6at he pułd o⁊̄ hiz qulôque, and, tū ecquàp 6e blàziŋ cenɜìn, frū himcèlf dòn in 6e wèlquem ɜàd o⁊ e trī bì 6e rôdcìd.
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here I was thinking that 6aking w9uld 6e a l9t m9re difficult than what it was, 9h 6y n9 means misinterpret my w9rds as me saying that 6aking is in any way easy- 9r sh9uld I say a 'cake'walk haha it d9es have a quite siza6le learning cur6 and requires kn9wledge 9f ingredients that 9ne w9uld n9t simply just kn9w right 9ff the 6at 6ut 9nce y9u d9 s9me research and get the right t99ls y9u can get the hang 9f it rather quickly! I will admit my first 6atch was n9t a desired result, they l99ked a mess 9verall and just were n9t as s9ft as what the recipe said they sh9uld 6e 6ut after a c9uple m9re tries and many h9urs later I g9t it d9wn perfectly, well at least I h9pe I did.
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wakamiho · 2 years
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昨日の月緒小屋の様子。 エコールさんはインスタ映えするなぁ✨ around SEX&the Cityもあったり、デパチあったりで幸せ出演生活です。 今日から旅に出ます。 ブログ毎日更新しております。 http://www.diamondblog.jp/official/wakamiho/ 11/3〜6at浅草リトルシアター 若林美保23周年記念公演 だらく舘第二十五回公演 独り芝居 芸人列伝第四伝 「贋作・一条さゆり」 ※予約受付中です http://blog.livedoor.jp/waka_miho/archives/56952694.html 10/9(日)大阪コレガスタジオ 「CPEキャットファイト」大会についての直前情報はこちら。 お席まだお取り置きできます! https://ameblo.jp/thogo/entry-12767655620.html 10/10大阪コレガスタジオ (大阪市福島区大開3丁目1-34) 闘宝伝笑NIseMONO ~闘宝伝承・番外編~ 開場13:00/開始14:00 チケットお取り置きはDM、コメント等で直接連絡お願いします! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0v8wHH4Hxei65wcXDiJSfNeoSWMiUC1Ec8ESFZt6sqyMwJmjrnmdUeiZYmMT8GVX7l&id=100003842811561 10/12歌舞伎町Bar Haru Haru 月緒&わかみほ一日ママDay お気軽に遊びに来てね☆ 10/13赤羽エナブにて 「HMB赤羽〜みほはる二人会〜chal.3」開催! 今賀はる&若林美保のやりたい放題チャレンジコーナー満載。 今回はゲストに緒月月緒も。 ご予約は各出演者まで! http://blog.livedoor.jp/waka_miho/archives/56745344.html 【千葉エロチカヴァ】 10/14エアリアルシルクショー 10/18エアリアルシルクショー https://m.facebook.com/kavakava001/?locale2=ja_JP 10/19祖師ヶ谷大蔵カフェムリウイ 纐纈雅代(サックス)×若林美保(舞)×桜井明弘(ギター、ボーカル) 開場19:00/開演19:30 詳細はこちらから https://note.com/muriwui/n/na0f6f1803af0 10/22,23足柄ビオトピアにて インドの祭典「CAMPLUGGEDvol.5」 10/23Bhari Snayu(keiko&ラウド&若林美保)でポールマラカンブショウやります。 https://www.biotopia.jp/mebyofes/ (Tokyo Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjZh0E-Lk8w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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İstanbul Ford Çıkma Parça
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İstanbul Ford Çıkma Parça,İstanbul Ford Çıkma Yedek Parça,İstanbul Ford Parça Marketi,İstanbul Ford Çıkma Parça Fiyatları,İstanbul Ford Çıkma Yedek Parça Örnekleri, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Bluetooth Kit, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Klima Pompası, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Dolu Kapı, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Monitör, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Çelik Jant Göbeği, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Katalizor, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Ön Tampon Boş, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Basamak, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Kapı Dış Açma Kolu, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Canak On, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Klima Kompresörü, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Aks Kafası Dış Sol, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Arka Teker Rulmanı, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Direksiyon Beyni, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Parça Tavan Rayı (Gümüş), İstanbul Ford Çıkma Gergi Yayı, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Yayli Volant,
İstanbul Ford Çıkma Şaft, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Amblem, İstanbul Ford Çıkma Dikiz Aynasi,
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x431euinfo · 27 days
OBDSTAR DC706 July 2024 Update Add PSA SIM82 SAK-C167
OBDSTAR DC706 ECU Tool July 2024 Update is available!
New version adds PSA SIEMENS/CONTINENTAL SIM82 SAK-C167(AM29F400BB)...
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Update Info:
ECU Clone
1.ECM V30.96
Details Optimized
Optimized software.
2.TCM V30.37
Details Added
Add Read/Write EXT flash functions for below models:
Add Read/Write INT eeprom and Read/Write INT flash functions for below models:
Add Read/Write All Data (XC2787+AM29F400BB) and Read/Write INT flash(XC2787) functions for below models:
Add Read/Write INT flash(D70F4019) and Read/Write EXT eeprom(25A128) functions for below models:
LYNK&CO AISIN TG-81 D70F4019+25A128
LYNK&CO AISIN 6AT D70F4019+25A128
Add DQ400E new type.
Highlights Added
Add Data Erase function for below models:
Details Optimized
Optimized software.
Stay tuned!
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worldsub · 29 days
The Reis-class submarines feature a single-hull, one-compartment design and an air-independent propulsion system on the proven Howaldswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) fuel cell. The submarines have a length of 68.35 meters, an outer diameter of 6.3 meters, a displacement of 1,850 tons, and a capacity of 40 personnel. ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems have been building the Reis-class submarines (known initially as Type 214 TN) in Turkey’s Golcuk Naval Shipyard. The AIP system uses fuel cell technology, PEM Fuel Cell (2x120kw), and high-capacity batteries (2×324 units). This provides the submarine with the ability to conduct long-endurance deployments without snorkeling. The boats will deploy heavyweight torpedoes (MK48 Mod 6AT, DM2A4), anti-ship missiles (Sub-Harpoon), and mines. Indigenous heavyweight torpedo Akya and anti-ship missile Atmaca are expected to be fitted to the submarines during the project. The Reis-class submarine will be able to undertake missions such as littoral water operations to ocean-going patrols, including anti-surface and anti-submarine operations, ISR tasks, and special forces operations. This is mainly thanks to their increased diving depths and their modular weapon and sensor mix.
Turkish Navy commissions first Reis-class AIP submarine TCG Piri Reis - Naval News
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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sahaniautozonellp · 6 months
Exciting Arrival at Sahani Autozone! 🌟KIA SONET D 1.5 6AT GTX PLUS 🚗 Vehicle No: MH04*0930 📅 Year of Manufacture: 2022 🗓️ Date of Registration: 13-Sep-2022 🏷️ Make: KIA 🏅 Model: SONET 📝 Variant: D 1.5 6AT GTX PLUS 📊 Tax: INDIVIDUAL 👤 Owners: 1 🎨 Color: INTENSE RED 🛤️ Mileage: 16028 ⚙️ Transmission: AT ⛽ Fuel Type: DIESEL 🛡️ Insurance: Comprehensive 🗓️ Validity: 5-Sep-2024 💰 Proposed Sales Price: Please inquire Drop by for your next ride: 📍 Sahani Autozone Survey No. 256, Hissa No. 3 & 8, Opposite Sai Service Pvt. Ltd, Bus Stop, Fatherwadi, Golani Naka, Vasai East, Vasai-Virar, Maharashtra 401208 For more details, WhatsApp us 📲 at 7028956610 #SahaniAutozone #KIASonetGTXPlus #CarSaleMaharashtra #VasaiVirarCars #KIAIndia #2022KIASonet #DieselCars #AutoSalesIndia #LuxuryCarsIndia #CarDeals #PreOwnedCars #ComprehensiveInsurance #CarEnthusiasts #VehicleRegistration2022 #IntenseRedSonet #AutomaticTransmission #CarMileage #CarForSale #GolaniNaka #VasaiEast
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spiritsoulandbody · 1 year
#DailyDevotion Can't Sleep? God Wants You To Pray
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#DailyDevotion Can't Sleep? God Wants You To Pray Psalm 77 With my voice I call to God -to God, with my voice; and He hears me. 2When I'm in trouble, I go to my Lord for help. At night I stretch out my hands without getting tired; I refuse to calm down. 3I remember God, and I sigh. I think of Him, and my spirit faints. When you are praying, it means you believe God hears your voice. Why else would you talk and plead with someone you cannot see? Praying is a sign of faith and trust that God will not only hear you but that you believe He will help you. Can't sleep because you are troubled. Open your mouth like the psalmist and stretch out your hands to your heavenly Father. Do not get tired in prayer. Jesus gives us the parable of the widow who without ceasing tormented the ungodly judge in Luke 18 to encourage us to be persistent in prayer. It's ok to refuse to calm down. Why does the psalmist sigh and his spirit faints when he remembers God? Because he knows what God can and will do but has not yet received the answer to his prayer. Though he believes God hears and will answer his prayer, it seems as if He does not and will not. It is good at these times to open the book of Psalms and pray them heartily. They express well what we are feeling and experiencing when it seems God has forgotten us. Many of them in the 20's section are particularly profitable. You may also go to Psalms 3, 6, 22, 28, 44, 56, 57, 71, 77 and 142. (Music) 4You keep my eyelids open; I'm so troubled I can't talk. 5I think of the early days, the years of long ago. 6At night I remember my song, my mind thinking and my spirit searching: 7Is my Lord rejecting me forever and not going to be kind again? 8Has His kindness stopped forever, and His promise been forever canceled? 9Has God forgotten to be merciful, or in anger locked up His mercy? Can't sleep either? Is God keeping your eyes open for prayer? The psalmist expresses all our fears we experience in the night hours when like is keeping us too busy to think about it, i.e. our problems. But not that everything is quiet, our flesh tempts us to think Adonai is never going to stop rejecting us or be kind to us again. It seems God's kindness to us has stopped. It seems to us God has forgotten to be merciful to us and locked us up in His anger. Yet we should remember Jesus has called us to pick up our cross and follow Him. He has called us to participate in Christ's sufferings.(2 Cor. 1) Yes, it may seem as if we are cursed but as the Beatitudes (Matt. 5) show us, we are actually blessed. It is through these trials and tribulations God is forming us to be like Christ. (Rom. 5) He is preparing us to bear the weight of eternal glory and participate in His divine nature. (2 Cor. 4) I know it is tough to take comfort in times of trouble to remember and believe God's promises to those who experience suffering. So go ahead and lay your complaints before God until you have no more, until you have exhausted all your laments. Having done that then perhaps you will remember to go to the Beatitudes and be comforted by them. Merciful God and Father, hear our pleas for help. Give us Your Holy Spirit at night when our hearts are troubled. May His groanings in us reach Your merciful and kind ears so we may know Your comfort and assurance that You are not angry with us but preparing and forming us into the image of Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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Exclusive interview with Lil 6at
Exclusive interview with Lil 6at
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Jang Chil-sung Part 6
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At home, Chil-sung put a ice pack on his jaw and sat down on the sofa then looked over at Charlie, who came by when he told her that he was at home. She looked at Chil-sung. “I can’t believe that the punks would attack you for trying to help that kid. Should tell the police about them,” she said. Chil-sung waved his hand. “No. It’s okay. I am sure that I won’t see them again,” he said. Charlie sighed and took his free hand. He smiled then winced. He kept the ice pack on his jaw. After a few minutes, Chil-sung took a deep breath and exhaled then remembered his phone. “I need a new phone since one of the teenager cracked my screen and I don’t want a crack screen,” he said. Charlie nodded. “We can go get one when you are healed,” she said. He nodded. They sat next to each other, turned the TV on and watched a movie. After a few hours, Charlie fell asleep putting her head on Chil-sung’s shoulder. He smiled and kissed the top of her head then leaned his cheek against her head.
After a few minutes, he had to use the bathroom, but Charlie was still sleeping. He didn’t want to wake her up though he thought of something he can do. “Oh,” he said and moved a little then put his hand under her cheek. He slid out of the way as he laid her down on the sofa. Chil-sung smiled at her sleeping then went to the bathroom. After he got out, he went back to the sofa and saw Charlie still sleeping. He smiled then glanced over at his bed and had a thought. He looked back at Charlie and picked her up and carried her to his bed and laid her on it. Chil-sung watched her sleep for a moment then went to take a shower. While Chil-sung was in the shower, Charlie opened her eyes as she yawned and didn’t see Chil-sung. She heard the shower going though, so she waited for him to come into the room.
After taking a shower, Chil-sung went to the bed and saw Charlie sitting up. He smiled and sat on the bed. Charlie looked over at Chil-sung and smiled. “Hey. Sorry that I fell asleep,” she said, and he shook his head. “It’s okay,” he said. Charlie smiled and slowly got up. “Thank you for letting me rest on your bed. I’ll go now,” she said and walked to the front door. Chil-sung followed as he thought about her staying at his place. “You can stay the night here,” he said. Charlie stopped and turned towards him. “Oh,” she said and glanced at the sofa then looked back at Chil-sung, “Well I don’t think I would want to sleep on the sofa.” Chil-sung shook his head. “You can take my bed and I will sleep on the sofa,” he said. Charlie shook her head. “No. I don’t want to kick you out of your bed,” she said. Chil-sung took her hand. “Please take my bed for the night,” he said. Charlie sighed as she looked at him. “Okay, Chilly. Thank you for letting me stay the night,” she said. Chil-sung smiled, lean over and kissed her, and she kissed him back. “Oh should we go eat. Are you hungry?” he asked, and she nodded. “Okay. We can go out and eat,” he said. He and Charlie got their sneakers on and left.
When they got home, Charlie went to get some clothes for the next day from her place. Inside the unit, Chil-sung got ready for bed. Charlie laid down on the bed, and Chil-sung stood next to the bed. Charlie looked up at him and smiled. “Goodnight,” he said then leaned down and kissed her. “Goodnight,” Charlie said and kissed him back. Chil-sung smiled, shut the lights off then went to the sofa and looked at his makeshift bed. He lifted the blanket and got under it. He laid down and glanced over at the bed which is open to the living room. There is a sliding door, but it was open. He smiled then closed his eyes. Charlie sat up a little and saw Chil-sung sleeping. She smiled, turned onto her side and closed her eyes. She dream of Chil-sung.
The next morning, Charlie opened her eyes as she yawned then looked at the time on her phone. A little after 8 A.M. She sighed and looked over into the living room to see Chil-sung still sleeping. She smiled then got out of the bed and got her bag of clothes. She went to the bathroom, closed the door and changed. Soon she got out holding her bag, walked over to the sofa and saw Chil-sung still sleeping. Charlie smiled and put the bag down then went to stand right next to his head. Suddenly she remembered her job. “Shit,” she thought to herself then looked for a piece of paper and pen. Once she found them, she wrote a quick note, gave Chil-sung a quick kiss on the forehead and left.
Two hours later, Chil-sung slowly opened his eyes and slowly sat up on the sofa. He yawned as he stretched and glanced around then looked over at the bed and didn’t see Charlie. He frowned then looked down at the coffee table and saw a piece of paper. He picked it up and read it. “Had to go to work. Talk to you later Chilly. We will get your new phone today. XOXOXO Charlie.” Chil-Sung smiled and got up from the sofa. He went to use the bathroom then got ready for the day. Chil-sung went to see one of his friends. Park Joon-Soo.
At the home, Park asked Chil-sung if he wanted to go to the bathhouse. "Oh...I can do that. We can get Lee Chan-Yeol to come with us," Chil-sung said. "Okay. Let's go," Park said. They went to Lee's house then went to Junggok-dong Siloam Sauna, one of the bathhouse in Seoul. Once they got there, they put their sneakers into a locker then they each went to a dressing room, took their clothes off and put the towels around their waist. Chil-sung looked over at Park and Lee. "Now we go and wash up before getting into the tub." he said. They nodded, and they went to wash their body with soap and hair with shampoo. They helped each other with scrubbing their backs. After that was done, Chil-sung looked at Park and Lee. "Let's go get in the tub before it's full," he said, and they nodded. There were a few people doing their own things. Park, Lee and Jang went to a tub that wasn't full and took their towels off then got inside. They had to be naked to use the tub. Chil-sung sighed as he lowered himself into the tub and sat on the seat. Lee sat on his right and Park on his left. Chil-sung smiled and glanced around. He would bring Charlie here, but they would have to be in Pajamas instead of being nude. Lee looked over at Chil-sung and smiled. "How is Charlie doing?" he asked in a hush voice. They couldn't talk loud. "She is great. She is at work right now," Chil-sung said. "That is good to hear," Park said as he glanced around, "So have you two had sex yet?" Chil-sung shook his head. "No we have not," he said. "Why not? Has she asked?" Park asked. Chil-sung thought about it for a moment. "No, and we haven't talked about it yet," he said. Park nodded and put his head back as he closed his eyes. Chil-sung closed his eyes and sighed. Lee glanced at Chil-sung then at Park. After a few minutes, Lee licked his lips then asked, "Chil-sung are you still doing side jobs?" "I am. I will be doing a side job soon. Why?" Chil-sung asked. "It's nothing. Just asking," Lee said. Chil-sung pursed his lips then closed his eyes and put his head back.
After a few minutes, Chil-sung heard someone else getting in the tub, he opened his eyes and looked to see who it was. "Oh...hey, it's you," he said as he smiled. The teenager, who got into the tub was Yook Dong-shik. He was the one that he helped in the alleyway. Dong-shik looked over at Chil-sung and nodded. Chil-sung smiled then glanced at his two friends and introduced them to Dong-shik. "This is Lee Chan-Yeol," Chil-sung said as he pointed to Lee then at Park, "This is Park Joon-Soo." Yook nodded at them. Chil-sung smiled. "Guys this is Yook Dong-shik. I helped him," he said. Lee and Park looked over at Chil-sung. "Really?" Lee asked. Yook smiled as he nodded. "Yeah. He saw that I was getting beating up and came to my rescue," Yook said. Chil-sung glanced at his friends then at Yook. They all relax and talked about things.
After Charlie got off work, she and Chil-sung went to get him a new phone. He thanked Charlie for helping him get a new phone. "No problem Chilly," she said. For the rest of the day, they hang out until they went to their homes.
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molecars · 1 year
2023 Toyota Fortuner Legender 4x4 6AT - Diesel 2.8L (201Hp) Is The Best ...
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