Decided to sketch @6robotmonster6's Tobby at 2 am, Great idea if u ask me.
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mumblztumblz · 1 year
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CW/TW:Implied Castration, Surgery (Without Anesthetic), Cannibalism, Molestation, Gore, Forced Nudity
Tobby/Rory belongs to @6robotmonster6 , SLA!Ren artwork by https://twitter.com/ratopomboart
He pressed nervously on the doorbell to the Cognate’s HQ, a short brand jingle playing every time.
The whom that greeted him was a masked figure, their facial covering concealing almost all of their face except for it’s left side, where from a squinting, burn-marked blue eye looked down at him. The Slash armor they wore was nigh-uniform like the rest of the Cognate’s, as part of them differentiating themselves from most other cognates both on the small screen and organizationally.
“I-I’m here to see Fox!” He said, the masked figure responding with barely stifled laughter at the bob-cutted trans-man’s loadout. Generic kitchen knife, CAF vest and a cheap Uni store DAF mask.
But rather than turning him away, they simply stood aside and subvocally radio’d  to the rest of the Cognate with their headset while motioning to him with their right hand.
“Yes! Thank you!” The human cheerfully told the figure before stepping in and being greeted by a surprisingly clean and well-arranged.
“The Fox will be here for you shortly. Have a seat…” The figure stated before closing the door, locking it and returning to a guarding position.
The lounge looked more like a museum of the Fox Den Cognates accomplishment than a typical hideout, framed trophies, whether armor pieces, weapons or embalmed body parts were preserved in front and behind him in bulletproof glass, notably among them but certainly not least a severed penis that was fourteen inches flaccid, likely Shaktarian in origin if his Alien Sex Channel knowledge served him.
Pulling further on his knowledge of both circuit and cognate. It belonged to one “Terror-Tracker.”,  a Shaktar Contract Killer known for solely taking on and defeating some of the most monstrous, sadistic opponents…before Fox and his crew completely emasculated him figuratively and literally in a two-hour-long torture party special that he rewatched and jilled off to so many times the vid-slug wore out and he had to find recordings from others.
To see the highlight from that show embalmed, encased and in person was nothing short of a high honor to him.
Minutes passed as he recalled every detail and recording of every one of the framed items to absolute perfection, only for time to come…
Those dramatically exaggerated Powercell servos could be heard coming from up the stairway on his left, his pulse pounding as he saw those bulky, black and orange boots descend, the iron animalistic mask and detachable ears and tail coming into view as he saw the man of his dreams, only five years older than his twenty-year-old self, being trailed from behind by an Inner Voice Drone
And he locked eyes with him…and found a surprising lack of judgement.
“So…what’s your deal?” He asked, stepping off the stairs and sitting down on the chair directly across from him.
“I uh…uhm…” He was starstruck, though Fox was used to this and let him get the parasites in his stomach out of the way before speaking up.
“I…sent you fanmail…Neko…M?”
The Little Helper-turned-Born Leader’s biogenetic orange eyes lit up and he shot out of his chair. “It’s you!?”
The guard at the door readied their, expecting another for the play room only for Fox to signal them to halt.
“Yeah…it’s me. Neko.M, but…my friends call me Rory.”
“Take off that mask…”
He obeyed without question…
“You are beautiful, telegenic even, don’t you think? He cocked his head to the drone, seemingly asking both parties.
“My IVD here seems to be in agreement. Quick, follow me…”
Before he could even respond, Rory felt a  power-armored hand grab his and drag him out of his seat and up the stairs, past other rooms until they come upon one with “PLAY” written in bright green neon above it’s doorway, leading into what appeared to be a public shower converted into a torture room, with artfully dimmed lighting and each stall having the alias and favored torture tools of each member marked and neatly arranged.
“We just so happen to have a new opening…and I’m eager for you to fill it!”
They stopped at a large hole in the wall marked “FOX” with what looked like several TV’s overlooking a shrine to torment, with tools, sex toys and a personal vidcam to capture footage for his limited edition mail-order vidslug “Foxy Close-UpS” collection.
Rory was downright overwhelmed, so overwhelmed he did not even respond or resist the MAC knife cleanly slicing off his CAF vest and shackling him to a pair of ceiling suspended and suspending chains, the IV hovering over both of them at the best angle.
“Now…Neko.M…what’s your dream gimmick?” As he asked this, he sliced open the young man’s hoodie, exposing his large breasts to the camera. “Besides the obvious?”
“I…was thinking…”
“Big, scary cat I’m guessing? The mask kinda pointed at that.”
“Y-yes…a DAF…”
“Oh Karma has just the mods for you. But right now…” He paced behind him to slice off his pants and any underwear, leaving him only in a pair of combat boots. “I’d like you to do a little initiation.”
Before he could utter another answer, Fox was in front of him, pulling off his mask to reveal a youthful, demonic  yet telegenic grin. He was breathing heavily and caressing the codpiece of his free hand as he took stock of his newcomer’s figure, especially the back end, setting his knife on the ground to lean in closer and grip a tight handful of bare Rory’s ass-cheeks, breathing heavily against his face and licking his neck before subduing himself and pulling away.
“Let’s get you started.”
Before he could finish his response, Fox picked up the dropped MAC and rammed it into Rory’s left underboob. He let out a blood-curdling cry as the blade carved deep into his right breast, shaking his head and struggling to pull away but the suspension chains holding his nude form in place.
The fox’s knife-hand was accustomed to a resisting victim, though he couldn’t help but get some manipulation in.
 “What’s the matter? Didn’t you say you were my biggest fan!?”
“Then be still for me…”
The man grit his teeth and sheepishly opened one of his golden-contact lense eyes as his favorite Serial Killer ever continued to perform a standing mastectomy, continuing to pant lustfully, even lick and take bites of the stripped tit-flesh as his free hand reached in and ripped out the greasy tissue.
“Look…” He told Rory, who hesistated to fully open his eyes.
“LOOK I SAID!” He told him again, this time with more force and he complied, turning his attention and opening his eyes only to see one of his two breasts being held up to his face. It made even him let out a gag.
“Is that weakness I see !?”
“N-no! I will bear anything for you!”
“Anything? He asked, taking a half bite chunk clean off the removed mammary gland via his biogenetically-enhanced teeth, salivating a bit before garbling down the other half and moving onto the next breast.
“ANYTHING!” Rory screamed for the whole hideout to hear as his second, left breast started to undergo the same removal process, Fox toying with his chest-flesh and rooting around inside it. However it was at this point that shock began to kick in and Rory began to feel his consciousness fading….
When he awoke, he found himself on the floor, still nude but with Fox presiding over him with a BOOPA CASDIS and Hypofist by his side, the slice marks stitched over but the scars kept as a creative choice.
And speaking of scars and creative choices, he felt an unusual burning sensation on his left shoulder, which seemed to have had a heart shaped scar soldered it onto while he was out.
“Ahh..you’re awake. Welcome to the Cognate, Tobby.”
“Your new name!” He motioned to one of the killers under him, who presented him with a set of all black Slash armor with a far more high quality, DAF-themed mask than the one he came in, “Tobby” inscribed in chalk on the left side of the breastplate and Fox Den logo on the right, while another killer was busy graffitiing a “Shower” stall just for him.
“Yes…Tobby…that’s me…” He grabbed the armor and began to don it, still in shock from his meatgrinder of a surgery, but comforted by the brighter future ahead…
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eat-yourheart · 8 months
Kitty profile picture..... save me.....
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hornyhonk · 1 year
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aaaand yea emo lawrence concept from @6robotmonster6 !!!
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the7thheroine · 1 year
Inspired by their Ren hana fanfic where the reader was a stripper @6robotmonster6 go check them out.
Ren hana x Stripper soulmate au
(If your soulmate tries to injure you, it doesn’t work and instead the wound will close right back up as if nothing happened)
As you sat in the changing room, adjusting your costume and fixing your makeup, you could hear the other girls chattering around you about the new owner who had bought out the club recently as of last night alongside the loud bass blasting music outside the door.
“He’s a beast skin! A fox at that too.”
“I heard he’s apart of a human trafficking ring and does some live streams with the people he takes!”
“I heard he’s into some pretty twisted stuff…”
“Im going try and score with him. he gave the girls last night a generous tip. Just for a chat and a kiss! He’s definitely got some cash on him to share out.” Cut in ‘Angel’ putting down her makeup brush before standing up and stretching, throwing you a wink making kissing gestures.
She was one of the most booked dancer and was the old club owners favourite dancer considering her devilish personality. She was sly, always managing to twist the customers into giving her more money, you would consider her a friend if you weren’t constantly competing to get the most customers and money.
You look up at her, she never usually is enthusiastic about performing, so maybe this guy was a serious donor. “Have fun. I’m on the pole for awhile then I’m on the private rooms for an hour.” You chimed in before standing up and doing up your heels.
She turned back to you offering a quick wink. “Be careful alright? Your the new meat and that makes you naive.” She called laughing. “Says you! Your trying to score with a gang leader in human trafficking.” You rolled your eyes. Walking away.
As you walked in you couldn’t help but take a look at the people around the stage. Angel had already made her move and was sat under the arm of the new boss who seemed… very short. The only feature you could see that gave away the beast skin was his eyes and sharp claws that were caressing angels leg and his amber eyes keeping a close eye on her as if she was his prey. Around the both of them sat a circle of fancy, established business men. Many who had seemed to develop… excitement from angels appearance. You couldn’t help but shiver in disgust.
Walking towards the stages you couldn’t help but let your mind wonder. Many of the people who came to the clubs in the city did not have soulmates and were almost always soulmateless or had yet to meet the one they would call their own. It’s not like people actively search out their soulmate by hurting others.. right?
Just before you could reach the pole however to begin your performance, you heard the sound of a cry. “What the fuck is the matter with you?! my leg!” Angel had stood up swaying from left to right, her hand tightly over the flesh of her leg that had been ripped up by the man.
“Well isn’t that a shame.. I’m sure you can get that patched up!” The man smiled, licking his claws where the blood laid slowly dripping. You couldn’t help but shudder.A few girls had made their way over, two supporting Angel to help her into the back room to clean up. “Fuck you! Oh my god my leg how am I supposed to dance!” She cried out as weight was placed on her injured leg.
“Well aren’t you fiery! I’d be careful how you speak to me if you want to keep your life and job.” He chuckled slowly turning around to the now silent club. “isn’t this a great time to introduce myself! As many of you ladies and gents now know I am the new owner of this club.” He smiled and took off his hat pressing it to his chest. On his head laid two fox ears and a head of orange and silver hair.
His eyes traced over the girls before landing swiftly on you. He stood up making his way over to you before shaking an arm around your waist pulling you into his chest “Of course I won’t be running things like your old boss and there will be a few adjustments to the performances to suit the performances for my taste.. but I’m sure you dancers won’t mind as we both have in common our love for performances!” He smirked turning towards you.
You couldn’t help but blink. Did… did he want you to answer? Slowly a fake smile graced your face. “Of course sir we would be happy to do so for you.” You slowly tried to pull away from him, but his grip did not let up. “Huh.. you didn’t sound to enthusiastic sweetheart. I’ll give you another try.” His eyes has seemed to loose its twinkle and had taken on a predatory look.
“I.. Uhmm.. yes sir! We would be grateful for you to change the way it runs and would be happy to serve you!” You tried to smile wider but your nerves from his threat made if fall lopsided and your voice to gain an edge and start to shake.
He tutted, “you don’t sound to pleased, and here I had heard you were one of the best dancers and employees. I think I’ll have to let you go. I gave you a chance and you fucked it up.” His arm tightened around your waist as he raised his other hand up. You writhed and cried trying to escape his hold begging him. “ Please! I’ll do anything! Don’t do this-” his hand slashed over your stomach twice with his nails, creating multiple wounds. You screamed in agony falling to the floor. Oh god.. is this how you will die? In some dingy club on the floor after you couldn’t please your impatient owner? You could hear the girls screaming and the stunned audience whispering. Many of the goons in delight of the blood, some fancy business men in disgust from the lack of show.
“Well.. isn’t this is a twist for the night!” You heard him say. You looked up. You didn’t feel light headed Anymore.. you couldn’t feel your blood or guts spilling out. Slowly, looking at your stomach where the gashes had once laid, they were closed up. The blood still stained the carpet and your costume. But you weren’t bleeding out. You weren’t dead.
You felt two pairs of strong hands pull you up and place your arms behind your back.
He was watching you, a look mixed with love and obsession covered him face. “It seems as if I’ve found my other half.. don’t worry your all mine and you won’t be performing anymore.” His bloody claws reached up caressing your cheek slowly before he leaned in pressing a kiss to your forehead. You tried not to flinch as he pulled away, signalling the guards to take you out the door.
And as your pulled away you can hear the muffled barking off orders to round up all the dancers who witnessed the crime and to have them sent out and replaced by next week.
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bunny-yuck · 11 months
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lil emo meow meow
creds to @/6robotmonster6 for da sprite :]
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not-kidseller · 1 year
@6robotmonster6 It's his character. I loved him 😭😭😭❤️😭😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️
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And I also made some drawings of the bts characters but in women
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And Oscar My oc And a drawing of Strade and Lawrence
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I hope don't delete it for Lawrence 😭😭
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cookiieslayer · 5 months
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now he won't be lonely ❤️
Ren belongs to gatobob
Tobby belongs to @6robotmonster6
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distasteful-rulers · 8 months
Emo Lawrence goes hard [cred to 6robotmonster6 ] dunno who made the silly Ren design I referenced off of, but I made a silly little art with the designs
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stupendouspizzastudent · 11 months
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666-n3k0-666 · 7 months
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yet again misc. scene iconzzzz X)
tobby & the art of him belongs 2 @6robotmonster6 !!
the otherz are ren hana, farz murphy (@/gatobob) and mello's there 2 lol
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soabboi · 1 year
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Lil late but did a bit of emo Lawrence 😈 sprite made by @6robotmonster6
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dread0narrival · 7 months
I finally made time to do this and very glad that I did bec not only did everyone turn out far better than expected but I also had so much fun with it ❤️‍🔥 hope I did everyone justice!
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Randall P. @masochistfox
Randall G. @6robotmonster6
Jet @cptsadist
Velvet @bitterandrotten
Gatherine @venusararara
Skull @weirdo-canniboy
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lovecorefox · 10 months
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uh oh it’s the cat himself
gift for @6robotmonster6 !!
tobby: @6robotmonster6
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kettlekibble · 4 months
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@6robotmonster6 's EDITTT just a doodle i wanted to put out there
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eat-yourheart · 7 months
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A while back now @6robotmonster6 drew Kitty for me, and I've always loved it so much, so I wanted to try redrawing it in my own art style! 💞
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