#7 of swords card
coldcutfruit · 1 year
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Knight of Swords, Shin Hati
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teleport-warning · 6 months
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xi. justice
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thepigeontarot · 22 days
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Today, you are making great progress in your healing journey. It has taken an immense amount of patience and growth in order to get as far as you have. Realize that what you have gone through was no small task, and what it took to get to this point should not be taken lightly. But your journey is not over. You still have much more to heal from and much more of life to move through. Make sure you are focusing on building up a safe place for yourself and finding support where you need it. This will only further your progress and encourage you even more. You can erase the past, but you can learn from it and change your future. 🐈‍⬛
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tarotfairy0919 · 1 month
『 ↳✧・゚ Suit of swords - 7 of swords🗡️
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
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🛡️7 -Lord of Unstable Effort
you have too much going on for yourself, more than you can comfortably keep track of
Season: Winter
Element - air
Astrological association - Moon in Aquarius
Key meaning
thief and dishonesty
theft, theft of ideas
mental procrastination
just doing enough
falling short of the mark
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❈Upright meaning
protect your belongings and property
you may encounter a challenge to your position, an individual invading your space, or in a relationship - a selfish partner who takes too much emotionally or defrauds you
your opponent may be strong but you still have valuable resources on your side
legal problems, unfair or fraudulent business dealings
relationship - time for you to focus on bringing more genuine people into your experience; you must allow some irrational moments into your life because it is
health - now is the time to clean house spiritually and physically
work - you have become overburdened by too many projects at once
❀Reversed meaning
hidden secrets revealed
stealing and lying, dishonest
hurting others
the tendency to give up rather than take a stand
it may feel weird to you to think like your opponent to anticipate their next move but this attitude will help you defend what is yours
when a colleague tries to disempower you it is important to stand your ground
legal problems, beware of unscrupulous people
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monratarot · 5 months
Suit of swords - 7 of swords
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//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
7 -Lord of Unstable Effort
you have too much going on for yourself, more than you can comfortably keep track of
Season: Winter
Element - air
Astrological association - Moon in Aquarius
Key meaning
thief and dishonesty
theft, theft of ideas
mental procrastination
just doing enough
falling short of the mark
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❈Upright meaning
protect your belongings and property
you may encounter a challenge to your position, an individual invading your space or in a relationship - a selfish partner who takes too much emotionally or defrauds you
your opponent may be strong but you still have valuable resources on your side
legal problems, unfair or fraudulent business dealings
relationship - time for you to focus on bringing more genuine people into your experience; you must allow some irrational moments into your life because it is
health - now is the time to clean house spiritually and physically
work - you have become overburdened by too many projects at once
❀Reversed meaning
hidden secrets revealed
stealing and lying, dishonest
hurting others
the tendency to give up rather than take a stand
it may feel weird to you to think like your opponent to anticipate their next move but this attitude will help you defend what is yours
when a colleague tries to disempower you it is important to stand your ground
legal problems, beware of unscrupulous people
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tarot-and-stuff · 2 years
What Situation Requires You To Trust Your Intuition? - Pick A Card - High Priestess Edition
Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link.
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Pile 1/Modern Witch
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 6 of Pentacles.  This has to deal with reciprocation.  A lot with getting back as much as you are giving in a situation.  For the majority of you, I feel like this is connected to respect and/or appreciation from others in your life.  
The second card to come out for this pile was Everything Is Fine, which is one of two 10 of Swords in this deck.  This is associated with painful endings.  I don’t feel like these endings have occurred for most of you yet, but you may know that they are needed.  I feel like you are likely trying to carry on as though everything is fine, even when it isn’t.
The third card to come out for this pile was the Page of Cups.  This is associated with emotional communication.  I feel like this is you knowing that you need to express your emotions and needs more, especially in regards to relationships in your life where you feel like you aren’t appreciated and/or respected - which is the main message your intuition is likely trying to get you to notice.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Law Of Attraction.  This is generally thought of with romantic relationships, but it applies to more than just that.  I feel like the most important part of this card for this pile was the invest wisely aspect, since that relates strongly to that 6 of Pentacles and wanting to get back as much as you are giving to situations.
The second oracle card to come out was Joker - Things Are Never As They Seem.  This may suggest that there’s more than meets the eye in a situation, which you likely already feel with the topic of this read.  I feel like you may not have fully pinpointed what is wrong though just yet and are in the process of doing so.
Pile 2/Supernatural
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 7 of Pentagrams, which is basically the 7 of Pentacles in this deck.  This is associated at looking things that are worth investing time into for long-term results.  These things often require patience, since the results aren’t seen quickly.  This can be a variety of things, including relationships.  For the majority of you, I feel it is more of a personal idea that you are considering pursuing.  Kinda like trying to start your own business or going into a certain field.
The second card to come out was the 2 of Bones, which is basically the 2 of Wands in this deck.  This is associated with making personal choices.  In this case, I feel like the choice is related about whether or not you want to pursue an idea and if said idea would pay off in the long-run.  I feel like this choice is what you are called to trust your intuition about, which is likely easier said than done (at least for my personality lol).
The third card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Blades, which is basically the Ace of Swords in this deck.  This is associated with ideas and thoughts.  Basically, I feel like this is the idea that you are considering pursuing.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Focus On Service.  This card is associated with people that enjoy helping others.  This may suggest that you’re considering pursuing something that you feel will let you help others.  There’s also a reminder of this card to make sure to maintain boundaries, since helping is good but you don’t want to end up being taken advantage of.  
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Intimacy - Open Up And Get Close.  There are a few ways I feel this could apply.  The first is that connections with others is strongly associated with the choice that you are considering.  Like, the choice could be something that results in connections and needing to open up to others to form those connections.  The other is that you could be advised to open up to others close to you for their advice on the choice you’re considering and their potential support for whatever option you choose to pursue.  Just remember to keep in mind that the choice is yours.
Pile 3/Garbage Pail Kids
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 10 of Coins.  This is associated with financial stability and stability in the family.  It’s a great place to be at, but doesn’t come easy.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 10 of Wands.  This is associated with being worn out due to all of the responsibilities that you are carrying.  I feel like a lot of these responsibilities are connected to you trying to maintain that 10 of Coins too much on your own without relying on the others involved.  This could be a temporary situation, such as a health issue with a family member that has led you to take on more than usual.
The third card to come out for this pile was The World.  This is associated with something coming to an end.  This is generally positive and is something that leaves you feeling accomplished in some way.  This pile is definitely heading towards the end of some kind of cycle with this card and the other two cards both being 10s.  I feel like your intuition may be trying to guide you on how to finish a possibly difficult cycle up.
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Relationship.  This is a lot about remembering to take care of yourself because a neglected/worn out/frustrated you isn’t helpful to the relationships in your life, even if you are wearing yourself out to try to help those you care about.
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Humility - Bow Down.  Basically, I feel like this card is suggesting some humility as you acknowledge what your limits are.  Unfortunately, we all have our limits and it isn’t always easy to admit when things are getting to be too much.  I do feel like this is something that you need to do or you’re going to end up being burned out, if you aren’t already.
Pile 4/Rider-Waite
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Cups.  This has to with happiness and contentment.  This is a more personal happiness rather than the 10 of Cups which is happiness with others.  I feel like this is something that you have been working on and that you have begun becoming more happy/content with things in your life.
The second card to come out for this pile was the Knight of Wands.  This is associated with being spontaneous.  I feel like this is you trying to take more chances and explore more opportunities.  A lot with just trying to be more carefree rather than super stressed.  I think your intuition is trying to push you towards this a bit.
The third card to come out for this pile was the King of Swords.  This is a logical individual who thinks before they act.  I feel like this is your typical nature.  This likely makes the Knight of Wands aspects a bit difficult for you since you prefer to think things through quite a bit before taking chances.  For a few of you, it could be vice versa with you generally being more like the Knight of Wands and your intuition encouraging you to act a bit more like the King of Swords at times.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Steady Progress.  Basically, you have been and are continuing to make slow, steady progress.  I feel like the progress you’ve been making is connected to that 9 of Cups and your happiness.
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Guilt - Turn Off The Alarm.  I think this is something that you’ve been working on or need to work on.  Basically, trying to release any feelings of guilt that you’ve been carrying with you.  These don’t even have to necessarily be from things you’ve done.  Perhaps this includes making some apologies, but a lot of taking steps to not carry such heavy feelings with you.
Pile 5/Mystical Manga
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Wands.  This is associated with perseverance and standing your ground.  There can be repetitive battles/challenges with this card.  This is likely beginning to wear you out, but you’re still persevering through whatever comes your way.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 5 of Cups.  This is associated with disappointments and processing negative emotions.  I feel like a lot of the negativity that you are dealing with is a result of the issues that you’re dealing with from that 9 of Wands.  
The third card to come out for this pile was The Fool.  This is associated with starting new things.  I feel like this isn’t something you’re doing yet, since you’re focusing on healing from current/recent past experiences.  I feel like your intuition will likely let you know when you are ready to move on to something new.
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Fresh Air.  This has a lot to do with spending time outside to calm yourself.  A lot of you may enjoy spending time in nature/outdoors and find that it helps to calm you.  This may not be that easy depending on weather (it’s cold here - it just snowed again today).  
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Imagination - Get The Big Picture.  I feel like this is encouraging you to imagine for the future, kinda like the 7 of Cups.  I feel like this will help you be ready when it’s time for you to begin your next chapter as the Fool.
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thewormsdontstop · 9 months
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Last of the swords cards!
With and without blood bc I couldn't decide whether it was Too Much or not
Ten of Swords
Previous card
Next cards
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feral-babe · 8 months
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The Seven of Horns in the tarot embodies themes of cunning, strategy, and sometimes even deception. It often symbolizes the need for caution and craftiness and encourages us to use our wit and creativity to navigate challenges. This card encourages us to consider the methods and strategies we employ in our endeavors. It symbolizes the need to think outside the box and approach situations in an unorthodox manner.
We can draw an intriguing parallel with Myrmarachne, a genus of spiders known as ant-mimicking jumping spiders. These animals have evolved to resemble ants in appearance and behavior, utilizing clever camouflage as a survival strategy and showcasing the themes of adaptation and deception to achieve their goals. The spider's intention isn't to consume the ants; instead, he seeks refuge among them for safety. He resides on the fringes of a colony of hunters that could quickly devour him, yet he continues to thrive, unbeknownst to them.
In alignment with the tarot card's message, the Seven of Horns encourages introspection into the strategies we deploy in our lives. It underscores the significance of cautious and strategic actions, suggesting that a touch of cleverness and adaptability can prove invaluable in achieving objectives. Much like the ingenious mimicry of Myrmarachne, this card prompts us to embrace innovative approaches when faced with challenges, urging us to tap into our ingenuity to solve problems and reach our goals with a sense of strategic finesse.
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slywolfdesigns · 2 months
Hone In
You're carrying way, way too many swords. It's far beyond the point of practically being able to use any of them, let alone all. You're starting to hurt yourself, and it feels like it's only getting worse.
The secret is, you don't have to keep going this way. You can back up. You can put swords down.
Lay out all the things weighing on you. You picked them up for a reason, you can't just snap your fingers and solve all your problems, but you can start with one.
What idea can you let go of? What narrative can you change? Work on that, and maybe tomorrow will be more of a six of swords kind of day. If you keep it up, you may find yourself wielding one sword, inspired and well armed, rather than juggling more blades than you can carry.
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Deck is the Accurate AF Tarot by Prism and Fleur.
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numinously-yours · 1 year
Pick a card: What needs to be re-awakened within you?
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[Options include: Pile 1, a peach colored flower with 5 round petals; Pile 2, a light purple flower with 8 thinner petals; Pile 3, a cream colored flower with 5 round, stout petals]
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[Alt. Text: Box with tarot and oracle cards. Tarot cards include: 5 of pentacles in reverse, 7 of swords in reverse, page of cups up right, ace of wands up right. Oracle cards include: Choose Wisely (Be discerning. You don't have to keep everything in your net). Flow (let your worries drift away). Optimism (After each rainstorm, there will be clear skies). Card with stop watch which says: I give me space to breath in this moment and recognize there is beauty in life's pauses. Card with outline of facial features, a swirl in between brows, which says: I stand up for what I believe in]
Pile 1: Channel Your Energy Effectively
Pile 1: Recognize the value you bring to your life - to your work, to your relationships, and to yourself. You'll notice in the top right corner of the Page of Cups that there is a small pig with wings... You don't have to wait until pig fly in order to let yourself breathe. I am guessing that you are a pretty big empath - me too. Empathy can get overwhelming and that does NOT make you a bad person. You cannot be everything to everyone and it is okay to set boundaries on your space. Know that you will always be the advocate that you want to be, even when you require space and time. Stop self-deceiving, too, pile 1. Your mind can be mean so remember to empathize with yourself, too. In addition to re-awakening your knowledge of needing (and deserving) space, you should also re-awaken your inner child! Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to create. Trust your inner voice!
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[Alt. Text: Box with tarot and oracle cards. Tarot cards include: 2 of wands reversed, the Hermit, 8 of wands with knoight of swords, and seven of pentacles. Oracle cards include: Stillness (In calm waters, everything becomes clear). The Ocean (be beautiful, mysterious, wild, and free). Card with sunflower which says: I am good enough. Card with two raised hands which says: The universe is filled with endless opportunities for me.]
Pile 2: Re-awaken spontaneity & let go of the fear of the unknown
Hey pile two: Are you having trouble letting go and going with the flow? It happens! It's time to reawaken the belief in yourself. Instead of ruminating on everything, try to get yourself to make swift decisions. This doesn't mean they aren't thought through, it just means the decisions are being made more quickly. Harvesting the ability to make choices will reap long-term results. How do you even start? Believe that you are enough!! Take the time for introspection. That may sound counterintuitive when I just said to make more decisions more quickly, but introspection can bring you answers. Trust your gut, be yourself. Once you start to understand that the universe is filled with possibilities, you'll start to feel them in your soul.
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[Alt Text: Box with tarot and oracle cards. Tarot cards include: Queen of pentacles in reverse, two of swords, ace of cups, four of swords. Oracle cards include: Generosity (What good is treasure if you keep it for yourself). Direction (Trust your inner compass and find your bearings). Card with diamond shaped cage with heart inside: I am a loveable person. Card with outline of facial features, a swirl in between brows, which says: I stand up for what I believe in]
Pile 3: Reawaken your focus on self care.
Dear pile 3, you may be having more trouble than usual finding rest and time to heal. But it's not too late to bring this back as a part of your normal routine. You may be hesitating because you feel that you have too much to get done and, if you don't, things will crumble. BUT you can't do your best work if you're exhausted. Taking care of yourself will help you strengthen your self-compassion. It will allow you to regain emotional fulfillment. It will be easier to forgive yourself for your "flaws" and knowing you're doing what you can with what you have. Please know that the fight for what you believe in will still be there after you rest. Others know that you are kind, compassionate, and generous. You are loved and you will be loved even if you step back.
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tarotbycecelia · 3 months
Card of the Day - 7 of Swords - Saturday, June 22, 2024
How is yesterday’s Full Moon treating you? It was certainly not one of the easiest for the year, and energy such as this can often leave you feeling as though perhaps you should be operating under the radar and keeping a low profile. This is a good possibility, and you might find you even accomplish more this way. Any type of grandiose or showy behavior does not appear to be in your best…
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sjwallin · 1 year
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In love with this new #tattoo by the amazing @nikola.ivana !!
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12decks · 2 years
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7 of Swords
Upright - Betrayal, prudence, spying, stealth, unreliability, unwise attempt, “a thief that gets caught is a bad thief”
Reversed - Breaking free, counsel, excessive help, good advice
Timing - Seven weeks
Yes/No/Maybe - No
Element - Air
Astrological Sign - Aquarius
Direction - East
Season - Autumn
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thepigeontarot · 20 days
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Today, take some time to make plans before starting out on something new. You may be inspired to take action and start a new pursuit, but this inspiration may be quick to fizzle out. If you want to ensure you follow through with these plans, you need to clarify the goals you are trying to reach and make sure you are prioritizing what is important. If you can't find a balance in these strategic actions, you might not find much success in this new undertaking. 🐈‍⬛
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wolfhowlwitch · 1 year
hi! I was wondering if I could hop on the free tarot reading train, if you're still doing them?
I'm almost 30 and thinking of quitting my job (for a bunch of reasons but mainly because I feel like it's going to get me nowhere).
The thing is, I don't have another offer lined up or anything, I don't know what's next for me. I've been living abroad for next to ten years now. I could move back home near my parents for a while, but idk, I feel like I've accomplished nothing, it would feel a lot like a failure. What paths lie ahead? What shall I do?
Thank you xx
hi and thank you for reaching out!
as always, it is important to remember that the cards are a guiding tool and are as subject to the universe + our choices as we ourselves are. take what resonates, leave what does not. regardless of what the cards say, I wish you happiness and I wish you agency in that happiness!
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card 1- where you are now
card 2- what lies ahead on path #1
card 3- what to be wary of with path #1
card 4- what lies ahead on path #2
card 5- what to be wary of with path #2
for the purposes of this spread, path #1 will be quitting your job and path #2 will be staying the course
card 1- the 7 of Wands
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—the 7 of Wands signifies a struggle after the initial satisfaction or fulfillment of a position. you are feeling unfulfilled by something that once made you happy. this card is indicative of the difficulty of continuing/furthering your success rather than remaining stagnant or slipping backwards. good news though- the 7 of Wands says to you “you are capable of solving this problem. you have the strength to make it through this challenge.”
card 2- Death
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—fear not- Death is not an inherently negative message! rather, Death signifies a complete transformation or rebirth. the transformation that lies ahead may be rocky and difficult, but through that transformation you will find a reinvigorated sense of self + love for your life. do not continue to depend on what is no longer working for you. if you jump in with both feet, you will land in a whole new position. in regards to a career or finances, Death gently warns that financial hardship may lie ahead of you on this path, but if you remain positive, focused, and looking forward, you will come out on top.
card 3- the Hermit
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—the Hermit here is a kindhearted warning: you may be focusing too much on career or money. fretting too much over whether material needs are met may stop you from meeting personal, emotional needs. this is a path you take for the purpose of being fulfilled; if you choose a path that is more secure in finance, you may not find that fulfillment so easily. do not expect this path to immediately fulfill you both in a material sense AND in an emotional sense- one must come before the other, and there are no forks on this path where financial success comes BEFORE emotional fulfillment.
card 4- the 3 of Swords, reversed
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—the 3 of Swords reversed in this context indicates holding onto the comfort or the memory of what once was. an already difficult situation may see itself get much worse, leaving you wondering what the comfort ever was in the first place. not accepting the truth of the present simply prolongs- and potentially worsens- the inevitable outcome.
card 5- the Page of Pentacles, reversed
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—the Page of Pentacles reversed warns against opportunities not taken. the Page of Pentacles reversed says “be honest about what you want, and be honest with yourself: are you willing to sacrifice to achieve this?” you may feel as though your foundation for success is shaky and falling from beneath your feet- either leap to the next foundation, or prepare for the fall.
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hermitsmirror · 1 year
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TAROT DEEP DIVE 🌸 7 of Swords
The sneaky 7 has plenty of pros to go with the cons.
Sometimes seen as a thief in the night, the figure on the 7 of Swords is actually a clever fox. What sucks is when you're the dupe who's been outwitted. But that cleverness has lots of positive potential. It's just that many people who come to the tarot do so from a position of hurt or confusion, and so the 7 is easily seen often a source of that rather than a solution.
What new insights or fun facts did you learn about the 7 of Swords in this tarot deep dive on a misunderstood card? Let me know in the comments.
And if you’re looking to expand your tarot reading techniques and learn how to stack layers of meaning on top of each other to find your ideal reading method, you should learn to Read Tarot like a Nerd. It’s a self-paced class, so enrollment is always open.
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