#mystical manga tarot
comparativetarot · 24 days
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Back of Card. Art by Rann, from the Mystical Manga Tarot.
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
What Situation Requires You To Trust Your Intuition? - Pick A Card - High Priestess Edition
Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link.
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Pile 1/Modern Witch
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 6 of Pentacles.  This has to deal with reciprocation.  A lot with getting back as much as you are giving in a situation.  For the majority of you, I feel like this is connected to respect and/or appreciation from others in your life.  
The second card to come out for this pile was Everything Is Fine, which is one of two 10 of Swords in this deck.  This is associated with painful endings.  I don’t feel like these endings have occurred for most of you yet, but you may know that they are needed.  I feel like you are likely trying to carry on as though everything is fine, even when it isn’t.
The third card to come out for this pile was the Page of Cups.  This is associated with emotional communication.  I feel like this is you knowing that you need to express your emotions and needs more, especially in regards to relationships in your life where you feel like you aren’t appreciated and/or respected - which is the main message your intuition is likely trying to get you to notice.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Law Of Attraction.  This is generally thought of with romantic relationships, but it applies to more than just that.  I feel like the most important part of this card for this pile was the invest wisely aspect, since that relates strongly to that 6 of Pentacles and wanting to get back as much as you are giving to situations.
The second oracle card to come out was Joker - Things Are Never As They Seem.  This may suggest that there’s more than meets the eye in a situation, which you likely already feel with the topic of this read.  I feel like you may not have fully pinpointed what is wrong though just yet and are in the process of doing so.
Pile 2/Supernatural
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 7 of Pentagrams, which is basically the 7 of Pentacles in this deck.  This is associated at looking things that are worth investing time into for long-term results.  These things often require patience, since the results aren’t seen quickly.  This can be a variety of things, including relationships.  For the majority of you, I feel it is more of a personal idea that you are considering pursuing.  Kinda like trying to start your own business or going into a certain field.
The second card to come out was the 2 of Bones, which is basically the 2 of Wands in this deck.  This is associated with making personal choices.  In this case, I feel like the choice is related about whether or not you want to pursue an idea and if said idea would pay off in the long-run.  I feel like this choice is what you are called to trust your intuition about, which is likely easier said than done (at least for my personality lol).
The third card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Blades, which is basically the Ace of Swords in this deck.  This is associated with ideas and thoughts.  Basically, I feel like this is the idea that you are considering pursuing.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Focus On Service.  This card is associated with people that enjoy helping others.  This may suggest that you’re considering pursuing something that you feel will let you help others.  There’s also a reminder of this card to make sure to maintain boundaries, since helping is good but you don’t want to end up being taken advantage of.  
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Intimacy - Open Up And Get Close.  There are a few ways I feel this could apply.  The first is that connections with others is strongly associated with the choice that you are considering.  Like, the choice could be something that results in connections and needing to open up to others to form those connections.  The other is that you could be advised to open up to others close to you for their advice on the choice you’re considering and their potential support for whatever option you choose to pursue.  Just remember to keep in mind that the choice is yours.
Pile 3/Garbage Pail Kids
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 10 of Coins.  This is associated with financial stability and stability in the family.  It’s a great place to be at, but doesn’t come easy.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 10 of Wands.  This is associated with being worn out due to all of the responsibilities that you are carrying.  I feel like a lot of these responsibilities are connected to you trying to maintain that 10 of Coins too much on your own without relying on the others involved.  This could be a temporary situation, such as a health issue with a family member that has led you to take on more than usual.
The third card to come out for this pile was The World.  This is associated with something coming to an end.  This is generally positive and is something that leaves you feeling accomplished in some way.  This pile is definitely heading towards the end of some kind of cycle with this card and the other two cards both being 10s.  I feel like your intuition may be trying to guide you on how to finish a possibly difficult cycle up.
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Relationship.  This is a lot about remembering to take care of yourself because a neglected/worn out/frustrated you isn’t helpful to the relationships in your life, even if you are wearing yourself out to try to help those you care about.
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Humility - Bow Down.  Basically, I feel like this card is suggesting some humility as you acknowledge what your limits are.  Unfortunately, we all have our limits and it isn’t always easy to admit when things are getting to be too much.  I do feel like this is something that you need to do or you’re going to end up being burned out, if you aren’t already.
Pile 4/Rider-Waite
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Cups.  This has to with happiness and contentment.  This is a more personal happiness rather than the 10 of Cups which is happiness with others.  I feel like this is something that you have been working on and that you have begun becoming more happy/content with things in your life.
The second card to come out for this pile was the Knight of Wands.  This is associated with being spontaneous.  I feel like this is you trying to take more chances and explore more opportunities.  A lot with just trying to be more carefree rather than super stressed.  I think your intuition is trying to push you towards this a bit.
The third card to come out for this pile was the King of Swords.  This is a logical individual who thinks before they act.  I feel like this is your typical nature.  This likely makes the Knight of Wands aspects a bit difficult for you since you prefer to think things through quite a bit before taking chances.  For a few of you, it could be vice versa with you generally being more like the Knight of Wands and your intuition encouraging you to act a bit more like the King of Swords at times.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Steady Progress.  Basically, you have been and are continuing to make slow, steady progress.  I feel like the progress you’ve been making is connected to that 9 of Cups and your happiness.
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Guilt - Turn Off The Alarm.  I think this is something that you’ve been working on or need to work on.  Basically, trying to release any feelings of guilt that you’ve been carrying with you.  These don’t even have to necessarily be from things you’ve done.  Perhaps this includes making some apologies, but a lot of taking steps to not carry such heavy feelings with you.
Pile 5/Mystical Manga
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Wands.  This is associated with perseverance and standing your ground.  There can be repetitive battles/challenges with this card.  This is likely beginning to wear you out, but you’re still persevering through whatever comes your way.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 5 of Cups.  This is associated with disappointments and processing negative emotions.  I feel like a lot of the negativity that you are dealing with is a result of the issues that you’re dealing with from that 9 of Wands.  
The third card to come out for this pile was The Fool.  This is associated with starting new things.  I feel like this isn’t something you’re doing yet, since you’re focusing on healing from current/recent past experiences.  I feel like your intuition will likely let you know when you are ready to move on to something new.
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Fresh Air.  This has a lot to do with spending time outside to calm yourself.  A lot of you may enjoy spending time in nature/outdoors and find that it helps to calm you.  This may not be that easy depending on weather (it’s cold here - it just snowed again today).  
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Imagination - Get The Big Picture.  I feel like this is encouraging you to imagine for the future, kinda like the 7 of Cups.  I feel like this will help you be ready when it’s time for you to begin your next chapter as the Fool.
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
Jasper Review: Mystical Manga Tarot
I like the Mystical Manga tarot deck, but some of these cards really do look like someone's processing their bondage kink. And I'm not judging that part (I mean, pot meet kettle), I'm just wondering why it's not mentioned in reviews or the cards in question aren't shown. If you're gonna add it, you gotta own it.
And like all anime/manga-inspired art, all of the women are super busty and scantily-clad but all of the dudes look normal and are fully clothed.
But we do appreciate tarot decks that don't just spell "TARO" on the Wheel card in Hebrew letters, so that's a point in favor.
The guidebook is also super helpful if you're new to the whole tarot reading schtick and, you know, read guides before doing things.
Official Jasper Review: 7/10, it's not a bad deck, I just wouldn't recommend it to anyone under the age of 18.
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witchyfashion · 2 years
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Mystical Manga Tarot
Immerse Yourself in the Mystical Energy and Adventurous Nature of Manga
Capturing the beautiful style and spirit of Japanese graphic novels, Mystical Manga Tarot encourages you to step boldly onto the road of adventure and discover what mystical opportunities lie ahead. Rann's exquisite artwork brings each character to life, and they offer you the guidance needed to navigate the pages of your story. This fun, easy-to-use deck is based on the Rider-Waite system and comes with a helpful color guidebook by Barbara Moore. Whether you're a tarot enthusiast, manga fan, or both, Mystical Manga Tarot will delight your mind and speak to your soul.
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annymoonmari177 · 2 years
Reseña Mystical Manga Tarot
Es uno de los tarot Rider Waite bastante interesante, el diseño esta a cargo de Rann y texto de Barbara Moore es increíble.
Si es soy sinceros en un principio tuve mis dudas en comprarlo, pero solo vi la carta de los enamorados y me convencí automáticamente.
Para hacer esta reseña he decidido dividir los puntos buenos y malos
Lo bueno:
El diseño es increíble es muy estético y bonito.
Tiene bastante simbología lo que hace que es un poco mejor de interpretar, aunque varia un poco.
Te dice de que elementos son las cartas, como tierra, fuego, aire y agua.
La caja es dura, además tiene un imán de lado que permite abrirla con mayor facilidad.
Tiene un libro donde describe a todos los arcanos, esta a color y en ingles, tiene para notas y tiradas.
Las carta son delgadas pero se puede barajear fácilmente.
El diseño de la parte trasera, no me gustó mucho, es una cuestión mas personal pero creo que otra forma o color le hubiera quedado mejor.
Las cartas muy delgadas.
Se pueden doblar si uno no tiene cuidado.
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Quiero compartirles el arcano mayor que me convenció para comprarlo los enamorados.
Punto de vista de la autora:
La carta de los amantes puede parecer que tiene que ver con el amor y el romance, y en cierto modo lo es, ya que es en el ámbito del amor donde nos enfrentamos a decisiones importantes. ¿Elegimos una pareja adecuada o la elegimos en función de nuestros propios deseos, incluso si el sentido común o la tradición sugieren lo contrario?. Como todos, tiene que lidiar con la lucha interna de qué priorizar al tomar decisiones. ¿Escucha a su cabeza? ¿su corazón? sus amigos y familiares? el ángel en la parte superior de la imagen sugiere que el corazón es la verdadera estrella guía.
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Pero existen otras cartas que también me gustaron como son la estrella, la luna, la suma sacerdotisa, tres de espadas y mago.
Parte trasera de de las cartas:
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En lo personal a mí me gusta el anime y aunque en un principio no estaba tan segura de adquirirlo, no me arrepiento por qué es fácil de leer tiene su guía aunque está inglés pueden traducirla y de igual forma se puede entender, en mi opinión es una obra de arte lista para ser descifrada.
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Obey Me Boys as Tarot/Oracle Decks I Own
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Is this stupid? Yes. Am I doing it anyway? Absolutely.
To make a long story short, I have a problem and I compulsively buy tarot and oracle cards, so I have...quite a few. So, I was looking at them and thought, "which ones would fit the characters?" And now look where we are! :) I do have exactly fifteen decks and had planned originally to assign decks to the new side characters as well, but I, A. got tired and B. couldn't find one that fit Mephisto, so I just scrapped that idea altogether. Anyways, here's what literally nobody asked for!
Disclaimer! I did pick out cards that I thought matched the characters as well, based on both meaning and look. I'm not going into detail on all of the cards either...because I will ramble forever. I'm did my best to keep these as brief as possible!
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Lucifer - Archangel Animal Oracle Deck
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Okay, so this could've been a great deck for Simeon or Raphael, but out of what I had, this fit Lucifer the best! It ties back to his origins of being a seraphim. I did pick a card or two that have Archangel Micheal and Raphael in them, and they do fit Lucifer in needing to let others in and to not let pride get in the way of being dependent on others.
Mammon - The Illustrated Crystallary Oracle Deck
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Mostly picked this one due to the fact that crystals can be expensive and high-dollar, which Mammon would be into and exploit (and he has). If not him, this one might've gone to Solomon, but I had a better one for him >:) I picked Mammon's cards based off his greed and his love for the MC...and which crystals would cost a pretty penny.
Leviathan - Mystical Manga Tarot Deck
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My tried and true deck. It was either this one or my Skyrim tarot deck, so I went with this one. It felt more him to me. I picked the Seven of Cups, the Hanged Man, the Hermit, and the Nine of Swords for Levi. In some cases, the Seven of Cups gives me feelings of envy for choices that may seem out of reach or wanting it all when you have to pick and choose, so I went with it.
Satan - The Language of Flowers Oracle Deck
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This is the best I had for Satan, but I feel like he'd be quite knowledgable on flower language. I had several other cards that I had in mind for him as well, namely Action - the Venus Fly Trap, but I wanted to keep the number of cards to four, so... Also, when I first started using this deck, it took a lot of warming up to, (it was shy...if you can believe that or not), which is how Satan is in both games, not shy just...needs to get used to people before opening up.
Asmodeus - Romantic Tarot Deck
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This is the pairing that kicked off this idea. This deck is new, my mom gifted it to me for Easter! She's a sweetie. And I kept think about how Asmo would adore the art and vintage depictions in the cards. Since the cards aren't labeled, I picked the Lovers, the Two of Cups, the Empress, and the Three of Swords. Most of these are "romantic" in nature, or with the Empress, embodies confidence and embracing femininity. Three of Swords because of how dramatic and tragic love and can be, and I'm sure Asmo has had his fair share :(
Beelzebub - Moonology Manifestations Oracle Deck
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This is my second Moonology deck, my other-half, if you will. (Another gift from my mom:)) I really don't have much to say about this deck for Beel, but I figured it would be fun to assign the twins with these decks. The cards were picked based on his feelings of guilt of his past from the Celestial War.
Belphegor - Moonology Oracle Deck
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My first Moonology deck! I think this was the first oracle deck I ever got, so it has a special place in my heart. I obviously had to give this one to Belphie since his theme revolves around the moon and space. Notice in both Beel's and Belphie's I picked one Gemini card each, hehe...
Diavolo - Dragon Wisdom Oracle Deck
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Considering Dia's demon form is draconic (dra-ICONIC! Heh, anyone?), this seemed right. I'm less familiar with this deck since it's not one of the primary ones I use, but it was fun to go through it again like it was new, lol. There was another card I almost picked for him, Initiation. But I thought these ones fit best.
Barbatos - Celtic Healing Oracle Deck
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Once again, this is one of those scenarios where this was the best I had for Barb. There's a strange energy to these cards, mysterious and timeless almost, a little spooky. Kinda reminds me of him in some way. I'm the least familiar with this deck as it's relatively new and I haven't really used it yet, so apologies for lack of substance with this one.
Simeon - The Field Tarot
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This was a gift from a friend of mine. It was theirs originally, but they so thoughtfully handed it down to me, and I use it quite a lot! This deck felt very mellow and light compared to my other ones. Very minimalist, so I thought it fit Simeon's vibe. To note: the Perspective card is this deck's Hanged Man. The Three of Cups reminded me of the og Purgatory Hall gang.
Solomon - Oceanic Tarot Deck
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Based on his love for marine life and his...past with the ocean, how could I resist! Also, didn't mean for two of the cards I picked to be king and queen of the same suit, but I thought they fit his personality and way of living. The suit cards are pretty basic, featuring some marine life behind the pictures and whatnot without having too much imagery.
Luke - Tiny Tarot Deck
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Come on...I had to. I put it in my hand so you could really get the perspective of how small it is. It's cute! I didn't pull any of the cards out since the box struggles to hold them in and I'm afraid of getting them everywhere, but they are your standard Rider-Waite-Smith deck! I probably would've picked the Sun or the Six of Cups for him, something along the lines of youth and vibrancy. (MY GOD, MY VEINS LOOK LIKE A STAR WTH?? I just noticed that, omg) Well...that's new...
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comparativetarot · 24 days
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Two of Pentacles. Art by Rann, from the Mystical Manga Tarot.
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Card - Queen Of Swords Edition
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Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link. 
I actually did this the same day as the Judgment pick a card reading, but it took me awhile to type this post.  Same reasons as the Judgment reading (basically this card showing up a bunch when I did the February reads).
Pile 1/Alice In Wonderland
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 7 of Teacups reversed, which is basically the 7 of Cups in this deck.  This card can suggest quite a bit of daydreaming, which is fitting with the Alice In Wonderland theme.  There is also a sense of being overwhelmed by options/possibilities/what ifs/etc with this card.
The second card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Spears reversed, which is basically the Ace of Swords in this deck.  This suggests a lack of clarity in a situation, likely in regards to the overwhelming options with that 7 of Teacups reversed.  Basically, it doesn’t seem like any of those cups seem to be the obvious choice to you with the haziness of the Ace of Spears reversed.
The third card to come out was the Page of Spears reversed, which is basically the Page of Swords in this deck.  This can suggest some issues with communicating ideas.  This can include keeping ideas to yourself and/or not quite knowing how to put your thoughts into words.  
The oracle card for this pile was Passion: Do What You Love.  Basically, some advice to pursue something that you’re passionate about.  Perhaps one of those options available to you is something that you are passionate about.
Basically, this pile is encouraged to act logically like the Queen of Swords in regards to an overwhelming/unclear choice that they need to make.
Pile 2/Teddy
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The first card to come out for this pile was The Moon.  This is a card of mystery and more going on than meets the eye.  There can be some heavier emotions with this card, such as fear and anxiousness.
The second to come out for this pile was the Knight Of Cups.  This is a card associated with taking action on emotions.  This card is sometimes associated with the Prince Charming archetype.  For the majority of you, I feel like this card represents someone else rather than you.  
The third card to come out for this pile was the Queen Of Cups.  This card is associated with a loving and nurturing individual.  They tend to be open with their emotions and are often supportive to the emotional needs of others.  I feel like this card is the one that represents you in this case.  
The oracle card for this pile was Allowing: Let It Happen.  Basically, allow something to happen, especially if it is beyond your control.  This doesn’t mean that you have to accept it, but also knowing not to stress yourself out over things that are out of your control.
This pile was a bit different, but I feel like this pile is mostly about someone that will deal with someone else wanting to pursue them.  I feel like this catches you off-guard with The Moon card.  I do feel like you’re being encouraged to hear them out before you choose to reject or accept their offer.  
Pile 3/Anime
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The first card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Cups.  This is a card about new emotional and/or creative opportunities.  Some of you may be exploring new creative outlets.
The second card to come out was the 7 of Wands.  This is a card associated with tensions and standing your ground.  Their is quite a bit of perseverance with this card as well.
The third card to come out was the Queen of Cups.  This card is associated with a loving and nurturing individual.  They tend to be open with their emotions and are often supportive to the emotional needs of others.  They also know the value of addressing their emotions rather than trying to ignore them, which could explain that Ace Of Cups as you exploring new ways to release frustrations connected to that 7 of Wands.
The oracle card for this pile was Honor: Acknowledge You, Me, And We.  Basically, be willing to accept the role that you’ve had in your accomplishments, as well as the ways that others in your life have helped you.  
Basically, this pile seems to be advised to find a healthy outlet for their emotions while they deal with some potential disagreements and tensions with others around.
Pile 4/Mystical Manga
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The first card for this pile was Strength.  Basically, using your strength, physical and emotional, to get through situations that come your way.  Quite a bit of endurance and perseverance is associated with this card.  You may have been going through some tough times lately that have required your strength to carry on rather than give up.
The second card for this pile was the 3 of Pentacles.  This card is associated with working with others.  As a pentacle card, it is generally more associated with co-worker type partnerships, but can also represent closer connections too at times.
The third card to come out for this pile was the 10 of Pentacles.  This card is associated with financial stability and happiness with connections in your life.  
The oracle card for this pile was Playfulness: Just For Fun.  Basically, doing something just for the fun of it rather than focusing solely on the necessities.  
Basically, this pile seems to have been rather focused on handling things.  Things seem to be pretty good for this pile in general, although it certainly wouldn’t hurt for them to take some time to do something just for the fun of it.
Pile 5/Rider-Waite
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The first card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Cups.  This is associated with new emotional and/or creative opportunities.  This can also be about exploring new creative/emotional outlets.  This may also be someone expressing their emotions to you/asking you out for a few of you.  
The second card to come out for this pile was the Page of Pentacles.  This card can be associated with learning new skills.  Those new skills could go with that Ace of Cups if it is a new hobby or something like that.  For those of you that the Ace of Cups is an offer from someone, this Page of Pentacles may represent that person, who wants to offer you something (the pentacle that could turn your 9 of Pentacles into the 10 of Pentacles).
The third card to come out was the 9 of Pentacles.  This is associated with financial stability and independence.  You aren’t reliant on anyone to provide for you.  
The oracle card for this deck was Instinct: Trust Your Intuition.  Basically, trusting what your intuition has to tell you about a situation.
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
Mystical manga tarot was my first deck! I like it a lot (mostly because it's been with me so long), but the one thing I really dislike about it is the court cards. They're very plain and hard for me to interpret based just on looking at the card; like, the original rws deck has various detailed backgrounds and poses for the court cards, while with mystical manga it's just people standing or sitting, with the addition of a horse for the knights.
Right? Also, like with other decks, everyone except the Queen is depicted as a man. And of course the Queen has to have her tits hanging out, otherwise we'd never know that she was a woman (sarcasm).
Like, yeah, I also enjoy the deck, it's just...like with all decks, there are some things I don't like about it, and recognizing that is part of subjectively reviewing a deck and giving one's thoughts on it.
Thanks for dropping by to chat, anon!
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simdertalia · 1 year
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🔮 Witchy Shop Tarot Bundle 13 🔮
Moonology Oracle & Moonology Manifestation Oracle
Star Codes Astro Oracle
Goddess Power Oracle
Elle Qui Oracle
Mahābhārata Oracle
Sims 4 | base game compatible | Box up & box down versions of all 5 boxes
1 swatch for each package file, Moonology deck has 2 swatches | Found in clutter & misc decor | 29 / 17 / 45 / 26 & 22 simoleons
To find quickly, type “witchy shop” into the search query in buy/build mode. If you’re like me and have a lot of CC in your game, an easy way to find things is to search for the title of the item you’re looking for.
A special thank you to @mystictrance15 for reaching out to me and sending me pictures of her tarot deck boxes! This set has been made with images kindly provided by her for the textures. There are more to come!
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): https://simfileshare.net/folder/180176/
📁 Alt Download (still no ads): https://mega.nz/folder/894S2Roa#eDDUvTmuhJ3XHuFV11_5ZA *The zipped folder will be added to the SFS link when the website stops acting up.
As always, please let me know if there are any issues and Happy Simming!
✨ All of my CC has always been free & public upon posting, but if you like my work, please consider supporting me:
★ Patreon  🎉 ❤️ |★ Ko-Fi  ☕️  ❤️ ★ Instagram  📷
Other decks:
Tarot Bundle 12 (Set of 5 more decks) Christmas Deck Mini-Set (Set of 3 more decks) Tarot Bundle 11 (Set of 5 more decks) Tarot Bundle 10 (set of 5 more decks) Tarot Bundle 9 (set of 5 more decks) Tarot Bundle 8 (set of 3 more decks) Tarot Bundle 7 (set of 5 more decks) Tarot Bundle 6 (set of 5 more decks) Tarot Bundle 5 (set of 5 more decks) The Lost Forest Tarot Luna’s Light & Dark Angels Tarot Tarot Bundle 4 (set of 5 more decks) Weaver Tarot Set Tarot Bundle 3 (set of 4 more decks) Tarot Bundle 2 (set of 3 more decks) Tarot Bundle 1 (set of 3 more decks) Otherkin Tarot Deco Children’s Tarot Set Modern Witch Tarot Deco Friends & Golden Girls Tarot Deco Radiant Tarot Deco Enchanted Love Tarot Deco Revelations Tarot Deco Mystical Manga Tarot Deco Da Vinci Enigma Tarot Deco Bonestone & Earthflesh Tarot Deco Beautiful Creatures Tarot Deco Bumbleberry Hollows Tarot Deco Cat Tarot Deco Kipper Deco Witches Wisdom Oracle Deco
~I claim no ownership of the images used for these recolors, all credit goes to the artist(s). These are tarot decks that you can hold and use in real life. If you want any of these decks for yourself, might I suggest buying from a small business when possible, or straight from the supplier/artist.~
~Watch out for counterfeit decks! A give-away for this is poor card stock quality, poor image quality on the cards, incorrect box/card dimensions, and QR codes on the box.~
~These are new meshes made by me~
Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters @public-ccfinds  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds
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ravynswag · 1 year
how they feel about you?😆 / how they view you PAC
1-2 too, 3-4 bottom
decks used: manga tarot, mystic mondays tarot, wild animal spirit oracle, romance oracle (all my decks i use are in my pinned! can be requested for free readings!)
all cards pulled are said in reading- rx=reversed.
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pile 1 - croc and otter
with a lot of water relevant here, i see them seeing you as very level headed and in control of your emotions. you don’t let things get to you easily. this can also make you be viewed as stoic or emotionless, but i think some may take this as because of a past issue that has effected you. but this has also caused you to be very chill and calming to others or this person. they see you as having secrets or being off to others, but it makes them want to know you even more! you give off very big leader and king vibes here, so i think they see you as an older or more mature person compared to them- and they like it! this relates to the croc and otter “prey and predator”. i think they see you as a playful person, but always analyzing and observing people. a bit closed off and hesitant to join in. perhaps they have considered reaching out, but are nervous bc of this bit of a closed off side of you. don’t be afraid to show a little bit of the childlike side of you and be playful!
cards : crocodile, otter, passion, let your friends help you, temperance, moon, king of coins, knight of swords, emperor, 4 of swords, 3 of swords, 6 of cups.
pile 2 - fish and tiger
i feel like they view you as a bit disconnected from love and being open to love. i think they believe you aren’t feeling the same way towards them and you have your own stuff to deal with. tiger may be relevant? black and white tiger. (love synchronicities like that!!!) all around it looks like people view you as heavily considering your future and all possibilities, but you aren’t open to love or having a possible significant other anytime soon. also, maybe you’re dealing with family problems rn and they don’t want to overstep boundaries!! if you feel like this is a false statement, try showing you are open to receiving and giving love. they don’t view you badly- actually good! they just don’t know where you stand with relationships and things of that sort. IF you felt called to pile 1- scroll up and read!
cards: tiger, fish, unrequited love, healing family issues, strength, 3 of cups, page of coins (rx), 4 of wands, 3 of wands.
pile 3 - bear and swan
i think this person may see you as moving too quickly or hasty. i think they’re attracted to you, but you may have an addiction or attachment to something that they don’t like. they see you as learning from past mistakes and they see you as a good person and a practical person! i just think they want you to make some transformations and change some habits. if you feel called to read pile 4, read.
cards: bear, swan, attraction, codependency, 10 of cups, king of pentacles, 8 of wands, chariot, 7 of coins (rx)
pile 4 - firefly and camel
this pile just has such a childlike and happy energy!!! i see this person as viewing you as a breath of fresh air! i think you help them see the light in the dark and always help them and give them the advice. i think they want to reach out, but may feel unsure where your current mindset is. maybe you’re in a funk rn, but it may be affecting how they are approaching you or not showing their true feelings. i think they could be not showing the whole truth bc of fear of being rejected or being pushed aside. i think if you have a hobby shared, they like this ab you as well! have faith and trust !!! don’t be afraid to make the steps needed to further a connection. if you felt called to read like 3, do it.
cards: firefly, camel, trust, make the effort, ace of swords, 5 of wands (came up 2x), 4 of cups (rx), 10 of coins, ace of wands
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Can I ask for some help?
Hello, me and my dad are about $75 short for our car payment on the 23rd that we can't miss again. We already got an extention and this is the furthest date possible they could do it. My dad was supposed to have an appeal form sent from EDD that they said they sent 2 weeks ago, because they missed this second to last disability checks and it's really screwing us. He's blind and I'm barely employed due to my own issues.
So I'm offering to do tarot readings for people to help cover this. It's a bit unorthodox because I haven't officially set a space up for me to do this professionally yet, but this is a bit urgent.
Readings I'm offering:
$5- Single card reading, any topic.
$10- Three card readings, we can discuss what question format will suit your question best (ex. Past, Present, Future or Opportunity, Challenge, Outcome).
$15- Full Celtic Cross spread
What to do if you want a reading:
Just shoot me a DM saying what you want and I'll send a the PayPal link. We can discuss the topic you have the questions for before the pull if you like, that way I know exactly what I'm looking for to interpret the cards. Then I'll send you a picture of the spread I pulled (I would send a video but Tumblr doesn't let you send videos in dms) and I'll give my sorta base interpretations. If you have any questions after the pull, you can ask as many as you want to clarify things or if you're wondering how I reached certain conclusions, or whatever you wish. Also before the draw if you have a specfic deck that interests you, you can tell me which deck you want me to use. And that's it! I'll do everything I can to make things clear with your queries as possible. I'm sorry that messaging is bascially all I can do at the moment, I don't have a laptop and my cell service kinda sucks when it comes to video calls and such.
List of decks I own (with pictures soon) under the cut.
Lord of the rings
Etherial visions
Rider waite
Mystical manga
Tarot mucha
Tarot of the divine
Dark wood tarot
Dungeons and dragons
Everyday tarot
Seventh Sphere Tarot
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lily-eckart · 6 months
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This is a new blog I just created as a personal space to talk about my life in general. I am a twenty-something, living in Australia at the moment. Native Portuguese speaker, also able to communicate in English and Japanese.
My main interests are music, baking and gaming. Yes, I love Taylor Swift, Stardew Valley and chocolate. My favorite genres of games are horror, farming, and otome game, but I like anything with puzzles and a good story. I have been baking for a few years and just recently got more into cooking.
I got into tumblr back in 2015 when I was into the studyblr community, joining again when I got into Mystic Messenger and created a blog to write headcanons. Big fan of animes and mangas, specially isekai and villainess.
For two years I have been studying tarot and oracle, which started by wanting to read for friends at the time.
Recently I got a steam deck which allowed me to play more and some of my favorite games. My plan is to eventually start streaming more as before coming to Australia I would post videos of gameplays.
It would be a pleasure to make some friends and talk with more people that are still around here!
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emmajh97-mumaji · 3 months
My Tarot + Oracle Decks 🔮🃏🎴
Dreams of Gaia - Pocket Edition
Golden Wheel
This Might Hurt
Mystical Manga
Whispers of Lord Ganesha (Oracle)
MuMaJi's OCs (Hand-made Oracle)
Bicycle - Pink Edition (Playing Cards; which can still be used for Divination!)
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Wanted to make an updated easy-reference post for anyone who wanted to ask me for Tarot readings and such (less cluttered than my original post on the subject)
Mystical Manga is still my favorite and go-to deck. I'd say Spiral or Marvel are my least favorites, as of now.
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
“Mystical Manga Tarot” Deck Review (from yours truly)
So I just purchased the Mystical Manga Tarot Deck From my local Barnes & Noble store. First off, here are some pics of the art.
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The pictures speak for themselves. The art is stunning, and for the first time in my entire tarot journey I can honestly say I love the art on every single card! Not to mention, the vibes are immaculate and very positive, and on my first “getting to know you” pull for the deck, I got my zodiac sign’s card (death)! That card has always been a lucky card for me. And the art really gave me good energy! My first tarot deck (for the sake of comparison) was the standard Rider Waite Smith tarot deck. So I’m used to the imagery, but this just seemed like a much more inspiring and beautiful take on the classic symbolism with a manga flare! My old deck has served me well and I’ll continue to use it for certain situations, but personally I connect more with the Mystical Manga Tarot deck. I couldn’t stop smiling, and the cards fit perfectly in my small hands which makes shuffling a LOT easier! The guidebook is thick and fully illustrated, and my favorite card has to be The Star. Anyway, 5/5 stars and a definite great deck for beginners and experts alike!!
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sixthwater · 1 year
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I mention the decks I use in my readings, but do you really know them? A lot of them have quite the personality, so let me introduce you to them!
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The Luminous Spirit by Labyrinthos
My first deck that was gifted to me by some friends. Is quite blunt, so I try to be picky about who I use this for, since it doesn't hold back. If I had to relate it to a character, it's exactly like Edna Mode from The Incredibles. Gives you information you need to hear, not what you want -- what you usually think of when you hear people talking about tarot decks or tarot readings. If you're not sensitive, this deck can be quite funny and honestly it's super loving, it's just kinda....Earthy (virgo/capricorn blunt like)
Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani
Sensitive and dreamy deck. Shies away from the honest truth if I'm being honest. Cards hold traditional meaning, but likes to speak through the fairytales therefore giving more depth to the meanings or straight up changes it. Absolutely loves romantic readings, doesn't care for much else but will still entertain them. Doesn't like low energy anything, will always root for your success.
The Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle
Unless you have your entire life in check, don't request this. Gossiper and will spill unrelated secrets, need to work with her on that lol. Great for yearly reveals though! Has no ill intent, but will showcase whatever needs attention or is the most prominent energy. Imagine someone reading on you but with like ten Rider-Waite decks.
The Traditional Manga Tarot by Shou Xueting and Riccardo Minetti
Very bright but also relaxed? Just wants you to be happy and cheering you on from the sidelines. Doesn't care for love, but likes reading for career or your strengths. Likes thinking positively and will read for shadow related topics but doesn't like to sit in it for too long. One of my very few neutral/flexible decks
Orien's Animal Tarot by Ambi Sun
My other neutral and relaxed deck. Let's you take the reigns but will put it's foot down when it doesn't like something. Refuses to hand out cards for subjects it doesn't like in regards to the person. So if they shouldn't know, it doesn't necessarily matter, they want to talk about something else, etc. It's a quiet but forceful energy.
Mystic Mondays by Grace Duong
Transform! Grow! Change! It wants the best for you. It's rooting for you, but it knows you can't stay where you are. Another blunt deck, but in a lighter way. Will gently insult you while complimenting you. It's always cheering you on and giving you a pat on the back.
Luna Somnia by ShoresOfMoon
Fire sign in the form of a deck. Very loud and excited. Wants to celebrate all of your achievements and make sure you know you're loved. Gives out compliments easily, but doesn't like repeat questions. You have a two strike system. Although the imagery is repetitive, noticed that everyone tends to resonate or pick up on something with the cards they get. (I have tried to explain that a lot of the cards have the same thing but they are very adamant about it and it's happened far too many times so it must be something)
Moondust Tarot by Terra Soleil
Doesn't like to be bothered much lol. Usually likes to be read for important or intense situations despite being a joyous deck? It's difficult to explain but it can get bored of energy checks or near future -- things like that. Enjoys much more complicated situations where I have like three piles going on or having to piece a bunch of stuff together? Not what I was expecting when it gave off the same energy as Luna Somnia & Mystic Mondays.
The Rider-Waite by Arthur Edward Waite / Pamela Colman Smith
Objective and dare I say emotionless. Will just give you what is happening in a situation, if I need the parties involved I have to break out another deck. Perfect for giving you an outside breakdown of what's goin on, not so great for feelings or emotions? They will tell you how they're doing, but it's not empathetic -- that's usually me putting in the work lol. (Ex; you see someone crying at a table and you know that they dropped a meal they just bought, but you don't know that they've been internalizing stress for the past four days and that was their breaking point),
The Horror Tarot by By Aria Gmitter and Minerva Siegel
Overdramatic. That's it lol. Loves doing shadow work, looking at flaws, the underbelly of the world -- but will exaggerate things a bit. Or a lot. Somewhat childish, and is aware of that.
Tarot Familiars by Lisa Parker
Encourages change. New chapters in life and wants you to take that next jump. It's very quiet and peaceful, not very loud. It's messages are a little difficult to decipher when you first hear them, but they make sense later and you have to come back to them in time. It chooses when to talk in rhymes or when to be direct. However it's always talking about being a better version of yourself, or the you that you need to be in this lifetime.
After Tarot by By Corrine Kenner, Pietro Alligo, Giula Francesca Massaglia
A little goofy and playful. Wants you to enjoy your life, but not throw it away with foolish choices. Be smart, but not have a stick up your ass. Just like how it looks, basically the Rider-Waite but with a bit more personality. It struggles to read the situation objectively cause it wants to have a bit more fun. Can give some specific insight to situations so if I'm called to it, it's for a reason. (Page of Pentacles is presenting or coming up with a business idea, but with this deck, someone else would be working with them or giving them said idea).
Book of Shadows Vol. 2 by Barbara Moore
This has become my personal deck, so I'm trying to see if I want to get a duplicate lmao. All about exploring new opportunities and being my best self. Doesn't like to be bored or be too serious. Wants the best out of life. Always excited. Honestly feels like it gets upset when I'm upset or being too serious/thinking too hard about stuff lol. Very light-hearted and sweet deck, so I want to be able to read for others with it.
Trickster's Journey by Jia Sung
This deck is...highly spiritual? It feels weird to say that. Essentially it stresses the importance of moving away from material/wordly things or ideas and to focus on emotional or spiritual happiness. Which, considering the art and theme of the deck, makes sense.
Romantic Tarot by Lo Scarabeo
LOVES love, not surprising. Doesn't like being serious and basically told me to get that stick out of my ass and fall in love with life. A very sweet and energetic, goofy deck.
Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry
Still don't know why I got this deck. I just really wanted it one day and every time I use it, I vaguely remember what I did, which I really hate!
White Numen Tarot by Alba BG
So comforting. Wants me to slow down and get in touch with myself whenever I use it. Does not let me go fast and, much to it's theme, is very grounded lmao. Really enjoy working with this deck.
Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi
I've always wanted to get this deck due to someone I watched previously using it, but it's just so nice to use? It has an interesting personality and wants to be used in a certain way that I've gotten used to but it's very calm and grounded like the deck before it.
Manga Tarot by Riccardo Minetti
Love this deck, it's so sweet! The deck itself utilizes seasons throughout the deck (it's not pentacles = fall, it changes) which I find really nice for my mecurial self. I like the art and how the pip cards are expressed, especially the court cards.
Halloween Tarot by Kipling West & Karin Lee
I still don't know why I got this :) I was out with my friend for their first deck and it kept getting my attention :)))) but this deck is SO CUTE!!!! I didn't expect it's preferred topics considering it's a 'spooky' deck, but it loves lighthearted topics which I find hilarious. The only negative is that the art doesn't correspond with the cards sometimes? Most of them make sense when you read the guidebook, but the only one I can't get over is the four of pentacles. Doesn't make sense.
The Sacred Web by Jannie Bui Brown
I also don't know why this called out to me either. I knew I needed a deck but I wasn't expecting this one lmao. It's a little intimidating but it also draws me in. It makes me think and it forces me to slow my mind down to process stuff. I wouldn't call it grounding but like...quieting outside noise? Something like that. Interesting deck.
Teeny Tiny Tarot by Holly Oddly
My first mini deck! This was gifted to me, and my only thing is that I have such a thing with the suits being switched up majorly and then having no guide attached to it. Besides that it's really cute, and it's attitude is quite loud for a tiny deck lmao.
The Fablemakers Animated Tarot by Misty Bourne | **Trial Period
A gift for christmas and I almost fucking screamed let's be real. These cards are gorgeous and this is the first deck where an entire suit is my favorite because of how well they were all shown. I am still so nervous to use them which is a very big downside so I'm trying to figure out how to get around that due to them not being compatible with how I shuffle, thus the trial period.
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Thera-pets by Kate Allen
Literally the cutest deck I have. Love pulling these for people. Love pulling them every day. Best investment I ever made.
believe in your own magic by amanda lovelace
While it's focused on women, it's inclusive outside of that. It's split into three sections that carry different energies and I have yet to pull certain witch cards, and it's rare that I do actually. It's usually princess or mermaid cards!
The Arcana of Astrology by Claire Goodchild
My favorite astrology oracle deck so far. I know people have other favorites but they...pale in comparison tbh lol. I always use this for nearly every reading, and it's like my personal little companion. Has never failed me. Has signs, planets, houses, and asteroids.
Archetype Cards by Carolyne Myss
I feel like I don't need to introduce this LOL. I mainly use this for personality or relationship breakdown readings
Woodland Wardens by Jessica Roux
Super cute deck. Love that some of the cards mirror tarot as well. This can kind of be used for personality readings, but you have to get creative with them. I use this on and off for check ins.
Claves Astrologicae by Labyrinthos
Gifted to me by an old co-worker. I've started to use this for more personal readings as a back-up, or when I'm on the go. I don't use this as much but I'm a cancer so I can't get rid of it, and the art is really nice so it stays for now.
Seed & Sickle by Fez Inkwright
This was such an annoying deck to get used to LMAO but I use it more comfortably now. You can read them just like tarot, upright or reversed (dawn or dusk), so there's double the amount of cards to remember. It took me a bit of time to get used to it since there's no correlation or base to start with, but now I use it pretty regularly like the wardens. I actually use them together.
The Abandoned Oracle by DeviantMoon
Perfect companion with The Horror Tarot. Much more objective and straight-forward, but the art is able to be less pretty while not being gruesome. Love to use this for shadow work or figuring out what lies underneath.
Astrological Oracle by Lunaea Weatherstone, Antonella Castelli
Yes…another astrology deck. This one seems to be great at picking up actual placements or chart energy most of the time instead of what people exude. I love the art and it’s pretty particular and picky with what cards it wants to give so it can take a minute, like it’s pondering over what to get in a shop
The Language of Flowers by Cheralyn Darcey
Feels weirdly very...stern? Not in a mean or intimidating way but feels serious. I usually joke around or play with my decks and I felt a little uncomfortable doing that with this one. Feels very earthy? Time will tell if it'll let me joke with it once we get used to each other :)
Sea Melodies by Jessica Le
Imagine a Natasha Bedingfield or Ellie Goulding song. There you go. Very sensitive, and I couldn't be sarcastic with it as it immediately told me to be kind. Honestly feels like a big hug and really wants me to, explore the depths of the ocean (get it)
The Citadel by Fez Inkwright
Found a favorite deck maker I guess because I pre-ordered this one lmao. It's really compatible considering I'm a writer and I really love the theme of it. Compared to the Wardens, I got used to this fairly quickly.
Fairies Oracle Deck by Eugene Fletcher & Camelia Pham
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!! It's energy is so cute and bubbly, it reminds me a lot of the folktale tarot deck I have which makes sense. They're legends and myths. Saving the combination for very uplifting readings, but I always use this whenever I want a smile.
The Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris Anne | **Trial Period
Cute, calm, and simple. Also really easy to shuffle?? There's just a ton of cards to remember and I tend to get confused, but very easy to resonate with, but I worry that maybe it loses personality due to that? It's very cute though, like a wallflower.
The Psychic Tarot Oracle by John Holland
Not much to say here. I enjoy using this as a replacement for tarot sometimes as it opens up alternative routes or it goes more in depth.
Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor
Love these cards!! Finally was able to get them and they're so beautiful while also opening up the message -- as oracle cards should do (Example, two readings I had messages of 'The Chariot' coming out through all my cards including this deck, and then it happened in another reading with the empress)
Mini Divi - Dreams by Holly Oddly
Got this tiny deck gifted to me as well due to getting messages through my dreams and my friend was aware of that haha.
Loputyn Oracle by Loputyn
SO!!! PRETTY I love this deck. I love how raw it is both in imagery and explanation and I love using it. That's it.
Elle Qui by Arwen Lynch-Poe
Love this deck too. I use it as archetypes a bit more than for advice as it comes out stronger for that than letting people know that they need to embody a certain character trait.
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