#7 other little tasks later and I still haven’t gotten back to cleaning
write-orflight · 3 years
Light the Lamp: Chapter 1
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**Gif Not Mine**
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes X Reader (Friends to Lovers, College/Hockey AU
Rating: M
Words: 2.2K
Warnings:  College kids being college kids, drinking, swearing, talk of sex(No smut yet but will be)
Summary:  Love and Hockey were kind of the same, everyone’s just rushing to score. So why couldn’t you?
A.N Summary bad but I literally couldn’t focus on writing anything else until I finished at least the first chapter of this. let me know what you think, Message/reply/inbox to be tagged.
  Chapter 1: 1st Quarter
Hockey wasn’t the sport Bucky wanted to play originally. He wanted to play baseball like his old man but when Steve decided he wanted to take ice skating lessons, he made Bucky tag along so he wouldn’t be the only boy in the class. Soon, they found themselves recruited in the junior rec hockey team and had been playing together ever since. It wasn’t a surprise that when recruitment came around that school’s were trying to pick up both of them. People knew better than to separate Cap from the Winter Soldier. Steve’s nickname was easy to figure out. He had a natural authoritative nature that made him the Captain of almost every team he played on. You never knew why they called Bucky the Winter Soldier until you played against him. Bucky was like an assassin on the ice. While everyone was focused on Steve in Center, Bucky was on left wing scoring the goal before you knew what hit you. So both of them getting recruited to play for the Avengers at Wilmington University wasn’t surprising. 
Meeting you was. 
At first, it was a sort of form of hazing. When they were starting their Freshman year so was the Coach’s daughter. He had asked senior members of the team to ‘keep an eye on her’ and make sure she didn’t get herself into any trouble. The seniors’ thinking that was lame, were more than happy to pass the task off to the two eager freshmen trying to make a name for themselves. So that’s how it started, The two boys walking you to classes and home from the library late at night, much to your demise. 
“I should’ve known my dad was going to do something like this.” You complained when you saw the two boys waiting outside your dorm the first week of classes. “Thanks for coming. But you can tell my dad that I’m not going to be the freak being escorted by hockey jocks everyday.” 
“No can do, Doll.” Bucky says. “We leave you, we’re doing drills the rest of practice.” 
“Doll? What’re you? A 40s newscaster?” You say, with an annoyed expression walking passed the boys who just followed suit behind you. “Ugh, this is such bullshit. He literally begged me to go to Wilmington and promised I’d be able to have a ‘normal college experience’. What about this is fucking normal?”  
“I know it’s less than ideal but hey, we can make the best out of this.” Steve smiles. “I’m Steve, by the way.” He says extending a hand. 
You shake it. You couldn’t blame them for your dad not trusting you. “Y/N. You?” You asked the other boy next to you. 
“Bucky.” He provides. 
“Bucky?” You question. 
“Well, it’s James but my friends call me Bucky.” 
“And that’s what we are? Friends?” You ask. 
“Might as well be, since we’ll be seeing each other a lot this semester.” 
And that’s how your semi-unconventional friendship started. Pretty soon, even though your dad had eased up on the 24-hour watch, per your mom's request, you still found yourself walking and getting coffee with the two in the mornings. Even, found yourself waiting in the rinks watching practices so you could hang out afterwards and that became your life for the next two years. Now the three of you we’re entering your Junior year of college. Steve was right back in his title role of Captain, Bucky was now first string Left Wing and you were… still watching from the bleachers. You didn’t mind though, you grew to love the sport due to it being your dad’s profession. Hell, you were on skates before you could even walk. But you never found yourself on the women’s team, Hockey wasn’t something you really wanted to do. You still supported the girls team though, which is why you found yourself watching their practices too. 
“Hey, Y/N!” Carol said, skating to the end of the rink where you were sitting next to her girlfriend, Maria. A position you often found yourself in, entertaining player’s girlfriends while they practiced. Maria was cool though, at least you knew about the sport. 
“Hey, Marvel.” You called her by her nickname. Thing about Hockey is everyone was called by their nicknames. 
“You going to the Sigma Pi party later?” She asks. 
“Uh, no one told me about it.” You say, awkwardly. 
“I’m telling you now.” Carol says like it's obvious. “You never go out anymore and I refuse to let you become a cat lady before you turn 25. Come over ours at 7, we’ll pregame and head over at 9. What do you say?” 
“Fine, I’ll come.” You say. 
“Great!” Carol says, pumping a fist before signalling her girlfriend to come closer to the rink. You look away as they kiss. Couples made you uneasy, especially hockey couples. You wanted that more than anything, for your guy to skate up to the gate just to sneak a kiss from you. Not that dating anyone from the team was even an option with you dad coaching. The team saw you as a little sister and if anyone was caught even looking at you in any way, their ass was grass by either your dad or Bucky, who’d become protective of you over the years. 
“Marvel, stop flirting with your girlfriend and GET BACK ON THE ICE!” You heard your dad scream. 
“Sorry, Couch!” She called. “Sorry, baby i’ve gotta jet. Y/N, don’t forget. 7 o’clock!” She says before skating off. 
“I won’t!” You call after her. 
You can’t help but look at yourself in the mirror awkwardly at the tight Satin dress your roommate, Wanda practically forced you in. You were just going to wear a sweater and jeans, your regular wardrobe but Wanda insisted everyone had seen you in that and what they haven’t seen is you in a dress. Especially, with your new body, you had gotten over the summer working at a sports camp. Who knew running after kids would be such a great form of exercise? 
Wanda also did your makeup, something you didn’t typically wear, giving you a natural glow eye, a layer of mascara, and sticky gloss that made your look ‘dewy’ as Wanda described it. You tried to keep your hair in the bun but Wanda insisted you keep your hair down. Saying it made you look hotter, you shrugged knowing you’d have to take her word for it. 
The two of you made your way to Carol and Maria’s apartment. Carol swung the door open and looked at you in surprise. “Woah, Ice Baby, you clean up nice.” 
“Don’t start, Marvel. And you know how I feel about being called that.” You hated the nickname but since you were the coach’s daughter and you stuck around the rink any chance you got, The seniors had started calling you Ice Baby your freshman year and the nickname unfortunately stuck long after they had gone. 
“Right, sorry, I always forget.” Carol said moving out the way for the two of you to come in. 
The four of you drink and play games until it’s time to head to the party. You’ve got a pretty strong buzz going as you enter the party and you regret the strappy heels Maria made you borrow before leaving. You’re sitting in the corner when someone comes to sit way too close to you. You look up to see Brock Rumlow, or Rum as the team liked to call him. 
“I almost didn’t recognize you, Ice Baby. You look good.” 
“My name is Y/N but thank you.” You say, annoyed. 
He holds his hands up in mock surrender “I forgot you hate that nickname. Let me bring you a drink to make up for it. What you want.” 
“Rum and coke, please.” 
“Oh, so you like Rum?” He says, obvious double entendre hanging off his tongue. 
“The drink? Yes.” 
“You’ll like the man soon enough.” He winks, smirking at the flush that spreads across your cheeks. 
The two of you spend the night like that. He brings you drinks and shamelessly flirts with you as you get drunker and drunker. The two of you even dance for a bit in the sea of grinding bodies. Soon you’re telling him a story and a hand drifts to your leg. You turn and he’s much closer to your face than you thought he was. 
“Wanna get out of here?” He asks. You nod but before you can even stand, Bucky is there towering over Brock.
“You can leave, Brock. But I’m taking Y/N home.” He says. 
Brock rolls his eyes. “Forgot you had a Winter Soldier guard dog. No worries, dude. I’m leaving anyway.” He says, before turning to you. “You’ve got my number, call me if you wanna hang this week.” He says, nodding to Bucky before walking away. 
“Ugh, Bucky. What was that for?” You whine, drunkenly. 
“You’re drunk. I’m taking you home.” Bucky says. “Come on, stand up.” 
You shakingly get up and Buck is there immediately under your arm, his arm around your waist helping you walk out. 
The cold breeze hits you as soon as you step foot out the party and take the long trek home. 
“I think I drank too much.” You point out. 
“You think, kid?” Bucky says. “You’re lucky, I was here meeting Sharon otherwise you would’ve been shit out of luck.” 
“Brock would’ve taken me home.” 
“Brock’s a lowlife. Don’t worry about him, I’ve got you.” 
You sigh. “Sorry for ruining your night with your girlfriend.” 
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll call her when I make sure you get home so if you could pick up the pace.” 
“My feet hurt.” You complain. 
“Yea, I bet. God, when did you start wearing heels, Doll?” 
“I wanted to look good tonight.” You sigh. 
“You always look good.” 
“Fine, I wanted to look hot.” You provide. “For once, I wanted to be the one guys paid attention to at parties.” 
“You can be yourself for that, Y/N.” Bucky says. “You’re a catch.” 
“If I was, someone would’ve fucked me by now.” You drunkenly admit. That makes Bucky double-take. “I mean, think about it? 3 years into my college career, I turn 21 in a couple months and still it's where no man’s gone before down there.” 
“Y/N, are you saying you’re--” 
“A virgin? Yea, Bucky catch up.” You groan at the pain in your feet. Bucky looks and takes sympathy on you. 
“Here take off your shoes.” He says, toeing his off as well and sliding them over to you. 
“You’re just going to walk barefoot?” You ask, putting on the shoes, holding your heels in your hand. 
“Better than you walking barefoot.” He shrugs. 
“Anyway, I decided over the summer that maybe I was putting too much thought into it. I mean almost everyone loses their virginity in high school and it's never good, no one ever says their first time was good. I just thought maybe I should just, you know, get it over with.” You slur. “Which is what I was trying to do until you chased my date away. God, you always do that, Bucky.” 
“I’m not fighting with you while you’re drunk.” Bucky says, trying to get you to drop the subject but you persist. 
“Every time I try to talk to a guy, you butt in--” 
“Maybe I wouldn’t butt in if you picked the right guys for you.” 
“There’s nothing wrong with the guys I pick! You’re just a cockblock.” 
“That’s not true.” 
“Yea what about Charles? He asked me on a date freshman year and took it back not even an hour later. I had to beg Steve to tell me why and it turned out that you threatened him if he even thought about going out with me.” 
“Y/N, you had just turned 18 and X was a 24 year old senior! I didn’t trust how he was just waiting. So yea, I told him to fuck off. And Rum is an asshole who can’t get a girl to sleep with him unless they’re shitfaced. So yea, I told him to fuck off.” Bucky exclaims as the two of you make it up the stairs to your apartment. “Y/N, you’ll find someone right for you and that right person will make your first time special. I just want you to find someone who’ll make you happy.” 
“And I just want you to remember for next time that if you want to tell a girl who she can and can’t fuck, you have Sharon for that. Not me.” You said, taking off the shoes as you arrived at your front door. 
“Y/N, wait--” You hear him say but you don’t care, you slam the door in his face regardless. 
Who did Bucky think he was? Sure, he was your best friend but so was Steve and he’s not nearly as protective as Bucky was. You honestly couldn’t tell who was worse at this point, your dad or Bucky. You loved both of them but they had the fatal flaw of forgetting you weren’t a kid. You were a woman, a woman with needs. And one particular need you needed to get rid of.   
So you picked up your phone and called Brock. Bucky couldn’t be right about everything.
Taglist: @buckybarneshairpullingkink @riverofcrestmont @babymango-writes @astralsaf @gabi-socio @hereforalongtime512​
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hoboal87 · 4 years
Baby Mine
Title: Baby Mine
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Reader, Jody, Alex, Claire, Bobby
Word Count: 1600+
Summary: You and Sam prepare for the birth of your son.
Warnings: post 15 x 20, fluff, implied dom/sub relationship, non-graphic descriptions of labor, breastfeeding.
A/N: This is my super late entry into @superbadassnatural​‘s #333 badass followers challenge. My prompts are “I didn’t expect it to be this big,” and “this is disgusting”
A/N 2: This is set in the same universe as “The Tie,” and “Carry On,” but it can be read as a stand-alone.
No Beta, all mistakes are mine. I have tense issues, I know.
My Full Masterlist
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Miracle’s head lies on your lap as you do your best to remain calm. You can feel the wetness of her nose against the small sliver of your exposed belly. It was unseasonably warm for South Dakota in the spring, and if you could’ve you would’ve been walking around naked all the time. Growing a Winchester has not been an easy task, and your doctor informed you at your last check up the baby will be at least 9 lbs.
Nine. Freaking. Pounds. You’re going to be pushing a nine pound baby out of your body, and Sam was already talking about having another one in a few years! You can’t even imagine wanting to go through all this again. Even though Jody and the mothers you’ve befriended over the last few months have assured you, that you’ll forget about all the bad, all the sickness, all the discomfort you’ve been feeling the second the baby’s born.
A clattering from your bedroom pulls you out of your head, giving you a moment of reprise. Sam’s muffled swears have you giggling as he frantically tries to pack your hospital bag. Jody had advised you to pack one over a month ago, but you and Sam had been so focused on making sure the nursery was ready, as well as warding your home, that you hadn’t gotten around to it yet.
Another grunt comes from the hall as Sam seemingly runs into your bathroom, and then into the nursery, where the baby's coming home outfit was luckily laid out on the changing table. By the time Sam makes it back into the living room, he’s nearly out of breath, eyes falling on you as your face scrunches in pain.
You’ve been in the early stages since last night, but you’d woken up to much more intense contractions a few hours ago. Sam takes your hand in his as you wince as a contraction rolls through you. He eyes the watch on his wrist, Dean’s watch, keeping track of the duration and time between each wave of pain.
“Y/N,” Sam whispers, calming himself when your eyes connect to his. “I think it’s time.”
“Alex said 5 minutes,” you huff, rubbing your swollen belly and giving him a pained smile. Having a nurse in the family was the best thing you could ever ask for. Alex, on the other hand, probably wishes she wasn’t, especially after Sam started calling her in the middle of the night with the most ridiculous questions that you’d ever heard of. You’d finally gotten him to stop, apologizing to Alex for another 3 a.m. frantic phone call about the possibility of the baby being born extra appendages.
Once Sam had adjusted to the news of your pregnancy, he dove deep into research, not that you were expecting anything else from him. Parenting magazines cover your coffee table, multiple books on pregnancy and birth are stacked on his bedside table, and he’d watched every youtube video relating to pregnancy and taking care of a newborn.
“I know, but baby we’re getting there. You’ve gone from 10 minutes to 7 in the last hour. The parenting book said–” You roll your eyes, your inner brat coming to the surface after months of being stifled. “Babygirl,” Sam tone changes, and you instantly relax at the phrase you haven’t heard in nearly a year. “Don’t think I haven’t been keeping track of all the punishments you’ll be getting as soon as you can handle it.”
It's just the distraction you need, and your eyes divert to the car seat against the wall.
Sam had tried and failed twice already on installing the carrier in the back seat of the Impala, spewing profanity as you watched, chuckling from the front porch. After nearly an hour, Sam gave up on the car seat, and joined you on the porch, his hand splaying softly over stomach. He leaned over, and placed a sweaty kiss on your lips, it was moments like those that Jody told you to cherish; and both you and Sam made it a point to do so.
“Then you better figure out how to properly install that in the back seat,” you sass.
An annoyed laugh leaves Sam as he glares at the yet-to-be defeated carrier, hesitating now to leave your side.
“It can wait.”
“It really can’t, babe,” you chuckle softly.
It’s less than an hour later that you and Sam pull up to Sioux Falls General Hospital. He’s holding you steady as you waddle towards the check-in desk. An orderly appears with a wheelchair, and wheels you away as Sam hands over all of your pre-registered paperwork. Alex is by your side before you realize it, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. She helps you dress into a hospital gown, and Sam rejoins you just as you take a seat on the bed.
Sam watches helplessly as your face contorts as another contraction rolls through your body. You squeeze his hand tightly, sure that you’re leaving crescent-shaped marks on him. This one is different than the others, it’s more intense, and longer-lasting than the others had been.
“Y/N, look at me, baby, you’re doing so good,” Sam praises as you whimper through the contraction. Sam leans forward and presses a kiss on your forehead as the pain subsides. “You’re so strong, Y/N.”
“I didn’t expect it to be that big.”
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Five hours later, you’re cradling your newborn son against your chest. Sam’s behind you, whispering praises in your ears and holding you tight against him. You present your breast to the babe, encouraging him to latch on, and to your delight he does so quickly. Sam makes a joke about how Dean was always a boob man, and you comment how his namesake must’ve inherited his predilection as well.
Sam tenses behind you, and you quickly realize your mistake. Dean was always on your mind, and moreso Sam’s, but you rarely, if ever, said his name out loud. It seemed to pain Sam to hear his brother’s name, so you avoided it as much as you could. But now the baby is here, and you wonder if it's a good idea to name him after the fallen Winchester.
Sam’s hands are wrapped around your still swollen center, and you turn your face to his. Tears are escaping from his hazel eyes, and when they meet your Y/E/C ones, he gives you a small smile.
“We don’t have to name him Dean,” you offer, even though you honestly couldn’t think of a more fitting name for your son. “If you don’t–”
“It’s not that, baby,” he sighs, wiping at the fallen tears. “I just– I miss him. Dean should– he should be here. He should be here to meet our son.”
You nod, and focus your attention back on the newborn, suckling gently at your breast. One of Sam’s hands leaves your stomach, and his fingers brush against the infant’s soft skin, remarking that he’d never seen a baby with so much hair, and that he looked so small. You chuckle, and remind him that if he had to push a nine-pound watermelon out of his body, he wouldn’t think it was small.
Sam concedes, unable to contain his laughter, and the brief tension that was in the room disappears and doesn’t return. After little Dean is finished, you and Sam take turns counting his fingers and toes, cooing at your son as you take in all his features.
A nurse returns, and you reluctantly let her take Dean away to be properly cleaned, weighed and measured. She instructs both you and Sam to sleep while you can, joking that you’ll be getting very little from now on. Thanks to Sam being a human incubator you curl up against him and let all of the exhaustion from the last 24 hours finally catch back up to you.
You're woken by Sam a few hours later, informing you that Jody, the girls, and Bobby are outside. Sam slips from behind you, and disappears out of the room for a moment before returning with your found family. Jody’s eyes are filled with tears, throwing her arms around you, congratulating you as Bobby claps Sam on the back.
The same nurse returns with Dean as everyone settles in their places around the room. Jody instantly fawns over the baby caressing his chubby cheeks before allowing Sam to pick him up and hand him over to her.
Jody makes a solid promise to spoil the boy rotten. Claire’s body language changed when Alex handed baby Dean over, and after a few minutes, didn’t want to seem to let him go. Bobby becomes impatient as Claire refuses to pass the baby on. Finally, Sam steps in, plucking the baby from her arms, and walking over to Bobby.
“You ready to meet your grandson?” Sam asks, and a smile you’d never seen before appears on Bobby’s face. Sam places the swaddled baby into Bobby’s arms, and you’re sure you see a tear slip down his cheek.
“Looks like he’s takin’ after his momma,'' Bobby laughs. “Lucky boy, hopefully you won’t be an idjit like your daddy and uncle,” he sends you a playful wink. “Just know you ain’t alone, kid. You got more people who will love and protect you than any other kid in the world.”
“Did you tell ‘em?” You ask, trying to move into a slightly more comfortable position.
“Tell us what?” Jody asks from the chair beside your bed.
“Y/N and I, we want you and Bobby to be his godparents. If anything were to ever happen to us, we want you to take care of him.”
“Well, maybe you can tell us his name first,” Claire pipes up, and you hadn’t even realized that you hadn’t told them yet.
“Dean,” Sam eyes his son still in Bobby’s arms. “Dean Robert Winchester.”
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Let me know what you think via ask or reblog! Feedback is fuel!
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nobodycallsmerae · 3 years
Hey, I hope you’re well! 🙃Can I ask #7 and #32?
Hi hi!! I'm fine! I hope you're doing great too!! I've written another shot based on prompt #32, (which im quite proud of) and you can find it here. You haven't mentioned a pairing, so I'm just gonna write for bbrae :)
I humbly tried to dabble into the holy world of office romance. You should see my manhwa reading list. My last 6-7 webcomics are filled with office romances XoX
'What? But I've been working overtime for the past twelve days!' He whined, practically on the verge of tears.
'Well that's tragic,' The vice president rolled her eyes. 'But you are my secretary now, and you have to be competent in what you do.'
Raven Roth had no idea how she'd gotten herself into this situation.
She was the vice president of a successful company, an accomplished and respected 28-year-old woman, but now she was stuck here, in her office, arguing pointlessly with a man-child.
Her old secretary (and only friend) Kory Anders, was on her honeymoon, leaving Raven with.. Him.
‘No “buts” Mr. Logan,’ Raven cut him off. ‘The company is going through a critical time now, and I want every employee to give their hundred percent. And you-’
Sometimes she wondered why she didn’t just fire him, but, truth be told, even if he was messy, and lazy, and was definitely not used to working behind the table, 27-year-old Garfield Logan was actually quite good at what he did.
And also that her old secretary had personally hired him, and Raven did not want to deal with an angry Kory Anders.
‘M-Mr. Logan are you…?’ She looked at her now secretary, who had slumped shoulders and was looking downwards.
‘How do you expect me to work like this?!’ He finally snapped, looking up at her and walking closer to her desk. ‘I get sleep for a grand total of three hours a day, I haven’t had a proper meal and have been practically living on caffeine and I don’t have any plants in my new apartment!!’
‘Plants…?’ She raised an eye-brow.
‘I just needed a third thing, okay?’ Gar cried out. He took a few deep breaths and with his chin touching his chest, his shoulders began to shake.
‘Mr. Lo- Logan are you… cryi-’
‘Yes! Yes, I’m having a mental breakdown right now!’ He exclaimed, looking up at her with tears in his eyes. ‘You may be perfect, Ms. Roth, but I am not! I’m nowhere near perfect, and I’m trying my best to keep up with you here. I’m trying my best, I swear, but I can’t anymore. You’ve ought to give me a break. If I had a girlfriend, I bet she’d want me to quit.’
‘..Well, you don’t have a girlfriend…’ Raven quietly muttered, feeling kind of guilty all of a sudden.
‘Because I’ve been working for you the whole time!!’ Gar yelled, watching her wince as he did.
He finally exhaled, and calmed himself. He stepped back, and suddenly, a professional aura surrounded him, which made Raven blink twice.
‘..I’m sorry Ms. Roth.’ He regarded her. ‘I’m sorry for behaving in an-’
A quite peculiar, but not not-good sound made him stop in his tracks, and in front of him, he could see his superior…. Laughing?
Gar had worked for Raven Roth for almost a month now, and he had never even seen the sides of her lips turning upwards, often making him wonder if they were fixed in a slight frown. But now, in front of him at 10 pm, The Raven Roth was laughing her heart out. Gar blinked, and even rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating, because, truthfully, the scene in front of him was… making his heart flutter.
‘I-I’m sorry Mr. Logan..’ Raven said between laughs, covering her mouth with her hand. ‘But no employee has ever talked to me like that before… I would say that you’re almost being… cute.’
‘Well.. of course they haven’t,’ Gar coughed, trying to hide his obvious blush. ‘They’re practically working zombies…’
‘Heh, well you know what,’ Raven sighed, rolling her stiff shoulders into her plush chair. 'You can go home for today… But, I need those papers present on my table by next Monday. Understand?'
'Yes, Ma'am!!' Gar happily exclaimed, saluting her.
‘I may say… you’re being quite perky for someone who was whimpering not two seconds ago.’
‘Heh.. yeah, about that..’ He blushed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. ‘Can we just pretend the last five minutes of our lives never happened?’
‘Even the time I told you to wrap it up for the day?’ Raven slyly played along, not knowing what had gotten into her… but not disliking it either. ‘Okay, then, get the files from-’
She looked at him, pouting like a cute little puppy which was kicked in the- wait…
Raven Roth didn’t think things were cute, let alone other humans. She didn’t go around swooning over other men like some women, but what had invaded her thoughts right now?
Well, she did say that the puppy was cute… that had to count for something, right?
‘It’s okay, Mr. Logan, you may go. I was just messing with you.’
‘Phew.’ With a hand on his fine chest, the secretary let out a sigh. Wait, fi- ‘And also, now that we’re off the clock, please, you can call me Gar, Rav-’
‘And you may call me Ms. Roth.’
‘Ms. Roth.’ He smiled. He slightly bowed his head as a silent greeting and walked out of her office.
Raven thought about continuing her work, like she’s been doing every single night-
‘Mr. Garfield?’ She called out, surprising herself as she did.
‘Si?’ Gar immediately popped his head back into her office, almost as if he’d been standing in front of the door the whole time.
Now that he was looking oh-so intently at her, she blushed. And the last time the vice president had blushed was probably(?) when she was in kindergarden…
‘I.. J-just.. I wanted…’ Raven stumbled, making Gar raise his eye-brows with disbelief. ‘Just.. ah, thank you. I.. I needed this. This may seem a little out of character for me-’
‘A little?’ He teased.
‘Okay, well,’ She huffed. ‘This may not seem like myself, but..’ She sighed, almost bashfully fingering the folders on her table. ‘You know I don’t have many friends, everybody knows that. There are only people who are more-or-less fearful of me because of my designation. And ever since Kory went on her… vacation, I have just been working without a care in the world. But… this, whatever weird little confrontation we had right now… it was refreshing. I really needed that laugh, honestly,’ She chuckled. ‘So.. thank you.’
Gar’s face was colored red, and she was almost sure it mirrored hers, but he just smiled. ‘Anytime.’ He winked. 'And.. I'm your friend now! So don't hesitate to come to me anytime you're in need of a pal.'
Raven awkwardly smiled and got back to the task she was doing on her computer.
‘Umm.. Ms. Roth, aren’t you gonna go home too?’
‘Huh, me? No.’ She shook her head, stifling a yawn. ‘I have this presentation to be tak-’
‘What? But today is Friday.. You have the whole weekend ahead of you! You should take a break!’
‘No, Mr. Loga- Garfield, it’s okay.’ He'd taken a seat on one of the chairs in front of her table. ‘You should go ahead...’
‘Oh, Ms. Roth..’ He sighed. ‘If you take a break now, and get a decent good night’s sleep while you still can, you’ll be refreshed and will be more energized to do your work later on; which will make your work even better! So.. what do ya’ say?’
Gar smiled at her, but he seemed dumbfounded once he saw the expression on her face. She was blushing, very heavily, and Gar wasn’t sure if he’d done something which made her face flush. He raised an eye-brow, to which Raven shyly responded by pointing towards her desk with her eyes. As he looked down at where her eyes were pointed, he saw that his hands were covering hers, almost in an affectionate way.
‘Ahem.’ He pulled back at once, his face flushed with shock and embarrassment.
Raven tried regaining her composure, flattening the front of her suit as a distraction and trying to not concentrate on the warmth that was still lingering on her usually cold hands.
‘Well, Mr. Logan, I thank you for your concern, but…’ The VP sighed, eyeing the files on her desk, thinking back on what had happened a few moments ago. Raven wasn’t the kind of person to reconsider things; She had a schedule and she followed it accordingly. But she also wasn’t the kind of person who’d be easily flustered around people, blush (so many times!), or have such… inappropriate thoughts about a co-worker. (Raven believes “cute” is highly inappropriate.) She also made a mental note to go for a health check-up soon, because she wasn’t sure if her heart was supposed to be beating so fast. Or be missing beats.
‘..I’m going to say something and regret it real quick.’ She mumbled. ‘Okay.. have it your way!’
‘Sweet!’ Gar laughed. ‘Seeing as we’re the only people left, let’s head out together!’ He suggested before walking out.
Raven looked dazed for a moment, but then quickly sorted through the files and folders. She organised what she needed and what she would take a look at later, and sighed at her empty table.
Rummaging through her bag, she looked for her car keys. ‘Shit.’
'You okay?' He called out to her. 'Whoa, that was so cool!' She heard him say to himself as his voice echoed through the empty office.
'Nothing, just..' She exhaled. 'I locked the keys in the car, and my spare keys are at home...' She looked frustrated.
'Oh man...' Gar stood at her door, looking down. 'Uhh, can't you just call up your butler or something?'
'It's almost 11 at night, Garfield.' She let out a long sigh.
'Wait.. but can't you rich people like, call your butlers anytime and they'll be present?'
'What do you think this is, a no-budget fanfiction?' Raven rolled her eyes. Her head was laying on her clean table, and Gar couldn't help but blush after seeing her look so laid-back in front of him. 'Well, I can call them, but I wouldn't want to disturb them. Besides, I can just call a cab for now.'
'Or I could give you a ride!' Gar abruptly suggested.
'Umm?' The woman awkwardly raised an eye-brow, not able to find her words to reply to him.
'I mean..' He started, scratching the back of his neck. 'I was the one who suggested we wrap up for the day, and I'm here with you now. If anything were to happen to you, it is really unsafe now, late at night, I wouldn't help but feel responsible. So let me-'
'Garfield.. I-' Raven blushed. 'I don't think it will be suitable for me to accompany a co-worker like this... And also if people think there's an ulterior motive-'
'I don't have any ulterior motives, Rae.' He smiled. 'I'm just a concerned guy looking out for a friend.'
'Very well... Thank you, Garfield.' She looked down at her table, trying to hide her flushed face. 'Also, nobody calls me "Rae".'
'Yes ma'am!' The secretary smiled and walked out to his cubicle to get his things, leaving Raven alone in her office.
Right then, Raven Roth knew something had changed. Be it the atmosphere or herself, she wasn't sure, but something had definitely changed between her and this Gar Logan.
Maybe it was just one-sided; maybe it was because nobody had made her laugh like that, (even though he didn't do it on purpose.), maybe because no one else had ever suggested her to leave her precious work and get sleep. It could be because for the first time, someone had talked to her as Raven (...or Rae) and not “Vice President, Miss. Roth”. Or probably because it was the first time somebody had cared for her enough to stay back and offer a ride.
She wasn't sure why (or what exactly), but she knew something had changed... and in the deepest, darkest corners of her mind, Raven selfishly hoped it didn't change back.
‘You ready?’ He reappeared at her office, bowing a little melodramatically as he caught her eye.
'Yeah…' Raven smiled. 'I'm ready.'
Believe it or not the whole meltdown-in-front-of-lady-boss thing is based on a real incident lmho.
Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this!! Please share your thoughts :>
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Secret Love Part 18 || Cale Makar
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: Just need to reiterate that this man lives in my head rent free 24/7. I finished part 22 and I’m thinking that I have roughly 3 more parts to write. We’re definitely on the back half of this series now and I’m actually kind of sad because I love these two (hopefully you love them just as much). 
Warnings: angst, cursing, cockwarming, smut (this one is really filthy…fair warning), oral sex, maybe a bit of breeding kink. 
Word Count: 3,583
You hadn’t realized you’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop until it went clattering to the floor. It could be worse...you tried to remind yourself. But that didn’t stop the ache in your chest or the tears that kept filling your eyes every time you thought you’d pulled yourself together. 
Sleeping in Cale’s arms Friday night was everything you needed and more. You’d gotten up Saturday morning and made breakfast together before you’d rushed off to work, a day filled with client meetings and house tours ahead of you. You’d parted with a kiss and an ‘I love you’, promises of talking later following you. 
With such a busy day, it wasn’t until Sunday afternoon that you finally had a spare minute to call your parents like you had promised Laura you would. 
“Hey mom.” You greeted, settling onto your couch, your legs tucked up underneath you. “Is dad around?” 
It took your mom a minute to fetch your dad but once they were both on the line you took a deep breath. 
“So I have some news for you.” You stated, your tone bright hoping to signal that this was all good news. “Cale and I are together.” 
Silence stretched on for an uncomfortably long time before your dad’s voice spoke up. 
“That’s great dear. I have to head out for an evening round of golf but I’m happy for you.” The sound of footsteps and the door came through the phone as your mom took it off of the speaker. 
“How long?” Your mom inquired, her voice seeming hesitant. 
“Officially almost two months...but we realized there was something here back in March. I never thought that it would ever be a possibility. But everything about it is so right. I love him mom and he loves me. We just fit together...I’ve never felt a connection with anyone else the way I do with him.” 
“Oh hunny…” Your mom mumbled, causing your back to stiffen. 
“You don’t sound happy for me.” You whispered, shocked. 
“I am happy for you...you know we love Cale...just maybe you should slow down before things get too serious.” 
“This is serious mom.” You insisted. 
“I just...I don’t want you to get hurt. Cale’s a good kid but there’s a significant age difference between the two of you. Plus he’s only there for the summer. What happens when he leaves?” Hearing your mom refer to Cale as a kid made the hair on the back of your neck bristle. 
“He’s not a kid mom. Neither of us are kids anymore. I know there’s an age gap but we’ve talked about anything and everything important related to that and it’s not an issue. We’re on the same page.” Before you could continue your mom cut you off.
“Honey...the boy is a young NHL star. He’s not ready to be thinking about settling down. You may think you’re on the same page but I don’t think you realize what you’d be giving up for him.” 
“You’re wrong.” You mumbled, your throat starting to tighten up. “I don’t know what happens when he leaves but we’ll figure it out when the time comes. Why can’t you just be happy for me?” 
“Because I know how much you’ve always cared about Cale and I just don’t want you to find out down the road that this was all a waste of time because the two of you want different things. I don’t want you to let your good judgment be clouded by lust. You’re a smart woman...don’t give up the life you’ve worked so hard to build for a summer fling.” 
Sobs wracked your body as you ended the call without another word. How could your mother say those things? It was like she didn’t know Cale at all...didn’t know you at all. She was wrong...you knew she was wrong. You and Cale were perfect for each other. This wasn’t some fantasy that would never manifest…this was real. The way Cale looked at you was real. His ‘I love you’s’ were real. And distance or time...that wouldn’t change anything. 
You sobbed on your couch for almost an hour before finally pulling yourself together. Your mother’s support or lack thereof was not going to define your relationship or your life. Determined not to let this consume you, you threw yourself into all of the cleaning that you had been putting off. There was laundry to be done, dishes to be washed, floors to be swept, mopped, vacuumed. 
And then when you finished all of those tasks, it was time to make yourself something to eat, before cleaning up those dishes as well. Of course, all of these tasks took twice as long when tears kept constantly springing up forcing you to put yourself together all over again. 
After dinner you pulled the final load of laundry out to fold. As your fingers wrapped around the fabric of Cale’s stolen t-shirt you sunk to the floor of your laundry room. How could she think that you wouldn’t receive in return ten times the worth of anything you had to give up to be with Cale? Gary had joked the other night that you were out of Cale’s league but it was absolutely 100% the other way around. 
Carrying the t-shirt back to your bedroom, you stripped out of your clothes, letting the soft fabric of the shirt wrap around you instead. Deciding it was late enough to go to bed, you locked up the house before crawling under the sheets, a scent that was so distinctly Cale wafting from the spare pillow as you pulled it against your chest. 
Tossing and turning, unable to sleep, you watched as the clock eventually reached 1:30am. Reaching blindly for your phone which you hadn’t bothered to look at all day, you first acknowledged that there wasn’t a single message from your mother after the abrupt end to your call. There were however multiple messages from Cale. 
Hey sweetheart, just checking in to see how your day is going. (Received 2:02pm)
Tell dad it’s unfair for him to kick my ass on the golf course every single time. (Received 5:27pm)
Haven’t heard from you today. You’re probably just enjoying your day off, you deserve it. (Received 8:16pm)
Something is wrong, I can feel it. I’m here if you want to talk and you know all you have to do is ask and I’ll come right over. I love you. If you want to handle it by yourself that’s okay too, just know you don’t have to.  (Received 10:42pm)
It wasn’t unlike Cale to send multiple messages through the day, just to let you know he was thinking about you. Normally they just made you smile, but this time they caused another fresh set of tears to form in your eyes, wetting your pillow. 
Without even fully realizing it, you were pressing on his contact information and then the phone was ringing. The second ring had barely started when you heard Cale’s voice come through the line. He must have heard you crying because suddenly you heard the rustle of fabric. 
“Give me fifteen. I’ll be there.” His sleepy voice insisted and then the call dropped. 
True to his word, almost fifteen minutes later on the nose you heard a key clicking in the lock of the front door. The sound of the door opening, closing, and being locked again followed before footsteps padded across the hardwood floors. When the bed finally dipped behind you, Cale’s warm body pressing firmly against your back, you let out a shaky breath in relief. 
“I can’t sleep.” You whispered as Cale’s fingers flexed gently around your hip. 
“Wanna talk about what’s wrong?” Cale prodded lightly, his warm breath fanning against the back of your neck as he spoke. And though you knew you should talk about it, you didn’t really know what there was to say. It sucked beyond belief that your mother wasn’t supportive but that only changed your relationship with her, not your relationship with Cale. 
This was good, you knew this was good. Cale coming over in the middle of the night because you needed him was just further proof. 
“No...I just...need you.” You rambled. 
“I’m right here sweet girl.” Cale affirmed. Though you could feel the heat of his body along your back, his hand draping over your middle, it wasn’t enough and you couldn’t explain it. 
“Closer.” You whispered. Within just a moment, Cale had turned you around, tugged you even closer, and tangled your legs together. Being pressed chest to chest was a little bit better, but it still wasn’t close enough to patch the holes of worry, doubt, and anger your mother had created. It would have to be good enough though, and you buried yourself into his body as much as you possibly could. 
“Y/N…” Cale breathed a few minutes later, his thumb lifting your chin so that he could kiss you. “You’re still shaking sweetheart. Please...what can I do?” He begged softly. “How can I quiet whatever voices in your head are making you feel this way?” 
“I don’t know.” You mumbled. “This...this will just have to be enough. This is already so much.” Still, your heart was pounding and echoes of your mother’s voice still lingered in your head. 
“Do you still want me closer?” Cale questioned, his hands sliding up along your side under the t-shirt. A weak nod was all it took for Cale to slide you out of your clothes, his own quickly following, forming a pile on the floor as he pulled you back against him. 
The skin to skin contact was better, you felt some of the weight come off of your chest. And though it might not be the most restful sleep, for the first time tonight you felt like you might actually be able to drift off. 
“How could she call this lust...a summer fling…” Your words were practically unintelligible as you mumbled into Cale’s bare chest, but apparently they were enough for him to piece things together because you heard him curse softly. His fingers slid up to cup the back of your head, tilting your face up to his. At the same time, his other hand brushed away the tears from your cheeks, his eyes full of despair and frustration as he looked at you. 
He seemed to acknowledge that this wasn’t something he could fix, that he needed to fix, but you could see how much he hated it all the same. Despite the late hour, the wheels in his head were spinning, searching for something that he could do to take away the pain you were feeling. 
“Can we try something?” He asked quietly. Shrugging, you nodded, no idea what he had in mind. He shifted you back from his body just an inch as his hand dropped from your cheek to slip between your legs. “Just relax my sweet girl...I know you trust me. This isn’t sex...not really.” He explained, urging your body to give in just a little. Despite not being in the mood, your body grew pliant under his fingers. 
“Cale…” You whimpered, confusion making your anxiety increase slightly. 
“Shh love…” He soothed. “You’ve heard of cockwarming haven’t you? I’m just gonna rest inside you, give you the closeness you need.” 
“Oh.” You gasped, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. 
“You okay with that?” He inquired, his fingers moving from your core to shift your body in line with his. “Just want to give you what you need.” 
“Please.” You agreed, your fingers flexing against his bicep. Cale was still soft as he slid inside you, the rest of his body shifting to wrap around you now that you were joined together. This was absolutely as close as you could get to him and it was everything you didn’t know you needed. 
“Good? Bad? In between?” Cale asked, his lips pressing against your forehead lightly. 
“Good...so good.” You breathed, your body relaxing against him. “Thank you.” 
Little by little, every worry and negative emotion slipped from your mind until you finally fell asleep tucked against Cale’s chest with him resting deep inside of you. 
As the fog of sleep started to disappear, you groaned feeling worse than you usually did when you were hungover. Warm fingers brushing against your temple caused you to slowly blink your eyes open. The morning light revealed Cale’s bright blue eyes staring down at you and you let out a choked gasp as you felt him twitch inside of you. 
Holy shit…
Cale was inside of you. 
Every memory of last night flooded over you quickly at first before slowing down as you remembered how patient Cale had been, willing to try anything to help you sleep. Now, hours later, your bodies were locked in the same position. The only difference was where Cale had been soft inside of you last night, now he was hard, stretching and pressing against your vaginal walls. 
“Sleep okay?” Cale’s deep gravely morning voice questioned. 
“I slept...that alone is impressive.” You replied honestly. “Can’t believe you’re still inside me.” You admitted, voice awestruck. 
“Didn’t want to wake you by pulling out.” Cale explained. “But I need to now...so I can take care of this.” 
“How about you stay just a little longer…” You hinted. “Take care of your problem together. After all...your dick seems quite happy where he’s at.” A low grunt slipped from Cale’s throat in response to your words. 
“My girl wants fucked huh?” Cale stated. “I think we can make the time for that this morning.” 
The first few drags of his cock were rough, your body’s lubrication drying up overnight and the new lubrication from waking up to him inside of you this morning not having the chance to replace it until about the fourth stroke. 
Once your body adjusted though, you realized that having him inside of you all night had made you incredibly sensitive. Each piston of his hips drew a moan from your throat and your nails dug into his shoulders, clinging to him and the pleasure he provided. Spending hours joined together had apparently made Cale sensitive as well because suddenly you felt the sticky heat of his cum spurting inside of you as he came, a gasp of your name spilling from his lips. He went soft quickly, groaning as he came down from his climax. 
“That was embarrassingly fast.” Cale cursed, his lips pressing against your shoulder. 
“It’s fine Cale...I understand.” You assured him, fingers playing with his hair. This was the first time he’d cum before you and while your body was still worked up, you were okay with it after last night. 
“It’s not fine.” Cale stated adamantly. “I can’t leave my girl hanging.” 
“Cale...I swear it’s okay.” You pressed, feeling him slip out of you, his cum leaking out of your used pussy. Before you could slip out of bed to clean up, Cale’s hands were grabbing your waist, rolling you onto your back as his body sunk beneath the sheets. Feeling his lips against your thigh, you whimpered softly, hands reaching down to expose his head from the blankets. 
“Cale...your cum…” The flick of his tongue through your folds, collecting both your juices and his own semen stopped you in your tracks, your head falling back against the pillows. 
“We taste good together.” He mused, a smirk on his face as he spoke before diving back into your core like a man starved. 
“You cannot just say that.” You whined loudly, your hips jerking as he sucked your clit between his lips. “Fuck Cale…” 
Feeling more of his semen start to drip out of you made you whimper and Cale quickly read the noise for what it was, dipping lower between your thighs where he lapped it out of you slowly. What he was doing was so dirty that even with his barely-there touches you were a shaking mess in the sheets. 
“You gonna cum for me sweet girl?” Cale mumbled pulling back for air. “Gonna cum for me...give me the rest of my seed so I can fuck a fresh load into you?” One swipe of Cale’s tongue through your folds had you screaming as you fell apart, wave after wave of pleasure crashing over your body. You honestly weren’t sure whether that was one long orgasm or multiple short ones but by the time you came down, the gentle flicks of Cale’s tongue as he worked to clean you up were too much and you shoved his head away. 
“I don’t know what you like more. Me cumming inside you or me eating my cum out of you.” Cale teased, crawling up the bed over you. Kissing him was dirty as hell but you couldn’t resist, eager to find out what your mixed fluids taste like. It really wasn’t that bad and you ran your fingers down his back, resting them just above his ass. 
“As hot as that was...I’m still quite partial to you filling me up.” You breathed. “I’ll take as many loads as you can give me.” 
“Fuck.” Cale mumbled, growing hard against your stomach once more. 
“You got another one for me?” You murmured, reaching between your bodies to stroke his length gently. “Because you ate all of it out of me and now I feel empty. I need more.” 
“Yeah sweetheart...I’ll give you more.” Cale grunted, pressing back inside of you. His thrusts were quick, the need between the two of you too strong for slow sex. Neither one of you was going to last all that long this round, your vaginal walls already starting to flutter around his length. 
“God baby...your sweet pussy really wants my seed doesn’t it? Fluttering around me ready to milk every single drop possible from me.” 
“Need it.” You whine, your body aching to feel that sticky heat again. 
“Yeah sweetheart...I know you do.” Cale groaned. “Your body is so needy for it. One of these days I’m just going to keep you in bed, fucking you full over and over again, not letting a single drop slip out of you. You’d like that wouldn’t you? To be so full of me. Your hips tipped up to keep it all inside.” 
Cale’s words had you feeling like you were about to explode and your vaginal walls fluttered around him again as his hips stuttered. 
“You ready for it sweet girl? Ready to milk me dry?” Your nails dug crescent marks into his lower back as you clung to him, your chest heaving beneath him as your orgasm hovered just below the surface waiting for him to give you everything you needed. 
“Yeah you’re ready.” Cale hissed. “My girl is so ready. Here it comes.” Cale’s orgasm was long and hard and rope after rope of semen spilled inside of you. The feeling of it tipped you off of the cliff and you clamped down around him ensuring that he did indeed give you every drop. Where your first orgasm had been like a tsunami, this one was magma bubbling up and rolling slowly down the hill before cooling. 
You hadn’t even noticed Cale pull out, but when your eyes fluttered open he was standing at the edge of the bed just watching you. 
“You don’t even know how sexy you look all blissed out.” He grinned. “And I know you like keeping my cum inside but you should probably go use the bathroom.” He declared reaching out a hand to help you up, his semen dripping down your thighs as you walked the three feet to your bathroom. 
Having cleaned up, you found Cale sitting in his pajamas on the side of the bed. Stepping into his open arms you smiled down at him feeling his arms wrap around your waist. 
“Thank you.” You murmured, pecking his lips. “For coming over last night. For the cockwarming. For this morning.” 
“Are we good?” Cale asked, letting out a deep exhale of breath. 
“We were never not good.” You assured him. “My mother’s reservations don’t change anything. She obviously doesn’t know either of us as well as she thinks she does and I’m not going to let her unfounded concerns get in the way of something that I know is good and right.” Ruffling up his hair a little bit, you shook your head. “I love you Cale. I’ve waited a long time to find something this good. So I’m all in.” 
“You have to get to work don’t you?” Cale breathed. Glancing at the clock beside the bed you nodded. 
“Yeah I do. But not until you know that everything is okay. That I want more nights sleeping next to you. Nights sleeping with you inside me. Mornings where we bring each other pleasure over and over again. I want it all with you and I’m sure my mom will come around eventually. She’s gonna have to because I’m not letting you go.” 
“Not letting you go either.” Cale agreed. “Why don’t you go get ready for work and I’ll make breakfast.” 
“Perfect.” You grinned placing a lingering kiss to his lips. 
The other shoe may have dropped, but the floor was solid so there wasn’t even a scratch left behind. 
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seodami · 4 years
Neon green | LYY
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Genre: soulmate au, fluff, friends to lovers, some frustrated feelings,...
Warning: none (besides cursing like 2 times)
Word count: 4071 (oopsie hehe)
Pairing: Trainee!Liu Yangyang x reader
Note: I am so excited for participating in the ✨NCT secret Santa event✨ I want to thank the organizers @neoculturechristmas for preparing such a cool collaboration! It is such a nice idea and I am really excited to read all the other stories. I really tried making it a bit winter themed in the beginning but oh well I think i failed haha. But if you squint ITS THERE I SWEAR :)) So this one is for you @theleemark :) I really hope you like it! Merry Christmas ✨
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“Yangyang stop it!” You laughed while running away from the boy, who currently was chasing you like a maniac through the park. His arms were loaded with dozens of big white snowballs just ready to be thrown at you.
Your feet felt like they were sinking even further into the deep snow layer on the ground with each step you took. It was impossible to avoid your best friend any longer. And before you could complain further, the ice cold snow ball hit you right on your already pink cheek.
You let out a loud scream, not being able to move. The prickling pain of the cold snow overwhelming your senses.
Yangyang however couldn’t stop laughing looking at your face. Running the last few meters to you to catch up, he tackled you down into a hug, which unfortunately ended with both of you laying in the deep snow. Your jeans were soaking wet at this point. An icy feeling shuttered down your spine.
“Yangyaanggg...god I hate you.” You fumed frustratedly, hitting your best friends chest. “Get off me! You are heavy...” your weak arms tried to lift the boy above you up but bitterly failed.
Yangyang giggled into your neck, standing up by himself while helping you up as well. “Hey I’m not heavy. More like heavenly, don’t you think?” He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly with his usual smile as he posed like a supermodel.
As hard as you tried to keep pouting and stay angry at him, you couldn’t stop the laugh from bubbling up behind your hands. A grin immediately made its way onto his face. “Isn’t snow so dope? Like you can literally do anything you want. It’s like a movie.” He babbled excitedly.
You couldn’t help but secretly admire his beauty once again. Lately you’ve been catching yourself a lot staring mindlessly at him when he was busy. Even when it was just him pouring boiling water into a ramen cup. Maybe it was all the mushy lovey dovey Christmas romance content on Netflix you’ve been simping over the last month or just Yangyang himself but you were certainly sure, he definitely got more attractive in your eyes.
Still it was something you would never ever in your dreams confess to him or talk about. Especially since there wasn’t really any sign that you two were connected as soulmates. He was just...well...just your best friend. And you had to live with that.
You still remember the way you two became friends. It was a very fond memory of yours and little do you know, also for Yangyang. You both were in 5th grade back then, being the little Chinese kid who showed off his tiny German skills and the clumsy half Caucasian girl with braces. It was hilarious how well you two got along besides the differences.
You two were in the age were kids began to talk about soulmates and their soulmate connections. From writing on the arm to body switches or color blindness, everything was there. In school you briefly have learned about all the indicators and the bond itself, but you seemed to always be the odd one out. There had been no sign whatsoever. Nowhere on your body. Nothing. Niente.
It was frustrating at first. You found yourself way too often admiring older girls who already found their soulmate or had unique indicators. You were quite jealous of them back then.
But then you found out you weren’t the only person without a soulmate connection. There was Yangyang, who went through the exact same emotions as you did. Even if he didn’t want to admit it, he didn’t want to be lonely.
And that is how you two bonded immediately. After this, you were always together. You acted as if you were glued together, never leaving ones side. You felt safe around each other.
Adults always told you to wait and see. That yours would come sooner or later. But nothing. 9 years later and you and Yangyang still haven’t found your soulmate or anything related to soulmates. It still frustrated you at times but being the positive person you were, you just accepted it with the time.
From time to time a lot of people happened to mistaken you two for soulmates. It always made you think ‘what if’...
Your poor heart already had been through so much because of this boy. It wasn’t easy to ignore your small crush on him starting back in 7th grade. You were both growing and having loads of hormonal crises, so it was understandable at some point. But seeing that this crush hasn’t gotten any less since then, you were just totally lost.
‘Stop it y/n! He is not your soulmate! He is not...’
You snapped yourself out of your daydreams and staring as you found Yangyang smiling brightly at you. “Oh damn y/n, lately you’ve beeen really drifting off with your thoughts.” He noted as he slung one arm around your shoulder, walking with you towards your apartment, making sure to not forget your groceries at the side of the tree.
“I noticed...maybe I should just get some more sleep.” You mumbled in your sweater paws in order to warm up your freezing hands. The boy besides you let out an airy laugh while squeezing your shoulder affectionately. One habit he unconsciously took over, over time.
“Oh yes you should. Weren’t you like playing games up until 4 am last night? You sure you aren’t a zombie by now?” He joked looking over to you, you both nearly choking from air as your eyes met, making your hearts race a bit faster.
You nodded quickly focusing on the snow on the ground again. “I kinda suck. How do you sleep at 12 am already? You’re a wonder kid.”
He shrugged his shoulders, still watching you. “It’s in my genes to be a wonder kid.” His joke made you giggle slightly. Yangyang was as always Yangyang. And you found it incredibly charming. You could never deny that.
After the short walk from the snow covered park to your apartment with all of your hands filled with full grocery bags, you decided to bake some Christmas cookies before Yangyang had to head back to his shared apartment. Ever since he began training in SM entertainment as a trainee, he hadn’t that much time like he did before. But either way, you were incredibly proud of him and always happy to spend some quality time with him.
You were lucky that none of your roommates were home, visiting family over the holidays or hanging out with their partners.
It was probably the best that you were alone because you both made a whole mess in the kitchen. It was so much fun hanging out after a long time but it was a hell of a ride to clean it all up.
When the moon was already at its highest point and the night air got even fresher and chillier, Yangyang hugged you goodbye with butterflies dancing in his stomache. He would always treasure these moments with you and think about them again when he was so hardly trying to fall asleep. It was like his mind was full of you 24/7. Even if he tried staying focused on his tasks, it would most of the times end up with him thinking about your laugh and smile as you sat on the couch next to each other while making fun of the twilight characters.
He wanted to scream in his pillow how devestatingly in love he was with you at this point. You made him just so overly happy. He wanted to be near you so bad.
And people noticed. They noticed how Yangyang showed his deepest hidden personalities only to you. His playful and quirky side but also his soft and vulnerable. He simply could be himself around yourself. And you felt exactly the same. You would tell him even your deepest secrets. You knew he would keep them safe.
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Yangyang was surprised to see his fellow roommates and friends still awake in the living room as he arrived home. Ten, Hendery and Lucas were all sprawled out on the couch, seemingly waiting for sleep to take over them. The flat was confusingly quiet despite the slight background noice of the TV.
“Hey guys I’m back! Why are you still awake?” It was silent for a short while before Hendery suddenly stood in front of him, making him jump by surprise.
The older boy watched him with a growing smirk and exciting twinkling eyes. “And? Did you tell her? Please say yes, we all stayed awake just to hear the news.”
Yangyang let out a sigh, he didn’t know he was holding and stripped out of his jacket. He knew this question would come but not this soon. “Just let me breathe for a second alright? I’m gonna tell you everything.”
Ten in the background let out an excited scream. “Yangyang! You did it? Ohh finally manning up and confessing...I see.” The teasing but excited tone in his voice was as clear as daylight.
“What? No... it’s not like that...” Yangyang tried to explain the situations to his friends as he walked inside heading towards the living room with Hendery behind him.
Groans came from all sides. “You didn’t?! Oh man I really thought you finally would. What are you afraid of?” The older boys words stung inside of the youngest. He shrugged his shoulders sitting besides Lucas on the couch, grabbing the nearest pillow.
“I don’t know. Like I really don’t know. She’s absolutely amazing and so stunning but...” he placed his head on the pillow with a deep sigh. “But...I feel like I’m just a coward. Just thinking about that we probably are not soulmates or never be an actual couple. It all sucks. I wish I could just tell her...”
All the boys were deep in their thoughts as they listened carefully to Yangyang sorrows and worries. They knew they needed to help the kid in some kind of way. This had been the fifth day he decided to confess but all the prior nights turned out to be a failure. He just wanted his heart to be opened by the one person he loves the most. But it felt like there was a thick layer of securing foam around it, just waiting to be ripped away. If it was just that easy...
“Hey...I know this might sound stupid but since you seem pretty lost...I might have an idea how it will be easier for you to overcome yourself.” Lucas suddenly interrupted his train of thoughts, smiling brightly at his roommates. “Oh lord...please don’t say something stupid.” Ten prayed next to him with his hand holding his forehead.
“Tell me more.”
And that was how the plan was born.
A bulletproof plan in Lucas and Henderys eyes.
And a totally stupid one in Ten’s opinion.
But Yangyang did it anyways.
Cause he was desperate, frustrated and so full of love, it was impossible for him to think 100% straight. And he did it only for you. With the intention of getting your attention in the fullest way.
It was dyeing your hair. In freaking neon green. Cause what’s a better way to show your feelings than dying your hair in your crushes favorite color?
A lot actually. But Hendery and Lucas were absolutely confident that it had something to do with the human psyche and the law of attraction or whatever they called it. Their belief: you will fall for him immediately by the time you see his hair.
The only problem with this was that this plan was obviously not thought through yet and that the only hair coloring product in this house that came the closest to your favorite color, which was green, was a bright neon green. Yuta brought it over once for Ten to dye his Neon green highlights. And Yuta indeed could pull it off.
But Yangyang began to regret ever listening to his older friends again. He looked ridiculous. Looking himself with a frown in the mirror of the bathroom at 3 am was definitely not how he imagined this day to end.
Lucas lightly joked that he at least looked somehow christmasy. But then on the other hand Hendery couldn’t stop laughing about his own joke that he found his list highlighter. It was a mess. Ten wouldn’t even want to look at his hair and when he did, all he could say was “I told you”. It was even more frustrating.
All he could do now was sleep and wish it all just had been a dream. He didn’t really had the urge anymore to show you his hair. All he wanted to do was think about you laughing and running in the snow earlier today. And he really nearly forgot his hair dilemma for the night.
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You on the other hand decided to go to sleep earlier that night since you nearly hadn’t gotten any sleep at all because of your assignments for university. It was more than exhausting for you to stay up till morning to finish up all your projects. Yangyang had to force you to go to bed at the end of the day and you didn’t even complain with his soothing voice telling you stories, slowly tugging you to your dream world.
The next morning, you woke up groaning with a heavy headache. One look at your phone and you could see it was 6:30. With a long sigh you fell back into your comfortable pillows, scrolling through your phone. Why did you have to wake up that early again? Right...university.
After what seems definitely too short for your liking, you finally climbed out of your bed, trotting towards the bathroom. There was no sign whatsoever that the headache would just go away by itself.
But as soon as you looked at yourself in the mirror, you let out a deafening scream. Your heart was thrumming as fast as never before and your adrenaline was rushing through your whole body. You couldn’t find a way to properly breathe at that exact moment.
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god... please let this be a dream. Nonononono. Fuck.” You mumbled to yourself while your hands searched for support at the border of the sink.
Your eyes met in the mirror in front of you. Neon green eyes. Neon fucking green. That... that was not good.
There were so many questions in your mind all at once. But one thing was sure. You wouldn’t set a single step outside of this apartment. No one could ever see you like that. You looked like a monster. As you tried rubbing your eyes continuously or trying to find a contact lenses inside of them, you came to the conclusion that you were damned.
There were many possible explanations:
1. You somehow slept too less or have some sort of hallucination due to whatever.
2. Yangyang played a prank on you and is just waiting for you to call him.
3. You suddenly have gotten a really rare disease or disability over night.
Or the most likely one (except for Yangyang and his prank maybe)
4. You just found your soulmate connection.
Your eyes widen with realization and shock, as you came to the conclusion that this could be your possible soulmate indicator. You have learned so much about them in school and by yourself that you could easily tell what it was.
It was a rare connection. But it was possible. Having your soulmates hair color as your eye color. You were 80% sure that was the reason.
The other 20% you just thought about Yangyang. How he couldn’t be your soulmate. He would have told you that he was planning to dye his hair in NEON GREEN. What in the world was this even for a hair color?
You sat down on the floor to grasp your wilding thoughts and sort out your over rushing emotions. You couldn’t pinpoint why, but your thoughts drifted off to said boy every two seconds. It made no sense at all but your subconscious probably just wanted to tell you how stupid your feelings for the Chinese boy were. He still was your best friend of many many years. You knew this day would come. The day you would finally realize that you were no soulmates. Despite all your deepest wishes.
The whole situation was nearly ironic. Neon green eyes? That could only happen to you.
With wobbly legs you waddled over to your bedroom to pick up your phone. The blood from your hands nearly disappeared all at once and left your fingers cold as ice. You pressed Yangyangs caller ID without even thinking. You knew it was still very early and it was his free day but this was definitely an emergency.
Unconsciously you began biting your finger nails nervously, trying to think straight but failed. Everything was all over the place.
After the nth peeping tone, you could hear some dampened muffles on the other side. “Y/n? Why is- are you calling?” You heard the boys broken morning voice through the speaker, gently tugging on your heartstrings. Your heart wasn’t ready for this that early.
“Uhm...I ...well Yangyang? I kind of have a big problem and I cannot leave the house. Can you...if it isn’t too much trouble... I mean come over? I just- I really don’t know what to do...” you rambled on, not knowing what to say in a situation like that. He had to see it himself to understand. God that was awful.
More ruffling could be heard, followed by damp footsteps. “Oh...yeah sure. You sound really frustrated Y/n, is everything okay? Should I bring you something?” He questioned you with concern mirroring his voice. You shook your head, remembering he couldn’t see it.
“No it’s fine... I just need some really good advices. Its just weird. You will see when you come.” You explained to him, still biting your finger nails. “Alright I will be there in a bit. I’ll still bring you some chocolate tho, that’s always one solution.” Yangyang tried to lift up your seemingly worried mood, succeeding immediately and earning a chuckle from you.
“Thank you. You are the best. See you soon.” The line went dead and left you with a more comforting feeling than before. You were still sure everyone looking at you would scream out loud but at least Yangyang was there for you and could buy you contacts or whatever. You were always thankful to have someone like him in your life.
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Not half an hour later, said boy rang the bell to your apartment. You prayed to god that none of your roommates got up because of the noice. You wouldn’t want anyone to see you like this... except for Yangyang.
In a hurry you put on a pair of sunglasses, you found on your dresser before running to the door to let him in. It wasn’t your intention to scare him away in the beginning, even though you know he would never.
The Chinese boy looked tired when you opened the door but you could still see the worry written on his face. He wore a black beanie and his long padded jacket. He looked absolutely adorable for you in that moment. But realization hit you when you couldn’t see any differences from yesterday. The heavy feeling immediately made its way to your heart. You felt horrible. You were right, he couldn’t be your soulmate. How stupid you were...
“Y/n what’s the problem? Why are you wearing sunglasses? Did you hurt your eye? Did someone hit you?!” Yangyang lowkey panicked. You dragged him inside, leaving him no time to remove most of his clothing items besides his dirty shoes.
You pulled him into your room exhaling deeply while pushing him gently on your bed to sit down. You stood in front of him still with your sunglasses on.
“I...I found out my soulmate indicator. I did right this morning.”
There was an indefinable silence in the air for a second. There was a slight drop in the boys facial expression. His heart ripped open like a bag of candy. Spilling all his content. “Wha-what...” was all he could mutter. His gaze drifting off to your feet, trying to get his thoughts straight.
“I don’t know I just...woke up like this...please don’t scream.” You scrambled nervously, taking off your sunglasses slowly and revealing your neon green eyes to him.
His mouth dropped immediately. With hammering heart and shaking hands he subconsciously reached for his beanie. If his emotions would ride the wildest rollercoaster, it would be this moment right now. Everything was all over the place but his heart lead it’s way.
Your big eyes fixated on the neon green mop of hair on top of Yangyangs head. It was hard not to forget how to breathe in that moment. “Yangyang...” you whispered softly, stepping closer and reaching for his hair, which was exact the same color as your eyes. “You...what?! Why didn’t you tell me? I was so... worried.”
He looked into your eyes, not finding fear or shock, no, there was happiness in them. Pure happiness, which surprised you immensely. There was a small smile on his lips. “Worried about what?” He reached for your hand. Emotions spilling over the top.
You sat down next to him, turning your body towards him. The blood was rushing so loud through your ears, it was hard to focus on your own thoughts. It was now or never y/n!
“About having someone else as a soulmate than... you. God it sounds so cheesy but it’s true.” You chuckled nervously wanting to chew on your nails but being stopped by Yangyang. His smile grew even bigger, letting it impossible for you not to smile.
He suddenly pulled you into a tight hug, giggling like a child. Your hands searching grip on his fluffy jacket. A warm feeling spread through your whole body. You felt wonderful. Like all sorts of sorrows and worries had been taken away from you. Immediately.
“I’m so so so happy Y/n... so happy.” He mumbled joyfully in your shoulder. He squeezed your body tight. “I wanted to confess to you. So many times. God I really fell hard for you and now I know why.”
He looked into your eyes once again, surpressing a laugh but still sending you heart eyes.
“I’m sorry but you really look ridiculous. I’m so sorry about that. I had no idea.” You nodded playfully glaring at him but still leaning closer into his touch, wanting to be even closer to him. It was a weird feeling. But everything just made sense to you now. Every single moment and feeling in the past. It was all because of your soulmate connection. You were soulmates all along and you never had a clue.
“Oh you better dye that hair back right now to black or you wait for neon pink eyes yourself.” You warned him playfully. “Even though you look like a Christmas tree... I mean it’s kinda cute.” You admitted playing with his hair in hope for him not to see your incoming blush.
Yangyang grinned to himself, unable to hold back his emotions as he saw your pinky cheeks from the compliment. He felt so giddy suddenly. “Hendery and Lucas were absolutely convinced that you would fall for me easier when I’d dye my hair in your favorite color. Unfortunately they only had neon green one left at this point in time. Please remind me to never trust them again. That was a horrible idea.”
Your heart swelled up by his words. “You did this because of me? Oh Yangyang...” your hand went to his arm. You would lie if you didn’t feel flattered in this moment. “You’re such an idiot... but a very very cute one.” You smiled at him in awe, “I appreciate it. But by all means please let us dye it back.” You both began to fall into a fit of laughter, unable to stop.
“Deal. This hair and your eyes should be banned from this country.” And with that you could proudly say that you finally found your soulmate. The person you were in love with all along. Your best friend and partner in crime. Liu Yangyang.
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Ice Cream Expertise (All the Little Lights #1)
Fandom: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Ships: Kawoshin
Rating: G
Summary: Shinji is faced with a dilemma of sorts, and is characteristically indecisive. Fortunately, Kaworu is there to give some helpful advice. Or maybe just call himself an ice cream expert. Let's be honest, it's a bit of both.
Notes: This is intended to be the start to All the Little Lights, my attempt at a relatively happy Evangelion high school AU featuring the pilots we know (and maybe love) actually getting to live a normal life (including all the cute gay romance they deserve). That said, it also works totally fine as a one shot. Considering it's an AU, there's going to be some rather interesting deviations from canon, some of which are alluded to here. So, if something seems off, that's probably because it is.
As usual, any errors, grammatical or typographical, are mine. I apologize in advance.
This was originally posted to my old AO3 on May 21, 2020. I hope you enjoy it!
Shinji Ikari was not having a good day. No, perhaps that was an understatement. He was having a distinctly bad day. School had been tedious to say the least, considering that testing week was approaching, and the teachers seemed to be doing their best to “prepare” the students using every form of academic torture known to humankind. Okay, perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration, but it had been a hectic hell all the same. Not to mention the fact that his best friend Touji was going through a rough patch (not the first one, mind you), with his girlfriend Hikari, which led to a tense mood within their friend group outside of class as well. Adding onto this was the fact that he was getting worried about his sister (what wasn’t new?) Rei, who had been especially quiet the past week or so, even by her standards. That was usually a sign that her depression was going through a rough spot. He had wanted to mention something to his mother about it, considering she usually had better luck at getting through to Rei than he did when his sister was going through a difficult time, but unsurprisingly, he hadn’t gotten around to it yet. He was gone too often, and his mother was gone too often. There was all of a one to two hour period when they were both home and awake on any given night. Rei always ending up alone probably doesn’t help her state of mind improve either. I wish she had more friends. People she could connect with.
And, of course, to top all that wonderful baggage off, he had had work after school, which had gone lovely. Just lovely. A simply wonderful group of customers had come in, and stayed for a better part of three hours, ordering intermittently while they all talked (way too loudly, in his opinion) at their shared table, which, in a predictable move, they hadn’t even bothered to clean off. He was a barista, not a waiter, despite what some people seemed to think. To make matters worse, they had been laughing so hard partway through their “discussion,” that one of the party had practically flung her iced latte through the air by accident (how someone could do that by accident, was a whole other topic for conversation), sending its contents flying halfway across the room (in a bafflingly impressive display, he had to admit, as irritating as it was). Of course, he had drawn the short straw and been the one tasked with cleaning it up. His boss seemed to get a special satisfaction out of giving Shinji all the “fun,” jobs. Okay, maybe Mr. Anno’s not that bad, but he still gets a kick out of watching me suffer. Or something like that.
Shinji sighed as he pulled his car into the store parking spot. As he exited it, he glanced down at his phone. 7:16. That meant he should have enough time to get home and get dinner going before his mother got home. These days, it seemed as though she worked progressively later and later. It had been a couple months since she’d been home before 8. She was almost certainly still out at the base at that moment. Whatever project she’s working on now is one of the more intensive ones.
He headed for the doors. He was planning on making stir fry, which meant that he needed to get soy sauce for sure, since he knew they had run out from the last time. He thought they had most of the rest of what he needed at home. So, this should be a quick run. Just in and out. After a day like today though, he was tempted to grab something sweet. Come on, after this whole mess, I think I at least half deserve something to take my mind off of it. Just a little.
Inside, he made a bee line for the condiments aisle. Alright, first things first. Get what I need. Then, maybe, I’ll just check out what they have. He grabbed soy sauce, and then wavered for a moment, trying to decide just for what he was in the mood. Okay, just something little. Nothing too big. I am going to be cooking, after all. Hmmm . . . I mean, it’s probably not the best idea, but . . .
Making his decision, he set off for the frozen section. Once again, he paused when he arrived at the aisle, looking through the glass freezer doors at the available options. I’ll just get a pint. That should be more than enough. Even if Rei goes for some too. ‘Cause mom hardly ever eats anything sweet, so I doubt she’ll have any. He tilted his head, tapping the soy sauce bottle against his thigh as he considered the selection. Why are there so many flavors? I didn’t even realize they sold Pumpkin outside of November. And Lime-Raspberry? What would that even taste like? Who comes up with these things? I’ll go for something classic. I could always do Vanilla. But, that’s a little boring. I don’t even really like it that much. Chocolate’s always classic, except that Rei doesn’t like it. And her favorite is Cookie Dough, which I don’t like the texture of . . . there are way too many choices here. Running his eyes over the racks, he did a quick count. Forty-two different flavors. Why are there forty-two different flavors? I wonder if anyone’s ever tried them all. Then again, that might take a while. And be kind of pricey. Dammit, I’m getting distracted again. The only conclusion that Shinji was coming to was the fact that he liked ice cream far too much, and was wasting far more time than he should be trying to pick out something. Maybe I should just get the soy sauce and head home. He peaked down at his phone. 7:29. Yeah, I’ve already been here longer than I should be.
A voice interrupted Shinji’s thoughts. “So, what’s your drug of choice?”
Shinji head snapped to the side, his concentration broken. “What?,” He asked, a little surprised.
The source of the interruption was standing a little further down the aisle, casually leaning on one of the freezer windows, his head cocked to the side, watching Shinji with a friendly smile on his face. Shinji thought the interrupter looked to be about the same age as him, though that fact was complicated slightly by the fact that though his face was youthful, his hair was an ashen grey. He must dye it. Is grey hair a style though? The interrupting individual sported a pair of black jeans and a band shirt for a group whose name looked vaguely familiar to Shinji. Porcupine Tree . . . I feel like Rei might listen to them. Maybe. Not to mention the fact that the newcomer had red eyes. Red eyes. Okay, so maybe this is a look he’s going for. I mean, those are definitely contacts, right? Unless there’s a genetic mutation I’ve never heard of, I don’t think humans can be born with red eyes. Which means that they’re contacts. Which means that the hair is almost definitely dyed too. I’m pretty sure that’s not what ‘scene’ looks like . . . there’d be brighter colors . . . and I don’t think it’s emo either . . . I’m pretty sure his hair would be black then . . . huh . . . maybe that’s goth. Yeah. Let’s go with that. In addition to making him second guess what scene fashion looked like, Shinji’s visual analysis of the interrupter also led him to a more definite conclusion. That regardless of what category his fashion fell under, he was pretty cute. Seriously Shinji, focus here, and stop thinking about how some random boy in Safeway who asked you what type of drugs you like is cute. Don’t be an idiot. Sure, you haven’t been on a date in months, ever since Martin broke up with you, but he was a manipulative jerk anyway— Shinji realized the interrupter had started talking again, which snapped him back into reality and out of his wandering mind.
“Yeah. What flavor is your favorite. I mean, out of the forty-two, there has to be one you’d pick, right?”
“Oh. Yeah. Probably cookies ’n’ cream,” Shinji answered, feeling more than a bit confused. On an afterthought, he added, “You’ve counted all the flavors too?”
“Not a bad choice,” the boy said with a firm nod. “Although, I’m more into mint chocolate chip myself. And yes, I’ve counted them all. It’s an important part to being an ice cream expert. Keeping track of the available flavors at the nearest store.”
“Okaayyy.” Shinji’s tone betrayed his uncertainty concerning just how he should deal with this stranger. “Ice cream expert?”
“Yep, that would be me,” the boy replied matter-of-factly, as though the question was a pointless one. He strolled over to Shinji and extended his hand. “Kaworu Akagi, ice cream expert, at your service.”
Shinji shook the offered hand, deciding he should be polite, despite the fact that his perplexity had not been substantially diminished in any way. This guy is . . . interesting, to say the least. As their hands met, Shinji was struck by the strange, but intense, sense that this wasn’t his first time meeting Kaworu.
“Shinji Ikari.” Against his better judgement, he decided to follow his introduction with, “Have we met before?”
Retracting his hand, Kaworu pursed his lips, ostensibly mulling over the question in his mind. After a few moments, he shook his head. “I don’t think so. At least, not that I can recall. I just got into town a few days ago. Why do you ask?”
Shinji shrugged, trying to play off his earlier question. “Oh, I think you just reminded me of someone I used to know.”
Kaworu nodded, seeming to accept this answer. “Ah, that makes sense. So, have you come to a conclusion, or would you like a second opinion?”
Shinji raised an eyebrow. “About the ice cream, you mean?”
“Indeed. That is the topic on the floor, as they say,” Kaworu responded nonchalantly.
Shinji blinked. “Who says?”
“Why, they do of course.”
“Oh. Umm, alright.” Shinji looked back through the window, surveying his options once more. A obvious choice didn’t present itself. “Well . . . I suppose a second opinion probably wouldn’t hurt.”
“Great,” Kaworu stated, his tone even and pleasant. “Any occasion in particular you’re buying for?”
Shinji shook his head. “Nope, not really. Just . . .” he hesitated, uncertain how much he wanted to tell someone who was still basically a stranger to him. “Just a bad day,” was what he ended up deciding on.
Kaworu pretended to stroke nonexistent hairs on his chin, nodding slowly as did so, in an amusing imitation of the stereotypical philosopher. “Hmm . . . ice cream for a bad day, you say?”
“Uh. Yeah. I guess so.”
“I’d have to recommend Cherry Chip for that. It’s a guaranteed mood improver from my experience. It is nearly impossible to feel down while you’re eating Cherry Chip ice cream.”
“Really?” Shinji’s ice wandered down the display, finally locating the flavor in question. Fortunately, they had it in pint size, which meant that the option was on the table. He couldn’t think of any reason not to go for it. As far as he knew, Rei liked Cherry Chip. At least, he thought she did. He wasn’t entirely sure that he’d ever seen her eat it. For that matter, he wasn’t entirely sure that he’d ever eaten it himself. Which means it might be pretty good, and I just don’t know it yet. You never know. “Really. Trust me, I’ve tested its potency. It won’t let you down.”
“Alright. Why not?” Shinji opened the door and grabbed a pint of Cherry Chip. He examined the container in his hands for a few seconds, before looking back up at Kaworu, who now seemed to be smiling in encouragement, which had the effect of making him look even cuter than before. Come on Shinji, don’t get distracted! Sure, he might be attractive, but he’s also a self-proclaimed ice cream expert. . . not sure whether that’s a good or a bad thing yet, to be honest.
“That’ll do the job,” Kaworu remarked, in a straightforward tone that made it sound as though he was utterly confident in the truth of his words.
“I’ll take your word for it.” Shinji furrowed his brow as another question popped into his mind. “Hey .. . you said you just got into town a few days ago. How is it that you already know all the different flavors they have here?”
“It was one of the first things I scoped out after we got into town. Always important to know what kind of ice cream game you’re going to be dealing with. Plus, I had plenty of free time once we finished unpacking, considering I won’t be in school up here until the fall.”
“Ah, okay. That makes sense.” Almost on a whim, Shinji was tempted to ask Kaworu where he had moved from, but decided that could come across as prying a little too much, since Kaworu hadn’t offered that information. As it was, Kaworu gave a partial answer to the question without Shinji even verbalizing it.
“School down south ends earlier. Though, to be fair, it also starts earlier there as well. We left a couple days after my semester ended. Which means I currently have relatively few obligations, other than locating and obtaining a job for the summer.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Shinji still wasn’t exactly sure how to respond, but he decided to field a question of his own. He figured it could come across as a polite inquiry, rather than being nosy, taking into account what Kaworu had just revealed. “So, what brought you up north?”
“My mother got transferred out to the base,” Kaworu returned offhandedly.
Shinji tilted his head in response to this answer, the gears in his brain turning. Well, that’s interesting. He almost wanted to make some sort of follow-up remark expressing their similarity in that regard, but he decided that might be a bit too much to say for the moment. Instead, he merely offered a casually, “I gotcha.” He continued with an amiable, “Well, welcome to Asherdale,” along with a more ironic, “It’s halfway decent, once you get used to it.”
Kaworu’s face broken into a grin at the humor, an expression that Shinji couldn’t help but feel made him look all the more attractive. Oops, getting distracted again. . . don’t do that . . . too much.
“Thanks, I appreciate it,” Kaworu said warmly.
“No problem.” The thought suddenly entering his mind, Shinji shot a momentary glance down at his phone. Hmm, what time is it? The answer was 7:37. 7:37?! I’ve been talking for eight minutes?! That felt like four or five at the most. I have to bail, now, if I’m going to make it home in time to get cooking.
He looked back up at Kaworu, who was still watching him, his gaze soft, the smile still on his face, his head tilted to the side. Shinji had the strange feeling that if it had been anyone else, the observational pose the boy had struck would have looked unusual, to say the least, but somehow, on Kaworu, it didn’t look half bad. It gives him a kind of elegant aesthetic . . . okay, where did I come up with that? I definitely need to head out.
“Hey, look, I’m sorry to leave so quick, but I need to get going.” Shinji cringed a little internally, hearing the awkward tone in his voice. You could have said that in a way that didn’t basically announced the fact that it made you flustered. Great going.
“Understandable. You wouldn’t want that ice cream to melt before you get the chance to test out its powers.”
“Haha, yeah, you know it.”
Kaworu nodded, imply that yes, he did indeed know it. “Why don’t I give you my number?” He remarked. “That way, you’ll have someone on hand for any future ice cream dilemmas.”
“Ahhh . . .” Okay, that was actually kind of smooth, in an odd way. And . . . it’s not like it could really hurt anything. I mean, he didn’t even ask for my number. Which means he’s not even necessarily flirting with me. It’d probably be a bit of stretch to say he is. After all, if I have his number, and he doesn’t have mine, that means I can choose whether I want to text him or not, and there’s nothing he can do about it. Which isn’t really a good way to flirt with somebody. I think I’m stalling again here . . .”
Shinji noticed Kaworu was watching him again, waiting for a response. “Sure. Sounds like a good plan.” He pulled out his phone and hastily created a new contact, before offering it to Kaworu. “Here, you can put it in.”
Kaworu nodded, his smile remaining intact, and typed in the digits, before handing it back to Shinji. “It was nice to meet you, Shinji Ikari,” he commented affably.
“You can just call me Shinji,” Shinji quickly responded.
“Alright then. It was nice to meet you Shinji.”
“You too . . .” Should I use first and last name like he did the first time? Or just go with first name. I don’t want to offend him, if that’s the sort of thing that’s important to him. After all, he does seem a bit, umm, particular.
“You can just call me Kaworu,” the boy suggested, his smile widening.
“It was nice to meet you Kaworu,” he finished lamely. “Guess I’ll see you around.”
“Yes, maybe so.”
Shinji nodded again, spun on his heels, and promptly made for the registers. Well, that went excellently. You meet a boy who’s kind of cute, even if he is a little eccentric, and straight off the bat, you’re second guessing yourself and fumbling for words. Fantastic.
Shinji shot a brief glance back as he reached the end of the aisle, to see that Kaworu was now retrieving an ice cream carton of his own from the merchandise freezer. Shinji turned away again before the boy could look back in his direction. Don’t want him to think I’m staring at him or something.
Shinji collapsed back onto his bed with a satisfied sigh. He was glad to have finally reach it, after the nigh-interminable day. Well, maybe not quite interminable. But definitely overlong. Without much thought, he grabbed his phone from his nightstand and spun in about in his hands a couple times, feeling the sensation of the textured case against his skin.
Dinner had been a success, such as it could be, anyway. He had impressed himself with just how fast he managed to throw things together when he went into slight (well, maybe more than slight) panic mode.
The ice cream had been a success as well. He had to admit, Cherry Chip was a pretty good flavor. He still wasn’t sure whether he had tried it before or not, but he was glad he had definitively tried it now. Rei had also enjoyed it, which was an added plus. In fact, their mother had even had a bowl, something altogether unexpected. Apparently, Cherry Chip ice cream was one of the sweets she would indulge in. Didn’t see that coming. All in all, the majority of the pint was no more.
Powering on his phone, Shinji was faced with another choice for the evening. Unlike his earlier ice cream deliberation, however, this cerebration was of a cursory duration. After a few seconds, he had composed the text, and was hovering over the send button. Alright. Let’s do this. He tapped the icon.
Shinji I.: Thanks for the recommendation. It was a good choice! Lol. This is Shinji, btw.
The response to his message came swiftly. Wow, he must type fast.
Kaworu A.: Happy to be of service. I’m glad it worked out.
Shinji found a smile edging its way across his lips. Maybe, in spite of everything, today wasn’t such a bad day after all.
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aquietwritingcorner · 3 years
Embers of Revelation
Author: RealityBreakGirl/aquietlearningcorner Word Count: 12296 Rating: T Prompt: FMA Big Bang 2021 Warnings: Child abuse/neglect Characters: Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang, Jean Havoc, Heymans Breda, Vato Falman, Kain Fuery, Black Hayate Pairing: Royai Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Family Chapter: 2 of 7 Summary: Tasked by Fuhrer Grumman to investigate a suspected alchemic incident, General Mustang’s team finds themselves stranded in Hawkeye’s hometown. Needing a place to stay, they find themselves taking shelter in her childhood home. However, her past can’t stay buried there, and as revelations come to light, they also bring embers of danger with them. Sequel to Embers in a Wounded Heart AO3 || ff.net
Chapter 2
The night didn’t pass too peacefully for Havoc or Breda. Havoc’s legs were giving him quite a bit of trouble and he was restless most of the night. He tried to sleep or hold still, but after a while he gave up, and went downstairs where he could move as much as he needed too. Eventually he fell asleep on the couch. He thought, at one point, that he heard someone else up, but shortly after Hayate joined him, which explained a lot. Eventually the two fell asleep together.
The morning dawned early, but not too bright. He was woken up by the sounds of someone in the kitchen, and groggily drug himself up. He stumbled into the kitchen, wincing as his legs tried to work themselves out. They functioned just fine, but there was still an ache to them. Not to his surprise, both Hawkeye and Fuery were up and in the kitchen, coffee already going. They looked up at his entrance.
“Oh—did we wake you?” Hawkeye asked, looking at him.
Havoc yawned. “Yeah, but don’t worry about it.”
Fuery had gotten up and was busy fetching a cup for Havoc. “Didn’t sleep well, sir?” he asked.
“Yeah… this weather is messing with my legs,” he said. “Makes them ache more and more the longer it goes on.”
Hawkeye frowned. “Do you have anything you take or do for them?”
“Yeah,” Havoc said, “but I try not to take it too much. I don’t like being too compromised.”
“It’s not like we’re doing anything dangerous here,” Fuery said with a smile as he handed Havoc a cup of coffee fixed just the way he liked it. How did Fuery remember little details like that anyway? And why would he bother?
Still, it didn’t stop Havoc from accepting it.
“Yeah, but still. Don’t worry, if it gets to be too much, I’ll take one of those pills.”
Hawkeye was frowning. “Have you ever tried any herbal or folk remedies?” she asked him.
Havoc shook his head. “Nah, I haven’t. to be honest, even if my ma used them, I wouldn’t know where to start.”
Hawkeye nodded. “Let me see what I can find and put together. I might be able to give you something that’ll help.”
“You know herbs?” Fuery asked, sounding a little surprised.
Hawkeye nodded. “I learned when I was younger from books, and an older woman in town. They were useful things to know, especially when a doctor wasn’t always an option.” She stood up, heading over to the refrigerator.  “I’ll see what I can look into. For now, though, we had better start on breakfast.”
With a nod, Havoc and Fuery both got up, and the three of them started working on the food.
It wasn’t too much later that the others started filing down the stairs, Falman first, then Breda, and finally, Mustang. Like all good military men, they started their approach with a trip to the coffee pot. Once the coffee was fixed, each of them sat at the table, where they slowly woke up and, eventually, started to help with breakfast. It didn’t take long until they were all sitting around the table with a full breakfast laid out in front of them and another pot of coffee ready.
“So,” Breda said as they ate, “What’s the plan for the day?”
Mustang looked out the window, where the rain could still be seen pouring. “Well, there’s not much we can do here about our mission,” he said. “Fuery, did you get the radio working?”
“Not to my satisfaction,” he said. “I mean, it works, yes, but not as good as it could.”
“Can you make it work as well as you want it to?” Mustang asked.
“Maybe, with the right tools and supplies,” he responded.
Mustang and Hawkeye looked at each other, silent communication passing between them again.
“We’ll see what we can find you,” Hawkeye said. “I’m sure there’s something laying around. If there’s nothing in the house, there might be something in the barn.”
“If you can get that repaired, then we’ll use that as our primary means of updates on the weather and the train station.” Mustang said.
“What about calling the station?” Breda asked.
Hawkeye shook her head. “There was never a phone installed here. Father saw no need, and we didn’t have the money for something like that. I didn’t see the need after he died, as I didn’t plan to stay here for long.”
Breda nodded, and Havoc supposed that made sense.
“Havoc, will you take care of the horses?” Mustang asked.
“Sure thing, Boss. Although if anyone else has experience, it might not be a bad thing to have someone else that knows what they’re doing as well.”
“I can help,” Falman said. “I did a few turns taking care of the horses at Briggs.”
“You any good?” Havoc asked.
“The horse master wanted to see about getting me transferred down there,” Falman said.
Havoc raised an eyebrow. “Alright, good enough for me.”
“Okay, so that’s settled. As for the rest of us…” Mustang shook his head. “Well just do as we need to. There’s plenty to read, and always work to do. We’ll figure it out. However,” he said, “when what needs to be taken care of this morning is taken care of, we can dive into the intel that we were given, see what we can learn.”
“We can go head and pool what knowledge we have and get something of a plan in place for when we do get there,” Hawkeye said. “It can’t hurt anyway.”
Breda grunted. “That’s true enough. And it’ll certainly be something more productive then just sitting around reading random books. No offence, Falman.”
“None take, sir.”
“What chores and the like need to be done?” Mustang asked.
Hawkeye considered for a moment. “Well, our uniforms need washing, and the boots demucking. That will take a while. Sir,” she turned to Mustang. “I need you to check for some things for me in the basement.”
He looked at her with a bit of concern in his eyes, obviously willing, but, again, the basement brought up something bad, just like the last time they had been here. Hawkeye obviously wasn’t willing to go down in it still. Havoc couldn’t help but wonder, once again, just what it might be.
“Of course, Captain,” he said. “Just let me know what it is you need.”
“Just to check for some dried herbs and ingredients for me. I’m going to work on something for Havoc’s legs, see if it helps.”
Understanding seemed to bloom in Mustang’s eyes, and he settled down. “Ah, I see.”
“You’re going to what now?” Breda asked.
Hawkeye smiled at him, “Just apply some good country remedies. Hopefully one of them will help. If it helps his legs, it might help your arm as well.”
They had all noticed, but had chosen not to comment on, the way that Breda seemed to be favoring one arm. It was the one with the elbow he had broken, and Havoc knew that it was giving him trouble as well.
Breda still looked a bit surprised. “If it works, I’ll give it a try,” he said. “You I trust. Him,” he pointed to Havoc with his fork, “not so much.”
“Gee, thanks,” Havoc deadpanned. “See who makes sure there’s enough coffee for you next time.”
“Alright, so, I’m going to look for herbs for the captain. And the rest of you?” Mustang said, interrupting the play argument before it could get started.
“I’ll go check on the horses,” Havoc said, “And Falman can come with me.” Falman nodded his agreement.
“I’ll be working on that radio,” Fuery said. “Although it would be good if someone could show me where theses spare parts might be.”
“I can show you here in the house,” Hawkeye said, and Fuery nodded.
“So that just leaves the dishes and the uniforms,” Havoc said, and shot a grin Breda’s way.
Breda pulled a face. “Oh no. I’m not doing all of that alone!”
Luckily for him, Hawkeye came to his rescue. “I’ll help you,” she said. “It’s my house, and besides, I’m sure that Fuery needs some time to decide what he needs.”
Fuery nodded. “Yes, sir, I do,” he said. “So, it’ll be a while yet.”
“I can help you in the meantime,” Hawkeye reassured him, and Breda seemed somewhat mollified.
Breakfast didn’t last much longer after that, and they all finished and then cleaned up their places. Breda and Hawkeye set about putting away any extra food and cleaning the dishes. Anyone, they all knew, could wash dishes, so after Riza gave him a rundown of where things went in the kitchen, she left him to it to start on the uniforms.
Havoc and Falman pulled on their muddy boots from the day before, and their coats, and headed out the backdoor towards the barn, not only with instructions to see to the horses, but to bring back anything useful from the barn or the shed. Havoc was still a little concerned about that shed and the chemicals in it, but he couldn’t deny that Hawkeye seemed to know what she was doing—not after she had somehow miraculously saved the pot that Havoc would have sworn up and down Mustang had ruined. He was highly suspicious that she wanted him to bring back in a number of those.
Well, if the house blew up, at least the rain would put out any fires.
Falman, it turned out, was very good with horses. Something about his demeanor seemed to sooth the animals, and they let him do almost anything. The two men both mucked out the stalls, laid fresh hay, and then fed them. After that, they poked around the barn to see if there was anything useful in it.
“Sir?” Falman said from one of the corners. “What about this cart?”
“Hm?” Havoc walked over to him. “Oh that. Hawkeye said last time that she used to take that to town with her when she knew that she’d need to pick up a lot of materials or supplies. She said that sometimes she tied her goat to it to pull, and sometimes she just pulled it herself.”
“She pulled it herself?” Falman said, sounding a bit incredulous. “All the way to town?”
“That’s what she said.” Havoc repeated.
Falman fell quiet, thinking for a moment. “Sir���” he said carefully. “About the captain. Some of the things she says about living here, or the ways that she acts—”
“I know exactly what you mean, but you need to drop it,” Havoc said sharply. “Even when we were here last time, I learned very little solid facts. I just had snippets and conjecture to go off of. If Hawkeye wants us to know, then she’ll tell us. Other than that, it’s best not to say anything.”
Falman nodded. “Understood, sir,” And, bless him, Havoc believed that he did. Falman was a good man. He understood when to back off and not to push.
They did manage to collect a few things that they thought would do Fuery some good and put them in the spare basket that Hawkeye had given them. After that they stopped by the shed, and Havoc got to watch the wonder and the fear of this shed creep into Falman’s eyes. After all, a lot of these chemicals could be dangerous if they broke down or were too old.
All Havoc could do was shrug and load some up into the basket. “Hawkeye seems to think they’re safe,” he said, and that seemed to be the end of that.
By the time that they got back inside, both Breda and Hawkeye had moved on from cleaning the kitchen. It was clean and ready to go. Remembering Mustang’s warning about a child Hawkeye hitting him with a mop when he tracked dirt in, they headed straight to the washroom to remove their boots and hang up their coats. Riza and Breda were in there, Breda working on cleaning up their boots, Riza working on the clothes.
“Hate to say, but we brought you some more work,” Havoc said as they walked in.
“Oh, good,” Breda said sarcastically. “Riza, not to question you, but our boots are just going to get muddy again. What’s the point of cleaning them?”
“It’ll get the worst of it off,” she said. “And it’ll keep them from getting so mucked up.” She looked at him. “You know the dangers of letting a boot get too wet.”
“Yeah, but that’s for marches, not taking the boots on and off,” he pointed out.
“Still. Better to keep them clean—and you know it, Lieutenant,” she said, although there was a bit of a tease in her voice.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, pulling a slight face at the work.
“How were the horses?” Riza asked. “And did you find anything?”
“We found several things that Fuery might find useful,” Falman said “and we retrieved a few bottles of chemicals for you, Captain.”
Riza smiled at them. “Thank you.”
“The horses were fine,” Havoc said. “A little ancy because of the weather, but fine overall.” He shifted, his legs just constantly aching in this weather. “I can’t blame them much for that, to be honest.”
“Hopefully this rain will let up soon,” Hawkeye said. “And then we can all leave.”
“We were lucky that you had this house we could stay in, though,” Falman said.
“Yes, I suppose so,” she murmured.
“We’ll leave the chemicals on the kitchen table, yeah?” Havoc said, “And then take these parts to Fuery.”
“Alright,” Hawkeye said. “I’ll tend to them later.”
Havoc gave her a wave, and he and Falman exited the small room, leaving Hawkeye and Breda working. It didn’t take long to unload the chemicals on the table.
“What’s the captain going to do with these?” Falman asked as they put them on the table.
“I don’t know,” Havoc said, “but the last time we were here Mustang ruined a pot trying to cook something. I thought for sure that the pot was done for. But Hawkeye brought in some of the chemicals, did something to the pot for a few days, and then somehow, amazingly, she managed to clean off whatever it was that the general had done.”
Falman didn’t look terribly impressed, but Havoc pushed his point. “I’m not kidding, Falman. It was black and burned and there was smoke coming out of it. I don’t know what he managed to burn that bad. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pot or anything burned quite that badly. Trust me, you don’t want to let him cook.”
“The general is an accomplished alchemist,” Falman said. “Surely he can do something like simple cooking.”
“You’d think he could,” Havoc said. “But trust me, he can’t.”
Falman seemed to take his words into consideration but didn’t comment more on them. Instead, they finished unloading the chemicals and took the pieces to Fuery, who had the big radio pulled out and the back of it off.
“How’s it looking?” Havoc asked.
“Not unfixable, but it’s not going to be easy, especially without some of the proper parts. But I think I can make do. General’s volunteered to make some of the parts I need, if he can.”
“Well, that’s handy,” Havoc said.
“Yeah, I’ve got him looking though one of the technical manuals I brought with me so that he’ll have an idea of what I’m talking about.”
“Oh, giving the General orders now,” Havoc teased.
Fuery looked up from his work and grinned. “Well, when he asks what he can do…”
Havoc laughed. “I get that. Alright, keep working—maybe we’ll get more than scratchy ballroom music at some point.”
“Here’s hoping, sir!”
There wasn’t too much more to do after that, except clean up a little more. Falman went off to read, and Havoc, needing something to do, decided that he might as well go ahead and start working on lunch for everyone. True, it hadn’t been terribly long since breakfast, but it did take a while to prep things for six people plus one dog. He moved some of Hawkeye’s chemicals from the counter back to the table—who had moved those? —and got to work preparing the vegetables for what he hoped was going to be a good meal.
The finishing of chores and the smell of cooking food eventually brought everyone out from their jobs. Hawkeye and Breda had finally finished the uniforms, which were now drying in the washroom, and Fuery took a break from the radio, with Hawkeye promising to show him around the house a bit more to see if there was anything else he could use. Mustang complained about the technical manuals, and Hawkeye teased him about not complaining about paperwork any longer. They all enjoyed lunch together, and, after it, Breda took care of cleaning up the washroom while Mustang went to look around the basement. Hawkeye showed Fuery the attic and Falman went outside to make some observations. Havoc took care of the kitchen. By the time the afternoon rolled around, everyone was either finished with their chores or ready to take a break. They all moved into the living room where there was more space and the warmth from the fireplace. Fuery still had his radio to tinker with as well, which kept the younger man quite happy.
“Alright, before we start, status update. Fuery, the radio,” Mustang said.
“I’m working on her sir. She’s an older model and I don’t have access to parts, but I think with your help and some of the things I’ve found around here I should be able to get her working well by this afternoon. Of course, she’d work better with an antenna, but we don’t have one and it would be dangerous to put one up in this weather.”
Mustang frowned but seemed to put a pin in that idea. “Keep working, Fuery. I’m sure you’ll get it.” He turned his attention to Falman. “Weather report, Falman?”
“Yes, sir,” Falman said. “I went out and made some observations. Without the proper tools I couldn’t be sure of several things, but there is a still a wind coming out of the west and the clouds appear to be low-hanging cumulus and still saturated with rain. It’s still as unusual as it was back in Central, sir, and it doesn’t show any signs of letting up. However, they do appear to be mostly rain clouds and not necessarily storm clouds, which does make a difference.”
“Right,” Mustang said. “Havoc? The horses.”
“They’re doing fine, sir,” Havoc drawled. “A little ancy, but that’s to be expected in weather like this. We’ve got enough supplies to keep them for a couple of more days, but then we’d probably want to see about taking them and the wagon back. When we do, I suggest we take that small cart with us, and we can load it up with anything we need and pull it back.”
Mustang nodded. “Hawkeye? The house?”
“Seems mostly as we left it,” she said.
“Mostly?” he interrupted.
“Yes,” she said. “I do hire someone to come in, check on things, and make sure there’s basic upkeep, so anything that seems a bit out of place is probably due to him.”
“I wondered why this place was in so good of shape, considering no on lived here,” Havoc said.
“Yes, well, I had thought about just abandoning it to its fate, but… well, it’s always good to have a backup,” she said.
“It worked out well for us, at least,” Breda said.
“But the house and all seem fine to you,” Mustang pushed.
“Yes,” she said. “Everything seems to be in order.”
“Good.” Mustang nodded at Breda, a bit of a smirk touching his lips. “And the state of the laundry?”
Havoc heard Breda mumble something under his breath, but he couldn’t catch what it was. “It’s fine, sir. Clean and drying out. Hopefully we won’t get that muddy again anytime soon.”
“Maybe,” was all Mustang said in response to that, and moved on. “Alright, you all have your files, correct?” Five heads nodded at him, and one tail wagged. “Good. Let’s go over what we know.” He flipped open his file.
“This is yet another society formed after the Promised Day. It’s very secretive and very hard to find. If it was just about being secret, we wouldn’t have had any problems with it. However, there have recently been attacks that have been traced back to what the local authorities are calling the Spark. Apparently, people in the area haven’t been overly happy with the government, and this group is trying to spark some sort of conflict or knowledge to life.”
He flipped the page. “There’s several photographs of areas that they’ve attacked or been spotted at,” he said, taking the photos out and passing them around. “Unfortunately, the perpetrators themselves are never caught at the area.”
“How do we know that these are all the same group?” Breda asked. “It could be several different groups of people that the local authorities are blaming on one group.”
“That’s true,” Mustang said. “However, there is other evidence that links to this group. Unfortunately, it’s circumstantial at best, supposition at worst.”
“If it’s that unclear, then how come we’re being sent on this mission?” Havoc asked.
“We’re being sent because it’s unclear,” Mustang said, “And because of our expertise in dealing with alchemists.”
“There’s alchemy involved?” Havoc asked.
Mustang nodded. “One of the signs that has been seen at every crime scene are signs of alchemy. It’s a very good, very specific kind of alchemy. It’s almost impossible to spot if you’re not directly looking for it and covers its tracks very well.”
He pulled more papers out of the folder and passed them around. “This is Herman Stitue. He was an alchemist that specialized in Alchemy that was difficult to see, mostly for the restoration of objects, buildings, and other places like that. Fifteen months ago, he disappeared, and all of his research was stolen. Seven months ago, his body was found. Six months ago, these alchemic incidents that were covered up started happening. It’s suspected that he was kidnapped along with his research and made to train this group.”
Hawkeye seemed to tense up a bit at that, and Havoc wondered why. Sure, part of it, he knew, probably had to do with the General’s flame alchemy. It was a very secretive, very specialized form of alchemy itself. But this seemed to be a bit more than that. Maybe she was worried about Mustang getting taken on this mission too?
“In fact, when the disappearances of other alchemists were looked into, similar circumstances began to emerge. Investigations has been tracking this one for a while, as it seems that it’s mostly been alchemists with very unique or secretive forms of alchemy that have disappeared. This is the first real lead that has been discovered, and the Fuhrer decided it was best to send us on this mission.”
No one seemed willing to address the elephant in the room, so Havoc, as usual, bit the bullet and did it himself.
“Begging your pardon, General, but doesn’t it seem a bit risky sending you in? After all, Flame Alchemy isn’t exactly well known, and you yourself have the hands-free alchemy going on now. Seems like you’d be a prime target.”
“I know,” Mustang said, and glanced at Hawkeye, who seemed to be sitting very straight, clearly not happy with this turn of events, but also clearly having foreknowledge of it. “But that’s part of the point. It’s hopeful that my presence will draw them out and that we’ll be able to find and apprehend them more directly.”
He closed the folder. “It’ll be dangerous, but if we can ever get there, it’ll be worth it.”
“Yeah, well, first we have to get there,” Breda said. He looked out the front window, which someone had opened the curtains to, for whatever reason. “But that’s not going to happen any time soon, it looks like.”
“Alright. Then the question becomes, what do we do in the meantime?” Mustang asked.
“Not get wet,” Breda suggested, and Havoc rolled his eyes.
“We have enough supplies to stay here for a few days,” Riza said. “We can stay longer if I go hunting.”
“If we go hunting,” Havoc said. “I’m pretty good too.”
Riza conceded that with a nod. “You know how to dress a kill too, don’t you?”
“Of course. You got a place to do it? It won’t be good to do it in the barn with the horses.”
“No, that won’t work. It’ll make them too skittish. I used to just do it in the backyard, but with all this mud that won’t work.”
“I’d say your shed, but there’s too many chemicals in there to make me comfortable.”
“Mm, true, and it’s not very big.”
“What about the chicken coop? If Mustang can fix it up like he did that gazebo.”
“That might work.”
“Alright then! What kinds of things can we hunt around here?”
“Well, I’ve let the land grow wild, so probably a decent verity. Squirrels, rabbits, things like that obviously, but there should be some deer too.”
“That sounds good. Hey—ever get any waterfowl on that pond?”
“Okay—” Mustang interrupted them. “So, Hawkeye and Havoc are going to go hunting. What else?”
“Well, sir, if someone else doesn’t mind getting a bit dirty, there’s always the orchard and whatever is growing out there, and the old garden plot. Could be some vegetables still growing wild.” Hawkeye said. “I don’t mind taking care of it all, but that is something that someone else can do.”
“I can do it,” Falman volunteered. “I’ve been reading over some of the herbology books as well and I think that I might be able to identify other useful plants. I’ll be out anyway making my observations on the weather, so if I do it, no one else has to worry about being out in the rain.”
Mustang nodded. “Good.”
“I’ll keep working on the radio,” Fuery said. “And, when I’m finished, if there’s anything else that needs repairs or fixing, I can always take a look at that. Otherwise, just point me where I’m needed, sir.”
Mustang nodded. “We’ll probably take you up on that, Fuery.”
“I’ll help out with whatever needs to be helped out with around here,” Breda said, “but I’m also going to be working on these files. I want to be as prepared as possible for it, when we actually go.”
“Good,” Mustang said. “I’ll work on it too. We can discuss it. But I’ll also be on standby for any help that might be needed. If we can make it easier with my alchemy, then I’m more than happy to help.”
Hayate stood up and barked from where he was next to Hawkeye, his tail wagging.
“Ah, yes, good, Second Lieutenant Hayate,” Mustang said. “You’ll take guard duty. Excellent.”
“At least the pooch is being useful,” Breda muttered. He had a truce with the dog, but it was obvious to anyone that he was still not overly comfortable with him.
“For downtime, you’re welcome to make use of the library,” Hawkeye offered. “Or explore the grounds, if you want. Just please stay out of the study and unoccupied bedroom on the second floor, and the basement.”
That was at least twice she had mentioned for them to stay away from the basement and Havoc couldn’t help but wonder why. There hadn’t been anything special about it that he had seen when he was down there, except that it looked more like a lab then a basement, including a large table with a bright light over it. Maybe it was some alchemy thing, like telling them to stay out of her father’s study. He didn’t know, but Havoc had to admit that he was curious.
The rest of the day went fairly peacefully. Havoc and Hawkeye talked hunting strategies, and the best places to find things. Fuery worked on the radio, getting Mustang to help him make some parts. Dinner time rolled around, and they paused to eat, and then with some unspoken agreement, sat down their work after that and retired to the living room.
Havoc was glad to see that someone had closed the living room curtains, although he hadn’t recalled anyone doing it, cutting off the sight of the pouring rain and adding a layer between the window and ever-present chill the rain seemed to bring.
Fuery kept working on the radio, almost finished with it, and Havoc laid in the floor, stretching out his legs. Falman was in a chair, absorbed in a book, and Mustang and Hawkeye were on the couch, seemingly reading the same book, although Havoc was sure it was just an excuse to be close. Although, looking at them sitting there, a blanket pulled over their laps as they looked at a book, Havoc couldn’t help but wonder if he was looking at a picture of a younger Roy and Riza, sitting on the couch, reading, as children.
“Hey,” Breda had gotten up and come over to him. “Com’on.”
Havoc knew what Breda was talking about, and he laid on his back, lifting his legs up in the air. Breda pressed down on them, and they ran through some of the exercises that Havoc had gone through in Physical Therapy. While he no longer actually needed the exercises for his legs, as he had built up all of his former strength, it was still good to go through them. They felt good to his legs and sometimes they helped him sleep better as well. Breda knew the exercises well, as he had been with Havoc for a lot of his recovery, egging and pushing him on.
They were partway through this, when Fuery suddenly let out a satisfied noise, and all attention turned towards him.
“I think she’s fixed!” he said, and went to the front, fiddling with the nobs. He turned her on, and they all waited to see what the radio would bring. To everyone’s happy surprise, and Fuery’s eternal satisfaction, the radio seemed to find a station in all of the rain and began to play it.
“—was ‘The Xingese Sandman’ sung by Anette Hanshaw. And now we bring you an hour of your favorite instrumentals to dance along to. Find your girl, fellas, and hold her tight as you dance the night away with these favorites!”
“Hey, good job, Fuery!” Havoc said.
“See if you can find some news on somewhere,” Mustang instructed. “Or some sort of weather update.”
“Yes, sir,” Fuery said, turning the dial.
He switched through various channels, trying to find something, and Havoc couldn’t help but notice the way that Hawkeye and Mustang would give each other looks when they landed on the music stations. These two were just getting worse and worse at hiding this, weren’t they?
Ah well. It wasn’t like anyone here was going to rat them out. And maybe, just maybe, Grumman could do something about it. Havoc had seen the way he eyed the two of them. He wanted them to get together just as much as anyone else did.
Finally, Fuery landed on a station, and they listened as the news played out. There were, apparently, torrential rains over most of the country. Up north it had turned to freezing rain, and there were reports that even Drachma was having to shut down several things on account of it. There was widespread flooding, and stranded passengers from washed out tracks and roads. The military was as mobilized as it could be, but with the problems in transportation, there was only so much that could be done. Most places were simply working with what they had.
Mustang looked a bit grim as the news went off. “That doesn’t sound too good,” he said.
“It sounds like we’re going to be stuck here a while,” Breda said. “Means our chance might slip away.”
“Or they might be as bogged down as we are.” Mautang looked over at Havoc and Falman. “When were you planning on taking the horses and the cart back?” he asked.
“In about two more days,” Havoc said. “Why?”
“Well, I left word for Grumman about where we were and what happened, but it would probably be a good idea to check in. I might go with you,” he said.
“It’s too bad we don’t have a phone here,” Havoc said. “Then you wouldn’t have to leave.”
“Um, well, if someone in town is selling one, I could hook it up,” Fuery said. Eyes immediately swiveled to him. “It wouldn’t be too hard. I’d just need the phone itself and some cable. There’s already electricity in place, so there’s poles to run the phone wires on. And I think there was a place we passed that had a phone line, so it would really only be running it from there. It’s nothing I’ve not done before.”
Mustang frowned. “But in this weather?” he asked.
“Well, it’s not thundering and lightening, so it’s just the rain and wind I’d have to watch out for, which isn’t as dangerous.” Fuery said.
Mustang looked at Hawkeye, who nodded.
“Alright,” he said. “When we go into town, you come too and see if you can find what you need.”
“Can do, sir!” he said.
Havoc, meanwhile, had gone back to his stretches, grimacing a bit, and Hawkeye had taken note.
“Are your legs still hurting you?” she asked him.
“Yeah,” he said. “I’ll probably be up again tonight.”
She looked at Breda. “And your elbow.”
“Yeah,” he said, removing his hand from it as she spoke, like a little kid caught by a parent.
She frowned. “Sir,” she said, turning to look at Mustang. “Did you get those herbs I asked for?”
“I did,” he said. “They’re in the dining room.”
“Good,” she said, and got up, leaving the men behind. She came back a few minutes later with a pestle and mortar, and several different kinds of herbs and flowers and dried things that Havoc would have probably chalked up as “weeds.”
Falman was looking at it, intrigued. “What are you doing, Captain?” he asked.
“Well,” she said. “It’s a poultice I used to make as a girl, when my own limbs would ache. It’s not perfect and it’s not as strong as a lot of medicines, but it does well in that gap between “nothing” and “medicine that leaves me compromised.” Her hands were deftly working, almost as if they were moving on their own accord. She clearly knew what she was doing.
Havoc watched her and he and Breda continued to exercise and Fuery put the back on the radio again. Falman had moved next to her, and she was explaining what she was doing in very detailed language that Havoc honestly didn’t understand or could hope to understand. All he knew was that she was grinding things up in that little bowl and then adding things to it, making a poultice that would, hopefully, help him.
“Where’d you learn to do all of these things, Captain?” Fuery asked, and Havoc could see Mustang tense at the question.
“Oh, here and there,” she said. “From books, and from a few of the older ladies in town,” She paused, did something, and then went back to work. “Doctor’s visits were expensive, especially for minor things that could heal on their own, so I learned to take care of as much as I could myself. I’m hoping that this will help. As I said, I used it myself when my own limbs would ache.”
“Growing pains?” Fuery asked, but he sounded fairly confident in his answer.
“No,” Riza said, surprising them all. “I would typically use them after a hard day of cleaning, or cutting wood when I was a little bit older, or any other manner of physical stress, but it was also effective after father’s discipline.”
She said it like it was nothing, but Havoc couldn’t help but notice the tightening of Mustang’s lips, or the way the other men seemed to pause.
“…you mean like after that thrashing you said your dad gave you when you broke that dish?” Havoc asked, wondering if he could get a little more information.
Hawkeye let out a snort. “I wish I had this then. But I was five. I didn’t know about it yet. Besides, I understand why he was so upset.”
That didn’t make Havoc any more comfortable, but it was clear from Mustang’s look that Havoc—and the rest of them—weren’t to pursue. Instead, he changed the subject. “That’s the same stuff you gave me after that fight with Henry Thompson, isn’t it?”
“It is,” she confirmed. “And it helped, didn’t it?”
“It did,” he said. “It really did. I definitely was hurting then.”
“I’d say that it should have taught you not to pick a fight with someone bigger than you, or a larger group, but it didn’t do any good for that.”
“Hey—I couldn’t let them just push you around like that!”
“I’d have been fine. They pushed me around before and I always came out of it okay.”
“It wasn’t right.”
“Neither was you getting your face bashed in. You’re just lucky I got help and found that slingshot.”
Mustang laughed. “You took us all by surprise with those marbles and that slingshot.”
She looked up at him, amusement on her face. “Well, someone had to do something effective,” she teased. “You certainly weren’t.”
Before he could say anything more, Hawkeye got up, taking the bowl with her. “I need to add some water to this. I’ll be back in a minute.”
She got up and left and the men watched her leave the room before eyes slid back towards Mustang.
“It’s the captain’s private life, and I’ll let her decide what to tell you and what not to,” he said.
The men exchanged looks but didn’t say anything else.
Soon after Hawkeye walked back into the room with the bowl, it being full of something that smelled good and seemed, well, goopy.
“Here,” she said, handing it to Havoc. “Try this tonight after your shower. It should help, I hope. I’ve never tried it on something like this, specifically, but it’s worked on other aches and pains before. It’s worth a shot.” She looked at Breda. “I made enough for you to have some too, Breda,” she said. “It should work on your elbow as well.”
“Thanks,” he said, looking a little surprised. “I’ll try it out.”
“If it doesn’t work, let me know. I might can find something different. It just might take a little trial and error.”
Havoc was sniffing at it. “Huh. Maybe you should have become the local witch woman instead, Riza,” he teased.
“You hush,” she said. “There’s nothing magical about it. It’s just a knowledge of herbs and other plants.”
He just grinned at her.
It wasn’t long after that they all began retiring to bed. The showers had to be taken in stages, although Mustang was good at reheating the water for them. Havoc opted to go last, and so stayed downstairs for a bit longer, leafing through a book he had found. Hayate was down there with him, seemingly taking his guard duties seriously, padding in front of the doors and sniffing around, although he seemed to like sniffing around that basement door the most. It was almost enough to make Havoc want to open it and go back down there.
“Yo, Hav, your turn!”
Breda’s voice traveled back down the stairs, and Havoc turned from his musings. “Yeah, coming,” he said. He left his wanderings downstairs with his book and headed up the stairs to take his shower. It didn’t take him long to shower, and soon he was in the room with the stuff that Hawkeye had made for him. He looked at it, until Breda griped at him.
“Just try it already,” he said. “I’ve already put some on my elbow and it seems to help. It’s worth a shot.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Havoc replied. He scooped a bit out of the bowl it was in and started rubbing it on his legs and lower back. It soaked in like a lotion or oil would and he found it did start to help after a few minutes. “Wow,” he said blinking at the poultice. “Alright.”
“Yeah,” Breda said. “Whodathunk that Hawkeye would be a freaking herb lady.”
“Yeah,” Havoc said, and frowned a bit.
“Hey,” Breda waited until Havoc was looking at him. “What did you mean by that question you asked Hawkeye earlier? About a thrashing.”
Havoc frowned. “When we were here last time, I asked her about a broken dish. She said that she had tried to look at it as a child and broke it, and that her father gave her, her ‘first thrashing’.”
Breda frowned. “First thrashing?” he said.
“That’s what she said,” Havoc said. “She never really explained it more than that, and I didn’t think it best to push. Besides…” he frowned more. “She didn’t seem to think that it was a big deal, either, which… I’ll be honest, concerned me.”
Breda frowned, clearly starting to piece some things together. “Hav… what was she like the last time you were here?”
Havoc was silent for a moment. “…not good. She wasn’t doing well here. This place seemed to hold a lot of bad memories for her,” he said honestly.
“Anything in particular?” Breda asked.
Havoc’s brow furrowed. “Only one particular thing stood out to me. She wouldn’t go in the basement.”
Breda’s frown deepened. “She didn’t want to go down to it earlier, either,” Breda said. “Asked Mustang to go down there for her.”
“Yeah,” Havoc said. “When we were searching, she refused to go down into the basement. Mustang and I went down there, but she didn’t.”
He wasn’t going to mention how she had turned pale at it and then disappeared, having a breakdown on the roof of the house. It seemed like a private moment, and not something that she would want to spread to her men. She trusted them a lot, but Hawkeye had her pride.
Breda grunted, thinking, and then sighed. “Well. It’s not our business, unless it becomes our business. We might as well see if we can get any sleep tonight.”
“Yeah,” Havoc said, pulling back the blankets. “Night, Breda.”
Breda grunted, and nothing more was said.
Havoc slept better that night, although he still woke early with his legs still hurting him. The longer the rain went on, the worse it seemed to get. Still, he pushed on. Morning went as mornings did, with him, Hawkeye, and Fuery the first ones up. They worked on breakfast, and everyone stumbled down the stairs and to the coffeepot before they all settled in for breakfast. Riza worked on the kitchen while Havoc and Falman went out and tended to the horses. Then, rain gear on, Havoc and Riza went out to get the lay of the land. Getting lucky they managed to kill a few things for their hunt, and set a few traps, but they mostly found good places where they could probably bag a few deer.
They spent at least half the day out there, looking over places and tracks. There were a few human tracks that Havoc spotted, but Hawkeye reassured him that she allowed hunting on her land, since it was one of the few areas where the woods were allowed to grow wild. It was probably another hunter thinking about the fact that there wasn’t going to be much food coming via the trains or the roads anytime soon. Havoc couldn’t blame them for that.
They returned to the house muddy, but with a plan for the next day, and stripped out of their muddy clothes in the washroom before heading up for showers. Havoc let Hawkeye go first, taking care of their boots while she was showering, and then taking his turn.
Not long after that was lunch, and then they all started going over the information that Breda and Mustang had laid out. They put together a few more theories and ideas on what could be going on, but there was truthfully not much more they could do.
The next couple of days were much of the same. Hawkeye and Havoc got up early the next day, went hunting, and came back with a couple of dear which they spent the rest of the day preparing. Falman found and harvested some food from the orchard trees and from the remains of the old vegetable garden while making his observations. Fuery worked on things around the house, improving them or just outright fixing them. Mustang and Breda helped out where they could—except no one allowed Mustang in the kitchen after another near disaster that was only averted because of Breda’s quick thinking.
Although the days passed with a slow pace, all of them felt the urgency that was needed for their travel to continue. Finally, the horses were out of hay, and it was decided that the next day they would need to go back into town. Havoc was set to drive the wagon, as he was the most experienced out of them all, and the roads were still nothing but muck. Unfortunately, when Havoc woke up that morning, he was in a great deal of pain. His legs were aching more than normal and he winced as he sat up, relying more on his arms then anything else.
“Hey—Hav, you alright?” Breda asked him. The movement must have woken him.
“…. There’s… a lot of pain this morning,” Havoc said as he attempted to stand with some stability.
Thunder crashed overhead, and Breda looked up. “I wonder if that’s why,” he said. Concern creased his forehead “Hey—you lay back down, alright? You look like you could use it.”
Havoc wasn’t one to typically give in, but today the pain was pretty severe, and he laid back down in the bed with a grimace. “Yeah,” he said a bit breathlessly. “Yeah, I think I will.”
“Guess you won’t be making it to town today, huh?” Breda said.
“Nah, I’m afraid not. Probably best for me to take one of those pain pills and just not do much today. Sorry.”
Breda shook his head. “You can’t help it. I’ll let the others know.”
“Yeah… I’ll try to make it down in a bit.”
Breda dressed then, and left, heading down the stairs. Havoc could hear the movement and the voices of the others as they woke and moved around, getting their day started. He grimaced. He felt useless, but there really wasn’t much that he could do about it. When he was in this much pain, there wasn’t much he could do at all, except sleep it off.
He let himself doze, at least until he heard some footsteps, and a knock at the door.
“Yeah?” he said, automatically starting to push up, and then aborting that when pain flared through his lower back.
Hawkeye appeared at the door, a tray for eating in bed in her hands. Havoc suddenly remembered that she had cared for her father near the end of his life, and he wondered if maybe she had used trays like that when he needed to eat.
“Heard that you’re feeling pretty bad today.” Thunder rumbled again, and she grimaced. “Think it’s the change in the weather?”
Havoc shrugged, and pulled himself to more of a sitting position, bracing himself through the pain. “Not sure. I wouldn’t be surprised, but all I know is that I’m in a lot of pain today.”
“Well, hopefully you can eat a little,” she said. “I brought you some breakfast.”
“You’re the best, Ri,” he said, shooting her a grin. He waited until she approached and noted the way that she settled the tray on his lap like a pro, and then set about making sure that things were in easy reach for him, almost without even thinking about it. “So, what’s the plan for the day?”
“The others are still going to go to town. Falman thinks he can drive the wagon, and if not, then between the four of them, they should be able to figure it out,” she said. “The General wants to call Headquarters and check in, Fuery wants to see about getting a phone set up, Falman thinks he’ll be able to take care of the wagon and the horses, and Breda has to ‘get out of this house’ or he’s ‘going to go stir crazy’,” she said with a grin.
Havoc laughed, but then gave her a sympathetic look. “Hey, Riza, if you want to go—” He felt a little bad about making her stay behind, and so he couldn’t help but make the offer.
But she shook her head. “No, I’m going to stay right here,” she said. “I had enough of the rain and muck when we were hunting. Besides—It’ll be easier to get some of the cleaning down without you men tromping around everywhere,” she teased.
“Oh, I see,” he said. “You just want some peace and quiet to yourself.” He teased her right back.
She laughed. “Maybe so. But even with that, if you need anything, just call.”
He shook his head. “Honestly? I’m going to take one of those strong pills and probably try to sleep this off. Although if someone could snag me a book or two that would be great.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Riza said with a smile. “I’ll be back in a bit to get that. You just rest up.”
“Yeah, sure,” he said. “Thanks, Riza.”
She just smiled at him, and then left the room.
Havoc started eating, listening to the sounds going on down below him. He wished he was down there with them, but his legs ached like mad when he moved them, much less tried to get up. Riza came back for the tray, and Breda came back up later to finish dressing. He brought Havoc a stack of books and promised to look for something more his speed in town. Havoc pulled a face at him, but thanked him nonetheless, and got Breda to help him up and to the bathroom once before he left. Once he was settled back in bed, he took one of those little pills, and then listened as he heard the others leave. The pill did it’s work and, as he fell asleep, the last things he heard were the sounds of Hawkeye turning on the radio and getting to work downstairs.
The pills always sacked him out hard for a few hours, so Havoc wasn’t sure how much time had passed before he heard the noise of the others coming back in. They were being noisy, and something about it had Havoc trying to shake himself out of his drug-induced fog. He blinked, trying to focus and wake up. They seemed to be… calling for someone?... Riza? They were calling for Hawkeye? That didn’t make sense. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and then making their way around the rooms. That was confusing as well, and he tried to make sense of it, at least until Breda opened the door.
“Hey—you seen Hawkeye?” he asked.
Havoc shook his head. “Naw. I was asleep until just now.”
“Hm,” Breda said.
Havoc was waking up more now. “Why?” he asked.
“She’s not down there. Could she be out hunting or something?” Breda asked.
Havoc forced the sleep away as best he could, and sat up fully, ignoring the pain he felt. “She shouldn’t be,” he said. “Mornings or evening are best, and we’ve got plenty. I don’t even think she’d be checking the traps right now.”
Breda’s frown increased. “Alright. I’m going back downstairs. Something’s not right here.”
“Wait—” Havoc said. He pushed the blankets back and swung his legs out of bed, wincing. “I’m coming too.”
“You sure?” Breda asked, looking a bit concerned.
“Yeah—the pain’s not as bad right now, not with the medicine on board.” Havoc said.
“Alright,” Breda said, but he waited on Havoc to get up and pull on some pants before they both made their way down the stairs together.
Downstairs was not in good shape. Mustang looked grim and didn’t waste any words.
“Her boots and coat are still here,” he said, “and she’s not in any of the outbuildings. There’s no signs of foul play, but that doesn’t mean that there wasn’t any.”
“She’s not upstairs,” Breda said. “I checked all the rooms.”
A dusty Fuery came out from the kitchen. “She’s not in the attic either,” he said. “And no signs of any windows being opened.”
“Hey—where’s Hayate?” Havoc asked, suddenly realizing that the little dog was missing too.
“Maybe outside?” Fuery asked.
“If you’re asking about Hawkeye, she’s not there either,” Falman said, coming in the front door, dripping wet, his back to them as he closed it.
“What about Hayate?” Mustang asked.
Falman turned around. Nestled in his arms was a hopefully asleep Hayate, soaking wet and muddy.
“I found him outside, locked in the chicken coop,” he said. “He seemed to have been drugged.”
“Drugged?” Mustang said. The ramifications of that hit all of them. Hawkeye certainly wasn’t drugging Hayate and putting him outside. That meant that someone else had to have. That also meant that someone could have taken Hawkeye.
But there were no signs of foul play, and she most certainly would have put up a fight.
“…There is one place it doesn’t sound like you’ve checked,” Havoc said, and looked over towards the door that led to the basement.
Mustang paled immediately and turned on his heel to head straight for it. The others followed suit, Falman carefully hurrying to put Hayate down in front of the fireplace before joining them.
Mustang was already at the door, reaching to unlock it. The fact that was locked from the outside might have normally been reassuring, as it would have been impossible for the lock to be locked from the outside if someone was inside but considering that it was clear someone had been in the house, it wasn’t a reassurance anymore.
Mustang threw open the lock and pulled on the door, but the door didn’t budge. He tried again, but it didn’t move. He cursed, throwing the lock back into place, and then clapping and laying his hands on the door. A circle of it fell out, part of the door and part of the door frame, large enough to house the entire locking mechanism. Mustang didn’t even look at it. Instead, he threw the door open and raced down the stairs. The rest of them weren’t far behind him.
The basement was much as they had left it, with the same items around it. The only difference Havoc could see now was that the light over the table was on, and Mustang was trying to talk to Hawkeye, who was crouched in a corner.
No. Wait. She wasn’t crouched. She was curled into it, eyes blown wide, clearly terrified. Havoc glanced at Breda. Neither of them knew what was going on.
“Riza?” Mustang called out to her. “Riza?” he reached for her, and she flinched back.
“N-no!” she said, and there was thick fear coating her voice. “No, no, please! Not again! Not yet!”
“Riza—Riza please, it’s me, it’s Roy.”
“No, no, please, no, don’t, not again, not yet—”
She was pleading with him, begging for something—for something to stop, to not happen again, or to be delayed, and Havoc felt his stomach turn.
“Riza…” Mustang reached a hand towards her, and she closed her eyes and turned away from it, huddling into the wall as much as she could, letting out a sob. Her hands immediately came up to her mouth as if she had said or done something wrong, and she trembled.
“Riza, please! It’s Roy! Come on—” Mustang sounded desperate, and he reached out and touched her. She startled, terror flooding her eyes and suddenly she was moving, scrambling back, finding another place to hide under a desk that was down there. Sobs poured out from under it.
“No, no, Father, please no!” She was out right crying. “It hurts—please Father not again! Let me heal first! Please!”
“Roy—what’s going on here?” Breda asked, moving a step forward. “What’s she talking about?”
“Later,” he said. He glanced back at them. “I’m not putting you off—but we need to get her out of here first.” He turned to look fully at them. “Please.”
It wasn’t the commands of a superior officer. It wasn’t even the words of a leader. It was, instead, the plea of a friend.
“She doesn’t look like she wants to come out of there,” Falman said.
Mustang’s face was distressed. “I know—we’ve got to get her out there. Breda.”
“Yeah.” Breda’s voice was serious, and he moved next to Mustang. With a look at each other, they reached down and grabbed her arms, pulling her out.
Riza screamed as they did, thrashing in their grip. “NO! No Father, please no!” She twisted in their grip, and Havoc couldn’t help but notice that her gaze was fixated on the table that was down there. “Please, please, please, the drink doesn’t work anymore, it hurts, please don’t, don’t use the ropes again, please father no, don’t please!”
She was clearly caught in the full-on throws of a flashback, with no idea what was going on around her anymore. She was in a panic, not seeing anything around her, not fighting so much as reacting, and begging through tears for her father not to do something to her—all of which was… disturbing wasn’t even a strong enough word in Havoc’s opinion. It made him feel sick.
“The stairs,” Mustang said over her cries, and he and Breda hauled her over to them and up, Hawkeye still begging and pleading the whole time.
Fuery followed after them, and after a moment, Falman did too. Havoc brought up the rear, but he couldn’t help but look back at that table. The last time he was down here he had assumed that it was just a table, maybe for doing experiments on. But Hawkeye’s words, her begging, the talking of ropes, and those odd-looking metal loops in the table brought new possibilities to mind. Images of a young Hawkeye being strapped down to that table, tied down on it by her father while he… what? What did he do to her? His mind rebelled against imaginong any further, although dark thoughts of what it could be circled in his head, unacknowledged.
Whatever her father did, though, was traumatizing, and Havoc could feel dread living in his stomach from this. It was clear that Hawkeye had been through something awful at the hands of her father, and that it was more than a one-time event. With a last look at the table, he climbed the stairs, hoping that the situation would be improved when he got up there.
The situation was little improved. Hawkeye was still clearly upset, her cries still going on. She had been taken to the couch, where someone had put a blanket around her. She huddled in it like she was hiding, keeping it pulled closely around her, her back pressed into the couch. Mustang was kneeling in front of her, talking to her. Getting her out of the basement seemed to have done something, though, because she didn’t seem to think that anyone in the room was her father anymore.
Instead, she was upset about Mustang.
“R-Roy?” she said, and he reached out, gently putting his hands on her face.
“Yes, Riza, I’m here. I’m here, Riza.”
She was trembling, and her face crumpled, tears falling. “Roy…”
He smiled at her. “Yes—Yes, I’m here, Riza.”
“You—you came back.”
Havoc watched as understanding and disappointment flickered across Mustang’s face as her words made it clear to all of them that she wasn’t back with them yet, but that she was still caught in the past.
“Yeah. I came back,” he said, apparently deciding that it would be better to play along with this for the moment.
She closed her eyes and let out a sob, leaning into his hand. Suddenly, her eyes flew open, and her hands darted up to grab his wrists. “You—you have to leave! You have to leave! Father doesn’t approve of the military! He’ll kill you! He’ll—” She sounded so certain, so desperate, and Havoc exchanged looks with Breda.
Mustang shook his head. “No. No, I’m not leaving you.” His voice was firm, but there was something that Havoc thought sounded like regret in it.
“But father—” she started.
“He can’t hurt you anymore,” Mustang said.
Her gaze crumped again. “He’ll never stop looking for me, Roy—you don’t understand! He won’t give up! Not after what he’s done to me!”
“No!” Mustang snapped out the word with fierceness. “No, I promise you, Riza! He can never hurt you again! Never! I’ve made sure of it, and I’ll protect you! I swear it!” He moved quickly, wrapping her up in a fierce hug, holding her tightly as they sat there on the couch.
“…y…you promise?” she said, her voice trembling.
“I promise,” he said. “I swear it, Riza Hawkeye.”
She seemed to fall apart on him there, but they were tears of relief, and she clung to him, sobbing, thanking him, all the while he apologized for not coming sooner.
It was, to an extent, play acting, but Havoc could see clear regret in Mustang’s eyes—he regretted not stopping whatever had happened to Hawkeye sooner, not coming here sooner to save her from whatever it was that her father had done to her. Whatever this was, it went deeper than he had imagined.
The team still hovered, none of them sure of what, exactly, to do, and yet none of them wanting to leave Hawkeye’s side. Hawkeye’s tears eventually calmed, although it was because she fell asleep on Mustang, having cried herself to sleep under his reassurances that he wasn’t going to leave her.
Fuery was the first to speak. “…is she going to be alright?” he asked softly.
The room seemed to hold its breath.
“I don’t know,” Mustang finally said, which was not an answer any of them wanted to hear. “But I’m not leaving her. I promised her I wouldn’t.”
That much was pretty clear, Havoc thought, and to be honest, no one looked like they wanted to try moving him from the couch anyway—not when they could still see Hawkeye’s tear stained face and the way that she clung to him even in her sleep. Not when they could hear the echoes of her screams and sobs.
“What happened to her?” Falman asked and looked as if he immediately regretted saying it out loud, even if it was what they all were thinking.
Mustang just looked down at the woman in his arms, and gently stroked her hair. “Something traumatic,” he said. “Something horrifying. But… it’s not mine to tell. I won’t tell it. It’s up to her if she wants to entrust you with it or not. It’s not my decision to make.”
There really wasn’t any arguing with that, and the room fell silent. After a few moments, Fuery got up, and went to the kitchen. Havoc could hear him turning on water and starting to move pots around, clearly starting on supper, even though it didn’t look as if any of them were particularly hungry. Breda got up not long afterwards, and Falman as well. Havoc sat for a few minutes longer, and then he, too, got up and started to wander towards the kitchen. His legs were aching again, but he could at least sit and help cut up vegetables.
He walked solemnly out of the room, intent on heading straight for the kitchen. He paused, though, when he saw Falman and Breda looking at the lock that came from the basement door. It was still sitting where it fell when Mustang has used his alchemy to remove it.
“It doesn’t make sense,” Falman was saying. “I didn’t think it did then either, but I wasn’t as worried about it at that moment as I was about whatever had happened to Hawkeye.”
“No, you’re right,” Breda said, picking it up and looking at it. “It’s locked from both the inside and the outside. The outside makes sense, if someone wanted to keep her in there. But the inside? From the way she was acting, I doubt Hawkeye locked herself in there.”
“So then, how did the inside get locked?”
“That’s the hundred-million-cen question,” Breda said. “The only thing I can think of, is that there’s another way in and out of there.”
“If there is,” Havoc tossed in. “It either wasn’t there when Boss, Hawkeye and I came last time, or it’s extremely well hidden.” He shook his head. “I never saw any sign of a door or other opening down there. And you know Mustang would have mentioned it by now if he knew of one being down there.”
“Yeah,” Breda said, rubbing his chin. “Hey—how old do you think this house is?”
Falman and Havoc both looked around. “I’d guess over a hundred years old,” Havoc said.
“I’d say somewhere around one-hundred fifty, with renovations happening every so often.” Falman said. “Looking at the general style, the heights of door frames, and the way the foundation looks around the outside of the house, that is.”
“Yeah, okay, so, it’s old,” Breda said. “So, here’s a question: Why doesn’t the basement have an outside entrance? Just about every old house I’ve been in has an outside entrance to the basement for anything from coal to potatoes, to just a quick way to get in and out. So, where’s the one that belongs to this house?”
“There… isn’t one,” Havoc said, puzzled.
“Maybe,” Breda said. “Or maybe, there isn’t one now. If there is one and it’s somewhere, or if the remnants of it exist somewhere, then that might be how someone got in, locked the door from both sides, and still got out.”
“We’re going to need to find that, then, and see if we can prove it,” Havoc said.
“I’ll start looking around outside tomorrow,” Falman said.
“I’ll poke around too, if I can,” Havoc said. “I owe it to Hawkeye, at least.”
He felt a little guilty for the whole thing. How long had she been down there while he was sleeping in his bed, passed out from a drug? Had she called out for help? Had she screamed for him? Had whoever this was done something to her? He didn’t know. He didn’t know, because he had been sleeping instead of being up and facing the day like he was supposed to.
Pain be hung, he wasn’t going to let that interfere with his ability to be around or help his friends anymore. If he had to put up with pain so that they didn’t, then he would. He honestly never wanted to see Hawkeye in that position again, not if he could help it.
Breda seemed to sense what he was thinking and clasped his hands on Havoc’s shoulders. “Hey,” he said. “This wasn’t your fault, okay? You didn’t know and you couldn’t know. And taking that pill because your legs were in pain is not a bad thing. This was unpredicted. Don’t blame yourself.”
“Yeah, well…” he sighed. “I’m going to go help Fuery with supper.”
Breda let him go, obviously reading that, at the moment, there wasn’t a good way to convince Havoc to let go of the guilt. Logically, Havoc knew it wasn’t his fault. But knowing that didn’t make him feel less guilty, especially when he thought about Riza’s pleadings, screams and tears.
“Hey, Fuery, need a hand?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen.
“Hm? Oh, yeah… sure. Just... cut up these vegetables for me, will you? I’m going to make a soup for tonight. I think we could all use something a little warm and comforting.” Fuery said.
He wasn’t wrong, and Havoc knew it, but he also knew that he didn’t currently feel like eating. He pulled out a chair and sat down at the table, getting to work cutting the piles of vegetables that he had laid out. It was good mindless work for his hands as his brain thought and rolled over the knowledge that he had.
He knew that this place held bad memories for Hawkeye, ones that she didn’t want to discuss and that he hadn’t pushed. Mustang knew most of them, although clearly not all of them. Riza had told them that story about her and the water jars when they had been here earlier in the year, and he hadn’t known that one. Also, from the stories, he was about twelve when he arrived, and Hawkeye somewhere around nine. That left a lot of years for Riza to be on her own here.  Her mother had been alive long enough to teach Riza some things, but not long enough for Riza to form good solid memories of her.
Riza’s father had been harsh to say the least. That thrashing she talked about getting after she broke that plate, the one that she said was the first thrashing that her father had given her. Havoc was pretty sure that it wasn’t an over-statement of the past anymore, but a legitimate thrashing that her father had given her when she was five years old because she had dropped a plate he could have put back together again with alchemy.
He also knew that Her father had died in the house, and she had cared for him up until the end.
And now he knew that her father had done something horrific and traumatizing to her, something that, apparently, she was tied down for. The implications of that made a shudder run through him, and he now wondered if that had anything to do with the reason that she always wore shirts that completely covered her back, refusing to take them off.
What kind of a man was her father? And just how twisted up had he gotten her that she wouldn’t leave him after that and would, instead, care for him until his death? How had that been broken? He was beginning to understand now why she was so angry about coming back here those months ago. He’d have hated to be shoved back into a place that held a deep trauma like this too. He knew that she had trauma from Ishval as well. Just how had Riza Hawkeye managed to become so stable an individual after all of this? How had she survived in this house and come out as normal as she had? He didn’t know, and he wasn’t sure that he wanted to, but he was also worried about her. There were too many questions and not enough answers for his liking.
With a sigh he focused on the vegetables and chopping them up. He would likely get no answers tonight. None of them would. He didn’t know if they’d get answers tomorrow or not—it really was a long shot. But he did know that he would be there for Riza no matter what.
As Havoc predicted, no one was especially hungry, although they all tried to eat at least a little of the soup. Most of it was put into the refrigerator for later. Hayate, at least, was feeling better, although it was clear that the little pup was still groggy. He mostly wanted to curl up and lay on people. Even Breda was gentle with him this time, gently pushing the little pooch away from him.
Havoc didn’t particularly want to leave Mustang and Hawkeye down here on the couch alone—none of the team did—but staying up all night would do no good either. Breda and Falman told Mustang of their concerns about the basement. Together with Fuery, they worked on something to make sure that if there was an entrance to the house from the basement, whoever it was either wouldn’t be able to get into the house or would set off alarms if they did. Mustang was armed with his gloves and a small pistol, and Hayate was sleeping on the couch with them as well. In an unspoken agreement, Havoc, Breda, Falman, and Fuery all took turns standing watch that night. However, even for those that attempted sleep, there were a lot of wandering feel and frequent bathroom trips. It seemed no one could quite relax.
Havoc laid in bed and tried to sleep, although it didn’t seem to be working. Outside, the rain poured even harder than before, drowning out any other sound he might have heard. The thunder and lightning came in waves of noise. It all seemed strangely appropriate for this day, and it felt like a bad omen somehow. Was something worse to come in the future? He wasn’t one to believe in such things, but he still found himself hoping that favor would look kindly upon them. This had surely been enough excitement for one trip, right?
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amewillie · 3 years
i haven’t written in years but i was struck with the want to get back into it and the wayhaven chronicles is still in my mind 24/7 so i took a gander.
here’s a little writing for rook x rebecca. no beta we die like bobby’s chances of ever getting back with the detective
word count: 1910
If there was one thing Rebecca hated, it was being told to sit still. It never suited her. Even from a young age she was always on the move, needing to do something to occupy her mind. It only became worse as she aged, growing into a career that needed her attention and full dedication.
The Agency had taken a lot of time from Rebecca when she first entered the organization. Finding, protecting, and in some cases pursuing supernatural’s wasn’t a forgiving nor kind job. It always kept Rebecca’s mind occupied and for her, left little time for social interaction. Of course, she conversed with the other agents and those outside of the agency if need be. Usually with small talk or polite conversation but it always felt superficial. Rebecca’s mind would be elsewhere, on the next task or next mission. Going, going, going.
 And then Rook showed up.
 Another lead agent had introduced him at that time - “Agent Rebecca Lewis, meet Jeremiah Johnson, currently an officer stationed here in Wayhaven. You’ll be taking him under your wing for the time being.”
 “But please, call me Rook,” he said, giving her that smile that undoubtedly would make her weak in the knees every single time.
 Rook was… he always felt like a complete opposite to Rebecca. He was cheeky and possibly the liveliest individual she had ever come across. Was certainly never afraid to speak his mind (something that got him in trouble more often than she would like) and despite how dedicated he was to his work, had always skirted the rules. And somehow always got away with it! But if there was one thing that really baffled Rebecca when it came to Rook it was that, despite his job and all his responsibilities to the Agency, and to Wayhaven, and even to her once they became a couple, was his ability to just….let go.
 No matter how hectic his job may have gotten, Rook always found the time to simply be. Rebecca had decided early on to give the Agency most, if not all her attention but Rook always took his free time to worry about himself and later, her. There was no “I’m staying after to finish working on this report” or “No I did eat. What do you mean a handful of peanuts and an energy drink doesn’t count?”  
 “Becca darling,” Rook would start, in that tone Rebecca knew he was getting ready to scold her in the most loving way possible. “When was the last time you actually stepped outside?”
 Rebecca scrunched up her nose, her eyes darting in every direction but at Rook. She had been working on a particular case involving some rather impish fairies who had evaded the Agency for much longer than they would like. The Agency was breathing down her team's neck the past few weeks to get this case finished and closed. By this point she was living at her desk, her coat doubling as a blanket and her desk littered with empty coffee cups and ramen containers.
 “I happened to step away from my desk, er, earlier today. Happened to have a meeting with one of my superiors about the case.” Rebecca found herself shuffling papers at her desk, still avoiding Rook’s eyes as they were now looking at her with a look leaking of utter skepticism it would be almost funny if she weren’t suffering from a lack of sleep. When she finally did dare to avert her eyes towards him, she found the exact expression she expected within those hazel eyes.
 Skepticism, of course. But his eyes also leaked an adoring amount of warmth and amusement, almost as if he were looking at a child doing something naughty. “Becca, love, you need to rest. You haven’t taken a break in days. I’ve barely even seen you outside of this office except to use the bathroom! Let alone outside of this building. Have you ever heard of the great outdoors? Trees? Sun? Air that isn’t circulated through a complex system of ducts that probably haven’t been cleaned years?”
 Rebecca chuckled, fiddling with one of the empty coffee cups on her desk. Leave it to Rook to turn a lecture into a lighthearted conversation.
 “You mean to tell me you enjoy the smell of petrol exhaust, baking in the sun like a crisp and…nature?”
 It was Rook’s turn to laugh as he positioned himself closer to Rebecca, his hip leaning against the side of her desk with arms crossed over his middle. “Okay, so the petrol does smell a bit gross. But I for one enjoy a good crisp and my complexion –“he paused, waving a hand over his very much handsome, brown face – “needs all the vitamin D it can get. Something you need desperately. You look ghastly, love. Or no. Ghostly. Possibly both.”
 Rebecca placed her arm on her desk, her hand cradling the side of her face as she squinted up at Rook, a faux offended expression on her face. “Wow. You have offended me greatly sir. Any more dazzling snipes you have in your repertoire?”
 “Only if it gets you out of this office,” Rook said, giving her a dazzling smile. And how could she say no to that smile. With a dramatic sigh, Rebecca stood from her seat, bones cracking in the process. Either she had been here for too long, or she was getting old. Probably both.
 “Ah, there she is,” Rook said, pushing himself off her desk and taking a step closer to her, his arms wrapping around her waist as his lips met the top of her forehead. Rebecca only hummed as her own arms found their way around Rook’s waist, the warmth and solidness of him easing out all the tension she’d been carrying.
 “I’m sorry,” Rebecca said after a moment of silence.
 Rook pulled back slightly, looking down at her with a warm smile on his face. “Whatever for?”
 “Working?” While Rebecca did not mean for it come out as a question, she couldn’t help but laughing at herself once it did. Rook joined in for a moment with her before his expression changed into a more serious one. He tucked a strand of her red, frizzy hair behind her ear before his hand came to rest at the side of neck, caressing a spot with his thumb that always left her feeling as if she were walking on air.
 “Rebecca, I love you. I’ve told you that before and I will continue to tell you that for as long as you’ll have me. Flaws included. I know how much your work means to you and I would never want to impede on any of your accomplishments. You’re going to go so far here; I know you will. And I’ll be there to support you along the way, but I just need you know, I need you to promise me that you will always come home. To me. To us. To whatever us may look like in the future.”
 The heaviness that Rebecca felt in her heart had her eyes burning from unshed tears. Rook had been such a pillar of strength for her the moment they met and while other people who knew Rebecca found her to often to be a hard worker and ambitious, they could never see Rebecca  (and it’s funny to say considering where she works) as a human being. Some were even intimidated by Rebecca, but Rook saw right through her. He knew how to get under her skin in the best and worst ways. Knew that she was much more than the Agency’s best and brightest. Knew she was a human and like many humans (and supernatural’s alike) had flaws and was never afraid to call her out on them. And God she loved him for it. Felt it early on in their time together that he got her. Understood her. Rebecca had never believed in the concept of soulmates. To think there was someone, in the world that your soul was tied to seemed ridiculous.
 Vampires? Fairies? Demons? Sure, she could believe in that. She lived that. But how many people truly found their soulmates? How would you ever know?
 Rebecca almost laughs from the thought as she buried her face into Rook’s chest. Oh, how she loved this man.
 “I love you,” she said, voice muffling into his shirt.
 “And I love you.”
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7ella7 · 4 years
Choosing submission.
My husband and I have been married for over 10 years.  We got together as teenagers and there’s a lot of love there, but it hasn’t been easy.  We semi-recently had a few fresh-start moments.  A cross-country move, some extremely beneficial marriage counseling, and a pandemic to bring us into the same space 24/7, and all three have been awesome. (I’m not saying the pandemic is awesome, just the extra time we get to spend together.)  
I recently got super vulnerable with him and shared that I want to submit to him.  I’ve always kind of known that I’ve been drawn to the idea of being subject to a man.  I like the idea of being told what to do, how he wants things done, when he wants things done, and being expected to meet his expectations or accept the consequences.  It would help me to know and understand what he wants/needs as well as give me some additional structure.  There are so many things I find appealing about this, but I don’t really understand why/where it comes from, but hopefully over time I’ll be able to understand it better myself.
I told him 2 weeks ago.  We’d been talking about our sex life and how to begin to really re-engage in that relationship aspect with one another after some challenges we’ve had.  I was reading some things online and eventually came across a podcast called Over The Knee and the tumblr pages of @amysubmits and @cynicaldom (Thank you both so much for writing).  It was like a lightbulb went off.  I’d read about domestic discipline before, years ago, and we had tried it for a couple months after we had gotten married, but the way I tried to live submission caused problems in our dynamic.  What I didn’t get from the DD sites back then was that it was okay (or necessary even) to still have my own thoughts/opinions/wants and to express them.  I think I was trying to focus only on what my husband needed/wanted, and push down I wanted/needed.  It seemed at the time like me sharing my wants/needs with him would somehow make my submission less real.  Then, when I listened to the OTK podcast and read their tumblr pages a couple weeks ago, I felt like I understood so much better how a real couple could actually do it successfully and showed me that a submissive partner is not the same a passive partner who lets the relationship and the Dominant partner’s wants and needs be the only thing that exists between them.  It’s a full relationship with active involvement and communication on both sides, but with a power exchange component.  They both make a point about how important it is for him to have that information from her.
It had been over 10 years since we had tried domestic discipline before.  The whole dynamic just kind of fizzled out pretty quickly due to the issues with how we tried to go about it.  We hadn’t talked about it since.  I was so nervous to talk about the idea of trying again that I started the convo through text message.  I sent the text, but we were both in the same room, so I went to clean something in the bathroom so I wouldn’t have to look him in the eye when he read it.  I built up my courage and went back in, but he was still watching TV.  He’d turned his phone on silent and didn’t get it for another hour and a half (it was low-key torture).  I would alternate between different tasks and watching TV with him, trying to relax about it, but feeling like that paragraph of a text message put so much of me out there that made it difficult to even breathe normally at certain points.  I was scared that he wouldn’t be interested at all and that it’d be shut down, but more than that, I was scared that he’d think I was weird and ultimately shut me down, not because he would be cruel about it, but because it had taken so much to be that vulnerable.  It could have been crushing.  I have a really hard time opening up about things like this, and I’m more than a little shy about things that tie into my sexuality.  Yes, even with my husband.  However, marriage counseling and a recent book I read have helped me to be able to make some important moves toward embracing vulnerability.
When he did get the message, he started by reading the tumblr pages, and we listened to an episode of their podcast.  When we talked about it later that afternoon, he actually said he liked a lot of the basic ideas, but he had a lot of questions for me about why, what motivations I had, what I ultimately wanted from the dynamic, etc.  It was a start.  We’ve had maybe 3-4 conversations about it in the last couple weeks, and yesterday we started discussing an initial agreement.  When I asked him what areas of our life he’d like to have authority in, he said he’d like to eventually have my submission in everything.  (It made my heart happy.)  The main things we discussed which areas of our life I’m ready to submit in fully (home life, sex life), and a couple that I am not ready to hand over yet (work life, food, clothes).  We’re trying to be intentional and start slow so we can kind of grow into this.  We also discussed a few rules and expectations that we’re interested in starting with.  We have plenty of ideas, but are starting slowly with 1-3 rules.  I haven’t seen the agreement yet, he’s in the process of writing it up (which also made me happy because he’s taking ownership of some of the process already).  So I wait.  I feel excited and happy and nervous and fluttery and tingly a lot lately.  We’re just at the beginning and we haven’t even officially entered an agreement, but I wanted to catch these events and feelings before we move further into the journey.
There’s like a million more things I could write, but here’s the bullet list for brevity’s sake- and maybe I’ll be able to revisit and expand on some of this later:
I am feeling nervous about diving in- I feel like I’ve wanted this for so long, but what happens if I’m a horrible submissive or really struggle with my stubbornness when it comes time to show my submission through my actions?
I have a markedly higher sex drive than I’ve had in years- I feel like I have the biggest crush on my husband.
Also, somehow while I’ve routinely hated doing things like dishes for the past... well forever I guess.  But when I think about doing them for him, it turns me on a little bit.  Idk if that’s a thing that lasts, but I would love it if that sticks around, haha.
I wonder about how he really feels about everything.  I know he LOVES the idea of traditional gender roles and he’s been clear about that for a long time, but I’m not sure where he falls on the idea of providing discipline.  Is that something he could end up eventually liking?  Maybe not the actual punishment itself, but the effects of it?  Idk.
I wonder how we’ll do- will we be able to avoid some of the problems we had in the beginning by being open communicators even when it’s hard?  Will he stay consistent with me?  Will we both feel the dynamic and value it enough to keep working on it over time?
I worry about being the spouse that brought it up.  I don’t want him to feel like he has to do this.  There are definitely things in his makeup that make me think he’ll be a natural.  I was drawn to him even in high school because he is a good and traditional man.  We share a lot of the same values.  I know a lot of his views align perfectly with this dynamic, but it’s asking a lot of someone to take on that Dominant role.  I just hope that he will find fulfillment there for himself, because I couldn’t continue to ask him to do it if it’s not something he decides on his own that he wants.
I am super happy that I found Tumblr and so many awesome blogs where people have shared so openly what their dynamic looks like.  It’s a great help to feel like there are others out there.
8 June 2020
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peanutbutterworm · 4 years
i love you
here we go!! here is my moreid secret santa fic! 
click here to read it on AO3
warnings: none, light angst at one point but it is mostly tooth rotting fluff
word count: 4196
summary: Penelope begs and begs Hotch until he finally lets her have a BAU secret santa party. There is a small problem for Dr. Spencer Reid however when he is set the task of giving a gift to his best friend and crush, Derek Morgan.
“Hotch please?” Penelope drew out the last vowel of the word, as if it would make him say yes.
“I told you, Garcia, it’s out of my hands for now. It sounds like a great idea, really, but I don’t think that Strauss nor the director would approve of it.”
“It doesn’t have to be a work thing! Just, as friends, as a family.”
“And I already told you, Garcia, as long as we’re using company time it is a ‘work thing’.”
“God why does everyone have to be so boring. It’s a bonding thing!” Penelope checked the date on her phone. “It’s November 29th, if we’re not allowed to do this I’m going on strike.”
“Mhm,” Hotch was already moving on to something else, and Penelope left in a huff. She ran into Spencer on the way back to her office.
“Hey Penelope,”
“Hi, Spencer.” She said curtly, storming past him.
“Woah, what’s going on today?” Spencer said, stopping her by grabbing her arm. Penelope sighed, realizing she wasn’t being her cheery self and someone was bound to notice, may as well be him.
“Walk with me, boy genius.” Penelope explained her current predicament on the way to her office, huffing and using her hands to talk the entire way.
“And I don’t get why Strauss won’t allow it! It’s a great team bonding activity, and we would have so much fun!” She finished explaining.
“Garcia, we have fun without ‘team bonding activities’, I don’t understand why you’re so upset about this.”
“Because, I’m tired of being ignored. I just want one of my suggestions to go through and I’m starting to think Strauss doesn’t like me.”
“I’m pretty sure Strauss doesn’t like any of us,” Spencer said, sipping his coffee from a company mug.
“Yeah I know,” Penelope put her head into her hands and sighed. “Why are they so against us having fun?”
“They think it ‘interferes with the job’” Spencer said, quoting a seminar they were forced to go to.
“Yeah, bullshit.” Penelope half scoffed into her hands, half laughed. “How is it going with Derek?” She asked, smirking up at Spencer. Spencer couldn’t help but turn a little red whenever she asked about him. He had told Penelope about his crush on her best friend in September, and even though it had been going on for much longer Spencer was reminded every day why he didn’t tell her sooner. However Spencer never missed a chance to talk to her about it. Even though Penelope was a huge gossip, she would never tell Derek something this important without asking Spencer for permission first. And anyways, it was nice to get stuff off his chest.
“Nothing has really happened, just still lying awake at night thinking about him instead of doing something productive with my chronic insomnia.”
“How can you be productive with chronic insomnia anyways?”
“I don’t know… do things?” Spencer giggled and then paused, recalling something. “Wait, I do recall, I saw him at the grocery store.”
“No way, you two shop at the same place?”
“Unfortunately. I was too awkward to say anything anyways, and I looked like a mess too.”
“I’m sure he didn’t care. This is the man that saw me almost die and I need not remind you that he has seen you in the hospital. Multiple times.”
“I try not to remember.”
“Did he say anything?”
“You are so boring,”
“It was late, Garcia. I don’t think I had the patience to deal with anyone, including him, and if you were to ask him I’m pretty sure he would say that feeling’s mutual by how he looked.” Spencer sighed. “He was so pretty though. Like sleepy pretty, not the way we see him at work.”
Penelope was just sitting there, sighing.
“What!” Spencer said, playing with a piece of dirt that was caught between his nails.
“Nothing. You are just so, so fucked.”
“I know!” Spencer dropped it and threw his hands to his face. “He’s just so… AH! I feel like a teenage girl.”
“Considering your looks, you might not be far off.”
“Kidding, but really, you need to tell him. It’s gotta happen eventually.”
“No, I don’t want to ruin our friendship for my own feelings, it’s selfish.”
“Have you ever considered he might feel the same way?” Penelope asked, and Spencer just stared back at her. “You’re telling me you haven’t?”
“I just haven’t thought about it, of course it’s a probability but the chance that he likes me back is just so low. Did you know the chance of your crush liking you back is-” Spencer was cut off when Derek walked into the room, right into the middle of a conversation he had no idea was about him.
“Thank you for saving me from that,” Penelope said.
“Hotch needs you both at the round table,” was all Derek said, smirking at both of them.
“We’ll be there soon.” Spencer said, staring as Derek left the room. “Do you think he heard any of that?”
“You talk too fast and I wasn’t really keeping up very well, but no, I don’t think he knows it was about him at the very least.”
“Thank god.” Spencer sighed. “Come on, I don’t want to be yelled at by Hotch again.”
“Guess whatttttt!” Penelope said, with everyone mingling around their desks on a chilly December morning, having not been called in on a case yet for the day.  
“Did someone die?” Emily asked, taking a headcount of everyone there, all BAU team members accounted for.
“What? No, oh my god Em. Unrelated to death, we get to have a secret santa!” She exclaimed, and everyone's faces lit up with smiles.
“Strauss thinks it would be good for us to bond over the holidays,” Hotch said, cracking a small smile.
“Yeah yeah, anyways write your names on these,” Penelope all handed them a torn piece of paper, “and put it in the magic hat.” She held out a small colorful beret she sometimes wore to work and mixed up all the names that were placed in it. “Now who wants to go first?” She asked, looking around the room eagerly.
“Can I go, Pen?” JJ asked, walking up to the hat.
“Why of course my dear,” Penelope said, dropping into a bow but making sure none of the names spilled out.
This went on for ten minutes until everyone had someone picked out. Penelope then took the last name out of the hat for herself before snugly fitting the hat back onto her head.
Spencer looked at the slip of paper he had gotten, and in all caps was the name Derek . He reminded himself that there was a 1 in 7 chance. A one in SEVEN chance. Maybe the universe just hated him, he mused to himself, trying to keep a poker face while slipping the paper into his pocket. He would tell Penelope about this later, because even though they were supposed to keep it a secret, she would want to know about this.
Derek did the same as everyone and glanced at his small slip of paper but did a double take when he saw the name scrawled on the parchment. Spencer Reid, was all it said in black ink. Great, of course he got his best friend, whom of which he was inconveniently in love with at the moment. He tried to keep his facial expression neutral, as there was a team full of profilers watching and if he even showed the slightest amount of emotion right now, it might give away who he had drawn.
“Now as per the rules of our lovely unit chief, no gifts above $20, and no telling who you got, as it would ruin the game. We will exchange gifts on the 24th and our lovely Rossi has agreed to let us use his home for the gift exchange.” Penelope described the rules, gesturing over to Rossi.
“Not home, mansion” He corrected, smiling.
A few days later, after agonizing over whether or not he should tell Penelope about his crush on Spencer, Derek texts Penelope. Everyone is asleep on the jet home except for Spencer and him. Spencer is reading a book at a million miles an hour, and Derek is on his phone. However every few seconds in between texts he would look up at the doctor, who always looked so peaceful and serene while reading.
New iMessage from: Garcia
You’re kidding me.
Derek smiled at his phone and typed,
No, I’m not. And I got him for secret santa too. I am so fucked, aren’t I?
He finished typing and set his phone on his lap, glancing at Spencer again while waiting for a response. Well, he thought, less of a glance, more of a stare. He zoned out looking at the younger man, memorizing the way his hands ran over the page. Suddenly the doctor looked up, and they looked in the eyes for a moment before they both quickly looked away. He felt a buzz on his chest and feeling grateful to have an excuse to look at something other than him, continued his conversation with Penelope.
Garcia: First of all you weren’t supposed to tell me the secret santa thing, second of all,  I can feel you staring at him from here. You are so in love it makes me sick.
Penelope rummaged around her office in Quantico, cleaning up before the team arrived and they all got to go home. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and took it out, Morgan again.
Derek: I know, but I had to tell somebody because I’m going crazy over it. I don’t know what to get him. He deserves something better than some random book.
Garcia: My sweet, I promise you he will love anything you get him.
Derek: You sure?
Garcia: I am sure.
Garcia: And if you don’t go to sleep right now Derek Morgan I will strangle you when you get back.
Derek: Fine fine, we’ll be back in an hour. You should get some rest too, go home.
Garcia: Like hell I’m leaving before you all get back here safely. I’ll wait.
They landed in Quantico about an hour later, and as promised, Derek was asleep for about 30 minutes when the jet landed and jolted everyone awake. They all walked back into the building together, tired as all hell even though most of them got sleep on the plane.
“Hey, kid,” Derek said, walking with Spencer to his desk. “Did you get any sleep?”
“Nope,” Spencer said, packing up his things, avoiding looking Derek in the eye.
“Are you alright?” Derek asked, and Spencer froze in his tracks. There were a million things he could’ve said at that moment, but he just continued packing his things after a muttered ‘yea,’. “You know you can talk to me, right?” Derek asked, but Spencer just started thinking about how no, actually he could not talk to him because talking to him about the particular thing he was feeling at the moment would ruin their friendship and Spencer didn’t know if he could take any heartbreak at the moment considering he was tired and about to break down into tears.
“Please, just go to your office, Morgan. I don’t want to talk.” Was all he said, and as Derek walked away a single tear slipped down Spencer’s cheek, which he aggressively rubbed away. The rest of the team was either too busy wrapping up or too tired to notice the distress Spencer was in at the moment.
Derek walked to his office, trying not to burst into tears. When he closed his door he immediately started crying, though. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. He hated seeing Spencer in danger, which is exactly where every case put him. And he was always so cold to him, like working with him now was a pain, a formality that must be gone through with. The glance on the plane was a spark of hope before, that maybe Spencer felt the same way, but it was put out by the way he acted earlier. He didn’t know anymore.
He knocked on Penelope’s door, hoping that the technical analyst hadn’t gone home yet. And she hadn't; she was sitting in her chair, knitting when Derek came in. She jumped up, giving him a kiss on the cheek when he arrived.
“God I am so happy to see that you are safe and well and a million other good things.”
“Actually, safe and well might be the only two good things I feel at the moment, Pen.”
“Alright, talk to me. What happened.” She said, moving her way over to sit down with Derek, rubbing his back.
“I don’t know. There was a moment, on the plane, while I was texting you that I thought maybe, maybe he felt the same way but when we got back he was so cold. It was like he was trying to distance himself from me in every way.”
“Ok, well you’re the profiler. Tell me exactly what he said.”
“Babygirl I don’t remember-”
“I think you do.” Penelope said, crossing her arms at him.
“I do. He said, ‘Please, just go to your office, Morgan. I don’t want to talk.’ He sounded sad, and he said please, which means he was probably expecting me to stay.” Derek had a moment of realization before putting his head in his hands. “I should’ve stayed, oh my god I should have-”
“Hey, hey there is nothing you can do now. Deep breaths. And you’re right. Those sound like the words of someone who is trying to push you away for their own good. And I’ve heard them before,” She said, punching Derek softly in the shoulder. “I don’t think he wants you to leave, Der. I think he just needs some time to figure out himself, first.”
“Do you think he likes me?”
“I can’t say for sure,” (She definitely could) “But I’d say he does.”
“About the secret santa,”
“Hun, I don’t care that you told me.”
“No, not that. What should I get him?”
“I already told you. He would love a ‘random book’” She did air quotes around what Derek had said over text earlier. “But you should make it special, write a note inside or something.”
“You know what…” Derek started, getting an idea. “I think I will.”
“Great, glad I could be of help. Now if you will excuse me, I have to be back here in 6 hours now, and I would like to go home for at least 4 of those.
“Well don’t let me get in the way.” Derek said, smiling at her and backing out of the office.
Spencer spent the rest of that night overthinking, trying to sleep but only falling unconscious for 3 hours before his blaring alarm woke him up. Did I push him away? He thought to himself, lying awake.
Spencer texted Penelope on his way into work, and even though he wasn’t much of a texting person, he didn’t have the time to make a call right now. All his text said was: I really messed up this time, Garcia. She replied as he was walking into the office, What did you do? Although Penelope, of course, had some inkling of what the young doctor was talking about. They had a few minutes before work officially started for the day, and Hotch hadn’t given them a case yet so he strode directly to Penelope’s office, not bothering to set down anything.
Spencer knocked on the door before coming in, and closed the door before sitting down.
“Alright, so spill.” She said, crossing her legs. Her office was becoming less and less of a technical analysis space and more of a therapist’s couch.
“I pushed him away. I was tired and angry and I pushed him away.”
“Slow down, slow down. I’m sure he didn’t take it that way, all of you were feeling that way last night.”
“No but he seemed angry with me too and I-”
“I can promise you. He probably was angry at first and regretted it, and now he’s thinking the same thing you are. Make an effort today to reach out to him, you’ll be surprised.”
“You sound like JJ reading my horoscope.”
“Maybe I can just see into the future.”
“Yeah right, and anyways that isn’t the end of it. I know I’m not supposed to tell you but I got Derek for the secret santa thing.” Spencer sighed into this coffee that was pressed against his lips, and after taking a sip, said, “I’m starting to really hate you for putting this together, because I have no idea what to give him.”
“Maybe get him something he likes,”
“Yeah, but what does he even like? Music?” Spencer asked, setting his coffee cup on the table beside him. “But I don’t even know what or who he listens to. All I know is he likes music and I feel like I don’t know anything about him right now.”
“Football. He likes football.” Garcia said, also trying to think of things her best friend would enjoy as a present.
“Ok that’s a start, what about football is there…”
“No, no scratch that. Do you know how to make a mix of music on a CD?”
“Garcia, you know I can barely work a printer.”
“I’ll help you. I made his playlist that he listens to on the jet so I know what he likes. All you have to do is give it to him.”
“Wow, thanks Penelope. I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t. Say anything that is, just go catch a serial killer and I’ll have it ready by the end of the day.”
As promised, at the end of the day Spencer walked into Penelope’s office and she had a CD ready for him. It was a relatively short case, a local one that had the team home before 8pm. Everyone was in a good mood, but decided to go home early while they had the rare chance.
“Ok here it is, loverboy. Just so you know you can write on it with Sharpie and it won’t mess up the disc.” She winked and handed it to him, Spencer blushing and turning around to make sure no one was at the door.
“Thank you, Penelope. Really.”
“It’s nothing. Thank me when you finally confess your love to that himbo.”
“What’s a-”
“You know what, I’m not explaining that to you. Go home, try and go to sleep early tonight.” She said, pushing him out the door with his new CD. As the door closed in his face, Spencer started to say,
“Have a nice-” But it closed before he could say “-night.” He sighed and walked down the hall, carrying his CD and bag with him towards the elevator. He didn’t expect to see anyone else, but lo and behold Derek Morgan walking towards the elevator at the same time.
“Hey, Reid.” He said, stepping into the elevator with him.
“Hey,” Spencer replied, glancing everywhere but into Derek’s eyes. They were about level, height-wise, and this made it harder for Spencer to avoid his gaze, so he just stared down at the ground.
“Look, if you don’t want to talk to me, that’s fine. I just want to know why.” Spencer’s face heated up in shame, and he looked to Derek.
“I’m sorry that I’ve been acting so cold lately. I’ve been having a hard time, but Garcia helped me realize I shouldn’t be shutting people like you who care about me out.”
“Garcia helped you realize-” Derek paused, thinking. “How long have you two been talking?” He asked, curious.
“Pretty much every day since September.”
“Ok ok, I see.” Spencer didn’t question the way Derek asked how long he’d been talking to Garcia, and switched the topic of conversation.
“Four days and counting until the Secret Santa party.” He said, glancing back at Derek.
“Yeah, you excited?”
“Mostly excited to see who mine is.” Spencer said, staring at the elevator doors, which had just opened. “Have a good night,” He said, walking out the doors of the building, rushing towards his car.
“Yeah, you too.” He said, but Derek knew that Spencer was long gone by now. Derek left the building and walked towards his car, starting it and leaving the parking lot as quick as he got here this morning.
The day of the Secret Santa party, Hotch had one case for them. When they got to the round table, everyone was pretty disappointed, because cases often meant that they came back late and in a bad mood. But it turned out that this one was just an hours drive away, and even quicker on the jet, so everyone hopped in, hoping that this wouldn’t take long.
The case only ended up lasting the day, as the killer was sloppy and left behind an extensive trial. The BAU team boarded the jet wondering why they were even called in to help in the first place.
“Hey, at least this means you all can still come over tonight.” Rossi said positively.
“Yeah, everyone’s coming, right?” JJ said, scanning the plane, but no one spoke up. Just nods of heads to confirm that they were all going.
They all took their seperate cars to Rossi’s, with Emily riding with JJ because she left her car at her apartment and took the subway.  
When Spencer got there, the house was lit up. Rossi and Hotch had been the first ones to arrive, and shortly after Spencer the rest came filing in the door, joking and laughing with everyone. Spencer caught sight of everyone holding their gifts, wondering which bag or wrapped box was for him. Penelope was the last to come in, taking off her shoes at the door like everyone else and smiling at him with a wrapped present.
“Not for you,” She said, seeing the look on his face “That comes later.”
They all ate good food and talked and drank wine that night, and everything seemed perfect for that moment in time.
“Ok, ok. It is time for the event that we all came here for to take place!” Penelope said, a little wine drunk, standing up and grabbing her present. “Here’s what’s gonna happen, everyone stand up and go find whoever you were assigned. That’s it, good luck.”
They all rose from their seats to go find their assigned person. Spencer just silently waited. He knew he had Morgan, but he wanted to receive his present first and then find Derek because he was a little more… personal, and he didn’t want anyone getting in the way. Just then Derek made his way to him . No, no way is this happening, he thought, terrified and excited at the same time.
“Spencer Reid,” He said, handing the doctor a poorly wrapped present “I believe this is for you.”
“Oh my god,” Reid said, eyes darting between the present and Morgan.
“What?” Derek asked, visibly confused.
“Here. You were who I was assigned.” Spencer said bluntly, shoving the small present towards him.
“What are the odds,” Derek said, and then added as Spencer opened his mouth “please do not actually tell me the odds,” and they both laughed, unwrapping their gifts to each other. Spencer, since he got his gift first, unwrapped it faster and found a book.
“Derek, I love this,” It was a book he had never read before, and from the many books Spencer Reid had read, there weren’t a lot of those left. “Thank you.” He said, looking at him. He thumbed through the pages as the scent of the new book filled the air around them.
“Look at the inside cover.” Derek said, with a hint of shakiness in his voice.
“Only if you look at the CD.” Derek was holding the case in his hands, not taking the disc out itself yet. He was going to listen to it on the car ride home, he had told himself.
“Ok,” Derek wondered what was written on the CD. Probably just a funny playlist name or some fun fact about music, he thought dismissively. At the same time he pulled the disc gently from it’s casing, Spencer opened the cover to the book. In Spencer’s scrawled handwriting, Derek made out the words ‘I love you.’ written in black sharpie on the disc. As Spencer opened the book, he found Derek’s bold lettering on the cover page, saying ‘I love you.’
At the same time, they both looked at each other and came to a realization that this was not platonic. This wasn’t the way friends said they loved each other. And they both realized that the other felt the same way that they had been feeling for months.
“I love you too,” They both said at the same time, both letting out a laugh and realizing what happened.
“My place after this?” Derek asked under his breath.
“Most definitely.” Spencer replied, leaving Derek with a kiss on the cheek to go talk to Penelope.
16 notes · View notes
noona-clock · 5 years
I Never Knew - Part 2
Genre: WWII!AU
Pairing: Brian (Day6) x You (Female!Reader)
Warning: Mentions of war
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Epilogue | Words: 3,503
*gif courtesy of @cramelot​
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When your eyes fluttered open the next morning after a long, very restful sleep, the first thought you had was I think last night may have been a dream.
I mean, you’d been to plenty of parties on plenty of military bases by now. You’d met your fair share of soldiers. But never in your life had you ever met someone like Brian. Someone who made you feel the way Brian made you feel. Someone you had kissed the very same night you’d met him. But, last night, all of that had happened to you. So, it must have been a dream.
You let out a soft, sleepy groan as you stretched your arms up toward the ceiling. And then you winced when you felt the soreness in your upper arms and shoulder. Stretching your legs out brought about the same slight pain, and you realized... it couldn’t have been a dream if you were this sore from all that dancing.
A giddy smile crept onto your lips as you thought about what else you’d done last night.
Brian had walked you home, draped his jacket over your shoulders, told you a little about his life, pointed out constellations... and you’d kissed him. A somewhat brief, very innocent kiss, but a kiss nonetheless.
It felt so good to think about it that you didn’t even want to get out of bed. Your role as a General’s daughter, however, had ingrained a habit of rising early into you, and you now felt like you were wasting time if you stayed in bed past 8am.
Unsurprisingly, your father was already sitting at the kitchen table when you arrived downstairs, his usual breakfast of coffee, toast, and oatmeal sitting in front of him.
“Did you enjoy yourself last night, Cupcake?” he asked as you shuffled over to his seat. You bent to place a quick kiss on his cheek before answering his question.
“Morning, Daddy,” you mumbled. “Yes, I did. Very much so.”
“Did you dance the night away?” 
“Yes,” you chuckled before you headed to the fridge for an apple. “How much money did you win playing poker?”
Your dad let out a hearty laugh and said, “You aren’t supposed to know that’s what I’m doing.”
“Oh, come on,” you smirked. “You raised me to be observant, remember? I wouldn’t be your daughter if I didn’t know all the details, even the ones I’m not supposed to know.”
“This is true, I suppose,” he sighed, though the tone of amusement hadn’t left his voice. “We’ll say I broke even and leave it at that.”
“Good,” you noted. “I like when they don’t let you win just because you’re their boss.”
You slid into the chair next to him, bringing one leg up and curling it underneath you as you bit into your apple.
After a few moments of silence (save for your apple-crunching and your father’s coffee-slurping), your father cleared his throat and glanced over at you. “What’s on your agenda today?”
“My agenda?” you asked, raising your eyebrows. “I... don’t know. I guess I’ll explore the base or something. ...There’s a hospital nearby, right?”
Your father hummed, nodding before he gulped down the last of his coffee.
“I’ll probably go there, then. See what I can do to volunteer.”
Even though you had no medical experience whatsoever, you’d always seemed to find yourself ending up at the base hospital, helping the nurses with whatever they needed. You’d gotten tired of just sitting around at home while your dad was at work, and since every military base had a clinic or hospital, it was the obvious choice. Plus, you found the work incredibly rewarding (though you couldn’t quite say you had the desire to actually become a nurse -- right now).
“That’s my girl,” your father grinned. He set down his mug and pushed his chair back from the table, gathering up the remains of his breakfast to clean up. “I may or may not be home for dinner, depending on how the day goes.”
“Okay, Daddy,” you answered. You were used to his ‘depending on’ schedule by now -- one thing about this military life you were used to, in fact. “Have a good first day.”
“You, too, Cupcake.” He dropped a light kiss on the top of your head as he carried his dishes to the sink, and within a few minutes, he was out the front door.
After finishing your apple, you headed upstairs to get ready for the day. You put on one of your favorite dresses, wanting to make a good impression on the nurses at the hospital since they were the most likely candidates to become your friends; but you also put on a pair of your most comfortable shoes so you could easily walk all around as you volunteered.
You’d lived on so many bases and had so many First Days, you were practically a professional. You just... didn’t get paid. But you were volunteering, so that was kind of the point.
It was just after 10am when you stepped out of your house and into the warmth of the sunshine. The air was cool, though not as chilly as last night. And, of course, you were thinking about last night as you walked down the pathway outside of your house, passing the spot where you’d kissed Brian.
You knew it hadn’t been a dream, but you still couldn’t quite believe you’d done that.
Did you regret it? No, absolutely not.
Were you... maybe a little embarrassed? Yes, probably.
But, oh well. There was nothing you could do about it now -- not the actual kiss, at least. You couldn’t take it back, though you didn’t even want to.
As you began to stroll down the sidewalk, you realized you’d been too absorbed in thinking about the kiss that you had no idea where you were going. Where even was the hospital?
Your brow furrowed as you lifted your gaze and searched the surrounding area. Within seconds, you noticed a three-story brick building just a few blocks away, a large, red cross adorning the outside above the entrance.
Aha. If that wasn’t the base hospital, then you wouldn’t know what was.
It only took about five minutes to walk there, though you had never been a slow walker. Being the daughter of someone in the military had not only forced a structured schedule on your daily life, but it had also made you yearn to be as efficient as possible. Why take seven minutes to get somewhere when it could take you five if you simply walked a little bit faster?
It sounded ridiculous, but it saved you time!
When you arrived at the front door (five, not seven, minutes later), you took a deep breath before you reached out and pushed it open.
The receptionist sitting at the front desk looked up, her brow furrowing softly when she saw you. You grinned over at her and wrung your hands together nervously as you approached the desk.
“Hello,” you greeted. “I’m Y/N, I just moved to the base? My... my father is the new General, and I was just wondering if there were any opportunities to volunteer?”
The young woman’s face morphed from an expression of slight confusion to one of friendly surprise. “Oh, hello!” she said as she stood from her chair. “Yes, absolutely. Let me find Catherine, she’s the head nurse on duty right now.”
You nodded, watching as she stepped out from behind the desk and turned down the hallway to walk back into the hospital.
You only stood there awkwardly in the lobby for a minute or two before the receptionist returned, another young woman walking behind her.
“Hi,” the young woman greeted with a half-smile, half-smirk. She was, obviously, the head nurse on duty, and she stuck her hand out toward you once she got close enough. “I’m Catherine, but please, call me Cat.”
“Nice to meet you, Cat,” you answered as you shook her hand. “I’m Y/N.”
“I heard you’re looking to volunteer?”
“Yes, I would love to help out wherever it’s needed,” you nodded.
“Come with me, then.” Cat’s lips tugged into even more a smirk, and she nodded her head back toward the hallway she’d just come down with the receptionist.
You shot the receptionist a small, thankful grin before following Cat, hurrying your steps to catch up with her.
“Since the war just started and these boys haven’t been shipped out yet, it’s pretty quiet around here at the moment,” Cat explained, glancing over her shoulder at you. “We have exactly two patients right now. One slipped on the stairs and broke his leg a few days ago, and the other has the flu. But, don’t worry. There’s still plenty for you to do, Y/N.”
“All right,” you chuckled. “I’m willing to do anything.”
“Be careful when you say that, I just might take you up on it once things get busy.”
You grinned to yourself as you continued to follow Cat down the hallway, the fluorescent lights and sterile smell actually bringing you comfort. No matter the base, all of the hospitals where you’d volunteered had been the same. Strangely enough, they had been one of the few constants in your ever-changing life. While some people recoiled at the smell of hospitals, you simply felt like you were home.
“For now, though, you can help with the laundry.” Cat slowed to a stop in front of a door, opening it and revealing the hospital’s laundry room.
“I may not be very helpful when you really need it, but laundry, I can definitely do,” you replied with a confident nod.
“Come on in, then.”
Within the next few minutes, you and Cat were folding and sorting towels. It was definitely one of the tamest tasks you’d done while volunteering at a clinic or hospital, but you truly didn’t mind. And Cat seemed quite lovely -- definitely someone with whom you wanted to become friends.
“So, you’re new here,” she stated rather than asked. “What’s your story?”
Why did you immediately remember that Brian had asked you exactly that question last night?
“Well... my father has been in the military my whole life. We moved around a lot. Still do, actually,” you shrugged, trying (and basically failing) to push thoughts of Brian out of your head. “This is the third base in the last year.”
Cat quirked a brow at you, the corners of her ruby lips turned down into a tiny frown. “Do you think you’ll stay here?”
Did you want to stay here? There was no question about that in your mind. You wanted to stay here and get to know Brian, more than any other person you’d ever met.
“I hope so,” you replied with a soft, somewhat bashful grin. You couldn’t help it. Thinking about Brian only made you think about your kiss, and --
“I know that smile,” Cat chuckled, interrupting your thoughts. “What’s his name?”
Your cheeks warmed, and your grin became even more bashful before you answered her. “I mean -- we just met last night at my father’s welcome party, it’s not --”
“What’s his name?” Cat repeated. “I can tell you about his medical record.”
Your brow instantly furrowed. “...You can?”
Cat shot you a smirk and laughed softly. “No, that’s totally against policy. But if I look up his record, I can probably remember him.”
You kept your gaze focused on the towel you were folding. “His... name is Brian.”
“Oh, Brian,” Cat replied without hesitation. “I don’t even need to look up his record, I remember him clear as day. Truly one of the most handsome faces I’ve ever seen. And one of the nicest, most genuine guys. Also got 20/20 vision, that one.”
“I thought you weren’t allowed to tell me anything about his medical record,” you said as you held back a laugh.
Cat let out a soft, dreamy sigh before tossing her folded towel onto the pile. “What can I say? I’m a sucker for love stories.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say --”
But you were cut off by a voice. Not Cat’s voice, either, but another voice entirely.
“I thought I heard you.”
You nearly dropped the towel in your hands when you heard him, and you thought surely it wouldn’t actually be him. Why would he be right here, right now?
But when you turned toward the laundry room door... there he was.
Brian, in all of his handsome glory.
“Br -- what are you --” you stammered, your heart skipping a beat before it began to pound inside your chest.
“My friend broke his leg, I came to visit him,” he explained with a tiny smile. And -- still, somehow -- that tiny smile made your heart race even more. “What about you?”
“Oh, I -- I’m just volunteering,” you told him somewhat bashfully.
His smile grew -- and so did your heart.
“Could you, uh... maybe... meet me outside? In, say, an hour?”
Without thinking too much about it, you nodded quickly. And you were glad you did because Brian’s grin only got bigger.
“Great,” he murmured. “See you then.”
“Bye,” you said in almost a whisper, lifting one hand to wave at him as he stepped away from the laundry room and headed down the hall.
When you slowly turned back to Cat, you were not surprised in the least to see an incredibly lopsided smirk on her lips. “As I was saying, I’m a sucker for a good love story.”
“Would it... be all right if I headed out in about an hour?” you asked as innocently as you could, though you felt your cheeks flaming both from Brian’s unexpected appearance and from Cat’s comment.
“Of course, hon,” Cat replied. “You’re a volunteer. You can come and go as you please.”
You shot her a half-apologetic, half-grateful smile before getting back to work folding the stack of towels in front of you.
Once the two of you were finished with the laundry, Cat delegated you to sorting and organizing the new shipment of supplies until the hour was up. She said she was going to check up on all two of the patients, and before she left, she reached out and gave your elbow an affectionate squeeze.
“Good luck,” she murmured as she winked slyly at you.
“Thanks,” you chuckled.
For the next forty-five minutes or so, you worked slowly -- though not too slowly. You just didn’t want to finish before the hour was up. Now that you knew you would be meeting up with Brian, your mind wasn’t really able to focus on much else. Sorting and organizing hospital supplies was the perfect activity to fill the time until you saw him, and if you finished early, you’d have to find Cat and ask her for something else to do. She’d probably just tell you to leave, but then you would be waiting outside for Brian for who knows how long. Hence why you were taking your time with this task.
You had just put away the last item in the box when Cat appeared at your side. You must have been too in the zone because you hadn’t heard the click of her heels on the hospital’s tile floor.
“It’s about that time,” she murmured, nudging you softly and wiggling her eyebrows. “I saw him leave just a couple minutes ago.”
You honestly weren’t sure how your father would take it if you and Brian ended up dating or in a romantic relationship (which you assumed you would, at this point), but even if he took it badly, at least you had someone in your corner. Cat, apparently, was rooting for you and was more than happy to help you.
“Thank you,” you replied after you set the empty box on the floor and turned toward her. “I’ll be back tomorrow, and I promise I’ll stay longer.”
Cat let out a soft chuckle and reached out to gently place her hand on your shoulder. “Honey, if things go well, I wouldn’t blame you if you never showed up here again.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, shaking your head. “I will show up again,” you assured her with a somewhat shy smirk. You’d never been the type of girl to get so caught up in a relationship that your whole life centered around your significant other, especially not now when a world war had just broken out.
Cat simply lifted one shoulder into a half-shrug before she nudged you again. “Go on, scoot. Get outta here!”
You chuckled softly and followed her instructions, hurrying out of the supply room.
As soon as you exited through the front door, you saw Brian sitting on a bench, one arm lazily slung over the top and drumming his fingers on the wooden surface.
Your heart, of course, sped up at the sight of him, even though you could only see him from the back. But just the fact you knew he was waiting for you made you anxious... in a good way.
He must have heard the click of your heels on the pavement as you approached him because he turned around, eyebrows raised expectantly.
And then his face lit up with a smile.
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Your knees instantly went weak, and you almost toppled over onto the sidewalk.
Brian stood from the bench and took a few steps to meet you. “Hi,” he greeted.
“Hello,” you replied breathlessly. “How’s your friend?”
“Oh, he’s fine,” he told you with a chuckle. “Just embarrassed. How was volunteering?”
“It was great! I didn’t see any blood, so that’s always nice.”
Brian’s smile grew more amused at your words, but you somehow managed to keep on speaking (even though your heart was pounding and butterflies were racing around in your stomach and his smile was still taking your breath away).
“I really like the nurse, though,” you added. “Cat. She seems like a heroine from a Katharine Hepburn movie.”
“She does,” Brian agreed jovially. “My friend, the one who broke his leg, is carryin’ a real big torch for her. Says she’s got gumption, and that’s exactly what he likes in a woman.”
You were sorely tempted to ask Brian what he liked in a woman, but it felt just a touch inappropriate. And brazen. And you were neither of those.
“Anyway,” he continued, interrupting your thoughts. “I was hoping I would see you around.”
“Me, too,” you admitted. “After I was done here, I was planning on exploring the base to see if I could accidentally run into you.”
The look on Brian’s face after you said this made it very obvious he was pleased with your words. He clasped his hands behind his back, rocking a little on the balls of his feet. “Would you... like a tour? I can show you around.”
You were, obviously, going to jump at the chance of spending any time with him, so you immediately nodded. “Yes, I would love one.”
Brian held out his arm, ushering you down the sidewalk and leading you in a somewhat slow stroll toward the base. And, for probably the first time in your life, you were happy to leave your usual brisk walking pace behind.
For the next hour or so, Brian showed you anything and everything you wanted to see -- or, at least, everything he was able to show you. He told you stories about things which had happened in certain places, making you giggle and gasp and nudge him with disbelief. He pointed out his favorite spots, and in the back of your head, you wondered if maybe they would become yours, too.
Even though he did amuse you greatly during your tour, he was also the perfect gentleman. He barely touched you, and he gave no indication that he wanted to hold your hand or caress your cheek or kiss you... 
By the time the two of you arrived at your house, your curiosity about his behavior was bubbling over.
“Can I... tell you something?” you asked anxiously as you slowly came to a stop beside the mailbox.
“Yes, of course,” Brian answered without hesitation.
“I... Well, I can’t help but... The more I think about it, the more I wonder if...”
All right, Y/N. Pull yourself together.
“I know that I kissed you last night, and I’m just... a little unsure if I should be embarrassed or not.” 
Brian’s eyebrows rushed up his forehead, his lips parting slightly in surprise. “Em -- No, definitely not embarrassed,” he assured you, much to your relief. “I... I had a really great time last night.”
You couldn’t stop a smile from curving your lips, and you bit your lower lip as Brian unclasped his hands and reached out to take one of yours. He grasped your fingers delicately, running his thumb over your knuckles.
“Actually, I was wondering... if you’re not busy tonight, could I take you out to dinner?”
Part 3
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joshslater · 5 years
The Reformatory
A rewrite of jd07201990′s swimmer story. Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
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Dear diary or however you are supposed to start.
So tomorrow is the big day. Dad and I are sleeping at a Holiday Inn at the other side of the state. Well, I'm obviously not sleeping. How could I? So I thought I should start a journal of some sort to document this experience.
Some background. Two months ago I was in a fight with Mark Samberg on the football team. It had gotten pretty bad between the football schmucks and us swimmers. The jockheads were constantly harassing us, calling us fags and prissy boys. It happened often and was getting boring. As the captain of the swim team I asked Mark to knock it off and get his players in line. Idiot as he is he tried to knock me out instead, and I lost it. In our scramble I managed to knock him down and was about to kick him in the shin when he shifted and instead I connected with his knee. Apparently it fractured. He'll be able to walk and even run, but he'll not be able to play again for years, so he lost his Scholarship.
His family sued everyone they could. Me, the school, the swim coach. In the end all the lawyers sat down in a room with a local judge and came up with something they all could agree to. Mark gets some study assistance to get his grades up, the school had this quickly brushed under the carpet, and could pretend I was never student there. Me not graduating wasn’t really a blow, as my college fund now went to pay for Mark’s education, as compensation. They were rich enough to afford it anyway, but they wanted to see punishment. I get the honor to spend the next 180 days at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center, where I will "participate in all scheduled exercises, activities, therapies, meals and medication programs". They can tack on some extra days for bad behavior without going back to the judge, but essentially I get 6 months at bad boy camp for standing up to bullies.
What will I do there? No idea. The website talks a lot about work ethics and responsibility and working together with the local community. Sounds like labor camp to me. I'll guess we'll know tomorrow. But first we have to visit the hospital for a check up. My first day in prison will mostly not be in prison!
Day 1, Monday
We started with a checkup at the hospital, and man did they do a thorough job. Our appointment was at 10, but before that I had to fill out a form with 100 questions. The doctor spent more than 30 minutes doing the most extensive check I've ever had. Not only that, but after the check we had to go to the sample lab to draw blood, and finally I had a CT scan at noon. After that, and a quick lunch, we drove to the actual reformation center, which was in a smaller town 2 hours away.
It's an old boarding school building that they've turned into this "Reformation Center", and it clearly looks more like a prison than a school. Just a heap of two story brick and concrete buildings out in nowhere. Not much of security, but then everyone was there "voluntarily", meaning that we all had a proper punishment waiting for us if we left. I hugged dad goodbye and was shown to Mr. Kerwin’s office by the entrance guard.
Mr. Kerwin was a lean, ripped man in his forties that oozed military discipline. He explained that he was responsible for my rehabilitation and that he wouldn't start soft. He would give me a packed schedule, and if I didn't pull my weight he would add more days for "noncompliance". If I didn't like it I could run back to judge Stephenson and ask to start over in juvie.
Perhaps that would be better, because the schedule he showed me was totally insane.
4:30-5:00  Breakfast 5:00-8:00  Exercise pass 1 8:00-12:00 Work pass 1 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-14:30 School 14:30-17:30 Work pass 2 17:30-18:00 Dinner 18:00-21:00 Exercise pass 2 21:30       Lights out
He explained that my breakfast, lunch and dinner would be pre-portioned and I was required to eat all of it. The exercise passes would be lead by himself or one of the assistants. Again, I would have to follow every instruction. The work passes were done at local businesses that wanted an extra hand, and changed depending on demand. The school passes were done as a group on whatever subject Mr. Reed selected.
Next he ordered me to get naked and place all my clothes on top of my bag and move to the other side of the room. Having done so he pointed at a stack of clothes on the table and told me to pick my size and get dressed. I quickly dressed in one of the track suits from the table. There was a baseball cap also, which confused me, but was told that it was instead of sunglasses when working outdoor.
With that I was given a rule book to study and was led by an assistant to my room where a dinner was waiting. Turkey, rice, water. I was reminded of lights out at 21:30 and wake up at 4:30. The assistant left and locked the door. 10 minutes later he came back with my journal book and pen, and told me that they'll keep the rest for now.
Having eaten the dinner and having three hours (I'm almost sure 21:30 is 9:30 PM) to kill before the lights go out I'm now summarizing the day. I'm sitting in something very similar to a prison cell. Bed, toilet, sink. Everything is clean, though somewhat worn. Looking into the mirror is kind of depressing though. I look like some jailed gang member.
It's kind of weird that I haven't met any of the other inmates, sorry students, here. I saw some of them while coming in, but perhaps this is their kind of hazing, or they do an official presentation tomorrow. Anyway, I should study the rule book and go to bed, since I didn't sleep much last night.
Day 2, Tuesday
So much to write about, so little time. I might have to split this into several entries since lights out is in 20 minutes.
I was awaken at 4:30 and given a tray with a large bowl of porridge and berries and some chalky smoothie or shake or whatever to drink. After that an assistant lead me to the gym room where we went over various machines, mainly for cardio. Elliptical, bike, treadmill. Weird thing was that it was only us two in the room during all three hours.
Sweaty and a bit tired I was then taken outside to a bus where some of the other boys where chilling. Apparently everyone else had breakfast between 7 and 8. They had no idea why I didn't join them there. The bus then drove around town and the driver announced who should exit where. My group of four people exited at a farm before town, only about 5 minutes away. I don't know exactly since I haven't been given my watch back.
There we spent hours just moving hay. Don't they know about tractors? Sweaty, itchy, tired and hungry we were then picked up and driven back. At lunch was the first time I saw the real common area. To my surprise there were more boys there than had been on the bus.
Everyone else could pick what they wanted from what was served, but I was given a ready tray with an heap of salmon and pasta. I was starving though, so it wasn't a problem to eat it all. I didn't have much time to talk, but the guys at my table were nice. Somewhat rough, as could be expected. Apparently you were chosen for the different work assignments, and if you were not picked you stayed at the center for sports or craft or similar things.
After Lunch followed a session with Mr. Reed. The first boring hour was on English grammar and the second boring hour on US geography. I aced the quizz getting all 50 states and state capitols right, so I didn't learn anything new after that. Then Mr. Reed announced who had work assignments, and I was again selected.
This time I and Troy were dropped off at a different farm where we spent almost three hours helping with fencing. Mainly carry posts and sawing them to length.
For dinner I had some meatballs with roasted sweet potatoes while everyone else had meatballs with tomato sauce. Mr. Kerwin picked me up and led me to the gym. Unlike the morning session this was all about weight training. Most of it was on finding my limits for different exercises while Mr. Kerwin pointed out how I could improve my form. You could tell that this was what he liked to do, and encouraged me to push a bit further. Once we were done I had a bottle of post workout mix of some sort and a very quick shower before rushing back to my room.
Here's the thing. My room is on a different floor than the other guys. Also, my schedule appears to be different and much more rigid than the rest of the guys. I also
Day 3, Wednesday
I couldn't finish the last entry before they cut the light. My entire body is in pain right now. I woke up like that, and it didn't go away all day. Same schedule as yesterday, but different tasks and different dishes. The assistant really pushed today during the morning session, so I was exhausted already at the bus. Planting bushes at the city park all morning didn't help. I got some rest during Reeds rehash of elementary math. Then back to doing fences, and top it all off with weight training. I asked Mr. Kerwin about the schedule and why it was so different from everyone else’s. He said that everyone's schedule is individual and that he'll adjust mine as needed.
One more weird thing before I fall to sleep. Everyone else is using their normal clothes. I haven't gotten mine back yet.
Day 4, Thursday
FUCK! I was back on moving hay today again, with Sam, Trevor and Rick. I'm still hurting like hell and Rick is one lazy motherfucker, so old fart Farmer Joe decided to complain. The end result is that I am getting 2 days added for noncompliance. Sam, Trevor and Rick got nothing. WTF!
Day 5, Friday
We were carrying merchandise all morning and Troy heckled me on how I got more days because of the piece of shit Rick. But he then said that it was a weird coincidence that every work shift I've been on has been the toughest one.
Instead of going to class I met with the doctor from the hospital who made a visit. He asked me about how I felt, where I was sore etc. Then he gave me an injection which he said would ease things for me. I didn't feel much different, but I was getting really sleepy getting back to Mr. Reeds class, but it might just be that everything he did was too simple and boring.
Apparently while I had a check up Troy had shared his theory about me being a work magnet, so there were some groans from the guys placed in my group. God damn fence work again.
Man, I'm tired. I was tired even before Mr. Kerwin gave me the toughest weight pass ever. Fuck, I'm tired.
Day 6, Saturday
So the weekend schedule is different. There is still a morning work pass, basically only used by the local farmers. But the afternoon is free both on Saturdays and Sundays. Conditions and terms applies, apparently. Since I haven't done any cleaning or dishes all week (how could I?), I'm assigned washing clothes, sheets etc. Man, how much better it is to carry laundry than hay. Best job assignment all week. Lots of downtime. Only real drawback is all the humidity. It’s steamy AF here.
Still fucking 3h workout pass in the morning and evening. The other boys were pretty vocal in mocking me on my way to the gym.
Day 7, Sunday
So the day started out as any other so far. Woke up sore. Breakfast alone and 3 hour gym session. There are no work passes outside LARC on Sundays, so I was hit with cleaning, together with Kyle G. and Rick. Rick ghosted after like three minutes, but KG did a solid work. It took us all the time til lunch though to finish it.
Then my first free couple of hours all week. It’s insane. The other guys were low key avoiding me, so I did what Mr. Kerwin had suggested and had a walk in the forest. It was actually kind of nice, and for some weird reason I didn’t feel like sitting still.
Day 8, Monday
Same shit again. Mr. Kerwin gave me a shot in the arm this evening. Apparently I’ll have one each Monday from now on. Whatever.
Also I found out today that the others don’t have formal lights out. I’m on my own floor so they can lock me up and cut the power. What the fuck?
Day 9, Tuesday
That fucker Rick slacked off again, taunting me about another two days. Ha! I got 10. Mostly for kicking him in the teeth. They locked me in my room, so I had lunch there and sat in this boring ass cell during class and work. Fuck, I don’t know what’s worse. I had to do some body weight exercises to keep sane. Fuck this shit.
Back again. I still got to have my evening workout. Kerwin was pushing harder than ever. The order of exercises was different too. Apparently to make the major muscles tired so smaller muscle groups then get to work. Or something. I don’t give a shit.
Day 11, Thursday
They fucking work now, don’t they the little shits. They know I ruined someones career to get here and another one for slacking off. They better pull there weight
Day 14, Sunday
I think I’ll stick to just write on Sundays. There is only half an hour from evening gym to lights out, so there isn’t much time for writing. I’ve even skipped shower a few times. It’s not like it matters when you start every fucking day getting soaked with cardio. Not like there are any girls around to impress either. Sunday has a different vibe tho. Cleaning, running in the forest and taking a long shower.
Starts and ends with fucking gym time though.
Day 21, Sunday
I really fucking like the forest runs. Its like you don’t have to think and can just run wherever and grab whatever and smash whatever. Fucking love it
Day 28, Sunday
Yay! A full fucking month!
It’s crazy though how much stronger I’m. I have gone up one size larger track suite and 2 sizes larger sneakers. Working hard to make me the best I guess.
Day 42, Sunday
guess i forgot about writing last week. i think the monday shots make me angry or something because last week fucked up someone else on tuesday. at least they all give me fucking respect at least.
Day 92, Monday
i dont give a shit abot reeds borin ass lessons and they fuckin repeat on a loop or some shit. today he was back on gramr and the states. i most time dont fill out his shit but wanted to do it again today. fucking aced most of the states. not so good on the capitols tho
Day 203, Sunday
only 2 weeks left tomorrow lol then im gonna yeet the fuck outta here !!!! adios motherfuckas
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Mr. Kerwin enters the room, carrying a folder, and walks behind his desk, not even looking at me. I am sitting in his precious fucking antique chair I pulled from the corner. He’s sitting his ass down, rifles through the papers in the folder and starts to read from one of them.
“John Hamlin agrees to 180 days of rehabilitation training at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center, where he will participate in all scheduled exercises, activities, therapies, meals and medication programs, with a possible extension of 30 days for noncompliance and a possible extension of 60 days for infractions as described by the Juvenile Rehabilitation Act (JuRA), section 1103 (b).”
He looks up at me. It sounded like easy shit when I said yes to it. I thought half a year in a bad boy summer camp, or worst case something like prison, but that would have been miles better than this fucking non-stop hard labor shit. And 180 days was a fucking joke. They never fucking intended that to be the actual time. Have someone else slack off and the slap another 2 days to the time. Kick a chair to pieces, 5 days. Punch a guy for being a cunt, 10 days. I’m close to having another fucking outburst again. It must be all that fucking shit they put in the food or shakes or whatever. I fight it. I don’t want to show any emotion in front of him. I don’t think he buys my shit.
“There is another document in the agreement that you haven’t heard. This one between Mark and judge Andrews.”
He pulls out another paper from the folder and read it.
“The state hereby directs Mark Samberg, or person(s) by him so designated, to design and oversee the rehabilitation program of John Hamlin to be administrated at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center. This includes physical exercises, physical therapy, education, consoling, dietary plan and medication, as long as it fulfills the positive development criteria (Appendix D), is within the available services at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center (Appendix A) and within the given budget (Appendix C). Additional services require external financing and approval from the Reformation Center management (Appendix B).”
That doesn’t make any fucking sense. Why the hell had the judge put Mark in charge of my schedule? I understand why he’d want to make the experience suck as much as fucking possible for me, by why had everyone agreed to it? Kerwin looks at me as if he can read an open book.
“You are wondering what has happened to you. What was the meaning of all this? Stand up.”
I jump to my feet. There are still weeks he can add to my time here, and I don’t want to give him any fucking reason to add some shit.
“Stand with your feet as close together as you can.”
He’s never asked me to do that before. I can easily tap me feet together, but I can’t really stand still with my feet right next to each other for long. What the fuck is this bullshit? My thighs are too massive for that.
“Sit down again.”
He leans back and watches me with a bemused smirk.
“Imagine that you’d been away from swimming half a year. Even if you kept in shape it would take you months to be back in good enough technique to clear the swim team tryouts. But you have not kept in shape, have you? You have a completely new shape.”
The blood is draining from my face. I understand where this is going.
“With your upper body build you can physically really only do butterfly strokes properly, but if you can’t bring your feet together the leg kick will just be a wild thrashing of water. You swimming medley would be a hilarious joke. We haven’t even talked about you almost doubling in weight, and how much more oxygen you would need to swim. Sure, you are much stronger now, but old you would swim circles around new you. And that is of course the point. If Mark couldn’t have his sports career, he didn’t want you to have yours either. And the judge agreed.”
I’m surprised that the chair doesn’t break, as hard as I’m squeezing it. I’m boiling with fucking rage. I have to really focus to not to act on it.
“Now the judge specifically set out that this transformation couldn’t be punishment in itself, but rather that you were trained in a way that just wasn’t optimal for swimming. We may have gone a bit overboard with the body building to leave you many options though. You’ll obviously never be competitive in anything with speed or agility, like football or boxing. The metabolic conditioning, hormone treatment and gene therapy have far to long lasting effects to change you back from where you are now. You could try wrestling or weight lifting though, unless you mind showing your erection through spandex.”
“What the fuck?”, I said, as much as a general question to all the things he’d said. What does metabolic conditioning mean? Gene therapy? Erections?
“The medical regimen that Marks family found for you kind of put the feet on both the gas and the break at the same time. It forces the body to grow a lot at the same time as we try to stop it, so it has to try even harder. By injecting stem cells with the right CRISPR-modified DNA we could get rapid, major and long lasting changes. Well, I say we, but all I did was to make sure you kept to the exercise regimen, for a little cash on the side… Surely you didn’t think you got larger feet and dick from eating much and working hard?”
I don’t understand exactly what they done to me, but the result is pretty fucking clear. There was no way I would swim competitively ever again, if I could even fucking swim at all now. I would come out of here looking like a fucking balloon animal muscle jock, and shedding the muscles back to where I were would take shitloads of years.
“The hormone treatment finished two weeks ago and last blood sample shows that your natural hormone levels will keep you muscled and pumped probably well into your forties. So this morning I also cut you off from all suppressive medication as well. That is going to spike your hormone levels and mess quite a bit with you, so we need to see just how badly fucked up you are before we can release you.”
“The good doctor say that you’ll be more irritable and have more excess energy than before. Both something you can work on with regular, hard exercise. But I want to see where you really are at now, so starting today you’ll have no required gym time and labor passes. You can wake up when you want, eat what you want and do what you want.”
“You said erections?”, I asked.
“Yeah, the suppression medication should have kept you limp. You haven’t jacked off while here, have you? Well, you heard what I said about gas and break and compensation. Your body has been pumping massive amounts of hormones into your blood, and will continue to do so. But now that you don’t have the suppressives anymore you should expect to be horny for the next decade or two. You’ll be nothing but a lumbering muscle dildo.”
There’s a crack somewhere inside the wood of the armrest. Fucking fourteen more days, I have to remind myself. Don’t fuck any shit up before then. If I let go of the chair I’m quite positive I will knock him the fuck out. Fourteen fucking more shit days.
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blueroan-equestrian · 4 years
More to life 7
If you haven’t read ch 6
Ch 7 smut with the usual warnings
Geralt’s arms were tightly wound around me when I woke up, “Geralt? Are you awake?”
“Why exactly did we have to leave?”
“Because... I killed one of them.”
“It was self defence... you were defending us!”
“Well that doen’t matter, all they will see is that a Witcher killed a man ... if they didn’t come for me they’d go for you when I left... I can’t stand the thought of losing you... I’m sorry I’m having you relocate.” He whispers kissing my head.
“It’s alright, so long as I have you. Now we should get going while we have sunlight. I would say it looks to be high noon.” I say as I sit up.
Geralt grunts in agreement and we water the animals one last time and grab Jaskier as we head out.
We travel until the night falls and it’s too dark for anyone but Geralt to see. Geralt had to tie the horses then come and lead me down and over to a place where we could lay down. However it wasn’t as safe as we were last time, I woke up to being dragged off Geralt and up into the air. “Geralt!!!!!” I scream as I struggled against the grip on my leg.
“(Y/N!)” Geralt yelled, “Hold on! I’m coming!”
I wish I could say I got out unscathed but I fell and knocked myself out.
I wake up in Geralt’s arms. Roach is tied to the back of the wagon and Jaskier is upfront. “Geralt? Where are we?” I groaned.
“Shhhh.... it’s okay baby, you’re okay just rest we’re almost to a town that has a doctor. You’re going to be fine.”
I groaned but didn’t speak again, my head was pounding. I closed my eyes again and the next time I woke up, I was laying in a small bed with a strange man looming over me. “Geralt?” I squeaked. Geralt was beside me, on his knees in a second.
“I’m right here honey... just let the doctor look you over... ok you drink what he’s giving you, come on I’ll help you sit up.” He whispered as he gingerly lifts me to a slightly lifted position. I struggle but I managed to get down the nasty liquid in the cup the doctor gave me.
“Geralt!” I whined, “snuggles!”
He begins to pet my hair, “I can’t, honey you need sleep.”
I whined but do as I was told. I slept there for three days before being cleared to travel again.
Geralt seemed off. He keeps looking at me as if to say something but not sure how to say it. “Geralt? Are you ok?” I chirped from my place in the back of the wagon.
He looks at me from atop Roach as she walks beside the wagon, “I’m fine... but you’re not... I keep putting you in danger.”
I couldn’t stop the laugh that fell right out of my mouth, “Geralt you haven’t once put me in danger! First it was the prejudice of small men, then it was some beast none of which you sought out for. It was out of your control but you handled each situation to the best of your of abilities. You did great. I am lucky to have you.”
“She’s right Geralt... you know I don’t think I have ever seen you doubt yourself. This isn’t a time where you should and you know it. Now the time you left her, now that is a time that you should have doubted yourself.” Jaskier chimed.
I laugh and Geralt grumbles but ultimately agrees. We come to a clearing in a field and it’s a ways off from a tiny town and has a small pond.
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Geralt hopped down and helped me down and took care of the horses before returning to me. He took me into his arms and whispered, “This is a perfect spot for us, the villagers won’t bother coming out here but we can ride into town for supplies. I’ll build us a little house here.”
“I think that is a great idea. Now we have a ton of eggs, how about some eggs for dinner? Tomorrow I will go into town for some supplies and some tools.”
“Sounds good. I am going to set up a protective perimeter to keep you safe from any monsters.”
“What would I do if I didn’t have you.”
“Still have your own home ... not have been put at risk.”
“Please I barely make it through the winters. If you hadn’t gotten me these shoes I would probably lost some toes. I was alone struggling... now I have you and Jaskier in my life to help. Jaskier made the past year so much better. He was a real help.”
“I’m glad you had him... and I’m sorry I left the way I did.”
“Geralt, it’s all okay. I need to make dinner now ... go make your circle.”
I have to dig a fire pit so Geralt has time to set up a tent. “Alright boys grab a bowl from the cart, dinner is ready.”
We were huddled together as we ate. “So why here?” I asked.
Geralt scarfing his eggs down, “Because this town is...”
“Where Geralt and I met! You big softy!” Jaskier chimed in (show version not any other version as I hear it did not go smoothly there).
“Aw! That’s so sweet! I love that!” I giggle leaning into Geralt.
He gives an uncomfortable smile that if you weren’t paying attention you would miss it. “Hmm.”
We laugh and go to bed. We rise and work together to start building a new home. It’s a hard job to do but I have brought the boys tools for the house while I got things to restart my garden. Geralt is building a larger house for us and Jaskier tries to help. I struggle to feed us as there isn’t much to gather and eggs aren’t enough. Geralt teaches me how to set traps and then how to prepare what is caught. He is just so capable, and I.... “Sweetheart,” he called, “are you alright?”
I look up at him and mustered up a smile, “Yeah... I’m fine... rabbit is almost cleaned and then I make us some rabbit stew with some of the plants I picked.”
The look he gave me said he didn’t believe me but he wasn’t one to push. After dinner he led me into the woods.
Smut coming if you want to skip find Jaskier’s picture as usual.
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Geralt sits down on a log and pulled me onto his lap, “Ok... I might not be good at this... talking and caring thing but I’m going to do better for you. Now give me a kiss and then tell me what’s wrong.” Without hesitating I lean in and kiss him. But talking about feelings of inadequacy... that was a harder task.
“I...I... I’m feel like I’m a burden and like l’m going to be a bad wife.”
He holds me, “Why would you be a burden? I uprooted your entire life and you didn’t so much as complain about it. You are going to make me the happiest man because I will have the best wife. Now I have a friend who misses you. Can he come see you?” He nuzzles his nose into my neck.
“Mmmm! Please I’ve missed him.” I groaned as I bit at his lower lip.
He growled and sets me onto the ground and onto my back.
I look up at him with a smile as he pulled up my dress and slowly kissed his way down to rest between my legs. He grins up at me before plunging forward and licking a thick strip up my folds. I let out a loud gasp as I wiggle and his hands come up to hold my hips.
“Geralt! Oh Mmmm!” I moaned, “Please... mmm... please... more I need more!”
Geralt hums happily, “Mmm someone is needy... I want to hear you cry out my name.”
“Louder!” He growled into my folds.
“GERALT!!!!!!! Oh Goddess! GERALT OOOOOH!!!!” I screamed.
Geralt circled his tongue around my clitoris as he inserted his thick finger inside me and began to stroke me. He had me crying tears of ecstasy.
He climbed back up me smirking with my cum on his chin, “You taste sweeter than honey.” Geralt hummed kissing me deeply, “I want to feel you around me.” I groaned and allowed my hands to wonder down and pulled loose it’s ties before pulling him out to guide him to my entrance. “Are you ready?” I nod and he plunges into me with a deep groan, “You are so tight. I’m going cum if you keep squeazing me like this and I haven’t even moved and I have a reputation to keep.”
I giggle, “Then maybe you should get to work.” 
He growls and began to pump in and out, both of us losing our senses. Coming down from our highs he put himself back and carries me back to our tent and we fell asleep. 
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We woke to Jaskier’s whining and shuffling around. Within the week we had a small house with a kitchen and two bedrooms. But all good things must end, “I got to go... we burned through what I made my last spit. Which is my fault. I made you relocated and replacing your garden and restablishing you has drained our founds. I need to go and take a few jobs.”
“But Jaskier is realing good at making money from nothing and I still have some soaps I can sell and I can take up washing clothes.” I begged.
Geralt takes me into his arms, “We can’t live off that, and I won’t have you working yourself to the bone. While I... do... what? I’m not going to let you work till your fingers bleed while I ... try and fail to help? Fighting monster is what I’m good at, I can support us.”
“You built me a god damn house! You deserve nothing more than to be taken care of.”
“Hmm, and I love that you want to take care of me. I love you and I don’t want to leave you either but I do need to take care of you... and this is the only way I know how. I promise to be back no later than six months, then we’ll have a nest egg and I can come and go more fluidly. I know this isn’t what you want but it’s what we need right now. I will return to you.” He leans down and kisses me as he holds me close.
“I love you Geralt...”
 ch 8 link
tags: @sdavid09​, @ayamenimthiriel​, @fire-in-her-veinz​
31 notes · View notes
squeeneyart · 4 years
Breathe in the Salt - Chapter 7
Beta read by @thesnadger who does a great job
Tim and Martin sit out the nausea.
Martin talks to himself.
“You sure you don’t want to head home for the day?” Tim asked, picking at the grass beside him. He and Martin sat with their backs pressed against the cliff railing, facing away from the steep drop. The lighthouse loomed in front of them, barely casting a shadow as morning ticked closer to noon.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Martin replied. He rested his arms on his knees, his chin buried into the fabric of his coat sleeves. “I don’t really feel like walking down the hill yet? I’ll at least wait for the others to get back.”
“Well, they should be here soon, unless the place Simon pointed us toward is yet another weird building that makes you feel like you’re falling into a big hole.” Tim squinted up at the sky and immediately seemed to regret it, leaning forward to drop his face between his knees. “Ugh, the Fairchild place was almost as bad as here. I’m surprised we survived the walk back down. If we didn’t have someone leading us out, we’d probably be swallowed up by the carpet! Sorry to say, but I think your whole town is fucked. Or any place owned by the weird old guy club, I guess.”
Martin grimaced. “I don’t get how Jon and Sasha seem so unbothered by it. If it were just me, I’d chalk it up to stress or something, but, well.”
Tim nodded in solemn understanding. “‘But, well’.’” He lifted his head and squinted in the sunlight. “It could be they’re faking it and I’m the only one willing to ‘fess up. If that’s the case, they’ve been really good at pretending their stomachs haven’t been dropping straight into the sea all weekend. But, between you and me, Jon can’t act for shit.”
Martin’s shoulders bobbed with silent laughter. “He seems very easy to read, yeah.”
“Oh yeah, I don’t think he’s ever successfully lied in his life, unless you count avoiding a subject altogether.” Tim smiled and leaned back against the railing, brushing a hand over his hair. “Glad you two are getting on, by the way. I’m sure Sasha already talked to you about it, but the turnaround really was impressive. I was concerned he’d just be pissy this whole week over some spilt tea.”
Martin buried the bottom of his face a degree further into his coat. “Please don’t remind me. Anyway, I’m sure having something weird to chase after helped. Means this place wasn’t a total waste of time for you.”
“Hey, it wasn’t gonna be a total waste. I can’t speak for him, but I for one love to make new connections.” He waggled his eyebrow, making Martin snort and turn a brighter shade of red. “Really, though, you’ve been a lot of help. If the walk home is that bad, you should just stay up where the sun actually hits for a while. None of us will mind if you hang around, and I need someone here to prove that my dizzy spells aren’t just me being ridiculous.”
Martin’s mouth sunk into a frown. “No, once they get back I’ll head home. Lunch won’t make itself.”
“What, don’t want to grab something with us nerds?” Tim asked, smiling broadly.
“N-No, I just, y’know, I bought groceries yesterday, and if I eat out too much, I’ll end up wasting some of it, and-” Martin searched for more excuses that wouldn’t bring his mother into the picture and failed.
Tim scrunched his eyebrows together in thought, then took out his phone and asked, “What’s your number?”
“Your mobile? In case we need to reach you. And so I can send you dumb shit in my down time that I’ve already sent to Sasha.”
For a moment, Martin sat in stunned silence. “Um. Okay?” He said, his voice cracking in the most embarrassing way possible. Then, slowly, he took an old phone out of his coat pocket, technically a smart phone but just barely. They exchanged numbers, and Martin stared at the new contact before slipping the phone back into place.
“There, now you’re stuck with me. I’ll keep you updated if Sasha and Jon do in fact decide to do something stupid that gets us all disappeared. Speaking of,” Tim said, shading his eyes with a hand. “Here they come now, and Jon looks especially irritated.” They both stood up, grasping at the railing and sharing a weary look.
“Come on, guys,” Sasha yelled from the bottom of the steps. “Break time’s over.”
Back inside, the four of them sat around the table. From the looks on their faces, Jon and Sasha had been disappointed by their short venture. “So, how are you two doing?” Sasha asked. “How’s the nausea?
“Oh, just fine. We can almost get up without losing breakfast.” Tim said. “How was the place?”
Jon crossed his arms. “Unsurprisingly, Simon Fairchild sent us to an inaccessible piece of private property owned by the Lukas family. We couldn’t even get anyone to come to the door. For now, it may be a dead end.”
“I could try to get Peter to let us in?” Martin suggested with little enthusiasm.
Sasha looked at his obviously pained expression and shook her head. “No, bad idea. Simon was pretty clear on Peter not knowing we went to his home. I’d guess that extends to any of us going into this other place. If what you said happened back at the house is true, I don’t want that kind of risk. We’ll have to try it later and hope for an answer.”
Martin let out a relieved sigh and stood. “Good, good idea. I’ll be going then. I guess if you need me for… questions? Updates? Tim has my number.”
Sasha raised her eyebrows at Tim in amusement, while Jon rolled his eyes and scowled. With a lopsided smile, Tim shrugged and said, “What? The guy lives at the bottom of the world. We can’t drag him up and down that hill all day.”
Perhaps quicker than necessary, Martin excused himself and walked out of the building. The last bit of conversation he heard was Jon complaining about a lack of workplace professionalism, followed by Tim making a mocking comment that Martin couldn’t quite hear.
Once he had walked a little ways away, he relaxed. They really did balance each other out, the three of them. He could imagine Sasha breaking them apart in a little while, then getting them on task like before.
His hand brushed against the phone in his pocket, and he felt a little pang in his throat. He pushed the sensation down. Chances were, they wouldn’t need to call him, and it would be best to pay as little attention to his phone as he always had.
After the usual walk home, Martin approached his mother in front of the television. There was one of her Christian programs playing, the kind with the television preacher. “Hi, Mum.”
“You took much longer than usual,” she said stiffly. He could see her attempting to swallow and went toward the kitchen.
“Sorry, work ran long today. I’ll get lunch going.” He began to look through the fridge, considering his options.
“I’m not hungry. Just want a glass of water,” she said, her voice hoarse. Martin winced.
“One second.” He quickly filled a glass from the tap and brought it to her. “You will need to eat something to get your medication down. I’ll make something for both of us and we’ll see how you’re feeling then.”
She huffed in response, taking a sip of water and clearing her throat. Once food was ready, she did eat enough for her medication and then some, setting Martin at ease.
“It’s sunny today, if you’d like to sit out front,” he suggested after cleaning up the tray in front of her. She sniffed and otherwise stayed silent. “Okay… let me know if you change your mind. The fog even cleared out a bit-”
“I am not going outside today.”
Martin left her alone and went back to the kitchen and set some chicken in the fridge to defrost. His future self would thank him later, he thought, and he went upstairs to figure out the rest of his Sunday.
The first order of business was to lay down and sleep for a while. Two busy mornings in a row and he was exhausted, the muscles in his legs finally catching up to all of the extra walking. As he lay down, he thanked his walls, bed, and windows for staying in place and gently drifted off to sleep.
Several hours later, Martin woke to find the sun had retreated back behind clouds and a familiar layer of fog. He reached for his phone on the bedside table to check the time. 4:30 pm. It was almost time to get dinner started, but before he could move to set the phone down, he saw there was text notification. Without his glasses, he had to squint and hold the phone close to his face. The brightness stung his eyes. The messages were from about fifteen minutes ago.
Tim: hey Tim: what do these weird knobs and buttons do anyway
Attached was a distorted photo, apparently of the upstairs console in the lighthouse.
“Shit,” Martin mumbled, tapping out an answer.
Martin: dont know, peter never told me. work the lighthouse i guess, make sure the big light is running. Martin: also what does all the static mean
Almost immediately, he got a response.
Tim: is that how lighthouses work? Tim: means its weird shit. weird shit hates digital
Martin: its the only lighthouse ive ever worked in, your guess is as good as mine Martin: oh good
No response came for a bit, and Martin took the pause to get out of bed. Halfway down the stairs, his phone buzzed.
Tim: update, stairs still bad Tim: arseholes who don’t get spooky vertigo club
Attached was another photo, still fuzzy, this time of Jon and Sasha walking ahead with Tim’s hand just barely in frame, clutching the rail. Jon was looking at the camera with a stern expression, his mouth open in the middle of saying something. Martin laughed quietly and continued walking.
In the time it took to prepare the chicken for baking, his phone vibrated in his pocket a few times. With his hands coated, there was no way to check until he slid the chicken into the oven twenty minutes later.
Tim: dont think anything stupid will happen tonight Tim: no one’s gotten too desperate yet but tomorrow is a new day Tim: will let you know if we end up getting arrested in the middle of the night for trespassing tho
Martin: haha, very funny
Tim: give it until tuesday
Martin’s eyebrow twitched, unsure of how seriously to respond.
Martin: please dont get me fired?
Tim: no promises! ;)
It felt like a lighthearted enough response to put Martin at ease. Tim liked joking. Martin knew that by now. If Tim was saying it, then it was a joke. Plus, it was clear Sasha and Jon were very by-the-books. If Jon would lecture Tim about texting, he certainly wasn’t the type to do anything illegal.
Still, the number of times Tim had joked about it made Martin irrationally nervous. That and Simon being cryptic and threatening. And the buildings trying to make him sick. And Jon-
Sliding his phone into his back pocket, Martin distracted himself with preparing the rest of their dinner. It wasn’t the time to spiral. He had chicken in the oven and vegetables to steam.
Dinner was made and eaten within the hour, and Martin’s phone stayed silent for the duration. When his mother asked to go outside after dinner, he did his best not to be outwardly irritated at her change of mind and did as she requested, covering his face to protect himself against the night wind.
It wasn’t until later when he had just about settled down for bed that Martin checked his phone, under the pretense that he was setting his alarm for the morning. There were no unread messages, so he set his phone down onto the side table to charge.
The fog rolled outside his window, illuminated by the weak light of the front porch. When sleep eventually took him, he dreamed of nothing.
When 6 am came, Martin found himself in an empty lighthouse. Under his arm was the expected box of documents he was to work with for the week, which he set on his desk. He then dragged his chair back over from the folding table, which was still littered with loose papers and three used mugs.
“Right, right. Library day. They could’ve at least remembered to clean up a bit.” Martin brought the dirty dishware to the kitchen and placed them in the sink to soak, then looked around for something clean to use for himself. He managed to find a kitschy one he’d always liked, with a tiny, smiling whale on the side.
“Looks like it’s just you and me.”
His voice echoed through the building, the final ‘me’ stretching on much too long.
Martin glared out into the main room. “Yeah, yeah, I’m alone, laugh it up.”
Again, the last ‘up’ lingered and drifted up the stairs, and he wanted to slap himself for walking right into that one. There was no point in talking back to a possibly haunted building.
He settled on silently making himself some tea, then dove into the week’s work. It was mind-numbing, as expected, but after a while it grew to be calming and familiar. The weird ache in his chest gave way to distraction, and hours ticked by without interruption. Martin began to feel normal, or his version of normal before things started to be poked and prodded. Before he knew it, he had eaten lunch and was on his way to the second half of his shift.
Martin jumped, almost knocking over his tea. That had been his voice. Just a single noise that hung in the air with no echo to be heard. No, he thought, no, no, no, he was not going to take any bait in this place. He righted himself in his chair and reached for the pen he had dropped.
“Me. Up.” Even with his original tone resting in those syllables, the new sense of urgency was unmistakable.
Against every part of his brain screaming at him, he took a step toward the stairs. Before he could go any further the front door swung open.
“Hey, Martin, we’re back,” Sasha said, carrying a file folder. “We- woah, are you okay?”
Martin stopped and stared at her, his jaw clenched to the point of pain. “Um. Define okay.”
The three researchers stopped and shared a concerned look. Sasha walked over to set her things on the table. “Okay, okay, clearly something happened.”
“What’s going on?” Jon asked, looking around warily.
Before Martin could open his mouth, his voice came from above. “Up.”
Everyone froze, holding their breath for a moment. Jon was first to break the silence, his voice filled with disdain. “Good. It can record us now.”
“Up. Now.”
“Oh, shut up.”
Tim gripped Jon’s shoulder and gestured insistently to the front door. They all vacated the building and stopped on the front steps, finally letting out a collective breath.
“Have you all, um, dealt with ghosts? Directly?” Martin sat on the bottom step, rubbing his hands over each other. “Ones that take the last word you said?”
“We don’t know if it’s a ghost, but no, not personally,” Jon replied, sitting a few steps up and typing on his laptop. “Can’t say I really believe in them, either.”
Tim snorted. “Yeah, sure, definitely not a ghost in there.”
“I’m inclined to suspect something more concrete. Somehow, the lighthouse was trapping the sound of our voices. According to Martin it only used the last words he uttered, and the same happened with me. With only a few things to work with, it wouldn’t be hard to-”
“To accidentally order us up the creepy staircase of the creepy lighthouse.” Tim stood, hands in his pockets.
“If it’s using ‘me’, ‘up’, and ‘now’, what else could it say? Otherwise, there was just ‘back’ and okay’ as far as I can tell.”
They continued to go back and forth, Jon being much more stubborn about the whole thing than Martin would’ve expected from a paranormal researcher. Maybe ghosts were an especially contended subject? It didn’t seem like it from Tim and Sasha’s reactions, but Martin was out of his depth. People turning into seals was a far cry from specters and mind-bending architecture.
Still, it being a ghost sounded right. There were meaning and intent behind the words repeated back to him, he was certain of it. If that was the case, maybe there was someone or something in this place trying to talk to him. That’s what ghosts did, right? Reach out to the living?
“Then we’ll just have Martin stay outside for a bit,” Jon said, closing his laptop decisively.
Martin found himself back in the conversation. “What?”
“We’re going to try the place Simon pointed us toward again. Hopefully, we’ll be let in this time and get some answers. The library didn’t have much in terms of useful information, I’m afraid.”
Sputtering, Martin replied, “So, what, I’m just going to wait out here? I still have work to do!”
Jon stared at him and sighed. “Bring it outside then. It shouldn’t rain today, and we don’t want to risk anything now that we know something is… active. You’re sure nothing like this has ever happened?”
“No, this is... new.”
“Then the safest thing is to avoid whatever is going on. It’s for your own well-being, and since we’re probably the cause of it, I don’t want to be in the business of putting people in danger.” Jon said. Martin was at a loss for arguments and nodded. “Good. If our luck hasn’t changed, we’ll be back soon. Otherwise, I suppose Tim will text you the good news.” There was a slight, acidic turn to Jon’s voice near the end that Martin couldn’t place.
Martin pushed himself onto his feet. “Okay… good luck? I guess? I’ll go get my work, then.”
Apparently satisfied, Jon placed his laptop into its case and motioned for the other two to follow him. As they left, Tim shot Martin a worried thumbs up.
When Martin walked back inside, he stopped halfway to the desk, eyes glued to the staircase. He had told Jon he would get his things and go outside.
“Hello?” Martin waited and got no response. “If you’re a ghost, now’s the time to say so.” Still nothing. He let out a noise of frustration. “Say something? Please?”
“Hello? Up. Please?”
Taking a glance back at his desk, Martin bit his tongue and internally berated himself. No use giving the place a name to call him. He really was an idiot, he thought, creeping up the staircase as if the ghost might hear his footfalls. Why had he taught it to be polite?
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our-time-is-now · 3 years
July 8, 2019 (2): Binders and stupid jokes
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog. 
Attention! This play includes transgender topics. For more details see our interjection.
Monday, 11:37 am:
David: *gets out of the car together with the others and stretches a little while looking around* *grins to the others* Nice! I’m sure this will be bearable for the next two weeks! *then sees the van and Alex’ car park as well and the others get out of the cars, and how Hanna now seems to take over the reins by saying: “Okay, I’d say I’ll let everyone in first, and then we’ll give a little tour to the ones that haven’t been here before and see if everything’s okay inside and outside…”*
Matteo: *also stretches and immediately nods at David’s words* *hears Hanna’s plan and nods again* *but then sees Kiki shake her head: “But not everyone at the same time. I’d suggest that Hanna gives the new ones a tour and everyone else already starts to unpack."* *laughs slightly* Yes, Sir, we mustn’t lose any time! Comrade Augustin, report for putting up the tent! *grins when Jonas salutes and stands at attention* *sees Kiki look disdainful: “Will you keep that up all the time?"* *shrugs one shoulder* Depends… do you want to stick to a strict plan all holiday? *sees Kiki shake her head: “Alright, no, but still, it’s no use if we all trample through the house right now. Just let Hanna show David and Alex everything and the rest can already start…”* *hears Abdi protest: “And me! I’ve never been here, either! Why am I always forgotten?"* *hears Hanna laugh and say: “Okay, let’s go, guys, follow me."* *quickly pulls David in again and kisses him* *hears Carlos laugh: “You’ll probably see him again in 7 minutes, Luigi."* Shut up, Carlos. *but grins and then goes to the trunk to really unload the stuff*
David: *laughs when he hears Kiki and Matteo* *doesn’t think either, that it has to be done immediately, but thinks that it’s good that everyone seems to play along for the sake of peace* *was just about to follow Hanna when Matteo pulls him into a kiss again, which he naturally returns with pleasure* *then hears Carlos, briefly gives him the middle finger and then kisses Matteo again out of protest* *hears Carlos laugh: “Dude, one could think that you’ve only gotten together two days ago and won’t see each other for a week. Sooooo in loooveee!"* *ignores him and instead says to Matteo* Well then go find us a quiet spot… *then follows Hanna, Abdi and Alex to the house and waits for Hanna to unlock the door* *then takes a look around inside while Hanna opens the shutters and the windows and sees her grimace slightly: “Okay, it’s really obvious that no one has been here in a while… we’ll probably have to dust and sweep a little later… Well here’s the kitchen and the dining room…”* *hears Abdi: “Yeah, let’s ask Kiki for when she scheduled cleaning!"* *grins and hears Hanna calling from the other room: “That can only be in your favor, Abdi – you’re the one who’ll sleep here…”* *sees her point at a comfortable looking couch and watches Abdi immediately drop down on it to test it: “Comfortable! The little bit of dust doesn’t bother me…”* *follows Hanna when she opens another door: “Bathroom!"* *quickly looks inside and thinks that it will probably really get a little stressful with 11 people and only one bathroom but that they’ll somehow manage for two weeks* *sees Alex pull up his eyebrows slightly and looks at him encouragingly* Oh, come on, we can manage for two weeks! *hears Alex sigh: “Yeah, we have to… but I’m already looking forward to my bathtub."* *laughs quietly and shrugs* *then follows Hanna, who has opened another door: “That’s where Carlos and Kiki are going to sleep… yeah, and that’s it for the ground floor… upstairs… *sees her point to the stairs* …is another room… that’s where Mia and Alex are going to sleep…”* *sees Alex climb the stairs and follows him while Hanna stays downstairs* *stops at the bottom of the stairs and sees Alex’ expression lighten up a little when he takes a look around the room* *smiles slightly and says* That makes up for the missing bathtub, doesn’t it? *sees him nod and hears him murmur: “Yes, this is really quite nice…”* *nods and when Alex sits down on the bed says* Well, I’m going back downstairs… see you later! *sees Alex only nod and disappears again* *meets Hanna again downstairs and wonders where Abdi has disappeared to* *leans against the counter and says to Hanna* It’s really quite nice here! And it’s cool that your grandmother doesn’t mind us coming here… *sees Hanna smile and shrug: “I think she’s glad that someone is here to see if everything’s alright here…”* *was just about to say more when Kiki enters the kitchen with a box: “Oh, great, you’re finished with the tour. David, I think the people outside don’t take their task with the tents seriously. Could you go check!?”* *has to suppress a grin and instead only nods* *murmurs* Will do. See you later… *leaves the cabin*
Matteo: *grins when David kisses him again and then nods* I will… *looks after him when he disappears toward the cabin and then grabs his bag from the trunk* *waits until David has gone into the cabin and then quickly goes over to Jonas and Carlos* Hey, Jonas, you’ve brought my binder, right? *sees Jonas nod: “Sure, man! That’s gonna be awesome! They really don’t look too bad, if I might say so!"* *sees Carlos nod and grin* By the way, how do you want to do it? Just put it on under the shirts when we go to the lake? *sees Carlos shake his head: “No, man, we’ll make a fashion show out of it!"* *grimaces slightly and sees Jonas also shake his head: “I really wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. I think putting it on under our shirts doesn’t sound that bad… and then we’ll all take them off at the same time when we’re going into the lake?"* *nods slightly and then hears Amira call: “Hey, boys, the tents aren’t going to put themselves up!"* Okay, we’ll talk about the rest later… *then goes to the van and gets a tent* *hears Jonas laugh: “Oh, I see how it is, not afraid of Kiki but afraid of Amira…”* *only gives him the middle finger and then goes over the grass to the lake to find a spot for the tent* *unpacks everything and gives up putting up the tent after about two minutes and waits for David*
David: *gets out of the cabin and looks around for Matteo but can only see Jonas a few meters away being busy putting Hanna’s and his’ tent up* *goes toward him to ask if he knows where Matteo is but then already hears him answer: “Matteo went in the direction of the lake. To be honest, I also find that spot cooler, but Hanna wants to stay close to the cabin so that she can go to the bathroom at night…”* *doesn’t mind going into the bushes at night as long as Matteo’s the only one close-by and no one else will see him, so simply nods and says* Thanks… and good luck with the tent… *hears Jonas laugh: “Thanks, you, too! I don’t think that Matteo has gotten very far…”* *laughs quietly* Oh, we’ll manage… *goes toward the lake and sees Matteo sitting there next to the tent that’s at least already unpacked* *grins slightly while walking toward him* What? You’re not finished yet?!
Matteo: *sees David walk toward him and briefly considers getting up and at least pretending as if he was putting up the tent, but then drops it* *grins slightly* Well, I would have already finished, of course… but I thought we’d better do it together… decide where exactly to put it up and such… in which direction the entrance should face… you know? Important decisions. *then picks himself up, after all, and at least wants to pretend for a moment as if he could help* By the way, how do you like the cabin?
David: *laughs quietly at Matteo’s words and nods exaggeratedly* *knows exactly that he’s lying but says* Important decisions, sure… *but takes a look around anyways and really thinks about where to put it and which way the entrance should face* *answers Matteo’s question* Pretty cozy… it will probably be a little stressful with only one bathroom but we already knew that in advance… *looks at Matteo and grins slightly* But it’s still cooler out here… *briefly wiggles his eyebrows* …and more privacy… *thinks that they probably won’t have much privacy during the next couple of days and is therefore glad that they at least have some sort of safe haven in their tent* *is glad that Matteo went in the direction of the shore but that he has picked a spot with enough distance to the jetty* *moves a few more steps away from the jetty and looks at Matteo* Here? With a view at the lake? Or should we put the entrance so that it faces the cabin?
Matteo: *nods when David mentions the bathroom* Oh, we’ll manage somehow… *then laughs slightly and wiggles his eyebrows* A lot more privacy… *but then hears Jonas’ and Hanna’s voices pretty clearly from the direction of the cabin* …but probably not enough privacy… *tilts his head when David asks where to put the tent* Umm… why did you think I waited for you to make that decision? *looks from the lake to the cabin and back again* No idea… I don’t really care, I think… lake? But there are probably more gnats… so cabin? *shrugs*
David: *can also hear Hanna’s and Jonas’ voices and with a grin grimaces in desperation* *moves a few steps further away from the jetty and the cabin and nods* Here… *then laughs because they both can’t agree on where to put the entrance of the tent* Okay… then neither facing the lake nor the cabin… we’ll have the entrance face sideways! *goes back to the spot where Matteo has unpacked the tent and looks for the tent poles* *looks at Matteo, who’s standing there a little helplessly, and says* Well, the first few steps I can manage on my own, but I’ll need your help later. If you want to, you can already go get our bags, sleeping bags and sleeping pads from the car… *starts putting together the poles*
Matteo: *laughs when David moves a few steps further away* Perfect. *then watches him as he seemingly knows which poles have to go where* *quickly nods* Sure, I’ll do that… *quickly goes to the car and gets David’s bag, puts it over his shoulder and then grabs the two sleeping bags and the two sleeping pads* *somehow manages to put them over his arm and under his arm and to go back to David, who has already managed quite a bit* *dumps the stuff next to his bag and then goes over to him* Okay… should I hold anything?
David: *has finished assembling the poles and unfolded the tent and put the stakes out when Matteo returns with their things* *had sat down on the ground and is now getting up when Matteo asks if he should hold anything* *smirks lovingly* You really haven’t put up a tent before, have you? *puts his arm around his hip and presses a kiss to his cheek* *teases him a little* You city child… *lets go of him and goes back to the poles* It’s not that difficult… especially not with such a simple dome tent… just put together all the poles… *takes the tent and shows him the loops where the poles have to go through* …and then through there… you can also do that on your own but it’s easier with two people… *starts pushing one of the poles through the loops* You can go to the other side… there’s this hole at the corner of the tent – that’s where the ends of the poles have to go in…
Matteo: *slightly shakes his head when David asks if he’s never put up a tent before* *scrunches up his nose when he teases him and nudges him slightly* *but then listens to him and tries to follow his instructions* *nods* Yeees. It’s reeeally easy… *then simply goes to where David ordered him to go* *is really surprised that it really isn’t thaaat difficult and that they are completely done 20 minutes later, including the stakes in the ground and everything* Yeah… let’s try it out now… *throws the two sleeping pads and the sleeping bags into the tent* *then crawls halfway inside on all fours, so that only his head and his hands are in the tent, and unpacks the sleeping pads and the sleeping bags* *then crawls inside completely and calls* Come in… it’s REALLY comfortable!
David: *smiles to himself while putting up the tent with Matteo and is happy that Matteo seems to quickly get the hang of it* *laughs quietly when he cheers and watches him unroll the sleeping pads and sleeping bags and then disappear into the tent* *at his order grabs their duffel bags and hands them to Matteo through the opening before also crawling inside and dropping down onto his sleeping bag* *closes his eyes for a moment and smiles* *then looks at Matteo and nods* Definitely comfortable and cozy… *then turns on his side and stretches his arms out for Matteo*
Matteo: *watches David as he crawls inside and lies down* *smiles when he closes his eyes* I’d say we’ll be able to bear it here… *grins when he reaches out for him and immediately scoots closer and puts his arm over his hip* *quietly says* July 8th, start first holiday together… *then smiles and kisses him*
David: *does a little feel-good grumble when Matteo scoots closer and puts his arm around him* *smiles at his words and murmurs* We have to put it in our calendars as an anniversary for next year… *then returns his kiss and pulls him closer* *runs a hand through his hair and deepens the kiss* *then groans quietly when he loudly hears Kiki’s voice from outside: “The ones who have finished putting up their tents can help with cleaning inside the cabin…”* *lazily opens one eye and murmurs against Matteo’s mouth* Are we done? Or do we pretend that we still have to take care of the interior? *simply kisses him again*
Matteo: *pulls him a little closer when he deepens the kiss* *grumbles when he hears Kiki’s voice* *then grins at David’s words* Definitely not done… *kisses him back and presses himself even closer* *but then hears a voice again, this time Jonas’, and a lot closer to the tent: “Hey, Brudis, you can come out, Kiki has found enough people… we were thinking of jumping into the lake, are you coming with us?"* *pulls away from the kiss again, sighs, but doesn’t say anything* *then hears Jonas again: “if you’re still busy… but Luigi, I wanted to show you something before we go swimming…”* *only then remembers again what “swimming in the lake” means and really pulls away from David a little* *calls back* I’ll meet you at your tent in a minute… *then looks at David* I’d really like to go swimming… will you come along? You don’t have to come in with us?
David: *grins into the kiss when Matte says that they’re not done and briefly wonders for how long they will be able to make out before someone else will interrupt them* *laughs quietly when he hears Jonas’ voice a moment later and mumbles quietly* I hope that it won’t be like that all holiday long, that we can’t even make out for five minutes straight… *then hears that Jonas wants to go into the lake and feels his heart beat faster when he asks if they want to join* *he did try on the swim binder at home and thought that it was okay, but somehow feels a little overwhelmed right now because he didn’t expect everyone to really want to go for a swim immediately* *feels like he still has to find some more courage to really show himself in a swim binder in front of the others* *meets Matteo’s gaze, hears his words and sits up* *knew that Matteo will of course go swimming while they are here but still feels a little alone at the thought that everyone else will be in the water* *hesitates briefly and then shrugs* I… you guys just go… I… maybe I’ll join you tonight… or tomorrow… *looks away and helplessly feels for his duffel bag* I think I’ll just unpack some more in here… and then maybe I’ll come sit down on the jetty…
Matteo: *also sits up when David does and looks at him* *immediately feels bad when he sees how unsure David is* *maybe he shouldn’t have agreed so quickly as David doesn’t know what they have planned* *carefully reaches for his arm when David grabs his duffel bag* *says softly* Hey…  you don’t have to do anything, okay? You don’t have to hide away… I’m sure Amira won’t go swimming, either… and all of us want you to be there with us… doesn’t matter if you’ll go into the water or not… *softly squeezes his arm and then lets go of it again* I’ll just quickly go over to Jonas to see what he wants… and you’ll think about it, ok?
David: *looks back at Matteo when he reaches for his arm* *listens to him and slowly nods at his words* *knows all of that and thinks it’s nice that Matteo reminds him again* *wishes that he would be less complicated, that it wouldn’t matter to him what the others might think* *thinks that maybe today he’s just having a day where he’s insecure and that maybe later today or tomorrow he’ll feel a little more secure and feels brave enough to go into the water* *doesn’t really want to hide away and therefore decides to not hide himself away in the tent* *quietly murmurs* Okay… I’ll… meet you at the jetty in a minute… *leans forward and quickly presses a soft kiss to Matteo* *tires to smile* See you in a minute…
Matteo: *kisses him back and runs a hand through his hair* See you in a minute… *smiles slightly and then crawls out of the tent* *but then sticks his head back in* We can do this, ok? Together. And if you want to leave, I’m sure we’ll find an eyelash to make that wish, ok? *grins at him again and really leaves this time* *quickly goes toward the cabin to Jonas’ tent, who is standing in front of it waiting for him* Hey… *sees Jonas grin: “Hey, Luigi, there you are… all the others have already put the binder on underneath their shirts, you’re the last one… yours is in the tent, you can change in there if you want to…“* *nods* Thanks, man… *then crawls into Jonas’ and Hanna’s tent and immediately sees the binder* *takes off his shirt and puts the binder on and then pauses for a moment* *thinks about David and how often he has to wear that thing just so that he can feel like himself* *sighs slightly, puts his shirt back on and crawls back out* Okay… ready… by the way, David didn’t really want to come… but I could convince him to at least come to the jetty with us… *sees Jonas grin: “Well, then, let’s go”* *takes a few steps with him, but then is suddenly scared and grabs Jonas’ arm* What if David hates the idea? What if it backfires completely? What if it only reminds him even more that we actually don’t have to wear them?
Jonas: *feels Matteo grab his arm and stops* *tilts his head slightly when he voices his worries and thinks about his words for a moment* *then shakes his head* Hey, don’t worry! Carlos said… *then hears Carlos’ voice and sees him exit the cabin with Abdi and Alex: “What did I say?"!* *gives the three of them a look willing them to help him reassure Matteo and says* You were the one who told us that David mentioned that it sucks for him to be the only one to wear something like that… *hears Alex: “Understandable… I feel totally stupid in this!"* *and Abdi: “Really? I somehow find it sexy…”* *and Carlos: “Exactly! That’s what it’s about! That he’s not the only one getting stared at!"* *looks back at Matteo and says* Exactly! He won’t think it’s stupid! If he still doesn’t want to come into the water, okay – then that’s just what it is. But I think it’s more likely that it will encourage him to join us, after all!
David: *has only taken out his sleeping clothes, the toiletry bag and the torch from his duffel bag and decided to take the rest out when he needs it* *had been holding the swim binder in his hands and really had considered for a moment to simply put it on and join the others in the water* *but had then put it back and had been sitting in the tent for a while a little indecisively* *had eventually pulled himself together, left the tent, and gone toward the lake* *is now sitting there holding his feet into the water* *thinks that it’s actually a nice temperature and has to think about the swim binder in the tent again* *would really like to go swimming and sighs quietly* *thinks ‘later…’*
Matteo: *listens to the guys and nods very slowly* Yes, okay… you’re right… *sees Jonas smile at him encouragingly and only nods briefly* *startles for a moment when the girls run past them and only sees them run towards the lake* *only then notices David already sitting there and sees the girls run past him and jump into the water* *wonders if Amira stayed inside, after all* *but then arrives at the lake with the boys and sees David turn around to them* Hey… *smiles briefly and is a little nervous again when everyone is standing around a little awkwardly* *then sees Alex shake his head: “Seriously? Should I put on some music first?" and sees him pull his shirt over his head and throw it aside* *then sees Abdi, Carlos and Jonas quickly follow his lead and is therefore the last one to join in* *briefly shrugs one shoulder in David’s direction and then also pulls his shirt over his head*
David: *grins slightly when the girls run past him and jump into the water with a shriek and then turns around when he hears more footsteps* *also murmurs “Hey” and then tilts his head in confusion when they all stop a little awkwardly some distance away* *wonders why they don’t just go into the water and why they are still wearing their shirts* *then hears Alex’ words, which somehow confuse him even more, but then gapes when Alex pulls his shirt over his head and it doesn’t reveal a naked chest but a swim binder* *from the corner of his eyes sees Abdi, Carlos and Jonas also take off their shirts and feels his heart start to beat fast when he sees that they are also wearing swim binders* *then looks at Matteo and meets his gaze* *has to swallow when he also takes off his shirt and also reveals a swim binder* *in the background hears the girls cheer from the lake* *gapes at the guys in front of him in disbelief and doesn’t really know if he should laugh or cry from joy* *gets to his feet and shakes his head while he laughs quietly* You’re crazy… *can hear Carlos’ answer first: “Solidarity, Brudi! Solidarity!"* *and then Abdi: “So that you don’t feel like you’re the only one wearing something like that…”* *realizes then that they all did this for him – so that he wouldn’t feel as uncomfortable, so that he’s not an outsider and would love to cry from joy, after all* *looks from one to the other and repeats* You’re crazy! *then starts to move with a wide grin and reaches Matteo first* *wraps his arm around his neck and kisses him briefly while pulling Jonas to him with his other arm to hug him briefly* *then also hugs Carlos and does a fistbump with Abdi and Alex* *shakes his head in disbelief and doesn’t really know what to say* *quietly murmurs “thanks”* *hears Alex sigh: “Good, well then the ceremony seems to be over – I’ll go swimming then!"* *looks after him as he runs towards the lake and jumps into it with the swim binder and turns to the others a little sheepishly* *feels Carlos hit him against the shoulder and hears him say: “Ey, no pressure, Brudi. If you still don’t want to join us today, then some other time…” and Abdi say: “But it would be cool if you wanted to join us now…” and Jonas: “I think David can very well decide that for himself – come on, guys!"* *watches as he grabs Abdi’s and Carlos’ arms, pull them towards the lake to jump into the water a little awkwardly* *has to laugh quietly, even though he still has a small lump in his throat, and turns back to Matteo* *looks at him lovingly and shakes his head again, still in disbelief* *quietly asks* Was that your idea?
Matteo: *watches David closely after he takes off his shirt* *is incredibly relieved when he sees that he’s happy and then lets the breath he has been holding out* *doesn’t even have the time to kiss him properly because he’s already hugging and fistbumping the others* *even has to grin when Alex quickly disappears* *only nods at the guy’s words and then sees them leave as well* *looks at David and tilts his head with a slight smile* *then shakes his head* No, as much as I’d like to take credit for that… but it was Carlos’ idea. *takes his hand and squeezes it slightly* And everyone immediately agreed to join in… Jonas ordered one for me, too, so that you wouldn’t find out… *smiles slightly* But hey, Carlos is right… that doesn’t mean that you automatically have to feel good or anything… okay? No one expects that… I know that sometimes things from the outside don’t matter… so whatever you want to do, ok?
David: *slightly shakes his head in disbelief when Matteo says that it was Carlos’ idea, laughs quietly and briefly looks to the lake where he’s rampaging around with Abdi* *but then remembers their chat conversation and that he had sent Carlos the link to his swim binder* *keeps listening to Matteo and only murmurs* Sick… you’re really crazy! *then nods slowly when Matteo says that no one is expecting him to immediately jump into the lake and feel good* *but weirdly enough feels really good and strong and brave enough right now to really try it – if not now, after this feeling of happiness and the solidarity of the guys, when else* *briefly lifts his hand and lightly runs it over Matteo’s chest and the swim binder before he looks back up at him and smiles* *takes a deep breath and then points toward the tent with his head* I… I’ll just go change… will you wait for me? *grins slightly*
Matteo: *laughs slightly when he says that they’re crazy and slightly shakes his head* Nonsense… we just really like you a lot… *grins slightly* *nods immediately when he asks if he’ll wait* Sure… *then kisses him quickly and looks after him when he goes to the tent* *then hears Jonas call: “Everything okay, Luigi?"* *calls back* He’s gonna change… we’ll join you in a second! *hears everyone cheer and has to laugh* *then feels a really strong feeling of happiness in his gut and a lot of thankfulness for all the people in the water and presses his lips together so that he won’t grin too much*
David: *has disappeared to the tent to put on swimming trunks and the swim binder* *looks down at himself again and once again realizes that the binder is really good and that it hides everything quite well* *is still really nervous again all of a sudden and feels himself starting to hesitate* *actually doesn’t want that and therefore quickly crawls out of the tent before he can obsess about it again* *takes a deep breath and goes back to Matteo a little insecure* *immediately grabs his hand and from the background he can suddenly hear the whole crew cheering from the water* *briefly looks at them, laughs quietly and feels the nervousness disappear and instead feels grateful and anticipation* *looks Matteo in the eyes and smiles slightly* *quietly asks* Let’s go?
Matteo: *sees David return and immediately notices that he’s more insecure than two minutes ago* *also immediately takes his hand and smiles at him* *ignores the cheering for the time being* I never would have thought that we’d be a couple that is made for partner-looks, but I think it suits us quite well… *squeezes his hand a little and then nods* Let’s go! *runs with him along the jetty and they jump into the water*
David: *grins when Matteo talks about partner-looks* Everything suits us… *starts running with him when he starts to move and the moment they are jumping into the lake holding hands, somehow all his worries about the swim binder are forgotten* *has to let go of Matteo’s hand when they hit the water so that he can keep himself afloat  and smiles to himself when he notices once again how much he likes being in the water* *swims a few strokes and grins at Matteo lovingly because he is once again thinking about how much his life has changed since he and Matteo have gotten together and he feels so much love for him, once again, that he feels like he is overflowing with it* *but then gets distracted from his thoughts when Carlos surfaces next to him and hears him say: “Really cool, Brudi, that you decided to come in! So is everything all right at the moment with your dysphoria and such?"* *laughs quietly because he’s still not used to being able to talk about this topic so openly with some of them and then nods* Everything all right! *then remembers that Matteo had told him that it had been Carlos’ idea and adds* That idea was really cool! Thanks! *grins slightly* For the idea and that you’re all going along with it…
Matteo: *resurfaces some distance away from David* *actually wants to swim back to him immediately* *but then sees that Carlos is with him and at the same time Abdi jumps on him* *therefore wrestles with him for a while* *doesn’t hear Carlos say: “You’re totally welcome, really… I’m happy that it helps and stuff!"* *also doesn’t see Carlos challenge David to a swimming contest* *only sees them suddenly start to swim*
David: *can see Abdi and Matteo wrestle in the water from the corner of his eyes and smiles slightly* *then hears Carlos say with a grin: “Now I want to know if you’re as good in the water as you are at ping pong. Swimming contest until one of us gives up?!”* *laughs* Until one of us gives up!? Are you kidding… *shakes his head* I’m really out of practice lately when it comes to swimming, but okay… *sees Carlos grin challengingly: “Well, then at least I have a chance… let’s go!"* *watches Carlos immediately start to swim away ambitiously and follows suit* *really notices that he’s completely out of practice and that it takes him a while to properly coordinate his movements again* *but feels that it’s still a lot of fun, even though Carlos is already a few meters ahead of him* *enjoys the movement and the freedom in the water but eventually stops when he feels like he will never be able to catch up with Carlos* *laughs and calls after him* Hey, I give up! You won! *sees Carlos grin and pump his fists in the air with a cheer: “Defeating you in something, that is one for the books, dude!"* *grins* I demand a rematch at the end of our holiday! I’ll practice until then!
Matteo: *had been wrestling with Abdi for a while until he let go of him and swam over to Sam* *sees Mia and Alex doing their own thing and Jonas and Hanna, who have gotten a ball from somewhere, swimming around with it* *sees Kiki floating on her back and doesn’t want to disturb her, either* *briefly considers swimming after Carlos and David, but then thinks that it’s too exhausting* *then sees Amira sitting on the jetty and swims over to her but stays in the water* Hey coach… keeping an eye on everything? *sees her grin and nod: “Oh, yes, I see everything, no one’s drowning and I think Carlos just won against David."* *laughs* Then we know what we’re going to have to listen to for the rest of our holiday…
David: *waits for Carlos to swim to him and then slowly swims back towards the shore with him* *has to smile when he sees Carlos’ swim binder and thinks that what the guys did was just awesome* *hears Carlos call toward Jonas and Hanna when they get closer: “Hey, Diggi, throw the ball over!"* *sees Jonas throw the ball but doesn’t aim properly, so that the ball is moving more towards him than towards Carlos* *catches it and throws it back to Hanna, who has to jump after it* *hears Carlos proudly call towards Jonas: “Did you see? I just won against David in our swimming contest!" and sees Jonas laugh: “Hey, that’s no surprise, you’re much more in practice than him!"* *calls toward Jonas* We’ll repeat this at the end of our holiday… *and hears Jonas call toward Carlos: “That means that now you have to practice every day, Carlito. Otherwise David will finish you off in two weeks!"* *laughs* We’ll see about that – won’t be that easy to catch up with seven years of swimming practice in only two weeks… *sees Carlos open his mouth to say something but at that moment Hanna’s ball hits him on the arm* *grins when he sees his befuddled expression and looks around for the others* *sees Matteo by the jetty with Amira and swims toward him while Hanna, Jonas and Carlos keep throwing the ball around* *reaches the two of them and smiles* Hey, na? Everything alright?
Matteo: *only hears Amira laugh and then already hears Carlos bragging about it to Jonas* I told you… *grins and turns around again to see where David is when he already appears next to him* Hey, na? *grins slightly and nudges him* *only hears Amira laugh again and is quite grateful that she obviously bites back a comment* *swims a few strokes and is therefore closer to David and further away from the jetty* I heard you lost… you do realize that you didn’t do any of as a favor with that, right? *then already hears Carlos call: “Luigi, did you see? I won against David! Apparently not that big of an athlete after all!"* *only laughs and shakes his head* *calls back* Yes I saw, I guess now I have to break up with him. Anyone who loses against you… *sees Carlos really look panicked for a moment but then sees him laugh* *then turns back to David* So, mister Schreibner… I guess we have to practice, huh? *grins at him a little wickedly*
David: *laughs at Matteo’s words* Maybe I just let him win!? *but then shakes his head a little in desperation when Carlos also brags to Matteo that he won and groans quietly but with a grin* We’re going to have to listen to that all holiday long, don’t we? *sees Amira nod: “I see you’ve quickly gotten the hang of the group dynamics! If you ask me, not only all holiday long but until you’ve really defeated him…”* *groans again but then hears Matteo’s words about breaking up and gives him the secretary’s-office-look* *takes two strokes toward him, wraps his arms around his waist and pulls him closer* *grumbles* Don’t you dare… *then nods about practicing* Definitely! *laughs quietly* I’ll can do it… I just have to get back into it… *softly runs a hand over his side and has to smile again because instead of skin he’s running his hand over the swim binder, and because he realizes that neither of the boys have said anything else about it – that it’s really a given that they are also wearing something like that to make him more comfortable*
Matteo: *groans* Letting him win would be even worse… *then laughs at Amira’s words and nods in confirmation* *grins when David gives him the look again* *wraps his arms around his neck when he reached him and beams at him* Okay, I’ll think about it again… *quickly kisses him but keeps his face close to David’s* I suppose I can give you a period of grace… *kisses him again and grins* Breaking up is also really exhausting… I’m definitely too lazy for that…
David: *returns Matteo’s kiss and grins about the period of grace* How gracious! *then draws up his eyebrows when he says that breaking up would be to exhausting and looks at him indignantly* Pfff… so we’re only together because breaking up would be too exhausting?! *takes his arms off his waist and instead puts his hands on his shoulders* *gets some momentum and then dunks him under water* *hears Amira laugh and quickly gets away to safety before Matteo resurfaces*
Matteo: *grins and nods* Sure, it has nothing to do with the fact that… *can’t finish his sentence because David is already dunking him under water* *resurfaces spluttering and gasps for air* Just wait! *takes two big steps in the water and then jumps and basically lands on David and pulls him under water with him*
David: *laughs when he sees Matteo resurface with a gasp and takes a step backwards when he realizes that Matteo wants payback* *isn’t fast enough and just manages to hold his breath before Matteo throws himself at him and they both go down* *is the first one to resurface and uses one leg to try to push Matteo’s legs away to dunk him again* *laughs and wrestles with him for a while before he finally gets him in a headlock and asks* It has nothing to do with what…?
Matteo: *has wrapped his arms around David’s hip and tries to free himself* No, no… you’ve ruined any chance for compliments… *braces himself against him and somehow manages to make them both fall over again* *but because the water really isn’t that deep it doesn’t do much* *reaches his arms out for David again and pulls him closer* Okay… it has nothing to do with the fact that you’re the man of my dreams… *puts his hand on his chest theatrically* The rain on a hot summer day… the whipped cream on my sandwich… the cool side of the pillow… *presses a kiss to his neck* Is that enough?
David: *keeps a hold of him when he tries to free himself and grumbles at his words* *but then laughs again when they land in the water again due to their wrestling and then picks himself up again* *lets Matteo pull him closer and wraps his arms around his hip* *smiles at his first words but then looks at him a little skeptical when he puts a hand on his chest theatrically and hears him continue* *gets a kiss on his neck but immediately after that pushes Matteo away from him and takes a step back when he hears his question* *shakes his head* The beginning was good – but unfortunately, the rest was too theatrical to even believe one word of it. I’d say you’ve ruined your chance, Mister Florenzi… *takes another step back and lets himself fall into the water again* *paddles with his arms a little to keep himself afloat and looks at Matteo with a shrug* *grins slightly* But don’t worry. Should I really not manage to defeat Carlos by the end of our holiday then I’ll break up with you so that you don’t have to go through all the trouble…
Matteo: *gapes at him* What? I was dead serious! *tilts his head when David lets himself fall into the water and looks down at him* *once again has to think about how good David looks and how much it suits him to be relaxed* *smiles slightly* *but then hears his words and suddenly doesn’t find it as funny as he did a minute ago* *but doesn’t want to show any weakness* Okayyy… *lets himself slide into the water some more as well, but not on his back but so that only his head is over water* *moves his arms so that he can stay next to David* *then suggests* If I simply kill Carlos… then no one would have to break up with anyone, right?
David: *gets serious when he realizes that Matteo doesn’t laugh or grin and briefly wonders if he went too far* *skeptically asks* Okayyyy? *doesn’t take his eyes off him until he’s next to him* *grins slightly at his words and reaches for his hand under water* *pulls him a little closer and says* Or… we’ll just let Carlos live and we agree that neither of us breaks up… and that neither of us stays with the other just because they’re too lazy to break up, but because… *shrugs and continues a little more sheepish and quieter* … because we’re simply really happy with each other?
Matteo: *immediately feels more relaxed when David takes his hand* *immediately nods* Deal! *then smiles a little sheepishly at his words* You know that I didn’t mean it like that… I was just trying to be funny… *squeezes his hand and pulls him even closer* And I am really happy and really in love and you are still the whipped cream for my sandwich, even though that’s theatrical… *smiles slightly and manages to kiss David without sinking as they are now a little further out in the water*
David: *smiles when he says that he didn’t mean it like that, but then gets a little more serious and says* Same… but maybe we better not make any more jokes about breaking up from now on? *looks at him pleadingly* *doesn’t really like those jokes, either, but didn’t want to make a fuss about it and therefore went along with it* *lets Matteo pull him closer and returns his hand-squeeze* *then smiles again wide when he hears his words and when he kisses him* *lets go of his hand and instead wraps his arm around his hip to pull him even closer while trying to hold himself afloat with his other arm* *kisses his neck and murmurs* I’m also very much in love with you… doesn’t matter if you are theatrical or not… *kisses his mouth and just then hears Hanna calling from the jetty: “We wanted to make pasta for everyone now… so it would be cool if you got out as well to help set the table and such…”*
Matteo: *quickly says* I promise! *then smiles at his words and nods* Good… because I can’t promise that I won’t be theatrical every once in a while… *kisses him back and actually wanted to kiss him a little longer when he hears Hanna* *realizes only then that they’re the last ones still in the water* *calls back* We’ll be there in a minute… we’ll just go get changed! *sees Hanna give him a thumbs-up and hears her call: “Kiki has already hung up a line, you can put your wet things on it!"* *also gives her a thumbs-up and then looks at David* I guess we have to get out…
David: *didn’t even notice that the others have already left the water and nods at Matteo’s words* *still gives him another quick kiss before they swim back to the shore* *goes back to the tent with Matteo to get changed and has to laugh a little when they both have difficulties getting the wet binders off* *never would have thought that he could one day laugh about his binder* *dries himself off properly and then puts his normal binder and the rest of the clothes back on before leaving the tent with Matteo and the wet clothes and going over to the cabin, where there really is a clothes line already up and on which the others’ wet clothes are already hanging* *sees the guys standing in front of it and thinks that the girls have apparently taken over the cooking* *only when he gets closer does he see what the guys are doing and has to grin because seeing four swim binders next to each other on the line really does paint a strange picture* *sees that Carlos his holding a sharpie in his hand and hears Jonas say: “ No, the first letters are enough…” and Abdi: “Umm, no, Alex and I… both A… did you leave your brain in the lake, dude?” and Carlos: “Just be quiet now, I have to concentrate…” and Jonas again: “Then just put Al and Ab…” and Carlos: “Quiet now! Who does this one belong to?" and Abdi: “Me!" and Alex: “No, that’s mine!" and Abdi again: “Seriously?!” and Alex answer with an eyeroll: “I’m sure of it!"* *watches the spectacle for a while and when he and Matteo reach the others asks with a grin* Umm – what are you doing? *hears Carlos answer dead serious: “We want to label the binders! Otherwise we won’t know later which binder belongs to whom! Give me yours, Brudi!"* *hands him his binder a little confused and watches as he puts a “D” on the label before handing the binder back to him and holding his hand out for Matteo’s* *hesitates and then asks in disbelief* You want to keep wearing them? *hears Jonas laugh: “Of course – would have been money wasted if we only wore them once!"*
Matteo: *grins a little when he listens to the boys’ argument* *hands his own binder to Carlos and looks a little surprised at David’s question* *thought that it was obvious* *hears Carlos say: “Solidarity isn’t a one-time-thing, Brudi!"* *laughs slightly and nudges David* You can shut your mouth again now… *takes his binder back from Carlos and also just takes David’s out of his hand* *hangs them up next to the other ones and grins when he sees Jonas taking a photo*
David: *is pretty gobsmacked and once again feels a small lump in his throat when the guys assure him that they want to continue wearing the binders* *sheepishly murmurs* You really are awesome… thanks… *feels Abdi pat his shoulder: “Stop thanking us… it’s not a big deal…”* *does think that it’s a pretty big deal but doesn’t disagree with him when all the others agree with Abdi and even Alex nods in agreement* *now that Matteo’s and his binder are also hanging next to the others, the picture on the clothesline somehow looks even more surreal* *decides to put that image down in his sketchbook tonight to hold onto that moment and while Jonas is taking a photo of the binders he wraps his arm around Matteo with a sigh because somehow he’s pretty sentimental right now* *then hears Mia calling from the cabin: “As much as I’m in favor of this solidarity-thing, guys, but it would be great if you could push the tables out here together and go find some chairs so that we can all eat together…”* *sighs quietly and then nods at Mia* We’ll do that… *squeezes Matteo close again for a moment and then lets go of him to make some space in front of the cabin*
Matteo: *immediately notices that David is pretty touched* *wraps his arm around David and pulls him closer* *briefly kisses his head and smiles slightly* *nods slightly at Mia’s request and reluctantly lets go of David* *doesn’t really help much with the table because all the others are really stronger than him* *so goes inside to join the girls* Can I help something in here? I’m a little useless out there… *shrugs* *then Kiki presses a bowl into his hands: “You can take that outside… and you can tell the guys that they can set the table once the tables are ready”* All right… *goes back outside with the bowl and sees that the tables are ready and are set up to make one big table, and somehow thinks that it’s cool* *sees that Jonas and Alex are still looking for chairs* *puts the bowl down on the table* Kiki says that whoever’s done out here can help set the table…
(next play)
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by karla-babyy
Do you know any Asians with American names? In my nationality’s case, nearly all of them. It’s a more common trend than this question makes it out to be. Spanish and Italian names are also common. Filipino names died out for a very long time with only much-older people having them, but it’s slowly seeing another surge over the last few years. Still mostly rare to find, though. Have you ever cut your own hair? I’ve trimmed my bangs with my mom’s help, but not my whole hair. What is something you're avoiding right now? Trying to cry. It was either getting distracted by this survey or staying in bed breaking into tears, so if this survey ends up getting posted it means I made the right choice for myself. What was the reason for your last detention? We don’t have that. I never got in trouble except in Grade 4 when I was caught snickering loudly at the back of the classroom with a friend. Do you eat your vegetables? Yeah, I’m not 5.
Have you ever taken Flintstone's Gummy Vitamins? I’m not sure we have those here, so I doubt I’ve tried that in particular. But I’ve taken plenty of gummy vitamins throughout my childhood and teenage years. Do you get side-tracked easily? Personal shit can sometimes affect my pace and my focus while at work, but I’m always able to shake it off in the end and choose to be more professional. But it does happen, and it can get really hard to like, fix a spreadsheet or do a Powerpoint or write up a cheery email while thinking about my trauma and continually swallowing lumps in my throat lol. When was the last time someone laughed at you, and for what? Cooper was being feisty in my arms last night and my dad laughed at how silly we looked. Do you know anyone who can play the violin? Yes, Ate Alyanna and JM’s sister. JM has also been taking up lessons, but I don’t know of his progress anymore. I haven’t talked to him in months. What's a word you do NOT like, one bit? Faggot/fag sounds so dirty to me. Are you taking or did you take any foreign language classes in high school? I didn’t. I think they offer them now but during my time they didn’t, so it wasn’t like I had the option to take them. As for college, foreign language electives also weren’t required for journalism students so I never took any. When was the last time you took a nap? Last Saturday. Does it piss you off when your parents treat you like a baby? They can be pretty overbearing, like the time they forced me to wear an extremely, painfully corporate look for an interview with a PR agency whose dress code was anything but. That grinded my gears quite a bit. But otherwise, I really do prefer them looking after me. Have you ever swallowed something you shouldn't have, like a quarter, etc? Some weird oil leaking from a battery. Do you know any Russian people? I don’t think so. What was the worst comeback you have ever received? I don’t know. It’s hard to be put on the spot and answer superlatives like this. Do you like Ed Hardy clothes? I don’t know how they look, but I’m guessing that I don’t. What shampoo did you use the last time you washed your hair? Dove. What was the last story you told someone? Dealing with a clumsy co-intern at work. I got tasked to transcribe a 30-minute audio file - which would’ve been no problem to do on my own, since taking up journalism made me transcribe a shit-ton of interviews - but I was doing other tasks for other superiors as well which meant that I had to use a lifeline and tap a co-intern for help. I split the file up and told her I would transcribe the first 20 minutes, while she can take care of the last 10 minutes. I breezed through mine and finished in 45 minutes while multi-tasking, while I never got updates on her end. I kept waiting, and after an hour I asked for her progress and she said she was only 4 minutes in. At that point I was pretty annoyed at myself for giving away a task I thought I was too busy to finish on my own. A little later she messaged me and said she couldn’t understand what was said at the “7:25 minute mark” I was aghast. I was like, “Do you mean 27:25? I said I was going to take care of the first 20 minutes,” and it turns out she never even read my message of me splitting up our parts. I was pissssed as fuck, because she took so fucking long transcribing and it wasn’t even the right part I assigned her to, and because she committed my pet peeve of people not reading directions. Knowing full well how slow she is with transcribing at that point, I just offered to do the rest of the file. Do you like surprises? And no, I dont mean presents. Just surprises. Pleasant ones, yeah. I don’t like surprises meant to scare me. Do you use mascara on your bottom eyelashes? Nope. I can’t remember the last time I used mascara. Do you pick at your fingernails when you're bored? Sure, if they’ve gotten kind of long. When was the last time you played a board game? Sometime last year would be a safe guess. I’m pretty sure I haven’t this year. Do you know anyone named Paul? Yeah, an alumnus from my org who comes around every once in a while. Who was the last person you touched? Not sure, I haven’t had any physical contact with another person in a while... maybe my sister, idk. Name someone who is younger than you. Laurice, Jo, Kate, and Blanch are all younger by a year. Who was the last person you kissed? Gabie. Does your best friend have her/his ears pierced? Yes. When was the last time you received something in the mail other than bills? A few weeks ago when one of my dad’s orders got delivered, and we had to receive it for him. Listen. What do you hear? There’s a new house being constructed in front of ours so there’s a lot of construction noises that we have to hear every day. The workers are nice though and they like seeing my dog and they haven’t cat-called me, so there’s little to whine about. Do you enjoy prank-calling? No. Who was the last person to annoy you? Gabie. Can you recite the alphabet backwards? Nope. I had it memorized at one point, but I guess my brain didn’t find it significant enough to want to remember. Do you own more than 10 pairs of earrings? No. I do want lots of earrings, though. I’d love to buy a few pairs once I’ve gotten my allowance, heh. Is the room you are currently in messy? No, it’s very organized now after my mom and I cleaned it up and redesigned it a bit during the weekend. Do you like correcting people when they say something wrong? If they’re being an asshole about their argument that turns out to have some errors, yes. Otherwise I don’t correct people every single time. Who was the last person to kiss your cheek? Not sure. A good guess would be Gabie though. Do you call people "babygirl"? I’ll use this to refer to my close friends sometimes. What was the last yucky thing you smelled? Cooper’s business. Is the time on your computer clock wrong? No. It has always been accurate from the time I started setting my laptop up when it was new. What should you be doing right now? I’m not required to start working until 9, so I’m good taking this survey for now.   Does it bother you when girls talk about tampons in front of boys? It will only bother me if said boys start to feel genuinely uncomfortable for some reason. But if they’re just boys that are being childishly whiny about periods, then those girls can talk their ears off about tampons as much as they want. Is in front one word, or two? Two. How many syllables are in the word "Koala"? Three.
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