#7.12 spoilers
alliedbiscuit · 8 months
People were freaking about spoilers, so my brain had to do a thing.
Theoretical Episode Breakdown for “Heartstopper” Season 3
Episode 1 - Beach day, ends with the “I love you” (Chapters 5.1 - 5.14)
Episode 2 - Nick’s vacation, Charlie getting worse, ends with Nick and Sarah scene on the beach (5.15 - 5.20)
Episode 3 - School starts, Nick birthday, end with Charlie’s letter to his parents (5.21 - 5.26)
Here is where things get tricky. I doubt they’re going to use the journal entry format from the comic to cover this part of Charlie's story, but either way I think they can cover the Sept-Dec timeline in about two or three episodes, still depicting the darker moments but not dwelling too long on them. I don't think they want to get too gritty, but they want to be honest and give the story time.
Ep 4 - Sept to Oct, Charlie getting worse, trip to emergency room, ends with hospitalization
Ep 5 - Oct to Dec, Charlie’s hospitalization, ends with him coming home at Christmas/maybe New Year’s party or to start ep 6?
(Eps 4 & 5 would cover 6.1 - 6.10; the rest of chapter 6 with the family dinner was already covered in season 2.)
Ep 6 - Charlie back at school, still adjusting, Charlie’s birthday, set up Nick unsure about future and sex talk (7.1 - 7.12)
Ep 7 - More sex talk, Charlie's body image issues, fight with Mom, first time (7.13 - 7.25)
Ep 8 - Uni visits, rest of story from Patreon? (7.26 - end)
It gets a little rushed at the end, and you still have to fill in with new storylines for the ensemble, but I just don't think it's as impossible to get to the uni visits this season as some people were making it seem. And I don't think Alice would ever sacrifice Charlie's story. I think it feels like so much material, but they covered the first 3 chapters in Season 1, so it can be done.
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spoilertv · 1 year
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, October 16
Buffy: Come on, Mom, please? Joyce: I'm sorry, honey. Buffy: Don't you understand how important this is? Joyce: It's an outfit. An outfit that you may never buy. Buffy: But I looked good in it! Joyce: You looked like a streetwalker. Buffy: But a thin streetwalker! ... Buffy: That's probably not gonna be the winning argument, is it?
~~Bad Eggs~~
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The AoS finale really did just say:
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elivanto · 2 years
the fallen star - outbound flight - victory and death
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smileyscorner04 · 3 years
I guess we don't get to see the scene with Joe x Iris from the promo pics. No father/daughter talk tonight. No "ready to have babies" talk or just a moment to catch up. Not surprised, but disappointed.
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aomine-dajki · 4 years
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fscottfitzsimmons · 4 years
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I’m not okay, and I now have questions!
Spoilers below!!!!
-does Anakin/Vader still have Ahsoka’s lightsabers?
-how heartbroken was he when he saw Rex, Jesse, and Ahsoka’s graves? Not to mention all the other soldiers who he’d fought beside for three years, men who trusted him.
-I know Ahsoka’s story from here, but does she ever figure out who Anakin is before they meet again in Rebels?
-Did Maul have a plan, or was he just going for maximum chaos, because he could have crashed them into a Star or any number of other things that would have killed everyone (including himself) on impact.
-Does Ahsoka ever find Obi-Wan? I don’t think she does unless we haven’t seen it yet.
-I guess I’m (happy doesn’t feel like the right word) happy that Jesse and the other clone troopers don’t have to live with the guilt, and Ahsoka doesn’t have too either. Other than her survivors guilt and constant fear that she’s putting others in danger. (Not a question, but I felt like including that).
-why didn’t they make the episode longer?
-would hearing Ahsoka and Rex plan to separate make the episode less impactful? Because I feel like them hugging for what they think will be the last time, would have had me SOBBING.
-why am I so emotionally impacted by fictional characters that I already knew the fate of? I knew Ahsoka and Rex would survive, I knew they would make it look like they died, I knew Anakin would eventually find out. So why did it hurt so much?
Don’t worry, I’ll think of more in the morning.
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agentmanatee · 4 years
Fitz: *enters room*
May: 😁 (*the happiest face she has ever had)
They never gave us May and Fitz hugging, but they gave us this twice.
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alyblacklist · 4 years
Lots more details about 7.11 & 7.12 in this article, including an answer to Zee’s “men in tights” tease from Twitter, and what Ressler and Liz are confiding in each other about.
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i understand though what people were saying about bellamy being totally ruined this season. after everything he’s been through, we’re supposed to believe that a snowy mountain, what could have been a hallucination of his dead mom, and some months of isolation were enough to turn him into a follower of a cult leader he called a false god before their journey up the mountain? bond with a stranger, sure, that’s very on brand for bellamy blake. but turn on clarke, echo, and octavia without even thinking about it? fuck that, fuck no. it’s so stupid. 
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themushroomblues · 5 years
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You saw how much of his blood was on the bridge.
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3cf · 4 years
AoS Finale
It is the end and I have too many things in my head and too many feels, so I am just going to put out there a “few” things I really love about 7.12 and 7.13. I tried to kind of sort it out by character.
(Warning: forget proper English, it does no exist here, or at least probably even well less than usually).
This is the end and we get to have the iconic association of Mack and his axeshot gun one last time.
Love his sassy answer to the chronicoms coming for their faces: typical Mack one-liner (and Sousa’s comment afterward). 
Him bounding with Sousa and showing him appreciation.
“Find me some duct tape”. I guess I appreciate comic relief Mack a lot.
Reunion at the bar with YoYo. awww
Director Mack building a Lola for Coulson, being with YoYo, being uncle Mack and all. Always there to be the SHIELD, leading his man. Love to see it.
When he imitates Fitz !!! Especially considering the fact that the posture is something that Deke actually unconsciously do quite regularly (something that many amazing “like Bobo like grandson” gifsets show perfectly). The scene takes very little time and it is cute and funny and a proof of the FitzSimmons Family bond. I love it so much.
When there are vibrations to open the door, Deke is in defense position to protect Nana in no time. Protective Deke
And then so sweet, and caring with his beloved Nana who is so lost.
Him figuring out what is the machine and proposes the plan to bring the chronicoms. Well played Deke.
CEO mode, I’m in charge of the operation vibe.
Mack telling him he is a great friends, thanking him, calling him agent Shaw and all.
Staying for the team and especially for FitzSimmons to have their happy ending and because he is competent with the tech. I wish we had more of a goodbye but time running out and all... He expressed that he could actually like being stuck in the 80s (7.8 I think), he found his place in this time and so he too can have a happy ending there, even if he does have to sacrifice seeing the team. 
the new guy in charge *what? oops* “yeah!”. It is SO Deke.
(I really love what they did with Deke in s7, especially as his writting has been a diffucult journey sometimes).
They did mentioned him being in another timeline and being missed at the bar ...
Well, AoS is really good at dynamics and relationship but they really nailed wrtting ships. In only 11 episodes they manage to make Daisy & Sousa love interests in a way that neither felt forced or rushed. I was a bit skeptical at first but I have to admit they made it work. Partly thanks to the whole loop in 7.9 as it gives different opportunities and less risk on Daisy’s part as he will not remember. So I did like the Sousy part of the episode.
“Impressive” “Thank you” I just found it hilarious. 
Gentleman and very smart man: chronicoms becoming missiles. Hell yeah!
He got to be a part of SHIELD, see the universe and be with Daisy, so he is a happy man.
Throwback to s2 (with the hand and) with Fitz’s tech against Gordon (Science biatch!)
We got to hear him say on last time the classic: I am Phil Coulson Agent of SHIELD
Smug Phil agains Sybil and all. Plus Coulson interacting with the villain is always good.
His relationship with May getting better by the minute.
Well, good news he does not feel like “dying” just yet, he enjoys the world, is crazy about Alya and all, I was expecting so much sadder but no! He got to be around quite happily!!
Coulson Academy!!!!!!!
Phil & Melinda sorting things out. Both wondering who they are, because they have been through so much changes, expressing their appreciation for each other even after all of those changes... It was time they had a bit of time to address it and I’m happy they made it and it was in a very Philinda way.
Huging Daisy !!!! and once she felt like it might have been to impulsive, Daisy reassuring her. (Daisy is so happy, smiling so much).
Her banter with Coulson
The Cavalery !!!! My fav thing about May in the finale. So much trauma, so much fights but she made it, she can own that name now, make it mean something else. That’s just... woaw powerful and beautiful moment.
someone other than Coulson calls her Melinda during the bar/annual reunion scene ! (i was shocked but happy they are family after all).
Saying she hates her job and complaining is such a May moment. But like Coulson says she loves it and somehow she seems to be stuck to find and take care of her own little ducklings from now on. FitzSimmons and Daisy gone well there is an academy full of potential agents to form and help becoming their best version of themselves.
She really insists about Coulson passing by and it seems like she really wants to be closer to him.....
YoYo killing it is always a joy to see.
Her little exchange with Sousa
I think we got one last turtle man from her at the bar.
She got her happy ending, things going well with Mack, kills it as an agent. She does what she always wanted, changing the world for the better, saving lives, giving hope. It fits her so well. I love that she works with Piper and Davis. (7.8 was such a great episode and it gives her her time to shine, the whole bouncing back storyline is so beautiful).
Her being all happy about the kiss with Sousa, she simply radiates joy and excitement and there is a playful side too.
Happiness and hug when she sees Deke! Okay her moto was saving my sister Jemma (SISTER JEMMA!!!!) so I was very pleasently suprised by her relief and warm welcome of Deke.
Any scene where she uses her power.
Talking about Jiaying and being lost with Kora.
Going straight to hug Coulson at the bar and then to May. I love when she embraces her daughter status
That fight against “Mister I am always in the tag”. Pure Agent Quake. And the last quake... damn. (Thank you Kora on this one though.)
Happy Sousy building a relationship. Still with SHIELD, helping Kora to find a place. The series is in a good part about her leaning who she is and relearning when everything changes, finding a family, a place and she does it for Kora... Happy Ending for Daisy !!!
That last talk with Coulson
That he is THE threat to the chronicoms, the one constant that make them loose.
When Fitz appears! and then his joy and the whole team’s joy.
He is back with his accent and gestures. Trying to explain stuff and all.
He asks Deke to team up with him on the machine. awww
Fitz was so well prepared for the whole memory thing. It was geartly done.
we had time flashback and FitzSimmons scenes. 
the whole she remembers a bit of Fitz but not her feelings for him and then Fitz issaying that she forgot something that matters way more !!!!!! I mean he is hopelessly in love with her and he says that !!! Seriously such a magnificent proof of love for his little monkey. (because that left no doubt that they had a baby).
Happy loving Dad Fitz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Fitz arrived in the bar having trouble working I was so disturbed but it is just his little monkey. and LITTLE MONKEY like it is everybody’s headcanon about Dad Fitz but we got to hear in the show !!!!!
Costume and can I have one stuff when she saw Daisy (+ Daisy and Deke’s yes). Cute and funny bit in the episode.
Smell his hairs!!!! When she says UNSTOPPABLE!!!
She called Z1 home !!!
two becomes one and three becomes one when putting the 084 together because no way they don’t have a child. so yes I love it/
Jemma’s ring beeing the key is such a Fitz and FitzSimmons thing to do.
we had time flashback and FitzSimmons scenes.
When she remembers,” what we are fighting for” ahhhhh
every scene with or about Alya. FitzSimmons Family in Z1.Mama Jemma ! I want it all.
loved every single mention of him or small apparition I love both.Enoch
when the chronicoms say as we have always been... that punch in the gut. (though it does not make that much sense)
His ending is way less happy but 7.9 gave him a beautiful one no the less and it took the time to do it properly, it makes me cry so much but it really is a special moment and they did no rushed the scene for which I am very grateful.
Piper & Flint
I was so happy when they appeared on the screen, even if we did not see them much, I was expecting less, so good suprise.
Just all the Piper in 7.13, felt good to have her back.
anything you want -> Davis !!!!!!!!!!! Damn !!
Flint at the academy !! (May is going to have to take care to new ducklings).
Well I love that she exists. The little family is the cutest, they are so happy to be a little family, all the uncles and aunt seems to love her so much too. FtzSimmons as parents are adorable (and unstoppable).They are just so happy with their little life together and their own perthshire cotage. And she seems a bit special in a very FitzSimmons way so... I love it!
Also, the whole doing her own fish is so funny and cute. Especially with Little Girl Jemma talking about her project to study some special kinds of fishes in inescapable and the little ref to it when her memories are still a mess.
Other stuffs
Young John Garrett (I like him in his few episodes in s7).
Kora “redemption” but like mainly because she was very clearly being manipulated and because of Daisy. it is less heavy on Daisy like that and in some ways she got another chance with her biological family and she can do for her what other have done for her.
084 scattered through time and in pieces to not be seen by Sibyl & cie. It’s smart, 084 is also a classic of early seasons (one of the first mission, Skye, the whole obelisk...) and Enoch
I like that they say “what we are fighting for several times” but never really explicit it.  (I think)
Happy endings for everyone !!! Honestly that does feel great. Plus, they are just happy to see each other again.
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Can someone pls gif May coming out of NOWHERE to absolutely hand Ward his ass in the S1 finale and her doing the same to Sibyl in the S7 finale, this is something I need in my life
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the-bluespirit · 6 years
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