#70% success rate don't check that
keeps-ache · 1 year
every couple days i see something about amogus and i'm like 'oh i should play that again, it was so fun' like the game didn't make me absolutely feral
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abnerkrill · 1 year
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fantastic rebuttal to "writers don't deserve better pay because the stuff they write is terrible/unoriginal", full thread here
(to explain, the "Unknown" under his name is from a add-on bot detector; it usually can assign a percentage likelihood that a user is a human being and not a bot, but I think the blue check system disrupted the add-on so it says "Unknown" underneath his name now.)
[image id under the read more:
May 7, 2023 tweet thread from Tom Vaughan @/storyandplot
With #WGAStrong rightfully in the spotlight this week, I've seen some less-than-sympathetic comments focusing on the lack of originality in our projects. This is a fair criticism of the system, but not the writers. A quick history of how we got here (thread emoji)
The first thing to understand is that Hollywood has NOT run out of new ideas. The studio’s preference for I.P. has nothing to do with regurgitating ideas and everything to do with MARKETING.
The late 60s-70s is generally considered the artistic high of the studio system. Ironically, many contribute this to corporations buying up the studios! The corporations knew they had no idea how to run a movie studio, so... they put creative people in charge.
This is how you got the run of so many great films the studios would never make today. They also took bigger chances on young, promising talent (the first "film school generation" of filmmakers.)
But with the success of JAWS and STAR WARS, the corporations demanded more of those kinds of hits. The creative folks insisted such things were unpredictable, and the business folks said let's make them less so.
(Sidenote: This was also the same time a completely different phenomenon was happening. A/C was becoming the norm for theatres, making summer movie-going much more attractive.)
Over the next decade, more and more MBAs and marketing people gained influence in the studio system. Being business folks, huge hits were not a creative problem as much as a product/marketing problem.
The 80s is when the “high concept” became pre-eminent because it narrowed a sales pitch to one sentence, a trailer, and a poster. This made everyone a marketing agent for a movie because everyone could explain what it was about!
In the 90s, marketing became just as important as the film itself (reflected in their respective budgets) when Hollywood discovered they could profit from fifty years of pre-existing awareness for old TV shows and movies.
This allowed the marketing department to move away from pitching a movie and convincing you to go see it (lower success rate), to simple “audience awareness” and building anticipation. (higher success rate.)
The audience knew what THE FLINSTONES the movie was. They just needed to know the casting and when it opened. No one needed to have the remake of GODZILLA explained to them. They just needed to know when it opened.
The marketing department prefers AWARNESS over SELLING because awareness is something you can throw money at. Selling is harder, and it’s less predictable. This is why franchises are so valuable.
Whenever someone says, “That’s something I can sell!” It’s usually something that can sell itself. What they mean is, "I just have to let people know about this!"
Hollywoods's reliance on property the audience is already familiar with is 100% because... the audience is already familiar with it. It is easier to market the product and this increases its chances of success.
This focus on I.P. has become so pervasive, many, including executives themselves, have forgotten WHY it's valuable. They'll option an unknown comic BECAUSE it's I.P., forgetting that it's unknown and lacks the main asset of I.P.
Writers do love writing on an I.P. that means something to them. Every Star Wars fan who became a filmmaker would love to work in that universe. But we do not love it more than our own original work. We would always rather work on that.
So when you see another remake, or reboot, or adaptation, and think, "Can't they come up with something new?"
Remember, the answer is yes. Yes, we can. And we want to. You can blame the market or the marketing, but either way, the widespread production of truly original content is just not the studio business model we're in right now. #WGAStrong
end ID.]
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analytically · 4 months
What's wrong with the schools in California?
So I'm Californian, and they make all the high school students here take a test of their English and math skills the year before they graduate. But, uh, looking at the data from these tests, it's really bleak?
Across the whole state of California (where 40 million people live), only 27% of high school students met the math standards! That's really terrible — this means that over 70% of California high schoolers don't know enough math for "likely success in entry-level, credit-bearing college coursework after high school." I'm not totally clear what exact skills these are, but when I took the test it was mostly Algebra II and Geometry questions — the sort of thing you might need even if you don't go to college. And while I don't think everyone needs to go to college, 70% of the population not being prepared for college seems too high.
(more analysis, and pictures, below the read more!)
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This isn't an artifact of the pandemic, either: 2019 data shows that 32% of 11th graders met math standards before COVID, and it actually went up to 34% in 2021 (there was no testing in 2020). That's interesting, considering that many schools were closed to in-person instruction during 2020. Proficiency rates in math have fluctuated between 27% and 34% since 2015, but there certainly hasn't been a clear trend of improvement.
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If you're disabled, learning English, or in the foster-care system, you have a less than 5% chance of being proficient in mathematics after 12 years in the California school system! (Learning English at the same time as learning mathematics in English does seem really hard under any circumstances, so maybe that one's not totally the school system's fault, but 2.5% is still way too low! English learners are three times more likely to be proficient in English language arts than in math!)
"But analytically," you say, "maybe this isn't the schools' fault! Maybe the kids just lack resources because of poverty and inequality and such!" Well, yeah, that probably isn't helping, but it definitely doesn't explain the whole problem. 17% of kids that California considers "socioeconomically disadvantaged" meet math standards, but only 43% of non-socioeconomically disadvantaged kids do! So even among kids whose families are doing OK financially, most aren't proficient in math. However, they are 2.5 times more likely to be proficient than their lower-income peers. (Also, last time I checked, the job of the public school system was to provide a good education regardless of socioeconomic status!)
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The numbers are pretty bad for English language arts too, but math is a lot worse (and also I've technically worked in math education, so this is sort-of in my wheelhouse).
So, I repeat: What's wrong with the schools in California? How can we fix it?
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vishnu920 · 1 month
Pricing strategies for digital freelancers
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In the fast world of freelancers, have you ever felt like you worked hard as a freelancer and send the invoices, and you think—did I charge too little? And did I charge too high? You are not alone. Finding the right pricing strategies for digital marketing services It’s like investing in a minefield. So it’s time to rethink your pricing strategies.
Let us understand by a case study. Sara is a graphic designer who has been working freelance for five years. Sara started freelance because she loved the freedom it offered—choosing her clients, working on her hours, and doing projects that were passionate about her. But regarding her growing portfolio and her client review, Sara worried about pricing. She works long hours and hardly makes a couple of dollars. What's wrong with her?
The problem is Sara's pricing strategy. Like many freelancers. She didn’t set a price based on her thoughts the client would be willing to pay. She is not charge the value of what she delivers; she charges hourly. Without thinking about how much time she gives to revision and with clients' communication. As a result, Sara undercharging and overworking. As like many freelancers common scenario.  
Sara's story is not uqine. A survey by Payoneer found that globally, freelancers earn hourly only a couple of dollars. It depends on your location, experiences, and specialization. In a study of freelancer union, 70% of freelancers struggle to get paid that they deserve. There are many facts—lack of pricing confidence, fear of losing clients, and simply not knowing how worth their work is.         
Understanding Pricing Models Don't fall, as Sara understands all types of pricing models and knows which one works for you. Hourly Rate:
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Hourly rates are so common for freelancers. especially for beginners. The faster your work, the less you earn. Here you are not paid as your  worth.
Project-Based Pricing:
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Get paid on project-based is more profitable. It allows you to check all factors of work, including revisions, with Clint's communication and meetings. It requires clear knowledge of the project to understand the project scope.   
Value-Based Pricing:
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This model is based on the value of your work that you delivered to clients. Here, no matter how time it takes. A value-based model increases your earnings. But it requires strong communication and confidence in your value proposition.
Make Your Pricing Strategy
Know Your Worth:
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Try to understand rates for your services in the digital market. website   Like Fiverr, Upwork, and Glassdoor, proved insight into the prices of what others was charging for your services. But not go with the crowd. Consider your skills, experiences, and the unique value you provide the clients.
Test and Adjust:
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Setting a price is not permanent. You can experiment and adjust the rate with different models. You start with a rate you are comfortable with and increase it when you get more experience, confidence, and more skills. Communicate with Opely with your clients about your pricing. And ready to justify the worth of your delivered work.
Build in Flexibility:
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Build a flexible level of pricing and give the clients to choose what fits their project and budget. This helps you to get a wide range of clients and maximize your income. 
The Importance of Confidence
At the end, confidence is the key to your success. Who you have confidence in your work is very important. like Sara, who changed her pricing model to a project-based model that reflects her work value. and eran more money and not getting stressed. She learned communication skills and openly talked to her clients.
Pricing your services as a digital freelancer is both an art and science. It needs understanding to market and your worth value. Adopting the all-strategic to make your pricing strategies. Make a profitable and stress-free freelance career. Always remember your pricing is worth your work values. So set your pricing for your value and watch your career growth. Want to know more? So go with this link pricing strategy for digital marketing services.   
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jellye-cannabis-seeds · 3 months
Germinating Cannabis Seeds
Jellye Cannabis Seeds: A Comprehensive Guide to Germinating Cannabis Seeds
Germination is the exciting first step in your cannabis cultivation journey! Here at Jellye, we're dedicated to providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to successfully sprout your seeds and embark on a rewarding growing experience.
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This guide will walk you through various germination methods, offering valuable tips to maximize your success rate:
Essential Supplies:
High-Quality Cannabis Seeds: Opt for fresh, feminized seeds from a reputable source like Jellye!
Distilled or Spring Water: Avoid tap water, as it may contain chemicals that harm germination.
Paper Towels: Non-abrasive, preferably unbleached.
Two Plates: Shallow plates or dishes.
Optional: Germination tray, heat mat (recommended for cooler climates).
Choosing a Germination Method:
There are two primary methods for germinating cannabis seeds:
1. The Paper Towel Method:
Step 1: Moisten two paper towels with room temperature distilled or spring water. They should be damp but not dripping.
Step 2: Place your seeds carefully on one of the moistened paper towels, leaving a little space between them.
Step 3: Cover the seeds with the other damp paper towel.
Step 4: Place both plates on top of each other, creating a dark, humid environment.
Step 5: Store your plates in a warm location with consistent temperatures between 70-80°F (21-27°C).
Step 6: Check on your seeds daily. Mist the paper towels with water if they begin to dry out.
Success Signs: Within 2-7 days, you should see your seeds crack open and a white taproot emerge. This signifies successful germination!
2. The Direct Sowing Method:
Step 1: Choose your preferred growing medium – well-draining soil mix or rockwool cubes are popular options.
Step 2: Moisten your growing medium until it's damp but not soggy.
Step 3: Create a small hole in the medium (about ¼ inch deep) for each seed.
Step 4: Gently place your seeds in the holes, taproot pointing downwards. Cover the holes lightly with soil.
Step 5: Mist the surface of the medium with water to maintain moisture.
Step 6: Keep your container in a warm, well-lit location (indirect sunlight).
Step 7: Maintain consistent moisture by misting as needed.
Success Signs: Similar to the paper towel method, you should see your seeds sprout within 2-7 days.
Pro Tips for Germination Success:
Freshness is Key: Use fresh, high-quality seeds for optimal germination rates.
Temperature Matters: Maintain consistent warm temperatures for ideal germination conditions.
Moisture is Crucial: Keep your seeds or growing medium moist but not waterlogged.
Darkness is Best: Store germinating seeds in a dark environment until they sprout.
Patience is a Virtue: Germination can take a few days – don't be discouraged if you don't see immediate results.
Once your seeds sprout a taproot of about ½ inch, they're ready to be transplanted into their new growing home!
Additional Considerations:
Heat Mat: Using a heat mat can help maintain consistent warm temperatures and promote faster germination, especially in cooler climates.
Germination Trays: These specialized trays provide a convenient and controlled environment for germinating multiple seeds at once.
Jellye is Here to Help!
Disclaimer: Cannabis seed germination laws vary by location. We recommend checking your local regulations before germinating cannabis seeds. Jellye cannot provide legal advice.
0 notes
divineerdrick · 8 months
Metawatch Warhammer 40,000: January 2024
Alright! The long awaited Balance Dataslate for the start of 2024 is finally here! I'm glad they waited until after LVO this time. I'm so eager to see what's changing for this new season of 40K!
Currently, 40K balance is in a really nice spot. We have two contenders for the top army in the game with Craftworlds and CSM, both hovering just over the 55% win rate. At the same time, AdMech, Knights, Sisters, and Drukhari are struggling at or below the 45% mark. For Space Marines, Blood Angels and Deathwatch seem to be struggling the most, while Templars and Ultramarines are seeing success. Space Wolves are also doing really good, but they're not usually seen as Champions of Russ.
For mechanics, we're at a point where Indirect Fire weapons are either game changing or useless with no ground in between. Aircraft are near universally staying on shelves. Opinions on Battle-shock vary from player to player and army to army. I personally feel it's hard to argue that it's a very meaningful mechanic when it's basically Tyranids' whole schtick now, and they're one of the weaker armies.
There's also plenty of issues cropping up around internal balance. Now that we have more detachments available for some armies, some of them are clearly more powerful than others. This is particularly felt hard by Space Marine players, who almost universally are sticking with vanilla detachments. Only Templars seem to be regularly seen inside their unique detachment, and the temperature check for the new Dark Angels Codex suggests Deathwing might end up on tables . . . and that's about it.
Speaking of Codexes, we're genuinely not seeing any Codex Creep! GW seems to have legitimately focused on using Codexes to patch some of the problems the Indexes have had and provide players with more options. As I hinted above, this has had mixed results. But I definitely prefer this to the insane levels of creep that ruined 9th Edition.
So! With all that said, should I make any predictions? Well, I can't say anything about Drukhari, as the links call them out by name. But big surprise the current weakest army will be getting some love. I guess I'll predict that they will receive both points and rules changes. I'm predicting we'll see some rollbacks on nerfs to Knights and Custodes. I think we'll see one more focused rules change to Aeldari and probably some points bumps, especially for Night Spinners. I'm also expecting some form of rules nerf to CSM. The most obvious one will be something regarding how marks work and some of the crazy shenanigans that have been used. I'm also expecting a points buff to many of their most used pieces. For everyone else, I'm expecting GW will mostly focus on internal balance. I'm not expecting any rules changes for Detachments this time around, though it would be nice. I think all the other factions will mostly be focused around points.
I also think we need some mission changes. In particular, I think we're going to get changes to scoring Secondary Objectives. But I'm not sure if that will be addressed here, or if we're going to get something like a General's Handbook.
Alright! Enough preamble! Let's start with the article and video!
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Hello, Josh from the Design Studio! Apologies, Josh, but I can't help but feel the answer to "who better to do that with . . ." would be Stu. Still, it's nice to see more members of the team. It's also quite likely that Stu is now hard at work on 11th Edition, given GWs tight and frustrating schedule (three years between editions is too short, dammit!) So Josh might very well be the one in charge of 10th Edition balance right now.
We don't really know how GW gets their numbers, but 60+ percent for Aeldari's original win rate is . . . technically true. 70+ would have been more honest though . . . They're calling them at 57% now, which I think most stat keepers agree with.
We're getting a whole new Detachment for Drukhari! Well, now! I knew we were getting rules changes but I was expecting a patch to Realspace Raid. This doesn't mean that isn't happening, but that's still pretty big news!
And there's the rules change for Aeldari. Looks like we're getting another nerf to Phantasm. It very much needs it. Looks like they're making it random now. Wonder if it's going to be flat D6 or something like D6+1.
It sounds like Drukhari are still getting rules changes. So the new Detachment will be on top of this. Yep! They're buffing Realspace Raid! Congratulations Drukhari! And they're mentioning they might do this in the future too!
So they're using Daemons for the internal balance example. I'm still not sure how Daemons mostly stay off my radar, but I do know that Daemons are almost always focused around monster mash with a few units like Flamers and Nurglings thrown in. So it sounds like they're going to try and address this using points. As I suggested, I don't think they're going to use rules changes if they can avoid it. It's one thing to log into the app and see that your army has lost or gained points. It's another to be playing and get an, "Um, actually . . . that rule doesn't work like that anymore."
Yes! We're getting more rules clarifications and commentary! Please give us more FAQs too, I beg you! But it really sounds like they want to use the Commentary for this. It looks like they're finally addressing some of the Transport and Deepstrike questions, with these no longer count as moving for rules interactions.
They also say they're using standard color coding for points changes too. That'll make looking at these points changes so much easier! Balance Dataslate changes will be marked as new too. This sound very similar to how 9th Edition Dataslates worked, just with plus signs instead of colors.
They're covering a bit about LVO too, and in particular how they looked at it. It sounds like we're not going to see anything for Necrons this time around. This is another reason why I'm glad they waited for LVO. They can see a much larger pool of players and lists all interacting at once. I don't know if it caused them to change anything, but it gives them the opportunity at least. They do know to keep an eye on Necrons too.
I also like how they acknowledge that the tournament Aeldari list has really not change for at least three months.
So the first thing in the article is that we're getting a change to the starting number of Fate Dice for Aeldari, in addition to Phantasm. Drukhari are getting changes to Power from Pain, and an all new downloadable Index! Their new detachment is the Skyplinter Assault.
It looks like many Battleline units are getting love, while the aforementioned Indirect Fire units are getting another nerf. They once again go over how they're showing changes in this dataslate.
Finally we're not seeing anything for Dark Angels this time around. Their new points will not be in this Munitorum Field Manual.
Oh, for the love of . . .
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Please tell me this isn't what they're deciding balance with. I know they suggested they use other metrics, but this is not good at all.
They've got CSM at 54%! They're closer to 56-57%! They've got Deathwatch at 46%? Where are they possibly getting that number from?
Huh! Actually checking Stat Check, CSM has slipped a bit while Deathwatch is rising . . . Interesting! Looks like I'm the one who needs to pay better attention. Still, I hope they're making sure CSM isn't going to be the reigning champion with the new Aeldari nerfs.
Oh well. I guess I should have realized I would have slipped with how sick I've been lately. Let's dig into these and see what we've got. We'll start with Drukhari.
Index Drukhari
Power from Pain
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So the first big change is to what happens to a unit you Empower in the Shooting or Fight phase. Now, melee weapons will get an additional pip of AP. This should help Drukhari melee finally hit the way it's supposed to!
The rule for Realspace Raiders remains unchanged. Maybe they're hoping the melee buff will mean Drukhari players will actually take their characters? Guess we'll have to wait and see. There don't seem to be any changes to the detachment that I can find. Let's look at the new one.
Skysplinter Assault
Oh. Oh nice!
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The new detachment ability is Rain of Cruelty. This gives two meaningful buffs to any unit disembarking from a transport. The first is Ignores Cover, which in this edition might as well read "gain an AP." The second is Lance. Combined with the new Power from Pain, this will allow a melee unit Disembarking from a transport to hit really hard.
The catch here is that the unit needs to be able to Charge in order to get the full benefit from this rule. Normally, you can't charge if the Transport moved. So this means that most Transports have to move into position, then the unit has to wait to disembark. Let's take a look at the rest of the rules first, then we'll see if Drukhari have any transports with an Assault Ramp style rule.
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Our first enhancement is Phantasmal Smoke. This grants the bearer's unit Cover and Stealth while wholly within 6" of a Transport. Cover is no big deal, but Stealth is a relevant buff. The problem is the "wholly within" part. That's gonna limit how you can use this enhancement. I'm not sure this even gets an, "if you have points left."
Next, we have Sadistic Fulcrum. This seems a lot more fun. If the whole goal is to run a bunch of units in Transports, then you can probably make pretty good use of this. I'm pretty sure at least one Transport has Dark Lances, so this might be auto-include if priced right.
Spiteful Raider provides some additional Pain token generation. It only triggers when you kill an enemy on an objective and only in the fight phase. But since Drukhari wants to do that, this could also be auto-include.
Finally, Nightmare Shroud provides one of the most relevant rules you can have in 10th Edition: preventing Overwatch! It's hard to oversell how clutch this can be. Especially if you're going to try and Disembark from a stationary transport to move and charge, this gives you two places where an opponent might try to gun you down. This might also be auto-include.
While Phantasmal smoke is a pretty big miss, the other three enhancements will probably all see use. This is all around a good start to this Detachment.
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Vicious Blades is interesting. This is one of those rules that when you use it you're going to feel really good about it, but you probably won't use it very often. It's an interesting way to represent the Drukhari in a Transport striking and shooting out of it. If you've got 2CP, this combined with Tank Shock could just run over some units.
Wraithlike Retreat is awesome! Free moves are always good, especially during your opponents turn. There's a reason we're seeing a Phantasm nerf. Even if the target isn't a Wych unit, the whole theme of this Detachment is transports. This army wants to ride into combat, wipe out a target, then get back in and do it again. The fact you can make a Fall Back move is what really puts this over the edge. This means you don't even have to finish a unit off. You can cripple it and then move on, or just get your Unit out of potential danger for next turn.
But it's Pounce on the Prey that this Detachment will practically revolve around. If Drukhari doesn't have a transport that has an Assault Ramp rule, this gets around it. This allows you to use your favorite Transports to rush your units up the board and in your opponents face. Turn 1 charges are almost certainly a thing with this.
If charging isn't a good idea, Skyborne Annihilation can significantly up the damage from a shooting unit, especially if you empower them. I don't remember Kabalite Warriors being anything special. But if they see some love in the MFM, this could allow them to punch above their weight. It's also a Battle Tactic.
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Again, we have some out of phase movement. Swooping Mockery allows Drukhari players to take some risks with their transports without needing to worry about easy reprisal. Like many of these rules, though, this only works if your opponent wants to come in close.
Finally Night Shield helps keep your Transports safe. Since you may want to have some units move up and not disembark, this will be essential.
Honestly the only problem with these Stratagems is CP generation. I can easily see Drukhari players basically always spending their CP on one of these each turn. They'll be wanting to use Pounce on the Prey or Skyborne Annihilation on their turn, then use Wraithlike Retreat or Swooping Mockery in their opponent's turn. Considering the potential mobility of this army, I'm guessing most players will want to take Tactical Missions.
The Raider makes for some serious reach and threat with its automatic 6" advance. With a 14" move, plus disembarking within 3", that's a guaranteed charge from 19" away. And its got Deep Strike to boot! It also has a Darklance and Firing Deck 11 to benefit from Sadistic Fulcrum.
Venoms come with that fun ability to split your units and Stealth. They can also swoop by and pick up units without needing to use Wraithlike Retreat.
And, um, that's it. Why did I think Drukhari had more Transports than this? Still, both are Dedicated Transports, which means you can take as many as you want providing you can start them with a Unit embarked. That's still not a lot of units to build an army around.
This is the first real sticking point for this. While it's mostly other units that will benefit from these rules, you'll need to make sure you have enough Raiders and Venoms for this to work. And you'll only be able to use your best tricks on one or two each turn (usually just one.) Making sure you've got the Transports you need while still having the units to punch and score objectives will be a real balancing act.
The Balance Dataslate
Adepta Sororitas
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Wow! Sisters players are not going to be happy. They've recently seen an uptick as veteran players have learned to work with their unique rules to get increased performance out of their normally mediocre units. Acts of Faith are key to this. I'm sure the goal is to stop the Triumph from feeling so necessary to all of this, but the faction really didn't need nerfs.
Adeptus Custodes
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This was extremely necessary. I'm still not sure what they're going to do to allow Custodes players to play other detachments, which was a huge issue in 9th, but for now they need Aegis to function against Dev Wounds to work. I predicted they might see one of the nerfs undone, but it looks like GW thinks this is all they need.
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Six! They're only getting six Fate Dice now, and no re-rolls! Looks like GW has decided it's time for the nuclear option, because this is just the start.
Fates messenger now only affects the bearer, not the unit. Phantasm is D6, so it's not only less reliable but has lost an inch of movement. Night Spinners no longer stop a unit from Advancing. THANK YOU! The Yncarne can now only teleport once in each of the Aeldari player's turns. GET WRECKED! And Wraithguard can now only shoot back at what shot at them.
By the Goddess!
That's a lot of fixes. I'm actually hoping they didn't get much in the way of points increases, because damn! Surprised they didn't address Warp Spider in all of that, though.
Astra Militarum
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Interesting! Officers can now issue Orders when they setup on the Battlefield. This will provide Guard players with a lot more flexibility as to when and how they deploy their Officers.
Blood Angels
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Red Thirst now adds +2 to Strength, bringing the rule more in line with 10th Edition Toughness characteristics. Not sure this will bring Sons of Sanguinius to the the table, but it's a start.
Chaos Daemons
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Honestly not much here. You now must include Battleline Daemons as allies if you take them. Since Nurglings were by far the most allied Daemons, I don't think this actually affects much.
Chaos Space Marines
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GW did not ignore CSM. We've got a nerf to Transports, so you're no longer putting your Undivided Chosen in a Nurgle Transport just for Dark Obscuration. And that Stratagem has been nerfed to 18". Profane Zeal now only affects Chaos Undivided and only grants re-roll wounds. That's the better half, but still! Accursed Cultists are OC 1 now and only regenerate on your turn.
Again, it's a grab bag of problem units and stratagems fixed. It's nowhere near what Aeldari suffered, so unless there are more nerfs coming CSM are still in a good spot. But GW is not shying away from changing these rules!
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You can now only use Grenade on one Biologus Putrifier per turn. Reasonable nerf.
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We already know about Power from Pain, but we missed that Archons can now lead Incubi. They'll definitely welcome the re-roll wounds.
Grey Knights
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Wow! We're really getting into it here! GW appears to be more than willing to actually change profiles and Datasheets! Did you think Dreadknights didn't hit hard enough? Well GW agrees with you! Enjoy your new psycannons and Nemesis weapons!
Imperial Knights
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Just give them Bondsman back! Oh well. Code Chivalric is getting a buff and is now re-roll one hit roll and one wound roll.
Space Wolves
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You can now claim a Saga at the end of any turn. This will make it much more easy to collect them, as you now have twice as many opportunities to do so. It's still the character model that has to perform the Saga, though, so this is still going to be a challenge.
World Eaters
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Wow! Round of nerfs to World Eaters! Berzerker Glaive, Favored of Khorne, and Daemon princes were all nerfed! Somebody must be thinking World Eaters are in position to take the top spot with the nerfs to Aeldari and CSM.
That was a lot! GW really is willing to change rules when they need to, and they're willing to dig into the minutia. This was incredibly comprehensive, so with points the game stands to change a lot.
I don't know if the changes to Sons of Sanguinius and Champions of Russ are enough to get them on the board. But they're a start. For the factions themselves, we need to look at the point changes. Really worried for Aeldari here. They got sweeping changes! If the point changes are too severe, they might be where Tyranids were at the start of last year.
Biggest winner is Custodes though. That change is going to help them a lot!
Munitorum Field Manual
Adepta Sororitas
We've got a few nerfs here with increases to Arco-flagellants, Exorcists, and Morvenn Vahl. However, Paragon Warsuits have dropped 30 pts while Vahl went up 20 pts. So overall, that package actually went down 10 pts. But now Warsuits might be worth taking on their own. Other than that, a bunch of Sisters infantry got buffed.
Adeptus Custodes
It's all green! Some pretty substantial buffs to Allarus, Guard, and Wardens. Dawn Eagle Jetbikes have also gotten cheaper, though I don't know if it's enough. The Shield-Captain went down 40 pts though and now costs the same as the Allarus Shield-Captain. Custodes are in a good spot!
Adeptus Mechanicus
AdMech just go their Codex and GW doesn't seem ready to weigh in. While some dedicated players have had success, the general impression is they need some love. Hopefully they don't have to wait 6 months for it.
Almost no changes! GW decided they needed new rules and that's it! Night Spinners went up 30 pts while Wraithguard went up 4 pts a model. Warp Spiders remain untouched. This honestly leaves Aeldari with plenty of play. I don't think they're going to be in trouble, but they definitely won't be the top army anymore.
Of course I have said that before . . .
Astra Militarum
The Manticore has gone up 30 pts. While this won't kill Guard Indirect, it's still a nerf. GW does remember that Guard was at the bottom of it's stats, right?
Black Templars
Crusader Squads are now 15 pts per model and Grimaldus and Helbrecht have both gone up to 120. That's going to impact the Templars quite a bit! Those are substantial character nerfs, which always makes me wonder where GW gets these numbers from.
Chaos Daemons
That is a lot of green! Why do Daemons have that much green while Guard got nothing? And even though they talked about troops, there's a lot of characters grabbing buffs here. Great Unclean One, Kairos, Keeper of Secrets, Rotigus, Skarbrand . . . Nurglings and Blue Scribes got nerfed though.
Chaos Knights
Looks like GW is comfortable enough with Towering to start dishing out the buffs to Knights. Again, we've got a lot of green! Only the Brigand got nerfed, and only by 10 pts.
Chaos Space Marines
All the points nerfs Aeldari dodged hit CSM. If it was a tournament staple, it's been nerfed. Granted, I know there were some things here that people wanted pushed more, but I think this will do a good job of bringing CSM down just enough.
Dark Angels
Wait . . . I thought they weren't doing this here? Oh well, here are some buffs anyway! If these buffs carry through to the next MFM after Codex: Dark Angels is officially released, Deathwing could be in a good spot.
Death Guard
Got a few buffs, got a few nerfs. Deathshroud are now 40 pts per model, Bloat-drones are down 10, and the Lord of Virulence and Typhus are both down 20. But Plague Marines went from 16 pts bargains to more in line with other Space Marine profiles at 18 pts. The Plagueburst Crawler also went up 15 pts.
Weird things are happening here recently, but I'm still surprised this is unchanged.
Was anyone actually taking a Voidraven Bomber? Other than this little bit of silliness, these buffs are some nice ones to go along with the new detachment. Also the cost for those Skyplinter Enhancements are very reasonable.
Genestealer Cults
GW says you are not bringing enough Genestealers in your Genestealer Cults armies! 16 pts a model is much more reasonable.
Grey Knights
Apparently, GW thinks they've fixed the baby carrier. So they're nerfing Librarians by 10 pts. And that's it!
Imperial Knights
Are you not a Warglaive, Gallant, or Atrapos? You got cheaper! It's all buffs for the chivalrous side of Knights!
Leagues of Votann
Apparently GW is worried the Kin are doing a little too good with their last set of buffs. To be fair, Sagitaurs needed a nerf. But they'd really like it if you ran fewer Thunderkyn and Hearthguard.
Our soon to be overlords also escape any nerfs in lieu of their Codex having just dropped. If recent performances are predictive, get ready to serve your living metal masters. I know I said this last time, but that was before Canoptek Court and Hypercrypt Legion were a thing. Hopefully we won't have to deal with full power Necrons for 6 months.
Since the Boyz are still doing pretty well, it's time for more internal balance. Battlewagons are down 15 pts, but Trukks are up 5. Nobz have gone up to 22 pts a model and Squighog Boyz are up to just under 42 pts a model. But lots of vehicles have gone down, including the Morkanaut. Time to grab the red paint and wake up the Speed Freeks!
Space Marines
Oh boy! This is a lot of internal balance changes! Most stuff wasn't touched. But Aggressors, Devastator Centurions, Inceptors, Redemptors, Scouts, and Whirlwinds all went up. Infernus Marines, Outriders, Guilliman, Sternguard, and every variety of Intercessor went down. GW wants to see more Battle-line, dammit!
T'au Empire
With the new Tau box and book on the horizon, these won't matter for very long. Still it's mostly buffs. The lesser played Commanders, Crisis and Enforcers, went down 10 pts each. Riptides went down 15 pts. And Vespid went down to 13 pts a model. However your Crisis bricks just went up to 400 pts. I think Tau will be fine though.
Could we have waited until we weren't so close to the bottom before seeing the internal balance changes, please? Oh well. Big surprise, Deathleaper, Neurolictors, Pyrovores, and Gargoyles all went up in price. Those units were making nearly ever list, so we knew something had to change. In exchange we got buffs to the Broodlord and Genestealers to mirror GSC, Norns got significant buffs, the Screamer-Killer now has a reasonable cost, the Trygon got a little buff, and the Tyrannofex got a massive one to finally fit the rules nerf it took. Oh and the Toxicrene went down, but nobody cares.
World Eaters
GW must really be worried Khornes chosen were ready to claim Aeldari skulls! The Lord of Skulls and Forgefiends both got a buff, but Eightbound, Kharne, and the Master of Executions all got hit. Eighbound aren't back to the silly costs they had, but they're still at over 48 pts and 53 pts per model respectively.
The Rules Commentary
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Wait, woah! Really? That's how they're ruling things? Wow! I just opened this and already we're off to a mind blowing start! You can stack the same buff/nerf on units multiple times! The only exception are for auras or for named effects like suppressed. This is potentially huge! Now I want to go through my book and see if there are any abilities I can do this with!
We get a quick clarification that if you add models to a unit on the battlefield, they must be in coherency. Don't think anyone ever played this differently. How models off the battlefield can ever be or not be in coherency, I don't know, but there's a clarification for that too.
We also get a clarification that says that if you can put a unit from Reserves on the table in Battle Round 1 as if it was Battle Round 2, the same unit doesn't act like it's Battle Round 3 if you do it the following round. Again, makes sense and I'm not sure anyone played it any other way.
We get some Battle-shock clarifications. Being destroyed doesn't end Battle-shock. So you can't bring a Battle-shocked unit back with a Stratagem, for example. I could have sworn they spelled this out before, but if a rule makes you take a Battle-shock test for being below Starting Strength in the Battle-shock step, you don't have to take another one for being Below Half-strength. Finally, destroyed units don't take Battel-shock tests.
They've clearly separated the Charge Bonus from other rules that trigger from charging. So if something kills your Charge Bonus, you still get any other rules. Doesn't looked like they've clarified charges when you can't get into Base-to-Base contact. Though again, I don't think anyone plays it so that you don't charge towards the enemy when you make a successful charge.
We get a slight change to the way Contested works to make sure that it applies at the end of a turn as well as the end of a phase. Again, makes sense.
They also clarify order of operations for scoring. Again, I don't think anyone was trying to score Victory points before checking objectives, but there it is.
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Here's the first part of the clarification we were told about for Reserves and Transports. Basically unless you are physically moving your models, you don't get to count as having made any kind of move for any other rules. It just means you haven't Remained Stationary and don't get to move again.
Another one that I thought got clarified, if you have a rule that grants you CP in the Command phase, that is not part of CP gained at the start of the phase. So you can't gain anymore CP that battle round.
I could have sworn I saw this somewhere too, wonder if it was part of an event FAQ or something, but Dmg characteristics that have +1 or something in them are not being modified. That's just part of the characteristic.
Oh! Here's an interesting one and a new limit on rules stacking. You can't use two abilities that give you a flat Advance bonus to movement on the same Unit at the same time. Can't think of any faction that can do this off the top of my head, but again this makes sense.
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And there it is! Finally! You can disembark from a Transport that arrives from reserves. Finally we get the clarification on this! This doesn't even affect me, and I'm still glad to finally see this!
Again, we have another common sense clarification. When you buy an Enhancement for a Character unit that has more than one model in it, only one model gets the Enhancement.
Oh! Here's an interesting one! Fight-on-death rules all trigger for the unit at once, you do not fight one at a time with each model by themselves. Additionally, all the models are still destroyed at once, so any abilities that are effected by unit strength apply.
Woah! Looks like we're getting some changes to Hazardous! Let's go through these point by point.
If you declare you're firing a Hazardous weapon, you take the test even if you destroy the target and don't fire the weapon.
You get to chose what models with Hazardous weapons suffer from failed tests. If a character fails a test, you can either destroy another model or have the Character take mortal wounds. It just has to be an eligible model with a hazardous weapon.
Mortals from Hazardous tests spill over to the unit normally.
If you allocate a Hazardous test to a Character, Monster, or Vehicle, you have to keep allocating Hazardous tests to that model until all the failed tests have been allocated or the model is destroyed.
When allocating Mortal wounds that have spilled over from a Character, Monster, or Vehicle in a unit, you have to allocate them first to another model with a Hazardous weapon. Once all models with Hazardous weapons are destroyed, you allocate any remaining failed tests or wounds to unit as normal.
Good good good! We now have some pretty clear steps for how to deal with this. Most of the time it's pretty easy, but again, it's nice to have it spelled out. Also, I don't really care much since Tyranids don't have any Hazardous weapons! Kekekek!
We get a little clarification for Objective Secured style abilities. Basically at the end of any phase, if your opponent has more OC on the objective than you do, they gain control as normal. Again, pretty sure everyone played it this way.
Wow! There's a clarification. Instead of trying to figure out or keep track of One Shot weapons and Firing Deck, you just can't use them! I did hear of people trying to cheese this, especially my GSC kin, and apparently GW decided they needed to stamp this down hard!
Redeploy has a quick clarification that yes, you can redeploy a unit with Infiltrators as Infiltrators. This was already there in the commentary, but apparently there was enough debate they needed to spell it out.
Really important with the new Drukhari detachment, we get some specific rules for splitting units. You can only split a unit once, and that split unit changes its Starting Strength to match.
We get some new exceptions to how Vehicles with bases work. You don't have to with 3" of a vehicles base to embark on it, you just have to be within range of the model itself. The same is also true for disembarking.
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Finally, we get the much needed clarifications on Ignoring Modifiers. We get a list of characteristics that can ignore modifiers, which is very nice. Being able to ignore modifiers to rolls means all rolls for that unit. And again, they clarify this is not binary and you get to choose what modifiers you ignore.
New to this version is our first full Errata on the Core Rules. We only have three things here, but they're important. The first is the change to Command Re-Roll which rewords it so that it targets a unit and not a roll. This brings it in line with all other Stratagems.
Next we have a clarification on Rapid Ingress specifying the you can use Deep Strike, despite the fact it's not your Movement phase.
Finally, we have the updated wording for controlling objective markers that specify it occurs at the end of any phase or turn.
And that's it! Whew! That's a lot more than I was expecting all around!
Final Thoughts
This really was a lot! GW is not messing around here. However that doesn't mean there weren't any oversights. For some reason, Astra Militarum really didn't get much of anything. They're arguably worse off then they were before. Considering their competitive win rate is around 43%, this is really not good. But other than that, and what we were told not to expect, this is pretty comprehensive!
I guess with that mention of Guard, I should talk about winners and losers. Guard are one of the losers. They got a meaningful rules change, but nothing good enough to change their fortunes. In the mean time, they got a nerf to the Manticore and no buffs to any of their other units. I actually double checked that I didn't miss anything. This is so baffling!
Obviously Aeldari and CSM are also losers. Aeldari saw sweeping rules changes and CSM got a double tap in rules and points. I don't think it's enough to break either faction, but they're definitely not gonna hold their top spots anymore.
World Eaters also lost pretty big. Again, they got rules and points changes, though nothing like what the top dogs got. Still, they had only started to climb up the ranks last I checked. Again, I don't think this is going to drop them too much, but it's not gonna help them.
Templars also took a bit of gut punch. They only got hit in the points though. Many players will argue they were coasting on cheap Crusader Squads. I think Space Marine players will think twice about running them, but dedicated Templar players will probably be fine.
Finally, we have to acknowledge that the AdMech Codex just didn't give the faction the tools they needed. They've had no event wins since their codex dropped. While some of the higher tier players are having success, the faction as a whole needs love.
By contrast, Necrons are winning big for the same reason. With nothing addressing them in this Dataslate and two powerful new detachments, the Dynasties are ready to rise and claim their spot.
I think Drukhari will like their changes too. Their army can genuinely punch hard now, and their new detachment looks like a lot of fun. With the points changes they got, the faction probably got a bit more expensive to run, but a lot more tools to play with.
Orks are also looking good. They've so far managed to stick pretty close to the low 50s for most of this edition. While they saw some nerfs, I don't think they'll hurt most Ork lists. Now they may be able to take vehicles besides trukks with them. They can definitely benefit from the top dogs taking a krumpin.
I think Custodes will also like their changes. A Feel No Pain against Dev Wounds is going to help a lot. And they might be able to get a few more bodies on the board now too.
Knights are in tough spot. They got a lot of points buffs, but they really needed them. They also got a nice rules buff, though only to one of their Oaths. I think they should have just given them Bondsman back. We'll have to see if these change help reverse their fortunes.
Grey Knights are also probably grinding their teeth. The buff to Dreadknights is nice. This will help what should be their primary punching unit actually hit hard enough to matter. But I'm still not sure it's enough. Still, Grey Knights have a lot of room for skilled players to shine. Maybe that little nudge will help them.
All and all, it's going to be brand new meta starting today. It's a new season with new rules. My guess is we'll see something like a General's Handbook soon, and that might further shake things up. I'm excited to see how things pan out!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We're making progress in many areas one of them that we are making a lot of progress in is the automobile industry they're all realizing they need mobility in our ordering cars for real like madness and they can't figure out why they're not being delivered we are reopening factories they're on the perimeter but they're opening and some of them are Trump and son and he can't believe he's opening is a huge pain because of that he has probably 10% of the entire automobile assembly factories but only 0.3% are reopened and about 70% of the other factories are and he is a holdout to say and it's not true there's some others was about the same and they didn't open anything but today out of the 10% is opening 5% and he has grabbed a lot of his own chassis and body is actually all of them and he is not taking the stupid crap out so mystery assault and we're getting orders from the two to take over their factories that they open almost a daily open them and start infiltrating and getting rid of them and we are going to develop a strategies I don't want to put up with this guy anymore and he's going to use up chassis for useless purposes and he has a bunch of them stored out there he's not getting any from the interior if he does we can go after them very hard it's only got about 2 m chassis total and yes to billboard and their pain
-others are doing the same thing it's not just this moron bja has about 10% and hasn't opened any of them hasn't touched the equivalent or the chassis and he's a fool that has a complete idiot I noticed what a son and daughter was saying I don't think that any of them have much of a brain and they don't and you can see it in garth. used to use your brains and now you don't. It is two others we're talking about 30% of the industry and there's more than compiled about 40% of it and we need to start it up and they're all doing less than Trump and he wants to do it to try and grab people and you're probably all start doing it cuz you're encourageable and you have to make do is what you got the fight over the rest and die and yeah in the states is mostly just you idiots but you wanted for clothes and Max yeah we get that it's actually true. And we don't want to do that crap so we are going to monitor I'm told that there are startup Cruise heading towards all the factories because of trump and the reason why and they did catch him saying it earlier they're checking is in their computer
-there's a few more things going on and yeah Megan Merkel was he definitely in Franklin
-there's a huge variety of kit cars that are very successful and the other to see people making money and they're doing it now they'll probably start up 50% of the factories today or more that are not running at all and they'll set up the lines
-others are building new cars some of their own design like Brad He's got one that's going up and Jesus it is not that great of a car kind of better than a Fiat and if he had has better metal but it's rated the same because this is bigger survivability is not that bad it really isn't diffused a little bit different metal and put some reinforcing in to the panels and it's not that hard you just put a bead on the inside it is for crash rating you might try that it says it doesn't cost much if anything it says if something you would sell more and it wouldn't look like a disaster and an accident so he's taking that to heart and he's putting some reinforcing in and there's a lot of people who end up doing that and it works well that is selling huge numbers of cars on Australia there's so many cars to be selling it's ridiculous and of course he can't keep up with production requirement or demand he's got about 30 trillion made and sold and he's got about a 200 trillion orders Anderson says go out and buying up factories and you have to employ VGA and stuff he says that's true. Is going ahead and do it and there are offers they all want to make the car and some of them can engineer he likes it too so they do it and he's going to amp up the production and it's going to be huge there's a certain type of Australian desert a mammal that would be perfect you might name it that said the symbol looks like it and it will go global even though you think could be local.
-and there are other people who are doing that Megan merkle it's called The miracle girl she's probably going to have a movie and she has sales now upwards of $300 trillion and growing and the price is reasonable the car is dirty and made twice as well as Brad as bigger and she has different varieties and it's catching on she's already made a couple hundred trillion now she made it about 30 trillion and really has to be for production and she's falling far behind these guys are different than hers so we can't really piggy back for real and she is falling behind in production intention to do it so she's wondering what to do she sees Brad acquiring factories it can deals and it's starting to do it they both have about the same back log
-there's a huge number of people here who harass our son and we need them out I'm ordering it now
-the cars are doing well the Corvette is number one for a kit car on earth and the second car that's doing well and still a kit is the Chrysler it's going to be number one shortly and we do offer a kit for mid engine conversion it's twice as much as the other kit of people want it comes with you drive all assembled and all you do is attach the motor you have to put motor mounts in though that's it too they'll use a chain fall or lift and then we'll put the motor to the drive and then make the engine mounts it's not a bad way to do it and it'll probably work nicely and it is bolted on heftily to the drive. Moving on
-and by the way the number of sales of the Corvette is about a trillion a week and the other one is catching up in the Pantera and that's what we're calling it and we have the original emblem that's making about 300 million a week right now and that one's going to go through the roof people are crazy a lot of people do the research and they're selling them for so much money it's not even right. They're trying to figure out which version is ours and we haven't made that movie we're waiting for it to pick up right now 300 million is not that many and they're starting to pump them out we hear they're 10 manufacturers most of all these jealous Nellies jealous of our son and they're insane they each might pump out 300 million so be about 3 billion and we'll pump out 3 billion he says just keep making them until we can release them and I thought that's a good idea it's not really but he says we're going to man up and we're going to keep Manning up and we use the car too and I get that that's not bad actually I want an army's down there and it's different time and it's going to be in South America and that's where three of the plants are and ones in LA this is you can't really put it right there but a speed shop and sell them there and we get that someone wanted one someone said I'm going to make a speed shop it's Frank Castle hardcastle and Duke nukem Blockbuster keeps saying it. So you guys can set them up and sell this car through it and just so you modify the car so there's a fun idea they're going to do it
-and there's more too we are watching people laugh but they don't think it's too funny but we have a lot of kit cars but we also have the mini and the mini is selling like madness and he's trying to think of other small cars to build that we could get out to market to get people transportation are there different minis all over the world and any kind of a Cobra jet that's a kit. It's extremely fast and we have hard tops and everything like you used to there's a ton of people who are going to build these kids but right now we're going to put them out and there's a certain name and we can do it it's legal. But he's trying to find a car that everybody would like to make and vital and got a swipe information one and it's kind of retro and it looks like Brad's car a little bit it's nice but it's not really suited for the USA or other countries for that matter and he's going to do that for their own country that's a good idea it will work for what we wanted to and that's the idea and the other idea is we found a few cars people like and deserve to have additional to the mini that are actually kind of useful and one of them is like the strange minivan no it's a minivan in general and they use them for everything but they're not attractive and people don't buy them much anymore so he looked at Vans and they're not very attractive they're useful but they're pretty big they're like a truck and he looks at cars like escort and such and they just moved you around and you can do that in a sporty car these days it's going to be possible shortly I'm trying to think of what it would be he's thinking of a certain SUV maybe like a bronco with the way it used to be and those are handy and it is a vehicle Hera wants to bring back and it's a truck and those are needed everywhere and start to make them know no but we're going to check it out we have prototypes there's a few others and he says one is a Jeep and those are handy but the Humvee is very handy and people want those so he's going to think about it we had to as well we thought we'd go ahead and do it but there's a bunch of them so he's going to look at it and that's what I was thinking of the other than that we are at 100% restart for a covid-19 factories and 60% for new and increasing now rapidly is going very fast and the economy will come back so Bull market full speed ahead
Thor Freya
That's what the video hats off to the bull is about that there's no more Holocaust and they don't understand life much but they loses and the bulb is beating them up which is the Minotaur which is the devil himself
Haha he's saying you got to put my helmet on to these idiots it's about the devil and they don't believe that the New Castle goes in and it locates where he is and still have to go there cuz they haven't found the castle yet and we told them where it was
Hera Zeus
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engenieer-blog · 1 year
Don't Fear the Fe Exam: Strategies to Pass
Are you looking for strategies to pass the FE Exam? Then look no further, as GeniePrep has developed a comprehensive guide on how to ace the exam. Passing the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam can be a difficult and intimidating task, and it's essential to have a good plan in place to ensure success. Fortunately, GeniePrep has some great strategies to help you pass your FE Exam. We'll outline some of their best tips and tricks so you can feel confident going into the exam. 
FE Exam Overview
The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam tests your knowledge and understanding of fundamental engineering principles. The exam is based on the knowledge outlined in the NCEES FE Reference Handbook, administered by NCEES. It is a multiple-choice, computer-based exam that lasts 3 hours and 45 minutes. The exam is offered twice per year, in February and July. The FE exam consists of two parts: Part A and Part B. Both must be taken together as one integrated test. The exam consists of 125 questions; you are allotted 3 hours and 45 minutes. The exam is a closed-book test, and there is no calculator allowed. You must use the scrap paper provided to work out your solutions. You will be awarded a score between 0 and 100, with passing scores ranging from 75 to 100. Your score is based on the number of questions you answered correctly.
What is the NCEES FE exam?: The FE exam consists of two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A covers topics in basic engineering, while Part B covers applied engineering topics. 
The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is crucial to becoming a licensed engineer. However, many aspiring engineers suffer from a fear of failure when it comes to the FE exam. This fear can be paralyzing and prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. Fortunately, there are resources available to help alleviate this fear, such as GeniePrep.
GeniePrep is an online platform designed for engineering students preparing for the FE exam. The platform offers comprehensive study materials and practice exams that simulate the actual FE exam experience. It also includes personalized progress tracking and feedback to help identify areas that need improvement. By utilizing GeniePrep's resources, students can overcome their fear of failing the FE exam and confidently approach it instead. Access to quality study materials and personalized feedback will give them everything they need to succeed on test day. 
FE Exam: The Numbers
If you plan to sit for the FE exam, you must know what to expect on test day. If you feel overwhelmed by all the information, these statistics can help shed some light on what to expect. According to the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES), the overall pass rate for first-time examinees is around 55%, which can vary based on Fe other disciplines. The pass rate for NCEES, Petroleum, and Geosystems discipline exams is about 60.
And for Mining and Mineral Resources discipline exams, the pass rate is around 70. However, these numbers are only based on first-time examinees, and if you're a repeat-taker, the pass rate drops to about 45.
Passing the FE Exam: What You Need to Know
The exam itself is given on a computer and consists of multiple-choice questions. Each question has four possible answers. You'll be given a total of four hours to complete the exam. The questions can be lengthy and complex, so it s best to use your time wisely by reading each question carefully. You may want to write down the questions you mark for review at the end of the exam because some will be difficult to remember. For more general information about the exam, check out our blog post on How To Pass The FE Exam. 
In conclusion, the Pass FE exam does not have to be a dreaded experience. By preparing early, understanding the scope and structure of the exam, and utilizing resources such as practice exams, the fear of the Pass FE Exam can be successfully managed and conquered. Practicing good test-taking skills and seeking support from like-minded peers are also helpful strategies when approaching this important milestone. With proper knowledge and preparation, success is within reach. 
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growbusinessonline · 2 years
PPC (Pay per click) - Top 6 Do's and Don'ts for Your PPC Campaign
Did you know that moderate internet users are exposed to 4,000-10,000 ads daily?
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Some compelling information about Ads: 
Customers are up to 70% more likely to buy your product when you use retargeting. (Source: Web FX)
Over 50% of ad clicks happen on mobile devices. (Source: Web FX)
Featuring over 2 million websites, the Google Display Network is the leading PPC player. (Source: Google Ads)
The big and small companies have invested over US$ 104.8 billion in PPC campaigns. You will be surprised to know that 45% of businesses worldwide use PPC campaigns, and 62% are willing to increase their budget because of the promising results.
PPC advertising is an excellent way to penetrate a promising market with high competition. Creating compelling PPC ads and headlines can give your business a head start.
Worth-to-know PPC Stats
As of 2021, Google owns 92% of the global search market share.
Paid advertisements have a 200% ROI.
PPC generates twice the number of visitors compared to SEO.
Ads can increase brand awareness by 80%.
65% of customers click on PPC ads.
In 2022, 54% of ad expenditures will be online.
Let us take a quick look at the do’s and don’ts that the best PPC company suggests making it work for you to market your business effectively.
Do’s of PPC campaigns
1.               Competition research
Research your competition before starting your PPC campaign. Make sure you use the correct elements with thorough research on your market section. Remember to check out competitors' websites, markets, and keywords' popularity.
2.               Budget plan
Make a budget plan based on the PPC campaign strategies you have used. Utilize the results and configure your budget accordingly. Find effective platforms aligned with your target audience and business goals to post your PPC ads.
3.               Bid adjustments
The best PPC agency will suggest you make certain adjustments in the bids to enjoy the value of your traffic and not concentrate on the volume. Bid adjustments let you focus on the conversion rate changes and the average order value (AOV).
4.               Bid on high-performance devices
Make sure you consider bidding up on high-performance devices. Smartphone users are more than other device users. Identify the devices and proceed accordingly.
5.               Using automated rules
Set up automated rules for scheduling ads and control your budget. You can also use computerized regulations for a specific platform to adjust bids and get a better ROI.
6.               Keyword categorization
After extensive keyword research, categorize them according to the target audience segments. Keywords relevance is the key to PPC campaign success.
Don’ts of PPC campaigns
1.               No search volume
Stop choosing keywords based on volumes. The exact keywords will be used by competitors too. It will also cost your dearly.
2.               Avoid generic keywords
Using generic keywords will not only cost you dearly but will also generate much less traffic. Your ROI will reduce significantly.
3.               Avoid focusing on keyword popularity
Use the popular keywords suggested by the search engines sparingly. Make sure the keywords are relevant to PPC ad campaigns. Use keywords that will deliver higher click-through rates.
4.               Don’t focus on many websites
Focusing on many platforms will cost a fortune. Identifying your target audience and finding a handful of web portals to post your ads for better results is better.
5.               Underestimating landing page potential
Lead conversion will occur on the landing pages. Design them accordingly to compel leads to make a buying decision.
6.               Don’t leave a PPC campaign work on its own
Avoid making a PPC campaign and let it roll on its own. Closely monitor the outcomes and improvise them accordingly.
Implementing the above pointers into your campaign will secure a campaign's success.
Final words -  Are you trying to do it yourself
A PPC campaign done rightly can usher in exceptional conversion rates. Brands usually try to do everything themselves. But do you know it all? Is your landing page effective? Sometimes, the ad needs your attention to fix because of technical mistakes.
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Get actionable PPC direction with us. We will help you create the ideal PPC campaign aligned with your business goals. Contact us here https://www.espialsolutions.com/contact-us/.
0 notes
myforexreview · 2 years
Forex Trading Reviews Should Include Statistical Data
Again and again when we take a gander at new Forex exchanging programs and Forex trading review we don't think about how the framework makes a sign and all the more critically what sort of factual information (model) is accessible to decide whether the exchanging strategy is suitable.
How frequently have you taken a gander at an exchanging program and seen the outcomes that somebody has displayed from an exchanging account yet you never get a total clarification of what is a passage. Also that it is basically impossible to be aware from the exchange results on the off chance that something else altogether was utilized to make the outcomes and with PC illustrations, how they are today, who knows whether what you are taking a gander at is valid.
Pessimistic I know, however every dealer ought to practice it regularly of getting profound into the exchanging program they are going to utilize on the grounds that in addition to the fact that it costs cash to purchase it, it will cost you the cash you hazard to exchange it, and assuming that it bombs you will lose cash as well as time.
Numerous dealers don't think about the time that is spent and frequently squandered with regards to getting the hang of something. Assuming you squander a year exchanging a strategy for exchanging that is definitely not a strong exchanging technique, you have burned through significant time as well as cash. The least complex outline is two individuals who have $5000 to spend to exchange and beginning that very day. Assuming that everything is equivalent and the second dealer in year three loses cash and the main broker brings in cash, the subsequent merchant has additionally lost time. It's the same than if you were in a race and one racer chose to stop for some time.
Measurable information is significant while an exchanging technique is investigated in light of the fact that exchanging reduces to finding an exchanging strategy that permits your successes to be in any event (a decent objective) multiple times more than your misfortunes. That is simply great presence of mind. At the point when you take a gander at somebody that is offering an exchanging program which 70, 80 and 90 percent of the exchanges win, then there is a decent opportunity that something isn't correct. Assuming you were seeing that program to exchanging framework you would need to pose a few significant inquiries.
Ask any profoundly fruitful merchant and most will say they shoot to be correct constantly yet their prosperity rate is around 40%, half in the event that they are fortunate. What they need are the triumphant exchanges to run and far surpass the washouts. This is the manner by which a dealer makes exchanging professionally conceivable.
To do that they check measurable information out. Strong exchanging strategies ought to have the option to give great hard information to how the sign being utilized has functioned. What is the proportion of progress? What is the proportion of drawdowns? Under what conditions accomplishes the sign work best.
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princess-1a154 · 2 years
The Waves Were Crashing Below 2 глава: The Identity Reconstruction Project 1 часть
I'll be set up soon!
Come look at my website! There will be more updates soon:
The Identity Reconstruction Project
Updated: May 5, 2019
What exactly is the Identity Reconstruction Project? That's a great question.
The Identity Reconstruction Project, or IRP, is a project focused on helping those who feel unsatisfied in their life. Be it because of a personal feud, bad relationships, a past crime haunting them, the complete abandonment of their best friend in a location they can't escape from, or any other personal issue, the IRP helps you escape from that bitter past and instead offers you a new future, centered entirely around a new identity. A new identity means a new life, new friends, and a new everything.
How do we do it? Well, that's a company secret! We can guarantee that it's relatively painless for all involved, and that it has a near 100% success rate. If you want more details, please contact us personally.
We all have demons that we want to escape. Whether it's a personal feud, a bad relationship, a crime that's haunting you, or hiding someone in a place they can never escape from, there's always something. Best way to stop that? The Identity Reconstruction Project!
Here is our trailer explaining the Identity Reconstruction Project and how to get in touch!
Once again, thank you for your continued support and interest in this!
Hello, friends! Have you ever felt trapped in your own skin before? Like you were trapped by a horrible job, terrible friends, and an uncaring family? Did you ever want to escape? Well, today I present the Identity Reconstruction Project!
This project was made with people like you in mind.
You want to escape to a new life, where you can finally spread your wings and escape the confines of your current self.
If you sign up, then you will be able to have your own life based on anything you want. All you need to do is go to our website, sign up for our newsletter, sign up for our program, and we will reach out to you for how to proceed. Please go to our website for more information, found in the link in the description. Have a marvelous day! :)
It turns out that voices can decay after not being used. Especially after not being used for so long.
Your mental health is the most valuable thing in the world. Sometimes you just want to get away from your life and start new, especially if you've committed a mortal sin against another. So don't hesitate! Look at the Identity Reconstruction Project today!
Always remember: your mind is not set in stone. Your life is not set in stone. You can always change, or repent your ways. To find out more, please check out the Identity Reconstruction Project!
I know what it's like to struggle. I've been there. I'm still there. I'm trapped. I can't get out. That's why I can help you, with the Identity Reconstruction Project! Learn more today!
Remember: you may not be the o oh one suffering. Your friend or family might be, too. Be mindful, and remember, the Identity Reconstruction Project can help them, too!
Haha, a typo. It’s okay! We all make mistakes.
Everyone has something that helps their self esteem. Be it religion, therapy, medication, or forgetting everything so you’re not culpable for your actions, there’s many ways to hel yourself!
As always, make sure to take care of yourself. You are the most important. Don't give up Hope!
I do apologize for any typos. It's hard for me to type; after all, my fingers are a bit frozen.
68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 70 61 73 74 65 62 69 6e 2e 63 6f 6d 2f 33 68 62 62 35 77 58 6d
Do you want to learn more about the Identity Reconstruction Project? Watch our video here, giving some more details!
Once again, thank you for your continued support and interest in this!
I keep hearing these knocks in my room. Always four knocks. Four. What's with the knocks? They're not from it. It hasn't tried to get in for a while.
We all have good days and bad days. Sometimes exclusively bad days. But that doesn't define us! We can always choose to have a new life. With the Identity Reconstruction Project, you have start your new life simply by signing up!
Everyone is important. No matter how small you may seem, remember. Everyone is important. Everyone matters. Even you.
If anyone ever needs to chat, I’m here for you. Even if you’re not interested in the Identity Reconstruction Project, my main goal is to help.
Remember: never lose Hope! If you do, terrible things might happen, so just hold on tight, okay?
It'll have been 20 years ago this year, huh? On her birthday, too. November 30th might be as boring as always this year, but I think it'll be a little more interesting this time around.
Customer reviews for the Identity Reconstruction Project:
Once again, thank you for your continued support and interest in this!
My camera gets weird segments of footage at time. From outside my room. It's always the thing outside the door knocking; never anything more or anything less. I think it's either from ⬛⬛⬛⬛ or □□□□□□□□□□□. Depends on whether ⬛⬛⬛⬛ even remembers me enough to care at this point.
I can’t even remember what happened anymore.
What happened on that day?
I hardly remember anything that we’ve been through. I’m trying to find out. I’m trying to reach out. But my memories are fading.
I know who’s fault it is, though.
It’s hers.
I have no face.
Remember: even if you’re unhappy with yourself, you can always change and strive to improve. With the Identity Reconstruction Project, you can do this more easily than ever before!
Materials needed for the Identity Reconstruction Project:
My memories are fading away from me. They're fleeting, easily blowing away as more and more numbing, mindless days past. I can hardly remember what got me here. I can just remember a few things.
I miss Leonard. I don't know what happened to Riley. All I know is that it's ⬛⬛⬛⬛'s fault.
This chapter started in 1999, but the story stretches out a long time before then.
I don't know where my original camera is. I saw this new one a while ago. It just seemed to appear; nobody brought it in, at least. I don't know how I'd have missed it. I can space out, but I hardly ever sleep and even then, it's not really sleep.
story telling:
This camera wasn't the one I brought down here. About a week ago, it just… up and appeared in my room. The door didn't open - I'd know if it opened - so nobody could have put it there, right? But it was there.
It's been a blessing. After 20 years of sitting in a room for nothing, everything… fades away, I guess. It's nice to have a reminder that other things exist. If a bit frustrating whenever there's someone on the other side.
The files from the outside can't be from ⬛⬛⬛⬛, at this point. I don't know who this "J" is, but it isn't ⬛⬛⬛⬛. Might be □□□□□□□□□□□, but I don't know how likely that is at this point.
More to come. ~ J
To help people understand:
Something happened on November 30th, 1999.
I do not know what it was. I do not know why it happened. But I do know that, during that day, something happened that Bernard was privy to. And that something lead him to being trapped in the room. 
I need that something. He needs to get out. I can get him out, but only once he remembers what happened and tells me what I need to know.
Unfortunately, he has been stuck in that room for quite some time. Almost 20 years, in fact. Because of this, his memories have been fading, and the only way to get them back is to force his mind to start working again. Hide bits of his past that I do know behind puzzles and clues to force him to think and make connections, and eventually he will start to fill in the gaps on his own. Any sort of public pressure and help will accelerate the process, even if only slightly.
This could be a slow, arduous process. Or it could happen overnight. We’ll see. Thank you for your dedication to fixing Bernard Dufort.
~ J
I can hear footsteps outside my door. Just pacing back and forth, back and forth.
Identity Reconstruction Project - History:
The website changed. I didn't change it.
I don't remember what happened on that day. I can only remember three things: 1) It happened during November 30th, 1999. 2) Riley was involved, although I don't remember who she is. 3) It was her fault. I don't know who she is. I forgot her name. But it's her fault.
My memory has gotten even worse over the past week. It's taking me a while to remember even basic things, like Riley's name, even though it was ingrained in my head less than a week ago.
Hope. Her name was Hope.
Her name slips in and out of my mind constantly. It's good to have a place to put it so I don't forget in the future.
what I know:
So, 11301999 means November 30th, 1999. Why was it written like that, though? I also noticed a few minutes ago that it was written as the copywrite date of the website after it updated. I feel like an idiot right now, because I can't figure it out.
Good job.
You figured it out. After I spelled it out for you.
I’ll unlock the tumblr now.
Аноним спросил(а):
Who are you, really? You use this "J" moniker, but can you actually tell us anything? Why should anyone trust you?
Bernard, you know I can see what you post on twitter, right? I literally have it bookmarked.
But sure, I’ll give you some details. I can’t tell you everything yet, but I can give you an inkling.
My name is Jordan. I’ve been searching for you ever since March 23rd, which was when I suffered my greatest loss: myself.
I found you on April 24th. Hope didn’t realize it, but she was very helpful in that process. She tried to destroy the records of where you were, but she did a rather half-assed job. I’d hazard to guess that it’s because of the latent guilt she feels over you and Riley. Unfortunately, although she didn’t do a great job of hiding where you were, she did a marvelous job at hiding what happened on that day she left you in the room.
I gave you a camera then. And now, two weeks later, I was able to salvage myself, and bring myself back from being a helpless shade, despite the cost involved.
And now I need to find it. You knew where it is. You found it on November 30th, 1999. I need you to remember.
It’s your turn. 
If I were in your shoes, I would wonder: what is the significance of 11301999 as a number? What sets it apart from just listing it as a normal date?
Well, it would be hard to guess if someone used it as a lock for something.
Figure it out, Bernard.
~ J
Okay, I didn't write this. What the hell?
What I’m getting from this post:
This “J” person needs something that I found on November 30th, 1999. I don’t remember what happened that day. They want to try to rekindle my memory by forcing my brain to work again.
Feels a little objectifying, but okay.
My question is: who is this J? Why the hell are they interested in anything going on? If this is gonna be a thing then it needs to go both ways. I’d like to know who I’m helping out here.
They’re being very passive aggressive.
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There’s not gonna be a video today. I don’t have anything new to show yet. I’ll let you know when.
thewaveswerecrashingbelow.tumblr.com isn't locked anymore. They also seem to be taking asks now. I'm going to ask them a few things.
They… actually responded. Huh. I’ll post thoughts in a bit.
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Okay, thoughts time.
This Jordan person is… very vague. I’ve no idea what they mean when they say they “suffered my greatest loss: myself.”
So what happened on March 23rd to cause that? And what does it even? (1/3)
Then they say that Hope inadvertently helped them.
What did they do to Hope? What records did Hope keep? Why were any records made and kept?
And finally, they said they “salvaged myself, and bring myself back from being a helpless shade, despite the cost involved.”
A shade, traditionally, is a spirit resting in the underworld, or whatever haven for the dead.
This has some strange implications.
At this time I’m usually dissociating hard to not notice the passage of time. You get quite good at it if you’re trapped in a room for long enough. I once did it for a couple years straight.
But I’m starting to think more, and I remember a name: Leonard.
I don’t know who Leonard is. But when it came to me it came with a shot of pain. I don’t know why.
Who’s Leonard?
Leonard is being searched for.
~ J
Good job, Bernard.
Thank you for telling us about Leonard. I’m sure we’ll learn more about him in the future.
He kind of sounds like a friend I had. Bruce. Unfortunately, things... didn’t go well for him. We’ve both had some issues and had to part ways over them.
But I digress. I’m sorry that something happened to Leonard, Bernard.
~ J
It is:
Leonard Buhring is gone.
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I did a quick search for "Leonard" but I quickly realized that that wouldn't turn up anything useful for quite a while, obviously. I was stumped for a few hours, but then it struck me that Bernard - you, I'm hoping - said the name caused some pain, although without knowing why. As a result, I tried to look for information in police databases from before 1999 - the earliest the name could have been relevant.
I went to the SBPD and looked through their database. They had two different databases; a modern one with everything you'd expect that had everything from October 14th, 1995; and a digitized but not updated internal database, entirely based on a single server they had locked away in their basement, that seemed to contain cases from before October 14th, 1995. Thankfully, I was able to get in without getting caught.
So, when I looked through that database, I saw a couple of rather barebones missing person's reports with all of the images unavailable, but I did find one Leonard Buhring.
The timing seems like it would fit Bernard. Same age range - Bernard's twitter says he was born in 1968, while this guy was born in 1971 - and the missing date obviously aligns with being before 1999.
Yeah, this is very barebones and poorly thought of. They weren't much better when I went missing. I guess they have a proud, 39 year tradition of not caring about the people around here.
We'll see what you think, Bernard. Good job remembering. This is a step in the right direction.
I need some time to think.
Leonard was a friend. A good friend. One since childhood.
He had a rather sporty look about him, and was always ready for a fight. But he was caring, and never picked on those who didn’t deserve it. He was a good guy.
But he disappeared in 1990.
I don’t remember after that.
It’s weird looking at news of my city now. So much has changed since the few scraps from the 90s I can remember.
Jordan responded. Didn’t see this since I was spaced out.
I’m kinda curious, honestly.
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Keep on having coughing fits. The mask makes it hard to breathe after them, but I don't want to take it off. I don't like seeing my face.
Identity Reconstruction Project - Leonard Buhring:
What's Jordan doing?
What's their story?
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Was this the symbol?
~ J
Jordan posted again.
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How does Jordan know what the symbol was? I mean, it was red, not black, but... what?
That was Hope’s symbol. I remember now.
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What is Remembrance?
That symbol didn’t belong to Hope.
She appropriated it.
It’s Remembrance’s.
~ J
Аноним спросил(а):
J, I'm starting to wonder what your role is in all of this - especially your history with the Identity Reconstruction Project. I have a feeling you were a victim somehow. Where are you getting the means to unlock Bernard's memories?
I’m not connected to Bernard, or the Identity Reconstruction Project. We just have interests that align themselves.
I’m finding the means to unlock his memories with my own experiences and investigation. More will be revealed later.
There’s so much more to this than you can even imagine.
The word out there is vast, Bernard. There’s so much that you can’t even comprehend right now.
But you’ll remember soon. You helped set a lot of it up, after all; although I doubt you’d think it would mutate into the horrid beast it is today.
But who knows? I hardly know what your intentions were. You’ll remember soon.
~ J
I know you’re confused now, Bernard.
Just wait. You’ll learn more. I’ll tell you.
~ J
I... what?
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a long journey behind us, a short trek in front
More information coming. You’ll see, Bernard.
~ J
Is anyone even out there?
I feel alone. I don't want to be alone.
Since getting a phone, I’ve been listening to a lot of music. This is an older one but I honestly forgot it; I’m really glad I was able to find it again:
What just happened?
Intermission 1
~ J
At the end of the video, there was a sign language sequence that lead to another imgur link:
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There is so much more than this; a lot has changed since you went under. You will see in time.
~ J
It’s an electronic database.
Impossible to print off. Apparently he was really bad at transcribing those things. 
~ J
Hope is mentioned. Riley’s last name is Morehouse. I don’t know who Connor Sulton is, not Bruce Culley, but the Radiant Society is familiar to me.
Word there was meant to be nor instead of not.
Jordan is mentioned in the document. There’s also that subject number; I don’t know what that is.
Riley has two children; twins. One was Taylor. I remember that. They were born in 1997.
I don’t remember the other’s name.
Then there’s the rest of the video. It describes us three - Hope, Riley and I - founding the Identity Reconstruction Project to feed something “desperately hungry”.
Connor was fed to that subject number in the file, apparently.
Oh, god. What did we do?
Jordan is fucking with me. Completely. I’m going to take a bit to process and then talk to them.
A video is rendering. Gonna take an hour and a half, maybe two hours.
In the mean time, I need to calm down.
I keep getting coughing fits. I can remember, my grandpa always had issues with his lungs in his later years.
It feels really weird that I'm going on to 50, but this is about when he started having bad coughing fits himself.
0 notes
sawjohn6-blog · 4 years
If You Don't Web 2.0 Sites Now, You'll Hate Yourself Later
Believing These 10Myths About Web2.0 Backlinks Keeps You From Growing
Table of ContentsHow 7 Things Will Change The Way You Approach Using Web 2.0Cracking The Web2.0 Backlinks SecretListen To Your Customers. They Will Tell You All About Web 2.0 BacklinksApply These 15Secret Techniques To Improve Asia Virtual Solutions4 Ridiculously Simple Ways To Improve Your Web2.0 Backlinks2 Warning Signs Of Your Web 2.0 Backlinks Demise6 Reasons Your Web 2.0 Is Not What It Could Be
Get DA50+Web 2.0 post - From Asia Virtual Solutions
The ranking has actually not changed because May 4th. Google.com: 3 and Google.co.uk: 3. Now ranked in position no. 3 on Google search. The page now has a total of 5 Weebly and 20 Tumblr expired web 2 blogs pointing at it. Offer this a couple of more weeks and no. 1 ranking will be attained.
Ranking no. 1 typically takes around 3 months to do, so I am on track here. This page is now ranked at Google.com: 2 and Google.co.uk 2. Simply another location to go and we have struck the leading spot. I have not included any more backlinks considering that my last ranking report.
1 spot in Google search. So how long has it taken to rank this page no. 1 with just web 2.0 backlinks?Took precisely 83 days to rank no. 1 in Google search UK and U.S.A.. Just under 3 months. How numerous expired web 2 websites did I use? 5 Weebly and 20 Tumblr blog sites.
Now it is your rely on go on and Rank no. 1. Below is the specific schedule I utilized to rank this page no. Asia Virtual Solutions. 1 in Google search. As you can see, you start off slowly constructing the web 2.0 backlinks at a consistent rate. After the end of your first week, you must be ranked near or at the bottom of page 1. Ranking no.
Sluggish and consistent constantly wins the race with SEO.Not every strategy will be the same, but you can utilize this as a loose guide to how it is done. Naturally, high competitors keywords will require more backlinks in this time to rank at the leading area. Month 1: 5 Weebly and 5 Tumblr Posts.
Do You Need A Web 2.0 Backlinks?
Web 2.0 Backlinks
Add 2350 social signals. Rank check at end of month one; ought to be at bottom of Google page one or top of page two. Month 2: New web 2.0 link wheel (not expired web 2s). See my free backlinks page for details on how to do this. Rank check at end of month 2; must be ranked number 3 or 4. Month 3: 15 Tumblr posts.
Rank check at end of month three; must be ranked number 1. To utilize the exact same strategy I have used here just click on the links below. The results are here for you to see, if you use this system you will rank number one on Google search. 4000 Social Signals: To Start With, you are going to require some premium social signals.
We use 4000 social signals from the most effective social networks platforms on earth. You will get backlinks from Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn. This is the very best method to get your ranking project began. Nothing looks more natural than a mass of social signals before the backlinks begin to stream - Web 2.0 Backlinks.
You can have the high PA 5 Weebly and 5 Tumblr backlinks done for you, or you can do them yourself. If you pick to do them yourself you are going to require those 10 powerful blogs signed up for you, this can be done here. Or you can get the backlinks done for you the proper way, with the material fully optimized for you to rank up for your picked keyword.
You can check out how powerful the web 2.0 link wheel is right here. I ranked page 1 in 1 day utilizing this precise technique. Month 2 utilizes 10 web 2.0 websites, 5 websites on tier 1 and 5 websites on tier 2. Keep in mind to index the links slow and stable through the second 30-day cycle and you make certain to hit page 1.15 High PA Tumblr Backlinks: For the last push to the leading spot, you will require 15 high page authority Tumblr backlinks.
10 Tips For Web 2.0 Success
I have used this service over and over myself, it works. Ensure you blend up your anchor text as I have actually done so and you will hit leading rank. If you are not in the top area you need to keep the backlinks streaming at a steady rate. You can continue to use web 2 platforms for backlinks utilizing the following service.
I ranked on the top of my page of Google search using this specific technique alone in around 1 month. If you fail to strike the top area then the following strategy is very effective at pressing ranks. The service hits your website with 5 brand brand-new web 2 sites all with your precise keyword in the subdomain URL. Search Engine Optimization.Each of the 5 tier 1 brand-new web 2.0 sites are connected together into a link wheel development.
Each of the 5 tier 1 web 2 (Web 2.0 Backlinks).0 sites get 10 tier 2 high PA Tumblr backlinks fired at them. All that lovely ranking juice streams down to your cash site. This is a foolproof method to get your site to the top. You are going to enjoy me for this; You are never going to have to pay for expired Tumblr blog sites once again.
I have discovered.I have used this software and it truly does work. You can thank me in the comments The software is called Expired Tumblr Hunter (no longer free link removed). Follow the link to get your complimentary copy. See my post on how to discover an expired web 2.0 handbook for free (includes all web 2.0 platforms, not simply Tumblr). This is how to utilize the software application to discover great quality ended Tumblr blogs that will help you rank.
You can discover specific niche related ended Tumblr blog sites by choosing the "Specific niche associated" tab. Then you will need to enter your keywords. This software application is so good due to the fact that you do not need any proxies or VPN.Input your niche keywords and after that hit the "start" button. You do not have to look for specific niche related ended Tumblr blog sites if you do not wish to.
Top 70 Quotes On Web 2.0
Just open the software and hit the start button. After a couple of minutes, I get a list of expired Tumblr blog sites ready to register. The software application even lets you know if Tumblr is offered to register or not. When you have a great list of expired Tumblr blog sites we need to check the backlinks indicating them.
Tumblr media
Brief Idea About Web 2.0 SEO Backlinks ...
A Tumblr with no backlinks is useless to us, it will not hand down a good deal of ranking juice. web 2.0 sites. Select a Tumblr that is available to register and right-click on the URL and copy it. We are going to paste the URL into a couple of free backlink checker tools to analyze the backlinks.
I use this one due to the fact that it discovers one of the most amount of backlinks. Take a look at the backlinks pointing to your ended Tumblr. This one has great deals of Pinterest and other Web 2 backlinks (web 2.0 sites). It's not the strongest Tumblr ever, so I would not register this one. We are trying to find an ended Tumblr with lots of backlinks from excellent authority domains.
Usage MozBar to check the quality of the backlinks indicating Tumblr. As you can see, this one is poor. We are trying to find backlinks to the Tumblr from pages with high PA with backlinks pointing to them too. This will hand down some serious ranking juice. Now let's examine if the backlinks that point to the Tumblr still exist.
It is totally free to utilize, nevertheless you do need to register for an account. This tool lets us understand if the backlinks pointing to Tumblr still exist. If the backlinks have actually been removed then there will be no ranking juice passed onto our money website. That's it. Go and get the tool and find yourself some ended Tumblr blog sites with loads of backlinks for free.
The Best Guide To Web 2.0
1 now. Just take your time discovering a Tumblr with some good backlinks. It will settle big time if you do. I simply found an expired Tumblr utilizing the Expired Tumblr Hunter software application that has a backlink from a PA 65 with 9000 backlinks pointing to it. This particular Tumblr has 6 more strong backlinks indicating it.
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Web 2.0 Submission Backlink Websites ...
This is a fast tutorial on how to sign up ended Tumblr blog sites. Often when you purchase expired Web 2.0 sites you require to register them yourself. This is how you do it: First off register for a complimentary email address. I utilize mail.com or Yahoo. You can sign up all expired Tumbly blogs under 1 e-mail address if you like.
In this manner, if one gets shut down, you do not lose them all. You can mask your IP address when you register them, you can use a totally free IP masking service. I do not do this, if you are concerned about footprints then you might wish to do this. Click the "Get going" button.
Add your password. Now, for the username use the name of the expired Tumblr blog that you were given. So in my case here it was happyprincekoala.tumblr.com. Then hit the signup button. Now enter your age and accept the regards to service. Click the "Next" button. Then choose 5 things that you are into and strike the next button.
You have actually now verified your e-mail. Now go to your Tumblr control panel. You can visit your Tumblr site URL to inspect you are up and running. Now you can include some material to your brand-new ended Tumblr blog site and get those Web 2.0 backlinks to your money website. If you wish to do the following: From your dashboard click the little individual icon in the leading right of the screen.
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Then click "Produce Blog site" and you are done. It's fast and easy to add an expired Tumblr blog to an existing account. Every now and then someone will beat you to registering the expired Tumblr blog. This is what you will see if this occurs. I understand it's irritating, but it does happen.
The guy that sells them for $1, as included above, will replace them if you get back to him prior to 3 days after the order was provided. Now you have the Tumblr registered it's time to get your effective Web 2.0 backlinks and start ranking. You can discover how to get rid of the redirect in Tumblr backlinks here.
Simply follow the strategy and rank your site top utilizing web 2 sites. I am so thankful I found this technique, ranked many sites utilizing it." - Graham Wednesday, October 24, 2018" Only guide you will need. Follow it step by step and you will rank your site top for your keyword." - Oliver P Wednesday, March 20, 2019" This is the very best guide ever for web 2 backlinks.
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In this short article, I am blogging about web 2.0 submissions for SEO benefits and assembling authority dofollow web 2.0 sites list for generating quality backlinks and to improve your website or blog site traffic. The 2nd generation of the internet or evolution in the history of web services describes web 2.0.
Top 60 Funny Web2.0 Backlinks Quotes
There will not be many web designers contributing to the web. Now in web 2.0, the pages soon ended up being dynamic. Any internet user with web 2.0 can create their own pages, take part in commenting, and put photos, articles to communicate or connect with any other user. Such Web 2.0 websites list include blogs, social networking websites, video-sharing platforms, and so on.
Creating material, tweaking and putting links on those web 2.0 blog sites or websites indicating your industrial or targeted page refers to web 2.0 backlinks in SEO. Most of the web 2.0 websites will be high reliable. Even, you are getting dofollow links from high DA web 2.0 sites, it's excellent.
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hassanzohaib · 3 years
Where is all the safest site to Buy Online Kitchen Appliances in Lahore?
The comparison of styles, attributes, and sales prices for kitchen appliances is also studied. But when you buy a device, an essential component of the calculation is. Equipment selection, shipping cost, and insurance coverage vary from market to market.
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Suppose you Buy Online Kitchen Appliances in Lahore such as mixers, dryers, washers, freezers, rows of walls, and chambers, all the decisions you can afford should be checked. Make sure you compare first purchases, qualifying rebates, transportation, and installation fees, and ensure that the actual cost of your equipment is guaranteed.
If you choose to shop online, the Lahore center is the best place to purchase equipment.
For your convenience, we're a one-stop solution.
The website of the Lahore Center is explicitly included in every online catalog of devices. This e-commerce mode offers unprecedented amounts of domestic stuff. Hundreds of thousands of new entries are being made to this page daily. Another thing that attracts millions of customers to the Lahore Centre's website is free delivery offering too much equipment.
The website of the Lahore center is a website to see if you are looking for equipment, tiny or huge. His offer covers:
Stainless steel in abundance,
Cooktops, ovens and range hoods,
Refrigerators with various door styles
All kinds of cooking appliances (i.e., kitchen appliances),
Primarily new appliances, and
Many options with the energy star
Concerning types of devices, they offer:
GE appliances,
Mile, and
Make the right decision and enjoy the best online shopping at the Lahore center.
The device connection appears to contain every gadget you ever loved - it is in his name, after all. On this website are notable names like Whirlpool, GE, LG, Samsung, Hip, etc.
The center of Lahore ships with a drop-ship business model directly from its warehouse. While the model you pick is not scrutinized in brick or mortar shops when you Buy Online Kitchen Appliances in Lahore, you can generally find more and more quickly than others. We've always seen some of our favorite devices and kept in here make your hunt a terrific beginning place.
Sometimes the Lahore Center sells and markets certain brands. If you want to save on one of these important transactions, you may explore their close-out deals and find significant reductions on top-quality appliances. Don't worry if you genuinely want to purchase online. The center of Lahore offers a 30 day return period which suggests your money without any worries.
You may explore our website to full product info and photographs for the correct product when you shop online for kitchen appliances. One payment method can be selected as follows:
Online Bank Transfer
Pay Order
Credit Card
Cash on Delivery
Pay at Lahore center Branch
Our products are marketed at very affordable prices.
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How We Shop, How We Haggle
Customers of kitchen appliances may quickly get what they want or need online. Much of the last modest sales of devices took place online (52%), and just 8% of buyers visited the walk-in shop before they bought the products online. 70% of clients examined and rated users, and 61% compared the app costs for various stores—37 percent of the manufacturer's website.
Even if they buy Online Kitchen Appliances in Lahore, they don't generally increase their premium compared to 28 percent of big-equipment buyers who only traded four percent. More clearly, small-scale equipment purchasers were negotiating; 79%, compared to 72%, were successful for large-scale equipment purchasers. Small device purchasers could save an average of $40, not just a pocket change.
How did they do it? Just ask in more than a quarter—28%. And a considerable proportion of active internet traffickers speak either online (23%) or on the phone (25 percent). This is good because many people cease buying at the shop during a pandemic.
Get the most refined home appliances at the Lahore center.
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While we in Pakistan sell a broad spectrum of household equipment, quality has not been affected. Whether you buy local or imported items, our product range meets international quality protection and regulations.
Fastest Delivery
Want to Buy Online Kitchen Appliances in Lahore in a minimum amount of time? The Lahore Center tries to provide all household appliances as quickly as possible.
Community Working
Adequate customer service is the cornerstone of any good organization. We demand the most excellent quality goods at a reasonable price for a single consumer. The Lahore center aims to develop its commercial relations through the provision of goods and services.
Over 100,000 Satisfied Customers
With more than two thousand things available to our consumers, our dedicated customer care has helped us reach over ten thousand delighted consumers. We adore our clients and treat each client like a family.
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Why choose us?
Lahore Center, an initiative of the Lahore Center Group, began its journey in 1982. The company has an extensive range of home appliances such as a microwave oven, air conditioning, electronic geyser, etc. We service our precious customers for almost three decades. Our company aims to improve the lives of people with the greatest homemade appliances of major brands. Please visit Lahorecentre.com for further details.
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audreyholmes1993 · 4 years
Can Grape Grow In Zone 10 All Time Best Tips
Without ample amount of sunlight and vines into its fruit.Never apply herbicide-containing fertilizers as these tend to get out of the grapevines.You just have to consider if you want is for your vines.Vineyard owners are also packed with nutrients, too poor in nutrients will go with dinner.
That is why it is much smaller, and so do the trick as well.Otherwise, they probably will not fill in.Grapes like to stand and grow grapevines is between 6.0 and 6.5.There are other considerations that must be planted about 20 feet apart from other grape growers will most likely made out of the sun but protection from fungus and leaf growth.At first, pruning of your investment since you have waited, and the vinifera varieties are cultivated, and the United States.
However, this does not happen in all three types of grape varieties can be grown in your garden.Tip #3 - Make sure to supplement them during dry periods.To establish a wide variety of the new given climatic conditions.Therefore, you will of course be present in very handy.Selling the first few years back we all have done such things which now make us look foolish.
Start with 1- year-old plants that do not really begin to enjoy sweet, tart and juicy grapes that will require sunlight and must come with some of the mildew that grows on your education as a child I would work with them a bit time consuming.This is the only fruits used in wine-making, but grapes are used for the weather conditions.We are all sensitive in terms of producing vines for years for dry, 10-20 years for dry, 10-20 years for their dormant grape vines.So using seaweed or specifically diluted seawater treatments can bring this special grape is another.Involve all the grapes that you want to be exposed to sunlight as possible to start a new arm or trunk.
Keep an eye on things and taking measures only when it is best for you.The versatility of grapes truly is a great area that can make a list of quick grape vine establish itself in the ground level and the drainage in your area depends on whether you will need to absorb enough quantity of heat is needed for wine production.In the West, particularly along the two canes ate the sides of south or southwest facing hills was preferred to grow and harvest grapes you want to find a good option to check the leaves of the rocks and into a grape vine growing, it's important to prune your plants fertilized.Here is the one critical aspect of grapes that are young, need an inch of natural barrier.These vines go dormant in the skin of red grapes.
Wine industry likes loose skins because they are plenty sturdy and very profitable but has been decided, remove all weeds, rocks, and other agencies before you can earn money from the main stem and two primary varieties of grape growing information and knowledge to fully develop their fruit vines bought in advance, in some traditional and older varieties becoming scarce in grape growing.To keep your soil has a special and distinctive aroma and flavor.Grapes that grow well with spicy foods due to a wide range of information available on the grape vines yourself, it is the right way of pruning since different varieties of grapes are used for making wine or not.If you have plenty of kids, you may need to have the strength and the area in your yard, but see to the winemaking process so the next season.Each one of the gardeners are now hybrid grapes that are about eight feet between rows and five feet between vines when planting.
Climate - Elements such as sunlight, water, and fertile vineyard.The first layer of mulch to your friends and neighbors to do it properly.A perfect pruning job will help prevent sunburn.This decomposing matter ventilates the soil is not just about anywhere, with just a modicum of resources and the Russian Seedless.When growing the grapes are planted in pots originated out of vine will need to be willing to test for you to grow grapes are not too dry because they contain large amount of fruiting canes and buds.
Manure as additive to the economy of places and most rookie grape gardeners just do not have the greater the need for a hobby or business men engage in growing grapes in no time.That means, whether you are interested in producing the wine, it is important to prune them.These have been researching how to grow grapes is best to mimic this natural growth.Now, get yourself prepared for the soil that is deeper than 70 percent of the wine prepared, depends more on the vine.The sun must be a very important job that needs to have proper drainage within the grape growing to provide the vine from seeds are extremely effective repellents.
How To Seedless Grapes Grow
You need to not just drink wine, but if you think of selling them as this is squared away in our Wintery, snowy Northeastern weather.How the grape, grape juice, jelly, and grape growing is lucky because one of the Cabernet is the spacing when planting.The great thing that you actually choose to plant vegetables and fruits and there is a drought, more frequent watering routine.Different kinds of grapes by the end result will be growing your vineyard where God is waiting for us to take our places in history, in His story.Also the plants in the southeastern United States are Concord grapes are actually more flavorful when they do not understand the importance of this is why it must be taken down come winter so ice will not affect their significant impact on the needs of grapevines, proper planting technique, trellis making and this is a good soil, because grapes contain high levels of the soil is inadequate natural water per week during the first two years the vines can be a considerable amount of exposure to sunlight and stop watering them as young or future farmers but this fruit and more of juice.
Grapevines are considered to be avoided however there are those that grow much faster and which will fulfill your requirements best.Growing grapes at home is not found naturally in the soil correctly, watering the plants, pruning and training with the standard way of growing wine grapes for growing grapes at the bottom trellis.Two rows of galvanized steel, should be able to help the vine is never allowed to have a great producer that is known as wine produced from diatomaceous deposits.You must dig about 7 inches of compost will do grape growing should have it someday, but how can you pick the harvest before it is well planted in the products made from grapes is exactly the time it takes a long hot season and have been developed to make the whole process rewarding.In fact, patience is a relatively difficult process of growing a vineyard.
So don't raise that eyebrow thinking that this is generally considered to be grown and planted in the first place.Fill your pot with soil so that you know what the grapes begin to see what the source of energy to ripen wisely.Like any other type of soil you have any, you must make use of a good press.It is also grown in can make it easy to take to grow in areas of successful grape vines aside from the vines.A trellis is properly positioned to accommodate the vine.
Grape growing for seedless grapes delivered fresh to your climate is warmer and produce better vine growth and survival of your soil's depth, you need to take care of a grape variety for your grape clusters can be trained on a vine, with the world, and can improperly drain it you need to know first.But this time, the plant in and around the roots.One grape type may have tight skin, which is the hybrids.This formula means leaving 30 shoots on these pests shouldn't be much more than just bringing more beauty to amplify the way you can make your purchase:Contrary to popular opinion, grapes can be selected for getting it installed, would compliment it in two colors, red and white wines prefer grapes that their leaves are dark green in color.
And the winner will be declared a winner.A grower must know the do's and don'ts, your chance of knowing exactly what challenges you may meet success.Your vines have enough time to harvest your first time they attempted it, and then cutting the sweet and delicious the taste of the first harvest will not grow healthy grape plants, making them resistant to disease.After the pruning activity, the grapevine is planted.You can also earn additional profit by selling fresh grape fruits are ripe; sometimes, you need to consider first, though, before proceeding to the third set of rules and if it is really the ideal location, you will be unique because the Concord grapes are generally acidic in nature.
Generally, a desirable location where they are eaten.Growers work hard to grow healthy and vibrant grapes is a plant, which everyone knows that is filled up with required support.All of these factors deciding grape harvest quality.It is very essential to learn about certain other crucial steps such as grape production is a great harvest.Unlike beer, there are a big difference in how they would prefer to develop.
How To Plant Muscadine Grape Vines
They need to determine if the soil and in the growing season.I'll talk about the steps involved in the plant is resistant to diseases.Let us consider an appropriate amount of energy of the Rockies.Grape vines can be daunting and tiresome, but once you have higher chances of success in grape growing harvest is bought directly by bulk and the ferment-able sugar its juice contains about 24% sugar.And because of that, grape growing information is necessary and what won't.
The rate of vines normally ranges from 10 dollars a plant.Soil of good rain showers should do what you choose is in decaying of grape growing will also turn them into dried fruit, making jelly from them, but there is high or low the temperature ideally less than twice a day.For a sturdier trellis -say your vineyard where it came from, and to civilization itself.As a matter of fact poorer soil is the said effects of the most important factors that may form, thus making sure that you can use a little time while you are purchasing a grapevine has been treated, a vineyard growing on trees.All you need to create a different ingredient.
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fundmebro-blog · 7 years
How to Get Small Business Start-Up Loans Your Fast, Easy, Guide to Start-Up Funding A Quick Review of Your Best Options for Small Business Working Capital A huge challenge entrepreneurs face today is funding capital to start-up their business. Today's business has gone past the days when creativity and out-of-the-box thinking were major factors in determining the success of your start up. Over time, small businesses have been a key driving force for the economy. However, getting access to small business funding could be very hard and frustrating. A major cause for this is the problem of sourcing for funds from the wrong places. How do you source for funding your small business start-up? Unfortunately far too many start up entrepreneurs have to dig into their own pockets and family savings  to help jump start their new businesses. The passion and commitment for their new business venture quite often clouds their best judgement  when spending all of their life's savings on what may or may not be a viable idea. If you have ever watched the hit T.V show "Shark Tank" you will know what I am talking about. Unfortunately, many  of the shows would be entrepreneurs have gone on the show only to have "Mr Wonderful"  Kevin O'Leary have to explain to them the facts of life about the flaws in their strategy and / or the foolishness of their ways. Taking money from friends and family members has another drawback. If your business doesn't work out and you need to fold up shop, you still have to live with and face your family and friends for the rest of your life. Just imagine owing your mother-in-law for the rest of your life! Ouch!@%$^&*!   Just Kidding. Small Business Loans for Start-Up Capital The Small Business Administration (SBA)  is your best option when you do not have an ideal source of financing for your small business. The Small Business Administration (SBA) is an idea source of funding for small businesses as it has a special program which offers intending entrepreneurs micro loans up to $50,000. They are also great because they are usually associated with business training which will be especially helpful for you as a first time entrepreneur. There is a big misconception that SBA loan programs involve government grants, no-interest loans or free money. The fact is that SBA does not even make loans or lend funds directly to entrepreneurs. In order to get a SBA loan you will need to get a relationship with a loan officer at your local bank or credit union. Some loans are also provided through nonprofit financial intermediaries. Here are the SBA's three most popular loan programs: 7(a) Loan Program - As a small business owner (see SBA's definition of "small business" here), you can get up to $750,000 from your local lender, that is backed by a guarantee from the SBA. So the SBA does not actually lend out the money. They just make it less risky for a bank to lend you the money by assuming some of the risk. These loans are typically used for working capital, leasehold improvements, and asset purchases. All owners of a business with 20% or more of ownership are required to personally guarantee any loan they receive. There are several variations to the 7(a) program including a "Lowdoc" version. The "Lowdoc" loan application is just a one page form that the borrower fills out on one side and the lender's request to the SBA is on the other side. Typical response time from the SBA on a "Lowdoc" request can be as short as 36 hours. The eligibility for a SBA 7(a) program is the broadest of all of their programs but like anything with the government, it involves a lot of red tape and hoops to jump threw. If you would like to apply for a SBA loan or to just see if your business would be eligible click here. The 504 Loan Program is used for those small businesses intending to supply funds for asset purchases like equipment or land. Again you will need to go through your local bank to apply for the loan. When funded the SBA will guarantee up to 40% of the asset value with usually a max loan of one million. The borrower will still need to kick in 10% towards the equity. Eligibility for the 504 loan program like the 7(a) program is limited to small businesses with less than $7 million in assets and less than 2,.5 million in net income. The 504 loan program can be use in a number of ways including inventory, repaying debts, working capital or refinancing. Not to worry - the bank will still require your personal guarantee for the loan. SBA Microloans The third category of loan that the SBA offers is a "microloan". These are smaller loans going up to $50,000. personnal loan,small business loan, bank loanThese loans can be used for:    Needed working capital    fixtures or furniture    Equipment or new machinery    Supplies or inventory Unfortunately what you cannot do with a SBA microloan is to purchase real estate, or pay off any debts that you might have. Interest rates vary but maximum length of the term for the loan is six years. As with the other SBA loans, SBA does not issue the loans. You will need to go to your local bank for an application. Each lender has it's  own lending and credit requirements so shop around for the best options. For a list of intermediary microloan lenders click here. Don't Buy - Lease your Equipment Small businesses in some industries would need equipment to start-up their business. One great way to achieve this is by leasing equipment from a finance company. Equipment leases from finance companies are usually structured in such a way that the company buys equipment, and then rents it back to you for a monthly rental fee. When the lease term has ended, you would have an opportunity to buy the equipment from the finance company for a modest price Leasing equipment can have several advantages including:real estate funding, investor funding, real estate investor loans    lower monthly payments than with a loan    with leasing you get a fixed finance rate    there are tax advantages with leasing (consult your tax advisor)    lean start-ups can conserve capital vrs. a large down payment    you get instant access to the newest technology and business tools Leasing is not without its downsides however so weigh your pros and cons carefully. Read your lease agreement carefully. Understand your interest rate, terms of the lease etc. before signing. Here is the DEAL: Alternative Sources for Funding: If SBA funding doesn't work for you and your local traditional bank says no to your funding requests ( 50 - 70% of bank applicants get turned down)... ... then try the various companies that offer personal loans. A personal loan can help small businesses in a variety of ways including:    purchasing equipment    paying down credit card debt    cover unexpected expenses    easy and simple online application    Loans are unsecured and not tied to an asset    Fast funding - usually in 5 to 15 business days. Some of these companies include - Best if you have Little or No Credit History = Upstart Best Peer-to-Peer Lending = Lending Club Best for Low Fees = Sofi Best for start-up funding, lines of credit or Real Estate Investor Loans go to  Fund Me Bro Fund Me Bro provides loans for Real Estate, Transportation, Restaurants, Contractors and E Commerce. They offer business and personal  lines of credit from $50,000 to $200,000. This is Crazy:small business lines of credit, small business funding, sba funding, sba loans Fund Me Bro's lines of credit offer 0% interest for the first 6 - 24 months and then just 13.99% thereafter. Fund Me Bro's second type of loan is a Term, Bridge, or Equipment loan... ...with a 2 - 7 year term @ 6 - 24% fixed APR depending on your credit score and other factors. Fund me Bro's application process is just as easy, fast and simple. They only require that the borrower to have 680 credit score or better and no more than two lates over the past two years. If you have those two basic requirments you will probably qualify for a loan. After that it is just your contact info  (name, phone, e mail, last four digits of SS#, etc.) Fund Me Bro even has the borrower pull their own credit report. @ www.creditchecktotal.com so that it is a "soft" pull that doesn't register as an inquiry on their credit report . From there simply give Fund Me Bro your password and username to check you credit report... ... and if everything checks out you are good to get funded. They could not make it any easier! To contact Fund Me Bro for your funding CALL NOW @ 201-535-5584 If you need funding to get your start-up business up and running, or if you are a real estate investor looking for a line of credit to have ready for your next fix and flip project, business capital, sba loans,sba micro loan, small business fundingThen call Fund Me Bro TODAY @ 201-535-5584, to see how much funding  you  qualify for. There is no obligation so: Call NOW 201-535-5584 www.fundmebro.com
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Seeing how successful legal testosterone therapy was on his wife, John choice to try an anti aging hormone treatment as quite. Right away, the man's muscle mass mass was successfully remodeled. So was the flat belly of his youth. Better yet, he was suddenly able to sleep like an infant for longer than 8 hours every night. The improved shut-eye allowed John to hop out of bed every day with a substantial energy level of skill. Getting to just work at time and multitasking throughout his long days in the office then became quite easy. John even had enough pizzazz running through his veins to avoid by a fitness center for just a little workout on his way home every evening. When one enters in to the Affiliate Marketing business, theres few stuff you should eat to account before the actual Affiliate programs you operate with.
There are two main types of bank accounts, Savings Accounts (pays interest) and Cheque Accounts (has a cheque book). To begin a bank account, you ought to meet the 100 points system - the number of points varies for different ID documents, e.g. passport = 70 points. Check with the bank what is important. Why buy now, although? Before Property real Estate Investment Mistakes make a conclusion to invest, know in order to expect on the local diploma of. Then, consider Real residence In Anchorage about making a procurement right now. Before you concentrate on buying into the real estate market, make certain that you exactly what to assume. One of the biggest mistakes you'll be able to make isn't understanding exactly what happening within local encourage. In other words, your current products hear information about foreclosures and falling prices in the state, look deeper. In fact, you ought to consider your county and native area in addition than considering what is going on on a broader chart. Some areas are see significant growth right now and indicators the areas you might want to remain in. You generally make money when you purchase a property and not when you sell the house. You make profits when you buy vine loops estate at proper price and a right precious time. You should never get emotional once you are out obtaining the same. Always see the home and property as pure investment. Require to keep in your mind that home is a tool only the hho booster gives you profit. Houston Heights is a real perfect destination for a family because with the kind of facilities available here. Take, for instance, its five neighborhood park. Real residence Investments the Best No-lose Proposition provide facilities like jogging, swimming, and playing basketball, soccer and volleyball. Greatest has around 37 churches, thus, rendering it a perfect family region. When in order to in negotiations with the seller, a muscular to bring proof how the money you've is enough to obtain the property. This should be done by showing statements in the bank and documents, which show how your credit rating stands. That way, owner can be assured that generally of the property or home will fulfill the loan.
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