#70's style anime
Starfield next week, Jumplight Odyssey this week!?!?! AHHHHHHHHH Literally in sci-fi heaven right now.
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animeglitch · 2 months
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dellinah · 3 months
I am heartbroken and frothing at the mouth that I have yet to see anyone on Tumblr mentioning the YT animation Bun hunting: overture
You'd think a furry animation inspired by 30-60's cartoons with a lot of fanservice would be popular here (for one reason or another)
It's barely 3 minutes long but I'm IN LOVE
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with the animation style. Yeah
I wish I was in the mindspace to talk more about it bc this animation made me happier than I can say rn and it deserved a ramble but anyway
There's just something about seeing the old (obviously(?) Song of the south-inspired) Disney 2D animated style done SO WELL in this era that made me really happy and even so short it seems so cute and promising and all of it is SO WELL DONE
I would give anything for this to be longer but I'm so happy with what we got. I hope Piti Yindee and the team get to do more with it eventually
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catmommeagan · 26 days
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Ward roped me into playing "Turtle WoW" with the fact that you can play a high elf on the Alliance. So ofc new OC time. I wanted to do like an official painted portrait, and realized that belfs are like made for the style of "The Last Unicorn" movie
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xbuster · 5 months
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I hate their look in these movies.
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Those are basically just the same white girl. You couldn't "stretch" your style just a little bit???? Can't bother to actually draw a proper nose or shape their eyes??? ppppbbpppbpbpbpppbbbpbpbpbp
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grandscrumwizard · 2 months
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The art in Wizards (1977) is so visually appealing to me. Like the stills are gorgeous and the animation is unique and kind of ugly but endearing.
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piccolos-bigtoe · 6 months
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They are aminals,,,, if u can believe it,, it’s sniper but crocodile mode,, demo is a ewe? Lamb? Ram? Some sort of sheep thing. Scout is a jackrabbit or something, uh a very questionably humanish one. Trying something new , very interested in the weird anthro style during the like, 70’s80’s of “what is that?? An animal with a human body,? A human body wirh an animal head? A weirdly human faced animal??” I am studiously studying stylistic styles…. It’s odd and a little bit hard to find references
I am going through a bit of a rough patch to be perfectly queer with everyone, so I am drawing to cope. It’s a comfort while also being a sort of an odd ironic annoyance for reasons. I was planning on rambling and being super philosophical but to be honest I forgort iterally everything I was going to say but that’s okay.
I meant to post this last night but I fell asleep in the middle of typing, whoops,, anyways I think the aminals the others would be are; heavy is a bear; engineer a beaver? Cat? Maybe?; medic a dove (yeah yeah I’m uncreative); spy is uh either a fox or a chameleon or a snake; soldier would be Ermm a dog or wolf maybe?; pyro would a cat meeow anyways good morning everyone I surpose,,, time for me to get up now,, I don wanna
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apocalyp-tech-a · 5 months
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Remember in Season 1, Episode 1 Aftermath, Tech says "I am merely stating a theoretical hypothesis based on factual data?" Well, that's what I did, I made a "logical conclusion." From Lama Su coming back when we thought he was dead to the infamous "domicile," it was all factual evidence that was meant to push us in a direction of hoping that Tech would return and that CX-2 could be the way he does it. I'm not stupid, and neither are you. There's an underlying reason that I love Tech not based on just his handsome looks. I don't claim to have an exceptional mind like him and I don't intend to convince anyone that CX-2 was Tech, but I do want to explain how it could be construed through the way that character was presented as well as the possibility of Tech's return in general, that he could have been and none of us were wrong or "losers" to think so.
45 70 Reasons and more well on the way, lol...
General reasons:
*Tech is never seen actually dying.
*Hemlock being untrustworthy source of death certificate.
*The return of many thought to be dead characters in past Star Wars from Darth Maul who was sliced in half to Lama Su - the door closed on him and we thought he was getting shot by troopers only to show up alive later and this happened in The Bad Batch itself.
*CX-2 is shown walking toward the 'light' after dropping off Omega, symbolically toward a future redemption. @astrovoidy
*Height change on starwars.com
*The word 'dead' danced around on official sites and by BB employees
*the similarities to Winter soldier @on-a-quest
*the cryptic tweets that showcased reborn characters like Gandalf
*The official poster of CX-2 shows him in 'good' light. @eriexplosion AND CX-2 is shown looking up and to the side the way the original CF99 members are positioned and facing in their poster as if CX-2 is also a CF99 member
*other people in professional settings like New Rock Stars on youtube thought the same exact thing as well as casual viewers
*the large focus on CX-2, over multiple episodes
*misleading title of last episode "The Cavalry Has Arrived"
*Tech being smart enough to find a solution
*If Season 2 could be compared to Empire Strikes Back, Tech was taken from us the way Han Solo was, but Han Solo was returned so surely Tech would be as well
*no one expected a main ensemble character permadeath
*the fight with Crosshair music had hints of "Plan 99" in it
*Tech’s whole big conversation with Romar was about culture and memory, and he helped Romar restoring a data repository. Between the implication that Tech would have lost his memories and Phee saying, “Tech’s brain was the databank, not mine,” you could easily see that as foreshadowing for Tech getting his memories back. @heyclickadee
*All the little one line reminders and goggles shots up through episode twelve only serve to make the audience want Tech back. They aren’t closure, they’re reminders of his absence. [Tech never being quite mourned.] @heyclickadee
*The goggles are lit, or look like they’re lit, in every scene they’re in except the last one, which sure makes all those earlier shots deliberate. @heyclickadee *CX-2 could have killed all of them at different moments, but chose not to (shooting pilot instead of Hunter for example)
Physical and character similarities:
*the shrimp posture
*the kick in the fight similar to droid kick in S1E1
*the similar hand to hand combat style
*the shooting accuracy- ipsium cave/ plan 99
*the elegant deliberate movement especially of hands and fingers
*the animated head and body when speaking
*the helmet – even has his hairline @jorolle
*the viewfinder similar to Tech's and utilized just as often
*the pouches(!!!)
*the limberness and agility
*the confident capability
*the crouching/getting on one knee - Tech is an infamous croucher!
*the deviant nature – ignoring orders
*the technology know how
*the flying – some say the turn on Teth was a Tech Turn
*the extraness of tool/weapon twirl
*armpad like Tech's datapad @wolveria
*CX-2's ship has similarities to the Marauder @wolveria
*Tech CC-9902 / CX-2 - both end in 2 @wolveria
*We are reminded this season that Tech was especially good at decryption. What do we see CX-2 doing on Phee’s ship? Yeah. @heyclickadee
*Season two went out of its way to establish that Tech has a high pain tolerance, is a good close range fighter (he won a life-or-death fight with a guy when he had that broken femur), quick processing speed, and is an excellent shot. All skills we see CX-2 exhibit. @heyclickadee
The 'British' accent, speech inflection, pronunciation. and vocabulary (this alone is enough to convince anyone...):
'You better get back HERE." - "I know the girl is HERE."
"The fifth IS Omega." - "The girl IS alive."
"Who are you?" - "Who are you?"
"Naveecomputah." - "Neveecomputah."
Cinematic framing similarities:
*the limping
*the coming out of the water @lilacjunimo
*hooking the rappel hook rappelling down was like dangling off the rail car
*the boulder moving
*helmet viewpoint from CX-2 in finale, only BB members ever had that
Conjectural situations of suspicion:
*the beef with Crosshair
*the constant surviving
*the pausing when choking Crosshair
*the pausing to look at Phee
*The implications that Crosshair seems to know something about CX-2 (he wants to get out of dodge when he knows CX-2 is coming), and the intense lingering guilt Crosshair feels—and which is never dealt with! It’s still there through the finale—implying he knows or suspects it’s Tech. @heyclickadee
*“Whatever they did to you, whatever you’ve done, you’re still one of us,” offered by Rex towards the CXs @heyclickadee
*Crosshair’s character arc this season being partly about realizing that anyone can change and that no one is really beyond saving, which would have continued going somewhere if he thought CX-2 was Tech and considered him beyond saving, but then changed his mind and realized he needed to try. Notice that he does not engage CX-2 in 11 like he did in 7, and that this comes after his revelation about giving people a chance in 9. @heyclickadee
*CX-2 is even more Tech like in 11 than he was in 6 and 7. This implies that he could be starting to wake up, and that almost killing Crosshair triggered that. He doesn’t kill anyone except one of his own guys on Pabu (or Phee) even though it would make his job much easier. He even has Hunter and Wrecker in his sights and moves his aim to not shoot them directly. @heyclickadee
*Crosshair has no way to know that the CX’d clones come out different and that their identities are erased unless it happened to someone we know. In fact, there’s not reason for the CX plot to exist unless that horrific thing happens to someone we know. @heyclickadee
*The first episode of the show starts out with Hunter covering for someone who supposedly died in a fall. In fact, there are direct parallels in the lines: “Where’s the Jedi?” “I stunned him when he jumped. He didn’t make it.” vs “Where’s Tech?” “Omega…Tech didn’t make it.” I’m not saying Hunter was covering for Tech; I am saying that is the only place in the script where we see those phrases matched up. @heyclickadee
*Tech being CX-2 would have fit in perfectly with each member of the batch experiencing a traumatic loss (and regaining) of agency that correlated directly to who and how they are as people. @heyclickadee
Foreshadowing lines:
*More machine than man, percentage wise at least.
*Better late than dead.
*See you around, Brown Eyes.
*Tech's not gone.
*The operative's gone rogue.
*Romar saying he's a survivor and Tech's look at him.
*Don't go running off with any pirates or smugglers. @heyclickadee
Abandoned storyline reasons:
*The romance with Phee, surely it wouldn't be abandoned!? 🙄😡
*CX-2's death being anticlimactic
*The finale seeming rushed and incomplete
*Actors saying there were script changes
*CX-2's accent in the finale was not only not like Tech's as it was in previous episodes, it wasn't even a clone accent (wtf was that) signaling a script change
@wolveria made a great analysis here with her Tech-Genda !
@heyclickadee gave a great analysis here and also great evidence, more in comments!
@vivaislenska has a list as well with some of these points!
@eriexplosion has a great analysis here!
Having said that, here are some reasons it may not have been him:
*Too many characters coming back from the dead.
*The way he says 'clones' in Infiltration was more reg accent.
*Tech's line in the cave to Omega which "was a big one to me” in retrospect: "I am aware that you miss him, but we have to adapt and move on."
As for the intentions of the writers to either have been forced to change the script, but can't admit it due to NDAs or if they truly meant for CX-2 to be Crosshair's foil which to me was unclear, especially with all of the evidence above, I don't know. At least they could have made CX-2 talk and move like a reg. Making him talk and walk like Tech was kind of cruel on top of a cruel we already experienced in Plan 99. I am not personally attacking the writers, I still love Season 1 and 2 and most of Season 3, but I wish I knew what happened behind the scenes with this and I know I'm not the only one. I think this is the last time I'll personally address Season 3 or the finale unless to support other commentators/creators and for my own fix-it and art and writing. And I look forward to seeing everyone else's works as well and hope no one gives up this beautiful Batch or fandom as I almost did. Canon seems done with him, he belongs to us now. 💜
And if anyone has anything I missed (I'm sure I'll think of more myself), feel free to comment or reblog with that addition or a link to your own post and/or I can edit the OP to include it and tag you. Also, don't feel like you can't make your own post about this subject! But I do hope this maybe helped anyone still dealing with the 'aftermath' like me, to know you're not alone, and you did not read too much into it.
(In retrospect, I can't believe they killed him though, lol. What the kriff were they thinking!?! #too handsome to die #too awesome to die)
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muwapsturniolo · 7 months
✯Sturniolos as Half-bloods✯
God version
warnings: mentions of drugs, and sexual escapades
goddess version
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Matt would be the son of Dionysus
Dionysus used to be the god of fertility, now being known as the god of wine, theatre, and ecstasy. Matt would eat this shit up let me tell you!! His style would deff consist of lots of red, leather, leopard print, and rings. Some of his fashion inspirations would be Freddy Mercury, Elton John, and the band Motley Crue. His father is the god of theatre, he's bound to be dramatic with his actions and style.
His cabin, number 12, would most definitely be known as the party cabin. He would throw big grand parties, each one having a theme ranging from the 70's to medieval. He would also host plays, all of them being dramatic, with dark plots. With the parties and plays, come drugs and alcohol. He has drugs of all types, weed, acid, shrooms, etc. His personal favorite is molly, the drug making him and anyone exceptionally horny. He finds that sex feels way better when he and his partner for the night are on it.
Speaking of sexual endeavors, this man is a freaky frog. The way he acts in the bedroom should be a crime! I'm talking rope, vibrators, blindfolds, ball gags, handcuffs, etc. Let's not forget, his dad is the god of fertility, BREEDING KINKKKKKK!!!!! He hates condoms due to his breeding kink, but god forbid he gets one of the girls at the camp pregnant. The only time he would let his breeding kink roam free is when he finally has sex with the girl he's had his eyes on since she arrived at the camp, the daughter of Aphrodite. He has a thing for ruining innocence.
He is known as the manwhore of the camp, most of the males hating him, but still hoping they get an invitation to his parties. The girls try to stay clear of him, knowing how he is but somehow still ending up in his bedroom. Let's get into the bedroom. It's giving Bruno Mars along with Shake & Go wig Anderson Paak. It's straight out of the 70's. It's clean and often smells like weed, wine, and cherries.
His bestfriend is Chris, the son of Hades. The two go hand in hand, partners in crime. When they first met, Matt asked Chris if he had any of his father's pomegranates so he could make wine. Chris couldn't help but laugh at the question, but Matt was being deadass. If Matt is throwing a party, Chris is right there cigarette in hand.
Dionysus's animal was a leopard and or a tiger. Matt would honor that by wearing leopard print and having tiger rugs.
I don't think Dionysus actually had children, but if he did I would imagine they had the ability to cause/cure both sexual and non-sexual madness with their words. like, imagine Matt just saying what he would do to you, and the more descriptive he got, you could basically feel him fucking you? yeah, sign me up!!
Dionysus's weapon of choice was a staff with a pinecone at the top, called a Thyrsus. I think Matt would have the same thing, but more like a cane an old-school pimp would have (thinking of Kat Williams) and it would have the head of a tiger.
His songs:
''I had a cane and a party hat, I was the king of this hologram where there's no such thing as getting out of hand" Don't threaten me with a good time- p!atd
"Hard candy dripping on me 'till my feet are wet" kiwi- harry styles
"And i crave your taste under my tongue everyday, keep the forbidden fruit coming my way." dopamine- borns
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Chris would be the son of hades
Hades is the god of the underworld, defending the rights of the dead and protecting the world as well as his wife Persephone. His style would be somewhat similar to Matt's as far as color goes. Lots of black, a few white pieces, and red as well. You will always see him in a leather jacket, his feet adorned by a pair of white air forces. With his father being the god of the underworld, Chris unfortunately got his reputation. A lot of the other half-bloods steering clear of him, whispering when he walks past, not even daring to say his name. it hurt Chris at first, having his peers view him as evil, but he grew accustomed to it. Eventually saying 'fuck it' and playing into the role they made for him.
His cabin being number 13 is perfect because I would like to think he would be born on October 13th, a Friday specifically. It would be deep in the woods, the path scary-looking and eerie. The only source of light being the skull torches against the front door. The only people coming to the house were himself and his best friend Matt, the son of Dionysus. Because no one came to his cabin, Matt would use it as the storage for the copious amounts of wine and paraphernalia he keeps handy. His room is dark (duh). Silk black bedding, books strewn randomly in the room. His skateboard was always propped against the door as well as his multiple pairs of beat-up shoes. He loves music, multiple vinyls, and CDs stacked up in crates around the cabin. He had his signature black guitar right next to his bed, always ready to grab and play. He's a man of few words in this universe. He often found himself writing love songs for the girl in cabin 20, the daughter of Hecate.
Being the son of Hades, anger is unfortunately something he can't avoid. Even though he is usually quiet, all it takes is one person to set him off. One of the Zeus boys was pushing him around and he snapped, damn near killing the boy before Matt pulled him away.
As stated before, his best friend is Matt. He was the only one in the camp to speak to him. Granted he was asking for pomegranates to make wine, but he stuck with him. Matt brought him out of his shell, making sure he was the first to get an invitation to his parties and plays, encouraging his love for music, and also being there for him when his anger got out of control.
Most of Hades, children do have powers. Those powers are necromancy, shadow manipulation, the ability to manipulate the earth, and shadow fusion. Chris would have all of these, especially necromancy and shadow manipulation/fusion. He would use necromancy to fuck with the others in the camp, loving the way his peers screamed in fright. He would only use shadow fusion to spy on his crush, but he gets caught and shyly reveals himself (help I wanna write a fic on the way they meet).
Hades animal representation is a black ram, a screeching owl, and a serpent. let's not forget the three-headed dog Cerberus. Chris would have a big-ass Doberman named Orcus. That dog would hate everyone but Chris, Matt, and the daughter of Hecate.
His songs:
"It's no big surprise you turned out this way" twin-sized mattress- the front bottoms
"There's a light in the crack, that's separating your thighs, and if you wanna go to heaven you should fuck me tonight" Young god- halsey
"My church offers no absolute, she tells me worship in the bedroom" take me to church- hoizer
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Nick would be the son of Hermes
Hermes was the god of trade, wealth, luck, sleep, language, thieves, and travel. His style would always consist of light blue jeans and some form of a white shirt/tank top. If he was delivering mail and or messages, he would also wear a blue jean jacket. Him being the son of Hermes is giving blonde Nick IDC idc idc!!!! He would always wear a pair of off-white Converse with wings on the side. Delivering mail can be boring, so he often wears headphones hooked up to a cassette player his best friend Chris gave him as a form of payment.
His cabin is number 11, a lucky number to most. I would imagine it to be a bit more elevated than the others. Perched on some type of high ground where the sun shines in the morning. His cabin would definitely be organized, with all the mail in a specific room in alphabetical order. All of the payments that weren't in cash were placed perfectly in the home, not a thing out of place. His bedding would be white with gold silk pillows. He loved to sleep so his bed was always unmade, blankets thrown all over the bed, even dipping onto the floor.
He often liked to cause a bit of chaos in the camp, it was his homage to his father. He would steal from the other campers, shrugging and rolling his eyes when they asked him about it. He would break into the counselor's office, picking the lock with ease to receive something of Matt's. He would do this often for the campers, but not without payment. If they weren't giving him cash, they had to pay by giving him something of theirs. The amount of jewelry he has is insane.
His best friends, despite not liking their attitudes, would be Matt and Chris. Matt had asked him to deliver invitations for a party, and Nick initially told him no after seeing the amount of invitations. He quickly changed his mind seeing the stack of cash and a gold chalice Matt offered. He and Chris became friends the day he guided Chris into the camp, much like his father guides souls to the underworld.
Most of Hermes' children have powers, those being enhanced speed, audiokensis, and Clauditiskinesis. Nick has all of these, his favorite being clauditiskinesis and audiokensis. He would use audio to listen in on everyone's conversations, it helped that he could be above them in the clouds, never being seen. That's how he figured out that one of the sons of Zeus has a crush on him.
He wouldn't have an animal in my opinion. I would imagine him to have a messenger bag that's like, never-ending lmao.
His songs:
"And i know it's no fun, when your first son gets up to no good" freaking out the neighborhood- mac demarco
"Like Peter Pan up in the sky" tongue-tied - group love
"If you could fly then you'd feel south. Up north getting cold soon." pink + white- frank ocean
I don't think y'all get it. I'm actually foaming at the mouth writing this. plz send in requests or anything you want to read for half-blood stuniolos!!!
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @mattslolita
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Galah (Eolophus roseicapilla)
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(Photo by Andrew Allen)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Australia
Size (Weight/Length)- 40 cm
Diet- Fruits; Seeds; Insects; Leaves; Bark
Cool Facts- Due to its high adaptability, the galah is one of Australia’s most widespread and common birds. These cockatoos can be found in flocks of over 1,000 birds mixed alongside other cockatoo species. Massive flocks can strip a tree of all its leaves, killing the tree through defoliation. Galahs share parenting duties but the female tends to stay in the nest more than the male. After finding a suitable tree cavity, the female lays around four eggs which hatch after about a month. The chicks only stay with their parents for two and a half months before dipping. Galahs are unfortunately seen as agricultural pests due to their love for crops. In captivity, these birds can live into their mid 70’s and with the intelligence of a three year old, that’s a long 70 years. 
Rating- 11/10 (Pink is back in style.)
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vampiricnature · 21 days
Hey guys
FOP hcs under the cut
Dev Dimmadome
-has manic BPD
-curly hair (inherited from Dale)
-extremely closed off, emotionally really sensitive but is just really good at masking
-sleeps in the corner of his bed even if it's absolutely humongous
-likes futurama unironically
-favorite mlp character is sunset shimmer because she's "like, I dunno, whatever" (pretty and rebellious)
Hazel Wells
-favorite mlp character is Applejack because she's cool and strong, plus her accent
-high functioning autism!
-will debate people on whether or not ice cream is a food (it is and she always wins)
-usually when having episodes, her brother always helps her calm down, so when Dev has manic episodes she knows how to help him
-Bed hog
-loves slugs for no reason
-gifts Wanda moss and leaves (she loves it)
-very bisexual tbh, also uses she/her on occasion because he does drag 💪
-genuinely enjoys Stephen King books, her favorite is Misery
-watches commentary videos about things she knows nothing about
-keeps every little trinket given to her by everyone (one time, hazel gaze her a rock with one big googly eye and Wanda put it on a shelf, and when hazel came over and saw it she started crying because Wanda displayed it)
-due to his love of fashion and his passion for helping kids, he's looked into symbols of support (he paints one of his pinkies red to show his support against csa)
-autistic because I'm him and I said so
-clicks his tongue against his teeth as his main stim (it usually hurts the tip of his tongue but he can't stop)
-scared of peacocks even though they're absolutely gorgeous to him. He just hates how they look at him
-loves fashion from all eras, but usually wears 70s/80s style clothing, with the occasional greaser look from the 50s
Jasmine Tran
-likes Katy Perry more than Taylor Swift
-had a weeb phase where she dressed in only anime merch for three months straight
-her favorite mlp character is Rarity because she's slay
-doesn't actually like musicals unless it's Disney or other animated movies, especially if the genre is pop or jukebox (like Trolls or strange magic)
Winn Harper
-avid Justin Bieber and Eminem fan
-tried roller skating but they don't have very good coordination like that, so skateboarding is much easier for them
-loves the "cool s" symbol
-says based about everything they like
-favorite mlp character is obviously rainbow dash because she's based
Anthony Wells
-theatre lover, the kinda guy to like parody musicals (also watched scamilton and sobbed so hard because of how funnily atrocious it is)
-prefers red over blue Gatorade
-genuinely just a really good guy to everyone, naturally sweet
-Rivers is a vampire. Look it up
-uses gen alpha slang but also outdated trends like dabbing and flossing
-listens to ABBA on a daily basis, literally every night he plays gimme gimme gimme (a man after midnight) and in the morning it's Dancing queen
-only wears platforms because it makes him taller by like. An inch or two
-telle people to commit suicide on the internet for shits and giggles
-genuinely glad Peri changed his name because Foop embarrassed him and ruined his intimidating image
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animeglitch · 3 months
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humming-fly · 2 years
[youtube link for HD viewing]
After nearly two years of on-again off-again work here it is, the animatic that's been stuck in my head ever since I first heard this song back in 2018!! Finishing this behemoth was my big goal for the year and that was even before I decided to fully illustrate it, but somehow here we are!
I honestly wasn't ever sure if I'd be able to make this a reality since the song is a mix of fast paced with slower portions and I didn't think static images would fit very well, but rather than give up on it I was super inspired by @siruoa​‘s brilliant greedling artvid over here, and decided to give that style a shot myself with just the best results I could’ve hoped for!
Anyways thanks to all of ya’ll that have been so patient and encouraging since I dropped the sketch version last spring, I hope you all enjoy my love letter to FMA, Greed, and this this banging song as much as I do~
(Additional project details under the cut)
All art and animation was done within Clip Studio Paint EX over the course of 12 months. Overall this animation has 70 shots made up of 11 active animation folders, with the more complicated shots having up to 7 pieces moving at a time. I frankly lost track of the number of layers used, but it was well over 1200 when all was said and done h a
Music Used: Stronger by The Score
(and just in case you thought I was kidding about the 2018 thing lol)
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batbitesthebat · 9 months
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Octonauts re-animated as a 70's-80's styled anime
If you want access to over 100 octonauts animations, hop over to my yt channel!! Right here !!!
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jennsterjay · 11 months
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Are we late to the party 😎🌻🎸✨?
Hobie invites Miles to Earth 138B: Old York to go party crashing with his bandmates. Miles creates his own band outfit and has a fun and wild night XD
One of Hobie's bandmates take a pic of them and before the night is over, Hobie and Miles sign it and Miles takes it back with him to his dimension :)
Close Ups
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-Miles' Jacket is a reference to the jacket he wears in the Sony animation test footage for Hobie Brown's style
-"Karl was here" is a reference to Karl Morningdew aka Captain Anarchy from Hobie's world in the comics
-The purple amp in the background is an Acoustic 134 combo amplifier from the 70's
-The art on Hobie's pants are a reference to his action figure design. Also peep the Puerto Rican flag, and the Sunflower on Miles' art
-The Orange, Snail ,and Fish pins on Hobie's jacket are a reference to my three friends Fen, Rain, and Fishy (shout out to them XD)
-Cutout/Reference images are from Unsplash.com/Google. The brick texture is from a pic I took outside lol.
-Time taken: 2 months on and off (jobs amirite XD)
-There are a few more references sprinkled in, and for one of my favorite Hobie pins, Trans Rights ;)
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And here's the finished pic again :)
Man I love this ship lmao
Thank you for reading/liking and Happy Punkflowering XD <3
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