#72 snufkin
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"Nowhere man please listen
You don't know what you're missing
Nowhere man, The world is at your command"
(update under the cut)
Hey!! Sorry for being so inactive lately.
A lot has happened, but the most important thing is that I finally graduate college! I've got a job as a part time teacher and I also enrolled in a master program. I will receive the results this Friday, fingers crossed and I hope I get in🤞.
So, while I get used to all these new changes, I will slowly start posting again, this time more than just Moomin stuff so I hope y'all get to stick around to see it. In the meantime, I'll post stuff that I already have ready
Thanks for reading this and to all my muts, I hope y'all doing well, and feel free to pop an ask to say hi, I really missed you guys.
-Jazz <3
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Different versions here :3
And tagging @hunsa-jars as always :3
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
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It was midnight. Then one o'clock struck. A little after two the Muskrat woke up and wanted to get out of bed. He staggered sleepily downstairs and stopped in amazement in front of the sofa which stood across the door. 'What an idea!' he muttered, trying to drag it away, and then of course the alarm clock that Moominpappa had put there started ringing.
'Oh, it was only me,' said the Muskrat peevishly. 'I just wanted to look at the stars. I forgot all about your stupid Groke.'
- Finn Family Moomintroll
Also inspired by the Shin Moomin episode Useless Scandals Are Useless
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hunsa-jars · 1 year
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stupiderat · 4 months
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I absolutely adore the 72 version of moomin, so here are some doodles of snufkin becoming like his dad!
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random-gnat · 7 months
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70s Snufkin is stronger than me you’d have to drag me kicking and screaming if you wanted me to step foot in 1969/72 moominvalley, they all had it out for him and one winter later they were chill
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sator-the-wanderer · 2 years
Hullo there sator 👋👋👋.
First of all, how have you been?
Second, I just saw your 72's Moomin drawing. Looks beautiful and flawless as always. I absolutely adore that scene too <333.
And finally
Please, for my sanity, can we please get a close up on that panel of 72's snufkin looking down 🥺🥺🥺🥺???? Xdddd
That's it, I hope you have a lovely day 💕
Awww thank you! 🥺♥
Here's the boi:
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official-moomin · 2 years
What will be Moominvalley snufkin reaction to the 1972 version of himself.
Let's bring 72's snufkin back for a snufkin verse episode 👀👏
The different versions of Snufkin are imperceptible to one another. They cannot communicate nor comprehend one another's existences.
Have a Moominous day!
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alwaysmanages · 7 months
Your western Moomin au reminds me of the Moomin/Lucky Luke-crossover/au/whatever my mind keeps making up without my permission. I love your work!❤️
Btw. Have you watched or read Moomins in Cowboyland yet?
Oh gosh thank you so much anon!! Don't you just love when the imagination just refuses to ask before taking the reigns? I have a special love for southern goth and western influence, and I know very well that I'm not the first to come up with a western Moomin au (ex. @sunburnedsnufkin's Pistolero au is chef's kiss!), but it's such a fun concept and now that I've taken a dive into '72 moomins I have a better understanding where the cowboy Snufkin comes from and it rules!
I haven't seen the 1990s cowboy episode with Billy the Kid yet, but I have read the comic Moomin Goes Wild West! I own Tove's complete comic collection, so I'll have to go back and look at it as it's been a minute.
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wenkicai · 1 year
Hi wendy :-] Do you have any headcanons about 1972 snufkin/just Moominvalley in general?
ouga let's reach into the recesses of my mind for this one:
-this is dumb but i think 72 snufkin smells really nice...like lavender or something like that
-we used to call 72 snufkin "saladkin" bc it looks like he's got a whole salad on his hat lol
-addendum to saladkin: he becomes a soggy salad after curse of the red moon
-this is more of an opinion on fanon rather than an actual headcanon but personally i'm not too into trying to figure out the nuts and bolts of snufkin and little my's lineage? like there's people who will try to figure out like snufkin's species or whatever and how that works out and like i think it personally misses the point. snufkin is snufkin
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-all snufkins are eepy. zzzz
-the puppet snufkin is definitely the most overdramatic, so extra.
that's it for now! i just woke up so everything's a little fuzzy but yeah :p
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smooth-goat · 1 year
hi robin lol 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 18 (ik you do but I want to know the answer to the second part), 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 49, 50, 51, 58, 61 (out of all of them), 62 and 63 (for a&a), 64 (for ginger tea) 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79
so many !! fjdsklaf (ask meme here) i'll put most of the answers under a read more cause its long
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
oh i daydream for sure. my fics tend to start as a single paragraph elevator pitch, basically, in my brainstorming document. And i'll daydream and experiment a little at what scenes that would include, what character interactions, different moods and settings—the Vibes. then i can start outlining. even though i can type quickly, my thoughts still move faster, and i feel i need to think things out before i start typing something and forget the other ideas in my head
6. What's the last line you wrote?
"The infant whimpers in the arms of the woman beside the pulpit. Snufkin eyes flick to her for a moment, Moomintroll sees. He adjusts the large scarf across his shoulders. His words stumble, just a little." — from a&a
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
Moomintroll’s paw twitched on the small of Snufkin’s back. Squeezed slightly. Hardly daring, Snufkin pressed his forehead into Moomintroll’s chest, breathing in his scent. Light, at first, and then sinking in. Fresh bread and laundry soap. A tinge of alcohol on his breath.
13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
I used to (as in just two years ago) be able to listen to music or have old youtube videos on in the background as I wrote. I wrote about half of "chlorine & corticosteroids", probably, with jenna marbles videos playing in the background. but something changed in my brain and now i need Silence or maybe a looping instrumental song. I like Erik Satie's "Gnossiène no. 3".
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
Most often, I write in my room, crouched over or lying on my stomach very babygirl. Favorite though is writing in the patio of my local library. Outdoors, nice weather, free wifi and power outlet. I can have a little beverage and look at trees and birds.
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
As we both know, of Course i enjoy research jfdskla the one that required the most was probably "chlorine & corticosteroids" actually. It was the longest fic I had written at the time, so there were more little details I wanted right. Also it was about ulcerative colitis, a condition I don't have, so I wanted to do research to get it right. Medical information, of course, but also forums and reddit threads and tumblr posts by people with UC to get a feel for actual life with it. The experience of being on a low-fiber medical diet, of EDCs relating to fecal incontinence and ileostomy bags. Also also because I set it in Flagstaff, Arizona: a place I have never been to. So I spend a lot of time on google maps looking at different neighborhoods and bus routes and knowing where everything in the city was. I might have spent more time researching a&a, but i think the research for c&c was more necessary. then again, i did read whole books for a&a so. idk.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
already answered !
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
I do this thing, for the beginning of a story (or chapter) that I have the outline establish a few sentences, then start writing what is functionally the second paragraph. And then I can never think of a good first line, so I just make that "second" paragraph into the first. And I feel it usually works? I think it skips the boring little establishing bits and catches interest better. Wrt outlining though and broader plots? I don't really think the beginning, middle, or end is the hardest. I'll have really strong visions for specific scenes, and I just have to figure out how to fill in between them. I guess most of those are in the middle, but the middle is also just the biggest part of the story, so I don't think it's fair to say it's the hardest for that.
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
Worldbuilding can be fun because of all the research, but I feel sometimes I get too in the weeds and lose steam. I try to reign myself in and research as I go when needed. I write my outline and a notable amount of prose all at once, bouncing around a little, and then the outline is simply cannabalized by the prose.  I do that especially with dialogue, where I write most of the actual "script" so to speak on my first pass and then add the tags and pacing sentences after. I think that first pass is the most exciting, where I can see the story change from ideas in my head into a more concrete vision.
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
when i write and can't immediately think of what joins moments together, i'll fill it in with a placeholder, like [few sentences] or [transition]. sometimes they're more specific, like [back and forth about scheduling] but sometimes i don't have an idea for what goes there. and sometimes filling in those gaps is like pulling teeth
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
mood and tone, i think, are my strongest. the sort of atmosphere and how the air hangs and all that
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
I definitely do want to get more comfortable writing sex scenes. I think they're a rich vein of narrative and character and symbolic importance and I want to practice that more. I also want to get better at more complex narratives. All my stories, mostly given their length, have only had the capacity for a single plot, and maybe small threads of others. In a few years, I'd like to be able to write something with definite A and B plots.
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
answered here !
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
This kind of goes back to the outline turning into the prose. Usually I get a sentence in that's just very plain text what happens, and then I'll go in after and backfill actual prose. And usually I know as I write what spots need reworking, and I'll leave a comment to myself (e.g. "rephrase" or "move to [x] paragraph" or "would he be this direct"). Or it'll simply be a word that I want to run in a thesaurus cause the perfect word isn't coming to me at the moment but I don't want to lose momentum so I just flag it for later. But I don't think I do a lot of editing tbh. Sometimes I read over finished chapters to catch repetitive lines and such, but a lot of big structural editing I do as I write in the outline stage.
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted? (L)
Favorite that I've posted might be "Black Cohosh". I think it was a change in direction into the kind of stuff I really enjoy writing now: a sort of moody, introspective piece weighted with symbolism. Also bees. I also really like "chlorine & corticosteroids" in the sort of same-but-opposite way. It's definitely a modern piece with a modern voice, and I think it has a good tonal balance between the humor and affection of Jesse and Lake becoming close and the weight of Jesse facing his dangerous people-pleasing and Lake's and Tulip's experiences with ableism.
36. What fic are you proudest of? (L) 
Proudest of is definitely a&a. It's the longest thing I've written and the most unapologetic, I think. It took a lot to include the plot points I was nervous about, but I think it was worth it
37. What fic has been the hardest for you to write?
answered here !
42. What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
I think "Sweetpea & Daffodil" is a good title on the floriographic front. "gratitude & please return my affection" really fits the theme of what happens in it, the letters to ones own disabled body which read like two lovers in pain and desperate to make it work. tbh i think my floriographic titles have all been pretty apt, cause these emotions are exactly what the code is built for. Yellow rainflower standing for friendship but also betrayal, undying love but also infidelity. Lavender symbolizing devotion and distrust. I also like "chlorine & corticosteroids" for its contrast, showing the two very different worlds of Jesse and Lake respectively, and seeing them interact.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
Oh I have a wip called "Common Courtesy", focused on Snufkin and Pappa's interactions, where Pappa Does An Ableism and then instead of actually apologizing, builds a ramp to Moominhouse, and is a little Too expectant of praise for it. Getting into infrastructural segregation and Moominpappa's inability to apologize and just. Seeing these two very different but equally stubborn men interact.
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
I think "Ginger Tea and Parsley Oil" is a decent introduction to the style and topics that I like to go into. lmao i just read it again and ive definitely gotten better (so much of it feels clunky to me now!) but i think that's a good an entry as any
50. How would you describe your writing style?
A part of my writing style I've put a lot of focus on for years is word choice. There's a sort of emotional depth, I think, that can be found in words that sound a little unnatural. As if each one had a pause before you spoke it. My backburner OC story Ink Blots has a significant portion of dialogue between people speaking in a mutually non-native lingua franca, so there's always this sort of haze of people translating things in their head, how this translation affects how they speak. And I think that's something that I've transferred into my fic writing too. 
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
For sure! tbh i haven't been reading much fic lately, but books I like to read are often different than what I write. I've liked Kurt Vonnegut for many years now, who has a much more blunt style than I do: much shorter word length and simple grammar. And I love Jane Austen, who writes very differently from me in both content (satires about the English landed gentry) and style (quippy dialogue and sometimes meandering prose). I've also enjoyed epistolary novels, like Dracula and Ella Minnow Pea. I've never written epistolary works before, but it seems fun
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
hard to pick! i use a lot of it fdjaskl i'd say one i like is in a&a chapter 16:
There's a single word sitting in the middle of the table. It's heavy. The wooden legs creak and groan under its weight. Moomintroll fears putting anything else down even a little too roughly will make the table collapse.
i think it's evocative, effective, and i was able to play with it the whole rest of the chapter with characters' interactions with the physical table they were sitting at mirroring their approaches and avoidances of the topic at hand
61. In [all of your fics], what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
idk about favorite cause that's a tough question, but i really like the scene in "Yellow Rainflower" where Alicia and Snufkin are talking at night about why Snufkin took so long to come back and never even wrote her. I think it was good move into the stuff I like to do now: conversations beginning to put equal or more weight into what is unsaid than what is actually said.
62 .In [acacia & asphodel], is there a deleted scene/idea you wish you could have included? Why did it get cut?
Oh when I was figuring out a&a, I wasn't really sure of its format. Would it be a one-shot series, a single piece, something in between? I have a bunch of little ideas but there are two I am a little sad to see go. One is where Alicia takes in a stray cat, and there's some fun little banter between them over it. But it's one that includes Sisu as a toddler so when I narrowed the scope of the fic to just the pregnancy and Sisu's first few days of life, I had to cut it cause it wouldn't make sense for her to do it then. Another is a sort of scrapped epilogue, where Moomintroll paints Snufkin giving Sisu a bath in the sink. I cut it cause for one just like before it required Sisu to just be a little bit older (though by just a few months), and also it was redundant with the closing chapter I have already. Also it felt a little too neat and tidy, and I wanted a more ambiguous ending that signified another beginning, not something that could read more as a happily-ever-after.
63. What was the hardest part of writing [acacia & asphodel]?
answered here !
64 . If you rewrote [Ginger Tea] now, would you change anything?
I like Parsley Oil as it is alright, but I think I would restructure Meadowsweet. More internal monologue, less verbal monologue. I think there are things that Snufkin would think but not say out loud that I had him say out loud and are just a little Too Vulnerable for him to voice.
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
I feel like that would be really hard to trace. I've read a lot of fic jfkdlsa I like to read through entire tags of a fandom (a character or ship or another tag), or sometimes the entire fandom's tag on ao3. I think looking at different fandoms though, my writing style is very influenced by Pathologic fics I've read. The symbolism and the moodiness and the weight and the politics are all,I feel, lifted more from those works than a lot of Moomin fics.
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
i'm not reading any fics at the moment jfkdsl  favorites that i've had, though, include "Gracilis", "Darling, Oh", "The Little Book of Daffodils", and "Moss". I also really like Weevilo707's Infinity Train fics.
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
I love getting complimented on symbolism, especially when it's something I didn't really notice myself doing. Like when I was doing it, I knew something was meaningful and important and so put it in, but I couldn't articulate how, and then I see someone put all my own thoughts into words. It really reminds me of why I love sharing my writing—I love the collaborate discussion and the enthusiasm with which I can talk to my friends about it.
73. What do you tend to get complimented on the most about your writing?
Often symbolism—especially lately, cause a&a has had a lot of symbolism and narrative parallels, and I love talking about that. I also get compliments on research (of course) and on specific gut-punch lines, often at a chapter's end.
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
answered here !
75. Is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn’t expect?
answered here !
76. How do you deal with writing pressure, whether internal or external?
I think the external pressure I face writing is not in regards to writing what gets more attention—I've tried writing it and know it does better but also I know it doesn't feel as rewarding or interesting to write—but in avoiding topics of controversy. Including sex scenes, discussions of sex work and of eugenics and abortion, showing sexual harassment and antisemitism, depicting the common instances of ableism that I'm certain a notable amount of my readers have performed themselves. The controversial stuff, the kind of stuff that gets strangers to rally against you, can be scary to share. Internally, sometimes I do feel pressure to keep to a publishing schedule, feeling like I "owe" readers a regular update. But ultimately, I know that's not true. I'm a regular guy and a pretty busy one at that. Writing a novel for fun and for free? This is something I'll do when I have time and if I treat it too much like another job then I'll lose my love of it.
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
for general writing, the sort of "get-er-done" motivation, I like to get inspired. I read my old stuff, I listen to the playlists that I made, I make amvs in my head. Something that will get me emotionally invested in the art. There's also the motivation wrt the content of what I write, and for that I keep thinking about this anon I got, a disabled person who was really touched by the first sex scene in a&a, saying they hadn't felt represented in a sex scene before. That's just a really poignant thing for me, to be able to make another disabled person feel seen. Stuff like that, hearing from other disabled people, seeing our shared experiences—that's really motivating too, encouraging me to keep writing what I'm writing, because while it might be niche, there's an audience that really cares.
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
One of the biggest things that's helped me is analyzing the writing of other's—stuff you like, stuff that's just not your taste but effective, and stuff that just sucks. Why do certain things work and others not? Where's the line between personal taste and common consensus—and is that line where you feel it should be, and why that? I've loved film analysis, and video essays about films. I think that sort of critical thinking is really helpful for knowing how to construct your writing. (robin ?? suggesting research ??? who could have guessed)
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hinterland-clans · 2 years
this is a mess but here's the new age list woot woot
Mintmoth (160 moons) †Vinestar (160 moons) Tuftear (152 moons) Halfskip (140 moons) †Snapleaf (140 moons) Longear (138 moons) Screestar (134 moons) Thor (129 moons) Thrushsong (125 moons) Sparrowscreech (120 moons) †Hickorystar (120 moons) Badgerface (112 moons) Icewhisper (115 moons) †Dovesky (115 moons) Snowspiral (115 moons) Blizzardfur (115 moons) Katria (109 moons) Applepatch (107 moons) Coppershade (105 moons) †Cloudbreeze (105 moons) Batswoop (105 moons) †Timbertail (100 moons) Oakfire (100 moons) Batswoop (100 moons) Shimmertail (98 moons) Ruepetal (98 moons) Beamer (97 moons) Sandstar (96 moons) Goldenglow (96 moons) Sheen (95 moons) Hollyfrost (92 moons) †Volebelly (92 moons) Smokestorm (90 moons) Meadowmoth (90 moons) †Starlingfur (90 moons) Wolfshadow (89 moons) Elmleaf (89 moons) †Crowpebble (89 moons) Rosestar (87 moons) Ryeberry (87 moons) Flurryfeather (86 moons) Icegaze (86 moons) Dusty (83 moons) Nitfeather (82 moons) Slatepatch (80 moons) †Blackreed (78 moons) Thicketburr (78 moons) Heronstalk (78 moons) †Mistybush (78 moons) Thorn (77 moons) Fox (77 moons) Russetmoon (76 moons) Darkeyes (75 moons) †Breezefeather (75 moons) Perry (72 moons) Brackenroot (70 moons) †Magpiepaw (68 moons) Rainmist (66 moons) Berrysplash (66 moons) Night (64 moons) Bee (60 moons) Flintclaw (55 moons) Aspenfleck (55 moons) Fawnstreak (50 moons) Bouncefoot (50 moons) Foxtuft (48 moons) Cavernpool (45 moons) Pheasantruff (45 moons) Sunblaze (44 moons) Birdpounce (44 moons) Lakeripple (42 moons) Silverbird (42 moons) Dexter (41 moons) Snufkin (40 moons) Blazeflower (38 moons) Cloverlight (36 moons) Jadewing (35 moons) Brightnose (34 moons) Dustplume (34 moons) Greenshade (32 moons) Duskfur (32 moons) Cindershock (31 moons) Quickwhisper (31 moons) Puddlepelt (30 moons) Fernsplash (30 moons) Flamewisp (30 moons) Jaystorm (29 moons) Hazel (29 moons) Larkslip (28 moons) Lilystream (28 moons) Tangleswirl (27 moons) Bobtail (25 moons) Echocall (25 moons) Tacker (23 moons) Grassripple (22 moons) Splinterfang (20 moons) Robindown (20 moons) Oceanroar (19 moons) Blitz (19 moons) Harepaw (16 moons) Acornpaw (16 moons) Minkpaw (14 moons) Whiskerpaw (10 moons) Tumblepaw (9 moons) Fleetpaw (9 moons) Littlepaw (9 moons) Cloudpaw (7 moons) Swiftpaw (7 moons) Hawkpaw (6 moons)
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72's snufkin on the way to his tent with half empty barrel of wine that was left over from the midsummer party and the Moomin's insisted he keep it. He couldn't say no.
He is so going to drink it all tho.
Had a rough day so, nothing makes me feel better than drawing this handsome fella. Truly ma comfort character xdd.
Tagging @hunsa-jars until I annoy her with my 72's snuf drawings XD. (Hope you're doing fine dear <3)
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Also, here's the sketch :3
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iocity · 2 years
i dont care if you ship snufmin or not, i just need you to know that this man is gay gay homosexual gay, absolutely not fucking straight, fruity as a fucking orchard, the antithesis of straightness, and yes, my personal gay agenda
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freckled-moss · 2 years
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Watching the ‘72 show and bro I may not know a single thing that they are saying cuz I can’t find english subs but their gayness transcends language (lineart under cut - as well as ref)
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downydig · 5 years
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72 Snufkin for your 72 Snufkin needs
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sator-the-wanderer · 2 years
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Two Snufkins and their song 🌿🎵
Snusmumrikens vårvisa (eng version)
Osabishiyama no Uta
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