every-tome · 7 months
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exotic-indians · 1 year
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original url http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/8115/ last modified 2007-08-31 20:52:04
49 notes · View notes
This week - a checklist
Wrote 8115 words so far (still got Sunday to go)
Formatted 2 graphic novels and ordered proofs
Sent 1 novel back to the editors for final eyes check
Lined up the proofreader for that novel
Sent another novel to the editors for line edits
remembered to update my website for once
sent a newsletter to ARC readers
formatted ARC copies of another novel to send out to ARC readers on Wednesday
formatted the free short story that goes with that novel
added some products to my Threadless store
funnily enough, did not vacuum my house, lol.
This month is gonna be a busy one!
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keruwu-san · 2 years
Tart Wine. Chapter three
Chapter one Chapter two 
Aemond Targaryen x Auntie! Reader
My first publication on this site. ENGLISH IS NOT MY NATIVE LANGUAGE. I worked with a translator; I hope that the text is still clear! Let me know if there are any bugs! Thank you in advance!
Summary: The younger sister of King Viserys and Prince Daemon finds solace in Rhaenyra and Alicent children, because she cannot have her own. Prince Aemond Targaryen is experiencing a childhood crush, which he plans to carry through the years and ask for his aunt's hand in the future.
Word count: 8115
Warning: Allusion to incestuous relationship,  mention of a corpse, blood, suffering
Lenerys always knew that pregnancy is hard. However, to be so... after arriving at the Eagle's Nest, she was constantly sick, her stomach hurt, it seems she felt her organs moving back to make room for the baby. Her husband was unspeakably glad, finally, unflattering rumors will go into oblivion, and he and his House will receive a long-awaited heir. Because of the good news, he probably did not notice his wife is suffering, and honestly, she did not need his help. She decided to bravely endure all the pain herself, she is Lenerys Targaryen from the blood of Old Valyria, and women gave birth before her, and will be after ... she can cope.
The young woman often wrote to the queen, asking her for advice and telling her about her condition. For a month of correspondence, they felt tenderness for each other, probably for the first time in many years, after Rhaenyra, Alicent got close to someone. The queen even sent some of the best maesters who watched and delivered her herself, so that they would control the entire pregnancy cycle of the princess.
Despite the pain that her condition brought her, she began to feel a slight thrill at the thought of her future child. What will it be like? Will he inherit the Valyrian appearance of her family or will he take all the features from his father? She would certainly like the first option, and she already knew what she would call the baby if a girl were born. There has always been a place for Aymma in her heart, yes, more than ten years have passed, but this does not negate her affection for her daughter-in-law. Moreover, if the son is Baelon, in honor of her late father.
It was a torment, judging by the stories of the meisters, the fetus had just begun to develop and there should be no pain. She knew she was not being deceived, but damn it, there was pain. Her back was bursting at the seams, her stomach was constantly pricking, and there was a feeling that there was not a child inside her, but a whole bunch of knives, the princess was even afraid to think what would happen in the ninth month as her belly grew.
- Please calm down,- her lord husband complained, - there's no need to worry too much.
- John, with all due respect, - Targaryen gave him a contemptuous look, - it is not for you to go to the delivery table later.
Arren only took her elbow and turned circles around the room with her while the maester prepared a warming ointment.
King's Landing.
The news of the wedding of Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon Targaryen quickly reached the royal court, now everyone was discussing only them and finally, the gossip about the "Poor One-Eyed Prince" subsided.
- Daemon is her uncle...- the girl sighed, - oh, these Targaryen traditions!
Aemond listened to the conversation of two idlers eating crumbs from freshly baked cakes. And indeed, he is her uncle, and she is her niece, both were married, and both suspiciously "in time" both spouses died… No sooner had Ser Laenor Velarion's body cooled down than they were married. Rumors that Rhaenyra and Daemon had actually killed Laenor seemed plausible to the prince.
- They say then, almost seven years ago, Prince Daemon demanded the hand of Princess Rhaenyra from King Viserys for the crown of the Steps, - the maid said breathlessly, - To be romantic, he carried his love for her through the years and finally reunited with her!
- Oh, you! He killed Ser Laenor to marry her! – the second girl said with irritation.
- Wh-what?! No, he was killed by his squire, Prince Daemon would never do such a thing!… you know they loved each other, but duty separated them.
The conversation of the two women no longer interested Aemond and he withdrew from his hiding place.
Aemond is not stupid, he assumes that his uncle really killed Velarion, he wanted Rhaenyra, and now he finally got her. Was he going to kill for his happiness, too? The thought of this excited him, but did not frighten him as before. Was Damon's act in this case a manifestation of an act of love for his niece? In Aemond's eye–yes, he was. It is a bold act, going against all the rules and laws of Westeros.
Sleepless nights and reflection prompted him to many thoughts… He will be better than Aegon. He will become the best of two brothers, a much more worthy son, grandson, lover ... Now he will not allow evil tongues to offend him, let them underestimate him, in the end he will be able to surprise them.
His journey had just begun, Prince Targaryen was training hard with Ser Christon Kole, lessons with the maesters were not enough for him, so Aemond stayed up late in the library studying philosophy, history and exact sciences. By the end of the day, his body was shaking from the heavy load, his muscles ached, demanding rest for the day, at least, his head sometimes ached from the tons of information he received and from lack of sleep. Eamond decided that during his insomnia he would read, exercise, do anything that would help him in the future until his body calmed down and could fall asleep again. Leneris often told him about "useful pastime" and he always listened to her attentively, her advice was extremely useful. Yes, now he has no eye, but it was this that "opened" his eyes to the abomination of the people who surrounded him. The deceitful house cleaners and butlers who used to pretend to smile at him and follow his orders, now whispered behind his back. He will let them do it. There will be nothing truly interesting in their lives, these yard dogs have nothing but gossip and rumors, even if they choke on them!
Lenerys often wrote to his mother, as he noticed. Aemond did not know the contents of the letters, but he was genuinely curious. It's been about a month and a half since she left, but during that time she wrote him only four letters. They were not too long, she mostly asked him about his well-being, about things at the castle and invited him to visit, because now he has a dragon for this. In addition, Aemond felt ambiguous. He had a feeling that he was being played with, teased, deceived…He tried to banish such thoughts as far as possible, Lenerys had never been rude to him and remained honest, why would she cheat on herself now?
Aemond walked quietly through the corridors of the Red Castle, his training had ended not so long ago, his hands were shaking a little from the strain. Moreover, he knew perfectly well that his mother was at a meeting with his grandfather Otto right now, and he knew that a raven from the Eyrie had arrived early this morning.
- The Queen is not in her chambers right now, my Prince,- the guardsman said to Aemond.
- Nothing, I will wait for my mother inside.
The guards gave the prince a pass, and he entered the large apartment of Alicent. Everything was furnished with taste and royal decorations, emphasizing that no ordinary person lives here. But Aemond wasn't interested in that. Almost immediately, the boy went to the table, seeing there a paper knife and actually a hidden letter.
"Dear Alicent, I sincerely miss King's Landing, my brother and my dear nephews. Helena is very nice in messages with me, she shares mysterious predictions while I don't really understand their meaning, but there is no answer from Aegon and Aemond. Honestly, I don't expect to get it from Aegon, he never answered my letters, where would I start now? But Aemond worries me, I hope I didn't offend him by chance? Could you please check it out? I'm worried about him. In connection with pregnancy, I do not want to burden myself once again, and the maesters do not advise. John wants a boy so much, he is only talking about the heir, and I am worried about his reaction if it's a girl! After so many years of trying, I think he'll be disappointed, and to be honest, I wouldn't want to try it again, no matter how many people keep whispering. One way or another, I will love her no matter what.."
Aemond did not read further, only skimmed through: next, the woman asked his mother for advice during the birth itself and asked questions of a more intimate nature. Aemond felt ashamed that he had unceremoniously burst into his mother's room, read a personal letter from Lenerys without permission. From what he read, he also felt ashamed. Yes, he did not answer, but he didn't know what to write. He wanted to be honest, to pour out his soul, to complain about the duplicitous maids, to express his thoughts and concerns, but he did not want to appear weak, neither in her eyes nor in anyone else's eyes. He decided to bravely endure all this, yes it's a shame, yes it's unpleasant, but he's a dragon, and the opinion of the dragon sheep should not be of interest. But the letter was never written, and the more he thought, delayed, the more difficult it was just to take a pen in his hand. The boy put the letter back in its place, as it had been lying before his arrival. He decided not to wait for his mother, he would rather spend his time much more productively.
Well, judging by what Aemond has read, he may not even dream of meeting his dear aunt in the next year, she will probably be under the close supervision of the maesters, which is even good, because his mother sent the best healers to her and they will definitely be able to save her life. The one-eyed Prince had heard about how often women died during or after childbirth and it was terrifying. The young man knew that his father's first wife Aymma Arryn died on the delivery table, and her son died after living less than a day, and he also knew that Princess Alyssa, Lenerys' mother, went to another world after the birth of her only daughter. "Princess, forgive me for asking such a question, but why don't you have children with Lord Arryn? I'd like more brothers and sisters," Aemond spat. He did not want anyone.
No matter how deep the resentment was in his soul, Aemond still wrote a letter to his aunt. Love and affection for her were much stronger than resentment and sadness. He tried to choose his words correctly, the prince wanted to demonstrate how beautifully he can now compose sentences, how clear his thought is and how beautiful his handwriting is…Before writing the final version of the letter, the young prince filled out about twenty sheets, something was missing in each, and somewhere he added too much useless drama: somewhere there was a spelling mistake, somewhere the sentence exposed him as an uneducated youth, in his opinion, and somewhere he I wrote an ugly letter and so on in every letter. All evening, the prince checked every letter he wrote, reread the text he had almost learned many times, and finally, he wrote everything correctly, the way he wanted. Aemond told his aunt that now the pain haunts him less, but the phantom sensations still haunt him, but she has nothing to worry about, he is fine. Oh, and the boy used a couple of quotes from philosophers to describe his pastime, hoping that his aunt would understand the reference to a certain figure and praise him in the next letter. He assured her that his queen mother pays him enough attention and affection and that he feels loved here, almost a lie, but he does not want to upset her, she is not up to him and his problems right now.
Ugh. It seemed unfair to the young prince: He thinks about her every single day, misses her, revels in memories, but she is busier with her vile husband and their future offspring! Unfairly... No, no, he won't think that. Of the two brothers, it is Aemond who is the most capable, it is he who can soberly assess the situation, not allowing childish stupidity to overshadow his mind.
He would not even admit it to himself, but in the reply letter, he expected a ton of praise and love! He did a great job in writing this text, his head even gave a dull pain in his eye, but he did not pay attention, continuing. Aemond would like approval, encouragement and a drop of adoration from her side. Aemond still remembers that she called him her favorite nephew, and he hopes that this was not said in an attempt to calm him down, but just such a confession on her part.
So two more months passed, the prince became much stronger and quirkier in training, his hands and feet no longer shook, but gave a pleasant pain, his battle tactics changed, he wanted to be unpredictable and dangerous, since all this herd considers him a monster, then he will become one and then they will not dare to say a word too much to tell about him.
- Wow, finally, Princess Barren got pregnant, and I thought she would remain an old maid!  - One of the maids giggled softly, grunting a little.
* I honestly do not know how it might sound in English, but in my language, "barren" in women is called "empty flower", I do not know how to convey my thought, I hope you understand!
- I could not even believe it, think of having only a firstborn at twenty-six, when Queen Alicent gave birth to Prince Aegon at fourteen! – the second complained.
It wasn't that Aemond liked to eavesdrop, but he was extremely secretive and quiet, it wasn't his fault that two lazy chickens didn't notice him. "Princess Barren?" sounds extremely insulting, the prince thought. No one dares to soil the honor of his princess with dirty name-calling.
- It seems that my aunt's personal life is none of your business? – Finally he came out of hiding, the laughing maids twitched and slowly turned to him, there was horror in their eyes. Aemond liked it.
- My prince, I'm sorry, we -
- Your business is the cleanliness of the corridors of this castle, am I right? - Aemond started to take steps towards them. Yes, he was small, but his gait looked threatening, and the prince's face was gloomy and lifeless, – Besides, you are also implicating my mother, your queen, by the way.
The women looked at each other with horror and immediately at the prince standing in front of them, the maids understood that there would be a cruel punishment for such a thing, and with the easy submission of the One-eyed monster, their fate could become even worse.
- You were accepted to this place to maintain order, and not to support dirty rumors about my aunt. The fact that she is not here does not give you any right to talk about her in this way, am I clear?
The women quickly nodded, "Get out of my sight," and they hurriedly left, bowing to him along the way. Aemond felt a pleasant warmth in his chest. The realization that he had defended the honor of Lenerys at least a little made him smile.
After lessons, he returned to his chambers, today he studied enough, now it is time to rest. Entering the room, he threw off his outer garment and went to the closet, from there he took out a small box and a lock in the form of a dragon's mouth, the key to which was always with him. It is extremely convenient that the key was small; Aemond could store it in his breast pocket without causing questions.
Unlocking the door, the prince took out a perfectly folded letter and gave him a loving look. Putting the box back, the prince went to the bed and began to reread the letter straight from the Eagle's Nest, the one, now, the most favorite, where Lenerys praises his tightened writing skill, his beautiful and neat handwriting and his system of sentences, she liked. The princess also appreciated his references, having solved them all and replied in the letter in the same way with several quotes and mentions, which he easily solved. His favorite part, where a woman wrote how strong and skillful a boy he is, that he does not give in to discouragement and goes forward, and the princess wrote that she sincerely admired him and was most importantly proud of him. A smile blossomed on his face, his soul sang, and his heart skipped a beat when reading this particular letter.
Eyrie. It has been 6 months.
- What's wrong with her?! – John Arryn shouted at the maester, - Seven gods, answer me, don't be silent!
He had never run so fast. John was in the main hall of the impregnable fortress when he heard the heart-rending screams of his wife... and her dragon. Firestorm screamed like his rider.
When he finally got to his wife's chambers, he saw that the floor, bed and linen were covered in blood and clots, he was horrified. The maester had already laid Lenerys on the bed, was talking to her, and showing her various objects, as if to a child, trying to keep her conscious. Yes, Lord Arryn was not strong in medicine, but he understood that if she fainted now, it would be the guaranteed death of the princess and his heir. He had entrusted his wife entirely to the maesters, but now John was only watching her agony, unable to help. One maester was still talking to Lenerys and putting a cloth soaked in cold water on her forehead, while she, through sobs and spontaneous sighs, after wild screams, looked at him with bleary eyes and shook her head, only occasionally saying something. But no one understood what exactly the princess wanted to convey, because her words were in Valyrian. The second maester examined her, sometimes pressing on her stomach, which made her cry out again. Such a sight made my heart ache.
- The princess has complications, premature birth, get ready for the procedure!
The other maesters and their assistants came running. Lord Arryn, who had been standing rooted to the spot before, was horrified by what they had brought with them. A lot of sharp knives, scalpels and saws designed for cutting bone were now lying on the table next to Lenerys. The man immediately jumped up to the woman and took her hand in his.
- John... Skorion massitas? (what's going on?), she took a couple more convulsive breaths, simultaneously looking around the room, - John, sir John, sīr naenie… people…skoros's va? (John, so many people, what's going on?)  Her tongue was confused, mixing Westeros and Valyrian, she was still trying to figure out what was going on, looking for answers in her husband's eyes.
- Everything will be fine, honey, please, just look at me, - John Arryn tried as much as he could to keep his wife's attention on himself, and saw that the maesters were preparing scalpels behind her.
Kings Kanding
Alicent was worried that there had been no letters from the Eagle's Nest for a long time, no news, nothing. Because of this, she even came to Viserys personally, asking if he had heard from his sister or her husband, and even the maester. When she received a negative response, her excitement only increased, as did Viserys' anxiety.
Aemond's birthday has passed, as much as a month ago, unfortunately, Lenerys could not attend the eleventh birthday party, but in a letter she apologized profusely to him and promised to bring a gift. Aemond would be lying if he said he wasn't curious. In fact, even if she had just arrived, he would already be happy without a gift. Just seeing her, talking to her was already good, but he decided to wait patiently, in the end she offered herself. No matter how the prince tried to seem like an adult, to close his feelings, to scold for the manifestations of infantile, but at the thought of the upcoming surprise, it awakened sincere childish joy in him.
He continued to improve; he had already seen progress in the mirror, in the classroom. His body was already working in a completely different way, reacting differently, as well as his mind, lively and flexible, quickly adapted to everything. The maesters praised his knowledge and celebrated extracurricular sessions, to which Alicent smiled warmly at him and looked with pride when the Queen mother looked tired and annoyed at Aegon. The prince reveled in this feeling; he felt his superiority over his older brother.
One of the many days, during a philosophy lesson, there were still a few hours left. Aemond plunged headlong into the world of lofty thoughts and incomprehensible truths, as Aegon turned a pen in his hands in a bored manner.
- Maester Gormon, princes,- the guardsman entered, shaking his head in deference, interrupting the lesson,  - King Viserys and Queen Alicent have organized a council, and are waiting for your presence right now.
Aegon overjoyed that the tedious lecture was finally over, immediately got up and almost ran to the door smiling with all thirty-two teeth, while this news caused only a new wave of anxiety for Aemond, but he also got up, saying goodbye to the maester and left for his brother.
When the brothers entered the hall for the meeting of the Small Council, they found that the whole family was gathered: Viserys was clearly angry, but also very sad, now of their arrival he hit the table and said something unintelligible when their mother stroked her husband on the back and begged him to calm down. Their grandfather, Otto Hightower, was sitting next to them, but he did not pay much attention to either the king or his daughter, or anyone at all, instead, reading some letter, Helena sat furthest from her relatives and said something, but no one could understand what exactly.
- Aegon, Aemond,- their father finally addressed them, - Please sit down. - The man rubbed his temples wearily.
They obediently sat down. Otto handed the letter back to the king, and Alicent patted her husband's shoulder for the last time as a sign of comfort and sat down.
- Bad news has come from the Eyrie,- Viserys looked at his sons. Aegon became interested, and Aemond caught his breath, - Your Aunt Lenerys... - the king paused to take a sip of water from a nearby glass. Aemond looked at him with unblinking eyes, his jaw clenched with tension, this pause started a thought process in his head, he went through dozens of options for what could have happened there, each scenario was worse than the previous one... - She had a miscarriage, premature birth, now my sister ... is in an extremely serious condition... - it was it is clear that the king is restrained, either from the flow of rage, or from bitter tears, or maybe all at once.
- W-what's wrong with her now? – Aemond realized that his voice was trembling, he cleared his throat and continued, - what do the maesters write?
Viserys looked at him wearily and longingly, - Lord Arryn and Maester Colemon write that my sister is alive, but she has lost too much blood, does not let the maesters touch either her or the child. The extraction operation was complicated and took several hours, but they coped," the king's words sounded more like consolation, "the maesters promised that they would do everything possible to save her life,- Alicent looked at her husband with alarm and anger, in her opinion, there was nothing for the boys to know such details.
Panic and fear gripped the One-eyed prince, he was torn with thoughts, he wanted to jump on Vhagar and fly to the Eagle's Nest right now, and he wanted to help his aunt as she always helped him in difficult times, do everything to see her smile again.
After a difficult birth, John Arryn and Maester Colomin helplessly watched Targaryen who tried to rock the baby, she whispered soothing words to the dead calf in Valyrian, tried to hum, but when she did not hear and did not see the reaction, she began to cry and howl, but then, as if on a click, everything began anew, as if her memory was erased. Her body was pounding, her legs were shaking, and she was ready to collapse every now and then, but by some miracle she found strength again and continued.
- Princess, please, you need rest, we need to wash you of blood, - the maester began, - Princess…
The woman glanced at him briefly, her face was tired and glistening with sweat, and her hair was tangled, stuck to her face, shoulders.
John was shocked. He had heard rumors before that in the wombs of Targaryen women, their children looked like dragons, scales on their skin, wings and tail, but Lord Arryn had always believed that these were just legends and tales for the tavern… But the body of his dead child proved otherwise. Baelon, as Lenerys called him, was twisted, his skull was dented, the skin was translucent, veins were visible, and in places it was thickened, where there were scales…
He wanted to hug his wife, to calm her down, but she just snapped, hid the child in her arms and walked away from her husband like the plague. She was breathing heavily, lifting her head from time to time. She was tired. It's about to collapse. I have no strength.
Eyrie. Two days later.
It was lucky that the ancestral castle of the Arryns is located in relative proximity to the Royal Harbor, so the family was able to quickly overcome the distance. On the way, everyone drove in silence, everyone was busy with thoughts.
Upon arrival, the first thing the family and their entourage noticed was a wriggling long lizard – Caraxes. Daemon's here. Memories of a year ago surfaced again in the second prince's head and pain unpleasantly gave into the missing eye. The dragon was sitting on one of the stones, and it seemed to Aemond that he was watching them intently.
- I am glad that you have visited us, King Viserys, the Queen, the princes and the princess, although for such a sad occasion, - Lord Arryn looked exhausted, his face was gray and lifeless, it is clear that the man lacked sleep and rest.
- I'm a king, but I'm also a brother, uncle... - We saw Caraxes, where's Daemon? We haven't seen Syrax, has Rhaenyra arrived yet? - Alicent tensed, her brows furrowed, and her jaw clenched when she heard her stepdaughter's name and tightened her grip on Aemond's hand.
- Prince Daemon is in my wife's chambers right now, and as he explained, due to the pregnancy, Princess Rhaenyra could not come. Her children stayed to support their mother. – Viserys nodded understandingly, but the others realized that probably the princess did not come, so as not to start a new conflict with the queen already in the Eyrie, - My wife…Lenerys has requested your presence, my King. – hearing John's words, Viserys stepped forward, along with Alicent, - I'm sorry, my queen, but my wife asked to see only her brother the king, I'm sorry again.
Alicent nodded understandingly and stepped back, - I'll take the children to their rooms,- the queen said and pulled the children after her. Aemond cast a worried glance at his father and Lord Arryn as they left.
The night was tense for the One-Eyed Prince, he was bursting with excitement and anxiety. He would like to escape from his room right now, but he was afraid of being ignorant to his aunt. She is going through great grief, she needs support from her loved ones, and they are driven by a selfish desire to see her, talk to her, touch her… Now she wants to see only the men closest to her – her brothers, and he fully accepts this. Someday the moment will come, and he will be one of them.
The next morning the whole family went out into the field. Aemond saw his aunt, she was pale and exhausted, it was clear that she was crying for her lost child, sobbing all the time. Her outfit was black, with flecks of dragon glass around the edges of her clothes, and a black silk cloth rested on her hands. She walked only on the arm of Lord Arryn or with the Daemon who supported her so much, the woman's legs gave way, she herself staggered, but tried to stand as straight as her strength allowed. Aemond wanted to go up to her, talk to her and comfort her, prove that he cared about her grief. "I am not your enemy, I am your family. I do not wish you any harm and I never have. I want to help you deal with your grief. You can't carry it alone," he recalled her saying. He did not want his beloved to bear her loss alone, but it seems that she did not even pay attention to the fact that her nephews also arrived. The princess did not look at them, and in general, she paid little attention to anyone except her lord husband and brothers.
When he reached the right place, Aemond saw a large wooden structure ... and on it a small bundle in the form of a calf ... this is his brother. The prince felt sorry for the baby, he died in the womb without even having time to see this world, without having time to take his first breath… On the hillock behind the structure sat FireStorm, the dragon Lenerys Targaryen, he was dark red, almost black and with piercing amber eyes, the dragon was slightly smaller than Caraxes in size and he howled, and at night before that he screamed heart-rending, the prince knew about the connection between the dragon and the rider, because he believed that the night cries of the dragon-They were the physical embodiment of Leneris' mental pain, and the prince felt helpless again.
Silence. Deafening. Everyone was looking at the Arryn family, then at the structure with a small body, waiting for action from the princess or her husband.
Saying something to John, she pulled away from him, lowering his hand and coming forward. The first few steps were hard for her, she kept her hand on her lower abdomen, as if it would save her from pain, but taking all the strength in her fist, she continued walking. All attention was now focused on the princess, when her own was on her child. Before Baelon's body was hidden from the whole world in a fabric as black as the abyss, she saw that the few hairs that were on his head turned out to be white, and his eyes, before they were glazed, were amethyst… He was like her, like his mother, as she wanted, he was born a boy, as her lord husband wanted, but the gods decided to play a cruel joke.
Noticing that the dragon rider was approaching, Firestorm became more interested, he stopped his howling and began to slowly slide off his perch.
The woman watched her dragon descend to her, and then turned her gaze back to her stillborn child. Despite all the pain that he caused her while in her womb, Lenerys still fell in love with him ... she was looking forward to his birth and dreamed of seeing her son become the lord of the Eagle's Nest, the ceremony, tons of congratulations, his beautiful wife next to him ... but fate is cruel.
A single tear rolled down her cheek, her jaw trembled and on a breath full of pain and devastation, she cried out: "Dracarys!"
Flames engulfed the structure, the tree quickly absorbed the flame and transferred it to the body of little Baelon Arryn. The woman watched her son burn, her blood burned, tears silently fell to the ground, and her soul was torn: Lenerys wanted to rush into the fire and pull out the body that had not yet burned, she heard in her head how he screamed heartbreakingly, but she continued to stand. From the cycle of pain, she was pulled away by a soothing touch to her hand, turning around she saw her nephew. Aemond got a little taller, he nodded to her, smiling slightly, his smile was restrained, polite and supportive, and there was complete confidence in his eyes. A smile, now not sad, but grateful, touched her face, and after looking at her son for the last time, she decided to return to the castle.
Lenerys could not come to dinner, and she didn't want to, she just came in to thank the family for coming in an hour of need and helping them cope with grief. Aemond caught her eye, she smiled again with gratitude and, after saying goodbye to her relatives, retired to her chambers. The prince could not even get a piece down his throat, he didn't want to eat at all, it seems, like everyone in this hall. Even the idiot Aegon did not clownish, just sat silently and picked at the food with a fork.
Eyrie. Night
Sitting by the fireplace, the woman seemed to be hypnotized by the fire, the sight of it calmed her, and the sound of the cracking wood made her distract from bad thoughts... As if the fire filled her mind with smoke, there was neither her, nor her husband, nor her duty ... nothing, just smoke.
She does not know how long she has been sitting like this. The world is silent for her, as she is for the world. But a more insistent knock on the door brought her out of the desired trance. Oh, she was ready to kill the person on the other side of the door, even if it was Daemon, she wanted to disappear into her suffering. The princess got up, crouching a little in pain: her inner thigh still hurt, but not as much as after giving birth, and her stomach still gave off a stabbing pain.
- What the h-... - Lenerys raised her eyebrows in surprise when there was no one at her eye level. Looking down, she saw only her dear nephew, - Aemond?
- Auntie, - Aemond quickly walked past her and headed to the center of the room, - sorry for the intrusion.
Lenerys looked at her nephew uncomprehendingly, - Shouldn't you be sleeping? Look at how late it is.
Aemond only smiled lightly, - I've come to support you, my princess. You yourself said, "Don't experience your pain alone," and I will not let you be satisfied with your pain alone. – the prince looked resolute and a little impudent, Lenerys no longer saw that young and insecure boy... a blooming young man stood in front of her.
- This is ... this is very nice of you, - the woman smiled, pursing her lips a little, her eyes began to shine, threatening to burst into tears again, and the wrestlers quickly clapped, trying to restrain the flow. Looking at Aemond, she couldn't help but think about her son. A typical attractive Valyrian appearance, her boy would definitely grow into a handsome and enviable young man. Noticing this, he quietly approached her and hugged her so as not to touch her stomach with his body. Hearing the sobs, Aemond began to soothingly stroke her back, sometimes lightly patting her as a sign of support.
The prince shuddered when Lenerys hugged him back, - Kirimvose Aemond... emā daor idua skoros aōha dohaeragon naejot rhēdan (Thank you, Aemond, you have no idea what your support means to me)
- Mirre syt ao, niuha dārilaros (Everything for you, my princess)
The woman recoiled from him, and he reluctantly released her. She already looked at him with a smile – Your Valyrian has become much better than the last time we met... I'm proud of you.
King's Landing.
A lot of time has passed since that very night, four years have passed. Lenerys and John Arryn did not try to have a child anymore, the mathers were afraid of another miscarriage, and probably death for the princess. Now there was even more tension in their marriage, the spouses mostly avoided each other. If John began to get out of the Eagle's Nest more and more often for hunting and multi-day outings, then his wife Lenerys began to fly to King's Landing and Dragonstone more often, which could not but please her nephews.
Aemond, a matured fifteen-year-old boy, seemed a more formidable figure than his older brother, forever disappearing into the alluring lights of the streets of King's Landing and its nightlife. The young man began to grow rapidly, blossoming incredibly quickly. The childish swelling completely disappeared, exposing the beautiful cheekbones and sharp features of his face, now noble ladies and lords paid attention not only to the bandage on his left eye, but also to his beautiful face.
The prince walked slowly and quietly, one of his traits. Today he was extremely thoughtful; passing by the maids did not pay any attention to them, more occupied, apparently, with pleasant thoughts.
He had been waiting for his aunt's return for the fourth month, and now at last she would arrive on the business of the house of Arryn, which meant that she would stay in the capital for at least a month, which undoubtedly pleased the prince. And what upset him was that her route ran through Dragonstone, through Rhaenyra and her damn bastards, and through Lucerius, the bastard who took his eye. The thought that his chosen one was spending time with them upset him, and the rumors that were whispered in the Red Castle that Jahaerys Velarion was growing up a handsome, strong young man made him worry quite a bit. No matter what image Aemond built for a long time and stubbornly, no matter how hard he trained and no matter how long he sat at his textbooks, there was still that same insecure boy inside him who had just lost an eye, who was afraid to look at his aunt and see disgust on his face. "I feel sorry for Prince Aemond, now no decent lady will look at him!", "He will only get with a whore, and then for a large fee" is an unpleasant truth. Yes, he is the rider of the biggest dragon, yes, Vhagar conquered Westeros for his family, but alas, she is unable to win a woman's heart. The thought that Lenerys did not see in him a "full-fledged" man, like everyone else in this damn castle, did not give him rest. The fear, so childish, still haunted him, and this time there was no one with whom he could share it.
The clearly audible roar of the dragon "Firestorm" brought him out of his thoughts, realizing the thought, the corners of his lips curved into a smile, and he went to the courtyard of the Red Castle.
Waiting for the carriage with Lenerys seemed to him painfully long, as it had every time before. And every time his stomach twisted with excitement, as if he was meeting her for the first time, but he kept a stony expression on his face, straight posture, hands behind his back. He was a model prince.
Therefore,, the carriage finally reached its destination and the prince, descending from the stairs, approached the carriage that had just arrived.
- Auntie, - Aemond gallantly gave her his hand, helping her down, "glad to see you again.
The woman's face lit up with a smile and she gladly gave him her hand, - It's just lunch soon, you were in time.
- Punctuality is one of my leading traits, - the relative took the young man by the arm, - and while we have time, can we take a walk?
The one-eyed prince smiled and nodded in agreement.
The walk was unhurried, their conversation was every day, mostly Lenerys asked him about his studies and successes, and Aemond, trying not to brag, talked about his first victories over Ser Criston, more giving it out as a natural fact, to which the woman asked him not to be modest.
The young man sincerely enjoyed the time spent with her, and now the tradition of walking with each other on his arm warmed his soul. A leisurely walk took them to the Godswood, a favorite place of Lenerys, few of the local inhabitants still believed in the old gods, so the godswood was not a popular place for gatherings, which means it is always calm and peaceful here. The one-eyed prince knew that. If Lenerys thought that they were going without any specifics, just walking around the Red Castle, then Aemond originally planned to take his aunt to this place, away from prying eyes and ears.
Aemond stopped, probably too abruptly, because Lenerys gave him a slightly worried look.
- Auntie, - Aemond gently lowered her hand and walked away, - now, I have something that is of great importance for you, for me, for us. – The woman looked at her nephew with interest, this mischievous twinkle in her eyes betrayed more confidence to the young man, - Please turn to me turn your back on me and close your eyes. - Lenerys was genuinely interested in what her nephew was planning to give her. Various guesses were spinning in her head, but she obediently turned her back to him, after a little pondering whether to close her eyes, but after weighing all the pros and cons, she decided to close it anyway. She heard him take something out of his pocket, after a little hesitation, the young man touched her neck, pushing her long silver hair over her shoulder, his touches were neat, perhaps a little timid, but gentle and affectionate, and finally, she felt the scalding cold metal on her pale skin. As much as she did not want to, but she was in no hurry to open her eyes and see what was there, despite all the desire, she was waiting for him to fasten the clasp of the chain.
- You can open your eyes.
Lenerys turned to him with a smile, her eyes already open.  Raising her hand and putting into it the main decoration that had previously rested on her chest, she saw the coat of arms of the Targaryen family, it felt like it was not a simple metal, and not even silver ... it seems it was gold, white gold. But something else caught her attention: usually, the eye sockets of the dragons on their coat of arms were empty, they were not bothered to detail them in any way, but not in this case. Now there were small sapphires in an empty place, inserted with jeweler's precision and accuracy. Lenerys caught her breath from such beauty, the stones themselves were beautiful, but thanks to the white gold they stood out even more, oh, she was so pleasantly surprised.
- Oh, Aemond,- she finally looked at him with a big smile, - this is amazing! -  She reached out to hug her nephew, and he happily opened his arms in front of her.
Aemond thought for a long time about what he wanted to give. Flowers, cakes seemed to him already something childish, something that is not worthy of attention and that does not express the seriousness of his feelings in any way. Months of reflection yielded nothing, his head was empty, he even read several romance novels in search of inspiration for an undoubtedly "special" gift. Then one day, unexpectedly, the idea came by itself when he was at a training match with Ser Kristan "Do you hate being Lady Arryn?" Bingo. Yes, he missed the blow, yes it hurt and angered him, but a brilliant idea came to his bright head.
He made an order from a Royal Jeweler, but threatening to cut off his tongue, politely asked not to tell anyone what he would be working on and also keep his activities under the strictest secrecy, no matter who was interested. Well, the jeweler didn't have many options. However, the metal... he didn't want ordinary gold, and he didn't want silver. The prince wanted something special in his own way, and he found it. The white gold that was offered to him was amazing, but it cost a lot, but he will give it to no one. Having learned that this metal is extremely resistant to scratches, which means that the chosen one will be able to wear it for many years… And sapphires... few people knew what the prince had under the armband now, even Leneris, his dearest aunt, was not honored to see this. Only Alicent, Otto, Helena, and Aegon knew about the beautiful sapphire instead of the lost eye socket. The elder brother had not bullied Aemond for a long time, at least in an open form, all the incompetent prince could afford was hints and jokes, nothing more. He didn't want to become the second one-eyed prince, right? The choice of the stone was made as soon as the image of the decoration was lined up in his head. The sapphire in his eye, the sapphire on her beautiful slender neck made his heart threaten to jump out of his chest and feel a pleasant electric tingling at his fingertips. Such a connection seemed close, intimate and intimate to the young prince.
- This is a wonderful gift, Aemond, - the woman smiled, she looked lovingly at the elaborate decoration, but now her smile faded, which greatly strained the prince, his only eye was now looking at her with tension and question, - but now I belong to the house of Arryn. - Her jaw tightened for a second, and she looked at the most beautiful piece of jewelry again.
- Anyway, - Taking a deep breath, the prince began, - you are still part of our great house. – now he had already approached her, and taking the necklace on his hand and looking at it, they were so close to each other, the prince's confidence tried to leave him, but he skillfully held it, - and always will.
Aemond said this with the greatest confidence. Now he would like to offer her what he had dreamed of since childhood. The Prince often thought about it. If she married him, she would no longer have to feel disgust from her husband's last name, she would no longer have to be constantly on the road so as not to share a bed with a scoundrel... she would not have to worry about anything at all, she would be happy with him, really. But John Arryn was in the way. Despite the loss of one eye, Aemond was not blind: Lenerys practically runs away from her husband, and instead of loving and caring for her, he spends his time hunting and with dirty whores. This arrangement, despite all his anger, was good for Aemond, his princess was often with him now, and at these moments, his heart fluttered.
Nevertheless, along with the usual love, adoration and even more familiar longing, new, physical feelings have now been added. His body was changing, he stretched out, his voice broke, burying a cowardly boy in him, and now, his thoughts and fantasies caused not only a thrill in his heart, but also made his lower abdomen burn. Now there was desire over his body. The desire for something more. Fantasies of chaste kisses and tender, trembling touches became few, his mind did not listen to him, drawing closer moments. Aemond always considered Lenerys beautiful, looking young for all age, but he never focused on her figure, it turns out to be so attractive, and driven by hormones, he longed to see more than his aunt showed. The curves of her neck, the collarbones looked attractive, now he would like to touch them, her neck. Now he craved not only her love, warm words, but all of her. Physically, spiritually, whatever else.
I hope you enjoy this chapter and finally our boy has started to grow up!
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oldshowbiz · 8 months
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Audition for Hermes Pan at 8115 W. 3rd Street
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ao3feed-ncishawaii · 3 months
i do you do we do
by gilligankane Kate pauses, the coffee pot titled over her to-go mug as the freshly-brewed dark roast starts to fill it. “Another undercover assignment? For both of us?” Lucy carefully takes the pot from Kate, leveling it off before all 8 ounces end up on the counter. “Cool, right? A joint undercover operation. Thelma and Lousie, teaming up to take on the bad guys.” Words: 8115, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: NCIS: Hawai'i Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Lucy Tara, Kate Whistler Relationships: Lucy Tara/Kate Whistler via https://ift.tt/kAqpyd1
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Illinois Termianal #2304 by Jim Strain Via Flickr: ITC SD39 2304 @ Peoria, Il. Also C&IM RS 1325 31, N&W GP30 523 & ICG GP10 8115. Not aware of a reason for the locomotive line up. September 1, 1972 J. Popson photographer.
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normalbirb · 1 year
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fizzycereal · 9 months
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theemporium · 9 months
Got some more for ya!!
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 2 years
Keine Aufklärung der NSU Morde zu erwarten
Dokumente bis zu 120 Jahre unter Verschluss
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"Die unverhältnismäßig langen Sperrfristen von 30, 50, 90 und 120 Jahren sind ein zutiefst fragwürdiges und undemokratisches Instrument, durch das eine Kontrolle der Geheimdienste in der Öffentlichkeit nahezu unmöglich gemacht wird."
So heißt es in einer von über 135.000 Bürgern unterschriebenen Petition für die Freigabe der Akten zu den NSU-Morden. Mehr Menschen als diese 135.000 sind der Meinung, dass mehr Aufklärung zu den Hintergründen und noch unbekannten Mittätern möglich wäre, würde man eine vollständige Aufklärung wirklich wollen.
Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier, (CDU) hatte 2006 als Innenminister durch eine Sperrerklärung verhindert, dass die V-Leute eines Verfassungsschutzbeamten, der zur Tatzeit am Tatort des Mordes an Halit Yozgat in Kassel gewesen war, polizeilich vernommen werden konnten. Auch die anschließende Sperrverfügung für die Akten "über Generationen" lässt klar erkennen, dass dort entweder einiges schief gelaufen ist oder nicht mehr aufgeklärt werden soll.
Um den offenen Fragen der Grünen und Linken Mitglieder im Untersuchungsausschuss wenigstens ansatzweise nachzukommen, soll nun der frühere hessische Justizstaatssekretär Rudolf Kriszeleit (FDP) die Akten als Sachverständiger sichten. Die "Sensationsnachricht" ist bei einem solchen Vorgehen nicht zu erwarten, aber es hat wieder einmal gezeigt, dass nur der Druck aus der Öffentlichkeit - hier in Form von 135.000 Unterschriften - die Politiker zu einem kleinen Entgegenkommen bewegt hat.
Wir brauchen viel mehr Druck!
Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Gesperrte-Akten-mit-NSU-Bezug-ein-Sachverstaendiger-fuer-alle-Faelle-6333860.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3pb Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8115-20220817-keine-aufklaerung-der-nsu-morde-zu-erwarten.htm
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original url http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/8115/ last modified 2008-01-28 03:40:57
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femboykayla · 2 years
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