#87' TMNT
taffycandyqt · 5 months
Hi I was wondering if you could do tmnt 1987 Donnie x a fem trad goth reader and he’s just enamored with her and his brothers are just confused asf as to why a “vampire” is dating their brother
OMG YES! there is a severe lack of 87' content in the TMNT fanbase and it makes me sad. Not to mention I dress goth occasionally so this request got me really excited!
Who in the Halloween is That?!
87' Donatello x fem trad goth reader
Fluff, crack
Donnie Brings his goth girlfriend to finally meet his family. His brothers are happy for him but Donnie is a little to enamored with his girl to realize that they're also a little concerned.
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Donatello and you have been dating for a little more than three months. He had been out on a mission to find a missing part for his next invention when you instantly caught his eye with your unique style. You were an employee where he was looking and he was fascinated by your choice in clothing, it was so different than anything he had seen before. So he approached you. And with the confidence of a shy fangirl meeting her celebrity crush, asked you if you knew where he could find what he was looking for.
You, of course, helped him find it but right before you went on your way, he complemented your outfit and asked you out. Then the rest is history. There were a couple of things to smooth out as with all relationships, but you guys were a match made in heaven.
Now, you both were at a place in your relationship where Donatello felt like it was finally time to introduce you to his family. He actually introduced you to April first, to ease you into it. She was surprised to say the least but really happy for you guys. Honestly, she was proud of him.
Nows not the time to reminisce however. Not while your sitting at a table with Donatello's family staring at you like your the mutant.
"Umm, Donatello, who's this again?" Raphael said gesturing to you.
"I'll introduce you all in a minute, I want everyone to be here so let's wait for Master Splinter." Donatello replied as he was setting the table.
Leonardo sat down next to Raphael as Michelangelo brought out the pizza and sat it in front of the others. Michelangelo side eyed you curiously but looked back fast once you noticed.
Safe to say, it was a little awkward.
When Master Splinter entered the room he greeted you and then sat down and situated his sushi. Once everyone was seated the began to eat. Donatello quickly snatched you a slice before it all went missing. You smiled at him as a quite 'thank you' and he smiled back.
"So, gonna introduce us to your new bud Donatello?" Michelangelo flopped his pizza around to gesture before punctuating his sentence with a large bite.
"Yes!" He answered, almost like he forgot, "Everyone, this is Y/N L/N, my girlfriend."
Everyone except Splinter choked on their food at the sudden news.
"G- girlfriend?" Leonardo coughed out.
"Since when did you have a girlfriend Donatello?" Raphael questioned.
"Well we've been together for a couple of months and-"
"Months?! And you never told us?!" Michelangelo interrupted.
"Well I'm telling you now aren't I?" Donatello crossed his arms.
"Now my students, relationships are a complicated thing. They take time and Donatello and y/n have decided to tell us when they felt the time was right." Splinter explained, "It is good to meet you. I am glad my son was able to find someone that brings him happiness."
"Thank you. I'm glad I get to finally meet all of you." You said.
After that the dinner became much more comfortable and you enjoyed the conversations you were able to strike up with Donatello's family.
After dinner, Donatello wanted to give you a tour around the lair and show you some of the inventions in his lab. Master Splinter decided to leave them be and meditate in his room while the rest of the brothers congregated in the living room per Michelangelo's request.
"Okay dudes, I know how this is gonna sound, but I need you to listen to me here."
"Just get on with it Michelangelo." Raphael responded, already wishing he could watch his comedy skits on the television.
"Donatello's girlfriend is a... VAMPIRE!" Michelangelo emphasized by raising his arms.
"A vampire. Really."
"I'm serious dudes!"
"Michelangelo, I get that y/n might dress a little differently but that's no reason to assume that shes a vampire."
"It's true! Let me show you!"
Michelangelo began to pull out their movies and display the covers of each.
"Observe, exhibit A. 'The Vampire Girlfriend', the vampire dates her prey to not only to eat him but to get access to more meals through his family!"
"Oh, oh no Michelangelo! I think your right! Not!"
"Come on Michelangelo a movie?"
"Wait theres more! Exhibit B. 'The Vampire Alien Next Door', the vampire comes off as a friendly person to gain their neighbors trust before they suck their blood!"
"Again, Michelangelo, it's just a movie!"
"Do any of these 'vampires' even dress like y/n?"
"Pay attention mi amigos! Exhibit C. "Attack of the Goth Vampire Clan'."
Leonardo and Raphael studied the cover before looking at one another.
"Whelp, I'm convinced." replied Raphael.
"Yup, that's pretty solid evidence." Leonardo agreed.
"So dudes, now that we all see the truth, the question is, how do you expose her?" Michelangelo asked.
"Well we can't just let her stay with Donatello." Leonardo answered, "We will need separate them."
"Okay, how are we gonna do that fearless leader?"
"I'm thinking," Leonardo responded, "I got it! Michelangelo, break the oven!"
"What?! No way dude, how are we gonna make pizza!"
"Don't destroy it, just, ya know, break it a little so Donatello has to come in and fix it. That way we can distract him long enough to test y/n."
"Okay, sure sure." Raphael nodded along, "but now my question is, how do we test y/n?"
"Oh don't you worry brother of mine, I have a great idea." Michelangelo smiled.
"I don't know Donatello, I think one of your brothers was glaring at me during dinner." You weren't sure what to think, they all seemed to like you just fine except the one. It made you nervous to think one of his brothers didn't like you.
"Oh that's ridiculous, my family loves you! And I mean, how could they not? Your amazing!" Donatello saw nothing but smiles and good food. To him it felt like you belonged there. How could one of his brothers not see that?
"I guess." You sighed, you love Donatello but he tends to wear rose colored glasses when it comes to you. It's caused a few minor spats in the past, but nothing that wasn't easily fixable. Overall, though, it was pretty good for your selfesteem. You've never felt more like a catch in your entire life.
"Hey, don't worry okay? If one of them really doesn't like you I'm sure it just because they haven gotten to know you yet! They'll see how wonderful you are with time. So don't stress okay?"
You couldn't help but smile at your sweet boyfriend. Gosh, you loved him so much.
"Yeah, your probably right."
"I usually am. Now that that's been settled, let me show you the Turtle Van! It's my prized invention and I've wanted to show it to you for forever!"
And with that you were lead along and shown every beep and gizmo that the Turtle Van had to offer. Your boyfriend's creativity and ingenuity never ceased to amaze you.
"And if you just put your hand here-" Donatello moved you hand to a small scanner, "there! Now your hand print has been entered into the vans main frame. You should have access to all it's central controls." As he turned back to you it donned on him just how close the two of you were. Donatello blushed as he gave you some space.
"A- anyways I, uh."
"Donatello! Duuude! I need some of your brains amigo!" called Michelangelo from another room.
You and Donnie left the van to stand at the door way of his lab.
"Does it haft to be me?" Donatello yelled down the hall. This was the first time you had been in the lair. Can't he relish on you presence in peace?
"Afraid so compadre! Your the only one who can fix the busted oven!"
"Oh for the love of-" Donatello rolled his eyes, "looks like Michaelangelo broke something again. It may not be the most interesting thing in the world but we can still talk while I fix the oven if you want."
"Sounds good to me!" You reply. In all honesty you enjoyed watching him work. It was something that made him happy, and how could you to be upset with a happy turtle.
As you entered the kitchen you sat at the table while Donnie inspected the damage.
"Is it bad?"
"No, it shouldn't take me too long to fix this."
"That's a RELIEF." Michelangelo responded putting extra emphasis on 'relief'.
Donatello got to work while you asked him to tell you what happened. He loved explaining the technical stuff to you.
"I said. THAT'S A RELIEF!"
Donatello paused, "Yes Michelangelo, we heard you the first time."
"Oh, ummm. Y-yeah dude. Sorry." Michelangelo then turned to the doorway of the kitchen and gave Raphael and Leonardo a look.
"What does that bozo expect us to do?" Raphael whispered, "She wasn't supposed to follow him!"
"We'll just have to carry on with the plan anyways." Leonardo shrugged.
Raphael sighed but continued anyways.
"Look at this neat new necklace I found Leonardo!" He faked as he walked into the room.
"WOAW Raphael! That's amazing, what's it made of?"
"Oh you know, just garlic woops!" as Raphael pretended to slip he made sure to throw the garlic so it landed on you.
"Oh my goodness!" All three of them turned to look at you, "Are you okay? Your not hurt are you?"
You stood up and pulled the garlic off as you hurried to Raphael's side.
"What's going on?" Donatello stood up and surveyed the situation in the kitchen, "is everyone okay?"
"Uhhhh, yeah yeah. How are you y/n, sorry that garlic got you, hehe." Raphael rubbed the back of his neck and tried not to act suspicious.
"It's fine, it's just garlic. Your the one who slipped flat on your face."
"I'm okay, don't worry about it." Raphael waved you off.
"Why did you have a thing of garlic in the first place Raphael?" Donatello asked.
"Oh, uh... I... just... found, it."
"Oh. Would you like help washing them then?" You offered.
"Uhhhhh, s- sure."
"Okay!" Your turned and went back to where you had let the garlic fall. Donatello gave his brothers a weird look but continued on with the oven.
"There has to be another way!" Michelangelo exclaimed.
"She touched the garlic Michelangelo, what Vampire can touch garlic?!"
"Maybe that's something the movies just added to give them another weakness." He responded, not willing to except that you weren't a vampire.
"Michelangelo, I think its time to give this a rest. Y/n being a vampire is a little ridiculous." Leonardo placed his hand on Michelangelo's shoulder.
"No dudes! I can prove it, this time for sure!"
"Here we go." Raphael rolled his eyes.
It didn't take long for Donatello to fix the oven. After he did he led you back to his lab so you both could spend some time together.
"I also wanted to give you this!" Donatello handed you a hand held device designed like a turtle shell.
"Thank you! ... What is it?"
"It's a Turtle Comm! Each of us have it and all our friends too, now you have one! I didn't want to give it to you before because it contacts through an interconnected line. I didn't want anyone thinking you stole one of our Turtle Comms. But now you can contact me directly at the click of a button if you need anything."
"Wow! Thank you Donatello, it's amazing!"
"Oh it's nothing I-" you cut him off with a kiss on the cheek.
"I-I-I, um, oh, well, I-"
"Oh Donatello. You got a minute?" Raphael asked as he knocked on the labs entrance.
Both you and Donatello jumped a little bit but you weren't to startled. You put your hands in front of you as you looked anywhere but Raphael, you hoped that he didn't see you do that.
Donatello on the other hand sighed and turned to his brother, not to pleased with the constant interruptions.
"Does it have to be right now?" he asked.
"Hey listen. I'm just checking to see if this is y/n's." As he said this Raphael shoved a cross necklace in your face. Why he had to do the brunt of the work for these plans, he had no idea. He just wanted to get it done quickly.
Donatello separated Raphael from you, as he was in your personal space, and turned to you.
"Is it yours y/n?" He asked.
"No I don't think so."
"Great, so Raphael, you can-"
"Well in that case y/n, you can have it." Raphael said as he tossed it to you, "It doesn't belong to any of us and finding the original owner in New York of all places is out of the question."
"Oh. Thank you, I guess?" You had caught the cross and looked at it. It want anything special, just a regular silver cross on a cheap necklace chain.
"Well I'll leave you two be." and with that he winked at Donatello and left the lab.
"There Michelangelo, she held the cross with both hands and nothing."
"She's still a vampire dudes I'm sure of it!"
"You get one more test to convince us Michelangelo. Then Raphael and I are done and you put this whole vampire thing behind you and be happy for Donatello."
"And if she is a vampire?"
"Let em' date." answered Raphael.
"Unless she wants to suck his blood, right?" Leonardo questioned.
"My turtles, what are you doing?"
"Michelangelo over here thinks that Donatello's new girlfriend is a vampire and has had Leonardo and I running around with him trying to prove it."
"I see. And what is your basis for this assumption Michelangelo?"
"It's because- OH! Master Splinter do you mind if we borrow your long mirror? It's the only one in the lair that can we move and everybody knows that vampires don't have reflections!"
"Hm." He thought for a moment, "Yes. But if you would wait my students. I have some business to attend to before I can lend it to you."
"But sensei! Time is of the essence!"
"And patience is a virtue."
"Okay my sons, here is the mirror." Splinter hands Michelangelo his long mirror. He had informed them before that he would like stay to make sure they don't break it. So that's what led Splinter, Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo hiding in the living room waiting to jump y/n.
"Donatello! Can you come here for a minute? I need a sparring partner to practice my katas but Raphael and Michelangelo are busy!"
"Sorry Leonardo, but I'm busy too!" He called back.
"Please Donatello! It's only one move, it shouldn't take too long!"
It was quite for a little bit and that's when they heard foot steps.
"-but what are katas?" They heard you ask.
"Oh it's a typ-"
"AHA!" Michelangelo said as he jumped out of his hiding spot to put the mirror in front of y/n. As he looked at the mirror there was very clearly no reflection.
"Wait what?!" Raphael said as he and Leonardo ran to take a look at the mirror.
"It seems your intuition was correct my son." Splinter told him.
"Yes, it seems it was." You said menacingly, "And now that you know, I hope your aware that I can't leave you alive."
"Wh-what are you saying y/n?!" Donatello exclaimed.
"It's been fun Donatello, but a girls gotta eat." You lunged at him and his brothers were all to slow to stop you before you reached him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and started...
Both you and Donatello were laughing.
"Umm, dude, most people scream when they're being attacked by a vampire." Michelangelo said, stunned and very confused.
"Uhh, Michelangelo, look in the mirror." Leonardo instructed.
"Dude nows not the time for-" as he turned around to face Leonardo he saw that he didn't have a reflection either.
"Is Michelangelo a vampire too?!" Asked Raphael still freaked from the whole ordeal.
"No my students. When you told me about your belief in y/n being a vampire, I took the mirror you wanted to use to Donatello. I informed them of the situation and what you planned on doing."
"We decided to have a little fun since you've all been pulling our legs all day. I switched the mirror out of the frame with a screen. I uploaded a scan of the entire lair and programed it to simulate a reflection of the spaces based on its positioning. However because it is a screen projecting a pre-performed scan, instead of reflecting light, no one standing in front of it would have a reflection." Donatello explained.
"Then all we had to do was implement a bit of expert acting and you were fully convinced!" You finished.
The three of them stood there stunned.
"S-so you really aren't a vampire?" Michelangelo asked.
You held up a compact mirror to your face and angled it towards Michelangelo so he could see your reflection.
"No, I'm really not." You smiled.
"My students, let this be a lesson to you on judging someone based on appearances. In some cases it is necessary for your safety. However, for most situations, especially one like this, it is important to give someone the chance to demonstrate the content of their character before jumping to conclusions on who or what they are."
"You're right sensei. Y/n, I'm sorry, I guess I just got too caught up in my movies."
"We're sorry too." Raphael started.
"We didn't believe you were a vampire as much as Michelangelo did but we still contributed to his antics." Leonardo finished.
"Aww, that okay guys. You aren't the first people to think I'm a vampire though, so don't worry about it." You told them, "Though usually the people who think so are around the age of five."
"Well that makes sense, Michelangelo stopped maturing after age five!" Raphael snarked.
"Hey! I am very mature!"
"Now Michelangelo, you shouldn't repeat everything you hear on TV!"
Michelangelo began to chase Raphael.
"OH BOY, television really is making today's youth more violent!"
As the kept running around Leonardo turned back to you.
"I do hope that this first impression doesn't scare you off. We're glad your here and want you to know that your always welcome in our home."
"Oh don't worry about it, it's totally fine. But thank you." You smiled at him then turned to Donatello and grabbed his hand, "I should probably go home now though, I told my parents I was at a friend's house and it's getting close to when they want me home. Can't have them calling her house, afterall you have yet to meet my family."
"Oh boy." Donatello nervously chuckled in response. That would definitely be an adventure for another day.
------------------------------------------------------------ This took me so long but I really like it! The dialogue might be a bit fast paced but it think it's still fun. One good thing about writing for 87' is that a lot of the humor in the series is derived from ridiculous situations and things that don't make sense. So it was pretty easy to come up with situations for this one because it didn't need to make logical sense🤣🤣
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sodaspons · 8 months
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found em all
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3rdsday · 10 months
I want a TMNT iteration crossover but with the turtles being the ages they would currently be in 2023. So you have the 51 year old 1987 turtles, 35 year old 2003 turtles, 26 year old 2012 turtles, 18-20 year old Rise turtles, and 15 year old MM turtles. Put them in a room together.
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thatonemacaronikid · 9 months
Found this on Pinterest and had a vision
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bulbabutt · 1 year
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whats more terrifying? the idea that in this universe you're the leader, that you have no sense of humour, or the fact that raphael is funnier than you?
i like to call this one "leonardo meets his match"
part 1| part 2 | part 3 | more of this crossover
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bontwisty · 3 months
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Brushing off the dust of my crossover of all the tmnt iterations bc I adore them all dearly 🫶🫶
Who is your fav of each iteration? ❤️🧡💙💜
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annomalysstuff · 17 days
I made a compilation of references for the main tmnt characters from every iteration and I thought it would be helpful, so I’m posting it here :]👍
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I brightened the saturation in some so it’s more readable
Also, this is so cute, I’m keeping this
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Edit: I forgot about bay Donnie, updated version
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duckdodger · 4 months
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twistmygrinder · 7 months
trust me, context doesn’t help much
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el-pada · 6 months
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study/redraw of a photo posted by mark_caso on ig
(og under cut)
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blueskiesofsaturn · 5 months
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Hello I've come back. There are no comics (sorry) but instead I come to ask for information about turtle fandom. Please fill out ->✨ this ✨ <- questionnaire if you'd like to contribute. It started as a fun joke, but now me and some friends are actually curious if there's trends relating to what turtle you most relate to and who you are as a person, coupled with a few questions that might give us an interesting look at the wider fandom in general. Will this actually prove anything beyond the fact we're all mentally ill? Probably not. But we will make pretty graphs out of it that you all can look at.
Also, please share this with as many people as you can, rb's are SUPER appreciated. Remember! Larger sample size means better data! And thank you to everyone who takes the time to participate.
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tmntaucompetition · 5 months
Didya hear about the rumors from last year? About the competition that dappled in the event of sports? Of course you (probably) have! It’s back again this year in a whole new font! (…not really.)
Same rules as last year, any iteration of TMNT! 03, 87, 2012, ANY! CROSSOVERS INCLUDED!
One new rule has been added: somerandomdudes Cass’ Apocalypse Series will not be included within the bracket in honor of its win and sweep over the board last year!
Submissions are open and will be open for a week or two at most! Submit YOUR blorbos today to see them win the ultimate honor!
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erin-epica · 9 months
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My TMNT shitposting era has begun.
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super-un-stable · 6 months
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Lost is translation
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“So what’s the worst thing you guys have ever done?”
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I swear this will be the last comic about the arson bros I swear -
I have messily completed the comic that I have been slowly doing, which is literally dedicated to Mikey being a chaotic neutral.
I just hc that 87 Mikey has never done a crime in his life unlike his counterparts, poor guy.
Leos will be next, along with a serious comic about the pressures of a Donatello, stay tuned! Like I mentioned I’m broke and using free software on a 7 year old iPad, so sorry for the low quality.
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bulbabutt · 9 months
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87 donnie might have some issues since the last time he showed his van to inter-dimensional brothers they didnt exactly appreciate it
someone once pointed out that most donnies issues are that they need to be told they did a good job, who better to hear it from than yourself?
previous part | all comics in this series (chrono)
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