#8hr reblog
hundredsofsmallbirds · 6 months
hello, fellow long hair havers
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meirimerens · 2 years
do you have scent hcs for any pathologic skrunklies? i feel like you’re the type of person who might (/pos)
if you mean scent hcs as in how they smell like perfume-wise fragrance-wise... as opposed to how they experience the sense of smell. well. "i feel like you’re the type of person who might (/pos)" objectively one of the funniest things i've read and also I JUST MIGHT LOL! come here
i don't know if you mean "skrunlies" as in exclusively the little ones, as in the adults i consider skrunklies, or if you use it as an umbrella term but i'm going to give you the scent hcs i do have which includes for characters i would beat the asses of before calling them skrunklies. ok (pulls you by the leg in a beautiful world of scents and smells)
if that's not what you mean i'm gonna feel. well i won't feel bad actually lol #yolo i love to think about it; it helps me write later
most characters i feel have "general" scents and "localized" scents, meaning they cling to specific parts of them: think, leather smell on gloves and boots, clay on hands… i'm going to try to give both general and localized scents when it makes sense.
Dankovsky: he's followed by the scent of his bergamot soap (written about this in OTHTWHYH… teehee), which is a a low, kinda warm citrusy smell, uneventful and relatively subdued. he also wears a relatively cheap cologne which is, too, kinda "warmer" in scent, i think with bergamot and orange. he uses very little because he's trying to have the bottle last as long as possible lol. from his hands and the general thorax area, he also at first smells of formaldehyde (used to keep anatomical pieces and curiosities) and formalin (used as preservative in medical labs). those are strong, astringent, pungent smells usually, but on him they're very subdued because. well he washes his damn hands. it's like… the ghost of formalin clings to him, it's very very light. his hands also smell in the same tiny amount of alcohol from his disinfecting handwash. the longer he stays in the town, the less these localized scents are present, and he picks up the smells of rugs, of wallpapers, of dirt and clay.
Burakh: his body is like cleaved in half by scents, with the upper body smelling herbs and lower body smelling of leather (from his boots) and clay. clay is a subdued but kinda sprawling smell, it climbs up to mid-thighs. it's dull (as in like… low-vibration… like a buzzing drone sound… do you see what i'm seeing) but relatively potent, and is piled up on itself the more he wanders out. the herbs scent starts from his hands and sprawls upwards towards his neck and down near his guts. since it's multiple, mixed herbs, the scent is powerful and a bit confusing. some strains are very… "high-pitched", stringent, very sharp, close to a very spicy peppermint, and other are duller, closer to rosemary or sage for example, or wild, august-hot thyme with the sun crushing the smell into this low, spreading, warm scent.
Clara: i think her hands smell of metal and rust first. she has a bunch of things about hooks, and twisting hooks, so i think her hands smell of that (the metal/rust smell can also be confused for fresh blood). i think her hair smells nice, of herbs: the warmer types, the rosemary-like the sage-like. her coat smells of. you know when you walk into a secondhand/thrift shop and the smell of Clothes But Old follows you? this is her.
Yulia: i think yulia wears cologne, in fact i think she wears THE cologne, which is Kölsnisch Wasser FROM the city of Cologne/Köln. a hit in the 18th and 19th centuries. it's a… high-pitched, clear and fresh cologne with a strong citrusy presence of orange, lemon and bergamot, with a distinct lavender and rosemary backdrop and latent neroli and petitgrain (both bitter orange blossoms oils) subdued smell. however, she smokes a lot (p2 lore of her being a nervous smoker) so she… mostly smells of tobacco. if you yourself smoke you might not be aware of the smell since you're used to it. on her i imagine it's not the throat-grabbing smell of fresh smoke but more the.. dull, buzzing, latent sourness of smoking, through which pierces her cologne like snowpiercers in early spring.
Eva: she smells warm to me. i think she smells of sbiten (here the hot drink made with honey & spices such as cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves/rosemary, cinnamon, coriander). maybe even sbiten with blueberry jam (same recipe but you 50/50 honey and jam) (this is not a recipe ask but i'm telling you anyways). she also smokes and drinks so think the smell of smoke does follow her kinda like it does yulia, but even more subdued from the smell of spices, and the aniseed, kinda bitter and sharp hint of twyrine lingers around.
Peter: twyrine twyrine twyrine… twyrine, so that sharp/bitter/pungent/aggressive aniseed smell that comes from distillation. sometimes, depending on the bottle, the twyre scents of rosemary-like or sage-like pull through, but it is rarer. he also smells of ground ink (put your nose over a black ink bottle now… or imagine what the very bottom of its smells like, with ink chunks that haven't been incorporated into the liquid… that), linen from his canvas, the... strong/bitter/pungent/clinging odor of oil paints and the pungent/sharp/chemical piney smell of turpentine to clean his brushes and thin paints.
Andrey: twyrine too, but less. smoke clings to him from the smokin/opium/haschish den of the broken heart, and i don't smoke and don't do hasch but i know it has a specific smell so i think that follows andrey around too. but mostly, kinda cloaking these smoke smells, i think he smells of metal from playing with his knife blade. the sweat of his hands traps the smell of the metal blade into his skin.
Rubin: pungent low droning leather smell (for P1), herbs and soil. the scent of herbs does not cling to him the way it does burakh, but it is still present. there's an underlying rusty scent too, from being in the Warehouses but also from blood, which is cloaked by the leather smell. for P2, same but no leather, instead the smell of heavy, old garments.
Lara: mint soap to me. a subdued, uneventful, covering but relatively thin layer of mint soap, mixed with milk and honey. it's this… wrapping, cushiony scent, but it's so low that you feell like reaching for that cushionness and find nothing but her and her thin arms and her heavy grief.
Anna: i think she smells sugary sweet. like a very high, tart peppermint smell. it smells not articifical as in manufactured, but artificial as in She Does This On Purpose, like she's trying to drown out other scents.
Maria: she smells purple (and why she ourple... etc). i'll try to explain it because like mentally i'm stepping into her room and it's all red blues purples in that low pink light and it smells Purple. it's a low, droning but powerful smell. it's very floral, close to violets, but more than that it's also sweet, like hard violet candies. it kinda… hovers right above the ground here she is like a very low fog. abive her waist, she smells very clean, very cold; a short of… ghostlike, winter-morning-scent cold which meshes with the sweet, sugary violet.
Katerina: very dark wood and its veneer, heavy velvet, and a same hint-of-floral-and-sweet of violet candy, but it's evasive, elusive, it seems to avoid her in the way it avoids your nose.
Grace: she's followed by the smell of twyrine of her deceased parents, it's this… high-pitched peak that's completely drowned by the passage of time. it's more potent when she moves around because it seems to be living in her hair, so when she shakes her head it is aired out. she also smells of rain-soil, you know how the dirt smells after a short rainshower… that.
Murky: murky :) she smells of the old, creaky wood of her little wagon and of soil; it's not really the same wet soil scent as Grace, more of a… high-august dry soil smell, with the warmth of it. at night, the scent also grows cold like the earth would.
all i can think of now mostly bc those are the characters i think the most about but you know. if you want me to diagnose a character i haven't mentioned with Smell. send away
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vanilluver · 2 years
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decides to draw a frame or two from this new song by hisaki linked under the cut it’s v good
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woundthatswallows · 1 year
in high school we did a class trip to yosemite and like 5 kids got sick and went home early the first two days and then i got sick but was just going to rough it out until everyone had to leave the morning of the third day because of flash flooding 🖤 and also one of the teachers drove there on his motorcycle
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evildeerboy · 1 year
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emo revival
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treatbuckywkisses · 1 year
if you're going to like my shit and not reblog it please don't even fucking bother liking it honestly i would rather no interaction. fuck off if you don't know how to use tumblr. i popped my pussy making that moodboard and i will not let a social media platform make me feel bad about my talents because you are incompetent <3
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whitefangz · 2 years
praying to god my degree is worth something after i graduate and i can get a non retail job because jesus christ i do this 2 days a week and i cannot fathom how people do it 5 days a week 😭
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vimbry · 2 years
the bad thing about reading jokes online is the constructive critique that comes after. and I don’t mean rightfully criticising ones built on prejudice, I mean the stuff that is entirely inoffensive but people feel the need to workshop instead of just share for some reason.
🐸 gaymuppet Follow 3d ago
why did the chicken cross the road? to get to the other side lol
🧶 all-the-good-names-are-taken 🔁  gaymuppet 3d ago I don't think chickens do that OP? Reblog View post ____________________________________________
🐣 chickenrun2000torrentexe 🔁  gaymuppet 3d ago poultry expert here. sorry but I really need to say chickens don’t understand the concept of roads, so they would never do this. but I chuckled nonetheless. Reblog View post ____________________________________________
🛡 wholenewsentenceguy 3d ago uh not that funny op chickens get hit by cars all the time
☢️ bwomp 3d ago chickens don’t “cross” roads dumbass lmao they just happen to walk on them
👨‍🦲 jackcrawley626 8hr ago Hi I'm jack Crawley
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chaotic-tired-fox · 4 months
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“I love you,” he repeats. He doesn’t know why he loves her still, after everything she’s done to him. Shouldn’t he hate her? Why doesn’t he hate her?” - SCP-4231
Woof this piece took 8hrs to finish, Lyrics are Hurt by Nine Inch Nails btw I thought it fit my boy Francis/Ukulele)
(Don’t repost, plz do reblog!)
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vadergf · 7 months
I'm watching the person on twt get cooked for running their update account like the military and "working overtime" on updates while complaining about the other admins and I think they'd genuinely have a mental breakdown if they saw dreamupdates post a screenshot of a priv tweet 8hrs late that we've all seen 18 times by now with "sorry I was eepy" in the tags followed by an unhinged post about sapnap clearly meant for a different account that we all reblog it with "sooo true dreamupdates 🫡" before it gets deleted and like I think it's just so beautiful here thanks for your service keep it up
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picknnix · 1 month
Charlie North
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Time Taken: 8hrs 12mins
🪽 Please Reblog my Art if you enjoy it 🪽
After a tedious battle with several elements of this drawing, it is, as far as I can tell, completed! I am really proud of this one because I actually managed to draw something of this boii.
A bit of spoilers for NIX but probably nothing people haven't already guessed by now. Regardless there's a 'Charlie POV' ver under the cut. (also the tags give it away) :^
Charlie's POV
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barbieaemond · 12 days
Are you going to post your new fics on tumblr, as well as ao3?
Alright, time to say my lil’ piece.
Under the cut for I’ll be revisiting the war
My willing to write for the past three months has been crashed due to personal reasons and family issues that I already explained in a post a while ago. Then, during the drama, it has come to my attention that Bel has been bitching about me (too) because I reblogged a fic by another moot and not hers. Now, this did nothing but ultimately crash my willing to write and post here. While I understand that unfortunately reblogs have become a very scarce thing here, I’m uncomfortable with how sometimes the writing community feels like a transaction here. I have moots that I’m happy to call friends that never read any of my stories, and I cherish them just the same as I do the ones who did.
I love to read other people’s stories, I love to leave my comments on what I enjoyed and why. I simply need time to do that. If my fellow writers want an aseptic reblog from me just to gain engagement, sure I could do that, but being a writer myself (boo) I much more enjoy one single comment on my story than 1k likes and 50 reblogs without saying a word (been there). Idk, maybe it’s just me.
This matter, in the past, has put me under a lot of pressure, because when I was late in reading a moot’s fic, I began to think “would they be mad that I didn’t read it yet?” And I don’t think that’s healthy for an anxious ass like mine. I have an appalling long list of fics to catch up with, I simply don’t have time to do that all day. I work 8hrs a day and as I said, I’m dealing with both my parents having serious health issues, same for my cat. I’m lacking the proper peace of mind to read and write.
So, going to finally answer your question, at this stage I don’t know.
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demento · 2 months
there are a LOT of recent scam accounts claiming to be collecting donations to escape gaza. quick reminder that if a blog sends you an ask -- they'll typically ask you to answer it privately -- to request for donations PLEASE double check their account. scam accounts will usually have a flood of reblogs within a limited time frame -- i.e. within the last 8hrs, or they only started posting a week ago -- and they'll be relevant to the thing they're raising donations for. pretending to be a victim of genocide to profit makes you a horrible person btw.
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dreambones · 1 year
Hello here with another pol because I got curious about this since I’ve seen some different opinions here and there, and since I make games this is useful information for me (even if right now I do not have the resources to make an 8hr long game).
Feel free to reblog and share around so I can reach the most people as possible! Thanks and have a nice day.
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Happy Valentines Day lovey- how would mechanic Curtis and his lovely lady be spending today?
Thank you so much and Happy Valentine’s Day to you too 💗💗💗
This was so much fun to write and think about how much of a soft romanitic our grumpy mechanic can be!
Fixer Upper: Happy Valentines Sweetheart - Mechanic!Curtis x Reader
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Masterlist / AU Masterlist
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Unfortunately your shift patterns at the hospital meant you had to work, but at least it was only 8hrs instead of 12hr
Even though you told Curtis you would be fine not doing anything and just waiting for the weekend he was determined to give you the best Valentine’s Day
It started with a beautiful bouquet of flowers being delivered to you at work which came accompanied with a small hamper full of treats from your favourite bakery
Then when you arrived at his place you found rose petals scattered around the floor and Curtis stood in a nice crisp white shirt and grey suit pants
He greeted you with a sweet kiss on the cheek before guiding you to the bathroom where he’d already run a bath for you
It had all the works to help you relax after your shift, bubbles, salts and a couple of scented candles
You tried to convince him to get in with you but he told you to have some time to yourself while he finished cooking dinner
Once you were fully relaxed from your bath you got changed into some comfy but cute clothes ready for dinner
At this point you shouldn’t have been surprised but when you walked into the kitchen you could see Curtis had nicely laid out the table with flowers and candles and was just serving up
“I made your favourite” he smiled softly as you sat down, the aroma of your favourite dish making you feel all warm and cosy inside
“Looks incredible as always” you smile giving him a slow and gentle kiss on the lips.
After dinner you exchanged presents, Curtis giving you a voucher for a nice spa hotel stay for when you next had a weekend off
And you got him a small bouquet of flowers made out of nuts and bolts
“Those nuts and bolts are from your shop, i’ve been slowly grabbing a few whenever I visited” you explained and Curtis examined the flowers with admiration.
“They’re incredible, thank you sweetheart” Curtis grinned as he kissed you “and I can let Edgar off the hook for the stock take being down now” he adds with a chuckle
For the rest of the evening the two of you relaxed together on the couch, a movie on in the background which you were paying very little attention to, especially when Curtis found his other present hidden under your clothes 😉
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe leave a little comment as a valentines day present!
Lets have a chat!
Masterlist / AU Masterlist
I don’t have a tag list by follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notification to keep up to date!
Check out my 2.5k followers party bonanza!
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theburninggalaxy · 6 months
I'm gonna do an experiment where I try to uninstall tiktok from my phone until 2024. I currently use it to dissociate and spend upwards of 8hrs a day on it. I will reblog with updates each day.
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