#911 Red shirt poll
daniwib · 6 months
911 7x03 Red Shirt Poll
There are at least nine people left on the cruise ship at the end of 7x02, possibly ten if Jarod, the greedy poker chip guy, didn’t die on impact with the window he fell onto (but I think he did so I didn't include him!).
So who do we all think the red shirts are? I personally think Norman is a goner, as much as I adore him. He’s badly injured, and uh… heavy. Transporting him through an upside-down ship full of debris and obstacles to get to the hull is going to be nearly impossible and that’s if nothing ruptures inside and he bleeds out on the way.
And given 9-1-1’s penchant for karmic retribution, I don’t see things going well for Lola and possibly Julian as well. He’s redeemed himself a bit, but will it be enough? Will Lola heroically decide to stay with Norman when he can’t continue and sacrifice herself to be with her husband after realizing her mistake? I can’t wait to find out!
Here’s a variety of options for who you think is going to die, if I’ve missed any add them in the tags, tumblr would only let me have 12 answers.
Please reblog for exposure, I only set this for a day so we could see results before the next ep!
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elsanna-shenanigans · 4 years
December Contest Submission #22: All the Way
words: ca. 3700 setting: mAU lemon: no cw: violence, blood and gore, knives, firearms, assault, graphic bodily harm, minor character deaths, violence as a turn on
Note: This story is disqualified from the contest and will not be included in the poll as it is not eligible to be voted on. Reason of DQ: failed to meet the obligatory restriction for the month (no murder)
Anna carefully placed her rucksack on its stand near the front door of the apartment. Despite her honorable discharge a few months ago, some things never changed, like her habit of stowing her gear properly as soon as she came home.
She’d traded MREs and her rifle for textbooks and a tour of duty in graduate school, having retired from the Army after two tours of duty in Kandahar but still woke up out of habit every morning at 5 AM to run a few miles wearing the rucksack and its 20 pound iron plate.
Before the Army, she had been hilariously clumsy, crashing into all sorts of things. Years of sneaking into hostile places in the middle of the desert had largely cured her of her clumsiness, though she did still manage to rarely stumble over completely flat floor. Her excuse was that the burning deserts of Afghanistan were rarely ever flat floor. Anna made liberal use of her infiltration skills she’d learned in Ranger school, slipping in as quietly as she could to avoid waking her sister.
Her sister was a notoriously light sleeper, Elsa’s anxiety constantly prodding the edge of her consciousness. After Anna had been discharged, she’d moved in with her sister while she figured out what she wanted to do with her life after the military. Her presence, especially in their shared bed, had helped Elsa’s anxiety settle down a little.
Anna smiled to herself, thinking of her sister. Elsa was one of the most brilliant people she knew. Three years older than her, Elsa was 27 and a Ph.D. in cryogenics, studying the reactivity of different materials under extreme cold. She’d already been scouted by several large corporations, but had turned them down as she was close to earning her own lab at Arendelle University.
When they were growing up, Anna had idolized her big sister, but it wasn’t until her first week in boot camp when she realized she loved Elsa in more ways than one - she liked women, and the women she’d taken to bed around the world had always been thin, pale-haired blondes. A few weeks after moving in with Elsa, she’d discovered her sister had similar proclivities, most recently having dated a couple of redheads. One night after a few drinks, they’d confessed that who they were really looking for was each other.
As Anna crept through the apartment, her instincts twigged. Something wasn’t right; the noises in their apartment were off somehow. Elsa wasn’t a loud sleeper by any means, but she did quietly snore from time to time. This silence was off, was wrong, like the eerie silence of the desert when a large predator was roaming.
Then she heard it. A muffled sound, the sound of struggle. Anna knew THAT sound all too well, the sound of someone held prisoner. She’d heard it in hovel after hovel, kicking in doors in the remote villages far from the city and finding Taliban insurgents holding locals prisoner. She made her way to the kitchen and grabbed the 10-inch chef’s knife silently from the knife rack.
As approached the bedroom, she heard the quiet sound of someone dialing a phone. She looked through the antique keyhole in the door to see a man standing over the bed in black fatigues, holding his smartphone. Her sister appeared to be tied up and gagged with duct tape, but otherwise looked fully dressed and unharmed.
She appraised the man one more time. Five foot nine inches tall or thereabouts. Black webbing holster with some model of Glock pistol in it, but the retention guard was on, so he wouldn’t be able to fast-draw it. He must have taken Elsa by surprise and not needed the weapon. Muscular, but she couldn’t make any other details out besides that.
The intruder turned his back, walking to the window as he held the phone up to his ear. “Boss,” he said, his voice low but definitely masculine, “It’s done. I’ve got the package, ready for pickup.” The man nodded, getting instructions over the phone. “Yeah, no troubles. Okay, 15 minutes, copy that. There’s a service entrance to the apartment building in the back, park the car there. Apartment 213. Yeah, it’s open. Okay. Yeah, have the money ready when I get there. Yup.”
The man hung up the call and stared out the window, then foolishly began to play some game on his phone. He clearly regarded Elsa as no threat to him.
Anna weighed her options before creeping back to the kitchen and grabbing the honing steel from the knife rack. She needed this guy alive to figure out what was happening. Anna made her way back to the bedroom, peeked in the lock once more, and found the man playing his video game.
She made her move, opening the door swiftly while flinging the honing steel at his head. She threw perfectly, the impact blinding him as she advanced on his position. As he shouted in pain, she slammed a sharp kick into his knee, shattering the ligaments with her heel and folding his knee inward. The attacker fell to the floor, Anna bringing the chef’s knife to his throat.
“Who are you and what do you want with my sister?” she hissed as she pressed the blade against his throat while removing his pistol from him. She held the Glock in one hand, weighing it mentally.
“Fuck you!” he snarled back, holding his crippled leg.
She stepped back, putting the knife on the nightstand as she flipped the safety off the pistol and aimed it at him. “Last chance, asshole, unless you want to be perforated. Spill.”
“I’m not telling you anything, bitch!”
Anna rolled her eyes, then closed the distance to the attacker and pistol-whipped him, knocking him unconscious. She rifled through his pockets, extracting the smartphone and a wallet. The electrical tape he’d bound Elsa with was on his Sam Brown belt, and she returned the favor, binding him carefully.
Satisfied that he was going nowhere, Anna turned her attention to Elsa, who was laying in the fetal position on the bed, eyes wide with terror. “Hold still, sis, and I’ll get you out of this okay?” she reassured, as Elsa mutely nodded. Anna took the knife and carefully cut Elsa’s restraints. Her sister burst into sobs and flung her arms around Anna’s neck.
“Anna! Thank god, I was so scared! Thank you, thank you,” she cried as she pressed kiss after kiss against Anna’s cheek and neck.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay, I’ve got you. I’ve got you,” she soothed, kissing her sister on the lips and gently stroking her hair. After a few moments, Elsa’s cries subsided. “So… what happened, Elsa? Do you know this guy at all?”
Elsa shook her head. “I have absolutely no idea. I was sleeping, and next thing I know, he’s pointing a gun at me and telling me if I make a sound, he’ll shoot me,” she said, shivering. “Then he… he…” she stuttered.
“He tied you up with the tape,” Anna said quietly.
Elsa nodded. “I thought… I thought for sure he was going- going to-”
“I know, honey,” Anna comforted her. “Thank goodness he apparently had other plans. He was going to kidnap you, but I’m guessing you have no idea why.”
“No, not at all. Who would go to all this trouble for a nerdy girl like me?” Elsa shook her head in bewilderment.
Anna looked at her watch before kissing Elsa on the forehead. “I don’t know, sis. Well, I would, but that’s different. Anyway, the bad guys will be here in… I think probably about 10 minutes, based on what he said on the phone. Help me drag him into the closet so he’s out of our way.”
The sisters took the man’s unconscious body and tossed him unceremoniously in the walk-in closet. Anna inspected the electrical tape one last time, satisfied that he’d have to dislocate multiple joints to escape, then rifled through his pockets to find his wallet and phone. The driver’s license said his name was Hans Westergaard.
“Elsa, I’m guessing that whoever is on the way will give us a clue as to what the hell is going on here. That said, I don’t want you to get hurt so… why don’t you go to…” Anna pondered quickly. Whoever wanted Elsa kidnapped probably knew who she was, so sending her out of the building could be disastrous. “Lay down in the bathtub, Elsa.”
Elsa looked at her sister, confused. “The bathtub? Why?”
“It’s solid iron. This dude Hans had a gun, so whoever’s on their way probably is carrying, too. I don’t want you getting shot by accident if things go south, and the tub will keep you safe,” she said with a smile. Part of the charm of their apartment was the massive cast-iron clawfoot tub, big enough to hold them both - a pastime they enjoyed liberally, often together.
“All right,” Elsa said, walking to the bathroom. “What about you? Shouldn’t you get in here too?”
Anna smirked as she tied her ponytail into a tight braid to keep her red hair out of her eyes. “No. I’m going to get some answers about what’s going on.” She changed out of her jogging shorts and shirt into her old fatigues.
“Anna, it’s too danger-”
Anna arched her eyebrow at her sister, who promptly stopped speaking.
“Okay, okay, miss Green Beret sister of mine,” Elsa smiled weakly as she ducked her head back into the bathroom.
“Ranger! They’re different, Elsa, I keep telling you that,” Anna said with a giggle. Her sister was a genius in some ways, but the epitome of the absent-minded professor. “Now shoo, I’ve got to get ready. They’ll be here in a few minutes. And Elsa?”
“Hmm?” her sister’s voice echoed from inside the tub.
“Call 911 and get the police on their way.”
Anna walked back into the bedroom and quickly inspected the gun she’d seized from Hans, a Glock 17 with an extended magazine and a noise suppressor. She popped the magazine out and inspected the rounds. Jacketed 9 millimeter hollowpoints, she thought, this guy was loaded for bear. She opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out her own Beretta 92F, the civilian counterpart to the pistol she carried on active duty, affixing the holster to the small of her back. Whoever was coming to take her sister was in for a rude surprise.
She locked the front door and hid in the kitchen, waiting for the assailants to arrive. They wouldn’t be expecting a fight, so she had surprise on her side for the moment, and Elsa was safe in the bathtub. Anna took a few centering deep breaths, preparing herself for the confrontation. She heard building elevator ding on their floor and the sound of feet walking down the corridor.
A lot of feet.
Anna closed her eyes and listened carefully, trying to count the different footfalls. She guessed ten… no, twelve different people in the hall. Shit, she thought, who sends 12 guys to pick up one person? What, are they like his 12 brothers or something?
She looked at her sidearms. The Glock held 22 rounds with its extended magazine. Hers held 15. She’d have to make every shot count, if it came to that. I miss my old service rifle, she lamented. Anna checked her watch; if Elsa had called, the police should be arriving within a minute or two. She opted to start with the largest magazine first, keeping her sidearm in its holster.
The men were at the door, jiggling the handle. She heard muffled voices on the other side. “Stupid little shit said it was unlocked.” The lead man started knocking on the door. “Hans! You locked the door, you dumbass! Open up!”
A solid minute passed as the voices in the hallway grew more agitated, the knocking more insistent on the door. Anna heard police sirens in the distance. Cavalry’s on the way, she breathed. Just have to wait them out another couple of minutes. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead as she remained hunched down.
She didn’t get her couple of minutes. With a loud crack, the lead attacker put his shoulder into the door, the doorframe beginning to crack and splinter. Anna considered her options; the kitchen had line of sight to the living room, and Elsa was safely out of the line of fire if she stayed where she was, but she would have almost no escape route if things went south.
Bottleneck, she thought. Stop them as they come through the door and they’re bottlenecked. The police sirens grew closer as the doorframe creaked under the strain. One more solid shove and they’d be through.
The first intruder came through the door and Anna shot him through the upper thigh, immediately causing him to fall to the floor in pain and present a stumbling hazard to the rest. The second person through, she shot in the center of mass and he fell backwards, but didn’t drop. Shit, they must have body armor, she swore to herself.
By now the men were screaming and scrambling to fight their unseen attacker. Another dropped, shot in the back by one of his careless compatriots trying to draw their weapon. Two rounds went far over her head as the chaos intensified and the attackers started shooting wildly. She edged around the kitchen counter and dropped a fourth man before ducking back under cover.
Bullets struck the refrigerator and stove, shattered one of the kitchen windows, and threw chips of marble from hitting the counters as the men shot in every direction. A small fire started on the stovetop from one of the rounds hitting a burner. Anna counted as they each kept pulling their triggers with no discipline. Amateurs, she muttered to herself. No trigger discipline.
A brief lull indicated they’d expended their magazines and needed to reload. At that moment, Anna rose over the kitchen counter and took down another three with clean headshots. Six down, six left. More incoming fire chewed up the kitchen walls, but Anna was reasonably safe behind the center island, its bulk and built-in appliances more than enough protection.
After another few moments of the attackers spraying the kitchen down and needing to reload, she rose up and shot another four. A fifth one accidentally shot himself in the foot reloading, screaming and rolling around on the ground. That left one.
A muffled scream sounded from the bathroom, followed by the sounds of struggle. A gruff voice echoed from the hallway. “Okay asshole, come on out with your hands up or the bitch gets it!”
Anna crawled on her stomach across the rubble of the kitchen and around the other side of the center island. She glimpsed the attacker, one arm around Elsa’s neck with his Glock pointed at her head. Damn, I have no shot from here. Elsa frantically grabbed at the attacker’s arm around her throat, her favorite blue silk gloves clawing at him.
Anna looked at all her options and they all sucked. She didn’t have a clean shot of any kind without putting her sister at substantial risk.
The lone remaining attacker reiterated his demands. “I mean it, bitch. Throw your gun out here and come out with your hands up!”
“All right, all right. I’m coming out. Don’t hurt her,” Anna declared, throwing the Glock to the side as she formulated her plan. The firearm clattered across the floor and slid into the wall. As Anna stood, time felt like it slowed down.
The attacker started to point the gun towards Anna, intending to shoot her as she surrendered, when he screamed in pain. The arm around Elsa’s neck turned blue, and a wave of ice began creeping over his flesh as his body began to freeze. Elsa’s fingers were glowing white and blue, a determined look on her face as she held on tight to the attacker.
Anna saw the motion of the attacker’s arm go wide as pain seized his body. She pulled her sidearm from its holster and took her best shot. Just as the bullet reached his face, his head froze completely and the impact shattered it into thousands of icy shards. Elsa ducked forward, and the attacker’s frozen body toppled over, the rest of it disintegrating as it hit the floor.
Elsa fell over, sobbing as Anna ran to her, laying her gun on the couch and scooping her up in her arms. “It’s okay, Elsa. It’s okay. You’re safe. It’s over,” she hugged her sister, noticing how cold to the touch she was. “What… what happened there, Elsa? I’ve never seen anything like that before.”
“It- it-” Elsa started, stammering.
“Police! Nobody move!” came a shout from the front door. Four Arendelle uniformed officers stormed in, guns drawn. Both sisters immediately raised their hands. The first officer shouted over his shoulder. “Sarge! We got two civilians and a shit load of bodies in here!”
A blond man dressed in an ill-fitting suit came in behind the uniformed police, his gun drawn as well. He surveyed the situation and gave a low whistle. “What… the fuck happened here? Who did this?”
“I did,” Anna said, standing up slowly, holding Elsa’s arms, “… Detective…?”
“Bjorgman. You did this? You’ll have to excuse me, but you don’t look the…” he paused as his eyes took in the rest of the apartment, noting Anna’s gear at the door, the small, tasteful display case of her service ribbons and medals, and a tan beret framed on the wall. “75th?” he asked, hesitant.
“Rangers lead the way, Detective.”
“All the way,” he automatically responded, saluting.
Anna breathed a sigh of relief. The police detective knew she was one of the good guys, answering her Ranger slogan as only other Army soldiers would know. That would doubtlessly make the questioning they’d face much easier.
Elsa shivered in her arms, still freezing. “Hey,” she whispered in Elsa’s ear, “just stay close to me, okay? I’ll keep you warm.” She turned back to the detective. “I’m guessing you have some questions?” she smiled with a lopsided grin.
“Just a few…”
Nearly 12 hours later, the sisters decompressed in their hotel room. They’d spent the day at the Arendelle police department, giving testimony and evidence. They wouldn’t be allowed back in their apartment until the forensics teams finished gathering evidence; Hans was in custody as the sole surviving son of what was apparently one of Arendelle’s more notorious crime families.
Anna toweled off her hair as Elsa lay on the queen-size bed, snuggled in an oversize white terry cloth bathrobe. She stared absent-mindedly at the decorative fireplace, lit with projected flames and an electric heater blowing warm air in the room.
“Finally feels nice to have a quiet moment to ourselves,” Anna exhaled, flopping gracelessly on the bed before snuggling up to Elsa, enjoying the warmth. “How are you holding up, sis?” she asked gently, softly caressing Elsa’s cheek.
For her part, Elsa just shook her head. “I… Anna, I was so scared. I’m still so scared. I’ve never- you shot all those people and… I know you had to do stuff like that in the Army, but I never… I never expected to see it up close. And the way… the last one…”
Anna hugged Elsa tight, reaching into her sister’s robe to gently stroke her skin, something that always comforted her. “I know, honey. It… you get used to it after a while. Well, I hope it’s something you never have to get used to. Anyway, I’ve been waiting all day to ask you. What the hell happened there? One minute Baddie McBadFace is pointing a gun in my direction, and the next thing I know, he looks like Jack Torrance from The Shining.”
“I… I think this is what they were after, Anna.” Elsa leaned over to grab her backpack off the floor. She dug out her blue silk gloves and a cloth-covered hip pack. “This is something I’ve been working on in my lab for a couple of years now. It’s a portable cryogenics unit that channels extreme cold through a pair of gloves.” She looked around before lowering her voice. “It’s part of a contract the lab has with the Department of Defense, supposedly to help bomb people defuse bombs easier by chilling them.”
Anna whistled. “That is seriously so cool-” she snort laughed, “I mean, so awesome. My EOD definitely could have used that in Kandahar. Fuck, I could have used that most of the time, it was so hot there!”
“I grabbed it when I hid in the bathtub, in case that’s why they were there, and then when that guy pulled me out to use me as a shield, I… I couldn’t let him hurt you, Anna. So I turned it on, hoping it would cause enough of a distraction,” she said, shuddering. “I knew it would make everything around me cold, including me. I… I didn’t know it would… would kill him.”
“Hey, you didn’t do that, I did, okay? You kept me safe, like you always used to promise when we were kids,” she kissed Elsa’s forehead. “And I got to keep you safe, too.” She pressed a gentle kiss against her sister’s lips. “Can I tell you something secret?”
Elsa nodded. “Of course, anything.”
“I’m really horny right now,” she giggled, winking at her sister.
“Anna! How- what- I- Anna! Seriously, how could you be at a time like this, after a day like today?” Elsa gasped, shocked. Anything other than staying safe in her sister’s arms was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment.
“It always happens after a mission or a firefight! I think it’s just my body thanking me for staying alive,” she smiled, stretching out on the bed like a cat. “I’m guessing you’re not?”
“No! Anything but!”
Anna put on a fake frown before bursting into giggles. “Okay. But promise me you’ll reconsider in the morning?”
Elsa gave a weak smile. “We’ll see.”
“I can work with that,” Anna grinned back, hugging her sister tight and pulling the blankets over them.
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kevinskorner · 4 years
2020 VMA’s Recap!
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Every year, I always look forward to a few things and one of those things is definitely the MTV Video Music Awards. The VMA’s have been iconic every year since it’s inauguration in 1984 with Madonna’s Like A Virgin performance. As the insanely obsessed pop culture person that I am, the VMA’s are like a national holiday and I prepare myself heavily before they happen. For this year, obviously things are different because of a little thing called the Covid-19 Pandemic but anyhow, I was still excited. When the nominees got announced I was a very mixed bag of emotions. I was very excited because Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande got the most nominations of the year (9) but, I was disappointed because Harry Styles and Dua Lipa only got technical nominations and didn’t get any in the main category. One of my friends shared the same disappointment with me and they said how every nominee in Video of the Year was from North America and I didn’t even think of that. I wish they didn’t nominate some things... but that’s alright. As the weeks went on, I voted for my faves and MTV announced Keke Palmer was hosting whichreally got me excited again because she is a queen. Also, when they announced the performers, my favorites being Miley, Gaga, Ariana, and Doja, I became thrilled.
Now, here I am with my Rain on Me shirt on, a few hours after the ceremony ended and I got to say, I am IMPRESSED!!! That was an AMAZING ceremony. For an award show during a pandemic, I got to say MTV pulled, it, off. Let’s get into it!:
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Lady Gaga was the star of the night and I am NOT disappointed one bit. Going into the night as the most nominated artist (tied with Ariana) I had high hopes. When I heard she was performing, I screamed because I couldn’t believe we were FINALLY getting a performance in the Chromatica era. Knowing that she had so much planned for the era, it’s been sad to see none of it come to fruition. Now let’s live in the present. THIS PERFORMANCE?!? FREAKING INCREDIBLE. I don’t even know where to start. The beginning of the performance with the old television, her laying down on the couch (mask on!), and seeing the TV have the 1999 VMA’s (with BRITNEY mentioned!) was when I knew it was going to be one of the best performances of her career. THEN, she WENT DOWN THE POLL and Chromatica II started playing and I almost threw up. I was so excited that she chose to do that interlude and sing some of 911 (maybe the third single?)! I was shook. Next, she had a quick change and started singing Rain on Me, and I immediately was hyperventilating. When Ariana came out, I really thought I was gonna pass out. In that moment, I was just seeing a dream come true in front of my eyes. I saw two of my ultimate QUEENS come together and give me all the life I need. I mean, the outfits, the masks, the chemistry, ARIANA’S HIGH NOTE?! GAGA’S VOCALS?! I can’t even. After that, when she started walking to the Brain piano, I thought she was about to do 1000 Doves (Piano Version) but I was mistaken! It was the first single, STUPID LOVE! Honestly, I was so happy she performed Stupid Love and got it’s moment because that wasn’t even performed live yet before tonight. Her speech in between the Stupid Love performance was beautiful and I loved when she brought the beat in and danced her ass off. Ugh, I just love her so much. 
Onto the actual awards, I cannot believe that she won FIVE! I expected Best Collaboration and was hoping for Artist of the Year but I was NOT expecting Song of the Year! The one that I didn’t even know was happening thought was the FIRST EVER, TRICON AWARD?! The fact that MTV gave Gaga her OWN award for being an icon, a legend and a triple threat was filling my Little Monster heart with such PRIDE and JOY! Seeing her go up on that stage in a new look with a new mask each time, gave me a little boost of serotonin each time. She is just a goddess. There is no one like her and there NEVER will be. 
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It feels amazing to be a Miley stan tonight. Miley has been one of my absolute role models since I was a child. I have followed her and supported her my whole life even when people didn’t and I got to say, tonight felt really good. Her performance was PHENOMENAL. Starting off with her GORGEOUS silhouette in that STUNNING black dress and  cross necklace with the red chrome light shook me because I was not expecting that. And, that break before the first chorus?!? LOVED. After, it went to a blue chrome and she started walking while it went full color. When I saw her walk towards some stairs, I had to catch my breath. Suddenly, I see a disco ball. Then she took the bottom half of the dress off and hopped on the disco ball and I SCREAMED. LOUDLY. The fact that she has such an ICONIC moment like Wrecking Ball where she can do something eerily similar and EVERYBODY knows it, is fucking SENSATIONAL! HER VOCALS WERE ON POINT, FACE BEAT, BODY SNATCHED. She just gave the most perfect glam rock pop star performance that I’ve ever seen. Miley having this mainstream moment again just made me so happy. ALSO?! SHE WON TWO AWARDS TONIGHT. I cannot believe Miley won two VMA’s tonight. She doesn’t win a lot of awards (which is extremely disappointing) and to see her win TWO for MOTHER’S DAUGHTER a single from last year that peaked at #54 on the Billboard Hot 100 felt incredible. I just love when she gets the recognition she deserves.   
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Other Thoughts:
The Weeknd’s opening performance was so great!! Recently, I have gotten sick of Blinding Lights but this performance totally revitalized for me how great of a song that is. I don’t know how he was up so high but he did an awesome job and the fireworks were great! Also, I’m happy he finally won his first two VMA’s for Best R&B (even though it’s a pop song) and Video of the Year. 
Keke’s hosting was entertaining as hell. She was the perfect host for a time like this for many reasons. She’s funny, relatable, beautiful, entertaining and so many more positive things. I found her really funny and I just love her presence as a whole. Even her little performance was cute too! 
Doja Cat actually blew me away. I was not expecting her to serve that hard. The performance was so futuristic and felt like I was in a new universe. I loved her outfit and LOVED the Say So mix! Also, so happy she included Like That because it’s such a jam. I love Doja and ever since I discovered Juicy last year I've been stanning and this definitely solidified the stan for me. I am so happy that she won (RIGHTFULLY SO!) for Best New Artist. She has had a great rise and her performance definitely gives me high hopes for her future. 
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My rankings of the performances are:
Pre Show:
1. Chloe x Halle - Ungodly Hour (THESE QUEENS ARE THE FUTURE!)
2. Machine Gun Kelly w/ blackbear & Travis Barker - My Ex’s Best Friend/Bloody Valentine (I have become really obsessed with his new music recently and love him)
3. Tate McRae - You Broke Me First (surprised by this cause I didn’t know anything about her before but she did a good job!)
4. Jack Harlow - What’s Poppin (cute ig)
5. Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go (🙂)
Main Show: 1. Lady Gaga w/ Ariana Grande - Chromatica II, 911, Rain on Me, Stupid Love (FUCKING AMAZING. SENSATIONAL, &, UNREAL)
2. Miley Cyrus - Midnight Sky (MY QUEEN SO ICONIC I LOVE HER SO MUCH)
4. The Weeknd - Blinding Lights (really made me love the song so much more)
5. BTS - Dynamite (I like these boys but the fanbase is so much it stresses me out).
6. JP Saxe & Julia Michaels - If The World Was Ending (so cute, love Julia)
7. Dababy - Peep Hole, Blind, & Rockstar 
8. Maluma - Hawái (loved the drive in aspect)
9. Keke Palmer - Snack (wish she had more time)
10. Black Eyed Peas w/ Nicky Jam & Tyga - Vida Loca/I Gotta Feeling (no one can take Fergie’s place)
11. CNCO - Beso
To end this, I’m just gonna leave this picture here. :)
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