rebornthestage · 5 years
Hello. I would like to ask you something. If i buy the new stage play from DMM, is it in the same version of the dvd/bluray ( with backstage i mean) or only the stage? I couldn't do it for the previous ones but i plan to buy the dvds too
Hey! Not sure if I’m understanding your question right, but from what I understand your asking if the DMM version has the exact same angles as the DVD version or not, right? If so, the answer is no. :) The DVD version tends to have some different angles or closeup shots of some parts. For example, this gifset I made here are actually from clips of both the DMM version and the DVD version:
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The DMM version didn’t have a closeup of Hibari & Dino when Reborn was asking Hibari to raise his arms. I think it focused more on Ryohei and Xanxus’ interactions, so I had no idea Hibari was so uncooperative when I first watched the DMM version. I can’t remember which else is came from the DVD and which came from the DMM version in the gifset though. :P
So it would be worth rewatching the play again when you get the DVD! You might spot something they didn’t focus on in the DMM version. :)
...Or wait. Are you asking if the backstage is included in the DMM version? Then the answer is no. Backstage is only in the DVD/Bluray.
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engekihaikyuu · 6 years
Is there any news about The Strongest Team cd soundtrack? I plan to buy it
No mention of a soundtrack yet for The Strongest Team, but I’m sure it’s in the works!  
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91valechan replied to your post: wonder if anyone have seen the rebosute promotion...
I’m still looking for the first one
oh i meant the posters since the 2nd stage is not played yet. as for the first stage i think the DVD is available in amazon, animate or such.
also the 2nd stage ticket selling is available in english-translated website. (the play is still in japan so you still have to go to japan after obtaining the ticket)
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madamelepoo-scan · 6 years
91valechan replied to your photo “Haikyu!! dj - Tanoshii Jigoku wo irodoru nara Big thanks to...”
Thank you for this �� i'm so happy. I hope you will translate the new part with from the new collection
I already translated the extra pages and the next episode, but i don’t have usable raws to edit :D
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sarapyon · 6 years
Do you have a link for hyper projection engeki haikyuu hajimari no kyojin? 😭 i'm looking for it
I don’t have a link. My friend just gave me a copy when I met her to hangout or fangirl >w
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cheetahleopard · 6 years
Just had a huge run in with 91Valechan on a next gen captains discord server.
Their new ao3 is Valechan1991 if you want to report them. This is my example of how I reported them, emphasizing that they got banned before. Here’s the link to the form to report abuse, with harassment as the TOS violation: https://archiveofourown.org/abuse_reports/new
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fweeble · 6 years
Hello, sorry for the extremely late replies, guys!
I’ve gotten a few asks about whether or not I plan on continuing my Nanner Fish Liveblogs:
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First off:
Thank you!!! 
It’s so wonderful to hear people enjoy my screeching. Q vQ <3
The answer is yes! I absolutely plan on continuing (and finishing) my screaming! If only because I have spent more than half my life intensely in love with this dark mess of a manga (now anime!). The problem is that my internet has been a complete mess and things just aren’t loading at all. Waiting for Amazon to buffer the video can last ages (if I happen to have any internet at all), which is already awful since the liveblog itself takes a couple of hours to complete (not at all an exaggeration). That, coupled with some Real Life Things Happening meant that I fell behind and...well, will stay behind until Charter figures out why my internet is far from reliable. 
Basically, it’s just waiting for whatever’s happening to my internet to get sorted out. Which is also why I haven’t replied --my internet has been so spotty I have problems even tossing things in the queue. A lot of half-written replies have gotten lost into the ether after connection was lost somewhere between hitting “post” and the server actually receiving the request. It’s been very trying. 8/
Please check my “Nanner Fish Liveblog” tag for updates, since I try to tag everything related to that so everyone is at least vaguely aware of what’s going on.
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Bless you, I feel so embarrassed that I’m always a screeching, sobbing mess when it comes to these children! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who’s reduced to an unsightly mess! u vu;;;
Man, I adore everyone, even if it’s because they’re wonderfully perfect for hating. I have a lot of unresolved issues regarding Yut-Lung/Yau-Si (who was just introduced last time I saw the anime... someone save me from my internet hell), which is hilarious considering Papa Dino exists in the same universe as him. And Yut-Lung is far more sympathetic.
I still sincerely hope they kept the cute interactions!!! 
God, just, don’t talk Shorter to me (PLEASE TALK SHORTER TO ME EVERYONE). He makes my heart hurt and I’m biased. Very biased.
I’m so sad I’m still waiting to see Sing in action. At least I saw Sing proudly proclaim they followed no one but Shorter. Please excuse me as I make dying manatee noises in the corner.
Anyways, fingers crossed for this actually surviving the posting process! Sorry for no cuts to hide this post!
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kurokonovolleyball · 6 years
Why did you block me?
Well, the professional answer was because you’ve attacked one of the mods of this blog in another server for simply posting a ship you don’t like. Not to mention the fact that you’re known for sending hate messages and death threats. Proof here for any curious:  http://koohog.tumblr.com/post/155872116174/yoh-serious-talk-here-if-youre-part-of-theThe non-professional answer?
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Because I was ‘harming you’ by sharing posts about OiKage and IwaKyou. (I was NaCl)That being said 
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You’re not welcome.
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honyakukanomangen · 6 years
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Compiled images of the Aoba Jousai (Seijou) team from inside covers of Haikyuu!! Vol 13-17.
Source: Public raws, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter Thanks to @91valechan for the help PS: If anyone has better resolution images for the first two sets of characters, please let me know and I’ll replace them. Thanks!
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hqbb · 6 years
Since the issue about the 91valechan has been brought up to the mods, we've all discussed about it. None of us thought of doing some background check on the rest of the mods that were brought to the team, and so we were not aware that one of us had such reputation in the fandom. 
The rest of the mods have agreed, and so 91valechan has been removed from both the official accounts and the discord server, as we want every person who intends to joint to feel safe. 
We apologize for taking this long in doing something about it, and we thank kindly to all of the people who messaged us and informed us of the situations o we can prevent anything from happening for real. 
- the 2018 Haikyuu!! Big Bang moderation team
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haikyuu-is-madness · 6 years
@91valechan no I'm watching the sub! S3 is not out for the dub yet and I hadn't don't s3 for the blog yet!
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rebornthestage · 4 years
do you know is it's considered rude to tag on twitter the actors? or should i only use the tag for the stage play? i follow them on twitter and i would like to show them my support.
By tagging, do you mean mentioning them, or just adding a hashtag of their names? I’m not really all that familiar with Twitter etiquette when it comes to stage actors, so I don’t really know. :/ The general rule is just to be respectful when tweeting to them, I think. It’s more common to just reply to their tweets though. Your safest bet would probably be just including a hashtag of their characters names in Japanese, so they could see your tweets if they search for it.
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engekihaikyuu · 6 years
Sorry to bother you, but there is already a date about when they start the reharsal for the fall stage play? I'm curious and I miss the cast already. Plus, thank your your work, your blog shows clearly how you love the production but at the same time you too take it seriously, appreciating without excess of fangirling. Keep going on and don't think about stupid people annoying you :)
I’m not really sure what you mean by “without excess of fangirling,” I’m as big a fangirl as they come when it comes to Engeki.  
But to answer your question, they’ve never announced dates for when rehearsals start; partly because not everyone starts rehearsals at the same time, and partly because that’s not considered an official activity that deserves news.  The official Engeki twitter never updates on rehearsals, that’s why you have to follow the individual actors.  Even if there’s an initial meet-and-greet that everyone goes to, that doesn’t mean that everyone begins rehearsals all together after that.  
But Engeki has a track record of starting rehearsals about 8-10 weeks before the show starts, so work backwards from Oct. 20th, and they’ll probably begin rehearsing in mid-late August.  
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cupofkoushi · 7 years
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@91valechan Hi, yes. 
So I don’t know if you purposefully meant to reply to the post instead of DMing it so someone? But this is the type of behavior that this post was directed at, and you’re allowed to have your opinions by all means! 
But I just find it odd that you responded to my post with the exact behavior I was saying I was against, then to further say “this horrible post” after I was just complaining that this type of behavior was awful. Where you put down others for having their opinions, is flat out nasty. I am not undermining the type of connection they have nor am I “throwing shit on them.” I am simply saying that you are allowed to have such a connection with someone but not be romantically attracted to them. You saying that they would not be able to find happiness is anyone else is “throwing shit” on them as characters. 
People can function independently and without relying on someone else to provide them happiness. In fact, that is how it should be, not relying on a sole person to give you happiness. They were characters created to be partners, not directly created to be romantically linked together. If you think they are the only ship that they should be in, then that’s totally fine! I don’t blame you! 
But the whole point of my post was that people who exhibit the same kind of behavior you do make it hard for this fandom to be enjoyable because you put down other’s opinions and beliefs solely due to the fact that you believe yours is the only one with a possibility of being correct. 
You can have your opinions! But don’t tell me that my opinions are “horrible” because you think your opinions between characters is the only possibility. Be open minded.
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madamelepoo-scan · 7 years
Thank you so much for your translation and in particular for the last IwaOi from Gusari. I love IwaOi. Do you plan to translate the Fourth Battle Arrangement too? thank you again for your work
if i find the raws or someone provides them imma translate EVERYTHING from gusari.
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koohog · 8 years
Yoh! Serious talk here. If you’re part of the Haikyuu fandom, especially if you wander around the UshiOi tag, you might know this person. I’m talking about 91valechan on tumblr / 4haijmeiwaizumi on Twitter. What about this person and why am I talking about her?
 Well, she hates UshiOi and all who ship them. And not only that, she also harasses them, day and night. She spends all of her time scrolling through the UshiOi tag on Twitter, tumblr, efp (an italian fanfiction website) and AO3 to insult and harass Ushioi shippers, writers and fanartists, calling them “sluts”, “whores”, “rapists” and other slurs. She’s also known to be a misogynist and an homophobe, just so you know, she calls Ushijima a “weak woman” to insult him. I’m posting proof with proper translation in case of it being in Italian/Spanish and more information under the read more. 
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She was banned from AO3 (I didn’t even know you could get banned from there) because she kept harassing every UshiOi writer.
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((all of the fanfictions she commented are UshiOis by a friend of mine))
She thinks she knows what Furudate thinks and wants for the manga because she read it. When you ask her for any detail she claims it to be in the manga, she refuses to give any indication or scan.
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I’ve censored the cosplay and cosplayers because I do not have their permission to post the photo, but my point anyway was about Valentina’s comment.
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She also owns these two facebook pages where she posts stolen fanarts (sometimes editing them poorly to insult UshiOi) and asks to report UshiOi based blogs.
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She posted these comments on EFP,  under an UshiOi fic by one of her now ex-favourite writers. And by ex I mean she started calling her a slut because she wrote about Ushioi. She was then banned from the website because of this.
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translation: “The pervesion keeps goin and OOC is not reported. Where is Oikawa Tooru here? I’m quite shocked and disgusted. How much pornography.” “Unthinkable pairing and unhealthy. Plagiarism [[I don’t know what she meant here and I’m a native Italian speaker…]] is not declared. OOC not reported. Reported”
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translation: “Tell Ode I will report her shit rape ushiois.  as you make your bed, so you must lie on it. I have the right to post negative reviews.” “I have proof that she sold herself off as the worst whore”
The following post is referred to the same writer as above, plus the people who reported her.
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translation: “Apologies? To some sluts? No thank you :) they should learn not to sell off their honor. I’m disgusted.”
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translation: “here is the reality to share. Who said that Oikawa could change his mind? Fuck off, since you understood nothing of Oikawa. Here… To re-share for life. Ushiwaka, you better go give your milk to someone [[Valentina usually calls Ushijima a cow]]. Anyway, you are worth less than zero. And you’re a woman, and ugly.”
The following picture is the final one I’m gonna post, since this is getting too long.  She wrote this to me when I sent her two pics of Oikawa standing next to Ushijima.
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“a little gift [[it was some iwaois]] for a slut like you :) how many times have you been raped? Kneel to canon and to the reigners, vassal. Kiss our feet. Bye bye whore, be raped like you love
There have been more situations in which she told people to get cancer, raped, tumors etc. always for a ship. 
I’m tagging it a bit random, if this is a bother I’m gonna take the tags off.
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