#92 armenian
lagycart · 1 year
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92 armenian, georgetown, penang.
this bird’s nest specialty cafe is recommended by my brother, came here after lunch with cousin to catch up and enjoy some good desserts. the store has really nice interior and exterior, keeping the traditional feel, it’s definitely great for photos.
we ordered the egg tart for everyone, osmanthus jelly, soya bean with glutinous ball and chicken porridge to share. all of the food items has bird’s nest on/in it, it’s not very visible from photos, but you can definitely feel the smooth and jelly texture when eating.
the egg tart is awesome, very thin and fragrant crust with really smooth and soft egg custard in the middle and some bird’s nest on top, it’s highly recommended and definitely my favorite because it’s so delicious. the jelly is really enjoyable with the bouncy texture. chicken porridge is also very good, and actually quite big, so it does fill up the stomach a little, sharing is definitely a good idea.
we also get a pot of chrysanthemum tea to enjoy with our food, the staff is also really friendly, and i love all the bowls and plates design, it’s so classical, it matches with the vibe of the cafe perfectly. it’s definitely recommended as a dessert specialty place.
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mapsontheweb · 7 months
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The Central Powers during World War I were composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
As the dominant power among the Central Powers, Germany had a highly industrialized economy and a strong military. It sought to expand its influence in Europe and globally. Germany had a homogeneous population, mainly Germans (92%), but also Poles and others minorities.
Austria-Hungary was a multi-ethnic empire, comprising numerous ethnic groups such as Austrians (23%), Hungarians (19.6%), Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Ukrainians, Croats, Italians and others. The empire faced internal tensions due to nationalist aspirations of different ethnic groups seeking greater autonomy or independence.
The Ottoman Empire was a vast, multi-ethnic state that encompassed diverse regions in the Balkans and Middle East. Its population included Turks, Arabs, Kurds, Greeks, Armenians, and others. The empire was experiencing internal decline and faced challenges from nationalist movements within its territories.
Bulgaria, though smaller in size compared to the other Central Powers, played a significant role in the Balkans. Its population was predominantly Bulgarian, but it also had sizable minorities such as Turks and Greeks.
Overall, the ethnographic situation within the Central Powers was complex, with various ethnic groups coexisting within their respective empires. Nationalist sentiments and aspirations for self-determination among different ethnicities contributed to internal tensions and challenges for these powers during World War I.
by danmaps_org
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ivanseledkin · 1 year
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This is Shavarsh Karapetyan, a retired Armenian swimmer. In 1976, he had just completed a 26 km (16 mile) run when he heard a loud crash. A trolleybus had lost control and had fallen into a reservoir. It was 25 meters (82 ft) offshore and had sunk to a depth of 10 meters (33 ft). Karapetyan immediately dived into the sewage-infested waters and managed to kick the back window of the trolleybus with his legs, despite zero visibility from the silt that had risen from the bottom. Of the 92 passengers onboard, Karapetyan pulled out 46 people, 20 of whom survived. The combination of cold water and the multiple lacerations from glass shards led him to be hospitalized for 45 days. He developed pneumonia and sepsis. While he was able to recover, damage to his lungs prevented him from continuing his career as a swimmer. "I knew that I could only save so many lives; I was afraid to make a mistake. It was so dark down there that I could barely see anything. One of my dives accidentally grabbed a seat instead of a passenger. I could have saved a life instead. That seat still haunts me in my nightmares," he said. In 1985, Karapetyan came upon a burning building with trapped people inside. He rushed in and began pulling people out. He was badly burnt and had to once again be hospitalized. Later in life, he moved to Moscow and founded a shoe company called "Second Breath." He is still alive today and continues to run his business.
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wisdomfish · 1 year
Marks the New Testament as a historical document worthy of careful consideration
More than 5,000 individual Greek manuscripts that contain all or part of the New Testament exist… augmented by more than 8,000 copies of the Vulgate… Further attestation comes in the form of several thousand early New Testament manuscripts translated into Eastern languages such as Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, Slavic, and Ethiopic… Also, the entire New Testament text could be reproduced from specific scriptural citations within the written (and preserved) sermons, commentaries, and various other works of the early church Fathers. This powerful manuscript evidence does not intend to prove that the New Testament is factual, accurate and trustworthy in its account of Jesus’ life, but it does mark the New Testament as a historical document worthy of careful consideration. ~ Samples, Kenneth Richard. ‘Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions.; p. 92, 93
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Israel has a running history of discrimination against its Ethiopian Jew population. Palestinians are not the only people facing racism/discriminations at the hands of that colonial occupation. From questioning their Jewish origins, to giving Ethiopian women depo-povera (sterilizing Jewish Ethiopian women & making them infertile) without their consent/knowledge, to the brutal beating of Damas Pakedeh, to secretly disposing of blood donations by Ethiopian Jews (list goes on).
Israel funded and/or supplied the Rwandan genocide, the Srebrenica genocide, the Mayan Genocide of 1960-1996, Israel's other involvements include the ethnic cleansing of Armenians, the Pinochet Coup in Chile, funding the occupation of Kashmir, extremely close ties with apartheid leaders.
@forever-oxford-comma-forever look at all this hogwash LOL
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tlaquetzqui · 11 months
On the subject of reparations for slavery, a thought occurred to me. Turkey imported millions of slaves from places outside their empire and several million from internal minorities like Greeks and Armenians. Something like 115 million people—the members of all those communities—have a claim on Turkey for reparations. (And before you say “oh they aren’t the descendants of slaves”, well see the American plantations did not buy 92% female slaves, who they used for captive breeding—their children raised to do the same to their own mothers’ people. Turkey did. So nearly all the direct descendants of Turkey’s slaves are Turks.)
If we make Turkey pay the $140,000 per person recommended by black activists, that means they are paying $16,100,000,000,000—$16.1 trillion. The GDP of Turkey is only $819 billion.
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harrison-abbott · 4 months
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People called the police on Sacha Baron Cohen 92 times throughout the production of this movie.
The FBI also monitored his behaviour at one point, due to reports of a “Middle eastern man travelling the Midwest in an ice cream truck”.
Baron Cohen based Borat’s character on a doctor he once met, who he found unintentionally funny.
Often when Borat ‘speaks Kazakh’, it often isn’t Kazakh, but Hebrew, spoken with an Eastern European accent, filled with many in jokes. His friend, Azamat (Ken Davitian) also speaks his lines in Armenian.
[Also, the first line Borat says in the film, “Jak sie masz!” is Polish.]
Baron Cohen never changed his suit or underwear throughout the film, in order to make Borat ‘smell foreign’.
The original director Todd Phillips actually left the film production after the rodeo scene where Borat sings the American national anthem with changed lyrics. And he was replaced by Larry Charles.
The Kazakh national anthem part at the end of the movie is made up of Estonian TV commercials from the 1980s.
The film was banned in almost ever Arab country side from Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.
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mybookof-you · 5 months
"World War I and the Armenian genocide
Main article: Armenian genocideArmenian genocide victims in 1915
The outbreak of World War I led to confrontation between the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire in the Caucasus and Persian campaigns. The new government in Istanbul began to look on the Armenians with distrust and suspicion because the Imperial Russian Army contained a contingent of Armenian volunteers. On 24 April 1915, Armenian intellectuals were arrested by Ottoman authorities and, with the Tehcir Law (29 May 1915), eventually a large proportion of Armenians living in Anatolia perished in what has become known as the Armenian genocide.
The genocide was implemented in two phases: the wholesale killing of the able-bodied male population through massacre and subjection of army conscripts to forced labour, followed by the deportation of women, children, the elderly and infirm on death marches leading to the Syrian desert. Driven forward by military escorts, the deportees were deprived of food and water and subjected to periodic robbery, rape, and massacre.[88][89] There was local Armenian resistance in the region, developed against the activities of the Ottoman Empire. The events of 1915 to 1917 are regarded by Armenians and the vast majority of Western historians to have been state-sponsored mass killings, or genocide.[90]
Turkish authorities deny the genocide took place to this day. The Armenian Genocide is acknowledged to have been one of the first modern genocides.[91][92] According to the research conducted by Arnold J. Toynbee, an estimated 600,000 Armenians died during deportation from 1915 to 1916. This figure, however, accounts for solely the first year of the Genocide and does not take into account those who died or were killed after the report was compiled on 24 May 1916.[93] The International Association of Genocide Scholars places the death toll at "more than a million".[94] The total number of people killed has been most widely estimated at between 1 and 1.5 million.[95]
Armenia and the Armenian diaspora have been campaigning for official recognition of the events as genocide for over 30 years. These events are traditionally commemorated yearly on 24 April, the Armenian Martyr Day, or the Day of the Armenian genocide."
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Andrea Martin in Caricature
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Tony Nominees For 1976 - 77 Season. (6/5/77) | My Favorite Year: Josh Mostel, Lainie Kazan, Evan Pappas, Tom Mardirosian, Andrea Martin, Tim Curry, L. Stephens (11/29/92)
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Merry Wives Of Windsor: David A. Grier, Tonya Pinkins, Margaret Whitton, Miquel Perez, Andrea Martin, Murray (7/3/94) | The Cast Of Candide, 4/27/97
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Oklahoma! Ink And Gouache (2/24/02)
If ever there was a face best captured in caricature, it's Andrea Martin. With six Hirschfelds (one not pictued), her delightful characters are brought to life so well.
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Andrea Martin's Sardi's Caricature, 2013 - Sardi's
Do you think caricature artists know they're allowed to draw distinctive noses without it being offensive? Because here we are, once again whitewashing a white woman. Andrea is Armenian, and does not need to be WASP'ed.
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"A Christmas Carol," 2019 | "Pippin," 2013 | The Lights of Broadway Trading Card, Autumn, 2015 - Squigs
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 1.8 (after 1950)
1956 – Operation Auca: Five U.S. missionaries are killed by the Huaorani of Ecuador shortly after making first contact. 1959 – Charles de Gaulle is proclaimed as the first President of the French Fifth Republic. 1961 – In France a referendum supports Charles de Gaulle's policies in Algeria. 1964 – President Lyndon B. Johnson declares a "War on Poverty" in the United States. 1972 – Bowing to international pressure, President of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto releases Bengali leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from prison, who had been arrested after declaring the independence of Bangladesh. 1973 – Soviet space mission Luna 21 is launched. 1973 – Watergate scandal: The trial of seven men accused of illegal entry into Democratic Party headquarters at Watergate begins. 1975 – Ella T. Grasso becomes Governor of Connecticut, the first woman to serve as a Governor in the United States other than by succeeding her husband. 1977 – Three bombs explode in Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union, within 37 minutes, killing seven. The bombings are attributed to an Armenian separatist group. 1981 – A local farmer reports a UFO sighting in Trans-en-Provence, France, claimed to be "perhaps the most completely and carefully documented sighting of all time". 1982 – Breakup of the Bell System: In the United States, AT&T agrees to divest itself of twenty-two subdivisions. 1989 – Kegworth air disaster: British Midland Flight 92, a Boeing 737-400, crashes into the M1 motorway, killing 47 of the 126 people on board. 1994 – Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov on Soyuz TM-18 leaves for Mir. He would stay on the space station until March 22, 1995, for a record 437 days in space. 1996 – An Antonov An-32 cargo aircraft crashes into a crowded market in Kinshasa, Zaire, killing up to 223 people on the ground; two of six crew members are also killed. 2002 – President of the United States George W. Bush signs into law the No Child Left Behind Act. 2003 – Turkish Airlines Flight 634 crashes near Diyarbakır Airport, Turkey, killing the entire crew and 70 of the 75 passengers. 2003 – Air Midwest Flight 5481 crashes at Charlotte-Douglas Airport, in Charlotte, North Carolina, killing all 21 people on board. 2004 – The RMS Queen Mary 2, then the largest ocean liner ever built, is christened by her namesake's granddaughter, Queen Elizabeth II. 2005 – The nuclear sub USS San Francisco collides at full speed with an undersea mountain south of Guam. One man is killed, but the sub surfaces and is repaired. 2009 – A 6.1-magnitude earthquake in northern Costa Rica kills 15 people and injures 32. 2010 – Gunmen from an offshoot of the Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda attack a bus carrying the Togo national football team on its way to the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations, killing three people and injuring another nine. 2011 – Sitting US Congresswoman Gabby Giffords is shot in the head along with 18 others in a mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Giffords survived the assassination attempt, but six others died, including John Roll, a federal judge. 2016 – Joaquín Guzmán, widely regarded as the world's most powerful drug trafficker, is recaptured following his escape from a maximum security prison in Mexico. 2016 – West Air Sweden Flight 294 crashes near the Swedish reservoir of Akkajaure; both pilots, the only people on board, are killed. 2020 – Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 crashes immediately after takeoff at Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport; all 176 on board are killed. The plane was shot down by an Iranian anti-aircraft missile. 2021 – Twenty-three people are killed in what is described as a police ″massacre″ in La Vega, Caracas, Venezuela. 2023 – Supporters of former Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro storm the Brazilian Congress.
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massispost · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://massispost.com/2022/12/archbishop-vatche-hovsepian-passed-away-aged-92/
Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian Passed Away, Aged 92
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LOS ANGELES — The Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic church has…
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eurovisionsongaday · 7 years
Keep an eye on Inga Arshakyan, she came back to represent Armenia again.
Also this song is the bomb and I love it.
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
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Photographed Armenian Genocide
He stood up to Hitler
Armin Wegner was a German soldier stationed in the Ottoman Empire during World War I who was a witness to the Armenian Genocide. Disobeying orders, he gathered extensive documentation and took hundreds of photographs of atrocities committed against Armenians. Later, Armin became a fearless peace activist who was imprisoned for standing up to Hitler.
Armin was born in 1886 to an aristocratic Prussian family in the Rhineland area of Germany. He was educated at schools in Poland and Switzerland, and was a gifted poet, publishing his first volume of poetry, “I Have Never Been Older than as a Sixteen-year-old” as a teenager. He attended law school, but had the soul of an artist and spent the next couple of years (in his own words) as a “farmer, dock-worker, student of drama (with Max Reinhardt), private tutor, editor, public speaker, lover and idler, filled with a deep desire for unraveling the mystery of things.”
When World War I broke out in 1914, Armin joined the German army, serving as a medic in Poland. He received the Iron Cross for rendering care under fire. Armin rose to rank of second lieutenant in the German Sanitary Corps and was sent to the Middle East as part of a detachment to assist the Ottoman Army.
Stationed along the Baghdad Railway in Syria and modern-day Iraq, Armin was shocked to witness death marches of thousands of emaciated Armenian refugees forced onto death marches by the Ottomans. The horrifying reality of what was happening to Armenians was being hidden, and Armin was ordered to keep quiet about what he saw as Germany did not want to alienate the Ottoman Empire, an important ally. Disobeying what he felt was a deeply unjust order, Armin went to great effort to collect proof about the systematic massacre of Armenians – the first modern genocide. Armin  was willing to risk his life to document what was happening, and his extensive photographic record remains the most important evidence of the atrocities that occurred.
The Ottomans eventually found out what Armin was doing, and he was arrested by the Germans and sent back to Germany. Some of his photographs were destroyed, but he was able to smuggle out many negatives hidden in his belt.
After the war, Armin became a successful journalist and prominent anti-war activist. In 1919 he published an “Open Letter to President Woodrow Wilson” urging the peace conference to create an independent Armenian state.
He wrote extensively about the Armenian Genocide and testified in court at the trial of Soghomon Tehlirian, an Armenian who killed Talat Pasha, the Ottoman leader who orchestrated the atrocity. Armin’s testimony was so powerful that the court could not convict Tehirian for the assassination, even though there were many eyewitnesses. He was found not guilty for reason of temporary insanity.
Armin was a respected writer and cultural figure who co-created the German Expressionist movement in the mid-1920’s. After visiting the Soviet Union, including the Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia with his wife, author Lola Landau, Armin wrote a book about his trip, which became a bestseller. It was a chilling account of the political violence endemic to Soviet Communist rule. At a time when many in the West were romanticizing the Bolsheviks, Armin was one of the few who could see where the situation was headed: totalitarian Stalinism.
Meanwhile in Germany, Hitler and the Nazi power gained power and in 1933 they urged a nationwide boycott of Jewish businesses. As someone who witnessed the Armenian Genocide and had many Jewish friends, Armin could not remain silent. He wrote an open letter to Adolf Hitler identifying himself as a proud Prussian who could trace his roots in Germany back to the time of the Crusades. In clear language he told Hitler that his persecution of Germany’s Jews would destroy the country. “There is no Fatherland without justice!” he said. Armin was the only writer to speak out pubicly against Hitler. Swiftly, he was arrested by the Gestapo, tortured and imprisoned in harsh conditions for a year. In 1934 Armin was released, and immediately fled to Rome, where he changed his name and lived in hiding. His wife divorced him, leading Armin to later say, “Germany took everything from me… even my wife.” He never returned to his beloved homeland. For being the only cultural figure in Germany to speak out for the Jews, Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem honored Armin Wegner as Righteous Among the Nations in 1967.
Armin died alone in Rome in 1978, at age 92. Per his request, his gravestone contains a quote from Pope Gregory VII as he lay on his deathbed in 1085: “I loved justice and hated injustice/Therefore I die in exile.”
For bravely documenting the Armenian Genocide, and standing up to Hitler at great personal sacrifice, we honor Armin Wegner as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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azmission · 4 years
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Martyrs’ Lane (Şəhidlər Xiyabanı),
Baku, Azerbaijan
Established in 1991 in place of the lakeshore park overlooking the Caspian Sea that was named after the Bolshevik revolutionary Sergei Kirov by the Soviets, Martyr’s Lane is a cemetery and memorial dedicated to the victims of the Soviet Massacres (particularly, January 20, 1990 - Black January), March Days (the mass killings of Azerbaijani, Turkic and Muslim populations of Baku Governorate in 1918, committed by the Bolsheviks and Armenian Dashnaksutiun followers) and the victims of Khojaly Massacre / Genocide and the other victims of the First Karabakh War (1990/2-1994). 
The big majority - 14,000 of the those who were buried in the Martyrs’ Lane are Azerbaijanis, but there are also 1130 graves and another memorial - a Mosque (third picture) dedicated to the Turkish soldiers who lost their lives fighting along with the Azerbaijanis against the Bolshevik and Armenian invaders, as well as 92 graves for the British solders.
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huariqueje · 5 years
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Les bas roses,  The pink stockings    -    Jean Jansem,  2005.
French-Armenian, 1920-2013
Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm .
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art-now-russia · 4 years
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My little planet, Galust Mkhitaryan
I created a "world list". Even many famous and good people did not get into this work, but they are much more on the list, I'll draw the next time. In the picture all the colors, all the styles in the painting. 252 people, 252 masterpieces, portraits. in this picture are depicted 252 influential people of our planet. People who created our world. The painting is a real museum exhibit, where he painted 252 masterpieces. The very first king from the Mesopotamia, known science Alilum a2 - Lu-Lim XXX BC famous Gilgamesh XXVII-XXVI and the first pharaoh of the first dynasty of Egypt Menes. in my list found the places Iisus Hristos, Muhammad, In the list I painted portraits of great scientists and artists. Great artists and athletes. My heroes, from all over the world and states. There are heroes from China, America, from Central America, from Europe, from Russia. from Armenia and from the East. Successful businessmen of all time, the famous Morgan, Rockefeller and today's Mark Zucemberg. In the picture I drew and negative people in the negative form is Hitler, this is Stalin is Lenin and others. Features of the picture. Thanks to my work, many ancient heroes found their faces. Based on ancient sketches, sculptures and bas-reliefs, I created their faces. Now, Kleopatra,. Tutankhamen, Gilgamesh, Hammurabi have their scientific faces. I was inspired to this work by a portrait of SirWinston Churchill and Charlie Chaplin. After I thought of drawing all the influential people. In the picture, I decided to use different styles, and genres for a change. I also want to show the world to the whole world that the 1915 scum of the Turks cut out such a talented people as the Armenians, and I drew representatives of the Armenian people such as Aram Khacaturyan Charles Aznavour Michel Legrand and many Armenian origins. This is my list of the World, I believe that it is necessary to create such a picture list and make people happy, so that everyone can see on one canvas at once. In the future I will draw even more people, many modern people who did not get into the picture let me be forgiven, because this was the first work. and was very difficult. I think that the picture will be very interesting and attractive. People will walk with phones, turn on the Internet and look for those who are pictured in the picture. At the opening of the exhibition, there will be a queue for viewing portraits. This picture I spent 7 months enjoying the viewers, I dream that people learn from newspapers and from the Internet go and look at this work, in any city where I go to show, there will be numerous views. I specifically tried to draw different styles and techniques. I documented the video snapshots sent by representatives of Guinness World Records. I hope that a positive response will come and I will set a record., The real value of the picture is 1 million Euro. I in other sites exhibited a picture for a million dollars. In Saatchi there is a limit of 100 thousand dollars, so I put out 100 thousand. If in the Saatchi Site the first person who buys something I will sell for 100 thousand dollars. .List of people 1.Gautama Budda Born c. 563 BCE or c. 480 BCE Died c. 483 BCE or c. 400 BCE 2.Maria Mother of Jesus Third quarter of de icentury BC. The middle of the 1st century 3.Iisus Hristos 4 î.Hr. 33 d.Hr. 4. Muhammad April 26, 570 January 8, 632 5 Hayk XXXII or XXX centuries BC. E. 6.Piotr Weliki 30may 1672 28 January 1725 7.Elizabeth I. 7 September 1533 24march 1603 8.Alexandr Graham Bel 3 march 2 August 1922 9.Charlies Robert Darvin 12 February 1809 19 April 1882 10.Enrico Fermi 29 September 1901 - 28 November 1954 11.Tomas Woodrow Wilson 28 Dekember 1856 3 February 1924 12.Winston Churchill Sir 30 November 1874 24 January 1965 13.John F. Kennedy 29 May 1917 - 22 November 1963 14.Charles de Goulle 22 November 1890 9 November 1970 15.William Henri Gates 28 Oktober 1955 16.Minas Avetisyan 20 July 1928 24 February 1975 17.Galust Gulbenkian 23 March 1869 20 Juli 1956 18.Arshille Gorki 15 April 21 July 1948 19.Grigor Shldyan 20 August 1900 1 April 1985 20.Jean Jansem 9 March 1920 27 August 2013 21.Vuslim Magomayev 17 August 1942 25 oktober 2008 22.Demis Roussos 15 1946 25 January 2015 23. Goyko Mitich 13 Junen1940 24.Stiven Frederic Segal 10 April 1952 25. Jean-Claude Van Damme 18 October 1960 26. Alilum a2 - Lu-Lim XXX BC 27. Gilgamesh XXVII-XXVI 28.Menes 2800 BC 2700 BC 29. Kleopatra 2 November 69 12 August 30 BC 30. Nefertiti 1370 BC 1330 BC 31. Tutankhamen XVIII Dynasty of the Nev Kingdom 1332-1323 32. George Washington 22 Febrary 1732 14 December 1799 33. Hammurapi 1820 1750 BC 34. Johann Sebastian Bach 21-31 March 28 July 1750 35. Merritt Singer 27 October 1811 23 July 1875 36. Alfred Bernhard Nobel 21 October 1833 10 December 1896 37. Amerigo Vespucci 9 March 1454 22 February 1512 38. Coco Chanel 19 Augusta 1883 10 January 1971 39. Gianni Versace 2 Dekember 1948 15 July 1997 40. Stive Jobs 24 February 1955 5 October 2011 41. John Davison Rocefeller 8 July 1839 23 May 1937 42. Sr John Pierpont Morgan 17 April 31 March 1913 43. Raymond Alfred «Ray» Kroc 5 October 1902 14 January 1984 44. Andrew Carnegie 25 November 11 August 1919 45. Walter Elias Disney 5 December 1901 15 December 1966 46. Martiros Saryan 28 February 1880 5 May 1972 47. Ciorgio Armani 11 July 1930 48. Jack" Kevorkian 26 May 1928 3 June 1911 49.Garegin Nzhdeh 1 January 1886 21 December 1955 50. Arthur Abraham 20 February 1980 51. Sergei Parajanov 9 January 1924 20 July 1990 52. Tigran Petrosyan 17 June 1929 13 August 1984 53. Alessandro Safina October 14, 1963 54. Antonio Banderas 10 August 1960 55. Mark Elliot Zucemberg 14 May 1984 56. Sir Isaac Newton 25 December 1640 20 March 1726 57. Will Smith 29 September 1968 58. Leonardo Di Caprio 11 November 1974 59. Alla Pugachova 15 April 1949 60. Gyros 590 BC 530 BC 61. Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus 27 Febrary 272 23 May 337 62. Asoka 304 BCE 232 BCE 63. Gaius Julius Cesar 13 July 100 BC 15 March 44 BC 64. Aleksandr Makedonski 356 July 323 BC 65. Genghis Khan 1156 - 1162 25 August 1227 66. Ferdinand Porsche 3 September 1875 January 1950 67. Emest Hemingway 21 Jule 1899 2 Jule 1961 68. Nikolaus Copernicus 19 Feruary 1473 14 May 1543 69. Michelangelo 6 March 1475 18 February 1564 70. Galileo Galilei 15 Feruary 1564 8 January 1642 71. Boris Piotrovski 14 February 1908 15 Oktober 1990 72. Henry Ford 30 July 1863 7 April 1947 73. Baron Amchel Mayer von Rotscchild 23 Febrary 1744 19 September 1812 74. Cornelius Vanderbilt 27 May 1794 4 January 1877 75. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov 24 November 1730 18 May 1800 .76. Vasco da Gamma 29 September 1469 24 December 1524 77. Mikhail Gorbachov 2 March 1931 78. Abraham Alikhanian 20 February 1904 8 December 1970 79. Shavarsh Karapetyan 19 May 1953 80. Andre Aggasi 29 April 1970 81. Komitas 26 September 1869 22 Oktober 1935 82. Yurik Vardanyan 13 June 1956 83. Cher Cherlyn Sarkisyan 20 May 1946 84. George Clooney 6 May 1961 85. Jackie Chan 7 April 1954 86. Jean-Paul Belmondo 9April 1933 87. Alain Delon 8 november 1935 88. Elton Jhon March 1947 89. Elvis Presley 8 January 1935 90. Cai Lun 48-62 CE 121 91. Aristotel 384 BC - 322 BC 92. Emperor Wen ot Han 202 BC 157 BC 93. Sui Wendi 21 July 541 AD 13 August 604 94. Erik Raudi Thorvaldsson 950 103 95. Leonardo Da Sir Piero da 15 April 1452 2 May 1519 96. Willam Shakespeare 1564 23 April 1616 97. Ludwig Van Beethoven December 1770 26 March 1827 98. Alexander Dumas 24 July 1802 5 December 1876 99. Mikhail Lomonosov 19 November 1711 15 April 1765 100. Fridtjof Nansen 10 October 1862 30 May 1930 101. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela 18 July 1918 5 December 2013 102. Mother Tereza 26 August 1910 5 September 1997 103. Indira Gandhi 19 November 1917 31 October 1984 104. Karl Marx 5 May 1918 14 March 1883 105.Viktor Amazaspovich Ambartsumyan 18 September 1908 12 August 1996 106. Ovanes Aivazovski 17 Juny 1817 2 May 1900 107. Arno Babajanyan 22 January 1921 11 November 1983 108. Aram Khacaturyan 6 June 1903 1 May 1978 109. Andranik Zoravar Ozanyan 25 Feebruary 1865 31 August 1927 110. Kirk Douglas 9 December 1916 111. John Winston Lennon 9 October 1940 8 December 1980 112. Louis Daniel Armstrong 4 August 1901 6 July 1971 113. Charlie Chaplin 16 April 1889 25 Dekember 1977 114. Louis de Funes 31 July 1914 27 January 1983 115. Bruce Lee 27 November 1940 20 July 1973 116. Lise Koch 22 September 1906 1 September 1967 117. Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria 29 March 1899 23 Dekember 1953 118. Heinrich Luitpold Himmler 7 October 1900 23 May 1945 119. Lenin 22 April 1870 21 January 1924 120. Adolf Hitler 20 April 1889 30 April 1945 121. Tamerlane 9 April 1336 19 February 1405 122. Spartacus Diet in April 71 BC 123. Hipokrat 1 March 460 CE 370 CE 124. Niccolo Paganini 27 October 1782 27 May 1840 125. Robertino Lorreti 22 October 1946 126. Wolfgang Amadeus Mazart 27 January 1756 5 December 1791 127. Cristopher Columbu 31 October 1451 20 May 1506 128. Albert Einstein 14 March 1879 18 April 1955 129. Andrei Dmitrievich Shakarov 21 May 1921 14 December 1989 130. Ferdinand Magellan 3Februari 1480 27 April 1521 131. James Gamble 3 April 1803 29 April 1891 132. Isbella I de Castille 22 April 1451 26 November 1504 133. Che Guevara 14 June 1928 9 October 1967 134. Micho SUzuki 10 February 1877 27 october 1982 136. Dalai Lama 6 July 1935 137. Mesrop Mashtoch 361 17 February 441 138. Ovanes Bagramyan 2 Dekember 1897 21 September 1982 139. Gevorg Vardanyan 17 February 1924 10 January 2012 140. Hovhannes Toumanyan 19 February 1869 23 March 1923 141Movses Khorenatsi 410 CA 490 142. Raj Kapoor 14 Dekember 1924 2 June 1988 143. Fatima Rashid Nargis Dutt 1 June 1929 3 May 1981 144. Paul Mc Cartney 18 June 1942 145. Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin 6 June 1799 10 February 1837 146. Garsia Lorca 5 June 1898 19 August 1936 147. Tigranes II 95 CE 55 CE 148. Josep Stalin 18 December 1878 5 March 1953 149. Pol Pot 19 May 1925 15 April 1996 150. Enver Pasha 22 November 1881 4 August 1922 151. Mehmed Talat pasha 10 April 1874 15 March 1921 152. Delphine La Laurie 19 March 1787 7 December 1849 153. Herostratus Diedc 356 BC 154. Amin Idi Dada 1923 16 August 2003 155. Shiro Ishii 25 June 1892 9 October 1959 156. Stiven Allan Spielberg 18 Dekember 1946 157. Julio Iglesias 23 September 1943 158. Monserrat Caballe 12 April 1933 159. John Christopher Depp 9 June 1963 160. Mark Tvain 30 November 1835 21 april 1910 161. Confucus 09 -28 551BC 479 162. Napoleon Bonapart 15 August 1769 5 May 182 163. Mansur Hasan Firdousi Tusi 935 1020 164. Nizami 1141 1209 165. Omar Khayyam 18 May 1040 4 december 1131 166. Quanah Parker 1845- 1852 25 Feburary 1911 167. Robert Bosh 23 September 1861 12 March 1942 168. Jams Clerk Maxvell 13 June 1831 5 Novwmber 1879 169. Martin Luther King 15 January 1929 4 April 1968 170. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy 9 September 1828 20 November 1910 171. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan 3 October 1935 172. Charles Aznavour 22 May 1924 173. Jivan Gasparyan 12 October 1928 174. Yousuf Karsh 23 December 1908 13 June 2002 175. Kim Kardashian 21 October 1980 176. Serj Tankian 21 August 1967 177. Luciano Pavarotti 12 October 1935 6 September 2007 178. Viktoria Ronjina 7 December 2011 179. Arnold Schawarzenegger 30 July 1947 180. Mel Gipson 3 January 1956 181. Sylvester Stollone 6 July 1946 182. Amitabh Bachchan 11 October 1942 183. Adriano Celentano 6 January 1938 184. Bridgitte Dordot 28 September 1934 185. Sophia Loren 20 September 1934 186. Sara Brightman 14 August 1960 187. Elizabeth Taylor 27 February 1932 23 March 2011 188. Jean Alfred Villain-Mararis 11 December 1913 8 November 1998 189. Janne d. Arc 6January 1412 30 May 1431 190. Arhimed 287 BC 191. Paul The Apostle 5-10 67 192. Jacques-Yves Cousteau 11 June 1910 25 June 1997 193. Yuri Gagarin 9March 1934 27 March 1968 194. Julius Robert Oppenheimer 22 April 1904 18 February 1967 195. Mikhail Kalashnikov 10 November 1919 23 December 2013 196. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev 8 February 1834 2 February 1907 197. Simon Bolivar 24 July 1783 23 December 1830 198. Salvador Dali 11 May 1904 23 January 1989 199. Wassily Kandinsky 16 Dekember 1866 13 Dekember 1944 200. Andy Warhol 1 August 1928 22 February 1987 201. Michel Jean Legrand 24 February 1932 202. William Saroyan 31 Augusta 1908 18 May 1981 203. Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan 5 August 1905 9 December 1970 204. Larry Gagosyan 19 April 1945 205. Jean Carzou 1 January 1907 17 November 2000 206. Vasily Alekseyev 7 January 1942 25 November 2011 207. Angelina Jolie 4 June 1975 208. Aishwarya Rai 1 November 1973 209. William Bradley Pitt 18 December 1963 210. Jennifer Lynn Lopez 24. July 1969 211. Dahram Singh Deol Dharment dra 8 December 1935 212. Hema Malinini R Chakravarth c 16 Oktober 1948 213. Jordi Cruyff 25 April 1947 24 March 2016 214. Eusebio da Silva Ferrera 25 January 1942 215. Herd Muller 3 November 1945 216. Pele 21 October 1940 217.Sergei Pavlovich Korolev 12 January 1906 14 January 1966 218. Muhammad Ali 17 January 1942 3 June 2016 219. Ronaldinho Gaucho 21 March 1980 220. Adrey Shevchenko 29 September 1976 221. Pablo Picasso 25 October 1881 8April 1973 222. Paul Gauguin 7 June 1848 8 May 1903 223. Vincent Van Gogh 30 March 1853 29 July 1890 224. Zurab Tsereteli 4 January 1934 225. Ayrton Senna 21 March 1960 1 May 1994 226. John Tavares 20 September 1990 227. Lev Ivanovich Yashin 22 October 1929 20 March 1990 228. Wladimir Klitschko 25 March 1976 229. Vitali Klitschko 19 July 1971 230. Carlos Ray Chak Norris 10 March 1940 231. Alfredo James Pacino 25 April 1940 232. Michael Joseph Jackson 29 August 1958 25 June 2009 233. Marilyan Monroe 1June 1926 5 August 1962 234. Diego Armando Maradona 30 October 1960 235.Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lama 18 September 1976 236. Lionel Andres Messi 24 June 1987 237. Cristiano Ronaldo 5 February 1985 238. Oleh Blokhin 5 November 1952 239. Michel Francois Platini 21 June 1955 240. Alex Ferguson 31 December 1941 241. Steffi Graf 14 June 1969 242. Franz Anton Beckenbauer 11 September 1945 243. Carl Lewis 1 June 1961 244. Irina Rodnina 12 September 1949 245. Michael Jeffrey Jordan 17 February 1963 246. Ezekiel Kemboi Cheboi 25 May 1982 247. Serhii Nazarovych Bubka 4 December 1963 248. Shaguille Rashaun O' Nea 6 March 1972 249. Valeri Kharlamov 14 January 1948 27 August 1981 250. Michael Schumacher 3 January 1969 251. Mike Tyson 30 June 1966 252. Mkhitaryan Galust 1 January 1959
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