chanlixsbf · 1 year
I NEED a Version of the “first time?” meme with oddinary felix who has had to leave behind, betray, or kill all of his friends in literally every timeline and then just GL!Ranboo absolutely COVERED in blood and losing his shit.
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lexcat-11 · 1 year
guys please if you’re a boober please reply here I wanna follow more my tumblr is so quiet!!
I still plan to mainly use twitter (if it ever works again) but i still wanna stay in touch just in case!!
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Wembley laid in his bed facing the wall. He hated being angry, he hated hating things but God did he feel like he hated his brother right now. And he felt so guilty about it. Still, he huffed and the tip of his tail swished to show his annoyance. What was he going to do? He couldn't decide, of course he couldn't. All Wembley could do was lay in his bed, wembling. Tears pricked his eyes. He hated crying.
Gobo sat across the room quietly picking the strings of his mandolin. He sighed. Wembley never acted like this. It made his heart drop in his chest. Had he gone too far? Should he had trusted Wembley? Gobo furrowed his eyebrows. He was older, he knew more, and he knew that a relationship between the two younger fraggles would never be good for either of them. He was doing what was best for his brother and his friend.
Red and Mokey were none the wiser to their friends intense relationship issues. They sat in a small cave just far enough from the great hall to be out of sight and out of earshot but still close enough They could hear the singing and playing taking place. Mokey had her easel set up and was coating her canvas in a beautiful bright abstract piece. Red sat close by her tossing a hacky sack back and forth in her own paws. They both hummed a sweet song to eachother as they enjoyed their seperate activities. The soft silence was broken by the shorter of them,"Do you think Gobo and Wembley were acting weird today?" Mokey hummed,"they were" Red ceased her tossing and dropped her chin into a paw. "and Boober has been cooped up all day" Mokey nodded,"The boys said he was staying in to keep up om laundry" Red gagged at the thought of laundry. "Do you think he's eaten?",Red said, this time actually turning to face her partner. Mokey put her hand to her chin and gasped,"I dont believe so. Unless he's cooking at home, you know he loves to do that" Red nodded,"right I forgot that's an option", She chuckled to herself. "What say we visit him just to be sure?", Mokey offered, already setting her paints down. Red hopped up in agreement and picked up the majority of Mokey's art supplies. The two girls walked with their tails intwined all the way to Boobers sad little cave.
"Boober? oh Boober please let us in?", Mokey chimed at the cave entrance. Boober sniffled and pulled his hat down tight on his head to conceal his puffy eyes. "o-one minute!", He tried his best to grab his compulsure. Deep breath and," Mokey! Red hi, nice to see you, good, im doing great, okay see you later!", He chirped in a very un-Boober like tone before shutting the curtain once again. "Hey wait a minute! Let us in!", Red demanded. "Boober, sweetie, you aren't acting yourself and you've been in all day, we're worried", Mokey pleaded. Oh. Boober sighed. Red, he would ignore but the genuine quiver in his older sisters voice hit him like a Radish to the skull. He drew back the curtain with his head hung low. "Im sorry ", He mumbled. Mokey scooped him up into a hug,"Oh that's alright Boober, tell me what's wrong" Mokey sat him down and Boober stuttered on his feet before fiddling with his tail. "I...its a long story", He sighed. Mokey lead the small fraggle to his bed and all three of them took a seat. "Tell us dear, we won't judge", Mokey purred. The red head next to her opened her mouth to say something snarky but mokey whipped her back with her tail and she held her tongue.
Boober sighed and slowly began explaining everything. Leaving out the fact that Wembley is the only other fraggle in the rock to have seen Boober's face. Mokey was shocked. "Gobo?", She questioned, not wanting to believe their dear friend had any kind of negative feelings towards the little blue fraggle. Boober just nodded and stared at his legs. Mokey furrowed her brows. Boober waved his paws at her, "n-now don't do anything drastic Mokey" "Oh you poor thing, I'll teach our rotten friend a lesson you just wait one moment", The purple fraggle spoke stern yet still softly towards the youngest fraggle. Boober groaned and held his head. There was nothing he could do once Mokey switched into mother hen mode. Gobo was going to get his attitude handed to him. And all Boober could do was sit back and wait in his room until the storm died down.
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annaberunoyume · 11 months
Boober's mesmerizing aid (Naga! Sidebottom and Boober Fraggle)
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Boober: Hmmf. (He tosses and turns) Humpf! Oh! It's no use! I can't get to sleep! (He suddenly hears a familiar laugh) Oh no.
Sidebottom: Hahaha, here is my favourite insomniac, Boober!
Boober: Wait, how come you can talk to me, even if I am not asleep?
Sidebottom: I've told you many times that I am a part of you, Boober! Therefore, I can come see you ANYTIME! Just close your eyes!
Boober: (Grumbles, then covers them) If this can help me fall asleep..Sheesh. (He opens them up and gasps as Sidebottom appears. Only now, he has a patchwork-like snake tail in place of legs.) Aaah! Don't eat me, you...Fraggle-snake! (He cowers).
Sidebottom: (Guffaws) I am not a snake, I turned myself into a naga-fraggle! I only want to help you, I promise!
Boober: Whatever thingy you are, please go away!
Sidebottom: Aaaw, come on. I only want to help...(He whispers to Boober) to make you sssleeep...
Boober: (Stops shaking and slowly looks up) Uh...Really?
Sidebottom: Why, of coursssse... (He makes an antenna grows from his forehead, that has his small pendulum which he used on Junior Gorg, once. It spins like a small propeller.) Jusst waatch...
Boober: (Gasps as he looks at the shiny spinning pendulum....Then he looks entranced, sighing)
Sidebottom: (Stroking Boober's head) Trust in me....Just in me...Shut your eyes...And trussst in me... (Boobers moans a little and almost falls off his bed) Whoa, there, buddy! (He begins wrapping his patchwork tail around Boober's waist, swaying his head left and right, Boober sleepily following along) You can sleep...Sssafe and ssound...Knowing I...Am around... (Sidebottom uses the tip of his tail to hold Boober's chin as the latter is lifted up like a limp doll and placed on Sidebottom's chest) Ssslip into silent slumber...Sail on a sssilver misssst...Slowly and surely, you senses will cease (he playfully, gently squeezes Boober) to resissst...
Boober: (Snores a little and smacks his lips)
Sidebottom: You're snoring...Hehehe.
Boober: *yawns) Sssorry...
Sidebottom: (Kisses his head and finishes his song) Just relaaaxxx...be at ressst...Like a bird...In a nessst...Trust in me...And jussst in me...Ssshut your eyessss...And trussst in me...Pleasant dreamssss... (He pulls the blanket over both of them) Trusst in me....
(Sidebottom lies his head atop Boober's head and cuddle up, stroking his hear one last time. He stays with him in his arms for a spell...Then fades into Boober's snoring frame.)
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The Fraggle Rock Story Ch. 11
Chapter Eleven: Lovestained
Gobo remained enraged at Red for the rest of the night. But, around midnight, he also became enraged with himself for losing his temper. He feared that, by throwing Red out, he had destroyed their friendship forever. With Mokey seemingly unable to look at him without crying, that meant he had lost two of his best friends. Which one of the remaining two would be next? He tossed and turned all night, never getting a single wink of sleep.
At breakfast, Wembley saw that Gobo’s eyes were bloodshot and surrounded with dark brown bags. “Oh, Gobo, you look terrible!” said Wembley.
“I must,” said Gobo, “I feel terrible. If only she hadn’t made you cry…”
“Gobo, you need to go back to bed!”
“What good is going to bed if I know I can’t sleep?” Gobo’s movements were sluggish and fatigued. He tried to pick up a jar of preserves but it slipped from his hand and dashed itself upon the table. The contents went everywhere, but mostly on Wembley. “Oh, for goodness sake,” said Gobo, “I’m awful sorry, Wembley. It’s all over your, uh, courting suit.”
“That’s fine,” said Wembley. “I wasn’t planning to court anybody until this afternoon, anyway. I can just go and get it—laundered…”
“Well, there should be plenty of time for that,” said Gobo. “And you were right, Wembley. I’m going to bed.” He crawled back in his bunk and, by some miracle, was soon asleep.
Wembley panicked in his mind. The only person who could clean his shirt was the same person who he had feelings for not twenty-four hours ago, feelings which, as much as he tried to bury them, only burbled back to the surface at regular intervals. But a stained suit was a stained suit, and Boober was the only one who knew how to properly clean it. So he got up and walked to Boober’s house. There he found Boober asleep. Without considering Boober’s fastidious sleep schedule, he began shouting “Wake up, Boober! Help me!”
Boober leapt up immediately. “What is it, sugarlips—I mean, Wembley? Oh, it was only a dream. Heh heh. What’s wrong?”
“Well, I was going to go out courting, but Gobo spilled preserves all over my suit!”
“You, courting? That’s a surprise. Who..who is it?” A strange feeling invaded Boober’s bosom. Could it be jealousy?
“It’s Lou! Remember her?”
“Yeah. But didn’t you decide you weren’t in love with her?” “Yeah, but I decided I’m in love with her again!” “Great.”
“So here’s my suit,” said Wembley, taking it off (the reader may be reassured he was wearing his usual banana tree shirt underneath, this isn’t that sort of a fiction). “You can save it, right?”
“Of course. I’ll just put it in with these robes here, and it’ll be all ready for the afternoon.”
“Thank you, Boober!” said Wembley, “You’re such a good friend!”
“Please don’t mention it.” He put the suit on top of the robes. The slight impact was enough to mildly disturb Red, who was still sleeping within the tub.
“Aww,” muttered Red. “Can’t we stay like this just ten more minutes?”
“What was that?” Wembley cried, deeply confused. “You’re not haunted, are you?”
“Must have been the wind,” said Boober. “It sounds kinda funny sometimes.” He crossed over to a huge pot of cold water, picked it up, and dumped it in the tub. “Here we go,” he said. “Now I’ll just put in some tar sand abrasive and-- What’s that sputtering?”
“Help! Help! I’m drowning!”
“Some cave creature must have climbed into the laundry again,” said Boober, hastily throwing the robes across the room. At the bottom of the tub he found Red, cuddled up to one of the robes and absolutely drenched with the water.
“Red Fraggle, what in tarnation are you doing here?” he yelled. “What makes you think my washtub is some kind of refuge for—for whatever this is?”
“Oh, uh, hi Boober, Gobo kicked me out of the house and--”
“Don’t explain, Red, I just realized I don’t care. Go sit somewhere and dry out. Go on, go! Out of my laundry! Now!” Red climbed out and sat down despondently on Boober’s armchair.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, and then went right back to sleep.
“Well,” said Boober, “Now that the sanctity of my home has been utterly destroyed by that interloper, we can get on with the dagnabbed laundry.” He began putting the various detergents in the tub.
“How are things going with Tosh?” asked Wembley.
“Wonderful,” said Boober. “Just… wonderful.”
“Well, I should only expect so,” said Wembley. “After all, a handsome guy like you should have no trouble with the ladies! I’m not gay, but—but you’re just the handsomest boy on the rock!”
“You flatter me, Wembley,” said Boober. “I always thought you were the handsomest boy on the rock. I don’t mean anything by it, of course, but it’s true.”
“Why, thank you, Boober!” He paused. “Do you think Lou thinks so too?”
“I’m sure she does,” said Boober. “If I were Lou, I wouldn’t be able to restrain myself.”
“How could I?” asked Boober. “You’ve got that charm that just drives the ladies wild!”
“Why, thank you, Boober,” said Wembley, “And I’m sure that—that if I were Tosh, I wouldn’t be able to resist you either. So if you were Lou and I were Tosh,” he continued, now in full rambling mode, “and we both found each other irresistible, that would make us—well, what we’re not. Sorry.”
“Oh, it’s fine,” said Boober. “Surely we gentlemen can have an aesthetic appreciation of each other without—without that sort of thing going on.”
“Yeah, of course! I’ve never been in love with a man before, but they sure can be cute, can’t they?”
“Yes, I suppose they can.”
“Boober,” Wembley began, his heart beating for reasons that had inexplicably burbled to the surface, “Do you think, uh, that is, do you think you’ll marry her?”
“Yes, of course, someday,” said Boober, “When Jamdolin finally gets his certification training. I don’t expect poor Cantus could do another one, after what happened last time.”
Wembley shuddered. “It’s a good thing Gobo wasn’t cut down!”
“I tremble to think of what would have happened if Robert had been a better swordsman. Anyway, I wouldn’t want to trouble the dear old fellow.”
“Me neither,” said Wembley.
“There, your suit’s all done, I’ll go ahead and put it on the line.”
It was at this point Wembley caught a glimpse of Boober’s tail. “It’s awful pretty today, isn’t it?” he murmured.
“What is?”
“Your tail. It’s glowing nice and softly and… Oh, it’s just awful pretty.”
“Why, thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” He paused. “If I were Tosh, I would just want to snuggle up against it for hours and hours. It’s beautiful…”
“So what’s stopping you?” cried Red, who had been awoken by this fascinating display of no-homoism. “It shouldn’t take a detective to tell the two of you you’re in love, but I guess I gotta.”
“Us? In love? What are you talking about?”
“Isn’t it obvious? How has it not been obvious to the two of you for years? You’re in love! You’re in love! Why beat around the bush? Wembley, you told me you loved Boober! Just confess already!”
“I—I didn’t!” said Wembley. “I didn’t!” He began to cry again.
“Red, I think you should leave,” said Boober.
“Fine. But I made the same mistake the two of you are making—remember that. And look at me now. A sopping wet, miserable wreck.” She left.
“Oh, Boober, please believe me,” said Wembley, lying, as Red had done, out of panic. “I never said any such thing--”
“I believe you, buddy,” said Boober, putting his arm over Wembley’s shoulders. “Don’t worry. Tell you what, why don’t we ask Tosh and Lou out on a double date?
“Hey,” said Wembley, “That’s a great idea!”
“That way I’ll get to observe your technique.”
“That sounds great!”
“Yep,” said Boober, “for once in my life I have complete confidence that nothing, absolutely nothing, is going to go wrong.”
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mandalorianmuppet · 8 years
Hello. I looked through you blog, mainly involving Fraggle Rock and that your favorite character is Wembley. He's mine, too! Anyway, do you have any favorite Wembley episodes or Wembley songs?
First of all this is my favorite ask maybe ever. Thank youso much for it!
Oh man, yes, I love Wembley so much. I remember that I usedto think he was boring when I was younger and now I have no idea why. But Irelate to/appreciate him oh so much as I’ve gotten older.
Ooh, it’s tough to narrow it down, episodes and songs, but Ipicked two of each for you. There are many more, of course. ;)
Space Frog Follies
If not my very favorite episode, Space Frog Follies is in mytop five favorites for sure.
I think this episode is the pinnacle of Wembley’s charactergrowth and maturity. I just love how this one is Wembley dealing with a seriesof problems, but he doesn’t panic or lose all hope, he barely even gets hung upon anything– he just goes and solves his problems in such a Wembley way. The frog is missing, andhis first idea for finding it is… dressing in a bug costume to lure it out.Okay, sure. It’s just so impractical but not technically illogical, and that’sthe way Wembley rolls and I love it. What are you doing, Wembley? Inventing adance craze, you say? Seems legit. Like… that wouldn’t work for ANYONE elsethe way it works for Wembley, and no one would come up with that besidesWembley.
Even when Boober lets him down and releases the frog,Wembley’s upset, yes, but he just rushes right out to find it again. He’s sodetermined to fix this. And then the damn finale, when he’s taking the frog toOuter Space… Once again he’s willing to live with his friends’ ridicule andrejection to help something that cannot help itself. It’s clear time and timeagain on the show that his friends have a lot of power over him, so I love loveLOVE when we see his own moral code win out over his need to please. This, theBaby Tree Creature, Cotterpin in the duet-a-thon… Wembley has such a good heartthat can give him such heartbreaking bravery.
The Beast of BlueRock
This is one of my favorite Gobo episodes too actually (butthat’s an analysis for another day). What I love SO MUCH about this one is thatit’s a really great display of just how complicated the friendships on thisshow are. We see how much they all do care about each other, and what thedifferent members of the group are willing and not willing to sacrifice foreach other. Like, I love when Wembley points out that Red has missed hersplash-a-thon, and Red has that line, “well… you’re more important, Wembley.” Gobo wasn’t worth missing hercontest for, but Wembley is. I find that detail fascinating. And don’t get mestarted on poor Boober in this episode…
Anywho, back to Wembley, he is so sweet and brave in so manyways in this episode. He has to face all of his fears—rejection, danger,loneliness, taking a stance. He’s unfairly forced into making high-pressuredecisions he shouldn’t have to make, and he realizes how unfair that is. Sothen comes one of my favorite Wembley moments/lines ever, when he and Gobo arearguing and he says “I have rights too, you know! I have the right to beindecisive!” Not only is he standing up for himself, he’s standing up for his flaws. He’s standingup for the way he is even though he knows he’s not perfect, and I love that somuch. And not just to anyone, but to Gobo,his best friend who he will bend over backwards for. That’s huge for him.
Now on to songs!
First of all, I looove whenever Wembley and Gobo harmonize.Even when it’s super brief, it’s delightful. The Friend-Never-Bends-Or-Pretendssong, Goodbye Goodbye (Rainbow in the Sky), that one part of Keep On Smiling, Ijust love it. Steve’s and Jerry’s voices gel so nicely. Other songs I like are…
Help Me for a Change and Just a Little Wimp, from We Love You Wembley
Wembley’s songs in “We Love You Wembley” are the best. MostlyI just love how stressed and frustrated Steve Whitmire manages to make Wembleysound in the former, and how contemplative and resigned he makes him sound inthe latter. And also I love the contrast between early Season One Wembley andbasically every other season’s Wembley. He goes through the best vocalevolution. In early songs like this he’s got a stuffy little child voice, andhe gets so much clearer and stronger as the show goes on. His singing getsbolder as his confidence grows and I love that.
Free and High, fromWembley’s Flight
Okay, first of all Richard Hunt’s singing voice as theSpider-fly is so strong and beautiful and soaring in this song that it justmakes me want to cry. And then when Wembley starts singing along with theSpider-fly, and the accompaniment becomes more upbeat, it just makes me sohappy to listen to it, and then when they harmonize, lordy it’s beautiful. Andthen it’s so triumphant and adorable near the end when it’s the trumpets andWembley singing his little heart out by himself on the final chorus.
In this song, I love the melody at the lyrics “For aheart can fly and why should you stay home and be stone  alone…” and then when it repeats whenWembley sings “In the air you breathe you feel your heartbeat tell youwhere the highway leads….” When both singers get to that part of themusic, they both just sound so… sincere? Like the characters really reallyare just letting go and getting lost in the thrill of what they’re singingabout. I love this song.
What are yours?
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podmusical · 4 years
The Handpuppet’s Tale
Credits and Lyrics for Episode 5 of Our Dumb Universe
Announcer - James B Kennedy Pangla - Melissa Lusk Fuzzo - Jared Loftin Feltina - Christina Pumariega Huphalumpagus - Rachel Flynn Null Spider - Happy Anderson Valborg - Emily Gardner Xu Hall Combolady 1 - Melissa Lusk Dankent - Nathaniel Kent Sondra - Lauren Lim Jackson Glorpo - Eryck Tait Combolady 2 - Hannah Fairchild Bloor - Carl Howell Brushee - Bart Boober Voice of the Null Death Fleet - Jenni Putney Drogus - Ikechukwu Ufomado written by Jonathan A. Goldberg music by Matt roi Berger
recorded, mixed and edited by Martin Fowler Additional backing vocal on The Dark Inside by Megan Bagala
THE DARK INSIDE                                 HUPHELUMPHAGUS Please, let me be, just give me room to breath There’s something going on inside A voice in my head - what was that you said? There’s something going on inside Something’s creeping just beneath Something’s feeding off of me Something’s killed the lights Something isn’t right Something wants to free the dark inside Something’s eating me, I can hardly breath It’s try’n to tell me it’s all right A voice is in my head and this is what he said: Give over to the dark inside Where can you run when the void’s ate the sun When darkness is the one you hide? What can you do when it all points to you When you move to the dark inside? Oooh-ohh                             FELTINA My love, just tell me what to do Let me help you, we’ll get you through                          HUPHELUMPHAGUS Something says to harm                             FELTINA You know that voice is wrong                          HUPHELUMPHAGUS What I know to do’s Not what I feel is true: It’s gone                             FELTINA Someone help her quick! She’s shuddering, she’s sick Hold on baby it’s all right Whatever you’ve got there, whatever you’ve caught, there’s An answer that we’re gonna find                          HUPHELUMPHAGUS Where can you run when the void’s ate the sun When darkness is the one you hide? What can you do when it all points to you When you move to the dark inside? Oooh-ohh                            FELTINA Please you gotta be strong! Please just do it for me! You’re not acting yourself - I’m worried baby, let me help you please!                          HUPHELUMPHAGUS You don’t understand! You can’t fix a disease Cuz whatever it is Is something that’s alive in me! Oh-oh                              FELTINA My god what is this, it is stretching her skin There’s something moving round inside! Why can’t I move - there’s nothing I can do To save her from her dark inside                          HUPHELUMPHAGUS Where can you run when the void’s ate the sun When darkness is the one you hide? What can you do when it all points to you When you move to the dark inside? Oooh-ohh __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ LADY HISTORY BLUES                            SONDRA No. Unlike Medicare for all this will pass. Look to history to help face the future ... 
(Sings.) Lady history’s a little bit grim Her story’s always weighed out as lesser to His But give her many pages a skim You’ll find the definition of courage to live
To fight for rights they outta already give A laundry list of heroes dismissed and pissed They gotta bed permission to exist So they resist!
And that’s your lady history!
Lady history blues, lady history blues An instigators and rebels Who’s Who Lady history blues, lady history blues Take a page from the girls who refuse, we
Ain’t gonna give any one the satisfaction Of having us miss out on any of the action! Lady history blues, lady history blues Us ladies better stay in our lane At the top of our game and the chain Don’t let these little Mitches complaints Drive us from the climb to claim our fair shake
Cuz Susan B please are you kidding me, Mitches be Slippin if they think we giving in, settling Gender’s a construct constricting us - ‘Lizabeth Stanton is standing up, handing out pamphlets: Declaration of Sentiments - Let us in! Margaret Sanger’s a target, they hate her for arguing Our bodies are ours, when we work, we work hard So raise a stink, Patsy Mink: pay us our dollars up!
They say they’re gonna try to burn or drown Any of us for standing up / speaking out And so we SHOUT
Cuz that’s your lady history
Lady history blues, lady history blues Through the fire we forge something new Lady history blues, lady history blues Watch out now cuz we’re making the rules! They treat us as objects - need to see us as people. Cuz violence is obvious till they treat us as equals Lady history blues, lady history blues
                             COMBOLADY 2 Oooooh oh oh oh ...
You’re here today cuz smart girls stayed in the picture So break ground like Lovelace, don’t be a hidden figure Like Gladys West, shape the world, point us where we’re moving Like Edith Clark, do what they say woman aren’t supposed to be doing Like Amazing Grace make the change that everyone’s allergic to Like Mae Jemison go touch the sky and prove that all of us can too!
When people are scared they see a demon in change When people have power they don’t want it taken away When people won’t give you a chance than that’s what you take
And that’s your lady history!
Lady history blues, lady history blues An instigators and rebels Who’s Who Lady history blues, lady history blues Take a page from the girls who refuse: When somebody tells you that it ain’t your place Crush his Emily Dickenson in and give him a wave!
                            COMBOLADY 2
Bye bye!
Lady history blues, lady history blues Lady history blues, lady history blues Lady history blues, lady history blues
Hey, no. You’re my brother. It’s going to be rainbow-licious!
When life has got you moping It’s hard to cut yourself some slack But don’t you ever stop hoping: Your twin sis has got your back
Sometimes something silly Just a little nonsense phrase Can break you from your spiral Just give a try and be amazed
Let’s find a little funny thing to say
Well how bout Fuzzsticks?
                            FUZZO What?
                            PANGLA Yeah just say Fuzzsticks! It’ll be our fuzz trick When you’re feeling ick, Just give a tickle
Fuzzsticks! You stinking Fuzzstick! Oh, I could Fuzzstick! And you might smiiiiiile.
                             FUZZO My problems are too serious, My depression won’t be defied
                             PANGLA That’s what your sad wants you to think Why not give Fuzzsticks a try?
                             FUZZO Hey, up your Fuzzstick! Don’t be a Fuzzstick!
                            PANGLA Is that a smiiiiile?
Yeah...  Ok that was pretty fun, but
We giggle now but Fuzzsticks Will it help when I feel alone? Will it help when I remember That I’m a failure, and dethroned? Will it ease the pain recalling How I made my mother cry Which Caused her to seek vengeance So she made my brother die?
                             PANGLA Together we can love and hope and try
                           FUZZO ...Hey there depression! Go eat a Fuzzstick! You’re such a Fuzzstick  All you do is take my time!
                            PANGLA There’s an expression...                             FUZZO Oh what was it...
                             BOTH RIGHT! Lick my Fuzzstick! You useless guuuuuuy!
                             FUZZO But this won’t solve all my problems
                             PANGLA That’s not really the goal; Just to break you from the loop-
                              FUZZO Right! And give me back control!
So I say Fuzzsticks! That’s our Fuzz trick! Me and my Fuzz sis It makes us smiiiiiile!
                            BOTH Smiiiiiiile!
                             FUZZO Smile, and remember that the future isn’t known I am not decided yet, that’s under my control And when the darkness and the hardness tell me I’m their own And when my heart rate quickens, and I sicken, losing hope
I’ll see your face, I’ll take a breath and go:
                              BOTH Fuzzsticks! All is Fuzzsticks!  Sing out Fuzzsticks!  All is well! Bada-da-dat-da-da! Fuzzsticks! Give me Fuzzsticks! All is Fuzzsticks! Let it swell!  Bada-da-dat-da-da! Na na na na na na! ... Bada-da-dat-da-da! Na na na na na na! ... Bada-da-dat-da-da!
But what if I am hurting From a thing I cannot change From someone I am missing Who’s dead and gone away Fuzzsticks can’t revive them Return them from the grave                             PANGLA
Maybe if we try together Fuzzsticks’ll help us in a way, Thru a connection we both hold and save
                             FUZZO Oh Brushee... Fuzzsticks, I’m sorry Your death was gnarly And I in part deserve the fault
                            BRUSHEE Oh my dear Fuzzo... Release your struggle In you I’m snuggled At peace, alive
Death is a petty thing: For all it tries to steal, It gives us purpose in the end To love in a way that’s real
And I love this, Fuzz bruh and Fuzz sis Will all my Fuzzsticks, Your my sunshiiiiiine!
My sunshine:
                           ALL THREE Fuzzsticks! All is Fuzzsticks!  Sing out Fuzzsticks!  All is well! Bada-da-dat-da-da! Fuzzsticks! Give me Fuzzsticks! All is Fuzzsticks! Let it swell! Bada-da-dat-da-da! Na na na na na na! ... Bada-da-dat-da-da! Na na na na na na! ... Bada-da-dat-da-da!
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tanmath3-blog · 7 years
My next victim is Brian Minekime. He is a great guy and really is passionate about his writing, art and life in general. He is always glad to help a fellow writer or a friend in need. Being supportive comes easy for him and he is always very genuine. That is a trait I have always admired about him.  Having had several opportunities to beta read for him is always fun and always a great story. He has a lot of talent and you really want to read his stories! They have never disappointed me. He has a wonderfully creative mind. Recently he painted some gourds and they are beautiful. He is a man of many talents! The quote that follows is one of my favorites that an author has shared. Please help me welcome Brian Minekime to Roadie Notes…….
    I think the most important thing I can say about myself is that I work my butt off-putting my heart and soul into my writing or my art when I’m doing that. I don’t do it for fame or fortune and continuing has come at great personal sacrifice along the way. Some days I think I should just call it quits and get a “normal” job, basically give up, then a new idea renews the creative spark and I can’t imagine doing anything else. I only hope that anyone out there reading this enjoys my work. I promise I’ll keep writing it as long as you keep reading it!! 
    1. How old were you when you first wrote your first story?
I got a late start. When I was young I didn’t have the patience or focus to be able to write though I tried. I don’t count anything until around ’07 or ’08 when I was 35-ish I began writing a few stories. I didn’t get serious about it until 2012 when I decided I was either going to try to fail or create something worthwhile… I’ve been writing practically non-stop since.
2. How many books have you written?
I honestly haven’t kept count but I’d guess I’ve written at least 40 to 50 short stories, flash fiction, novellas and one novel (not yet published). My short story “Hell Awaits” was my first published story in Kill For A Copy from Dark Chapter Press. Then a flash fiction piece (1000 word story), Tamed Brute, was published in the eBook Flashes of Darkness: Halloween Special 2015 and lastly my short story, “The Bones of Baby Dolls”, was published in KIDS: Volume I from Dark Chapter Press. Most of what I’ve written are short stories and novellas but I do have my first novel written (which won the Dark Chapter Press 2016 Prize – a novel-writing contest), another novel approximately half done but another is bursting to come out so I’ll be starting on that very soon probably in the next couple of weeks. I have it plotted out as much as I ever do which isn’t much so getting it started is the next step but I have some other things to clear off my plate first.
3. Anything you won’t write about?
I don’t really find anything is off-limits depending on the setting though I can’t see myself writing about pedophilia from the predator’s point of view. My novelette Harvester of Sorrow (available FREE!) is about an abused altar boy getting his brutal revenge and the first short story, The Demon’s Name Is Surveillance, I ever posted on my website is about a child molester/murder being punished in hell but neither glorifies the molester, quite the opposite. That’s one of the things I love about horror is that there are no real taboos. My job as a horror writer is to take a reader where he/she wouldn’t go otherwise but for me there are shoes I don’t want to walk the proverbial mile in. When I write a character I am that character experiencing what they experience so rape and molestation are things I stay away from for the most part but again it all depends on context.
4. Tell me about you. Age (if you don’t mind answering), married, kids, do you have another job etc...
To me age is just a number, I’m 44 but it’s only what you make of it. I really don’t think of it much unless it’s my birthday. I’m single now and in kind of “it’s complicated” relationship. I have a 22-year-old son who most mistake for my little brother when we’re out together. I did a fine job of turning him into a comic, horror and metal lover who also dabbles in some writing and music so I hope he finds his own success with his art. Creating has become the all-consuming beast in my life whether I’m writing or creating art. I started my website in 2014 (originally with a partner) to have an outlet for my writing which was getting rejected all over the place then it blossomed to also doing movie reviews and metal album reviews as well as some other fun stuff. I’ve slowed it down this year to concentrate more on my writing career.
5. What’s your favorite book you have written?
I’m all about whatever I’m working on currently. I like to think I improve with each new story though admittedly some can be duds, it happens. Ironically I’m currently re-editing the first real story I wrote back in 2012 which ended up as a novella at just under novel length with about 35k words. I had proofed and edited this story a couple of times but it’s amazing how much I’ve learned about writing and editing since then making for a much slower process than I originally anticipated. With any luck folks will get to read it soon though I can’t reveal the title because I plan on changing it but the working title is “Impending Doom.” It’s about a banker who wakes to his worst nightmare which only gets worse as it goes along with a few twists along the way. It might be important to note that I worked in the financial sector for about 15 years so the inspiration is a little obvious perhaps.
6. Who or what inspired you to write?
I could give you a laundry list of writers I admire but they weren’t the spark that got me in front of the keyboard. I was an avid reader for years devouring books but often finishing a book thinking “I could do better than that” and after a long run of books I read that I literally hated the ending of I decided it was time to put up or shut up. It took me about a week of thinking what I wanted to do then I sat down and began. I haven’t looked back since. So to answer the question, what inspired me to write were bad, uninspired and predictable stories. I didn’t start writing with delusions of grandeur but rather just to see if I could. People seem to like it so I think I’ll keep at it.
7. What do you like to do for fun?
Drink beer, watch hockey or UFC and eat chicken wings – real wings can only be found in Western New York! I also love watching movies especially horror obviously. Also if you can keep a secret *peeks around to make sure no one’s eavesdropping* when I’m completely alone I like to crank up some metal, head bang and sing along (generally poorly). Shhh, that’ll be our little secret.
8. Any traditions you do when you finish a book?
I do but nothing anyone would probably even notice. I almost always finish with a flurry generally after an extraordinarily long writing session. I get excited when the end is within sight so 12-24 hour writing sessions are pretty much the norm when I’m near the end. Once I finish I lean back put my hands behind my head and try to take a deep breath, kind of basking in the accomplishment. In a sense patting myself on the back then I usually crawl into bed and pass out from exhaustion. Not much of a tradition but a tradition nonetheless.
9. Where do you write? Quite or music?
I write almost exclusively at my desk but occasionally I’ll sit in my TV chair which is more comfortable if I’m going to be writing for several hours. As for music, well, I couldn’t write without it. I have different playlists depending on what I’m writing but generally I listen to doom metal almost exclusively. Doom is very powerful, emotional music which helps put my mind in the right space to write. If I’m writing some action I might play some Slayer or something fast but it’s usually brief. A couple of albums I always listen to for a story of any real length are Kongh – Sole Creation, Pallbearer – Sorrow & Extinction and my personal favorite YOB’s Clearing The Path To Ascend. Music has gotten me through the worst times in my life so every tale I write shares a title with the music that inspired the idea. It’s my way of paying respect to something that has given me so much through my life. The only rule I have in that regard is that my story and the song must have different subject matter which is generally not any problem.
10. Anything you would change about your writing?
I don’t think I’d necessarily change anything but I do strive to take what I’ve learned to make the next one better. I make fewer typo mistakes than when I started which makes proofreading quicker and I’ve edited enough of my own work and others to recognize subtle errors I used to miss like redundancy. The only major thing I’d like to add, not necessarily change, is more complexity. I believe in working your way up to things and what I’m building toward is an epic trilogy that’s been rolling around in my head for years. I don’t think I’m a good enough writer to pull it off yet but I’m getting there.
11. What is your dream? Famous writer?
I have no dreams about being rich and famous, if it happens it isn’t something I have much control over. My dreams are far more humble. I’d like a nice comfortable life that I can enjoy. No longer worrying about where I’ll live tomorrow or what I might have to eat. I’m a simple man with no extravagant taste. A small house with a small yard, a couple of dogs & cats and Satan willing even a good woman by my side. That’s all I really want, a nice quiet life and to continue writing until the day I die.
12. Where do you live?
Right now I live in the middle of nowhere in the country about one hour south of Buffalo, NY just above the Pennsylvania state line. It’s nice and quiet here but who knows where I’ll be tomorrow.
13. Pets?
Currently I’ve been adopted by a 13-year-old cat named Corky though he responds better to Boobers, don’t ask me why bc I don’t know. He enjoys disrupting my writing process by trying to lay on my lap while I sit at my desk that’s when he isn’t outside trying (but failing) to catch chipmunks.
14. What’s your favorite thing about writing?
The rush I get when I get a killer idea or when I’m on a roll and my fingers can’t keep up with the story. Athletes call it being “in the zone” but for a writer it’s when you breeze through a few thousand words in just an hour or two. I’ve spent days “in the zone” and I’ve spent weeks or even months waiting to be. Much like a surfer you just have to ride the wave as far as it’ll take you then paddle your ass off to catch the next one.
15. What is coming next for you?
I really wish I knew but I do have tons I’m waiting for an answer on. First off, I’m one of 14 finalists competing in “The Next Great Horror Writer Contest” through HorrorAddicts. The grand prize is a book contract with Crystal Lake Publishing! The contest involves numerous writing challenges until the winner is announced in October. You can keep up with my progress simply by listening to their podcast. Then my (not so) short story “Cold Heart, Cold Soul” has been accepted by Stitched Smile Publications for a Seven Deadly Sins anthology with a tentative release set for late this year, sometime between October and December if all goes well. Stitched Smile also posted a short story I wrote for fun, Smoke & Stone, just a few days ago if you want to read the last thing I wrote. It was completely written in one day so don’t judge it too harshly. Aside from that I currently have six short stories and novellas pending approval with various publishers. My goal for this year was to submit, submit and submit some more so to that end I have a list of over a dozen anthos I plan on submitting work for as well as the novella I’m re-editing currently and the novel itching to get out of my head. It should be an exciting year for me so all I can really say is “like” my Facebook page where I post updates as I receive them. I should hear about some soon but you never really know in this business. All I can guarantee is that I’ll be pumping out the horror this year including some fun ones like a Mrs. Claus anthology! I’ll be posting updates as often as possible on my website, Thy Demons Be Scribblin, where you can also find a ton of short stories I’ve posted over the last couple of years.
  Feind on the web:
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B01AH12BVM?ref_=pe_584750_33951330 Website: http://www.thydemonsbescribblin.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FeindGotteshorrorwriter/ Twitter: @FiendGottes Tumblr: Feind Gottes
  Some of Brian Minekime’s books:
  Getting personal with Brian Minekime My next victim is Brian Minekime. He is a great guy and really is passionate about his writing, art and life in general.
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Boober stirred when he heard the sound of the breakfast bell. Once again he found himself wrapped in Wembley's embrace and his memories from the night before came flooding back. His face felt hot and he glanced to the fraggle next to him. Wembley was sleeping, surprisingly, the sound of the breakfast bell and the smell of syrup flooding the tunnels of the rock would usually be able to wake wembley from a coma. Boober shivered and pulled the blanket tighter around himself. Wembley hummed as his eyes fluttered open to look at boober through his eyelashes. "Its cold", He mumbled and pulled Boober closer. Boober held his breath and felt his tail start to thump against the bed. Wembley was practically asleep again but boober still whispered, "Wembley...I have extra blankets, let me get them" "mmmokay", was the blondes groggy response. But as soon as Boober lifted the blanket to grab them, wembley groaned and held him in place. Boober smiled and pried Wembleys paws from his waist, "Give me a minute wems"
Boober was back with the promised extra blankets quickly and tossed a couple over the bed before crawling back in next to a more awake Wembley. "Better?", Boober purred. Wembley hummed and shimmied down farther into the bed, embracing the warmth the new blankets offered, "Much better, thank you Boober" Boober smiled and closed his eyes again, thinking over everything Wembley had said to him the night prior and feeling his heart pick up.
"The breakfast bell rang",Boober turned to see wembley smiling at him the way he did last night, "I know, I can smell all the food", Wembley chuckled. Boober raised an eyebrow," dont you wanna rush to get some?". Wembley closed his eyes and spoke,"In a minute, I wanna stay here a little longer". The purring emanating from Boobers throat got louder and the tip of his tail started to glow under the covers. "o-oh", He gulped. Wembleys eyes shot open, afraid he had made the blue fraggle uncomfortable, "i-is that okay?" Boober couldnt help the nervous laugh as he said,"yes! of course!" Wembley relaxed but his eyes were still focused on Boober,"please tell me if I do something you don't like...its not always easy for me to tell when I've messed up". Boober found wembley's paw under the blankets and held it in his own,"I will. I promise you're doing perfect wems". Wembley tail wagged. "Boober I think-", Wembley was interrupted by the curtain of Boober's den being pulled open,"Wembley! Boober! Didn't you hear the- oh my god", Gobo marched over the bed and both fraggles pulled away from eachother. "What on earth is going on here", Gobo demanded. "n-nothing Gobo! I swear!",Wembley sputtered. Gobo snapped his eyes to Boober,"Boober I swear to God " Boobers breath caught in his throat as he made himself as small as possible. "Gobo please don't yell at him he didnt do anything!", Wembley pleaded and put his arm in front of the fraggle in bed with him. Gobo furrowed his eyebrows,"Wembley, you know he isn't a good influence. You already worry so much, he isn't going to help that! You do not need to bed all cuddled up next to him like this" Gobo growled and grabbed his brother's wrist. "Lets go.", Wembley was not anywhere near as strong as Gobo, he couldnt even try to fight as he was pulled away from the blue fraggle.
"Care to explain yourself?",Gobo snarled once they were back to their own den. "I dont have to, youre not my father", Wembley huffed and tried to look as intimidating as he could. Gobo rubbed his temple," Wembley I'm only trying to look out for you bud, I'm your brother, and I love Boober as much as I love our other friends but I'm telling you he is not the right guy for you to be with". Wembley couldnt speak. And if he could, he wouldn't know what to say. Part of him wanted to scream, yell, kick, bite, do anything that would show his brother how he felt. What was best right now? Clearly not telling the truth, not telling him he was in love with his best friend, not telling him they shared secrets with eachother and cuddled in bed and complimented eachother. Lie? Try to play off everything as platonic? Wembley wembled back and forth and felt his brain bouncing between every single thought that popped into his head until he felt dizzy and blurted out,"You don't know what you're talking about" Gobo rolled his eyes," Oh yeah sure, I dont know what IM talking about. Right. " Wembley felt trapped. It was too soon for Gobo to step into his and Boober's relationship. They weren't even together for crying out loud! Wembley thought...,"We aren't even together" Gobo put his hands on his hips," Then what do you call that? sharing a bed? missing breakfast? huh?" Wembley said his next words slow,"It was cold. We didn't know we were close cus we were s-sleeping. We slept through the bell. I was just waking up when you came in. We don't like eachother like that. Boober is just my friend"
Boober was curled up in the corner of his bed farthest from the door. His mind raced as he bit his lip and twisted his tail in his paws. What would he say if Gobo demanded answers. Clearly Gobo wasn't too fond of the idea of him and Wembley being together. What would they do? No more sleepovers? no more perfect quiet moments? no more morning cuddles or laundry watching hangouts or cooking their favorite foods for just the two of them? Boober let out a groan and dropped his head in his paws. "what did I do?"
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