#A Fresh New Drive - Post P5R Verse
epitomees · 9 months
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"I do wish others are having a very pleasant Christmas Eve..."
Unlike him, but it's more than deserved.
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epitomees · 1 year
"Dr. Maruki? Or uhm... Maruki-san, I guess I should say," it was different, sitting in a taxi as compared to his small but neat office, however still as homey. "Wow. I... didn't expect to actually get the cab I intended."
There was no ill, never was. Mis-intentioned gestures maybe, ignorance born out of consideration. Makoto hadn't thrown out grace in its entirety, but one might think so, the way she - without preamble - leant forward, holding a bag tied tight with a gold-tinted bow.
"It's snacks. The kind that you ate, not the kind that you always bought for us," granted, he never seemed to turn down a treat. "I... hope you know that, despite all of this... you helped us. A lot of us. Even if I disagree with your initial methods, I've applied a lot of your words to my day-to-day life. I hope you know that none of us... hold anything against you."
Placing the bag down, Makoto folded her hands in her lap.
"Thank you, Maruki-san."
The joys of ferrying strangers across town always managed to outweigh the negatives that came with the job. He could easily complain about stingy passengers never adding gratuity, loud or obnoxious individuals taking advantage of the service and his own kindness, and of course, the bi-weekly paychecks mailed to his apartment. It wasn't some grandiose amount, but enough to put aside for the necessities and a little to spare for a small treat. Maruki enjoyed the more simple life now that he had the chance of starting over.
'Every got a second chance?' It's not a saying he took to heart for the majority of his life. However, that was before the doors of Shujin Academy welcomed his previous amenities, and before he met the individuals whom instilled that mindset into his personal morality.
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"Nijima-san! I didn't expect it'd be you either." It's a pleasant surprise, nonetheless, and welcoming. Maruki never thought any of the thieves would accept his company once the true reality was restored. He distanced himself from those victims, minded his own business and figure out how to pick up where he was left off. A fresh start changed the perspective of life for many people. It included himself, albeit at a snail's pace. "Regardless, it's good to see you're doing so well. You must be enjoying your time in college."
Pleasantries lasted very briefly as Maruki retained his focus in front of him. He had a job to do, whether or not he was on friendly terms with his passenger. But as a red light halted his progress, brown eyes casted a brief glance seeing a golden tint flash in his peripherals. A large, well-preserved food bag prepared and neatly sealed shut with a matching bow. Was this why Nijima had hoped to reserve his car? Why gift him something so thoughtful, at that? A signature treat paired with an equally sweet, considerate amount of gratitude. He paused, unable to say something since traffic resumed forward. First driving safety and passenger protection, then as the lane appeared clear he offered his own appreciations.
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"...it would be alright if you still did, seeing as I was a hypocrite to my own words. I never held it against you or any of the others for being disappointed in me." He knew his regrets, his faults and his own failures in taking such remedial actions. Instant erasure of a person's individuality, their mistakes and their trauma meant removing the fundamentalisms of humanity. True happiness could never exist when someone didn't put in their own effort to earn it. "I've been taking my time to find out what I should do next."
He paused, gripping the steering wheel rather tightly.
"...but, it's good to know there were some things I did right during my time at Shujin." Failures brought about success if developed and nurtured properly. Maruki never attained his goals before, superficial as they sounded, but perhaps it wasn't his true objective.
His life's purpose. That, he still searched for...
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"Thank you, though, for the snacks! I'm glad you were able to find my cab then, if these were intended for me." Maruki never told any of them about his birthday, and yet...there in the seat next to him sat his first birthday present of the day.
He wouldn't tell her. This surprise gift was more than enough.
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epitomees · 1 year
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Someone is very mentally exhausted from handling stingy passengers and troublemakers at his day job...
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epitomees · 2 years
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~ Takuto Maruki’s Tags ~
More will be added as necessary. 
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epitomees · 8 months
[ Grimsby ] "You look absolutely exhausted." @ Maruki
If it wasn't for the disheveled attire and unkempt bushy hair, Maruki may have passed off his physical fatigue without much notice. Two straight days of sleepless nights took a major toll on the older man, yet he remained steadfast to push through the exhaustion. Naps never turned out in his favor, so why bother trying to fit one in his schedule? At the moment, though, it felt quite pleasing to sit somewhere quiet without any noisy disturbances.
His company suited best for someone who was currently a little too sensitive to loud sounds, and bright lights.
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"I'll be alright. It's possibly a restless sleep phase that's ruining my regular sleep cycle due to a change in my routine." It made the most sense considering the shift in his work hours and increased nighttime activity. Whatever helped paid his bills, Maruki wouldn't refuse. "Once my body adjusts itself with the new schedule, I'm sure it will go away."
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epitomees · 11 months
*sneeze* ❝ sorry, allergies. ❞ [ Ichinose to Maruki ]
autumn/halloween sentence starters!
"Oh my! No, no that's quite alright." For someone appearing rather proper and poise, he hadn't expected an alarming sound to be produced from the woman. A pause interrupted their previous conversation for the purpose of alleviating any lingering residue or covering further sniffles. Fall never aggravated Maruki's sinuses, but come spring it'd be a different scenario.
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"I understand the pain and annoyance all too well." He smiled while handing the other a small pack of unopened tissues. "You can keep it, just in case you need more. I won't be needing them as much as you will."
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epitomees · 1 year
" father. i require sustenance. " Listen I know this is a lot further down the road bUT MY GIRL NEEDS A GOOD FATHER FIGURE DANGIT--
Dinner time? Already?
Time flew since the moment he arrived home, collapsing on the living room couch and nodding off without planning a pre-emptive dinner plan. Who knew being a cab driver wiped out a good portion of a person's physical and mental energy. Being a little more social with a potential customer went a long way in terms of extra tips, for that matter.
Sam's prodding woke him up enough to realize he accidentally fell asleep. When did it happen? He couldn't remember. Yet now, arms flailed and legs stretched to lift him off the couch, cracking his back in the process.
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"R-Right! Uh....dinner!" He needed something filling too. "...is there anything you have in mind that you'd like...?"
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