#(The Breath of Self-Esteem) : Morgana
epitomees · 2 years
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~ Takuto Maruki’s Tags ~
More will be added as necessary. 
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gayandfairycore · 2 years
Destruction and creation
Morgana x Merlins sibling reader part two
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Summary when an old friend find you in the woods, it’s the first step to liberation, the first step to importance. The first step to be extraordinary. And when years go by, you’re constantly reminded that no one was going to come after you, and for that, you will raise all hell.
A/n this fic has taken me about two years to write a part 2, that’s actually revolting I’m so sorry to those who have waited so patiently! this fic is quite a bit longer than it’s predecessor, as I’d like to think I am a much better writer now. And it’s come to my attention that to send this fic off and finish the series it will need a part 3! I hope it won’t take me two years (🥹) this time.
but I thought what a way to give the people what they want and release a part two then after part one has just reached 100 reblogs! That’s so exciting! thank you all for enjoying my -albeit exhaustingly slow- content. I love you! I’m so sorry to keep you all waiting!
Warnings: grammar errors, canon typical violence, low self esteem, neglectful family, war crimes, murder, arson, all that fun stuff! Also not proof read lmao so if there’s a part that doesn’t make sense shhhh I’ll get around to it
Word count:4.9k
A cold chill shook your bones as you felt yourself shiver, gripping a ever fraying blanket. Halting your movements, and holding your breath, fear pulses through you, as your thoughts run wild you begin to realise that your head is lying on a soft pillow, not the cool wet grass it was lying on seemingly moments ago, your back was on a soft yet thin mattress, you were in a bed? But whose?the last you remembered was passing out In the woods, and soft warm hands haul you away.
Soft warm hands?!?
Cracking an eye open in panic you didn’t recognise where you were, it was cold, and deserted, herbs lined the cupboards a steaming cauldron sat utop the fire, warm white candles were lit all around the dark cabin. Their wax dripping precariously downwards laying a mountain of melted and hardened wax building from their stands, but never the less they made you feel a sense of comfort as when gauis had lit his candles when the sun began to dip below the horizon.
It was nice, the thought That maybe this person who kidnapped you had tried to make their home a little more pleasant. It made you chuckle, someone had found you, Merlin’s little sibling in the woods and decided to take you. A distasteful scoff had made its way out of your mouth as you began to speculate why someone would want to take you. what could you ever give them?
Moving yourself onto your elbows shuffling to sit up, the loud squeaky hinges of the quaint cabin swung open, morganas ivory skin, and gleaming dark midnight hair came into view, in her soft hands she held an array of different coloured flowers and herbs, a wide smile on her face at the sight of you awake.
Moving yourself onto your elbows shuffling to sit up, the loud squeaky hinges of the quaint cabin swung open, morganas ivory skin, and gleaming dark midnight hair came into view, in her soft hands she held an array of different coloured flowers and herbs, a wide smile on her face at the sight of you awake.
Moving yourself onto your elbows shuffling to sit up, the loud squeaky hinges of the quaint cabin swung open, morganas ivory skin, and gleaming dark midnight hair came into view, in her soft hands she held an array of different coloured flowers and herbs, a wide smile on her face at the sight of you awake.
Moving yourself onto your elbows shuffling to sit up, the loud squeaky hinges of the quaint cabin swung open, morganas ivory skin, and gleaming dark midnight hair came into view, in her soft hands she held an array of different coloured flowers and herbs, a wide smile on her face at the sight of you awake.
Moving yourself onto your elbows shuffling to sit up, the loud squeaky hinges of the quaint cabin swung open, morganas ivory skin, and gleaming dark midnight hair came into view, in her soft hands she held an array of different coloured flowers and herbs, a wide smile on her face at the sight of you awake.
Moving yourself onto your elbows shuffling to sit up, the loud squeaky hinges of the quaint cabin swung open, morganas ivory skin, and gleaming dark midnight hair came into view, in her soft hands she held an array of different coloured flowers and herbs, a wide smile on her face at the sight of you awake.
Moving yourself onto your elbows shuffling to sit up, the loud squeaky hinges of the quaint cabin swung open, morganas ivory skin, and gleaming dark midnight hair came into view, in her soft hands she held an array of different coloured flowers and herbs, a wide smile on her face at the sight of you awake.
Moving yourself onto your elbows shuffling to sit up, the loud squeaky hinges of the quaint cabin swung open, morganas ivory skin, and gleaming dark midnight hair came into view, in her soft hands she held an array of different coloured flowers and herbs, a wide smile on her face at the sight of you awake.
Moving yourself onto your elbows shuffling to sit up, the loud squeaky hinges of the quaint cabin swung open, morganas ivory skin, and gleaming dark midnight hair came into view, in her soft hands she held an array of different coloured flowers and herbs, a wide smile on her face at the sight of you awake.
Moving yourself onto your elbows shuffling to sit up, the loud squeaky hinges of the quaint cabin swung open, morganas ivory skin, and gleaming dark midnight hair came into view, in her soft hands she held an array of different coloured flowers and herbs, a wide smile on her face at the sight of you awake.
“Good morning” her soft silk voice cut through the air, “how are you feeling, Did you sleep well?” She persisted, as she began to tip water into two cups one for the flowers in her hands no the other for you. Gripping the goblet as she made herself comfortable on the side of the bed.
“You kidnapped me!” You exclaimed watching her every move with panicked darting eyes, Concern built on her features she may not have seen you for a few years but she didn’t know what might have you so panicked.
She watched you scamper away from her only stopping when the back of your head hit the headboard she tentatively spoke your name again “y/n, You were passed out in the woods. I couldn’t just leave you there.”
“Well If you didn’t kidnap me what’s- what’s on the cauldron then? Hmm” you poked an accusatory finger in her direction
Watching as morgana sighed “Well if you really must know it’s soup.”
“Yes, soup.”
“I’m making you soup! I thought it would be…nice?” A Bashful yet defeated smile overtook Morgana at your stunned silence, stirring the bubbling cauldron she spoke;
“I may have magic but I am not a monster, I don’t hate everyone who comes from Camelot.” her voice hard but not harsh, no she wouldn’t yell at you. oh god she wouldn’t dream of it. “I could never hate you..” she muttered looking up towards yours through her eyelashes, almost as if she felt embarrassed. Oh how you missed her bashful, and graceful embarrassment when she expressed something vulnerable, and how you missed her soft gazes from across the great hall during banquets as you were approached by person after person suitor after suitor.
A red blush coated her cheeks, as she thrusted out the water toward your form, your gaze softened, as you reached out toward the goblet, and clasped your hands around its rim. Morgana spoke after you made no effort to drink from the cup.
“It’s not poisoned…”
“I didn’t think it was” you retorted the goblet still cool in your hands you stifled a chuckled as you drank, a smile began to breakout on morganas face she had missed you equally as much. The raven haired woman had been so alone, going from place to place in search of army’s, dealing with the earth of morgues and having still lost against Arthur.
As night fell you had only just begun to realise how long you and morgana had been talking for, the day fell away, and the hours felt like minutes and suddenly you didn’t want this to be over. You didn’t want morgana to stop talking you you, because in those few hours someone had wanted to talk to you. Someone-the “ex princess” had wanted to know you, it crossed your mind of course that maybe she only cared about the affairs of the court.
And yet those doubts all dissipated when she held your hand and laughed at your stories, you realised that perhaps the bright, starry eyed princess who had been kind was still there, the morgana, your morgana was still there. And then suddenly everything you hid away came out. The same doubts that had plagued you for so long we’re still there. Just below the surface boiling over.
And as you conversed with the woman you told her your mistake that had ultimately gotten you into all this mess. You told her about the wave that burst from within you that knocked gaius and merlin to the floor, staining them all the colours of the rainbow. You told her about being chased by the guards. And why she should have left you to die in the woods. Because the wolves would have been kinder then any man.
That It would have been the kind thing to do, leaving you on the cool root of a tree to freeze, because you had magic and you had done what everyone had warned merlin not to do, hurt people. You had hurt the people you loved, and part of you liked it, liked the fear in Merlin’s eyes, liked the stunned silence that happened afterwards.
You. silly, defenceless, y/n.
Had something that made yourself special and by god it felt good.
The anger, the resentment that built within you for Camelot.
Your scared eyes stared at morgana with such an intensity she felt as if she would cry, she remembered being in the exact same position. As a young witch, in an unfriendly kingdom. She was not the villain all she wanted was for her kind to be free.
Morganas wooden dining table felt textured and lined underneath the pads of your fingers as you stared at the ebony haired witch, morgana had knew the minute she saw your body on the cool grass she would never make you feel as if you weren’t extraordinary. As her hands gripped yours her striking green eyes stared into yours with such love you felt compelled to lean over and grip her jaw with your hand, and place your lips delicately on hers.
As your lips mixed together as if they were made for each other, the intensity began to build, as you both fought for dominance morganas teeth bit your lip asking for entrance, you could never deny her. Parting your lips just enough that she could explore the vast expanses of your mouth. Your tongues colliding together. If you didn’t need air you weren’t sure you would have ever parted with her soft lips.
“I-I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done.” You muttered embarrassment lining your words, your head dipped toward the floor but if you had kept your head up and locked eyes with morgana you would have only ever seen the softest look humanly possible and a smile stretched so wide you would’ve been concerned.
“You really should have” the dark haired girl spoke rounding the table. And tilting your head up to meet hers, before she began to place kisses all over your face giggles escaped from your throat and a permanent smile gleamed across your face.
“You’re my girl”
“And Im yours”
That night both you and Morgana ate soup side by side, and strike up conversations about anything and everything. As days turned into months and months into years, you were both content together. Morganas home was quaint at first but perfectly suited for schemes, and peaceful days, and everything in between. Some days were easier then others. Morganas nightmares still haunted her, they ranged from the usual of emerys finding her and ripping you away from her. Before taking her life. To watching as the inhabitants of Camelot drove you from your home. She hated it. So she decided to teach you how to use your magic to your own benefit.
Merlin may have been the most powerful sorcerist to ever have lived but you were going to give him a run for his money, morgana was a splendid teacher, and it was in no time you progressed in your training, you had even beaten her a few times, and all whilst training you had fed her information that your brother had told you from your time at camelot. But even so you couldn’t bring yourself to tell her who he was.
But every night plagued with these nightmares she’d awake screaming, and you’d hold her in your arms, and reassure her no one could take you from her. You would rather die then have her ripped from you so cruelly, and you didn’t pretend you didn’t know her destiny. It was entwined with Arthur and Merlin’s, mordred would take Arthur’s life, and merlin would take morganas. And it would all be over before it began.
And both you and your brother would have had to walk the earth long after your lovers perished, perhaps it was the cruel strings of fate deeming you both unworthy of happiness. You knew what kilgarah had said to your brother “no man no matter how great can change his destiny” and perhaps when those words left his scaly lips, that was when you decided you were going to play god. You were going to pluck the strings of fate, tear down everyone and anyone who had posed threat to morgana, And you were going to let merlin watch as he lost.
He would have to sit there and watch as everyone he ever loved is ripped from the boy so cruelly it will make historians wonder whether you truly we’re siblings. You were never meant to be born, you were a mistake from the moment hunith found out she was pregnant for the second time. She favoured merlin, like most, And it had only succeeded in making you vengeful, and angry. So you learnt and consumed every word of every book you could get your hands on in ealdore. The first book happened to be a book on the vast poisonous plants in the area.
And from then on you had loved the effects that poisonous plants would produce, you had to find something that made you dangerous you didn’t have magic, it was erased from you by your own brother. Your mother told you stories of a time a snake that had slithered into your cot in attempt to strike you down only for something to expel from you, and your mother to come running in and find you playing with the carcass of the dead snake. Perfectly safe and unharmed in your cot. Your eyes were what made her fearful. Your golden eyes.
You had caused vast and wildly spread fires that would plague the houses of kids that were mean to your brother, hunith became fearful of your power instead employing merlin to wide any reminiscences of magic, or that you were at all powerful, and from that day on you were extra-ordinary. Hunith became fearful that she had raised two incrediblly powerful children, merlin as opposed to you brought life everywhere he went, there were no dead snakes in his cot, no scorching wildfires-
No where merlin walked it was as if places riddled with droughts had suddenly began to spurt water, dead crops began to replenish their life. Hunith began to fear she raised one child riddled in death, and destruction, and the other in life, and creation. And she had to make it impertinently clear to a young merlin that he mustn’t ever let you know you had magic.
She feared you, even as a child part of you knew that hunith had an air of fear encasing her, but she had nothing to fear, they had nothing to fear. You weren’t evil. You were a child, and they shunned you, they caused this. They always will cause your downfall. They made you feel as if you were nothing and were surprised by the fact that you became bitter and angry.
Morgana had helped you hone in on your potential and your power, she saw her self in you. And she wanted to save you from the minute you had bumped into her and knocked her over at the top of the castle stairs, way back when, she was enamoured by your bashful smile and your flushed cheeks and she knew she’d do anything for you, so when she betrayed Camelot, and left to destroy the kingdom she had any adventures, and encountered many different enemies, but seeing you again on the forest floor she knew you neede safe refuge. Morgana was never a monster. She hoped you could see that. And you could.
For years you’ve been with her, by her side, kidnapped and enslaved to hurt her, living in a pit with athusa and morgana for two years. And you never once complained because you were with the witch side by side. And you were sure you both would reign he’ll upon anyone else who dare harm you.
You’ve been with her in pits, through hovels, you’ve stayed in tents and in castles, and the only important factor was having morgana by your side.
The night was cold, and uncaring, the silver light of the moon illuminated the bedroom morganas head on your chest, as you ran your fingers through her hair, you had begun to devise your plan to run Camelot to the ground, for ever hurting the two of you, there had been many plans you’ve both enacted to destroy Camelot. Merlin foiling every. single. one.
It angered you to no end. Emrys had foiled one too many plans, you were going to finish this, agraveine being the first cog in the machine. Moving morganas head from your chest you moved your way to the kitchen lying your head down over the kitchen table running an angered and defeated hand over your face in attempt to ease your stress. No matter what you did what you sacrificed, what you destroyed your brother would rebuild it.
In your tired haze you didn’t hear morgana sneak up behind you, her hands wrapping their way around your waist she placed a chaste kiss on your shoulder, “are you alright my sweet?”
“No my love, I’m not. I fear there’s something I haven’t told you…”
“Well what ever it is I won’t be upset, you can tell me anything.” The ebony haired girl gripped your hand in hers and stared into your eyes with such a soft intensity.
“I know who emrys is.” You spoke Morganas eyes widened in a craze “who?!?” She exclaimed, her eyes blown wide with panicked insanity.
“My brother, merlin.” You muttered with little hesitation, anxiety bubbling in you after his name left your lips.
“Merlin?” Questioned morgana, a bewildered expression clear on her cool features.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I once held him very dear to me.”
“Dearer than I?” She quipped insecurities building their way to the surface, sadness stuck to her as if she was covered in molasses, sticky and bitter more fear built within her at your delayed reaction
“No. not dearer than you.” You exclaimed with such intensity, such sureness like there was never any doubt where your loyalty lied, morgana was sure you were the one for her when you placed your lips onto hers with such fire. Such love. She knew this kiss was an apology, and a reassurance, that she was the only one you’d ever give yourself to fully for a cause.
That cause was love, and freedom. No one deserved to hate themselves simply for who they were and morgana understood the conflicting of family. And doing the right thing, she was in your position not too long ago. She didn’t care about how long you kept this from her. She only cared about the fact that you told her who her arch nemesis was, your own brother. You betrayed your own family for her.
morgana began to rally troupes of saxons merciless fighters with as much skill and battlefield knowledge to bring an army to their knees, that was exactly what was needed. We were bound to be out numbered camelots troupes were more vast and fastious then the saxons but brutality was on your side.
Camelots armies would be nothing without Merlin’s powers it would already seemingly be a losing battle, we would already be outnumbered we would need to stop emerys in his tracks. Take away the only thing that gave him any power, his magic.
The cool stone throne sat in the dimly lit room inhabited only by those morgana had trusted ever so dearly, a room inhabited by her army, her confidants, and at last her lover.
You had stood beside her as she sat lesurly in her throne mordred by her left you by her right, the Druid boy had been surprised to see the sibling of the man he would have liked to betray, his disappointment immeasurable he had traveled such a long way, in search of revenge for his love, and yet His mission found to be useless, for Merlin’s title had already been spilled.
The young Druid boy had wanted the pleasure for himself but the bitter taste of betrayal from one’s sibling may stun Merlin more than any betrayal mordred could have ever bestowed.
As he bowed by Morganas feet in a pitiful apology when the dark haired witch relented and let the boy join her his piercing eyes stared through your soul as if he was dissecting you, his pale features ghaut and his eyes blown wide
Mordred really was, seeing a ghost, a person long thought to be dead. Staring at him with eyes glistening with life, and skin as youthful as the last time he saw them.
“I don’t mean to offend but miss aren’t you meant to be dead?” Mordred poked confusion etched his face as his knees dug into the textured floor, anger flared through morgana at mordred audacity to illicit a response from her love.
“Then don’t” the dark witch sneered her eyes glaring daggers into the pale boy, her glare only relenting when your hand graced her shoulder
“Morgana, it’s alright.” You chuckle, freckled hand running over morganas soft flesh. Your soft tone changing distinctly into one of piercing anger and resentment “they wanted me dead, they hoped I perished But alas I lived, all thanks to my lover. Without morgana i don’t know where I’d be.”
Your tone softened by the end of your monologue, as your gaze shifted down to your dark queen. Gratitude sifting through you.
“But they burned a burial shroud in your honour! Merlin thought you died?”
Mordreds confused and bewildered voice echoed throughout the room bewildered by the audacity and lack of care for a citizen and friend.
“No Mordred, dear. he hoped I died.” You sneered resentment and anguish blazing your blood. “There’s a difference.”
A nostalgic sadness resided within you, as you retired to your chambers the echoing steps of your shoes against the ground was all that could be heard in the silent thrown room mordred realised that perhaps he shouldn’t mention your lineage, and your time in Camelot.
Yours and Morganas chambers had suddenly packed all warmth and comfort that previously resided there, a cold nostalgic wound reopened from mordreds arrival.
They didn’t even find your body and yet they buried you, like they always did, they buried you.
Hot tears spilled down your cheeks the wounds may be old, and scarred, and faded but the faint dull ache that’s a constant reminder of what happened before. What happened when you were younger, a constant reminder of when Merlin wiped away your potential and ruined your life.
Pain, you were so full of it. It was almost drowning you, as your salty tears fell faster down your cheeks. You wanted Merlin to suffer, just as morgana had wanted Arthur too, there was no way you’d allow your plan to fail.
Your sobs quietening as your boots fall heavy on the floor as you marched your way toward the throne room, taking an old faded spell book from your book shelf the faded potion stains from gauis’ chambers still stained the brown pages, as you clenched your jaw. And flipping to the most looked over page.
A page about how to take away someone’s magic. Merlin felt he could play god way back when you were young? It was your turn.
Your turn to be extraordinary! He will watch as the only person he cares about falls before him whilst he is trapped. Trapped for all eternity.
“Morgana!” Your voice boomed, as your steps fell, “I know what we need to do.” You exclaim swinging the throne room door open with rigour.
“My love, what have you found?” The pale woman called out with softness, her hands roaming over your cheek with soft tender hands ghosting over your shining wet cheeks.
“The formula for Merlin’s destruction, the very thing we need to have the upper hand!” You speak crazed eyes full of anger and a burning hot psychotic rage.
Morgana had never thought you more beautiful than planning revenge, placing a joyous kiss on your lips, you passed the leather bound book toward her, the page sitting open.
A gean canach a creature of the old religion, in the form of an enormous slug. Forged by the tears of the earth mother. It drains the magic from it’s pray leaving them defenceless.
It was the perfect plan. And it would start by ensuring the beast could rid someone of their magic, morganas cruel smile graced her features as soon as she brought in a sorcerer she once considered an ally.
What a pleasure it is to see you again ari
The honour is all mine my lady
Your arrival has been keenly anticipated I can assure you.
I have boasted of your powers…
Mm he grunted tilting his head down
…tho not all believe
People may believe as they wish
Well perhaps some small proof of your talents is in order, after all seeing is believing is it not?
I’m not an entertainer my lady
Of course not
Think of it more as a demonstration
Extinguish those flames
My lady, I must protest.
Indulge me. Morgana snaps her voice sending chills up your spine
As you watch the man incant. Successfully extinguishing flames.
Impressive, indeed who here now could deny w your powers?
A man Carrie’s slug box
Ari tries to flee stepping back as two men grip his shoulders
Morgana incants as the man protests feebily struggling in the hood of the men
Watching as it latches to his face as he claws desperately to remove its suckers from himself it only relents after he is suitably powerless
His glassy eyes shine toward the sky, mordred tentatively asks “is he dead?”
Morganas cold menacing reply cuts through the air like a knife. “If I wanted him dead, I would’ve put a sword in his gut.”
A loud gasp fills the air of the throne room
“Don’t despair ari, we’re nearly done.”
“If you’d do me the favour of relighting those flames.” Her cool green eyes stare into his, with mockery.
“You know I cannot.” He despairs, his eyes shining and defeated as the lines on his face pull loose as he reels at his loss.
“For the benefit of my friends!” Morgana calls spearing a glance toward those around her, eyes as cool as stone, a haunting look over passes her face.
“I will not humiliate myself before you.” Ari cries, as he breaks himself out of the grip of the saxons.
“You will if you want to see your family alive.” Bites morgana, as she tauntingly moves her head to the side as of to challenge him with her threat.
Ari incants again, his face downturned in sadness. “AGAIN!” Rattles morgana as the man steps back in fear.
“If you please” she smiles before waving her hand watching as saxons clear the man from the court.
A grimace etching your face at the sight, taking away someone’s magic felt like a violation, but the look on a younger Merlin’s face as he took who you were away from you it felt like sweet sweet revenge doing the same to the boy you once called a brother, dropping the slug in his chambers was nothing if not easy, the difficult part was taking in your home, any reminance of you gone like you were nothing.
The cool stone under your feet felt as if it burnt you through the soles of your shoes the faint reminace of spilled potions staining the now fixed table it hurts, you can’t muster up enough strength to wipe the scowl from your face, as you close the wooden door of your old home, the hood of your cape thrown over you as you rush down the stairs of the kingdom and into the lower town.
The straw beneath your feet crunch as you walk, the sight of gauis has you halting your treks a gasp leaving your mouth it’s like you were frozen as you met the eyes of the old man, turning up your hood closer to your face you find yourself walking the crowded streets the olf man following as hastily as he could behind you ditching your cape over a random girl and hiding behind a wagon, a wagon of weapons, you watch as the old man grips this girl by the fore arm turning her to face him, he visibly deflated when he realises it was, in fact, not his ex child back from the dead.
And he stalks back to his discarded basket. A scoff breaks from your lips as you turn, your shoes crunching against the dirt and stone your eyes half lidded in anger, you don’t even think when you incant the wagon alight. The vast weapons, and steel deforming in the fire. The townsfolk running frantically past you, as you walk straight through the middle, a hard look on your features. As the fire burns brightly behind you.
A warning without a warning. The world was going to burn.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
I don’t even know why, but I suddenly started wondering about this so now I’m in your asks and it’s a problem for the both of us lol
But anyway, what zodiac signs do you think the Merlin characters have?
(I need to put a keep reading thing, this got too long-)
So Gwaine's pretty easy because he'd have a fire sun, and ngl a fire or a Scorpio rising (he does look like that lol) and honestly I could very well see him having any and all elements in moon. Basically (btw disclaimer idk if I'll have the patience to do this so detailed for all of them so don't worry) Aries or Leo sun because, that's just him. Like if he's Aries sun I could see him having a Leo moon, but then again I could see him having a Gemini moon, a Sag moon, or maybeeee even an Aquarius moon- that's the thing about not being able to look into his head but I just believe that he's got wild shit going on in his mind and yet none of that would clash with sun too badly, and honestly while I could see him having a fire moon, I just think he'd be suited for an air or a water moon, because like, fire signs are all out and even in moon,,, idk it just doesn't fit that well. So I thinkkkkk I'll be staying with Aries sun, Gemini moon, and Scorpio rising (genuinely don't take my word on rising signs in this, I'm working with the little, little knowledge that I've got about them, it'll take me a long time until I know as much about risings as I do about the other planets because I just completely missed out on that opportunity of studying about them when I was learning the rest for some reason)
+ because I was just reading Taurus, convinced that he's got a Mars Taurus lol
anyway that is the only essay I'll write (hopefully) so you can take a deep breath and not murder me for making this thing 2k words long :)
Percival definitely has a big, big difference between rising and moon lol, but I could see sun and moon being quite similar. honestly could see him having a libra sun, cancer moon and taurus rising. maybe a capricorn rising.
elyan totally has capricorn somewhere there. maybe even twice. could see him having both a gemini and an aquarius moon- idk. he seems like he's so,, in himself?? like he definitely needs a sign that has a huge imagination in moon. could maybe see cancer somewhere there as well but,,, hm. honestly I'd say capricorn sun, gemini moon, and capricorn rising. pisces in jupiter would make sense lol, and I could see him having a taurus mars because of that one episode with the ghost boy
Leon im sure doesn't have too many fire signs, if any, I'd put him in the "air/earth" department tbh. possibly a water moon but I don't think so. this is harder than all the ones before- for what reason lol anyway I'll do this later so let's move on!!
Lancelot is a very water person to me for some reason, maybe throwing in some fire and earth. honestly could see him having both a libra and a sag rising, even though yes I know how different they are lol. genuinely this surprised me to some extent but, I think,,, I may just say cancer sun, pisces moon, and sag rising. or libra???? I want to say sag but it feels wrong. yeah let's go with libra rising, it may just work better. like, basing this on the first ever time we saw him, I just need to put some extroverted, sympathetic sign there, and sags are but then again they can also come across as pretty arrogant and they're impatient asf and no, that's not Lancelot (also libras have those self esteem issues lol)
Merlin very much has a fire moon, and honestly probably a scorpio moon lol, I could see that. cancer rising, and um, air sun. genuinely can imagine him having a Gemini sun, Scorpio moon and cancer rising
Morgana uh, hm, I want to say she has at least two fire signs, one in sun and one in rising, and a water moon. which is me paraphrasing that I think she has a Leo sun, a pisces moon (which is somewhat ironic and I love it) and an Aries rising (I do toooooooo <3 Aries rising is both a blessing and a curse lol)
Gwen has to have water or earth rising, and honestly i think she may just have a water moon. genuinely think her sun could be anything- okay so I may have just changed my mind a bit lol. libra sun, aquarius moon and capricorn rising
okay and I don't know about mordred just yet, not enough, so I'll leave him and come back to Leon lol
honestly coulddddd possibly see him as a taurus rising. there could be aquarius somewhere?? maybe virgo rising though. could be capricorn somewhere too i- uhh. hm. so I'd say he's a Virgo sun, an aquarius moon, and Taurus rising. idk he seems like that kinda person? it's lovely too because omg, virgo and aquarius together lol, I'm so sorry for him
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hag-rambling-on · 4 years
Winx Club HC’s
HalfHighElf HalfDwarf
Physically identical to her mother, there are certain hairstyles that Musa avoids like the plague so as not to look like her because it makes her sad.
She wears short hair in her memory.
Has a fanclub in Alfea.
Not at the level of the series, but she goes through a certain tomboy to a little more feminine but still. Still. Pants, pants, pants.
She shouldn't, but she started working as soon as she was allowed to, combining with her studies.
Addicted to caffeine.
It is not known if she is hyperactive, it is the caffeine or that energy spike before you pass out that keeps her on her feet, vibrating.
Seriously, she needs to stop to breathe for a moment. She is too focused, somewhat obsessed: school-work-music and repeat. Luckily the Winx are as or more stubborn than she.
Queen of the mnemonic rules.
Your head is as good as any other percusion instrument in her hands so be careful and do no touch her girls.
You can be a true girl AND wear pants or even look totally a boy if you like. Fight me.
Of course, it's a matter of Tecna first allows you.
The best, healthiest self-esteem of the group.
Curiously few people have seen her eat out scheduled times. but has no food problems.
She rambles/talks very softly to herself when she is thinking, most people don't hear it. Musa jokes that it is the sound of a computer -since their technology is pretty advanced and muted- processing data. It’s cute.
Roots of giants (like most of the people of Zenith and Titania, Xemia things) also elf and human.
She is good at reverse engineering and it is her primary method of learning. Which gives her trouble in class because go a bit slow in learning.
She knows how to weave (have you seen the images of computer cables from before? Well, that's why)
The strongest fist. If you have ever moved plants, you will understand why.
For some reason, she only can take care of fruiting plants without killing them with support of magic. But the most delicate flowers? She is great with them.
Another cuddly trans!woman.
Miele begin nicknamed her Flora and she is the one who has supported her the most. The rest is history.
On the other hand, Miele is also responsible for Flora not having a partner until Helia. Little fighting guard dog with high standards.
The most feminine girl in the universe
Also has a fanclub in Alfea (Mirta joins in it)
Pure human!girl.
Try to convince Musa to switch to teas and try a more relaxed way to live.
Spices! cook with too many spices for the health of the tongues of the rest of the girls.
The most stubborn of the group, fortunately usually agrees with the rest.
Ariadne of Domino. Marion is/was a witch, if anyone understands new names meanings, they are the witches, so even though something hurt, she agreed to call her Bloom and Oritel had to join.
Eating problems. But, as non-mental, biological. She was born and spent two years in an environment with food and magical atmosphere, then she was abruptly cut off. Bad for growth.
Morgana cast a protective spell on her as soon as she stepped on Terra.
Not at all but guilty that Morgana left her family
She had a stroke, literally fainted after the "I'm the protag" moment with Daphne and Domino revelation.
The best moment of her life is realizing that: a princess but not ever a regent queen (still working final ships if it is for Bloom, run aways royalty)
3/4 human 1/4 leprechaum.
With the reappearance of Domino and the return of Daphne, she began to learn to use her own power and not just the Dragon Flame. So she changes to Fairy of Flames and continued building her self.
A bit scared of Flora at first.
Layla it’s actually the name of her double/maid. Who the winx do not get to know until later btw. But thanks to the one who she can afford so much time for sports (as long as she masters the "royal duties" in record time).
She is pretty good with clothes, between her and Layla she quickly learned the best ways to hide her physical form from her parents.
Sports give her a sense of control over herself and her situation, which is why she is so competitive.
Most of the merfork is somewhat cute-clumsy on land. That says a lot about Aisha, who is also considered one of the most graceful creatures underwater.
Mostly mermaid. Bit of dark elf.
Good night vision.
She wears a charm to prevent dehydration, yet she still has humidifiers in her room and takes regular baths. Charms don't feel right.
No children do not appear in the world of nobility and political society in my rewinxing until a certain age (HORROR!). Royalty usually grows/studies among “commoners” with another name until 16 or even 18, then they “appear” in society. Stella appeared in society at 16 as a "go to hell" to all those who mistreated her. Aisha did not, her debut was to be with her "university/college" education, so it was between her debut season she also gets her socialite debur. Her family is that closed.
She started out as a Fairy of the Sun and the Moon. Then it changed to Fairy of the Stars.
She doesn't need as many hours of sleep as a normal person.
Bulimia. She got over it, it was the stress of the parents and the attacks of the school. Her weight always remained somewhat plump and at last,  proud ot it (I love the idea of the Winx being a cuddle bunch).
Pure high elf.
She calls the colors for the 7 colors of the rainbow for simplicity and don't drive her aquaintances crazy, you never hear her call “teal” a color but “blue green or green blue” but her vision allows her to distinguish each hue and shadow to the point that her parents thought she had a vision disturbance as a child because "no, those two are NOT the same color” "Stella dear, both are the Same Blue" "Daddy! Are you blind?"
Many tailors hated her until she met a stubborn solarian seamstress with light magic and similar ability, that's where her love for textiles and colors was born.
This has also given her trouble in class. Like, kaboom problems.
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strawberrytheduck · 3 years
Belle Quacks-Chapter 13
(TW: Mental breakdown/self-esteem issues)
Quackerjack and Bushroot walked the girls home, Quackerjack still feeling protective and Bushroot just wanting to get to know Camellia better. “Thank you guys, for helping us.” The fox said, squeezing Bushroot’s leafy hand. Quacky gave a simple ‘no problem’ where as Bushroot stumbled over his words, saying how he was happy to help and that he was glad they were safe. “You certainly talk a lot, it’s cute. You’re sweet too.” She hummed, looking at the plant mutant. He blushed, his face turning a dark green. A smirk was present on the demented jester’s cheerful face, telling them to ignore him. Camellia asked him what plant he was and to tell her more about it, spurring a lecture that caused Belle to zone out and fall asleep. Quacky happily carried her, tuning out the plant nerds. Camellia seemed happy to talk to him, smiling warmly and running a hand through his petals once in a while. Bushroot never really got to talk like this for so long, not even with Rhoda. Camellia was a lot like her in some ways, smart, pretty and kind. She was also so different, being pagan, a mammal, multiple piercings, confident and strong. The florist was honestly the most beautiful person he’d ever seen and she didn’t mind him, she liked his company. “I really love your passion Reggie, it’s something I admire. This whole thing has been fast paced and chaotic but you’re definitely a highlight.” The mutant unlocked the door and opened it for her, opting to help with Belle. Camellia was fascinated to say the least, who could blame her? Bushroot was the closest being she ever met to a pagan deity, he was incredibly sweet and he was smart, she wanted more time with him.
Belle barely stirred when she was placed on to the bed, letting out a tiny yawn. Jack had to hold his beak shut to avoid squealing at his sister. Bushroot simply ‘awww’ed as he put the covers over her. She had a long day, she was entitled to some sleep. Quackerjack then pulled something out of his pocket, a plush version of himself and a note. He placed the note on the bedside table and the plushie in her arms. “I’m giving her a little me, that way she’ll always have a piece of me or something to cuddle during a breakdown or panic attack.” He stated, kissing her on the forehead. The small, sleeping duck pulled the plush closer to her, nuzzling it slightly. The taller woman chuckled fondly, smiling at the guys. Belle seemed happy and sleeping peacefully. Quackerjack then asked where she’d sleep, instantly pushing her closer to the bed when she said the couch. “I’m sure you’ve shared the bed before, just go to bed.” He insisted. She rolled her eyes, giggling. Bidding them goodnight, she kissed Bushroot on his forehead before joining Belle. The plant had to be dragged out by the other duck, who put the keys on the side, and shook him by the shoulders. “Earth to Reggie, I know you’ve been kissed by a woman you likely think is a goddess but get yourself together.” He said, tapping his friend. The botanist mumbled something, little flowers growing from his petals and around the base of them in a flower crown like formation. ‘Goodness, he’s helpless.’ The toymaker thought, giggling at his friend. Once Bushroot snapped out of it, he looked like a full on floral arrangement. “Well, you fell for her quick. So did Morgana when it comes to Belle. Come on, let’s go.” And with that, they left.
Camellia was already awake and gone when Belle woke up, not that she minded. She was admiring the Jacky plush in her hands, giggling to herself. It looked just like him, complete with a hat secured with Velcro and a very small Mr. BananaBrain in one of his hands. Naturally, she loved it, hugging it close and kicking her legs in the air. “My own little Jacky! Now I can ask you for advice! Cammy’s great but sometimes I think I overwork her.” She said to the cuddly jester. Her eyes caught sight of an envelope on the bedside table. She grabbed it, carefully opening it to retrieve the note. ‘Belle, I thought you’d like a cuddly version of me! A special, one of a kind toy from Quackerjack Toys, just for you! This way, I’ll be there when you need me, even if I’m not there in person. Little Jacky and his tiny friend are guaranteed to light up any dark times. Love Jackson.’ It read. The message was short but sweet, making her happier and love the little doll more. She never had toys growing up, then again, neither did Jack, making this one her first one. Belle swore she’d never part with it, it was her brother after all, just small and available. “So, I’m hanging out with Morgana later, does she actually like me?” The plush fell foward, which she took as a yes. The duck giggled happily, rocking side-to-side. She got up, flapping her hands a little before rushing over to her clothes in order to pick something nice to wear. Belle felt she had to impress Morgana and she didn’t understand why or why she always felt warm or that she had butterflies in her stomach when she was around the sorceress. Maybe she was coming down with something. But how could she from just standing in front of someone and be fine until she thought about them? “Is something wrong with me?” She whispered to herself, picking out a red dress with a black belt that she forgot she had. Morgana would love her in that outfit.
It was a little out of her comfort zone but she didn’t mind, it would impress the sorceress and that was what she wanted. She looked her new doll, a little confused. “Should I wear this? Would Morgana like it?” Jack fell forward again, cementing her choice. Maybe some red makeup? A little eye shadow would draw attention to her eyes Camellia would say. Once she had the dress on, she walked up to Camellia’s mirror and just stared. What is she thinking? This dress doesn’t look good on her at all, her hair is to childish and vibrant to make it look good. The dress was also more low cut and fitted than she was used to, drawing attention to her thin frame and collar bones. She looked sick. ‘This is a mistake, I can’t wear this. But nothing would be better, it’s too hot for my usual outfit. Morgana would want me to wear something like this, surely.’ Belle held back a sob, staring at herself still. ‘My arms look like sticks. Ugly sticks, not the cool ones. My ribs are visible, that won’t do.’ She was a little thinner than average, but not as thin as she thought. Her ribs didn’t stick out a lot, only slightly. But she couldn’t help but notice them and almost every detail of her body. Soon, Camellia came running in, asking what was wrong. The fox saw her friend, fists clenched, palm and fingers down on the desk. Tears spilled from her eyes as she bit her beak, her gaze on the mirror. “Oh Belle, come on, you look great.” Belle heard as she was pulled into a hug. “E-Easy for y-y-you to say, y-you always l-look beautiful.” She sobbed out. Camellia walked with her to the bed, sitting them down. She stroked her friend’s hair, whispering to her. Belle struggled to calm down, reaching for the plush of her brother.
Camellia handed it to her, kissing her forehead. “Hey now, you’re beautiful, wipe those gorgeous eyes, Sweet.” She cooed, tilting Belle’s head upward. The look on the duck’s face broke her heart, it was pure and utter despair. “M-Morgana would w-w-want me t-to wear this, r-r-r-right?” The poor, sweet little thing, she tried so hard. Camellia wiped Belle’s eyes for her, shushing her softly. “Oh Sweetheart, she’d want you to wear what you want, you shouldn’t wear something you don’t like.” She stood them both back up, holding Belle’s hand and bringing her to the mirror. The duck looked at her reflection, still slightly hazy due to left over tears. Camellia was out of the mirror’s frame, leaving her in it. She didn’t know what Camellia wanted her to see. “Tell me what you don’t like here.” Came the soft voice from next to her. “M-My arms, t-they’re twig-like. A-A-And my r-ribs are visible.” Camellia smiled sadly at her, explaining that it was on the inside that counts. That she, Morgana and the Fearsome Four absolutely adored her. That anyone staring was just jealous of her. She was gorgeous, inside and out in their eyes. “It is important, however, that you think you’re beautiful. Tell me, what do you think?” Belle took a deep breath before focusing on her reflection. ‘I shouldn’t wear form fitting clothes.’ A voice at the back of her mind said. “It’s different, that’s good.” She said, trying to ignore that voice. ‘You’re arms are sickly, you could snap them in half. And goodness, you look like a corpse.’ That was sort of true, she didn’t look all that healthy. Still, she didn’t look as bad as she thought. “I look kinda pretty.” She whispered. “I look pretty and confident in this dress. Does it go with my hair? No, but hey, I look good.” Belle said, steeling her resolve.
“See? You always look great, remember that.” Camellia said, hugging her. Belle hugged her back, giggling. She opted to skip the eye shadow, feeling it would spur another crying session and that she didn’t need it. She did put her hair in a ponytail though, putting on some obsidian and ruby earrings to match the dress. Morgana would love her regardless, she told herself. She walked into the main room and pouring herself some cereal, Plush-Jack sitting in her tote bag comfortably. Belle listened to the music from the TV as she ate, watching Camellia set up a spell of some kind. Apparently one that’s meant to bring happiness and overall good vibes if she remembered correctly. She picked up one of Camellia’s various romance books in order to not distract her friend from her daily meditation and also to stimulate herself as she ate. It was surprisingly easy to get into and the book was well loved, clearly one of Camellia’s favourites. A calming aura came over her, making her feel that despite the rocky start, today would be a good day.
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between-two-fandoms · 4 years
An angst+hurt/comfort fic where Douxie remembers a bad experience that happened in Camelot, and Claire talks him through it? (Like, Maybe about how Douxie got the scar on his hand?
This definetly got way out of hand, lmao! I hope you like it. :) Cross posted onto ao3 and can be found with the link. If you’ve sent me an ask I promise I’m getting to it. My box exploded with notifs today so I’m playing catch up.
Their training session had been going well, Douxie was impressed by how quickly Claire was able to pick up on new spells and magical abilities. Today Douxie had decided to take a leaf out of Merlin’s book so they were training in the forest instead of Trollmarket. One of his mentor’s earliest lessons was that you’d have no control over where the battle took place, so be prepared for any possible outcome of a battle ground. Douxie laughed as he countered Claire’s shadow magic with his own, his shield of magic blocking her attacks. The deflected magic took down some of the nearby trees, causing them to crash onto the floor. “Arugh!” The young witch-in-training groaned as she continued to fail to get a single hit in. “How are you so good?!” She yelled, firing a blast of magic with every word. Douxie leapt out of the way of each attack while began chanting for another spell. One of Claire’s bursts of magic barely skimmed the top of his head, destroying the tree Douxie was hiding behind. He winced in sympathy for the tree then flipped over the stump shouting,
“Years of training fair Claire! Telo lumen!” His offensive spell worked like a charm, bolts of lightening erupted from his right hand, scaring Claire into portaling a little further away. Douxie began chanting another spell, something that would trap Claire into a bubble of magic. She beat him to it though, eyes flashing purple and black she threw a wave of shadows in his direction too fast for Douxie to deflect. Douxie was thrown across the woods and landed on the ground, rolling until his back hit a rather large stone. Douxie coughed as he regained his balance.
“Teach!” Claire shouted, concern laced in her voice. She portaled next to him. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?” She asked, helping him stand back up. Douxie nodded as he blinked his eyes back into focus. His balance still seemed to be off, so he relied on her for support.
“Of course Claire. It’ll take more than a spunky little witch to take me down!” He exclaimed, striking a victorious pose on the rock. Claire didn’t look convinced,
“I’m not too sure what I even did. I was just so angry and annoyed that I couldn’t get a hit on you and it just sort of… happened.” Douxie nodded, sliding back down to sit an recuperate his strength.
“Magic is emotion Claire, once you learn how to channel the energy you’ll become a formidable opponent.” Claire nodded then sat on the grass next to him. The two sat in silence, then she frowned,
“How’d you get that?” She asked Douxie, pointing at his wrist. Looking down Douxie saw what she was looking at. His original arcane must’ve fallen off his wrist during their sparring session, exposing his scar. Douxie winced then pulled his sleeve down covering the ugliness of the mark.
“Training mishap,” he said unconvincingly. At Claire’s look of disbelief he insisted, “it happened over a century ago Claire, I’m fine.” Douxie stood up, still a little wobbly from Claire’s shadow magic.
“Maybe you should stay the night at Jim’s. You know, just in case I accidentally did something… Morgana-like,” Claire said as they made their way back into town. Shaking his head Douxie protested,
“Claire it was just a little bit of shadow magic. Nothing I haven’t seen before, a good night’s rest and I’ll be right as rain.” As he spoke he felt a wave of weak energy rush through him and he stumbled forward a few steps. Claire made a sort of tsking sound then she said,
“If you don’t want to stay with Jim then you’re staying with me. No arguing, no ‘but I’m a mysterious master wizard with diabolical plans.’ Got it Douxie?” She asked. Knowing a lost battle when he saw one Douxie caved. Nodding he begrudgingly agreed,
“Alright fine, but I’m telling you, there’s nothing wrong with me.” Douxie shivered as a cold breeze blew through the street. He pulled his sweatshirt around him a little bit tighter as he followed Claire up the steps to her house. As helpful as always, Claire showed him the way to the guest room and dragged in a few extra blankets.
“It gets a little chilly in here,” she explained as she threw the heavy quilts over the bed. Douxie sunk into the mattress, suddenly exhausted from the long day of training. He caught himself absentmindely tracing the pattern of the scar wrapped around his hand. Claire nodded at the actions, “are you sure you’ll be alright?” She asked, obviously hesitant to leave him by himself. Douxie nodded and gave her a cheeky smile,
“I’ll be fine Claire. Thanks for letting me stay the night.” The shadow witch nodded,
“What sort of friend would I be if I left you on your own? Goodnight Douxie,” she said flipping the lights off. Douxie nodded in the darkness as he whispered,
“Goodnight Claire.” As soon as his head hit the pillow his mind warped into a land of nightmares…
Douxie was around five centuries old at this point, still training with Merlin. They were training in the field today, Merlin wanted to give Douxie some real-life experience. “Now Douxie,” Merlin began, “you must understand… you just aren’t ready for larger spells yet. Keep practicing what you know. Once you’ve mastered your current level I shall teach you -” he cut himself off and summoned a miniature dragon made out of green flames. Douxie stared at the beast in awe as it patted it’s feet and curled up in a circle, resting in the palm of Merlin’s hand. “Spells and magic beyond what you believe is real.” Douxie accidentally ran into Merlin’s outstretched arm and his mentor dragged him behind a rather large rock.
“Master, what is it?” Douxie asked, trying to peer over the stone. Merlin shoved his head down, forcing him to hide.
“Trolls, gumm gumms. We must’ve traveled further into the forest than I had originally planned,” Merlin said as a familiar expression grew on his face. Douxie recognised it as Merlin’s planning-face.
“How many are there?” Douxie asked eagerly, he knew the dangers of the gumm gumms, but he was itching for a fight. “We can take them!” Merlin shoved his overeager head back behind the rock.
“Stay here Hisirdoux,” Merlin ordered. Douxie groaned inwardly, benched during a fight… again. It wasn’t exactly doing wonders for his self-esteem. Nevertheless, he listened to his mentor and stayed out of sight. After a few minutes of failed negotiation Douxie heard the telltale sounds of combat raging, with Merlin at the center of it.
“Master Merlin!” He called out, jumping up from his hiding place in time to see his mentor blasted into a rather thick tree trunk. Merlin slid onto the ground, eyes rolling to the back of his head. The three gumm gumms turned and faced Douxie, fists balled and ready to throw. Douxie sprinted across the clearing and slid in front of his mentor, summoning a protective barrier of magic around them. “Merlin what do I do?” He asked, struggling to keep his shield up. In response Merlin’s head just leaned to the right, falling the rest of the way to the ground. “Right Hisirdoux, you’re on your own.” The gumm gumms multiplied while he was distracted, now reaching numbers of six or seven instead of three. “Damn it all!” Douxie exclaimed. He took his shield down and fired a massive wave of magic at the gumm gumms. Enemy distracted, Douxie dragged his mentor behind the tree trunk and returned to his defensive post.
“Run Hisirdoux,” Merlin’s voice mumbled from behind the tree. Douxie shook his head as he summoned another offensive blast of magic, taking out two of their enemies.
“You wouldn’t leave me!” He shouted, catching some of the other gumm gumms in freeze traps. He had no choice but to return to the defensive side of things. With his shield up Douxie tried to get Merlin to wake but the bastard of an old man kept muttering something about two spells at once, and a warning. Douxie’s eyes widened in realization - he could perform two spells at once. He’d been practicing his portals, and with the help of his arcane wrist band he could perform a few blasts while doing so. 
Decision made he charged up his magic he kicked Merlin into the portal first. Douxie could feel the strain the double spell performance was having on his body, but he didn’t care. All he wanted was to make sure he and Merlin got back to Camelot safely. Shouting an incantation Douxie launched bolts of lightning at the gumm gumms. As he used more of his magic the young wizard-in-training felt his magic grow weaker. Soon after the gumm gumms were all destroyed he felt a hand wrap around his ankles and pull him through the portal just as his world turned to black.
Waking up in a cold sweat Douxie grabbed at his scarred hand, the nightmare still haunted him even though he was awake. “Doux?” A soft voice asked, knocking on the door. He shivered and pulled the quilts tighter around him, suddenly grateful for the extra warmth. “Oh Douxie, it’s alright,” Claire said as she sunk into the chair next to the bed. She ran a hand through his hair trying to calm him down. “You’re okay Douxie,” Claire promised as he gripped her hand tighter with his scarred one. Douxie took a shaky breath then apologized,
“I uh, sorry about this.” He knew Claire had a lot on her plate already. She shouldn’t have to worry about a master wizard who suffered from ptsd and panic attacks. Claire didn’t stop the calming circles she was tracing on his back.
“You don’t need to apologize for having nightmares Douxie. After Jim went into the Darklands he had night terrors almost every time he closed his eyes. Do you want to talk about it?” Claire asked hesitantly. Douxie frowned,
“It was years ago. Shouldn’t bother me as much anymore.” The two fell into a comfortable silence then Douxie found himself tracing his scar again. “Merlin and I were training in the woods outside of Camelot. He wanted to give me some real-world experience or something I guess. We traveled too far and ended up in gumm gumm territory. Merlin got knocked out and well… I had to defend us both.” Claire hummed, then nodded to encourage him to continue. Douxie sighed, “we were overpowered but I couldn’t let Merlin down. I uh… it was the first time I casted two spells at once. You need years upon years of training to cast multiple spells but what other choice did I have? In the middle of the fight I used my magic to summon a portal back to the castle and used it to fight off the remaining gumm gumms.” Douxie shrugged, “I guess I passed out because I ended up waking up to having a new scar on my hand and one of Merlin’s infamous lectures of me being a foolish apprentice.
“You’re safe now though. No gumm gumms, no Morgana, no Arcane Order. The guardians of Arcadia will call us if they need any help tonight. You just rest,” Claire urged him as he settled back into the bed. Douxie gave her a small smile,
“Since when did you get so wise?” Claire chuckled,
“Since I had an amazing teacher. Sleep, Douxie. We’ll be here when you wake up in the morning. Douxie nodded and this time when he closed his eyes, he knew Claire would be there to keep the nightmares at bay.
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by TheAsexualofSpades
Merlin and Arthur are captured by bandits. They're found, the knights take them back to Camelot, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. To be honest, it's a little bit of a routine by now, even if Arthur still has to reassure Merlin that he's still here for him.
Words: 2105, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 74 of Quarantine Drabbles
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Leon (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin & Morgana (Merlin), Gaius & Merlin (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table & Merlin (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Protective Morgana (Merlin), Protective Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Protective Merlin, Injured Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Arthur Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Injured Merlin (Merlin), Self-Esteem Issues, soft, Dorks in Love, Boys In Love, can be platonic or romantic you decide, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
@casesforchipmunks said: (Shipping Meme) 💘💗💌🍰 (For Morg!)
A Shipping meme for muse told by the mun !! [ CLOSED meme because Lia is bored with meta now ]
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💘- What is your muse like in ships
Romantic, obsessively devoted, a HUGE care-taker and giver. But she’s also got low self esteem about a lot of things, and often takes that out on the person. She works on herself a lot, but she does get emotional. She does, genuinely want to be a partnership with who she’s with; she wants to be involved in their whole world, and wants them to feel comfortable enough to be 100% involved in her whole world. Morgana gives 1000% to the person even if it’s not evenly given back; she doesn’t know how to gauge if the person truly loves her at the same force, but she’s headstrong and convinced if they chose her, she has to be all in, regardless. She is very inclusive of them and their quirks, because she knows what it feels like to be a misfit. It’s important to note, though she gives SO much of herself to them, she never loses who SHE is, and will never water herself down either. She feels if she’s accepting them, warts and all, they should for her, too.
💗- Do you have a gender preference when shipping
Morgana isn’t really someone that cares about any of that. She seems to lean towards men, but to be honest if anyone else showed her devotion and love she could fall instantly for them. I guesssss you could label her panromantic but bisexual? I don’t know. She’s another muse like Gabby that doesn’t “do the label thing.” Morgana is scary on one hand, but a bigger part of her is her soft heart and romantic side. She does believe in true love’s kiss and love at first sight, and all of that. Looks wise, she’s a monster that passes as normie, so her range for acceptance is pretty wide. I do think as the rebel of her family in that she predominantly pursues normies/mortals over monsters. XD 
💌- Would your muse write a love letter
OF COURSE. She may have cell phones and laptops but the girl still writes with a feather quill and uses loose ink. Unironically. She is a gothic romantic, so there’s going to be a lot of scrolls that are loving etched and sealed with red wax, and all of that old-fashioned drama. She writes everything from long declarations of how wonderful they are to a small little “I love you!” with a lipstick-kiss under the scrawl. Either message will be treated with he same flair, and probably delivered via magic or “scare mail” by one of her bats. Because. It’s Morgana. 
🍰- What does your muses kisses taste like
Whatever she just drank, if caught off guard, so a lot of chocolate/espresso mixed, because she’s addicted to flavored coffees. And...something mysteriously herb-y, because she blends a lot of elixirs for wellness and strength, so she drinks a vial throughout the day. If she’s planned it, she’s got fresh, crisp spearmint/lavender on her breath.
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ao3feed-p5-boyslove · 4 years
by KuroKoala
He woke up that night, three in the morning, no Morgana to be seen. He was sweating, heavy breathing as he slowly sat up, curling his knees to his chest and plopping his face inbetween them. Deep breaths, just take deep breaths...
Akira couldn't stop thinking about it. The hands around his neck, the overlapping voices all saying the same thing over and over and over, the knives slicing his limbs off, tearing out his intestines and taking pleasure in his dead stare. Akira was dead, but he still felt everything...
Akira had calmed down, his eyebags large and heavy, but he didn't want to fall asleep again. Not after what he had said to him...
"... I can't die because I long for it."
Words: 4424, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Persona 5
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Multi
Characters: Amamiya Ren (Persona Series), Kurusu Akira, Persona 5 Protagonist, Sakura Futaba, Takamaki Ann, Sakamoto Ryuji, Kitagawa Yusuke, Niijima Makoto, Okumura Haru, Akechi Goro, Morgana (Persona Series), Yoshizawa Kasumi, Yoshizawa Sumire
Relationships: Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist, Persona 5 Protagonist/Yoshizawa Kasumi, Persona 5 Protagonist/Yoshizawa Sumire, Akechi Goro/Kurusu Akira, Akechi Goro/Amamiya Ren, Amamiya Ren/Yoshizawa Kasumi, Kurusu Akira/Yoshizawa Kasumi, Amamiya Ren/Yoshizawa Sumire, Kurusu Akira/Yoshizawa Sumire, Persona 5 Protagonist/Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Kurusu Akira/Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Amamiya Ren/Phantom Thieves of Hearts
Additional Tags: Eventual Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Child Abuse, Nightmares, Body Horror, References to Depression, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Polythieves (Persona 5), Bottom Persona 5 Protagonist, Self-Indulgent, Self-Hatred, Self-Esteem Issues, Akechi Goro Lives, Akechi Goro Redemption, Let Sakamoto Ryuji Say Fuck, Good Boy Sakamoto Ryuji, Everyone Is Gay, Eventual Romance, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Relationships, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Human Morgana (Persona Series), Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers, Persona 5: The Royal, Spoilers, Rating May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Persona 5 Protagonist Has A Palace, Teenage Dorks, Dorks in Love, Mental Health Issues, Mental Instability, Underage Sex, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort, Phantom Thief Akechi Goro, Dancing, Pining, Mutual Pining, Physical Abuse, Starvation, Abusive Parents
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tunafishprincess · 6 years
The Roads We Take Chapter 2
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art by @brothebro, writing by @tunafishprincess
First Chapter
She is twenty-six when they move into their new home.
Well, perhaps not home. Not yet.
The shingles are haphazardly thrown around the uncut grass in clumps, whilst the door barely hangs on its hinges. The inside is worse. Dust blankets the living room and kitchen. Even the closed off bedroom (only one bed, she notes), has dust bunnies scattered amongst the mess of clothes and blankets someone left behind.
And left behind they did. Whoever the original owners are, they left most of their valuables. Claire knows why, or at least, she thinks so. Most of the houses, especially this close to Arcadia, are abandoned. Another symbol of her past deeds.
But it would make due. It has to.
They have nowhere else to go.
She suspects Toby pulled several strings to get them such a place. Most humans these days live in a post-war era of poverty and disease, all brought upon by the witch queen herself. Morgana is dead, but her story will live on for centuries, if not millennia. Trolls and humans would not soon forget such a woman, nor will they forget the face she wore.
The first month of cleaning and tidying up the place are a godsend. Every day she awoke to the sound of Jim working on the roof and every night she knocked out, bone-tired from cleaning and fixing up the little cottage. When they finish up the major repairs, she starts her own little garden. Nothing like her father’s, but it is a start.
It is soothing in the beginning. No thoughts, just work. Her and Jim largely ignore each other outside of pleasantries and small talk. She is fine. Everything is fine.
Until it isn’t.
Toby and Darci visited when they could but for the most part it is only her and Jim here, no neighbors for a hundred miles around. She looks forward to them, desperately so, because what else did she have to look forward to these days?
The snippets of information help feed her imagination of the world around them. Her lack of internet made any outside news exciting, even the most dull kind. What she would give to have a newspaper or magazine subscription. But alas.
The Nuñez household came every few months, but even that wasn’t enough. Her family has their own lives, she knows, what, with Enrique’s schooling, her mother’s work—it hurts, but she understands. Even though it feels like it was just yesterday she was a teenager, outwardly she is an adult. Ten years is a long time. They have moved on, changed and grown without her presence.
Enrique sends her letters at least.
Jim is…She isn’t sure what their relationship is these days. One moment they are on the couch together and the next he’s somewhere else, leaving her for hours, sometimes days at a time.
The tension could only go on for so long. Claire is bored. Reading is nice, but it doesn’t fill the void within her.
The days turn to weeks turn to months and she is starving for something, anything.
An itch she cannot scratch, no matter how much work she does around the house or in the garden. It is as though there is a hole inside her chest, expanding with every breath.
Emptiness. Morgana hollowed her out, leaving her scrambling for purchase in this strange new world of familiar and not. No one could ever understand. Not really. She watched every atrocity the sorceress committed, like a figure behind a thick wall of glass. No matter how hard she screamed, no one could hear her.
Ten years is a lot to comb through. She knows she’s screwed up, mentally, emotionally, physically—take your pick. Morgana twisted her soul, shifted her body to accommodate the creature she originally was.
The creature Claire now is.
Humans didn’t levitate in their sleep.
Humans didn’t break glass without touching it.
The magic ebbs and flows, changing at the slightest change in her mood. No wonder Toby put her here. Society is better without her causing anymore havoc than she already does.
Still, the tightness within her builds.
She misses human contact—any contact. Stranded in the woods without much entertainment begins to suffocate her. Unlike the hospital she has nothing to distract her from her thoughts. Jim tries to help, but he isn’t much better. The sweet boy she remembers is a man now, strange and alluring; yet no matter what she does, he is always out of her reach.
It all comes to ahead one night, when Jim comes home much later than normal. She waits at the door for him to return, a bundle of emotions ready to erupt.
And how could they not? Look at me, she thinks. What a dutiful little wife she has become. Her sixteen-year-old self would be horrified at what she is now. No job, no education past tenth grade, no social life—it is a heavy blow to her self-esteem. All her dreams are dashed now, all because she didn’t seek help.
Dios mio, if only she sought out her friends before this entire mess. Even now she can recall the confusion, of how she kept forgetting things, of the endless cold that ate at her being. The cracks that wouldn’t go away. So many signs. And she was too stubborn to see them.
The door creaked open. Jim’s head lowered beneath the frame, horns lightly scrapping the top.
Her breath hitches. It is not so much the size that surprises her, but the power behind it. The thin beanpole boy that barely topped five and a half feet now towers over her, his entire body corded muscle, with impossibly large shoulders that tapered into a trim waist. No, trim didn’t cut it. Even with his shirt on she could see the outline of his abs and chest.
Could probably bounce a quarter of it, she reflects, cheeks growing rosy at the thought.
No. Almost immediately she reins herself in. Her fists clench. She is supposed to be angry. Jim is late. No, more than late, he was missing.
She knows he can sense her in the darkness, if not outright see her. The red of his eyes glow ominously. The scent of pennies is heavy in the room. As he heads for the kitchen, Claire moves in front of him.
“Jim, wait.” She adds, “Please.”
He turns his head slightly, ears lowering. “Can this wait till morning, Claire?”
Absolutely not. By then he would have an excuse and they would be back where they started, skirting around each other like always. Claire pressed on, “Where were you?”
Claire’s lips tug downward. Work. She hates his work. She may be trapped here but he is trapped out there, forced to do the very things Morgana used to impose upon him. He is the government’s dog, all because of her.
“You could have told me,” she says, voice level. They were a team, right?
“There wasn’t enough time.”
“There’s never enough time, is there?” She sighs, leaning against the wall. She rubs her temples, trying to starve off the headache forming. It is one of the symptoms of her magic. As if she needs even more things wrong with her.
His shoulders raise. “What?”
She throws up her hands. “Every time. You disappear without ever telling me anything. I have to get the information from Toby, and even he’s tight lipped about it because of some stupid “security clearance”. Can’t you at least have the courtesy to leave me a message? Even a text would do.”
With every word that passed her lips the frustration builds. They are supposed to be together but if anything they are further apart than ever before.
“Claire—” He whispers.
Magic crackles around her; the furniture around her shakes.
She knows she’s overreacting. Nevertheless, she cannot stop the frustration growing within her. These last few months have left her in a constant state of unease. It is now or never.
“No, I’m not finished,” she snaps. “You can’t keep doing this.”
His eyes flicker away from her steady gaze. He looks extraordinarily uncomfortable, like a child caught with a hand in the cookie jar. “Doing what?”
She groans, rubbing her forehead. Is he serious right now? “Vanishing without a trace. What if something happened here? How would I ever get a hold of you? What if something happened to you?”
“The government has security detail on the grounds,” he answers, scratching the scruff at the base of his neck. “Besides, if something did happen to me, you would be cared for.”
“Cared for?” She bites out. What is she, some sort of puppy? “Are you for real?”
“What do you want me to say?”
“Everything!” She yells, louder than she wants to, but the bubble within her has burst. Her hands grow hot in response.
Instantly, a picture frame dislodges from the wall. Claire startles then turns her head at the sound. It is a move that costs her.
When she turns back, the door is open.
Her boyfriend is gone once more.
“Mother—” She bites down the rest of the curse.
Cold grips her chest, spreading out to her extremities. Her teeth chatter. The glass windows sing, alerting her of how bad it has gotten.
Damn it. Every time. Every time she accidentally uses her powers he disappears.
Finally, the window behind her shattered. Shuddering, she begins to do the breathing exercises Darci taught her. Count to ten: one, two, three, four, five…
It takes her longer than she would like to admit.
Still, she does it. The emotions are balled up tightly inside, the freezing chill in her blood warming into an uneasy coolness.
Part of her knows this is her fault. She is to blame for Jim’s reaction.
But another part of her disagrees. Didn’t he say he would stay with her always?
What she wouldn’t give for a break from all of this. This stupid reality where she hurt everyone and everything. Is this how it is going to be for the rest of her life?
Is this her destiny?
God. She hopes not. That is almost as bad as the ten years with Morgana. Having no one to talk to and the only one that does fears her using magic.
Tired hands make quick work of the mess. It gets her mind off the inevitable, though not for long.
An hour later, he returns. This time, Claire doesn’t give him the luxury of an excuse. She bores into him, finger pressing into his broad chest. Her other hand tugs on the braid she made for him this morning. It is almost comical, her, small and fragile and him, large and indestructible.
“You’re a coward,” she remarks coldly. “You can’t talk about it so you just ignore the problem.”
“Claire,” he says, still not looking at her. “Stop.”
“No, I’m not going to stop. You can’t keep pushing me away.” She drags him over across the room, his mane a makeshift leash. He complies, albeit reluctantly.
It is childish, yes, but nothing else appears to get to him.
“I’m not pushing you away,” he reaches out, tucking a stray bang behind her ear. Part of her softens, before remembering the prior conversation. She swats the hand away. “I’m keeping you safe.”
“Bullshit. Keeping me safe? You’re running away,” she accuses. To add salt to the wound, she adds, “No wonder Morgana won.”
Her eyes widen.
It is the wrong insult.
She regrets the words the moment they leave her mouth.
The man wearing Jim’s face steels. Claire drops the braid. The golden pupils, normally rounded, slits, more animal than human.
His hunched back straightens. The muscles in his shoulders stretch against the confines of his shirt.
The Morgana issue is always a sore one between them (and probably will be for a long time). A rush of shame brushes against her heart. Nevertheless, she faces him head on.
She knows she should be afraid. This is someone who fought for her, killed for her, held her—warmth pools between her legs. It is involuntary.
Now, Claire theoretically remembers how and what they did together, but the actual is far different than what she saw through Morgana’s eyes. Her eyes fall to his chest, which appears to be expanding as he stretches out to his full size.
Holy moly he’s big, she realizes.
“What did you say?” He asks, edging her closer to the wall.
Bravery (or foolhardiness, it is hard to tell) grips her. She crosses her arms. “You heard me.”
He leans closer. “You don’t know anything.”
Claire can’t help her cheeks from burning. Did he seriously just say that? Anger flares up once more. She gestures her forefinger at his face. “I was there. I know about everything, Jim. Morgana was me, remember? I remember how she tricked you into drinking that potion. I remember the bathing room. I remember the time you tried to kill her—”
Her words get caught in her throat. Jim growls, his mouth close to her neck. She can feel his breath against her chest, hot and heavy.
“Then you remember how dangerous I am too,” he whispers, voice rumbling. “I am a monster, Claire. You don’t want to be around me…Not when I’m like this.”
She reaches out. “No, you’re not.”
Bad move. Her back smacked against the wall. She gasps. His arms lock her in, strong and unyielding, while his leg runs up against her—
Her chest tightens.
That isn’t his leg.
The heat within her builds. She is terrified and sad and angry and aroused and every other possible emotion. The scent of magic grows thick in the air. Her magic. Jim’s ears twitch in response. The faded marks on his face don’t glow, not like before, but the etchings appear deeper, darker, as if in response to Jim’s mood.
“I could break you. Here and now. Do you understand that?” He asks in a deep voice.
Her breath catches as his hand snaked around, grasping her from behind and lifting her up. His entire palm encompasses her backside.
He draws close, inches from her face. His pupils grow large, nostrils flaring. A soft rumble erupts from his throat. “This isn’t a game. I’m trying to keep you safe.”
She licks her lips. This is a dangerous situation.
But this is the most alive she’s felt in months too.
Finally, she resolves to end it.
“You’re not.” She grasps his shirt. “I need you, Jim. Please.”
The vibration in his chest grows louder. He lowers her to the floor once more (she almost feels a tad disappointed by that).
She can read the swirl of emotions on his face, from the lowering of his ears to his hitched shoulders. A soft smile emerges on her lips; he’s embarrassed.
Despite the changes, Jim is still there. Just as broken as she is.
And that’s what it comes down to, isn’t it? Two broken people, looking for the other to make them whole.
“You could do better,” he says.
Seizing the moment, she presses a kiss on his forehead. The tension in his shoulders ease. “You’re not the only monster around here, Jim,” she admits.
She makes a move for his lips but he stops her. There’s a softness in his gaze, but there is hesitancy too.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I’m not ready.”
“Alright,” she concedes. It hurts, but she understands.
He brings her closer. She wraps her arms around his neck. He is warm and firm and smells of the outside world.
“This is all so new. I’m afraid it’s a dream,” he confesses, voice breaking. “I’m so scared of losing you. You’re everything to me.”
Claire chokes down a sob. Her lip trembles. The angry, frustrated part of her begins to wash away.
“I can relate.” Even she wonders at times whether all this is something she made up, brought upon by the insanity of being with Morgana for so long.
“I missed you. I missed us. I just didn’t want to screw it up like I did with everything else. I want what we had before. It was perfect and real and—”
She presses a finger to his lips. He gives her a familiar lopsided smile.
“We were never perfect, Jim,” she answers truthfully. “We both had our flaws.”
Her arrogance and his self-sacrifice. She lets out a soft giggle. What a pair they are.
“I missed this,” he says.
“Me too.” She pauses, pulling a stray strand of hair back behind her ear. “Can we cuddle? Like we used to—Wah! Dios mio, qué haces? Jim, oh my gosh! Stop, you doofus! Put me down!”
The princess carry is unexpected, to say the least. He spins around, making Claire break out into a fit of laughter. It is the most fun she’s had in months.
“You wanted to cuddle,” he replies cheerfully.
She rolls her eyes, cheeks reddening. “You’re impossible.”
They settle into the couch. It creaks under them, largely because it wasn’t meant for someone of Jim’s size, she suspects. Slowly, she crawls onto his lap. Her hands caress his hair, over and over, hypnotic in its rhythm. The tension in his shoulder ease, melting away. She leans forward; he shifts to accommodate her. She digs her face into his shoulder, taking in his scent, a warm encompassing presence.
“We can’t keep doing this whole ignoring the problem thing anymore. We need to talk. Real talk. About everything,” she says. “I know it’s scary, but I’m going insane over here. You’re the only one around I can really talk to.”
“You’re right,” he mumbles into her hair. His head tilts back, eyes closing. “I guess I’ll start then.”
“Are you sure?” She says.
He nods, pulling her closer. “Sure? Heck no. But you’re right about the talking.”
It’s not much. The conversation only lasts half an hour before Claire nods off.
But it’s a start.
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selenecrown · 6 years
Akira Kurusu x Female!Reader x Ren Amamiya (Your Heart Belongs to Me)
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Author's Note: So. This filled with fluff. Not much else. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Okay, there is a little bit of sin in there, but that's because I need to work on my skills dealing with affection. But, it's short and just a teaser. So, it will be quick. So, no good plot, just fluff.
I wrote this because I love the Akira Kurusu and Ren Amamiya Twins!AU and was really down because of how stressful school is for me right now. So, I'm not going to waste too much time because you know guys the drill. Well, besides I do not claim most of the things I say about the Twins!AU, because I mostly got it from other people, ask me if you want the link because I'm on mobile right now. Other than that, this fic has lots of fluff, blah blah blah holy crap I love the Twins!AU blah blah blah. 
Akira Kurusu was a kind, but misunderstood high school boy. After all, he had a false criminal record on his head. 
Akira Kurusu grew up in a small town with his divorced parents and his twin brother, Ren. His parents got divorced at a young age, and his brother, Ren, was born a really smart child. So, his parents cared more for Ren then Akira. Akira mostly wasn't paid attention to by his parents. So, he had lots of freedom, but it also made him lonely since he was ignored most of the time at home. Akira was a quiet kid, but that didn't mean he had no friends. He had some close and good friends, and he cared deeply for them. But, he got along with the best with his twin brother. Despite their situation, the two of them get along really well. Mostly because the two of them hated their situation and needed someone to lean on, so they leaned on one another. Despite Ren being smart, Akira was more mature out of the two, since his parents mostly ignore him, he didn't get protections from how horrible the world truly was. So, Akira had to grow up fast. 
Ren was born a genius, but his parents put so much pressure on him. He is definitely a smart cookie and almost everyone in town knew that. But, Ren and Akira's parents put too much pressure on him academically wise. So, he often cannot socialize because his parents force him to study so much. Despite being a genius, Ren is a cocky, sassy, high self-esteem type kid. He often puts on this cocky attitude because he truly is bored or wants to truly find a someone to be with that he actually likes. Ren is actually very judgmental, believe it or not. Ren normally wears darker clothing compared to Akira, and while the two twins have almost the exact same hairstyle and wearing mostly the same clothes just in different colors, you can recognize Ren by his cocky smile and attitude towards others, and the fact he doesn't have any fake glasses, because he actually doesn't need to use them.
Akira was kind, but often alone. Akira has much more freedom compared to his brother. Heck, most of the time, as long as Akira has an excuse, his parents will let him do anything he wants. Akira is a more reserved and quiet kid, but he is very nice and has a heart of pure gold, he also has less confidence in himself, and does tend to put others before himself. Akira is often considered a quiet kid, who does average in school and knows what he is doing. He isn't an idiot. Akira is smart, but he is more wise than he is smart. Akira is often the one who tries to blend in, but he's still kinda socially awkward due to his twin brother's reputation. But he had friends that truly cared for him. Akira was the twin that wore the lighter clothes, and has fake glasses to seem normal.
Akira was walking home one day when the incident happened with Shido and the women. Ren, who had found out as soon as Akira was put into holding, was absolutely mortified to hear what had happened. Ren wasn't mortified to hear what Shido had falsely accused Akira of throwing himself unto a women, (he knew that was a lie from the start) but he was mortified his twin brother was going to be sent on probation for a year as his sentence. But, despite Ren trying his best to not get his brother sent away, his parents refused to do anything. Letting Akira go on probation and not talking to him at all during that time. Ren, on the other hand, felt he now was stuck. Akira and him would sometimes switch places and give Ren some room to breath which really helps Ren stay sane from all the studying, and now the closest person to him was going to be gone for a year over a false testimony? 
Akira's life had been ruined now that he had a bad reputation. All around him, people treated him like he was a horrible person when he wasn't.
Ren was now going to be forced to live a hard, restricting life. His academic status was what his father and mother loved bragging about. But now, Ren wouldn't have much freedom now that Akira is gone.
It seemed that the lives of Akira and Ren were ruined now by Masayoshi Shido.
But, life wasn't completely unfair to them. 
After all, life gave Akira you. 
You truly where like a blessing to Akira bestowed to him by fate. He may not have known it when he first met you, but you made his life less miserable the closer the two of you got.
You were a friend of Ann and Shiho, and you met Akira after he talked to you about Kamoshida's abuse, where you flat out told him and Ryuji the rumor wasn't a lie, and you actually where one of the first people they knew to admit it. When you found Akira, Ryuji and Ann were hanging a lot after a strange card had been plastered all over the school you decided to keep an eye on them, and by that, you didn't stalk them like Makoto opted to do, you more tried to gather information about them through overhearing conversations and things like that. 
You weren't like Makoto in opting to stalking someone. You felt that was creepy to say the least. So, you tried to be more. . . Respectful of their privacy.
You once got in the vicinity of the group's Metaverse Navigator, and was brought to Kamoshida's castle. And, believe it or not, surprisingly you weren't caught by anybody. 
Neither Kamoshida nor the early Phantom Thieves of Hearts caught you sneaking around. Actually, they only caught you when you had been thrown into the Metaverse and was in Mementos. 
And by that time, it was your second time being in the Metaverse.
You had been about take the train home through the subway station when they activated the app, carelessly not looking around. When they got into the Metaverse, they didn't notice you until Morgana said he felt a presence wandering around. It definitely wasn't the Reaper, too. They wandered around Mementos, and found you wandering around the tracks. Completely confused, afraid, and unsure of what to do. You were just wandering around, looking for a way out of this place. Ann, immediately after seeing you, ran out of the Mona-car and rushed to you.
"(Your/Name)! Are you okay?! How did you even get in here?!" She asked as she ran over to where you where.
You freaked out seeing Ann in her Panther outfit, thinking she might be a monster like you had seen earlier. Ann was able to calm you down by taking off her mask and proving to you it was her. She then brought you inside the Mona-car, and asked you how you got here. You said you didn't know.
"I was just walking to the station, and then everything turned red and black and creepy. But, there was no exit, so, I've been looking for one for who knows how long." You told Ann. Ann was hugging you right now, as seeing you in Mementos had scared her for a second there.
"You don't know? Then---" Ann said, but was cut off by Morgana.
"I see. She must have come in because you three weren't looking around when you activated the app. And now, thanks to you three's carelessness, they're in danger." A voice said, it sounded like it came from the car itself.
"Can't we just leave them with you while you are still in this car form?" Ryuji, who have put his mask on his head, showing his face, asked. 
"No. We need all hands on deck for Mementos battles. But, if we do that, they will be left defenseless." Morgana said.
"Then, we can take them back, right?" Ann asked.
"But who knows how long that will take." Morgana pointed out.
"Then what are you suggesting?" Akira said. He had also had his mask off his face.
"I'm suggesting someone guard them until we are ready to leave." Morgana said.
"No, it would be much easier to take them home and call it a day." Ann said. "Look at them, Mona! They are in no condition to stay here! We need to take them home!"
But Morgana refused to budge. It was surprising how determined he was to stay there.
"Dammit Mona! What the hell?!" Ryuji said. Yup, it was definitely Ryuji.
"We have missions to do. The faster we get it done, the faster we can take them home." Morgana said. "There are other people who are in bigger trouble than they are right now." 
After that, everyone fell silent. Ryuji seemed pissed off, Ann seemed defeated, and Akira seemed annoyed. You stayed quiet, unsure of what to do or say. Then you turned your head to the window to look at the scenery. Nothing much changed with the creepy tunnels similar the railways of the real world, accept for when you came to a red vortex, which the car jumped into without question. Everyone got out of the car, and everyone hid you behind a tombstone-like thing telling you not to leave this spot until they come back over. You nodded and did what they asked, that is, until everyone started to get their butts handed to them. Ann got knocked down, Morgana was hurt, Ryuji was in despair, and Akira was very hurt. 
They were about to be killed when your Persona spoke to you. It offered you power, and you took the offer and was able to beat the Shadow. You did heal everyone through items you had found on the early Phantom Thieves. And, oddly enough everyone invited you to the team after that.
But, out of everyone in the group, you started to get along with Akira really well. You became very close friends to the point where dating was slowly creeping its way into both of your minds. You were the one who asked Akira out first. It wasn't much, but the two of you had fun.
You two had already been dating by the time Makoto had joined the party. And, oddly enough, everyone didn't mind since the two of you didn't do too much PDA and even when you did it didn't get in the way of missions and/or it didn't last long. So, everyone was okay with it. 
Then, one night while the two of you were in Leblanc having a movie night, when the phone downstairs started to ring. Akira puased the movie and went to pick up the phone, and you followed him downstairs. When Akira picked up the phone, it was Sojiro. 
Sojiro told him about someone coming to Leblanc after they came knocking on the door of his house asking about Akira. Sojiro choose not to answer the boy, but the boy figured out where Akira was pretty quickly.
"So, don't let---" but Sojiro was cut off. 
A knock on Leblanc's door was heard. And you saw a familiar figure looked like Akira's. Akira seemed confused, too. Then, you heard a voice speak to the two of you.
"Akira! Akira! Hey, I know that's you Akira! C'mon! Don't be like that! Let your twin brother in!" A voice very similar to your boyfriend's said as he knocked on the door once again.
Wait, Twins?!
Akira had a twin?!
Wait, he never said anything about that!
But sure enough, Akira opened the door. To reveal to you a man looking exactly like Akira, with the hairstyle and everything. Minus the fake glasses, and he had this cocky smile even worse than the smile Akira wore when he doned his Joker outfit. He wore Akira's outfit, only inverse. Akira was wearing a black shirt with jeans. The boy claiming to be his twin wore a white shirt with jeans. The boy also had a bag he was carrying behind him. 
At this point, you were confused as to what the situation was. 
"Ren?" Akira said. "What are you doing here?"
"Get this: Both Mom and Dad are on a business trip overseas! So, I can stay with you for a while." Ren told Akira.
"But I'm on Probation." Akira questioned.
"Yeah? Well everyone else in the family wouldn't take me in. So, the only real place I have is here." Ren said. 
"Don't worry it. We'll be fine." Ren said, putting a hand over Akira's shoulder.
"If you say so." Akira sighed.
"Ah! And who is this pretty lady?" Ren said, as he had noticed you. He have this smug face on, like he was judging you. He walked up to you, and you took a step back. "Shy, I see?"
"Hold on a minute. Who are you?" You asked. Letting your thoughts out of your mind, and get answers.
"I'm Akira's twin brother." Ren answered you.
"Twin brother? Wait, Akira you have a twin? Why didn't you tell us that?" You questioned your boyfriend.
"Yes. I didn't talk about him too much since I didn't feel it was necessary." Akira answered you, he didn't seem like he was sure about what was going on. But was okay with it.
"Well, I guess you have a point if you didn't know something like this was going to happen." You said. Realizing what the situation was and calming down.
Akira looked at you with wide eyes. 
You flat out accepted the fact he had a twin. 
No explaining, no arguments. 
You just accepted it. 
He wasn't expecting that.
"I'm (Y/N) (Last/Name). It's nice to meet you, Ren." You held out your hand to shake. Hoping it would show you didn't mean to get in the way of the brothers reuniting. Or, at least you weren't trying to be unfriendly.
"(Y/N), huh? How pretty. I'm Ren Amamiya. It's nice to meet my brother's girlfriend." Ren shook your hand, and placed a kiss on it as well. 
He was an even bigger flirt then Akira in his Joker outfit. 
Well, this was going to be fun. 
The next day, you told Ann, Ryuji, Yusuke and Makoto in the chat room about Akira's twin brother.
"Are you serious?!" Ryuji texted.
"What an interesting turn of events." Yusuke texted. 
That's Yusuke for you, surpised but okay with everything.
"You've met him, too? Can we go meet him?" Ann asked.
"I mean, sure." You responded. "I don't see why not."
"Isn't there someone you're forgetting to ask consent from?" Akira asked you, appearing in the chat room after seeing a chat room open, and his brother's name appearing in it.
"Akira, can we meet him?" Makoto asked before you could.
"Sure. When?" Akira asked. He didn't seem against the idea, which was somewhat surprising.  
"How about after school tomorrow?" Ann asked.
"Sure." Akira texted. "Tomorrow it is." 
"Alright!" Ryuji texted.
School went by fast that day, and before you knew it, you and your fellow Phantom Thieves were walking over to the café Leblanc after school, picking up Yusuke from his school. Which, he did seem to appreciate very much. Ryuji and Ann both seem pretty excited to meet Ren, and Akira wasn't helping that by talking a lot about his brother. Yusuke and Makoto seemed pretty curious to see what was up, and intrigued by Akira's stories. Morgana, actually didn't mind any of ths at all. When the eight of you had arrived at the café, Sojiro instantly figured out what was going on, and subsequently closed up the shop early. 
And, everyone seemed to have a good time meeting Ren. It was a little awkward at first, but it got better. And soon, everyone visited Ren more often, and the next thing everyone knew, Ren was a member of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Due to you and Akira showing him the Metaverse after Ren had asked why you and Akira came back so hurt and tired. Ren had gained the Persona, Faust. His outfit was almost exactly like Akira's. The black coat, his shirt, his clown boots (the shoes that the Shadows oh so loved to tease), even his mask was the same. the only difference the two had was the gloves Ren wore were a dark purple-black instead of red, the details on the shirt were sliver instead of gold. So, if you weren't being careful, you would easily slip up the twins.
Even though Akira and Ren were twins, the Personas that came from them were very different. But, both if them did have the Wildcard ability on their side. Which, made you even more confused as to who truly was your boyfriend. Since they would often pull that trick on you for fun. You loved Akira, but you had started to slowly develop feelings for Ren, and became aware of it through tricks they would play on you, similar to what they would do to their friends back at home. It did get out of hand for a while, and you stopped hanging out with them since they kept teasing you about it and didn't stop even when you asked them to stop it. They did stop their merciless teasing with you, and makes amends for teasing you relentlessly. Soon after, you confessed your feelings to both Akira and Ren about how you loved both of them the same way. You loved them, and wanted to be romantically involved with both of them, not just one of them. But, you weren't exactly sure what to do about your feelings. 
Ren proposed a solution. Simply, the three of you would become somewhat like a throuple. Sure, it was be werid because of polygamy and incest things surrounding it, but if it truly was how you felt, it would work out just fine. As long as the three of you can explain the situation of your love triangle, it wouldn't be too hard.
And, that's what kinda situation you were in now. As, like Ren had said, it worked out because you loved both of them equally and your love wasn't fake.
It had been a long time since then, and by now, Haru had joined the group. 
The three of you lovebirds had decided to watch Spirited Away together at Leblanc after you had had a long day in Mementos to heal up and get some skinship for the day. 
By now, Sojiro had closed up the small café for the day, and Futuba had come by for dinner but rushed off saying she wanted to see a new anime based off a game she liked. And, the café Leblanc was quiet and open except for three people and a cat inhabiting the property.
Morgana had decided to watch the movie with the three of you. Akira and Ren went down to the café to make the delicious curry the whole team agreed was a godsend for their leader to make. Akira knew how to make it, and Ren had been interested in how to make for some time. While you and Morgana were alone, Morgana asked about the movie you were about to watch as you were setting it up.
"What is this movie about?" He questioned.
"It's about a 10 year-old girl," You explained, "Who is moving into a new area, but her family gets lost and they end up in the Spirit World. After her parents get turned into pigs for doing something that they shouldn't have, the girl has to find a way to survive and turn her parents human again." You summarized the movie as the screen of the TV showed the menu of the movie. 
"That actually sounds not bad to watch." Morgana commented. 
You nodded as you heard footsteps come in your direction. 
"Is everything ready?" Akira asked as he was coming up the stairs. He had two plates in his hand. Ren, from behind Akira,  seemed to be holding two plates as well.
You nodded again. "Yeah." 
"Good." Ren said, as he moved his chair next to yours. "It's been a long time since we have seen this movie." 
Ren draped an arm around your shoulders. Pulling you closer to him. 
Making his twin, who was giving Morgana his food, a bit jealous. 
Akira said nothing, but set food in front of you. 
"Thank you Akira." You smiled, as you temporarily moved out of Ren's arms to kiss Akira on the cheek as a thank you. You gave a kiss on Akira's left cheek, then moving back into Ren's arms, as he was warm. 
Not realizing you had given the reaction Akira wanted. 
Making the one who was holding you in his arms have the exact reaction his twin had a few seconds earlier. 
As the screen had started to show images of the main character's family driving with the familiar scenery of Studio Ghibli was famous for drawing, as well as talking to one another about moving. 
While you had been focusing on the movie while eating your food, your twin lovers were giving one another looks of challenge to one another. As if they were having a mental conversation, the two, after some time, gave the other a cocky smile, is if they knew exactly what the other was thinking. 
But their plan would not come into fruition until they could get your attention.
But, you seemed to be so engrossed on the children's movie that they didn't want to bother you now. So, all they did was cuddle you closer to them, which you were more than happy with. Even though you were being sandwiched between the twins, you didn't mind at all.
"Mom! Dad! Where are you?!" 
The main character, Chihiro, was panicking and calling out into the scenery of streets as she was looking for her parents, who had been turned into pigs.
As you where watching the movie, Morgana, seeing the twins had been giving each other looks, had moved to your lap. He saw Akira and Ren had been giving each other looks, and took his chance to get into your lap. As, it was cold and the boys were in the middle of something, so, why not? But, the twins had now noticed Morgana in your lap.
And, they weren't too happy about that. 
This little furball of a thief forced the two of them to go to bed and not do anything at night, bossed them around, and generally was annoying sometimes, had decided to make a move on you. And now, he was sleeping on your lap like he owned it.
Not on these boys' watch. 
Ren picked up Morgana off your lap, and set him back on the table he originally was supposed to stay on. 
You briefly took your attention off the movie to see Morgana on the table, slightly shivering from the cold. You got out of the twins' embrace, and got a blanket for Morgana and wrapped it around him. And, then went back to the warmth the twins provided you like nothing had happened.
And, once again, another tinge of jealously showed itself to the twins. This time, the twins didn't hide the jealousy and showed an expression of the emotion on their faces. 
You, being clueless to this, focused your attention back on the movie as it was coming to a close.
As soon as the movie ended and was rolling the credits, you got up and told the twins you were going to put the dishes in the sink for them. Both of them did say thank you but followed you downstairs. 
You set the dishes down into the sink, as was going to start washing them to be nice, but as soon as you tried to do that, Akira grabbed your hands and pulled you towards him. Pulling you backwards and losing your balance for a moment. But, Akira caught you. 
"Waaahhh---" You said, as you were suddenly pulled back into Akira's chest.
"Mmm." Akira moaned, as he moved his face to your chin and gave you a peck on your cheek. "Mine." He said simply as he seemed to be wrapping himself around your frame.
"Where did this come from?!" You asked, as Akira gave you another peck, this time on the neck. 
"No. Brother, they're mine." Ren, who had moved in front of you. The twins had pinned you into their embraces once more, unable to move and even try to resist the affection they were giving you.
You were going to be smothered with affection. Ren and Akira backed into the long table at Leblanc were most costumers sat down and chatted with the shop keeper. When the three of you backed up, it shook the whole table. Causing some noise, but nothing broken.
"Hey---!" You said, trying to get the twins attention, but was cut off by Ren kissing you on the lips to force you to be quiet. 
Ren's tounge was demanding entrance into your mouth, but you were unwilling to give it right now, as you were confused as to what was going on. But eventually, you submitted to Ren's kiss which he seemed to be pleased with. Ren pulled away from you for a moment giving to time to breath and said, 
"There. Give in." As he drove for another kiss. 
Akira, was kissing and nipping at your neck, trying to get your attention and prove his love for you. But, he wrapped his arms around your waist and moved under your shirt. Causing you to slightly jump when you felt his arms around your stomach. Ren, seeing his brother making his move, decided to make his move too. By grabbing your waist, and the top of your pants.
You were already red from Akira's hands moving up your chest, as well as your shirt following suit. But Ren's movements only made you a darker shade of red. And by now, it was hard not to notice your body starting to heat up in excitement.
The night had been long, but pleasant. While the twins had given you a chance to show them your body's desires, they had satisfied their own desires. 
But, in the aftermath of the long night, as the sun started to rise and light up the city, the twins weren't cruel enough to leave you after all that excitement the three of you had together. 
Hidden underneath a blanket, you had been tangled between Akira and Ren. You had your back to Ren, and his arms were around your waist and his head was resting just above your own. Akira, was in the exact same position just in another direction. They weren't squishing you against each other, but they still had trapped you in their embrace. In the night, this had actually kept you warm. But, now that the sun was coming up, the room began to warm up. 
The sunlight poured into the cold attic, making the room light up with warm colors from the sunrise. The sunlight also slowly warmed up the room. When the sunlight had fully covered the room, it showed the three of you cuddling into one another's arms. 
But, the sunlight had also woken up Morgana, who found the three of you in bed. The twins were wearing their normal night shirts and pants, but you were wearing a white shirt they found to cover you up. 
The sunlight had also woken up Akira. Who simply groaned, but upon seeing you still sleeping, cuddled into your chest like you had done to him the whole night. Ren woke up because Akira almost kicked him off the bed. But Ren was able to push Akira back, and even though he wanted to go back to sleep, he didn't because he wanted cuddled with you sleeping.
Because the twins agreed, you were so cute while you were sleeping.
Soon, Morgana was about to wake the twins up when he noticed the twins moving around the bed. So, he checked and he saw the twins were wide awake and being. . . Perverted. In seeing the twins being perverted, he said to them,
"If you have time to cuddled into (Y/N)'s body like that, you can get up. Come on, we have things to do today, remember?" He sighed.
The twins groaned, not wanting to move from where they were.
"Come on!" Morgana said to the twins as he jumped on the bed, and messing with the twins. By, well, trying to move the twins away from you and telling them to get up.
In doing so, he woke you up. 
As they were fighting you sat up from the fight, and looked out the window of the attic. 
Ren was the one to first realize you were up. As soon as he did, he shrugged Morgana off, and hugged you from behind. 
"Mmm. Did you sleep well?" Ren purred into your shoulder.
You rubbed your eyes. "Mmm. Yeah." 
When you spoke, Akira and Morgana saw you were awake.
Akira stood up, and Morgana so you could see him. 
"Good morning." Akira smiled at you.
"Mmm. Good morning." you said, as you smiled sleeply at Akira. 
"You ready for breakfast, love?" Ren asked you.
You nodded when you turned to Ren, who was smiling at you too. "Yes." 
Morgana got what he wanted now. And the twins were more than happy about you eating breakfast with them. 
So, it was a win-win situation all around. 
The twins had decided to take you out on a date that day, since they were more happy staying with you for the rest of the day then spending just a single night with you.
They took you to the Arcade, the underground shopping mall, and a few other places you asked if they could go to.
It wouldn't long after that would the school cultural festival be happening. But at that time, the three of you didn't care about that.
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ao3feed-merlin · 4 years
Safe now
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UhQfQE
by TheAsexualofSpades
Merlin and Arthur are captured by bandits. They're found, the knights take them back to Camelot, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. To be honest, it's a little bit of a routine by now, even if Arthur still has to reassure Merlin that he's still here for him.
Words: 2105, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 74 of Quarantine Drabbles
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Leon (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin & Morgana (Merlin), Gaius & Merlin (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table & Merlin (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Protective Morgana (Merlin), Protective Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Protective Merlin, Injured Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Arthur Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Injured Merlin (Merlin), Self-Esteem Issues, soft, Dorks in Love, Boys In Love, can be platonic or romantic you decide, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UhQfQE
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