#A LOT of text I'm so sorry! TT w TT
robogart · 2 years
Hi! It's ok if you're not comfortable awnsering- but I was wondering how much you make a month from art on average? I'm going into my second year of art school and I'm getting worried about how lucrative online independent work would be. You seem to have a system that I could see myself enjoying, specially compared to the usual instagram and youtube artists you see thriving from online work. And if you don't want to give out numbers: Does it make a living or do you need/work a second job? Ty <3
Hey! This is a great question and I’m going to apologize in advance because it’s going to be a LONG answer! Mostly because I think this is a great way to shed some light on just more “regular” type circumstances for art jobs things! But I hope I can answer this question sufficiently!! 🙏💖
Okay - so I don’t feel comfortable saying how much I make (I’m superstitious that if I share it in a public space it will be dashed IMMEDIATELY) but I can definitely talk about logistics!
So to preface everything with the simple answer: I DO make enough now to have a living! It’s a SMALL living, but I’m able to focus just on my artwork for now! Which is honestly still wild to me and I AM waiting for the rug to be pulled out from underneath me at any given moment (I am throwing some salt over my shoulder as we speak, just in case)
Now I just want to talk about some general insight points about my current situation/how I got to this current situation:
I have only JUST been able to move out (I’m 28 now)
I live in a shared apartment with my friend (fate was SO on our side and this has been a whirlwind 2.5 months omg)
I have student loans to pay off ($400/month! Gross!) on top of rent/life payments. If you’re in this boat, always keep it in mind!
For 7 years after college, I was working on art (commissions, personal, etc) and also working “part time” (30+ hr work weeks so lmao not really but for employer-benefit reasons 🙄) This is for 7 years after school! It took a bit to get here!
I only had to pay a small rent when I was living at home so while it took 7 years (underpaid, family circumstances, physical/mental health woo!) I WAS able to save enough to move out
most days I can still hardly believe I’m here @ w @;; and it’s a constant working process to figure out how to stay here as well! I work 8-10 hour days, 6 days a week. 
And if you’re like me, I don’t come from money, so my parents aren’t in a position to help and I have student loan debt. This has informed a lot of my adult life!
That said, I have been lucky to be in a family with a steady lower-middle class income AND ALSO in a pretty stable/functional family situation so that I was able to move back home for a while to save a bit of money. Not everyone has those circumstances to plan financially! But if you come from a more secure/affluent financial background, some of this might not apply to you - which is fine too.
My advice would be to first and foremost make a budget list for yourself (love my google sheets! I have MULTIPLE budget lists lmao) 
Make a budget list that covers what you would NEED to earn each month. And then from there, make a sheet that shows what you DO earn each month from art!
Try to track that income for at least 3-4 months of steady work!
If those numbers continue to meet up, then I would say that’s a green light!
If they don’t meet up - maybe look into some part time stuff! Which, like I said before, can be REALLY solid. And it’s always solid at least for a steady line of income, which is great! 💪✨
And remember to treat your job like a JOB! Clock in and clock out! It’s just a job! Not your life! Keep doing you! 💖 Too many times have I given 100% on jobs when it really should be like 80%! Save your energy for yourself too!
And if you are able, think about moving back home. Saving money is ALWAYS a solid choice. Give yourself some time to figure shit out and get your ducks in a row. 
I’m only able to do what I can now because I lived at home for 7 years and worked pretty non stop! (working in the morning to afternoon at my first job, coming home doing chores, and then working from 8-11 on art) 
BUT, always know, that we are NOT the same person!! You’re going to have a different path from me and so will many others! But in case you wanted a general picture of my circumstance, I’m hope this helped!
And as always, do NOT feel pressured by my advice here! 
Advice is just to help INFORM your OWN decisions! Never to make them for you! 💖
I feel like I both talked about A LOT and I’m ABSOLUTELY missing something from here! 🤔 So I apologize for such a novel! 
But if you or anyone else reading this thinks of a question about this type of stuff, let me know! I try to be pretty transparent about this since I feel like I’ve only seen a lot of advice from people not with students debt so it’s always been a little frustrating 😔💦
This work IS possible, but it was a lot of work to get myself here! And it’s still a constant dance of figuring out new things (which is equally exciting and a bit stressful) ^ w ^;;; 👏💖💖💖
But thank you for reading this far omg! I hope it was a little helpful at least! ; w ; 🙏💕
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hyperfixat · 4 months
Hiii, can I request a catholic reader with some of the om boys? Like Mc uses holy water in a spray bottle like people with cats do and uses the Bible to repent the demons when they are annoying them? I'm sorry if this is weird I just think it would be really funny hehe
HELLO ANON THIS IS SO FUNNY??? there’s a lot of angst potential and more serious things you could make with a catholic or otherwise religious reader, but the idea of them just. spraying them with some holy water when they’re being little pests. 😭
as i can;t fully immerse myself into the writing of a catholic character i’m keeping these REAL short ;( sorry
okay first of all rq; i imagine on a lesser demon it would like. really hurt, but these are like. THE demons ever so i think it’s less akin to agony and more like. Pepper Spray but also not as painful… like boiling water but not like a rolling boil like the water is kinda steaming yk
now, i’m going to order these in most commonly sprayed to least commonly sprayed;
most common:
tbh he gives me unruly pet vibes. i feel like he can kinda be… trained, calling to the pet comparison. like if you start to reach for your little spray bottle he kinda reevaluates whatever he’s doing. 
it’s a decent way to get him to move, though it doesn't always work. say for example: he’s in your bed and won’t move, not even for you to join him.  spritz him with the bottle and he grumbles but opens his arms up for you to joi n him
what comes to mind, though it might be cruel and maybe a sin (idk im not religious) is cooking your meals with it. ONLY when you make  a single serve :( its too mean otherwise,.  Just to deter him from stealing it. :(
he’s my freaky little baby i can imagine him exfoliating with it or something TT 
only reason i would spray him is when he gets too “ohhh im gross an ohhh im icky and an otaku” stfu you're fine ily
he’s almost on the never ever do it tier, the only thing is. i would still do it,.  idk when or why maybe to snap him out of it when he’s murderous or something
lucifer, diavolo, barbatos
No. Nuh-uh. I wouldn’t do it. 
anyway not a fic but this has been in my asks for a while! also formated on my pc sorry for any weird things going on w the text
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cathy-plus-e · 11 months
(note: ****don't open until it's halloween****)
anyways ----
Trick or treat!! 🎃👻🦇
so in this game, I guess we give anything..
I'm giving you...
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<<Top 10 Things I Like About You (or your blog)>>
Your Mori analyses/posts about Mori (made me be willing to know him more)
Your honesty (like honestly slay. it's so good that you're being yourself and you don't try to act innocent lol)
Your interactions (aaa haha it's fun interacting w you)
you're CHILEAN!! (idk. I find people who can speak more than 1 language really really cool lol)
You're self-aware <3 (I love how you're just like, 'yea I have red flags. here they are' lol.)
you're a ✨ mathematico-humanista-artistico ✨(english translation: someone good in maths but also really likes arts and literature and history) but for you, you are a maths person who also likes music and literature <33 (i hope i got that right)
Your iconic "<<< >>>" (seriously, thats like ur trademark lol. its cool. i like it)
When you highlight your texts <like this>> (like u make it bigger and then you color it with a bright color like pink or something. I think thats cool)
You have a good schedule (8 hours of sleep!!). dang, I need to do that too lol. slay healthy and logical king haha 👑
When you helped me w math that one time lol.
You block and report rude people. (honestly slay. don't waste time on people who are rude 😩💅)
your honesty. (again!! sorry, I can't emphasize this enough. I love honest people so much. I love straightforward people 😊 cause personally it's so hard when people don't tell you what they *really* think and then you have to guess what they're feeling and drama happens because you don't know how they really feel. -- sorry for venting a bit hehe but yes. I appreciate honesty a lot 😊)
13. You're very nice and kind and decent 🤭 (Ik you're a mori kinnie so you do have some red flags lol [i mean who doesn't?] but I love that you're really decent when it comes to things -- you aren't rude for no reason, you respect other opinions, it's really sweet that you want to make your teachers happy 😊💓, etc. (Oh and that one time where you were calm and your friend gave you 1,000 pesos -- that was a really fun story hehe. congratulations again 🥳keep it up 😄😄)
14. and honestly like - even if you have 'low empathy,' your actions are more important than your feelings -- and ur actions/kind words made me feel good a lot 🤭 so thank u 💓
also based from your posts, I think you're a good student so your teachers must be happy to have a student like you hehe.
aaaand that's it, I think 😄. (I know it's 14 reasons and not 10 but whatever. TT. anyways...)
Happy Halloween!!! 🥳🦇👻👻🦇🦇
(no need to do something like this for me btw, I just wanted to give you something hehe 🥳🦇🦇🦇)
Have a splendid day/night cathy!!!🧛‍♀️🧛‍♀️🧛‍♀️🦇
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get well soon <3 (+ drink lots of water lol)
Thank you so much 🥰🫶🏻
I really appreciate those words and how you see through me. ✨ Have a good 31st of October! ✨
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sungbeam · 2 years
Hii so sorry for bothering you but, I love writing I’ve been doing it for a long time. I’d like to post on tumblr but I’m kinda new to it and don’t really know how to use it (gifs, text colors,…) so if it’s okay for you could you maybe teach me how to use it or give me some tips?
HELLO HELLO!!! omg i'm so flattered PLS TT but that's so great to hear that u want to start posting here and join the community!! :D i'll try to make a comprehensive, basic guide, but i'm def not the best with the technical things like color gradients and the like 😅 so if u wanted to explore about that, there r a lot of other blogs here who can show u!
besides that, i'll put below the cut my two cents, and anyone can feel free to add if i forgot anything!:
1. gifs! i'm gonna say right off the bat that i don't use gifs a lot, if not, at all. but there r a lot of gifs on tumblr that u can find and use!! usually if u search up the thing u want a gif of, u could probably find it, but pls remember to credit someone if u use their gif!! and if they ask u to like/rb their post if u save it, then pls respect that as well!!
2. text colors: ngl, they're really sparse and a little ugly 😅😅 at least the ones tumblr provides, so a lot of people either just stick to the plain text color or they go on desktop and do the fancy custom coloring w hex numbers and things. i really don't know how to do that (?) but again, if u ever want to learn, i can point u to someone who can show u! but at some points, i do like using the text colors one at a time to make things stand out more against the plain text! to use the colors, just select the text accordingly and u can press a color or press it again to undo it
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that's what it looks like on my end! ^
3. text fonts: personally, tumblr's method of doing this is really annoying sjxbksnfh but you can change the font of an entire paragraph without selecting it. the font button is the "Aa" in the left corner above ur keyboard. u essentially have to just click thru until u figure out which one you'd like depending on the aesthetic ur going for! a lot of people ik here just use this regular text in the three different sizes, or they go to like,, copy paste generators online and find a font they like their instead! i do use those frequently, so lmk if you'd like the link to the one i use!
4. tags: one of the most important ways to get ur works out into the world esp when ur just starting off is thru the tags! to tag ur fic, it's the hashtag symbol to the right above ur keyboard. u wanna use tags that pertain to ur fic, so try avoiding tagging ur fic w things its not (like if it's angst, don't put fluff). some common things i tag my fics w are "(group/idol) x reader" "(group/idol) drabbles" "(group/idol) social media au" etc. and usually if it's a pretty known/used tag, it'll appear while ur typing it in as well!
5. navigation menus: writers here usually have a pinned post or a post w a link to a "navigation" post or masterlist! i have my navi pinned, but it essentially is a central place where i link everything that i'd like people to see or things readers/other writers would want to find! things that include: masterlists, about me, faqs, recently posted works, etc!
6. fic formatting: it's unfortunate, but a lot of readers r put off by some types of formatting, which is why a lot of people stick to plain text color and plain text font. usually, u wanna include the title, the idol pairing, word count, genre, and any warnings abt the fic. none of these r required, ofc, but i recommend it! and most people do prefer that if ur fic is over 500 words, that u should out a "keep reading" bar after a paragraph or two! a keep reading bar is like the one i used at the beginning of this post, and u just go to a new line and type ":readmore:" and press enter, and it'll form for u! some people use pictures as a little border as well btwn their intro section and the actual fic.
if u have additional questions, feel free to send in another ask or thru dms and i can walk u thru any of this!
i'm sure i'm missing other important things haha but when in doubt, take inspo from all the other creators around u! pls do remember to reblog people's fics when u read them tho — that's one if the most important things!
(just thought of this and adding, but try to avoid writing directly onto tumblr TT usually i do it on google docs first and copy-paste it onto here to do formatting! tumblr likes to delete things out of pocket sometimes so 💀)
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decembermoonskz · 3 years
i am rather alright??? worked all of today so not much happened other than work things (sudden rush in the second half of the day that just /wouldn't die down/; helped some older adults and they were absolutely lovely ahhhh and also someone paid with a one dollar coin which, in aus, is normally gold but his was. very black. idk how it even got that black. had it not been for the size, i would have had trouble discerning what it was). i'm going out to eat w friends in a bit and im hoping to finish evening star afterwards (that being said, we all know it's not gonna happen AHAHAHA) and then spend the week editting/reblogging snippets etc in prep for that but ahhh
and also! yes yes! his love for others and the things he enjoy really is so endearing <3 i think i properly "ah, this is my bias" when i watched the scene in the survival show where he just stands back and watched all of them reunite w minho and lix and i just <///3 so much love (also yeah this mans heart is massive and yet ur right, thinking about how much he'll grow in terms of loving and all that... amazing woah) (i shall always be down to listen to you ramble about ur love for him (or ur ocs, btw. don't think i've forgotten) hehe)
(sorry for a long reply! also was just about to ask how u do the small text thing but i figured it out BCHDSBHDSBDSBVS i hope you feel more... relaxed? better? and ur day ends well <3)
omg that's really cool about the coin but yeah since it was so black i can imagine it being hard to discern :0 but i'm glad it worked out. have tons of fun with your friends and make sure to stay safe!! <333
honestly agreed about his massive heart <333 and yeee!! seeing him always watching them be happy is so endearing and heartwarming, his love for them is so big it makes you just go like "whoa someone can love someone else THAT much??" it's so crazy and wholesome to see. 😭 that scene with minlix in the survival show really hit me too, seeing how he watched over them like a guardian (that's always the vibe it gives me) just made me TT TT and hhh i'm so appreciative that you're willing to listen to my rambles i do it frequently so it's always appreciated to know you'd listen TwT ALSO HHHH you remember my ocs i'm so flattered ty 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i have to ramble about them again, i haven't been drawing much recently pensive..
dw about it! getting long asks always makes my day tbh ^^ i'm feeling a lot better, i talked with my mom as well and i'm definitely calmer than i was <333 have a great day yourself kat xoxo
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minhonirique · 5 years
I'm sorry for the late reply it was actually my 18th birthday yesterday and we spent Saturday night celebrating too--- but pls talk for hours at me I too am a whole chatterbox who loves to talk about anything and everything so I think (read: hope) we'll get along! As for about myself...I'm tall, I just turned 18 (same day as bin uwu), I cannot keep a bias for the life of me I Stan the dance line but Jisung still Gets To Me all the damn time- I should just give up and be an ot9 stan-- -staynon
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Oooh so you're 18?? Damn I feel kinda young haha,,,, but happy (belated) birthday then!!! I hope we get along too :') and woah, you're tall? Im a bit jealous tbh TT im like 170cm and while that's not very short, it....is actually kind of short for a guy lol anyway! I used to bias the dance line too at first but Jisung and Minho were too powerful and I gaaaaave up and biased them lol. But I feel ya, i think every STAY is lowkey an OT9 first and individual second (and that's understandable in every way) but I “can't” bias them all 200% bc,,,,,, my heart is tiny,,,,,,,,,, and i dont have the space to contain so much love,,,,,,,, even now it hurts to love them that much,,,,,,,,, that's why I 'need' to bias individuals (but lets be honest i dont rlly follow that rule with skz) because I'm honestly lost if I have to give all my heart to each of them :/ that's really a problem of mine and idk maybe it's because im 'cold-hearted' (like everyone who knows me likes to say.smh) idk?? Fuck i rambled again sorry.
And ooh we have some hobbies in common! I draw and write (but in french lol i have the english vocabulary of a 10yo) too (and im going to an applied(???doesthatevenexistinenglish) art school in September so that's neat,,). I'd like to see your drawings and texts (if you write in eng?? Otherwise well i'd still like to see your drawings) if you ever decide to reveal your identity when the event is over (not that i EXPECT you to(id understand if you didnt want to), i personally dont intend on revealing myself at my person bc id feel bad,,, im not a great anon for them and only answer like 2 days later everytime hhh and im sorry for them)
A n y w a y you dance??? That's a lot of work! I kinda want to learn dancing too, but i feel too uncomfortable with my body to do that (and i probably look horrible when i try to dance *seriously* (but i do a lot of random freestyle dances because.my body just mo ve s on its own a lot of the time lol + i sort of dance to skz's songs because the choreos are fascinating and the songs are so good i cant help myself----) but i started to learn side effects this summer but kinda. reported the whole thing but one day ill be comfortable enough in my own body to really learn it!! Hopefully). But yeah I really respect and admire you for learning dancing bc fuck that's so cool!!! Good luck on learning Fancy! :D you can be proud of yourself yup :') and idk if you missed things?? I dont think so but i dont have the greatest memory so im not sure but let's just say you didnt lmao. And where do you live? What job do you plan to do in the future? I'm terrible at questions i hope you dont mind,,,,srry
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yoonminist · 7 years
jikook: 23, 33, 43; yoonmin: 25, 36, 43(we all know "i stayed up all night talking w jiminnie" but anyways :')), 42, 44; taekook: 2, 41, 42 :) sorry, it's kinda packed but you write the best hc and i'm really curious TT, you can answer only one from each if it's too much
I would like to hear your jikook 23 headcanon :3 
23 for Ji/kook? :)
now im curious. what do you have for jikook 23
23, jikook (please do tell)
you guys are so good to me ♡ ♡
how do they hug? kiss? tease? flirt? comfort?
hug: jungkook practically envelops jimin and holds him close so that his senses are all jimin and nothing else. he always takes a small moment to squeeze his eyes shut and just breathe him in and really savour the moment before finally letting go again. jimin always clings onto jungkook’s clothes and nuzzles his nose into jungkook’s chest/neck.
kiss: kook likes to cup jimin’s face or hold his chin before he’s about to kiss him, but jimin always ends up closing the distance first because he knows what it means when jungkook touches his face like that. it usually starts off gentle until jimin brings a hand up to scratch at jimin’s nape which always makes him groan into his mouth. when things get really heated jungkook sometimes picks jimin up by his thighs and carries him somewhere more private (and that always makes jimin break the kiss just so that he can giggle into the crook of kook’s neck).
tease: jungkook teases jimin with height jokes, his ‘where’s jimin’ gag and actually full-on manhandling him just to make a point about how small and light he is, jimin teases jungkook about how he copies him because he was born in busan first. when he’s feeling playful, jimin likes to tease jungkook by flirting with him in front of the others because it’s a surefire way to get him to Be Quiet (plus, he’s so cute when he’s all flustered.)
flirt: when jungkook flirts with jimin he just follows him around commenting on how hot and good looking he is and how much he wants him whilst jimin, with his flaming red cheeks, pretends not to notice. jimin flirts with him by telling everybody how adorable and cool jungkook is and how his new diet / workout routine is helping him look irresistible and just asking for hugs / kisses regardless of where he is.
comfort: jimin knows that jungkook doesn’t always know what to say so when he wants comfort, jungkook will cuddle him with one arm whilst jimin cuddles into his chest, and he’ll just be there for him whilst he does something else like play/text on his phone, because jimin likes to distract himself by watching him. if jungkook knows he needs to do more then he’ll hug jimin and just listen whilst jimin gets whatever it is off his chest. when jungkook needs comfort he’ll cling onto jimin however possible, and just refuse to let go, so if jimin’s busy in the dorm then he’ll cling onto his back and bury his face in the crook of his neck, if jimin’s lying in bed then he’ll flop on top of him and whine until jimin knows he wants to be comforted. 
what kind of presents do they get each other? do they only do it on special occasions?
jimin buys jungkook things when he thinks jungkook needs or wants them, like clothes he’s mentioned liking or a mobile phone case he really wanted but never bought because he didn’t need it at the time. jungkook buys things that remind him of jimin, only when the elder isn’t around (so that he can’t tease him). things like perfumes or rings.
do they talk often? what about?
they talk a lot, mainly about home in busan, and work. the majority of the time though, jimin talks and jungkook just listens and hangs onto every word and openly admires him and occasionally comments just to keep the conversation flowing.
what’s their greatest strength as a couple? their weakness?
their greatest strength is that they’re both pretty independent and don’t feel the need to be together 24/7 (even if they do prefer it that way a lot of the time). their biggest weakness is that even though they’re usually very observant, sometimes they’re a little too busy to take notice of the small things that the other won’t usually share like if they’re upset over something or generally just a little worse for wear. 
do they talk often? what about?
“i stayed up all night talking with jiminnie” all the time
sometimes they don’t even wait for the cameras to be off before they’re seeking each other out. they talk about anything and everything, whether it’s about work or collaborating, or childhood stories, or funny anecdotes about the other members, or they’re just teasing each other. conversation flows so easily between the two of them, sometimes they lose track of how long they’ve spent totally focused on each other.
do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
yoongi claims that he doesn’t but everybody knows he’s softer with jimin than everybody else which is why the others take advantage of this and use jimin for their dirty work e.g waking yoongi up, breaking bad news to him. and not a lot bothers jimin unless it’s severe, in which case yoongi isn’t exempt at all.
are the comfortable with each other? anything they have to have their privacy for?
they’re both perfectly comfortable with each other and open about anything and anything–other than usual things like phones / computers ofc. jimin shares everything with yoongi, but the one thing yoongi needs privacy for is work / any music he’s working on. so jimin doesn’t try to listen or ask about it until yoongi offers a listen or brings it up first.
how’s their team work? do they share well?
taehyung shares nicely with kook whereas kook himself is always a little reluctant until he sees how eaily tae does it. their team work is good, they’re both on a similar enough level that they always take the other’s opinion into consideration as opposed to e.g, tae just ordering jungkook to do everything a certain way.
are they party-goers? what are they like when they’re drunk? does it happen often?
they are!! taehyung gets all giggly and talkative and wants to document everything with photos, jungkook gets all clingy and ends up following him around. the other members know that if the two of them are drinking together, they’ll be able to look after each other just fine. they don’t go out as much as they’d like and taehyung doesn’t like to drink every time so it doesn’t actually happen very often.
do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
jungkook does and taehyung knows it which is why he’s always ~bothering~ him and internally loving how jungkook tolerates him and nobody else. taehyung doesn’t get bothered that easily and it really only happens for more serious reasons which is why he’s extra strict when jungkook does something that might trouble him.
send numbers + ships ♡
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